The Macon telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1873-188?, November 13, 1879, Image 1

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By Olisby, Jones & Reese. MACON, GEORGIA, THURSDAY MORNING. NOVEMBER 18. 1879.-PRICEFIVE GENTS Numbeb 9.366 BY TELEGRAPH DAY DINFA'Cviuss. Metuner St Co. New You, November 12.—At a meet ing ot tbe creditors of StetUner St Co., of Chicago, lut night, the report of the expert .bowed tbo total 134eta 10 be Jl,212,71b.68. iaas guaranty on open ao- counta and contingent liability, amount ing to $23,000, leaving $972,929 16 »p- plictble 10 tbe papment of ana ecu red crtd'ora, whicn would ba 64.1 per cent. A reflation waa adopted to entertain no peep si ion that look* to a compromise at lea* than tiity-four oente on the dol lar. Lottery Arreati. Nxw Yoax, November 12.—The ex citement among the lottery dealers of the city consequent upon the recent raid on them by Aatbony Comstock and but officers, mi kept alive yeaterday by other arreaU and voiautary surrender of parties implicated. Xhe specific charge mad# against the lottery dealers is a vi olation of the post-office law in sending prohibited matter to rough the mail. Yesterday about fifteen others appear, ed before United States Commludoner Shields, among them B. Frank Moore, agent of tbe Loaiaiana Lottery Com pany. Tne Timas eaye of tbe arrest of Moore, who is agent of M. A. Dauphin, of New Orleans! “It- ta expected to lean . to some very startling developments growing oat uf a suit brought in the U. ' S. Circuit Court by Marcos Cicero Stan ley against Charles T. Howard and John A. Morris, who are the principals con trolling tbo Louisiana Lottery Company. Dauphin states in hia advertisements In some of the daily papers that all of a hundred thousand tickets which are in cluded or issued in each monthly scheme are sold bafore the drawing takes place. Ibis, if true. Indicates a gross reoeipt of $209,000 monthly, ot which they claim to distribute $110,000 in prizes—leav ing J90„000 to pay running expenses, inoinding advertising, rents, salaries, printing and postage. This, in the opinion of men who know u great deal about the business, leaves a monthly margin of profit amounting to from $35,- 000 to $40,000 to be distributed among foor or five persons, giving each an in come of about $100,000 a year. It ia aaid eeveu-eightha of the tickets are now sold in this city und State, und that, as a oonsequonce, about $175,000 a. month iw paid by New Yorkers for the pleasure, prom or privilege ot indulging in this little game of the Louisianians. The Company is said to have been driven lo seek a new market tor their tickets in tbe Eaet, because they had ex hausted the pecuniary reeonrees ot the people ot Loniaiana. Sanitation or Memphis. JIhmpuij, November 12.—A committee of Memphians, appointed at a mooting held in St. Laais last September, to de vise means tor improving tbe sanitary condition of Memphis, met this afternoon and doomed to hold a public meeting on Saturday night to appeal to the Governor to call an extra session of the Legislature to authorise the levying of a speoisl tax for sanitary purpose?. Foreign. Qnsic, November 12.—■>. G. Bosn has received a contract from Paris for a million pair of shoes to be mado by For- ten. Content St Co. A new footory, to employ eight hundred hands, will be built at St. Sanveor. Lordo*, November 12.—Steamer St- Lea is leaves Liverpool for New Orleans, to-d iy. With one hundred and twenty passengers nearly all them for Texas. There are many farmers among them, some witb families, and a number or xneohanic-. MANOHxsTan, November 12. — The Manchester Qwirdian, of this morning, aays tne hardening tendency of the ooie tun market, especially for futures, to day (Tuvtdsy,) exeroiend a strong influ ence npon the manufacturers. The quo tations were mostly higher, and bnjei'o foaud tbe market inucn more diffloolt Co ceal in than on Friday. The Pennsylvania Election. Hanuisnuaii, November 12.—Return n foim evpry county m the State glvo tb<- total vote for Stare Treasurer os follows : Bolter, Republican, 280,153; Barr,> erst, 221,715; Sutton, Greenback, 27,207; Kiohardson, Prohibitionist, 3,219. Tbe New Yorh Election • Nxw Yobk, November 12.—Tho official canvass of return*, wbion began yester day, wilt not be completed before Friaiy or Satuidny. Tne returns from fourteen counties give Hoskins for L.eatenant Gove.nor, 536 majority; Carr, Secretary of State, 1,952; Wadsworth. Comptroller. 6.036; Ward, Attorney General, 6.65C; Weeded, Treasurer, 2,270; Seymour, State Engineer, 7,730—oil Republicans except Seymour. Nxw Youx, November 12.—The Sun esys official returns from aoout half ot toe counties shows tha: tbe Republican gains over previous estimates are enough to indicate that the vole for Lieutenant Governor will be very close, and that the Republicans may have carried the re minder of their State ticket except en gineer and surveyor. Senator Bayard's Speech. Wilmington, Dsn., Nov. 12.—In hi; epeecti oil night Senator Bayard, speak ing of the contrast presented by the gov ernments uf the old world and of this country, said expenenoe and reflection, witb increased opportnnities for compari son with other countries and systems of government, bring me only to a higher appreciation of tbe generosity, justice and moral grandeur of the principles np on which our own was founded. A faith ful representative, be aaid, should rather displease his constituents than consent to that which injares them. And in tnis connection be asked if whenever be spoke or voted in tne Senate for now and stranger tles v of Union between toe Stater, or when he opposed falsa money be did not coho tbe voice of Delaware? There was frequent, applauso during tbe speech. News Items. Cincinnati, November 12.—A Frank- far: 8 iyo tne argument in the Bnford case was eemmoueed yesterday., N. J. t November 13—A freignt train on tbo Pennsylvania Rtil- road ran into the rear of another be tween Pnnw.oD Janction and Lawrence, completely demolishing several ®*rs. Two m?n were seriously injuria. The wreck cau-s.d several boars delay. Washing tor, Nov-mber 12 —Sor- geoca Thomss A. McPaarlin and John S Billings have been ordered to proceed to Nashville, Tenn., to represent the medi cal department of the army at the mces- ing ot tho Amerioxo pnblio health asso ciation on tbe lStb. NIGHT illsTA1CHtits. Tbe Hew York Election. Nxw Yo*k, November 12.—When the board of county canvassers was abort to begin the canvassing of re turns to-day one of their number objc-c.- ed to counting the vote on the ground of probable illegality of the return?, as it did not appear from the returns proposed to be canvassed that the offioers voted for were on “scratched” or “regular” tickets, and no ballota appearing upon the returns as required by law. The ballot ho maintained should ba posted on tho return and the number of votes cast for that ballot should ba written phrtly on that ballot and continued in the re turns. As decided by Judge Davis charge yesterday in the case of the in dicted election inspection board he con tended it wonld render itself liable to indictment if they proceeded to canvas- such returns, as they wero not in con formity with the election laws. A reoeea waa taken to gat tbs opinion of the cor poration counsel in regatdto the matter Tbs Evening Telegram says Informa tion from &1. irtnrot. g : to tho* tnat the Republican State ticket carries the State, except for State Engineer. The returns now being canvassed in Albany seem to add to the majorities of all the candidates. Wendell, for State Treas urer, leads tbe ticket, excepting of coarse Cornell. As la now shown bu majority is 2,215. Notwithstanding tnese figures there are loose who still cling hopefully to a different result than the canvass thus fir points to. Foreign. Vxxxna, November 12.—The Tagblait (newspsper) says that a treaty of alii- once has been concluded between the Balkan Principalities ostensibly against foreign interference in the Balkan Slates bat really againdt Austria. The treaty stipulates that in the event of Austria extending operations beyond Novi Bazar, Servla will f urnlah one hundred and twen ty thousand men, Montenegro twenty tnousand and Bulgaria ninty thousand to form an allied army, and that Servla will advance Montenegro seventy-five thou sand ducats for military expenses. The appointment of a oommaoder-m-chief of tne allied force waa left open, but It is believed tbe appointment of a Russian general was originally contemplated. London, November 12—Chaa. Tomp linsun, of the saspended Liverpool- firm of i'omplinaon St Co., cotton brokers, charged witn obtaining ten thousand pounds under fsire pretenses, and with negotiating furged paper, has pleaded guilty and been sentenced to ten yoars' penal servitude. Pattxrson, N. J., November 12.— Hon. Chas. H. Voorhia, member of Con J ress from the Fifth District of New orsey, waa arrested yesterday afternoon at Haoksnsaok. on the charge of abstract ing from the First National Bank of Hackensack, of whioh he was President, collaterals deposited to secare private loans. Affidavits wero made by cashier Brnner and Vice-President Degroo. Voorbis woe taken before the United States Commissioner. Up to this morn ing his bail had not been fixed. He was not locked up, bat held under surveil lance at hia own house. News Items. Philadelphia, November 12.—The Court of Inquiry, to investigate the oir- enmstantes of tne reoent collision be tween the Stoamship Champion and the British shfp Lady Octavia, off the Dele- ware capes, convened this afternoon at the Commercial Exchange. There will be two investigations ot this disaster, one under tne jurisdiction of the Acting British Consul Crump, and one under that of the U. 8. Local Inspectors. The first named one is now in progress. Acting Consol Crump stated Chat the purpose of the present investigation was to ascertain what was the conduct of the officers and crew of the ship Lady Oeta- via just previous to and daring '.the col lision with the Champion. Tne log and other papers of too first named ship were pat in evidence, to gether with the report of Capt. Johnson to tbe British government in which under the headof “Remarks as to tbe casualty,*’ he gave as the caoae of the oollision, ‘•negligence of tbe steamship Champion in having no lookout,” Oapt. Johnson, upon examination, reiterated ail tne state ments made in his log, and explained on the chart and by models the relative po sitions of the ships at the time of the collision. He said the water was smooth, wind light and sky clear. It waa mo.inlight. He was lisle op his cab B and was awakened by tnochief officer calling oat, unc. before he oonld get oa deck, a collision ocourrcd. Tho watch on tne Lady Octavia saw the steamer for ten minutes before tbe col lision. Captain Jonnsan considered, witb me knowledge of navigation, that it was bis duty to keep on his course. If the collision was inevitable it would be the dnty of tbe officer in charge of the deok co throw everything aback, not to alter tbe ship’s coarse, bnt there was not time in the presont instance to do this, and it was not done. When he oame on deck the yards were uot thrown aback. Had the Champion etrnok tboOctavi v ten feet farther aft, the latter wonld hive gone to tne bottom at ones. Captain Johnson then explained the damage to hia own vessel and his efforts to save life. After resoning all he ounld seo he sent men aloft with night glasses, and remained in the vicinity until day light. In farther examination he said he learned from tbe chief engineor of tbe Champion that they bad bo lookout. The second mate and chief engineer of the steamer both told him it was customary to lake men off the lookout for other work. There were only six seamen - and wo boy-i besides tne officers on board tho steamer Here the hearing for to-day olosed, and will be resumed to morrow, when the board will oommence by call ing upon tbe chief officer whose evidence will be more in detail, as be was on deok before, ut the time of and after the collisions Halifax, November 12.—The Norwe gian barque Cirrova, from New York for Queenstown, arrived last night in dis tress. She left New York on Octo ber 25tb, and on tbe 29th she encoun tered a cyclone, in which she was struck by two heavy seas which carried away her rigging, foretopmast, main topmast, mizzsn mast, with most of the yards and gear attached, exoepting her main and mam topmast sailyarda and jib boom. She sprang her foremast, stove her bul warks and boats, destroyed her forebonse and galley, and below the natch the water got into the vessel and damaged her cargo of gram considerably. Oae sea man had his leg broken, and another was washed overboard bnt wa3 rescued. The gale continued until tbe 2i instant, ainoe which time she has encountered light, baffling winds. Richmond, November 12.—The Grand Oommandery of Knights Templar of Vir ginia oonvened In general assembly here to-day. synopsis WeaUier statement. Offick Ciuxf Signal Officxb, Washington, Nov. 12,1879. For tho Sooth Atlantic States and Gulf, southeast to southwest winds, partly olo-dj weather and local rains. Slight changes m temperature and pressure. HUDhiGUT msirATOHJSS. Washington. Washington, November 12.—Secre tary Sonuiz reoeired a telegram to-day from General Adams, dated Los Pinos Agent.;, November 10:b, saying Ihst be had met about twenty White River Uto cfcieu at the house of Chief Ouray, where they hid beeneummoned by a let ter to take part m the investigation of the Thornburgh massicre. Chief Ouray, Adams say?, U oonftiant that when sat isfied of tee guilt cf the Indians, he will have the power to arrest and hold them. General Hatch nni attaches of the in vestigating commission were expected at Las Pinos oa the following day, when the investigation would begin, j Foreign. - - Vxxsna, Nov. 12. — Another Urge fire occurred at Sarajevo on Monday last. London, November 12.—The Timer, in its second edition, publishes a dispatch dated Cabal, November 7th, which says, ‘'Tne mutiaoas troops of the Ameer in Turkestan nave surrendered nearly 600 stands of arms, a hundred camels and some oamp equipage. Col. AUcPharson reports that the country beyond Knoand Cabal is epen and the rood easy. London, November 12.—T na Sheffield f AggmL-OJsy finm iniddUc* :1% low I Daily Telegraph reports Hon. Edwin I “ , . ddlm * UK.P»dordinary 10 ^- receipts 1195, Stanhope, under Secretary of the State for India, oa saying dor ing his speech at Horncaatle that Parliament might last till this time n«xt year, bnt that, in ell probability, it waa very near its end and be took the apporicnity cf advising hi; hearers to prepare for an election at an early date. 9r. John, N. B., November 12.—Tbe old established wholesale dry goods and grocery firm of L. EL Deuoher and Sons has suspended with liabilities estimated at $400,000. London, November 12.—A question left open in the treaty of the alliance be tween the Balkan principalities, is the admittance ot the Porte to the Alliance. The appointment of a Russian general as commander-in-chief of the allied force, is considered probable. Tue semi-official newspaper,'Journal ds 81. Petersburg, and tbe Oelot regard Lord Beaconsfield’s speech at the Lord Mayor’s banquet aa one intended to prodnoe an impreeston at home in view of the forth coming general election, rather than abroad. The Journal de SL Petersburg thinks that Lord Bsaconsfield’s expressions af ford proof that the British pnblio leans Toward peace. Tbe (Mm says Lord Beaconsfield’s tone was so lowered as to almost amount lo a renunciation of ail that he and Lord Salisbury had previ ously aaid. The Noreo Bremha esys Lord Beaoonafield's silence on Eastern affairs marks hia future at Constantino ple. The Russian pram generally speak of Lord Beaoonafield’s abstention from attacking Russia, and of some friendly English newspaper utterances. Mad a id, November 12.—Active prep arations are being made for tho reoep- tion of tbe Archdnohese Marie, inoinding a grand military display at Iron on the frontier by the army ooonpying the Ba sin provlnoes. The Cortes will adjourn for ten days dating the marriage festivi tiee. 1 Rons, November 12.—The first cam ber ut the Aurora, a daily newspaper, planned and issued by the Vatioan, will appear oa the first of January next, a more authoritative exponent of the Pope's views than the existing clerical newspaper. General Garibaldi’s divoroe enit will oame off before tbe Court of Appeals on the 19th instant. London. November 12.—The Timet says the Bourse newspaper states that of 168,000 Bhares in the Banqne Europeans, which M. Philliparte announced had been taken by snbsoription, only 63,000 are in the hands of the public; that 109,- 333 shares were taken by M. Philliparte himself, and that the bank ia holding against these shares a number of tram way bonds and shares. Sews Items. Nonfolx, November 12 The Bark Arctnros oleared to-day for Liverpool with 4,000 bales of cotton. Baltimobk, November 12.—A libel waB to-day filed In tbe United Dietriot Conrt by.the owner of tbe steamer Fal con, claiming 40,000 dollars from the owner of the Steamer S. C. Trion,’ for sinking tbe steamer on the night of the 8th insUnt. Great ana His Flans. Cincinnati, November 12.—A special to the inquirer from Galena gives an interview with Grant, in which the latter said: ‘‘When I start East in De cember it is possible I may get em ployment at something whioh will chango my other plans. The only iaformation I havo of being chosen President of the Texas Paoifio Railroad i3 through the newspapers. Nothing of the kind baa ever been offered me.” Reporter—Vary many people insist that yon mast be President of the United States again. ‘That too,” aaid General Grant, "is without my authority. The fact is, .1 have not been disturbing myself about anything einoa I went away. Any plant- made for the fatnre for me are withont censnltatioa with me." Grant jin Chicago. Chicago, November 12.—Upon the arrival of the train from Gfilena General Grant was met and escorted to the Palm er Honso by a military and civil proces. sion of great length, which ha eubse- qnentiy reviewed from the balcony of the hotel. It was more than two hoars in passing Major Harrison delivered an ad dree?, of welcome, to which General Grant briefly responded. WHIM AND COMMERCIAL MACON COTTON STATEMENT The market to-day stowed a steady rise in all grades, and cloud firm at 11 cents lor middling, good middling commandiBg 11%. Received by roil to day 325 by wagon S18— 64S 874 STATEMENT: Stock on hand September 1,1879.. Beceivod to-day previously...™ .. — ESC Shipped to-day.. 42698—23215 Stock on hand this evening.... Received same day lut year.. LATEST TELEGRAPHIC REPORTS Cotton. 1 ivbbpool—Noon—uonon buoyant; middling upland! 6%, middling Orleans 7. dales Iowjj bales, of whioh 5000 were taken by speculators and for export: receipts 1500—all American. £ Futures opened %d better: Uplands low middling clause November deliv ery 6 Sl-S2a7a71-S2, November and December 6%»6 27-32, December and January 6 6 27-S2a€ IS IS, January and February 6%*6 27-S2a615-16. February and March 6%a6 17*32, March and April 6 29Sia8%. April and May 615-16, May and June 7a6 51-32, J une and July 7. 1 SO p m—Middling uplands 7. Orleans 7%. Futures barely steady. SCO pm—Uplands low middling clause Nov ember and December delivery S 25-35, December and January 6 25-81*6%, January and February do, February and March 615-16, March and April 6 27-82, April and May 6%, 400 p m—Sales ot American 13C00, Uplands low middling clause Novemberdelivery 6 15-16a8 39 3: November and December 6%a« 23 31, Decemoer and January 6 23-32*4%, January and February do, February and Marcu 8 25'3ta6%. March and April e 15- 16a6 31*33, Hay and June S 29-32. 5 pm—Futures, uplands low middling clause November delivery > 29-32*6%. December and January 6 25-32. January and February 6 25-82, Futures weak. fisvl oas—Cotton quiet: sales 197; mid dling upiaeda 11%, middling Orleans IX. Futures opened irregniar; November 12.04. De cember 12-04, January 11.14, February 12.28, March 13.45. Cotton—Nat reoeipt* 1229; groat 11077. Futures closed ataady; tales 266,000; November delivery 11.93. December U.94, January 12.08, February 12.18, March 1243—33, April 12.46—45. May 1A601-6L June 12.74—76, July IASS—85. Cettou dosed quiet: aalea 736. middling up land* 1IJ4. middling Odeum IS. Consolidated oat reoeipt* 31878; exports to Great Britain 22247, France Continent 125S9, rh annul —, Gaavusiox—Cottou firm: middling ll’-i. low middling 11. good ordinary 10& net receipts 8917; gross 3917; sales 3975, stock 78161. Nonfolx—Cotton firm, middling 11%, net receipts 6116, aalaa 563, Mock 41189. : Bunmm—Cotton firm; middling 11% low middling 11%, good ordinary 11: net reoeiou 200. gross 410. mles £80, to spinners 290, stock '^Boaios — Cotton firm; middling 12%, low middling 11%. good ordinary 1:%. net receipts I18& groes —. sales —. stock 540. angMton — Cotton firm: middling 11%; low middling 11%. good ordinary U; net receipts 783, groat —.sales 426, stock 14082. PwTT.*nuT.uwT*—Cotton firm: middling -12. low middling 11%. good ordinary 11%, net re ceipts 72: gnu 2332, sales 1011. spinners 946, stock 8023. Satt-raon—Ceuen active and firm: middling 11%. low middling U%, good ordinary 10%. net receipts 7011; grose T06* (ales *700; stock 9U960. NgW oiuin—Cotton irregular; quotation* nominal: middling 11%: low middling 11%. good ordinary 11%. net reoeipts 7301, gnus SMS. sales 7000 stock iulW*. MOBILU—Cotton opened higher but is now —-v middling U% low middling 11%, good or- d^y 11. net receipt* 1053, gross —. talas 200, “arawn—Cotton firm, middling 11%^re- cJgTltBt, shipments 1460, sake 2850, stock 1000: shipments —, tales 1354. Cxasxxstox—Cottou opened strong but is r quiet: middling 11%; low middling 11%. good ainarv 11% net receipts 3515; groes—.sale* 1 stock 61712 FINANCIAL LCFDOX—Noon—Consols 9715-18. Erie 46% Paxis—3 per cent Rentes 80 Inna and 71 cen time*; Nxw Toax—Stocks opaaed strong: money 6a7; loag 4 79% short 4 81%. Stale bond* doll; Got- emrsrct *ecurities strong. Money quite easy—loans on call made from 7 down to 5: exchange inactive at 4 79%; gcveni- ment securities strong, new 5 per cents 102%, 4% per oents 106%, 4 per cents 103. State bonds dull. dtook*—Speculation to-day was on a scale never before equalled, the transactions haring been enormous and attended with great excite ment. ' The prevailing tone ot tbe market was buoyancy, which extended without exception through tbe entire list. The greatest advance wu in Nashville. Chattanooga A St Louis, which sold up from 89% to 88 and dosed at 79% One ot the principal features was the la-ge irantac lions in Erie, chiefly in com non stock, which advanced 1% per cent, while tbe preferred stock advanced 6 per cent. Transactions in new sec ond consols aggregated about a million and a half dollar*. Tbe following were closing quota tions: New fork Centra 129, Brio 46%; Lake Shore 102%: liilooi* Central 99%: Pittsburg 1 0A Chicago and Northwutern 93%, do preferred 106%; Hock Island 1 45%. Western Union Tele- graph Company 107% Sub-Treasury .balance*: Gold 116,126.556, cur- nncy 9454465. _ PRODUCE Baxtimox* —Flour unchanged; Howard Street and Western superfine 4 50@5 25: extra 8 750S6 25; family 630®7 25; City Mill* superfine 4 60-4525; extra 5 25® 6 25; Rio brands 7 25: Patapsco family 7 75. Wheat-Southern lower. Western wleat dull and lower: southern red 120al SO; amber 135*141: No 1 Maryland red 184: No % Wes tern winter red spot and November 181. Derem- ber 138%a%. Southern corn more active: Wes tern higher; white 56, yellow 55. Oats, southern 4ia45; Western white 43a44; do mixed 40®41; Pennsylvania 4Sa44. Hay steady and unchanged, prime to choice Pennsylvania, Maryland 15@16. Froneiont steady: Fork U 50, hulk meats, loose Shoulders 4, clear rib 6%; do packed 4%, and 6%. Bacon—shouldeil 6, clear rib 3%. Hams loall. Lard, refined in tierees 7%. Butter firm; prime to choice Western packed 1S@1B. Cofiea quiet: rio in cargoes 14al7%. Whisky lower at 112. Freights firm. NawToax — 8outnern flour doll; common to fair extra 5 8Js6 40, good to choice 6 60.1-7 75. Wheat heavy pud la2 cents lower, closing rather more steady: ungraded winter red 125al s-j. No 2 do 1 S6al 87%. Com slightly in buyors’favor, very light trade: ungraded 57. Oats lower aud less active; No 843. Coffee more active and steady Sugar rather quiet butveiy firm; fair to good re- fining quoted at 9*9%, prune 9%: refined steady: standard A 10%: granulated and powdered 11%. crushed n%. Mojaeasa dull and nominal. Rice in good inquiry aHd steady; Carolina C%a7%. Rosin dull at 175. Turpentine steady at 39%a 40. Wool in active demand and very Ural; domesticfleem 33a5Q, palled W8P. unwashed 12a S4, Texas 17*85 Fork a shade firmer but very quiet; mess spot quoted 10POall 00. Middles quiet and steady, long clear 6 00, short clear 6%, longandshort clear 6%. Lard higher and strong with moderate trade, prime steam spot 7 i2s715. cash. Whisky nominal at 115. Freights dull. uonnrviUB—Flour quiet; extra 4 S0a476: family 5 00a»»:Nol600®635;pa3en3650®7 60. Wheat quiet; red aud amber 120. Corn quiet; white 47, uixed46. Oats steady; white 87, mixed 36. Fork quiet at 11 00. Lard steady: choice leaf in tierces 7%, do in kegs 8%. Bulk meats quiet, shoul ders 8%, clear rib* 6%, clear sides 6%a6. Bacon scarce and firm; tboulders 4%; clear ribs —, clear sides —. Sugar-cured hams 9al0. Whisky active at 108. UtsoiFFAXI — Flour easier; family 5 75® 6 80. Wheat dull at lfOatK. Com firm at 43. Oats ttrm;No2mixed3SaS4, Pork dull at 1100. Lard quiet: current make 6 50a6 6. Bulk meats quiet; shouldersS62%sS 75; short rib 5 62%a5 76. Uacon quiet; shoulders 11, clear rib —, clear.bidet 8%. Whisky active at 108. Hogs dull, pack ing 3 50a3 70. Sti i.oiris- Fiour cosier; double extra fall 510 a5 25, treble do 5 65, family 6 70a5 80 choice to fancy 5 90*6 59. Wheat lower; No 2 red fall 120al20% cash. Com higher; S7aS3 cash, 87% November, 86%a86% December. Oats higher at 30% cash, 81 December. Whisky firmer at 109. Pork quiet at 1025 cash. Bulk meats firmer; shoulders 3 60a3 65 clear ribs 5 45a5 60, clear tides 560*5 65. Bacon firm; shoulders 4%, clear rib 7%, clear aides 7%, Nxw Oelk iss—Flour quiet; superfine 450a 175, double extra 6 26*5 60. treble extra 5 75a 6 00, high grades 6 25a7 00. Com quiet; white 57. Oats firmer at 40. Pork firm at 12 00. Lard steady at 7%. Bulk meats firm: shoulders loose S 4 Bacon dnll: shoulders at 4, clear rib 7%. ear aides 7%. bugar-cured hama 9%aU Whisky dull at 1 C6al 10. Coffee quiet: Rio in car goes, ordinary to prime 14al7%. Sugar good de mand: common to good common 6%a7, fair to fully fair 7%43, prime to choice 8%sS%. yellow clarified ea9%. Molasses a shade lower; common 35a33, prime to choice *3a47. Rice in good de mand at full pricer, ordinary to choice, Louisia na 6%aS. NAVAL STORES. Wimowotox—spintiturpentine steady at 37. tosin Sim at 155 for strained. Crude tui- Dentiue quiet at 125 for hard; 2 26 for yellew dip; Tar quiet at 1 60,7 MARINE NEWS Arrived—Anglia. Pomona, Celia, Hattaras New Orlaaxs, Herman, Livingston. Arrived out—Wieland, Silo. Homeward—Florence, New Orleans, Adlutor Savannah. Macon wholesale Market. COUBKOXKD DAILY BY JAQTJES & JOHNSON. WHOLESALE GROCERS. BACON—Clear rib sides.,...., Shoulders Bulk clear rib aides Fork Strips— Bulk shoulders Bellies ...„ Choice 8 U hama. BAGGING—Dixie 1% lbs-.,.. Globe 1% 10 Union Star 1% lbs ............ LARD—in obis.—.... Leaf, in tuba— Leaf, in backets GRAIN- GOES, white, by car toad- mixed, by car load... Oats, feed...——.— Rust proof seed,.,—.. SALT—Virginia..— Liverpool.—— MEAL bolted — — Grit* ——... fLOUR—Fancy per bbi— ChOlCe min-ini-ir Tin-- Extra family, per bbl Family, per bbl— Extra per bbl..— iJOFFBB—Common — Fair — ffeeiln. i-t Prime.,...———— Jgya— ........ OAF*~ Perth——...... «OLA83E3—Choice Uuba.hhda— 88 Choice Ouba. bbfa— 35337 Bugarbouse, hbds 2S@24 Bugub&uie, bbl: 39 Choice New Orleans — none 3 tjGAR—Golden O 9 Brown———..— 8 O, codes—— 8. Extra O. white——————10’ „ none B%@5% 7%@8 none B%35% none n W%911 10% 10% 8%@3% , 8%@8% 10310% 76 55360 none 160 1 26, @1 25 — 4 60 ... 7 5033 00 .... 7 50 ... 7 0037 25 ... 6 60®6 75 ... 6 60 ... 13% — 15 ... 16 .... 17 — 28382 4% a 8 Standard A, Granulated —— Powdered and crushed— CRACKERS— Sods ——.....- Cream — BSra ir Derry — 4 NDLEf^rii&r——— MATCHES—R W, in paper in wood..... VAILS—Basis 10s—— STARCH—. SHOT— Drop . Back. .11311% .uxpux . 7310 . 9 alO .10 11 .14 . 15 .13314 270 275 400 . 2 10 IS 75 3 50 3 25 BALL POTASH—Babbetfe.. Horal fcterling —...——— PEPPER 17% SP10B GINGER—. N UTMBQ8... CLOVES - CIGARS—PerM » 00a60 CH3ROOTS 12 00 SNUFF—Loriilard'e. jar——— 65 Lori!lard’E.fofl 70 TOBACCO—Common 40 a Medium— — —— 50 a 60 :y Hinton..— —— — 52 Fins——„——... 75 al 13 Shell Road —... 50 15%31S RICE (new crop) ————— 7% POTATOtS —— 3 000325 ONIONS..— 5 00 blocks ana Don as COBXXCTXD | DAILY BY X*.RIFX|RY, BROKER. Georgia8percent bond*———101 mils Georgia 7 per cent, bond* (gold),.—....112 a 112% Georgia? per cent, bond* (regular) UlallS% Georgia 7 per cent, bond* (endorsed)—.110 a 111 Georgia 7 per cent, bond* (Smith)—ill a 115 Georgias per oenl (ildi -101 a 106 Georgia 6 per oent. bond* (new) A07%al06% City of Macon 7peroent. (tong)... 73 * 75 City of Macon 7 per cent (short)... 70 a 72 City ot Auuusta 7 per cent- ioo a 101 City of Atlanta 7 per cent an a lot City of Atlanta 3 per oent— —193 a 105 City 01 Savannah——— 69 a 70 Central Baiiron joint mongage .log a)10» Georgia Railroad 6 per oent. bond*..—.100 a 101 Macon and Western R R hoods par and lut Northeastevn RR bond* (endorsed) 104 a 105 Southwestern Railroad——...parand int South G a. and Fla, 1st mortgaSe —107 a 108 A. A G.R.R. Id mortgage (endorsed)-lo a 1932 Sou; Gaand Fla— - 82 a 88 Western R. R.of Alabama 1st mcrtgagello a lit Weattm R.RM Alabama 2d mortgage—HO 11 M A A R.R. 1st mortgage(not endor'd 80 90 M AARR, 24 mortgage (endorsed)-par a 101 Southwestern R R stock———...102al»% Georgia Railroad stock—— Slag* Centra! Railroad stock..— Aogasta and Eavaanad railroad stock— 106 (uticura Humors of the Scalp, Loss of Hair. Loss of hair in thousands ot case* is due eu, tirely to some form ot scrip disease. Seventy, five per cent of the number of ball beads might be oovered with hair by a Judicious use of Cuti, curs, assisted by Cuticura soap. It 1* the most agreeable as well as tbe most effective hair re* storer ever produced by man. It ia medicinal in tbe truest sense of the word. All others are some oleagenou* mixture or poisonous dye*. None but Cuticura poeieue* the specific medi cal properties that enable it to cure all itching and scaly diseases that inflame and irritate the scalp and hair glands and tubes, causing prema ture bald ness. Medium doses of the Cuttcuib Resolvent will purify the oil and sweat glands of the virus of scrofulous humor of the blood and insure a permanent cure, when taken in connec tion with the application of Cnticura. Salt Bheum and Dandruff Cured that several Physicians had fail ed to treat successfully, MRhbs WsaxsiPoriBB—Gentlemem I hare had the Salt Rheum on my head and all through my hair, and also on my legs for the past four years, haring suffered exceedingly with it. The dandruff falling from my hair was very annoy, ing. 1 consulted several distinguished physi. dans mregard tlit,and hare taken their pre scriptions as ordered but did not find any sure and but little relief. 1 was told by many persona who bare tbe Salt Rheum, and who have been doctored foryears, that there waa no cure for it; that it waa in the blood, and l should always have it, and I was almost inclined to agree with them, but a friend wanted me to try Cuticura, made by vour firm, I did, and to my astonish, in suit, in less than three weeks my head was en tirely free from all Salt Rheum and Dandruff, and 1 cannot see any appearance of Brit Rheum on my person, I think it a wonderful remedy. Respect'ully yours, GEORGE A MUDGB, Portsmouth. N H, February#, 1878. HUMOR OF THE S0ALP THAT WAS DESTROYING THE HAIR CUR ED WITHONB SOX OP CUTICURA. SlBssss Wxbkb & Porrxtt— Gentlemen: want to tell you what Cuticura hat done for me. About ten years ago my hair began falling out, caused by Humor of the Scalp. I tried various remedies too numerous to mention, without re lief anti! X began using Cuticura, one box o which has entirely cured me and new hair ia be ginning to grow. Respect!ully. MRS O J ROOT, 897 W Lake street, Chicago, Nov IS, 1878. Wo know the above to bo true. MART E TOWNSEND, 412 W Jackson street. M RS O A GRAY, Sil Fulton street. SUALD HEAD FOR NINE YEARS CURED WHEN ALL OTHER REMEDIES FAILED. Messes Weeks A Pottjb—Gentlemen: Binoe July last I have been using Cnticura for ecald head and it has cured me when all medicinea that I hare taken for nine years did mo no good. I am now using it as a hair dressing, but my head ia well. It keeps tho hair in vary nice con dition. Yours truly, HA RAYMOND, Auditor Fort Wayne, Jackson A Saginaw R R. Jackson, Mich, December 20,1873. Tne Cuticura remedies are prepared'by Weeks A Patter, Chemists and Druggists, 360 Washing ton Street, Boston, and are for sale by all Drug gists, Priceol Cuticura, smsll boxes, 50 oents; large boxes, containing two aDd one half times tbequantityof Resolvent31 perbottls, CuticuraSoap 2# cents psr cake; by mail SO cents 1 3 cakes, 75 cents. ©OLUJVs* VfiiTlIP |P*H ri rmnn'-ho dormant Muscles into VOUAIC lif(Jf stimulate the fifieTCttS Liver and Kidneys, curt Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Bilious Code. • .'ramps and Pains, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sciatica. Weak Spine, Weak and Sore Lungs, Coughs and Colds, Weak Back. Ague and Liver Pains. CUTICURA REMEDIES can be liad at ELLIS’ DRUGSTORE, Trian gular Block ATTENTION GEORGIA SOLDIERS. For valuable information about best and cheap est ARTIFICIAL LIMBS APPLY TO CHAS. M. EVANS; Manufacturer, 162 West 4th street, Ciocinoatis O. First premium at Georgia State Fair and North Georgia Fair. 1879. xjoti dawlw ITeucdytuls to cure. ■ gives immediate relief .cores ca*es of Ion*.standing ia 1 x*: ck,»zu} ordinary co sea in 3 dura. kUbot^d|jiii I lliraM Street, Philip i CAUTION— Wrapper onion lev* %/clUncpi \asnileof*£Q& £?&* sta. J.P.l irinUdtkUack, COLLINS & WINN, ■Manufacturers of- CARRIAGES, BUGGIES ■AND 70, 72 A: 74 SECOND STREET. Macon. Greorg 1 !, . . possessing tbe good qualities'.of both bard ana soft coal without tbe viudvantages of either. K0 SMOKE, HO BOOT,' QUICK HEAT, HKAVIA8H, —Usei by the best cooks for— BB0ILIHH, ROASTIHO. JSASIH6, snwne. Can be had at the Gaa Works in any quart, ties at little coat, AB BOABDMAN, ortlS sort. Dairy For Sale. B USINESS engagements preventing me giv ing proper attention to my Dairy, I offer foraale all my Milch Cows in good condition. Any one wishing to purchase call en me at my Batcher Shop. Schofield’s Block, Poplar street, between Third and Fourth. _ nov9 eodst Z B WHEELER. R. W. CUBBEDGE. BROKER —AND- SEAL ESTATE AGENT. STOCKS AMO BONDS BOUGHT ANO SOLO STRICT1Y Oil COMMISSION. Particular attention given to the purchase, ale and renting of Real Estate, opposite Lanier madly WANTED. A 8CHOOL or Situation wanted by man and wife, graduates, experienced teacher*. Music, etc, included. References given satis factory. "0,” Care Dr* J P A W R Holmes, 84 MulWry street, Macon, Ga, nov8 St CaOJtBLIXl. PKabx Cromeliae & Co., Lanier EwjT^, PAHLOB CiaiBTOBE. Tbe finest brands of Imported and Domestic Clgurs always on hand. „ G1YE U8 A TRIAL. OCtSltf 10 BARRELS. /“1HOICK Northern Apples, 5 boxes fresh Lem* V oa*20 oats* Western Csbbage, Florida Oranges, Tennessee Potatoes, Batter and Eggs, 71*72 on Consignment, just received b; no*U ed by JONES. IN STOCK, AND FOR SALE LOW^ Carriages, Phaetons, Cabriolettes, Rock- awavs, Ladies and Pony Phaetons Top and No-top Piano Box and Goal Box Buggies, Webster Wagons, Wilburn Wagons^ Studerbaker Wagons, One-Horse Wagons, Harness, Baby Cabs, etc., etc -0*iCal| and be Convinced.^ ms? - r ' We handle more goods in our line than any other house in the States of Georgia, Florida or Alabama, Our facili ties are such that we defy competition. We will treat you right, COLLINS <3c WINN. MACON. GA. COAL COATES JgASKKT GRATES of all aiioi at SCHOFIELD’S Iro* World, eetlSlm TE OFFtR 1,000 CASES AND KEGS SODA. 200 BARRELS iJLUE STONE, 200 BARRELS EPSOM SALTS 2,000 CASES POTASH, 1,000 BOXES STARCH, 2oo;bags pepper, 10,000 LBS LORILLARD SNUFF 6,000 LBS RAILROAD SNUFF, 1,000 GROSS MATCHES, 300,000 CIGARS, 200 GROSS FLASKS, 25 TONS JEWETT S LEAD, 60 TONS »T. LOUIS LEAD, 100 BARRELS LINSEED OIL. Above, and all good* in our lino, we bought be fore they advanced and will sell them at less thanINew York prices. HUNT, BANKIN' & LAMAB. aua27 tf Mutts FOR FIE PEBFOBEBT. ariest M in tbe City. The splendid stock of choioe Perfumery exhib ted by me last week at the State Pair and which received the premium, is now for sale at my Drugstore. Those in need of anything in this lma can **• cure bargains by calling on me. BOLAND B. HALL, Druggist, 17 POTTOX AVBNUB R HPLANT LC. PLANT&S0N Bunkers and Brokers, MACON, - • GEORGIA TSKMSACT » BEHE8IL jgj BUSINESS amount from 310 to (500 either in a pat or very frequently gives back 5 to 10 times money in profit*. You cannot lose any m eth&n the amount you invest. Stocu of all kind* bought and sold through New York stock exchange in any number of shares on S per cpnt margin. Send for our mrcu- expl&ining how to speculate. PECK A HARRIS. Bankers and Broken. 19 Broad street. New Tor b, sep2S dtn th «»t w3m Notice ot Copartiierstiip. rpHE underiigned have entered into a oopart- A. nermblDdating from tbe 1st day of October last, for the transaction of a General BROKERAGE AND 00MMISSIJN Busineia under the firm n&zne and style of LOCKETT «3c BONXF and offer their eerriceM to their friends and tho public generally in the purchase and Bale ot Stocks ned Bonds, Cotton Futures nod Commer cial Papsr of all kind*. No bu tineas will bo done by them exoept upon coauntoatoo. Oflm on Cherry street in rear of Hunt, itankin A La* norttf JOSKPH BOND. % noon KWTOHl© JPre»erlptlon Free. For the * needy Core aff Seminsl Weeknewt. Lot-* ot Manhood, and nil d *- order»broO|(ht on by indiscroticn nr Aay iJru^ist has tho in(rredientA. Addrert DATiDHO.V & C'O., Numu M*