The Macon telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1873-188?, December 06, 1873, Image 4

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THE MACOS DAILY T.i-iLKuHAPJS. A \ ij MKs^ESHEBt sAtlkDaV MORNING-, bECEMHEk (1, ik?8. THE CITY. iioititini.r. .u cidi:st. Ida Malsnr Burned la Druth SATURDAY MORNING. DSC.... h:a ~ — I A mtal IhocVin^ accident occurred Mulberry Siren Choir. The or^iuriut o? Mulberry Street Church requests the clioir to promptly at the church to-night o'clock, for rehearsal. The Wrntherf Yesterday waa a cold, wet, diga n .lay. It rained a :;Oo-l part of the but about nine lurt night raiu ,-,-n set in in earnest. and kept it „p• ba.l set in for a wet spell. td to if it Another ialn-Hoiiae Rurucil. The gin-house of Me.m, Vi Vers & Hughes, on their Lee county plantation, was burned night before la-t, tog-thcr with a'oout nine halos of cotton. It was probably the work of :ui incendiary. part icularljr ana in- ehsraet hate a few remarks to nuke. Tke Peace Jubilee a.o a hug. the Wst burlesque, without ex. hare ever seen on the Boston h . Financial and Commercial x r.w ArtvmmsBMBSTs. o t one o’clock yesterday morning. | MUi Jenni ., Betel*. „ a character -•.Itinj- in the death »>f Mrs. tla Ma- • <UiueuAe, is ; <ir ctedlenee.nnd her S.i.b-r’3 le, :t willow woman probably about I Hornpipe was the be*t we have *»et*n on irtj fun of aee. Precisely how the oa L* ttt ^ c * . i.. v; ., V , , / , ; Hernandez wma simply irresistible! tn probably never be \ fa ,. ial wonderful, and the i'»wn; l>ut we give all the eircum- j sudden transition from the mflnt ^ riou* mces that could be gained from those expression imaginable, to „ * . „ .1 „ 1 ical wink or gnminace threw iiie audience ao uer.- earli.-st upon the scene. ! into l0 r.vuUions of laughter. “Baby Mr.!. Malone lives! in what is known Benson” is a trump card ; a wee bit of a John on’s Bow, on Hazel street, ho- I sprite, sparkling as a .lew-drop in the •cn 11.*., and Calhoun streets, ntxirthe i sum and graceful as a fairy u ..• n. car- , ... .. . . , . | ned all h.^rts captive, an l. bcitedthun- acon and Western railroad track, where | dCTinff rauI i,L, of applause. Truly she u e new bridge bus recently been erected. • foe n -.ot,t remarks Lie child that ha* boon lived alone, with the exception of introduced in public for many years, and may be said to be without an equal on — attention. OmCKTRL^PHAp E M^ S It>.| OGm ^ ges Fir0 Co. No . 2 Cotton. The marked to-day evinced a >lirht weaken: U to-day were 715 bales, of which 405 and 249 by wagon. The shipments M; anlesCSl. MILT 3TATEXE5T. m! S- pLl. Is73....... .. M» V "0U are hereby ordered to assemble at your Hall on MON DAY. December 9. at 1 o clock I p. m.. in full uniform, for tla? purpose <* harm* ring j rj,.- new Steam Fire E urine. ” Simn Rose, u. sted. You will also attend a tailed Meeting on the ninr a* 7t o'clock prompt, anpe at liolh is expected. C. MACHOLD. Foreman. F. A. Shove max. Secretary. decCSt *151 Locked I p f lhi! indications were good yc»torday evening for active buain.-.vH l^fore the Mayor to-day. The barrack* win? w.-U iillvl, tuo.tly with white people, all of whom were up for drunk* and fighting. Hr ported Homicide. It wag retried in the oity yesterday that a homi- !do had been committed the day before at Xo. 11 on the Macon and Bruxuwit k railroad. The report was that a on*-arm«d man, named Anderson,; went to Ihiiford's saw mill, and called out a negro who was employed there and shot him dead. It is stated further that l>efore firing Anderson said he ha/1 al ready shot six people and intended to kill the seventh. Wo do not know that the report was authentic, though we laid it from two or three sour ecu. The Concert nt fomylh Is represented to have been a most agree able affair throughout. The young la dies wore ail as lovely as ordinary mor tals could be, and performed their va rious parts admirably and to the satis faction of the large audience in attend- an co. Durr Brown took the place by storm with his Dutch comicalities, winning the heartiest applause from evory one. Ho song through tho whole catalogue of Dutch songs, and When there were no moro to bo sung he related a few Dutch fitorics, and managed to keep half of For syth laughing until ho took tho train to oomo homo. lie can take part in all fu ture concerts at Forsyth. Arthur Wood went along to play tho ncoompniiimonts for Dutchy, and cap tured tho approval of every ono with his excellent performance. A wonderful amount of jewelry was presented the party, which can bo seen in the show windows of Brown A Co. The llajor i Court. lib Honor, the Mayor, was absent yes terday morning, and it devolved upon Aldonnnn Cornell to maintain the dig nity of tho judicial prerogative.! of tho Mayoralty. There were four cases on doekot. Fcter Kdwrards, colored, was booked for fighting. IIo gave his mother a pretty sound chastise men t, in order to touch tho ** ole ’oman M how to heliavo herself. Ho was finod $5 or ten days bn tho streets. Mag. Tanner got drank and raised a rumpus down on Bridge Bow Thursday night. Fivo dollars or ten days settled her case. A coso of drunk and disorderly, in which three young larks wore mixed up, was continued until to-day. in consequence of the absence of two of the parties. Bobcrt Miller, aaffron-buod, was up for disorderly eouduct. The case not being particularly aggravated, ho was let off with a three dollar flno; but unless ho pays it he will liavo to work five days on tho streets. A Bare fur a Box of Tobacco. A gentleman coming down Cotton av- enuo yesterday, about noon, met a negro going out, carrying a box of tobacco. Thinking it looked rather suspicious, ho naked tho negro where ho got the to bacco. no said ho hid bought it of Colo- man & Newsoiu. Passing tho store of Me- srs. C. & N. shortly after, tho gentle man mentioned tho circumstance, and found that they had made no such sale. Mr. Newsom and a couple other gcntlo- men immediately started in pursuit of the negro, and camo in sight of him out on Tatunll Square. They .•> ecu tap ft flank movement and soon haft t he negro, to bacco and all surrounded. Finding him self in a pretty close situation, tho negro ‘started to run. Mr. Newsom fired at him; but without effect, and then gavo chase. Being tho fleeter of tho two, ho gradually lessened tho distance between him and tho refugee, and the latter find ing his hope of oaeapo gradually dimin ishing, stopped and surrendered uncon ditionally. Tho party brought the negro and tobacco back to the city. Tho former was lodged in jail and tho latter was plac ed whoio it belonged in tho store of Messrs. Coleman A Newsom. Tho negro’s n»mo was Strong. nmlicr a Singular r«»r. The luw may chain o to make a mis* taV« with regard to tho fniM or innocence of a prisoner, but we think it is rather a rare circumstance that an innocent party, cMufeod with theft. shouhl go up and moke a confession of j*uilt; yet such an instance has recently been brought to our notice. A few weeks ago a gentleman topping at one of tho Macon hotels nine teen dollars from his pocket. A cry nat urally, ho thought that some one of the servants about tho hotel bad robbed him. Suspicioh rested [most I strongly on a eluuubermaid, and she was arrested and taken to th. barracks, and there con fessed that she hod stolen tho money. She did not, however, produce the money, nor did she tell what she had done with it. Some of her friends rain. A the money and paid it to tho gentleman, stopping the pnaecution, and the won’.so teased. i Be matter stood thus until two or three days ago, when the gentleman found {be identical nineteen dollars, which he supposed had lx*'a stolon from him,In the bark pocknt of his pants; and found, also, in the same repository, a lianitrod-dollar bill, which he hod missed some time beiorv. and which he had ac cused his own servant of stealing. He tost no time in finding tho Mayor and giving him tho nineteen dollars to bo re funded to tho parties who paid the wrongfully-accused woman out of the barracks. The remarkable part of this story is the fact that the woman, when arrested, confessed the theft. It is very singular that she should have boon mistaken about it. It U rare that a guilty party oonfewstu, and remarkable when ono who is really innocent makes an acknowledge- j lnent of guilt. J Aurora CtM Water Temple No. 33. < The members of Aurora Temple, C. W. T. f No. a3, are notified that tho hour of mooting had be**n changed from 2:30 o'clock to 9 o'clock Sunday»nomiuj. Hope all member* will come, ad business of im portance will be transacted. M. OULS8BT, W. C. T. Uli.a O. IIajid**aw. Secretary. • j her two children—a girl about four year* of age and a boy something over two years old. About one o’clock yesterday morning, one of the neighbors was arous ed by the shriek 8 of the children. Being satisfied that something unusual was the matter, he went at once to the house, broko open the dcor and entered. The Uttlo girl was in the front room, alone and in great distress, and said her mother was burning up. Tho gentleman called for assistance and soon had three or four others on the spot, and a light being pro cured the whole of the horrible Hcene was revealed. It was evident at first that there was fire in the back room of the building, but there was no blaze, and the room was filled with a dense, suffocating smoke. The windows were raised to allow the smoke to pass out, and then Mrs. Malone was seen lying bock of and almost under th*.- bed in which her children had been sleeping, with tho clothing entirely muenod off of her person, her body, from her knees to her head a moss of blisters and charred and blackened flesh. She was in the very agony of death, and lived only a few minutes. In fact she gave only one of two gasps to indicate that there was still life in her body. Tho bed on which tho children had been sleeping was on fire, the mattress being badly burned, and one of the rails having taken fire also. The infant was still in tho bod, and, fortunately, was res cued before the flames reached it. Tho lit tle girl had previously escaped and was in tho front room. There was not a 6hrcd of clothing left upon tho unfortunate woman, except her shoes and stockings, and they were not even singed. A strict examination of the premises furnishes only tho means of forming a conjecture as to how she caught fire. There was no fire in the fireplace in the front room and evidently had been none tliat night. It. was in this room that she took fire. There was a rug on the floor, near tho fireplace, which was badly burned, and a piece of her dress was also found there. On the floor, near tho rug, was a pile of three largo books, evidently put there for tho purpose of setting a lamp upon, and a paper was lying not far off. Some three or four foot distant, was a small hand-lamp, turned over on its side, with a small quantity of oil spilled upon the floor. There was no evi dence, however, that this oil had been on fire. A cliair sitting Bear was somewhat burned. Tho woman's underclothing was on a chair at the opposito side of tho room, indicating that she had partially disrobed herself, but had not removed her dress. Wo think the probability is that she placed tho books on tho floor, to set tho lamp upon, and then laid down upon the rug to read the paper. Thus situated, she probably fell nsjeop, and by somo movement or other set her clothes on fire from tho Lamp. In her struggle and alarm upon waking and finding herself in flames, she knocked tho lamp from the books to where it was found on tho floor, somo distance off* Tho horriblo agony the poor woman must have suffered can only bo conject ured. Tho floors and wall and doors were blackened, showing how sho had passed from tho front-room into the back-room where her children were. Hero sho ap pears to liavo fallen and crawled under tho boil, to the backside next tho wall, where sho was found in tho last agonies of death, her nude body prerenting a most horriblo spectacle. Yesterday morning tho coroner was summoned, and after a due examination the jury rendered a verdict that the de ceased camo to her death by accidental burning. Tho ladies in tho neighborhood were promptly on tho spot and washed and dressed tho body, making it ready for tho coffin. The remains still lie in tho house await ing the arrival of her brother,* who lives in Crawford county, somo fivo or six miles from Fort Valley. He was promptly ad vised by telegraph of tho catastrophe, and was expected to arrive here last night. No dispoiition will be made of tho body until lie arrives. In the meantimo tho children are in good hands and will be kindly cared for. Mis. Malone has stated that she has been married twice, and that she was separated from second husband, who is still living. Her first husband’s name was Malone. Her maid on name was Jones. Our readers will remember that about a year ago, while in a state of mental aberration, sbo mado a desperate effort to destroy her children. Tho younger one she throw on tho fire, and the elder she sat upon. The timely intervention of somo neighbors probably prevented tho death of both. The children were then taken from her, and, kept for some time; but were finally restored to her. It was thought at the tijne that her derange ment was 'occasioned by drink; but she has asserted that it was caused by mor phine, which she had been in the habit of taking in order to drown her troubles. Evidently the poor woman has seen somo trouble; but sho was also of weak mind, and sho ought to hare boon placed in charge of her friends to be taken care of, immediately after her effort to destroy her children. She holds deeds to some | jnuppitj in l.ainbridgo, worth probably me two‘or three thousand dollars. Aperts!tfhe Tde«T*pk «n4 MuweJi^ r.] Livjk&fooa, December 6.—Steamship “Border Chieftain,” Captain Bailey, com mander, sailed for Savannah v^th a cargo of Langdale's Fertilizer, consigned to W. McKay, Macon, da. Black Crook. We received a call yesterday from Mr. Edward E. Kidder, the press agent of Messrs. Bidwell A MacDonough's Black Crook, who informs us that this great dramatic and scenic representation will be produced in Macon two nights during the coming week. The following notice from the Savannah News gives an idea of what our play-goers may expect from this combination: Tho wonders and beauties of the Black Crook, paraded before tho public for the past week in eloquent newspaper ex- tracts and handsome lithographs, aroused curiosity to the highest pitch, and even the Cuban etc?lament dwindled into in significance in comparison with the greater sensatkm— tho coining of the 1 f.nnod Black Crook, with its gorgeous scenery, magnificent costumes and stun- ning array of female beauty unadorned. I It is not then surprising to know that the theatre was literally packed from pit to dome last evening, the occasion of the opening performance of Bidwell A Mc Donough’s Bltck Crook Company; and the noticeable fact that the unusually large audience wxs in the main com posed of appreciative masculine fraterni- tv—among whom, dear reader., include this reporter, who was present solely for the purposp of informing you what was seen, what wa> done, an! how it was done. Securing a retired corner, the reporter rubbed up his glasses and proceeded to take in the situation at a glance, as tt were. The play was well mounted and well given, retaining the interest of the audience throughout; with this part nothing can be said other tlian praise; it is with some of the novelties introduced as diversion, and many of these were of a mjjpoa preiKxisj lock on hand tUi* « the stage. “Baby” established herself as & favorite when ebe mode her first bow, and may always count on a cordial reception. BEADING NOTICES. Latest styles of M silk hats ” just re ceived by dec4 tf War. B. Jouxsro.v, Jr. Funs! Furs ! Furs !—The prettiest stock in Macon. For sale at very low prices by dec* tf War. B. JomrsTox, Jr. **OrsRA Hats 99 and other ne' '* nobby m styles, received to-day. dec4 tf Wjt. B. Johnston, Jr. Confidential!!! The best Bleaching in the City for . 13 CENTS. W. A- HOPSON A: CO. dec3tf * and Special Notice. Whenever we recommend a worthy ob ject, we feel a double satisfaction: First —That of benefiting those who avail themselves of our suggestion; and, Second—That of having assisted a meri torious article. remarks are sug gested to us by noticing tlio advertise ment of that truly wonderful medicine, The Globe Flower Congh Syrnp, which occurs in this issue; and in referring to it, wo most heartily recommend it to those of our readers who are afflicted with any kind of Cough or Lung Affection. With our most distinguished physicians, and oldest citizens, the merits of tho Globe Flower Syrup are as familiar os— tho late rebellion, and to all who are needing a safe, pleasant, and most effica cious cough medicine, we would suggest that they use tho Globe Flower .Cough Syrup, which has borne thousands of hu man beings—who were languishing un der that terriblo disease, Consumption, weak, hopeless, and despairing—out of tho depths of despondency into tho para dise of health and cheerfulness. decS-d&w3t. A Startlixo Truth.—Thousands die snnuallj from neglected coughs ami coVls. which soon ripen into consumption, or other equally fatal dis cuses of the lungs, when by the timely use of a single bottle of Dr. Wistaria BaLam of Wild Cherry their lives have been preserved to a green old ago. ^ Symptoms.—Slight pain in t!»e side, the skin and eye assume a thick yellow coat, digestion is impaired, an unpleasant sinking sensation at the pit of the stomach is experienced, the bowels are irregular, the mind fretful, the memory weakened sometimes a slight cough, coldness of tho hands and foct, sometimes loss of appetite and at others unnatural craving for food, dizziness of the head, depressed spirits, feeling of uncertainty/of lutving left something undone, but can't tell what it is. Take Simmons* Liver Regulator, it will remove all unpleasant feelings and make yon well Mothers, Mothers, Mothers.—Don't fail to procure Mrs. Wisslow's Soothing Strut Sy rup for all diseases incident to the period of toetbing in children. It relieves tl»c child froui pain, cures wind colic, regulates tho bowels, ami by giving relief and health to tho child, gives rest to tlio mother. Bo sure to call for “31 us. Wixs- Low'g Soornixo Strut.** For sale by all druggists. june35 eodtai. NERvors Debility.—A depressed, irritable state of mind; a weak, nervous exhausted feel ing; no energy or animation; confused head, weak memory, often with debilitating, involunta ry discharges. The consequence of excesses, men tal overwork or indiscretions. This nervous i»e- bilitt finds a sovereign cure in Humphreys Homeopathic Specific, Jfa 23. It tones up the system, arrests discharges, dispels the the mental gloom and despondency, and rejuvenates tho en tire system. It is perfectly harmless and always efficient. Price $5 for a lockage of five boxes and a large $2 vial of powder, which is important in old, serious cases; or $1 per single box. Sold by all druggists, or sent toy mail on receipt of price. Address HUMPHREYS' SPECIFIC HOMEO PATHIC MEDICINE CO.. No. M2 Broadway. N. Y. For sale by John Ingals and Hunt. Ran kin £ Lamar, 3(ocon, Go. aprl5eodJtwtf Notice. MACON AND BRUNSWICK RAILROAD,') SupKRixTKXDBST’a Office. > Macon, Ga , November 2i», 1873J The Night Cotton Express Train on this road will, until further notice, be provided with a pas senger car for accommodation of local travel. The train will start from the Macon and Bruns wick Dcjwt—Hof general passenger shed—at * o'clock p. XL; arrive at Macon and Brunswick Depot at C:15 A. X. JAMES W. HOBJUttSON. novSO Ct General Siperintcndent. comparative stai 5 in favor of this year.. LATEST MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH • Financial. New York—Noon—Stfx-ks active and imw- ulsr. Money. 7 bid. Gold Ft. Exchange, long ah short 9J. Governments strong. Sute bonds ** The —banks have over $33,000,000 cur- "tmiMir-lloorrfMJ»t 7 toitoM..Gold.rliw at;:,;*. Gowmmait, rtrorr Mid higher. Stele bond* quiet and higher for some. JIidiu*M-aa 05 <£» l«!i «• life «5» lifc new at lei; e*. wl: new s,M: u*-vk W. feuKMM* 751; new 7SR Virrinu, U: new 40; enrol, 49; iteTd 10; LooMmim S5; new 40; levee, «• 50. S* 58; Atolmnm S« <3; Li 53; Geona* 0, 4S; 7, 85: North ftirotoa, :fc new 14: ,pwwl tei 10; Sooth Orolinu it new 91; April uid October 10. Nxw Orleans—Gold »5aD>. Cnrreucy lsll premium toe certified check*. Exchange, New York sitht S*l discount for currency; t premium for certified chocks. Sotriiwr. bank drafts 17|. Lofpom— Noon—A dispatch from the Captain General of C dau declining to execute the Pisk- Puk> protorut, causes a dullness in American storks. KaieKi. Parif—Rentes Ssfille. , Jot to the World ! Woman b Free !—Among tho many modern discoveries looking to the hap piness and amelioration of tho kuman race, none is entitled to hisber consideration than the re nowned remedy—Dr. J. BnuifloM’s Female Regu lator, Woman’s Best Friend By it woman emancipated from numberlcs? ills peculiar to her sex. Before its magic poirer all Irregularities of tho womb vanish. It cures writes. It cures sup pression of tho menses. It removes uterine ob- tt ructions. It euros constipation and strengthens she system. It braces the nerves and purifies tho blood. It never fails, as thousands of women will testify. This valuable medrine is prepared and sold by L. II. Bradfield, Druggist, Atlanta, Ga Trice $1 60 per bottle. All respectable drug men keep it. TnKEEOEE. Am, 1563. Mr. L. H. Bradfield—tir: Please forward us, mmcdiatcly, another suppQr of Bradfield** Fe male Regulator. Wo Cud it to be all that s claimed for it, and wo ha« witnessed the most de cided and happy effect* troducod by it. Very respcitfully. IL'nter i Alexander. Wc. the undersigned Druggist*, take pleasure In commending to the t rule Dr. J. Bradfleld’s Female Regulator—believing it to bo a good and reliable remedy fur the diseases for which he recommends it. W. A. Lansdet.l. illant.T. Ga. Pemberton, Wilsjn, Taylor A Co, Atlanta, Ga. Redwine A Fox. ktlanta Gs. W. C. Llwshe. Atanta, Ga. on, jhricti V. Root A Sox ;tta, GA. STATE OF GEORG1V—Tnorp COUNTY: This is to certify hat X have examined the recipe of Dr. J. Bniavd, of tills county, and as a medical man pronouice it to be a combination of medicines of great mrit in the treatment of all the dine***-* of for which be recommends U. This December .*1. lSdR. Wm. P. Beasley, M. D, Hm, Raxxix A Lamas, 1 vhic&al* Agents, Macon, Ga. Cotton. New Yore—Noon—Cotton, sales ISM; uplands 161: Orleans 1«J; market dull. Future* opened a* follows: December 13 9-16 January 13 U-16al513-16; February 161-S2al6 3- 16: March/16!al6 9-16; April 16U-lfel«|. Evening—Cotton, net receipt* 1079; gruaa 6512; sales 2121; uplands 16; Orleans I6fc market quiet. Future* closed quiet; sales 17.300, as follows: December lSS-lflal&h January 15 8-32; February lSh March 16|rti 9-32: April 169-16. Comparative Cotton Statement—Net receipts at all United States port* during the week 170,559; same week last year 128£5t; total receipts to date —; to the same date but year —5 export* for the week 92.479; last year 7W* total exports to date 517,732: last year 599.916;stock at all United states port* IMJII; but year 466,548; stock at intenor towns, 100,181; same time last year 80.400; stock at Liverpool 487.000; hut year JM2JW0; American afloat for Great Britain 174^)00: last year 121.000. Baltimore—Cotton, net receipts 79; gross 1164; exports coastwise 1G0; to Great Britaiu —; sales 475; to sninnea* 125; stock 15^6: middlings 152; low middlings 15ial5h strict good ordinary 14h market quiet. Weekly net receipt* 620; gross 4698; export* to Great Britain 786; continent —; coastwise 1036; sales 2510. New Orleans—Cotton, net receipt* <367; gross 7300; exports coastwise —; to Great Britain 4272; continent —; sale* 3000; stork 151,406: middlings 16J: low middlings 13fc strict uood onlimuy 14J; market firm; demand guo»L Weekly net receipt* 49^43; gross 56^544; export* to Great Britnin 9MU; continent 2811; France 3595; eoostwise —; sales S5.0U0. Wilminotox— receipts 247; export* to Great Britain —; coastwise —; sales —j stock 2774: middlings 15; market nominal. Weekly net receipts 1909; exports coastwise 574; to Great Britaiu —; to Continent —; sale* 256. A rorsTA—Cotton, net receipts 1618; sales 1591; middling* 14t: market firm. Weekly net receipts9055; *a!cs736d; stock 15^92. Pavaxxaii—Cotton, net receipts 4456; exports to Continent —; coastwise 1540; to Great Britain 1538; Kile* 2060; stock 105^30; middlings 15; mar ket steady. Weekly net receipt*. 31^21; exports coastwiso 8198; continent 12.0e6; to Great Britain 9694; sales 832»». Charleston— receipts 4167; exports to Great Britain —; coastwise 1S64; to Franco —: sales 2600; stock 51.466; middlings 13; low middlings l».al4j; strict good ordinary ll|al4l; market firm. Weekly net receipt* 20JW7; exports coastwise 6309; to Groat Britain 10,536; eoutinent 2932; sales 9100. Morile—Cotton, net receipt* 4100; exports coastwise 1168; Great Britain«—; sales 100<v, stork 32«31C; middlings 151; low middlings 111; strict good ordinary 14; market firm. Weekly net receipts 18,852; exports coastwise 0110; continent —; to Great. Britain —; Ktalo 1090. Boston—Cotton, net receipt* 41: gross 1978; export* to Great Britain —; sales 400; stock 5GO0; middling* 16j; market quiet Weekly nd receipt* 832; gross 4366; cxjiorts to Great Britain —j sales 1700. Norfolk—Cotton, net receipt* 2311: exports coastwise 3207; to Great Britain —. sales 560; stock 46 U; low middlings 14',; market firm. Weekly net rceeipt* 18J07; expurt* coastwise 20,148; Kale* 21*25. Memphis—Cotton, net receipts 3868; shipments 1264: stock 42,092; low middling 147*15; market quiet. Weekly net receipts 25,979; shipments 12^71. Galveston—Cotton, net receipts 6865; exports coastwise —; to Great Britain —; to France —; sales 2000; stock 49,743; good ordinary' HI; ordiwuy 121: demand fair. Weekly net receipt* 19.CS; exports coastwise 2196; to Great .Britain S364; to France 400; sales 9950. Philadelphia—Cotton, net receipts —; gross —; cxjmrts to Great Britain —; middlings 161; low middlings 152; strict good ordinary 15ial5|; market quiet. Weekly pet receipts 1821; grow 3469; exports to Great Britain 1740. JJacox Cotton, weekly rocoinU 5227; ship ment* 3176; stock 10,330; low middlings 142; mar ket firm. Colum DCS—Cotton, weekly net receipt* 3936; shipments 2023; stock 10,823; low middlings 14J; market quiet 3Iontoomely—Weekly receipts 2541; shipment* 2017. stock 1873, 7338; low mailings lSIalSi; mar ket fi^m. Selma—Weekly net receipts 3596; shipment* 1936; utock 7286. Nashville—Cotton, weekly recce:pt* C387; shipments 4710; stock 6716; low middlings 132; market firm. City Point—Cotton, weekly net receipts, 810. ~ Providence—Weekly net receipts 40; sales 4900; stock 4000. Liverpool—Noon—Cotton sales 12JXX) bales; speculation and export 2500; uplands 81; Or leans S?o9; market quiet am! steady; Later—Sales include 6400 American. Sales of the week 93,000; export 17,000; fpecula- tion 7,000; stock 487.000; American 96.000; re ceipts 8S.00U; American 49,000*, actual export 9,000; stock aflogt 223.000; Amcrioan 174.000. " Later—Upland*, hot below pood ordinary, ship ped January and February, 9 7-16. loiter—Uplands, not below pood ordinary, ship- ped November and December, 8 5-16. 6 p. x.—Cotton, mica of upland*.not below good Produce. New Yore—Noon—Flour quiet and witnout dorided ebanga. Wheat quiet. Corn quiet and firm. Turk firm; new mes* 15 00. I^ard steady, steam 82* Turpentii* quiet at 40|a41. Rosin' quiet at 2 60 for strained. Freights steady. Evening—Flour, southern dull common to fair extra C 90*7 76; extra 7 90all 00. Whisky dull at 93. Wheat dull and stronger and in buyers* favor. Corn la2 better; demand good abd supply moderate. Cof fee | higher and excited; 600J and prime Rio 24a 241. Rico nnchanged. Pork quiet and firm. Lard firmer at 8J. Naval* quiet. Freights unchanged. Cincinnati—Floqr quiet and steady at 5 00a “ ~ ~~ Vnm old ear S0o51: new ear 45a Pi; Bow held strongly at 14 2^ial4 60. five demond. Lanl, kettle in good at Sa82; principally held at flllk steam quiet at 71. Bacon, shoulder* *carro at Cfi clear nb 7fc clear sides 8; all new. Whisky steady at 88. Sr. Louis—Flour quiet; superfine 400a4 50 Com firmer. No. 2 mixed 45a46 on track; old 4S in elevator. Whisky higherat SS. Pork steady new mess 13 00al3 60. Bacon, nothing doing. Lanl firm. New Orleans—Flour, double extra 5 50a5 50; treble extra 6 50a7 50; family 8 00a9 50; market quiet. Com, supply light; mixed 75; white 76; drooping; tq choice shelled 50. Attendance a AUCTION SALE BY O. E. BESORE. T WILL sell at auction, at 10 o’clock ajn. THIS 1 DAY. In front of and in my store. Bedsteads. Mattrero***, Sofa*. Chair*, three First-class Sew ing Machine*. Tables. Pillows, Harness. Groceries. Crocker* Glassware. Pry Good*. Notions, Jtc.; also huge lot of Household and Kitchen Furniture. Sale positive.deed It OAPT. GEO, ROBISON'S DANCING ACADEMY (Over E. J. Johnston** Jewelry Store). MACON, GA. Oommenrinr. for Gentlemen, on FRIDAY, the 12th inst^ at 71 o’clock p. in., and for Ladies and Children on SATURDAY, the 13tli im»L, at 10 o’clock Terms: Payable when the pupil enters the class. Each Pupil, perjnonth (12 lessons), - $10 00 Sinale Lessons. - 2 00 Private Lesaons (given when desired), 2 00 dec* 5t LOOKtfl YBMIKTEEESTS Just received at the South Macon Drug Store, SEVERAL THOUSAND CIGARS FRESH LOT OF DRUGS Which umst and mU be sold, as the PKICES SHALL SUIT THE TIMES. Also, a fresh lot of TOILET ARTICLES. Any or all the above sold at email profits. Come and toe! Medicine obtained, and Prescriptions com pounded at any hour. S. D. EVERETT, Druggist, <lrc$ 2t Fourth Street, near Arch. RALSTON HALL. WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, DECEMBER lOtli & lltli. BIDWELL & MAC DONOUGH'S BLACK CROOK New Scenery, Ccsinaes and Effects, Of tie Most Gorgeous Description. Tlie Renowned Child Wonder, BABY BENSON. The Charming Premier Danse use, M’LLE LUPO. The Premier Specialty Artiste, MISS JENNIE BENSON. The Wonderful HERNANDEZ TROUPE. The GRAND BALLET And a Full Dramatic Company. THE BLACK CROOK GRENADIER BAND will mako a street parade on Thursday afternoon. Admission: Parquettc anj Dress Circle, $100; Gallery, 50 cents. Reserved Seat* at Brown’* Book Store without extra charge. Owing to tho enormous expense attending the production of tlie Black Crook, the Free List will bo restricted to member* of tlie Press. S:ti iz Africa."—Rev. Dr. Cngler. Prof. Max Mullen Prof. Tyiulall. Prof. Huxley, Lord Lytton, Fritz Reuter,Mrs* Oll- pliant, Ur. W. B. Car penter, C. Kingsley, lire kina nil -Cliatrian, Ivan Turgucnieff, Matthew Arnold, \Y. K. II. Lccky, Miss Tiiackery. Miss Mn- locli. Prof. Richard A. Proctor. Katharine C. Mneqiiuld. Jean Inge- low, George Macdonald, FrouUe, ami Gladstone, aro so;no of the eminent authors lately represented in the pages of Little’s Living Age. A iceellg magazine of sixty-four page*. The Ll vino Aon gives more than THREE AND A QUARTER THOUSAND double- column octavo pages of the most choice reading- matter yearly, forming four largo volumes. It presents in an inexpensive form, considering its great amount of matter, with freshness, owins to m*yl0d2awAwW OBSTACLES TO MARRIAGE. Happy relief far youxg men from the effects of Errors and Abuses in early life. Manhood re stored. Impediments tc marriage removed. New method of treatment. New and remarkable rem edies. Books and circular* sent free, in sealed en velopes. Address. HOWARD ASSOCIATION. No. 2 South Ninth street, Philadelphia. —an institution having a high repitatkm for honorable conduct *nd rm^—^nal skill. Oct29 3m AUCTION. T WILL make u cenecal gale o* Good*. Wares. A and Men haiulise at auction oic>ATURDAY, December 6,1«7S. at 10 o'clock a. m. St my store. 100 Cherry Street, ilaoon. 200 lbs. Fresh. Northern.Butter. 43 galls. Philadelphia Citer. Just arrived and for sale. dec5 ft MILO S. FREEMAN. CITY TAX PAYERS! Tho Last Notice Positively fer This Year. T or arv relied upon to sottle *T1 xvar Tu for this vear. hv the 10th in>t. The time cannot tot* Taio roust be paid by Ilk.*: in order to Ck«*<- tla* year’s busiiv - v' ; if not. i ou will liave to settle a ilh tl^ City llaraijil with extra cost. No one need exj-xt any indulreiuv. As tin* Council has l*oen kind in extendinr tl*-* time, it is hofied vcai will act promptly. The indebted ness of tiie’cifv must Lx- paid. nts. 1 the Tn-a-tirer requires the taxes to liquidate the i-um. Heed tlus coll, and we part exxxl friends. O. P. ADAMS. deci tu thlsat Assessor and Outlet tor. hitc 78. Oats in fair demand at 43a55; sup ply good. Bran dull at 100. Ha\ quiec; prime 24 00; choice 36 00. Pork easier; mess 14 50. Dry salted meats, none in first hands; shoulders nom inally Bacon dull; shoulders 6J; clear rib 8; clear sides SaSfc hams, dioice, in demand; oltl 10a 10|; new 18*14. Lard dull; ticreo 8Ja8|; keg 9aO\. Sugar dull ami drooping inferior 4a5, common 51 fair to fully fair tlutTi; prime to choke 7l*SK Molasses in good demand; inferior 25; common 35 a3*u fair 48*50; prime to choice 55a55- Whisky lid; Louisiana 94; Cincinnatil 02. Coffee 2±ta|. om meal firm at 3 20. . Wilmington—Spirit* turpentine apd rosin, no rates. Crude turpentine steady, hard 2 00; yel low dip and virgin 2 90. Tar firm at 2 40. Loni*on—Nor.n—Sugar, afloat SOsSd. Erening— 1 Tallow 4<V4VL LimpooL—Evenliuc—Breadstuff* dull. Com 35*. Beef 37*9d. Pork 77-Sd. Cumberland cut, new 42s. Marino Nows. New Yoek—Arrived, Manhattan, Benefactor, Flag. Arrived out, Denmark. SxvxNNxn—Arrived, Juvenal, Kate Ayres.— Cleared, Tidal Wave. Several vessels are be- foccvxl in tlie offing. Lives; poo l—Arrived, Annie Bingay, LaPlatta, David 3lcNutt, Cha*. Kobe. Sailed. San Antonio, Bennevis, Florence Chipman. Flora, John Ellis. NEW AX) VERTISE1LEXTS. t 1 BORGIA, DOOLY COUNTY.—ThOK I. In » or. the 20th day uf IXsCetuber, at Given und^ my ixsiul offii (Wfl ?t town of Irwinton, in said county, on tho first Tues day in Jamrary next, within the legal hours of sale, the following property, to-wit: Two hundred acres of land, more or le*a. Sold as the property of Julius W. Eran*. cf said county, lyinz on the Oootiee river, adjoining lands of J. T. Parker, Dr. Wm. Taylor and others, to satisfy one Superior Court fl fa issued from said court. In fa vor of James C. Bower vs Julius W. Evan*. Prop erty pointed out by defendant. Lecal notice servedmi defendant of said levy. Also, at the «ame time and place.Cox m. 40 head of cattle. £5 bead of hors. 1 carriage. 2 six-horse wagons. 1 two-bone wagon* and 2 ox-carts. Sold a* the property of M. J. Carawell to ratify one fi f* issued from the Superior Court of mid countv. in favor of Peyton Clay vs Mathew J. Carswell. All of said property is now on the plantation known in said county a* M. J. Cara well’s old plantation, at which place the same will be delir- «red to purchasers. Also, at the same time and place, 2021 acres of burl, more or less, b ine 1< t No. 216, in the 3d dis- ;:of said county,w!h land is now in the con- • -i M J. : • s : ; nf •• • • *• t f V.*. «• ;• :• : - i. ;-i !r . : r ; v L -s- I - I” ' . 1 J M. Gar- rett, ad.:- : f*;ratorof WaLOarrett. deteoaed,and one fl la issued from the County Court of said n n:.ty in fj\<*■ of Wm. C. Parker rs E. ("iimming J ■ M. i'ir. , s :ra:. ra-f Wm.Gar- A NEW SERIES Was begun January 1,1873, with entirely new Tales, already embracing Serial and Short Stories by distinguished English, French, Ger man, and Russian authors; viz.. Lord Lytton (Bnlwer). Erkmann-Chatrian, Ivan Tur- guenieff. Miss Thackery. Mrs. Olipliant, Fritz Reuter. Mrs. Parr (author of “Dorothy Fox”), Julia Kavauagh. Ac. During tho coming year, as heretofore, the choicest serial awl short stories-by the LEADING FOREIGN AUTHORS will be given, together with an amount nuapproaclied by any other peri odical in tho world, of the best literary and scien tific matter of the day, from the pen* of tho above named and other foremost essayists. Scientists, Critics. Discoverers and Editors, representing every department of knowledge and progress. The importance of THE LIVING AGE toevor American reader, as tho only as vel as fresh compilation of a generally inaccessible but indispensable current literature,—Indispensa ble, because it embrace* the productions of THE ABLEST LIVING WRITERS in all branches of Literature. Science, Art, and Politics, — is suffi ciently indicated by the following OPINIONS. "Reproduce* tho best thoughts of the best minds of tho civilized world, upon all topics of living interest.—Philadetpkia Enquirer. " In no other single publication can there be “And the cheapest. A monthly that comes every trjtk”—The Advance, Chicago. ■ “ The ablest essays, the roost entertaining stories, the finest poeuy of the English language, are hero gathered together.” — Illinois State Journal. m With it alone a reader may fairly keep up with all th*tf is important in the literature, his tory. politics, and science of the day.” — The Methodist, New York. ” In view of all the competitors in tlie field. I should certainly cbooso“Tlio Living Age.”-i/cnry Ward Beecher. " Has no equal in any country.”—Philadelphia Press, 44 Indispensable to every one who desires thorough compendium of all that is admirable ami noteworthy in the literary world.”—Boston Post. Tiie Living Age is sent a year (52 numbers), postpaid, on receipt of $8; or, six copies for $40. EXTRA OFFERS FOR 1874. To new subscribers, now remitting $8 for the year IS74, the last six number* of 1873 will be sent S ratis; or, to those wishing to berin with the TEW SERIES, the numbers of 1873 and 1S74 (104 numbers), will be sent for $13; or, to those preferring, the publishers make tlie following C&b Men tz thi 2:= a aid Icnisa Utaatot. [Possessed of The Living Age and one of our vivacious American monthlies, a subscriber will find himself »g command of the whole situa tion."]—Philadelphia Bulletin. For $10, anv one of the American $4 Monthlies (or Harpers Weekly or Bazar, or Appleton's Journal weekly) is sent with TnE Living Age for a year; or, for $9, The Living Age and Scribner's St. Nicholas ; or, for $S£0, The Liv ing Age and Our Young Folks. Address LITTELL A.GAY, derttSO Holton. NEW ADVEKTISKIHKNTS. A DM IN 1ST RATO R'S SALE.—Agreeable to an fY order of the Court of Ordinary of Wilkinson cctaaty. will be sold, before the Court-house door, in the town of Irwinton, Wiibinxm county, on the first Tuesday in January next, within the le^al hours of sale, the following property, to-wit: 150 acres of lot of land, number not known.but known as the Pearson place, in the 4tli district of said county,adjoining lands of Mrs. Hicks. Paton Clay and others. Sold as tin* property of Jonathan Pearson, late of sai.l county, decoued. fer distri bution among the heirs o* said deeea*»sL Terms cash. ~ JONAH G. PEARSON. decfitds Administrator de bonis non. 1/ rpWIGGS SHERIFF SALE.—Will be sold. beV] A fere the Court-house door, in the town of Jef fersonville, said county, on the first Tuesday in January next, during the lecal hours of sale, the following property, to-wit: Four hundred and eighty-one acres of land, more or k|& bounded a* follows : on the north by land* of Tarver jc Brother; south by M. E. Slap- pey and Mrs. M. E. Carter, and west by W. J. Hodge*. AO of the above described lands lying in the 24th district of said county, now in possession of J. A. McCrea, executor on estate of Gustavus McCrea. Levied on to satisfy One fi fa issued from Twin* Superior Court in favor of C. B. Smith v* T. E. McCrea and G. McCrea. Property pointed out by plaintiff’s attorney.. decfitds RALSTON HALL. JOHN T. FORD, ... Manager. FOB TWO NIGHTS ONLY! The Queen of English Tragedy, JANATTSCHEK! Supported by the Brilliant Tragedian, MILNES LEVICK, And an excellent Dramatic Company. Saturday Evening, December Gtli, DEBORAH. Admission to Farquette and Dress Circle $1; Gallery 50 cents; Reserved Seat* to Farquette an-1 Dress Circle $150. Sale of reserved seats will commence Monday at 9 a. m. at Brown A CVs bookstore. nov30 fit WE ARE ON IT. We are now prepared, and intend to offer LARGE INDUCEMENTS IN Domestics and Dress Goods LONSDALE 4-4 SOFT-FINISH BLEACHING at 15 cents, and All Well-Known Brands at Proportionately Low Figures. DRESS GOODS Marked down from 20 to $3 per cent, and a Corresponding Reduction Jeans, Oassimeres and Blankets. THOSE WHO HAVE MONEY TO SPEND LIST OTTiR, XilHSTE WILL FIND US HEADQUARTERS FOR CHEAP GOODS, AND PLENTY OP THEM. W. A. JUIIAN & CO. TUltKLVSOS SHERIFF SALES.—^Will be » f bold, before tho Court-house door, in tho town of Irwinton, in said county, on the first Tuesday in January next, during tho legal hours of sale, the following property, to-wit: Lots of laud Nos. 149. 12b, 151,152,153, 236,190, and 17 acres of lot No. 163, and 15 acre* of a lot the number of which is unknown, all lying in the 26th district of said county of Wilkinson, and all lying in a body, and being the lands and premises on which Wesley King now live*, contain:? in air 3, 450 acres, more or less, on which are valuable im provements, such as dwelling house, gin-house, screw and out-bouse*. Leviedon tfs the pi of Wesley King to satisfy one fl fa in £a\o.* and* H. Wright against Wesley King, issued from tho Superior Court of said county. Terms cash. Also, at the same time and place, part of lot of rand No. Jn the 4ib district of said countv, containing ISO acres, now in possession of defend ant. adjoining lands of Ellis Harvell, Mrs. Cuzza A. Hall and otliers. Levied on as tlie property of Love Herndon to satisfy one fl fa issued from the Superior Court of said county in favorof Green B. Barney against Love Herndon. Property pointed out by tho defendant. Love Herndon. Terms cash. Also, at the same time and place, 35 acres of land, move or less, of lot No. the 5th district of said county, it lying on the Gordon and Mil- tedgerill.; nulroad, ndioinine lands of Daniel Brewer, Sr, and George McCook and others. Sold as the proj^rty of J.K. Paterson to satisfy a taxfi fa against the said Paterson for his tax of 187:‘ to fine' Levy made and returned 5 toys constable. acres of land, more or less, being part of lot No. 92, in the 4th district of said county. Levied «m as the property cf James L. Branan to satisfy a tax fi fa against said Branan for his tax for the year 1ST A Levy male and returned to me by constable. Property jointed out by defendant. Also, at the same time ami place, 12S acres cf land, number unknown, it being the place where on Jeremiah Dixon now live*, in the 26th district of said county, adjoining lands of I. J. Fountain, G. H. Hatfield and others. Levied on as tho property of Jeremiah Dixon to satisfy one County 1 Court fi fa in favor of J. Bloodworth vs Jeremiah Dixon. Legal notice served on defendant of 1. J Also, at the same time and place, one house w » f-—i « W. A. HOPSON & CO. Inform their friends and the public that there has been a further MARKING DOWN ALli DEPARTMENTS Of their stock. GREAT BARGAINS Will bo offered in all goods in their line, every ar ticle being a specialty. WE MEAN BUSINESS, examination of our entir stock. 39 and 41 Second street. At CostJor Call! I am now offering a large and well-selected stock of fi All of which were bought at Panic Prices, at COST, for tho cash, consisting of Canned Fruits, Vegetables MEATS AND PISH. ALSO, Ensjlbli and Domestic Pickle?, Clow Chow, etc. A large lot of Willow-Ware, Brooms & Demijohns A general line of Ferris* Sugar-cured Smoked Heats Embracing Hams, Shoulders, Strips,Tongues, and Beef, together with a full aisortmeut of Sugars ! Teas! Coffees! And a very complete stock of Nuts, Crackers & Confectioneries I have likewise on hand aud for sale very low, LIQUORS AND WINES Of the most approved brands and perfectly pure. Having made arrangements, too, for a constant supply of / Bananas, Oranges, Lemons And other tropical fruits, and for fat dressed FOWLS, TURKEYS, Etc., Housekeepers would do well to visit my establish ment daily before making up their bill of fare. I am determined to sell at minimum profits and ill guarantee satisfaction io all my patrons. . J. F. BARFIELD. 500,000 Feet of Lumber QP all grades, lor sale cheap for cash. nov29 7t* GILBERT & BASKIN. WM. B. JOHNSTON, JR., (Successor to THOMAS U. CONNER,) DEALER IN HATS, FURS, CAPS, TRUNKS, GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS! EMBRACING CEAVATS, SCAEFS, COLLARS, SHAWLS, THE "DIAMOND SHIRT,” and Eveiy Article of GENTS’ UNDERWEAR. U3IBRELLAS, CANES, SATCHELS. decdoodly Cotton Avenue, next to Mix & Kirtland, Macon, Ga- GREAT PMC SALE NEW TORN STORE, 1ST OTICE TO Contractors and Builders. til FRIDAY, the 5th instant, at 10 o’clock, for the building of a SMALL POX HOSPITAL on the Hospital Grounds. The building to be put up immediately. Plans and specifications to be *n at the Commissioners’ office. By order of the Board. dec3 St S.WAXELBAUM £ BRO. "Will offer their entire stock of desirable goods, FOR CASH, during the next thir ty days at nearly half their value. SPRAGUES’, MERRIMACK and aU the best CALICOES, 10c. AM0SKEAG and second quality PRINTS at Sc. YARD WIDE SHEETING, 10c. • BLEACHED HOMESPUNS, 12)c., wo rth 18c BLEACHED COTTON FLANNEL, 12Je., worth 20c. RED AND WHITE FLANNELS, 25c., wo-.rth 40c. BED TICKING. 15c., worth 23c. ] Jeans, Kerseys, Linseys and Cassimeres Reduced nearly fifty per cent. BLANKETS, BED SPREADS, TABLE DAMASKS, And all kinds of House-furnishing goods at New York cost. These goods were bought during the great Panic and are cheaper than, the same goods sold before tho war. Our stock of DRESS GOODS Which is admitted to bo tho best selected, and comprises tho largest variety and most fashionable fabrics, has been reduced os follows: STRIPED POPLIN 15c., formerly 23c. STRIPED JAPANESE 23c., formerly 40c. SILK STRIPED JAPANESE 35c., formerly 50c. SILK JAPANESE 50c., formerly 75c. SILK STRIPED rOPLIN 50c., worth *1. SATXNES 75o.„ worth 90c CASHMERES 75c., worth $1. SILK POPLIN for $1, worth $1 5 BROCADED IRISH POPLINS for 75c., worth $1 50. 5,000 yards of PLAID DRESS GOODS for children at :25c., worth 40. 10,000 yards of different stylo goods to ho sold immediately at 25c., worth 40 & 50c. 3,000 yards in REMNANTS OF DRESS GOODS at ono-fourth their value. BLACK SILKS, COLORED ALPACAS, COLORED SILKS, FIFTY PER CENT. LOWER THAN FORMERLY. SHAWLS FOR 931 WORTH 95 HOSIERY, GLOVES and all NOTIONS correspondingly reduced- We are offering these great inducements to cash purchasers only. EEMEMBER, WE ALWAYS SELL AS WE ADVERTISE. Having been awarded tho premium at the State Fair “for the ’largest and best stock of dry goods/' our friends and customers can feel assured tjaey will get tho best of goods at tbe very lowest price. S. WAXELBAUM & BRO., Triangular Block, 43,45 and 47 Second st., 21, 23, 25 Cotton avenue. JOHNSON & SMITH, .WHOLESALE FOR RENT. A COMFORTABLE, well arrar.g f >l Dwelling —seven rooms and double kitchen. Apply to HRS. REEVES, nov17tf Cor. Spring st. and Washington FOB RENT. f office in Vi- J. ft. HOLMts. Onfaiin C l EORG1A, DOOLY WV T n»-r. colored, bn* applied K«r j**rsonaltv. and I will pass up»'i the »ine ai o'clock A* M-. oil tbe 13tb day U December. r office in Vienna. Ga- <;i \eti under my band offirutllv. thi» l*«-.-m‘: 1.1-M. J. R.HOLMBS. div5 it ynli-- • from the Count; J. C Shepherd - out fijrffsfeadcuj '•'•ne lime and place, will be sold j 1*4 i-** the town of Gordon, in said county, !. m re or I-". >**1 roomy. ! i-^^esMon of James T. Kirkpatrick, containing 5, in the 5th distrir t >. 1 os the , one acre, more or l«=vs. Levied on as tho property •r Roach to satisfy one n f:» iss»it*l ‘ of John S. Stephens to satisfy a fl fa issued from .•('•air: of entity, in favor of , the Superior Court of Baldwin county, in favor of Roach- Prej-rty pointed 1 M. Sanders vs John Roberts and Jonn Stephens. Lam ikxkv defend- | JOHN T. SMITH. 1 i^.*session. Terms cash rV’fmty Mwriff. • I James T. Kirk pat nek. / 1 KoRtilA. W ILK IN >ON OOl XT Y.—On the , \JI Muu.l-’O hi January - 3 . xl [ to th.* C . rt • .1 of ^ 'ftinlj U r leave % , A . , NELSON STUCK BY. tion of personalty, and I will p**s upon the same at my office. Saturday, DecemK*r 20th. S>73, at o'clock. JAMES J. RAY, uvea gt* Ordimuy, THIS OFFICE. LOST. The finder will THIS OFFICE. FOR RENT. rpilE old Telegraph Rooms over Brown’s book- A store, on Second street. Apply at once to novlbtf MILO S. FREEMAN. We have a largo and varied stock of GROCERIES and LIQUORS in store, which we offer at low prices. "We will continue to sell to PROMPT CUSTOMERS On 30 days, but those of our friends who have not paid up their accoun ts within that time must not expect U3 to accommodate them, 'with further credit. "V\7b desire to approximate as nearly to cash as the condition of! trade will admit, and necessity compels us to require hereafter the very best secur ty from those who wish, io buy on 30 days. JOHNSON & SMITH, MASONIC TEMPLE, MULBERRY STREET, dec3tf Macon, Georgia. Situations as Teachers A„> 1 hi l, V » untes of Georgia"Colleges. Are preimr^it 0 teach Latin, French, Higher Mathematics, Draw ing. Music on Piano. Calisthenics. Two or three Years’ experience. They prefer situations i n Middle or Upper Georgia, near each other; would be willing: to take a scho»>l together, or seperaUiv lies. Tes Address deraville. Ga. —'h othei --c- - r -chool together, o _ 'hools, or in private families. Teach at ante prices. Best of re'- 4 * dec2 eo«lrttAw2t* For Rent. fllHE residence of tho lute J. R. Butts, on First X street, occupied at present by J. L. Sauls- bury, eligibly lo<*ted and convenient to business. Possession given October 1st. Apply to A. B. ROSS, *en!0tf Or HAFT. A. G. BUTTS. NOTICE, NOTICE. 1 7ARM HANDS FOR IURE.-Farties wishing . pood reliable field hands for tho ensuing year will do well to apply to GEO. C. NAPIER. Care A. P. Collins, 69 Second st., Macon, Ga. nov29eod2\v* Situation Wanted. A S a dry poods or grocery clerk, by a voung man largely acquainted w Middle and South west Georgia, who can give the best and most satisfactory references. Address T. J. L, novlGtf Care Telegraph and 3Iessenger. NOTICE. rpHB wild land digest is now ready for those in jL this county owning wild lands in other counties to come forward and pay their taxes. The time is wry short. C. T. WARD, nov3S Sal Ordinary. FOR RENT. T WO DWELLING HOUSES, eligibly located. Apply to R. F. LAWTON. At Exchange Bank, or to I)r. A. P. COLLINS, ]ulyl7tf At Collins’ A Heath* NOTICE. mo ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN .—This X is to notify each aud every person that O. W. Massey holds my note for one hundred and sixty dollars, given in February or March, 1872, and due on or about tlio first of November fol- lowing, for a cotton gin. I have returned the gin to said Massey, as it did not givo satisfaction, and will not pay said note us it belongs to me. J JOHN H. FENN. Vienna, Ga. This November 24.1873. nov2fl lw FOR SALE CHEAP. A N lmlf-acre lot with a six-room dwelling, kitchen, outhouses, etc., situated on Second street between Oak and Arch. I* within a few minutes walk of tho business part of the city, de pot and workshops, and has proven to be ahialthy place. Apply to D. D. CRAIG. auglOeodtf It. A. MORRIS. ROR PROVIDENCE! T IE STEAMSHIP SOMERSET (1100 tons) will sail for the above port on THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4th. Through bills of lading giren to Boston. New Bedford. Fall River and other manufacturing points in New England. RICHARDSON A BARNARD, agents, novffl 74 Savannah. Q*. AUCTION! GENERAL Commission and Storage I lOO Clicrry Street, Macuu, Ca. /CONSIGNMENTS of Kootls. ware nnil mcr- vy cha ndUo Mlkited. to bo Oi at I-UDlic or pri- ra fi<>Ss of ail kinds received on storage at usual rates. 1 refer bv permission to Hon W A Huff. May<jr. Macon. Ga. Hon C A Nutting, President City Bank, Macon. Hon John E Jones, President Central Georgia Bank, Mi won. _ „ , Messrs Cubbed pc, Hazlclmrst & Co.. Bankers, Macon. Messrs J W Burke A Co, Macon. Messrs J B Rom AST Coleman, Macon. Messrs Johnson A Smith, Macon. Messrs Seymour, Tinsley A Co.. Macon. Messrs Groer. I-ake A Co., Macon. Mr G B Roberts. Macon. novSlm MITiO S. FRKKMAN. 3ST O TI G E! I OFFER to exchange property in Griffin con sisting of Tlireo Dwelling Houses, Ono Office, and Tito Unimproved Lots, all eligibly situated, for good and WELL IM PROVED PLANTATION PROPERTY. For further particulars address me at Griffin, Ga. G. II. LAWTON. NOTICE. G eorgia, bibb county- OituiSABT’s OFFICE. Novemlier 15,1875. I have in mv office tho Standard Weights and Measures for Bilili county. All persons engwd in selling by weights and measures are hereby notified that by the Rth day of Januaiy. i87A I will be reaily to test and mark the weights and measures of all vendors in this county,as required «v»": ??n n UHder "if SrtJfSri&i nov!5 eodim C. T. WARP. Ordinary. PtFG-BUS PREMIUM GALLERY B Y reference to the published premium list it will bo seen that Pugh was awarded, 6 « the 10 premiums offered at the late State Fair. Hi3 new process for retouching is creating quite a sensation. nor\td_ Bar and Kestaurant. OPEN ALL NIGHT. J. VALENTINO, H AVING refitted his entire pre .aiscs. is now prepared to furnish his fnend.* and patrons with everything pertaining to a first-class restau rant, which will be served in the very bat style. He will always have on hand \ FRESH FISH, OYSTERS, GAME} ETC. Strangers visiting 3Iaoon should give hint I will oi»en on tho 1st of October, at No. ee Cherry street, next door to my present restaurant, a Ladies’ Fating Saloon. To Rent or Lease. A LEVEL PLANTATION in a high state cf cultivation; 500 arresof open land; a large modern dwelling; spacious ccw and horse barns, now; thoroughly stocked with fine horses, cows, mules, etc. Also, corn, foodcr, j>easc, oats, etc. in fact, everything necessary to make a crop next year, including several hundred loads home-mado manure. Labor abundant; society good; school and church convenient; one hour’s rule to Macon on Southwestern road. Applicants must 1)0 well ivoommeded. For further particulars apply to GEO. W. HEAD, Macon, 1 or SITUATION WANTED. A MAN of experience in general business, well acquainted with Macon, its. surroundings and prospects, wants suitable employment He is a good accountant, knows about transportation and the cotton trade, insurance, etc. lias been a bank cashier, and thinks himself an honest man. An immediate engagement can bo made. Inquire of. or address „ nov22ood3t* JOHN RUTHERFORD. NOTICJKJ. I OFFER for sale a omall farm m rumsJnncoim- ty, five miles from JIarshalville, S. W. R. K*. containing 405 acres, under high state of cultiva tion, being level, with good fences, good water; bail dings new, except the dwelling, which has been recently repaired. Said place is level ana in a healthy locality, Terms made easy.-Apply w> GEO. S. HAS LAM. Sr.. 31 arsh.ilville, fla. ortl8 6w For Sale. O NE of the most ralmble places in Virerrillc. known as the Bryant iJae ■.rontaminR about forty-five acres, anil be sold for ou.h or cotton, or exchangtxl for real estate in the Apitlv to A. J- nctliiedatf At Oliver. Douriass A Co Georgia Land and Water Power For Sale. NTrlTH a view to a I«rtW rhance of mvMt- L^TU^TraM^raS^Sres to two thousand. Address ^ LUNDY. KTEVER SO XsO'Vkr A.S XSTO'TO"! ENGLISH BRUSSELS, at $112, $1 25 and $140. H KAVY WOOL CARPETS, 75 cents. $100 and $1 25. RUGS, MATS, STAIR CARPETS, etc. OIL CLOTHS, 50 cents square yard—up. _ LACE CURTAINS, a larrre stock. IS50 each pair, $4 00, 3® «, $« 00.17 00, |8 00, »10 00 and any price. N. B.—Send your plans and buy Bargains. LATHROP A CO.. r.o\-29 eodlm Savannah, Ga. GEORGE W. HEAD, EXCLUSIVE WHOLESALE TOBACCO DEALER, AND CIGAR MANUFACTURER, No. 4. Blake’s Block, may ly Poplar at., IXaccai, Ga. WANTED. A PARTNER to work °? ^M.'^hareS A river. To one who can furnish Ins shareo; Ul 1 means (say *3,000) to stock [“"d tru i'i,bor! experiento in planting and .can co .. .- r . ^.St favorable arrangement U offered. Kcier MS will be required. Address. J0HNS0N -, GiwBvflteMi* T. H. BRADFORD, w Williamette, Arkansas county. Art- octi*2b.u “ OCtS© "W. W ‘ 1U ‘ tiS STSSSfy tion of hona*te=u ; and IsTJ. at at my offioeun the xotu any o WQLFE