The Macon telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1873-188?, November 15, 1879, Image 1

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By Olisby, Jones & Reese. MACON. GEORGIA. SATURDAY MOltNINS. NOVEMBER 15, 1879.—PRICE FIVE) CENTS BY TELEGRAPH DAY DWrAiTJUE-?. TIio JPowar of HoJ) Bitters. U'caiiTBi, NcTtmbsr 14.—Atticlea worn agreed to bj HanUn aid Courteney, i» in.:gbt, to row a flro mite race—two and • ball mile# out and return—in ben tino and brute, for »ix thousand dollar*, offered by the Hop Bitter. Company Too race to 1>j rowed on the Potomao near Washington, en Tuesday, December 9th, between two and fira r. an, kobject to poatpoaement by referee on account of weather. Blafcio will be the referee. If there U any intcrferecce with the race, the referee may order it rowed over again on the first favorable day. Hvelar, from tbu word, “Go,” w.lvea all right in the fix thousand, which ehall go to (he win* >-. r, aa decided by the referee. If either man faila ts Mart, Htnicn does not waive bis claim. The Bitters Company deny HanlaV claim, bat in consideration of tbo above agreement will place the money in bank to be paid to tha winner. Both man cx- p> ct to go to Washington early next week. Hanlaa will be the guest of the An aalostraoa and Courteney of the Poto- macs. Heim Items. Qai.TS.rojc, Tax., November 14.—A Neici epicial from Sherman says Julius Talute wss banged to-day for tho murder o! Joseph Brenner in Denieon in January. Six thousand witnesaod the execution. Cibcihwati, O, Novembor 14.—A epeolal states that Jss. P. Ferguson killed Jos. H. Coombs on Main street, Hopkinsville, Ky., last evening. Fergu son oame to that town to compel CoombB to marry his sistor, whom he bod mined. Tbs latter refused, and Fergueon bought a shot gen, loaded it and delibtrately shot Coombs. A Frankfort, Ky-, special slates iba: during tho Bnford trial, U was dUcov •red that tho law id the Itigersol statutes providing for tho oppointment of special jac'gee, differs from that adopted by the Constitutional Convention and nignod by the delegates of the Convention. On search being mado for tho engrossed oopy of the Constitution to verity the law, uo trace of It oonld be fsnod in tho offiap of the titate Secretary, and there is some doubt whether Kentucky has any au thentic Constitution. Dmvxb, Colobado, November 14 — The sales of the Johnnie Boll and Do mingo mines at Silver Cliff were consum mated yesterday. W. F. Shalfer, W. M. LeuhJ.nd McDonald,ioad asa:o a'e ,ill of New York, are supposed to have pur chased. The supposed price paid is sev en hundred and fifty to eight hnudred thousand dollars. LxBSNotr Pa., November 14.—Charles Drews and Franklin Stlcher were banged boro to-day for the murder of Joseph Kaher at Indlantown Gap last December. Tho Hostile Utes. Dihvib, Col., November 14.—Los l’icos dispatches state that General Hatch of the commission, has arrived. Tho hostile chiefs with tho exception of Jack, who Is reported to have gono to the Uoitah reseivation, are at Lob Pines and are willing to surrender. Ho perempto rily refuses to coma and meet tbo com mission. It bas been determined almost be}out diubt that ha led the hostiles in tho Tuornbnrg fight. Ouray hold a long ooaference with tbo bostiles on Tuesday nl ;tt and told them they nosd expeot no mo icy. Johnson Is at tbo agency and aits if he has done anything wrong he is willing to expiate the crime—willing to hang if Leoeostry. A Fatal Fire. Nbw York, November 14.—This morn ing a fire broke out on tho sooend floor of tenoment No. i.0 (Urnon-street. Tbo tenoment was oacupitd by et least twelvo familuf, and the excitement was tenibte. Mary Babisks, living cn tbo tbtrd floor, jumped from tne window, severely injui- ir-g herself internally, while four mem bers of a family uuincd Buifzkie, living on the top floor, were suffocated by the tmoke. Tne father, Joseph Bsltzkie, en deavored in every way to savo his fami ly, but Hading his efforts fruitless, rush ed to tho window, throw himself out, and was puked up dead. Pa rick J. Lycos, a fireman, whilst cn onvor ng to save tbo inmates, had both hands severely burn ed. Tbo damage to property is small Lynch, tho fireman, three times reach ed the fourth floor end tried to bear cat the unconscious women ami children. Each time ho was driven ba-.k and dual ly made his own escape by to t.-ric* «<> tbs fireesiape. In bis deeo-nt be rah -.1- ed flames and was b :m to toe ho»p:t«l where he lay dying at mi day tVh a >.»'• cries of the ncigbbois b- cgnt the police and firemen to tho house, Uaicrie was seen rushing wildly to tbo window of m* bedroom and returning as if endeavoring to dreg someth ng wild kirn, i'uescwre drove him back, bm he romrued again, this times sheet of flune shot into his face and with a despairing cry he seis-.d the window f ame and sprang oat. Toe distance was not so great, bat in bis <)e- rcent the men’s feet were caught by tie lintel of the window below and he was turned heed downward. Thus be struck the pavement. When the firemen were -gaining the top floor, four human bodies, closely huddled together on a bed in a little siue room, were found. Half conscious, probably, and straggling to ronse herself with the erics of ber husband ringirg out trom the window whither he made hts two ineffectual attempts to oame to their assistance, the wife had rolled upon tho floor and reached her children’s room, her first thought being for them. There the smoke had overcome ber, and with her last strength, feeling about for ber boys, she had fallen upon them and died there. Their eheeke were slightly scorched, oth erwise the flro had not touched them. The smoke bad dono its work moat effec tually. A family named Cohen lived in the building, and yesterday Mrs. Oohea was observed carrying out largo bundles. About eeven o'clock Cohen, wife and chil dren left tho house, the adults carrying large bundles. Cohen was arrested at the insuraaao office, where he hod seven hundred dollars on hia property. His wife was found at 106 Hseter street, and locked op. account of tho state in whioh the vessel bas been left, I tbink that ebe will be no further use. There were no loates , tie BLnco and Cochrane. The O'Higgin?, from the commencement of tha action, pursued tho Union at fall speed. The lot followed the O'Higgins on the tame errand. When the action was over, ordered the Cochrane to follow tl Union also. I trust the O'Higgtn* and Loa have overtaken the Union, aai in that cue, I do not tbink bat they have taken ber. The officers and crew of these ■hips showed themselves brave and calm I am going to Mejilloaea (o bury tha Huasoars’ dead and leave the prisoners there. I congratulate your Excellency on this victory. [.SignedJ G. Bivxao. Lowdos, Novpmbtr 14 —The market at Manchester was decidedly quieter on Thursday and quotations were unchanged, but producers wars rather naora ready to eater tala offers than cn Wednesday. Buyers showed leas disposition to pur chase, and sales have been quite small where any thing like fail rates were en forced. Synopsis Weather statement Omen Cities' Siosal OmcxB, WasaiscrroB, Nov. 14,1879. For South Atlantic and Golf States, southerly to westerly winds, partly cloudy weather and areas of rain, slight change ia barometer and temperature. no excitement, to die. The drop fell at thirty minutes past one, end in twelve minutes Sheats was dead. He straggled violently. Use Brewer's; Bubber Soof Paint—the bts msde. iolU ItawSra NIGHT DISPATCHES. Freinasoury a nd Catholioism. N«w Y KX, November 14.—A decision is Ibe txmovi Danya Coppers case has been reached and ths r-Kurins of tha Freemason are ordered to receive sspul- tur-> be-tds thoas of h ; j mo'her in, ins Citholio Calvary Cemetery. Toe rare was baa-d upon tbo refusal of tbs sup-i- imendeo: of the C-rthoIiu cemetery to allow the interment if :he body of Cup pers After accruing various phases it finally came before Judge Westbrook, whose ctorsion is a lengthy ooe and re views the ease and the lair, and basis the deoiaion upon the fact that the sale of a oemetery lot is an eb-olute transfer. Foreign. • v Biltast, November 14 —Two thou sand roelers, employed by the York Street Spinning Company, have struck for an advance of wages. Panama. Novembor 6.—Ih9 report or the Chilian admiral, in relation to the capture of the Hnasoar, is addressed to the P.-eddent of the Eerublie, and is a? follows X “At nine a. m, Cochrane engaged the Huascar. Blanco entered into action at ten. At 10:30 the Huiscir was knocksd to pieces, and surrendered. Her com mander, Gr.u, was killed, as also were the second and third in command.” The orew of tho Peruvian iron o al fought tenaciously and heroically. On aiDNXGHT DiayATOHSS Foreign. London, November 14 —The [Time,' Capetown dispatch says the Zulu Chief Secocoeni, bas notified the British au thorities that he desires peace, and will submit to English rale. His envoy was sent back with peace conditions, but nothing has aincs been heard from him. The Boers are encouraging Secoooeni to continue his resistance. Livbufool, November 14.—Tho Co« rier’s London correspondent telegraphs doubtfal repo:t that Sir Austin Layerd has been instructed not to hold farther communication with th > Porte regarding Aida Minor, bat to send tor the British fleet. Farther proceedings, the corres pondent says, -will depend on the beha vior of the Tnrks with respest to the ful filment of their promises. London-, November 14.—The steamer Edwin, of Savannah, has arrived at Bre men. Tho steamer Potavo, from New Orleans, has arrived at Havre. The British bark Glaslyn, from Boll river for this port, was damaged by oollision and lost her anchor chain. Beblin-, November 14.—Tho organio complaint from wbioh Prinoe Bismarck is suffering is said to be tho incipient stage of fatty degeneration of the heart, as yet but slightly developed. There is no immediate causo for apprehension. London, November 14—The trouble in the Stock Exohange originates in Paris, where there is a panic in cense quence of a rumor that the British fleet has been ordered to enter the Black Sea, wbioh Rassia will [probably make casus belli. Waahington. Wasuioton, November 14.—The Cab inet at its meeting to-day discussed the recommendations to be made in the President's annual message, as well as in the reports of the heads of tho respective departments. It was decided also that the recommendations should bo ooafinsd to improvements in the present methods, rather than extended to making radical ohangea in existing laws, it bomg dcsira ble, especially at the present time, to provone as little conflict in Congress and to cause us littls disturbance to business as possible. Tbs President’s message, which is now being prepared, will be shorter than usual and will contain few recommondaticns other than these com prised in the ropoii-i of hia Cabinet offi cers. Extensive preparations are being made hero for the forihesmiog icnnion of the (Society of tbo Army of the Cumberland the aevoiliag of tbo st-itu-.' of Gen. Tnonias on the 19-h lurtont Ail frank lines Will issue half-fere tickets, and a large crowd of visitors is utp-icUd. far exerciser in tho Fourteenth rtrees circle, where the statue elands, will consist of music by a male chorus of i hnudred voices, with the mizine band, dtum Corps and aru.liry aeoompsn:m-:u ; ua - v i’iug of the statu:; p-es-mcation ora tion by H-.iu Stenl-y -MatthewP, ant tne asCoplands of tho statue in beualf of Ih people of tbo United elates by President Haver. Tht-ro “id a'ss bo i military pirado a.-,d review, - inp b, iho Socie-y i- Munuf Vernon, an t a iiromenade con- o r- und i j l o.i tr-.o '.r.'iimg of tbs 20 r investign Isa or the Champion Din Bsftr. BUSINESS NOTICES. mewsHpot,: At B D Irvins s. All the latest Papers and Maga zines, Open at night. novis ii lladaria Oranges, something rarely seen in ■ at noyl* It • PE LIZ COEPUl’S. , Pine dress Pan tit from $3 to $5. novS MA89XIU HALL. SO Boy's suits JS 50 to *5. 8 WAXBLBAUM &BEO nor* PAINTS, OIlYmD 6LASS. OBCBEE&SON. Largs line Overcoats from $2 501 o J3. nov5 MASONIC HALL. 60 mens suits $5 50 to *11. nov5 MASONIC HALL. 71 Worsted Coats and Vests pm to 110. DOTS MASONIC HALL, DR. D. S. WRIGHT, spinner* 175*, export* toGroat Britain *2*3;coast wise 037: continent 1850; France —. channel —. Bonos—Colton firm: middling li?«, low mid dling IS: good ordinary 11%; net receipts 532. grow “55: tales : Block 5*0. Weekly net receipts £5*5; gross 1SC07; sales : exports to Great Britain 5787. Wixsaxerox—Cotton steady; middling uplands 11% low middling 11%; good ordinary 11; net receipts 810; gross —. sales —; stock 1*78*. Weekly net receipts M10: gross ; sales .2125; exports to Great Britain £ESS: ooastwise 785. PwTT.iTiirr.nrrA—Cotton firm: middling 12%, low middling 12, sood ordinary 11%, net re ceipts 55, gross ICS, sales . spinner* stock 7219, Weekly net receipts 881, gross 6351, sates 01CC, spinners £22 i, 8AVA1XAB—Cotton firm; middling 11%, low middling 117-16; good ordinary 11; net receipts 7357, gross , sales *800; stock #37*7. Weekly net receipts *2532; gross : sales 1S100; eiports to Great Britain 21351; Prance S394: channel —: continent 1S771: coastwise 11G7S. NXW Ulllin-Cotton strong; middling 11%, low middling 11%: good ordinary 11%: net r celpt* *618; gross SMI; sales 7*00; «tock2C-2185. Weekly net receipts 61272; gros* 6S*S5: sales 60900, export to Great Britain 56116. coastwise 7901; continent 1*S#7: Pranco 18735, Channel—. Mobixx—Cotton irregular; middling 12; low middling 11%. good ordinary 11%. net receipts 1931; gross ; sales 2000: stock 28612. Weekly not receipts 11*58. gross —; 17560; exports to Great Britain 4C00: coastwise 7122; continent ; Franco channel MxxFHla—Cotton firm: middling i: ceiots *201, shipments 1863, sales 2SCO,"stock *■781. ^Weekly recsipts 27751, shipments 10653, Augusta—Cotton firm: middling 11%, mid dling 11%, good ordinary 10%, receipts 1*23, ship- ments ■ ■», sales 1221* stock 4835. Weekly receipts 7279; shipments £055; sales 9*00, spinners —. Ohasimtox— Cotton firm; middling 12. low middling 11%, good ordinary 11%, net receipts 3741. sales 1500, stock 62157. Weekly net receipts 18227, sales IS809; exports Great Britain 68*7; channel —; coastwise 6155, continent 8970* Franco ■- ■ ■. IIOSTGONEET—Cotton firm; middling 11%: low middling 11%, good ordinary 10%, receipts 5595, shipments 6101. stock 6065, tales 6101. Macon—Cotton i firm; middling 11, low mid dling 10%, good ordinary 10%: receipts 309*, sales 3611, stock 3578, shipped 2555. Ooluxbus—Cotton firm; middling 11, low middling 10% good ordinary 10%. weekly receipts 402Aa!fipmtnts M*8, sates 3951; to spinners 1COO; Nashtelix—Cotton strong;middlingll%,lo.. middling 11%, good ordinary n, no t receipts 6035; shipments 3510; stock 591* FINANCIAL Loxnox—Noon—Consols 9718-16. Brie 47% Pahs—3 per cent Beutes 81 francs and 10 cen times: it • Attractions -—AT THE— OBI S P.&W. K. HOLMES DENTISTS, No e* Mulberry Street, Macon, Ga Tjeth extracted without pain, baantilnl sets of Tseth inserted, Abscessed Teeth and Diseased Gums cured. Dealers in all kinda of Dental Materials and j Instruments. Constantly on hand a large and lull assortment of Teeth of all kinds, Gold of all kinds, Amalgams ef all kinds, Rubbers of all nds. marsd&w A CARD. To all who are cuftenng from the errors and indiscretion* of youth, nervous weakness, early dccay.lossof manhood, etc, I will send a recipi that will cure you. FBBB OF CHARGE. Thl , „ — _ „ ^ great remedy wa* discovered b7 a missionary in |, NxwToax—Stocks opened irregnlari monOT 7; outh America. 8end a self-addressed snveope | t° n S 4 79%; short * 82%. State bonds dull; Gov- to tho Rev Jo*en»> T Inman, Station 1), New Tork. o iodide „ t FIV£~CEMTS. Smoke the original Doctor’s Prescription Ci gars, the best for the price in Georgia. SAM WEIOHSBLBADM, oct26 75 Cherry street. , ROCK AND RYE. It cares colds coutchs and throat diseases with* out fail and gives certain relief to consumptives. SAM WBICH8ELBADM' oct26 75 Cherry street. HaTj^yourrjof painted with Brawor’g Rubber HAVING ‘COMBINED THB S TJIiX* RISE Dollar Store, I am able to offer the largest and handsomes stock of MILLINERY ever exhibiioi in tho city, comprising the latest novelties in Felt and - Stow Mi, for Ladies and Children, the most extensive line Of SILK VELVETS, FLUSHES. SATINS OOLLDfS & WINN, •Manufacturers of- BosSCLj 1 1 * » NT r*7 ^ p ENGINE? CARRIAGES, BUGGIES -40 Addra. Branch Olfioc, SS.TTaU .troefiAtlant., I Qa - ,novUdlawwly 70, 72 «Sc 74 SECOND STREET. Macon. 0-eorgi.a IN STOCK, AND FOR SALE LOW Velveteensj in all colors Ostrich Tips, Plumes, tad aiiS Bostic Flowers, eminent securities firm. Money easy at 4: oxehange * 79%; government seouritie* quiet and firm; now 5 pereentsl02%, *% per cents 10C%, * per cents X 03. hit to bonds Stocks atrong and higher: New Jork Centra .... 150%, Erie *7%; Lake Shore 102%: Illinois Con- « *» Plaase everybody. A largo assort- tral 102%: Pittsburg 101, Chicago and Northwes-1 ™ut of ladies’ and child rou’s 99%. do preferred 106%; Rock Island l *8. | H O tS IE Y. A groat variety of ladios’ lulll Xtaw6m White and Red Onion Sots at sep2tf BLLIS’ DRUG STORE. For a good : Chewing Tobacco try tho Old Oaken Bucket, for sale by W F GRACE, cctlO lm 70 Cherry itreet. DR, C, J* TOOLE, DENTIST, Inserts beautiful artificial teeth, cures diseases of mouth aad gums, execute* all dental work neatly and promptly. Offlco over Pesohke’s Jewelry store. Second street, Macon, Ga. oct26 ccdtf “Tho Moss-Covered Bucket that hong in the well,” for sale by W F GRACE, octie lm 70 Cherry street, —o— "The Old Oaken Backet, tho Iron-Bound Backet,’’forsaleby W F GRACE. octlO lm 70 Cherry street JFYCU • Want really fine, beautiful r.nd po anent Den* tal Wfork, either t n tho natu; *1 P h or by sup plying their place with Artif :ial r, s. be certain to consult Dr Ford, who, lr rm - -d alter this date, will be found constantly a Ms olfice.No “ Second Street, from 8 o’cl«< . m, to 6 o'clock agri7 sunkwed Stn Western Union Telegraph Company 107%. Sub-Treasury balasMC Gold 112,971,025; cur rency 8.590,830. PRODUOX DAiTIMona — Flour firmer: Howard 8treet I TT»» rlnwnrAa u and Western superfinil5 00©6 25: extras 75(2625; UjHUGx. Yf family 6 50@7 25; City Mills superfine * 60@5 25; 1 extra 5 25@6 25; Rio brands 7 25; Patapsco family 7 76. Wheat—Southern steady and firm; Western wheat higher; southern red 1 SSal S5; amber 1 S5al *1: No 1 Maryland red 136: No 2 Wes tern winter red spot and November 138, Decem ber 143%a%, Southern corn steady: Western fiim and higher; white 66, yellow 55. Oats, southern *U*5; Western white ;*Sa«; do mixed 10341; Pennsylvania 43a41. Pay steady and unchanged, prime to choice Pennsylvania, Maryland 15316. Provision* stosdy: Pork 1150. aula meats, loose shoulders *, clear rib 6%; do packed *%, and 6%. Bacon—shouldois 5, clear rib 8%. Hams loall. Lard, refined in tierces 7%. Butter firm; primo to cboico Western packe-i 15316. Gofico quiet: rio in cargoes 13%al7%. Whisky 11% Freights unchanged. Cxioago—PJocr in good demand, firm; double extra Western springs 25aS 50; Minnesota 5 OOa 675; winter wheat 5 S9a6 75, ultra 5 tCu5 50 super- fino 4 03a5 60. Wheat active, firm and higher; No2red winter 12J, No 2 Uhicago springl 14% cash, 115% Docember, l .7% January: No s do 118%. rejected 86. Coni firm and active; 42% cosh, *0%»% December, rejected S3. Oats in fair demand and steady at 32%a% cash and Decern, her, *0% May. Pork strong ana higher at 10 £0 cash, U)10al012% November, 1020 December, Ij Cornets, Mid ©loves, the bc3t qualities at the most reasonable pricos Carriages, Phsetonsi Cabriolettes> Rock- awavs, Ladies and Pony Phaetons, I op and No-top Piano Box and Goal Box Buggies. Webster Wagons, W ii burn W agoiiS; Studerbaker Wagons, One-Horse Wagons, Harness, Haby €abs, etc., etc. Call.and be Convinced H © « ft A- _ a mt ^ BB s?|i NECKWEAR. DRESS S ii IRTS.gents’and boy's HATS,cheapest and best in tho oily,a now arrival of beautiful VASES, htndsome TOILET SETS, and a choice lot of CHROMUS. My stock of PLATED and GLASSWARE is complete, all of which will bo sold at surprisingly low prices. Call and con vince yourself that I mean what 11 Newman, Miss Maggie McEevitt 100 youth suits #3 £9 to $9 novs masonic hall £0 boy’s suit, $5 to $10. *ASONIOHALL. —a— Bovutiful lino Kelt suit, at MASONIC HALL. —o— Men’s Cheviot suits £7 to $12 50. MaSONI'J’HALI. The belt place for fine, pure, imported i.i piors. Wines, firandie., Gins, Ales, Porter end for medical use is at oct26 SAMWEICHSSLBiUM'S. —o Ask for tho Helltvood, the purest o!d Bye Whifkcy in the city. BAM WSICHSELBAUM. oct26 76 Cherry stro it. GO^MERSIM D onoaniixa. PMakx short rib 5 70, short clear 5 85. 110. New Yoke — Southern flour steady, common tofairextra6 65a6 59,good to choice 656 37 75. Wheat opened 1*8 better, ungraded winter red 1 24il SI, No 2 do 1 Sa%al *t. Uo: n % better an fairly active; ungraded 57% Oats % better but rather quiet; No 3*4 U'ofiee uuiet and steady. Sugar r*ther quiet hut very firm; fair to good :o fining quoted vt 9*9%, pnuie 9%; rertnoe ri sie : standard A 10% granulated and powdered it, crumbed 11% siolasse. quiet ani hrm. Rice in good inquiry end steady; Uaroluia 6%a7%. Ro:iu dull at 173. Turpmituip dull and easu-r at 88% Wool in act'-, • demand and very firm; domestic fleece seaSO, puiIm; 24*50, ur trre hiyi 12a 34,Texas 17tS5 Pork u:hade cigher and more . _ . .. . , setivo; mess spot quoted L U-. Midaict very P A ff, ll ( f i J 4 12. Tit 1115 firm and steady, long dear 6 00, short clear 6%, I *• ‘* '» * J ’* U A\X ■a.lw S. \7 l*u, longaudshort clear 6%. iare higher and strong ... , , . . , , „ with petive trad., prime *ie»m spot 7 32*7 S5,1 Tneflnost brands of Imported aud Domestic Cromeline & do., UwEqess, MACON COTTON STATEMENT 1'hiLADduviliA, N: v. inter 14.— I ...■ H i:i ( ti (te.a.-i of Inqoirj into tbs Ccuta- p,.?o die.-tor, rcsutued us inveatlgatiuL' ibid morninfr* and David Hunter, boat- s vara of the Octavis, g*ve his testimony. He said these was a look out on his ship, ber lights in proper order and tho mate on deck. Saw the tights of the approach ing steamer, but thought it was a tag bearing down to speak tho Octavio, when hs saw the green l ght tor tho last time, which was when tha Champion al tered her couteo, ha knew the collision could not be avoided. Did not think the Oatavis attack tbo Champion, but thinks the former was struck by tbo latter. Witness saw tho lights before they were reported by the look cut. Ho thinks tho lee fore and main and weather cross jack braces could have been let go in an in stant. The order was not given, how* ever. Thera were sufficient hands to man the life boat, though it was not done, but witness is satisfied there wero no more people clinging to the floating wreckage when the Ootavia’s boats returned to that vessel. At the time ot the collision all on board were quiok in the execution of their duty. Peter Yasassovltob, the Ic ok out, testified that when be first saw the greats light, he reported it to the chief mate. After watching it fifteen minutes saw the mast head light, which wa3 not very brilliant. When the Echooner struck, witness ran to help lower the beats, and after calling the captain was ons of those sent to rescue the drown ing. Xilverpod Cotton Circular. LtvSBPeor., Nov. 14 —This week’s cir cular ct Ibe Liverpool Ootton Brokers’ Ateoefation b*je: Cotton was in iuorotsed demand tbronghont the week with ad vancing prices. Wednesday the market was animated and an unusually large bus iness was done. Thursday there was less fcosin-ta, and the market was qni_eter,bnt quotation* generally show considerable advance.' American was in extensive de mand and divan ted 3-161. Sea Island was in goo-1 request, but holders offered very sparingly and it advanced to a half penny. Fatuies wero strong during the crea'er part of the week and with very large bnsiness. They advanced a half penny for November delivery, and fd for other months, bat on Wednesday after noon opened excitedly, became weak and receled id. On Thursday they contin ued weak and unsettled, with afortber decline cfl-16dto ii. The final rate show an advance of a farthing to 9 3-d for ell positions. Sews Items. Atlanta, November 14.—This scorn ing Wto. Beagrcve, a young farmer sear Griffin, Georgia, committed snicide by shooting himself through the head with a pistoL The cause of the deed fs not known. Jsrdan Sheats, oolored, was hung to day at Draielvilte, for the murder of Jno. Ledb-lter, white. Sheats was cursing his employer, John Williams, when Led- betterJittemotEd to interfere, and Bheata killed him With a shot gas* There was » TSLEGRAl’fl *ND ViKSURWyjKi Novembsb 14. 1379.—EVXlKXS. The market t.-day opened strong at 11 cents, weak cusd, but recovered a:.d closed qu’ot at 11% for middling. &.>-** iv.vti by rail today. :7a by wagon........ 4 0 756 Shipped 413 CO\l 763 STATEMENT: Stock on hand September 1,1879...... 2S0 Eeceired to-day 756 previously «... 27d)0-278tf Shippod to-day...^^...... previously. ........ Stock on band this evening... Received same day last year .,... LATEST FELEyKAFHI*J BEPOHT3 —o— Comparative Co iton Statement For the week endii Net receipts at all U lost year......... Total receipts to this date Last year.. ........ Export* for tha week..... - Total exports"to"tbls"dAte.....!i.............. 8took«Ai'w^:::::::.:.:::::::::::::::: Stock at ail interior towns Last year. — Stock at Liverpool Stock American afloat for Great Britain Last rear... Friday, Novembor 14: ports for week... 218.849 176.878 1.69S.5S7 1.822,767 187 973 127,853 993088 589.667 5.7.849 514.029 awu 104,480 288000 2S2.C00 320,000 285,000 COttOB.. Livirpool—Neon— uotton easier; middling uplands 615-16, middling Orleaci 71-16. Sates 8600 bates, cl which 1000 were taken by speculators and tor export: resaipto 18800—18600 American. Futures opened dearer but the advance has since been lent: Uplands low middling clause November deliv ery 681-82*6 29 S2aS%, November and December 27-52*6%, December and January 61S-16a8%, 651-82*613-16, Jane and Julv 681 32. Sales oi the week 82000, American 6100), spec ulation 100*0; export 7009: actual export * 00; im- porte72.000; American£7060: stockSJS.009, stock of American 171000, afloat 359,000; Amercan 520,- 180* 400 pm—Sales of American 5900, Uplands low i-i.4diinr clause November delivery 6%a8 29-82, November snd Deeemoer 6 25 32*8 IS 16, Decem ber aad January 6%s6 25-SS, January arid Feb ruary 6%. February aad MarchS 25 32, Marcn aad April 8 27-52*613-1A April and May 6%, May and June 6 31-32, June snd July 7. " jspm—Futures, uplands low middling clante ovemberdelivery«ll-16, November and De cember 623-32. December and January 623-32, . r&nuary and February 6 £5>32a613-16. Future* olosed weaker. NXW lose—Cotton irregular: sales *53. mid dling uplands 13%, middling Orleans 12%. Futures opened stosdy; November 12di.De- cember 12L8. January 1235. February 13 52, March 12.65. _ Cotton—Net rooeipts 63s; gross 5179. . Future* closed irregular and unsettled, dosing barely steady; sates 273,000; November delivery 12.35—34, December 1236—37, January 12 41. Febrnarv 12.65. March 1X68—70. ApriJ IXSt—13, May 12JI331S.01, June 1A12—15, July 1321—24. Cetton dosed unsettled: sales 482 middling up- lands 12%. middling O’•learn 12%. Weekly net receipts 1911, gros* 11580 exports to Great Britain 15496, France 143, continent 2274. channel .sates5718, stock 69750. Qxxvktox — Cotton strong; middling 11%. low middling 11%: good ordinary 11: net re- Sg5gfri»=^3ggi stock 80488. Weekly net receipts 20792; gross —-1 sales 11S1A export* to Great Britain 13715: France 793; contineut 218t. channel —; coastwise 7581. NOBJOXg—Cotton quiet: middling 19 sce-.pts 4117. sates —, stock 41S48. WeSls net receipts 3U6Lgron-, «Ales5135: exports to Fiance ■, coastwise —* Great Britain 17061. contotnt — BAixatouwCottoa fif»! BwaanalA low 12. net cash. Whisky nominal at l) 5 freight* steady. bOUIHViLLr—moui qaiolr. • xiru 4 f(fei4 75: 510^5 25. No 1600(^0 25 irnum .6-^7 50. \Vae*i firmer;red and muter 1 2?. . quies .fhiie 47, uiisoti 45 Uuta dull; white 35J£. mixed S-i. Fork none here Cmu firm-r* r^.j*** it, tierce* 7%. do in ke^s Bulk meats scarce >boulders 3?ia%.clr'ar ribs c«ar sub * B.*uon scarco and firm; «housu«ii.» %% . - Ic-.r nbs~, c'.e&r sides —. f ; UK>‘ * '••Vo 0. H'hiwky »jlivo jit I 19 ;x^ojNr.kAt Hr .r * i. ; t 5 80^580 Wheat flim dt 1 -Dal 2c. • • firm ■? ui 45. Osts firic; No ‘a tuired 4 ••*»?» Fork i rui tHOo 'wi firmer cuncut • OaS-o Bat meals iuactiv.-: 'llO'jklvrd 4 3 im sr :• 5%. «h >U ^!o r B*c»i q •» i • •• u* •-. r 1-11*4*r rib —•, ;*]ear hicv n - . Whi k.k .. u- l j M*ga du I. IM.- It;* 3 hCtCi «S **t. .u r i«.ut firi.s* r n . le t >t:a fft!l S 20 »5S0. treble du ft 65, choice to fanev 5 0 6 5u •* u«h i i her >•» 2 red la 1 1 2Sj’.a% c*ash. Com ea l r; s.% *ia», S7nS7^ November. u*tseasier at 4i c&fi—i.o opiious. Whisky firmer at i io. for* fir er.-i lOLOcanh. Bulk meats ahoui t. r* aB .0 clear ribs 5 C 515 60, cicar sides 5 6£<*5 7'» quiet and unch npfcd. ohon’dt-rs c etr rib714, clear aides 7 , Nlw ORLX'Ki-Flour quiet superfine 4L0a 47ft. douh e ext. i* 5 25u5 6U. treble extra 5 75a 6 00, t:ixh grades 6 25*7 oo Corn steady; white 57. Oats firm- r 4l Pork firm .2 00. Lard steady at 7%, Balk meats itwdj; Bkeulders loose 456 Bacon arm. ahounJns i»t clear rib 75i, clear sides 8. fugar cured, hams 9^all Whisky dull at 1 Oftal 10. Uoileo quiet Rio in car* g es, ordinary to prime 14x17 l A. bugar sood de» common to goa t <c-mm n 7j»7V^, fair to fully fair 75£&S, nxinM chuio? yellow clarified Molasses a bhxdc lower; common S.'aSj, prime to cboico >0a44. Kicein* mand at full price*, ordinary to choice, na 6%&3. 3A ViL 4TOR&« ’v;LMiaGiov~m>inu uupeuvtuc auiet at 87. Kf/sin film at 185 for Urnde tui- pentine steady a 1 25 for hard; 2 25 for yellow dh; Tar quiet at 1 25. fiASJNE NEWS New Yokx—iirired-Mirca, Colon* Utopia, Morgan City. Arrived out—Laura. Emily, Cigars always on hand. GIVE US A TRIAL. /CHOICE Northern Apples, 5 boxes fresh Lem- \J our, 20 crates We.'tern Cabbage, Florida Oranges. Tonnes Re Potatoes, Butter and Eggs, oi* Consignment, just received by 110T12 • JONR8 & COOK. 1. Pfacticnl Honse U Jima PainiBis. IN ALL iM BliANOHES. GiUIXIXG, GILDING, GLAZING, PAPER-HANGING, KALSUHUflNG, FRAME GILDING, AND WOODS AND MARBLES IMITATED. JAPANING A BPECIALTY. Fourth Street, (Between Poplar and Oherrv streets,) augSl Macon Ga COE, COl COE. rpHB belt and cheapest fuel in tha market, X possessing the good quafitiesjof both hard aud soft coal without tho disadvantages of oithcr. Macon wholesale (Met. CORBECTID DAILY BY JAQUES & JOHNSON. WHOLESALE GROCERS. BACON—Clear rib atttea... Shoulder*. Bulk dear rib iidct.„„ Fork Strip*.. Bulk shoulders... Bellies Choice SO hams........ BAGGING—Dixie 1% lb*..— Gicbe 1% ID Union Star 1% lb* LARD—in bbl,._ Leaf,in tut*.,, Le&l, in buokets.,,.,,, GRAIN— Coax, white, by car load..., mixed, by car load,,,, Oats, teed ............ Rust proof seed, 11 . 10% , 10% nona «£@5% 7K@8 none 6%<S5% 10%©11 - - 10@lO% ■ 78 75 £5066 none iao 1 20©1 25 SALT—Virginia,, LiverpooL, MSaL Grit* 4 50 fLOUR—Fancy per bbi 7 50@8 00 Choice 7 50 Bxtra family, per bbL.—, — 7 00©7 25 Family, per bbi 6 50®6 75 Bxtra per bbi-., 6 50 OOIPBB—Common 13% Fair.. 15 Good. 16 Prime....... 17 JavA.— *5@8f OAFS—Perlb——— «% a S ttOLASSBS—Choice Cuba. hhds„..„ 8a Choice Cuba, bbls S5®37 Sugar house, bbd* 25^21 Bugarhouae, bbl*„. 99 Choice New Orlean*...............,,. none 8 CGAB—Golden O 9 Brown 8 C. eoftee . , ...» 8%88% Bxtra C. white.—,— —• 10%811 Standard A 11811% Granulated.—— 11%@11% Powdered and crushed....— 11% CRACKERS— Soda—— — 7810 Cream —— — 9al0 Ginger—..—.——.—10 U atrawDerry — 14 -----18014 MATCHES—& W, m paper s 70 K HWmmwtM Iff NO SMOKE, NO S00T,! QUICK HEAT, HEAVY ASH. —Used by tho bast cooks for— BROILING, BOASTING. BAKING, STBWINfl. Can be had at the Gas Walks fn sn.v quanti ties at littlo cost. AEEOABDHAX. ortlS 8up’t. Job. ScemoaellL MERCHANT TAILOR. Fine suits mado to order and fits gnaran No 2 Brown House, M&ooo, Ga. ‘v'tii fUm R. W. CUBBEDSE. BROEEB -AND- RIAL ESTATE A&EHT. STOCKS AND BONDS BOUBHT AND SOLD STRICT1Y ON COMMISSION. Particular attention given to the purchase# ale and renting o! Real Estate# opposite Lanier WANT£0. A SCHOOL or Situation wanted by man and wife, graduates, experienced teachers. Music; etc, included. References given satu f.otnsv. •»o,” factory. Care Dr* J P A W E, Holmes, 84 Mulberry street, Macon. Ga. novs St SALE. I WILL sell on the fin t Tuesday in December, at public sate, (if not sold at private tale be fore) my lot containing two residences with all the necessary ont hoiue^ known and described on map of city of Macon aa lot No 2, in block No 24, fronting on McIntosh street and running back to alley 2’.0 feet, containing OT.e-ha’.t acre more or less. Terms cash. XR8 BLLSNCRONAN. NoToabes 4th. 2K7V, DorSlUwtw* ICOAL MATE JgASXET GRATES cl ail rise* at SGUOlTISLD’fllruu H’prSsi. •ctltlm 10 PLAN*. ii it Fi. -.rT I.C. PLANT &SU> Baokeru «ad Broke* .- MAOOiv . - tUotiUi TitHSACl tt JrStgai ja jfi te -.u. ,s A CIIANCK TU hiKK M*> * . out cureful plnnof •. *V?.:l . r.. *. & nmjunt i.51.11 >^:/t ».i U ; -i: I v. ry li>,TiiMitly ku«’< •• .*• t money iu prjfit.s. Vji t n * -i -• * .r. at ethtn the amount jou n: / vi IfttoCAKvfut! kinds temtht -v: Now Yura stock cxnhan/e i.i h it • *:•» '* shares on 8 per cent tuarKin. fe«r».I i-.r «»uj n ■' j l oxpiaiui^huw t'»Mi>eouit:j i*KOK A HARRIS, Hauker- and iirokv. 19 Unnuf Nr-t \ r. si ptk dtn Ih Bit w8m luce til cp; !-i’:inp. T HE undersigned hwv*> u ;ri n co;»*»rt» nertshioduting fro u ;h* ltt es* o -* laatp for the transaction ot o <i« ne*.-.; BROKERAGE AND 00 XI: i Busnwaunder the firm rr nrs i» i »*- ••• • LOCKe/f V A £* C- iST 1. indcIffirtiuorAmi ei to Lis-it » *r public g.u ruUy m Uie j.-> Isiooks n -•! l*o«iih. to l »i. j r CAft 1 fjrtH’ of hi. - s'* • • i donooy t!***™ exo-p' u|>-qi . * *- or Clitrr.% s;r* et in i «i •! t. . mar's! drug nt> novfi tf . m K *W l.:> IS a ? Prescription Fret* We handle more goods in onr line than any other house in the States of Georgia, Florida or A-labama, Onr facili ties are such that we defy competition. We will treat you right. COLLINS <Sc WINN, MACON, IGA. WE UFFJ 1,000 CASES AND KEGS SODA. 200 BARRELS liLUESlONE, 200 BARRELS EPAOM SAM - 2.000 CASES POTASH, 1.000BOXES STARCH, 200 BAGS PKPPE1L 10.000 LBS LORILLARD SNUFF 5,000 LBS RAILROAD SNUFF, 1,000 GKOsS MATCHES 300,000 CIGARS, 200 GROSS FLASKS, 25 TONS JEWETTS IEA1, 60 TONS HT. LOUIS LEAD, 100 BARRELS LIN-EED OIL. Above, and *11 gccd*m ci-r iit «•. »i 11 «.* i 11 • fore they advanrod and will -ell the n at lei. than Ne* York price* HUfiT. EA.NKEK & LAMAR. aug27 tf FINE PERFU1EBY. Lariest Stool io tie City. t Tht*plecdil»tock of choice Perfuwery exhlb tod by me last week at tbs State Fair and which received tho premium, i* now lor Bate at my Drugstore. Those In need of anything in thia Ira. can ae* cure bargains by calling on me. ROLAND B, BALL, Druggist, octet! H OOTTON AYBNUH