The Macon telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1873-188?, December 11, 1873, Image 4

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THE CITY. THURSDAY MOKNING, DEC. 11, IKS. h,rc. The band U ono cl the find on j the continent to it« Mae, and had the \ nm-dine the diww. rr would public hoard nothing else, t'm hsnibeon well satisfied to have i all the ewning. j The picoolo sol>e—the u.eiV.r. xl it T. W. Maso*. M. P~ City Phytirvui. Christui Preparing tor t hrUiuta.. The children of the Christ Church Son- , - .lay School will meet at the church at 7 j ,J T Mr. Chas H. Freeman, was a most or- ; o'clock thU afternoon to leans th, ir . performance, rlwbng the warb- j j unf of the best singer- of our Southern forests. Not Varlololtl. The gentleman who warbled the Dutch I We arc antharired by the attend.»» j wx - a j =0 v,.^ fine. He war not down in physician to . tatc that Mr. A. S. Bates . ^ i, llt that did not lesson the did not have varioloid nor any ymptom j h artincasof nis encore, of it. When bi3 brother wa taken sick ' xhcre was a clog dance, also, which he quit his and heroically re- , n ot down in the bills, which was the mined witll bi brother to the la t. He g ncs t performance of that kind ever wit- ww: woes out by hi long watching, and ^ j n Ralston Ilall. We did not aa- was threatened with illness, hot had no ; ocrta - m the Judy's name. cv** _ ultarinx ivjPMt Of J. L Jodn, Treasurer, mureceived —Iw<j»d«pnad u;»->n the itxu- bird— «*-= „ To tht UonoralU Msgor Cit» of Ma’-oo . . , Ossruwsv—Her with poo h»Test»o * • ra- the receipt* and expenditure- at Boa- Hill amt Oak cemrtcrin t.,r the year endmrDereio- ber 1, IKS. sbowinr balance o( «sh on handler RuvHill. in exeat o: exprnditnresr« andfuiOak Main-. sltS. The fypenditures for burdinn. an.l tor repairs to budding* Imre D»vn mi., h lancer than hw sever.! year- P“t. T! ”i,”fr nn mental struct are near th.- centre uf to Tin. answer, li*-i.urp.—-of it. cr.-. non. end 1* re- rded a* odu ne materially to the tr-aiitj of the or.anils. The rhs,»-l at Irak Bulge m. ln..U s. the earnest »dw-i totem nt Usees toredpec^d .and is hiehly by them. The grounds eem-rally. with tie- exception of the lona-c. are in cord oondition. 1 bae require, aid wi'l nss-in. mv immediat.- attention to put in thorough n-jair. Very respectfully, V« dir oVwNiicnt servant. J. L. Joxrc. i ran. t Fur hutch. r’fi and baker’s aswi fordeliv- . r.i.c of th*:r moat and bread.and wr- ! hr mariufactH rers of soon • water and brewt-rs y.. . £. yor each and every om-borse nark ..r usedinjcarxyinp pawemre^ to or from r.nv railroad depot or else- wh* 'iv alout the city UU— r - Tor each and every two-iior.v- - hack, carri es CO 00 a * — ~-«fcibu*u»rJ in the someway... . Ir. all back".ca. riact-s or omniou^-s the ixre of pavn-nrers from the railroad depots to the Lusintt 1 ^ portion of tit i- shall not at: r time *,^i if rents per pafni*""^i snd to spj other jortion of the «»r fW not exceed 75 cents per Ut. 3. Holster* or peddlers of «»b. mcab Hour, or produce of any kind about tits atv (UnBR brinsrinr tbeir * i the country cxrepted) ense of protlucv^ d indiratkxui of varioloitV Tlic County Court. John Nixon, coloml, waa triod bofor Judffo Weem* on the charge of an aggra- The whole nhow was Crat-cLi.-rs in every ; particular, and we think the entire audi- , on< e—ladies and gentlemen—will agree with ns that it was the most brill:ant ( voted battery upon the percon of A. J. j p<-rforniance ever presented to onr peo- Smith, a whit® lad. Jiving some nix or ' pie. To-night is the last appearance seven miles from the city. TIo wan con- j here o: the troupe The same play will and sentenced to the chain gancr j be produced with all the fine scenic cf- for nine monthf.. It is Ivelicved the term | tnd with no change, unles3 it be in Util C . of his will domewhai reduce tho lnunji of comhativcnCM. Ittirlal of Eugene Jrtlrrs. \ Tho funeral of Eugene Jeffers took place yfwterday afternoon at 3 o’cUck, from hi* late residence on Fourth street. Tho procession was a very large -one, mode up an follows: The brass band, tho Fire Department, the three lodges of Odd Fellows; tho hca»o surrounded by pall bearers; the surviving momljcrs of tho Thomson Hoard.', and n' nomlxir of car riage* containin',’ relatives and friends of the (Iccmteed. The remains were buried in Bose Hill Cemetery. Got lilt Arm rniKliril. A negro boy named Warren Tharpc, about thirteen years old, while frolicking around the flying horses, on tho corner of Fourth and I’lura streob;, night liefor.' lost, got his arm caught between the large cogwheels by which the machine is propelled. Tho arm from the shoulder down to tho Cnger-tip* was fearfully lac erated, the flesh being torn off, and the boncj of tho fingers crashed so badly that two of them will have to be ampu tated, and possibly the whole hand. Dr. Holmes saw tho boy shortly after the accident, and did what could bo done for his relief. He saw him again yester day morning, but found him too weak from loss of blood for the operation to be performed. Tlio doctor thinks, however, that ho will be nblu to stand the opera tion to-day. The Mayor's Court. Ilia Honor, tho Mayor, was again on the bench yesterday morning. The first ease called was that of Julia Mitchell. Julia is a colored wornaii. She was employed to clean up a room which had been occupied by a small-pox pa tient. Instead of burning tho clothing as directed, she stolon number of articles and carried them home with her. The articles were recovered and properly dis posed of, and Julia was fined ten dollars, or thirty days in the barracks A couple of ladies were booked for dis orderly conduct; but tbeir ewes were continued until to-day. Carey Tolbert, colored, was charged with cheating aiul swindling. He swapped a railroad ticket for a gun, and the ticket was pronounced worthless. Carey ap peared to have been honest in tho matter, however, and was given tirno to set him self right. Daniel Israel was charged with being drunk and disorderly. Ho said he was not drunk, but was mighty mad. Ho was fined five dollars for getting mad Wm. Taylor, mulatto, was picked up as a suspicions character, lie came from Grif fin and had some toliaceo and segars in his posseitsion, which it was thought he might have borrowed without tho knowl edge of the owner. Hi* case was contin ued imtil the marshal of Griffin could lie heard from. RALSTON MALL First Presentation of ninck Crook. A densely packed house was at Ralston Hall hut night to witness tho first ap pearance of The Block Crook. The play was put upon the stage with musical and scenic effects that surpassed the expecta tions of every one who witnessed it, and we don’t think a more delighted audi ence was over in that hall. While tho ballet was a prominent feature of the performance,it was produced with a seemly regard to modesty, and from the begin ning to the end of the play there was nothing to offend tho taste of tho most sensitive. The large audience of ladies were qnite ns well rloased ns the gentle men. Tho scenic parts of tho play were pre sented witli an elaborateness and splen dor that could not lucre been expected in Macon. Tho sceno in tho Serpents’ Glen was ns weirdly horrible as the most ar dent goblin lover could have desired; but it wns abundantly compensated for by tho Golden Grcto of Stalacta, and the birth of Venus, which fulfilled all tho ro mantic f.iueies of the beauties of fairy land. Tho finest of all, however, was the grand transformation scene with which tho performance closed. Tho performance of tho drama proper was clever throughout. Mr. Dulficld, as the Crook, was first-rate, and so was Mr. Lamb as Greppo. Mr. Linganl, as Van Puffongruntz, was immense in make up and in action. DragonCn may bo put in the catogdty of the india rubber man. ne was tho life of many of the principal scenes. Bndolph. Stalacta, Amina and Carline were all cleverly done, the first two being particularly elegant in stage stylo and in costume. Tho novelties introduced frequently during the performance were all first class. hTlie Lupo is one of the finest d.iTuct'ics that was ever in Macon. She is scarcely inferior to the famous Sohlkc who wa3 here some years ago. She was encored repeatedly, and the crowd seemed unwilling that she should retire, even after her third appearance. Hernandez is groat as ever. His ap pearance upon tho stage was the.signal for mirth to begin, and it was shouts of laughter |as long as he was in sight. He is a fine facial performer, and has no equal upon tho guitar. He out-Japped the Japs themselves, while his Peace Jubilee would have made Gilmore ashamed of his little Boston affair. Baby Benson, the child wonder, was an espocial wonder to the audience. She is a most remarkable child, very diminutive in form, but sings and dances admirably and with the nonchalance of an old pro fessional. Her performance was greeted with perfect hurrahs of applause, from parquette to gallery. The music was the best that lias been in Macon since Theodore Thomas was of the ballad.; that are charmingly Ma. Aj.r. j snug by the ladies of the troupe. ; Tho grenadier land will appear upon j the etreetn during the day. Council Proceeding-. Rftjrr.nR MEKTixr,._ > Council Chamber,Decemlier 1*73. y I I'r. s. :it-~Ho»i. W. A. Hull. Mayor; Alifonatn j C. Bnrke, Ddtx. Lishtfoot. Kahn. Shorn-man, El- iw. CornoD ami lMirn-tt. Ab**nt—Al&rmen J. W. Burk'*, BoiUi' Dnnpaey and Rnulul. Tho ■hwto of the hit WlUng vtfc read and ; UJHifld. HILF-« REFERBKI’. Johnson k J)unl:tr». G. B. iVttit, Butts k B*<sx, { W. F. Anderson k Co.. Rmsell k GrimsW. Mil- i con and Brunswick Railroad, John Ingalls, W. L. ■ Henry L Co., Goor*»i R. Barker. ^ Coummnirotiun of C. MorholJ, H. P. ivcsteott, II. Putzel, Lotus Vannuck: and J. Valentino, committee appointed liv Oanulcw Fire Company No. £. notifyimr Coonffl tlwt the company had rt‘- rrived and accepted the steam One cnaine pur chased ot Messrs. Harrold k Hays, and that the company had liaid their portion of tho purchase, and u-tkincCouncil to Kivoto Mcssra. Har- roM k Hays note* for the Imlanco of tlm purrhase mon- y. a^ceable to th* peanlution of Council. On motion, his Honor, tho Mayor, was in structed to make note* a* wqiii >!<-!. Petition of \Y. C. Jones, ncent for the rs of Mrs. K. J. A*keir, davund. for an encroachment of twelve or fifteen feet In front of lot on Monroe street, was referred to Committee on Street En croachment*. The following petition of Goo. If. Grace, Super intendent of the Southern and Atlantic Ttdoeraph Company, was received and rend and referred to the Finance Committee: To the llonorablt Mayor and Common Conn* eit of the City of Macon: The petition ct your humble pt-tilion« r respect fully show* to your mc»t hono.'able body that it is now some two years >inoe ‘The South? n ami Atlantic Tclnrrnph Coroicny** opcncql tbeir oiee i: 1 ! 111 . *V. |-l |.|>1«'M[|"II "I li • W. ht« .1. I'll "11 Teleppraph Comperiy.'* to the ert-nl h»y and relief of the ti lsdtwphmtf sonwuutijr. wIk# had Ion? suf fered under the burthens of this “creat mo- nojtoly." whose excessive rliaryes o«L to a very icreat r tent, depr ; red the people of its full bene fit*. and the city of much trade. Wo Gpe«t««i our <»fllce with a uniform tariff of ebanrrs. about one-half that exacted by the other crimiony. believing that the clw-sn rates iiiaut^ii- rated by us would bring tbe wires into more rpu- craf use. ami thereby increasing our laisiness. which w ould enable us to not only jay our local exfiense*. but like other oilicos on our hue. enable u* to nalise a reasonable profit. Ourexpect alien*, to some extent, have been rerl’xed. tlie l»usi less lias been largely increased, but from our compara tively limited number of wires and offices, we have lieen unable, so far as Macon is concerned, to do a business snflh iently gre; t to meet ourcurrent ex pense*. after pat inc the city a l’cen«e of Ure hun- dr.*l dollsr*. When we opened in till* city ft wr* with the understanding that our tax. if my, would be roottd? nominal until ocr ) k*s were completed. The Weste: ;» Union Tele.-rsph Company, <n addi tion to their heavy charges, imposed and collected a special tax of ten cents on every measrse sent frem this ritr, in order tocover the rciiy txx. This we did not do. believing it to lie unjust, and from the day we opened to the present d-y Mm. on has cnjoynl nil the he.ieiits and prhfVfM of a first- . da** “opposition l ; nc. M built ma : nly by Southern • ranitjL and mnncTctl by Southern roeu. 'JThe city tax for license dining our fi xtyear was five hundred dollars, which was p.xraiptlv paid, but w 1th the full expcctriion that it would be re turned. but it wn* not. and our deficiency here in Macon bad to be made up from other offic s, as it lias a’so to tie dona this year, owing to til's excep tional heayy tun until now Miron is considered by many of our (timfsn as a burthen to tho line. The Wentc.wUidon Tctcu-aph in said, nay the Mttnr. bat this is a mbtaVe. Thev pay. it is true, * city IP mse of fixe hundred dol lars. but it is for two corapanlet—The Western 1 J. 11• '** rijj.l T'ii' r.ulil .-mil Slock Tele? -aph Company—two separate and Uis- t'nct or„-niz.k.ions. in no wise related to each i oilier, being conlco’led and managed by two sepa rate nml dist'nct Vxwrd of officers, harntx, even in this «4V» **P7 ’at*' polas and win*s. and keeping separate and distinct accounts, but to save ex pense, conducted a.vl direct. 1 by one local man- sgrment. To show your honorable body iliat we are cor rect in this assertion, wo world most respect'a^y call your attention tothefollowingndvcrtirenvnt, taken from the last Issue of The Journal of tbe Telegraph," a sani-BMrthly paper edited under tin* nuspir ■* of Tlie West *rn Union Telegraph Company, aad rccognixed by all r s t heir, and a* it is. tbeir otfiei^l pa|H*r: "GOLD AJTD STOCK TKLKGRAPTI COMPACT. "Director!!—Trac.' R. Edson. Wi^’sm Orton. Horscp F. Clark, Marshall LcfTerts Jjmi II. Banker, Alonzo B. Corrv'l, Jo&eph M. Cook. This Osmpsny fui aish gold and s ckquo u* tions. cotton and produce exchange, nnd gene-al commercial news rej»orts, to its subscribers, by t.-loirniphir prititIn r iiisirnmen: s at tf»'-ir rcsj-*» : - tiveplaees of business: and also erect ami main tain private telegraph lin.s for corporations and s:!.ii\»|s, ..Jto r:*T d \s .1 ii jw-mti:'-' l’^. : "Asmanufuctu.ers of all the pe.fect Telegraphic Printinglusiruuicnts in use, nndov jerstrf alar?e pumber of intents, we are preuore . under tlie f i- rilitics ot our contracts w ith the Western Union Telegraph Cow, to ext 'ml our system of commer cial reports nnd private lines to all parts of the United States. "General oinres. No. fll Broadway* Xew York. 3fnSKliall LelTe^ts. Pivs’t„ Joss’pli if. Cook. Vice- IYes’ri. Normal C. Miller See. and Trer*« Geo. B. Ss-ot t. Supt." Thus our line, unfinished as it i*. and with it limited facilities, have for the post two years noid a city license tax twice the amount of that paid by eitlier of the other two companies. In view of this we world most respeclfnlly re quest and urge your irost honorable Ixxly to lie re lieved from paying my further city tax for two years from Janus* y next, and after that time that the amount of tax to be pa id shouhlbc based upon n lust nnd proper assessment o! tlie iveeipls of this ottice.and not, as now, n fixe<lsum. and such other nml further relief as may, in the judgment of your most honorable liody, l»e dmm just and equila ble. G. II. GRACE, Superintendent. Macon, Djo'niliorO, 1873. Tlie following report of tho City Euginoer was received, read and ordered spread njion the min- utes: To the Mayor nnd Conned of Macon: G ext lev ex— In accordance with your request 1 have made a survey in order to define the cast corner of Washington avenue and Orance street. The information to be had regarding these streets is very utiMitisfactory* So I examined the deeds of tho whole of square S3, itnd made a sur vey of tho entire property according to tlie deeds. I find that the square as it now stands varies very little from the plat of deeds. The entire front on f t . To payment Carfax rt k- Curd*s account. - C. To jiajment Harry Wil liams, - • • . * 11. To rjoyment hill bnck work, - 5. To payment J ones k Bax ter's bill. lime. - •. 8. To payment Carhart k Cord’s bill. • - • 5. To payment Green J. Blake’s bill, brick. 5. To payment Carhart k Cud’s bill, wheel barrow 10. To i»avmentE. N.Fount- ain’s biUgarnenterwork S52 00 19. To jiaymeiit K.N. Fount ain’s* building *t Oak Ridge Cemeterr. - - 157 00 lil. To payment E. N. Fount ain’s repairs to entrance buildings. - * 1 100 00-3 675 25 20. To payment Treasurer’s account to date. - 23. To pnvment W. K. Biaki bton’s bOl.painting cha]*- els, - • • 23. To payment B.N.Fount ain’s repairs to hoarse house. - - * Mav £ To payment W. E. liank- store painting. • • SOOO 2. To i^iyment Carhart k Card * bill, • - -130 8. To igiyment cash return- F. J. Chamjdon. f<»r lot 12. - - * • 01 Ofi- 23. To payment W. E. Bank ston’s bill, painting. - 12 00 Jun. 1. To imyment negro hire. C miu ending June 1. TS. 2S® to 1. To inyment Geo. Payne’s hill, paints r.nd c4I», » 7. To payment Cqrhart A Card’s Wl.. - f i ^ t. To payment Cathart - 2X)0 2500 320 1300 - 2000 5000 Jnl. 4. To payment catnax Ciird^s W1J, pick*. - - 5. To payment Treasurer’s Account to date, * S. To paymont Carhart k Curd, - - « Xov. 24. To payment Henry Wil liams* bill. ? Dec. I, To payment negro hire, C mos. to Dec. 1,1873, I. To payment cadi tor light wood posts • ? BabrerO flao the Cemetery to Der |Mff /IlfII j 735 ns iio 830 145 20 00 228 00 15 00- 599 85 139 95 6158285 C». 352 NO Mar. Dec. I. llalarKv due the Cemete ry to Doc. ]. 1872. r - rt l*. By sale lot42St.bloek l.ta J*, P. nnd M. 0. Askew, 6100 16. By sale lot 527. block 1. 2 Rev. Blakely Smith. - 6100 50. 'By sale lot Central A*. block 2,1). E. Blount. - Cl 00 1873. Jan. 9. By sale lot 430. Central avenue, Dr. C. J. H Us man. - - - r 6100 Feb. 0. By sale lot 419, Central ^ avenue. C. P. Roberts, 6100 7. By sale lot 33, Eglantine square, J. If. Danfoib. 8. By sale lot 28. Eglantine squan*. J. B. Fleck. 14. By sale lot 29, Eglantine square. J. MeGraijr. T •22. By aslc lot 32. Eglantine square, John Gollz. 1. By sale lot 422, Central avenue, B. I*. Willing- Inure - 3. By sale lot 428. Central avenue, J. B. Ross, 4. By sale lot -432. Central avenue. II. S. Fcagan. • 4. By rale lot 31. Eglantine square, Troup McDer- tnond. - - 8. By rain lot 76, Holly Ridge, Dr. N. Bozeman. 3. By side lot 38, Egbntlne square, J. and J. Shd- verton. - s. By rale lot 35. Eglantine Miuare, Htmnr Olins. • 31 00 23. Bjr rale lot 37, Eglantine square, G. P. Nelson, - SI 00 May 21. By sale lot 77. Holly Ridgr. Rev. C. W. Smith 6100 2.. By rale lot 433. Central avenue. R W Cnbbedge, 101 00 2*.*. By sale lot 38. Eglantine square, C Sullivan, - 31 00 31. By sale lot 39, Eglantine square. F T Abel. r 5100 Ju.'. 20. By sale lot 421, Control avenue. D 31 Guyed, . 6100* 347 00 20. By ralo lot 40. Bgiantino square. W 31 Dickerson. 81 00 25. By rale lot 31, Eglantine square, F J Setley. - 2100 July 5. By s de lot 41, Eglantine square, Fanny Lewis. - SI 00 9. By sale lot 42. Eglantine » square. Jas Sunderliu. 8100 21. By sale lot 433. Central " - avenue, C P Wiley, - Cl 00 Oct. 10. By rale lot 435, block 2, Jerry Hollis - - 6100 17, By sale lot 436, block 2. HOPoimaW, - -6100- 297 00 Ap 26 00 21 to il 00 2100 6100 01 to 61 Oh 2100 6100 - 3100- 339 00 Magnolia street should be 970 feet long.nnd meas ures 975 feet; the front on Orange street should be 193 feet long and measures 198 feet; tho entire front on Washington avenue should be 850 feet and measures 855 feet—these measures being ta ken omitting tlie encroachment of forty feet on Spring Street. Thus we see that there is a differ ence of five fast between each of tlie computed and measured lines. This difference is divided through alkthe lots on Magnolia street and Wash ington avenue lines, each lot being a few feet too wide, except lot 12, which on the avenue line is a little short. The Orance street line is five feet too long, earned by both ends projecting beyond the street lines. Tho corners of the twoliooaoa, the one on the avenue ami street, tlie other on tho two streets, are on the lines of raid streets. The new fence that has been built on Orange afreet is very nearly oi». the line of that street, after giv ing l^t 12 it', complement of land. And the corner of the house on tlie east comer of Washington av enue anti Orange street is on tlie comer of said streets. This is as accurate as I can rejiort, owing th • nu:urre information u> l*e obtained regard ing tbe streets to question. Very respectfdlly. A. E. Boakdmax, City Engineer. Tho following reports of the City Physician were received and ordered spread upon tlie minutes: 31et>icai. Dhtartmext. City of Macon.} December 9.1S73. j lb the Honorable Manor and Council: Gkxtlemet I beg leave to present my report for the month of November. I have given atten tion and medicine during tlie month to nineteen cases. Bill for medicines $9; bill for vaccine mat ter 510. Respectfully submitted. T. W. Masojt, M. D., City Physician. M E DICAL DfirARTXBXT, > ClTT OF Macox, December 9,1S73. S To the Honorable Mayor and Council: 1 feel it my duty to make a special report of small-pox. Since its last appesxsnoQ in the spring there have occurred within the city limit-* eigh teen cases—eleven bracks and seven whites—a li>t of which I append to this report. On tlie 17th of November, the Chief of Pol ire. with the assent of the Mayor, assigned Captain Simpson a special police, subject to my onlers. He reports to me twice a day. ami lias acted prom inly in the tvfiioval of all cases requiring re moval to the hospital—when done has superin tended the cleansing of house* in person. He has visited daily all i«irties quarantined, and attend ed to their wants. 1 have visited even’ case except the icvrties not applying to me. I have procured good vaccine matter, and have van mated all parties not able to pay. 1 am satisfied that all due vigilance has been used to present its spreauling. Some have seemed annoyed at my vigilance in huntin? up cases and seeing them properly quarantined, but I have paid no attention to it, 1 shall always be found t r> ing to do my duty w here the interest* of the city are involved. (Captain Simpson has attended to his duties faithfully and shown the kindest attention to all who have called on him. I have request**! all portie*. particularly tho police, to report to me all cases that come to their knowledge, or those even suspected of having the di**ease. Respectfully submitted. >1552 85 J. L. Jones, Treasurer . in account with Oak Il'ulge Cemetery .*• i t I * Dr. 1873. May 15. To cash tor lot sold Dr Baxh*«*. -5 26 to . 15. To cash for lot sold Qnt Wallace. 26 00 2<». To cash for lot sold II Darrell. - 26 00 25. To cash for lot sold Isbabella Branlnna, - - - - - 2600 July 23. To cash for I lot *old Jennette Wy man, IS 00 26. To cash for lot sold C Thompson, 26 00 Due the Ccroete Macon. Dcccml L-tery, member 1, 1873. 514300 CB. • -5143 00 The Committee on Street Encroachments made the following rejiort, whirl) was received rnd adopted: 2b the Honorable Mayor and Council of the City of Macon : GEJcrunnof—Your committee to whom was referred the petition of \V. C. Jones, agent for tlie heirs of 3Irs. E. J. Askew, for rn encroachment of twelve or fifteen feet in front of tbe residence of tbe late 3Ir<. E. J. Aslrew. on Monroe street, re spectfully recommend tint the petition be erant- c l, on the payment of ten dollars, encroachment to be removed at the option or Council. Respect fully subimliC’V J on x J. Cornell, Bexj. Burdick. Committee. The Commute'- «m Str.-**t Encir. hnsents msilo the followiivr rej ^rt, which was retvivtxl and adopted: To the Honorable Mayor antT Cmacil of the City of Macon : Gents—Your committee to whom was referred the petition of W. J. Walton, agent, for an en- croachment on Short street, at its junction with Johnston street, sufficient to tome out onu line with J. B. Ellis* fence, respectfully recommend that the petition be granted, on the payment of ten dollars, encroachment to l>e removed at the option of Council. Respectfully submitted. John J. Cornell, Bexj. Burdick. Committee. The Committee on Fire Department made tbe following report, which was received and adopted: 2b his Honor, the Mayor, and City Council Gentlemen- The committee to whom was re ferred the petition of J. V. Giicr. Esq, for the privilege of erecting a wooden shed to be attached to Ms wooden house on Cherry street, your com- mitUv find that said p *dtioner lias partly budt raid shed, and it being a large building and en dangering the proi»erty in the vicinity, your com mittee would recommend tbe granting of said pe tition. provided the building be made lire-proof. in atrovtam with ordinance of the city. Jogn G. Deitz. V. Kahn, F. A. Shoneman. Commit tee. On motion of Alderman Cornell—* Resolved. That the resolution passed bv this Council on November 25th, in relation to nstarr shops, lie, aiul is hereby rescinded, as it has been rep iv" en ted that several of tbe names in the j»c- tition on which said resolution was based was fraudulent. Passed. On motion of Alderman Deitz— Resolved, That the Mayor ImnflWitofl to liave the trees that wore bio a n down during the storm in the city reserve cut up awl hauled withri the enclosure adjoining tho l*ark. Passed. On motion of Alderman Cornell— Resulv td. That the city being about to erect a public school-house, tbs Committee on Public Proper’y bo. nnd are hereby instructed, not to sell any more of tlie brick now tiring taken down aiil cleaned at the Armoiy buildings. Passed. On motion of Alderman Kahn— Resolved, That the City Treasurer be instruct • ed to remit the taxes of Mrs. J. H. R. Washing ton, to the amount of one hum*rod and eighty dollars and seventy-five cents, in consideration of damages claimed by lu-r t«« haw been iIoih* h.*r propert v on Orange street by the city. Passed. The following ordinance was read the first time: Be it onlainod by the Mayor and Council ol the city of Macim. aod it is hereby ordaiiud by the anthority of the same. That the following sliall be the rates of annual li'* *nse and tnxon professions, tradt's, etd, in the city of Macon until otlicrwLse provided. Section L For each and every one-horse dmv hauling in tlie city $ 30 00 For earn and every l wo-horse dray used in the same way 60 00 It is further ordained that every dray shall be subject to the evil of any fireman in case of a fin*, and should any dravman refuse to comply with said call the lirensc shall be revoked. For each and every one bocelvuon JJ$ 25 to For each and every twa horse vrugon 60 00 For each and every wagon withtu our more horses ustd for hauling lumber or any other article for tlieowuer’s privateuse 40 00 For each and over}’ one-horse wagon used j in the same way 20 to Transient’traders in goods, wares anJmerchaR. disc of any description, or any article whatsoever, bv sample or otherwise, before ex losing the same for sale, shall take out n license, a* a price to U> fixed bv the Mayor in such cuv -. Agents for the s^le of any arte lo wlkiteoe7pr, or . anv visiting the city as an itinerant phytksian or professor of proprietaiy articles.ronvnpers so> a j n5 i»jk. ; . maps aud picture* of all kinds by Sirjserip- tion. shall each take out n license at \ price to be tixeil bv tho Mayor in such cases. Seo» 4. K.v.ii private boarding-c juac keeper who tikes in transient customeis snail pay a license o 50 00 The keeper of each hotel shall pay a license of. —* 200 to The keeper of each restauiant or eating sa loon shall OBJ a license ot 75 00 Each retailer of spirituous liquors shall pay a license of. — 158 to The keeper of each tegrr beer saloon shall pay a license of...... 50 00 Each retailer of spirituous or malt liouors tak ing out a license for tlie same, who shall keep open his place of business, or in and from tlie same sell or famish any spirituous, fermented or malt liquors on tlie Sabbath day. shall, on conviction, be fined in tbe discretion ol the Mayor. Each keeper of a soda fountain shall pay a lici-nso or.. — 15 00 For each billiard table kept (or public play shall pay a license of...... 25 00 For each and every pool table kept for pub lic play a license shall bo paid of. 50 00 For lach ball orten-pin alloy kept for pub lic play a license *te)l be )<*id of. 25 00 The keeper of barber-shop shall pay a license of 30 00 For each and every blacksmith forge shall be paid a license of.. 10 00 Each and every person or firm selling fresh or butcher’s meat in the city shall pay a license of 100 to Each person who shall, after Die 10th day of January, ISM* sell any fresh or butcher’s meat (fanners selling tbeir productions excepted) with out first taking out the ltoase herein provided for, the Clerk shall immediately issue execution for the amount due. See, 5. Each vendue master shall pay a license tea 125 00 The proprietor of each cotton press shall nay a license ok~ 50 00 Each express or telegraph company doing - lnuinera in the city shall pay a license tax of .I 500 00 Each wholesale dealer in general merchan dise shall p4g....£ 150 00 And where the some house sliall sell at whale.ule and retail tlwresliall lie paid 200 00 Each retml dealer in any mereliandisc whose sales shall exceed 5AOOO shall pay... to 00 And wlH're the sales do not exceed $5,000, shall p^ 25 00 And where tlie sales do not exceed $1,000, shall pqy —,— 10 to The license paid as wholesale or retail dealers in merchandise tbnll not autliorize the salo of liquors, iresb meal or nny other article upon tho safe ct which there is % special tax or license re quired. Each retail grocery dealer w’u. sells spir ituous liquors from a bottle to four gal lon* shall pay 50 to Each wholesale Fquor dialer shsM pay...... 200 CO Tlie prop; letor of each foundry, machine shop, sash and bl*nd factory, flouring m ; !!. cotton factory, grist or flour mill, shall pay-... —.... 100 00 Each real estate agent or firm shall pay 50 00 Each iihotographcr shall pay............ 50 00 Each lively stable keeper or li. m shall pay lto 00 Each cotton w areliouse or firm shall pay... 200 00 Each and every bank, hanker, broker, money lender on collaterals or other security, and note shaver doing busi ness in the city, whether he has an office or not, shall pay...... 200 to Each and every person buying cotton in the city for himself or for other per sons, shall be deemed a cotton broker, ^ and shall pay - 50 00 Any person buying cotton in the city without having paid sajd tax shall flood not exceeding J-Lch ami every produce hroker slplj jny... 100 00 Each proprietor of any junk shop for the purchase of rags, scrap iron, etc., shall w»y a license of-. 50 00 Each insurance asent slinll pay, whether resident or transient 50 00 Ear h bill poster shall pay 25 00 Each and every dog to include badge 2 00 A special tax of $100 per day sliall be charged each and overrcircus company performing within tbe corporate limits of the <4ty. All theatrical companies, • oncert or other exhi bitions in the city shall each take out a license at a price to be fixed by the Clerk. Ear’ll person exercising the vocation of street drummer, employed by any hop so or firm, or by any person within the corporate limits of the city, shall pay the sum of 5500. Such tLummer shall produce his li mse whenever called uponby tho police of tho city. Said liconso shall bo issued in* the name of the drummer, and shall not bo used by any ether person thrn the ono taking out tlie same. If used by any other ln-reon the person so using the same sliall be subject, upon com iction, to a fine of not less than $50, nnd srid license shall l>e forfeited. Each and every lawyer, physician, dentist, master mechanic, contrac or, builder, architect, civil ynginoer, surveyor and practioner of f ny profession, anti each and every person not otherwise spe cially named, exercising v ithin thecily any trade, exiling o.* business of any nature whatever, shall pay a special tax of 10 Cf Sec. 0. Every linen so sliall be in the name of the' ]>erson, firm or agent to whom the same is issued, and shall not be tr.mNferred to any person whom soever. and each tax levied by this ordinance sliall be a register l tax, and payable at the same time that the license is required to be taken out and paid for. Bo it further ordained, Tiuit a 1 ! licenses and special taxes authorized by this ordinance sliall Is sue on nppl : cation to the Clerk of Council. Licenses ami special taxes sh 11 become due aud payable on the 10t!i dnv of January, 1S74, condi tion 1 to expire one yc~r date, except where said ordinance applies to the transient or itiner- ent persons. That rllordinanres, or parts of or- dinances, militating against this ordinance lie, ami tho same nro hereby repealed. On motion. Council aajou.aod to meet next Tuesday at 7 o’clock r. y. J. A. Mc3Lanus, Clerk a C. GREAT PANIC SALE DOWN TO A COTTON BASIS. FILES OF MERCHANDISE! TO HE SOLD AT NEW-MADE FIGURES, AT ROSS <£ COLEMAN’S ! Now is tho time for Merchant* to lay in at FANIC PEICES, from our Stost, consisting in part of 25 Cases CHOICE ASSORTED PRINTS, 50 Bales CHECKS, 20 Cases KERSEYS, 20 Bales COTTON TARNS, 25 Bales STRIPES, . 50 Bale.', OSNABURGS, 1,000 Pounds BALT, THREAD, 100 Bales SHEETING (Georgia Factories), 50 Bales SHIRTING (Georgia Factories), 20 Coses BLEACHED SHEETINGS AND SHIRTINGS. Besides a complete Stock of eTorything in tho Dry Goods lino. In addition we offer §48,000 WORTH OF BOOTS AND SHOES OF ALL GRADES. Merchants who wish to recruit their stocks for the Holidays will find now a “lug margin” for profits, and wo invite them to call and look at our goods, as tho opportunity is a good ono and ought not to he lost. deeTcodat ROSS & COLEMAN. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. MASONIC NOTICE. Mizpah Lodge No, ’47, F. Sc A. M. S TATED communication TniS (Thursday) NIGHT. This being tha last stated commu nication preceding tha festival of St. John the Evangelist, olliccrs for tho ensuing year will bo elected. Every member is hereby summoned to attend. W. \V. CARNES. \Y. M. II. J. Peter. Sem tary. decll It HEADING NOTICES. Teeth that are abscessed can be cured. Diseased gums can be cured. Call on Drs. J. P. & "W. E. Holmes, den tists, No. Mulberry street. declO 3t Slate ana County Taxes. The tirno is up. Those who have not paid their State and connty taxes must do so at once to save costs. dcc7 lOt IV. T. Nelson; T. C. Notice to Physicians. rrtHE undersigned has a splendid location with A house, lot and odic-o connected, in tho town cf Lumpkin. Stewart county, Ga., which will be sold cheap to a physician. I have done for years from three to five thousand dollars’ worth of practice per year. Owing to poor'health, I wish to move where I can do a city practico with less work. Stewart is one of the best counties in the State. For furtlicr particulars address me at this place. W. A. GREGORY, M. D„ dccllswlm Lnmpkin. Stewart county. Ga. SAMUEL D.JBV1X. THOMAS B. OEKSIIAM IRVIN & GRESHAM, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, MACON, GA. TYTILh practice in tho Superior Courts of the VT Macon Circuit. In tho Supremo Court of Georgia and in tho United States Courts for the Southern District of Georgia. Office, after the 2Jth December, will be in Boanlman’s block, up stairs, rooms lately occu pied by Assessor Internal Kovenuc.and until tliat time either may 1» consulted, wbcu in town, at the office of T. 11. Gresham. docVISin Great Sale of Lands is UPSON COUNTY, GEORGIA! Capitalists, Look to Your Interest. ASSIGNEE'S SALE. In the matter of Phillip Cunningham—-Bankrupt. A G REE ABLE to an order of the United States Xx. District Court. Southern District of Georgia, regularly granted November 25,1873, v»Ul be sold before the Court-house door in Thomaston, Up son county, Ga., on the First Tuesday in January (1874) next, the following described real estate to-\rit: Seventy-two and one-half acres off of lot No. 290, about SO acres cleared and in fine state of cul- tivation, balance woullund. Also 1*6 4-10 acres off of lot No. 24S, all woodland. Also 127 9-10 acres off of lot No. 240, nil woodland except about four acres. Also 123 4-10 acres off of lot Xo. 246, all woodland, and 159$ acres off of lot Xo. 247, about Stfncres cleared, balance woodland. Upon this parcel of Jnnd is situated a very good dwelling and outhouses. All of the above lands lying in the 16th district of originally Houston, now Upson county. Also 96 acres off of lot No. 16, mostly cleared and lying along Tobler creek, above what is known as Cunningham’s Mill. Also 1911 acres off of lot Xo. 17. Upon, this parcel of land is situ ated a good grist mill, also a splendid saw mill, with tlie best of machinery, nearly new, and tlie water power of these mills is as good as can be found m Georgia, with a never-failing stream of water, fully capable of propelling any kind of ma chinery. Persons wishing to engage in the mill or manufacturing business will do well to exam ine for themselves. ^Iso 15 acres off of lot Xo. 18, all woodland. The last mentioned lands lying in the 10th district of originally Monroe, now Upson county. These lands aro located in a healthy re gion, convenient to market, churches, etc. There is seldom offerod such inducements for invest ment as aro offered in tlio above property. It will be sold in parcels as above described. For further particulars inquire of the undersigned, at Thomaston, Ga. Said property sold for a division among the creditors of said P. Cunningham, bankrupt Terms cash. decllwtds H. T. JEXXIXGS. Assignee. RALSTON HALL. WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, DECEMBER lOth & 11th. BIDWELL & MAC DONOUGITS BLACK CROOK New Scenery, Coetnmes and Effects, Of the K«t Gorgeous Description. The Renowned Child Wonder, BABY BENSON. The Charming Premier Danse use, M’LLE LUPO. The Premier Specialty Artiste, HISS JENNIE BENSON. The IVondertul HEBNANDEZ TROUPE. The grand ballet And a Full Dramatic Company. -AT THE- NEW YORK STORE THE BLACK CROOK GRENADIER BAND will make n street parade on Thursday nftemoon. Admission': Poniuetteand Dress Circle,$100; Gallery. 50 cents, Deserved Seats at Brown's Book Store without extra charge. Owing to the enormous expense attending the production ot tho Black Crook, tho Free List will be restricted to members of the Press. There will bo no curtailment of the exhibition on tho second and last night.dec65t Fens! Fans! Funs!—Tlio prettiest stock in Macon. For salo at Tory low- prices by dee-1 tf Vtu. B. Jounstom, Jn. Lon’s sharing and hair-cutting saloon on Mulberry street is the place to get your harboring done. None but skilled artists retained. A hot bath can bo hud on the shortest notice. oct20tf . “OpEitA Hats” and other now and * nobby ” stylos, received to-day. dc.-I tf Wit. B. Johnstom, Jn. CouMeutlal!!! The lest Bleaching in the City for IS CE*TS. tv. A. iiorsov t CO. dec3tf Latest styles of “ silk hats ” just re ceived by dec! tf Wit. B. JonxsroN’, Jn. PKKm.or Svi.ur.—This valuable medicine las been silently making Its' way Into public favor by tbe numerous remarkable cures it has performed. Its singular efficacy is owing to tbe protoxide of ironwhieh in this prepnmtion remains unchanged and is the only form in which the vital element of healthy blood can be supplied. Nnnvors Debilitt.—A depressed, irritable state of mind; a weak, nervous exhausted feel ing; no energy or animation; confused bead, weak memory, often with debilitating, involunta ry discharges. Tlie consequence of excesses, men tal overwork or indiscretions. This sbbtdus DE BILITY finds a sovereign euro in Hcmfheets Homsopatuic (SrEciric, No. 2S. It tones np the system, arrests discharges, dispels tho the mental gloom and despondency, ahd rejuvenates the en tire system. It is perfec tly harmless and always effieler.t. Price $5 for a jiackage of five boxes and a large 52 vial of powder, which is important in old. serious cases; or 51 ]vr single box. Sold by all druggists,, or rent bv mail on rooeipt of price. Address ITffHPHRBXS’ SPECIFIC HOMEO PATHIC MEDICINE CO- No. 5fii Broadway, N. Y. For sale by John Ingals and Hunt, Ran kin A Lamar, Macon, Ga. aprl5eOdAwtf OBSTACLES TO MARRIAGE. Happy relief for young men from the effects of Errors and Abuses in early life. Manhood re stored. Impediments to marriage removed. New method of treatment. New and remarkable rem edies. Bc*»ks and circulars sent free, in sealed en- vek)|>es. Addr.-so HOWARD ASSOCIATION, No. t South Ninth street, PhilaUelpliia. Pa.—on institution having a high nnsitation tor honorable conduct and nwpSpssireuil skill. octfp 3m Norfolk Oysters, S ELECT, in quart cans, on ice, received every day at W ILKINSON COUNTY SHERIFF’S SALE, Will be sold, boforo tbe Court-house door, in tho town of Irwjnlop, in said county, on the first Tuesday in January next, betweon the usual hours of sale, the foiiowing desc;ibed land, to-wit: Two hundred and two nnd ono-half acres of land, more or less, as the property of Julius W. Evans, (number not known) adjoining lands of J. T. Parker, Stephens and others, nnu the place wlierc said Evans now lives, in the 3d dis trict of said county. Sold as the property of said Julius W. Evans to satisfy one Superior Court fi fa in favor of E. Cummins and John M. Garrett, administrators, vs Julius W. Evans and A. J. Kingcry, security. Purchasers to ley for titles. J. K. BHANNAN, doclltils Deputy Sheriff. Situation Wanted. A S a dry goods or grocery clerk, by a young man lately acquainted in Middle and South west Georgia, who can give the best and most satisfactory references. Address T. J.L. novlCtf Care Telegraph and Messenger. FOR SALE. H _\1 will sell at public aution on the “Healy Place.” in Jones county, lying on the Oemulgee river ten miles above Macon, all tho stock, in cluding mules, cows, hogs and provisions, with fanning implements necessary to carry on a plan tation. Terms cash. Also at tlie same time will be rented the lands (1590 acres), cither as a whole or in lots to suit (tarries, for the year 1874. Having no time to give nersonal attention to farming, the above sale will be positive. d.H lOtd O. A. LOCHRAXE. CHRISTMAS GOODS —TOR— YOUNG AMERICA! r> INKLER’S NEW CONFECTIONERY ANO TOY STORE. 51 Mulberry st., next to Street R. R. office. I HAVE just opened one of tbe largest and best selected stocks in my line ever brougt to Macon, embracing Toys, Confectioneries, Fruits, etc. Everything in my store is new and just from market. Silk, Wire and Comic Masks in great variety. Suppers for parties and weddings prepared at short notice. Give me a call when buying your Christmas goods. declOtil janl S.WAXELBAUM •£ BRO. Will offer tlieir entire stock of desirable goods, FOE CASH, during the next tlxirtj- days at nearly half their value. SPRAGUES’, MERRIMACK and all the best CALICOES, 10c. AMOSKEAO and second quality PRINTS at bo YARD WIDE SHEETING, 10c. BLEACHED HOMESPUNS. 12Jc., worth lfc BLEACHED COTTON FLANNEL, 12ie„ worth 20e. RED AND WHITE FLANNELS, 25e., worth 40c. BED TICKING, loc.. Worth 2oc. Jeans, Kerseys, Linseys and Cassimeres Reduced nearly fifty per cent. BLANKETS, BED SPREADS, TABLE DAMASKS, And all kinds of Honse-fumishing goods at New York cost. TI1D30 goods were bought during the great Panic and aro cheaper than the saia, goods sold before the war. Oar stock of DBESSS GOODS Which is admitted to be Hie best selected, and comprises tbe largest variety anl most fashionable fabrics, lias been reduced as follows: STRIPED POPLIN 15c., formerly 25c. STRIPED JAPANESE 25e., formerly 40c. SILK STRIPED JAPANESE 35c., formerly 50c. SILK JAPANESE 50e., formerly 75c. SILK STRIPED POPLIN 50o., worth $1. , SATINES 75c., worth 90c CASHMERES 75c., worth $1. SILK POPLIN for $1, worth $15 BROCADED IRISH POPLINS for 75c., worth $1 50. 5,000 yards of PLAID DRESS GOODS for children at 25c., worth 40. 10,000 yards of different style goods to be sold immediately at 23c., worth 40 & 50:. 3,000 yards in REMNANTS .OF DRESS GOODS at one-fourth their value. BLACK SILKS, COLORED ALPACAS, COLORED SILKS, FIFTY PEE CENT. LOWER THAN FORMERLY. CAPT. GEO. ROBISON’S DANCING ACADEMY (Over E. J. Johnston’s Jewelry Store), MACON, GA. Commencing, for Gentlemen, on FRIDAY, the 12th inst, at 74 o’clock p. ra., and for bodies and Children on SATURDAY, the istli inst., at 10 o’clock a. m. Teems: Payable when the pupil enters the class. Each Pupil, per month (12 lessons), - $10 00 Sinslc Lessons, .... 2 00 Private Lessons (given when desired). 2 00 deeCSt W. A. HOPSON & CO. Inform their frienJsand the public tliat there lms been a further MARKING DOWN AL.D DEPAItTMEINTB Of their stock. GREAT BARGAINS Will be offered in all goods in tlieir line, every ar ticle being a specialty. WE MEAN BUSINESS, 39 and 41 Second street. FOB BUNT. , rpilK old Telegraph Rooms over Brown’s book- JL store, on Second street. Apply at once to novlStf MILO S. FREEMAN. LOST. A ROYAL Areb Mason’s Keystone. It bears tho inscription: M T. Vf. Rowland. Wells Chapter, Xo. 42. Xov. 17,1S57.” The finder will be rewarded by leaving it st nov27 tf THIS OFFICE. FOR BENT. T WO DWELLIXG HOUSES, eligibly located. Apply to R. F. LAWTON, At Exchange Bank, or to Dr. A. P. COLLIXS, y!7 tf At Collin** k Heath’ For Bent. milK residence of the late J. R. Butts, on First _L street, occupied at present by J. L. Salis bury, eligibly located and convenient to business. Possession given October 1st. Apply to A.B. ROSS. seplOtf Or CAPT. A. G. BUTTS. COTTOX STATES LIFE IXSURAXCE (XV) Principal Office, >- Macox, Ga., December 7,1373.) r IE annual meeting of the Stockholders of the Cotton States Life Insurance Companv will be held at tbe office of the Company in Macon, Ga^ on Wednesday, the 17th day of December, at 12 o’clock A.M., for tbe purpose of electing a Board Directors for the ensuing year. decTtd GEO. 8. OBBAR, Secretary. Situations as Teache rs W ANTED, l.y two young ladies, sisters, grad uates o! Georgia Coll^ees. Are prepared to teach Latin. French, Higher Mathematics, Draw ing, Music cm Kano. Calisthenics. Two or three rairs’ experience. They prefer situation* in Middle or Upper Georgia, near each other; would lie will Up to take a school together, or separately, select sfEools, or in private families. Teach at panic prices. Beat of reference. Address dcc2 eod6t±\v2t* Box 32, Saiulersville, Ga. A PROCLAMATION. GEORGIA- By James Jf. Smith, Governor of said State. Whereas, Official information has been received at this Department that on tho 2d day of Decem ber instant a murder was committed in Dodge county, upon’the body of William Broom, col ored, by Hexbt Axdersox, and tliat said Ander son has fled from justice. I have thought proper, therefore, to issue this my Proclamation, hereby offering a reward of TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY DOLLARS for the apprehension and delivery of the said Henry Anderson to the Sheriff of* said county and State. And I do moreover charge and require all offi cers iu this State, ciril and military, to be vigilant in endeavoring to apprehend the said Henry An derson, in order that he may be brought to trial for the offense with which he stands charged. Given under my hand and the Great Seal of tbe State at tlie Capitol in Atlauta, this Eighth day of December, in the year of our Lord Eighteen Hundred and Seventy-three, and of the Inde pendence of the United States of America the Ninety-eighth. JAMES M. SMITH. By the Governor: X. C. Barxbti, Secretary of State. DESCRIPTION; Five feet eight inches high, fair complexion, blue eyes, marked with blue ink on each arm and on the breast; sandy hair, quick spoken; weighs about 170 pounds; is an old sailor, and is sup posed to be making his way to some seaport town., dec!0d3tw3t SHAWLS FOR $3! WORTH $5 HOSIERY, GLOVES and all NOTIONS correspondingly reduced. We are offering these great inducements to cash purchasers only. BEMEMBER, WE ALWAYS SELL AS WE ADVERTISE. Having been awarded the premium at the State Fair "for the largest and best stock of dry,” our friends and customers can feel assured they will get the best of goods at the very lowest price. S. WAXELBAUM & BRO., Triangular Block, 43, 45 and 47 Second st., 21, 23, 25 Cotton avenue. WM. B. JOHNSTON, (SoceoKOrto THOMAS U. CONXEB,) DEALEK IN JR., HATS, FURS, GENTS' CAPS, TRUNKS, FURNISHING GOODS! EMBEACING CRAVATS, SCARFS, COLLARS, SHAWLS, THE “DIAMOND SHIRT,” and Every Article of GENTS’ UNDERWEAR. VMBltELLAS, CANES, SATCHELS. dec4eodly Cotton Avenue, next to Mix & Kirtland, Macon, G.a. Boots and Shoes! No. FOR THE FALL TRADE, 1873. 3 Cotton Avenue and 66 Third Street. ONE OF THE BEST SELECTED STOCKS OF G eorgia, jones cqcntt.— Notice « hereby given that Geotve Vi. Early has ap plied to me for exemption of personalty under the homestead laws, and I will pass upon the same on Wednesday, tbe 24th instant, at 10 o’clock, a. x. Given under my hand officially. declO 2t* BOLAND T. BOSS. Ordinary. has applied f .r exemption of personalty and setting apart and valuation of homestead, and I will pass upon the same at 10 o’clock, a. if., on the lot* day of December, 1873. at my office. Given under my hand officially. declO 2t 0. T. WARD, Ordinary. BOOTS AND SHOES! Ever offered by us in this market. Ladies’, Misses’, Children’s, Gents’, Bovs’, and Youths’ Wear. Comprising all varieties and styles, from tha heavy brogan to the most delicate slipper, made to ar* dcr and of tbe best material. Country merchants will find it to their advantage to examine our stock, from which equally good selections can be made at prices that will compare favorably with those of the Northern dries. In the retail department, we have, at No. 3 Cotton avenue aud 66 Third street, all t’ue latest styles ol Ladies’, Gentlemen's and Children’s Boots, Show, Goiters and Slippers, finished in the most etegimt manner, and warranted durable, to all of which we would invite our friends and‘the public generally to call and examine. sept21-eodSm MIX & KIRTLAND. Ye have received our stock of HYACINTHS, TULIPS, GLADIOLUS BULBS, Which we will sell FOB CAS HI At Prices to Suit the Times! cTtf BANKIN'.- MASSENBUBG « CO. Bar and Restaurant. OPEN ALL NIGHT. J. VALENTINO, H AYING refitted his entire promises, is now prepared to furnish his friends and patrons with every thine pertainiiw to a flrst-ctats rost f!i’ rant, which will be served in the very best stjle.. He will always have on hand FRESH FISH, OYSTERS, RASE, ETC. Strangers visiting Macon should give him a e»U- I will open on the 1st of October, »tXo. w> Cherry street, next door to my present restaurant, a laodies’ Eating Saloon. JOHN VALENTINO; *ep7 tf Maeon. Ga. For Sale. O NE of the most valuable places in VinoviNc. known as the Bryant plus •.containing aiouj forty-live acres, will be sola for cash or cotter, or exchanged fur real est ite in the city of Macon- Apply to A. J. 115ecd tf At Oliver, Douglass k Cu.