The Macon telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1873-188?, November 23, 1879, Image 1

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JM&tt By Olisby, Jones & Kkese. MACON, GEORGIA, SUNDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 23, 1879.—PRICE PIV iff CENTS. Number 9.875 BY TELEGRAPH. DAY DUrAXUUia). I be II tea ui Ike Mormons. Doth, Col, November 22.—A Lob I’.nca apecial say* that Ouray stated to the commission that he wa3 prepared to j rove by the teetimony of member j of hie tribe that eecret eminence from ‘.he Mormons have been conferring with the White River Vte*—attempting to pro long hoetilitlca by famishing arms at pcinta on Grand Hirer for their nee. He adda. although tho information ia not tnffieient to conriet, yet he baa little dcnbt be will be able to establish a eon* motion between the ilormona end tho ontbreak. Ouray aaya he ia informed that over* tnrea have been made to Jack’s band tlnoe the visit of Adams to the White Eivcr Utos, and ho believes that the Mormons have been in communication with Jack for a long time. Ho states ho has convinced the White Hiver Utea that they oan come be fore the Commission and freely testify, without fisr of being immediately placed is iron,—that the government is dupos ed to deal jastly with them, and while the guilty must bo pnnished, it will be looked to that the Innocent shall not suf fer. He has notified them to appear and testify in conformity with their oath. If they refuse Ouray will call bis friends <o bis standard at Uncompxghre, and tvaivo the absence of represent atives from the White Hiver tribes, treat with tho government direct, and keep bis men with him, securing the punishment of the Utes at tho disoretion of tho department. Foreign. Dublin, November 22.—At a meeting to-night to denonnee the arrest of Daly, DaviU and Kelley, about five thousand were present. Edward D wycr Gray, Lib eral Home Bale member for Tipperary, presided. Mr. Parnell and other Homo Bale members were present. Parnell moved the meeting to call hpon Irish men to pronounc.' by pablio meetings their condemnation of the action of tho government which is unconstitutional and illegal, and time chow tho world that Irishmen are not to bo intimidated by any person. He accused the Government of entrap ping Irishmen by means of paid spies He ad vised Irishmen to be oalm, because if they tried to emulate tho Government in illegal action or violence or disorder, tbeywonld bo doing what tho bntchor and destroyer of the poor Afghan and Zulu desires thorn to do. He said no earthly power could ever succeed against the united and deter mined efforts of Irishmon in their atrng gle for their soil. Irishmen wonld show Lord Boaconafleld that they know how to win battles, and thongh they played against a man who hod loaded dice, tholr cause was tho strongest. Ho said tho land system was already tottering to its fall. Biggar declared Parnell was tho leader or the Irish people. After tho demonstra tion was over Parnell and Bigger started for the Balia meeting. MIGHT DISPATCHES. News Items. PswsacoLa, Pea., November 22.—At the railroad letting for tho completion of the interval jnnolion of 45 miles be tween Pensacola and Pineapple, Ala., the contract was awarded to Dani«l OalUhan, cf Tennessee, who is to oompleto 6G milc3 of tho Pensaoota and Selma railroad within twelvo months. Wilmington, November 22.—A largo fire occurred hero early this morning, which destroyed Colvillo A Co.’s steam saw mill, AltalTcr A Prince’s sash and blind factory, a large lot of lumber, 325 casks spirits turpentine, about 500 birrols rosin belonging to Alex. Sprant A Son, and a large front of wharfage. The loss will aggregate f40,000; insnranoe about $20,000. Alex. Sprnnt A Sun only were (ally insured. Nxw Oolianb, November 22.—Sena tors Cameron, Hill, Vanco and party have not returned from the jettjes. No cession of the committee to-day. Nashville, November 22.—At tho meeting of the National Beard of Health this morning tho subject of marino quar antine stations and a uniform quarantine regulation was discussed. Dr. Bench gave a grapbio description of the quar antines of 187S and 1870. Dr. Elllo:t. of Savannah,read a paper on quarantine. Dr. Bcmia, of New Orleans, read a docu ment eigned by fifty steamboat owners, to approval of tho inspeotion and sanita ry regulations of the National Board dur ing the put summer, end agreeing hero- after to be governed by suoh regulations. Wsldon, N. C., November 23 —This morning E. U. Hick was killed by J. D. Merritt with a shot gun. The trou ble arose out of a disputed title to a lot, on which Hicks was living. Aloant, N. Y., November 22. — The canal is navigable throughout its length, and boats aro going eastward. ttociNNATr, November 22 —A special from Davenport reports an acoidcnt to a freight train on the Chisago, Bock Island and Pacific Bailrcad. Tho switch at Eist End bridge over Sylvan was left open, causing the locomotive to run off the track against the end span, forcing it from an abutment. Tho wholo epan fall, and was followed into a twenty foot eh jem by the engine and five ears. Three men on >he the engino escaped. Nxw Yobs, November 22.—The steam er Andes brought tho crowof tho schoon er Frances Bnrrltt, abandoned November Slat, in sinking condition. foreign. Conx, Novemb:r 22.—A detachment of troops left here last night for Buttee. It is supposed ia consequence of urgent private information reoeivod by tho gov ernment. Adxw, November 22—In consequence of the menacing attitude in Abyssinia a British gunboat has been ordered to Mas- siwah to protect tho property of British subjects there. London, November 22.—Tho Globe an nounces that tho widow of Ohas. Dickens, the famous novelist, died at her reai* donee in Glonohester Park, London, this morning after a lingoring illness of eighteen months. London, Novembor 22.—A Dublin diepatoh states that tho Government is determined to abandon all preliminary difficulties which might obetrnot the ob taining of loans from the Board of Pablio Works for improvement of estates, and In order to expedite the expenditure of money strictly for employment of un skilled labor, and will immediately give loans to landowners and sanitary boards. They will add to the principal cost of the preliminary proceedings and interest ou the sum borrowed, allowing two years grace. Impairment, therefore, will com mence at the beginning of the third year, ii>ia commission only to take effect in districts which tho government will declare come under the designation of ‘'distressed districts.” synopsis Weather statement I Orrica Chixf Signal Oiticxk, Washington, Nov. 22,1879. Indications—For the South Atlantic and East Gulf States, lower pressure, southerly wind?, increasing to westerly and warmer, dear or partly cloudy weath er. biumight; dispatch bb. Mews Items- Whitehall. N. Y., November 28— The weather for the last twenty*foar boon has boon very oold, and there is considerable ice in the canal. Thirty boats boond north ara trying to get through the oanal. Tie officials are working night and day. Nxw York, November 22.—In tho euit brought by the owners of the Amerloon steamer Jobe M. Leonard and her mas ter and crew, of Fall Biver, Mossachn setts, against the owner of the British steamer Arragon, to reooverthe vain e of the schooner, cargo and freight and per sonal effects of master and crew, alleged to have been totally last, in consequence of a collision between schosner and steamer in April, 1877, Judge Choate, in the United 8tatea District Court, ren dered bis deoieion this a. m„ tho total ▼alne in libel being 30.CSS dollars and 25 cento. The schooner was bound on a voyage from Philadelphia to Providence, B. L, with 519 tons of coal. Judge Choate says ''it is a singular fact in the case that but one blast of the fog horn was heard ia the steamer, but the evi dence is sufficient to prove that it was blown at proper intervals, and several times just before the collision. The re- snlt is that both vessels were at fault and liable, and here decree for one-half of their damages and reference to compute the amount of their damages." foreign- Dublin, November 22, 6 p. or.—A let ter received by the Mayor says that yes terday afternoon there were no extra po lice in the town, and that the chanoea of anything violent taking place were ex tremely few. A good deal of apprehen sion prevail?. A plaoard, signei by Charles S. Parnell and Michael Davipp, is extensively posted and addressed to the citizens. It counsels them to be dig nified and orderly, and concludes as fol lows: "Give no excuse for violenoe on tbo part of the government, and oar great canso is won." Panama, November 11.—Tho condition in Lima is anything bat favorable. A ministerial crisis followed tho capture of tho HnsBcar. A new ministry was form ed, bat it is safe to say they will not ap« provo the conduot of tho war, and may provide resolutions overthrowing Prado. London, November 22.—Advices from Balia indicate extraordinary precautions hod been taken by tho Governor. Over 100 policomen woro stationed near the place of meeting, end some cavalry in tho vicinity, ready for aotion. Mr. Par nell spoko. Cairo, November 22.—Tho latest offi cial telegrams from Khortanm announce that Gen. Gordon left the King of Abyssinia without having effeoted any final arrangement relating between Egypt and Abyssinia, bat when he reached Gala ho was recalled by letters from the King. Dublin, November 22.—Tho eminent counsel engaged to defend the Sligo last a committee cf the Board was ap- p fluted for the wuiohsss of a lot of land rot the burial or oounty paupers. As ail these facts appear upon our min utes, it seems le ns that the recommends' tion of tho committee, however valuable in itself, is superfluous, and unnecessa rily swells the proportions of their re port. In the same light we oonsider their recommendation to the effect that bills I J W.LOCKBTT, JOSEPH BO ND LOCKETT & BOND. GENERAL BROKERS. TUTT 5 S PILLS Sngarhouae, hhds..... Sngarhouae, bbls„ , iJ@S4 New Orleans... none SUGAR—Golden U „ ,, 914 ^symptoms.of a TORPID LIVER for horse hire, contracted by the officers I ftItk, Btl&, flttM JalflM ul FlfitfS I cosKvcTfS^ of the Saperior Court, should not be paid I ‘ ™??S,d» mt $adulisensationinthoback - — - - * I P^. Prnn under tho shouldcrblado. fLf’ disinclination white—m Standard A.. Gran uU ted. Powdered and crushed..,,, | CRAOKRRS—Soda ZZZ Dream Gimrer„ . n«u3c COLLINS & WINN, ’Manufacturers of- unleea approved by the presiding Judge. I of all kinds bought and sold on commlsiion. Of- & Lamar’s retail drugstore. novl8 if niter eating, exertion of bodv I temper. Ixnvspifl ins neglected some :, with a I OANDLB8—Star. 1 MATCHES-SW.m paper.... in wood FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIALS HACON COTTON STATEMENT | OFFICE TELEGRAPH AND JaESSBNGBR Novekbsx 22.187*.—imn. The market ts-day closed quiet at 11 cents | I for middling. Received by rail to day 28S by wagon 2S8— 550 | Shipped 4!5 | STATBMBNTr Stock on hand September 1,1679...... Received to-day generally over tho—jUaBM——gjjjjj with fitful IF THBBBWAMnNMJ&jrmtrnewrSSr SERIOUS DISEASES WILL SOON BE DEVELOPED! TUTT’S PILLS arc especially adapted to such eases, one dose effects such a chance of feeling ns to astonish the sufferer. S CONSTIPATION.' s»s5s^^wso?s 0IGAR8—PerSZ’ CHBRotyna ~- SNUFF—Lorillard’j. jar.".' MUMUnL.-. TOBACCO—Common , movement is obtained, which will soon follow. > SKiSTH” of thU last recommendation entered upon our minutes. In the closing paragraph of their report the committee intimate that they have found acme ‘'defalcation’' or irregularity, but not of a "serious” nature. The en tire paragraph is expressed in language of general disparagement of all the county officials. We protest against this tone of vagne bnt sweeping denunciation. We submit that offioera should not be held np to pablio censure for faults or "irregularities" too triv ial or too doubtful to admit of specification. If the committee fonnd any "defalcation,” great or email, in the coarse of their investigations, we think it was their duty to have stated distinctly in what office it was found, who was con cerned In it, and at what time it occurred. If the committee did sot examine into the several county offioes with suffioient care and thoroughness to enable them to etato explicitly whether or sot thero had. . been any defalcation, we think that to LATEST TELEGRAPHIC REPORTS TTTTT’S WATS? TiY7“P dent they failed to accomplish the | J - rTni7tt7^, w, ** .* **» UXJut Cotton. I hay IjAia on Whiskers changed to a Ct/hw m,i "‘ MSgagEB&SIsikSft Sales 7800 bales, ol which 1000 were taken by I •“it kintiraHn recent of ar** y ru *-‘* t *.<* speculators and for export; receipts (two days) -earin££5?£ lOESSF* CARRIAGES, BUGGIES ball Royal -AND :W« ■70, 72 «3c 74 SECOND STREET. Dr. I. Guy Lewis, Fulton, Arl;., sayss | bS.b, * w “After a practice of 25 years. I g£Bl u6 "“up) 471 TCTTBMlSSS best S£S3W»'SS3S I ever made.' Shipped to-day. S1701 and preYiously.™„_^„.,...^__^268l5—27350 I utnoumra. 1 never Had any medicine In do , ^ t . me so ranch good as TUTT’S FILLS. They are | Stock on hand this evening 4351 as good as represented.’’ J | Received same day last year S67 | tlfllco 35 Jlurray Street, New York. ONIONS, 4 75 amusementsT 15^@1S S00a325 Macon. Georgisa IN this extent they failed to accomplish object cr their appointment. Very respectfnlly, Wh. Hazlehubst, A. E. TfNSLXY, C. Bubkx, Jno. B. Giles, Jab. Bans. MOBILE, ALA. Who Named Her and Wken- commerce—Society and Liter ature—Her droves and Flow era— An Old Newspaper. Battle Houce, Mobile, Ala, Nov. 18th, 1879. Took its name from Mobile Bay, which received its namo from a tribe of In dians then living upon its banks. In 1510 2U3(X), American 17G50. Futures opened cheaper but the decline hes since been partially recovered: i Uplands low middling clause November deliv ery 6 23-S2a8?f, November and December 611-18, December and January do, January and February do, February and March 611-lSaS 23-32, March and April t% April and May 613-10, May and June 6% June and July 6 29-32. 1 400pm—Hales of American 5250. Uplands low middling clause November * ” March and April 6 25-32, NXW Toxx—Cotton easy: dling uplands 12% middling Orleans 12% Futures opened firm; November 12.10, cember 12.11. January 12.22, February 12 87, March 12.55, April 12.71. Cotton—Net reoeipti 1311: gross 7331. Futures closed steady; sales 66.000: November delivery 12.03—00, December 12 08—C9, January 12 21—22. February 18.S7, March 12252. April 12 01 on receipt of L_ Office oB Murray St., Now Yorit,' Ralston hall Pon t Firget the Date ill tie Attraction! | I ONE NIGHT ONLY. Monday, Evening, Nov. 24th. THE STOCK, AND FOR SALE LOW NOW BEADY. In tho greatest Dramatic success of tho day, “SI SLOCUM.” I Tho cminont actor and world renownod Sharp 1 Shooter, . Futures easier. flTHFH uiirri Mr. Frank I. Frayns. i casy;_ .ales 603, mid. I Hid U I Htfi W11* t I | Tfco charming Comedienne and Emotional Actress, Miss Annie Warfl Tiffany. A MOST THE FAMOUS ACTING DOG JACK. the celebrated tamed black mans tnen living upon us names, in lbiu 11221—a2. February 12.57. March 12.58. April 12 Of j n 1 the Indians fought DeBoto at ManbUa, and I-68, May 12.32-St, Juno 12.91-87, July ISOS- intranOIDg and DramatlO StOXV, | BEAE > THE BOBBING OF THE prisoners say it is expected by tho Ns. tionalists that th»evidenoe of the govern ment taken by the abort hand writor, on which the wholo case depend?, will break down. London, Nov, 22.—The meeting at Loonmnore, near Balia, terminated at 6 o’olook this evening. Hundreds of those in attendance then marched in precession to tho farm of Dempsey, the tenant who was to have boon evicted. There was much excitement. THE COUNTY COHHISSIONEBS. How They Sleet the Keport of Hie Investigating Committee. To Vie Citizens of Bibb County: Wo beg leave to snbmit the following in reply to tbo report of a committee of three citi zens appointed by tho grand jary of l3St April term to examine tbo books, papers and accounts of tho several county offi cials, said report beiDg incorporated into tho presentments of tho last grand jary. The committee say in thoir report that they "made a very oarefni examination of each department." Wo think the facta do not bear them out in tbis assertion, in so far as the books of tho Cennty Com missioner? are concerned, In the first place, they examined and cheeked .the several printed transcripts from onr books whioh the clerk had pasted in tho minute book. As we un derstand it, their daty was to have ex amined tho books of original entry, and an examination of a transcript, however, more eonvenient, it may have beeD, we submit, was not a strict oomplianoe with their duty in the premises. Again, the committee contented them - selva? with simply examining the eredi t side of onr cash book, checking nothing 01 the debit eido except tho sums received from the Tax Collector and tho "Fine end Forfeiture’’ Fond. In order to have defeated deficits and defaloations, they should have been oarefu! to see if w3 had charged ourselves with all tho amounts wa had collected, or ought to havo collected. Tbis very imporlant part of their work it seems was overlooked by the committee. The oommitteo Bhoald have ascertained whether or not wa charged ourselves with ell the bubjb ac tually collected, or which it was our duty to have collected from rants, liquor and show license? and miscellaneous sources. Again, in their report thoy say nothing of having examined tho bonds of the sev eral oonnty officers. This wo consider a moat important omi99ion on the part of the committee. The public ara directly concerned in knowing whether or not all the public servants havo given satisfac tory security for the performance of their respective duties. AlthonRh the commission of the com mittee was very broad, not limiting them either as to time, or tho extenfof their inquiries, it seems that they oonfined their investigation to tho operations of tho present Board. We sea no good rea- ecn tor this self-impoied restriction. Their investigation should have been pushed as far u the record of the office enabled them to go. The committee say that they are obliged to state that the manner in whl:U the hooka have been kept is very unsatisfactory." Although the report ia not very specific on the paint, we infer that the books of tbo present hoard and not those of a previous board are referred to. Oar books have been examined by more than one grand jary, composed of citizens of eqnal intellect and standing with the committee, and these grand juries have uniformly approved and com mended the manner in which the books were kept. Our set of books osnsist of a a innto 'book, scrip book, cash book and ledger. These books show every oent of ocunty money received and from what source, and every cent paid out and on what uesanat. Wo regret that the sys tem on which they have been "operated” is unsatisfactory, but we are satisfied that it is correct and simple, and we do not propose to change it in order to gratify the fancies of every examining committee. We are not aware that any membsr of the Board has ever been pecuniarily interested in anycontrast awarded by ns. One of onr vouchers for money paid out on account of bridges is signed by a member of the Board, Mr. J. B. Giles. Mr Giles received the money for a third person, bnt inadvertently faded to maka that fact appear on the face of_ the voucher. Xn the matter of repairing bridges, where the expenses involved were small and tho necessity for the re pair urgent, wa have been accustomed to have the work done on the best termB possible, without the delay and formality of advertising, and we are satisfied that we hare had authority of law for bo do ing. The committee recommend the pur chase of a pauper burial ground in order to relieve the ooanty of paying the fee exaoted by the city authorities for the burying cf non residents in the city oem- etery Last March the present Board petitioned the City Conned to relieve the county of this non resident burial fee, but the petition was refused, and is J»ly | 05. Cetton closed easy: sales 508; middling up lands 12% middling Oriaans 12% Consolidated net receipts 26574. exports Ho Graat Britain 61W, Franco —. Continent 659. | channel ■« Galveston—Cotton steady: middling 11%, low middling 11; good ordinary 10% net receipts 4533; gross ——; sales 2555, stock 86829. Norfolk—Cotton steady, middling 11% net receipts 2592, sales S95, stock 61832. the Fronch afterwards exiled them Mobil. Ians, hen;o Mobile. It was originally es tablished at Bicnvillo in 1752, some 8 miles south; in 1811 was removed to its present sito. First it was under France, then Spain' thoD England and finally tho United States. Tho architecture hero shows traces of each of its owners. Incorpor&tod in 1849 as a city. It is situated on a sandy platoan, slightly above sea level, but has good natural drain age. On north and east the country is marshy, south and southwest there is abroad sweep to the gulf, giving a delightful breeze, and on west and northwest pine hills acd sandy lands. City limits, 6 miles north and south, and from 2% to 3 oast and west. Tho Bsarsaasrassrass i annum to the thousand. Has had but few Philadelphia—Cotton steady; middling 12% yellowfever spoils, and is not likely to havo | low middling 12, good ordinary n% net re- another. Excellent freo stone wator, I ceipts 137: gross 1018, sales SS3, spinners 756, K* MS? ™ iSM UvShh—Cotton easy; middling 11% low modern improvements. The public build- | Ksw Orleaxs—Cotton steady: middling 11% ingsaro handsome and eubctantiil. One of j lowmiddling 11% good ordinary ll, net receipts UALTINOnK—Cotton quiet: middling 12: low I middling 11% good ordinary 11% net receipts | —. gross 197. sales 261, to spinners , atock 6277. Boston — Cotton steady, middling 12% low middling 12, good ordinary h% net receipts 1305: gross 2318. salos —. stock 620. WlLXiHGTOir—Cotton steady: middling 11% By Rose Ashleigh. (OF SOUTH CAROLINA) Author cf “The Widow’s Wager,” IS NO W BEADY IN NO 62 OF THE if TOBK the largest market bouses ia tbo United States is hero. Customhouse is built of Massachusetts granito. The Medical College of Alabama is located hero. All religious denominations havo clogant structures. The shell roads leading cut to Magnolia and Arlington aro unsurpassed. HCBCOHSEBCE. Commercially Mobile ranks high and is happily situated. Her ootton receipts in 18G1'65 were 26,805, in ; 1577-78. 419,071. Cotton comes principally from Mississippi and Alabama. There is to be a direct line of steamers from Liverpool, which will be gin operations in about two week?. Thero are many largo wholesale establish ments hero, and the trado will amount to over twenty millions a year. Being only 27 miles from tho Gnlf, her shipping is first class. Three large rail roade terminate here—quo each from the East, West and New Orleans. SOCIETY AND LITEEAIUPE Mobile is tho home of tho South’s favo rite and most accomplished authoress, Mrs Augustas Evans Wilson, a daughter of Geor gia Also it id tho homo of ono of the greatest living poets, Father Bjan. A boek of his poems aro being published bore. Hero was the homo of Admiral Semmes, Generals Leary, Dope Walker and Bicbsrd Walker and Braxton Bragg. Many members of thoir families still lire hero. Nsarlyovety country U represented hare, by either a conenl or vioi consul. Some of tho brightest intellects of tho South are to be found here, among thorn Col. M C Dj- Lsoc and Mdl. A. Do Y. Ghandron. Thoeocietyis equal to any in aDy land. The ladies aro noted, deservedly eo, for their beauty, and the gentlemen for tboir chivalry and urbanity. MobUian3 aro wor thy of their fame, for surely are they a cul tivated and nobio people. THEOBAJtOES ASD SLOWEBS. Throughout tho city and extending up through romaatio • Spring Hill,” (the princi pal residence portion of Mobile) tho rioh greon foliago of the orango tres with its yellow fruit, may bJ seen in tho specious ] awns and gardeDB. At this particular sea son, being late for cummer and early for winter flowers, 1 was deprived of seeing tho famous gardens of Mobile; I however, on- Joyed a rich treat, while hero Mrs. Augustas Evans Wilson, has, it is said, tho finest and most extensive collection of japonieas in the world; she kindly presented me with a few, whioh I prized so highly, that I sent them np in Tennessee for safe keeping. Mrs. Wilson’s grove, I might call the_oolleo- tion, has often been clipped of 50 J and 603 blooms, and soaroely were they missed from the trees THE NOBILE BE3ISIEB, One of tho foremast Southern dailies, was established here fifty-nine years ago. and kts two sabscribe-s who have taken it evor einoe. I wonld like to write moie, bnt re member yonr remarks on brevity andsome- th ng about it and wit. Wit. O. Chase 3581, groaa 6917. sales 17000, stock 21021S Mobile—Cotton quiet: middling 11% low middling 11% good ordinary 11% not receipts I 2729,cross—, sales 600.stock27870. liimni — Cotton caav. middling l.% re ceipts 2860, shipments 2032, sales 3400, stock 68599. | Acqcsta—Cotton ste dy. middliog lt% ow middling 11, good ordinary 1C% receipts 1221, -hipments —, sales 915. Chaelestou—Cotton quiet middling 11% low middling 11% Rood ordinary 11% net receipts 8619, gross —. sales 1600: stock 69027 7INAHCIAL Lcedox—Neon—Consols 93% Brie <0 Pabis—3 percent Rentes 81 franca atd SO cen times. Nxw Yobx—Stocks opened strong, money 7i long 4 SOW: short 4 S3% 8t»lo bonds dt" ~ eminent eecuritio firm. Money'at, closing at £: exchange 4 50%* 81; government securities steady; news per cents 102%455 Per cents 106%4 percents 1 08. State bonds dull. Stocks closed strong and buoyant; New fork Central —, Kne S7% Lake 8horo 102)4 Illinois Central — Pittsburg 1M, Chicago and Nortb- westoru 81)4. do prclerred 102% Rock Island 146, Wedern Union Telegraph Company 104. Sub-Treasury balances: Gold 111,151.632; cm- tncy 1235 018 YORK WEEKLY WEEKLY WEEKLY HIS OTHER WIFE! MAIL COACH—A WONDERFUL ME CHANICAL CONSTRUCTION, MR. FRANK FAYNE IN DARING SHOTS WITH A RIFLE. i . ol reserved seats will commence at I tS 61 ? 1 s book storo Saturday mommeat 9 o’clock. I Admission 31. No extra charge tor reserved saat3 - nov2lSt | Ralston hall | ONE NIGHT ONLY. Wednesday Evening, Nov. 26th ENGAGEMENTOF The Gifts* American Artists Mr. and Mrs. McKEE RANKIN, [Mr. Joaquin Miller’s Beautiful American Drama of tho BANITBS! Tho play will bo presented with ENTIRELY NEW SOENERY AND A Wonderfullv Strong Phenomenal CaSt- In which each and overy person, on account of thoir adaptability to the Characters, lavobcon si '” Carriages, Photons, Cabriolettes, Rock- a ^YfjYS > Ladies and Pony Phaetons, Top and No-top Piano Box and Goal Box Buggies, Webster Wagons, Wilburn Wagons, Studerbaker Wagons, One-Horse Wagons, Harness, Baby Cabs, etc., etc. Call and be Convinced, Silo.of seats commence Saturday, 22d, at Brown’s Bookstore, No extr IS | reserved teats. An” Intense!? ^Exciting Story. J G “f^° n Sonthera Life riid somLera Scenes, j 3 powerful and artiitic situations ara devis ed with an ingenuity that is both marvelous and charming. The reader knows not which to | praise most—the graceful elegance of the au thor’s diction, tho magnetic fores of the passion ate scenes or the naturalness that pervades tho DEEPLY INTERESTING PLOT, and tho rare combi nation of snrprisicg incidents I leading to its solution. Tee action is brisk, exciting and intensely I dramatic; tho conversations are spirited, bril- | liant, liberally sprinkled with gems of philoso. ' . . . phy, and as terse and compact vs thu dialogue No X Maryland no offerings No t Western win- of a plaj by Bu'wer—whose gracsful style, by ter rod spot and November 14414, December 146, the wav. Rose Asbleirh see ns to have mada her Southern com steady: Western dntl, white £6i57,1 model, yellow 51a55. Oats highor and steady, southern It will bo found impossible to vosist the fasci- 45a47; Western white 45a46; do mixed 44345; nation of I THIS SUPERB WORK OF PI0TI0N I j R Qfj BITTERS, RODUUfc UAtriHoax — F.oar strong; Howard Street and Western snneT&ne 4 75©5 25: extras 25®H SO; family 65037 25; City Mills superfine 8000528; •xtra 5 5 3© 6 25: Rio brands 7 25. Patapsco family 7 75. Wheat—Sonthem higher. Western wl cat southern red 135x1 45: amber 155x15.-; 'm IRON BITTERS, A Great Tonic. Provisions hrm: Pork 1150. uli meats, loose altorthoreader lias scanned the opening install- To Consumptives.—Wilboi’a Cod Liver Oil and Lime has now been before toe pnblie twenty vears, and has steadily grown in favor and appreciation. This could not be the 0133 unless the prepara tion was of high intrinsic value. The combination of the phosphate cf lime with pure Cod-Liver Oil, as prepared by Dr. Wilbor, h»s produced a now phase in the treatment of consumption and all diseases of the lungs. This article can b9 taken by the most delicate invalid without creating the disgusting nausea which is such an objection to the Cod- Liver Oil when taken without lime. It is prescribed by tho regular faSnlty. Ssld by the proprietor, A. B. Wilbor, chemist, Boston, and by all druggist?. Froba bly no one preparation has re ceived so mach praise from its patrons, nor 13 so deserving of commendation as Hall's Hair Renewer! We bnt coho the voice of the millions who have used it when we pronounce it ‘‘the best Hair Dressing in the world.” It stands un rivaled. Those who are affected with diseases of tho scalp aocompauied with itching or irritation find relief and re newal in this invaluable remedy. When the hair is inclined to fall off, a moderate use of the renewer will stregthen the roots of the hair and preserve it, acd if it exhibits a tendency to turn gray it will restore the natural color.—Fulton (Mo.) TtUgrafh. A World of Ono or the meet popular medicines cow before the American pablio, is Him Bitten. Ion tee it everywhere. People take it with good effect. It buiida them up. It is not as pleasant to the taste as some other Bitters as it is not a whisky drink. It ia more like the old fashioned bone set tea that has done a world of good. If you don’t feel Jest right try Hop Bitters.—Honda News. C«I1 and examine s beantffn] line of Tellies, button boots and ladies’ toilet and danejng slip peralnrt received by J VALENTINO. 94 0berry itreet, under * and II Office. snoutders 454*55. clear rib C% do packed 4% and C% Bacon—ahonldeia5% clear rib 8% Hams 10x11. Lard, refined in tierces 734 Butter firm; -rime to choice Weatorn necked 13316. Coffee Jrm: rio in cargoes 14al7% Whisky 112. Freights dull. OKtaaao—Flour m good demand: double oxtra Western spring 5 25aS 50; Minnesota 5 05a 575| winter wheat 5 59x0 75, extra S C0a5 60 super- fino 403*5 90. Wheat moderately active and higher: No 2 Chicago spring 117& cash. X17% December. No 3 do 109. Corn unsettled a-d gen erally lower at 41J4 cash. 29J4 December. Oats dull, weak and lower at 8254 cash, 8234 Dec ember. Fork in good demand and nisher. Lard in good demand and tending upward at 6 ’OaC 75 cun and December. Balk meats steady and unchanged: shoulders 4 00. thortrib 5 40, short clear 5 70. Whisky steady at 110. Nxw Yobs — Soataem flour quiet; common to fair extra 5 75i6 25. good to choice 625S7 59. Wheat opened in buyers’ favor bnt closed lal}4 A Sure Appetizer. ment as far aa the extremely interesting point whore A Happy Honeymoon is r ndi ly < .16 od by an appalling apparition, A Spectre of tke Past. This is the unoxoeetsd and startling appear mnoeofa dark-robed figure, who astounds the happy couple oy proclaiming a prior right to the bridegroom, si HIS OTHER WIFE.I IRON RITTERS The irnggin-tive reader can fancy the strange • ■ _ 1 com plications likely to eusuo when the you'll- fat bride fully oomprehends the duplicity and treachery of the man she has swern to love, and who now stands aghast before HIS OTHER WIFE. a 145. Com ifrl cent lower and dull: uaifnided njj. 8 wa f _, t 2 f f ,and Rtoryf whicl1 ** now roady ^ fifinAI n«ta o chadAP«cipp«mf xgl/ I nOuSOIIBO IRON BITTERS, A Complete Strengthened IRON BITTERS, A Valuablo Medicine. Not Sold as a Beverage. IRON BITTERS, For Delicate Females. Highly recommended I to the public lbr all dis eases requiring a certain and efficient TOXIC; especially in Indiges- tion, I>vspepsla,\ Intermittent JFc-\ vert, Want of Ap petite, X.OS8 of I Strength, JLacfc of\ Energy, etc. It cu< riches the blood* strengthens the mua- cles.&nd gives new life to tho nerves. To the aged, ladles, and chil dren requiring recuper ation, this valuable remedy can not be too highly recommended. It acts Ulce a charm on tho digestive organs. A teaspoonful before meals will remove all dyspeptic symptoms.* TRY IT, Sold by all Druggists, I THE BROWN CHEMICAL CO, BALTIMORE, Md. 60&61. Oats a shade easier and quiet; No S 46% Coffee quiet and steady: rio in cargoes l4al7%do in job lots 14aX954. Sugar dull and nominal, fair to good refining quoted at 834*9% prime 9% refined dull and caiy. standard A 16%il0% granulated and powdered ltiJ4alO% crushed 1034 all. Molasses quiet and nominal. Rioo firm and fairly active. Carolina 6%i7% Brain firm bnt quiet at!65. Turpentine quiet and firmat44. Wool in fairly active demand and very firm; domestic fleece 36a50, pulled 25a50, unwashed 12a 1 O FLANT. Ji H FLANT YORK WEEKLY. 1.0. PLANT & S0F Every news agent Mils the New York Weekly. Price 6 conts. Sent to any address in the United States (postage free) three months for 75 cents; four months $1; six months 8160; one year 23. L Specimen copies sent free. Address all letters to 56, Texas .17.85, ^^^“‘^mejs STREET & SMITH, spot quoted 1103. Middies steady; long clear 6% short clear 6J4 lor* and short clear 0% Lard lower but in fairly active demand: prime steam spot 7 SOcash. Whisky steady at lKal 17. Freights steady. LOTOViaix—Flour dull: extra 4 00a4 25: family 6 25^6 t o No 160036 25: choice 7 C037 26. Wheat firm;red acd amber IS 1% Cora firm; white 48, m ixed 46. Oats qniot; white 57, mixed 36. Fork firm 1125. Lard firm: choice leaf m tierces 7% aS. do in kegs 814. Bulk meat. firm, shonlders 29apdSl Eoso street, New York. nov6 da; wit City of Macon 7 per cent. (long)..._^.„. 73 a 75 City of August* 7 per cent...™ ........100 a 101 City of Atlanta 7 per oent.. „101 a 102 City of Atlanta 8 per cant 103 a 105 City 01 Savannah eo ,10 Central Railroad joint mortewe 108 a 109 Railroad 6 per cent. bond*. Georgia ' 100 a 101 8% clear ribs 6%oiearsides6% Baconnone. i! ac S, nkn , (i RU bonds——.parandini Bogar-cured hams 9al0}. Whisky steady at 109. Northeastern RR bonds (ondor.od) 100 a 1C2 UIXCIMAII—Flour steady; family 5 903650 5° .g , l at ‘ ar 'l jaanrono~..parandint Wheat dull at 12SalS0. Corn firm at 43. Oat* ^‘hGraand Fla, lajmortgafe 107 , les firm; No 2 mixed 84*35. Pork firm at 1160. Lard mortgage (cndr>r*ed)...10 a 1032 steeay: current make 6 7&a6 SO. JBulK meats I » 83 quiet; shoulders 4 09; abort rib—,short«!oir6 00. Western R. E. of Alabama lit mortgagelio a 113 Bacon quiet: shoulder* 4% clear rib —.clear WesternR.L.O.Alabama2dmortgaae...liO 11 sides—. Whisky active at 109. Hog*easier, ? AA R.R. 1stmortgagefnoteudord SO 90 packing S 95a410. Southwestern R R stock..... 102al03>4 8t; Louis- Flourhlgher: double.extra fall 5 98 | iteihSSd stoS — - ??iS5 Augusta and Savannah ndfaraad higher: douore extra lau o o* I - roiso *590, treble do 5 75, family 5?0a6 00 choice to | «■»■■* FkxA 75,74 fancy 6 05i6 69. Wheat closed firm; No 2 red fall 1263£ cash, 128% December. Corn doll: 37% cash, S5J4 December. Oats dull: 81 cash. Whis ky steady at 110. Porkqnietl087%casb. Bulk meats quiet; loose shoulders 3 70aS 75, clear ribs 5 55*5 65, clear s ides 5 74a5 85. Bacon nominally Nxw OaPBJJrs—Flour steady; superfine 450a 475, double extra 5 25a5 50. treble extra 5 75a 6 00, high grades 625*7 00. Com firm; white . 57. Oats firm at 45. Fork easier at 12 00. Lard I BACON—Clear rib aides..,, a# Macon wholesale Market. COREECTXD DAILY BY JAQUES & JOHNSON. "WHOLESALE GROCERS. Bulk : Shoulders... Bulk clear rib sides Pork Strips firm: shoulders loose shoulders 4% clear rib 8%, Sugar-cured hams 9%ali. Whisky firm at 1 C5al 15. Coffee firm: Rio in car goes, ordinary to prime 14al7% Sugar quiet and ____J weik; common to good common s%a% fair to I Choice SO hams- fully fair 6%a7% prime to choice 734i8, yellow I BAGGING—Dixie 1% lbs. Bulk ihonMera 5 Bellies none __ m@J1 clarified S3ia% Molasses dull; common 25aS2, prime to choice 33a33. Rice firm ordinary to choice, Louisiana 6%a7% hayaiTbtorss. "Wimnarox—gpmta turpentine quiet at 40 Rosin firm at 135 for strained. Crude tur pentine steady at 1 50 for hard; 2 50 for yeffew dips Tar quiet at 110. MARINE NEWS Nxw Toxx—Arrived—Andes. Arrived out—Bothnia, Adriatic, Edhh, Mary Weatbourne, Mary Elizabeth. Globe 134 16. _ Union Star 1% lbs. — ?K@ : Leaf,in tubs.. sj- GRAIN— 11 bDCketa 10@io% Coxy, white, by car load 73 mixed, by car load 75 OATS, feed 60626’ Rust proof seed ico SALT—Virginia, 7 5.3 __ Liverpool..-..— 120@i; ■ K n f • , .. SO bolted as Grits. — stocks ana non as COBXXCXXD ID ALLY BY L.B1FLEY, BROKER. Georgia 8 per oent bonds _....„„.„101 a IDS I Georgia 7 per oent. bonds (gold) _„™112 a 1124 Georgia 7 per cent, bonds (rernlar) main't 6«ergia 7 per cent, bonds (endorsed)—110 a 31_ Georgia 7 par cent, bonds (Smith)~.-.llt a 118 C-eorma* per eent (old) 101 a 108 Oaocgia* par cent, bonds (new) d07%aibl% FLOUR—Fancy per bbi Choioe Extra family, per bbL„ Family, per bb: Extra per bbL-.__,^ COFFEE—Common __ Fair GooiL m ..„..„„._^„„„ < „‘““" i " Prune.. M .^.„ OAP8—PerTb..".."".*"" MOLASSES—Cboioe Cuba, hhds" Clmtee Cuba, bhis * ...... 4 50 m.~. 7 50442 00 7 50 7 00@7 28 ...... 6 50994 75 650 U% 4% a 8 Bankers and Brokers, MACON, - - GEORGIA ThAKSAGT 4 SF.UE86L 3AXIIH9 eUSIMtSS Ordinary R Bibb county will be sold on tho first Tuesday in November, 1879 at the court house door in said county between the legal hours of sale, the tract ol land known as parts of lots nnmbors 119 and 120 In Warrior district of said connty whereon Entba Jones resided at the time of her death, containing 160acres morecrless, with improve ments thereon, adjoining lands of Frank Holley on tho east and sonth and on west and north the lsndsof MarshallXTidweU. Sold for distribu tion and to pay expenses of administration. Terms cash. Oct 6,1879. JOSEPH J JONES, Administrator Rntha Jones, deceased. 0ct71aw4w* IE (M 1,000 CASES AND KEG3 SODA. 200 BARRELS BLUE STONE, 200 BARRELS EPSOM SALTS 2,000 CASE3 POTASH, 1,000 BOXE3 STARCH, 200 ;bags pepper, 10,000 LBS LORILLARD SNUFF 5,000 LBS RAILROAD SNUFF, 1,000 GROSS MATCHES, 300,000 CIGARS, 200 GROSS FLASKS, 25 TONS JEWETT'S LEAD, 50 TONS fclT. LOUIS LEAD. 100 BARRELS LINSEED OIL. Above, and all gocdiin oar line, we bought be fore they advanced and will tell them at lea than New York prices. HUBT, RANKIN aog27U & LA MAW, We handle more goods in our line than any other house in the States of Georgia, Florida or Alabama, Onr facili ties are such that we defy competition. We will treat you right. COLLINS tSdWlNN, MACON^OA. *.