The Macon telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1873-188?, January 01, 1874, Image 1

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i 'Y, <m an,j MACON, GEORGIA, THURSDAY Mo. JANUARY 1,1874. FIRST NMIONALBANK of MACON TUKSACtS A (iENE^AL BASKIN BUSINESS. th;re is abundance of proof ur,: !.' r owner at the time of \'{ffsp*P tr . * T .wrap* 5 nd Mecscmtcr.j December 31.—The CoL !**Snnand Enquirer have com- CoV-sh 0 f the 8un and A. K. Calhoun, late ^i'r^lpWfc tg proprietor and editor. jJJf^ISPATCttES. The D indued. J"7 0 «* December 31—The United „ % -District Attorney says that no 1 U will be taken in the further P - n ^ a3 . it is not likely the Cu ^ 1 trfficTei be raised, and it is deemed vessel should be pro- j^SSlcfore she can be libelled. r n *■* 7^ wiavliavebeen the relations of Mr. V VZZwoof the Virfjiniiu at the time of ii.m iii ilhiini h * , " pt< lio Knllnay Strike. Misiiwnwr, December 31.—Dispatch. . _ , , a little improvement , litnstiea. and the superintendents confidence that the strike will be . , ,1 of the week. Several at- ts have been made to wreck trains nd lill engineers, but no loss of life is eported. Bomorcd Steamship Catastrophe. i: ms. December 31.—The rumor was cnjMt bore last night that steamship f naklia had been lost at sea, with all on ■ uri. It is alluded to by the morning hiper.-, hut can be traced to no founda- f»ffllASf*f MHT * Marine Lots: XoitroLE, December 31. — Schooner 'Ini. t'ook, of Boston, from Demar&ra nth guano, is beached below Cape I e »j. Four of her crew were drowned n ittemptinjr to reach the shore. Sietmihlp Disaster—Panic, Etc. lovoos. Decomber 81.—Steamer Elbe, irom London for Hamburg, -was lost with thirty-two persons on board. A tpe:ial to tho Telegraph reports a pnnic is Berlin. Th* ioss by the burning of Lloyd's Vm f.r London newspaper on Monday aighC ii estimated at $100,000. MIGHT DISPATCHES. Sew Tear at the Capital. Ws-amaTox, December 31.—After the Pmiuitntfs reception to-morrow all the ..i ll of the Departments will roceiTe ith t o exception of Postmaster General d Mrs. Cress well, and Secretary and Irs. Delano. Tho former on account of >t be sg in their new residence, and the tter (wing to a recent death in tho ■mily Tho offioersof the navy will call on tho ecretarj. Tho chiefs of bureaus, Gen- nl Slaramn and other prominent offi- ■iali, tdFether with hundreds of citizens, will recliro colls. Spirituous liquors will not bo dispensed ‘o tho s\mo extent ns heretofore. Tho »y will be observed as a national holi- • v arrfi virE fit m Tlo Strike In Jersey. .Vra- S.isr, December 31.—TIio engin- ■ t-k ■ ,-t. rn division of thj Penn- i .uia railroad havo been in session in Jawy City for the past throe hours to ™ whether to strike to-mor- row. Officers of the company are nppre- 1 e of troublo. Engineers, pilots jd cther hands of the company reported cernUg that they accede to the re- ductioa of ten per cent, in tuelr salaries. The Strike iu New York. _At i o’clock a committee from tho on uses waited on tho Assistant Superin- t-r. lent in Jersey City, and had a confer ee..-- vith him. -They reported that tho * JgiiKers of New York Division of tho Tenoijlvania railroad, numbering 136, bit Abided to nccopt the proposed ro- I'uctiaa, and would not strike, but would pre est a remonstrance to President Tbospson, asking, when business im- i roves, that their pay bo raised to the ljracr amount. Prospective General Strike. Ceicaoo, December 31. — There aro rumors of a general strike of locomotive engineers on nearly all tho roads center- U ing hero to-morrow or next day, unless the nrious companies decide to restore forme rates of -pay, which somoof them, it is thought, will do. IViaiiuoTON, December 31. — Dis patches from several points indicate that tho strike is practically over, and tho men ire returning to work. Newspaper Consolidation. Co-.-, sines, December 31.—To-day the un ind Times, daily newspaper, was Pmiidnted with the Enquirer of this ty. under the proprietorship of A. K. Gilhoun, late of Philadelphia. j formers and Mechanics Convention. * Manvhkstik, N. n., December 81.— .'i rruigomcnts have boen made for a “OWi and mechanics convention at vu ester, on the 20th and 21st of *J- Found Guilty.' Xnv Yoek, December 31.—Ex-State nator Graham has been found guilty of ' (Element and remanded for sen- From Havana. . RtvixA, December 81.—Tho sceam- .*MPW at this port, from Philadel- ll <s reports having encountered a hurri- _u-on the 23th and 26th of December n tie coast of North Carolina. No sat* ' ■ '' •■y replies Have boen received in af-wer to telegrams and letters of the * wans agontof the Now York Associated fi r8 “> inquiring as to tho whereabouts of tu ' Balph Keeler. Trouble In Spain. '■‘i ii R:d, December 31.—There is a ! '" ; i “'to rupture between President Cas- * via.- ml Sonor Sal moron, President of w There ia some excitement in -“•Wr-.I, but that the success of the Gov- i*-aont is sure in the Cortes, is cons id- *d certain. Getting Serious. kN’. December 31.—A special dis. 1 •-to;: to the Daily News from Madrid ports that the situation in that city is nous. ®eath of a French Journalist. t t£:s,. December 31.—Jean Antonio senior editor of the Galignani y -ssetger, is dead. Synopsis Weather Statement. Chixf Signal Officib, p_, ^Yashinotojj, December 31. j l G u c* 631 y ° r ^* e South Atlantic v r , States, partly cloudy weather, ’he-' . terly southerly winds and i>c'.s;b! T "'7££?* t, “ e prevail, except co^- 1 5. on the immediate At’acti? E ?-hmd and the Middle A a u j?* : ‘“"oiling cloudiness, htti riS ®, of temperatuxo, and y », ^‘h southeasterlj to southwes- i : %i { °r tha m lake region, and e *itvto Tennessee, less pres- ■pt weather, ex- * it ^on ly » ll | h “?**» the lower •«aonfL“', a . n<i noar Lake Huron; for Either’. , lncroaai “g cloudiness, with mperitu^ “uthwoeberly winds, the war*! Y' 1 this district and thence miaieV^ ,owei . States remaimng above freer- AAXlGHT dispatches. fke Tirglalas. Gtiteiffh Dooembor «--rA repertsv . *3r«raa5gs:te „ / # Atnixal Rowan’s secretary ventured to rtsark that may people seemed to be of tb impression that the Yirginius was stlk on purpose, as the best means of soling the troublo between Spain and t\ Unite! States. A gentleman dressed in naval uniform, sid, “That i3 not so, sir. The;Yirginius stik from stress of weather. Such re pots are untrue. I am commander of ?™l, 0 - r nr ! ' ly - tk Dssippee; we endangered the lives of MUdHe)? WC "~ tfjVirginiua officers and crew trying to i Strict i - Financial and Commercial OFFICE TELEGRAPH AND MESSENGER,! DscembeS si—Evzxixo. 1S73. J Cotton. The market to-dsy was weakei, with a decline of }c. We quote: .....ia-?is} -IS} A FERTILE 1 miles south dolph countv, a: fifty acres, of vr «° ne afr ‘ 1 • id cootainTnlr fnfh. u l hbert - 1 two huL h “ D dred. kp> her afloat. The vessel was unsea' WMy and altogether out of repair.” Iso remarked that accounts so far as ihed in the newspapers were correct, that the Yirginius had gone down mgh no fault of those on board. The Strike. [olumbcs, O., December 31.—The cx- ment amongst the citizens about the lineers’ strike is gradually dying out i, as the railroad authorities are dem- _ rating their ability to get a sufficient piber of engineers to run regular trains. More Strikes. ^ouisvillx, December 31.—It is m- $red that all tho engineers on tho Lou- llle, Nashville and Great Southern rail ed intend striking at midnight. Fire. StoxTaoOTBT, December 31.—A fire tt evening on Court street destroyed tie buildings. Loss 40,000. Partly ilired. Itmors of Cabinet Changes. ae Cincinnati Commercial of Monday pi^s the following in’ its ‘Washington terrains: Le rumors which have prevailed for thirst forty-eight hours, with regard to cotunplated Cabinet changes, by which Ri&Wdson and Delano would exchange plac^aro believed to havo their origin in thiact that Delano is and has been very hious to become Secretary of the Treaay, and that Richardson is disposed to asnt to the arrangement, as eobig- thingietter than a dismisal from the Cabin altogether. An understanding of tliitort is said to exist between tho two fj this, who aro only checked in their easing task of fixing things to suit pmselves by the * circumstanae that c President is not _ disposed to conseri to it. General Grant is suppox to havd acquired - views on on seviil subjects ainocthe first liecame Preside, the finance among others, and does n-desire ns Secretary of tho Treas ury onnho also has views which might occ&siqlly conflict with those of his Exc-eUcy. Delano, unfortunately for his nsiptions, has financial views, and would i pretty sure to stand up for them, even njinst those of his superior officer. He is itccoad Cousin, or something of the sop and everybody knows how dis- agreeap are-family quarrels, such as might pse between him and the Presi- . dent, iichardson is said to liave made his reoumendation for increased taxa tion inbedience to the President’s in- structils. This may be correct. At all oventsfhc President is understood to bo not in Ivor of the change. That part of tho ruxir which indicates the recall of Selienii appears to have no foundation whatojr. feeing Is Deceiving. Hex is a row of ordinary capital letterind figures: SSSS3S3TXXXXXXXX33333333S8S3S8 The are such as aro made up of two parts If equal shapes. Look carefully at theb, and yon will pcrceivo that the upperaalves of the characters are a very little snxller than tho lower halves—so little liiat an ordinary eye will declare them t> he of eaual size. -tvj ^ turn Uie page wpai.r- ,lrwwn r a.nA. withoxt any careful looking, you will see that tlis difference in size is very much exaggerated; that the real top iialf of tho litter is very much smaller than the bdtom half. It will bo seen from this tint there is a tendency in tho eye to enlago the upper part of any object upon vAich it looks. A Ba-timoee man, who evidently cn- tertaiacA a strong dislike to legal pro ceeding), loft a clause in his will, saying “It is njr desire that tho foregoing re quest nay be fully carried out, and as I havo aidecided opinion of tho bad effects of law,! therefore hope none of my heirs will sofar forget themselves as to resort to tho law for alleged wrongs in the dis- tributim of tho small amount of property I may Jeavo;, or, if they so far forgot themselves, I therefore require my exec utors to deprivo such parties of their shore of tho property that may 'be due them." A book is now in course of manutac- turo in Paris, which will contain tho names of all the inhabitants of Alsace and Lorraine who have formally pro claimed their wish to remain French sub jects. The list is said to comprise 3S0,- 000 names. One hundred and twenty-five compositors have boen employed on tho work during the last three months; it is being printed on seven presses,,and the volume will include 13,163 pages. A valuable vork, no doubt, but not one which we would wish to read through at a sitting. The market closed active, with a strong de mand for good cotton at prices quoted. Lower grades are not quotable, as they are in no demand ar.d hard to work off at any price. The receipts to-day were 289 bales—213 by rail and 7G by wagon. Shipments 270: sales 5J1. DAILY STATEXir.- I. Stock on hand Sept-l, 1373 . .. 1,339 Received to-day.. ogg Received previously 32,93+—S3 “73 Shipped to-day Shipped previously. Stock on hand this evening....... 51.672 .... 279 •:...+lA81—+1,660 13,012 Financial and Commercial- Gold axd Silver nominal. Exchange on York buying at }SJ per cent, off find selling at par. On Providence and Poston, buying nt 1 per ccni-oH. Provisions. There is considerable activity In the provision market, with a marked adranee in the "West Wo quote: Bacox.C.U. sides 91(591.-^ % , ■ > r Butk Meats— : C. R. sides. %i; shoulders 71. Bellies. 10 giOfr Hams—Very cheap, 9l@10. Laud, per lb. tierces 11; kegs and tubs 111; buc kets 12i@13|. Market stroti*. with an upward tendency. Bagging, Ties, oto. Domestic BAaanto.accor.lin; to weight. 153 16. Ties, Arrow 9’®10. Baooiso Twixe is-322. Stock of bagging ample. Arrow ties ara scareo and in good demand. Butter and Eggs. Better, country 25®30; Tennessee S0®35; Go- shen, according to quality, 33ig50. Eggs, per dozen 40. Butter and eggs aro in light supply with a good demand at full prices. Groceries. Candles, adamantine, full weight, hexes 19® 20c, halves }c higher; sperm +5350; parallno wax A. M. Holbrook, Esq., who was one of the proprietors of that paper in its palmy ante-bellum days, has againresumed gen eral charge of the New Orleans Picayune. We welcome Mr. Holbrook’s return to the field of journalism, and trust he may find its path as pleasant and profitable as of yore. Maoshal McMahon, Trcaidont of the French Republic, is seventy-two years of age, and has had his term of office ex tended seven years. That is drawing pretty heavily on time. It is said five hundred children, in Havre became fatherless, and more than one hundred worn on were made widows, by th« loss of the Yille du Havre. Alexander T. Strwjlkt is shortly to give away a niece in marriage. Cheese, factory 17; extra cream 171; State 14® 16. Cheese lias liiul a steady market all the week. Coffee, Rio, common 27; fair 28; primo 2S*. choice SI; Java S3®40. The advance in coffee has boen very marked. Stock very light, and full prices are obtained. Caxdy, Northern lG®17c.; city 17c, per lb. Canned Goods, per doz., 1 lb. cove oysters, 140® 150; 2 lb do, 2 50 ; 2 lb peaches. 3 00; 2 lb tomatoes, 2 50; 2 lb pine apples, S 00; 2 lb pears, 2 50®2 75; green com, —; brandy cherries. 2 qts, 4 00®125; brandy peaches, qts, 4 00®4 50; con densed milk, 2 75®3 00; sardines, \ boxes, per case, 19 00. Crackers' (no charge for package), per lb, sods, 71®8J; butter, 9®U; picnic, 10®ll; sugar, 10® 12; cream, 14®15; lemon cream, 14®15; ginger snaps, 14® 15; aerated, 13. FRurrs,apples Northern and "Western, accent ing to condition, per bbl., $6 00®8 00; dried peaches per lb. —: dried apples per lb. —. Layer Raisins, new. boxes, S 50®4 00; half do, 2 25®2 50; quarter do, 100. Old crop 50c per box less, other sizes in proportion. Mackerel, No. 1, bbls $22 00®23 00; halves $11 50®IS 50; kits, according to weight $2 50®8 00, No. 2 bbls.$lG 00al7 00; halves $S 50a9 00; kits, ac cording to weight. $175a2 00; No. 3, largo bbls. $14 00al5 00; halves $7 50aS 00; kits, according to weitrht, $1 SOcxl OS. WniTJJ nsa. TTU. 1, liuir IA.U. tQ 00. Stock of mackerel large. White ffsh in light supply. Flour, per bbL superfine $7 00®S 00; extra $8 50 ®9 00; family 9 50®10 00; fancy 1100®12 00. Advancing tendency and held firm at our quo tations. Grain, com per bushel, white $1 00; yellow and mixed 93. Oats, per bushel, white and mixed 75; rust proof 1 23. In moderate demand, stock light. GrxpowDEE, FFG, kegs. 7 50; half do, 4 00, quarter do, 2 50. Hat, per cwt.. Timothy —; Western —. Molasses and Syrup, roboiled, hhds. per gal. 2;bbls. S5. Syrup, refined, according to quality, 52a75; Georgia and Florida 50®55. Potatoes, per bbl. Northern $4 00; Wostcm $3 50. Onions, per bbl. $5 50afl 00. Pickles, per doz, gallon, —; half do, 4 00; quarter do, S 00; eighth do, 2 00. Rice, per lb., choice 8; prime 81a9. Snuff, per lb., Maccaboy 7Sa80, Scotch 78aS0. Salt, per sack. Liverpool $1 80; Virginia fme *2 20. Soap, per lb., common 5la6; family 7a8; olive 7| aS; wrapped, per box, 100 cakes, $6 SOaSOO. Sugars, per lb., cut loaf 14t; crushed and pow dered 1S|, A 121*13; extra C lOJall; juliow extra C 10®10|; yellow 9i®10. Starch, refine^l pearl, per pound, 3. Spices, per lb, pepper, 28; spice, 18; gingor 15. Shot, bags 25 lbs., drop 2 90aS 00; buck S 25. Tobacco, per lb., common 43a4S; medium 50&55; fine bright COaTO*. extra :fme and fancy 80al 00. Smoking, according to quality and brands 40a75. Stock of manufactured large; holders anxious to realize; prices in buyers* favor. Vinegar, cider per gab S3a46; white wine do mestic 40a45; white wine imported 60. Wines and Liquors, proof com per gal. $110; proof Bourbon, $123al 50; common Bourbon. $la 110; Robinson county, $1 £0al 75; fine rye.$2aS 50; gin $1 25*2 00. Champagne Wine, Heidsick per pint, $33; dry Verzenav, $30; Krug Jt Co., $33; imperial Cabi net, $25; Werks* Golden Ea«le.$22; per quart. $20. LATEST MABKETSBT TELEGRAPH Financial. New York—Noon—Gold opened at 10}. Stock dull. Honey 7 bid. Gold 101. Eivliange. long SJ; short H- Governments strong and steady. State bond, quh-t and nominal. Evening—Business in all dejmrt ments was mod erate to-dav. The Stock Exchange closed at one o’clock Monev 1-64 and interest bid. sterling dull at S}. Gold active at lOlalOl. Governments inactive. State bonds dull and nominal. Midnicht—81s 20i; C2s 135; 64s 14 J; 65s Ufe new 19!; 67s 19J; 68s 19; new 5s 10*; 10-40S IS. Tonnes sees HO. new SO; Virginias 36; new 40, consols 50, defd lOfc Louisianas 40; new 40, levees 6s 43i; 8s 58; Alalwnia 8s 65; 5s 35; Georgia «s CO. 7s 86; North Carolines 25; new 14; special tax 11; South Csrolmas 24; new 7; April and October 10. „ . New Orleans—Gold 9jalOJ. Exchange, New York sight \ discount. Sterling, bank drafts 19. London—Under the new valuation of the pound, new 5s 10$i; Erfe 43$. Note—The new method of quoting goes into effect in New York on Friday.] Faris—Rentes 5S135c. Cotton. Xyw York—Neon—Cotton, sales SIS; uplands ! 162; Orieans 16h cotton dull. | Futures .opened as follows: January 15lal3|; Vilqll'* "Mfirr-h • Annl lfi?- I JJtEMPril^-Cotton. net receipts 1741; shipments tytl * toc f *ov middlings 142; middlings in!; market quiet. IALVE3TON—Cotton, net receipts fill; exports coast\nse 235; to Great Britain —. to France < >ntment -n sales lSVh stock 100,338; good fair aai ^ ^ ‘ ort ^ nar 3 r 1-2; market firm; demand o Philadelphia—Cotton, net receipts 10: gross 867; exports to Great Britain —; low middlings 15!; middlings 165; strict good ordinary 13; mar ket qmet. . Liverpool—Noon—Cotton sales 10,000 bales; speculation and export 1000; uplands Sfc Orleans “|v>r. market dull and easier. Cotton to arrive 1-16 hi-ii-r. Uplands, nothing lielow good ordinary, shipped December. 8h nothing below low middlings, shipped December, 8; nothing below low mid dlings, shipped December and January, 8J; up lands deliverable February and March, 8 1-16; Orleans, nothing below low middlings, shipped January and February, S|. Sales of the week 39,000; exports 3,000; specula tion 1,000; stock in port by actual count 593,000— estimated at 473,000; American, by actual count, 149.000—estimated at 87.000; receipts 43,000; Amer ican 24,000; actual export 12,000; afloat 3CS.OOO; American 240.000. ccmber and January, 8 3*16; same, shipped Janu ary and February, 81. Later—Uplands, not below good hrered January 8; same, shipped January and 1- ebruary, S. Sales include C500 American. Produce. Now York—Noon—Flour steady. "Wheat firm. Com. a shade llrm’r Pork Heady; mess 16 oo al6 23. Lanl b^vvyj steam 8 13-I6a8i. Turpentine heavy at 401a4l. Rosin quiet at 250a2 53 for Strainech Freights firm. ’ BTenlng—Flour, quiet and steady; common to fair extra C SOaS 00; good to choice extra 8 50a 1100. Whisky quiet at 91. Wheat quiet and unchanged; very moderate export demand. Corn dull; western mixed S3laS4. Rice quiet and un changed. Pork firm; mess 1G 25al6 50. Lardsteadj* at 85a8f. Tallow and navals quiet. Freights moderately active. Louisville—Flour firm at 6 25a7 00. Corn stc-.ulv; new-shelled and sacked 53. Pork quiet l and firm; mess 15 50. Bacon steady; shoulders 71; : clear rib sides S}aS5; clear sides 8!a7l. Lard un changed; tierce 9a91; keg 10ul0i; steam 81. Whis ky 9.'l5a9l. Cincinnati—Flour firm; family 7 00a7 25. Com firmer; new ear 53a57; old ear and shelled 60a63. Pork firmer; mess 15 25. Lard firm; steam 85; kettle 85*iS*. Bacon firm and in fair demand; sales at. shoulders 81; clear rib sides 8j; clearsides Si. Wliiskv firm and active at at 94. St. Louis—Flour firm and in fair demand; superfine winter 5 25a5 50. Com dull and lower at 50a50k for new mixed, east track. Whisky steady at 95. Pork firm at It 50al5 00. Bacon firm and unchanged. Lard firm at 8 for cash; St. Josenli 85 here in February. New Orleans—Flour, double extra 6 £5; treble extra C 50a7 50; family 7 75a9 00; market firm. Com quiet; white and mixed 69; white anil yellow 70. Oats firmer at 55a57. Bran finnai 87! a90. nay quiet; prime 21 00; choice 23 00. Pork dull; held at 15 25. Dry salted meats fn fair de mand anil supply; shoulders 6!a6J; clear rib sides 8; clear sides Si. Bacon, only jobbing demand; shoulders 8; clear ribs 9; clear sides 9tu9i; hams, old dull at 95; new quiet at IS. I,ard scarce; tierce SaSi; keg fi|:it*J. Sugar dull; inferior 4a4J; com mon 3a6; fair to fully fair 6a7i; prime to choice 8a 8}. # Molasses quiet; prices firm; fair 58; prime 64; strictly primo 65. Whisky firm; no Cincinnati here; Louisiana 97a9S. Coffee 21a27. Com meal dull at S 25. Wilmington—Spirits turp&itine quiet at 3*. Rosin dull at 2 15 for strained. Crude turpen- tino quiet; liard 2 00; yellow dip and virgin 2 50. Tar steady at 215- Liverpool—Nocn—Brcadstuffs firm. Evening—Breadstuffs firm. Red winter wheat 126Sd. Corn 37s9d. London—Evening—Turpentine 31s3da31sCd. Marino News. Savannah—Arrived, nnntsville, San Jacinto. America, Wyoming, Bolivar Grnhxm, Polly, Ve- lox. Grenhilue, Milo, Lottie Mills. Cleared, Bettic, Industrial, Gettysburg, Emma D. Penney, John Medara. Sailed, Seminole, L. Duvall. London—Arrived at Liverpool, Barks Maria, South and Holden, from Pensacola. At Graves end, Bark Nonuand, from Wilmington, N. C. Sailed from Liverpool, Barks Racer and Cort El len, for New Orleans, and Albatross, for Wii- mimrtoii. New Yore—Arrived, Charleston. Arrived out, Castalia. Arrived, Ellen S. Terry, from New born, N. C. LIFE. HEALTH. COMFORx Cheerfulness, good digeetion, if secured, produces WEALTH. Liver Disease has afflicted mankind severely in lm espast, but in the present fast generation, it nas become a scourge almost unendurable. In fact, man rather than !>ear the burden of a life mode miserable by a Torpid Liver, resorts to sui cide for relief. More than half the ills that flesh is heir to re- ult from a diseased Liver, the cure for which is Tilt Bksiig of tie Nineteenth Centnir. FOR THE MASQUERADE. CHARACTER MASKS. 7 T*IXE Silk, Wire, Domino and Comic Masks. ? Tlio finest assortment in the city, just re- For Sale. A xa -'i-i l’.VillLY HOKSE-sound-and all ,kt. Also a light spring wagon and l p a E v e itvr s SLEEPLESSNESS, SUICIDE. INTEMPEEAXCE. DEBILITY. EESTLESNESS, . COSTIYEXESS, DEPRESSION, ENVIOUS TEMPER, NERVOUSNESS, nEADACHE. HEARTBURN. JAUNDICE, FEVER AND AGUE. Arc all causod by the Liver being out or order. RE0TILATE THE LIVER And tho whole system keeps time lika clock work. Everywhere they aru strong in the belief that a constitutional invigorant, a preparation uniting the properties of a gentle purgative, a tonic, t» blood purifier and a general regulator is tho great requisite in all disease*.-. Everywhere they aro coming to tlio conclusion that Simmons* Liver Regulator is precisely such a preiwnitioii. Everywhere mothers find it a sure neutralizer of acidity of the stomach, indigestion and colic iu children. Everywhere it is becoming tho favorite home remedy, having proven itself an unfailing specific in billiousness, constipation, colic, sick headache^ bowel complaints, dyspepsia and fevers. Take Simmons* Liver Regulator, tho great family medicine, purely vegetable. It is indeed a marvelous medicine. Simmons’ liver Regulator OR MEDICINE, Is harmless, Is no drastic, violent medicine. Is sure to cure if taken regularly. Is no intoxicating beverage. It is a great aid to thecausoof Temperance. Is a faultless family medicine. Is the cheapest medicine in the world. Is given with safety and the happiest results id 1 the most delicate infant, Does not interfere with business, Does not disarrange the system, Takes the place of Quinine and Bitters of every kind, Contains the simplest and best remedies. Deware of Counterfeit* and Imita tions, and Preparations not In our Original Packages. Take care not to buy any article as “Simmon** Liver Regulator,’* that has not our genuine label and stamp upon it. Accept no imitation or sub stitute, however plausibly recommended. Buy the powder and prepare it vourself. or buy the liquid in bottles prepared only by J. H. ZKILIN JtCO. PRICE ONE DOLLAR"! UaiitifaH nrwl “Vhy At Oliver, Dousrlass x uo's. Costumes, Dominos, Caps, Wigs! MADE TO ORDER. DIAMOND, BLONDE, AND GOLD POWDERS! dec2Seod6t A. O’CONNOR. Monroe Female College FORSYTH, GA. T HE Spring Session will begin on Wednesday, January 21,1874. Board and Tuition for tho term of twenty-four weeks will be $139 20. Vocal music and calisthenics are taught free of charge. For furth?r particulars apply for catalogue to R. T. ASBURY, Pres. Far. JUST RECEIVED! 100 BUCKETS LARD. SO lull bbls. LARD. S3 tierces LARD. 1 car load BI LK SIDES. 1 car load BULK SHOULDERS. 10 casks BULK HAMS. 100 ko?s (10 sals.) S. H. MOLASSES. 70 bbls. GEORGIA CANE SYRUP. At JAQUES & JOHNSON'S. February 15jal5i; March lCS-lGalCf; April 16.; J May 171- Evcninc—Cotton, net receipts 649; cross 764S; sales 1442: uplands 16h Orleans 165; market dull, j Futures closed steady; sales l«,CO>, as follows: j January 151; February 15J; March 16|; April 16 13-16*; May 175M75. Baltimore—Cotton^ net receipts 21S-. gross f dwise 415; middlings | low middlings 155; strict good ordinary 145: market quiet. Let the People Speak. Manhattan, Kju.%, April S, 1873. B. F. Pitre*, Bufalo, X. T.: Dkab Sir : Your Favorite Prescription has done my wife a world of good. * She has taken nearly two bottles and has felt „ better the past two weeks than at any ^ 1026*'exports to Great Britain —;*eoastw tine in the past two years. No more pe- j sales iu23; to spinners J00;stock 15.074; mi nodical £&ins; none of that aching beck or dragging sensation in her stomach she j has been locustomod to for several years, j so much Confidence in it that I ' soul be perfectly willing to warrant to : certain customers of ours who would be ' triad to get hold of relief at any expense. ' I have tried May Patent Medicines, but : never had any occasion to extol one be fore. Vexy truly yours, Gxo, B. IYhitisg. Mis. E. R. Dut,Metropolis, IU., writes I January 9th, 1873: Bar and Restaurant. OPEN ALL NIGHT. J. VALENTINO, H AVING r»‘flttod liis entire premises, is now prepared to furnish his fnends and patrons with everything pertaining to a first-class restau rant, which will be served in the very best style. He will always have on hand FRESH FISH, OYSTERS, SAME, ETC. Strangers visiting Mzcon should give him a call. I will open on tho 1st of October, at No. 66 Cherry street, next door to my present restaurant, a Ladies’ Eating Saloon. »e;>7 tf CUSHING’S MANUEL J. H. ZEILIN & GO., MACON. GA.. and PHILADELPHIA. TESTIMONIALS. •*I have never seen or tried such a simple, effi cacious, satisfactory and pleasant remedy in my life.* —H. Hainer, St. Louis, Mo. *‘I have used the Regulator in my family for the last seventeen years. I can safely recom mend it to the world as the best medicine I ever used for that class of diseases it purports to cure.’* —M. F. Thigpen. 'We liave been acquainted with Dr. Simmons* Liver Medicine for more than twenty years, and know it to be the best Liver Reirulator offered to the public.”—M. R. Lyon anil 31. L. Lyon, Bell- fontaine, Ga. biRiCToad: -»t A^T D. FLANDERS. *KTT -W. B. DIXSMOKE D. S. LITTLE. -’iZLEHUHST. C. PLANT, Presubs'.t. malO-tilnoTl* | are ciear>xl and 1 Und ^ »dfi 1 xin’one'double'l sndeicr.lle Lai. H. L. JE\. H. B. PLANT, G. H. x. I. W. W. Wriglet, Cashiej*. SON, '’Si gm.oneuoumc* uweiiinc- m.iT'l ““4^«A0r-ii0 laborers - bouses, u tbwwelK.f icy soat. There is-lmber and ruel t |u^ llJ a goo* l mi U place also to more than -oient o ntn\ ’ . ^irrj ;- e -f*.... chase moi 1 ^ This property - rouble the puv / -lrriv>. »t^ esu P commodating terms, or +’ will be solac n au- 1 r ~ 1 pwetnepts. SOflEljjjr J '» x,.r -a ( Htj esu ' terms, or +' will be solac iiac* / ° - > AW’ly ^ Achanged for city * im- * Art ive o*^i ,s 'Wck * 4 Jr . this office, or to An , V e ^.v TIIOS. POWELL. VI , „ ** Bacon ,J>,xr Cuthbert. Georyi,. I ‘ JKT +8£ioa r , '-... .j.j?-' V I £***55 n? d " m 5% I. C. PLANT & Bankers and Broke.*.. MACON, GA. Buy ana Sell Excbange. Gobb Silver, Stocks and Bonds. Deposits Received., Ou lYhlch Interest will 1+e Allowed, AS AGREED UPON. PAYABLE ON CALL Advances made on Cotton and Pro. duce in Store. COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO eb9 ly CITY BANK HI tq % e6 m ifeR^Tr *ansvaia. ■>wX5 ^iikin & V /.MwttSSSSL T:R f r “10 Macou tarl I JA8. \\\ ROBFpt--^ 'SSS.ssa - 1 - 1 MACON, GEORGIA. Capital 1200,000 Dollars. UXRECTOItS : \VM. B. JOUNSTON. JOHN J. GRESHAM. julytX 6m S. G. llo.vjf. President. R. P. Lawtox, Cashier. EXCHANGE BANK OF MACON. OOlce In hurt New Uulldlnir. Receives Deposits, BUYS AND SELLS EXCHANGE. Makes Advunces on Slocks. Bonds, Cotton in Store. Al+o on Shipments of Cotton. Planters’* Bank, FORT VALLEY, GA. R ECEIVES Deposits, discounts Paper, buys and sells Exchange; also, Gold and Sifter. Collections made at all accessible points. Interest paid on Deposits when made for a specified time. Wm. J. Axdkrsox, Pres’t. W. E. Brows. Casli’r DUtECTOUS Wm. J. Anderson, Col. Hugh L. Dennard Col. Wm. Felton, Dr. W. A Mathews. ^r.M Tu H. Hoilinshf* [TRADE MARK REGISTERED.] T S the best and cheapest Guano in use. nish the strong Chemical Salts of Ammonia, Nitre, Potash, etc., which we guarantee to bo pure and reliable. These, when mixed with what w saved at homo, make a bettor manure than you can buy for two or three times the money. Formula No. 1 makes 2.000 pounds fertilizer to be used on ten acres for cotton or fifteen acres for corn. Price $25 50, delivered in depotat Macon, cash. Formula No. 2, with cotton pounds fertilizer, to bo "used op ton or fifteen acres for corn. Pri< lepot at Macon, 3Vb fur- seed, makes 3,000 ten acres for cot- 0 $IC 50, delivered wrowrr, 0+J.IC1- %«!•- Oet 0 ^ H ?, 1U ; l* 73 - J Haooo and i, •, * l** S3 *enger - -luiilrood 6:30 a D 2rAR Ti X \Vo have also for sale in quantities to suit, the best quality of fertilizing chemicals at the lowest prices—Ammonia, Nitre, Dissolved Bones, 1‘otJvsli, Land PLister, etc. Plantera are cautioned against numerous “compounds’* that will no doubt be offered them as substitutes for our preparation. Dp not buy except from us or some of our author ized agents. Send for circular giving all particu lars. HUNT, RANKIN A LAMAR, 82 and b4 Cherry street. Ectts Cousrv, Ga., ifcfcmoor 3,1S73. I used yours by tlio side of two liigh-priceJ mu mi rev, and it diu. better than ciUier. ^ After using 70 tons this year. I prefer yours evet at the same price of the expensive manures t xr uAiroun DAY TUAIS—DAILY U Leave Maeon *..... Arrive at Au^suUi Leave Auirusta Arrive at Macon ......V. Trains on the 3Iacon aud Augusta a. will make dose i*onnection at Camik passenger train on the Georgia Railr. Washington, Athens and Atlanta. octl2Ut S. K. JOHNSON. 8:40 a 2 • 5:25 p $ CENTRAL RAILROAD. 0 > ONLY MANUFACTORY la this country where Loom Reeds, Harnesses —AND— Patent "Wire Heddles Are made under one management. Also,SUPPLIES used in COTTON and WOOLEN MILLS jnromptly furnished. DENNISON’S PATENT SHIPPING TAGS Over Two Hundred Millions have been used within the past ten years, Iwithout complaint of loss by Tag be- 'coming detached. They aro more re liable for marking Cotton Bales than any Tag in use. All Express Companies use them. Sold by Printers and Stationers everywhere* ■ oct4 Sra CHRISTMAS GOODS —FOR— YOUNG AMERICA! Jl> INKLER’s HEW CONFECTIONERY AND TOY STORE. 51 Mulberry st, next to Street R. R. office.! T HAVE just opened one of the largest and best selected stocks in myline ever brougt to Macon, embracing Toys, Confectioneries, Fruits, etc. Everything in mv store is new and just from market. Silk, Wire and Comic Masks in great variety. Suppers for parties and weddings prepared at short notice. Give me a call when buying your Christmas goods. deolOtil janl . . • Wanted to Rent. A COMFORTABLE dwelling-house, with four to six rooms, convenient to business. For information apply to CITY EDITOR ileclAtf Telegraph and Messenger FOR RENT. T WO DWELLING HOUSF.S. eligibly located. Apply to R. F. LAWTON, At Exchange Bank, or to Db. A. P. COLLINS, julylT tf At Collins’ A Heath’ E. B. POTTEB, M. D. HOMCEOPATHIST O FFICE Wood’s Block, Second street, third door lxrlow Johnston jewtdrj- establishment. Tb*iiuenr*t% Tinier House. inlvl5 tf OF PARLIAMENTARY PRACTICE. Rules of proceeding and debate in deliberative assemblies. An indispensable hand-book for every meml>er of a deliberative body, and the au thority in all the States. “The must authoritative expounder of Ameri can parliamentary law.”—Chas. Sumner. Price. 65 cents. Sent by mail on receipt of New ‘Orleans — Cotton, net receipts 7513; I Address THOMPSON, BROWN A: CO., gross S343; exports coastwise —; to Great Britain • Boston. Mass. 15.213: continent —; France—; sales 3000; last evening 6500; stock 25^.007: middlings 16J; low mid dlings 14;; strict gojd ordinary 13j; market irreg- regular and easier. W*ilxiingto5—Cotton.nct receipts 132; exports to Great Britain —; coastwise —; sales 120; stock 4129; middlings 15; market quiet. SAVXX5AH—Cotton, net rereipte 3654; exports to the Continent —; coastwise 1148; to Great Britain 9786; sales 1073; stock 117,009; middlings 15;al5;; market nominal. Chajilkstox—Cotton, net receipts 2431; exports to Great Britain—-.coastwise 1471; to France —; to the continent •»-. sales W00- itock 71J87; Dt. R, V, Pierce—My si star is using I middlings l&k tow middlings U; strict gsodomti- Notice to Physicians. T HE undersigned has a splendid location with house, lot and otiiee connected, in the town o Lumpkin, Stewart county, Ga., which will be sold cheap to a pbvsician. I nave done for years from three to five thousand dollars* worth of practice per vear. Owing to poor health, I wish to move where I can do a city practice with less work. Stewart is one of the* best counties in the State. For further particulars address me at this place^. W. A. GREGORY, M. D„ decllswlm Lumpkin. Stewart county. Ga. ith nary 14i; market easy. Mobil!—Cotton, net receipts 1590. exports coastwise 855; Great Britain 767; sales 1"00; stock 62A*h>; middlings 15b low middlings 14i; strict good ordinary 13f; market quiet. Bonos—Cotton, net receipts 775; gross 1932: Great Britain 476; sales 300; stock GOud. middhogi l^i; un^kot quiet. IX HAXKHUPTCr. Ill tlie matter ol Wilkins Lmch—Bankrupt. onlcr ol tile District Court of ^heJTayorite Prescription Peibsis, Lehman, TtY | -5- I 5^Teorai»; not ite'is hereby riven that the second . Kwco—WHat I hare toien S0(h riS j ■ r '' ,,oral of the ^wiitors of raid hmkrnpt ® 7°<“ median* been of usn, ben- nuddEi«i ^ S#0 * will be held at my otfice. in the city of Maeon on t ~‘ *11 Others and hundreds i Nobtole—Cotton, net receipts Shti m ports Friday, the Uth day ofJanusrT, 1S7+. at+o clock of doctors’ lulls.” cosstwise 1+00-, to Orest Britain —; rales+75- ! r - *• rorlet A. sisBtl. • Stock 21,7+0; low middlings 1+1; market quiet ' -l “' dec2S sunk wed 4t ROBERT A. NISBET. Assignee. WANTED. A SITUATION by a young man largely ac- A quainted in Middle* and Southwest Geor gia. Salary not so much an object as employ ment. The best of references given as to eharac- t<T. Address "WANTED,” dcclS tf Care of Telegraph and Mesaenrer. LAW PARTTOEBSHTP. JL. r. LTOX. I JAMES JACKSOV. LYON & JACKSON, ATTORNEYS AT MACON, GEOBGIA, Law Copartnership. T HE undersignei] hare associated themselves together in tlie practice of law, under the firm name of Nisbet, Bacon & Hines. They will practice ia the Superior Courts of the Macon Circuit and of the counties of Sumter, Randolph and Dougherty, in the Supreme Court of the State, and in the Federal Courts for the District of Georgia. JA3IES T. NISBET, A. O. BACON, dec!7 tf R. K. HINES. For Rent. T HE residence of the late J. R. Butts, on First street, occupied at present by J. L. Sauls- bunr, eligibly located and convenient to business. Possession given OctobeMst^ seplOtf Or CAPT. A. G. BUTTS. DESIRABLE MUiL PROPERTY! FOR SALE. milE si id property is known m tho .> -r ± NIA SAW 1 MILL COMPANY OF GEOR GIA.” is .“situated on Cobb’s creek, two miles from the Altar, luha river, and eighteen milss from Rccdsville, the county seat of Tatnatl county, Ga., and •consists of 5,000 Acres «r Well-Timliercd Pine Lands, 600 acres cleared land, well adapted tu the culti- vation of grotton, corn, oats, rye, eU\ Tho MBtrovements comprise one Saw ontl one Grist 1131 (water power), with all tho neressary machinery, including one Gang and one Circular Saw; a marrow-gauge Railroiul, two miles long, with locomotive and lumber cars complete, con necting tke mill direct with the nver; 26 Mules ; 8 Timlier Wagons, Harness and Chains, in good order; Horses, Oxen and other stock; also, a COMMODIOUS DWELLING, Comfortably .furnished; large Stables; Carriage Houses; Backsmith and Wlieelwright Shops ; two new H«uses, recently built, for white and colored laborers; a substantial Camp for cutters; and a Stock Pon, in the woods. The MiH has a capacity for turning out 25,000 Joet re-sawui Liimlier per day. The Machraery and Buildings are new, and the situation onerf the healthiest m the State. The Water Power for driving the M ill is ample at all seaAons Uf the year, and is secured to name by act of incorporation. Terms moderate. For further particulars apply to GERMANIA SAW MILL CO. OP GA.. P.O. Box 1,366. New York City, Or to GEO. A. BURT, General Agent. Lock Box 121, Saviyinah, Ga. decs lm* M. HOUSkR, Houston county. Yours produced as well or better tlum others at less than kalf the cost. W U ROBINSON, Macon county. Yours produced as well as the Chiticlia Island and tho two other high-priced which In sod this year. C A HAMILTON, Jones county. Yours is ns good ns the expensive kinds I used this year; some think better. J U McCAY, Talbot.eounty Your fertilizer, on two yearsMrial. has proven to l>c as good ns any other fertilizer I ever used, and I shall use it alone hereafter. J M Sl'IXLIN Fayette county. It lias proved to be just as good, and in some respects superior, to tho most expensive manures. I desire to uso it extensively next year. HENRY' J WILLIAMSON, Griffin. Ga. It is ns good as the expensive sort that I used. I shall use it altogether next season. J W PERRY', M D, Clay county, Ga. I used a ton of the “Home-Made” by two of tho expensive guanos, and find no difference in the yield. I can lienrtily recommend it as a cheap and paying fertilizer—shall use it exclusively next year. JNO H BUTLER, Monroe county. Baenesvillf, Ga., October 8,1S7S. I used vour compound again this year, and am so well pleased with it that 1 don’t think I shall overuse nny other kind. Where I used 300 pounds per acre I will make 2,000 pounds of seed cotton to the acre. I used it on turnips this year; they are the finest I ever saw. I think the farmers will be satisfied, after this year’s trial, that it is the best in uso. Yours resj>ect(ully, J P McLEAN. Spalding County, Ga., October 16,1873. - T used your “Home-Made Fertilizer” this year .tton and corn,-in the same quantities with tage is decidedly witlfthe -*ir*ylvan- dccided to uso it exclusively next }”£/!''• I have EDWARD M DORSEY'. Suxntside, Ga, October 23,1873. After a fair test by the side of three liigh-priccd and standard commercial manures, it is plain that the “Homo Made” is as good ns auy, and I cut! conscientiously command it to the farmers as the best and clicajiest they can use. J O A MILLER. 3Iaeshai.yu.le, Ga , October 21,1873. Dr. P. 12. Ilolt: Dear Sir—I used tins season thirty-six tons of your *‘Home-3Iado Fertilizer,” and am so well pleased with it that 1 shall u«e it almost or quite exclusively next year. I applied it at the rate 61 75 to 150 pounds per acre with satisfactory results. Yours truly, W II. FE ETON. Teerel County, Ga.; Octolior 20,1873. I used this year tho Home-Made Fertilizer of Hunt, Rankin & Lamar,on corn and cotton. The fertilizer was manipulated with top earth. My land is light and sandy. We applied it in a field on cotton alternately with the .Sea Fu\*l. equal a uantities of each, and could never discover any ifference in tho two. We used it on corn and find the Home-Made decidedly the host. Whore we put the Home-Made the corn retained a rich green color up to maturity. decl4eodA\v3m JNO T LAMAR. 31 1). LOW FOR CASH. A LL of the stock, lire and otherwise, of the Georgia Mills, consisting of Flour, Flour Sacks, Horses,, Hogs. Wagons, Buggies, Harness, Tools, Iron Sales, Office Furniture, etc, MUX) S. FREEMAN, deeSltf Receiver. Im J. OUIL3CARTI5. JOHN FLAH5EET. Ii. J. QTTTT.WABTnr & CO., COTTON FACTORS General Commission Merchants, Bay Street, Savanmtii, 4iau A GENTS for Bradley’s Sujier-Phospkate of Lime. Jewell’s Mills Yarns and .Domestics, etx* Bagging. Rope and Iron liep always Usual facilities extended to customers, ausi dw<fcxw6m RUM, KUSTOMERS, KUM, AND GET KEROSENE OIL AT 25 CENTS PER GALLON! M’est's Ultra Kerosene Oil. 110 desraes fire test, branded sale by Dr. Blaekshear. Brin« along your small change, and invest in Christ- mas Oil, suitable for presents. Every tiling else proportionately cheap, at the drug store of ROLAND B. HALL, dec2Stf Cor. Cherry st. and Cotton nve. Fop Sale or Rent. I OFPR for rent or pale, as agent, the two plan tations belonging to S. W. Lee, of Atlanta, be ing on Choke creek, 10 miles northeast from Starksrille, Lee county; stock, corn, fodder and the mill, for cotton or money. I will be in Amer- icus on the 30th and 31 st instant and will go down to the plantation on the 1st day of January', 1874, and remain until disposed of. dec23 at* B. G. KELLY. COUGH?, SORE YHIlOATJNFLr- J&2SA, WII OO P- JI« G COUGH, Asthma, a: cry affi-ction < THROAT, RUN which docs not dry up a cough anil leave the ca 5? lichind, hut loosens it, dcauso^ tho lungs and alU; s Irritation, thus removing the cause of the comp!:;!:' I CONSUMPTION CAN BE CUBED by a timely resort to thi3 stand aru remedy, as i» proved by hundreds of IcsffinoilTals it has ivei i\cd. Tho genuini is signed Unit*" < SETJI W. I’OWLK SONS, Vsx to::, Mass. Sold by dealers genen GENERAL SUPERINTENDENT’S OFFl ’S Savannah, November 1,1373. N and after Sunday, tho 2d inst., lVo•; i; '-;r Trains oil tho Georgia tVntnd 1!.*: .. bruih’hes aud connections, will run us follov . TRAIN NO 1.—OOINQ NOUTIT AND WEST. Leaves navannaiira..* 8:45am Jjcaves Augusta .J...,.’. 9:05 A M Arrives in Augusta 4:00 r M Arrives in MtUedgevillo 10:09 r m Arrives in Eatonton .*... .’...,11:53PM Arrives iu Macon....... 6:45 p m IjCuvos Macon for Columbus *. 7:15 P M Leaves Macou for Eufaula 9:10 r M leaves Mncon for Atlanta 7:30 r m Arrives al Columbus 3:57 A M Arrives at Kufuula...., 10;20 a m Arrives at Atlnnta. 1:40 A M COMING SOUTH AND EAST. Leaves Atlanta. 1:90 a m* Leaves (Columbus 7:40 P M Leaves Eufaula 7:25 P M Arrives in Macon from Atlanta... 6:50 A xt Arrives in Macou from Columbus 5:00 a m Arrives in Macon from Eufaula 6:45 A M Leaves Macen 7:15 a m Izeaves Augusta 9:05 a m Arrives at Augusta 4:00 p u Arrives at Suvanmih 5:25 P xt TRAIN NO. 2—GOING NORTH AND WEST. Leaves Savannah........ 7:!U) p M Leaves Augusta 8:05 p it Arrives in Augusta 5:55 a M Arrives in Macon &20 a Leaves Macon for Columbus 8:45 A M Lcsves Macon for Eufaula 9:05 A M Ikenves Macon tor Atlanta thlO a .W Arrives iu Columbus ;; l'.So p M Arrives in Eufauhi 15*40 P 31 Arrives in Atlanta S-.ISrii COMINO SOUTH AND EAST. Leave? AlLuifa.. 7KK> A m Leaves tViUiiibns 2:50 V 31 Leaves Jlufauls. 7:20 A M Arrives iii Mm-on from Atlanta .- 5:40 v 3i Anivcs in Macon from Columbus 7:50 P .u Arrives in Macon from Eufaula 5:10 p M Leaves Macon 7::i5 p xt Arrives at Milledccvilb* ; 1C.9J P M ArrivQi in Eatouton 11:55 r M Leaves Augusta A ?*:U5 p xi Arrives in Augusta 5:55am Arrives in Savannah 7:15 A M Train No. 2 being a through train OU theCrn- tfal It:ulro:u.l, Sopping only at whole .stations, paaaengohl for half stations k’aunot bo taken ou or put off. Passengfers for Milk*dgevillc and Eatoutuu will tane train No. 1 from Savannah ai: l Aiigiist.i ::n»l train No.2 from ]Hnntsonth<* Southu<.stem lpiil- Atlanta and Macon. Hit . i » -.**1 kUb runs «. {'i'* •- - - • nov5tr General Su peri i/tci.:lent. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE’ SUPERINTENDENT’S OFFICE, Southwestern Railroad Cqmpanv, Macon, Ga., October 26, ls7*’. O X auu after Sunday, the 2Cth inst., Passenger Trains on this Road will run as follows: DAY EUPAULA PASSENOER TRAIN. Lem Maoon U;05 a at Arrive at Kufnuln '. C: W p x Arrive at Clayton 7:^0 p m Arrive at Albany 3:45 I* M Arrive at Arlington 7:13 p m Arrive at Fort Gaines r»: i0 l’ M Leave Clayton 7:20 a 31 I leave Kulaula g : 30 A M Leavo F<*il Caines.... 8:isr» a m Leave Albany 10:47 A M Arrive at Macon 5:10 P 31 Connects with the Albany Train ut Sinithvjlle, ! and the Fort Gaines Train at Cuthbert daily, ex- j ccj/t Sunday. Albany Train connects with Atlantic and Gulf | Railroad Trains nt Albany, and will r.ui t Ar- i lington on Blakely Extension Tuesday and ITi- I day, returning Wednesday and Satui\i:«y. COLC3IDU8 DAT Z'ASSENOER TRAIN. ; Leave Macon : \ m j Amvo at Columbus l:5«i v 31 • licayu Columbus 2:sn p :»i j Arrive ut Maeon 7;:jo +■ a ; COLUMBUS NIGHT FREIGHT AND ACCOMMODATION JRAIN. ; j Leave Macon 7:15 i* u i Arrive at Columbus ; 5.57 a m ! Leave C+dumbus <:4opm | Arrive at Macon 5.'H> v M I Making close connection with Western R: il- I n»ad ut Columbus for Montgomery. Mobile, Now etc. tl ifmw* Ritroirs, Los DR. YVOODBRIDGE’S PAIN LINIMENT R EMOVES in. from five to twenty minutes the most violent jiains of NEURALGIA and CHRONIC RHEUMATISM, curing very severe loons of these diseases in from one to fivedavs; •iso the STIFFNESS OF THE JOINTS which •Ofcjqlijnes accompanies tho last. It alsc cures SPIJAjfNS OF THE JOINTS in twelve hours GUCLCOILS. NERVOUS HEADACHES, ncluding Vhoso which follow intermittent Fevers ■nd Tooth AdbcsJra from one to five minutes;also Colic. Ring AVorui and Meningitis. The second case was cured ».i Brunswick, reli.’rhiff in the hist in a few minutes, the pain in the head and neck, and the rigidity’ of the muscles of the neck. See cireulursconk.i.:ingccrtificatenof its virtues from those who have, used it, at the Drug Storeso R. B. HALL. Macon, and B. F. ULMER. Saiun- cah, who liave it for Address orders to DR. D. G. WOODBRIDGE. iccba 2’iv.twtf Brunswick. Gn. IMPERISHABLE ERA6RANCE MURRAY & LAN MAM’S CELEBRATED 50 BOXES PEAKS! FLORIDA WATER! -3,000 29,001 ORANGES (not ComScrtnce), 100 bbls. APPLES, 500 lbs. GRAPES. FISH of all kinds and ICE for the million at FELIX CORPUT 4 CO’S. The richest, most lasting, yet most delicate of : perfumes, for use on the HANDKERCHIEF, I At the TOILET. And in the BATH. : th fT IT tottatiam and fomitorteit*. alwav, ; ^.f. or , tl i e Water, which h»* on tlte bottle, ' I 11 tl>e pamphlet, the name, of i Y a LAXM AN, without which ncoo ia . 'F° r rate by ali perfumers, dru*>fi»t«. »t«i dealer, mi*ut-rrood.. DR. W. W. FORD, MB,. HALL'S SELECT SCHOOL DENTIST,, F«* BOYIAHD6W4 H AS removed his office from Mulberry «tree ! IN MondsY^Jamilr^fL ! to No. 106 Cherry street, over Major M. K { will be fihed by those Rogm’. next door to Mr, BeffiP’- 1 dec28sun,tu,thAsun KUPAULA Mnirr PRKIOHT ANI* Al'COM.«OI.lfl train. l,«:ave Alaeon ..’JT........!..... . r»:li) 1*11 "Arrive at Albany 7. i«» \ m Leave Eufaula 7:25 l* m Leave Albany b Si^’ M Arrive at Macon iri+A v. Trains leaving M:u*on and Eufaula o:i tills schedule Sunday, Monday, Wednesday and Thurday nights, connect at Smithvillo with* trains to Allmny. VIRGIL POWERS, oct26ly Engineer andSupiTinl- in! r*t. PORT ROYAL RAILROAD. OPPICR OP J£j 9INEBR AND SurKRINTENM.NT Augusta, Ga., June 28, 1*7.:. O N and after Monday; June 20, trains on this Road will ru i as follows: DOWN I AY PASSKNOER TRAIN. Will leave Augusta at 6:15 a M Arrive ut Port Royal at 2:16 p m Arrive at Charleston at I:!5 p >i Arrive at Savanhah 3:3o P ai . vr DAY PASSENGER TRAIN. Will leave Port Royal at JhUT a Ai Leave Charleston ut x : p)a i Leave Savannan ut / a . Arrive at Augusta at ,v>. «• «w.„. ©OWN SIGHT PA38BNOKR TRAIN. Will leave Augusta at 2.ln i • Arrive at Port Royal at ...II :‘,r. j • • t Arrive at Charleston at 5:(hi \ m Arrive at Savannah at 12.-".i- . • m UP NIGHT PASSENGER TRAIN. Will leave Port Royal at 10:S0 p m Leave Charleston at !!!’!*!. •;.«-» p m Leave SavTinnah at p .. Arrive at Augusta at !!!!!!!!!!.!!*.!!!!!!. >:t-> a M Passengers leaving Macon by th ? k:30 a m trai’s on Macon and Augusta Raiiroa/l. am ve :it Augi * ta in Lime to make c love connection with ih - r •:: night passenger train ou this rood for Port lto .a! and Savannah. JAMES O. MOO UK. July Ltf Engineer and Superin tender.:. FACTS FOB PAEENTS YND Guardians to Consider. G AINESVILLE, one of the* healthiest :i:»*l pteusuutest towns in Georgia has jp + eom- pletcd a fine Brick College Building. n.*l placed it under the charge of Geo. C. Loom*;.. He • teNC ^ ttn > male juiil fdmale. iu ., syrtem of teach ing does not crowd forts ami theories into the mind to the neglect of reason His pupils can enjoy their pouucai ana religious views without any atteu+id ndieufe ^^hera or students to bias or •wH 6 - su®rant«e to each boarder bringing him lodging, fuel, washing mm 8< holastii- WSSUSnS^ *»t less. Board 810 to *** Xrftim $20 to $96 per year, >1 isr ern Languages, Painting and Drawing, Book-keeping fsinprio and double al out-door exercises in higher with instruments, without extra kept under strict discipline, both •tWfMkouL Drunkards, gamblers mid t Mia constantly encouraged not to tocwswtoichool. • mT 0 ** wenty '' our