The Macon telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1873-188?, November 09, 1879, Image 1

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By Olisby, Jones & Reese, MACON, GEORGIA. SUNDAY MORNING. NOVEMBER 9, 1879-PRICE FIVE CENTS Numbeb 9.863 BY TELEGRAPH OAY UlSfATUUES. STEAMSHIP CHAMPION STJ-NK Many litres Lost. Lewis, Oil.., November 8.—Tne ship hi-if OotiTia, from Breakwater for New T it, collided with the steamer Cham- from Kew York for Cttarleetoo. • .iking the steamer amidships sad sink-, in; her in fire mina’es. It U ramored that twenty-fire persons are tarod and fiity-two lost. The collision occurred : S miles off the capes at four o’clock 3 i stday mo.-n ,ig. The ship Is badlj damaged and is fining towed to PhilacKJ phi* by a tag. Hnw Took, November 8.—The follow ing a.a the names of the cabin passen gers, who shipped in tho Champion: J. L. Marvin, C. Steffens, W. W. Clark, Wo. Poole, Wm. Sisks, Joseph Mitchell, lira. Andrews end Miss Nickel, of Charleston; H. Hnrstable and wife, of Boston. Toe steersg,- passengers were C. Pat- to, P. Patten, J. B. Potter, M. Broad, Kata Shockley, Boss Barbery and J. B. Bonn. The oSeen and crew of the ill fated vessel are t aptain B. W. Lockwood, ot Cssrleeton; John B. Mlddffehd, parser, Coarl<tttoD{ B. H. Leonard, Mato, CSarisston; — Miller, second mate; C. O. Stilts, carpenter. Seamen, John IbomaoD, Frederick Blcharda, Charles £. Kiber, Frank Jacobson, Paul Hahn. John Nelson, James Anderson, Frederick MeMacn, and Blohard Owen and John Allen, both boys, Wesley Berere, E»q,, C. Bence, 1st Assistant Engineer; Casper Foberg, Sd Assistant Engineer; A. F. Potts, oiler; Edward Jones, Patrick Flinn, William Farrell, Frank Patte, Mike Sav age end Lake Holley, firemen; Aagast Misters, Frank O. Aaguo, W. Caten, Lake Jelly and Alexander Brae, all stok ers; Pater 8m all, steward; Charlotte Smell ud Catharine Crass, stewardesses; John Foster, portci; Andrew M:d ileton, mesa- mat; I-aie Hammond, cook; John Bich- »rdi-cn, It 1 cook; Daniel Qoardson, pastry cook; Antonio No tabard, pantryman, and Ovorgo Holland and Moses Pinckney, Loth waiters. Tee vessel ie laden with a general car go, wbiob, it is said, was Injured. She «aa mined at about two hundred thousand dollar*. No dispatches had bsen received at e company's office, pier 27, North river, 4-ir.lmg tne disaster np to 12 to day. Tie company telegraphed to Charleston, Philadelphia arid other points for news about thi va-atL Tbs following dispatch was sent to Whaley A Son, tho agents of the Old Dominion Line at Lewes, Delaware, by the agents here to-day: "Please see that toots saved have the beet accommodation tho tolp affords, and tell both tho cap tain and the steward to take particular ear* of them ” Captain L jckwood has boon in the em ployment of the company twelve years; he lived in Oharleaton and was unmar ried. A good many ot tho crew wero colored men—some residents ot Charlea- New York Election. Albany, November 8 — The Argus (D. ni ) estimates Cornell's plurality at 17,S38, and Potter’s majority at 4.860. It claims the remainder of the State offioen by less ra ijoritien than Potter’s. The A.-press (Bop ) estimates Corn U’s apparent plurality at 43.633 and Hm- kiu‘i apparent mojority at 219. Naw Took, November 8—Tne Herald mjs it is still doubtful which party has oariltd the Sttto It looks at present as If Potter sad Seymour wero elected by small majorities, but tbs vote on the Bute ticket from Lientenant Governor down Is to close that it will probably take the tfficisl returns to determine it. Tbs Herald concludes that New Fork is ■till doubtful. The Asa says the votes for Lieutenant Governor, Secretary of State, Comptrol ler, Treasurer and Attorney General is very eloee. Both parties conoede that the retains are made with provoking •lowncse, and from only a few connlies has a fall vote been ruusived Cornell’s plurality may resoh 40,000, and it may be eat down to 35,000. There is little doubt, howovor, bat that it will be be tween these numbers. The San» returns give a majority ot 3,163 for Potter. These figures may be diminished by the offlrisl returns, but the Democrats claim Potter's election with seeming good reason. Tnoeleottou of Hirs’io Seymour, Jr., Democrat, an State E igineer and Survey or, seems to bo conceded by both parties. The beat th .t cau be said of the oth er candidates is that the vote is in doubt, with the obancee in favor of Wadsworth’s election os Comptroller ou tho Bepublioan ticket, and Ward as Attorney General. General Can's friend: urge that ha is running enough ahead of bis ticket to in- •are hts election ae Secretary of State. The raee between Maclin and Wedell for Treasurer is very dose, and the result greatly in donfit. From Memphis. Mutrxis, November 8.—House to fionse wfpee.ton was began y-eterday under tho anspioee of the National Board of Health, with a view to ascer tain what improvements are roceasary fet each dwelling within the oorp irate limits of I bo city. A Paddler. Loudch Ontario, Nov. 8.—At the Opera Hou-e between the son Hinlan appeared and in a spceoh said he expect ed to meet Cou-tnay this Fsll and defeat ’ him in a fair race. There was not enoegh money in Canada to bay him. He in tended to go to England and row again for the SporismanV cap and to Australia to row for Ih - world’s championship after which be would retire from tbs field aa a “scnllef.” A Starch Exploilon- Kaksas Oity. Nnvember8.—A terrible dimeter ocoinno on tne corner of Second acd Mk.i s'rset* yesterday. Fear brick three story oecnpied b» Carle *JvD- h, ,.t f*:-cs;y er-ck r a—1 c-.i< l y main o-j. . m .l.d «own and were e-iu Iria.j cviosumed by fire- At tlie time the accident crcar.ed 107 rer.'-'n?, mostly beta end girls, aged from 12 to 20 j«re, Wero at work is the factory, ail of whom escaped a'ive except 1. The caoss o! the accident is aapnored to be s •Utch explosion. Th* bnildirg acd contest* are a total losa.- Up to ten p. a. three bodise had hern found. Virginia WtamwaTox, November 8.—Nothing has been received to-day In rel*!i:n to the Virginia elect! id. The latest Infor mation last night shows that both aides cLum to have a small majority, but the indications are tte Debipaje.s will have the organisation of the General Aesem hly under their control. UlbiHT DISPATCHES. the vhajipion collision Thirty Lives Loa*-Llnt of Slaved —Statement of the Cmptal* ot the Oetavia — Sunk in Four XUnntes—A Terrible Panic—No one eu the Lookout. Puiusklpxii, Pa., November 8.— ----- -_.p L< :y Oetavia, whiea w&.« in '.fit: collision with the steamship Champion, hto arrived here. H-r Captain reparU that he left tho Delaware breakwater at 9-30 a. in. Thursday. At four o’clock r-' -i. i^oroing.forty milea east by north half north from Cape May, he was run itlo by the steamer Champion, from New York. Tne Champion strnok ua joat aft * stern. The steamer wm so badly dam aged she sank in four minutes. Thirty persons of her crew and passengers were lost and twenty-four eared and placed on other vessels by the Octavio. The Hist mate of tbe Octavio, James Ferguson, wee in charge of the deck at the time of tbe collision. Tho Octavia.brought none ot those resoued to this port. The following is a list of those of the Champion crew and passengers known to have bsen saved: B. W. Lockwood, Cap- tiin; Churl-* Miller, 21 mate; John ifccmpson, Charles Elder, Frederick Maokurson, Frederick B chords and Frank JaakBon, seamen; Bichard Owens, boy; Wesley Beeve, chief engineer; Charles E. Bunco, 1st assistant engineer; Ed ward Jones, William Farrell, Patrick Flynn, Luke Kelly, firemen; Alexander Bose, coal passer; Isaac Hammond, chief clerk; John Foster, porter; Catharine Cross, etswardesst George Holland and Mosed Pinckney, waiters. Four passen gers and two of tbe crew were placed on board an unknown bark and sent to New York. Captain James Johnson, of Greenock, master of tbe Lady Oetavia, makestbo following statement: " My ship arrived at the Delaware breakwater from Bio Janeiro, for or ders on the 231 ot Ootobtr. and sailed from New York about ten o’clock on Thnraday night last. About a quarter pMt two o’clock yesterday morning, when we bad sailed aboat thirty .miles, a col- lisfon occurred. The night was clear and warm. Tho moon was shining brightly. We wero moving At the rate of three and a half or four knots per hour. My chief mate reported the steamer ahead ten minutes before tbe accident happened. Tho steamer continued on her coarse, and I on mine, nod we npproached each other, bnt immediately before the crash the man on the look oat of my vessel re ported the steamer’s starboard light from onr port bow, and then she shifted and her port light became visible, show ing she had turned on her coarse. .We had a man on thtt-lookont oonsta itly, but there could have been no.lookout on the Champion. Her Captain, Lockwood, sub seqacntly told me that he had altered her oocrse a moment before tbe collision, bnt assigned no reason far doing so, and that h* did not seo my ship, which indicates that my idea in regard to tbe lookout wa3 correct. Indeed I was informed that the man who should have been on the lookout, wa9 aloft loosening sail. The ship sank in fonr minutes after the col lision and there was a terrible panio. I at once ordered boats lowered, and in fact they wero in the water before the steamer went down. Two of her crew jumped on board of my ship at the time, she strnok. In all thirty persons were lost; among them the first mate and five women. Twelve of the missing were pas- nengers. I mesa to say that the steamer came at ns end on end. There was no possible moan ; of avoiding her. It was impossible to tell the extent of her in juries, she went down so quiokly and there was so mnob confaeion. Fonr of the passengers and two of the crew were sect to New York on a bark that oame alongside, but I did not get their names or the name o' the vessel they are on. When the Oo'avia reached Green street wharf, one ot her tugs left her and subsequently it waa learned from the boatswain of the Oetavia that this tug contained Captain Lockwood, his passen gers and crew, and that all were at once token to tbe Ninth an ! Green streets de pot, and left for New York. THE BAViD. Naw York, November 8.—Capt. Lock- wood, of the lost Steamer Champion, ar rived in thiaoity about 4 o’clock this nf- tevnoon with the k«3cn*d-stamen, and re* ported at the agent’s office, on West street. He was heartily welcomed and congratulated on his narrow esoaps, as were also those who were with him. The names of tho resened, as learned from Captain Lockwood, wero aa follows : Cap tain B. W. Lockwood, 2od officer C. Mil ler, seamen Charles Kblar, Freckorick McManns, Frank Jackson, Frederick Bichards, deck boy Richard Ovens, Chief Engineer Wesley Beeve. News Items. Washington, Nov. 8.—A ramor pre vailed to-diy that Senator Conkling nad died at U ioa. A dispatoh from New York states that he is in that oity, not well, bnt gaining strength daily. Gen. Sherman has reoeived from Capt. Dodge his report of his march to relieve Captain Payne. Gen. Sherman, in en dorsing it, commends in high terms tho oonduot of Cap*. Dodge and his gallant company and the Secretary of War adds, •‘The oondnot of this young officer is worthy of the highest commendation.’’ Auau»TA, Ga., Nov. 8 —At one o’clock tbil morning Joseph Seals was arrested ta this oity for ehooung a oonnty con vict named Joe Ramsay. It is stated Seale was drank when he fired the fatal shot, bnt Beals claims the killing was entirely accidental. Greenberry Hopkins, charged with the murder of Eimund Martin, was tried yesterday. This morning the jnry brought In a verdict of not guilty. Both parti -a were colored. Chablxston, November8.—At a meet ing of tho creditors of J. E. Adgcr A Co. to-.’ay, J. E. Adger was elected agent advisory. A board of three creditors was also appointed. The Liberian bark A*ur, sold to-day for $2,950 by the Exodus Association, the former owner being the porohissr. Richmond, November 8.—A few addi tional returns to day on the debt question were received. The opponent-! of the McCalloogh bill compromise, oliim to nave a Etni.ll majority in each house. As to oil other coulters* tbo twj wiaga or the 0 ns uvatWes are tolerably evenly divided, tweuty-four B-nnbliean members hold ing the batcace ot power, and probably in position to dictate terms. The indica tions are, they will plan to name the Sen ator in return for supporting one or the other wing ae to Siitt officers and jndgea- Miss Selina Oo*ce, daughter of Peyton 8. Coles, of Albemarle, a beautiful young lady connected with the leading families of the State, accidentally shot and killed herself alter father’s residence to-day, Foreign. Losdcn, November 8.—The short time i&bor movement in the Oldham cotton mills, shows signs ot breaking np. Tho Catholic Bishops of Ireland have adopted resolutions appealing to the government cad all public bodies, and private individuals to help the poor. The Bishops at the earns time, extort their docks to bear their trials patieatly, re- -peot the righto of others, pay their just debts as fully aa they are able and to obey the laws while using all peaceful and constitutional means to reform the :a nd laws which hue been the train cause of the country's pcvaity and fcrp- Imw. synopsis Westher sutemeai. Omens Chiu Signal Omen, Washington, Nov. 8,1879. Icdica iote—For the Middle States, sou h as: to southweit winds, lumg tem- oeieture, wnh iuccrtftsing elevations and areas of rain. For the South Atlantic and Gulf States, easterly to southerly winds, portly cloudy weather and local rains, falling birooiflter and slight cnang- ei in temperature, fallowed in western portions oy rising borometer and colder north to west winds. l*t f i>n iHHr* olarATOHHS. A Clash of Authority in Texas Washington, D. C, November 8.— The following telegrato has been rece.ved egsBmflgBWS ty about ten oilmens, three for receiving itolen United SUtee property. Johnson ••sited to Dallas with hi* prisoners, bnt washover token by th. eher J ot toe cun- ty with a poeee. Johnson and the prieoe nets were brought before the local civil authorities and prisoners released. John son wss held to answer for false imprison meat. Jonnson rearrested the prisoners and w.s fined for oontempt of court. Be weqt to Dallsspretarned with warrants and arrested the local court and civil of ficers for reoiriance. Tbe prisoners first arrested defy Johnson, are armed and threaten to resist and prevent the re moval of the oivil ffloerj held as prison ers. Ths marshal is powerless. AU the citizens, headed by the civil officers, re sist and obitrnct him. I am satisfied He coul 1 not re-arreet the men taken away by the local authorities, nor remove the civil offioers held as prisoners. The ordnanoe storehouse has not bsen robbed by the citixene, bat by a soldier about a year ago, who is now serving bis sen- tones therefor. I have declined to take any of the prisoners Into custody, or take any part in the squabble, unices ordered to do so by competent authority. [.Signed,] SaxaiDox. Commander. Potter’s Majority Lcswemlxg. Alban r, November 8.—The JtmmaX't table of returns on tbe State ticket, this evening, electa Putter by 73 majority, but the editorials express a hope for Hoskins and confidence in the election of tho bal ance of the Republican ticket. Improving tbe ;Mail Facilities. Washington, November 8.—Second Assistant Postmaster General Brady, in his annual report, says estimates for the next fiscal year are made with a view to provide for a continuance of the present effioient service and to afford largely in creased service in the States of Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee, North Caro lina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Mississippi and Alabama whiob have all been advertised logo into effect July 1, 1880, and which will impiove the present niail facilities. New* Items. MoNTQomBT, Ala., November 8,— The Alabama Slate Fair opens Monday, the tenth instant. The indications point to tbo largest exhibition, stock, agricul tural, products and machinery since 18G0 Fine premiums are offered for fast bora ses. Tne military dUpiay will be fiae. Railroads and steamboats make half rate for visitors and arrivals for the exhibi tion. Heroic Conduct of the Cham pion’s Captain. NxwYobs, November 8. — Cjptain Luckwood, in his account of the oollision, says: “I was standing by the main rig ging, when the ship went down, and near me stood a number of the crew. I said: 'Boys, save yourselves and don’t mind me.’ Each of them then took a life pre server and expressed their determination to stand by me. After a few seconds I said: ’Throw the liferaft overboard and I'll come afterwards. Jump for your lives. This was speedily done and they left me. I was the last to leave the vessel, and went down with her. I soon came to the surface again. This may seem strange, but it ia» nevertheless a fact. I kept near the surface of the water, and so £ suppose did not experience the suction of the vessel while she woe down. When I oame to tho top of the water I found myself close to the life raft, into which I was pulled by those already there. I have been commander of the Champion for the ptist thirteen years. Leonard, the first officer, was in ohsrgt when the collision took place. He rac forward the moment the crash occurred; that waa tne last I saw of him. Hs was a tried and experienced seaman, and bad sailed with me for over fourteen years. He was a man about forty-eight years old, resided at Brooklyn, and leaves a wife and *hree children. FINANGIfiL AND COMMERCIAL. MACON COTTON STATEMENT OCTIOB TBlidGBAPH AND toBSSENGEB Notenbib 8.187*,—Evening. The market ti-da was firm at 1014 cents for middling. Reoeived by rail tod»v Z1J by wagon.....™ 378— 687 ghfrped —a STATEMENT: Stock on hand September 1,1879 280 Received to day 687 previously.....—........ —...24679—26136 26896 Shipped to-day, previously.. 394 .21667—21961 Stock on band this t Received same day last year........ LATEST TELEHKAFHIC BEFOBTS Cotton. Utnbpool— Noon—uotton steady; middliBg uplands 65f, middling Oriean: . Sales 8000 bales, ot which 1000 were taken by speculators and for export: reoaipta 12610—12tvo American. . m . Uplands low middling clause November deliv ery IS 9.16a 619-32a6J4a6 21-82, November and De cember S 15-S2a6>4. December and January 6 7-16 a«}4617.82. February and March 616-S2a8Ha617- 82, March anl April 614a6 17-82, April and May 6 9-16. May and June 6%s6 21*82. ° 3 pm—Futures, uplrads low middling clau.e Novemberand December delivery 6 9-16. March and April 6 9-82, May and Jono 611-16,.Jane and July 6 S2-S2. Futures firm. Nnw Iobx—Cotton firm, sales 432: mid dling uplands 119-16. middling Orleans 1111-16. Futures opened firm; November 11.53. Decem ber 11.68. Jauuary 11.69, February 11.85. March 12.CS. Cotton—Net receipts 267: gross 7464. Future*closed strong: sales 214.000: November delivery 11.69. December 11.68, January 1177, February 11 *7. March 12.16-17, April 12.29—SO, May 12.45—47, June 12.56—69, July 12.64-67. Cotton closed fi m: sales 432 middling up lands 119-16. middling Orleans 1111-16. Consolidated net receipts 28662; exports to Great Britain 18065, Franco —. Continent 5769, channel ■ GixYEiTON—Cotton firm: middling 10%, low middling 10J6 good, ordinary 1014: net receipts 2056: gross .sales 1165, stock 7*641. Norfolk—uotton steady, middling 11% not receipts 8955, sales 997, stock 39861. Baximoxb—Cotton firm: middling 11J4 low mirtnimg Ujf. good ordinary 1034: net receipts —, gross 935. sales 850, to spinners 1S6, stock ^Boston — Cotton firm: middling 11%, low middling 1134. good ordinary 11, net reoeipti 714;gross8591.Hies—. stock6W. Wilmington — Cotton firm: middling 11; low middling 10jf. good ordinary 1(84; not receipts 657. gross —. sales 450. stock 1S496. Fhtlasnlfhia—Gotten firm; middling 11%; low middling UJ4, good ordinary 1034. net re ceipt* 168: gross 2049, sales 1121. spinners 1001, stock 7027* Savannah—Cotton firm: middling 11, low middling 1034. good ordinary 1035. net receipts 6881: gross 6SS8: sates 6200; stock 104181. Nnw Orleans—Cotton active: middling 11; low middling 1035. good ordinary reoeipts 10051, gross 11456. sales 10000, stock 212047. Maim—Cotton firm: middling 11, low mid dling 1036, good ordinary 1034- net receipts 1258, noss • sales 2000, stock 29264. MNXPHia—Colton steady, middling 1035, re ceipts 3v02, shipments 1328, ssles 2500, stock ^Augusta—Cotton firm; middling 1034. low middling 1034- good ordinary 10: receipts 1207, shipments —, sale* 1756. CnaUNSToN—Cottoa Strong: middling 11; low middling li*5- good ordinary 1034 net I reoeipts 807A gros* —. sale* SOOikstock 68250 FINANCIAL NNW Tort—Stock* opened buoysat; money 7; long 4 7935; Short 4 8234- Sttoe bonds dull; Gov- srsment securitt** quiet, . Money easier at 7 si. exchange at 4,934*4 80. government securities strong, new 6 per cent* 10234. 4)4 per cents 10634, 4 per cent* 10234. Stale bonds dull. _ _ _ Stocks closed buoyant; New fork Centre t 12934. Erie 4034: Dske Shore 10034: Illinois Oen- t»I9S34: Fittsburg 1 #334.0hi»go sndNorthww. tern 9034. do preterred 1UJ34-. Rock Island 14634. Wraterii Union Tele*r«ihbomt«ijl04. Sub-Treasury .balance*: Gold 12&297.724; cur rency 9.504 298. ■ FRODBCk Ealtixorn—Flour dull and iowttrHowiud Bt and Western superfine 4 50®5 25: extra 5 MffitM lamily 650^725; City Mills tuperfine 4 50«5 25; ^s6 60«e 25; Rio brands 7 50; Patagco tonu^ 77s, Wheat -Southern firmer-. Western wheat strong and high*. 100them red 1_27al87; amber 140*1-45; No 1 Maryland rod nominal: No 1 Wes tern winter rad spot and November 157. Decem ber 143al 45. Soothem oorn more active: Wes- SL Swll: white 6*. yellow *6. OatA southern 2ua5 We*tern white 42*43; do mixed 40941; vi—rmflvlvani* 42*43. 1?ay »t**dy and unchanged. •2112. Freight* firm, ($t uticura Humors of the Soalp> Loss of Hair. Loss ot hair in thousands o! caws is due en tirely to some form ot scalp disease. Seventy- five per cent of the number of bald heads nUbt be oovered with hsir bv a iudicicus use ct Cwti- cura. assisted by Caticura soap. It is the ■ agreeable as well as the most effective hstr storer ever produced by man. It is medicinal in tbe truest wnio of the word. AU others are wme oleagenout mixture or poisonous aye-, None but Cuticara posseises the specific medi cal properties that enable it to cure all itching and scaly diseases that inflame and irritst* the scalp and hair glands and tabes, causing p.-um*. here baldness. Meliam doses of the Cuticara Resolvent will purify the oil and sweat glands of the virus of scrofulous humor of the biordand insure a permanent cure, when token in connec tion with the apphentios of Caticura. Salt Bhetun and Dandruff Cured that several Physicians had fail ed to treat successfully. Messrs Weeks & Potter—Genilemen: I have had the bait Rheum on my held and si. through my hair, and also on my legs for the pastiour years, having suffered exc-tedinglr with it. -The dandruff falling from my hair was very annoy ing. 1 consulted several distinguisbe 1 phyti clans in regard tut, and have taken iheir pre scriptions as ordered bat did not And any ears and but little relief. 1 was told by many psreons who have tbo Bait Rheum, and who have bean doctored for years, that there was no cure for It: that it was in the blood, and 1 should always have it, and I was almost inclined to agree ttito them, but a friend wanted me to try Cutionra, made by your arm. I did, aud to my as ton .'a- meat, in leu than three weeks my head was en tirely free from all Salt Rheum and Dandruff, and X cannot see any appearanco of Salt Rhi am on my person. I think it a wonderful rem-rdy. Respect’ully yours, GEORGE A MUDGB, Portsmouth, N H, Februorye, 1878. ^ HUMOR OF THE SCALP THAT WAS DESTROYING THE HAISCUR- ED WITH ONE BOX OPCUTIGUUA. Messrs Weeks A Potter — Gentlemen: I want to tell you what Caticura ha* done t,r me. About ten years ago my hair began falling out. caused by Humor of the Scalp. 1 tried' various remediestoo numerous to mention, without re lief until 1 began using Caticura, one box o which has entirely cured me and new heir is be ginning to grow. Respectfully, MBS OJ ROOT. 897 W Lake street, Chicago, Nov IS, 1878. Wo know tbo above to be true. MARY K TOWNSEND, 412 W Jackson street, MRS O A GRAY, 841 Fullon street. SGALD HEAD FOR NINE YEARS OURBD WHEN ALL OTHER REMEDIES FAILED. Messes Weeks A Potter—Gentlemen: Since July last 1 have been using Cuticum for scald head and ic has cured me when all medicines that I have taken for nine years did me no good. I am now using it as a hair dressing, but my head is well. It keeps the hair in very nice con dition. Yours truly, H A RAYMOND, Auditor Fort Wayne, Jackson A raginaw R XL Jackson, Mich, December 20,1878. Tne Cuticara remedies are prepared by Weeks Potter, Chomists and Druggist*. 360 Washing ton Street, Boston, and are for sale by all Drut- tists. Priceol Caticura, smtll boxes, 50 cents; orge boxes, containing two and one half times tho quantity of small. J I. Resolvent SI per bottle. CuticuraSoap 25 cents per cake: by mail SO cent*. 8 cakes, 76. cents. t Iftlc. Instantly they banish V°"!;Pain aud Weakness rouse VMTXip l£EA2-ij n men the dorma t Muscles into VOLTAIC SaflkUCIHiOnew jii 0 , stimulate the. riAcTCRS Liver and Kidne-.s. cure —*151 u™ Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Bilious Cone. Crumps and Pains, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sciatica. Weak Hpine. Weak and Sore Lungs, Coughs aud Colds, Weak Back. Ague aud Liver Pains. ' CUTICUIiA jaEMEDl&S can be hod at ELLIS’ DRUG STORE. Trian gular Block Okicuoo—Flour quiet and unchanged double extra Western springs25a650; Minnesota 6 00a 675; winter wheat 5 S0a6 75, extra 6 I0a5 60 super fine : 00:5 (0. Wheat unsettled but generally higher; No 2 red winter 11934, No * Chicago spring 11834 cosh and Novomber,l 1454 Deccrob-r 11534 January: No 3do 108. Corn easier;.:23fa35 cash, 8954*3; December. iSh May. rejected 8134. Oats steady and firm at 82 cash, 82 34 December. 8534 May. Pork in good demand 1 ni higher at 1000 cash: 9 351940 December, 10 67Halo 60 Jan uary. Lard in fair demand and highor at 6 423,a 6 46 cash. 6 60t6 5234 December. Bulk meats in moderately active demand and higher: shoulders 5 76, short rio 640, short clears 46. NbwYobk — Southern flour quiet: common to fair extra 5 75a6 60, good to choice 6 60&7 75. Wheat shade atronger, closing quiet ami scarcely so firm; ungraded winter red 120al 8934- Corn opened a shade stronger: closed dull with tbe advance lost; ungraded 63s69. Oats fairly active end 34alhigher: No 34234- Coffee dull and nomi nal. Sugar quiet but very firm; fair to good refin ing quoted at S34»9, prime 9a93i; refined firm: standard A1034'- granulated and powdered 1134 crushed 1134 Molasses dull and nominal. Rice in good inquiry and steady: Carolina 654a754, Rosin unchoHgod at 180al86. Turpentine lower at S9 asked. Wool good demand and unchanged; domestic fleece 35a43, pulled 25a50. unwashed 9a 3ATexas 11*35. Pork dosed strong; new mess spot quoted 10 70. Middles dull and easy, long clear 6 09. Lard firm, prime steam spot 6773i» 6 80 cash. Whisky nominal at 115. Freights unchanged. coins* ,xJt: —Flour quiet; extra 4 25a4 50: family 5 25^575: Nol600@6 25:patcnt650@7 69. wheat quiet: red and amber 119 Corn steady; white 50, mixed 43. Oat* firmer, white 56. mixed 85, Pork none here. Lard quiet; choice leaf in tierces 24, do in kegs 834- Bulk meats quiet, f-houl- _ers 834, clear ribs 534. clear sides 5^a6. Bacon quiet aud stead /: shoulders 4 20; cloar ribs 834, clear sides 834. Sugar cured hams 9al0. Whisky steady at 107. . , .. OINdNNaiX — Flour quiet: family 5 85S6S5. Wheat easier at 120al 25. Corn firm at 43*44. Oat* firm; No £ mixed ’4*85, Pork dull at 1109. Lard firm current make 6 40a6 60. Bulk meats u;et; shoulders 375al00; short rib 5 60a5 75. Jacou dull; shoulders 4, clear rib 834, clear sides 834. Whiskv active at 107. Hogs steady, pack ing 3 50aS 75. ST: Louis Floor doll: double extra fall 510 a5 SO. treble do 5 60, family 5 70a5 80 choice to fanev 5 85*6 69. Wheat higher; No 2 red fall 12l3dal 22 cash, 124al2634 December. Corn higher; S5?4aS6 cash. 85*8634 November. 8534 De cember. Oats firmer at 28 cash, 2934 December. Whisky quiet at 103. Pork firm at 1000 cash. Bulk meats higher; shoulders 3 70aS75, clear ribs 5 5u. clear sides 5 70' Bacon firmer, snoulders ■4, clear ribs 734, clear sides 734- New Orln*K3—Floor steady, superfine 450a 475,dcub!e extra 5 25a5 50. treble extra 5 75a 6 00, high grades 6 25*7 00. Cora quiet; white 61. Oats dull at 39. Pork firmer at 1150. Lard steady at 734. Bulk meats firm: shoulders loose 434. Bacon dull: shoulders at 43ia5s> clear nb 8, clear sides S34. sugar-cured, hams lQall Whisky dull at 1 usal 10. Coffee qoiet: Rio in car goes, ordinary to prime 1434*18. Sagarin good demand at full price:: inferior 534, common to aqu _ ___ SOaSl, prime to choice 44a50, Rice in gcod de mand at full price*, ordinary to choice, Louisia na 634i73*. NAVAL STORES. Wisxinsxon—Spirits turpentine film at £634- Rosin dull at 1 85 for strained. - Crane tur pentine quiet at 125 for hard; 215 for yeJltw dip; Tar quiet at 1 59. MAR3NRHSWS NEW YORK—Arrived—Felicia, EcHpse, More Castle, Bislah City of Columbus, City of Berlin Brin, Algiers. Rio Grande, Hatteras. Arrived oat—Knight Templar, Rubens, Fe* rise. Prince Edward. Macon wholesale Market. CORRECTED DAILY BY JAQUES & J0H5S0N. WHOLESALE GEO CESS. BiOON—Clear rib Eiaes— cone Sboaidera. >■■*—*** **« — Rnik clear rib sides„„ 7£@S Pork S trip* ————— none Bulk shoulders......................... 5348534 Uellies ,, i none Choice S C hams 1034811 BAGGING—Dnie 134 lbs—.—— H Globe 134 in 1034 Union Star 134 lbs 103* . LARD—in bbls — 85483' Lte*i,m tubs.8>i<s5; Leaf, in buckets. — 1081034 GRAIN— .. Corn, white, by car load 73 / mixed, by car load™ Java O APS—Perth- NOLABS18—Choice Cuba, bud* Choice Ouba. bbls.. Bsgarhoose, hhd* , Sagarhouse.b Choioe Hew Orleans.. SUGAR—Golden C. Brown. DANDLES—Btar.. MATCHES-R W, in paper- in wood^... NAILS—Basis 10s— 8TARCB - SHOT— Drop , Buck ... BALL POTASH—Bobbett's... i Royal .... Sterling ........ PRPPBfi BPlCH- - 6UNGBR NUTMEGS., CLOVES OtetR»—PerM— CHEROOTS 12 SNUFF—LoriUtrd’*. t*r.„. 65 Lori]lard’s, foil..... —....... 70 TOBACCO—Common — ... taC Sin? SheURead: AMUSEMENTS- RALSTON HALL Monday Evening, November 10 Return visit and !a«t appearance of H J01 L STEVENS, In his own romantic pi.' entitled “EI Kill UWf.” Supported bya 8uperb Dramatic Company. Secured seats nowon s.ioat Hurr Frown's Bookstore without extra charge. nov7 St CHfcESS RICE (new crop) POTATOKS ONIONS 426 stooMa ana uonas CORRECTED IDAILT BT I*. ItlPL.EVT, DIIOKJEH. Georgia 8 percent bonds 101 a 1 „_*7 per cent, bonds (Smith)....-Ill a 115 Georgias per cent (old) .—...-101 a 105 Georgia 6 per cent, bonds (new) 10734*10834 Oity of Macon 7 per cent, (long).——.. 78 a 75 City of Maoon 7.per cent (short)— 70 a 72 City of Augusta 7 per cent 100 a 101 Oity of Atlanta 7 per oent——.101 a 102 (Kty of Atlanta 8 per cent.— ...103 a 105 City ot Savannah..— 69 a 70 Central Raiiroaaioint mortgage .108 a!109 Georgia Railroads per cent.bonds—100 a 101 Macon and Western R R bond* par and mt Northeastera R R bonds (endorsed)—.104 a 105 Southwestern Railroad-; and int South Ga. and Fla, lstmortga6e 107 a 108 A A G. R. R. 2d mortgage (endorsed)...10 a 10S2 8out Gaand Fla —.82 a S3 Western R. R. of Alabama 1st mortgagollO a 112 Wostem R. Re! Alabama Id mortgage—UO M A A R.R. 1st mortgago(notendor’d 80 M AA R E, 2d mortgage (endorsed)...par a 101 Southwestern RR stock 102air Georgia Railroad stock 81 Central Railroad stock 71a72 Augusta and Savannah railroad stock... 106 Great Attractions! —AT THE— HAVING COMBINED THE SURPRISE Dollar Store, I am able to toller the largest and handsomest stock ol i MILLINERY ever exhibited in the city.llcomprising the latest novelties in Fell aii Straw Hals, t Ladies and Children, the most extensive line ot SILK VELVETS, PLUSHES, SATINS AND Velveteens* in all colors Ostrich Tips, Plumes, Irani aoS Domestic Flows, at prices to please evurybody. A largo assort ment of ladies’and children’s HOSIERY. A great variety of ladies’ Underwear, Corsets, Hid Gloves, the best qualities at the moat reasonable prices > NBCKWEAB. DRESS SHIRTS,gents’and boy’s HATS,cheapest and best in the city, a new arrival of beautiful VASES,hsndsomeTOILET SETS, and a choico lot of GH ROMOS. Mv stock of PLATED and GLASSWARE is oomplete, all of which will bo sold at surprisingly low prices. Call and oon- vince yourself that 1 mean what I say. L. Newman. Miss Maggie McKevitt ^ r !TJL<*A.IV STEAM CANDY FAOTORY.- FRANKE. BLOCK, Manufacturer of FRENCH CONFECTIONERY and dealer in FanovGroceries, Crackers, Etc, My stock of Prize Candies, Toys and CHRISTMAS TRIX is larger than ever before, and contains tbe latest novelties and styles. Having bought in large quantities I am prepared to offer them at prices that will command large sales. Send orders to the Factory or hold them till mv agent cal'*. FRANK E BLOCK, nor7 It Hannloctoring Coniectioner. R. W. CUBBEDGE. BROKER —AND— ML ESTATE AMT. STOCKS AMO BONOS BOUBHT AMD SOLD STR16TIY OM COMMISSION, Particular attention given to the purchase, ale and renting of Beat Estate, MULBERRY STREET, opposite Lanier House marl ly WANTED. A SCHOOL or Situation wanted by man and wife, graduates, experienced teachers. Music, etc, included. References given satis factory. “0," CareDri JP 3 VI Holmes, 84 Mulberry street, Maoon, Go, novSSt A blazing beacon without blur cr blot, which make, too .itirke.t night a. sparkling and sublime as a summer's sUL-.iu comparison with uliicii all otiior illuminations *ro but .feeble shadovs, while it pro-luces a light more that equal to SO.C-W gas jets. A 30 liorso engine is required to supply too electric rurrentau.1 keep tho pond, rou. umebin-rr in raeti..It will be in operation dumur the day so that all may see this AC 11E of SOIhNTIFIO INVENTIONS, which bids fair to eventually illuminate the world, AT MACON SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15th. THE MILLION DOLLAR MOVING MASTODON. W. W. COLE’S GREAT NBWYORK AND NEWORLEANS Circus, Museum, Menagerie and Gongress of Living Wanders. Sevonth tour of the continent by rail! The Andes ot amusement enterprise! lo.OOO separate and distinctnoveltiest The Earth, the Sea, thsSky ar< all represented in a vast cits of Exhibition Tents! One ticket admit, all. W W COLB, Sole owner and Proprietor. ' This grand and classic entertainment i. wholly ezemot from the inelegancies and coarseness too frequently permit’ed in most of tent exhibition!. In this great show there is nothing ever pre sented that a gentlemen would hesitate to bring his family to witness or the most exacting take exception to. I have alao secured, at an expense exceeding 320,000 (or the season, THE XWO GIANTS, CAPTAIN M. V- BATES AND WIFE* EACH IS EIGHT FBKT HIGH, lacking only one-ball of aninch. Combined weight one-hal ton. They are recently from Burope, where they amazed all, including the Roval Family. Now for the first time upon exhibition hero, acd at no extra charge, will be exhibited in my mom tent. I back my assertion with $10,000 that they are the two tallest people'that at present exist, and that no authentic record can be brought of their ever having existed two people ol such enormous size. Per fect in form and feature, thev are undoubtedly now tbe greatert curiosities to be teen in tbe world. —I rHULMGI THE WOULD W EQUAL 51Y NEW AN ! ' CHEAT SHOW— $100,600 worth ot Golden Tableau Cara and Chariots like mountainsof burnished gold in sunlight. JUST ADDED THE WONDERFUL LEAPING HORSE . BflamnB Prescription Free. For tho speedy Cure of urninal Weakness. Loss of Manhood, and all dis- nrders brought on by indiscretion or excses& Any Drupirist has the ingredients. Address JAVIDSOX «fc CO.. *78 Nassau St., X. Y M GOAL GiiATES JgABKET GRAZES of all sizes at SCHOFIELD’S Iron Worits. eetttlm 1,000 CASES AND KEGS SODA. 200 BARBELS BLUE STONE, 200 BARRELS EPSOM SALTS 2.000 CASES POTASH, 1,000 BOXES STAROH, 200 ;bags pepper, 10,000 LBS LORILLARD SNUFF 5,000 LBS RAILROAD SNUFF, 1,000 GROSS MATCHES, 300,000 CIGARS, 200 GROSS FLASKS, 25 TONS JEWETT S LEAD, 60 TONS ST. LOUIS LEAD. 100 BARRELS LINSEED OIL. Above, and all goods in onr line, wo bought be fore they advanced and will sell; them at less than>'ew York prices. HUST, RANKIN & LAMAR. ang27 tf Bim .y l ftivfrsir-iir.r.-diatr;: COM.S of lfpr'Tprfc' tv ec k^nd JHHHPEHVi :v -. r i • •. • ; v*? ^■JBUalldgmagiata. J.P.Milijb, Street, PhilATFa., Sole Proprietor. ieronbotlleUveUote^riniedtnblarJe, \o:.-rSZ(ZAM'» A D1ZZLIK0 ORIOiS AMONG TUB SAfflLITBS! THE ONLY SHOW USING THE GREAT ELECTRIC LIGHT TO I l*f. IT Xi IN AT P IT."* CANVAS. SIX FAMOUS TRIOS STALLIONS! The most wonderful and best performing Stallions inthewnrld. They waits in three couples. They march erect on their hind feet. They sit in chain. They drill like soldiers. They form Tab leau. All performing together at one and the same time- Onejnmps over tne back of the other five. They see saw upon a board. Their performances are astonishing and just os represented on lithographs and large bills. In fact, these equine wonders perform a number of incredible evolu tions. and display a degree ol intelligence surpassing anything the werld haa ever seen in tho way of Animal education. - TRAINED ANIMALS A SPECIAL FEATURE! A Grand and Princely Parade! SURPASSING THE CAVALCADES OF ORIENTAL CONQUERORS. A RETINUE 0E GLITTERING GOLD AND GLORY! More wild Feaats, more Men and Morses, more curiosities, magnificent and gorgeous wardrobes. Heralds, Kings, Knights. Body Guards, Ladies of the Court, Soldieis, Battlemen, Hone Guards, dsd in armor of ailyer, ateeland gold nlaitings, forming a scene of splendor never befere ADMISSION 50ICKHTS CHILDHSN 25 CEN To Circus, Menagerie, Aviary, Musoum, Aquanum, Giants and Trained Animal Exhibitions t ders. Doors open at 1 pm and 7 p m. 1.200 cushioned Opera seats. Remember,only one ticket required for all advertised exhibitions ot the great Show of the Universe. Miltedgerillo, Friday, November 14, Maoon, Saturday. November IS, Columbus, Monday, Novem- ber 17. covl dl 9 IS w noy7 Ot fTiHE undersignod have entered into a copart • . . norshiD dating from the 1st day ot October last, for the transaction of a General BROKERAGE AND COMMISSION Business under the firm name and style of LOCKKTT <5c BONO and offer their services to their friends and (he public generally in tbe purchase and sale ol Stocks aud Bonds. Colton Futures and Commer cial Paper of all kinds. No business will be done by them except upon commission. Office on Cherry street in rearol Hunt, Rankin ft La mar’s retail drag store. JAMES W LOCKETT, novO tf JOSEPH!! 'ND FIE PEREUMEBY, Larpst Stock ii lie City. The splendidstockotchoice Perfumery exhib ted by me lost week at the 8tate Fair and which received the premium, is now lor sole at my Drag Store. , Those in need of anything in this hue can re- cure bargains by calling on me. ROLAND B. HALL, Druggist; t5tf 17 COTTON AVENUE a H PLANT LO. PLANT&S0F Bankers and Brokers, MACON. - - GEORGIA TBAISAST A SEMEBKL BJUKIMB BUSH ESS a CHANCE TO MAKE MONEY .by onr rt careful plan of speculating in Wall street. A amount from $10 to 3500 either in a put or : very frequently gives back 6 to 10 times money in profit* You cannot lose any m ethan the amount you invest. Stocks of all kinds bought and sold through New York stock exchange in any number ol shares an 8 per cent margin. Send for our area- I lr explaining how to speculate. PECK ft HARRIS, Banker, and Brokets, 19 Broad street, New links 1 sspMdtuthsatwtm tmimi^u^viAsiAvi^rvi/rvAmA/rvA If yon are a man of business, weakened by the strain of *■" your duties, avoid stimulants and nso — a If yon are a FOR FOOD. As manufactured by Andrew Erkenbrecberj at Cincinnati, Ohio, is the Queen of table edibles and the most delicious of Maize preparations extant. It Is incomparably pure, healthful and economical, and a blessing alike to the sick and well, for children and ad nit*. It enters Into the most recherche pastry,Ices, and dessert dishes, embrac ing blanc-mange, Ice cream, puddings, custards, pies, etc., lending a peculiar delicacy and nutritious quality, and Is at once a necessity and a luxury In every domestic storehouse. No edible Starch stands so high tbe world over. Sold by Grocers every-where, C . pOKGI. B.B ■ COUNIT —Wbereoa WR U A ultra*II, ol said county, has applied to me for the sotiink- apart ol bomealeadof per,on- oity and the valuation of the same, and I will pass upon the same at my officeon Wednesday, the 26th day of November, at 10 o’clock a m. A B RUSS, Clerk 8 0. This November 6.1879. novfi td* GORGIA, BIBB COUNTY.—By virtue of an order from the court ol Ordiuay of *aid ccunty, will be sold on the first Tnesdsy inDe- cember, 1879, at the court hjute door in the city cl Macon, between the legal hours of sole, the foliovtnv lands to witi Tea acres of laud o! lot number 278, in Rutland district, in said county, lying between fishing lake and Stnbb’a bridge. Also 60 acres of land ol lot number 250, being tbe wezt half of the east half ol Mid lot. Also the wigtJisllof same lot namber 253 con taining 50 acres all oi the above described lands containing 110 acres more ci lees. Sold as the pro perty of Berry Willis, lata olsaicficounty deceased for a divi.ion amongst the heirs cl said estate. Terms cash. NANCY PARKER. nov4 ltawsw pd Administratrix, $1200 KwUStuu OMbuSSt eratiopediHof. Expemefiaia. Addreii sTToiclXi * CO, 1, 4. * ft S EM* 84. Otadasatt. «• Miors, tolling ove r your midnight If yon aro young and suHcrin? from any Indiscretion or cil33lpatioa; i f you oro mw-rlcd or ulnfrlc. old or f youog.^rin^m ^cr^Jihor^golah. - Whoever you arc, where ver you ere, ■when over you feci that your system needs cleantinjr toninr or n Etimulatin^, without intoxicating, Uko W BCTTCHM nave you dyspepsia, kidney or urinary coinjrJaln f, d U* ■■oasoofthe stomach, bowels, blrod, liver, or nerves? Zj You will bo cured if you use IViOiV WVTOclS If you aro ctmply wcjctmd low «pMted.trylti Boy It. Insistuponlt Yourdruggiatlmepslt. ; It may save ycarlHIs. It baa saved hudred*. HopCw«kCmlltk.,wwlMt,Ml««w>4kw«. AieMSira. 1 alts u Snmkasracwol "Xjl’Tw by tf^BIttm Sf“, Co., Roet cur, .N. I. j <t\l/TWT\i/T\A/T\i/TWTM/V\*/T\A/TVi/Ti I1QQW0 THE KENTUCKY LITERARY JOURNAL to ^r r ^a^bSToSLpS^?S? 0 .5£^ Ir elOO^uO^rar^^fromtUI to «1»J«0. cam i i ; ia;siiUM\ l.MOF I dl«trlbnted by lot. In t of m*a of hl«h eh*rioter sad Covincion, Keitlockr, 3ST=>-w. iS. 73 17» an authorized to dirtrihuU aboro Pitttlomt w rabKribemof onr paper h; an act ol the Ken took* begiauton J at Its IiMember .ceilott. 1SH. ; J-On receipt ofS2 v> rill .end one ticket which will entitle the purehawr »o n eh»nce whleft may teen re any one of Che above Ceeh Pretwin me, wad wleotheImu« Joumvwz* for cm yew*. ? J^ITCTSCH, HaoMrev, P.O. Bex 119. OovlnctoayKewtMky iLwontw WADtod > Cbojcklisz. Cromeline & Co., Lanier Ssis}^ PAHLOR CI9AR TORE. The finest brands ol Imported and Domestic Cigars always on hand, GIVE US A TRIAL. ocmtl EXECUTORS’ SALE. G eorgia, jones county.—By content ot parties, will be sold nefbre the court bouse door in Clinton, Jones county, on the first Tuesday in December neit, the loLowiog prop erty, viz; One hundred and fifty acre* ol land more or less , the place whereon Wm G Middle- brooks now lives, mown as the home place be longing to the estate of Dm S Middlebrooks ol said county deceased, sold 1 or the purchase monev. Said place is well improved—a good selection of both peach and apple trees, a good ginheuse. ginandecrew on theplace. Termaon the day ol sale. A J MIDDLE BRJX)K8, sue oro WeCHILDEA WF MIDDLEBROOKS. October 20,1879. nov* Executors.