The Macon telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1873-188?, May 23, 1875, Image 1

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I MM —— i ini II ■■■■ Wxrii g f Clisbt, Jones & Reese. MACON, GEORGIA, SUNDAY MORNING. MAY 23, 1875. Number 7.238 KV TELEGRAPH. I,ay dispatches. ne Northern Presbyterians. rU T IL iwD. May 22.—In the morning c ( the Presbyterian assembly the t R,beit Hays, of the Steubenville !.^«y, presented the following pre- \ r hie and resolution: k "\**■»><■ the General Assembly of the ...i.yTcrian Church, earnestly desire to • Cr into fraternal correspondence with o -cerel Assembly of the Presbyterian ", af rh. Sonth; and, ffssssss. the causes which prevent h * correspondence are certain deliv- Jy. n, of both bodies which, now hap- ! f united, constitute the General As- ii«J. P".“? during the exciting of the late civil war; and, ’ Wssasas. the General Assembly, re- fftttiag that these acts complained of ,V,d-1 in the way of close relations with ..(.O -n-ral Assembly of the South, by jj! r , r interpretation of concurrent Elutions, and by their expressing con- { len x in the Christian character of the p.,.hTterian Church, South, withdrew ... injurious deliverances indirectly and l, (1 | of inference; and whereas, what , k „ Qroetal Assembly has done indirectly . ‘..j F hould do directly by affirmative ac- a. when the glory of God and the m- ,;^U of the chnrch of Jesus Christ’s Leg lorn require such a procedure; ti,jefore ; Resolved, That all acts and deliver- of both bodies now forming the ytorian Church before their union -.J.--ting injuriously upon the Christian -.aractor of the Presbyterian Chnrch of • South, be and hereby are declared in centive and void, and that the chnrch . : n plaining is hereby relieved ofall each -rievancss under which they have been .il-wing. Tbs resolution was laid on the table tat ns subsequently taken up and refer- .,] to the committee on Bills and Over- fares—the Conference Committee’s report hrimt made the especial order for Mon- Uj afternoon. From New Orleans to Baltimore Without Change. WisHisaroa. May 22.—The Virginia hi Hand railroad and its connections via Lrocbbarg, East Tennessee and Atlanta, lUJirorate a fast schedule to-day be- t.-en New Orleans and New York. The ■team lifter at Lynchburg, by which the tracks of through cars will be changed ta seven minutes, will be in operation on the 1st of June, when the line will ac complish the unprecedented feat of run- sing through cars from New Orleans, on tha Golf of Mexico, to Baltimore, on the Chesapeake Bay. W. D. Chipley, S juth- era a rent for the line, left last night to advertise the arrangement of so much in terest and importance to the South. Dfitructlrs Fires In Pennsylvania. Sraairrun, Pa., May 22.—The school- house and nearly all the residences in the villages of Evergreen, Stoddartaville and Ooldsborough are burned. Thousands of seres of forest are flaming, and other set - tlr-nents and saw mills are threatened. Three miles of the Pennsylvania coal company's gravity rood on the celebrated Highland Range, twelve miles from Scranton, have been destroyed, and an immense coal and passenger traffic com pletely embargoed. Without rain, 1,400 ,-pinre miles of forest lands are doomed. This section, from ita beauty, is known u the Ameri :an Switzerland. Fleetwood Park Knees. Saw York, March 22.—In the Fleet- •nod Park races Mattaner won six heats. Efie Dean first, Hannah D. second, Ned Forrest third. Best timo 2 27}. In the second race darkness caused a po-'.ponemcnt. Vanity Fair winning two heats. Farmer Boy two, and Music 2. Bet time 2 251. Belgium Not Happy. I,i*doi», May 22 —It is reported that the Belgian Cabinet is in an extremely difficult position, and that the crisis is imminent. Tho trouble, it is said, is owing to the pressure of tho Ultramon tane*. More Pergecntlen. A dispatch to the Standard from Rome up the Italian Government has ordered the removal of all bishops who have not received the royal cxequator endorsing their appointments. Tho Archbishop of Palermo has already been notified to ieave his see. NIGHT DISPATCHES. The Knights of Pythias. Wisuisotos, May 22.—The Supreme Lodge of the Knights of Pythias have decided to hold its next session in Phila delphia on the fourth Tuesday in August. 1876. A committee of thirteen was ap pointed to make arrangements for the centennial celebration in Philadelphia. The 9th of February was established ai the anniversary of the Order and day of celebration. A committee was ap pointed to prepare a new manual, with instructions to report at the next session of the Supreme Lodge. The Supreme Chancellor was author ised to take steps to establish the Order in foreign countries. The Osceola Fire. Oscioua, Pa., May 22.—The Metho dist and Catholic churches, together with the buildings in the vicinity, were saved. Ths rest of the town was utterly destroy ed. One thousand out of fifteen hundred People lost everything. Railway Accident. Fichhond, May 22.—A special train on the Piedmont Air Line railway, re turning from the Mecklenburg Centen nial with the Richmond military, was uutraeked last night near South Boston, Fa Two fiats, carrying the guns of the -- :il Howitzer, and a baggage car w?re smashed, and five soldiers were in jured—none seriously, however. 5 ‘ ' Cornell Regatta. Itbica, N. Y., May 22.—At the annual regatta of the Cornell University Navy to-day, the two mile raoe tor six-oared shells, for the Sprague cup, was won by a «r*w of thi-|class of ’76, in 27 Minutes and 15 seconds. The second raoe for single sculls, was •on by Chas. S Francis, of the class of 76. The two mile race for six-oared shells, •ns won by the University of Saratoga 5. m II minutes and 14 seconds. The Banting Woods. WiiUisoTON, May 22.—The latest dis patches from the burning woods report tie winds abated and the prospect of rain. Synopsis Weather Statement. Orvtcs Cm ik Siohal Ofticib, 1 Washixoton. May 22, 1876. ) Probabilities: For Sunday, in the &>uth Atlantic and Gulf States, falling barometer, warmer south and east winds, •ni numerous local rains; for Tennessee *al Ohio Talley, increasing southeast •tads, falling barometer, warmer and P^ftly cloudy weather, and possibly light ***•*; for the Middle and Eastern States, •Utionaiy or riding barometer, cooler Northwest to southwest winds, partly ooody and clear weather. The rivers •ill probably continue falling slowly. X Canard. . Londok, Kay 22.—There is no founda tion for the report that the Belgian cab- --'t is in a difficult position, and that a oius is imminent. BUI Passed. dtsiXT. N. Y., May 22.—ThaXegisla- tote ho. passed the Hasted rapid railroad tilt MIDNIGHT DISPATCHES. Presbyterian Assembly. Clkvxland, May 22.—The Presbyte rian General Assembly met to-day. After devotional exercises and the transaction of routine business, the Rev. J. 8. Noble, of New Jersey, introdnoed the following resolution, which was referred to a com mittee: Resolved. That the continuous, per sistent and repeated efforts of the Papists throughout the country, under the tntil- age, direction and advice of the papal hierarchy, to obtain control of the school funds in the several States of the Union, or to have a portion of said school fond diverted from the legal and legitimate uses to which said funds are pledged, in order to devote the money to the sup port of the papistical schools, demand from all Protestant Christians of every denomination, and every^citizen of the United States who is opposed to a nnion of church _ and state, a resolute, determined and combined effort and un ceasing watchfulness to prevent the succe33 of the insidious attempt| now being made, in all sections of the country, by the adherents of the papacy to secure control of the school money, and it is hereby recommended by the General As sembly of the Presbyterian Church, that all attempts to subvert our school fands, or divert any portion of the various school funds, in any of the States of the Union, to or for the use of any church or sect, shall be resisted and prevented by all legal and honorable means. Resolved, That the outcry of the Pa pal hierarchy against what they call our gedl. ss schools, can wish for more jus tice and greater propriety be applied to the schools they have instituted. In the common schools of our country, the pare word of God is read, without comment, while in the papistical schools the Bible is excluded, and dogmas and traditions of men are substituted for the command ments of God. The remainder of the morning session was occupied in considering tho report of the committee on work among the freed- men of the South. No Third Term. Akron, Ohio, May 22—The Summit county Republican convention met to day and unanimously instructed their delegates to favor an anti-third-term plank in the platform. Lonlirllle Races. Louisvill*, May 22.—There were heavy rains to-day and the track was heavy. First race—three-year olds, mile heats —Mainsail, 11; Warfarefare, 2 2. Time 1.67*. Second race—three-year olds, furlongs —six started. Searcher won. Time 106}. Third race—mile heats, for all ages— seven started. Whisper won both heats, though hard pressed. Whisper carried 102 pounds. Time, IS* 52*. In the fourth race eleven started—dash of two miles. Voltigcur won; Calvin second ; Millionaire third. Time, 3.50*. Fifth race—three miles. Big Fellow won by four lengths; Monmouth second; Exol third. Time 5.50*. THE 100TH ANNIYERSART OP THE MECKLENBURG DECLARATION. An Immense Turnout—The Civic and Military Parade—The Banquet and Speeches—North Carolina’s Jubilee. Special Dispatch to the News and Courier.] Charlottb, N. C., May 20.—For sev eral days crowds have been pouring into this town to witness the ceremonies in commemoration of the one hundredth anniversary of the Mecklenburg Declara tion of Independence, and the hotels and private boarding-houses are full to over flowing. At noon yesterday the celebration be gan ; the first event beincr an address by tho Hon. Wm. Johnston, Mayor of Char lotte, who introduced the Hon. Curtis H. Brogdon, Governor of North Carolina, who spoke eloquently for half an hour, extending, at the same time, a hearty welcome to visitors from the different States. To-dav a salute of one hundred guns was fired at noon. The gunner’s hand was shot off accidentally. The weather is delightful. There is an immense crowd, estimated at fifty thousand. The procession moved towards the Carolina Park at 11 a. m., Gen. William R. Cox, chief marshal, and the military organi zations, under command of Gen. Bradley T. Johnson, of Richmond, as follows: Richmond Howitzers, Raleigh Light Ar tillery, First Virginia Regiment, Fay etteville Light Infantry, Fayetteville Brass Band, Fayetteville Independent Light Infantry, Rowan Rifles, from Salis bury ; the remnant of the Eleventh Reg iment, North Carolina State troops; Charlotte, N. C., Zouaves; Johnsen Light Infantry, of Savannah, Ga.; Charlotte Military Institute Cadets, preceded by their band; Newbern Silver Cornet Band; Newbern Steam Fire Comany; Independent Hook and Ladder Com pany, with bond; Fairfield, S. C., Fire Company; Rescue, No. 1, Ra leigh Fire Company; Rescue Fire Engine, decorated in relief with portrait of Robert E. Lee; Fire Company, from Columbia, S. C.; Phoeuix Hook and Lad der Company, from South Carolina; Wil mington, N. C.. Cornet Band; Wilming ton Hook and Ladder Company, Drum Corps, Wilmington; Little Giant Steam Fire Company, Tarborough, N. C.; Hook and Ladder Company, Stonewall Fire Company. Charlotte N. C.; Pioneer Fire Company, Rock Hill, S. C.; Hook and Ladder Company, York, S. C.; Greens boro’, N. C., Fire Company; Charlotte Hornet Fire Company; British Sloop Diligence, 1765. from Wilmington; Sa lem,'N. C., Cornet Band; Masonic bodies, lodges, etc.; Good Templars and other civic organizations; Anson county dele gation, with tanner inscribed, “Alle giance ceases when protection is withdrawn;’’ survivors of Company H. Thirty-fifth North Carolina troops; Cleveland County delegation, with ban ner inscribed, “Cleveland—Shelby— King’s Mountain—October 7th, 1780; Patrons of Husbandry, headed by Colum bus Mills- grand master of the State Grange; Raleigh Comet Band; Raleigh Light Infantry, as guard of honor to the speakers and invited guests; carriages containing amongst others Gov. Thomas A. Hendricks, of Indiana; Gov. D. H. Chamberlain, of South Carolina ; ex-Gov. Wm. A. Graham, of North Carolina ; er- Gov. Gilbert C. Walkor, of Virginia; Hon. A. M. Keily, Mayor of Richmond ; Gen. Robt. Ransom; Chief Justice F- J. Moses, of South Carolina; Judge H. N. Davidson, of Tennessee; Judge Settle and associates, of the North Carolina Su preme Court; Gen. Thomas L. Cling- man, Col. John H. Wheeler. Next come a delegation of Scotchmen from Cumber land and Robeson counties, immortal as the scene of Flora McDonald’s devoted loyalty, with bagpipes and banner with the lion rampant in tha centre and the Scotch thistle at each comer. Lastly the citizens generally in a vast multitude. Gen. Joseph E. Johnston, who was ap pointed to act as marshal, wa3 detained at home by sickness, and a brilliant array of assistant marshal sustained Gen. Cox, and enabled him to keep the vast con course of people in order. The procession reached the Fair Grounds at 12 w. where the ceremonies were announced to take place. The streets through which its course lay were crowded with people, and tho houses along the route were hand somely and profusely decorated. At the Fair Grounds a large platform had been erected for the oratprs, marshall and in vited guests, the front of which was or namented with a number of bornet’a pasta in commemoration of the histori an's description of the people of Meck lenburg during the Revolution. Gov. Wm. A. Graham, whose father was one of the signers of the Mectlen- burg Declaration and a distinguished soldier of the revolution, conducted the ceremony and introduced the speakers, first making an elegant little speech per tinent to the occasion. After prayer by Rev. Dr. Miller, of Charlotte, Major Seaton Gales read the Mecklenburg Dec laration of Independence, prefacing it with a neat and timely speech, which brought round after round of applause from the audience. The orators of the diy. Hon. John Kerr, on the port of North Carolina, and Hon. J. M. Bright, on the part of Tennessee, were then intro duced. Each spoke about one hour, elo quently defending the Mecklenburg Dec laration, the State of North Carolina and the Sonth, and claiming that the people of this State and section were loyal to the government, and would so remain, provided constitutional guarantees were not violated. A synopsis of these able and beautiful efforts is not possible. After the orators concluded loud calls were made for Hendricks and Vance. The latter responded briefly and in his happy manner. As the Governor was concluding the platform gave way, and precipitated the speaker an J a number of the distinguished guests to the ground. Fortunately no one was hurt, and Vance finished with the remark that he always succeeded in bringing down the house. The speaking having been concluded, the various organizations and the invited guests were marched to Floral Hall, where a handsome collation had been prepared. Abont three thousand per sons had their appetites here, satisfied, and upon the conclusion of the banquet, a number of telegrams were read by Mayor Johnston, of Charlotte, including sue from the National Centennial Com mittee, expressing congratulations, and another from the Convention of the Pro testant Episcopal Church, now in session at Newbern, N. C., of a similar congrat ulatory character. In response to lond calls, Gov. Hen dricks, of Indiana, arose and addressed the assemblage, the toast being the Uni ted States He declared in favor of the sovereignty of the States, while ac knowledging the paramount authority of the General Government, and said no true union could exist until this great principle was firmly established and con stitutional limitations of power were re spected. The speaker was frequently interrupted by prolonged applause, and the greatest enthusiasm was manifested daring the continance of his remarks. Gen. Bradley T- Johnson was then call ed to the stand, and paid a glowing com pliment to North Carolina, Baying that her people were the first rebels in this country, and they would ever be found rebellious when their rights were in fringed. Gov. Brogdon followed Gen, Johnson, after which the assembly shortly dis persed. Financial and Commercial OFFICE TELEGRAPH AND MESSENGER,, Mat 22, IVllIK), 1879. J Produce Market Report. Bxcos—Clear rib sides It shoulders 1C-}, cl mo Crib bulk sides 121. Corn si lial 15. — ‘ Mrax. $120al 25. Flour Jfl 60a9 60. Lard—In barrels 17; tubs 171. buckets 18. Suoar—Crushed 12}; standard A 11}; while oi- trs C11}; 0 coffee 11; yellow 10*10}. COJIRR—Choice 25; medium niS: common 22 Molassbs—Barrels 45; tierces 43; hogsheads, none. Rick—Carolina 8aS}. 8alt—Liverpool 3150: Virginia ti 10. Butter—Gilt edge 46: Tennessee 35s77. Tobacco—Common 64; medium BOiJM; fine 80. 1100. LATEST TELEGRAPHIC MARKETS. Financial. Nrw Tori—Noon—Gold opened 1G}. Monej 2 Exchange, long 487}: short 490}. Governments dull. State bonds quiet and nominal. Gold 16}. Stocks dull. Evening—Money easy at 2a2}. Sterling quiet at 487}. Gold firm at lGJalO}. Govmments dull and strong; new 5s 161; 10-40& coupons 17}. State bonds quiet and nominal. European steamers took $125,000 void. Bank Statement: Loans decreased $1,500,000. Specie increased $250,000. Legal tenders in creased $1,500,000. Deposits increased $250,000. Reserve increased $1,875,000 Stocks closed active and foveri-h; Central 10S}; Erie 221; Lake Shore 66; Illinois Cent'al 102; Pittsburg 91; Northwestern 37}; preferred 62}: Rock Island 102}. Sub-Treasury balances: Gold $53,716,516; cur rency $46,447,263. The Sub-Treasurer paid out $32,000 on interest and $171,000 for called bonds. Customs receipts, $214,000. Nrw Orleans—Gold 16. Exchange. New Tori sight 1 premium: sterling 65}. London—Eries 20la21. Paris—Rentes 64170c. Cotton. New Tort—Noon—Cotton, sales 995; uplands 16}; Orleans 16}; market quiet and steady. Futures opened quiet and steady, with sales as follows: May —; June 16alGl-S2; July 16 3-lfia 16 7-32; August 16 5 16al611-32; September 16 8- 32al6}. Evening—Cotton, net receipts 779; gross 1282. sales 995; middling uplands 16}: middlings Or leans 16}; market quiet and steady. Futures closed quiet and steady; sales 11,200; Msy IGaIG 1-16: June 16 lS-32al6 7-16; July 16 S- 16al6 7-32; August 16 Il-S2al61; September 16 3-52 al6 3-16; October 15 23-S2al5i; November 15 £3-32 al5l; December 15 9-16. During tho week at the Cotton Exchange the markot has ruled irregular; though the current range of values are the same as at this time last week. Liverpool accounts have been slightly discouraging, and prices at that port are slightly off; but there has been no disposition to shade prices as yet. Futures have declined and yester day the lowest figures were resched. Baltimore—uotion, gross receipts —, net 39. exports coastwise 110: to Great Britain —.tc con tinent —: ales 145; spinners 36: stock —; mid dlings 15}: ow middlings 15}; good ordinary 14}; market dull. New Orleans—Cotton, net receipts 820;’ grosi 1259; exports to Great Britain —, to Franca —, coastwise —: to the channel —. to continent —. sales 2450; stock —; middlings 15 J; low mid dlings 14}; good ordinary 141; market quiet and e *\flLiaNaTON—Cotton, net receipts 15; exports to Great Britain —: coastwise 425; sales —: stock —, middlings 15: low middlings 14}-, good ordi nary 14k market quiet and nominal. AO0USTA—Cotton, net receipts 65; sales 126; middlings 15}. low middlings 15; good ordinary 14k market easier. Savannah—Cotton, net receipts 210; gross — exports to continent —; coastwise —; Great Britain —sales 550. stock —: middlings 15}; low middlings 151; good ordinary 14}; market quiet. Charleston—Cotton, net receipts 267; gross —; exports coastwise —t to France —: rales 400: stock —; middlings 25fa?: low middlings 15}. good ordinary 14}al4k market quiet. Mobile—Cotton, net receipts 1*4: gross —. exports coastwise, 606: to to the continent 1351; sales 25ft stock —; middlings 15; low mid dlings 14k good ordinary 14; market quiet. Boston—Cotton, net receipt* 75: grows 246; exports to Great Britain —i sales 125: stocl 15,435: middling 16k low middling 15k good ordi nary 15: market dull. , NoetoLX—Cotton, net receipts 41U exjArU coastwise 300: to Great Britain —. males. —. gtoct —; middlings 15|al5t; market quiet. Mxicfhis— Cotton, receipts 147; shipment/ 637: mtes 1106; stock —| middling U, market * ai &Liv*3To:s— Cotton* net receipts 2S7: groe> —; exports coastwise —: to Great Britain —; sales 617; stock —; middlings HI; low middBngs 1*}; good ordinary Ufc market flat and nominal* Fbzladxlphul—Cotton, net receipts 2. gross 577; middlings 16fc low middlings 15fc gud or dinary 15; market quiet. Litsbpool—Koon—Cotton, sales 6,000. inclu ding UOOO for speculation and export; up’.icdf 7{. Orleans &i8i; market quiet. Sties on a basis of middling Orleans, nothing below low middlings, deliverable May, 713*16. * p. ac.—Sales of American to-day S4tX). 340 P. x.—Sales on a basis of middling uplands, nothing below low middlings, deliverable June and July. 7f. 5 P. m.—nl«s of shipments of now crop, on u of middling uplands, nothing below low middlings. S|. Produce. MrwTOEi—Nooo—Floor dull and declining. Wheat dull and nominally lower. Com duil and declining. Fort firm; new men 2175. Lard firm; ■tmmlt}. Spirits turpentine heavy at 35. Roein dull *11 Max 05 for (trained. Freight* firm. BTourer—Floor dull; price, atill in buyers* fa vor- southern, common to fair extra 5 10a6 00; modtodwiet 6SenSt5- Wheat dull and heavy •nd 1*1 lower, winter red western 1 32*139-, am ber 140*144 white wretern 140*142. Corn dull mad dmdediy lower: western mixed 30*84. yel low 82*84. white 85*80. Coffee firm; Rio 16*19}. gold. Sugar declining; fair to good refining 5k nine 6k Muscovado refined 9k hard gredee 10}» 11|. MiVni- quiet: New Orieia* 70*71. Rice wm. quiet: tteedy. 1 Ired flrrm. prime Freight* a ahadi (team 9-32*5-16. Whisky 120}.— ger mi] 9-31; Baltimore—Flour very firm: Bit bread* 6 75* 7 0ft Howard street rup rfine 5 75»6 75: City Mill* family 8 Si Wheat steady; Pennsylvania red 148* 1 5ft Maryland red 1 SOal 40. white 1 47: amber 148. Com dull; southern white 90; yellow 83* S5; mixed western S3}*34 Oat.- dull: southern 82* S3. Rye quiet at 115al IS. Provisions dull and easier. Pork dull and nominal; mem 2200*901 Bacon dull, shoulder* 9}a9k hams 14*15. Lard dull and lower, refined 15f; steam ISlalS). Coffee quiet: ordinary to prime Rio cargoes 15}»18}. whisky held firmly at 124 for city; western 126 Sugar firm at 10}al0|. Louisville—Flour quiet and unchanged; extra 4 5ft extra family 5 50a560. Com steady at 79aS0. Provisions dulL Pork dull, 22 00. Bacon, shoul ders 9k clear rib sides 12k dear sides 13k sugar curec hams 14 Lard, steam rendered lSk, tierce 16; keg 16}. Whisky 115. Bagging firm at 13}. Cincinnati—Flour firmer. Com quiet aod steady at 76*73. Pork nominally 21 50*21 75. Lard nominal; steam 15; kettle 15}al5}. Bacon, shoul ders 9}; dear rib sides 12}al2}. dear sides IS. Whisky steady at 115. St. Louis—Flour inactive; superfine -winter 4 37*510. Com hither. No. 2 mixed. 69a70. Whis ky quiet at 120. Pont lower at 2160. Bacon steady; only small jobbing order trade; shoul ders 9}; dear rib aides 12}alS; clear tides 13}al3}. Lard quiet at 16. Chicago—Floor doll and unchanged. .-Cora dull and lower: No. 2 mixed 68; regular 69k re jected 66. Pork steady at 20 75. Lard in fan- de mand and firm at 14 95. Whisky 117. New Orleans—Flour scarce; doubleextre«25; treble extra 6 40a7 5ft choice 7 75*8 00. Com active and firm; yellow and mixed 12; white 94. Oats firm at 76a77. Bran firmer and quiet at 117. Hay firm; prime 26 00; choice 27 00. Pork, firm at 22 50. Dry salted meats, shoulders scarce at 9k aides dull at 12}al2}. Bacon dull; abouldera 9{alft clear rib sides 13}. clear side* 13k hams dull at IStalS}. Lard quiet: tieroe picked 15*15}; keg 16*16}. Sugar scarce. Molasses, reboiled 62: inferior fermenting 30a35; common fermenting 66. Coffee iteady at 16»al9}. Whisky,nothing doing; western rectified 1 lial 22. Com meal firm at 4 25. Wilmington—Spirits turpentine steady stSL Rosin firm at 165 for strained. Crude turpeti tine steady at 130 for hard: yellov dip 2 20; vir gin 3 CO. Tar steady at 1 50. Lttbrpool—Breadstuff* quiet. Lard 65s6da66s. London—Tallow 43s6da43s9d- Marine Hews. New York—Arrived, Auguste, Andre, Crescent City. Arrived out, Wave King, Harvester, Speranzo, Maury, Sarah Mandell, Ruthenas, Syn, Derwent, Arthur, Tawe, Evening Star, Almonse et Marie, ” ‘"e M. Slade. 1 bound, E. Shnre. JOHN INGALLS, DRUGGIST AND APOTHECARY, TTfVIT X peri; E8 8PECIAL ATTENTION to hissu- perior stock of PURE! DRUG’S! Medicines, Chemicals, etc., Selected in person from the best houses. I Deal Only ia Strictly Fare Goods. My stock of IMPORTED HAIR AH3 TOOTH BRUSHES Cannot ho equalled in the State. Also, a choice s lection cMha’ndkerchief EXTRACTS and TOILET WATERS. A superb assortment of TOILET SOAPS LOW PRICES. Swedish Leeches a Specialty* When vou want strictly pure Medicines and other articles in my line, of superior quality, give me a call. Prices a* low as any other first-class house. Do not pretend to compete with cheap medicine houses. JOHN INGALLS, Fourth and Poplar streets, may9 tf Hollingsworth Block. TRUSSES The Largest Stock in the State. All the New and Improved Styles are being offered at New York cost. Good Trasses at 50 cents, each. No. 1 Trasses at 75 cents, each. Fine Trasses at $1 50, each. Extra Superior Trasses at $2. These inducements are only to be had at J. H. ZEILIN & CO.’S. mayl9 lwd&w SKiatiON. mcintosh house, INDIAN SPEING, GEORGIA. T HIS well-known House is now open for the season of 1875 (AS A PRIVATE BOARD ING HOUSE), and will be prepared to accom modate guests os heretofore. The amusements usually found at watering places will be afforded for all. None but skilled and attentive servants have been engaged. Daily Coach and Hack Line* carrying mails from Forsyth. Ample Stable room for Stock. RATES OP BOARD.-—Per day, 52; per week, $10: per month, §50. Children and servants half rates. may213m B. W. COLLIER, Agent. Brick! Brick! Brick! \TTE are now prepared to famish, in any TV quantities to suit customers, either in the city or on board the cars, Brick of as Good Quality as are Hade In Georgia t And at the lowest market price for cash. Give us a call before yon buy. ANDEBS0N & HARDEMAN. ma vl4-d3m£wlt PASSENGERS GOING NORTH SHOULD BUY TICKETS TLA TUB Virginia Midland Route, — TUB—— GfiEAT tENTBAL SHORT LINE. IT IS THE ONLY DIRECT ROUTE TO IHB—— VIRGINIA SPRINGS. Belnr Over lO. Biles Shorter than Any Other Line. For information or tickets, apply to BROWN A CO., _ _General Ticket Agents, J.o.3 Brown House Block, and46 Second St., m Macon. Ga. W. D. CHIPLEY, General Southern Agent. Atlanta. Ga, g7j. /oreacrb. General Manager, Alexandria, V*. aprlStf fDXECTJTOR’S SALE.—On the first Tuesday JCi in June next, I will sell before the Court house door, in the city of Macon, Bibb county, a certain house and lot ou Arch street, containing about one-fourth of an acre, with a good dwelling house thereon, being part of loti New. 3 and 4. in square 90. Sold under a decree of the Court of Equity of Bibb county, for the benefit of the heir, and creditors of Mr*. Mary A. Parker, deceased. Terms—One-third cash, the balance payable 1st of October next. Bond fir titles given on day of sale, and titles made on payment of last in stallment on said 1st of October. A. 8 MCGREGOR, Executor of will of Maiy A- Parker, majlS dtds deceased. NewGoods LOW PRICES Z Will Rule the Day. ff. A. JOHAN & CO. and secure some before they are picked over. We hare just received a new lot of those nice IRAN GRENADINES! Which are cheaper than ever. Also, 50 dozen LADIES’ KID GLOVES. 50 dozen CHEAP LADIES’ SCARFS. 10 dozen SILK HAT BCARFS. 10 dozen BLACK LACE HAT SCARFS. 25 boxes ASSORTED ETCHINGS. 100 pieoes FIGURED LINEN LAWNS, which will be sold cheap. As the weather is Retting warm, we . will fur nish all who wish them with a Hue Black or White LA.0E P0INTI Also, the prettiest LACE 8ACQUB8 ever brought to the city. We are also receiving New Calicoes and Lawns Every day. and you can rely on getting new and stylish goods. We sell the cheapest BLEACHED HOME SPUN in the city. A ne 10c and 12}c. cow lot just received, at New Parasols. New Fans. If you wish the prettiest Fan in the city, come in and get one soon. We can also supply all with Leslie’s Cut Paper Patterns at low figures, and will send Catalogues free to all who wish them. Simples sent free to any address. Goods delivered free in any portion of the city. Call on us and be convinced that we mean bus iness. W. A. JUHAJST Sc CO., Next door to First National Bank, may9tf Triangular block, Macon. Ga. THE MACON SAVINGS BANK! Chartered by Act of the Legislature of Georgia, Approved March 2,1874. CAPITAL85C OOO Interest at the rate of of seven per cent, per annum paid on deposits of $1 and upwards. entraJ Banking Business Transacted! * md street, opposite Triangular block. The Bank will be open daily for the transaction of business—Sundays and holidays excepted— from 9 A. M. to 1P. M., and from 3 to 4 P. m.i and on Saturdays, from 9 A. X. to 1 P. X., and from 3 to 8 p. M. , J.M.BOARDMAN, H.T. POWELL, President. Cashier. DIRECTORS: W. A. HUFF, W. P. GOODALL. H.T. POWELL, B. P. WALKER. J. M. BOARDMAN.I jan24-sunly ICE! ICE! ICE! WAGON DELIVERY. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Ice in the city and Vineville, on Saturday, May 1st. Prices will be 1} cents per pound wholesale and 2 cents retail. Tickets may be procured from my store or from the wagons. Parties desiring calls will please leave or send notice at my store opposite the Court-house, or with the wagon* E. J. JOHNSTON. apr29d4tsunAwlm McGrath & connon, ARCHITECTS AND BUILDERS, Office, No. lO Cotton Avenue. XTTK will famish plans and specifications for T T all work we contract for. We propose to do good work against strong competition, for competition ia the life of trade. No charge for plans submitted. We also fill orders for Doors, Sashes and Blinds cheaper than any house in Macon. mav5-wed.fri.»un3ro R.C. WILDER & SON, STEAM SASH, DOOB and BLIND MANUFACTURERS. Third street, Maoon, Ga. A LL kinds of Builders* Work done in the best manner and at lowest possible rates. We also keep a constant aupply of ROUGH and DRESSED LUMBER. Parties wishing any work in our line, would do well to confer with us before making their con tracts. Prices in accordance with the times. apr29-2m : New Holland Spring T IHIS famous spring, located on the Richmond and Atlanta Air-Line Railway, two miles from Gainesville, and fifty-seven miles from At lanta, has been leased for a term of years by the undersigned, who WILL BE READY FOR THE RECEPTION OF GUESTS ON THE FIRST OF JUNE. As a place of resort for health and pleasure seekers, THIS SPRING CANNOT BE SUR PASSED Posiessing.asit does,waters acknowl edged by all to have superior medicinal qualities, located in a mountainous country, noted for its health-giving properties, with a cool, bracing cli mate-pronounced by the chief of a Geological Surrey (under Jefferson’s administration) to be the finest in the United States—easy of acoess, and with board tokuit the stringency of the times, it offers advantages which recommend them selves to those who wish to find health, pleasure, and all the comforts of home. Since last season several new cabins hare been erected, the original buildings renovated, and the grounds improved. My table shall be supplied with the very best, and everything in my power done to secure the comfort and enjoyment of my patrons. In proof of my ability ana willingness to accomplish what I propose, I refer to the patrons of the Kimball House under my admin istration. These embraced the best citizens of the South, North and Northwest. The usual accessories of Springs—Music, Ten- Pin Alley, Billiard Room, etc.—will be fuund here. The most important and enjoyable feature trill be a bathing pool, 20 by 40 feet, that I propose to erect especially for ihe use of ladies. Another feature, which will commend itself es pecially to invalids, is its accessibility, the depot being within three hundred yards of the hotel. Business men will be able to get their mails and telegrams regularly. With a determination to please, polite and at tentive clerks, well drilled servants, excellent fare and good beds, I ask and hope to receive the patronage of my friends and tha public generally. Respectfully, majl61m W. M. NICHOLL8, Proprietor. Roosevelt & Dunwody, HOMOEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. OFFICE AND RESIDENCE, Garner Walnut and Third Streets, MACON, GA. family DR. W. W. FORD, DENTIST (106 Cherry street, over M. R. Rogers A Co.) my 27 FCA.COM. GA. E stray Notice. OXGIA. QUITMAN COUNTY.—AH per- ton* interested An hereby notified th$4 Dr- L. P. Dozier, of said count/, tolls before me. •a Ordinary of «ud count/, am m estrmj, a l&rpre Bay Horae, about sixteen hands high, hlirnl in left m, and about ten or twelve yean of ago. Said bone wm in bur work order when taken up (December SL1874), and veined by Wm. J. Jor dan and. J. P. Snow, freeholders of Mid county, to be worth fifty dollars. Tbe owner of Midce- tsnr ig required to come forward, xmj charges, end take aaid borte away, or it will be dealt with aa the law direct*. W. P. JORDAN, maj7*S0d Ordinary* SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT! For the May Picnics I WE HAVE ON HAND ALL bIZHS OF Boys’ and CiM Alpaca Jackets. ■ v ;r- v*- .- •• Also a full Stock and Large Variety of Children’s and Boys’Clothing of all Grades, - .* * i ,(j:-:r$: • \f ! Which will be sold Cheap. WE ALSO HAVE A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF CLOTHING! ■ AND A LARGE VARIETY OF ..... J... . i .: . ... , . GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS, • -•••- r- . . : ■ r - Which we offer at unusually LOW PRICES. We will convince any one of this faot who will call and’ inquire. A PULL STOCK OP ‘‘ACME” SHIRTS! Which, as its name would imply, has reached the "Acme” of per fection in Fit, Workmanship, and in fact, all that go to make a perfect Shirt. J. H. HERTZ « CO, mayltf 80 CHUBBY STREET. PERFUMES RANKIN, MASSE!* A CO, AGENTS IN MACON DIALERS IK Drugs and Fine Toilet Goods feh27Bunly SAVER'S “EGUPSE” GOTTOI GDI! WITH OR WITHOUT CONDENSER. Patented Jane 10, 1873, Reissued Dec. 8, 1874. This is the fifth year that my Qin has been offered to the public, and its merits have made it so popular from Virginia to Texas, and from Arkansas to Florida, that I hare been compelled to erect entirely near works and supply them with, new ma chinery and a largely increased force of mechanics. I am now ready to meet any demand that can possibly arise, and all orders will be filled promptly. THE ECLIPSE GIN HAS NO EQUAL as a tin ter, either in speed or quality of the tint. It is offered LOW FOR CASH. Every GIN is GUARANTEED. The attention of Grangers and all others engaged in the production of cotton is called to it, and they are invited to visit my works, whenever in the citj, and in spect the machine. Send for Circular and Price List. Shops and office, on the comer of.Cherry and Fifth streets. mayEtf F C. SAWYER. ERNEST PESCHKES Macon Standard Mean Time 1 lay arrangements to correct the slightest error In the — to toe erection tf szi obeervatory and «ne at ths mast q., STJfcU M bKTS, tortbe purpomeof observing? the meridian puain of tin hq and e of observing the meridian passage ot 1 > ra end Macon Mean Time to witbhi • fraction of « second. eMmMes te.tkeu tpairine and Bating tf Has Wataiaa. A M#f 90 9fMr. f rax an* •IT IN- I will ha ah MtwsB a* sir,B*. K.W. erssanea. wt $.vr. toenrr. CUSBSD82, EAZLE2URST k CO., BANKERS A BROKERS Maoon, Ga. R XCBIYB DBPOSIT*. Bay aad Sell * change. Bonds and Stork* Collections made on all acceasibls point*. CT7BBEDG5, w a u ftRT & Cc.s SIMMS DEPARTMENT. Interest paid on all soma from $1 upward*. FIRST NATIONAL BANK of MACON IMSACTSA 6HEML BANSI5G MSBl Office hour*, • to 1 and 3 to 4. Hew York Exchange 3-10 Erenu W. W. Waiourr. Cssh’r. L C. PLANT, 1 janl675-ty.» I. 0. PLANT A SON, Bankers and Brokers, MACON, GEORGIA. Buy and Sell Exchange. Gold. Silver. Stocks ead Deposits deceived On Which Interest will he Allowed Ac aoassn view. PAYABLE OU CAI.U Advances made on Cotton nnd Fro dace in Store. COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY ATT1NDSD TO ebeir . . HBNRY L. JHWETT, I N. H. HODGKINS President. | Cashier. THE CAPITAL BANK —or ■■ • MACON* CJ EOUGIA 64 .SECOND STREET *4 CAPITAL, ... **00,000 RECEIVE DEPOSITS, BUY AND SELL EXCHANGE. Hake Advance* on morka. Bends nnd Couon In Store. COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. rtpio U . S. G. Bon*, FruMdenu 1L Y. Law row. Cm* EXCHANGE BANK OF MACON Office In HufTs New Building. Receives Deposit* BUY8 AND SELLS EXCHANGE. Makes Advance* on Stork*. 8lore. Almj on Shipment* of Colkm. 0OLLECT1OX8 PROMPTLY ATTM5DKI) TO tebiftly ONLY MANUFACTORY In this country where Loom Reeds, Harnesses Patent Wire Heddles Are made under on* AlfftSUPPLIKS used to COTTON MILLS promptly D. C. BROWN, MDl le tswarii w~. ,T n JOHN L. UAllDEHAN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, gg . • . - Cherry Street. (Over S. T. Walker’* Store) MACON, GEORGIA. Sp»-ial attention given to ( marts Sit; Law Copartnership. r«m undersigned hare i A together in the practice of law, coder tbs firm name of Nisbot, Bacon & Hines. They will practioo in the 8cpenor Court* of tha Macon Circuit and of the count»■* of Sumter. Randolph and Dougherty, in Um baprims Court of tho State, and in tbe Federal Courts lor Ua District of GecrgU. James t. sumrr. A O. BACON, deem! K~ K. If INKS. LANIER & ANDERSON, HILL & HARRIS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, MACON, CL (UakrslaSwwu umUatmrTvuqTural )RACT1CB In tbe Court* ol Bibb. , . . tie* ffiBffiU Sumter, Wilkinson. Jones, M< nroe. Upeon. Tut- bot, Taylor, Hancock. Mcriaeth* r. and adjotn* ing counties; alio in the Supreme Court sad Federal Court, cf tbe State, special attet.tmn given to the business of coifactionanonvryacnr g nd hank re pier. fehcl If j. it- ouxaitT. J. L sarspaas. GUERRY & SAUNDERS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. DAWSON. GEORGIA. H1KB11T VIXLDXA. H. & L L. FIELDER, Attorneys at Law, CCTBBRKT, 6ROMSIA. W ILL give prompt atteut»a to all husfnes confided to them, in tbe cauri-e-ssf haw* dolph.Stewart, Qn.tma:.. Clay, Kar'r. Caiboaa andTamll.the .Supreme Court sf Gram*.sad the District and ' .' Courts sf the l'used INMAN LINE ROYAL MAIL STElMLKS For QU EES STOW 21 ab4 LIVERPOOL Sailing from New Y"* on MTrRIHT of OMU week, from Plor 4i» N«Li Jb««r. CITY OP ANTWERP, CITY OP LOMDON,__ CITY OF BfcKLIaN, CIlYOP MXUi K. unvoK BKhiuL. city op Montreal CUT OP BROOKLYN,CITY OP MKW YORK. ClTYOP BRI DELS, CITY uW PARI 4 . CITY OP CHESTER. C1T1 OP RKHMONIR PaiMngert will Hod tbe*r tfean.<-r» tMrtRdP fitted up, while the M*!*r ^/fnv*reM»ht *iry *r>l roomy. Tbe s&iouns are tarjr* a$«4 «eU veaifr* fated, tbe br-»dtri of tbe mwLaai ilHiiiiiA where there it Wait nobe »n. b—*Aj*E rooms, Udiffik' Boudoir*, Pianofortes smt LMv ries, Bath-room*. Berber Shop, tie. lnhtsnt cotnmuaicaliou w$ua ttoe *trw»rds by el**rtnc Od-lia. Tb«rte*s>en of this Catspaj *d<-pt the Sovtb* erly Route, thus iesseiuug tbe dst.rrr irvm too sna lor*. KaW-s of Pms—g* ISO snd 6100. r^W. irur to scoommodstiou. sil hsvusjc equsi —iwoo ■npfc Bound Trip TickHs-T. IS mnd $17*. rIA Htcermre—To end from ail poiuie ot red weed BMk JOHN C BALE. Amt, •prSAm IS New T^rt JOHNSON HOUSE, flMITHVILLE. GA T. W. JOHNSON, Proprietor, All trains on Southwestern RaaIrued. Uir ee^wU et thx* Ht/uw*. T^HB proprietor brine hewn eoeerwi m I Hotel hntiiKW in Alabama thr-w years, hea rrtorned to b» old itenrf. tv would be fried to w h» oid frtrrxU er*:n. *»d hope* by untmn* Pirro u> ment m mnttnwfi v of the petrooajce *o Ub»-nd!j h^etowed hv-r-to/wr*-. derlLtf GREER HOUSE. J. G. Greer, Proprietor. FOIiWYTH, GEOUU1A. F ILITE and ittitlre prim. T**l» rap- plied with tha very bras Uv market aBonfa. naming, can fad to aad from the dupe* free g charge. Term, per d*v. ».®: twk meal Mr. A tree hack win meet all train, to cum*, ..MHI i gets to and bora the beam. awlsd