The Macon telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1873-188?, September 06, 1879, Image 2

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DAILY TELKGRAPB * MMSSMBOMs. It published every morning, (except MccdmyJ • n the Telegraph JJuildtng. cermer qf Cherry and Strand streets. Subceriptivn Ten Dollar* t ' r year, Five Dollars far six months, Two ih>llar» ami Fifty Cents for three months, nnd One Dollar +*er month for a shorter timi. Til ASSIES T ADVERTISEMENTS One Dol- i.i r prr square uf ten lines or less for ths first • turnon, and Fifty Cents for all subsequent ■ .\rrt%ons. Liberal rates to contractors. THE l EL EG RAF 11 AND MESS ENG EH represents three of the oldest newspapers tu iu.s section uf Georgia and far many years famished the earliest news to that set p- */ ii% argn, Ala'*a.mi ami Florida trading at in-spoint. 11 Jinds Us wag into almost every • •» tangent household and man of Los inset in section. As am advertising medium tn thst range qf conntri . elenraph&$H$&&$t\ztr D\’i UK DAY. SEPiEMIiEKS. 1870 Mre .Ora .t .in rtapocso t j in aldrw oa be! \Jf of tlio Kmprtsa of Japan, said: >ivc vmitod many coanui' sid hmva acen ■ a’iy boatiufal place •, but I b*vo eoen none ku beautiful or no oUaim ig as Japan.* & - I be Philadelphia lieoord inquires * W by 1 • '.not the democrat* of Pent -.yivauia rise to ’.no height of tneir opportu ty and cast tb vote of me Htato for Ib>m \ if. U*yar~? I tiny curnot assist ia eiuct!Q£ a President tlnw may aeajat *u naming one who can be <) t< i, and whose selection will be ao honor :<> the party, and a credit to the room: j. The community at Wa! n ;ford, Gt. f be •K a braucb of 'ho Oneida omme^'ty, fol low* *t »n abaudor k t*:e ayatem of comp ox ... .na^oa. It ia a cu .jus ft c. t‘ t wl •! the Oi.euia comm •••-»t« hive loosed the ire of New Yotkera by the piac*.ee of tb ; i p.ins! pin of their faith, .he Wa ' *«gford people have ciicouuterc 1 litflo oppoai* on f i tho ‘Land of steady habi's.* i'lie Philadelphia Timet says: TbeDem . Ate of Carbon cjunly have reeolved that they rru tor Xilden end Ilendt.clnr-a l/ .'oiutnga few days ago the couoly < on- Vk.itioii roeolved tt»u e^mo tb'u^, while t-'ranl.iin county has el< -ted a solid laden b legation to the noxt Ht*to Convention, and tf.o dol< gates from L i gh, chosen on batar- ' *y, aro freely ridontood to be gene a'ly for th .» lit tin old man of Gramorcy Pork. This Iiam the fani’l** appei vie® of a bocai— Mich an it ie. - In tho Cincinnati Zoological G .'den, Tmaforo* ia playod on areal eh p float"s win, ronl lake, iho oh\r iters are rowed Id the voishoI in am" boat* at tho proper mo- inout, and tho effect is rom' Imly rc*’istio Pretty Estul'e Mortimer, the liatte.-np, was .i trifle tardy in gutting aboard on Hatmday owning. In liar harry aho ' ipped on ropo, and fell into Ibe water, a i 'at'nee of lift con feet. Hir Joseph Potter's crew gal lantly r owned her, hut ebe ('dipped too macb to perform without a cbtngo of r olhos, fad tho performance wt s delayed. How earnest the fir hah House of Lords •el tho discharge of ita dudes may bo judg 'd from the fact that one morcir'; tb s uionih, when the Anuandale Poerr :o claim a mo, up, it was for id to b', out of a house if 1 »J. iinpoMs’blo to get a quorum of seven ,->« im, ami count qnuiit y, although leading Mim.Hol and an array of Witnesses, many 'rom Scotland, were present, the parties A<-ro nnablo to get their c o hoard da. ng Iim notion. Yet, when the L hera’t W'^hed o transfer (lie heating of f lal appea'sto lio Privy (Jonncil, th‘3 fr iou-ily op- loaod Much a course. — Ju-go Black, in a letter to the Lancaster ntoiliK> neor remarks that at what time iu ,ic fitttiro the flnal defeat of the snii-Dem* cratic party w m;ke nu end .of all its y rAnnj and oorrnption no oneca ^ predict at rest nt. ULoral forjej wo.k s.jwlv when PP.-.-oJ by money .t .d aim ; bat oasetue .*.y, not Voiy dteteut, • do oi,;aq zjJ uncm es i^d, Captain Ueneral urant. Th* pipers are agog with a new idea— which iatoeatabliah the rank of Captain General of the army, and fill the office with Grant at a good ealarj. It ia claim ed that all partie. are geiog in for it . n- thaaiaatically. The fast ia, the Demc- erata don’t want Grant to run any mor . aa President, be'tuBu he will ran too we!l during the canvass, and not at a" well afterwards. '1 hen there are several lea' ng Repub licans who don't want Graat toint gain for President, because they want ' i run themselves. Bla re, Sherman and Waih- burne and others take this view of th cage, and if they should ion and the Qiery. If it has takas so many days to oon> front the Comp; roller General before the bar of the Senate and begin bis trial, how long will it be before the oases of Mr. Nelms, Treasure? Renfros and the printing'investigation committee con be uonclnded, to say nothing of divers other "mares nests" which are Baid to have been discovered? Oar sapient law m-kora would do well to send for their shawls and winter gear, and prepare :o ait it pat till epriog. Bat in the meantime, what become, of the economy programme, which was so strongly insisted upon at the opening of the session? Taxpayers are beginning to votes not be counted t they desire, it ia I be restive, and would like to know why important to have Gen. Grant at tbe herd I HO many thousands of dollars of the peo- of the s-my, *o count the votes at Ihe I pies’ money are consumed by the peo point of th*.* sword, and prance round I plea’representatives in futile calls of the and frighten people. This v,ew of the | House, to see if a quorum is present.’’ mat* r basnet been impressed on the Democratic friends of the Captv'n Gen- | eral bill. Bea’dea, tbe army la in danger. It It is true that four dollars a day s.ems a small reward for tho time and brains of a legislator, bnt whec that amount is multiplied by two hundred, and stretches numbers 20,000 men, aid has only G in- wearily along daily for weeks and ral Sherman and fori/ or fifty other I months. It tells heavily npon the exche- Gcnerals to tike care of it. Who is fo I qner of the State. take care of General Sherman, and what I Why were biennial sessions ordered by is to bcoomo of Captain Jenks ? It is I the new Constitution? To save money worth twenty-five thousand dollars a year | and lessen taxes. But from the present to take oare of Captain Jenks of the I outlook it would not be surprising if the Horae Marines. I members of the present General Assam- Too point of the mattor Is that the I bly should meet and shake hands in the priva'e citizens who have been keep'Og I State House with their successors who General Grant’s bank and oiohango ac- w ;n be chosen in 1880. count square these three years, with tbs Wo trust that all leaves of absence understanding that he shall Bnccecd I w jji be summarily revoked, and the Hayes, and then they oan square the I members of the General Assembly bo ro- rcckoning, want some garranty for tho I qaired to return and do their duty, future, if he is not to succeed Hayes; and I Would that Speaker Bacon had greater the Captain General bill ia a crude idea | authority in the premises. But all he Germany and Russia Have been lor some months drifting into a mi iunderstanding, bnt, it seems, the ether day, on a single day’s notice, the Empjrors of the two countries met and had a personal conference all to them selves—the street’ and railway depot uhcre they met being cleared by tho po lice and patrolled by sentries stationed :;x;y fi el apart. We hope that they re- Holre.i their doebts and difficulties and bmcksd the pipe of peace sad good will. in thk bmpxKNT Ab&o.d or Axkkich Pbcdcck.—The exports of do mestic prodace from the port of New York lr t week were the heaviest ever known for the same period of time. The iigurts were $9,982,628 against $7,625,433 for the oorreoponding week of the past year. Of the week’s shipments nearly three millions went to Liverpool and London. Since tbe 1st of January the total of exports foo's up $220,551,748, or about one mil'ion for every day. We suppose the unfavorable harvests of Enrcpe will aceonnt for the euiden increase in the shipments of provisions. in that line. It embodies the thought of | a retiring pension without tho language. More Moderation. The New York Tribune of the 3d ic- tio lnces to the public the *'Rsv. Dr. W. H. Bimpson for thlrty aeven years an active minister of the Methodist Episco pal Churoh in Tex i and Louisiana,” whcce E‘st statement to the pnb'io re Is thus: In the Southern States,” sines tbare construction aots men’s lives have been can do is to handle and wield in the best way possible the body over which he presides. If they won’t coma (o time he can't help it. Treatment ot Yellow Fever. We have reoeived the September num ber of tbe New Orleans Medical and Sur gical Journal, containing a very elabor ate and exhaustive history of the epi demie which devastated New Orleans in 1878, from the pen of Professor Joseph held'at a very _ low _ piles. I have lately I Jones, M. D„ of the Medioal College of had an oppoitamty of looking over the I Lomaiaon, who is a native of Geor official reports of the Koklax outrages at | gj a> jfo medical expert ever studied the Sonth. I find that between I3.C301 .. . . .. . , a lifvin K.w. r -.n _ nr j. v | yellow fever more clciely than he, under and 14,GJ0 persona have 1 .en murder- I J J 9 ed by the White League and Krt'ux or-1 its every phase, and ntteriy regardless of gaDizetioBS." | his own life. There, again, the Badioals are*com-1 Laat year Doctor himself experl- mitting the error of t*)o low figures. I encod this terrible dise&ee in its most ma- Fonrteen thoueand murders did very lipoant formf and wafl brought by it to well for ten years ago, but wh«n a hun- tho very por ui 8 of eternity. It was dred thousand murders oan be established I Ena u y months before be recovered folly, by the same documents, why come down I j n concluding a course of several loo- t > a pitiful 14,000! In order to fire the I t Qre8 , Bay *. Northern heart the statement should I The following ia a brief outline of tho plan have been at least a hundred and fifty I of treatment baaed upon tbe preceding .u a T » . u j . . I principle?, which I cartiel out durmg the thousand. Lot us have blood enough for Epidemic yellow fever of 1878, in New Or the occasion, and when we speak of I leans: phantom murders. It is as easy and just I TLe nnmber . treated _ in my Om hh Way.—The Pacific Mail Steam- chip Company publish a telegram that the steamer Tokio, with Grant aboard, sailed from Yokohama cn the 3d initant, and would reach Ban Francisco about the 21st. If you have a bad *nte in yoar raoutb, sallowuees or yellow color of skin, feel stupid and drowsy, appetite unsteady, frequent headache or dizziness, yon are ( ‘billious,” and nothing will arouse your liver to action and strengthen up yoar system equal to Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. It is sold by dru gists. THE GEOEU1A JPKJ288. as true, to say a million as a hundred. The times demand great enterpriso in lying. Tbe Northern heart is to be fir- ; ed up to a livid heat against these eo* called Southern States; but it has al- ady had eo much firing that it has be come as it were, covered with cinder # herefore, the fire must bo seven times lotier than it was wont to ba made in the oldoa times of sectional cussed- id when Jc ;i*ka thuUl t -If Menbadduu i l Ik Lock a u. i. V?hot oadon heel, h. by e to a 02, oys- sq .nppod thruwn overboard they *mk t»a dept ty five or forty foot »ud a*o pr’ :d ii by nto.Mii. They arc often i e 1 viith a remit kablo ooUsotion of oig oyaicr©, queer-look- ink i>er. o flnli, hammock crabs, water spid* l « rivv tuklo, doft-nlio i crabs ; ud other ma rina wonder*. —Tho i'Atumauy geocral committee Ua* nheul ail addroas urging tUedemocracy of tho v.nivrn part of Now York t ore fra* n from : icmg Lucius llobinsou for Gove*.uor f and m.-:s Ming that there are mtoy able Dcmo- •■*aC5 thcmgliout the State who * e omineutly •inaldiod for tho pomtiou; tb»tTamm "iy has . o can 'ulatc, and doair. * to rrgs no spocin 1 . • auic, blit, that if ltobirisen should be forced . .pen tlio convent ten, i'amoimy We.*’dop- .'.tnehini, nuqtH iflodly, >md org ’zation :n convention and before the people. Too Nashville Amonc-.n says: The it.»*.«k Committee of the AlothoJ-u Tabl h- -n s ' iloitao met yostorday ant derdod thu U« v. l>r. J. B. McFo .u, tho ag( ut. and ltev. Dr. it A. Young had, wit* a ♦he pan yeer, i w ivod the cut ro sabsc.ipticn of t3 .,\0.0 to the Publishing llocto bonds, which a 11 eu- ttrcly : <nrdato tho debt of the Bonn rod mv * toornbliehiug Hon e t > thel’ .a ’loiu -MitliOilidt, Drs McFer..n s ^d Young were instjnsted to coiled tbe sub* fcripnons at once and to u«uo ce ideates for tho amounts paid iu not l the bon c\n bo ergravod, when they will bo enbit lute l for tiio ccrtiflcatee. IUrvar 1 Gollegc a q tesp-o now that a .s goiug to have a re r 1 ve Cr isair i to give* maUaction ?u tbe lsn ft i«ge of his < >aa- try. Ko Kam-Huo ar..ved at C\mbriJgo under contract to teach the C a ngne for throe years at a e*'ary ot two hundred dollars a month. The money i«pro\ Jed by private sobecriptiou, the movement being chanted for the prcecuias m *re'y » '>xpcri- ment. Tire object is not to far *. ize etu* deuts with Ch'utse literatp-o, but * > give them such a knowledge of the lr will tit them for busiue i life u the Celestial Empire. The professor b. u^a w th b m hi* wife and dve chi.dten and an inte pr r » ter. The secretary of the na\. ,ives notice fiat early iu October ho intends having a grand review in Hampton Ro * 3 of f he naval vessels now iu uss as pr oe sh ps for ths tvluoatiou of American boys r *r‘or*. i will be a fleet dri ", irb n battle r id . aval mamsavres of a’’ so. a. ue secret - ry expects the review tD work g eat good in many respects. It seems # A%t it is a d ffi. cult matter to secure good native seamen to man onr ships of war, and as a consequence our sailors are mostly foreiguers. As tbs pay is better and the work lighter in our ser vice than in that of other oorntries, foreign nor* prefer to enlist with os. The secretary think* this state of affr would work to our disadvantage iu the event of war, and houcehis desire to eduoate aid train our ..atito-b^ru boys for the servioe. A tTcrPAf Cospuc. —An ex-Mayor of SL Louie lekinl his wife *' sign a oouvsyanoe of some property that he desired t > sell, end she surprised and angered b'm by refusirj. He swoiothat unless she complied, he wen d never speak to her ag*to, sud she wxist-M obdurate That was sateen years ; o, sod although they had been a lovi g c-sUpie, and have since lived iu the same house, they have never exchanged a word directly. They roomed apart, but sat at tue same table, and were never guilty of any disrespect toward each other, save that of silence. When cir- c urns tan oss made communication between them absolutely necessary, they respectively addressed their daughter, and she spoke for both. Their questions, so put, were always framed in the third person The daoyhter died a few days ago, but ths parents are said to still dsolius to bseoms reooooiled. The Tribune, ar.d «*i* < * K “- p* the altar ot Beelzebub, must riso to the I ounce for an adult. private practice wan 256; total deaths, 18. One death in 14.2 coses. Mortality 7.0 per cont. Of 256 cases 233 recovered, giving a per cent, of 93.85 recoveries. let. If there was any reason to suppose thst the etomsch contained undigested food, ii was immediately ovacaated by an em tic. Powdered ipecacuanha root, mixed with warm water, was most generally em ployed. The bowels were freely evacuated as early as possible. To accomplish thin end, and alno at the bxmo time to induce an im- pr at'ijn upon the system by quiuiuj, Horn ten to twenty grams eadiof quinine and cal omel were administered to t.3al a, and fol lowed with & fnl! O' lo " n ' ricini), in doses of from half an ounce to one Oeca too, und not deal m murders and blood by upothecary’s weight. Co: down heavy ! Pat it to them by the million. Let blood flow by riveu and oceans. For after £.1! an ocean of blood I- jus; us truo :3 a bucket, and it id mar startling. Let the Kav. Doclorj i me for wiih stories duited to the political emir gcucy. It they will take 'he counsels c their own hear and imaginations, they will see that no white man goes to hr daily labor without au offering of bloo?, sud, therefore, a hal(»bar.el to the m*»n is moderate- Now multiply this by five milli idea of the daily bloodshed ia the £ utb. The action of tho akin was excited by tbe ii!6 of the hot mustard foot bath, and mild diuretics as oruigu leaf te% Aid by frictions of freeh olive oil. 4th. The function of the \kidneys was maintained by the regular use of cold water a :d Apoilinaiia water; by Attention to tbe covering of the patient, and avoidance o Odd draughts. th. Absolute re »t, in a well ventilated room, with absence of nois^ and excitement, and with cart ful nursing night and day*. 6th. The patients were confined to barley water daiing the period of febrile excite ment. 7th. The patients 'were not aUowe 1 to rise from tbe bed on any pretext whatever The medicines and drinks and Loariehment were administered by means of tbe sick cup. Wh-ther the caso was mild or severe, patient was reqaired to remain quietly in bed from eight to fourteen days, acd ev> and you will get ao adequate I longer ?i sever.; cases. 8th. In many cx^os, eepocirMy iu adnlt natives of New Orleans, thee j measures Then mnlliply the s«:uiu total by *he days of the year, and you have a crimson rigidly enforced were sufti riant. 9th. When the initial temperature we . . A c . | high sud toe pulse rapid, such antipyret. tide i* 1 equate t o tho werst emergencies in I and anlizymotic remedies W6‘e used as tine* tho tightest elections, and which will I veratrum viride, 2 to 4 drops in orange 1 leaf tea. every two to four hours ; frictions laugh at the dry figures of the Ku Klux testimony. The Fore Iff a Colton Markets. A leading cotton circular, quoted in a London dispatch of the Sd inst., says: The extensive curtailment of produc tion has at length told npon manufactn* rers* stocks. This has bejn specially the regards goods suitable for India. The demand from the East Las also in creased, and tome fair contracts have been made for future delivery. Tho home trade, however, owing to the bAd h.u vest pros pec* \ has participated only in a small degree in the increase of busi- nes ? , and manufacturers in this de partment are atiU burdened with con siderable e oks. During the reoent depression the consumption was probably reduced to 40,000 bales, and it may now bo aboat 45,( *0 brL*, bnt the re cent advance m raw material will check the tendency to increased consumption ruloei it is followc d by a corresponding advance iu Manchester of which there are no iod*oalion at present. The scarcity of with quinine liniment, composed of from one to two drachms of the sulphate of q jip a, mixed with three fluid ounce* each or soap liniment and olive oil; salpho-carbolate of sodinm, 10 grains in orange leaf tea every four hours. 10th. Gold applications to the bead, seda tive water, vinegar end water, whiskey and water, and cold cloths saturated in * »ld wa ter, wore freely used whit there was heat about the head and nervous irritability. 11th. Gastric irritation was treated by sinapisms to the epigastrium, cold applica tions, and iu some c xbn cut cups, rnd rir- bonateof lime (precipitated) admir’sterod internally. lltb. As a general iule, the use of opistes and chloral was discarded. In some cos , however, attended with great nervons ex citement, and unaUeined by urinary snp presaioo, these agents were employed, snd apparently with benefit. 13th. When the kidneys were involved se riously, and tbe nr ns diminished in amount cat caps were applied to the loins, f o’‘owed by flaxseed poohmes. Broxrdeof po* ssium m such cases appear* Hi increase the flow of urine, and at the same time to quiet the nervous system. 14th. After the subsidence of the feb. lo excitement ioed champagne tnd beef tea were administered in small quantities at reg- A in err can cotton is such that spinners are obliged to turn thsir attention to other I nlir intervals. descriptions, particularly some finer I In typhoid cases attended with tympaoetlo quMitie' of Surat, of which there is now I.bowels, ice cold enemas, containing emi 11 . ample choice. The Bombay crop is ex- I quantities of tincture of assafoetida tnd oil cvptionally good, a<3 also that of Benga I turpentine were found to be beneficial, but the Continent is taking nearly the I 8C J me c “ ea W , * -• tv i .. J « I enemas of ice oold water not merely reduoed whole supply ef the Utter. On the Con- th4 febrile deUi .timalsUKi the box^ir^ tment there is the same exhaustion of | expel the gossans aocamr'atiocs, bnt •applies - ' here. The Continent wi'l I promoted tbs aotion of the k;dneys. thus be an eager buyer at the opening 15m. When seconds;.- fever ensued and of the eer on in American ports and it ie I preeentsd an intermittent or remitteDt’type, possible that the scarcity will be so great I ^’lesnlphste ni bromide of qr^ia were that a farther advance may be established I f?eely need, and when the stomach wonld fora time, especially in spot pnoes of I tMarata nonnahmant and stimnlants, beef American I tea, chicken tea, and tender beef steak, and . , , . . .1 Rood port wine and brandy and whiskey Improved reports, both from Liverpool I were administered, and Manchester, for the past few days, I 18th- When carbuncles and abaceeaee sn- have justified the precisions of this cir- cular, and to-day <( 8pota*' in Liverpool are | tore ef iron, quinine, the mineral acids and quoted at 6 13-16 and futr-es for Septem- ( Jitter tonics, with alcoholic etimaiante, were , _ , I freely used, together with nutritions diet, ber and Ootober delivery at 6 23-32. I and the local application of carbolic odd! The market will hardly fail * a be sustain- I °f iodine, tannic acid and tincture 1 of opimn. ed under the light reoeipts, and the not ■ .... T , , .. , . “ . ,1 17th. Relapses were avoided by confining very favorable crop indulgence which I the patient to bed until the heart had seem to be inevitable. Toe crop at bett I usual vigor, and by strict attention „ . . .. , I to diet of a simple but nutritious kind, ia going to fail below expectations and cs- isth Eoca case was carefully studied ; ao- timatee, and unless it receives the benefit I enrate records of tbe temperature and * - - ... _ ... . , . I poise, and of the symptoms and treatment of a very protracted aeac jn and favorable ^er. prMer vBd, and the treatment direcua weather it ie bound to approximate the j accordingly. It was my experience that the character of "short. With an ordrna- I “ ra,al '~°^inK of the symptoms, once rily early frost it wilt be a abort crop. And, although, owing to tbe general poverty of tbe world, resulting from the waste of war and oivll disorders, and from storms and famine, will largely di minish the demand for and ounaamptioa of ootton goods; yet, still pri< oe will be well sustained daring the winter, with a fair possibility of even a speculative rise. We do not think there is anything in the situation calling for waste in patting ootton on the market beyond what may be tbe personal obligations and necessi ties of planters. The pries ia now good, and the ohanowa are that it will be m&in- twice, and even three times daily, not mere ly aided tbe physician in tbe most effective manner, bnt also established a quiet and valuable conndence on the part of the pa tient and hie attendants Toe above will bs read with interest, as giving, in a nutshell, the treatment ef yellow fever in & large nnmber of oases, by a practical ana eminently eaooessfnl physician. Anothxb Octbaok.—The other night in Cothbert, the boys came npon a gable citizen insensible from the immoderate absorption of oorn jnice, sod they paint ed him sky bine. If one may credit tbe Cothbert True Soutkron, there is no mis take aboat this enormity- The trade issue boom ia taking the country press and many of them fling in to the line of a sporadic enlarged edition Thk Americas fair opens on the 21st of Ootober and continues five days. Thk bad boys of Outhbert recently painted a drunken negro a beautiful 'sky blue giving him a neat bnt not gandy ap pearance. Mu. W. J. Houston, of tbe Atlanta and Chariot)r Air-Line, is being men. tioned by many papers in the State for the position of railroad commissioner in the event of the passage of the omnibus railroad bill. Wk learn from tbe Athens Banner that Mr. H. L. Stewart, of New York, who has recently presented the portrait of Dr. Crawford W. Long to the Legislature, was stricken with paralysis in Athena at tbe residence of Mrs. Long, whose guest he was. This is the same malady which ended Dr. Long’s life and both were stricken on the same night ot the week. There are strong hopes of his recovery, although he will be an invalid for at least a month in Athens. We wish the speed iest recovery to this philanthropist and distinguished gentleman. A labgk nnmber of running horses will go to the Athens fair and thonce to Atlanta. Darien has had no storms recently, but the rains have interfered with har vesting the rice crop. Bbothkb Gbubbj, of tho Timber Ga zelle, thus eloquently concludes an articlo on the recent fire in Darien. Wo hope the situation ie not as lugubrious aa de- Sbiibcd • If our city fathers should ever wake up to the necessity of going ahead with their work nnd putting down this pave ment, we are in hope that it will arrest the ravages alike of fire and water. If not, some future antiquarian like Mc- Cauly’s New Zealander, in the ruins of London Bridge, may have the pleasure of pointing out to an inquiring friend the demolished spot upon which Darien was once supposed to stand. Thk Dawson Journal says Walter Bal dwin, son of Mr. A. J. Baldwin, was .e riously iBjarned by a falling scaffold last week. Bukna Vista Argus: In some parts of this county farmera say a full crop of cotton will be gathered. In other parts considerable complaint of rust, carting of forms, boll rot, and the boll worm—some times one or tnoro of tho evils exist in a section. Mr. A. P. Belk brought to t iwn laBt week 83 fine a stalk of corn as we ever saw. It was of the James variety, and had nine limbs extending from the mam st.:1kvery much like limbs from a cotton stailr, and npon each limb there was a foil and mature ear. Augusta 1s crying out for a correct numbering of her houses, so that she can enjoy the advantages of ths freo postal delivery system. Thi county tax of Richmond county hns been reinoed fonrteen and a half oenta per hundred. A hoad engine caused a runaway in Angnata, and two young ladies were thrown out of a buggy and severely braised. Mr. Absaic Levi, a prominent citizen of Augusta, is dead. The Savannah Centennial will be very largely attended from Charleston The Oenitshiai. Obatob.—Savannah 2fcws: We understand that General John B. Gordon, known anil honored throughout the South, has aocepted tho invitation of tbe Jasper Monumeutsl As sociation to deliver tbe oration at tbe lay ing of the oorner-stone of tbe Jasper monument on the 9th of October next. This will be pleasant news to onr oitizana generally, and a brilliant and eloquent oration may be expected. Thk same paper says: We learn from Florida that a few nighte siuoe the store of Mr. J. N. Johns, at Starke, Florida, war entered and the safe forced open, Bnd $21,000 in United 8tales bon8v, eto iks and currency stolen. The particn lars are not known. Walton County Vidette: B. W. Rcb son, banker, ot Covington, has conducted a well organized system ot rascality for the past four months, if we accept as true the reports concerning his operations. For some time past he has been collecting bank notes for parties outside tbe State, in Covington, and failing to remit the proceeds, and selling exchange on New York and other places when he had no money or credit in tho?e places. By these and other means he ba3, we learn, "raised" about $8,000, aud but for the vigilance of the officers of tbe law would have skipped the country on last Tuesday night. Just before he got ready to leave, however, the sheriff took him in tow and lodged him in jail to account to the law for his misdeeds. His wife left Coving ton on Monday night previous for Cali fornia, whither, it is believed, he contem plated joining her. Robson enjoyed the full confidence of the businaas community which he succeeded in "bilking.” The Angnata Chronicle and Constitu tionalist looks handsome in its new dres3. We wish our contemporary the greatest success. Augusta ia well eupplied with excellent journals. The Sanderaville Courier announces that on the 6th Instant Messrs. J. D. An thony A Sens, proprietors of that paper, will retire permanently from journalism. The present editor, Mr. W. C. Davis, will continue to conduct the paper, and he will endeavor to make it a journal re fining and elevating in its influences, and in every way worthy of snpport. Hinksvilli Gazette: Onr young friend, Lyman Norman, has kindly sent us a specimen of his rice. It measures seven feet in height and the heads are fully ripe, while the stalk is green at the lottcm. Mr. N. informs ns that this ie a new variety of rice obtained from the Agricultural Department at Washington, and is called the “Golden Head.” He is viry much pleased with the experiment, an J proposes to plant largely of tho seed next year.” Swainsbobo Herald: “Soma thre e wc.ksago we published in the column 3 ot the Herald the particulars of the de struction by fira of a sohool honro n the Phillips settlement in this county. We are again called upon to chronicle the burning of a second building used for school purposes in the same settlement, which occurred on the 19th inst. Both these fires wero the work cf a villain who lives in the neighborhood, and although every circumstance points to the guilt of the offender, the patrons of the sohool, either from cowardica or a want cf ap petency to punish crime, make no effort to bring this youthful hou-e burner to the bar of justioe. Such acts its these, if they are overlooked by the good people of Emanuel, can result in no good to the county, nor will it stop occuriences of similar crimes. To pror nt offt-nseB against the law, the perpetrators should be^pnniebed, snd it is the duty of sit law-abiding citizens to interest them selves in its suppression of every viola tion of law snd order by giving the crimi nal a speedy trial and punishment. When sohool houses are destroyed in broad day light by tbe yontbfnl band of some schol ar to gratify his desire for revenge for come trivial offense, snd goes unpunish ed, it is time for Emanuel oounty to stop inviting immigrants to come among them. What Eecnrity have they for the safety of life and property where each a state of things eiiet. The State Library ic to be removed to tbe room occupied by the agricultural bureau. The verdict in the oaie of Hawthorn vs, Menard, in Monroe Superior Court, w&3 in favor of the defendants. Gknxbai. Toombs in Atlanta presented a beggar with a barrel of flour and made bis, tbo beggar’s, happiness complete. Two small colored sneak thieves en deavored rob Mrs. Franklin of ber pock- otbook by picking her packet in Atlanta. The Constitutem’t (and for General Hood’s children grows apaoe. Genebal Toombs embodies his views on the railroad bill in a letter to tbe At lanta Constitution. He oonoludes ar fol lows: Undoubtedly tho best means of the needful regulation, is a propetly consti tuted commission. The aotion of the oommitteo itself will furnish to tbe noxt Legislature tho need ful light for modification exactly adapted onr oirenmstanoes. The following features in the constitution of the com mission will command general aoquies- oenoe. It should command the oonfi- dence of both sides, and all interests. It should, therefore, be unpolitical and nnpartisan. Its duties are ic some res- peots analogous to those of a grand jury. As tbe grand inquest of the State over oorpoiations, it should diligently inquire, and true presentment make, us to tbe foots of their oondition and operation, for the benefit of the State, citizens and stockholders. It requires an expert to understand the fact-; an expert to ex plain them. There should be considera ble stability in tbe commission, depend ent simply on good behavior. It ebunld not only act as sentimental, but also as arbitrator as between tbo citizoDS and railroads; communities and railroads, and between the rr.ilroad- themselves. It shoald aid tho State in tho:-o functions which receivo special training in all its departments—execu tive, legislative and judicial. As tin ex pert, it aids the Attorney-General as to special fr.ot.-J and principle?; tbe Oomp- troller-Gcnoral as to matters of taxation heretofote, too, so intricate thst the State has mot much harm and loss. It relieves the judiciary department of a class of duties requiring ranch knowledge of law. To the Legislature it famishes the basis of intelligent aud constant ac- tioc. Its speoirl functions bear ohiefly upon the general public interests. It*is au exchange tor getting and diffusing the knowledge tf laws and faots very impoi 5 tant and very inaccessible. Iu one aspect its benefits have been little appreciated. As between the man agement of the railroad and the stock holders, it is a safeguard in which tbo stockholding public have an interest not at all inferior t o the general publio. The management holds the helm quite at arm’d length from the shareholders, Nominally dependent but really inde pendent, it can wreck them or carry them into new ports, defying their opposition. Not more important is a probate judge in the relations between a guardian and an infant, then a weil constituted com mission between the management of a road and its stockholders. Tnese are absolutely at the mercy of tho organized “powers that be.” , These valuable purposes have been served in the experience of other States. The.commi?sion is a tribunal with special ized functions, requiring special training to meet peculiar exigencies, for which ordinary legislation and jndioal decision are as unfit as for the practice of phar macy or tbe management of the telephone- little to the exquisite pathos of this la mentable event to reflect that the same blow which has removed an upright man aud loyal friend from among ue, takes away, also, the only support of tea or eleven little children, who are left, wo (ear, in for from independent circum stances. The eldest of these bereaved and desolate creatures is yet too young to understand its lose, and if the South bo true to her traditions as Gen. Hood wsa —or only half as true—the full realiza tion of their calamity may never come home to thorn in all its awful force.— N. Y. Times. Another ffenipbls Horror. Philadelphia Times.} Mrs. Annie Harper, a lady of refine ment, lost her hasbrnd und two children by the epidemic in Memphis lujt year. She lived alouo at her homo in Memphis until the fever appeared this season. Teen one night in the latter part of July she left the city in a skiff, and drifted down the Mississippi. Landing at day,, break on the Arkansas shore, she started through the almost tropically dense woode. She called at several bonses and was given food. One day last week she reached the house of J. Haudlie, in th8 forests of CritteDdon county. "I’m the wild woman of Memphis,” she qaid to Mr. Handlie. “I haven't the fever, bur it is chasing me. See, there it is! It is like a bloodhound! It caught poor Gharlie and the babies last year.” JEjctractfrom Telegraph and Messenger, Maco We had to3ted ita virtue personal^ , -and know that for dyspepsia, biltioueness and throbbing headache arising there from, it is the best medicine tho world ever saw. Wo had tried forty other remedies before the Simmons’ Liver Reg ulator, but nono cf them gave us more than temporary relief, but the Regul tor not only relieved, but cured us. sepl lw Attacked by Three Panthers. The San Saba (Cal.) News.} At midnight, a short timo since, an old man named Wiley Frazer was watohing a watering place for deer when he was attacked by tnreo large and ferocious panthers. He discharged the oontents of his well loaded gun through tho body of the foremost panther. At this the others checked and sot up saoh cries that they alarmed the dogs of the neighbor- hood, and fifteen gathered to the spot. The fight lasted for a considerable time, but the yells of toe dogs and encouraging shouts of Wiley awoke the oitizous, who arose cn masse and gathered with guns in their hands and frightened the wea ried panthers, causing them to fleo. “Let Them Not be (.'unfounded I There is so mnch said in tho papers of the day about tbe action tbe Constitu tional Convention of the State of Louisi ana just adjourned, that it is bat propor to notify tbe public that the condemna tion of tbe scaling of the State indebted ness in no way affects the management and tbe plans of thu Louisiana State Lottery Company, which, since its incor poration in 1868, has never scaled its schemes or postponed its drawings, but, with strict integrity, has observed its pledges to the publio inviolate, and has henoe derived a popularity unheard of since the days when General George Washington drew a lottery under the au thority of tbe Continental Congress, to carry on the War for Independence. Tho next—the 112—rmonthly drawing of the Louisiana State Lottery will occur on Tuesday, September 9th, and any infor mation can be had on application to M. A. Dauphin, P. O. Box 692, New Orleans, or the same at No. 319 Broadway, Now York City. Sbe Know* Better Sow, Philadelphia Times}. Wnen Mre. Harriet Besohcr Stowe was given a check for $10,090 by Mr. Jewett threo months after "Undo Tom’s Cabin” was issued, Bhe didn’t know what to do with it and the publisher was obliged lo go with her to a bank, into the mysteries of which she was initiated. Mrs. Stowe was paid $30,000 by Mr. Jewett. Eminent j. j. Caldwell, Bam more, tnd, states: “I have used Dr. Coldcn’s Lie big’s Liquid Extract of Beef and Tonio Invigorator largely in debility febrile and nervous diseases and I have found it one of the most reliable of nutriment tonics now in use or to be found in pharmacy. Sold by John Ingalls, Mason, Ga. eep2 lw A bright and beautiful child shows ita very expression that its babyhood wa3 not associated with opium, cordials, etc. for tho oontir.urd nee of upturn ia antsgo nistio to health. Tn.t valuable aud highly leaommended remedy for the dis orders of babyhood, Dr. Boll’s Baby Syrup, is absolutely freo from Morph: aud all other dangerous agents, and can be safely employed at all times. Piice, 25 cents. General John B. Hoed. The death of this distinguished chief tain and admirable citizen, though ren dered tragic in the extreme by its swift sucoeesion upon that ot bis beloved and lamented wife, could not nnder the oir- cumstanooa have been wholly unexpected It was hardly to be expeoted that Gen, Hood’s impaired vitality wonld be able to resist a serious illoeBS, especially one coming at a time of such mental prostra tion and distress. The announcement of his death, therefore, sad though it be oannot be regarded with surprise by any familiar with the conditions of the ease. John B. Hood was born in Bath ooun ty, Ky., in 1830, entered tbe Military Academy at West Point, graduating in 1853, and for the six years following did frontier service in Texas. In July 1857, he waa severely wounded in an engage ment with the Comanohees and Lipans. At the breaking out of tbe late civil war, Gen. Hood waa on leave of abaenoe. • He resigned his commission April 16, 1861. and at once entered the Confederate army, where he soon rose to the rank ot Major General. Hia career from this time forth waB most stirring and dramatic. He took part in the Ghick- ahominy campaign, the second Ma nassas, Antietam and Fredericks- burg. Subsequently, at Gettysburg, he waa terribly wouedad, and later, at Chick amauga, had his leg shattered bo a3 to necessitate amputation. General Hood succeeded Joe Johnston in command of tbe Tennessee army operating against Sherman, commanded and led toe three bloody assaults on Sherman before At- lanta, then marched northward anl fought the terrific battle at Franklin, Tennessee, closing the campaign with the memorable engagement near Nash ville. In' all this sncc. asion of great and sangninary battles, General Hood fig ured as a fighter, par excellence. It has been said ot him that he led his men into appalling perils, bat, on the other hand, it must he remembered that it was his fortune to participate in battles which were essentially desperate, and that the bambieac of his soldiers was never asked to go where he could not see hia General also. Wherever the tide of battle rolled most fiercely, wherever death and carnage held their wildest orgie, there General Hood was always to be found, serene and fearless, bat blazing like a war god in the gaudium ceriaminis. With the simple annals ot his life since 1865 all our readers are familiar, A good citizen, an honorable bnsiness man, his Hunting n Bear that was Fu- inons in 1S51. The San Francisco Chronicle.] Arrangements have been made by the Sierra Valley Shooting Clnb for a bear hnnt in tho vioinity of Weber Lake, to commence September 15:b, and oontinue six days. A oircnlar issued by the club states tbat bears are very numerous in that section this year, and furthermore, that deer, quail and grouse are abundant. Not far from the lake is the home of “Old Biin,” the largest grizzly bear in America, and “weighing about 2,000 pounds.” He was caught by Grizzly Dave at his ranch, on tbo Hennes Pas road, in 1854, but tore the trap to pieoea and made his escape. In case the bear is cuptnred the olub propose having grand barbecue, and if be isn’t cangot, they will nse some less eminent member of the bear family. $300 deposited with A!ex. Frothiugham & Co., brokers, 12 Wall Street, New York aa margin on 100 shares St. Paul k. R stock realized $1600 for tbe operator a few weeks afterwards. Their Weekly Fi nancial Report is sent free. * Regular Independent Incomes, free from business troubles, are Becnred by prudent ? vestments in Btocks. From $25 to $25,000, in the new Mntaai Capi- t lization System, pays handsome profits. Anybody oan successfully cjerate by this w method, and receive a pro rata divis- ic of tbe aggregate profits secured by great conoentration of oapital. A Chica go t nki shier made $469.13 in a oapi tf lization of $50. A Milwaukee brewer netted $792.36 from an investment of $150 daring tbe nr oath of May. A 8a va neh gentleman netted $6,310.12 from three capita.' zatioce. The stock market jast now ie in a oondition to realize large profits by safe and jndicions investments. New oironlars, "Rules for Success,” and invalnable information to every iuveBtor mailed free. AU kind? of Btocks and bonds bought and sold by Adams, Brown A Go., Bankers and Brokers, 26 and 28 Broad street, New York. s I m m N S Xs X V £ R R £ e- jj Xm JX T O R Could the read er of this be brought inf 3 eon tact with the host of respectable witnesses wno re gird Simmona’Liv- er R e k n lator »j their greatest safe guard and friend, they wonld be vinced. We have positive knowJedfW that many families in this country and in Europe woulo r.ot be w> thout it under any circum stances. In the whole history ol medicine no pre paration has ever performed s u c h marvelous cures, or maintained so wid< a reputation m 8immons* Live: Regulator,or Medi cine, which cognized a_ world,9 remedy for all disease* of the Liver, etc. Its Ion? continued series of wonderful cures in sll climates made it universally known as a safe and reliable ajrent to employ, 1 speedily and sure iy, always reliev ini? suffering, and often saving life. The protection it affords by its tiu e ly use in the pre *eutipn and of disorders pecu liar to child makes it an invalu able remetiy lo be kept a1w a v hand m e\ home. No person can afford to bo with out it, and tho*« who have o n c» used it never will, Eminent i ‘ cians use the Reg ulator in f ■ practice, and cler* K?meu recommend it. It is absolutely certain in its reme dial effects, and will alway» cure where cures possible. It hus nc equal as a prevent ive and cure for al) diseases of tho Liv er. Stomach and Pploin, Malarious Fevers,Bowel Com plaint.4, Dyspepsia, Mental Depression, Restlessness, Jau. dice, Nausea, Sick Head«che, Colic, Constipation, Bil- iousnw&j, Yellow Fever. Original and genuine manufactured only by J. fi. ZE1LIN & CO., Philadelphia, Pa. Sold by all Drug«rists. D'SO Extract from the Cincinnati Ga• zette : One of the most efficacious medi- ties to ne had from any source i? is* Liver Regulator or Modi- . prepared by J H Zeiiin ± Co, of Philadeiphi-4. We faith upon thi* medicine, ar.n could per- suido every readtr jf th-* Gazette who _ in ail health to buy it, we would willingly vouc*» lor benefit each would receive. Will Curs Fr VBB AND AGUB.— The undermanned is no hesitation i asserting that in w latitudes, and pecially in those malarial districts Southern and Master n Georgia, tin naa, Mississ ippi and Florida, here : chills and iver are almost niversal in the fall season, the ju dicious use of Sim mons’ .Liver Regu lator, prepared by J H Zeiiin & Co, &s preventive anu tonic to the system, will secure com parative immmvty o m weakening •tnd dangerous in fluences. A cloud .nesses, num bering the bent in the land,will attest the truth of this remark. The Reg ulator acts mildly Jpou tho biliary lucts, is free from rcury, aud per- ectiy harm less. ' ould bo pleased to see it oc cupy a place i ery Souther msehold. HU JONES. Editor T A M. The State Lead• •, Des Moines, Iotca: 1 used a bottle of your Liver Regula tor when troubled riously with Headache caused oy Constipation, it produced a favor able result without cindering my regu lar pursuits in \ a- siuess. I regard it ot as a Patent Medicine, but ready prescription difijrdered V $ich£a f kM-W Has been in / constant use by t!v public for over twenty years, und Is tlie best preparation ever in vented for RESTORING GRAY HAIR TO ITS YOUTEFUL COLOR AND RIFE. y ANI / It 8U supplies tho natu ral food and color to the hair gland* without staining the skin. It will Increase and thicken tho {growth of tho hair, pre vent ita blanching: and fAlling: off, and thus ERT BALDNESS. fall ini l AVI /It ci cure* Itching:, Erup-\ tions and Dandruff. As a HAIR DRESSING It la very desirable, giving: the hair a silken softness which all admire. It keeps the head clean, sweet and healthy. y triumph in medi cine. BUCKINGHAMS 0v f WHISKERS will change tho beard to a BROWN or BLACK at discretion. Being in ono preparation it is easily applied, and produces a permanent color that will not wash off. 45 Years Befoi-e the Publio. THE GENUINE DR. C.McLANE’S CELEBRATED LIVER PILLS FOR THE CURE OF Hepatitis, or Liver Complaint, DYSPEPSIA AND SICK HEADACHE. At the Maine election next Monday tbe people will vote on a Constitutional amendment providing for biennial State elections and biennial eeeriona of the Legislature hereafter. If the amend ment ia adopted, the Governor chosen in 1880 would hold office until January, 1883, and the Legislature chosen with him would hold ooly one session. Tbe Supreme Court of the S^.ate of New York has decided that J. C. Ayer & Co., of Lowell, have the solo right to uee the words Cherry Pectoral for a medicine, and has issued an injunction againat F. V. Ruahtoo of New York city, for selling Kuahton’s Cherry Pectoral or Oherry Peo- torai LozeBgee, or any other use of the name to deceive the public. This de- ciaion of the high oourt includes all deal ers who sell any similar article.—Port Jefferson, L I., Leader. Take Year Time. To m&ke money safely, easily and rapidly, now, while tne stock market offers so m&py splendid opportunities. The combi* nation system has had unprecedented suc cess, and brings good fortnne to thousands oi shareholders in this snd other countries. Investment** of from $25 to $10,000 are thus consolidated into one vast capital, and operated by the best skill tnd experience, result in heavy profits, which are divided among shareholders every month. A New Orleans ooiton dealer made $27,619.18 in two months. A Baltimore merchant receiv ed an aggregated profit of $9,642 01 from three combinations. A San Francisco min ing agent made $22,438.16 from four comb - 2?2? na ’ firat investment having been $100. Others have been equally fortunate. Symptoms of a Diseased Liver. P AIN in the right side, under the edge of the ribs, increases on pres sure ; sometimes the pain is in the left side; the patient is rarely able to lie on the left side; sometimes the pain is felt under the shoulder blade, and it frequently extends to the top of the shoulder, and is sometimes mistaken for rheumatism in the arm. The stom ach is affected with loss of appetite and sickness; the bowels in general are costive, sometimes alternative with lax; the head is troubled with pain, accompanied with a dull, heavy sen sation :n the back part. There is gen erally a considerable loss of memory, accompanied with a painful sensation of having-left undone something which ought to have been done. -»A slight, dry cough is sometimes an attendant. The patient complains of weariness and debility; he is easily startled, his feet arc cold or burning, and he com plains qf a prickly sensation of the skin; his spirits are low; and although iie is satisfied that exercise would be beneficial to him, yet he can scarcely summon up fortitude enough to try it. In fact, he distrusts every remedy. Several of the above symptoms attend the disease, but cases have occurred ahere few of them existed, yet exam ination of the body, after death, has shown the liver to have been exten sively deranged. AGUE AND FEVER. Dr. C. McLane’s Liver Pills, in cases of Ague and Fever, when taken with Quinine, arc productive of the most happy results. No better cathartic can be used, preparatory to, sr after taking Quinine. We would -advise all who are afflicted with this disease lo give them a fair trial. For all bilious derangements, and as a simple purgative, they are un equaled. BEWARE OP IMITATIONS. The genuine are never sugar coated. Every box has a red wax seal on the lid, with the impression Dr. McLane’s Liver Pills. The genuine McLane’s Liver Pills bear the signatures of C. McLane and Fleming Bros. Qn the wrappers. Insist upon having the genuine Dr. C. McLane’s Liver Pills, prepared by Fleming Bros., of Pittsburgh, Pa., the market being full of imitations of the name Mchane, spelled differently tot same pronunciation. S FRKI’AUED by R. P. HALL & C0„ mmh. rJ. H. Sold by all Doaier* In Medicine. Hnnt Bank;’' f Lama? Wholesale Agents, febIB MACON, 0-^3.. HOT Signature is on every bottle ot tho GKNUINH WOEGESTERSHIRE SAUCE. It impurts tho most delicious tasto and zogt to EXTRACT of a LETTER from a MEDICAL GEN- TLB If AN at Ma dras to his brother at WORCESTER, FISH, ^Maj.lSSl. Tell LEA A PER- COLD Kz=aez-yU 1° indi*. jjan-jN . ar. n 2j opu> Ijable ia well as the ■ hick -snolesoire "Sauce that is made. Fold and used thronekoct tbe world. TRAVELERS AND TOURISTS FIND great benefit in having a bottle WITH THEM. LEA & PERRINS, 26 G0LLE6E PLACE ASD1 USIO.N SQ0JI8E, fe’o25lawly NEW YORK. JOINTS, GAME, Ac. TO DEUGGISTS. W E are now prepared to print Druggist! Labels of every description upon aa rea Dissox<im«m ' 1 \HE firm of Cook A Chester is this day dis- solved by mutual consent. Either partner is authorized 10 coll t acd receipt for tho same Juno 1st, 1879. J L COOK. ]un7 lm J W CHESTER. SAM BULKY INSTITUTE, GRIFFIN, GA. Boabdiwo ajtd Day School fob Boys. •^-Hoard and Tuition for trio Fall Term of four months S55. School organized on the Military System. Full course of study. Boys prepared for College or Business, Thorough instruction and strict dis cipline. _ Special inducements offered students from abroad. Correspondence solicited. For further iaformavon and Catalogue address \7M IRA SMITH. Principal. „ w P O Box 227 Griffin, Ga. S W Mawgtt&at, Secretary. nngloeodlm TO .KENT. O NE STORE on Tnird street, near Seymour Tinsley & Co’s'old corner, with a good ce!« h$r and t.p^tairs. A new elovaior in the store. Possession given October lht. Apply to _ , HEOL1VEB. July 22.1879 fulzSlw CEHTHAL HOTEL _ EUPAULA. ALABAMA, ^j.OOD BOARD and Rooms ar.d the Best At ROLLER GUM AND Filers; Hers W E call the attention of our brethren of the Southern Press to the fact that wo are now having manufactured in our office, by Mr W R D Wikle, MB'S ROLLER RDM, which, for toughness, elacticity and durability, cannot be excelled. We are now using it snd pronounce it THE BB8T. Send in your orders to this office for Rollers or composition. Rollers for the Country Press cast to order in regular 8% inch Hand-Press t.ould. Where parties prefer Roller Stocks will be furnished at £0 cents each. • Ha J. e ,y° ur Rollers packed properly in a box in which they can be returned, or we will have to charge for Boxing. Send in your orders, and we guarantee satis faction, amrlS tf CLI8BT. JONES & REESE, Macon. G». , . - VHV a.w W , „. u Every dsy there are new and grand opportu- worth and integrity in civil life have been „?® w , elpUn * tor 5: clrc ? 1 5 r i. wi i? “ oa ' as conspicuous aairas tns splendid and civalrons bravery in war. It adds no J piece, New York City. b For Sale. ■—■■■■■ o—— . ^N ENDLES8 STOCK OF OLD NEW8- papers at 50 cents per Hundred, and Four Dol I art per Thousand. Much cheaper than any other kind of Wrap ping Paper, and very useful about Packing Goods, Cutting Patterns, Washing Windows, Etc, Etc. THIS OFFICE. (?I4 M W. C. DAVIS, Attorney and Counsellor st Law SANDEESVILLE, - - GEORGIA mayl7 NOTICE. A LL persons indebted to the estate of the late 8 T Walker are reaufsted to call and settle with me. W H WHITEHEAD, Agt, for MRS 8 T WALKER, Adm’x. sepfimsun Rare Chance. E 1VE HUNDRED AND SIXTY acres laud Jor sale four miles from Fur.ijth.S75 acres under cultivation, about60 acres original irrowtli and balance grown up in old field pine. On tbe place is a frame five room dwelling, also stabl«s, corn house, fine gin house and screw, negrj houses, good weil of water and orchard. Any one winhtijg a home for health and a g.od ootton and gram place, this will suit. About fifty bales cotton will be made on tbo place this year. Price $3,000, half canli, balance payable in equal installments in one an t two years with seven per cent interest on unpaid amounts. The cot ton, seed, corn and fodder that is made outhe place this yiar tan be bought at reasonable prices. Address BOX 469, augiglw Macon. Ga N# lore Gout, fienraigia or theomatism A POSITIVE CUBE Either of the above diseases driven from tho system and wholi v bsnUhed by a method invent ed and used by the great medical expert of Ger many, DbM VON THANE, of Berlin. This is not a patent medicine, but tho recipe of this eminent surgeon and physician, who lias devoted years cf htudy to the treatment of tho »ove tmeses, making them a specialty, and in 3 case has he been unsuccessful. We^ will furnish on application testimonials from hundreds of patients, both abroad and in this country, who have been restored to perfect health by the use of this system of treatment, alter having been pronounced incurable. Sent with full Directions on Re ceipt of $1,00. WILLIAM H OTTBRSON * CO„ ff97 Greenwich street. N Y City. DO NOT BEGIN YOUB SINGING GLASSES BEfOBE YOU EXAM INE L 0. EMEKSON’S NEW BOOK The Voice of Wcrshin, While containing a largo and valuable ccllec tion of Church Mu>ci in the form of Tun-s nnd Anthems, it is perfectly fitted for tho Singing School and Convention by the large number of Kongs, Duets, Glees, etc, and its well made Ele mentary Course, Price $9 per dozen. Specimen copies mailed for $1. Send for circulars and catalogues, with full list of standard Sing ng School Books. The new 50 cents edition of Pinafore, (com fe) sells finely, and Fatmitza ($x), Hcrcorei ). Trial by Jury (59 cts), are ia constant de ! Emerson’s Vocal Method by L O Emerson, ($1.59) is a valuable now bool for voice training, containing all tbe essentials of study, plenty of exercises and plain explana tions, and costing mu?h less than the larger works on the same subject Subscribe now for the musical Record, and re ceive weekly all the news and plenty of good music for $100 per year. In press. White Robes, a charming new Suit day bchool Song Book. OLIVER. DITSOsYco,, Boston OPIUM