The Macon telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1873-188?, December 09, 1873, Image 2

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iFtlcqi iwhdjfflcssieuflcr j found n T all. The gnu I , 1 - I • V \ Ml 'I.M '>■•■■ I'Ki Ucoi^u don ta; fr i.i tuil i .1 : of • Criminal Caw. k fi ia *ho ry. wliel v.-c the rtin- rrullv vi WVr.- tl divine— Sunday- L the criminal b norally an 1 thoroughly fautnx t - i branch'of looming, lmman and :* parents. and toaohora, and K-hool instructors, and ministers nol. mM take illy what tonally, te y do t: "pi rely le of MX ian lx-in l tpccifu and ever Old if venty per cent, of what is called ten is some analysis not to be ten at graceful willows whose sem blance; « mameut the porcelain ware of China have doubtless contributed their foliage. There are mysteries of o-.-hre .i.J pi^uieat that will never he unfolded. And hug before the leaves are to care fully incased in the thinest of lead and i . i« i ■ ■ 1 v. ith the most entrancing of i .cioglyphic assurances, the vilest teas i. iv. bi-en mired again and again with the pare t that started from the interior . f China. The Euelish investigators ad- that tl.i-y :ee no remedy. As usual, with Englishmen in trouble, they insist tl. i! the foVernmeut ought to do some- tii ! ;;; exactly what, they do not say. Pi rl.ap: British guns may again lie thun dering the I tape rial palace ; gun powder l« relied on to rectify tea, and ti) Chine e be required to turn over a new leaf. F*. fr_ R-jJOHNSON & SMITH, THE GP.SAT B SHEET HOME PURPOSES. FOP. I WHOLESALE Mlh British & Mercantile INSURAN CU COM L»AN Y. LONDON' AN'I) EDINBURGH. TAKEN INTERNALLY—II • diluted tn -rater, la ijlnuiitilri and str.nrtlicr:i:i^. APPLIED EXTERN ALLY—- pain i c .; -Hot J- :i. : Slul's 1'AlN'qui CAPITAL—COLD ■y occupation of -y would couple pecific punish- tin Dirino wrath In the j Kpi -opal Church. the chnrch of thos i evil human and divine, often-t lines inevitahl.. tend of dozing over gi-ncrali- 9 several ppei h-s of teachers are wonderfully wont to do, crime would bo better undi nitood and eommltteil far lean often. In this sense, i( would bo well to have the simple t form of hand book of criminal law, exhibitin'; the out line of our common law and statutory criminal code introduced and taught in our public nchools. Klcmcntatty Geology of ’i'ennesecc is n part' of the coorae of instruction in the public schools of that State, as pn-acrihod by law. Such should be the requirement or tlio law In Oeor- via also; for what would lietter conduce to tho den-lofiincnt of the vast material wealth of theoe States than a thorough knowledge of their respective geological resources? And what would impress on the minds of tho young a greater horror of crime than a knowledge of ita enormi ties and its earthly ix-nalties, which quickly pursue it in this world, and in voltre the ten- next ? We an* led to those rellectiona by an examination of tlic excellent ''Ilnad-Hot of Otorrpa Criuiiaol Low end Procedure, prepared by John C. I iced. Esq-, of I,-r ington.fla., and published by J. W. Ilurke, In Macon, Prepared for the legal pro- fe ion, in its present form it would scarcely l*e miitaldii for a school Imok but it would be exeiiedingly profitable to the public if it hail a general c’rculation alien; intelligent business men outside of the legal profession, especially among jart ices of tho peace, sheriffs, constable.; and all gooil oitirons, who are or may lie- come-jnrors. And among legal • gentle men whose duties may lead them to pros, cento or defend persons charged with crime, this excellent "Hand-nook” U an indispensahlo necessity. All the offence known to the criminal laws of Georgia arc dircusacd trriatim in alphabetical ordei the definitions are copied from the Code wloliui, and are enriched hy citations to all the authorities ol our Supremo Court and many other nut horitii-s having a bear ing then-on. Forms of indictments and other criminal pleadings are set forth, suited to every apociea of offense, and statutory and other rules of practice and of evidence nre set forth in such complete and comprehensive manner as to entitle tho volume well to ita title of “Hand- Book of Georgia Criminal law and I’m- ci-durc, containing the statute law late as Hie nmaioa of January, 1872, and tho jn dicial ileeisiou i to tho Forty-Second Geor gia Report*, digesteil nnd alphabetically arranged; comprising many original notes on various titles, and a full collection of appropriate forms.” Added to other val uable features, tho work contains an ex haustive table of. cited Code sections— another of Georgia Supreme Court cases cited, and a complete general index to the whole work. Yet nil these merit*, by virtue of great terseness, lucid arrange’ ment, nnd avoidance of unnecessary repe tition. are brought within tho compass of a mail, neat, light volume, well l-oiind in law-calf, and handsome enough to adorn the nbelviw of the finest law library in the land. It well illustrates the fact that Mo.nm. J. W. II... Vo a Co. eau -put lip as good a jolt as Northern law publishers, and that if Southern law-writers "go fur ther” to get their works brought out, they are liable to "fare worse,” as the old adage expresses it. \Y. O. if. Itisliop It U th «le- j Church to f 1 p.rtion to it] size 1. 1 ... lv a ith quainted. Hut it L ating characteristi A Revelation in Ilevera£es. New York Tribune.) There is grief in store for teetotalers Tho tremulous forefinger of the drunkard ■hall ba points'll at. them derisively. For many years they have had him at n dis advantage. In tract i and lmoks and lec tures they have taunted him with tho adulteration of his favorite tipple. Was it Lunion stout? They told him of the “swipes” collected in drippings from liar- room rales, fortified with catechu, nnd bottled for exportation. Was it ale? They told him of t he percentage of strych nin.' that ha.1 been developed by chem ical examination out. of the brewings of some unscrupulous malster. As for l>oer —whether small or lager—they referred to a standard authority, which siys "it is scandalously adulterated,” and further specifies that "quassia, gentian, wormwood, broom-top ar»- addl'd to impart bitterness ; capsicum, ginger, coriander, orange-pod, earraway, to give pungency; opium, coecnlus indiens. nux vomica, toKwvo, poppy. henbane, to in toxicate ; molasses, sugar, treacle.ns sub stitutes for malt; sulphuric acid, alum, vitriol, salt, to give various properties.” Was he a more ambitious drinker who pointed with pride to the cobwelw and the given seal on t'ce Kittle or tho crust within ? Then they demonstrated that no genuine port or sherry ever reached this country, because the Knglish demand absorbed all the product of the district where those wines were made; that no madeira had left the island of its nativity for a quarter of a century, except to sup ply the neods of a few princely families in Europe; that the champagne actually produced in France was not one-fifth of tho decoction consumed as such; that American whisky exported came back di bits'll and with condiments as the juice of the vines of Rhineland or of Burgundy. Even in the stronger drinks there was no refuge. Fusil oil became a synonym for tho product of our native stills. The United States Sanitary Commission print ed a statement that no puie brandy, fit for hospital purposes, was imported. But now tlie irrepressible man or ■donee has turned his lens upon the to- total U'verage. Never more shall the peaceful sowing society discus* in securi ty their cups and their neighbors’ affairs. Never again shall the hackneyed line of the loud of Olney be quoted over tho hi-ring urn with a-iy faith in its contents. The tea of China is a fraud of the most desperate character. A sanitary commit tee not sat upon the leaf in London, and found a new wrinkle in it. Tho evidence is absolutely appalling. There are in the warehouses of I-oadon not loss than ten miUieu pounds of t< a so shockingly adul terated aa to be utterly "unfit for human food." To think of it, drink of it. then, if you can. A billion of cups tliat ran never cheer. An ocean of bitterness that can never lie sweetened. We had heard whispers of such Celes tial trickery, indeed, from time to time, bat accounted thorn only t. :\1 r ' tail's. One investigator, w ho had pene trated to the centre of tho Flowery land, had assured us that all green teas were paint,-1. . r w. : . ,-i : i : y di resti.'-a in copper. An English chein i - t had ex tracted, and exhibited in public at a lec- ture, one pound of Bnniu blue which had colored the contents of a oho t. of tea. Hut then another explorer came forward and declared that in the K- t the differences of color wore obtained by cur ing tho at diX.-rent o of it.- growth, and th#adulteration- imi- t’ummius’ Secession. peculiarity of tlie Episcopal tish more schisms iu pro- size than any other re- rhicli we are ac- aiso the compen- of these wliHBia that they amount to very little. Since .1 ),ti W.- 1- y, without the h-a^t int.-ntion of doing it, became the leader of the se- . ion which has since come to be called Methodism, there has lieen no defection from the Epi-.copal Chnrch, cither in the Angii.-an or tho American branch of it, which has proved very formidable or lasting. Individuals ore passing out to wards Koine or towards Geneva. But Hoi.,! of the attempts to form a camp of Christians at any point between prelacy and papacy on the one side or Presbyte rian: m on tlie other has had any endur ing success. We do not see the signs of sm-h a success in the meeting called by I)r. Cummins, and mainly consisting of that ox-prelate, which met yesterday at As sociation Hall. That cave of Adullam was not thronged with the discontented of the Nor did the weight in who met there com pensate for their poverty in numbers. The most conspicuous mom ben of that lection of the church from which Bishop Cummins must have expected to draw his following were conspicuous yesterday only by their afe-nce. Mr. Cheney w:i3 inevitably present, anil Mr. Cheney, to be sure, naan congregation of Cheneyites, whom lie lias led out of tlie Episcopal fold, and whom it is possible ho may per suade to become Cununinsites. But that is in Chicago, where all tilings arc become new. And even in Chicago we doubt whether it Ls passible to form a church on the lash of tlie personal objectiona- blcm-ss of the Bishop of Illinois. Tlie defection of Bishop Cum mins does not look uiiii'li more dangerous than the mutiny of Mr. Cheney. Like the Ritualists from whom lie revolts Bishop Cummins pur po3os to establish a church on the basis of a prayer-book. Only in tho case of tlie Ritualists it is the prayer-book of Ed ward Vr„ and in the ease of Bishop t’ummius it is tho prayer-liook of Bishop White, of Pennsylvania. Those liturgies, widely different as they are, have this in common, that they are known only to ec i-lesiastieal scholars. And the Episeopa lians who may K- supposed to have roost knowledge of Bishop White’s prayer ltook and most sympathy with Bishop Cummins' movement—the "evangelieal' r Episcopal clergy of Philadelphia—have just unite,1 in a declaration that they altogether disapprove of Bishop Cum uiins’ action. The platform, so to speak, of tho new church which was erected yesterday rather shows the new move ment to lie superfluous than tends to wards liowing it to be needful. TheMeth' odist Episcopal Church holds-tlio same ground which Dr. Cummins holds upon piscopacy and upon several other if not upon nil of the subjects which his plat form treats. There seems to Le no doc trinal reason why ho and his should not nti-r any one of several churches al ready extant nnd avoid the inconveni- of forming a new one and tho scan dal of an open schism. As to church government, that is avowedly only ao»i er of convenience to Dr. Cummins, and surely upon a question of convenience it is not convenient to build n church. Wo suspect, however, that schism is not n dreadful word in tho cars of Bishop Cum mins. and that he would rather bo con- picuous as the founder of a new church than an obscure Jaliorer in a vineyard al ready laid out. This liny lie a reason to I’ishop Cummins, but why should it ben reason to anybody else? The echo of tho empty hall in which his meeting was held appear* to answer, why ? Tlie ostensibl cause of Bishop Cummins’ withdrawal from tlie Episcopal Church certainly does not give any warrant for the forinationofn new church. That cause was that tho Episcopal Church did not [vrinit its prievt i to commune with Christians of other denominations under other forms than its own. There is no doubt that such is the attitude of the Episcopal Church. But there is also no douht that there are many churches which permit their members tho privilege which Bishop Cummins craves, nnd that there is no necessity for a new church to hold per sons of the mind of Bishop Cummins, To erect n chnrch on so narrow a founda tion seems like paying tithes of mint and anise and Cummins, and neglecting the weightier matters of the law. And lien however estimable a person Bishop Cum mins may be, he does not look like a for mula) dc heresiarch.—N. Y. I Tori J. II' SUDDENLY SEIZED with r.. jpoonful in a rlss« eg wit. r. will, in ulcs. n wove all unaanne I lie.ires Store MeriluuJi- * t ure and ail ot her property at $10,000,000 Pvitliaik Eunii- PERSONS SUBJECT to spjo; '. \y. heart dis- , lii-u-buii. Malden fointOMtv WHIM ki-'p • be rebel near them: atronmnfal in w ater, will J a torrr miBBtea, remove all din. ally. Radway’s Ready Relief If« Grand Power In the PrevtHtio. nnd Core of Pt«tllential and Contagion* DUrnse^. It i* In dianc* whew immeJiate and ibcohxt* asti't&nce and rvlicf i* required wherein this rem edy pnma it* anrvrior. and we rni^ht say, sujer- natural power m caring. life arul prutnetin? health In msec where epidemic diccacec, pestilence, frwr*. r\>t. ti..- r. m.ilv pn.vo tiu- potent power of a disinfectant. mroiHuf h:iJ t urc. No one that t s.-s the lLiuiv Rrli.-f when Asiatic cholera, yellow fever, typhoid fever, small-IN?*, diptlieria. et<% prevail in a cwunfuni ty. will be aafand with these disease* — J : st*ized when nshw it. will be cured if t tions are followed. Simple as this remedy fiOcsesses the elements of cwreof the most violent, painful end fata! diseases that seooire the earth. We hare a large an*! varied stock of OROPEKIErf and LIQUORS in store, which offer at low prices. We trill continue to sell to PROMPT CUSTOMERS LOWEST RATES! L C. PLANT A SON. Agents. s;*plC Cm Maeon. Ga. STONEWALL si B. P. WALKER, Late of S. T. & B. P. Walker. Late Jf%j WALKER & DOB f = m CHINA. CROCKERVyCLASS WARF| On 30 days, but those of oar friends who have not paid np their accounts within UC W-IW-U unu unr-rr s.-^i -. 3!ltl if I hcanxin; it. «ill )-: Mired if tiudirer- ] that time must not expect ns to accommodate them with further credit. We desire to approximate as nearly to cash .is tho condition of trade will admit, and necessity compels us to require hereafter the very host security from those who wish to buy on 30 days. The Cause of the Yllle du Paris Dis aster. The Herald, of Wednesday, says this shocking calamity not only might liavo boon avoided, but was actually duo to a wrong order to the man at the wheel. It adils: If we accurately interpret the words, whi'h the cable lias put iu a somewhat ambiguous form, the sailor on the look out reported a ship in sight to tlie officer on duty, who gave a “confused order” to tho helm-man, and on this "confused order ” tiio whole histoiy of the occur- rence wilt turn. No doubt tho wheel was put the wrong way. The officer referred to, who has perished, is also blamed by tlie captain. It appears that, as com monly happens in these coses, there was no discipline. There were also no life preservers. One gentleman searched vainly in four cabins for these articles and found none. Our present dispatches corre t previous statements regarding tlie weather. It was a clear, starlight night. Situations as Teachers TlfANtBU 1 y two young Indie*, stators. ktb4* ? > itab s of (ieorjji* ColW»% ATO prwjmrvd to ■:u h Latin. French, Higher Mathom&tios. Draw- . V.iiMt i«n l'i.tno, rnlistheuic*. Two or throo .rs* cxporienc^ They prefer situations in ildk* or Uppor Geoivia. near «*iu-h othor; would linxto take a school together, or separately, Nehools. or in private families. Touch at i'. lh->t of reforenov. Address 1 fodfttTrtl’ Box SS. Sander** die. Ga. Vtiii. jaiu NOTICE, NOTICE. | HANDS FOR HIRE.—Farties widling 1^ reii.nhle field liands h>r the year will do well to apply to GEO. C. NAPIER. Care A. P. Collin*. 09 Second st-, Macon, Ga. NOTICE. :!A. 111UB COUNTY— tations only attempted»it U inferior chops. And wliile many of v.s f. i wuv the in- iqitities of Yf-un; Hyson th. r.-after, there were few who would not {mu their faith on lUo sereue parity of En,;h i lb-.;atit.t or Oolong. Alas for th.- iunriniri. ■ of e, h-.ti.d mind.! The obliquity of tlirao almond- uhaped eyes that iiavo Ix-on winking O'or the imposture tiiey have put upon red- haired barbarians for many a year, ftir- passvs belief. The proportion of lulult.-- iated teas "unfit for human fisni” is more than a fourth of the amount on hand ill London, for exportation. A much as ilM kv s OrriCE. XoveniUr 1 j. 1-TS. rilice the Standard WViirhls aud :>h county. All perNixiis engaged m s,'ihn»r Py uetahU aiid measure* are lirreby i...ti:.**%! that hy the ISth day of January. 1*74, 1 \\ ill l»e n-ady to test and im.rk the welrhU and uwxLsnreBof all midonin required br law. Given under my hand officially. i.-.\ ,'vulini r. T. WARD. Ordinary. EADWAY’S EEADY BELIEF WILL AFFORD INSTANT EASE. INFLAMMATION OP THE KIDNEYS. INFLAMMATION OF THE BLADDER. INFLAMMATION OF THE BOWELS, CONGESTION OF THE LUNGS. SORE TnROAT, DIFFICULT BREATHING. PALPITATION OP THE HEART HYSTERICS, CROUP, DIPTHERIA. CATARRH, INFLUENZA, HEADACHE, TOOTHACHE. NEURALGIA. RHEUMATISM COI-D CHILLS. AGUE CHILLS. The application of tlie Ready IL-licf to the lart or part, where the pain or difficulty exist, will af ford ea.- nml cr*mf(,rt. Twenty drops in half a tumbler of water will in a few indun-nt, cure Cramp., Spurn*. Sour Stom ach, Heartburn, Sick Heartache. Colic, Wind in tlie Bowels, nnd nil internal Jains. Traveler* should oIwot* carry a latlleof R:ul- wa.i ’« Ready Relief with them. A lew drops in water will prevent sickness or pains Iroin clamre of water. It is better than French Brandy or Bit- ters as a RtiniuLuit. FEVER AND AG-UE. Fovor and Ague cured fnr fifty rents. There is not a remedial agent in the world that win ••ire Fever and Ague, and all other 3Iahrious, Dili..11s. Scarlet. Typhoid. Yellow and oilier IVver* (aided hy Kadw:iv’s Pills) so quick as Railway's Ready Relief. Ready Relief 50 rent* per tattle, and Pills S3 rents a tax. Sold by drug^tats. JOHNSON & SMITH, MASOXIC TEMPLE. MULUEKKY STREET, Macon, Georgia. WINSHIP & CALLAWAY, HEALTH! BEAUTY! STRONG AND PURE RICH BLOOD—IN CREASE OP FLESH AND WEIGHT- CLEAR SKIN AND BEAUTIFUL COMPLEXION SECUR ED TO ALL! DB. RADWAY’S Sarsaparillian Resolvent Ha* made too most n*toni*himr cure*. So quirk *o rapid arethedinnirrs the body iindenroe.*. unde the kill nance of this truly wonderful medicine that KVEQT DAY AX INCREASE IX FLESH AXD WEIGHT IS SEEN AND FELT. Till: GREAT 1*1.00 II I*t IMFIKK. Every dropof tho SARSAPARILLIAN RESOL VENT communicatee through the blood, ewea urine and othrr Ih.ids and jui«v« of the sy*t*m of lift*. f<>r it repairs the w:,*»les «»f the l^xly with new nnd sound material. Scrofula. Cy)Jtilis, OonatHnytfion, tlleniluhu DKIIN’S, L.T* •rs« in llie Throat and Mouth. Tumors. Node* in ic Glands and other jiarts of the system. Sore yea. StrnmorouB IHmnergca from the Ear*, and le worst form of Skin Diseases. Knijition, Fever ores. Scald Head, Ring Worm. Salt Ilhenni.Enr- pelas Acne, Dark Stmts. Worms in the Flesh. Tumors.raiuvr* in tin* \VomK and ail \Wrik«*isin^ and Painful Dtat-hanres, Nizlit Sweats. Loss of SjK*nn, and sill wastes of tho life principle, are within the curative range of this wonder of Mod- rn Cliemistry. and a few days’ use will prove to any person using it for either of these arms of ' Cease its ]M»tciit to dire tilt m. If tho mtient. daily IhR—ing ndond by the waste and decomposition that is continually pro- greasing. succeeds in arresting these wastes, ami reinirs the same with new material made from | healthy blood—and this the SARSAPARILLIAN ill and does secure—a cure is certain; for when once this renied} ivnniu’iuvs it' w.-rk of purilie;i- tioii, and succetsta in dimiuMumr the Kras o wastoa, itarepofm trill ta rapid, and every day tho jkatient will ftvl himself growing lietter and stromr- r. the food dtavsting ln-tter, :ij-j*etite improvimr. ind flesh nml weiclit in. r- i'ir-. N- t onlv doe> the SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT excel al! im Remedial agents in the cure of Chronic, Scrofulous. Constitutional nnd Skin Diseases, but is the only positive cure for Kidney and Bladder Complaints, Urinary and Womb Diseases, Gravel, Diabetes Draper. Stoppage of Water, Incontinence of Urine, lfrii;ht*.s Disease, Albuminuria, and in all cases where there are brick dust deposits, or the water is thick, cloudy, mixed with substances like tho white of an flmc, or threads like white silk, or there is a morbid, dark, bilious appetnuM* and white bone dust deposit, and when there is a pricking, burning sensation when passing water, and pain iu the small of the back and along the loins. Tumor of 12 Years’ Growth Cured by Radway’s Resolvent! O 3L. O T ZEE X 1ST Cr A r r WIIOLESA ! ,K. Beverly, Mass.. July 1C, 1SG7. Dr. Rad WAY: I have hud Ovarian Tumor iu the ovaries and both. All tho Doctors said “tliere iu» help fi.r it.” I trUsl e\. rytliimr that wa* raeommeuaedo but nothin? heli*cd me. I saw vour Ib'sohent, and thought I would try it; but had no faith in it.became I hadnflend for twelve Vi'ars. I took six tattles of tlie Resolvent, and one tax of Radway’s ITUs, and two bottln of your Ready Relief; and there is not a sign of tumor to U* vvii -.*r i.-li. I f.vl lv ;ter. smarter and h.ip- than 1 have for twelve years. The worst tu mor was in the left side of the tauels, over the eroin. I write this to you for the benefit of others. You can publish it if you choose. HANNAH P. KNAPP. WORMS! PRICE $1.00 PER BOTTLE. An Important Letter From a prominent gentleman and resident o nnati.O.,for tlw jki.nI forty years well known to the book jmblislicrs throughout the United States: New Xore, October 11.1S73. 1)R. IUDWAY: Dear Sir—1 am indared by a sense of duty to the suffering to make a brief sL-i le nient of tlie working of your medicine on myselL For several years I liad been aflectOit with some trouble in tta Madder and urinary organs, which some twelve months aro culminated In a most ter ribly alliK’iin^ ilisease. ul.ieh the j.liy'u ia!!' ai said was a sjKismodic stricture i:i the ureta. as also inilammuliou of thelidnejs ar.d bladder.nud gave it as their opinion that my age—73years— ki prevent niv ever vettinr radically cured. 1 hail a r.amlHT *»f j and ha*: t:iki n lana* quantity »f lnedn me, tadh alopathie and amconathlc. but ta«l »a>t no relief. I had rand o utooiaiiBg cure* having been made by your rem edies. and vine four month* a*ro raaa a notice iu the Philadelphia Saturday Evening Post of a cure ha\in*r tas-n elTeet«nl on a j*erM.*ii \;!k. Imd \oi\e been sufferinc as 1 lad been. I vent ricr. toff and une of i*oi *h—your Sarsnjgirillian R**ady Relief and lieirutatimr 1T11>—and com- **d taking them. In three da \ l was greatly ctl. and now feel as well as ever. C. W. JAMES. Cincinnati. O. WE liavo opened a wholesale apartment over onr retail store, and invito the Georgia, Alabama and Florida merchant! who liny in this market to give us a call. Wo will sell them on as good ternm and at as low price.? as they can lmy them in New York. Onr stock is the largest that has ever lieen brought to this State. The RETAIL DEPART PA ENT Is filled with everything that is choice and stylish for a gentleman's c.ntfit. Call an.l reo % .Virginia All Wool Cassimere Suits, Good as the Scotch, for $13 pel- r.uit, worth $23 CO SECOND STREET, MACON, GA. C. J. GAMBLE. A. BECK. A. W. GIBSON. GAMBLE, BECK & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, PROVISION AND LI0U0R DEALERS. LOWEST MARKET PRICES GUARANTEED. 61 THIRD STREET. FERTILIZER For sale hy TURPIN & OGDEN, SOI.K AGENTS, MACON, GA. octTtf ^ CANNED GOODS! CHOICE GOODS IN TIN AND GLASS, FRUIT JELLIES, FRUITS, TICKLES, SALMON, LOBSTERS. OYSTERS, etc. Just received direct from one of tlie most reliti Me nuekiii? cstablUhuicnts in the country, and lor sale,nt low jirices. octiltt B. II. VRIGLEY A CO. Howard House BROAD STREET, Ni-arly o|,|>ouilu Montgomery and Eufuula Rail- road Del lot. EUVAULA, ALABAMA. J. \V. HOWARD, - - 1’EOPHlBTOiitt. Only a short walk to and from tho Southwest- cm Railroad. Seventy-five cents saved in omul Inis tam iu>rils Sn> THE FOUR LEADING PIANOS Now manufactured are th.* Knabe, Hallott, Davis & Co., Haines Bros., And Southern Gem Athl the best and Cheapest Place to Buy One Is at LUDDEN & BATES’ MUSIC HOUSE SAVANNAH. GA. Freni 25 to 50 different price* aiul styles always on hand. Every pun hnscr tninranUvd a rood instrument L.*iry«*st piano troile iu the South :md lowest prices. Every one thinking of buying a piano ta inviUsl to write us for terms and prices. ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUES FREE. SPECIAI. NOTICE Until times are tatter, we shall sell pianos at wholesale j»ri(\'s for cash or on short time. We jaiaranteo first-rate Pianos for S275, and Superior Pian<»s.$Si5.j«50 and $S75. The very l»est Piaiuvs, $100. $140. $450, $475. $500, $550 and $<i00. Pianos never liavo lieen soKl so cheap before. Tliese prices are only for the pres cut. Do not let the chance go by. Piano* delivered, freight |»id, to cash buyers in tliJ South. Pianos sold on long time. COTTON IPOll PIANOS We will take cotton at Savannah market price, delivered at any point on the railroad, in exchange for Pianos or Organs, at cash prices. LUDDEN X BATES. novCHf Savannah. Ga W. W. WOODRUFF, CARRIAGE REPOSITORY, v <> TN, M A very style of Carriages, llugti.* or M agon* fur- 1 ashed at the lowest possible price at this Repository. The Woodruff Concord Buggy, Ccl.-brated lor light draft and durability, is the leading Buggy, and a specialty. To Rent or Lease. \ LEVEL PLANTATION in a high sUte of coltivation; 5tn» acres of o|**u land; a Urjrv . ,*l«*m »iv*t llm»r; sjeu-iuus cow and horse bams, « : thoroughly >tocke»! with fine horses, cows, mile*. Also, com. f»odcr. jtea* k . oats, etc.. f. U 't, ev«*rvtiling necessarr to make a crop next :tr. in* ludliv? several hundred loads home-made uaiiun*. tabor abundant; society good ; school lid cliureh convenient; one hour’s ride to iliuMiion Southwestern nsui. Applu-ants must - Well reixmimeded. For furttar particulars .j.jklv to tiEO. W. HEAD. Macon.Ga^or -1 tf U. M. GUNN. Byron. Southwestern Road, Ga. FOR SAXaE CHEAP. V N h:df-:u n* 1*4 with a six-room dwelling. Kii. li. n, outhoust-s, etc., situated on Second str.N-t U*tweeii th»k and Areh. Is within a few linnut«ra walk «•( the busiikess part of the «*it.V, de- l*ot nnd wurksh*>|ra,andhas proven to ta a healthy , place. Apply to ^ UU -10 cOdtf DR. RADWAY’S PERFECT PURGATIVE AND REGULATING PULS. Perfectly tasteless, elegantly coated with swo t gum. i*urjre, regulate, purify, cleanse and strength en. tUu luuv'h Hlls for tta him of aU disorders o tta Stomach, Liver. B*jwels Kidneys* BLidder, Xerv»»us Disease*. Headarhe,_Con*tipation, Coe»- tiveiw*. Indice*iioii. Dy*|«*ie>ia, Bdiouaness. Fe ver. Infiamuiatioiiof the Bowel*. Pile* l ail 1><*- rang»*ments of the Intcnal Viscera. 'Warranted to effect a positive cure. Purely vegetable, con taining no mercury, mineral*or »t< letcrioi:* *1p,i.'s. Otwcnc ita following symptom* iv>uit.iu from DizioAiers erf tta Digestive Onrans: Constipation, Inward P:b-s. Fullness of tiie Blood in the Hcail. Acidity («f the Stomach. Nau sea. Heartburn. Disgust of Food, Fullness or Weight in tta Stomach. Sour Eructations, Sinking or Fluttering at the Heart, Cboking or suffering Sensations When in a Lying Posture. Dimness o , Vision. Dot* or Webs tafore the Sight; Fever uud Dull Pain tta Head. Ikrfiitancy cgPerspiration, j Yellowness of the Skin and Eve*. Pain in tta* Side. Cta*t, ldud»s. and sudden Flushes of Heat, Bum- ing in tta Flesh. A few dt«*«ra U Railway’s Pill* will free tl»«‘ *y*- ; t« ni from all tta stave named disonlers. Price 25 ; cents per tax. Sold by Druggist*. READ “FALSE AND TRUE!” S^nJ one letter «Ump to R.VDWAY AOO, No * Warren, comer Churrh street. New York. I nformation worth thousand* will ba Mat HS LLU0l3oodAwly Boots and Shoes! FOR THE FALL TRADE, 1873. No. 3 Cotton Avenue and UG Third Street. ONE OF TnE BEST SELECTED STOCKS OF BOOTS AND SHOES! Ever offered hy its in tins luai kct. Ladies’, Misses’, Children’s, Gents’, Boys’, and Youths’ Wear. C.>K,|.n.;n_- ull vnri. ti. s r.n.l s:yl,-s. !rcm liio li.^ny bv.-nii to il,.- mc. :t d lioate slipper, la.-ule tocr- d**r and tJ the best material. i ’-a.nfrr m.»r«-!kAiit* u ill And it to tta ir adiantip) to examine our stock, from which equally good * that w dl compare favorably with those of tta Northern cities, have, at No. 3 CoUoil uvenue and 6bThird stn*et. all tlie latest styles of r.*:i\ B*-.ts. Sta***. «tait.*r':»!i-l >!i| I ,u th- ii.«*'t e!---ru:t ?, to all of \» liiti wc would invite our friends and the public generally J»*l«N*tiollS in t!..- r Ladies’. G IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF CHINA, 0Sl 6LASSW AREj Pocket and Table Cutlery!’ y 11 .Ylfl l i S 11 ! ^ ^V r r 2_ul > WA i t »0! Tinware, Wooden Ware, Willow Ware! Ci I.A-N - DELIE ! GAS AND KEROSENE LAMPS, chimneys; wicks, etc. EEROSEKE Oil BY JIIE GALLON, BARREL AND CAR LOAD. STATE AGENTS for Porter Combination Garden and Plantation Hoes. Wo offt-r the aliove «;oolB at vary roasonabk stock. rates. Please call anil examine our WiLLKSR Sc DOBBS. LLIKIilIVll li IA', AGHICULTUEAL DEPOT. THE DIXIE PLOW! This Plow is now in froneral use in Georgia, and without a douht ha • l- -- ome th u-rs of the So- tli. Sold only by MALONE, U ILL1N0 favorite Plow with the -Forme HAJI J: CO. WRIGHT’S COTTON PLANTER. No Farmer can resist the temptation of purchasing one of AYright’s Planters ait^ learning its merits, from the fact that the mode of distributing seed and guano » ll “ this Planter is different from all others—saving more time, labor and seed tiian any other in use. Sold only by AIALON'E, AYILLINGHAM & CO. Every class of Farming Implements, Corn Mills, FeedCuttcr3, Plows, Blow rein • Grass Hods, Heel Bolts, etc., etc., for sale by MALONE, AYILLINGHAM -v * Onr prices to suit the times. Before purchasing elsewhere, call and examine stock, or address ns, at No. 10 Hollingsworth block, Macon, Ga. dec2-3m The Whitewater and Woodruff Wagons, And other Western Waxons, at low prices IX-sfriptive Circulars furnished to thoso who will write for them. All work warranted. oct2C tt r* a MIX & KIRTLAKD, METROPOLITAN » ■ tf IRON & BRASS WORKS, Canal Street, from Gtta to lib, RICHMOND, - - - VA. WM. E. TANNER & CO., ENGINEERS, MACHINISTS AND FOUNDERS. ENGINES Ol'ALL KINDS. Send for Circular. H. R. BROWN, jinll 1/ A rent. DIXIE WOES FIRST STREET, CORNER OF CHERRY. WAREROOMS: Poplar Street, between Third and Fourth Streets, MACON, GA. m E* W S w o p p ll Inn iu i i (BUI LDERS) SI ippi -r €3 VJ V JES 1 ■ inri !: ; LJLJ| th Vf GUERNSEY, BARHtUM k HEHDRlL PKOI’IUETOHS. DOORS, SASH AND BLINDS, WINDOW AND DOOR BAl 5 TERS, NEWEL POSTS, SCROLL Y»'0EKS, BUILDERS HAKHv.- - GLASS, OILS, PAINTS, PUTTY, ETC., ETC., ETC. A full line of the above always oct26eodtf stock, and supplied to city and country on short notice.