The Macon telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1873-188?, November 27, 1879, Image 1

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By Clisby, Jokes <fe Reese, MACON, GEORGIA, THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 27, 1879.—PRICE ITVE CENTS Number 9.878 BY TELEGRAPH, DAY JisrAiutusa. The Porter Murder. Giltzston, Norember 26.—A. Heies dis patch from Marshall taya the case of the State against Curry for the murder of Porter, was again postponed until April, on account of the absence of yritncsica for the proseemion. Five fines of fire hundred dollars each, were entered against Barrymore—Hisses Cummins and Harvey having forfeited their recog- Hew Items. Ksw Yoke, November 26.—Thera was a tie for the fonrtb and fifth 'prizaa in Collendar billiard tournament last night —the game being 600 points and was won by Daly. Garnior scored 49G. PsniritsBtnm, November 26.—Counsel in the oaae of the Commonwealth ts. John Merritt, who shot and hilled E. M. Hicks at Weldon, waived examination. The trial of the ease has been put over to the March term of the County Court of Halifax for bearing, and tho prisoner re manded to jail until that time. Dssnt, Colt., November 26.—Los Pinos dispatches etatn that up to Monday the hostile Indians bad not returned. Onray said the hostilei were arming, ev idently fearing trouble. The commission do not expect to accomplish much more. It is reported that plans for the campaign are already arranged—one column to march from Milk river, one from Utah and two from the sooth. The commis sion is still barrioaded and prepared to iMist toy attack. W&saiKOioir, NovemW26.—Societal y Schurs to-day received the following: Los Pinos, Nov. 24.—We bavo informa tion that the White Elver Utcs are now on their way, including Jack. Woaronow of the opinion that wo shall bo saocessfal in carrying out your wishes. At all events, we have patience enough to try It. fio far as the danger is concerned, the Com mission have not given that a thought. They mast take the cbsnocs. Hatch, Commissioner. Pukbx.9, Con, November 26.—Litiga tion baa broken out worse than ever over the Bil]|Domingo Mine of sliver cliff. Shafer, who sold the mine to Lead & Dorses, of New York, olalme that he was lo have one-fourth of the mine, and that the partita attempted to freeze him out after seoaring a title to the property. He has attached tho mine and asked for a receiver and brought suit for $200,000 damages. Foreign. Livxbfool. November 26.—Arrived ,'tauncr Lake Champlain, from Montreal an. 1 Quebec. Tho Lako Champlain oamo in collision with tho bark E. J. Harland, from Ordroasau for New York, and the latter weasel wsa sunk. The crow were 'savsd/ The cteamar had her bows dam- igeds Lowoin. November 2C —Tho Standard, in tts financial articlo this morning, says a notable feature in tho telegrams of yesterday was the upward movement In . Anglo-American and direct United States - cable shares on rumors that the working Of tie cow French cable will bo una- vToidabty postponed aomo time. 2UUUT DISPATCHES. Neva Items. TmuDitniu, November 26.— The KgMoC of the looal beard of eteam ves sel inspectors concerning the collision on tbe 7th jnstsnt, between tho steamer Champion and tho British strip Lady Octavia, declares that tho disaster was wholly duo to tho absence of tho proper lookout on the Champion. Tho board is of the opinion that tho fault rests mainly with K. H. Leonard, first mate of tho Champion, and if be bad survived his action should bavo been condemned in severe terms. The evidence shows that it was the Lady Oatavia that r&n into tho Champion, but that, under tho evidenoe, tho officers of the Octavia should be ex onerated from all blame. The ChampioB appears to have been fully equipped with life caving appliances, and the loss of life would not have been so scrions bad the steamer kept afloat a few minutes longer. Credit it given to tbe offiaers and crow of tho Lidy Oc tavia for the prompt manner in whioh they went to the rescue of the passen gers end orew of tho wrecked steamer. Foreign. £otNBtnian, November 26. — Mr. •Gladetcne, on receiving tho Liberal ad dress A4J<>. mado a long speeob, in which ho inshded that tho dissolution of Par liament Mgbt to have taken place ere now, bnt acid that the Gorernment ab stains therefrom becausa it knows that the country is against it, and also bs- • cause It desires to bo froo for a year so ,** to give England and Europe cow sur- priset. Tosoxto, November 2$.—No tidings have yet baen received of the steamer Wonbano. Throe luge are making care ful search among the islands fringing the eastern shore of the Georgian bay, lot owing to ilia rough woatherthoy were mat exprotod to reach any pert before to-day. There is great excitement in Collingwood over the probable fate of the vessel, as all tho offiaers and 'crow were residents of that town. Losses, November 26.—A dispatch from Cabul to tho Standard says tho weather there is very cold, the thermcn- eter marking twenty degrees of frost. Most of tho European troops have been sheltered in bats. Telegraphic commu nication with Cabul and Candahar is now open, and the morning papers publish dispatches from both these points dated yesterday. Losdos, Nov. 26.—A correspondent of the Daily Jfetts, at St. Petersburg, says: The Qolct publishes a leading editorial articla showing a marked char.c-o of feel ing hero towards Persia. Erideatly the relations between the two countries ere a;o< now on a cordial or friendly fooling. The voce of the Golot’ article erema to . cozriirm the recent intelligence of an un- .dirstandifg between England end Persia, and et tbe tendency of the latter to throw in her lot with England rather than with LcxDotr, November 26.—A dispatch ttrom Borne to the Timet, eaya the Em- guess of Russia, whose ill health suggest ed tar removal from Canes .to Florence, hvs Lacn obliged to postpone her journey on .tccosnt of increased eicknese, synopsis Weather ntatemaaf Omen Cmsr Signal Oxticbb, WashuKtos’, Nov. 26,1879. Indications—For the South Atlantic and Gulf States, faHing barometer, sta tionary to rising temperature, east to aonth winds and partly cloudy weather, poe-ibly followed by light looal rains. For the West Gull States, generally lower pressure, southerly winde, warmer, cloudy or partly cloudy weather and local rains. aiUNIGHT DISPATCHES News Item3. Niw Yobs, November 26.—The strike of the lot'cskoremen baa virtually ended. Measts. Woodruff and McLeary, tbe largest employing firm, agreed to-day to psy the men at the rate of 25 cento per hour. , Ciscissati, Norember 26.—Tho pro posed consideration of the beer brewing interests in thia city may fail, through the difficulty iu satisfying each member In the appraisement of the breweries. The committee on appraisement was to have reported to-morrow, hut, in view of the difficulties encountered, the time has beta extended to Saturday. Should ths proposed general pool be abandoned, fire cf the largest breweries will consolidate, and expect to be able to control the bus iness and prevent disastrous competi tion. Richmond, November 26.—Two men earned A. Eiiers and W. Boh a-id er were arrested here by the police last Bight, for attempting to negotiate worth less and frandnlent drafts by M. Kramer of Hamburg, Germany, on dossier and Go., of New York, and F. A. Beass, of 8t. Louts. The drawers, open being telegraphed for information, declared tha drafts worthless, and experts say they ara wholly lithographed. Upon tbe per son of Eiiers were found three such drafts on Gossler and Co., aggregating an amount of $3,600, and several of four hundred dollars each on F. A. Sense. Eiiers is about 60 years old, and is, or pretends to bo blind, and Schneider is about 33. They will bo held for farther developments. New York, November 26 —It is effi- cially announced this afternoon that the negotiations which hare been pending for somo time past between tbe foreign and domestic bankers, represented by Drexel, Morgan It Co., and J. F. Morgan & Oo., of London, and W. H. Vander bilt, of Now York, for ths purchase of $25,000,000 worth of New York Central railroad stock, were successfully ooncln< ded to-day. It is understood that the bankers take $15,000,000 now with the option Of tho other $10,000,000 at 1.20. Washiuqtox, November 26.—A state ment famished by tho Chief of tho Bu statistics shows that tho total ex cess of tho exports over tho imports of merchandise during the months of Sep tember and October, 1879, waB $61,237, - 000, as against ths excess daring tbe corresponding period of last year of $48,- 860,000. The vaine of exports for the month of October, 1879, was greater than during any previoaa month in tho his tory of tho country. The excess of the imports over the exports of gold and silver from the first of Jnly to November 22,amonntedlto more than $65 000. Dauphin and the Post Offieo Department. Wasiubotoh, November 26.—Tho caso of M. A. Dauphin vs. the Postmaster General, ia which the complainant seeks an injunction to restrain tho enforce ment of the recent order of the post-of fice department with regard to lottery letters, cams np in tho Supreme Court of the District to-day. Chief Justice Carter said that tho conrt bad decided to remand the caso to tho Equity Conrt, whero tho proceedings wore originally instituted, and whero the proper order would bo made. Tha case would then, ho said, come np regularly to the conrt banco, and if parties interested should desire to carry it to 'the United States Supremo Conrt, in general term, would expedite it as far as possible. Subse quently counsel for the complainant ob tained an order in Eqaity, the ooatt cer tifying tho oaso to tno Supreme Ooatt, general term, and fixing Thursday of next week for a hearing. Tho Louisiana Contested Sena- torshlp. Nxw Ocleans, November 26.—Before the congressional sab-eommittee to-day, ; Chis Babel, formerly ohlef clerk of tho returning board, in testifying with re gard to tbe proceedings of that bsdy, said ho never saw Kellogg in a secret session of the board. Vincent Dicker- son, a member of the Packard Legislature, denied having boen promised or paid aoyching for voting far Kellogg, bnt said an attempt was made by Tom Murray to get him to say he had. • Georgo A. J. Swazery, a member of the Packard Legislature from West Fe liciana, testified that be received about 800 votes to hi3 Democratic opponent’s 1,200. Hs was nevertheless declared elected b7 tho retaining board. A gen eral and systematic bulldozing was car ried on in that parish in 1876 Colored Tickers vs. The Atlanta and West Point Bafiroid Company. Case, from Camp bell. BLECKLEY, J. Whore the law niece a presumption of negligent* against the defendant by reason of tha mere fact that the physical injury wae inflicted by means of mailing its locomotive, and where, owing to special circumstance* teaching the oonduct of the engineer to ward the plaintiff, a child of only ten yean of age, it is not altogether certain that the presumption is rebutted; and where, on so- count of the plaintiff's tender years and Ms consequent immaturity of nnderBtsndmg, be la not amenable to so high a standard of dil igence in regard to his own safety as that which adults are obliged to observe, the case made by tbe plaintiff's evidence U more properly ono for the jury than for tbe court, and a motion for a non suit should bs de nied. Judgment reversed. Latham vs. MoLareu. Injunction, from Campbell. BLECKLEY, J. One who enters into tbe possession of landncdera parole contractor purchase, bnt has paid no part of the purchase money to tho holder of the legal title, is not seized as against the latter and those claiming un der him, and on the death of th9 parson thus in possession, even after he has tendered tbe purchase money, his widow is not dowable to the land. Title to aealty does not pass by purchase without aa actual conveyance, so long as tbe agreed purchase money ia un paid. Tender is not payment. Judgment reversed. Henderson vs. Hill. Motion, from Pauld ing. BLECKLEY, J. After a claimant had litigated through a claim case and the property has been found subject and a judgment of affirmance has been rendered by tho Supreme Conrt, he is concluded as to tho validity and binding force of tho original judgment between the creditor and tho debtor, on which the levy rested, tnd will not be heard to question the same by motion or otherwise, faeo Pollard vs. King, this term. Judgment affirmed. Warner, C. J., did not preside .in the fol lowing case: Beich va. The State. Soiling liquor to mi nors, from Muscogee. JACKSON, J. 1. Ths indictment not being demurred to and the evidence being that the father of tho minor waa dead, and that he had no guardian and his mother gave no permission to eell liquors to him, thia case does not fall within the ruling in Newman vs. Tbe Stato decided this morning. 2. Where the indictment Beta out the names of the grand jurors who found it with reasonable aocnracy—leaving no donbt of tho identity of the person, any slight mis take in their names on the minutes ie im material, and may be corrected at any time. 8. Immaterial evidence ehonld be exclud ed, and objections to material evidence will be considered to operate as error if the same evidence afterwards get before tho Jury. 4. The sale of spirituous liquors to a mi nor is sufficient to convict of the offense, un ices the defondant, after dno enquiry, was honestly mistaken in respect to the minor’s ago; and to show euoh mistake, while ths dealer need not inquire of the parent alono as to the age of the person to whom he sells, yet he must exercise special diligence to as certain the troth; and such diligence will not be manireetod by inquiry of the minor alono, or of snob persons as have no hotter means of knowing than the dealer, bnt it must bo of such persons as to satisfy the jury that the inquiry was honest and not a moro enb- t rrfugo or cover for crime. 6. The defendant has a right to make hie statement, and to that statement the jury may give such weight as in their judgment it msy bo entitled to ordinarily. mwaaaawa wYoxr—Arrived—Italy, Scythia, Wyo- > State of Alabama, Rot tel dam, Saratoga, ired oat—Nelson, Helen Bane, Neckar, Ma gees, ordinary to primel4*I7>4. Sugar active and I wto; common to good common 654*54. ttir to I i brittle to choice 7)4*54. yellow I clarified 8)4. Mnhiwee steady,* common asms. Prone to choice 32*18. Rice firm, ordinarr to [ choice, Louisiana 654*754. 7 MAYAx""sT0RI3. i TOW gswin nominal at 39 , Matin firm at 135 for strained. Crude tor- IttSS at110. jel • mabjbkhiws Nxw Ycxr—A tiling. State of Air Arrived out—Nelson, 1 sedan. Longhnrst, Bolivia. kooks ana Bona* COXBXCIXD Dime ST L.BIPLEiY, BROKER. Georgia 8 per cent bonds „,...„101 a 115 Georgia 7 per cent, bonds (gold) Georgia7 per cent, bonds (regaiar).., Georgia 7 per cent, bonds (endorsed) .-.lio Georgia7 per cent, bonds (Smith).„„,llt a in Georgia* per oent (old) „„._101 a 105 Georgia 6 per cent, bonds (new) ,107)4*108)4 City of Kaoonr 7 per cent. Cong)... .... 73 a 75 Oityof Augusta 7 per cent .100 alOl ofAtlant» 7per°ent 101 a lo* City of Atlanta 8 per ceat_^, ios a 105 City of Savannah...... P- «V£ OeutralRanroaoiointmongage „...108 a|100 Georgia Railroad S per cent, bonds 100 a 101 Macon and Western R R bonds „.par:and int Northeastern R R bonds (endorsed).. 100 a 102 Southwestern Railroad par and int 8°uth Ga. -rodFl*. 1st mortgaOe ^107 a 108 A. A G. K. R.Jd mortgage (endorsed)...10 a 1032 Boat Gsand FIs gj » gj Western R. R. of Alabama igt mcrtjnurellO a lis Western B»Bot Alabama 8d mortgage.,.110 11 Mii R.R. 1st mort**ge(notendorid 80 00 Tetter, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, &c., will cer« I SouthwesternRRstock 102*108)4 I tainly yield to the great alterativo effects of I Georgia Railroad stock. t3 S *s I Veqetise. I Central Railroad stock....... 734,74 | Erysipelas l Augusta end Savannah railroad stock... X09 | Vegethte has never failed to euro tho most inveterate case of Erysipelas. VEGETINE -WILL CURB- SCROFULA, Scrofulous Humor. Vegetete will eradicate from the system et*. ery taint of Scrofula and Scrofulous Humor. It has permanently cured thousands in Boston and vicinity who had been long and painful sufferers. Cancer, Cancerous Humor. The marvellous effect of Yegetixe In caso ot Cancer and Cancerous Humor challenges the most profound attention of the medical faculty, many of whom aro prescribing Vnasnnw to. their patients. Canker. Yeoetixe has never failed to cure the most Inflexible case of Canker. Mercurial Diseases. The Yegetixe meets with wonderful success In the cure of this class of diseases. Pain in the Bones. In this complaint tho Veoettst: Is the great remedy, as it removes from the system the pro ducing cause. COLLINS & WINN, ‘Manufacturers of- CARRIAGES, BUGGIES] — PortahVsml »TTiiiittarol:» *to 10 li.-r.-o gmvr: I • ' Horraycwer; IHtrvorW.i ^mt'J "f-U Tv •4KD from, l i to i>» it - ronFKmi«*lL''vt s«* U»ai(i»t'o(ScRjr^*am#i'(iiA(. . , wr \Yjbtsxxx«t£u. Mix." Wr* -nniastcr. Md. t Address Branch Office, 28 Wall itrcot, Atlanta novlSdlaw vlj IE OFF! a» *70, 72 & 74 SECOND STREET. Macon. GreorgLa Salt Rheum. S. H. Ycnablo vs. A. R. Everett. Applica tion for injunction, from Fulton. JACKSON, J- Equity will not interfere by injunction with an exemption of personality at the in stance of a judgment creditor who has alien ODly on tho reversion thereof. Judgment affirmed. people woro murdered and whipped on account ot their political opinions, and were forced to vote the Democratio tick et. Even hia own relative) were cot al lowed to oast their votes for him. It it had been otherwise ths Sepublicans would have had a majority in his parish of nine hundred. Witnees testified at great length to outrages committed by tho whites, and referred to the killing of Weber and another Bepnblioan, who re turned to the parish after tho election. With regard to the alleged tampering of Kellogg with Spofford’s witnesses, he said he know Delacey did not go to Kel logg’s room too sight he reached Wash ington, and ha didn’t believe Spofford’s witnesses went there- Witness himself never received monoy or any other in ducements to vote for Kellogg. When close examined by Senator Hill, witness admitted that ho had been charged with murdering respectable citi zens in We3t Felielana parish, but tho Senator could not Ret him lo admit that this charge of murder and his readimas to fight caused people to clas3 him as a bad man, and not to desire his return. Witness insisted that the objection to him was on account of politics. Several otner witnesses were examined, among them Aristides DeJoie, who dented re ceiving money to vote for Kellogg. Jeff Stokes,porter in the Packard Legislature, who testified to the presence cf Thomas of Brosier a'arish, on the day of Kellogg’s election, and General Thomas C. Ander son, who denied the troth of the state ments concerning him made by Bernard Williams^ When a man of family finds himself at. tacked by a violent cold, it it his duty to re lieve the anxiety of hia wife and children and seek a remedy immediately. Dr. Ball’s Cough Syrup costs only 25 cente a bottle, and few doses will give inet ant relief. Decisions of tbe Supreme Conrt Delivered Mot. 18,1S79. [Abridged from the official report ol N. B Hai ti >. ot the Mason bar.J Moore va. Frost, at ah Bole from Troup. WARNER, 0. J. Moore obtained Judgment against Allon on December 11,1878. Five days after Al len deeded land to Frost to aecrne a debt, taking bond for titles. Frost enedbis debt to judgment, mado a deed, levied on and sold the land flhd brought the money iDto conrt- In the meantime Allen had taken a homestead on the land- On a money role: Held that Frost’s judgment waa entitled to the money. Tha homestead swept off Moore’s judgment but not Frost’s Judgment affirmed. Atlanta and Richmond Air Line Company vs. The State. Illegality from Fat ten. WARNER. C. J. L The salo of the road under a decree of the Oireuit Court of aha United States, did not diveet ths lien of the State for her taxes doe on the property, although the tax fi. fas. had cot been levied. 2 Whether, coder tha amendment to tho charter this road waa a de jure, new railroad company, if not, it waa at least a de facto new railroad company operating and running its road in this State, and its property waa liable to taxation as the property of other psreous in the Slate. * Bleckley and Jackson ooncttrred. Judgment affirmed. Warner. aJ., di3not preside in the fol lowing cates: _ - , Newman v«. The State. Misdemeanor from Muscogee. BLEOKLEr, J. An indictment founded upon a statute which declarea that no “person shall permit any person or persons in his employ t o sell or furnish to any minor, spirituona or intox icating, or malt Square of any kind, without gist oD'.aining written authority from the parent or guardian of such minor,’’ is not fuffioient in the matter of alleging want of authority, where it negatives authority from tbe mother only, and does not aver that the mother waa the sole parent, or that the fa- waa no guardian: IS da. 483.480- It •honld be quashed on general Uemprrer, lodgment reversed. Molaonvs. Dickson. Trespass, from Cow- eta. JACKSON, J. 1. Jurors who woo’d bo incompetent, if related to (he parties, aro equally, incompe tent when related to tho counsel whose con ditional fees entitle them, by contract, to part of the recovery. 2. A tort may bs setoff against a tort nn- dor our code; therefore to an action cr tres pass quaro datum fregit a tort in the con version of personal property may bs set off. 8. To an action for a tort, equity will eot off claims ex ontraotu, whero tho plaintiff iu the action is insolvent and nnable to re spond. and the defendant’s claim ex-con- tractn will otherwise be hazarded; and under our code, such eqaity may be asserted and aet off in a plea embodying substantially tbe allegations necessary in a bill in eqaity. 4. If one claiming to be a landlord enter npon his alleged tenant by valid legal pro cess regularly sued ont, issned and executed, the defendant in the procsss cannot main tain trespass qnare cianram fregit. His remedy Is by an action on tho osea for ening ont the process maliciously and withont probable oanse. Judgment reversed. Pimples and Humors on the j Face. Season should teach ns that a blotchy, rough »r pimpled skin depends entirely upon an inter nal cause, and no outward application can ever cure the defect. Veoeiise is tho great blood ! purifier. 1 Tumors, Ulcers or Old Sores Aro caused by an impure Btato of the blood. Cleanse the blood thoroughly with VjegetiKE, and these complaints will disappear. Catarrh. For this complaint tho only substantial benefit can be obtained through tho blood. Vegetine u tho great blood purilier. Constipation. Vegetine does not act as a cathartic to de- WHtete the bowels, but cleanses all tho organs, enabling each to perform tho functions devolv ing upon them. - Piles. Vegetike has restored thousands to health who have been long and painful sufferers. Macon Wholesale Market. CORRECTED daily by JAQUES & JOHNSON. "WHOLESALE GROCERS. BACON—Clear rib sldci r Shouldere. a Bulk clear rib eidei, Pork Stripe Bulk shoulders.,..., Rallies Choice 80 hum. BAGGING—Dixieljf lb«_.ZT_ Globe lb 10V Union Star 1 ji lbs 10I? LARD—nibble.., Leaf, in tube svemi Leaf, in buokets., ...„. loaiux GRAIN- ^ * Cobs, white, by car load . mixed, by car Ioad. 1 ..„„,„. Oats, feed.,.,.,™.,......,, Rust proof seed BALT—Virginia. Liverpool MEAL.... ill ed rite.. 6-Xa7 none 6 none W)4@ll 160 1 20@1 25 80 Dyspepsia. Y, egetixk is taken regularly, according to directions, a certain and speedy cure will follow Faintness at the Stomach. Vegetixe is not a stimulating bitters which creates a fictitious appetite, but n gentle tonic, which assists nature to restore the stomach to a healthy action. Female Weakness. Vegetixe acts directly upon tho caas^u these complaints. It invigorates and strength- ,ho 8ocreUve General Debility. In thi3 complaint the good effects of the Vege- tine are realized immediately after commencing to take it i aa debility denotes deficiency of the blood’ and Aeoetise aots directly upon the Vege tine is Sold by all Druggists. ■ VEGETINE Prepared by H . K. STEVENS, Bobton, Mass. ... 4 50 ... 7 SO@8 00 .... 7 £0 — 7 00@7 6 50@8 75 — 0 50 ... 1S)4 FLOUR—Fancy per bbt^.„„ Choice Extra family, per bbl„„ Family, per bbl...„ Extra per bbl UOFFEE—Common Fair ,— Good. 16 Primo.... 17 Java 25382 OAFS—Perib tk.8 MOLASSES—ChoioeUaba.lihds S3 Choice Cuba. bbls..... ss®37 Sugarhouee, hhdt 28@24 Bugarhouse. bbls. 25 Choice Now Orleans none 8 UGAR—Golden C 8)4 Brown ft 0. cobee Extra 0. White- Standard A ,H,I Granulated Powdered and oreshed... CRACKERS—Soda ., Oream Ginger Strawotr.-y......... Fancy „... 16 CANDLES—Star..„..^ 1S@14 MATCHES—R W, m paper. 2 70 in wood 2 75 NAILS—Basis 10a 4 CO STARCH SHOT— Drop Ruck........ BALL POTASH—Bahbett's....... Royal Sterling....... PEPPER 8PI0B GINGER NUTMEGS., CLOVES CIGARS—PerH., IN STOCK, AND FOR SALT! LOW^ I Carriages, Phsetons, Cabriolettesi Rock- awavs, Ladies and Pony PhsBtonsi Top and No-top Piano Box and Goal Box Buggies. Webster Wagons, Wilburn Wagons, Studerbaker Wagons, One-Horse Wagons, Harness, Baby Cabs, etc, etcIcuRATiNE. 1,000 CASES AND KEGS SODA. 200 BARRELS BLUE STONE. 200 BARRELS EPSOM SALTS 2,000 CASES POTASH, 1,000 BOXES STARCH, 200 IBAGS PEPPER, 110,000 LBS LORILLABD SNUFF 6,000 LBS RAILROAD SNUFF, 1,000 GROSS MATCHES. I 300,000 CIGARS, 200 GROSS FLASKS, 25 TONS JEWKTJ? 8 LEAD. 160 TONS 8T. LOUIS LEAD. 100 BARRELS LINSEED OIL. Above, and all goedttn cur lino.we bcnxbtbo- faro they advanced and will sell them at levs thsnNowYork price*. ffUUTi RANKIN & LAMAR. aus27tf ^NATURES OWN REMEDY _ U' - VEGETABLE MEDICINE FORTHE 1 BL00D,UVER&K1 D NEYST Call and be Convinced. For Blood IH«e««»s. CURATiNE, For Lircr Complaints. For Kidney Diseases. CURATINE, For Bhoum&tum. CURATiNE, A medicinal com pound of known T*ln*— combining in one prep aration tho curative* powers for the ©Vila which produce all dis eases of tho Jtfoocf, tho IArrr, the KMurm* Harmless in action ami thorough in Its effect. It is unexcelled tor Um» cure of all JBfoocf Mm- camc* auch as Nrro/- tila, Ttnnorn, Boilm 9 Tottrv,Salt iihru i»*. Khcumatinni, Mer curial iViinonfitff, also roiifiUjMiUoia, I>y*]>epBla, Mnttl- gent ion. Sour stom ach, lietention of Vrinv, etc• ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR IT. THEEEOWH CHEKCALOB BALTIMORE, Md. Wiimtogios—Cotton firm: middline 11V11 ” ‘ 1 ——9 TOBACCO—Common".’.*™.'.' Medium Lucy Hinton icy Hi Fine.. _ Shell Boud„ CHBBSB„.™™.„ SICE (new crop) POTATOES ONIONS JW LOCKETT. JOSEPH BOND LOCKETT & BOND, GENBRAL BROKERS. Sticks, B«ds, Cittti Futures sad Pipers of all kinds bought and sold on commlsiion. Of fice No 87 Cherry street in rear of Hunt, Rankin A Lamar’s retail drug store. novlStf FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL MACON COTTON STATEMENT OFFICE TELEGRAPH AND MESSENGER Novejcbxb 28, 1879,—Evxaxxs. The market to-day was quiet at 11 cents for middling. Received by rail today 143 by wagon 223— 356 Shipped 675 Sold .....— 3S» ’STATEMENT:* Stock! on hand September 1,1878.. Eeoeived to-day previously — Shipped to-day.. Stock on hand this evening- ... 239 .. SS6 ,,32377'—32833 S191S „ 675 25433—29163 Received same day last year.. LATEST TELEGRAPHIC REPORTS Cotton. LlTasyoox—Noon—cotton active and firmer: middling uplands 6%, middling Orleam 0%. Sales J5202 bales, ol which 2000 were taken by speculators apd for export; receipts 2S500-all American- Future, opened 1-16 better Uplands low middling ciatue November deliv ery 6 £7 32a613-16, November and December 6 613-15, January and February do. Febroarv aad March 627-S2a6 13-16S3 29-32, March and April 6 29-S2a5yi. April and May 615 -16, Mar and June S S1-S2.6. June and July7. 130 p m—Upland* low middling clause March and April delivery 6 29-32. 4S0pm—Sale, of American 12007. Uplands low middling clause November delivery 613-16, Feb ruary and March 6J£u* 27-32. March and April 6JJ, June and Jnly 71-32. 5 p m—Futures weaker with free sellers at last quotations; upland* low middling clauie November delivery 613-16, December and Jana- ^HjW TOXX—Cotton firm; rates £59. mid- diing upland* 12 7-16. middling Orleam 12 9-1A Futuraa opened steady; November'12.44, De cember 12 43. January 12.57, February 12.63, March 12.89. April 12.06. Ootton—Met receipt* ^tl: grou 127C9. Futures closed weak; sales 125,COO; November delivery 1221—32, December 1232. January 2245. February 12.61. March 12.77—78. April 12 92-93, May IS 07-09. June 13.29-23, July IS 27—30. tletton closed eel?: rates 519 middling up land* 12 7-1*. middling O-learn 119-16. Consolidated net receipts 33349; exports to Great Britain U0SJ, Prance 2935. Continent 5195, GAhTMWur—Cottas steady: middling 11}^. low middling 11>S good ordinary 10J£- net receipts 4; 54; gross : sales 4620. stock 84990. Nouolk—Cotton Arm, middling 11% net receipts 4535, sales 595, stock 58847. BiiilMoa*—Cotton Arm; middling 1254 low middling UK> good ordinary UJY- net receiou 66, cross 622. rah* 290, to spunen ill, stoe* m*. Wimdioios—Cotton firm: middling lljfj low middling llH.good ordinary 1154; net receipts (31. gross ——, sales 275, stock 13544; PniiADBipniA—Cotton firm; middling 12)4; low middling 12)4. good ordinary 1134, not re ceipts 2SC: gross 2541, sales 800, spinners 587. stock 12073. Savaxsah—Cotton firm: middling 11)4, low middling ll)f, good ordinary ll, net receipts 4227; gross 4255; sales 41C0; stock 96010. Nbtv OBiaArre—Cotton strong: middling 1154, low middling 1154. good ordinary 11%, net receipts 9512, gross 10SS7. sales 16500, Stock £31593. Mobile—Cotton steady; middling 1154, low middling 1154, good ordinary 11%. net receipts 3626. gross —, sales 3000, stock 34953. MEHPHI3 — Cotton firm, middling 11%, rem . ceipts 52(3, shipments 2148, sales 63CO, stock I 81041. AnousiA—Cotton firm; middling 11)4: low 1 t, „ , „ , , middling ii)4, good ordinary 10K: receipts 1077. £verv Smoker Has an Interest shipments-.sales 1133. - I the PrOfitS, $100, $100, $100. CBABLESioY—Cottoa strong: middling 12. low middling 11%. good ordinary 11% net receipts 3301 .gross—.sales 1500:stock 69669 in One hundred FINANCIAL Loiuoar—Neon—Consols 9311-18. Erie29 Pabis—3 per cent Rentes 81 francs and 57 cen times. NavrToax—Stocks opened strong; money 6a7; long 4 80)4; sbert 4 83. Stato bond* dull; Gov- M Money 7a4^eichango e 4 7954: government securi 1 1 Christmas gift by the Parlor ties strong; newsner oonts 102)4,4)4per oents I stocks’<Sosed 1 8tr™g: 1 New*qrk , oeMrai 13454, 1 Cigar Store on December 24, u-a QQ3A T*tlra RVai-N TllitiAia rfemfunl AOt/. I . Jill persons purchasing 25 cents worth of Cigars will be the Ourlmpo od Cigars aro tbe finest, HS BELLE GBEOLEI Cannot be beat. j Five Cent Cigar Is unsurpassed. do prefi _ Union Telegraph Company 107%. Sub-Treasury balances: Gold 110,171,726; cur- I rency 7,416,162. 1 —b— PRODUCE Baitwobx—Flour inactive: Howard Street and 'Western superfine 4 75^5 10: extra 5 75256 £5; I .« . , family 67607 25: City Mills superfine 5 00@5 50; COme participants in extra 6 75®6 60; Rio brands 7 25; Patapsco family I 8 00. Wheat—Southern steady; Western wheat I lower: tout hern red 140al 45; amber 1’60*160; I abOVC- No 1 Maryland 161*163: No 2 Western win- 1 ter red spot ana November 146)4, December 147, Southern corn steady: Western dull, white 52a58, yellow 5Sa54. Oats firm and steady, southern *6*47; Western white 46a47; do mixed 44045; Pennsylvania 46347. Hay steady and unchanged, prime to choice Pennsylvania, Maryland 15016. Provisions quiet: Pork 12 00. hulk meats, loose snoulders clear rib 654: do packod *54*6. and 7. Bacon—shooldois 3%. clear rib S%. Ham* lOall. Lard, refined in tierces 754- Butter firm; prime to choice Western packed 13016. Coffee quiet; rio ip cargoes 14017)4. Whisky 112. Freights unchanged* (arm mo—Horn nominally unchanged; double extra Western spring 5 7Sa7 00; Minnesota s 25a 600; winter wheat 550*675,extra 600*5 50 super fine 4 21*5 eo. Wheat quiet but Atm; No 2 red winter 12ial£S: NoJ Chicago tprisgl 19)4cash. 11234*1 19)4 December. 121)4 January: No 3 s do 116>* Corn quiet and steady at 89)4*39)4 December. Oatafiiraerat S3)4caih. Porkietiva arm and higher at 10 50*1100 cash. Lard in good demand and tending upward 6 80*6 to evs it. Bulk meats steady: shoulders 3 95. short rib 5 f5, -hort clear 5 80. Whisky steady at 110. NSW Your — Southern Hour quiet: common to lair extra 6 03*6 30, good to choice efOWBM WheatIKcsIc lower and u moderate demand for export and speculation; ungraded winter 133 al 45. Com spot better, futures lower: ungraded 6la£6. Oats shade stronger and active: No 3 *5)4. Coffee quiet and itoady; rio incargoe* 14al7)4,do in )nb lots 14*19)4. Sugar dull and nominal, ■ fair te good refining quoted at 8J4**)4 prime 9%, rennea dull ana easier; standard A 10%, grannla- j ted and powdered 10>4alO5i crushed lo)' — Molasses dttll; New Orleans 40atS. Bice ( , moderate; Carolina 654*754. Wool in fairly activ- demand and very firm; domestic fleece 49 ■ft polled IA unwashed 14*86, Texas I7s35. Fork stranger and in moderate demana;meu I spot quoted 1139)4. Middle* dull; long clear | 6%, short clear 6% long and short clear 954. Lard, higher, moderately active and closed steady prime sveam -not 7 35 cash. Whisky nominal at 115*1 IT. Freights firm. ( jet>ci*vrou»—rmtu dull: extra4 23*450; family 5 5035 75: No 16 2S©6 50: choice 715@7 50. Wheat fim;red and amber 113%. Cora steady, white 42, mixed 45. Oats quiet: white 37, mixed 36. Pork | nominal. Lard snong-.choioe leaf m tierces 7)4 aS, do in kegs 8)4- Balk meats strong, ■bealders 4, clear ribs tJ4‘*. clear sides 6)4*554. Bacon nominal. Sugar-oured hams 10%. Whisky steady at 109. OrscixyATI—Flour active; famfly. 6 003690 Wheat firm at 128*135. Corn flna at 43)4. Oau firm; No 2 mixed 34*35. Park Him at 12 00. Lard strong: current make 6 90*7 00. Bulk meats doll and nnchasged. Bacon dull and nominal. Green meat* hignen shoulders 3)4. clear ribs and clear sides 550*5 60. Whisky active and | f Funerals at dollars United States Currency to be given away as a grand Cromeline & Co.» OPPOSITE LANIER HOUSE. •3-Orders by mail attended to os usual.fES novl5tf I have now on hand the finest stock of COFFINS AHB CASKETS! ever brought to Macon, including the eele- brated 1 CRYSTAL or GLASS For which I am SOLE AGENT in Macon. Iam also prepared to furnish Hearse and Carriages, for Funerals at very reduced prices. Personal ______ attention given to all orders. 5 65?treble eitra’5 75*5 95. tamily 6 00*6 06, choiee 1 . . - 610*6 60. Wheat opened higher bn; closed off; A 7*Fn1Tr TW OOQ No 2 red faU 127)4 raatolSIW 3(^4 December, ‘“‘ l Si: Louis--Flour easier; double extra 5 50* NEXT TO LANIER HOUSE. novtS ttawlm Macon.'G a l CP- —_ —— — —_ 3)?4«J4 December. Oats dull at 32)4 cash. kystradyllO. Fork higher at 1100 cash. Lard easier at 6)4* Balk meats dull; loose shoulders 3 70*375, dear ribs 5 50*9 60, clear aide* 5 75; Bacon unchanged; shoulders 4%. clear nb 7)4, dear sides 7)4»)4- ' NSW Oatxixs—Flour strong: superfine 459* 475.doable extra 5 25*550. treble'extra 6 25* 6 50, high grades 6 50*712. Corn steady; white 67. Oats firm at 45. Fork weak at 1175. Lard steady at 754, Bulkmsat* firm: shoulders loose | MERCHANT TAILOR. flU New crop New Orleans Sugar. New Crop Georgia Cane Syrup. Lenoir* new Leaf LanL Just rooeiTed an d for sale by aorta JONES AUOOK. Whisky Coffin SmuBtoiacMa 1 Jos. Soemonelii, l ^o2BrownHon»^M»canil«a IaC! We handle more goods in our line than any other hoasn | in the States of Georgia, Florida or Alabama, Oar facili- | ties are suoh that we defy competition. We will treat you | right, COLLINS 4fc WINN, NAC02T. OA. A S. H ^ N , CE , TO MANS MONET by our careful plan of Bpeculaiinz in Wall street. A amount from $10 to $503 either in a put or j very frequently give* back 6 to 10 times money in profits. Ton can no* oa. e than the amount you invest. ^ Stooks of all kinds bought android threnrh New York stock exchange in any number of shareson S per cent margin. SeadToronr circa* 1 explaining howto speculate. PECK A HARRIS. Bankers and Brokers, 19 Bread ktieel. New York: toplS dtu tb sat w3m M1S2 x3T 11.0 0 f> >TOIt>: jrdera brought on by indiVretion^SIi^i^l^ _ Of White Bob ma Gem Gleaner. of Anthems for church Popular Music Books. Temperance Jewels. iSSEi kjfwfy rer d^) tj ’ 40 ctI - qq Th»; sweetest Bsbbsth rmA 1 Df^ 11001 S0C ^ CTer made. SO e g. Supei of Anthemi for church mm rn service, th Prodigal Son, ded to muticl sccietica. 75. American Glee Book , ,J: One of the very beat Cley and Chore, boik,. it ;u. Emerson s Vocal Method. Forvoicetrainicg. Oceof tho best. 5150. Dr, of Alcantara. oZ <iS££ and easy to give. 3150, Bpeeimensof theso orany other books,n vet )iece ot Sheet Music mailed anvwhere or the retail prices. nonttt