The Macon telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1873-188?, November 05, 1879, Image 1

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By Clisby, Jones & Reese, MACON, GEORGIA WEDNESDAY MORNING. NOVEMBER 5, 1879.—PRICE FIVE CENTS. Numbeb 9.859 BY TELEGRAPH. DAY mst-A.rumush. Foreign. London, November 4.—A Borne dis- patob s*Ji the Vatican will shortly send a Castro d’Aff .ir. to Turkey to oarry oat the convection .boat to bo iigned, after which, an Internanoio and several bub op* will be appointed. A Bantei'a Sophia telegram aaye, owing to tba a.roog opposition to the Cabinet In the Assembly of Bulgaria, the Mlnu- try reigned, bat Prince Alexander has not yet nooapted the resignation. The liabilities of Colivio, Cowil & Co., on this aide are moderate, bnt their in- debtedneti in India If believed to be heavy, the former baring acted as back- era for the civil service and army offiaera, oo whom the greatest lose will fait MaHoaxaraa, November 4.—The Man* ohaater market yesterday was strong, producers asking bignar rates. The de mand from India and Obioa is not large, bat t nffl dent to anstain prioes. The home demand continne* email, bat the activity is increasing. The Monad City Fire. Mound Oitt, III., November 4.—Thu cibsens of Mound City nave sent out an appeal for aid in behalf of those of their nnfortunato citikens who Buffered so verely bt tba great file of Monday night, in which property to the vaine of nearly a quarter of a million waa destroyed. HUtHT IHaFATClliflS. Newa Items. 8t. Louis, November 4—Dispatches from points in Soatbweatern Missouri and Southwestern Kansas report the kill ing of Jesse James, of the notorious James boys, sapposed to havo been one of the gang which robbed the train at Glendale, Missouri, recently, by George Shepherd, formerly a member of the same gang, Shepherd joined James, who who with the party was on the road to Texas. After riding with them some distanee, Shepherd suddenly shot James in the bead, wheeled his horse and fled, escaping with a shot in the thigh from one of James’ companions. Bbepherd cherished enmity against James for kill ing a relative. James' body has not yet been found. Nbw York,November 4.—The remains of General Hooker have arrived and will be in state in the Governor’s room,at the city ball until to-morrow, under a guard of Uaited States troops. Foreign. Halifax, November 4.—The war ship Pyramus, which waa captured by Admiral Nation from tho Danes, in one of his fa mous engagements, and which served as th* training ship hero, hai been sold for $7,000. London, November 4 —The Viceroy of India telegraphs to-day as follows: Gen. Kaberts is proceeding to reoonnoitro the passes towards Jollatabad, so as to open communication with the Ktty her column. He does not expect to most with any op position. London, November 4.—A Brussels dis patch says there is great improvement in tho medal condition of Oarlotta, the wid ow of ex-Bmperor Maximilian, of Mell on, and her complete restoration to san ity Is now considered probable. Livsbpool, November 4. —Chss. Tom linson, of the suspended firm of Tomlin son A Co., cotton brokers, who abscon ded, but was afterwards arrested, baa been committed for trial on ohargo of obtaining ten thonaand pounds on cotton which bad already been hypothecated, and forging and negotiating two accep tances for fonr thousand pounds eaoh. Paris, November •!—The Council of the Prefecture of the Seine baa annulled the election of M. Humbert aa member of the Municipal Connell of Paris. London, Novembor 4 —A Boater’s dis patch from Constantinople says the ru mor of an Impending ministerial orisis is conlradioted. There is considerable ex • oitement at Stamboul an account of the expeoted arrival of a British squadron in Turkiab waters. The Porte having re ceived no efficial explanations regarding the British squadron, has telegraphed to Mnsnroa Patna, Turkish ambassador at London, instructing him to oak Lord Salisbury for information. London, November 4—A telegram from tno eteamer. Faraday, through the new F/enob cable, dated on the third, stated that the Faraday successfully completed the present part of the opera tions of laying the oable, and is proceed ing to Halifax. A Madrid dispatoh annonnoes that the royal marriage is fixed for December lit. &ews ItemB. Murals, November 4.—At the How ard meeting last night John Johnson, treasurer, submitted bis report showing that the receipts have been $73 862 92, and disbursements (68,476 61. Tne bal ance on band is (5,386 41. Newark, N. J., November 4 —A traiD on the Greenwood Lake B.ulrood ran off the Hackensack drawbridge this morning. The engineer was killed. There were about twenty persons in the coach,mostly business men living at Arlington, Mount Glair and Greenwood Like, who Wire en route to Newark. Several were badly injured, bat as far os known, none were fatally hurt. All wore rescued before the coaob filled with water. Synopsis Wearner statement Omoi Chut Signal Ovvicku, Washington, Nov. 4. 1879 Indications—For the South Atlantio Stater, slightly warmer, east to sontb winds, falling barometer and partly olou. <3y weather, J11ION1UHT D1HTATOHES From Waslilnjrton. Washington, Nor. A—Commissione Biuia, ia reply to inquiries from Cin cinnati, has rendered the following de cision, which will bo of Interest to recti fiers and distillers. The Commissioner decides first, that rectifiers may. before or alter filling their packages, put on marks and brands necessary to indicate the name and plaoe of business of the rectifiers and the particular name of the Epirits as known to the trade, and if. open gauging such apiiits, the gauger finds that the brands do not correspond with the faots he will came immediate correction. Second—That under section 323/ of the revised statutes as amended by act of March 1st, 1379, the particular name of the spirits as known to the trade to be imt on the pickage of spirits filled at his distilleries, may be plaoed thereon in a legible way by the use of stencil piste and dnmble paint as well as by burning or stamping. Tbe Stale Bond. Atlanta, Ga., October 4.—It has transpired here to-day that Colonel E. W. Cole, one of the original lessees of the Western and Atlantio Railroad, with cer tain of his friends, bas purchased the chires in that road neretofora owned by gentlemen at the North, giving him and hU friends the controlling vote in the company. This it is believed will, not be displeasing to the people of Georgia, as Colonel Cole is known to b6 one of the ablest and most conservative railroad men In the South. “Be esndid, Dootor,” said the patient when found with a bottle of Dr. Bulls Cough Syrup; "you know it is a good medicine." And the M. D. lefcindia- THE ELECTIONS Butler Beaten—Cornell Elected! Ike Bat if ike DtOKralic Ticket Elected 1 /Leaky Hoofs repaired and painted with Brew- T J OHHiiSAtenv, KKPCBLICAJl GilNS IN PESISIL- * VANIA! TEE A GOUT OVER IN VIRGINIA.! Tiie RMiiIt In Other Stalest FROM NEW YOBK. THE ZLkOTION PkOGBkralNO qlOkTLT. TIE3T DISPATCH. Nkw York, November 4.—The elec tion Is progressing quietly in Brooklyn and it is expeoted by sundown, when the polls close, the total vote will not fall abort of 75.C00. The Democrats of tbe regu lar division claim that they will elect their enure ticket, bnt the Republicans eoont the idea, and soy they ore making great havoc in tbe Democratic rank-. 'The Kelly boom does net appear to assert its sway with that degree of energy which his adherents bad confidently expected. SECOND dispatch. Nkw York, November 4.—Fifty city eloction districts give Cornell 8,405, Rob inson 3,997, KeUy 2,856, Haskins 3,462, Potter 6,667. Sixty election districts give Cornell 4,193; Robinson, 4,843; Kelly, 3,384; Haskins, 4,278; Potter, 7.849. 8 35 p.m. One hundred and ten city elsotton districts give Cornell, 7,249; Bobinson, 9,192, Kelly, 6,656; Haskins, 7.619; Potter, 15,097. 8:40 p. m.—Oae hundred and twenty city election districts give Cornell 8,194, Bobinson 10,003, Kelly, 7,231, Haskins 8,534, Potter 16,311. 8:45 p. st.—One hundred and thirty city eleotion distriots give Cornell 8,893, Bobinson 10,771, Kelly 7,854, Haskins 9,294, Potter 17,612. Nbw York, 9:10 p. m.—Ninety-five districts in this city and State give Bob inson 16,403, Cornell 22,826, Kelly 1,« 304. 9:20 p. m.—Oao hundred and forty city election distriots, oat of 683 give Cornell 12,434, Bobinson 15,787, Kelly 11,663, Haskins 13,679, Potter 25,953. 10 p. tn.—Three bandrod city districts, out of 678, givo Cornell20,467, Bobinson 26,699, Kelly 18,667. Sixty-nine xaore district* in tho State outside of the city chow a net Bopnblican gain of 341 for Lieutenant Governor. 10 p. m. Nineten districts of this oity give Bobinson, 4,610; Cornell, 3,567; Kelly, 439. 10.15 p. m, In thirty-one Brooklyn districts, the vote is ss follows : Cornell, 5.054; Bobinson, 4 029; Kelly, 271. 10.40 p. m. {hundred and thirty-nine oity election distrusts or one- half of the oity, give Bobinson, 6,845 plurality. Cornell leads Kelly 1,187- 10.50 p. m. The city will give Kelly 40.000 votes, with Potter’s vote more than double Cornell's. The Democratic State tioket, exoept the Governor, is sleet ed. The vote on oonnty offloers is close, bat Tammany will probably elect its offl- oers. 1:65 p. m.—Forty-one more distriote in the State shoot a net Bepnbiicau gain for Lieutenant Governor of 396. Forty-nine distriots in Brooklyn give Cornell 8,997. Bobiuiion 11,754 and Kelly 1,374 THR STATS GOING WRONG. 11:25 p. m.—Four hundred and twenty- six city eleotion distriots out of six lmn- dred and seventy-eight give Cornell 29,- 605, Bobinson 37 406. Kelly 27,222, Has kins 31,585, Potter 61,343. 11:30 P. M.—Two hundred and sixty- one towns, distriots or wards In the State heard lrom np to this time give Bobinson 43,804, Cornell 62 995, KeUy 6,118. One hundred and eighty.six towns, districts and wards show a net Republican gain for Lieutenant Governor over the vote for Governor ia 1876 of 2,211. An extra edition of the Repress at tin p. m. declares that Cornell is elected, out considers the result of the State os donbtfol. Brooklyn, 11:40 P. si—In 78 Brook lyn distriots the vote stands: Bobinson 18,790, Cornell 16.955, Kelly 2 481. In 91 district* the vote is as follows : Bobinson 21.763, Cornell 17,171, Kaliy 2,671. 11:45 p sr.—In 65 districts the vote is as follows: Cornell 11,689, Bobinson 18,- 6S6, Kelly 2,068. Nkw York, Midnight.—In additioD o the State retains for Governor, given i a the 11:30 dispatch, 99 districts iD Brooklyn give Cornell 18,178, Bohlnson 23.902. Kelly 8,091. 492 oity districts, oat of 678, give Cor- aell 32,999. Robinson 42,872, Kelly 32,- 662 Haskins, 85,249, Potter 72,164. Five hundred oity election distriots, out of 678. give Cornell 33,522, Robin son 48,661. Kelly 33.249, Haskins 35,723 Potter 73.413. Brooklyn, Midnight.—Ia 117 dis tricts the total vote is as follows: Cor nell 20.375, Bobinson 28,449, Kelly 3 893. Nkw York, 1:10 a. m.—The election in this oity passed off quietly, an J proved a urprise. The general prediction was that KeUey’s vote would not be sufficient to affeat the chances of Bobmson'd re- election. The city, ho -ever, bas given Kelly 40.000 votes, leaving Bibinssn a plurality here of only 12 000. Oomell leads KeUy only about 300. Potter’s majority in the city reaches 45,000. The vote for oonnty officers is remarkably close, with the indication, however, that the Anti-Tammany party will elec: their county officers by s email majority. Brooklyn, 1:10 p Jt., November 4,— In 123 districts in Brooklyn the total vote is ss follows : Cornell, 22,839; Bobinson, 30,909: KeUy, 4,031. BOBINEOS’S DET2AT CONCEDED. Nkw York. 1:30.a. x.—The World admits that Robinson ia defeated, but claims the election of th» rest of the grate tioket by 30,000 majority. It con ■ cedes the Legislature to the Republi cans. MASSACHUSETTS. P1R8T DISPATCH. Boston, November 4.—The fnU Tote of this city gives Butler a majority of 3,- 57S over all, again of 719 for Batter over last year. Nineteen towns in vari ous parta of the State give Lung 2,738 majority over Butler. Eighty-three towns and ten cities, in* (finding Boston, give Long 3,234 major, ity over Butler. One hundred and eleven town* and cities give Long 62,116. Butler 55 672 Adams4 650. Lastyest’s vote was: lal- bo* 63,193, Butler 56,375. Abbott, 4990. One'bnndred and thirty-seven towns sed sixteen cities give Long 6,504 over Butler. Boston. 8:25 p m.—Betnrna as far ss leoeivea indicate that Long, Bep-blioan candidate for Governor, ia elected by 10,- 000 to 13,000 plurality, which may be in creased to 15,000 by farther returns. The Republican candidates for State offi ces are probably ail elected, and the Leg islator will be largely Republican. The yote shows a material falling off as com pared with last year. butlxr’s dxveat ookc/dkd. Boston, November 4 9:50 r, x.—The defeat of Butler is conceded by his own friends, who eUow that Long’s plurality will b« 8,000. but there U 6rery wdwa- STATKMKNT: Stock on hand September 1,1879... Received to-day ....... previously.,., rion that it will reach 15,000, and may touch 17,000. Tbe Bipnblioan council lors are elected, and the Legislature ia overwhelmingly B.'publican. Two hundred and twenty-six towns end cities give Long 113,515, Butler 99.- 030, Adams 9.614. The same town* last year gave Talbot 124,317, Butler 93,417: Abott 9.089. VIRGINIA. Alxxandria, Va , November 4.—This city gives 533 maj jrity for the debt pay ers candidate for tne Legislature, which ensures their election. The Re-adjusters have carried Norfolk oy nineteen majority. In Portsmouth there is a tie between the Bsadjaatcrs and Fonder candidates for tne House of Del egates. Macon, Beadjnater is probably elected Senator from Norfolk district and Bousb. Bepublicao, is probably elected from Portsmouth district. Tne negroes voted almost unanimously with the Be- adj asters. Alexander city and conuty gives Musehback for House of Delegates and Smith for the Senate, both debt payers, 542 majority. The negro vote in the city was very email. Fredericksburg, November 4 —The eleotion to-day excited great interest, but was quiet. The deb; payers have carried the connty and Senatorial dis trict by a large majority. In tbe adjoin ing district the reports indicate the de feat of General Fitzangh Lie by Duff Green, Beadjuster. A remarkable inci dent to-day was the appearance of a large body of colored voters, with fife and drum, following the Virginia flag. They voted for debt payers’ candidate. Harrisonburg, Va., Nov. 4—Inti- MacColiongh candidates for the Ligixla- tnre in this p .rt of the SiataJxas secured an overwhelming majority over the friends of that bill. Alxxandria, Va , Nov, 4.—A dis- paton from Charlottesville says the Fund ers hare carried Albemarle and defeated Massey, one of the leaders of the Bs- adj utters, which is considered an indica tion of a great victory for tba MoCnl- iough bill. Biohxond, Va., November 4.—11.45 p. m. Tne vote in this city was the smallest ever polled, there being no op position to the Fauders or debt payers tioket; but few negroes voted. Tne re turns from other portions of the State show that tbe fight between the Fanders and Riadj asters has been stubborn and the indications are that the majority in the Legislature of the successful party wil be small. Too returns, as yet, are too meagre to stste positively which side will have the majority, Tno retards received at the Funders’ neadquarters here show that all the counties which were considered doubtful have gone for the Beadjnsters. With all that, however, it is claimed that the Funders will have a majority in both Homes. General FXtshugb Lee, Fonder candidate for the House of Delegates from Stafford, King George county, is reported beaten, although it waa con fidently expected he would bo eleoted. At the reaijuster3 headquarters it is olatmed that they will have a small ma jority in the Senate and House, and that from every direction the current seem- in favor of tbe readjustees. Reports tr m the Charlottesville’s Senatorial Dis trict state that John E, Massey, a promi nent rea’jaster, who bas been leading a canvass of the party throughout the State, is badly beaten by his funder op ponent, the majority against him being stated at 1500. MISSISSIPPI. Jackson, Novembor 4—Tne election ib very quiet. A light vote is polled. The returns are light. We cannot judge of the result, though it is expected that tbe Democrats will carry the State with the exception of a few counties. Hinds will probably eleot the greater part of the Greenback ticket, Yazoo is Democratic. ILLINOIS, Chicago, November 4.—Tho elsotion to-day was quiet and peaoaablo. A fall vote was polled. The patty lines were pretty strictly drawn, and the figures thus far indicate a very close contest. Chicago, Nov. 4, 12:17 a. m.—The Re publicans are now firing guns in hon or of their victory in tnis oity end Cook connty. Tbe indications are that the city is Bcpnblioan by 5,000, a gain of 10,000 and the county by 7,000 to 8,000. WISCONSIN. Milwaukee, Wis , 8 f x , Nov. 4 — The city of Milwaukee gives Smith (Rap ) for Governor two thousand majority, with three precincts to hear from. A hepnb- liosn gain of abont 3,000 over the vote of two years ago. WISCONSIN GOING REPUBLICAN. Milwaukee, November4—Tne city of Milwaukee complete gives Smith, Repub lican candidate for Governor, 2,132 ma- otity. The city of Msdison usually Democratic, gives Smith 30 majority. Betnrna from thirty-one towns and cit ies ontside of Milwaukee show a Republi can gain of 1,200 over two years ago. Milwaukee. 10:30 p. m .November 4.— Ninety-six towns and. cities, outside of Milwaukee, ehow a Republican gain cf 3,554 over two years ago. The county and city of Milwaukee, with one precinct to bear from, gives a Republican gain of 2 461. Net Republican gain in the State, Deluding) Milwaukee, so far, is 6.015. Thera is little doubt of Smiths_ carrying the Stste by ten thousand majority* CONNECTICUT. Hartford. November 4.—The election ia Connecticut to-day was for members of the Legislature and for Senators in only eleven of twenty districts. Of these the Bepublioans eleot ten and the Demo crats one. The Senate will stand seven teen Bepnblicans to fonr Democrats. The House will probably stand about 153 to- 93, or a Republican majority of -be tween 60 to 79 on j lint ballot. The As sembly men who are now elected do aot choose United States Senators, but Senators elected now, hold over till next year and will vote for Senator to suooeed Mr. Eaton. Hartford. November 4. — The Sen ate will stand seventeen Bepnblicans and four Democrat. For House, returns * report 163 Bepnblicans and seventy-nine Democrats, one Indepead- ■nt and three ties to be voted on to morrow. Counting Independent and all ties against Bepnblicans timy will have ninety-three majority on joint ballot in Legislature. ^ - PENNSYLVANIA. heavy republican gains. Feilabclfhia, November 4 —Thirty towns and townships in Western Penn sylvania give Bmlsr (Rep.) 916 majority Republican gain over the rote for Governor in 1878 of 112. Betnrna from the Eastern oonnties are meagre, but all show Republican gains. Nine wards out of thirty one in the city of Philadelphia, show Bcpablioan gains of fonr thou sand. The indicate ■ are that the city of Pniladelphia has gone Republican by a larger majority than ever known on the State ticket. Returns from the State continne to show Republican gains. Philadelphia, Nov. 4, 11 p. m.— Partial returns from 24 out of 67 coun ties in this State, exclusive of Philadel phia county, show a Republican gain cf 6,000. Twenty-seven wards ia Phila delphia out of thirty-one give Butler, Republican, for State Treasurer, 26,216 majority over Barr, Democrat. A Be* publican gain of 9.701. The city of Pittsburg will give bet ween 5.000 and 6 000 majority fur Butler. The Republican county ticket nl!l be elected by majorities ranging from 2.000 to 5,000 12 30 s.m. Returns from fifteen conn- ties, including Pailadelphis, show s Re publican gain on the State ticket of abont 20,000. NEBRASKA. Lincoln, Nxs, October 4,11:80 p. m. onions ~ —The election returns come in slowly. The indications are that Cobb, the Re publican candidate for Snpreme Judge, is elected over Wakely, Democrat, by twelve thousand majority. The total vote of tha State will reach 60,000. The Bs- SSStS^SSSS^SSrS; Humors of the Scalp, Loss small shewing. MINNESOTA. Sr. Paul, Minn., 11:40 r. ss.—Returns ccme in slowly, only a few small precincts being received. These indicate a much smeller vote than two years ago, and the majorities are proportionally reduced. It is not likely the average majorities on the State ticket will mneu exceed ten thou sand. Some few precincts in the eonth of the State, where the balk of the vote is caet, show large Republican gains. In SL Paul, Bice, Democrat, far Governor, is running ahead of his ticket, and wiU have a large majority, probably sixteen hundred. • »- J - - NEW JERSEY. Newark, N. J., November 4.—The Republicans have gained one State Sena tor in New Jersey, and probably five or six members of the Assembly. They will retain oontrol of both branches of the Legislature, the Senate by a majority of 3 and tbe Assembly probably by 14 or 16 majority. (nticura FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL MACON COTTON STATEMENT OmOB TELEGRAPH AJTD XKSSKNGBR N0VEMB3E 4.1879.—Evening ■ The market to-day was stead; at 10 cents lor midaling.; being s hull holiday in New York, tbe Cotton Bxchange is closed, and conse quently we have reports from none of the domes tic markets. Reaeired byrafi today... by wafion...„ ssr ISO 283— 413 841 • 345 230 413 .22352-233*5 23393 344 19910-20254 Shipped to-day.. previously., Stock on band this evening....,^.. Received same day last year LATEST TELEGRAPHIC REPORTS Cotton. middliRg uplands 611-16, 13-16, Sales 10009 bales, o! which 1000 were taken by speculators and for export: receipts 11200—10000 American. Futures quiet but steady: Uplands low middliiuc clause November deliv ery 613-32, November and December 6Ji, Decem ber and January 6 7-S2&814. January a ad Febru ary 6)i, February and March do. March and April 6 ?-S2a6 5-1A April and May 611-S2a6X. Hay and June 67ist 7-16 June and July 6%. 600 pm—Sales of American 8200, Uplands low middling clause November delivery 6 7 16, May and Jane 613-32. Futures steady. FINANCIAL London—Noon-Conso's 9713-16. Brie 42J$ Paris—3 per oont Rentes 81 francs ana 16 centimes. PRODUCE Baltixosn — Flour steady: Howard Street and Western suoerBne 4 7885 25: extra s 7536 25; family 6503725; City Mills superline 4 7505 25, extra 57506 25: Rio brands 7 25: Patapsco family 8 09. Wheat—Southern dull and lower; Western dull and lower: southern red 125alS0; amber 185al 40: No 1 Maryland red 141: No * Wes tern winter red spot and November ISO, Decem ber ‘I 41Hat 4SJ£. Southern corn steady: Wes tern doll: white SS. yellow 63. Oats, sonthern 8,45; Western whito 42a4S; do mixed 40@41; Pennsylvania 42HS. Pay steady and unchanged, crime to choice Pennsylvania, Maryland 15(316 Provisions easier: Pork 1160. uulk meats, loose sttoulders 4, clear rib &%. do packed *>;, and Bacon—shoulden 6, clear rib 8J£. H*nu lOalL Lard, refined in tierces 7& Butter firm; prime to choice Western packed 18016. Coffee strong; rio In cargoes L5Jfal8ti Whisky firm al 113. Freights firm. Chicagj—There was no session of the board today. On the curbstone wheat sold about one cent lower 114K being bid for December. Cora was about & cent lower at 42)4 for May Provis ions steady booisviits—Flour quiet: extra 4 25a4 75: family 3 250500: No 1600@7 UO.patent 86907 60. Wheat dull; red and amber 120 Cons quiet; white 60, nixed 43, Oats quiet; white 34, mixed 83. Pork firm at 1150. Lard firm: Choice leaf in tierces 1%, do in kegs Bulk meats scarce. Bacon steady: shoulders 4%-. clear nbs 83£,clear sides SHaSJg. 8ugar cured hams 9»10. Wnisky easier at 107 Cincinnati — Flour firmi family 5 8507 00. Wheat dn l at 126al 29. Cora dull at4H4. Oats tlrm; No 2 mired 33334. Pork doll at 1100. Lord linn current make 6 S0a6 25. Bulk meats quiet; shoulders 3 75; short rib new 5 75. Bacon dull; shoulders 4, clear rib 8\i, clear sides 8%. Whisky active at 107. Hogs quiet, packing 3 60 aS 80, St. louts- Flour quiet: double extra fall 6 15 ,555, treble do 5 65, family 5 80a5 90 choice to fancr SOOaoei. Wheat quiet, lower: No2redf>Ul 121 cash, 124*125^ December, 1 »8%a SO Jan uary, 1321a 133% February, No 3 do 1 ll%al 12tJ Corn dull; 35%a35% cash, November and all the year, S5V4aS5% December. Oats quiet at26%a% cash, 29a29!4 December Whisky steady at 109. Fork easier; jobbing at 10 25. Bulk meats quiet; shoulders 3 70, clear ribs 5 50, clear sides 5 65. Bscou no sales. Lai d quiet at 6 30 aske I. New Oslbans—Flour Arm superfine 4 50a 475, double extra 5 2Sa5 50. treble extra 5 75a 6 00, high grades 6 25s7 00. Corn quiet; white 61. OatsdullatSJ. Fork firmer at 1160. Lard steady at 7%. Bulk meats steady: sbouldsrs loose Bacon weaker; shoulders at 4>£a%, clear rib ». clear sides 8%. sugar-cured hams 9al0% Whissy dull at 1 osal 10. Coffee quiet: Bio in car goes, ordinary to prime 14%al8. Sugar In good demand at full prices: inferior 5%, common to *ool common 656. fair to fully fair 7a7%. prime to choice 754aJJi, yellow clarified 8J£u8j|. Mo lasses easier ana in less demsna, common 32x35, prime to choice 44e50, Rice in good de al rad at lull prices ordinary to choice, Louisia na 6%»7%. _ o _ NAVAL STORES. WiLiciNGTON—BDints rarpentlne stead; at 40 AOs in firm at 1 45 for strained. Crude tur- nentine quiet at 175 for hard: 2 76 for yellow d p; Tar firm st 1 85 Macon wnolesale Market. OORKSCTBD DAILY BY JAQUES & JOHNSON. WHOLESALE GBOCERS, BACON—Clear no siaes..,—8%@8% Shoulders................. Bulk clear rib aides, Pork Strips Bulk shoulders,, Bellies Choice 80 hams BAGG1NG—Dixie 1% lbs, Globe 1% Id ...... Union Star 1% lbs LARD—in Dbls, Leaf, in tabs Leaf, in buckets.,,, GRAIN- CORN, white, by car load, mixed, by car load Oats, feed Rust proof seed SALT—Virginia.............. Liverpool. ...... ABAJ. ..... 6Hl<56 % — 7R@8 none 6«t(2614 bolted TSO«ttA—— 3LOUR—Fancy per bbi, Choice Kitra family, per bhl—< Family, nor bbi....,,,., 3xtr» per bbi. (O? PE B—Common „ fair. Good Pnmi OAPR^Fertb—— SO! A8323—Choice Cubs. hhdl.M.,, 3S Choice Cuba, bbis 35037 Bugarhouse. bhds 23024 Sugsrhouse, bols- 2s Choice New Orleans-.—none SUGAR—Golden C — S%09 Btbvrii 7M0r% 0. qnftsn . ——- 80854 Extra C. white....———— 9-/8010% Standard A ——— 10010% of Hair. Loss of hair in thousand* of case* Is due en tirely to some form of scalp disease. Seventy- five per cent of tha number of bald beads might be covered with hair bv a Judicious use of Cuti- curs. assisted by Cuticura soap. It is the most agreeable as well as the most effective hair re storer ever produced by man. It is medicinal in tbe truest sense of the word. All others are ‘Ome oleagenous mixture or poisonous dyes. None but Cuticura posse<ses the specific medi cal properties that enable it to cure all itching and scaiy disesses that inflame and irritate the scalp and hair glands and tubes, causing prema- turebildne-s. Helium doses of the Cuticura Resolvent will purify the oil and sweat glands of the virus of scrofulous humor of the biood and insure a permanent cure, when taken in connec tion with the application of Cuticura, Salt Bheum and Dandruff Cured that several Physicians had fail ed to treat successfully. Messrs Weeks a Pottir—^Gentlemen: I have bad the Balt Khenm on my head, and ait through my hair, and also on my leg* for the past four years, having suffered exceedingly with it. The dandruff falling fiom mj hair was very annoy ing. I consulted several distinguished physi cuns in regard t > it, and hare taken their pre scriptions as ordered but did not find auvoure ana but little relief. I was told by many per/ons who have the Balt Rheum, and who have been doctored foryears, that there was no cure for it; that it was In the blood, and 1 should always have it, and I was almost inclined to agree with them, but a friend wanted me to try Cuticura, made by your firm, I did, and to my astonish ment, in lest than three weeks my head was en tire); free from all Salt Rheum and Dandruff, and 1 cannot soe any appi-aranoo 0(8alt Rheum on my person, I think it a wonderful remedy. Respect ully yours. „ GKORGB A MUDGB, Portsmouth, N H, February*, 18J8. HUMOR OF THE SCALP THAT WAB DESTROYING THE HAIR OUR' ED WITH ONE BOX OFOUTIOUBA, Messrs Weeks A Potter — Gentlemen: 1 want to tell vou what Cuticura has done for me. About ten years ago my hair began falling out, caused by Humor of the Scalp. I tried various remediestoo numerous to mention, without re lief until I began using Cuticura, one box o which has entirely cured me and new hair is be ginning to grow. Respectfully. „ MRS OJ ROOT. 897 W Lake street, Chicago, Nov IS, 1878. Wokuow tho aboveto bo true. MARY E TOWNSEND, 412 W Jackson street. MRS 0 A GRAY, 341 Fulton street. SOALD HEAD FOR NINE YEARS CURED WHEN ALL OTHER REMEDIES FAILED. Vsssns Weeks A Potter—Gentlemen: Since July last I bare been using Cuticura for scald head and it has cured me when all medicines that I have taken for nino years did me no good. I am now using it as a hair dressing, but my head is well. It keeps the hair in vary nice con dition. Yours truly, HA RAYMOND, Auditor Fort Wayne, Jaokson A ••■ aginaw R R. Jackson. Mien, December 20,1873. Tne Cuticura remedies are prepared by Weeks A Potter, Chemists and Druggists, SCO Washing ton Street, Boston, and are for sale by all Drug gists. Priced Cuticura, sindl boxes, 50 cents; large boxes, containing two and one licit times the quantity of small. $l, Resolvent 31 per bottle. CnticoraSoap 25 cents per cake -, by mail 30 cents. S cakes, 76.'ceats. ^QL-LS/Vsi VOUAIOrae n ActcRS Liver and Kidneys, cere I Dysiiepsia, Indigestion, Bilious Colic. Cramps and Pams. Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sciatica. Weak Spine. Weak and Sore Lungs, Coughs and Colds, Weak Back, Ague aud Liver Pains. CUflCUEA RfijaEDiaS can be had at ELLIS’ DRUGSTORE, Trian gular Block Btoo&s ena ison&e CORRECTED fDAILY BY L.HIPJL13Y, BBOKEH. Georgia8percent bonds..,., ,,,,,,101 alls ;4oergia7 pur cent, bonds (gold) 112 a 112% Georgia 7 per cent, bonds (regular) nit»li2% Georgia 7 per cent, bonds (indorsed)....llo a 111 -Georgia7 per cent, bonds (Smith)..,.. Ill a 115 Georgia6 per cent (aid) .......101 a 105 (Georgia 6 per cent, bonds (new) 107%alU8% Oity of Macon 7 per cent. (Ioug)....„...„ 7,3 a Is Oity of Macon 7 per cent (shori).70 a 72 Oity si Augusta 7 per cent..... ICO a 101 Oity of Atlanta 7 per cent ...101 a 102 Oity of Atlanta 8 per cent lna a 105 Oity ol Savannah. 69 u 70 Central Rauroaa loint mortgage ,...108 a ,109 Georgia Railroad 6 per cent. bonds......lOO a 101 Macon and Western R R bonds „.par and rat Northeastern R R bonds (endorsed)......1U4 a 1U5 Southwestern Railroa;.. parumfHit South Ga. and Fla, 1st niortgaSa. Ki7 a 108 A. A G. R. R. 2u mortgage (enaorsed) ...10 a 1032 Bout Gaand Fla 82 a 83 Western R. H. oi Alabama 1st mortgage!!!! a 112 Western 3. R ol Alabama 2d mortgage..,HO 11 M A A R.R. 1st mortgage(notendur’d 80 90 51 AA II R, 2d mortgage (endorsed)...par s 101 Sonthwestern R R stock ...............105*103% Georgia Railroad sloe/......................... 81=S£ Uenir-1 Railroad stock 71a72 Augusta and Savannah railroad «tnck.. * 106 Granulated. Powdered and crusned_, CRACKERS— Soda Cream Ginger. Strawoeny . Fancy HANDLES—Star—.. MATCHES—R W, in paper— in wood.„„ NAILS—Basis IQs—— TARCH .—.. HOT— Drop . Buck.. GINGER..... NUTMEGS.. CLOVES lig a Rfi^rer Mm i ....... A HHROOTS. fiNUFF—Loriiiaxd’s. iar. Lorillard’s.fou.,,.. TOBAOOO—Common Medium Lucj Hinton. Shelf? ^ CHhKSB ... 10%@U 10%-sll 7010 9 a 10 io n .14 - , 15 . 13014 2 70 2 75 400 4K0CR Mral aiii Soitawesiern «a naVAKNAB, Ga. Sept. 16,1879 O N and after Monday Sept. 15,18»fi. assenger trains on the Oeutrei and auuthwestera Railroads and branches will run as follows: I HATE SO. 1.—OOIES SOUTH AND WEST. Leaves Savannah ............8:20 AX Leaves Augusta. „....Sh30 A x Arrives at Augusta ......4:45 p X Arrives*!- Macon .6:452 u Leaves Macon for Atlanta................—8;!5 ? a Arrives at Atlanta .3:50 A X Leaves Macon for Columbus duly except Sunday — _.. A-15 EM Arrives at Columbus daily except Sunday 4 45 a X Leaves lor Albany daily except Sunday 10:00 2 x Arrri-e at Albany daily eibept Sun day 8:51 AX Making close connection st Atlanta with West ern and Atlantic and Atlanta Charlotte Air-Line lor all points West and North. noaiEQ SOUTH ASD SAIT. fret Atlanta 11:50 2 x Arrives at Macon — 6:00 A X Leaves Columbus for Macon daily ex- cest Sunday — — 8:452 X Arrive at Macon daily except Sunday 6.-00 AX Leave Albany for Macon daily exoept Sunday 5:04 2 X Arrive at Macon daily except Sunday 4;07ax .eaveaMacon..,.. 7:00 A X Arrives at Milledgevffie— 9:44 A x Arrives at Eaton ton .«.......«..«......M:S0 A X Arrives at Augusta 4:45 2 X Arrives at Savannah 4:00 2 x 1 %7iiueramection &t Savannah with the At lantic and Gull Railroad for all points in Florida. THAIS NO.2.—GOIEO NORTH AND WEST. ... 7:30 2 X —5:40 AX ,„.„8J0 FiX ... 0:44 A X ...11:30 A X — 8.-00 a X ... 8:40 A X 1:15 2 eaves Augusta.**,.,*.. ..................... 9:30 A 1 Making connection at Savannah with the At mtic and Gull Railroad lor all points in Ploridi TRAIN NO.2.- Lee.ves Savannah * reives at Augusta,.................. L aves Augusta... arrives atMiUedgeriUa..... Arrives at Eatonton,..„ Arrives at Macon Leaves Macon tor Atlanta...„. Arrives at Atlanta Le ;res Macon for Alban; and Bulaula, 8 35 a x Arrives at Sulania., 'i:i2 2 X Arrives at Albany. 3:43 2 X weaves Macon for Columbus 8.45 A x reives at Columbus 2.15 2 x Trains on thiskscheaum io> macon. Atlanta Columbus, Bufa'Sa and Albany daily, making ■dose connection at Atlanta with Western anc Atlantic and Atlanta and Charlotte Air Line. At Eslanla with Montgomery A Enfaula Rail way; at Columbus with Western Railroad; at Augusta with the Charlotte. Columbia and Au gusta Railroad for all points North and East. Enfaula Train connects at Fort Valley lor Per ry, daily except 8 unday, and at Cnthbert for Fort Gaines daily except Sunday. Train on Blakely Extension leaves Alban} Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. ooxore south aid east. Le&TM fttlimta,, 1 Arrives at Macon from Atlanta ...... 8.55 2 x Leaves Albany.. 11:23 A x Leaves Enfaula 11:27 A X Arrives at Macon from Bulaula and Al- bftnj 6:88 P M Leaves Columbus ...._f2:55 A X Arrives at Macon from C'olnmbua...... 6*8 2 X Leaves Maoen...„ 7:35 p x Arrives at Augusta —...........—5:40 ax Leaves Augusta„_....„,.,. 830 2 X Arrives at Savannah..,™- 7:16 A X Passengers for Milled geville and Batocton wili take train No. 3 from Savannah, and train No. 1 from Macon, which trains connect daily except Monday, tor these points. Through Sleeping Care on all Night Train* between Savannah and Augusts, Augusta and Macon,and Savannah and Atlanta. B H Smith, WILLIAM ROGERS, Gen Ticket AgL Gen Sapt. ORE, Savannah, J C Shaw, W. G. RAOUL. Gen Tear A gi. SqdI. 8 W R R. Macon. anStf POND’S EXTRACT thb grbat VEGETABLE PAIN DESTROYER AND SPECIFIC FOR I FLAM MAHON AND HEM0RBHA8ES. Rheumatism, Neuralgia, tion has cured so many cases of those distress ing complaints as the Extract. Our Fiastar 1. invaluable in these di-easee. Lumbago. Pair, m Back or Side. Ac. Pond’s Extract Out- mast (50 cents) ior use when removal of cloth ing is inconvenient. is a great help in relieving inflammatory cases. - Hemorrhages, any cause, is speedily controlled and stopped. Our Nasal Strings, (15 cents) and Inhalxhs (50 cents) are great aids in arresting interna bleeding. Diphtheria and Sore Throat. Use the Extract promptly. It is a sure cure. Dela.v is dangerous. Catarrh. ^Catarrh Cure,** specially prepared to meet se* lous cases. conUiiu all the curative properties of tho Extract; our Masai Syringe is invaluable for use in Catarrhal auctions, is simple and inexpensive. Sores, Ulcers, Wouuds, Sprains and Bruises, ment in connection witb the Extract; it wi B aid n healing, softening aud in keeping out the air. Burns and Scalds. ivalled. and should be kent in every family ready •or use in esse of accidence. A dressing of our Ointment will aid in healing aud prevent scars Inflamed or Sore Eves, di «™ Great Attractions! - —AT toe- •A pQ « w CS o H 4 w #s r*H O having COMBINED THE SURPRISE Dollar Store, without the slightest fear of harm .quickly allay* ng all infUmmaiion and soreuoss wittious uuiu Earache, Toothache and Pace tflYhp When the Extract is used according to , directions its effect is simply won perfaL Pi] rid Bund. Bin spins on Itching, ft is the greatest known remedy, rapidly coring when other medicines have failed. Pond’s Extract Medicated Paper for cWluse is a preventive against Chafing and Pilea. Our Ointment is of great service where the removal of ciothing is inconvenient. For Broken Breast and Sore Ninnies Extract is so cleanly and effl' ” tpptco. cacious that mothers who have once used it will never be without it Our Oint ment is the best emollient that can be applied. Female Complaints. S^bTciSiS in for the malority oi female diseases if the Ex- tract is used. Full directions accompany each bottle. ... oaittion. Pond’s Extract has the words “Fond’s Bxtract,” blown in the glass, and Company’s trade mark on surrounding wrapper. None other is genuine. Always insist on having Pond’s Extract. Take no other prepay ation. It is never sold in bulk. PRICE OF POND’S EXTRACT, TOILET ARTI CLES AND SPECIALTIES. POND’S EXTRACT ...50c, il and (1.75 FodetCream, J*“ " ’ ‘ Dentrifice Lip 8alve Toilet Soapjs jak’s) Ointment ..... Catarrh Cure—. Plaster Iuhaler Natal Syringe Medicated Paper. PREPARED ONLY BY POND’S EX-TRACT CO. NBW YORK AND LONDON. H OFFER 1 000 CTASEv AND KEGS SODA, 200 BARBELS OLUESiONE, 200 BARRELS EPSOM SALTS 2,000 CASES POTASH, 1,000BOXES STARCH, 200 ,BAGS PEPPER, 10,000 LBS LOEILLARD SNUFF 5.000 LBS RAILROAD SNUFF, 1,000 GROSS MATCHES, 300,000 CIGARS, 200 GROSS FLASK?, 23 TONSjEWErrs LEAD, 50 TONS ST. LOUIS LEAD. 100 BARRELS LINSEED OIL Above, and all goods in our line.wc bought be fore they advanced and will sell the n at less than New York prices. HUNT, KAMO* & LAMAR. au*27 tf &L fl, 416lSpru^B 1 ? ilireiOK— wmpp* mstgm VUi-st&at. pliiiw’Nl'iii! Remedy to utue It f'i v»;s is :i*t« rol k t!.euros c.f lone standing iii '• v cck,» jid 01 a i oa tgrcspc* in *' w-r- d-’tya. $*il uUotile. - hf.lubj T— S?..n1Idraggigig. J.P.Milu u Street, Philo., w., Sole Proprietor AD MINIS : L’KATOK’d SALE. W ILL he sold in the town of Knoxville, Ga, on the first Tuesday in December next nil th-) lands belonging to the estate of Noah < -loud deceased, containing 250 acres more or less, adj.initigthela'idsof Causey aud Hancock, and the numbers given and more par icularly do siibed un day of sale ocl3l dltw4v* JOHN W ELLItf, AdmV. G eorgia, bibb count *. — Whertaa K r.ilv E Butts has made application for letters of administration on the estale of Henry Butts, late of taid county deceased. These are therefore to rite and admonish all persons concerned to bo and appear *»t the ocurt of Orflirary of s id county on the first Morday in liccembernext, toahow cause if env they have. • Ly letters ol Him-rmtrat'O'i should not be graf ted to the applicant. Wiu»e*s my hand officially, i.ov2 itawtw* J A Me VI ANUS, Ordinary. G EORGIA, BIBB COUNTY—Whereas Jo seph Uannenburg, admit i»trator of the e*fc.t«of8 Wbitteken l. represents to tbe court in his petition duly filed and entered on record that he has fully adimnistere on 8 Whittekend's estate. H This is therefore to cite all persons concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, why said executor should not I** dis charged from his administration and receive let* ttn of dismission on the first Monday iu Fob runry, 1880. nov2law4w J A McMANUd, Ordinary. / x BORGIA. BIBB COUNTY t —Whereas W Or W Carnes, administrator of Samuel G Bonn late of said county deceased, has made applies tion for letters of dismission from said estate* These are therefore to cite and admonish all per* sens concerned to be and appear at the Court of Ordinary of said county on the first Monday in November next to show cause if any they have wbv said application should not be granted. Witness my hand officially. J A He MANUS, Ordinary August 4,1878. au5 EXECUTORS AND COMMISSIONERS SALE. W ILL be so’d before the c urt house door in Dublin, Laurens cout.ty. on :be first ay in December nest, a large and valuable tract of land situate in laid county ol Laurens, containing one thousand acres and known a, the Howard Place— the same being the place on which Mrs Mary A Howard r sided at tbe time ol her death. There is on tbe p:tmis« a large, comfortabledwelling and good outhouses: also a country store. Tbe place is in a high stats of cnltivation and the whole premise, are it good repair, Tbe above property will be to d by vir tue ol .decree from Laurens Superior Court in the esse of A 8 Howard et al. executors, va Saula- bury, Respess A Co et si. R 8 HO WARD, WC HOWARD, W A GAIN8Y, Executors. ROLLINA STANLEY, JA8 A THOMAS. JOSH BALL. no 2* Commissioners. MILLINERY ever exhibited in tbe city,Ijcomprising the latest novelties In Felt am to Hate, for Ltdiea and Children, the most extensive line of SILK VELVETS, PLUSHES. SATINS AND Velveteens* in all oolors Ostrich Tips, Plumes, M anS Domestic Flow 1 ’:; at prices to plesse everybody. A larg , assort ment of ladies’and children’s H O S I E It Y A great variety ol ladles’ Underwear, Corsets, Hid Gloves the best qualities at the mo,t reasonable prices 0* UFaCKWSAlS. DRKS3 SHIRTS,genls’unil bqy’s II ATS,cheapest and best in the cilv.n new arrival of beautiful VA8RS, lmidsomoTOILET HUTS, and a choice lot olOHRoMOS. Mv stock of PLATKD and GLASSW1RB is complete, all of which will be sold at .urpri-dngl.v lew pricas. Call and eon- vraceyounelf that I nuau what I «ay. L. Newman, Miss Maggie McKevitt S CB0HBLI3B. Cromolin-3 & Co., Littier Em ss PlltiliJl K l V) (8. Theflnest brand*of Imported and Domestic Cigars always on band. GIVE US A TRIAL. oet*I tf -W-VC xV\AaV\ArVVA/VxA/W4yWaw t£yon are a man ot business, weakened by tbe strain of ffi your cutles, avoid Btimulanlaimd use B ■ Z% r o*a%;ZZ r E: SuS * ! ‘ i wcmLvss WAosrcryoa are, wherever you are, whenever you feal that your system noods cleacslng toninr or M stlmnlatfng, without intoxicating, tako <3 viov wetrms! !wdr “^•sssfsssjf ^«sssaSESft&s9s E "“ 7,t It zaay save your life. It haa saved hudreds. others. Cum by absorption. It ia perfect. A»k tfmgjljU. D.LC, UonabeolBteondlrmhUbU cere foe dnmf Abccr^?id !»r drn^kU.kop BllUn Mfp., Co., RoduiUrT K!da*ya ( U *n»>«rIor "faaZ* of THB KENTUCKY LITERARY JOURNAL for tha pcrpoM of Increasing the drealaUon of their paper, will distribate Oabh Premiums amount* W to ilOOA^jreDKin^fromglU to **>.0U0. CASH 1’KEMIUMI. 1 Chub Freaiam lOOeab Premiams o2.»! aaMmnttsg to...........8100,OOO 1^1 BORGIA, BIBB COUSTY.-Wheresa Wm vJi Ryder has made application to mo for let ters of administration on the estate of Mar; A T Mini hew, late of said county, deceased These are thereioreto cite and admonish all penons concerned to be and appear at the Court of Ordinary of said county on the first Mends; in December next to show cause if any they have wb; letters of administration should net be granted said applicant. Witness my hand officially. Me HA not JAMcHANU*, Ordirary. G EORGIA. BIBB COUNTr. — Whereas Tallulah O Wilder haa applied to me for the setting apart a homestead of personalty, and the valuation of tbe same, and I anil piss upon the tame at my office on Tbursdav. tbe 20th da: of November, 1879. at 10 o’clock a m. Witness my hand oSciallv. J A McK AN’U?, O dinary, October SL 1379. nol* TRUSTEE’S SALE W ILL be sold in tha city of Macon on the first Tuesday m December next for the purpo-e of a division amongst tbe heirs, the old place known»s the late residence ol James W twratv-three bnildingiots adjoining said place. Also lot of lands wen of tbe city known ss the Bailey lot. containing oce bun- dredscres. Also a hslf interest iu five lots con- taininz four hundred and eighty acres, the other hair belonging to theestate ol tbe late Jadne T G Holt deceased, all known as the Holt A Raines lands. Terms on the say of sale. JAMB fi W KNOTT, E02dBkw4t* Trustee, 1510 Premiums amounting la, will be diitributad by lac,' of men of high •har«otc>z Covington, Kentucky, 3iTo-v. IS. VT« are authorised to distribute shore Premiums va •absorlbsre of our paper by sn sot of the Kentucky Legislature peaeed st its December session, 1877. On receipt of §3 wm will send one ticket which will entitle the purchaser to s chsnoe which may secure any one of the above Cash Premiams. and also the Literary Jourvax for one yesc. Address all orders to J. tJ. IIET-HCir, Monnjrer, P.O. Box-110. Covington, Kentucky. FEED MM AND BEAST. “Greer, The Grocer,” Hat tbe best of FLOUR, HAMS, LARD, BUTTER AND CHEESE, JUES8 MACKEREL, DEIED BEEF. BEEF TONGUE 3 , NUTS, RAIvIN.**, FIGS. OITEON, CURRANTS, PRUNES APPLES, ORANGES. - PO TATOES, ONIONS, COFFEE. Oats, Bra and gl ! j Stuffs, by tbe 100 b isheh or Car Load. With thoxtoney prices go low, lower, lowest, Jasper F. Greer’s, Schofield's Iron Front, Poplar street, octtliet COAL SKATES JgABKBT GRATES of all (lie, at SCHOFIELD’S Iron Work*. oct!2 lm For &tale, Valuable Plantation at Execu tor's Sale. YX7 ILL be sold before tha court boose door in v v tho town of Hamilton bntwMn the usual hoars of sale, on tha Brut Tuesday iu • rcnmOer next, unleu disposed of at private sale before that time, ail tho real estate olllO Parley, de ceased, consisting of L4«0 acres oflaud mere w less, with dwelling house, sin house and screw, bams and all necessary out houses. All of said land* am in a high atale of cultivation, including about 100 acres of choice bottom land. III* stare bring situated in Harris county, between tba fork of tne Mulberry creek, two mile* north of Wavorly Hall, about nine miles from the town of Hamilton. Tbe above property is s,.i for the purpoan of distribution. Mr. UU Farley, who now reeidm on the plan tation. will take pleasure in thawing i< nr far- uirhiug ary furth-r information to p rue, rater- ested. Terms made known tn day uf sale. MRSLFsRLKT. W H lil lTRr.LR HCFARLK7. „ . _ „ Miecutors. Post-office Wavorly Hall. Harris nmnts .as. oet7 4aw id. BIBB COUNTY SHERIFF SALES. W ILL be sold before the court fa'.use door ia the city of Macau during the local hour* of sale, on tbe first Tuesday in November next, tbe followinr properly, to wit: That tract or parcel ol land situated intberity of Macon. Bibb county, Georgia, known »*Ue western half of lot No A in blook 31, of che ••st ern common of sail city, said ball lot framing st feet and 3 inches on Troup street and running bark the MUD* w dlh 8.8 feet and a inches to a M foot alley in the rear. Levied on as tho property of Ji-meaL Kennedy to satisfy a mortgage tt fa Issue.! from Hihb Su perior Court in favor of Peter Harris, ex. eulor ol Jane Rod gels vs James L K.nraeny. Property point- d out in said mortgage n fa. Also at the samotimeand place, store Nul. iu Hollingsworth's block, situated un Poplar at.-, et, mthaeityof Macon. Bibb county, Gnirgia, aud occupied oy R L Henry as a meats imp. Levied on as tbe property of tho estate of John Hollingsworth losatisl) all fairau'-t In m liibb Superior Court in favor ol Thomas Whdevtl vs Albert B Ross administrator of Job n Hollings worth, James W Knott and Waiter V Hollings worth. Property pointed out byM rt St II 11 ol- lingiworth. * Also st the same time and place, part ol lot No 5, in block 5.1, situated o:i Piilh street in llm city of Slaoop, Bibb county. Gear*.a bounded uii the northwest by Filth street,on the norihea-t b. tt LH«.ur>’slot,ontheioutbwmtbv PPatto .’slot and or tho southeast by proparly u: the Geotre! railroad. Imvieuonnstbe property of s’lisibeth Tenable to satisfy s Ufa issued from Ju-Lcu amrt 9ieth di-trictG M. in favor of Green J Biakova KI Isa bel li Tenable Property p anted nut by pU(„. tiff, levy made and rvlurnel to m;: by a touts- stable, GEORGE y CH* 1ST. oct7 law4w bherilf. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. G IEOBGIAJONX* COUNTY—By virtue o- r an order from tbs Court of Oldman of Jin^tcuant; oil! be aoM before tire court bona* door in Clinton on the Ar-t Tuesday in Novem ber next lOBi acres of Un 1 he the same mure or leva belorging to tbe relate of Howland ceased, being the dow-r tends of the late Mrs Mary Roes deceased, situate on incline o' Joure and Putnam countm. Uo.d laud w th oniin on mprovemeuta. Bold lor di-t.-iou’i >n. Terms “ h - . „ GW KO.-H. adm'r. September 29.1879. A Iso. tbe pure ha wr ran have 800 ears* odioia- rag this lend ate very reasonable price by n t*. ng at l.'liuton. Ga, to teoSO lswlv* RT ROM ADAlINiSTRA.TOR’t> SALE. G EORGIA. JONES COUNTY.—By virtue of an order from tbe Court of Ordumry et Jones oountv will be sold at the court bonw floor in Clinton, G-urgia. on toe first Tuesday in November next, lao acres of land more or (*ao, six miles northern: of Maeon 'in Junes connty, belonging to tho estate of Sarah Potter. d-rea*d. Good land with plenty of wafer and tnnber. ad- ioina H L Smith. Jackson Roberts and others. Sold for dutr.batu,n. Terms rtah. „ JAMESO HUNTER. AdmV. Bepteaber ts. 1879. septa law t a * C VEURG1A. CRAWFORD COUNTY.—Wk I be sold before tbe court house door iu 18 town of Knoxville, in said county, within i « legal hour* of sale, south bail of lot Wo «5 in th first district of originally Houston now Creation county, oontaiulng on* hand rod acres, more • ' cried on as the prepertj of -tais l, deceased, tn satisfy judgment in C aw iperior Court In favor ut John W T ingamr, administrator of A J tdaass, va A J L’aiuelly. adDunistraW.r of “ imdeeasid. August7th. 1879. angSlswaw U M BOND. DMINISTRATOR’S SALE O? L AND G eorgia, jonkscuuntt -b; v/rtne an order from tbe Court of Ordinary • said countv, will bs sold btfore the court bowaa uoor in CUnton, on the first Twesday in No- rembtr next, 170 acres of land belonging to tho eitsteof William UsaeiT. deceased, being the dower lands of tbe Isle Mary O Ifstery. - laid situate on Falling Creek in the the erealei n por tion of said oountv. Fair tend with ordinary improvement sold fordivision. Tanas cash. BETH TOWLKS, Adm'r. Beptomber 17th. 1*70 e-ol* ttewlw* C v EORG1A. BIBB COUNTY.—Whereas IT L T Bass, administrator on the estate of Mrs Julia B Collins, late ol said coutjr dec- .,od. pas made application to meforiett r. ot d is as-Satan irom said estate. Three are tk-re.' ue to estasad admonish all personsconoermel to boaad appear attbeCourtof Ordinary uf aala cuautyeataa first Monday tn November next to.bowcaaseif any they have why said application akow0 not oe grant-' d. Given under my hand offioaliy. J A Me dwNOaOrdinary. August 4.1879. TAKE NOTICE. We nave tbe LARGEST • nd ■“ arUingSutiooety Package in the world. Itccntsir.r 18 sheets < j Paper. 11 Rnreteres Pearll, rriih Ides. QaljLl_ I Pen, and a piece of valuable Jewelry, UorepUse sample package, wire elegant goad state tfsere Butto s.Set Gold-plmteestuds,Engrered Go d- piated Ring, and » Ladies' Fsahmniritle Fancy Set, Pin ana Drops, postpaid —.cents. 5h. . ages With Assor.e-l Jewelry « . -PLKNDiD WAlCH AND CHAIN FRhKWITh KVERT 350 „,ORTH OF GOODS YOU BUY. EitmoA din ™ Inducements to Agents BRIDE A CO. S Broadway.N T