The Macon telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1873-188?, December 04, 1879, Image 1

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By Clisby, Jones & Beebe. MACON, GEORGIA. THURSDAY MORNING. DECEMBER 4, 1879.-PRICE MVE CENTS. JN TJMBEB BY TELEGRAPH. The Augusta Election. tgaeUt to ths Telegraph and Me**enger.l Augusta, Ga., December 3.—The elec- ties ben to-d.y close! oao of the most exciting campaigns ever known is the d7. and resulted in the election of Robt. H. May over Charles Ettes by a majority of G74 votes. The Mae of the majority waa a surprise tommy, m the contest -vraa expected te be much closer. The people’s tick et was elected entire. The early hour at which the polls clos ed, two p. m., enabled the managers to arrive at the results speedily. Feeling ran high, and the contest was warm and spirited. L. DAY jlSYAnitlEB, news Items. New Tons, December 3.— Ic waa an- acanoed, after bnstsasa hoars yesterday, that Me Louisville and Nashville nil- road Company had obtained eontrol of the Mobile and Montgomery road, which Meet lato under the control of the Rieb- mond Air Line, and tberoby aecnring a direct line to Hew Orleans. An official of the Loniaviile and Nashville Railroad Company said last night that tho new arrangement would go into effeot Janu- uy 1st. Ik .tow, December 3.—At Fall River the eleotion yesterday was one ot the mast exciting ever held in that city. William 8. Green was elected Mayor, re ceiving 2,990 to 2,431 for Jeremiah R. Levy, Democrat. There will probably be a tie for another year in tho Board of Aldermen. Moat of the seventy-eigbt enrolled women voted. Louisiana State Eleotion. New Oblesns, December 3.—Tho •lection In this city passed off quietly— a very light voto was polled—probably Isas than two-thirds. The “ring” ticket in this pariah is generally elected. Spe cial dispatches to the Democrat from all telegraph stations in the State show hasty Democratic gains. Those reports giving an estimate of majorities in eleven ccnnty parishes claim a Democratic gain of 12,100 as compared with the Demo cratic count ot 1876. Tho same parishes gavo President Hsycs 1,600 majority. All the despatches ray the election passed off quietly—moot of of them report the u*gioce voting the Democratic tioket and for th« Constitution. Tho Virginia Beadj asters. Rretnxonp, December 3.—Tho Bead- jniters met in canons at 8 o’olck, and are still in session at midnight. They claim to havo eighty-two members ot tho Gen eral Assembly, which would give them a majority of twenty two cn joint ballot. Nearly two-thirda of the Republican members tcok part in the omens. Thepxrticipants wore bound to secrcsy. Hence it ta impossible to givo any idea of the proceedings, except that a long se ries of resolutions, embodying a plan for, future action, was adopted. These reoolntions aro said to be ex tremely liberal in a political sense. The eancos also mtdo a full list of nomina tions for officers of both Houses with Judge B. \V. Lacy, of New Kent, at Speaker of tho Honor: P. H. McCauU, of Pulaski, ae Clerk; G. W. Cook, color ed, of Norfolk, first Doorkeepers J. W. Southard, of Heary.county, acoond Door- 1A.J. r, and A. J. Taylor, of Fluvanna S«r^eaai-at-armA. The Senate officers areC. H. Cxwsey, of Natnsemond, Clerk; C. M. Webber, of Boaooake, Sergeant-at-arm?; J, H. Hill, colored, of Petersburg, Doorkeeper. Tne Debtpayers alia held a eauens, bat made no nominations nor took any Bad Lack at a Church Fair. Pitman Burma, December 3,—A fair rts held last night at the Presbyterian Starch, corner of Broad and Oxford treetr, to defray the expenses of a now irgao. Early this morning, some cf tho econlions caogbt fire, and bofore the laotes could bs extinguished, everything ombostible. including tho now organ, raa destroyed, and nothing remained bat be atone wall and steeple. The church food alone on the lot, so that tho fire itd not spread to surrounding property, [be church coat a hundred and fifty honaand dollars about ton years ago, ad the damage ia estimated at fifty honaand, covered by insurance. FOREIGN. laid Weather—Attempt to Murder the Czar. LoBDcm, December 3.—The weather is wry cold in Great Britain and on the octiaeat. Dispatches from Romo and lad rid report heavy snow falls. Moscow. December 3.—After the arri- al of the Emperor last night, whilst tho stood tram containing the baggage was a Me way hither, an explosion ocour- ed and one luggsge van was blown to tiecee and aeven carriages wero blown off he rails, but nobody injured. To-day a cun ration proceeded to the Kremlin to cc-ratnlate His Majesty upon his visit o Moscow. Previous to the Emperor’s ar- ival in the ball of audience, tho Lard far.-hil gave tho deputation news of the ntaatropho cn tho previous evening, His Hearers appeared for a moment thunder- truck, and burst into loud cheers at the Emperor’s escape. The Emperor appear- d in SU George’s Hall, at noon, and was iroseuted by the municipal authorities rith bread and salt, when he spoke as ollcwa: Gentlemen—I am very glad to lee you again, remembering the loyal at- achment which you evinced on the oc- 'aeicn of tho sid event of April 14th. Similar asiuranoea then reached mo from ill Dtitle Moscow, December 8.—The explosives rhlch destroyed tho imperial baggage rain are stated to have been placed on fionday evening under the rails at a ?omt over which tho imperial train would just before entering the Moscow railway station. The Czxr arrived safely, however, at slevtn rfclock Monday night, and the ex plosion ocoarted on the passage of the jiggugo train half an honr afterwards. Tbe tense whence the mine was ex >loded has been discovered and search is nakieg for the perpetrators of the out age. The Czar will arrive at St. Pe,ers- >irg to-morrow. Congress. WoaajKiTOS', December 3.—Mr. Ferry itesented credentials of Hon. Henry P. laid win, appointed Senator from Mtoht- jan, vice Hon. Z. Chandler deoeased, and U f _ Baldwin was thereupon sworn in and took his seat. Mr. Beck introduced a bill to authorixe die payment cf custom duties in legal tender notes; also a bill to amend title B Revised Statutes, so as to authorixe the purchase of foreign built ships by ritixsua of the Doited States for use. in the foreign carrying trade, both of which were referred to the Finance oommlttee Mr. Bayard intredueed a joint resolu lion that from and after the paesage of this resclnticn treasury notes of the Uni ted States shall bo receivable for all dues U tbe United States—excepting duties on imparts, and shall not bs otherwise a le gal tender, and any of said nctss hereaf- attew je-i=sued shall bear this superscript ticn. Referred to the Finance Committee. J5Ir. Ingalls offered a resolution that in the opinion cf the Senate the present volume of the United States notes should not be reduced, and that said notes ought to continue to be a legal tender in pay ment of debts. At 12:10, cn motion of Mr. Anthony the Senate adjourned until to-morrow. In the House, by unanimous consent, tbe States wero called aa on Monday, for the intiodaction of bills, under which call the following were introduced and referred. By Wocd, of New York, a bill respecting the refunding of the national debt. The bill ia ae follows: Bt it enacted, That so much of the au thority conferred on the Secre tary of the Treaaury, by the act of July 14, 1870, and January 20,1871, to refund tho pub lic debt to the extent of $1,600,000,000 as hss not been exheueted and executed, bo and tho same is hereby modified eo as to limit tho rate of interest on bonds yet to be issued, as authorized by there acts, to a rate of interest not to exceed 3} per oent. per annum. Mr. Garfield, of Ohio, introduced a bill to facilitate tbe refunding of the national debt. Referred. It providee that all existing provisions ot the law shall apply to any United States bonds bearing a higher rate of interest than four per cent., which may hereafter be come redeemable; and it authorizes tbe Secretary of tho Treasury to exchange directly at par four percent, bonds of the description authorized by the act of Juiy 14. 1870, for any such bonds. It is understood that this bill was pre pared Bt the treasury department by Seo- retary Sborman, and contains all ths pro visione which ho deems necessary to ena ble bim to carry out successfully the work of refunding five and eix per cent, bonds whioh fall duo la 1831, amounting to nearly eight hundred million dollars. Without transaotiug any important business, the House at one o’clock ad journed. NIGHT DISPATCHES. Washington. Washinoton, December 3.—The fol lowing nominations of postmasters wero sent to the Senate to-day: Samuel T. Arnett, at Colombia, and Samuel Rsxin- ger at Clarksville, Tennessee; Robert M. Orrell at Fayetteville, and David L. Bringle, at Salisbury. North Carolina; Edward H. Brooks, at Camden. South Carolina, and Benjamin M. Cox at Farm- vilto. Virginia. Governor Holliday’s Message Richmond, Deoomber 3.—The General Assembly met at noon to-day, in the first biennial session under tho reoent amend - ment to the Constitution. All tho Sena tors were present, and all the delegates but two. The organization was effectod by tha election of the Readjustee’ candi dates in both Houses, by majorities rang ing from eight to thirteen in the Senate, and from fifteen to eighteen in tho House, showing that thB Read j asters have a majority on joint ballot of about ihirty-aeveu. Governor Holliday’s me3- sago was then read. It is almost entirely devoted to the disonssion cf the State debt. It approves the settlement made last session, tbe terms of which were embodi ed m tho measure known as tho McCul loch bill and Btates that notwithstanding tho recent agitation in favor of the repeal of that law, which has to some extent interfered with its operation, nearly eight million five hundred thousand dol lars of old bonds have already been ex changed for new ones. With regard to tho merits of the McCalloch bill, tbe governor says it was regarded by the ontBide world as a fair and reasonable - settlement and one whioh in no way impugned tbo honor of the State. This he says was a matter of vi tal importance in any settlement that might be made. " Why then,” ho aske, "should it not be aeoeptod by ths peaplo ot tho State 03 in every way a desirable conclusion of tho question whose agita tion has cost tho Btato more than tho whole aum'.mvolved ? My views are very clear and distinct that money represented by tbo lntereet or even by the principal of tbo dabt, large as it is, is of little im portance in comparison with the Slato’a oredit, and that nothing save inability can justify or excuso its non-payment.” After the reading of the massage in the Senate a resolution w&3 adopted un der a suspension of the rules, fixing Fri day, tho fifth instant, for tho eleotion of State officers, including tho Secrotary of the Commonwealth, First and Second Auditors, Treasurer, etc., fourteen in all. The Readjasters’ largo majority on joint ballot justifies the presumption that a clean sweep will be made of all the pre sent incumbents. In the election to-day all tbo Republican* except four voted with the Readjusters. Newo Items. Augusta, Ga., December 3.—Robert H. May was elected mayor to-day by 634 majority over Charles Estes. May’s entire tioket was elected to the council. Columbia, S. C. t December 3.—Judge A. C. Haskell, associate justice of tho State Supreme Court, ha3 been elected president of tbo Charlotte,Columbia and Augusta railroad to succeed Colonel J. B. Falmer.j resigned. London, December 3.—There are in creasing signs that tho cotton trade in Nortb Lancashire is improving. Soma of the idle mills are preparing to stirs again and soma firms have raised the 'ages of their employees. Synopsis Weather statement Omci Chut Signal Otticbb, .Washington, Deo. 3,1879. Indications—For tho South Atlantic States, lower pressure, southerly winds, warmer and cloudy weather, with nu merous rains. MIDNIGHT DJLSr ATOH.ES News Items. Nzw Yokx, December 3.—A Bradford, Pe Busylvania, special Bays John Ready, who has been for some time living with a notorious woman named Carrie Nihil, recently became insanely jealous of her, and yesterday entering the room where she wa3 laying sick, shot her in the mouth with a revolver and then ahot him self twice, dying in about two hours. The woman ia not seriously hurt and will ro- cover. Rawlins, Wx., December 3.— The mail from White River this morning brings news that on the night of Novem ber 30th the Ute Indians attacked some herders in charge of a herd of cattle from which the oommand wsa to have been supplied with meat at the White River Camp, and drove off the entire herd. Atlanta, Ga., December 3.—A strong temperance movement, in whioh many prominent citizens participate, hss been inaugurated by John W. Drew, of Con cord, N. H. It is known aa the “Blae Ribbon Movement,” and three thousand persons have pledged themselves to total abstinence, and a temperanoa boom in Georgia may be the result. Rockdale county yesterday voted in favor ot pro hibition. and local option is becoming popular. Cincinnati, December 3.—The Snqni- rtr't Charleston, West Virginia, corres pondent says the whole Kanawha valley mining regioa is suffering from the acts of the Knights of Labor, very much as the mining region in Pennsylvania did from the acts of the Molly Ma guires. In 1S77 and 1373 there were fifteen stiikea along the Kanawha river, accompanied wtth violence and lawless ness, and since 1876 there have been fight fatal lynchings without an effort •u the part of the authorities to bring the perpetrators to justice. This week another general strike waa threatened, inclnding a stoppage of all coal trains on the Chesapeake and Ohio road. It was met by a declaration of the Governor that he would use the whole military power of the State, and if necessary he would call on tbe general government for aid to Btop any such lawless condnct. So far serious trouble has been avoided. Tbe Knights ot Labor have some five ot six thousand member* algsg the Tal ley, and have county, general and district assemblies in six or seven counties. Nsw Okluans, December 3.—A special to the New Orleans Democrat from twen- ty-seTen parishes, not including Or leans, give the Democrats 13,215 net ma jority. The Democrats claim the elec tion of Wilts by twenty thousand major ity. The new constitution is adopted by a large majority. Prominent Democrats consider the fate of the debt ordinance whioh was voted on separately, in doubt. Indications point; to its defeat though the vote will probably be oloss, and official returns may be required to decide. In this city the Democrats have about six thousand majority. Washington. Washington, December 3.—Tho House Committee on Elections met to-day to consider the cases of members whose seats are contested, of which cases there are sixteen on the Committee’s docket. Four of these are ready to be heard, in cluding that of Bisbee, Republican, vs Hull, Democrat, in the Second Florida District, and that of Bradley, Republi can, vs Siemens, Demoorat, in the Sec ond A rkau=as District. In the cases of Haralson, Republican, vs Shelley. Demo crat, in the Fourth Alabama District, and Hebert and Merchants vs Acklen Democrat, in the Third.Louisiana Dis trict, no briefs have been filed by the parties giving notioa of contest, and they will probably bo dropped by the Commit tee. Two hundred and fifty colored emi grants from North Carolina reached thl3 city to-day on their way to Indians. Fifty of ’thorn were furnished with through tickets. The National Emigrant Aid Soci- oty is endeavoring to raise funds to pay for the transportation of the remainder to their destination. Tbe Keliogg-SpoU'ortl Senatorial seat contest. Nzw Ozlzans, December 3.—In the Kellogg-Spofford investigation to-day, a number of witnesses were Introduced to impeach or sustain tho character of tho other witneeses previously examined. Wm. Wood, colored, testified that Spof- ford told him he had twenty thousand dollars back pay due him, whioh he would spend In getting evidence to prove bribery on the part of Kellogg. Tho witness and Judge Phillips got a number of affidavits for him, including that of Jones. Both Jones and Delacy, howev er, assured witness that Kellogg had re peated conversations with Murray, in whioh the latter told him he had no oth er than hearsay knowledge on the part of Kellogg, bat that thore was money in the case—big money—and he was going to Washington where he conld make somebody squeal, whether Kellogg or Spofford, he did not care which. E. H. Flower, colored, testified to work in bpafford’a behalf, in the way of getting affidavits, and said the latter failed to keep his promises. A number of other witnesses were called or recalled to con tradict or confirm the statements hereto fore made by witnesses on both sides. At four o’clock the committee decided to receive no moro testimony, and ad journed to meet in Washington to pre pare their report. The committee has examined ono hundred and seventeen witnesses. A constant Source ol Wonder. Why ia it that the winners of the prizes in the Iiauisiana State Lottery Company ali ways seem to bo men who are pretty sharp in the ways of the world? Editors, prin ters, hotel clerks, bankers, tolcgragh opera tors, merchants, and many other professions and occupations seem to have a special knack of hitting the right number. Tho peo ple enumerated have the best means of fully convincing themselves that (tho statements made by tbe oompiny aro reliable and trao, and that as aaro as tho nun riaoa on tho b:m- tcenth of .December next, the semi-annual extraordinary distribution will take place at Now Orleans, under tho sole management of General G. T. Beauregard and Jnbal A. Early, when over u half of million of dollars will be had distributed. Tho full particulars ot whioh can bo bad of M. A. Dauphin, F. O. Box C92, New Orleans, La., or eamo person at No. 319 Broadway, Now York City, N. Y. Spain and Hub Bridal Queen.— The Madrid correspondent of th9 Louisville Courier-Journal says: Christine loves gayoty and spleudor, and sho will make tho Falacio Real more brilliant than it has been for many a day. She evidently means to be every inch a queen. She is tall, slender, and beauti fully formed, and her air ia deoidedly aristocratic. She i3 by no moans intel lectually brilliant, but aha is as amiable as she can be. Sho has exquisite golden hair end pnre complexion, bat she has the Hapebnrg mouth and high cheek bone, and her nose i3 sadly ugly. The match, on tho whole, would be a moat excellent one, if Spain was only in a better finan cial condition. The public debt of $2,- 600,000,000 is a great burden, or would be to other people; but Spain pays no in terest on her debt and has sot for years, while the treasury i3 chronically empty. All the money to pay for these wodding doings has to bo borrowed, but aB long as Spanisids esn danoe and hear music and seo bnll fights, debts are the last things they think of. TUTTS PILLS v4B t.>SYMPTOMS OF A fORPiD Liver. Loss of Appetite, Bowels costive, Pain in Min with a dull sen3ationin the back part , Pair ' — - ness after exertion cf temper. Low JW LOCKETT, JOSEPH BOND LOCKETT & BOND, GENERAL BROKERS. Sticks, Bonds, Cittii Mores and Papers of all kinds bought and sold on commission. Of fice No S7 Chen; street in resr ol Hnnt, Rankin A Lamar’s retail drug store. novlStf FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. MACON COTTON STATEMENT OPMCB TELEGRAPH AND MESSENGER DXCBXXBB 3. 1S79,—EVISING, The market ta-day was strong at 11% cents for middling, closing strong at same quotation. Received by rail to day S3 by wagon... 254— 847 Shipped 890 Sold _ _ 436 £30 STATEMENT: Stock’ on hand September 1,1S79.. Received to-day . previously.. S47 Shipped to-day. S4443—347X6 33026 S90 previously. .......... SK75-S0563 Stock on hand this evening.... Received same day last year.. LATEST TELEGRAPHIC REPORTS Cotton. Lrmroox—Noon—cotton in moderate do- Tn>nd; middling uplands % middling Orleani Skies 8600 bales, of whioh 1000 were taken by speculators and for export; receipts 5030—all American. Future* opened partially 1-S2 better: Uplands low middling daase December dehv- 6%, December and January 6%. January and February 613-16, February and March 6 27-32a 6% .March and April 6 29-SS»S 15-16, April and May 631-82:7, May and Jone71-S2a7 16, June and July 71-16- 1 SO p m—Uplands low middling clause Decem ber den very 6 i5-Sia*%. 2 SO pm—Futures, low middling danse June and July delivery 7 3-32. 430 Dm—Sales of American 5S01. Uplands low middling danse December delivery 6 25-32. De cember and January do, Jinuary and February 6 27-82* February and March 6 29-32, May and Jmsll-B. 5 00 p m—Uplands low middling clause Dec ember delivery 613-16. Futures closed strong. 2tlW York—Cotton firm: sale* 1253; mid dling uplands 12%, middling Orleans 12%. Futures opened firm:December 12.53. January 12.70, February 12 90, March 13.15, April ISAS, May 13.45. Cotton—Net receipts 1178; gross 8214. Futon* closed strong; sales 218,000; Dfr«mh.r delivery 12.90, January 13A3—Uh'lFebmarj 13A6—27. March 1X41-48.^ ipril 1363, May 13.37—79, June 13.94—j^ 'Vuly 13.86—W, August or mind, Irritability ol _ jits, withafcclingcf hav- some duty, Weariness, Diz ziness-Fluttering at the Heart, Dots be fore the eyes, Yellow Skin. Headacho generally over tho right oyo, Restlessness with fitful dreams, highly colored Urine. IF THESE WARMINGS ARB UNHEEDED, SERIOUS DISEASES WILL SOON BE DEVELOPED. TUTTS PILLS nro especially adapted to such rases, one doso effects such a change of feeling as to astonish tho snOcrer.? ^CONSTIPATION.' Only with regularity of th* bowels can perfect health be enjoyed. If the constipation Is of recent date, a single doso of TUTTS PILLS will enfllce, bat if it has become bsbiiaal, one pillehonId betaken everynight,gradnal]y lessen ing tho frequency of the dose until aregular daily movement is obtained, which will soon follow. Dr. I. Guy Lewis, Fulton, Ark., says: “After a practice of 25 years, I pronounce TUTTS PILLS the* best anti-bilious medicine ever made.” _ Kev. V. R. Osgood, New York, says: " 1 have had Dyspepsia, Weak Stomach and Nervousness. I never had any medicine to do me eo much good as TUTTS PILLS. They are as good as represented.” Olilco 35 Murray Street, New York. TUTT’S HATR. DYE. parti a Natural Color, Acts lastantanoonsly, and is ns Harmless as Bpring water. Sold by Druggists, or Bent byexpre— on receipt of 81. 4 Offlco 35 Murray St., Mew York; Cetion closed steady: sales 706; middling up lands 12%. middling Orleans 12%, Consolidated net receipts 23110; exports to Great Britain 1S318, Franco 3517. Continent 6983, channel — —. Galveston—Cotton firm: middling 11%, low middling 11%: good ordinary 11%: net receipts 3541; gross 3821: sales 1870, stock 84651. Noktoxx—cotton firm, middling 12%, not receipts 3843, sales 371, stock 56341. Baltdcosb—Cotton firm; middling 12%. low middling 11%, good ordinary 11%: net receipts 175, gross ESS, sales 460, to Bpinners 230, stoo 7764. Boston — Cotton qniet; middling 12%, loir middling 12%, good ordinary 12% net receipts 1497: gross —. sales —; stock 1890. Wilmington— Cotton firm; middling 12; low middling 1111-16. good ordinary 11%; not receipts 4ul* cross ■■ b sales COO. stock 11360. PHmiDNLPHXA—Cotton firm: middling 12%; low middling 12%, good ordinary 12, not re ceipts 197: gross 773, sales 1158, spinners 9SS, stock CS02. Savannah—Cotton easy: middling 12, low middling 11%. good ordinary 11%, net receipts 5262, gross 5465: sales 1400; stock 104721. Nbw Orleans—Cotton strong: middling 11%. low middling 11%, good ordinary 11%, not receipt* 5289, gross 6886. sales 15000, stock 238206. Momlh—Cotton firm: middling 11%, low middling 11%, good ordinary 11. net receipts 2294, gross . sales S000, stock 47397. Memphis — Cotton firm, middling 11%, re« ceipts 4406, shipments 1363, sales 1500, stock 98362. Augusta—Cotton steady; middling 11%; low middling 11%, good ordinary 10%: receipts 1154, shipments —, sales 653. Chaeleston—Cotton strong: middling 12; low middling 11%. good ordinary 11%; net receipts 4813,gross—.sales2000:stock 63227 FINANCIAL LONDON—Neon—Consols 97 9-16. Erie40% Pams—3 per cent Rentes 82 francs and 50 centimes. Nnw Youz—Stccks opened strong; money Ea6; long 4 80%: short 4 88%. State bonds quiet; Gov ernment securities firm. Money 6n7, exchange 4 83; government securi’ ties strong; now 5 per cents 102%, 4% per cents 105%. 4 percents 103%. State bonds nominal. Stocks closed buoyant: New fork Control 128%, Eri:S0%; Lake Shore 104%: Illinois Central 93%: Pittsburg 105, Chicago and Northwestern 90%. do preferred 108%; Rock Island 148, Western Union Telegraph Company 107. . Sub-Treasury balances: Gold 107.78S.5i7; cur rency 6,934,616. -o— PRODUCE Baxtxmoub — Flour strong: Howard Street and Western suDcrfiuo 4 7E@5 50: cxtra575IS625; familyC75@725:City Mills superfine 6 00@6 60; extra 5 75@6 50; Rio brands 7 85; P&tapsco family 8 00, Wheat—Southern firm; Western wheat strong; southern red 143al 46; amber 150al 61; No 1 Maryland nominal: No 2 Western win ter red spot and December 149%, January 152%, Southern corn steady: Western firm, white 5Sa60, yellow 57a58. Oats quiet and firm, southern 47&4S; Western white 46a47; do mixed 44©15; Pennsylvania 46a47. Bay stead; and unchanged, crime to choice Pennsylvania, Maryland 15@16, Provisions firm: Pork IS 00. Bulk meats, loose shonlders 5, clear rib 7%; do packed 5%, and 7%. Bacon—sbouldeis 6%, clear rib 8%, Hams 10&11. Lard, refined in tierces 8. Batter firm; prime to choice Western packed 1S®16. Cofleo weak: rio in cargoes 14al7%. Whisky 113%. Freights quiet, Chicago—Fionr fairly active demand; double extra Western spring 5 75a700; Minnesota 5 25a 6 00; winter wheat 5 50a6 75, extra 5 C0a5 50 super fine 4 25a5 eo. Wheat excited and higher JJo 2 red winter 126%: No 2 Chicago spring 125 cash. 125 January: No 3 do 111. Com active,firm and higher at 40% cash. Oats strong and higher at _ cash. Pork excited and higher at 13 00 cash. Bulk meats strong and higher; shonlders 4 50. short rib and short clear 6 60, Whisky steady at 111. New Yoex — Southern fionr firm; common to fair extra 6 0ia6 30. good to choice 6 40(37 87%. Wheat lal% better and moro active, moderately active: ungraded winter 1 SOal 49. Cora a shade better and fairly active trado: ungraded 61»62. Oats a shade better and more business; No 347; Coffee in bettor demand; rio in cargoes 14%: do injob lots 14%al9%. Sugar dull and fair to good refining quoted at 8%«9%. prime 9% refined a shade steadier: standard AlO, granula ted and powdered 10%al0%. crashed 10%al0%. Molasses qniet; New Orleans 49a*S. Rice demand fair: Carolina 6%a7%. Rosin quiet and steady at 165. Turpentine firmer at 4)%s43. Wool in active demand and very firm; domestic fleece 42 a57, polled 25a55, unwashed lSaS6. Texas 17aS5. Pork active and stronger; very light demand: mess spot quoted 12 75. Middles strong; long clear snd short clear 7 26. long and short clear 7 37 7 50. Lard active and bigber. prime steam spot 7 95aS 00 cash. Whisky nominal atl 16. Freights firm, LouieVUM—Fionr stesdy; extra 4 50a4 75:f amily 5 25g5 5C; Nol6 25©u 50; choice 7 25@7 50. Wheat firm: red and amber 128. Cora firm: white 44, mixed 41. Oats steidy; white 88, mixed 86. Fork strong at IS E0. Lard firm: choice leaf in tierces 8%, do in kegs 9. Bulk meats strong, shsalders 4 clear ribs G%, clear sides 7. Bacon nominal. Sugar-cured hams 10%. Whisky firm at 110. Cincinnati—Flour firmer: family 6 00@6 25 Wheat firm 12Sal 81. Corn active at 41a44. Oats stronger; No 2 mixed S5aS7. Pork firm at IS 65. Lard firm; current make 7 60a7 75. Bulk meats and Bacon qniet and unchanged. Green meats in fair demand and firm; shoulders 4%, dear sides 6%. Whisk; active and firm at 110. SI, Louis—Flour firmer: double extra 5 50a 6 65, treble extra 5 75a5 95. family 6 00a6 05. choice 610a6 60. Wheat higher; No 2 red fall 131a 131% cosh. No 3 do 124, Corn higher at 37 cash. Oats higher at 37 hid cadi. Whisky firm 110. Pork higher at 1350 cash. Lard higher, at 7 SO. Balk meats strong and higher: loose, shoulders 4 25a4S5, dear ribs 64Ca6 50, dear sides 6 E0a6 60. Bacon quiet-, shoulders 4%. dear ribs 7%. dear sides 7%. New Oblhans—Flour strong: superfine 453a 475, donble extra 5 90a6 00. treble extra 6 25a 6 SO.high grades 6 €5a7 25. Com higher; white 34a 58. Oats firm at 48. Pork strong at 13 50. Lard scarce at 8%, Bulk meats firmer:shoulders loose 4%. Bacon firmer: shoulders 4%, clear nb 8%, clear sides 8%. Sugar-cured hams new lOalL Whisky firm at 105al 15. Coffee firm: Rio in car ta prime 14*17%. Sugar in good in to good common 6a6%, fair to fully fair6%a7%. prime to choice 7%a%. yellow clarified 8%. Molasses quiet; common 24a27 prime to choice SSa43. Rice firm, ordinary to choice, Louisiana 6%a7%. natal’siobkb. Wilmington—spirits turpentine dull at 88 So sin firm ISO for strained* Credo tnr- pentine firm at 1 60 for hard; 2 60 for yd lew dip; Tar steady at 110. BCG AS—Golden Brown ?% Granulated 11% ■ Powdered and crushed.,,.,,.......,, 12 crackers—is talO Suwer_„„.„ 10 11 8irawDcrry 14 Fancy .--mi 15 1S @ 14 MATCHES—ST, in paper. 2 70 unwood.„ 2 75 ^ 4 CO KAILS—Basil 10*. Macon Wholesale Market. BACON—Clear rib siaes„ Balk clear rib sides.,,..,.. Pork Strips Bulk shoulders..,.. Bellies Choice 8 C hams BAGGING—Dixie 1% lbs.. Globe 1% lb Union Star 1% lbs.. LARD—inbbls.. BALL POTASH—: Sterling , 1 PEPPER „„ BPIOB....... GINGBR NUTMBGS..„_, CLOVES CIGARS—PerM 10 00a50 CHEROOTS 12 CO SNUFF—Lorillard’s. lar 65 Lorillard’s,foD... n 7P TOBACCO—Common 40 a Medium 60 a 60 Lucy. Hinton. 52 ■ | i | m’. , n* , *h””* | ..*whi 75^al SO CHEESE •***""”” 15%@16 RTOEinewcrop) 7%@8 POTATOES ,,,,,,,,, 800aS25 ONIONS ’ 4 75 Bnmabks—Meats and lard have both ad vanced very rapidly in the past few days, not withstanding it is just the season for slaughter ing. stocks ana Donas COSEECTED DAILY BX Lr.RIPLEY, BROKER. Georgia 8 percent bonds... 101 a 115 Georgia 7 per oent. bonds Georgia 7 per cent, bond: Georgia 7 per cent, bonds Georgia 7 per cent, bonds (Smith) US a 120 Georgia 6 per oent (Old)......, ,,..101 a 195 Georgias per cent, bondsfnew) 108 a 109 City of Moeon 7 per cent, (long) 78 a 75 Oityof Augusta 7 per oent 100 a 101 City of Atlanta 7 per cent.„„, ,...101 a 102 City of Atlanta 8 per oent .110 a 111 City otBavannah 69 a 70 Central Railroad joint mortgage .103 a)109 Georgia Railroad 6 per oent. bcnds„....101 a 102 Macon and Western R R bonds par. and mt Northeastern RR bonds (endorsed) _...JOO a 102 Southwestern Railroad parandint SouthGa.*ndFla, lstmortgaSe 107 a 103 A. A G. R. S. 2d mortgage (endorsed),.,10 a 1032 Sout Gaand Fla ...S2 a 83 Western R. R. of Alabamalst mortgagellO a 112 WestornK. Rot Alabama 2dmortguge.„110 11 M A A E.B. 1st mortgage(not endor’d 80 90 Southwestern RR stock 100% Georgia Railroad stock £3aS5 Control Railroad stock 71%a72% Augusta and Savannah railroad stock... 10 9 The Central railroad on December 1 declared a semi-annual dividend of 2% per cent, and the Southwestern railroad a semi-annual dividend of 3% per cent. Fos> Sale, SND S3 STOCK OF OLD NEWS- papers at 50 cents per Handled, and Pour Dol lar* per Thousand. Much cheaper than any other kind of Wrap ping Paper, and very useful about Packing Good*, Catting Patterns, Washing Windows, Etc, Rto THIS OFFICE. 14 tf R. W. CUBBEDQE. BROKER -AND- REAL ESTATE AGENT. STOCKS AND BONDS B0U8HT AND SOLD STRICTIY ON COMMISSION. MULBERRY STREET, opposite Lanier House marl ly A amount irom $10 to 8500 cither In a put or : very frequently gives hack 6 to 10 times money in profits. Yon cannot lose any ethan the amount yon invest. Stock 3 of all kinds bought and sold through New York stock exchange in any number of shares on S per cent margin. Send for our ciron- * explaining how to speculate. PECK A HARRIS, Bankers and Brokers, 19 Broadstreet, New York sep28 dtu ill sat wSm 4% a 8 MOLASSES—Choice Cuba. hhds„._ 8* Choice Cuba.- bhls™^-.™.™ 85027 Bugarhouse, hhds 2*41*4 Bugarhouse, bbls_.„„,„—tf Olttut In Orison*— $500 Reward. H ERE we are again, armed and eqnipped as the law directs, with a formula for mak ing a Fertilizer as good as tho best sold in Geor- !ia, and wo have hundreds of Georgia farmers to back us in saying Black’s Fertilizer, when made right, is equal to Commercial Fertil izers and tho whole cost of ingredients to mako a ton of BLACK’S FERTILIZER is Less Than Five Dollars. and to make ten tons will costless than FOUR DOLLARS PER TON. We give bolow a few of the many names who have certified to tho merits of BLACK’S FER TILIZER, viz: Thos E Brown, Sandersville, Georgia Leonard Sketoe, Griswoldville, Ga JEM LeSuenr, Miln-r, Ga Rev L G Evans. Bibb county, Ga 8 W Hatcher, Knoxville, Ga T J Massey, Marshallville, Ga Uriah King, Linton. Ga WR Stanley. Linton, Ga Dr P S Bower, Thomasville, Ga WI Kenfrce, Carrs 8tation, Ga B1 Peacock, Buena Vista, Ga Dr S M Anderson, Cornucopia, Jones county, Georgia Eli Frazier, Gordon, Ga J 8 Waldrep, Gladeville, Ga D P Holloway do County and farm rights for sale. Headquarters at the offlco of tho Telegraph and Messenger, Macon, Georgia. decSdlw&wtf ASHLEY A SFBIR. COLLINS & WINN, ‘Manufacturers of- CARRIAGES, BUGGIES 4ND 70, 73 «5c 74 SECOND STREET. Maoon* Georgina Cheapest Toilet Soap Atretailin Macon. Call and see, at ELLIS’DRUGSTORE. Seasonable Flower Seed For Fall Planting. A full lin8 from Geraniums down to Violets, at ELLIS’ DRUG STORE. Seasonable Carden Seed, Early Peas, Lettuce, Cabbage, etc, at decStf ELLIS’ DRUG STORE. ORANGES FOR BALE BY JAQUES & JOHNSON. de3 St COW FOOD. 1 Car load RICE FLOUR. I do do WHEAT BRAN. 100 bales CHOICE HAY, In store and lor sale by decs JONES A COOK. FOR SALS- !fce “Ite dower Euf PlaiitMa,” L YING immediately west of and adjoining . thetown of Clinton, Jones County, Ga. con- teihing: between.1,700 and 1,800 acrea. Terms •S’ JW told before December 1 will be aold subject to 1*MS lor the coming year. Apply to wmg IN STOCK, AND FOR SALE LOW j Carriages, Phaetons, Cabriolettes, Poek- awavs, Ladies and Pony Phaetons, Top and No-top Piano Box and Goal Box Buggies, Webster Wagons, Wilburn Wagons, Studerbaker Wagons, One-Horse Wagons, Harass, Baby Cabs, etc., etc Call and be Convinced. TAtt.OR’S jppfiR Fnrtabfaand AencnltnmlEiaci**". jdiprtr J.r.i: t to 10 IIocbo I’owcrV JDi v’ Etonr*** tn Hon'o rower; Utica (or \\ txxt & ?.Tr.nti> Knjrln ip In 40 HowelNrtror: StattramrioA: Ad> 4 to € frt * » 4 pu a m« nr ; 04-;i«{gnncn : aujw%m*: v m- > >T 1'9% from 13 to HftOw iVw.r: Jmi’fwvJ i ■ ■ ** Un-rim's from lato 150 Uuwo l\nrcr; |1oili.r<.a > l Iron FramelfcnvraiWo : V’•*»■ Boa Portable Corn Mills :Onro>AUQ Stone*, ah ;ru a> antc«<lloi»mluoeiboUerM« M.v.ifhCarerot^ Sf- iw» s; Vo-vx U'lttzaunaxxB. Mix,” Wcslmliuluf, U.A. Address Branch Offloc, IS Wall t tree t. At tecta Ga noviadlaw wly $100,1100, $100. Every Smoker Has an Interest in the Profits. One hundred dollars in United States Currency to be given away as a grand Christmas gift by the Parlor Cigar Store on December 24, next. - -411 persons purchasing 25 cents worth of Cigars will be come participants in the above. Our Impo od Cigars are the finest. FAMOUS BELLE CREOLE Cannot bo best. Five Cent Cigar. Is unsurpassed. Cromeline & Co., OPPOSITE LANIER HOUSE. Orders by m&il attended to os ubua].~£& noylStt WE Offil 1,000 CASKS AND KEGS SODA. 200 BARRELS BLUE STONE, 200 BARRELS EPSOM SALTS 2,000 CASES POTASH, 1,000 BOXES STARCH, 200 :BA8S PEPPER, 10,000 LBS LORILLABD SNUFF 6,000 LBS RAILROAD SNUFF, 1,000 GROSS MATCHES, 300,000 CIGARS, 200 GROSS FLASKS, * 25 TONS JEWETT'S LEAD, 60 TONS »T, LOUIS LEAD. 100 BARRELS LINSEED OIL. Above, and all goodi in our line, we bought be fore they advanced and will tell them at lea* thanjNeir York prices. HUNT. RANKIN & LAMAR. auc27 tf We handle more goods in our line than- any other house in the States of Georgia, Florida or Alabama, Oar facili ties are such that we defy competition. We will treat you right, COLLINS Sc WIBTXr. MACON, GA. V * Purest A c^nWnAtion of Hop*. Bocbn. Mandrmke, and Dandelion, with alfthe best and mowt cura- Are properttea of all othc r Bitters niake*s the great- SiSSfetetfeSf' ■o disease or ill health can poadbly lonjr exist I where Hop Bitters aro tued, i>o varied and perfect Are their operations. They give new lift tad vlfor to Gw and iaSrtt. To all wb.*e < mpayments oau.-*- lmv-lantvof the bowels or urinary organa, or who r*-<ru;r** jui Appetizer, Tonic and mild htimulant. Hop Juticru are invaluable without Intoxicating. No matter what your fee lings or rymptcnv arc- what the disea*© or ailment 15, two Hop Bitterw- Don>t wait until you are blTjSftalytei * or miserable, use the Bitten atone* It may your life. It has saved hundreds. ♦SOOwOlbe paid for a case the v win not cure or help. Do not suffer nor let your frienda buffer, but aj and urge them to uso Hop Bitters. Remember, Hop Bitters is no vile drmrerd. dronk- _n nostrum, but the Purest arid }j.di at:, .-v. r made; the “Invalid’. Friend «.nd Hope,” and J person or family should bo without them. Get some this day., ■ The Hot* Pad for Stomach, Liver and Kidney is* D. L CL is an absolute and irresistible cure for drank enness, use of opium, tobacco and narcotics: kSold by (iraggiilA. Hop Bitter* Ml*. Co. Ba ■v r 'Stadfor ClmLsr.r $1200: Ka U€ MWpljl HUNT 4 CM, uCfrtnrf*