The Macon telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1873-188?, September 10, 1876, Image 1

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O atti KY Clisby, Jones 6: Reese. MACON, GEORGIA, SCEDAT MORNING, SEPTEMBER 10, 1876. Number 7,04 J t |gGEORGIA PRESS. Vncr. TV. D. Witiiatta i* in Atlanta leokififf °P klind P 0 ®** 1 - Tai Jefferson Jfitic# and Farmer rntynt Pr Torbit, of Barke county, on last Fri- , i nl abet and atabbod by a negro on hia place. He >u shot in both arms and • on* leg, and hts lpft arm broken be- taeen the wrest and elbow. Th« Oglethorpe Echo has this: The scarlet few ie spread tag all over tho county, but has not thus far proved of a fatal type. Ast> this < Hr. IVin. I)r,\n baa disco?* cred on bta plantation a mine of plumba go, supposed to be a very extensive one. jtnan tbisi About $23,000 worth of colored dele/atea to tho Lexington llap- litt Association, toconveno to-day, land- <•1 at the depot iait evening. Tats also■ The frame of tho colored Jfstbodist Church being erected near this village was blown down onu day last vitek. The timbers were badly broken, bat the enterprising congregation quickly • rocured others, ned a second fraaia is bow going up. Trii toot The negro man George Drawncr, who waa aeverely cut sometirao finse with an axe, in tho hands of his wife, still lie* in a very precarious condi tion. His child died very suddenly a few daya since, and that night tho wife mysteriously disappeared and has not ■inco been heard of. Knave* children, says the Covington Edtrfritt, have died of diplheria within the put three weeks in cno neighborhood in the eutern portion of Newton county. Tits tame paper ttys: Gov. Habbard, of Texts, was born in Jasper county, Qa. lis weighs over 300 pounds, nnd is said to make the beat Executive that Stato eter had. exhibits a two-headed BY TELEGRAPH (Utsssvn.r.c chicken. IV. II. WniTXoaa, deputy revenue col lector, brought to Gainesville, a fow days ago, seventeen barrels of whisky, cap tured somewhere in Rabun county. Hamm, of the Savannah Netes, builds this brace of items: Augusta is about to establish a quarantine station on tho canal, for tho capaoial benefit of North ern and Western tourists. Tna average Augusta man would rather bo the doorkeeper of n quaran tine station on tho canal than a dweller in the tents round about Hamburg. Tna Augusta Chronicle and Sentinel says: Application has been rnado to Judge Wn. Gibson for n writ of habeas carpus in tho case of tho soven prisoners confined in the vail on the chargo of mnr- <itr in tho second degree in connection with tho lynching affair of August 2Gtl>, with a view to asking for bail. Tlio pris oners will bo carried boforo Judgo Gib son, st tho Superior Court room, at ten o’clock this morning. Wo learn that they will have no difficulty in obtaining bondsmon if the court grants their peti tion. Tuw sama paper has tho following: Thera was a rumor in this city yesterday to tho effect that requisitions bad been made on Governor Smith by tho Govern or of South Carolina, for tho Georgians charged by the so-called jury of inquost with participation in tho Hambnrg affair, and that the requisitions had been bon oreil by bin EtowUeuuy. Tbsrouraaao truth iu the report, howover. Wo learn from an authentic xourco that by instruc tion of Judge Wiggin warrants have been made out for tho parties referred to, but that no requisitions have as yet been issued by Gov. Chnmbcrlaic. It is cer tain that if tho requisitions are issued Uov. Smith will closely investigate the charge* made against tho parties named therein, boforo honoring them. It is a well-known fact that several of tho par tial did not leavo Augusta at nil on tho Bight of the troublo nud that tho charges preferred by tho Hamburg jury nro ut terly without foundation. Th* Constitution says: The famous E. D. Winslow, tbo Boston forger, owns SO seres of land in Fulton county valued at $2000. Josiah Sherman is his agent. ' Tna Kellogg opera troupe is bookod for Atlanta this soason Till Atlanta Timet says: A few days sgo Iko Ellison, colored, a convict, about twenty-throe years of age, escaped from the camp of Mr. Tom Green, cn the Marietta nnd North Georgia railroad, no made hia eacapo by breaking his shackles in a log cabin, in which ho had been con fined, and ran toward tbo Etowah river. The guard saw the negro as be broko nnd ran, and immediately put a pack of dogs upon hit trail. The hounds overtook the convict wbilo he was swimming tho above river and drowned bim after biting nnd lacerating him severely. He was sent to the penitentiary from Calhoun for fifteen years, and had served about two years. Tho negro’s body was secured nnd de cently interred. Caantes Gutman Johnson, who has figured somewhat in Radical politics in Atlanta since the war, attempted sui- eldo by taking morphine tbo other night. The doctor saved him. Tub Savannah -Vnr has these three items: Is the difference altogether ono cf climate ? Augusta, Charleston and lacktonvillo close their doors against Savannah. Mneon proposes to contrib ute money if it is needed. Tho quality of mercy ie not strained. A nasvovs Augusta man inquires bow a Savannah man can bo quarantined who goes by way of Macon. Ho had probably heard that the editor of tho Chronicle took that direction. Verily, these bo parlous times. Th* proclamation of Mayor Huff, of Macon, and tho proffers of tho citizens of Albany and Thoauuville. are as balm ap plied to bruise*. They are tho good Samaritans who p its not npon tho other aide. Ban. Philip Cook’s Appointments. Ambmcxtx, Ga., September S, 1S7C. I will address tho citizens of tho Third Congressional District as follows: Vienna, Dooly county, Tuesday, Sep tember 12. Cochran, Pulaski county, Thursday, September 21. Hawkinsviile. Saturday, September 23. Abbeville, Wilcox countv, Tuesday, September 2C. House Creek, Wilcox counts, Thursday, September 28. Irwinville, Irtvin county. Fridav, Sep tember 29. Douglass, Coffee countv, Monday, Oc tober 1. Mount Vernon, Montgomery county, Thursday, October^. Lumber City, Te’.fair county, Satnr- c*y. October 7. Eastman, Dodge county, Monday, Oc tober 9. . Paareon, Coffee countv. Saturday, Oc- tobeili Lcmpilrt, Stewart ecuutv, Wednesday, October IS. Tretton, Webster countT, Fridav. Ooto- !-er 20. Butler, Taylor county. Friday, October Reynold.-, Taylor countv, Saturday, vetober 2S. ^Montezuma. Macon county, Saturday, Edaviile, Schley county, Saturday, November 4. PatLie Coo*. DAY OISI'ATCHKB. Letter from Gen, Sherman. Washington, September 9.—Ata mee inR of the Seventh ward Hayes and Wheeler minute men, in Brooklyn, on Wed.’.eeday night, tho following lette from Gen. Sherman was received: Haaxxj'ras Amir Unitzd Stat«,, } Washington, August 30,1S7G. y E. E. Kennedy, Jkq : Mr Due Sib—I thank you for the compliment convoyed in your note of the 20th, and regret that a proposed trip to California prevents my being in Brook lyn on tho day you name. Of course am pleased to note tho honor in which yon hold the national emblems which wo followed to the sea, and that yo 1 number among your members some of tho men who composed that army. I feel every possiblo inter eat in the honor and glory of onr National Government, bnt trust you will not uee my name in any party connec tion. I must n- t l>o partisan, because I havo chosen to dedicate my few remain ing years to my profes-iioD, which entirely national—leaving every citi ten free to chooso lii3 own course in life and to ally liis civil fortunes to any of the parties into which a free people always divido for tho varied interests that always do arise. With great respect, your friend, W. T. Susruan, Gen’I. Failure. New Yore, September 9.—Traphairen. Hunter & Company, tailors, havo failed! Liabilities not given. The Old, Old Story. Nobfoek, Va., September 9.—Calvin L. Gardner, poitmnster in Suffolk, Vir ginia, was hold in $5,000 to answer a chargo of embezzlement. Charleston. Cuanr.ssTON, September 8.—Midnight. Tbo city is quiot. Tbo streets are being patrolled by a detachment of the whito clubs. Tho colored Democrats held a mooting to-night under tho pro tection of a strong guard. Death of G;t. Tllden’s Brother. New Lebanon. N. Y., September 9.— Moses Y. Til Jen, brother of Gov. Tildon died this morning. Fire. Cincinnati, September L. H. Lyon A Co.’c sash and door factory, was burned to-day. Loss $50,000. Foreign Intelligence. London, September 9.—Steamer Arbi trator, of New Orleans for Liverpool, struck nn iceberg and went down. The crew are safe. Tho loss is $350,000. No now military movements aro re ported from tho seat of war to-day; bnt a report tolegraphed from Deligrad to the H-idy -V and puhliihed this morning, of a movement of tbo Turks to outflank tbo Servians at Deligrad, corresponds with information received from other sources- Moukbtar Pasha has dono nothing im portant on tho northwest of Montenegro. A special dispatch to tho Times from Cet- tinji, says Dervish Pasha’s attack in the southeast on Wednesday waa made by several columns, which crossed tho /eta. and Moratscha. Whon the repulsed por tion of tho Turks wero cut off from the fords, they were driven into an angle be tween tlio two rivers nnd pushed into the Moratscha, which runs between perpen dicular rocky banks. Tho Turkish artil lery posted to protect tho crossing was ineffectual to check pursuit, and the slaughter was great. Eight hundred Turks were loft dead on tho field, and upwards of n thousand were drowned. Tbo Montenegrins lost threo hundred killed and wounded. NIGHT mseATUULKS. Capital Notes. Washington, September 9.—Chandler returns Tuesday. Headquarters do not credit trapper Ridgely’s account of Custer’s fight. It is understood Robeson will havo Chief Engineer Wood court-martialed for his letter to Congressman Whito. Tho loiter was calculated to provoko a chal lenge front a gentleman. Whito is a Re publican member of Congress, nnd Wood took umbrage at some words used by Whito in debate. Caleb Cashing, Minister to SpaiD, is in Now York on a two months leave. Speed D. Fry hn3 been appointed Mar shal for Kentucky. Tho Department has dispatches from tho Franklin dated Spezzin. Septembers. No mention is mndo of tho reported mutiny. No information can he obtained at the State Department regarding tho capture of Tweed. Tlio Cusa of Talmage. Morrutown, N. J., September 9.— John H. Talmage, of tho bankrupt firm of Tnlmagcs of Now York, arrested hero Thursday evening, still remains in jail, trying to securo bail. It is under stood that tho creditors of tho firm have effected nn organization to punish, if poseible, tho Talmnges to the utmoet, and that if bail is forthcoming there aro other warrants ready for serving. Tho Cotton Crop. Norfolk, September 9.-—Tho Colton Erchmgo has fifty replies from North Carolina and four from Virginia. Thirty- throe report the weather less favorable, four favorable, nine better than last year, and tho remainder complain of rain or drouth or cold nights. Forty-five report the stand not so gcoJ, with some shedding. Picking willnot commence generally until the I5llt or 20th. The complaint of the month is from excessive rains, causing shedding and rust. Novel Will Case. Boston, September 9.—Tho Supremo Court to-day rendered a decision in the famous Sears* will case. The will provid ed for tho payment by trustees of a cer tain stated income to tho testator’s son, but made no provision for tho ultimate disposal of his immenso estate. The Court decides that it devolves to tho son by way of resulting trust. A carefully revised summary of the Gubernatorial vote in Vermont gives Fairbanks 23,732 majority. Passenger Transfer. Savannah, September9.—Passengers for Florida and Southwest Georgia com ing via Charleston are transferred three miles from this city to Southern bound trains. Freight on Coal Reduced. Chicago, September 9.—In accordance to instructions tolegraphed to agents by their managers, who held a convention at Erie yesterday, the rates on all kinds of cosl have been reduced fifty cents per ton. Ashore. Norfolk, Va.. September 9.—Bakers’ wrecking schooner S. S. Lewis, Captain Wil»on. from St. Augustine, Florida, for Norfolk, is ashore at Hatteras. and it is feared will be a total loss. The steamer B. -t J. Baker has gone to her assist- ance. Myxopda Weather Statement. Office Chief Sional Officer^ ^ Washington. September 9, 1976.) Probabilities: For the South Atlantic and Eastern Gulf States, southerly winds, stationary temperature, lower pressure and occasional local rains will prevail. Will Retnme. Laconia, N. H , September 9.—The Belknap Mills, which have been idle three years, will resume operations soon under the name of Laconia Mills. Camilla Pier, e Beats S. Wise Parker. Special to the Televrmph and XeMCngSt-l Amekiccs, Ga., September S. The Republican Convention wa3 held hero to-day, and nominated W. P. Picrco for Congress from this district. J. W. T. Sherman. Harcisbl’ro, Pa., September 9.—Gen. Sherman was met hero by Secretary Cameron and left for the West. Bonghs Arrested. llAr/rnroEE, September 9.—Ten roughs who disturbed a Republican meeting last night have b< - a arrested. Two shots were fired. Mutiny. Paris, September 9.—The Figaro pub lishes a telegram from Nice, the Stb, re porting a mutiny aboard the Franklin, a United States frigate, at Leghorn. The dispatch says the commander of tho Franklin in order to save the lives of his officers fired with a Mitrailleuse Gatling gun upon the mutineers, nine of whom were killed before order was restored. Tweed or Twld t London, September 9.—No further par ticulars have been received of tho sup posed arrest of Wm. M. Tweed. Yestersday’s dispatch announcing the arrest of one "Twid Antelme” was sent precisely as received here, nnd subse quently came by dispatch from Madrid to Reuter’s. The reported mutiny on tho Franklin ho3 not yet been received. Foreign Intelligence. London, September 9.—Right Hon. William Edward Forster, Liberal mem ber of Parliament for Bradford, has gone to Bulgaria to visit the scenes of the Turkish atrocities. Lord Derby will re- ceivo a deputation Monday on the East ern question. This is supposed to mean that tlio government will take an oppor tunity of answering criticisms made on thoir policy. A special dispatch to tho Times from Belgrado says oatsido of Belgrade there is n very strong feeling of discontent against tho government, which is ready to manifest itself. A member of the Skapochtijna, prominent in favoring the war, has been obliged to leavo bis native town nnd como to Belgrade from fear of his constituency. A Reuter dispatch from Vienna says it is stated in well informed quarters that the party in tho Turkish Ministry fa voring severe conditions in settling terms with the insurgents has gained ascend ancy. Tho agent of Reuter’s Telegram Com pany at Romo telegraphs ns follows: United States steamship Franklin left Spezia to-day for Villa Franco. Neither our correspondent at Spezia nor those at other places know anything about thd al leged mutiny on that vessel as telegraph ed from Nice to tho Paris Figaro. MIDNIGHT DISPATCHES! Cotton Report from ilrst August to first September. Mobile, September 9.—Alabama—117 letters received from 46 counties. Weath er generally is favorablo in northern and eastern counties; too much rsin in other portions. In 1-1> upland counties cotton fruiting welL The remaining 30 have taken on but littio fruit einco the first of July. There 13 general complaint of shedding. Picking has commenced, and will be general about tho 14tb. Thirty counties complain of worms, which ore most injurious in tho prairies and cane brakes of Middle Alabama. Paris green has been beneficially used. Mississippi—Fifty-oight letters from 20 counties. Weather showery up to 20th, and dry and hot since in seven more. Thirteen are less favorable than last year. Tho plant hns taken but littio fruit since July. General complaint of shedding. Tho condition is good as com pared with last year in uplands; not so good in prairio and bottoms. Picking has commenced and will bocomo general about tho 10th. Worms are reported in 12 counties; severe in four, but all report that no top crop will bo made. The Medical Congress. Philadelphia, September 9.—At to day’s session of the International Medi cal Congress reports were received from several sections and referred to the pub lication committee. Tho delegates from Great Britain and Canada presea ted separ ate papers signed by each delegate from tho separate countries congratulating tho President and officers for tho success of the congress, and on the high value of the various papers presented, and on the forward impulse it has given to the pro gress of medicino in the widest sense of the word. They also expressed, in tbo strongest and warmest terms their Bense of and their thanks for unmeasured kindness and courtesy and the unbounded hospitality with which they havo been received on this centennial occasion, nnd added that they would nil carry back with them a most grateful recollection of that warm right hand of fellowship which has been so invariably extended to them by their brethren of tho United States. After adopting resolutions of thanks to tho officers of tho University of Pennsyl vania, and of Jefferson Medical College of this city, tho congress adjourned tins die.. Boating Troubles. Philadelphia, September 9.—The international regatta committee have re ceived from the Halifax crew a protest against tho decision of tho umpire in de claring tfco Thames crew the winners of the race with them. Tho committee, however, have decided to pay the first money prize to tho English crew. Tho following resolution has been adopted by the honorary committee of the international regatta: 7* Resolved, That whereas the honorary committee of tho international regatta have no option than to abide by the decision of the umpire and the rules and regulations of the Schuylkill navy in the payment of prizes, they nevertheless desire to express a unanimous opinion that tho honors of tho international fonr- oared professional race belong to tbo Halifax crew. Fire In Philadelphia. Philadelphia, September 9.—At half past four o'clock this afternoon a fire broko out in Murphy’s oyster saloon on Elm avenue, opposite the May Exhibition building. Befote extinguished it com municated to and destroyed property to the value of about $80,000. The flames spread east-and west and sontb, consuming an entire lot of buildictrs on Elm avenue and from Transcontinental Hotel to the Ross House, about twenty buildings in all, including several varie ty shows, beer gardens, restaurants—all frame buildings one, two and three stories high. The fire also spread back from Elm to Columbia aTenaes, taking in all the intervening property, including the New England Hotel, a boarding bouse, ice cream saloon and a restaurant— all two story buildings. Tho wildest excitement prevail ed both in and outside of the Centen nial grounds. People flocked to the scene of the fire. It is estimated that at least 60.000 ware in the immediate vicinity. The Trans-continental Hotel caught fire on the roof four different times, but the flames were immediately extinguished. So intense was the heal from the fire that it scorched paint on the turnstiles at the entrance gates of the Exhibition, requir ing a stream to be played upon them and upon the southern aide of the main exhi bition building. It is thought by some that the fire wa* incendiary. Others attribute it to the explosion of a keroaene lamp. A man ia in custody on suspicion. Tho Rosa House was damaged to the extent of $20,000, and the New England House 113 ,000. Individual losses will range from $1,000 to $6,000. The attendance to-day was 100,000. The Jnmel Mill Case Again. New York, September 9.—A new suit has been brought to test the right of Nelson Cnase to Madame Jumel's prop erty. In this case it is tLo French heirs of Stephen Jamel who brings suit in the United Slates Circuit Court. Penes*!. Washington, September 9.—Maj. W. W. Screws, of the Montgomery Advertiser, is here on his way home from a three weeks’ trip North. He reports the politi cal outlook good. The Greenbackerg. New York, September 9.—The Inde pendent Greenback party have requested all citizens who approve the nominees and endorse the platform of the National Convention held at Indianapolis, May 17th, to send delegates to a Convention to be held at Albany, September 26th. This Convention is to nominato Presiden tial electors and a fall stato ticket. Prepared to Pay. W. B. Clarke, whose failure was re cently reported, has notified the Stock Exchange that he i3 prepared to pay all indebtedness in full on presentation. Yellow FeTer. Savannah, September 9.—Total in terments to-day twelve, of which ten were yellow fever. Of this number seven were children of nine years of age and under. Mincing Lane Market- London, September 9.—A moderate amount of business was transacted, but in leading markets prices, with few ex ceptions, are unchanged. Coffee of all good qualities is again higher—planta tion, Ceylon, and East Indies at public sales sold readily, and good sorts of for eign met with a better demand, notwith standing supplies were rather large. The stock of Java in Holland and the aggre gate stock in England has decreased during the post month and Continental maikets aro now firmer. The Netherlands Trading Company will sell 91,700 bags of Jarva, September 13th, which is a week earlier than usual. Teas exhibit no further improvement; most grades of Congon are held firmly, bnt low and com mon at auction sold slightly lower. New green teas of inferior quality sold at very moderate rates. Sugar remains qniet, and prices are mostly about six pease lower. Rice has been in good demand; but holders’ views restricted operations both for spot and afloat. Spices maintain thoiecent advances. Financial and Commercial. Foreign News. London, September 9.—Mr. Gladstone addressed a meeting of his constituents on Blackheath this afternoon on the Eastern question. Tho weather was unfavorable. A heavy rain was falling, but in spito of this a crowd of people, estimated at 12,000, assembled to hear the ex-Primo Minister, and gave bim nn enthusiastic reception. Resolutions ex pressive of tho sense of tho meeting at tho Turkish atrocities wero passed. Thero was some dissent from a section of the audience which considered tliat tho resolutions did not express sufficient indignation at the proceedings of tbo TurkB. Mr. Gladstone, in his address, said throughout his experience he had never witnessed a movement to compare with that which had arisen during tho last two weeks throughout England concern ing the atrocities. Mr- Schuyler’s report, as coming from tho representative of a nation, tho inhabitants of which we re joice to call brethren, and from one whose personal character and trustworthiness ho had taken pain3 to ascertain, had pro duced a most marked impression in his mind and convinced him that he could no longer bear tbo responsibility of remain ing silent- Mr. Gladstone proceeded to show that tho Turkish Government was responsible for tho atrocities. Constantinople, via Odessa, Septem ber 9.—It is said that tho Porte has re fused to suspend hostilities until Servia accepts its conditions for peace, which requires the demolition of the fortresses at Belgrade and Semcndria and tho limi tation of the Servian army to 20,000. ml uncharged. — .101 10 ..1SS-211 OFFICE TELEGRAPH AND MESSENGER.7 SStTESIBEE’.*— SVSJIXO. 1S7S. S Cotton. The market to-day was firm Good middling •*' T * ~ Middliiur. Low middling.... Transsetiozs to-day: Received—by ^ by wagon sr iiENEtrr. Stock on hand September, LIST 1 '*... r-26 Received to-day - O Received previously...™... ..... l.sea—LolO &S3S Shipped to-day - Shipped previously — Ll.r— i.430 Stock on hand this evening. L° 10 ■■■O 1 Stocks and Bonds. QUOTATIONS C0BB3CT3D DULY BY L. RIPLEY. Broker. Georgia S per cent, bonds J® JJJ Georgia7 per cant, bonds (regular; 105 atoo Georgia 7 per cent, liords (new) 10S al04 Georgia 7 per cent, tx)uds (eold) 105 alOS f Georgia C per cent, bond Oi*y of Maeoa 7 per oont................ City of Savannah 7 per cent City of Aus^usta 7 per cent City of Atlanta S per cent City of Atlanta 7 per cent Central Railroad joint mortgage. . 80 a 90 , S3 ft 85 . SS a 85 , 83 a 85 , 79 a 80 , 93 a 90 Western R. K. of Alabama 1st mortgage 04 a 9o Weatem R. R. ol Alabama 2d mortgage S3 a 91 Montgomery and West Point PJ Macon & B., 1st mortgage a f? Central Railroad stock S a 5? Southwestern Railroad, stock C9 ® <1 Mobile and Girard 2d mortgage 9S|a 95 Macon Wholesale Market. CORRECTED DULY BY F. B. TINSLEY, GRAIN AND PROVISION MERCHANT. TO SAVANNAH REFUGEES rpHE mcintosh house at INDIAN SPRING Has Pleasant, Ample and Commodious accom modations. BOARD—per week $ BOARD—permontb 2 B. W. COLLIER. Z. B. WHEELER’S SALOON RESTAUR ANTI (Fourth street, nearly opposite Car Shed) Macon, Georgia, MEALS SERVED ATALL HOURS, DAY OR MIBHT A first-class establishment, stocked with FINEST WINES and LIQUORS F. £. Harrison has chargo of tho Restaurant sep7 tf TO MACON SOUTHWEST GE0R8IA COTTOI HIPPERS ! rpHE ATLANTIC COAST LINE, via Ports- X mouth, Va„ ia prepared to Movo all Cotton Eroinptly! and in any quantity offered, to all points East, At as Loir Rates a* any Other Lines. Time guaranteed if desired. For further Information, adureas H. M. COTTISGHAM- sopo tf Macon. Ga. FOR RENT. BACON—Clear rib sides H a Shoulders. £*a 9 Bulk clear rib sides 10 a 101 Bulk shoulders none. Magnolia hams 16|a Diadem hams 16l a 17 CORN—By car load *»7 small lots 70 MEAL..... 75 OATS—Yellow and mixed — FLOUR—iSitra family, per cwt 3 50 aS 75 Family, per cwt 3 20 aS 50 Extra, per cwt.„ 3 25 Superfine, per cwt 3 00 LARD—Leaf, in tierces ISla 1-4 Leaf, in tubs 14 Leaf, in buckets 15 a 15t Tinpails, lOlba 10 Tin pails, 5 lbs 104 Tin pails, S lbs 17 MOLASSES—Choice Cuba, blids 42 Choice Cuba, bbls 45 Kugarhouse, hhds £8 Sugarhouse, bbls 32 Choico New Orleans 70 Georgia cano Nono. SUGAR—Yellow C lot Brown 10 C. coffeo 11 Extra C. white 12 Standard A 124 Granulated 124 Powdered and crushed 13 COFFEE—Common 20 Fair 21 Good 22 Prime. 22la 23 Java 35 SOAPS—Pcrlb: On 8 CHEESE—Stato ;... 144 Factory. 15i CR ACKK Its—Soda 8 Cream 121 Ginger 121 Strawlwrry. 15 CANDLES-Star. IS NAILS—Basis 10s 3 40 a3 45 STARCH u a 61 PEl’PKK 25 8PI0E 20 GINGER IS NUTUEGS 1 00 CLOVES...™ 60 CIGARS—Peril .23 00a75 00 CHRROOTS..... .15 <*> 8NUFP—LorilUrd’a, Jur... 7:: Lori, urd’s, toil 78 TOBACCO—Common 40 a Fir.o 65 al 00 SALT—Virginia. 2 10 Liverpool 1 25 MACKEREL—Bits 1 10 al 40 Half-barrels <! 00 aS 00 Barrels. Si 11 50 WELL-BUCK ETS—Per doz C 00 BAGGING—Heavy, 21 lb 14* 2t lb 13} •• 2 lb lot TIES-Arrow «* Pieced 4} moots, shoulders 7: c-Iearib -ides SJais. Baron shoulder- :.'jv -lear rib sides OjalO; hams Halt'.. Lanl reflned lltall}. Coffee lira and unchang ed: job lots 15talB. Whisky dull at 1 Hal 11,. Sugar quiet at Hall}. LonsviLL,- Floor steady; ultra SSStS family 4 Ooa 150. Wheat l.rm; red 100. amber 1 OOal 05: white 1 Max 10. Corn dull; white 4S mix*\l 42. Oat- quiet and steady; white 3<5; mixed SS. Rye quiet and linn at tV, Pork, offerings la- ken atlyesterday's unees. Bulk meats, shoulder, 61; clear rib side, S; clear sides - J. Bacon irreg ular: shoulders 71; clear rib sides 0; clear aides 10; hams, sugar cured 15al5L Lard dull and settled; tierce 12al2i; keg ISt. Whisky in fair de mand at 110. Baggicg in fair demand at lltall) dxcurSATI—Flour steady and firm; family 5 00a5 2S. Wheat quiet and unchanged; red 90a 1 06. Corn steady at 46. Oats quiet and firm at S2aSS for new. Ry. firm at 62aCS. Barley firm at 90a9s. Pork in fair demand and higher at 17 00. Lard steady ami firm: steam 101; kettle 12al**; current make 10). Bulk meats excited and high er; shoulder, at interior points 6)a6). 6) here; clear rib sides sold early at SlaS 40, clo,ed 8) bid; clear sides sold at 9. Bacon higher; shoulder, 7) aTh. clear rib sides 9)a9t; clear sides lOalO), dpi sing at outside prices. Whisky in active demand at 1 07. Butter steady: choice western reserve 10 a21; central Ohio lsaio. Hogs steady and firm; heavy 5 65a6 00. Sr. Louis—Flour dull and uucltanged. Wheat No. 2 red fall 1 l.'dcosh; 1 IS) September; No. 5 tall 1 02). Corn fairly active; No. 2 mixed -lOiahu- cash; 40) September; 41} October; 89) all the rear. Oats. No. 2 32) cash; 31 Heptember- S3) Oetooer. R.vo strong; M) cash; 5S September. Barley, choice Minnesota 95al oo. Whiskv steady at 1 08. Pork jobbing at 17 25:;17 50. I.ard 10). WlLSHSOIoa—Spirits turpentine atreng—28*. Rosin quiot and easy. Tar trtegular at 1 leal £o. I.Ivi.Rl-coi,—Pork, prime mess -5s. Tallow 42a 6d. Spirits turpentine 2lsCJ. Loxdov—Spirits turpentine 24sa24sSJ. Marine Nows. New Toek—Arrived out, Algtria. Homeward bound, Priicilla. 1,000 TONS Nova Scotia Land Plaster, in good barrels, 6 to Ton, For Sale at a Bargain by HUNT, RANKIN & LAMAR. WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS. COUNTRY MERCHANTS Will find onr Stock of Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Glass, Spices, Soaps, Perfumery, etc., CONNOISEURS, EPICURES AND GUZZLERS GO TO THE Brilliant Saloon, Tilird Street, W HERE Ullmann £ Co. havo ono of Georgia's most skilled and e\»vriotn c l Ethiopians in the GAS TRONOKICAL AH T. Who will, in spito of tho dearth, furnish you with the most palatable grub of the season to b*> had in any restaurant, at Miperlativoly low chink rates. Doors Never Closed Night or Day ,-d nnd on tho Half- or Mlxod, of ^SfiZta IF you feel dull drowsy, debilitated, havo frequent head* ache, mouth tastes badly, poor appetite and tonguo coated you are suffering from torpid liver, or “biliousness,’* and so speedily and permanently as to take*Simmons* Liver Regulator. A SK the recovered Dyspeptics, Bilious suffer ers, victims of Fever and Ague, the mercu rial diseased patient, how they recovered health, cheerful spirits and good appetite—they will tell you by taking Simmons* Liver Regulator. JBAJD BREATH. NOTHING is so unpleasant, nothing is so commww as Bad Breath; and in nearly every case it comes from tho stomach, and can bo so easily corrected if you vrUl Tate Simons’ Liyer Regulator. Do not ncgloct so sure a remedy for this- repul sive disorder. It willalso improvo your appetite, complexion, and general health. Just try it Once. Oysters—Stewed Shell—at all hour BerertvfffiM ot nil kinds, Strai^l etc., fall and complete, and we quainv.-modw- are prepared to give bottom prices. HUNT, RANKIN i LAMAR. senlO-tf Wholesale Druggists. COLIC IN CHILDREN colic, headache, or sick stomach, :i teaspoonful or more will give relief. Children, as well »s adults, eat sometimes to much supper, or eat something which coos not digest well, producing sour stomach, heartburn, or rest lessness ; a good dose of Liver Regulator will give relief. This applies to persons of all ages. T HE Store now occupied by Wiu&hip A Cal laway as a clothing house. Poasesiion given October 1st, 1878. Apply at E. P. STROXG*S Shoe Store. Three Dwelling for Rent O NE containing Ten Rooms, convenient for taking boarders for Mercer University. Oue Six Room House, with Pantry and Bathing Room. Closets in each room. Also a Cottage with Five Rooms. Each of said dwellings have all necessary outhouses, in rood repair, and good water. DR. D. W. HAMlIOJfD, aur2S2w or TURPIN Jt OGDEM. FOR RENT. F ROM October 1st. my residence on street. Five Booms, three furnished if de sired, and ck»e to the Street Railroad and Asy lum. Apply to Mr. Askew, at 8. Waxeibaanrs, or to me. at Dr. Pattenon's. MRS. DkGRAFPEXRLED. sepS •unwedkftxnSt LATEST TKLE8BAPIIIC XAKKETr Financial* Nnw YoaK—Noon—Gold opened at D}. Stocks active at bettrr prices. Money 1|. Gold 10i. Exchange, long 485: short 4804. Governments activoOnd strong. State bond?. Tennossees old and new lower; Missouris, St. Josephs and South Carol inns hotter; rest steady. Evening—Money dull at la2. Sterling weak at 4*5. Gold firm at 10}al0J. Governments dull and strong; now 5s 153. Stato bonds quiet and steady. BASK SLATEMB5T. Loans, increaso $2,625,000 Specie, increase ; 025,000 Legal tenders, dccreaso 250,000 Deposits, increase 2,250,000 Reserve, incrcaso 250,000 Stocks dull and unsettled: New York Central 105}; Erie 10i; Lnko Shore 51?; Illinois Central 86; Pittsburg 901: Chicago and Northwestern SCI; Preferred Cl; Rock Island 10. Sub-treasury balances—gold $SC.0U,S63: cur rency $31,906,902. The Sub-Trensuror paid out on account of in terest and for bonds S56.000. Customs receipts $251,000. London—Erio 9?. Paris—Rentes, 10Cf02ic. Cotton. Njw Yont—Noon—Cotton, sales 1218: mid dling uplands 119-1C; middling Orleans 11?; mar ket quiet. Futures opened firmer, as follows: September 1119 82all 21-32; Oetolier 11 9-lCall 19 -32; No vember lllall 17-32; December 11 17-S2all 9-1C; January lltall 21-32. Evening—Cotton net receipts 5; gross 5; consol idated net receipts 4660; exports none: sales 518; middling uplands 11 9-16; middling Orleans 11?; market steady. Futures closed steady; sales 14.000; September 1119-32; October 114; November 11 l£-H*Ufe Dc- cember 11 15-82m1U; Janimrv 11 i9-32all.; Feb ruary 11 25*32all 13-16; March 1115 32all 51-32; April 12?al2 5-82; May 12 9-32al2 5-16; June 12 7- 17al215-32; July 1219-32al2i: August 12 Ml 121. Baltimore—Cotton, gross receipts 3; sales 75; exports coastwise 10; middling 111; low middling 10*: good ordinary 10; market quiet. New Orleans—Cotton, net receipts 145; gross 404: sales 900; middling 102; low middling 101; good ordinary 9?; demand good. Wilmington—Cotton,uet receipts 57; middling IDi; market nominal. Augusta—Cotton, receipts 395; sales 227; mid dling 104; market opened active and firm; closed quiet. Sayajtxaji— receipts 1804; gross 2134; sales £94; middling loh market firm. Charleston—Cotton, net receipts 517; sales 200; exports coastwise 312; middling 11; market quiet. Mobile—Cotton, net receipts £97; gross 336; sales 10O; exports coastwise 130; middling 10f market stiff. Bosto5—Cotton, net receipts 40; gro*3 ISC; middling 12?; market steady. Noepolk—Cotton, net receipts 132; exports coastwise 173; sales 200; middling 11L market is quiet. Msamns—Cotton, receipts 117; shipments 4; sales 400; middling 11; market firm. Galve3TON—Cotton, net receipts 1415: gross il7; sales C39; export coastwixo 2Chh, middling 10h market quiet. Philadelphia—^Cotton, net receipts 35; gross 87; middling ll£ market quiet. Liverpool—Noon—Cotton sales 6,000; for ex port and speculation 1000; receipts 11,500. Ameri can 2700; middling uplands, 61-16; middling Or leans 6 3-16; market firm. Cotton to arrive firmer; holders asking 1-S2 ad vance; middling uplands, low middling dome, October delirery.C 1-16; same, new crop. Decem ber and January delivery, C1-16; same, shipped December and January per sail, 6h middling Or leans. low middling clause, shipped November and December per sail, 6 5-1G. 1 50 p. m.—Fut .res firmer: ir.Mdhm: upland*, low middling clause, new crop, shipped Decemb: and January per sail C 5-32. £ P. it.—Sales of American 5.800. PILES. FALL, 18 7 e. TVTEW BLACK SILKS. ±\ NEW COLORED SILKS, NEW BLACK CASSIMERES, NEW DRESS GOODS. JUST OPENED at Rreatl.v reduced prices. NEW FLANNELS, Rod, White, Medicated, Operas, and Plaids, just from the GREAT AUCTION SALES WATERPROOFS, CASSIMERES, JEANS, BLEACHED COTTONS, All marked leas tb&u they ever sold for before. IlantllceroLxloJ's, Hosiery ASD A FULL STOCK OF NOTIONS Just received. aepStf S. & TO. ex per ‘need CHBIST1A K'S BAB AND RESTAURANT! 3 3 Third.Street. (Between Central Georgia Rank and F. S. John son & Soils’ Hardware Store.) H AVING recently refitted and newly furnish* edinv BAR land RESTAURANT in the very best ol style, 1 would say to my friends and patrols that I am now prepared to furnish thorn with tho choicest and most select brands of Liquors and Cigars Ever before offered in Ibis market. Also MEALS AT ALL HO UK S I Prepared under my own personal supervision, and I guarantee to furnish my table, both in quality and style, with tho very best that tlio country can afford, and defy competition hero or elsewhere. Give mo a trial. sop2 2m J, M. W. CHRISTIAN. CALHOUN TOBACCO. J. VJUKHTIHO'S RESTAURANT I OS Cltcrry street. OPEN AT ALL HOURS I Produce. ‘ New Yoek—Noon—Flour qmet and firm.— Wheat quiet and unchanged. Corn steady. Pork firm at 1710al7 i5. Lanl firm: steam 10 65. Spirit, turjwntine firm at 51. Eosm steady at 16oal 70 foritrained. Freights firm. Evening—Flour firm with a good demand for Minnesotas. which are scarce; superfine western and state 3 75a4 40; southern flour, common to fair extra 4 70aC Ou; good to choice extra G05a S 50. Wheat la2 better with a fair export and milling demand; rejected flSfc new winter red wen- tom to arrive 1 is: new amber St. Louis 1 20, Com steady with a fair export and home trade inquiry; graded mixed 55ta56. Oats quiat and firm with a good trade demand. Pork firmer and quiet: new mess 17 40a 17 50. Lard ^decided]y hirber; closing firm; prime steam llallj. Coffeo quiet and firm. Sugar dull. Rico dull. _ Mol&s- m3s, grocery grades unchanged with a fair inqui ry. Turpentine firmer a: S2t. Ream steady. Freights quiet. . . „ Baltimore—Flour quiet, uncharged: Howard street and western superfine 2 50aS 75; extra 4 00 *5 00; family 5 25*6 75; city mdi* superfine 2 75a X fS; extra 4 25*6 Of; Rio brands C 5Ca6 75; familv 7 75. Wheat active ar.d firm: Pennsylvania red 118*1 22: Maryland red 1 laal 23; amber 1 24a 1 26; white 1 15al 28. Corn, southern higher and firmer, white 50*55; yellow 52*55. Evening—Oats steady and unchanged: southern SfiaSS. Rve quiet and steady at 54*56. Provision* strong and unchanged. Perk 17 00. Bulk . HOW many suffer torturo day after day, mak ing lifo a burden nud robbing existence of all V lcasure, owing to tho secret suffering from piles. et relief is ready to the hand of almost any ono who will use systematically Simmons* Liver Regulator, the remedy that has cured thousands. No drastic, violent purge, but a gentle assist ant to nature. CONSTIPATION. SHOULD not be regarded as a trilling ailment—in fact, nature demands tho utmost regularity of tho bowels, and any deviation from this demand paves tho way often to serious danger. It is quito as necessary to remove im pure accumulations from the bowols as it is to eat or sleep, and no health can bo expected where a costive habit of body prevails. Ukvaxxjxci Remedy tor Sick Headache.—I havo used Dr. Simmons* Liver Regulator in m v family for dyspepsia and sick headache, and regard it an inval uable remedy in these atteks. It has not failed togivo relief in any instance.—Rev W. F. Estcrling, 1*. E. TallahnssooDistricf, Flor ida Conference. CH5LL3 AND FEVER. YOU are at liberty to uso my name in nraiso of your Regulator as prepared by you, and rec- oinniend it to every ono as the best preventive for Fever and Ague in tho world. I plant in Southwestern Georgia, near Albany, and must say that it has dor.o mure good on my plantation :.mona my negroes tlisn any medicine I ever used; it supersedes quinine if taken in time. HON. B. H. HILL, of Georgia. TAKE Simmons’ Liver Regulator FOR all Diseases of the Liver, Xtomach and Spleen. The Cheap est, Purest end Best Family Medicine in the World! THIS unrivaled Southern Remedy is warranted not to con tain a single particle of Mercury or any injurious mineral sub stance, but is PURELY VEGETABLE, CONTAINING those Southern Roots and Herbs, which an all-wise Providence has placed in those countries where Liver Diseases most prevail. It will cure all Diseases caused by Derangement of the Liver and Bowels. ALWAYS KEEP IT ON HAND, 1 HAW] u^r‘d Dr. Simnmrib* Liver Regulator myself aud iu my family for years, and pro nounce it one of tho most satis- factory medicines that can be used. Nothing would induce me to be without it, and 1 recom mend all my friends, if thay want to secure health, to keep it al ways on hand.—R. L. Mott, Col umbus, tia, Congre*sman. CAUTION! Buy no Powders or Prepared Simmoms* Liver Rcsruldtor, unl.-ss i?i oar or.crave d wruiq --r. v-ith '* unbroken. THE BEST! FIFTY CENTS A PLUG. Eankinj Massenburg & Co. sep5 tf THE REVIVAL MOODY AND SANKEY iUKTTiCTrEKD OKLY ET .T. H. ZEILIN & CO., PHILADELPHIA. PA. I’iiicx, St. Sold by all Dmcrguts. auclO oodAwtt Cotton Ties. | A f \ TONS of Spliced Arrow Cotton Th*»; XV/VJ For sale by GROOVER, STUBES & CO.. aug9 in 94 Bay Street. Savannah. Go. CIGARI IS THE BEST FITE CENT CIGAE Ever Offered in this City I A T tlio opening of tho Fall Season, I tnko pleasure in announcing to my friends, pa trons and tho public that, in addition to my Restauiant, I have opened a LUNCH COUNTER! With all the latest improvements, and am pre pared, at any mom mt, to satisfy tlio smallest and the greatest appetite, At a Moment’s Notice! And at tho Lowest Prices. Anything tlm Mar ket affords, ia the way of Restaurant Edibles and Delicacies, my patrons will find at my Saloon. « Fresh Oysters on Half-Slioll! Polito aniPstrict attention guaranteed. My Bar ia supplisd with tho best Liquors, Champagnes, Winos nnd Cigars. Give me a call. sepl 3 in J. VALENTINO. LTTCYCOBE INSTITUTE, Atlions, Gieoi’ffla. Rev! } Associate Principals. Prop. AMENDE Music. tember, 1876. For catalogues, apply ... . Principals, or to LAMAR COBB, aug22 sun&wlm Scc’v Board of Trustees. P0LHILL SCHOOL, COLLEGE STREET, MACON. GA. sep8»tf BOLAND B. HALL, Druggist. day in September, Tho undersigned, (for mer President of t'io University Nitrii S ’. Athens, Gn..) will bo assisted by .I.-, Winei;- ; who is well known in Maccn as a thoroughly competent and successful teacher. Special attention will bo given to preparation for Colloge or tho University Classes, cr for the j practical pursuits of life. Patronage respectfully fnlicited. References: Professors Char bonnier, Lumpkin, Morris, Rulhoriord, Waddell, anil Will cox. Uni versity of Georgia; Rev. A. A. Lipscomb, D. D.. and Prof. W. Leroy Broun, Vanderbilt Universi ty ; Hon. G. J. Orr, Atlanta; Col. W. L. Mitchell, Rev. O. W. Lane, and Col. S. Athens, Ga.; Hon. W. HcKinley, Rev. G. T. Gootchius, and Dr. W. H. Hall, Milledgcvillo; Rev. J. D. Burkhead. Huntsville. Ala.; Rev. J. II. Nall, Co lumbus; Rev. Ja3. Woodrow, l’h. D., Columbia, S.C. BENJ. T. HUNTER, july.lOff Successor of late B. M. PolhiJl. REMOVAIi. GUS NUSSBAUM H AS removed to tho old stand of Greer. Lake A Co., on tne corner of Cherry and Third DRY GOODS, wnoicsnlu anti Itotail, FOR RENT. corner of Second and Mulberry streets, oj>- posite the Postofiica. Possession given October the 1st. Also a number of fine nml well ventilat- i rooms, suitable for offices or sleeping apartment*, iu the building above said stor*:. lVstiCSNiun of these given at once. Apnly to WM. B. JOHNSTON. mojtS tf or GEO. 8.0BB \R. With prices as low down as can bo found and nl in any house in the State. All of my old customei>, and as many new ones as will, are most respectfully solicited to call and see me. With me will be found MR. GEO. W. MOR GAN, who will be thankful to meet ins friends id will sene them politely and satisfactorily. Remember the place—Greer. Lake A Co.’s cl*d stand, corner Cherry and Third streets. oue4 de©d£w3m UNIYEESITY OF VIRGINIA. Law I>epartiiiciir. J B. MINOR, LL. D..Prof. Com. and Slat. • Law; S. O. Southall, LL. D., Prof. Equity and Law-Merchant, Internal! Law, etc. Session begins October 1,1876. and continues nine monthe. Instruction by text-books and lectures combin ed, Illustrated by Moot-Court exercises. For Catalogue, apply fP. O. University of Va.) to WM. WERTENBAKER, Sec’y Fac’y. sepl law4w CITY PUBLIC SCHOOLS. T HE CITY PUBLIC SCHOOLS will be re- „opened MONDAY, OCTOBER 2, as follows: North Macon School, embracing the High School and;be North Macon Grammar School. Poihiil lot; South Macon Grammar School, Sec ond Street; Fourta Street School, Fourth and Walnut Streets; East Macon School, Academy Building; Vinevflle School, Vxneville Academy Building; Lewis Colored School, New Street. B. M. ZfiTTLER. set>5 l& Pnoa-rintcndt-nt. Notice to Bridge Builders. TT t ILL be let at the bri.tee orer F.checonnee > > creek. knoOT u the Perry Bridge, on Sat- urday, September 9th, 13*. public outcTy. to the lowest bidder, the repair ing and keeping said bridge in l ho roust repair for twelve month*. Bond and ■eenrity will be required of the contractor. T. L. HOLT, Clerk Bibb County Commissioners. MACDS'. August 12,127*'*; aulVlawit Administrator’s Sale. *DY authority from the Court of Ordinary of JL> Bibb county, 1 will offer for sale, at public outcry, to the highest bidder, before the Court house door, in Macon, Georgia, on the first Tues day in October, 1876, within the legal hours of ‘ale, the house and lot in Macon, on the corner of Mulberry and First streets, and known as part of lot number 8, in square number 04, of said city, fronting about 105 feet on Mulberry street, and running back the same width, about 155 feet on First street, being the late residence of Samufl G. Bonn, Esq., and now' occupied by the family. Sold as the property of Samuel G. Bonn, deceased, for the purpose of psyioe the uebts or his estate, and for distribution among his nurs. Treats Cash. W. W. CARN En •eptl tds Aa Adm’r. Saci*L G. Bonn, dec d. GENERA]: AGENO AMERICAN COTTON TIE CO,, NO. 47 0AR0NDELET ST., N. 0. “IV’OTICE TO DEALERS ANDUBBCHANTS T> BUYING AND SELLING IRON COT TON TIER—Where,,, sundry unscrupulous tier- sons are offering for sale in Macon and tiic ' • ( ’ ,ru , v cotton ties having Arrow Buck I'*? censed for sale by us, and some having' preienu- ed "sccond-hana" buckles on, rre cautmo the public for their protection not to' pur .ms. ,m> ARROW OPEN SLOT. T1BB whoterro. from any but our Authorised ■' er 1 : 'i:Ar. 1 ",V‘ then. Either new or jjieoc.l banris. lis.ui, our Arrow and Open . ” therewith, unlicenied by us. >.ola.e our p: A, an additional protection to the r.or,;.e nnd ourselves, for several years wo have Kamped our buckles -Licensed for uteonce only. binatii patent F. COOK, General Legal Ager FOB SALE CHEAP. -I PARLOR SET FDRJHT^.-'nearly new; X S SETA BED-ROOil FLI-MTLRL—at 325, 840 and $80 each. All goo* as new, and coat ^ICdSiKs!' GLASS-WARE, and oth H° ase j° 1 j. < piNCKARLi'S t T ) RUG STORE. 3e pj.St Corner Second and Poplar Sts Fourth Quarter’s City Tax A LL parties liable V) City Tax are unified that the Fourth Quarter is cowJhe. The city requires fundi to meet its indebtedness; hence taxpa3’ers must come forv*rd without de lay or the law will b<: enforced, causing addition al expense. Office hours from 8* a. m. to 1 i*. al and from S r. m. to 6 p. M. ■epS fit CHAS. J. WILLIAMS(>N. Tress TAX RECEIVER. Receiver of Tax Returns of Macon county., at the next election for county officers, subject to the action of the Nominating Convention, if such Convention be held for said officers. aep9-w4w MANY VOTERS. Proposals for Wood. Oppxcb Bibb CorsTY Commissioeeils. ■) .. . Macox, Ga-August 1st. 1876. $ at ll o’clock a. m, at OEALED proposals will be received at this O office until September 5th, 1876. for furxish- ing the County Hospital with one hundred cords td sound oak and hickory wood. Said wood delivered by the 1st day of December and corded at said hospital. By order of the Board. au«r2 law4w T. L. HOLT ,Clerk B. K. HINES, ATTORNEY AT LAW. NO. 90 CHERRY STREET, MACON. 8A. Tover J. H. Hertz A Co.J r f addition to local business I will c ve spa-ial attention to cases entrusted to me i.i the Al bany and Southwestern Circuits, and in th- United States Circuit and B&u«mipt Courts for Geor' octXU WMRMMRT HELD**- IDUfl L. YIBLDBB H. & 3. L. FIELDER. Attorneys at Law, CITHBERT. CEOKGIA, TjrTILL riT» prompt attention to all biuln*. T T confided to them, in the countie, of Ran be Du State, lor the Southern District ot Georsut aa»