The Macon telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1873-188?, December 06, 1873, Image 2

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THE MACON DAILY TELEGRAPH AND MESSENGER: SATURDAY MORNING. DECEMBER 0. 1873. !Trlr ! tr,i l )ln( ! ,cr F=R_ F=5_ F=R_ JOIIX INGALLS, ‘ DRUGGIST and PHARMACEUTIST SATURDAY MORXINO. HR, TENBliSSEE LETTER. THE C-E2AT REMEDY HOKE PURPOSES. UN : ■old Hlitlinnyiurit—Mnirarum Mjr.oii — Interviewed In Uno\ Jtll-Rr. Love. their < apior- A|ipe«r»nce — Candidal*, for Hie I Callao. — Knoxville, Trnnrv>»- -R.V TrniltWf" | rau"- lira! 'V ’’ ‘ and Dumb Afijlum Tci;nes**e River j Rnd * lr ^ fihoning. “ " *“ MiLT.swsrvrtLj:. Qjl'Dcc. 4,1873.' J- rotti A bin "tlon, Virginia, whence our hut letter waa sent, we returned to Knox ville, Tennessee, and rcin.'iiii 1 tlicrc for Bevend Raya. The excitement at Knox ville—for all ciiUs must necRs Rave an "excitement” about tomeihinj. perpctti- ally-—the rcisnin" excitement waa the arrest of two noted highwaymen, whose exploits smack of the deeds of Robin Hood, dashed with the modernism of John A. Murrel. These outlaws, with others, had escaped from prison a few months ago; and their escape was soon followed hy atrocious robberies, coupled with attempts to commit murder. They made threats against the life of Mr. j. K. Love, of Knox county, Tennessee, which, reaching him, determined him at onoo to capture, dead or alive, these dea- poradoov. I presume you have copied into your paper some account of Love’s wonderful pursuit, repeated encounters with, and final capture of the leader of the outlaws, named John Mangrum, and one of his associates named Mynalt, inas much as a detailed narrative appeared in ono of your Knoxville, Tennessee, ex changes, the Press and Herald. The daring exploits of Love read like romance, and exhibit all the heroi. m or good and bmvo old ‘‘Cuptuino - ’ John Smith in the adventure* ho had in Virginia in the days of King Powhatan and the Princess Poca hontas. In one of these conflict*. Love fought four of these robbers singlo Landed, put them to flight, and came off unharmed; and pursuing them, he cap tured the chief, as has t>cen stated, but not until some days afterward. We "interviewed” both parties. Love is an athletic man, about thirty-five years old. with piercing dark eye*, aquiline nose, ami heroic bearing. He is well educated, uud wiu* tou* Jimgu .chooi wheutlie threats cf his enemies reached him. Ho was a gallant, subaltern officer on the Conreder- ato side throughout the “lute unpleasant ness,” and liad boon educated to face death on many a luird-fought battlo-flold. Ho is nobly fitted for leadership, and should bo made a General of volunteers if our Cuban policy leads to war with Spain. _ By tho courtesy of Sheriff Gossett of Knoxville, wo were ushered into the fel on’* cell whero tho captured out laws, John Mangrum and Ganrum Mynatt were ooafinud. Both were prostrate from effects of wounds love hud given thorn in theso conflicts. Mynatt had reddish hair, bluo eyes, a slight figure, wan evi dently very young, and would scarcely ho supposed from his appearance to lie tho dosperodo he is. Mangrum has a dare-devil look well liefitting his desper ate exploits. His olive complexion (yet pale from loss of blood) his piercing dark oyos and regular features set in a hand- Home faeo of Italian cast, preposscseod us somewhat iu his favor despite his deeds. Ho gave us freely all tho information we asked. Of conrso wc avoided allusion to his enhnes. He said he was n native of Murray county in this State; that a hrctfii-r of his is a resident of Dalton and is married into a respectable family tliare; that ho was throughout the late great war a soldier in the Southern army. We hoard, however, that ho was in liulh armies, having deserted to the Northern army; but whether this were true or only one of those millstones so plentifully hung about tho nock of tho defeated party in all contests, we have no mean* of knowing. Fortunately for him Mangrum did not succeed in litlinj uny ono in his recent maruding cxj>edi- tions, *o that he cannot bo hung for mur. tier. He will only ho executed for high way robbery—that being a capital crimo in Tennesseo! xiiui«v S .~ .t l.'nnxyillo. Tennessee, is rapid, nnd abate- not in inu Mi.ui.-a of these hard times. Buildings ore going up in overy quarter; ar.d many of tho stores along Gay street present quite a New Yorki.“h appearance. Tho mammoth wholesale dry goods house of Cowan & McClung does on annual business amount ing to several millions annually, sup plying goods to retail merchants through out East Tennessee and other adjoin ing sections. Their massive building would rank as highly respectable on Broadway, Now Y’ork. The immense coal business has built up now interests of late in Knoxville; and the inexhausti ble beds of iron ore in its vicinity forecast I*, fixture in tho samo general destiny with Pittsburgh iu our country and Shef- flald and Birmingham in England. The finest marble lies in proftn e 1. >ls all about the city, and is wrought into many Useful forms.’ A fine new bridge for com- mob travel now Spans the Tennessee river at this point, a quarter of a mile in length. This fine river was formerly called tho UoUton at this point, taking the name of Tennessee from a smaller stream with which it forma a junction about twenty-five mile* below Knoxville. Hut by Into legislative enactment, the lmrin stream is declared to bo the Tennes see: so the won! UoUtm is expurgated from the m»r of Tennessee, and very pnqiorly. Tho East Tennessee Uflirersityat hr.or villa, is largely endowed ar.d is in a most nourishing condition. We met several GtXir^inna thoro : Charley Johnson .ana Young Wiggins, of Baldwin county. among them. Tho estimable Mrs. C. It Wiggins, of Baldwin county, Georgia, is iq Knoxville, residing there temporarily, like a devoted mother, superintending her son's education. Tho Deaf and Dumb tsylum a .State Institution, is located in Knoxville, and is most successfully con ducted. A large, elegant Custom-bourn lias just been completed. Tho population of Knoxville is a little greater, now, than that of your city, and is rapidly increas ing-. Iu our next visit thither, some time tins month, we shall endeavor to give a more particular nocount of this interest ing place—especially interesting to Ma con in view of the future railway which must bind, them directly to euch other. W. G. M. FOP. 1 nxjixxa xa A Novelty In Railroads, From the Philadelphia LoK-er. November There-has just boon completed at the machine shops of Lafferiy A Brothers, Gloucester City, N. J.. a four-ton locomo tive designed to run on one rail. It is built for a street-railroad company iu Georgia. Tin* engine can with propriety be called a steam velocipede, as it rests upon two wheels, one following the other. The rail or track upon which it is to run. a sample of which is laid in the yard of the builders, is styled a "prismoid. or one-track railway,” and is composed of several thicknesses of plank, built up in tlie style of an inverted keel of a vessel, with ii flat rail on the apex. Upon atrial. a speed of about twelve miles an hour was attained, and the inventor nnd pat entee claims that the speed can be almost doubled on a lengthened track. Mr. K. Crt>w. of Opolikii. Ala., is tho inventor anil w ton too of both tracks and engines, ar.d he claims that his inventions demonstrate a tractive power superior to anything in the locomotive line of equal weight. The capacity for running curves is very much greater than the tyo-r.ul system. The track nj • n which tho trial was made contained. »*G T\-p P 4T)WAV ?C 5 feet of lumber and IS pounds of iron U. b 14k* lineal foot, proving itself equal to a span of feet, remaining fina and un- PERFECT PURGATIVE AND yielding under t:u* pressure » : i .. > n ru. as it traversevl the rcu 1. T:.o J llfuigw attached to th engine, and which ran on the outside of each wheel, Hr. i Crew claims, absolutely lock tho rolling j stock to the prism, and obviate the nectw- 1 ty of so much heavy APPLIED EXTERNALLY—when there is mu or inflammation, affords instant ease. £I°*LL AXX mMmVrnm morphine, chloro- ^rn^ fl|smD, or my other anodyne known to the IP SUDDENLY SEIZED with pain. one tea- poorJul in a *!*■ ot water, will, in a few min- PERSONS SUBJECT to appopfexr, heart dis- jm, h~ru..., ]»■* smklaa fainLmr*. khoold keep oe relief near them; a teupunful in water, wiD Radway’s Ready Relief It* Grand Power In the Prevention and Cure of Pestilential and Contagion* Uikeanes. It is in di«wase> where tunnediate and absolute •■nstance and relief is required wherein this rem edy proves its superior, and we might say. super- hSuth* t**" 1 r *” 1Uo ^ promoting In cases where epidemic diseases, pestilence. "paU-pox. fever*. etc, cxint, this remedy proves the potent power of a disinfectant, neutraliser and cure. No one that uses the Ready Relief when Asiatic cholera, yellow fever, typhoid fever, small-pox. difrfheria. etc, prevail in a communi ty. will he seised with these diseases ; and if seised when using it. will be cured if the direc tions are followed. Simple aa this remedy is, it possesses the elements of cure of the most violent, painful and fatal diseases that scourge the earth. EADWAY'S READY RELIEF WILL AFFORD INSTANT EASE. INFLAMMATION OP THE KIDNEYS. INFLAMMATION OF THE BLADDER. INFLAMMATION OF THE BOWELS. CONGESTION OP THE LUNGS, SORE THROAT. DIFFICULT BREATHING. PALPITATION OF THE HEART HYSTERICS, CROUP. DIPTHERIA. CATARRH, INFLUENZA. HEADACHE. TOOTHACHE. NEURALGIA. RHEUMATISM OOLD CHILLS. AGUE CHILLS. The application of the Ready Relief to the port or part, where the pain or difficulty eiiit, wifi «f- loni cwxe and romfort. Twenty drops in half m tumbler of water will in S few moments enro Cramp*. Spurns Sour Stem- srh. Heartburn. Sick HesdiseWColir, Wind in the Bowel., and all internal pains. Traveler., should always carry a bottle of Rad- way's Ready Reliid with them. A few drops in water will prevent sickness or pain, from chanire of water. It is lieitcr than French Brandy or Bit ten is a stimulant. FEVER AND AGUE. Fever and A rue enred for fifty cents. There is not a remedial agent in .tho world that will--mi Fever and Alm.-. and all other Malarious, Biiioas. Scarlet. Typhoid. Yellow and other Fevers (sided Fills) so quick as Radway’s Ready Kcndy Relief BA cents per bottle, and PIUs 25 cents a lioz. Sold by druggists. HEALTH! BEAUTY! STRONG AND PURE RICH BLOOD-IN- CREASE OF FLESH AND WEIGHT- CLEAR SKIN AND BEAUTIFUL COMPLEXION SECUR ED TO ALL! DR. RADWAY’S Sarsaparillian Kesolvent THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. Every .Impof the8ARSAPARJLLIAN RESOL VENT communicates through the blood. »wea urine and other fluids and iuiocs of the system the rigor of life, for it repairs tho wastes of the body with new and sound materia). Scrofula, Syphilis, Consumption. Glandular Diseases, Ul cers in tho Throat and Mouth. Tumors. Nodes in '1^15 K’JSAtXd the worst form of Skin Diseases. Eruption. Fever Sores, Scald Haul, Ring Worm, Salt RbemmEry- sijiela*. Acne, Black Snots, Worms in tlie Flush, Tumors, Cnmvrs in the Womb, and all Weakening and Painful Discharges, Xieht Sweats. Loos of Sperm, and all wastes of the life principle, are within tlie curative nuuns of this wonder of Mod em Chemistry, and a few days’ use will prove to any perxm using it for cither of these linns of disease its ]»otent power to cure them. If the patient, daily becoming reduced hy the waste and decomposition that is continually pro gressing. succeeds in arresting these wastes, and repairs tlie same with new material made from healthy blood-end this the SARSAPARILLIAN will and docs secure—a curs is certain; fur when ones this remedy commenoes its work of purifica tion. ami sucreeils in diminishing tho loss o wastes. itsn*pnirs will lie rapkl, ami every day the patient will feel himself growing bet ter and strong er, the food digesting betfer. appetite improving, aud flush and weight iucrasxirur. Not only does !h, SAKvUWKILI IAN lir.SOLYKNT excel all known rt-medial :ucvnt* in the cure of Chronic, Smtfulcu*. Convtitutionnl ami Skin Di*c&*c3, but it is tho only positive euro for Kidney nnd Itlnddcr Complaints, where there am brick dust deposits, or the water is thick, cloudy, mixed with sulMtances like tbo white of an ivj. or threads like white silk, or there is a morbid, dark, bilious appearance and white bono dust deposit, and when there is a prickii burning sensation when passing water, and j« in tbo small of tbo bark ami along the loins. Tumor of 12 Years’ Growth Cured by Radway’s Resolvent! Bkveult, Mass., July 1C. 1SC7. Da. Radwat : I have had Ovarian Tumor i the ovariesand IwwcU. all the Docton said Ibero was no help for it.” I tried everything that was mum mended, but nothing helfied dm. I saw S r Resolvent, and thought I would try it; hut no faith in it,because I had suCcrud for twelvo years. 1 took six bottles of the Rcaol\’ent.and<me Iiox of Radway’s Pills, and two liottles of your Ready Rtdwf; ami there is not a sign of tumor to bo seen or felt, and I fed better, smarter and hap pier than 1 have for twelve years. Tho worst tu mor was in the left side of tho bowels, over tho gniiii. I write this to you fo. tho bonefit of others. You can publish it if you rhoo*e. HANNAH P. KNAPP. WORMS! life ami ware rer and WORMS of PRICE SI.00 PER BOTTLE. An Important Letter From a prominent gentleman and resident o Cincinnati, O-for tbs isu»t forty Tears well known to tho book publishers thxoughont tho United States: New Non, October 11.1S7S. Dr. Radwat: Dear Sir—I am induced by a tense of duty to theaufleringtoadhMWrf AAo* ment of tho working of your medicine on myself. For several years I had boon affected with some trouble in the bladder ami urinary organs, which so mo twelve months ago culminated in a most ter ribly afflicting disease, which tho physicians al said was a spasmodic stricture in the uruta, aa also Inflammation of the kidneys and bladder, and gave it as their opinion that my «ge—73 years— would prevent my ever getting radically cured. I had tried a number of physicians ami had taken a large Quantity of medicine, both alopathic and homeopathic, but had got no relief. 1 had read o astonishing cure* having been made by your rem edies. and same four months ago road a notice in tho Philadelphia Saturday Evening Post of a cure having been effec tod on a person wIk had long boon suffering aa I had been. I went net. toff ami cwt some of eocb--your Sarsaparillian Resolvent Ready Reli f ana Regulating Pills—and com- r.:« need taking them. In three dg> l was greatly reliwved, and now feel as well as ever. C. W. JAMES. Cincinnati. O. REGULATING PILLS. oilm- Ii light traffi.' at a high rate of spoed. is oh-o claimed that a priimcial ntilwav built with a baao fourteen inches, angle* of forty-five decrees, can l*e built at a cost of $3,(.iu0 per mile. Tho inventor is of opinion that tliis online an«i tr.i-rk is put - ticularly :ula]»t«xl to tin* propollxn^’ of canabLuat^. and will oouipete successful ly with horse power on oatab without nocessarily interfering witli the use of the latter, but he does not state in what way. l*h<» cnjpne will shortly be shipped to its destination—Atlanta. Ga.—where it poos iato openitionon a street nulrocul built at an elevation of twelve feet above the aide- walk. ^ _ Lon s shaving and hair-cutting 1 saloon on klulberry ktreot is tho place to get jour harboring done. None bat skilled artist* retained. A hot bath can be liad pn the shortest notice. oct2t*tf rf-At’.v Vs*. uL'.-i:'.;!v .N\it«\l •» :* -v. .puree,regulate.purify,cleans amihtreugth- liad way’a l*ill> for the cure of all disorders o Stomach. Liver. BowcLs Kidney?, madder, im Oimaflk Headucha, OMteMK Om 'X. 1:. iu stion, Dnpepria, Biltousncsv. Fe in dan. mm.on of the B.3w«-1x. Piles and all Dj- UK- lrit. rual Visn r:». :i j..-iim* ctire. I’urviy own ing no metvuiy. mizaermlsor ucletcrou>drucs. oas resulting Lvui PURE MEDICINES And special agent for Caswell. Hazard k Co/s STANDARD PHARMACEUTICAL PREPARATIONS And stridy pure COD LIVER OIL I nortStl Dissolution of Copartnership. heretofore existing between _ is this day disHilvisl by mu- Mr. HENRY J/PETER U author- ised to dose up the bmdnew. fTHB copartnership I 1 iheondcninwini turn* c November 29.1373. Drug Stock and Fixtures For Sale. The store occupied by HARRIS 1 PETER is for rent, pnesawipn to be green on the l»t day January. In the meantime %e Stock, l^xture« and Pumiturcof said late Ann are offered both at wholesale and retail at figures below eost FOR CASH. The accounts due said firm will be placed in the bands of an attorney for collection, vnleas promptly arranged. The undersignedl is defer- minedto dose up tlie badness as rapidly as »t* sible. and bones that those against whom be has accounts will be prepared to settle promptly. ^ J. H. ZEILIN & CO’S W F k TRUSSES TRUSSES i Rl SSKS TRUSSES TRESSES TRUSSES TRl sSKS TBOSSKS TRUSSES TRUSSES TRUSSES TRl SSKS TRUSSES TRUSSES TRUSSES _ have on hand a very larer* and rompfete assortment of Tmsrt. embracing every variety, both single and double, and all sizes, from infants’ to the largest adult’*. Those wishing anything in the Truss line sboukl cull and examine our stock before purrhasing elsewhere, I and be convincvd that they can be bad lower than elsewhere in the city.i Also. FEMALE SUPPORTERS of all kinds, and moat approved styles. Also, a complete stock of Suspenso ry Bandages, and of the best quality, all at tbs lowest prices. i Also, our usual fine assortment of Drugs and Medicines, which we will always keep in first- class condition, and to consist only of |«ie and xncntricious articles. J. H. ZEILIN & CO., Wholesale and Retail Druggist*, Macon, Ga. nov29tf “ Take Due Notice Hereof and Govern Yourself Accordingly.” ONLY FOR CASH. No deviation will be made from this rule wider sag cirrumstaarfs. mor in/aeur amp one. Wo thank our patrons for their liberal favors in the |suit, and hope this new arrangement will not give offense to any, but that all may continue their business relations with us.' Respectfully, RANKIN, MASSENBURG A CO. FIRST NATIONAL BANK of MACON TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. DI&ECI0B3: I. C. PLANT, D. FLANDERS. H. L. JEWETT. W. B. D1XSMORE H. B. PLANT, D. S. LITTLE. G. H. HAZLBHURST. I. C. FLAST.Prwidcnt. V. W. WBintXT. C*»hiCT. nnKMUnovl* I. 0. PLANT & SON, Bankers and Brokers, MACON, GA. Buy and Sell Exchange, Gold. Silver, Stocks and Bonds. Deposits Received, On Which Interest will be Allowed, 11-05. PAYABLE ON C/LLE. Advance* marie on Cotton and Pro duce in Store. CITY BANK MACOK, GEORGIA. Capital 200,000 Dollars. DIRECTORS: WM. B. JOHNSTON". JOHN J. GRESHAM. juljXS Cm S. G. Box*. President. R. F. Lawtos. Cashier. EXCHANGE BANK OF MACON. Office In MtifTa New Bullillnpr. Receives Deposits, BUYS AND SELLS EXCHANGE, Makes Advances on Stocks, Bonds, Cotton in Store. Also on Shipments of Cotton.’ Planters 7 Bank; FOUT V.1LLET, GA. "D ECEIYES Deposits, discounts Pni»ex, buys and Xv Mb Exchange; also. Gold and Sih cr. Collections made at all accessible point*. Intercut paid on Deposits when made for a specified time. Wm.J.Amijsesox, Tres’t W. E. Bgowy.Cash’r ^ direcrons Wm. J. Anderaoo. CoL Hu eh L. Dennard CoL Wm. Felton. Dr. W. A Math .*«>■, Dr.M L. H.TTollm’du'H deistf Jure of tin- Digc? ■ • l -«: rd Pi ich.: Flut 11 Pail .Dots or tb«* Uogt. 1 lots, Fullness of the ./ the Stomach, Nau- f_Fbod. Fullness or :ctatk«i». Sinking id sudd Dimness o re H*e Sttfhu Fever and u'.«'!it \ . f lVr>pin*tion, l Kyea.Pam :n tlie Side. Flushes of Hunt. Rum- :ne in the Fh>h. A few d,n« ,.f Rati wax-** PilN will fnv th.- <x?- t« iti fnim all th** aUi\en:unod disorders. I*ricu23 cents per box. bold by Drugguts. READ “FALSE AND TRUE!” K**nd one letter stamp to RADWAT AOO^ No 2 Warren, corner Chureh str.x L NVw York. InformattoT) worth tbuuswuia viyH ha nriVM mayUoodAvly (WITH LATEST IlirEOVEMKMi.) FOR 20 YEARS THE Standard of Excellence THROUGHOUT THE WORLD. OYER S50.000 IN USE. If you think of buying a Sewimr Machine it will pev you to examine tlie records of those now in ~s and profit lhr gpetfenca THE WHEELER _ WILSON STANDS ALONE AS THE ONLY LIGHT RUNNING MACHINE. USING THE ROTARY HOOK. MAKING A LOCK STITCH. " ion both rides of the fabric sowed. All shut tle machines wa.«te power in drawing the shuttle back after the Mitch is formed bringing double wear and strain upon both machine and operator, hence viuluoth.'r machines rapidly wear out. the WHEELER A WILSON LAM 1. A LIFETIME, and prows m mmW luvosfuw nt; Do not hdhiff aB that is jnoWI lu gMsOad “Chemp" machines, you should require proof that yean of use have tested their value. Money once thrown away cannot be recovered. Send for our dvculan. Machines sold an easy terms, or monthly payments taken. Old machines put iu order or received in exchance. WHEELER X WILSON MF’G CO.’S OFFICES: Smnmh. Aucnta. Karan and Columbus Ga. W. i>. CLBTBS. Gen. ArtaSavaunali. Ga. fiV. A. HICKS, A rent, Macon, Ga. janl2eodly WIN-SHIP & CALLAWAY. ! North British & Mercantile Ii. I>. .Wi'vliKEE, LBte of T. .t li. P. XValkc jxo. h. noims, Late of Wise, L>ol»iis A Co. CLOTHING- AT WHOLESALE. WE hare opened a wholesale apartment over our retail store, and invite the Georgia, Alabama and Florida merchant! who buy in this market to give us a call. We will sell them on as good terms and at as low prices as they can buy them in Xew York. Our stock is the largest that has ever been brought to this State. The RETAIL DEPARTMENT Is filled with everything that is choice and stylish for a gentleman’s outfit. Call and see the Virginia All Wool Cassimere Suits, Good as the Scotch, for $13 per suit, worth $23. octl2tf 50 SECOND STREET, MACON, <jA. C. J. GAMBLE. A. BECK. A. W. GIBSON GAMBLE, BECK & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, PROVISION AND LIOUOR DEALERS, LOWEST MARKET PRICES GUARANTEED 61 THIRD STREET. *cp!7 tf tlllAlE, KlllffilllH Ii CO.’S AGBICULTUEAL DEPOT. THE DIXIE PLOW! This Plow is now in general use in Georgia, and without a doubt has become the favorite Plow with the Farmers of the South. Sold only by MALONE, WILLING HAM & CO. WRIGHT’S COTTON PLANTER. Xo Farmer can resist the temptation of purchasing one of Wright’s Plantera after learning its merits, from the fact that the mode of distributing seed and guano with this Planter is different from all others—saving mure time, labor and seed than any other in use. Sold only by MALOXE, WILLINGHAM & CO. Every class of Farming Implements, Corn Mills, Feed Cutters, Plows. Plaw Point Grass Bods, Heel Bolts, etc., etc., for sale by MALOXE, WILLINGHAM & CO. Our prices to suit tho times. Before purchasing elsewhere, call and examine our stock, or address us, at Xo. 10 Hollingsworth block, Macon, Ga. dcc2-3m CAPITAL STOCK, FIVE MILLIONS. CENTRAL OFFICE.'CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. JOHN V- FARWELL - - - PRESIDENT. HECRE&r FIELi4L xx>rs x. riELi’Es H. & L L. FIELDER, Attorneys at Law, CI TNBLKT, GEORGIA, \\7 ILL give prompt attao&ion to all business m coofied to them, in tin counties of Ran dolph. Mcvrort. Quitman, Clay. Early, Calhoun and Tvrrell, the Sujireins Court of Georgia, and the Diatrirt and C ~ -* * Stat« s for tlie South- W. A. RANSOM & CO., Manufacturers and Jobbers of BOOTS AND SHOES, 1M AND 140 GRAND ST- NEW YORK. Bcprewuited by R. W. Hogou. of Geur^iA. REPUBLIC BLOCK. ATLANTA, GEORGIA* ATLANTA, GA., BRANCH. OFFICERS—E. E. Rxwsos, Froidcnt: L. P. Gaorr. Vice President: J. P. Lossy, H. D„ Mcdi- AIJG-USTA. GA. BRANCH. OFFICERS—George T. Jacxsoy, Prcsklent; Jxmes T. Rothwell, Y'ice President; G. E. Rat- cuynUlwiiwUI—. EXECUHYB COM3IITTLE— Edwetd Tgoma5, YY. Da2«tee, T. B. Bsasch, JohxU. Metei YT. U. Goodkxch. SPEClALi AGENTS : GEO. L THOMAS, Jiu JAS. W. THOMAS, DR. R- S. JACKSON. A STRONG STOCK COMPANY. WHICH COMBINES STRENGTH OF CAPITAL, character, 1 influence, andjirovidt - Life Insurance at the lowest :«afe rate.*., without delusive promise of by decreasing the premium. By its onranizotiuns it rhliore, stockholders in the Company, men whom he knows sul. and also provides that his funds will be invested to de- A Comtsiny with Capital enough and breadth enough to be nt and pn-stige, and yet a Home Company everywhere. An tain the confidence of tneir neighbors, INSURANCE COMPANY. OF LONDON AND EDINBURGH. CAPITAL—GOLD - - - - $10,000,000 Insures Stores, Merchandise, Dwellings, Furni ture and all other property at LOWEST RATES! L C. PLANT X SON. Agent*. «rpl66m Macon. Go. STONEWALL FERTILIZER For sale by TURPIN & OGDEN, octTtf SOLE AGENTS. MACON, GA. CANNED GOODS! CHOICE GOODS IN TIN AND GLASS. FRUIT JELLIES, FRUITS, PICKLES, SALMON, LOBSTERS. OYSTERS, etc. Just received direct from one of the most relia ble Ducking establishments in the country, and for sale at low prices. octSltf B. II. W RIGLEY A CO. SAMUEL W. GOODE. STERLING B. TONEY GOODE & TOITET, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, S0LI0IT0ES IN CHANCERY, BUFAVLA, ALA. {Office over J. T. Kendall’s store. Brood street.) TYTILL practice in the State and Federal Courts VV of Alabama, in tho Courts of Southwestern Georgia and elsewhere l>y special contract. Prompt attention ]«id to collections in Alabama and Georria. YVill investigate land titles whenever requested.oct2D lrn THE FOUR LEADING PIANOS Now manufactured arc tho Knabe, HaJlett, Davis & Co., Haines Bros., And Southern Gem. And tho best and Cheapest Place to Buy One Is at LUDDEN & BATES 1 MUSIC HOUSE SAVANNAH, GA From 25 to 50 different prices and styles always on hand. Every purchaser guaranteed a good instrument. Largest piano trade in the South and lowest prices. Every one thinking of buying a piano is invited to write us for terms and prices. ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUES FREE. SPECIAL IffOmCE Until times are better, wo shall sell pianos at wholesale prices for cash or on short time. We guarantee first-rate Pianos for $265, $275, $290 and $300. Superior Pianos, $325, $350 and $375. Tho very best Pianos, $100. $140, $150. $475, $500, $550 and $G00. Pianos never have been sold so cheap before. These prices are only for tho pres ent, Do not let the chance go by. Piano? delivered, freight laid, to cash buyers in tho South. Pianos sold on long time. COTTON FOR PIANOS Wo will take cotton at Savannah market price, delivered at any point on the railroad, in exchange for Pianos or Organs, at cash prices. nov9tf W. W. WOODRUFF, CARRIAGE REPOSITORY, M A C O N, GA. Ever/ ityle of Carrbgcs, busies or Wigon, fur- uislied at the lowest possible price at this Bepository. Th8 Woodruff Concord Buggy, Celebrated for light draft and durability, is the leadin&Buggy, and a specialty. The Whitewater and Woodruff Wagons. And other Western Wagon?, at low prices. Descriptive Circulars furnished to those who will write for them. All work warranted. octfS tf ’ METROPOLITAN d.v id ends, or raibc-r makes th. enables a man to deal with his own i u.:i ti.< tv f t::..!/ r h- ; Yclop th-- n*x.i;ntN of hi? own local:: ilh DBtio r Cumpj (and i WILLIAM GOODNOW, Southern Manager, Republic Block, Atlnutn, Go. S. T. JENKINS, Superintendent of Agencies. ocfiMtxd 3m IRON & BRASS WORKS, Canal Street, from Qth to 7th, RICHMOND, - - - VA. WM. E. TAMER & CO., ENGINEERS, MACHINISTS AND FOUNDERS. ENGINES OF ALL KINDS. Send for Circular. H. R. BROWN, iml4& Aerenfa ONLY MANUFACTORY In this country whero Loom Reeds, Harnesses ~A2n>— Patent Wire Heddles Are made under one management. WALKER & B0B1S E=C3 r.HINA CROCKERY.- CLASS WARE C31h ^ 82 MTJLBEEET STEEET. J. J. adeams, JUSTICE OF THE PEgnp —ASP— * NOTARY PUBLIC. L. B. EXTORES, CONSTABI^ CHATHAM COUNTY. Office No. 6 Bull struct. SAVANNAH — COL-MISSION HOUSE AT LEA^Y S. W. RAILROAD, CALHOUN. COUNTY^ rpiIE undersigned has erected aCture tt JL Lean*. Ga^ on tho extension ii ih?*'** western llailroad to Blakely,and takes od of announcing the public that he is receive consignments of roods and every description, which wHl beroki or retail as directed, to toe best aliuitL 00 .^ attention will lie given to the busiTu^Lrodi^ faction Ku»Rinte»tl in every instanok ^ •iTConsjcmnonts solicited. n, yr ivft sriA.citiii> axuesio THE STANDARD. Q™* ’’'raws.” and truo to it, nwo. v— O well to tho (rout of i»ll for OSakcS AMERICAN TUNE BOOK. eontrin, 1.000 of tho Tory best palm taw o the century. Has no superior as a collection 3 tlw moat approved sacred music for Choir* an? Congregations. 5o0 Editors. 400 page*, pria THE RiVER OF LIFE. Is attracting the notice of nil lenders of rinrii# i in Sabbath Schools, because of its very supwi» I arrangement of Bible subjects, its department cf I songs for little children, its adaption to the into. V national lessons, nnd its general richness ini I freshness of music and wonts. Highly commend. I ed by all. Price 35 cents in bds. Thu Beautiful I Sabbath «$oliool Song l>ook is sold at $30 per hua. I drod in b’lls: $25 per hundred in paper. I Thoabove books sent, postpaid,on receipt of *>| tail price. ‘ f CHAS. n. DITSON & 00, 711 Broadway, New York. OLIVER DITSON k CO, 1 Boston. IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OP CHINA, CROCKERY ND GLASSWARE. Pocket and Table Cutlery! SILVER PLATED WARE Tinware, Wooden Ware, Willow Ware! citajnteelie: RS ! GAS AND KEROSENE. LAMPS, CHIMNEYS, WICKS, ETC. KEHOSKME OIL. BY THE GALLON, BARBEL AND CAR LOAD. STATE AGENTS for Porter Combination Garden and Plantation Hoes. Wc offer the above goods at very reasonable rates. Please call and cian tine our stock. WALKER Sc DOBBS. Ge lR E A. T Souton Front Mi Passenger Line —VIA— CHARLESTON, S. 0.. —TO AND FROJI- ia. to M ail Boston! THEEE TIMES A WEEK FKOAI NEW YORK, TUESDAYS, THUESDAYS AND SATURDAYS-, ELEGANT STATE-ROOM ACCOMMODATIONS—SEA VOYAGE 10 TO 12 HOURS SHORTER VIA CHARLESTON. THE SOUTH CAROLINA RAILROAD CO., And connecting Roads West, in allianrc with the Fleet 'of Thirteen First-Class Steamships to the above Ports, invite attention to the Quick Time and Regular Dispatch afforded to the business public in the Cotton States at tho PORT OH 1 CHAJEILESTON, Offering facilities of Kail and Sea Transportation for Freight and Passerercra not exceeded m eiori lenco and capacity at any other Port. The following splendid Ocean Steamers are regularly on tn Line: ” t, ■ ; TO NEW YORK. ATVVTTATT4V .... M. f?. Wood HULL, Commamlcr. CHAMPION I I..... JL W. Lockwood, Commander. J viir.s Beruy, Commander - CHARLESTON JAMES ADGER ^**. J. Lockwood. Commander- GEORGIA JAMES ADGER & CO„ Agents. Charleston, S. C. * S. Crowell, Commander. Z .T. J. Beckett, Commander. Kxjcstedt, Commander. ...”7*.'" - bexAHDf, Commander. SOUTH CACOL1NA CLYDE ASHLAND ASHLAND ..... EQUATOR wAuiiaib nuurfln lu., / i, M M. A. COUETNAY, Tr* PHILADELPHIA IKON STEAMSHIPS. .AffiEXASEEE HUKIEK. Co.-nmander. 1 v—— q Hixckurn. Cotumander. SAILIXa DAYS—FJUDAY8. wSrL COURTENAY, A^ent. Charleston, S. C. TOTAL CAPACITY40,000BALES MONTHLY TO BALTIMORE. FALCON VIRGINIA. SEA gullZZ.'.".'"".'...'.... * ^ Dutton, Commando- - S AILiN G" DAYS—E VEK Y**F I FT h"DA Y. PAUL C. TKENUOLM, Axont, Charloston, S. C. TO BOSTON. STEAMSHIPS MERCEDITA AND FIAO.^™—— Rates guaranteed as low as those of Competing Lines. Marine Insurance one-half of one per cent. THROUGH BELTS OP HADING AND THROUGH TICKETS ship board. THE SOUTH CAROIiINA RAILROAD, GEORGIA RAILROAD Andthrir connecting Lines have largely increased their facilities for the rapid movement of Freight nTri l^twt-eirt^ Nortiiem Cities and the South and West. Ou the Georgia and South Carolina Railroads First-Class Sleeping Cars. _ r’-rciina Itail- Freight promptly transferred from steamer to da? and night trains of the So^th Cjrehna Rail^ road. Close connection made with other roads, delivering freights at distant point* 'rithgrtjT j n mn ne*s. The Managers will use everv’ exertion to satisfy their jiatroos that thehue V1A. UiAHLi-aiu. cannot be surpassed in Dispatch und the Safe Delivery of G^chIs. .. . . B D HAS- For further information, apply to J. J. GRIFFIN, Western Agent AtlariU^. B- SELL. General Agent, P. O. Box 44J79, Office 317 Broadway, N. b. B. PICKBNS General TUMenscr and Ticket Agent. South Carolina Railroad, or j ^ SEU^IRK* julySSwMm Bu^erict^odmt GrooJ Southern Freight mid Fffiwanser Line, 'Jharle^ou. S. 0. | nov^diawAwtf ——KiWiU—i ..... —— 1 W"—■— : n. Srpki 1 is. For a specfly cure of or other a;lmctt| of a private nature, call, or s»*nd utainp for pmoil circular of advice to both sox**. Addn’ss Ika *u;l Western iledical Institute, 1S7 Sycamore *tnv;l Cincinnati, Ohio. The remedies are so certu] that no pay will be required of responsible u>| sons for treatment until cured. A visit to ita Xq, 1 scum will convince j.Ou that this Institute is tl» I only sure one in the United States to cure Stphi. I li* and restore urenhood. drelliv DR, WOODBRIDGE’S PAIN LINIMENI T> EMOYES iu from five to twenty minutest!* .Lb most violent in in* of NEURALGIA irf CHRONIC R U HUM ATI SM, curing very mm ■■BM * f t: ■ dfeM-sea in from one to fivedtn also the STIFFNESS OF THE JOINTS wh3 sometimes accompanies the last. It also cun SPRAINS OF THE JOINTS in twelve kui GUM-BOILS, NERVOUS HEADACHES. Deluding those which follow Intermittent Fev«i and Tooth Aches, in from one to live minutes ;*h Colic, Ring Worm and Mcningitu. The send case was cured in Brunswick, relieving in the 1m in a few minutes, the pain in the head and too, and tho rigidity of the muscles of the neck. See circulars containing certificates of its vtrtw from those who have used it, at the Drug Storm R. B. HALL, Macon, and B. F. ULMER, Saw nab, who have it for sale. Address orders to DR. D. G. WOODBR1RGK, mrhS ?*wAwtf Brunswick, fit The Greatest Strike Yet. j TWERfWHERE tho sick are striking apun li ractalic medicines and powerful vegrtoh poisons. Everywhere they are strong in tl* l- lief that a Constitutional Invigorant—a l>ri lo tion uniting tho properties of a tonic, a gentle f gativo. a blood dopurent, a sedative, ami a m ml regulatoris absolutely necessary in all disew Everywhere they are coming to the concliut that Tamit’s Effcmstfot Stilztr Apptrinl is precisely such a preparation. Within the joj rear thousands of families have adopted it * household remedy—discarding nil tho dnxgsthr had previously taken, and administered tothr clnldren. In general debility, nervousness, li complaint, constipation. Indigestion, rheunudaj and is indeod a marvelous r Sold bv all druggists. Land For Sale.| I OFFER fpr sale or lean 1,131 acre* < nauna creek, in Pulaski county, ten miles fr■ Hawkinsviile ami near the Ilawkinsville and ii faula railroad, (now lielng constructed),—300 arw cleared. Lana divided to suit purchasers. Ter. liueral. Parties wishing to buy or sell Georgia hnd»» find it to their interest to address^ ^ scp2Sd2a w A wt f.Mnmn. Gi 33^il-i JfcfSY’S —CELEBRATED— FEMA1liGDEPitlij A CERTAIN CURE FOR CHILLS AND FEYE1 | B ISHOP PIERCE wi a fair trial will IS* to proof. Thousands morn will testify U. same fact. , For sale by Hunt, Rankin A Lamar, of MW Agents wanted where chills seivt 3taw2wAw1m GUNNY CLOTH. “ Q BALES STANDARD GUNNY Bl| GING. For sale cheap. Iron in the Blot f mors r TJumsaods LI been changed '7d tire Oi this r^J tram w*k,j J strenr, healthy, and Lvj»py rn n and weroc invalids cannot rcasoasuy hesitate to givo It Caution.—Bo sure yon get the right article. I that “Peruvian Syrup” is blown la the gia*L_ Pamphlets free. Sendforone. SETH W.FOWLn A SONS, Proprietors, Boston, Mass. For solo by 1 druggists generally. seplSeowly ras SHORTEST BOUTS TO FOBTUNE. 8100,000 for oku »: soi THE LARGEST RETURN FOR THE SMALLEST INVESTMENT. A GRAND GIFT CONCERT WILL BE HELD AT LEAVENWORTH, KAN., DECEMBER 31st, 1878 FOR THE BENEFIT OF A JUVENILE EEFOEM SCH007 40,000 Gifts, $450,000 in Prizes, Principal Prize $100,Of Consisting of the superb palatial residence of mon Abel’es, Enq., » pr ft dwelling in the United States, betiK only :f| blocks from the Court-house, surrounded by r*u nificent grounds, orchards, gardens and vk yards. The building has been only recently c<7L plcted with all modem PRIZE ] IS Prizes, Real Estate, - - 1 Cash Prize, - - - - - 2 “ " $10,000 each, - ements. j I S T. tia I 2 “ " 10 - .* - 1.15* “ S • * - Si!.4o0 “ ... Prizes l . The title to tho above rial estate i, pnrantee, ^ terms of this scheme brines it svitjj in tls- r«u-h e: oil—tlie imM i pporturjly etl offered Ter the Joer men to rise to vreeUl:. PRICE OF TICKETS. StartleTfchets.$SSO; Eleven Tickets, !M«ol Fifty-sir Tickets,SliJ uo ; tine Hundred Mid Id-' 1 Th - will be mwle under the superin- u is.mtuitteeupointed hy tho hirt-J e.t otlieials in the State, duly »»era to the iaith-. ful nerformunce of tl» duties nssmned them. Ilw iuebest offlobtb lotfiuf city, »“nt> ‘ 'i Stite hove nut only endorsed Mr. Alleles, hut «1«J bl Thed«uw>J fur tickets is nniawjW^ onwfonu tlieta rlilis and send in tlie.r s AGENTS WASTED in aU States, C.fieJ ami Totem >« the V. S. a > ld . Ca ‘‘' : j VLtt.-r l‘l O.OrdS or*KxprwsTwith'theiuV addrea Durchaaer in plain writing. Everv i«u kairo of 11 tickets has a oh* a ^ t^For 'SS