The Macon telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1873-188?, November 02, 1879, Image 1

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0A.V DMirAXCttBU. De*tt» of Han. Zaeturiah Ohan- der. Caicxa). III., Norember 1.—Senator Chandler, of Michigan, waa M^ddeadin hw bad at the «'“* *•• : «- Hotel tots morning. He bad been -*atnf In WIicouud, and last erening • lWeeed aniemense audience in Mo- Halt In tbia city, and apoko- with u.oal earnestness. after the meeting, when be, Senator L gw and U,n. Jerao Spaulding were , .£.» in bin room engaged in oonTtrsa- ii a. Senator Chandler oomplained of in- ehmation, a« be had complained of the rtla d atreiain* feeling while en roate to ra.. our with taeae genUemen. Mr Soaoldibg auggeeted that he re- »2a' or« in the city until Saturday Girnt, bat he .aid hoalneaa affaire re sitted hU attention at home, and aD «<Ur waa amn to bare him oalled m the morning at 7 o'clock. Hie friends then b -ds him good night and left. Tnat la the tut time the Senator waa . , n iiire. Thia morning, when the boy called him, there was no rs- _ 0I1I - An upon a repetition alienee “raiitd, the dsik effected an entrance icrougu the tranaom and found that the gentor was dead. Xoe body war not. qaite oold, and a • bjrisiaa who waa present decided that L,tn occurred about three hours previ- 00* to the diaoorery. The face looka tiaoonil, ahowing that hia death waa ptiana. Tee ooroner will hold an in- Hrftr Jeon B. Drake telegraphed President Qajea the *ad intelligence abont eight c’aicdi thia morning. From a pa. tint examination it ia thootibl be aied of a sudden cocgcetion oftheinnga brought on by a cold con- traoied at Janeawiile.. Flags are athalf- ■••t upon the Pacific Hotel and other building*. The Tribune building ia iemptA in monroiog. The tTmon Veter- aa Club and th officers of the conaty Bilit:* held an informal oonaaltatton and (gr-eitoteodar their eemces to hio family when they arrive. Foreign. Loaoow, November 1.—The first seen- |»r dajaof May aod N ivember being the days on which ibe Bank of England gule* up its balances, these days are obwrvtd aa holidays in the banks and Stock ciobauge. Consequently no basi ns a is being done at either of those places Ijo»dow, November 1.—The Stand ard t fimtneul arllole ease the ebatea of • ).« Anglo-American Cable Company rose in a rumor of a compromise with the PreiiCH Cable Company. Kucnaas-T. November The sm *11- ; ox m prevalent here. bewb Items, daw Fnanci.00, November l,—The grand jury have found a true bill for aa- stoll with intent to mnider against Cbaa. D« YouDg, of the Chronicle, baaed on bis assault on the Eev. J. A. Kallooh* Naw Youx, November 1—The grain trad*, r.adved almost unanimously this morning to instruct the gra‘c committee n „t to carry into effect the cental system on the first of January next, relative to MinaiD. November 1.—Since yoiter- hare not heretofore been oonneoted in a *y the pn'ncpal railroad lines of Aragon, diecreditable way with the affairs of the Oaaonrt and Nsvarre have been inter- institution. uDted by the gales and floods, ohiefly io — ' ■• 1 ■“ he Talley of the Koro, where the water The State Fair and the Preaeb- haa risen several metres above the ordi- era, nary level and destroyed the Ime between I communicate! I Sarsgoeea and Catalonia for fifteen miles, yfho would have thonght there could flooding the valley of Tortcea. It car- j porsiOly be any trouble with the preachers r td away hoo-ea, mills, bridges and ] as to toe state Fait? The list m>n in me caused damage to the extent of several wor.d we ehcold haveexpeoted to put their Lm^ns oesilas In upper Arragon tort « !t “ d mite *?T «** of * difficulty millions pesuas. an "■•o" with the Execativs Committee. And yet Hosea Etvar, A oondre invaded several I tljfcra bean trouble and the State ought villages, out the railway I to know it. But what it is we have failed aa ar.d carried away the iron bridge at I yet to discover, though we are on the track, Strinena. Teiegraphio communication | and shall know all about it before we are is very irregular to-day, but the govern-1 done. When the thing was hinted to us we ment of Malaaa and Almsria report the atoocagneiatd tnat doubllees Atlanta waa DUSUII . 1 ili« h-,ttnm nf it. and no., hie th, ^1. the whole ofAndata- | _— and caused & very dieaetrou9 flood in J suggestion of some tue.dleaome Metho* the rural districts and in the t ® w “ 1 dist or Piesbjteriin or Baptist brother, aod Malaga. The river Almotzora noedec I E o the affair had got baoiy mixed. We aet ■ * — "—‘ — —‘ iqiuiee, persons were drowned synepals Wettner autemeu. Omen Csmr Siosal Orricxa, WasaiHSTOX, Nov. 1,1879- Pat the Soutn Atlantio States, north to east winds, a slight fall in temperature, rising barometer and partly cloudy weath er. with local rains near the ooaat, From Washington. Wabhisotoic, November 1.—Tae fol = _ lowing waa issued by the President this | Committee ere lit for soms small modicum afternoon: I of compunction about the«3 races, we are Exxctrriv* Massiok, Nov. 1, 1879.—. willing to allow that as they fumhhed per- The sad intelligence of the death ofl of the .how outside be Zachariah Chandler, late Secretary ci tue Interior from the Slate of Michigan, has been communioated to the govern ment and to the country and ia proper | respect to his memory, I hereby order | lives of the religions newspspeis as to the that the several exsoutive departments preachers, while every other section of.the nin-sit tn nnhlin hnaineia and thei- I fourth estate "was freely invited and tickor- be closed to pnblio bus ness ana tner . WpUm(nUl7 , tfa^agh. Whit does til flags and those of their dependencies I |his miXD ? jf ,p 9 complimeaiaty tickets throughont the country be displayed at | „ e to be dropped altoge JaerT let it be so. half mast on the day of bis funeral. [Signed] K, B. Hatis. A circular was ‘issued by (the Score tary of the Treasury to-day giving no tice that propcsals will be received at the office of the eseistant . Treasurer of thc- Doited Slates until neon Saturday, the eighth instant,for the sale to the Govern* I religions or oven a political machine but oar- ment of $10,000,000 of any of six per tamly that it shall not set a mark upon centum interest bearing bonds of tbeUei I those aha as a rule are *o form it, and by ted Stales, at which time bids will be I doing to assume a position cf antagonism opened and the awards declared. The » what many people regard as the best bonds purchased ba apple to the “iXrath.r unfortunate in thia connection sinking fond as provided in Section 3uJ* | tnat while ministers are refused an old lime of the revised statutes of tho Umteu I couricey gamblers, sharpers and confidence States. men weie allowed openly to praci.cs then News Item). citings, and probably had paid for the op- „ _ -r, v. . tn!.,, ni.t.i,. I pjrtnnity toco so in order to swell the I *»«-•«*' *• Fair and Society. EsQnii;;:3 _ gran. .. Toronto, Novembor 1.—At a meeting of Han Ian's friends yesterday, it was da- elded to write a letter to Blakie, signed bj Hanlon, stating that Conrtney bad re- turned th*'articles unsigned, and that be (Benito) bod determined to settle the ownership of the six thousand dollars in a sooit of law. NIUUT UI8FATCUK8. )-st eight swept aw*J a'l liogetiog ~ctai% of siie f^c^r. Naw Y ak, November 1.—Too exam! nation of James U. Colgate, of the bank- ing firm of Colgate & Co., in the suit of the government ..gainst Samuel J. Til- den, foe airears ia the income tax, was CjtiliGttcd in toe United S.aua Court to- day. Judge Choate, before whom the mention >>* pending, gave the decision lost the (Tutted States Commissioner oald not compel the witnees to prodace the books of till firm. Th- witness said the firm had some transactions *iti Til Cet, but the i_aturo and ext, ut he di< not Alow.- He was questioned a: seme length about ids Fort iYsyus stock trans notions with Tiideo, bat con'd give no tn formation abont them. Hs presumrd thsj were entered on the firm's books, aod refused to pro dues the bocks. Five men, renttnoed for p.iasiug conn, terfeit money, escaped from Ludlow street jail tbis morning. iLX, November L—The steaa ship Eoilauiano sailed for Liverpool to day with five ibouaand bales of cotioa. Sr. Louis, November 1—Advices from Wo-eier conaty. Texas, say there is a good deal of feeling owing to the arrests <■( persons by the United States District Matsbalscn blank warrants filled to suit us oases. I'ne arrested partial were re leased on wrl-a of haboai corpus in the huts courts, and re-arrested by the (Jailed States Marshals. Tnese Mar- ,hsts also swore ou* warrants for inter ference with the F dsral officer 3 , and with a tqaad of solditrs from Fort Elli ott, have gone to make arres’a. Trimble is anticipated, cwd it is said iha .... hs.- been reports.’ to At-oruey Gantral Devens, and that he haa instruo ted the Federal Judge of the Dallss die triet to investigate th' matter. Foreign. London, Novetnoer 1.—The Echo this evening published a statement to the efl sot tnat the present outbreak of the rin • >n tee -Veei.rn Staves of America will prevent rescinding of the order against the importation of live American cutlet The strike of the iron ship build- era on the Tees has bean compromised. (here was considerable excitemen: ou the Liverpool Cotton Exchange yesterday. The brokers who had sold for October delivery, were mostly unable to produce the staple and wero compelled to Bubmit to a faithing per pound penalty, de cided upon by the Oolton Brokers' Asso ciation, besides the difference in prioe which in many cases was a penny per Pound. London, November 1.—Sir Stafford Nortboote, Chancellor of the Exchequer, tn ioiweting a letter calling hie attention popular jiotress io the 3outhwe*t o: irciso t, aod suggestiog immediate ac- 'iua by the government, in providing a-ntf.r toe eaioloyment of the people, •ijs ihithesympa thiaee with the pe»- P, bat can only refer them to ibe Irish executive. He a-id a tnat direot interpo sition by the government would be open to meat abase, _ Bjkx, Sov. 1.—After a long trisl Oar- aod nia mistress Baffaetle Sara- tool, toe widow of Captain Tafida, have hvcu foam -ailiy. Cardiasli was eon- dieted of toe murder of Captalo Tadda ^31 *onteneed to death. Tea woman Oiraceoi was ooovicted ot complicity be- late toe {sot ia the murder and aaotenoad hard labor for Ufa. valley and destroyed 40 houses and 60 j about aU sorts cf tnqiuiee, and sent out U1DN1QHT DIBrATOHCS lots of interviewers, nut up to the time of thia writing not one Jot or tittle of evidence can we get in that direction. And we be lieve on our honor aa interviewers, tint the preachers had no hand in that breach of faith with the State Fair Now we confess to be at a loss to a-count for the fact tbot the Executive Committee bis with held the ujuai courtesy of complimentary tickets from Ministers this year.and they have had to pay their way like other poor einneis, or stay outside. At the same we do not wish to misjudge thi Executive Committee, who poss.biy wished to keep the preichers out ot the way of temptation at tno races, or at any rate to throw the respoaaibili y of tneir going upon themselves. Ur to give the boililiars, it was to be expected that the Committee waa to prefer to keep the preach ers in the dark somewhat atom tho true facts. Beside wo understand the same measure was meted out to the represeuta- aud ministers have no complaint to make. But that this exclusion of all things pecu liarly religious, preachers and newspapers being specially embargoed cbculd be L mxde u a novelty and requires some explication. And it had better De made as many pat rons of the State Agricultural Society are interested and oonoerned not to make it a ford’s order, overrating the defendant's demurrer in the income tax snit brought by the government against Samuel J. hjec, wag filed in the Glerk’a office or a United fitatea Quarts. The casts or*, taxed, and the defendant is given sixty days from it bearing of the decrease of the bill of oomptainr. rtkw Oblians, Nov. 1.—The following letter will explain itself: St. Jouph, La, Oet. 28, 1879 —Hon L ~ FINANCIAL AND COKHCiAL. MACON COTTON STATEMENT OFFICE TELEGRAPH AND S1KS3BNGEB Kovbmbxb 1.1879,—Kvxviig The market to-day was steady at 10H cents for middling- Dumonf. President State Central I Received by rail today Committee of the Sepulliean Party of Lou iziuna i Dear air—Yours dated October j 22 i reached me yesterday. It is with Shipped Sold by wagon.. 226— 88* SS6 176 great surpriso that I learn of the actior. Atock on hand September 1,1879...^. of the Convention towards myself. Had | the slightest intimation rescued me it. time, that such action was proposed, I ! would nave prevented some little trouble fhippod to-dto„ Although always deeply interested in th* l prewomiy.. welfare of ypur State and the general I ?aock on hand thii evening, country, I have never been, in any sens.- I feoeived same day last year, of the word, a politician, and do not pro- « U-ggj XELKUBAFHIC BEPOBTfe pao, at this late dsy, to enter cite po j 1 _o_ litical arena. While I firmly b.lievs that I Cotton, the principles of the National B'pnbltoac [ LiTsaroon—Noon-uotmn more__domgi mid- party are best for the government ot ^ M«d.^U-l^ mjd«in^riram TLie.^ this nation; While I believe IE l .peculator, and tor export! receipt* JOMO—18800 strong national government for national affairs, in a dollar that worth one hundred cents, in tb< protection of all in equal rights, and while I believe that (he idea of a Bolic South has been, iq and if it prevails al- speculator* Americas. Futures opened partially 1 Jt better-. Uplands low middling clause November aeuv* ,, 617-S2a8 9*16a619-32, December and January 5.16, February a ad March 6 11*32. March and pril 6%. April 81-32. % SO p m—Sale* of American 4300, Uplands low lddtuur clause November delivery 6 9* 6*6 IT Humors of the ?calp, Loss of Hair. Losiothurin thousands of esses is due en tirely to some form of scalp disease. Seventj- fire per cent of the number of bald beadsmUht bo covered with hair bv a lndicious use of Cnti- cars, assi*tsi by Cuticura soap. It is the most aareeabie as well as tbs moateflectiie hair re- storer ever produced by man. It ia medicinal in the truest sente of the word. All others are *ome olearecous mixture or poisonous dye-. None but Cuticura pcsseiaes tho specific medi cal properties that enable it to cure all itching and scaly diseiscs that inflame and irritate the scalp and hair glands and tabes, ceasing prema tun baldness. Ueiiom doass of the Cuticura Beaoivent will purify the oil and sweat plinds of the virus of scrofulous humor of the biood and m-nre a per manent cure, when taken in connec tion with the application of Cuticura, Salt Bheum and Dandruff Cured that several Physicians had fail ed to treat successfully* Masse* WeexsAPottbr—GenUemen: I have hod the Salt Hheum on my head and mil through my hair, and also on my legs for the past four year*, haring suffered exc-edinglr with it. The dandruff balling from my hair 1 wa* very annoy ing. I consulted several distinguisbel physi cians ia regard t) it, and bora token their pro* •criptions as ordered but did not find any cure and but little relief. 1 was told by many persons who have the Salt Bheum, and who ha* e been doctored for years, tb&t there was no cure for it; that it wot in the blood, and 1 should always have it, and I was almost inclined to agree with them, bat a friend wanted me to try Cuticura, male by roar firm, I did, and to my astonish ment, in less than three weeks my head was en* tirelyfree from all Salt Rheum ana Dandruff, and I cannot see any appearance of Salt Rhenm on my person. I think it a wonderful remedy. Bespcct ally yours. GEORGE A MUDGB, Portsmouth. N H, February 6,1S78. HUMOR OF THE SCALP THAT WAS DESTROYING THE HAIR CUR ED WITH ON E BOX 0FCUTICU8A. 31X5512* Wxxxa A PonEB— Gentlemen: _ wunt to tell vou what Cuticura has done for me. About ten years ago m.v hair began failing out, caused by Humor oi the Hcalp. I tried various remediestoo numerous to meotUm. without re lief until I becan using Cuticura, one box o which his entirely cured me and new heir is be ginning to grow. Beepectluliv. MRS O J BOOT. 897 W Lake street, Chicago, Nov 13,1878. Wo know the above to bo true. MARY E TOWNSEND, at a W Jackson street. MRS C A GRAY,811 Fulton street. SOALD HEAD FOR NINE Y#ARS CURED WHEN ALL OTHER REMEDIES FAILED. VESSBS Wee£3 A PoxTiE—Gcntlemen; Since July last I have been using Cuticura for scald head and it has cured me when all medicines that I have taken for nine years did me no good. I am now using it as a hair dressing, but my head is well. It keeps the hair in very nice con dition. Yours truly, H A RAYMOND, Auditor Fort Wcyne, Jackson A fcaginaw R E. Jackson, Mich, December 20, 1873. Tne Cuticura remedies are prepared’by Weeki A Fotter s Chemists and Dnjsg stt, 860 Washing ton Street, Deaton, and are for sale by all Drug- e sts. Prist of Cuticura, sm&U boxes, 80 cents; rge boxes, containing two and oqo half times the quantity of small. 81# Resolvent 81 per bottle. CuticuraSoap 25 cents psr coke; by mail 36 cents 3 cakes, 75 ceuts. cou-nvs- p«&SE»S2£ VOLTCC^tLECraC^ d “^,VimuDte Pj Ac-trrPS Liver and Kidneys, coro Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Bilious Colic* Cramps and Pains, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, 8oiatica. Weak Spine. Weak and Sore Lungs, Coughs and Colds, Weak Back. Ague and CUTICURA REMEDIES can be had at ELLIS’ DRUGSTORE, Tran gular Block i%. Bacon woakeri shoulders at 4%a5, clear rib 85i, clear sides 9. Sagsr-eured hams BalO}* Whisky dull at 105a! 10. " ' ~ wavs will bs an “Iliad of woes” to th* 1(34,3)*, December and January 6 U-S2, January Southarn people, I nm not vain enough I an! February 6 U-32aO£lt5. Futures weak, to think that any effort of mine or tue L.^pi^I^^middUig^rSa™n 7 “ Of my name will materially promote tne I Future* opened Steady; November 1L13, Decern spread ef theco principles or retard th< be.- lt.14. January 11.26, February 1L40, March progress of tho solidification. n ^toa-Net receipts 862; gross M9C could I be coavtnoed that such might bo I Kutnrosdoied steady: tales 110.000. November tho case, that as one Of your standard I delivery ll.ll, December urn. January 1118. bearers I might do something for the I February lUt MarehJl.M-SS. April 11.68—6», general Rood, my health and bnsiness positively forbid suah aotion. Given a free vote and a fair count, and I feet oonfidmt the ticket will win in Decern her whether my name is on it or not; and MaylL88—85, Juue 1L97—99, July 12.07—10. (Jetton dosed firm: sole* 806: middling up* land* 116*16, middling Orleans 117-16. Consolidated net receipts 30705; exports to Great Britain 19715, France 75L Continent 5750, channel 1 *. Gxlvestoe—Cotton firm; middling 10X. low without a free vote and a fair oount the middling ^ s .^ 25 ° ,< ^ r 7 ^, net rece,, ’ ti name of George Washington himself I jj owroLK _{; ot ton quiet, middling 101S*:6, net News Items. PmLADiLFSie, November 1.—Tho di tec ora of the Pennsylvania railroad held a special meeting to-day and resolved to declare a semi annual dividend of two and one hilf percent. A mition tor a new trial of Daniel T. Sullivan, convioted for the mnrder of Jnrio Irvine, waa denied to-day and h8 wav a* iteaoed to be hanged. , New Oklxxnb. November 1.—A special from Oiet-nwieb. Mississippi, reports the killing ol Hsrry Ely, and serionaly wonn- dieg of a man named Atkinson in a shooting affray between the parties at Lenta. The yellow fever haa oeased at Coa- coida. Tne Spanish steamship Enrique, from Liverpool, OoL Si, for Havana, brought here a sailor and passenger of the bark- antme Sally, laden with lumber from Pvna.oola for Havana, which foundered in the golf Oct. 29 tb. There were eight persons aboard of the foundered vesieL The others, it is anppoaed, were lost. Savannah, Ga., November 1.—John K. Wilder, a prominent merchant of this oily, was foand dead in his bed at bis residence in Marietta this morning. He left here Thursday in good health, and fcis deala was unexpected. Mxuraia, November 1—No new cite* are reported al noe Thursday. Last night was the coldest of tho season. The thermometer nr. 7 o'clock thia morning lan fallen 10^7. Tne Appeal aud Ava lanche both reaoint, publication in fall sire Lane to-in rrow. The merchants Kpoil 6 ra*b of bu«ia*aa and the physi- . , ACQDaiJL -uuuuu „ »all agrea th« the ooH winds of . p 0 im 0 «| (Janes in Kite Sn- I muidUu* 10H good ordinary 934: receipt* lcco, «. _ 1 I shiomentasales 1433. uoflee firm: Bio in car goes, ordinary to prime 15*18H- Sagtr uncharged inferior 5%. common 63Jv fuBj f 1 «»r 7\6, yello * clarified 8%a8%. Mola*aes unsettled, common 32a35, prime to choice 44o50. Rice quiet, ordi nary to choice, Louisiana 69£a7&. * NAVAL STORES. WiunEQTOE—soivu* turpentine inactive 45 Rosin fiim at 1 45 for strained. Crude tur- would avail nothing. I sincerely thank the convention. For the reasons given above, I emit beg leave to deohne th* nomination. I am sir, very respectfully your obedient servant. [Signed] Jas. M. Gills*pii Chicago, November 1.—A meeting of citiscn3 was held thig afternoon to ar- loceipt * 4195. ules *73. stock 380W. Balti Kona—Cotton dull; uuddlmr ll>f Io* miduhux I0}i good ordinary 1054: net race lot* —. ATOM 290. sales 813, to skinners 118, aloe ^Boston — Cotton firm; middiin* 1U4 low midaliu* lljfc Rood ordinary 1054. net receipts B58i *roaa UM. lale, —. .took.250. 'iLNlNGTON—Coltop Quiet; middling 10)4; middling 10«. eood ordinary receipti lew _ - - — I rHIIsADKLFQIA—VoOklU.i urui; imuuiiuij 1*7*. late Senator Chandler. A committee I Iow good ordinary net re. with General Logan ns chairman waa np- 1 „, p t, 46: grot, 6so.sales 631, spinners 455, stock pointed to meet the .epeeisl rtram from , tesdy; middto toji.low Detroit, with the committee to Mt 10 7-i6. good ordinary 10. net receipt* charge of the remaina. General ior- | 6i7i . srosswu salts24j0; stock 832» ranee, commanding the first brigade of Illinois, the National Guards, offered to BAOON—vj’tear rib ilde* Shoulders. Hu!i clear rib sidle* Furk Strips Bulk shoulders... Beliits Choice S O hams. LARD—in Dbls Lt>if,in tuba Loaf, in buckefi. GRAIN- CORE, white, by car loed... M mixed, by u*r load .......... Oats, feed Ru*t piool seed.. >MM . SALT—V’irginia., bOltOd X Grits...,,, detail an escort to the body when re- moved from the city. The offer was ac copied. Nsw OBXSAS9—Cotton quiet middling 1054; „w middling IciX good ordinary loHuet reoeipu 701, gras. Bel . sales 2800. stock 1816a Mobile—Cotfcm quiet; middling 10low mid- dliug van. good ordinary 10H net receipts 4005, groS —! .ole* liw#. stock 2s307. aiEJSPHIs-Not received. Auouaxx—Cotton firm; middling 105b, preme Court— A Bod In 'TSounofflm: middling 10% low lor the Democrats-The Freed- mean Bank — Kepnbllcaa Fi nesse, Etc, Special Deipatch to the Baltimore Sum THE POLITICS!. CASES. Washington, October 29.—Gossip in legal circles is that decisions in the po- t ‘lllr llla vv.lll* ' 0 . , miidlin* 10>*. good ordinary 1054; net. receipts SC97. gross sates SCOOratock C0191 FINANCIAL Nxw Yoax—Stocks opened strong; money7,- long 480; short 4 8254. State bonds duUiGov- ercneD!seruTitiet quiet. Money active at 554. exchange heavy at 4 8054 government securities firm, new 3 per (Knts 10254. 454 Per cents 103J4. 4 per cents 10254- Strawoerry . NAILS—Basis 10s.. STARCB ...» HOT— Drop Buck litiool oases recently argued before the I glue ponds dall. _ . n , r . Supreme Court may not be expected for *g*taW*2 JSSoh'S sometime. The impression seams to be I 104. Chicago andiNorthwes- that in aoy of the cases where the court jem 90J4. do preferred t05;Rodi Diane 147>4. osn avoid ^ "SSSJSSiSSSfaSSTOiSSl» the fate of tho Virginia cssss. With re- j PRODUCE t gard to some of the otherxoses, the oenrt JNSSUiSSiJSShgAg* K! — can promulgate a daausion witnoac I family 6&o.a7 25.Ciu Miils superfine 4 75;$5 £5. trencbiair upon the question of the oon- I extra 5 75^6 25; Rio brand* 7 37; giuyeo temuy atiratkmsliij of the election laws of Con- frees. 1 I nwi 50 ^0 1 Maryland rod 144; No 2 Wes* The Maryland case is considered as the I tera wm ter red spot i4S^ai 44. November 14S>4 most complicated of all, and it has been 14S«. December l *9. goBlh^n oammorasoUra neld by some of ibe members ofthe bar I t uAA Wes’tem white41al3;do that tue court, ia coos daring this c*ae, I mixod 39^*0; Fennaylrania 4a043. Bay steady ma«t face the n*M question of | P hme to choice Pennsylvania, Maryland 15glA r^itutionslity. O ber eminent mem- SgT ¥g bers of the bar hold, however, that even I Bacon—shouldeis 5, clear rib 8}£. Ham* in the Maryland case the coact may. if so 10 *il Lard. refluMin ti*rwa7M- relief to the petuioners and still find a loophole to escape the , , „ discussion of this question. Bat there I ooicjlgo—Fioar steady and undhanged: denote dDDears to b> little if aoy dissent from I extra Western spring 5 25&6 £0;J*™ 1 *? * J ** the view that the oonrt, if it is forced to ^^S?7oea3 sa Wheat ’ active, firm ani aeeidenpon the constitutionality of tho tiSJer- j,- 0 i r«t winter 11954, No * Ohirago election laws, will decide that question .W tn the affirmative. This is also tno view I reld bv members ef the administration Mar, rejected 33 >4. Oat* ac&»*s and firm at 32V4 held by members or tho administration i rejected33>4« Oat* and others who ore_ prominent m the | a^n “ jv ovember, 3i\i December. Pork mod- r P abfi e oin party. Hence thero is sig- «iSSSA txificanoe In the remark ]Q9« made by | mfair demand:ihoulder*5 75,»hort U1UIHIUUO **4 - .1 I duia moat, asa mu S&ervtAty Sherman lhat aa soon as the I r ib 5 45. abort clear 5 55. ^publicans mg**** «J£S~ they will enact additional ana more sinn j i cen5 better but qwet; ungraded winter gent provisions with reference to the 1 3j»t uji- Corn opeued 1.154 better butciosed geu* pia.i.iou ,h«- twill I ,i.iii- nn.^Aed B9i50. OiU *sl cent better oleotive franchise. Perhaps they wil, S^n£%dS^SmJSS, bring forward atsinthe no.onous I ^ qootel at isais. doin job lots iisl9- bill which the fispnblioans came so near I n; good demand and steads;. fairto good rouai no i 1 the dvin-r hours ofthe Forty- I rennmc quoted »t754«.pnme 854: refinttlfirmfn 1 1 ■ ' r-™. T-i.n P Horuh the I standard A 954x54: granulated and powdered 10J4 third Congress. Col. John C. Huron, in I cru.hed iu54. Jtoiaraes firm but quiet. Booe Seereiarv of the Senate, will arrive xn j ln goo <i inquiry and .tsady: Carolina 6 4x754* Wdahinqton to-morrow, with his family | Ro.rn quiet and firm at 170al75. Turpentine Wsahington to-roinia , Burch easier at 46 asked, Wool ia good demand and to remain for the winter. CoL nut i p rm . domestic fleece siais. pulled ssais, has taken a handsome hones oaVeranint Kn)hKl a«3. Texas 16.81. Pork lowerand -- I dulLnew msu spot quoted 10 25. Miuiiesdnli avenne. K _ M > aBiliK and uu«;ttle!. long clear «S754a6W, short clear IHI iMXDax* “ “"A. I 660, Lard lower put fairly active, prime steam Senator Braoa states that the exanfi I >pot 6S5i6 75 rash. Whisky nominal at 113. nation into the mptogfess *** extra 4 23a* 75: famfly men s Bank, which his been m pr gr qJ. jfo x6 oo@7 l»o.patent 6 50^7 50. Wneat for some time by the experts appoint. I unu; red and amber 120. Oort quiet, white 50, for that purpose, will be completed to m ixKi4S. Oatoquiet; white 34. mixed3L £orx sxra-iV. xs-r^n- aa to warrant ths preD&- j none here. Lora steady; choice leaf m here©* BU2h an eXwen. as to warrao. ua y * i Balt meat* »cor©e. : Baopc voti-stv /kf a PA(VI?fc 03 thd SUbl-Ot by the 4 qmg' ••'d .toadr• ehnnldnrs &K6- cldarllUS 8^4. ration of a repo re oa the subject by i&e 4 qme^and^aVeidy; shoulder* 4J4; clear rib* 8fe, time of the meeting of Congress. Jhe cldar Bogar cured hsm* 9. Whi*ky report willflrst besabmUtodto the spe- a ™« I 1 J “[ rI _ jrloar firmer; family 5 85**85. Clal oommittee, of wht .a Mr. BrUoa is 1 Urmi aM ^ Cora active at *6. Oats chairman, and tt will then bo determmea d uU;N'o2mixediSa35. Pork dau atlioo. lard whether it shall bs male public. Mr. I lower: current 5acxoitxvm Brace apparently d \ es “°‘ h cire SSd; t: ^2SdS?4rI mear nb 854. clear very freely in regard to the inves.ig*- wrnsky aotireal X08. Hoga quiet, pacarng 8•“ tion. It is understood that this reticeDoc as 80. ' “ ■ “ 11 “ Sx. IjODIS- ilour fine: double extra f5 *5 55, treble do 5 55, family 5 60*5 93 choice Uxici 6 00*6 64. h^hcr but unsettled; No 2 red tali l 21ai £t% 1 ** November: No 3 do 112*112^. Dorn higher; 55K%*35'4 cash, S5J4 November. Decemoer. WhUxy - * — Pork lower; jobbing at 10 5J. of Mr. Bruoe ia caused by rc-presentationa wbioh have been mode to him ihvt he WDuli injure the Bipuolicsn o^rty pro* pecu if be talked too much about the dis closure. The Democrats have no; really oicButo. ~ ^ n , 'a I w^oidy mi 09. Pork lower; jobbing at 10 5 j. expected to make aay party out ^ier. boxed lot* of fchoulaer* S7§» of the inveatiifauioD, os they have thoaght r io* 5 60, clear aide* 5 60. Bacon lower, the whole thinisr hti been pretty well dis- 1 shoulder* 4, clearrita 7ii. clear side* 7%. the whole tmng s^ ^ | M . w owaMW . arm, rop«nue 4 30. tine firm at 2 CO for hard; 803 far yeliaw ip; Tar firm at 1 85. HAYING COMBINED THE SURPRISE Dollar Store, MILLINERY M and Straw Eats, for Ladies and Children, the most extensive line SILK VELVETS, - FLUSHES, SATINS Velveteens* in all color* Ostrich Tips, Flumes, Ffeni ani Daisstic Flowers, 1ER Y. HO S A great variety of ladies* Underwear, Corsets, Hid Gloves, the beat qualities at the most reasonable prices N ECKWEAR.' { DRSS3 SHIRTB.gents’and boy’s H AT8,cheape«t aud bert in the city, a new arrival of beautiful VASES, hsndsom.TOILET SETS, and a choice lot of CKROMOS. Mv stock of PLATED and GLASSWARE is complete, all of which will be sold at surprislrgiy low prices. Call and. eon. vinca yourt oil that I mean what Isay, FLOUB, HAMS, LABD, BUTTEK AND CHEESE, ME3E MACKEREL. DRIED BEEF. BEEF TONGUES, NUTS, BAISINS, FIGS, O IT EON, CUBEANT8, PBUNES, AFPLES, OBANGE3, POTATOES, ONIONS, COFFEE. arc n amed or stag)?, old c ■ young, suffering Croui poor health o - *^ ing on abed of rickneeareh IWOV WVTttWSI ViQPUXtTUWS! If you aro simply weak and low spirited, try it! Buy if. Insist upon it. Your drupjist keeps It. n , T, -in, . rt.m ,It»T»wjisrllft. It ha. .aved AudreAs. Oats, B?n anS Stj Stiffs, by the 109 bashel* or Car Load. With the money prices go low, lower, loweit. Coach Cure 11 tbesiivcUit, safest and best. A vie children. * Pod for Stoaach, Liver ud KUmt,,Ii anperier to all It is perfect. Ask drttc^aU. Jasper F. Greer’s, Schofieid** Iron Front. Piopter street. Certs by absorption. aa abiolaU a=d trmi Wmmm drnor^H^BUUn MCO, RodMate^ VWfWtWTWTU^WIWTVI^WTWf B. gPRINZ, AsclioiNr ail (taaissin Mtrcbut, CORNER POPLAR and THIRD STREETS, BLAKE'S BLOCK. TEA, COFEE, SUGAR RUCTION sales of all kinds of merchandise everyday and evening. Consignments ot al aorta of seeds and mcrchandiie solicited ard prompt returnaguannteod. oct8 lm AND SPICE HOUSE. Griswold, applies to me for dismission. These are therefore to cite uni admonish all person* concerned to show cause at this office on or by the first Monday in November next, if any « v ‘ 1 — be granted. -WHOLESALE DEALERS IN they have, why the same shall not I Given under my hand officially. ROLAND T ROSS. Ordinary. Ordinary** Office. Jones county, Georgia, Sep tember 22.1879.tep244w pd Cigars, Tobacco Liquors, Also a complete lino of FOREIGN | AND DOMESTIC GROCERIES. Ethridge, applies to me for dismission. These are therefore to cite and admonish all porsons concerned to show cause at this office on or by the first Monday in November next, if any the? have, why the same shall not bo granted. Witness my hand officially, ROLAND T ROSP, Ordinary. Ordinary** Office, Jones county, tieorgm, Sep tember 2f, 1879 sepli law4w* Samuel M Farrar, deceased, applies to me for dismission, These are to cite all persons concerned to show cause, if any they have, at this court on the first Monday in November next why the same shall not be granted. Witness my hand officiallv. jullS td* 46 and 48 Third St., Macon, Georgia, L. Newman. /Miss. Maggie McKentt will be pleasod to ioo her friend* la the Milliner Don imeut of the Dollar Store. «ctl4 tl pO LLI MARINE NEWS NEW YORK—Arrived—Stita of Goorgia. Arrived out—Switzerland. Algeria. VOLTAIC-ELECTRIC THE GREAT VEGETABLE PAIN DESTROYER AND SPECIFIC FOR FLAM NATION AND HEMORRHABES. II Kiacon wholesale Mstket. C0BBE0X3D DAILY BY JAQUES & JOHNSON. WHOLESALE GEOCER8. none 8146856 754® 754 10544311 p lasteb s T 65(26) ncuj 16a* fLOl/B—Fao«r*per* , ?bi^.. M ...'!.»„.«. 7 60<&8 00 Choice - - Extra family, per bid........ Vcmilr. ivir hbi 7 50 7 0 @7 25 6 C0&6 75 6 60 Family, oor bb:... M , Extra per bbl iIOEFEE—Common 18 SSSZZZ. JaraT.:.... 2S083 o CAPd-Ferlb * 8 BN times more powerful than the bast po- rou* plaster when placed over the centre of tho nervous forces, the pit of the stomach, they stimulate the liver, stomach and bowels, perfect digestion, cure dyspepsia, billious colic, cramps and pains and prevent ague and malarial dis eases. For weak and aore longs, palpitation of the heart, painful kidneys, rheumatism, neural- nia and scUtion,they are tho bast remedy m tho world. Get the genuine. Ask for COLLINS VOLT1IO ELECTRIC POROU8 PLkSTERb. Price 25 ct*. For sale by Hunt. Rankin Jk La mar, Atlanta and Macon, and Osceola Butler, RATannab.and all dnugUts. *ep#8 6m 510 L«ASSBS—ChoicoCuba. hhd#.... M S3 Choice Oubs. bbiB fiugarhouse, hhda 2S@24 Bmrarhouie. bhla .9 Choice Now Uriean. ——• nano SUGAR—Golden C » Brown r-gfr/u Extra oTwhi^....: Standard A Granulated— 10t4@ii Powdered and crushed,... 10J4®11 CEACKBRa—Sod* ... —...... 7Q10 Cream _» Ginger. 10 11 14 . 15 OA.NDLK8—Star. — MATCHES—R W, m paper 270 275 - 4 CO . 4V4@6X . 1 85 . f io: . 20 GINGBR.^.^ KUTB£6S. M ..., M i N .mMi.. CLOVES— CIGARS—Per M............... CHEROOTS SNUFF—Lorillard’a. jar.. Lorillard**, foil........... TOBACCO—Common Medium Hinton...... 12 J4 10i-@l 25 60 BtooMfl ana ^onas COSOS CISZ> (DAILY BY JLtm BIPXiEV. BKOKEK Georgia 8 per cent'bends -101 a 116 is®; IS®?^r^nLtond 5 S ( clsStb)...rin r ™ Georgia 6 per cent (J»)—y— Georgia 6 per cent, bond, fnew)- ,1W 4 i M 75 City of Maoon 7 per cent ner.-,) .73 a 75 - - icon 7 per cent (short) ... <0 a .2 City of Macon 7 per cent (shert Citycf Augusta 7 per cec—.— Cit7 of Atlanta 7 V— cant™——, City of Atlanta 8 per cant......—. City ol *„.10S a 105 __ 69 a 70 ,.^.1C8 a 1109 .100 a 101 Central Rauroou joint awrtg«S» f?Miriria Railroad 6 per cent, bond* feSTartvSteru RR bond.....—py.aafilg Northeastern R R bondl (eadorsedl.—lM^a 105 l^th&fSijna. Ut-OTtaafc^-p-g*.-,”* A. A G. R. R. !d mortgage (endorsed}„10 a 11M2 West2-Q ! R^^oVAla&rmatatmor^«2rtO a 112 M iA R R, 2d aoma lendorsed)...^ara^l01 Southwestern R Rstock... 8i»o^ Georgia Railroad ateck ■■■■■»■, ■■ ■»—— y la72 Central Railroad stock......ins Auxusta and Savannah railroad stock...! 1 /^NE four room bouse ou Johnson street, with out houses, stable, garden, good well of water H B DAVIS. Cromelins & Co., PARLOR) IQARTOBE counted. T’dere is re-uu io ojusi=, I 4 j* 5 '"doubie extra B26a5 50. treble extra 6 00a however, that discoveries hire recently grade.6 J7j*a7 26. Corn quiet; white been made ot a startling ehtraotor, ui U Oaufirmatas. B«k lower at 1180. to4 ^ impficate person wkoM naorae l bi*lmr a, 7X. Balk meat. ri<*dy; .boulder, ks-e Thefloert brands of Imported aud Domestie cigars alway. on hand. GIYBUS A TRIAL. ootXltf POROUS Rheumatism, Neuralgia. tion has cured so man.? cases of those distress ing complaints as the EXTBlCT. Our FlastsB is invaluable in these disease*, Lumbago, Pain* in Back or Side. Ac. Pond’s Extract 0»t- mutt (50 cents) lor use when removal of cloth ing is inconvenient. is a great help in relieving inflammatory cases. Hemorrhages, aSSttSftfBB any cause, is speedily controlled aud stopped. Our Nasal Sxeiksbs (23 cents) and Ixhxlsks (50 cents) are great aids in arresting interna bleeding# Diphtheria and Sore Throat-, Use the Extract promptly. It is a sure cure. Delay is dangerous. Catarrh. r'Catarrh Cure.” specially prepared to moot se- *ious cases, contains all the curative properties of the Extract; our Nasal Syringe is invaluable for use in Catarrhal affections, is simple and inexpensive. Sores, Ulcers, Wounds,Sprains and Bruises. ment in connection with the Extract; it wi 11 aid n healing, softening and in keeping out the air. Burns and Scalds. ivalled. andetiould be kept in evory family ready for use m case of accidents. A di-eBting of our Ointment will aid in healing and prevent scars Inflamed or Sore Eyes. ^ u ^d without the slightest fear of harm .quickly allay ng all inflammat ion and soreness without pain Earache, Toothache and Face- „ ,,t, ~ When the Extract is nsed according to done, directions its eflect is simply won- Piloa Blihd, Blhsdiks oh Ixchiso. It ii j lies, the greatest known remedy, rapidly curing when other medicines have failed* Pond’s Extract Medicated Paper for closet use is a preventive against Chafing and Piles. Oar Ointment is of great service where the removal of clothing i* inconvenient. For Broken Breast and Sore Nipples Tho Eltrftc E»o cleanly and effi- BHIHlIllla THE KENTUCKY LITERARY JOURNAL for tho purpose of increasing th® circulation of their sapor, will distribute Cash Psemiumb amount- Ii* to 81M.000^an^ln£froin$IQ to $20,000, CAIH PEEMXVUa. Oaak Pzsmhua * . . cacious that mothers who have once used it will never be without it. Our Oint ment is the beat emollient that can be applied. Female Complaints. in for the maforitv oifemale discuses ii the Ex tract is used, full directions accompany each bottle. 1510 Premiums smmmUii to........... will b» distributed by lot. ln nubho, radar superrislra of msnot hixUahrateter rad undoubted .trading, s. Covington. Xentacky, STo-w. as, "79 W. are sothoriswt to distribnte xbor. Prrmlom. m bragm.nrnra.u.pma'U rat ^th. receipt of»» w. will rend sxs* ainma, aad ■nbRorlbera J>effi8lRturo wSeh 55fl MUUi'th#' jmcehMwto' • may aecuro any ono ef iho abovo Oaak J a l*o the Liteuaht JouajTAX, for oom y« r-R^ongbloagenta wanUd OTwyirhoro. FOR SALE—Five Splendid COTTON PLANTATIONS SITUATED NEAR ALBANY, CA. KoeOfAcres. Cleared Wretter—-Doroughty CO...1.610 7M 3vron«—-— ,#.73875 1,500 Beall.** w -.A250 1,125 Lae-.* Lee Go .1,225 900* Wimberly-Baker Co —.7,280 1400 Proposal® for the purchaie of oue or all ot the above well-known plantations will be receiv ed bv the undersigned until the 30th dsy of Oc tober. 1879. Any information regarding them may be obtained from the mauager. MrWmH B-ncett, at present residing on Beall plantation. 8^-The preference will be given to cash and short time purchasers. Address PATTERSON * CUTLER. Attorneys. 704 Walnut street, Philadelphia. Pa. eepl d eod!8t w 6t Butchers- TTEAVr Oxen and fat Beef Cattle for sale in ii lot* of twenty or more. Apply in person to F A Thompson, superintendent on Mr Fort's place in Houston county, six miles from Houaton factory. Fost office Buzzard Roost, Go. octSl d3t wltpd FOR REST. J^publicoutcry.ontheflrst^Toesday in November, 1879, before the court house door in Montioello, daring the legal hours of sole, rent to the highest and best bidder, 840 acres cl land situate in Jasper county, Ga, be longing to the estate of Henry Walker, for the vcarlSSO. The land is under good fences ard is well improved, has a ccmfcrtsble dwelling house with fire rooms, good barns, stables and homes or laborers. ^FLEETWOOD WALKER. oct3 law4w Exe’r of Henry Waiksr, have the exclusive **le in this market. The money mast accompany the order or he prepared to pay the driver on delivery. Pnce $8 per ton. cct25St W H MANBFIB LD A CO, NOTICE. We nave the LARGEST and be spiling Stationery Package in the world. It ccntains 18 sheet* of Paper, 18 Envelopes, Pencil, Penholder. Golden Pen, and a piece of valuable Jewelry, Complete sample package, with elegant gold stor e Sleeve Butto; *. Set Gold-plated Studs, Engraved Gold Bet.Pin'rad'Drora portprifi " ““ft, iSSS, ^i^anTohIin witIIy^t $50 vrORTH OF GOODS YOU BUY. Bxtroov din Inducement* to Agents oaittion. Pond’s Extract been imitated. The genuine article has the words “Pond’s Extract,** blown in the glass, and Company’* trade markon surrounding wrapper. None other is genuine. Always insist on having Pond’s Extauct. Take no other prepar ation. It ia never sold in bulk. PRICE OF^ONOJS EXTRACT,. TOILET ART! AND SPECIALTIES. Toilet Cream .81001 Dentrifice 801 Flatter Lip Salve 251 Inhaler Toilet Boap(S jak’i) SO I Natal 8yriuxe Ointment 501 Medicated Paper.. PREPARED ONLY BY POND’S EXTRACT CO. NEW YORK AND LONDON. ffE OFFER 1,000 CASES AND KEGS SODA, 200 BARRELS BLXTE STONE, 200 BARRELS EPSOM SALTS, 2,000 CASES POTASH, 1,000 BOXES STARCH, 200 BAGS PEPPER, 10,000 LBS LORILLARD SNUFF 6,000 LBS RAILROAD SNUFF, 1,000 GROSS MATCHES. 300,000 CIGARS, 200 GROSS FLASKS, 25 TONS JEWETT S LEAD, 60 TON8 ST. LOUIS LEAD, 100 BARRELS, LINSEED OIL. Ahov e,and aUgoodxinourliae.we beuKhtbe- fote tbey advanced and will sell them at lets thanNew York prices. HUNT. EASHS & LAMAS. aacVtf U For any cos© cf Dies ling. ■ Blind, Itch ; Ulcwntrd I PilesriHiw’sPil* I Kcniedyi-ils to cure. It R gpi immodiate rohef.conw Iq Mk,nxloidins(yc5WW I days. S.l»bcjtK boMby Lnlldrannats. J. P.Mn.TJm. "’hil.'k.. l^jaofewpMltK; I GEM BRANDS. Smith and Iverson General ProYision & Grocery Merchants. 44 THIKD STREET, - - MACOif, GEORGIA- THES A I. DIAMOND FLOIK THE S, * I. RUBT FlOcS, THE S. & I. PEARL f LOUR. THES. A I, EMERALD FLOJR. THE S. & L DIAMOND TOBACCO. THE S. 4 I. DIAMOND CIGAR, THE S. * I. RUBY TOBACCO. THE S. A I. KUBY CIGAR. THE S. * I. PEARL TOBACCO. THE S. A I. PEaRL CIGAR. THE S. & L EMERALD TOBACCO. THE S. & I. EMERALD CIGAR. THE S.&l I, DIAMOND SOAP. THE S. H I. RUBY SOAP. THE S. & I. PEARL SOAP. TUE S. &l. EMERALD SOAP. We keep in itock and hive arriving every week freth invoices of 0 J Comstock’s justly celebrated SUGAR-CURED CANVASSED PIG HAMS, SUGAR-CURED CANVASSED PIG SHOULDERS, CANVASSED BREAKFAST BACON. CANVASSED DRIED BEEF Froth shipments Tennessee Produce. BUTTER, EGGS AND DRESSED POULTRY. BACON, LARD, CORN, OATS, HAY, COFFEE, 8UGAB, BAGGING, TIES and a general assortment of well seleetcd Groceries. Wo htvo with ns Messrs FLEW JOHNSON, of Butler. Ga CLARKE GRl SR. of Griswold- ville. Ga: JOB NAPIER, of Jeffersonville, Go; who will be glad t-> see their friends and serve them at anv time. __ oct28 BEN C. SMITH. JAS. 3, IVfiB8QNT« BORGIA. JONES COUNTY.—Wherera SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A FORTUNB. TENTH 6RAND DIS T&IBUTION.CLASS LATNEW ORLEANS. TUESDAY. NOVEMBER Itth, I879-I14th MONTHLY DRAWING. G EORGIA BIBB COUNTY.-Whereos Mary Ellen Driggarshas matte application for letTore of administration on the estate of D O “j.-iggors. Into ol said county, deceased. This is therefore to eite aud admonish all per rons oonoerned to bo and appear at the Court of Ordinary of said county on the first Mouday in November next, to show cause if any they have* why said application should not be granted. Witness mv official el-mature oci41nw4w* J A MoM ANUS. Ordinary. iEORGLA. JONES COUNTY.—Wnorea* BOLAND T ROSS. Ordinary. G EORGIA, BIBB COUNTY,—Whereas w W Oarne*. administrator of Samuel G Benn late of said county deceased, has made applica tion for letters of di*mission from said estate* These are therefore to cite and admonish all per-l sons concerned to be and appear at the Court df Ordinary of said county on the first Monday in November next to show cause if any they have why said application should net be grant* d.i ■Witness my hand officially. August 4, 1879. Louisiana State Lottery Company. This Institution waa regularly incorporated b.v the Legislature of the State for Educational ana Charitable purposes, in 186S, for the term ol twenty-five years, to which contract the inviola ble futh ol the State is pledged with a Capital of 11,000,000, to which it has since added a reserve fund of 8550.000. ITS GRAND 8INGLB SUM. BKR DISTRIBUTION wiU take piaoe monthly on tho second Tuesday. It never scale, or post pones. Look at the following Distribution: 0APITALPR1ZK *83,000. 100,000 Ticketsat *2 each, Half Ticket. $1. LIST OF PRIZES, ;i Capital Brils ^SO.Olr 1 Capital Prise. 10.090 1 Capital Price............... 8.000 2 Prises Of 82.500 6.000 1.000 8.000 600 ....... 10,000 100 10.00b 50......™... 19,00! COAL fiaATSS. jgiSKtl GRATES of all aiset at SGUOriEItPa Iron Works. oct!2 lm bnel B Roberts administrator on tho estate ot Joseph G Stiles, deceased, applies to me for dismission from 6&id estate. Those are to cito all persons concerned to show cause, it any they nave, at the November Term of this court why tho same shall not be granted, Given under m^hand officially. 5 Prixeaof 20 Prizes o! 100 Prize* of 200 Frizes of 500 Prizes of LOOOPrizes of 9.000 __ 10,000 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 9 Approximation Prizes o? $300.. $f,70t 0 Approximation Prizt* of 200 1-801) 0 Approximation Prizes of 100 M Iull3 td* JLANP T ROSS. Ordinary |DMINISTBA/TOR’S SALE OB’ L AND . G jEORGIA. JONES COUNTY.—By v/rtue o ■ an order from the Court of Ordinary o said oountv, will be sold before tho court houxe door in Clinton, on the first Tuesday in No vember next, 170 acres of land belonging to the estate of William Ussenr, deceased, being the dower land* of the late Mary C Uscery, deceased, situate on Falling Creek in the ths western por tion of said county. Fair land with ordinary improvement sold for division. Terms cash. ■ »1STH TOWLES, Adra’r. |September 17th,l c 79. n nil lls 11 i M 1,857 Prizes, amounting $110,400 Responsible corresponding agonts wanted a; all prominent points, te whom a liberal compen sation will be paid. Application tor rates to clubs thculd only br jade to the home office in New Orleans. Wnte, clearly stating full address, for further information,or send orders to MA DAUPHIN. P O Box 692, New Orleans. La. ) persons at No 319, Broadway New York ■..(imila*,ltantinn rtf M"i> rtrtlllif* i. rtnlls-ii The particular attention of tbe public is oallvd to tho fact that the entire number of the tickets ior each monthly drawmgis sold, and come quentlyall tho priz-sin each drawing are told Bass, administrator on the estate of Mrs Julia JS Uollinv, late of said couty deceased, has made application to me for letters of dismission from saia estate, These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned to be and appear at the Court of Ordinary of slid county on tno first Monday in November next to show cause if any they have why said application shoaid not 9 granted. Given under iny hand officially. J A Mo d AN US, Ordinary. August 4,1879,apgStd and drawn and paid. This is uot the cate with any other company. _ , All oar grand extraordinary drawings are un der the supervision and management of GKN G , T BEAUREGARD and GEN EARLY- JUBAL Is absolutely odorless,' and chemkttll^ Pure. It Is miowflnlce white. It is susceptible ofthe liigliest strefflfth of body ADMINISPRATOE’S SALE. Q.EORGIA JON88. COUNTY-—By virtue o : Iiijc Polish. It possesses greatel ,. tlian other trade brands. , It is packed in Pound Pardbls. Weight guaranteed. It costs less money than any Starch tn tho World. - , It Is sold universally in America by Full an order from th* Court of Ordinary __ Jones county wiU be sold before the court house door in Clinton on the flr»z Tuesday in Novem ber next 10i!4 acres of lanl be the same more or less belonging to the estate of Rowland Roas, de ceased. being the dower lands of the late Mrs Mary Ross deceased, situate on the line of Jones and Putnam counties. Go*d land with ordinary improvements. Sold fjr distribution. Terms c&ah. G W ROSS, Adm*r. September 29,1879. Also, the purchaser can have 300 acres adjoin* ig this land at a very reasonable price byao riv* ngat Clinton, Ga, to sep SO law4w* B. T ROSS Grocers and Dealer*. It* annual ('niiMinintion j Million Pounds. It Is manufactured by Andrew at Cincinnati, Ohio, In the _ the greatest cereal rcfkni ache* Twenty Globe. km of tb* AD MINIS FRATOE’a SALE. Jone« county will be sold at the court house door in Clinton, Georgia, on the first Tuesday in November next, 150 aores of laud more or less, six miles northeast of Macon in Jones county six miles northeast of Macon in Jones county, belonging to the estate of Sarah Foster, deceased. Good land with plenty of water and timber, ad- oins H L Smith, Jackson Roberts and others. I told for distribution. Terms cash. JAMES O HUNTER. Adm*r. September 26.1S79.sep281aw4w* rpHd bent and rh-apet* (°» l JL i»osiMSSsingtba«oodq^d>tie*«l«« soft coal without the c issdvantogeH oaq H0 8M0KR, ■ * NS BOOT, quiet —ntei by the bert rnoki I BBOUJNe, be sold before the court house door in tbf town of Knoxville, in said county, within . < legal hours of sale, south half cf lot No 65 m th« first district of originally Houston now Grawfort county, containing one hundred acres, more ot Johnson, deaeased,t w .— ford Superior Court in favor ot John W Blass mgame, administrator of A J Adams, deceased, vs A J Danielly, administrator of Samael John* A GOOD PLAN Anybody can learn to make money rapidly oper ating in Stocks bj the "Two Unerring Rules for Success,** in Messrs T*awrence A Co’s new Cireu- ar. The combination method, which this firm has made so successful, enables people with large or tmall means to reap all the benefits of largest capital and best skill. Thousands of or* denu in various sums, are pooled into one vast amount and co- operated as a mighty whole, thus securing to each shareholder all the advantages of the largest operator. Immense profits are divided monthly. Any amount, from 35 to $5,000 or more, can be used successfully. New York Baptist Weekly, September 26. 1878, says.- “By the combination system $16 would make $75, or 5 per cent; $50 pays $350, or 7 per cent: $100 10 per i 5 3 4» ° lo§* 1 Can be bvl uMl.o to. Wjrl at little cost. AS 48E-. ffijfsstY’5 i SINS, OISmah S circous s* FAIREAHCS ««0*R3 SM WRttAHfKUj makes $1,000. or 10 per cent on the stock during the month, according to the market.’* Frank Leslie’s Illustrated Newspaper, June 29th; “The combination method of operating stocks is the most successful ever adopted.** New York In* dependent, Sept, 12th: “The combination sys tem is founded upon correct business principles, and no person need be without an inoomo while it is kept working by Messrs Lawrence A Co, Brooklyn Journal, April 29th: “Our editor mace a net profit of $101 25 from $20 m one of Messrs Lawrence A Co’s combinations ** New circular (mailed tree) explains everything, 8tocks and bonds wanted. Gover*" ment bonds supplied Lawrence * Co, Bankeis, 67 Eichange 1-lace New York. REMOVAL F OR the convenience ofthe ladies t>nd y>%bl generally w«>have taken quarters with A Burr Brown, No 84 Mulberry street, where v will be pleased to serve our friends. A full sto<. of needles thread and attachments always c. hand. All cal s for repairing promptly attended* Just in a full *tock of the celebrated No 8 Mf chines, Wheeler & Wilson Manufacturing Co., sbenQ that the deteaUnt * the count v; ^.nd it being fu4 does uot reside inabe dered that serviee he tn the Macon T^igrei li hod in Mac-n, Gh, mice ij of four mo iths belore court. Mu>2d, 1879. B.v the Court t For SSBXjIj’S CONDENSED CYCLOPEDIA. MATT R FREEMAN, oct26 sun wed sun 3t Agenl a. titrons Endorsement, Rarest opportunity for making money is now offered to general agents and canvassers in the South on this exceedingly useful end low-priced book. 1.000 Dp, double column. 700 engravings. 10 double-page colored maps. Only $5 a cop For terms aad territory address TELLWOO ZELL, DAVIS k CO. Philadelphia. mar7w4t I- I have used several other patents of Sewing Machines and found them all so noisy and hea^- in their ranti ng that I was forced to abandt the use of sewing machines altogether. B three years ago I began the use of a No 8 whej ler k Wilson, and have experienced no bai> fecti. and am now able to do what I wish with IT For myself, m the poiHts of simplicity, light ruro nine and noiselessness. I consider it a perfef machine. Yours troly, Mbs Joseph 8 Kar, o wheeler k Wilson Manufacturing Company. Macon. Ga. July 19.1879. BIBB COUNTY SHERIFF SALES. \\TILL be sold before the court house door in VY the citv of Macon during the legal I of sale, on the first Tuesday in November the following property, to wit: That tract or parcel of land situated in the city REMOVAL. lauaicuiuTcuw; - mer staa I at my cjtson war jlnuae on M berry itreet, where 1 am coiiYeaisotl r and prepared to accommodate all who : TO Till PUBLIC. H. SCHALL & BR0„ BOOT? and SHOES CORED. T WKNTY year.’ tiperlence. For particular. address with .tamp JAJU8 M HARDAWAY, nptwtm UowtF BUU.Flkaorantj.Ga ofthelataat stylet d bert mannlaeture. and we axe prepared manufoefttfire all styles of Custom Work •> order. Repairing neatly and promptly Rita 1 i ed to. Also a large stock of LEATHER sad FINDINGS always on hand. Hopio|i t (receive a share oi the public patron age we ask oil to call, examine and be convinced that this is the best and cheapest store in the ** H. SCHALL A BRO, ™u*6Sin $55.66 t G JtlDKOU 1 Agents profit per week. Will prove t or forfeit $M». of Macon, Bibb county, Georgia, known os the western half of lot No 2, in blook 31, of the west ern common of said city, ssid half lot fronting 32 feet and 2 inches on Tronp street and running bock the same w dth 208 feet and 8 inches to a 29 foot alley in the rear. Levied on as the properly of James L Kennedy to satisfy a mortgage fi fa issued from Bibb Su perior Court in favor of PeUr Harris, executor of Jane Rodgers r* James L Kennedy. Property point: d out in said mortgage ii fa. me with th^r patronage at las.into* th» for merly. Also inducements to traders. > I have secocd hand carriages ani buggies t r sale at extremely law prices. Oct 29th Also at the same time and place, store No 5. in Hollingsworth's block, situated on Poplar street, in the city of Macon, Bibb county, Georgia, anc occupied oy R L Henry asa meat shop. Levied on a* the property cf the estate of John Hollingsworth to satisfy aii faissued from Kibb Superior Court in favor of Thomas Whitesett F ANwY and Oyster Crack assortment of fancy Candies, Orongi pies. Lemons. Grapes. Preserves, the finest ever put up. Brandy Cherries. Jellies in buckets,Ola Albert B Ross administrator of Jotoa Hollings worth, James W Knott and Wa^sr T Hollings worth. Property pointed out b Airs M H Hoi* lings worth. Also at the same time and place, port of lot No 5, in block 53, situated on Filth street in the city of Bacon, Bibb county, Georgia, bounded on tb« northwest by Filth street, on the northeast by R L Henry’s lot, on the southwest by P P*y*® a 8 1o t and on the southeast by property of the Central railroad »nd tumblers,canned GooJsof every kinds such Blue Berries. Clams, Crabs, Lobsters. Mac- erel Tomatoes, Pears, Pineapples, Cborries, Peaches, 3tc. the Utter the finest eror in inn market. Trj them and be <'o r >'' n j*- i - our Kraut. Older, Cabbage, Cb-rara., Kkm. Butte,, ere-ithink rood am 3°/ 'e, 11 SSJ&ue 1 *.! ti^mg Ttseif. Yen will always find fresh goods and reasonable prices at oottStt Levied on as the property of Elizabeth Venable to satisfy * fi fa issued from Justice oourt 716th district G M. in fsyor of Green J Blske vs Eliza beth Venable Property pointed oat by plain tiff, levy mode and returned to me by aooun- stable. GBORQH F OHKKKY, oct71aw4w G eorgia bibbcounty.-bj thonty vested in me as Judge oounty Court,and' Sheriff. county court, ana in punuwai ^ m ^Z pro-ed Itth October. 1879. to aAe tion,powers and proceedings oourt, it is hereby ord *”J 1 rt^St wTrtffSoeeoto^iiwi asrol, bis appotn.oieiM HOLT, Judg. 8 0 0. * A trra direct from tb. atinutea. octal 4w , Valuable PlantaJtioh — * tor's Sale...;. r ILL be *old before the c-^ur*J Y> the town oi Hamilton hours of sale, an ifie fir>t Tureieyl next, urfle*.*->isp9s,d of *1 pr that time, al! the real estate < ‘ ceii Ctl, cor.jOiVtag of 1-409 acres less, with (lwjling home, * in t brarnaond ailttectssary outboua lunda ar * in * high stole oUalU a bout 100 ac;.% of ohosoyMOUx being situAt-din rlarm c lork cf tae Mulberry creek. Waverly dail. aoo.;' mr-e m Harcilton. The »t-or« proper lui nose of distribution. 31 r. HO Farley, wbo uow tation, will ? ase pleasure :r, ni»hing ary furth*r informsaujal ected. Terms mode known «. J S 8TEWART Eyfiryini Fresh and Nef v ^ i large and fi t G B DHTTEh’l rtartrasHi