The Macon telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1873-188?, December 30, 1879, Image 1

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attii BY CLISBY, JONES & REESE- MACON, GEORGIA, TUESDAY MORKHST& DECEMBER 30, ia79.—PRICE FIVE CENTS. NO. 9,404. BY TELEGRAPH SUNDAY’S DISPATCHES. NEWS ITEMS. Grant and Augusta. Augusta, Georgia, December 28.— The city council last night unanimously adopted a resolution inviting General Grant and party to stop here on his way to Florida, and extending to them the bos- j-it aliti*** of the city. The following lias been received in r ^hjxuk to the invitation tendering General (•rant t be hospitalities of this dty: -n'ajdkington, Itreember 28.—To H'il- fcerforce Oaaief. Chairman: Thanks for Ur invitation from the citizens of Augus ta. I w ill not probably be able to stop lonaer than the train may be detained in your city. [Signed.] U. S. Grant.” Kaiktiki-u, Maine, December 28.— A large meeting was tield lien: last night t-> ratify the action of Governor Garcelon and council: but more especially to give t - incillor Brown chance to defend liim- ** If before his townsmen, as at the indig- nat meeting held last week, a resolu- liou was passed personally condemning li.iu for his action as Councillor, disfran chising hb own tow a, and requesting so ciety to ostracize him. Mr. Brown was called on and made a Ji st speech defending the action of the Gormsorand Council. A numlicr of resolution-! were adopted, including the following: /.Yso/rof, That we, as citizens of the town of Fairfield, believe 11k* Governor and Council have cauvassed the election returns in rirt accordance with the con- -titutiirti and laws of the State, and that they arv entitled to our respect and es teem for so faithfully performing their du- tiK and tin’)* shall iiave our support and services in whatever rapacity they may be needed, »i long as tliey pursue a course iu harmony with the laws and constitu- THE UTES. Wat-Great Anxiety for the Commis- -:or. and the Frontier. Denver, Colorado, December 28.— A special to the Denver Tribune^ from Im* Finos, dated 25th instant, represents that the situation is very serious there, flenrral llatcli was to have started front l/s Finos yesterday and spend the night at Cline's Ranch on the Cimorroa. On the ;JUth is- will start from tlicre for Ala- ■noa, which is tie: last railroad station. General I (at eh lias given up all hope of MKriiriug tin- Indians, and as liis departure is taiiiainoiint to a declaration of war, notch anxiety Is felt as to hi-S fate. Tlien- are several hundred braves near la» linos, and the wliitcs, all told, do not number over twenty-five. The Indians have tlw* whites completely trapped. Tlff»s«* in tlie bowl are General llatcli, Colonel Valois and W. K. Saunders of Virginia, the Denver Tribune correspon dent, fifteen soldiers anil the agency em ploy,-.-s. General Adams is in Denver. It is lielievinl that the troop of cavalry under Colonel McKenzie, stationed at Fort Garland, lias been ordered to make a fore.ii march to I,os Finos at once, but they cannot p*t lltere before tbe Indians make a:t attaek unless Ouray succeeds in keeping litem quiet a little longer. Ouray. Animas City, Silverton and oth er settlements an* greatly exposed. The White River Ctes hare eolisitmcd ali the -!.>n*» taken fn>m the Wliite River agency and an: eager to make attack on the Los linos agency. If Hatch' has left without the Indian iu--.i>'er<-r>. It is considered Mat iln wur will open a| once. The Indiaus will strike tin* first mow, as iney nave every thing liicir own way, at present, owing to tin* removal of tin* troops to distant points at tie* demand of Ouray. THE MAINE TROUBLE. Letter from Garcelon. Xkvv York, December 28.—Tlie follow ing explanatory card from Governor Gatvelen is published here: Augusta, Maine, December 27.—The difficulty grows out of the fact that the Governor mid council confined themselves to ismstitutbinal and I«*gal provisions in tabulating atul counting tlio votes as re turned by tlie municipal officers. The Constitution makes certain things to be done by them inqierative. Tlie law sup plements others, and our Supreme Court have given an official opinion as to what is to Iff- done under certain circumstan CCS. Everv year tlie re has been defective re turns rejected—that is, not counted—for non-compliance with constitution or legal provisions. But this year, in addition to the usual occurrences in this direction, a sort of mildew or epidemic seems to have infected several of our large cities. These returns are fatally defective, not only as would appear to an ordinary mind, but as .hviih*,l by the rules laid down by our highest judical tribunal. It is alleged, however, that by a law passed in 1877. tlie Governor and Council have authority to make alterations or amendments of returns; but, unfortun ately tor llieir claim, that law, even if constitutional as applicable to Senators and Representatives, confines tlie only correction of returns to tlie record made in open town meetings, and in cases where tlie attempt lias been made for the cor rection of tlie record, if any existing was found to agree with tlie returns. Tlw simple and only question, therefore, is shall the Governor and Council follow tbe manilates of the constitution, law and ju dicial ilecisions explanatory thereof, or, ia obedience to popular clamor violate their natlis of office—trample the consti tution under their feet, aud forfeit not only all self-respect, but that which they have a right to claim both from friends and foes, so long as they adhere to their line of duty. * Alonzo Garcelon. Augusta. Maine, December 28.— Hon. Lot M. Morrill yesterday replied to Governor GarceIon’s letter _ relating to points to be submitted to the judgment of the court, and suggested tlie following questions: First, is it tlie duty of the Governor and Council, in canvassing re turns for Senators and Representatives to the Legislature, to allow corrections tberrin by record, under the constitution and laws'of tlie State, and to wliat cases can such corrections extend ? If not their dutr, have tliey then a right or power to .allow such corrections at their option ? Second, is a return signed by less tlian majority of the aldermen of tlie city so defective that it cannot be counted as it stands ? if so defective, can a dnly at tested cony of the record be substituted for it and be legally counted? Tbe eases of Lewiston. Batli. Rockland and Saco are referred to. Sd. Is a return which places a number of votes opposite tlie word “scattering’’ so defective that it cannot be counted when the whole number of votes so placed added to any minority candidate’s, would still leave a” clear plurality to another can didate’s. and, if so defective on its face, eaa it be corrected by record ? The case referred to is that ol the dty of Portland. 4th. If a return has not the signature of tbt town cleric, as iu the case of Leb anon and Albion, can a duly attested copy ef tbe record be substituted therefor, and the vote be legally counted ? frb Have the Governor and Council anv right to reject a return bearing the signature of the cleric and a majority of tbe munidpnl officers, because from evi dence aliunde they are satisfied it was not signed or sealed in open town meeting, or was signed by tbe Selectmen in blank at tbe meeting, and, after adjournment, filled in by tbe clerk, or because n-ne of the Se lectmen signed returns in blank filling in tbe -vme of the-town and county before the town meeting, the other two signing and sealing in ojen town meeting, as al- -deged in the eases of Joy, Stonetom, Lis boa and other towns which are referred to: or because the return was sent to the Secretary of State’s office unsealed, as is alleged in the case of Searspoit or because the article specified in the Constitution in article 4, part 1, section 5, was not made up in the presence of the Selectman, and in open town meeting, as alleged in tbe cases of Webster, Lisbon or other towns; especially of a written mem orandum of the persons voted for, with the numberof votes for each person against had been effected at the last hour, of 500 bags of centrifugals, No. 10, testing 94J degrees polarization, at 9f reals gold per . . arrobe; sixty-five bags of centriftxgals test- and is now on her way up to this city, ing 94 at 9| reals, and 000 bags of cen- The Maine Muddle, tnfugals at Gardena, Nos. ? to 10, testing . Acgusx . Maine, December 29.—It is 90 degrees at 10 reals, with heavy’cash , the ge neral opm ion that Governor Garce- < „ advance. Stock in thewarehouse at Ha- ■ j on w jh n0 [ submit to the Supreme Court his name, is made by the clerk in the vana and Matanzas—2M» boxes, 9,000 I thc questions propounded by Mr. Morrill, presence of the Selectman, and in open bags and 5,200 hogsheads. Receipts for Republicans will be prepared for town meeting, though not put upon the . the week, 228 boxes, 1,250 bags, 1,200 thi , ^ wm pres ent questions through a record book of the town until after the hogsheads. Exports dorm" the week, 2,000 ma j orit y 0 f t b e members of the last Sen- meeting adjourned; or because one of the bags, <540 hogsheads—all to the United at ^ it is thought such proceedings Selectmen signing is an alien, as alleged in States. Spanish gold, 235J to 23G. “* • would conform to law. There is a dis til# case of Cherryfield—all oilier signa- change flat on United States for sixty position to exhaust every legal means bc- tures being regular in all respects; or be- ! days. . 1 fore others are tried, cause <lc facto officers who sign returns titov avows. 1 flavor Nash, of this city, will to-day from any cause were not legally chosen or DAi hiarAlonm address a letter to Governor Garcelon, urg- merely disqualified from holding office, or ! . _. . _ . ing him not to call out the militia on as- because tlie return is attested by a clerk ! Great Eire- IU iJOStOn. sembling the Legislature, as that would . >ro tem~, as In tbe case of Vance- j Boston, December 29.—A fire* \\ liicn provoke the bringing of a force from the boro, or by a deputy clerk, as in the ; broke out in the rear of the paper waje- : other si( j e> He state t b a t the extra of Scarboro; or because the second bouse of Rice, Kendall & Co., on Federal , provided by the city is amply able street last night and spread to _ a number ; preserve the public peace. The brig Silas H. Martin, which was re ported ashore near the bar, at the mouth of the Cape Fear river, has been floated, return was sent to the Secretary, differing from tlie first in the numbers of votes re turned for the various candidates? Un der the facts of the Greenfield caso have the Governor and Council any right to re ceive evidence on either of tlie above points, and if so, on which? flth. Is it competent for the Governor and Council, when tlie return states the names of persons voted for anil the num ber of votes for each, and each signature genuine, to admit evidence aliunde as to any neglect in the town officers, before or at a town meeting, to comply with any of tbe various requirements of the consti tution and laws ? 7tli. Is it tlie duty of the Governor and Council, or have tliey tlie right to reject the return, liccause tlie whole number of tlie ballots is not stated therein, as in Otisfielil and other towns, or lieeausc tlie whole number of ballots slated differs from Hie sum of votes returned from tlie several candidates, as in tlie case of Farmington and in other towns? Foreign. London, December 28.—Tlie Viceroy of India, unibr date of 27th instant, an nounces that telegrams from General Roticrls, report tlie defeat and dispersion of tlie enemy around Cabul on the 23d instant, licfore tlie arrival of General Gough. A dispatch from General Roberts, dated tlie aid, confirms tlie above, aud gives tlie details as follows: Desultory attacks were kept up all of yesterday. During the day information was received that a general attack would be made at daybreak. To-day, large numbers of the enemy were seen occupying distant villages and approaching nearer as it became dark. At six o’clock this morning a fire was lighted on Asoni heights. We had been apprised that this would be the enemy’s signal for attack, and immediately after wards an attack was commenced. We were prepared for it. In the south and west, the enemy did not show much determina tion, hut on the northeast corner of Beli- maroo heights some thousands collected and evidently contemplated an assault. ' ‘eneral Hugh Gough, ably assisted by Colonel Jenkins, commanded here. As soon as the enemy’s intentions were fully developed, I determined on a counter at tack with cavalry and artillery. These is sued by the gorge Iietwcen Belimaroo heights and opened tire on the enemy’s flank and speedily dislodged t hem. Tlie cavalry pursued and saliered numbers of tlie enemy, who retired from all points and hastily retreated to the city. We have now occupied some advanced illagcs—particularly those on the Balkak road. Gen- Ciias. Gough's camp is visible six miles to the east. A dispatch from Gen. Roberts, dated Cabul the 24tli, is as follows: Our success rretenlay rrta complete. Thr oinny’s loss was severs. Our losses were five killv/U, • DxiimW «ml Lieutenant Nugent, of the Engineers, by a premature explosion when blowing tip the towers of the neighboring village, and thirty-three wounded—tlie majority of whom are doing well. Those of the enemy living in Cabul went straight to tlieir houses after the defeat. The Koliis- 1 ol other buildings, is at this hour (3 a. , m.), completely under control. The de-j News items, tails of the fire show that the loss is much New York, December 29.—A Pitts- less tlian was given by previous estimates. : burg sjiecial says that yesterday the roof On buildings it will probably be $400.000,' of a large building occupied by Edgar A. and on stock nearly that figure. j Thompson, as an iron and steel workshop, The following firms are losere: On j fell In with a great crash, burying he- Fcderal street Rice, Kendall & Co.’s neath its ruins a number of men. They building, No. ol, which was completely ! were extricated as soon as possible, when gutted from cellar to attic; the Franklin j it was found that hut nine of them were Wool Company, No. 93, is in the same ! seriously injured and two fatally, condition. The carriage and saddlery I At a meeting of the Board of Directors manufactory of Corbin & Page, No. 93, of of the Western Union Telegraph Gom- the same street, and William & Codman’s I pany, J. B. Van Every, auditor of the wool manufactory, were badly damaged f company, was made vice president. Van in the rear and on the roof. The fire in Every’s successor has not been selected.. its southern course was checked at this ! Cixcinntti, December -9.—A special point. On Franklin street the losers were ; dispatch from Chicago to the Tones says W. T. Lawrence & Co., bankers, No. 03. I that Right Rev. John P. A. Fillham, No. 07. Rand, Avery & Co.; Boston Credit : Bishop of Nashville, has been appointed Bureau; George D. Drake & Co., wool; to succcd Bishop Foley, of Chicago, office of New England Glass Works; W. New ORLEANS, December 29.—The J. Libby; John ^Carter, paper. No. 09, ! Times says Dink Grove was not wounded — - -- - * *•— by the Moonshiners near Monroe, as re- Fletclier Manufacturing Company, Sam uel C. Trippe, agent. No. 73, C. J. Pe ters & Sons, stereotypes; S. H. Sanborn, hook binders; T. F. Collins, blank book manufactory; L. B. Wilber & Co., prin ters. No. 75, B. II. B. manufactory, aud L. B. Wilder & Co., printers. No. 75, B. S. Thayer & Co., paper manufactory, con siderably damaged by water and doubt less rears and roofs of these numbers bad ly burned. On Franklin street, No. Ill, occupied by Claftan & Brown, Charles E. Perry, paper cutting, and John Dilling ham. No. 113, W. T. Brown & Co.; Houghton, Osgood & Co.; S. D. Warren & Co. No. 117, Rand, Avery & Co. No. 119, G. S. Sclienick, paper; Dillingham Paper Company, James S. Morrial, paper manufacturing company agent; George P. Gose & Co., auctioneers and commission merchants Chicago. No. 123, John Carnes & Co., paper. These firms are all losers on Devonshire street. Tlie following are completely burned out, losing almost everything. North National Bank, corner Franklin street; Claiflin & Brown, twine and bags. No. 21<5, McGrath Bros., hoots and shoes. No- 218, Seliotype, Houghton, Osgood & Co., publishers; S. D. Warren & Co., paper stock, Powers express, Union express of fice and Edward A. Taft, general express. The following firms occupying numbers from 222 to 240: Spaulding & Tewksbury, paper; Moore, Smith & Co., cutlery, etc.; Ucoige Foster & Moses E. Osgood, all damaged, cither by fire, smoke or water, ami it is impossible at this writing to as certain to what extent. Tlie fronts of the buildings from Nos. 222 to 240 are not injured, the damage be ing confined to tlie rear where tlie block touched Rice & Kendall's building. There is a probability that one or two of the firms given above are not damaged to any great extent, it being extremely difficult t/» jaat UOW wliat firms out of the large number in the burned dis trict that the fire did reach are the heaviest losers, xne losers are JRice, Kendall <ss Co., $150,000; Houghton, Osgood & Co., $150,000; and Rand, Avery & Co., who had a largo amount of stock in process of manufacture badly damaged by smoke and water, their loss may reach $100,000. The Apaches. San Francisco, December 29.—Ad- I fill'd,‘.rit the Sf a 1 vices from Camp Rucker are to tlie effect Two oT the enemy’s Teafle^ Mushki that Gerononio, the Apache Chief, with Two of tlie enemy s leailcre, Mushki, half of the Indians w hidi surrendered to en.l Arnkonutil Too I Hall Ol IHU XlllUalls which nuiiiTiucicu iu early'in the day, ano.l.or prominent lea.L j Kf ’^Cteen eris reported to have fled with depredating for some months along the ! border, and did much of the work credited to Ricotoria’s band. This virtually wipes out all renegade Indians in Arizona and i on the border. FOREIGN. reported Khan's eldest son toward Warkak cavalry have gone in pursuit. Bala Hissar and tlie city will be taken possession of this afternoon. Tlie former will be occupied if it appears certain that there is no danger from hidden mines of * Yakoob Khan’s wife and mother and a' A Terrible Railway Disaster, daughter of flic lato Akbar Klian, who I London, December 29.—The manager are reported to contemplate and who have j of the North British Railway, telegraph- done all in their power to incite the Af- | ing from Lencliars at 4 o clock this mom- ghans, will be brought to Shirnur to-day. j ing says: X have telegraphed General Bright to ! Several large girders along with the push forward detachments from Jagdul- lost train from Edinburgn were precjpitat- uk to Lelibak “and Latahband. I send a 1 ed in tlie river last night with nearly oOO force to occupy Bulkak to-morrow. Com- ! passengers, besides the company* s serv- munication with India will be thus rap-! ants all of whom are believed to have idlv restored. General Charles Gough's brigade ar rived this morning. A slight snow fell last night. All well. Akbar Khan, referred to by General Roberts, was the principal oppdhent of the British iu 1841, and his daughter is reported to have distributed twenty thou sand pounds among tlie Afghans to incite them to the present rising. Rome, December 29.—The funeral of General Avezzanawas a very imposing one. The police, amid a tumultuous scene, seized the Italia Irrenta flag in the irocession, but their attempt to seize the iepublican flag was evaded. Tlie Faufulla says, in reference to the report of an assault made by a crowd on Tuesday last on the gendearmes, who ac companied King Humbert on a hunting expedition, that there were only four per sons concerned in the affair—probably poachers—who fled after discharging their mins. One of them was subsequently London December 28.—The Chilian Legation at Paris announces that it has received a telegram stating that tlie Presi dent of Peru has arrived at Panama, cn route to tlie United St ites and Europe. perished. A dispatch from Edinbmgh dated at 4 o’clock, says the portion of the bridge which fell consisted of several large superincumbent girders over the navigable portions of the river, which averages from foity to forty-five feet in depth. The train would fall about eighty-eight feet before reaching the water. Sometime elapsed before the nature of the disaster was un derstood. The damage to the wires on the bridge and the badness of the weath er interfered with the transmission of news and it is unknown whether the girders were blown down before the train entered tlie bridge or) were carried away with it; and will probably* never be ascertained as there are no survivors. Tbe bridge was only opened for traffic in May, 1878. It was considered a triumph of engineering skill. It is about two miles long and bad* The widest was two ported to Commissioner Kama. It ap pears that Dink Grove was returning from the arrest of Quick, when the mule at tached to tlie wagon ran away, throwing Dink Grove from his seat, causing an ac cidental discharge of his pistol by which lie was wounded. •August Johns, aged thirteen, was killed to-day by the premature discharge of a toy pistol which he had loaded with powder and wadding. The charge entered his stomach, from the efleets of which lie died in a few hours after the accident. Tlie Cotton Exchange decided by a vote of 109 to 78 to inaugurate future calls. Montgomery, Ala., December 29.— Money to meet the interest due January 1 on Alabama bonds is on deposit with the Importers and Traders National Bank of New York, Funds are also at various places designated for the payment of in terest in this State. Military AfFairs About Cabul. Calcutta, December 29.—General Roberts telegraphs under date of the 2(3th instant, as follows: _ Butkak has been re-occupied. A force will start for Kohistan to-morrow to pun ish those who participated in the recent movement there. General Roberts’ total loss up to date is 77 killed, 220 wounded. A later telegram from General Roberts, dated 20tli instant, says a heavy snow foil on tbe 25tli, preventing a pursuit of tlie enemy. The country about Cabul and the line of communications is now clear. Tlie Bala Hissar magazine has been emp tied. There were several explosions in Bala Hissar during its occupation by in surgents, and one explosion, it is stated, killed one thousand persons. The tele graph line was, for the great part, destroy ed, but is being rapidly* repaired. General Butler on the Maine Mud- UK Boston, December 29.—General B. F. Butler lias stated to a reporter his views of the situation in Maine. He contradicts the statement that he has given Governor Garcelon aud-Uouncl legal advice on the course they had taken. He had never been asked to advise about the matter. He does not see how tlie Governor and Coun cil could have acted otherwise than they have done and strictly followed tlie Con stitution and law. The Governor is not a judge. General Butler is reported as hav ing said: “Nor are tlie Governor and Council the returning board, but simply a canvassing board. They are to ascertain who appear to be elected from the returns certified by them under provisions of tlie Constitution aud laws. Whether the de fects discovered are amendable or un- amendable under tbe laws, I don’t know. Most of them would seem to be amenda ble by tbe final judge, tlie Legislature.” General Butler thinks tbe only way for the Republicans to meet the situation is by a legal constitutional means. In re sponse to the question as to whether tlie Maine Legislature can choose seven I’resi- dential electors next year, General Butler said: “Certainly; tbat is provided for by the Constitution of tlie Uuited States, which says that‘Electors are to be cho sen in any way* tbe legislature may ap point. ’ ” General Butler does not believe there will be any fighting in Maine. He thinks there is too much common sense. He sees no parallel between the Louisiana return ing board in 1870 and tlie present condi tion of affairs in Maine. The difference is very observable. Iu Louisiana the retum- ing'board claimed and exercised the pow er of counting votes not thrown out, which they they said ought to have been thrown out; whereas, in Maine, the Governor only decides he has no power to judge between the electors and the elected, except upon legal evidence brought before him, and then his act is not judicial but simply min isterial. Additional Particulars of the Rail road Disaster. London, December 29.—A dispatch from Dundee to the Press Association as- ■ serfs that the number of lives lost by the eighty-five spans. t n i^° rt ^'mfmlre f l A an!r thirty sens mat uic numoer oi lives ms, uy t ue e5t point it was one nirty . Tav | )r ^ e does not exceed nine- l0 The Edinbureh at 4*15 in tlie *>■' This is probably an under estimate, afternoon! It consisted" of four tlifrd Thu todies of six of tlie victims have been Cl T 3 ’lt the e T!l d sfa 3 - i Thcreiiway* authorities now estimate Uon befonAlie bridge tickets were taken, j t f [’ e (i total number of lives lost at seveuty " — _ anJ tra *fsndi°as 1 dc>ors\nd telegram from Dundee states that PARIS, December 2S—Tlie Temj'w as- | ^bridge “ndSicles onl ? passenger tickets were taken setts that M. Gambetta had a Xrcaring app^l are lomins ashore, np at the last stopping, but these do and cordial conference with President girders oftlie long not account for the number of young clul- Grevy to-day. A new ministry lias been ; ®^“"* h ^, e „ one Th | dren requiring no tickets, nor for thenum- StutoTis follows: M. de Freydnet, S^K^^SStXftbe wind tor of railway employees nor for the President of Council and Minister of For- nnmber of passengers for Broughty feury, whose tickets were not taken up. If this Constantinople, December 27. — Ahmed Moukhtar has issued a proclama tion to the inhabitants of Guysinge and Plada stating that those districts now be long to Montenegro, and he also telegraphed to the Porte yesterday that a conciliatory ; will be sacredly maintained. liceman to preserve order in its halls. Its doors have always been open to ingress and egress of all well behaved citizens and I trust your Excellency will see that the character of the building in that regard disposition prevails, justifying the hope of a peaceful settlement of the difficulties arising from tlie territorial cession. Paris, December 29.—A toiler in the factory in the St. Louis quarter of this city has exploded, killing six persons and injuring two. Madrid, December 29.—The commit tee of the Chamber of Deputies, to whom was referred the bill for tho abolition of The great aversion of the people to auy other course is suggestively witnessed by the recent resistance in Bangor to the re moval of the war material, supposed to to destined for the State House. That inci dent, in connection with many suggestions in the public prints, has induced me to address this letter to your Excellency. You will perceive that if one party to tlie controversy shall ami, the other will do slavery in Cuba, which has passed tlie . the same, and with both parties armed a Senate, will to-day commence an exami- conflict might ensue, which all would, nation of the Cuban Deputies, who are ; deeply deplore. I feel confident that if no desirous to propose amendments to the j troops are called out by the State authori- bill on the reassembling of the Cortes on ! ties, no todies of armed men will come to January 10th. It is expected that the 1 the Capitol on the assembling of the Leg- members of the Chamber of Deputies of islaturc, and the civil police of our city tho minority, who recently absented them- ' will to amply competent to ddal with ail selves, will participate in the debates on | cases of individual riot or disorder that the abolition bill. may occur. Peru Pacific. ! [Signed] Charles E. Nash, New York, December 29.—The , Mayor. Charge D’Affairs of Peru denies the re- i The Governor remarked that he would port which is said to have emanated from 1 1 a * :( ' , ' u> c<ra.->iiw»titm the Chilian legation at Paris, announcing J. P. STEVENS & GO’S.. ATLANTA. GEORGIA- Price Ust of Watches, Jewelry and silver-Wait'. Ladies* Sold Gold Key Winding Watchei „.s.l7.00. SID 10. 25.00 up to i ' COesrii " .* * Stem Winding •* .-30.00. - 55.00, 45CC. 50.00 lo -TMOes.H Gentlemen’s ** Key Winding •• ...... u .<30.0> np to .-’o.OOooch " " Stem Winding *" .■‘55.00,-50.00.-TS 00 up to 5 <etch ** Silver “ •* «• „„>9.Qt>, OQ up Cfl^arh A great variety or Niikel cased. Black Dial Stem Win/ing Watches at ’rom...5S to up to .' toeach Ladies’ Solid Gold Opera Ch tins from..,,..., (27.00 up to -S5 00e«eh Guard Chain* trom -sS.OOup to -*.*• ( Ocsr " *• ’* Necklaces trom ».-17toupM iVOOeech Gentlemen’s Solid Gold Vest Cham. from_ -10 01 up to * >5 CO each Immense slock ol RINGS for Ch>Mren 75 cents uplo -ccOo.-ch And Cameos, Amethyst. Tops: lVari*. Garnet . Plain Gold, Diamond, etc. etc. at From '£#.< 0 up to -iSC each Solid Gold SleeTo Buttons from...™... Jvio to - 12.0J each Ladies’ and Misies’ Gold Ear- Rings «rom „> S 5 • to • lff.O. per pair Ladiea* and Gentlemen's Lockets from At# to ■ 55.00 re*h Lare and Shawl Pins, SETS. etc. tn large variety. * . 1 Day Clock sin Walnut Frames .. $120 *o-3X0eadi 8 •* “ • •* -500 to $810 each 15 *’ Brono Clooks. Striking Hours and Ilall Hours -17 oe to -5000each SI •• Marble 25 00 to toOOearh cm tn CIlUCD Portcmonnaics. Card Case*. Match Boies. G'ove and Button Fasteners. uULIl) OlLlCn Thimbles. Napkin Rings. Cups, Fruit Knives. Cases rf Spoors. FerkslA- dies. and everything in this Ware that ts needed f >r household aud presentation t-urpoaet. 1N TR eSM^T Ea WARE ' ™ hiV0 ,h0 Ansi Will Sot He OftAersdi Full Tea Sets for . the arrival at Panama of tlie rmstdent nf Peru, cn route to the United States and Europe, published on the 29th instant. Telegraphic advices to the 20tli of Decem ber have been received here from Callao, at which date perfect order prevailed in Lima and there had been no change in the government. Like most all reports relating to Peruvian affairs recently given to the world and purporting to come from the Chilian legation in France, this was undoubtedly published to affect the price of nitrate of silver or for other stock-job bing purposes in the London market. The Meat Packers and the Union. Chicago, December 29.—The packing and provision company which hitherto has been regarded as friendly to the Union, this morning posted a notice that the firm intended to run its own business aud em ploy whoever came, regardless of the Union. During the day some sixty of their beef slaughterers struck on account of this notice. The company engaged one hundred non-union men in their places. Slaughtering at Armou’s, at the Anglo- American and at Fawbers Bro.’s has pro gressed well with exclusively non-union ists. Armour expects three hundred non- unionists from outside. The Union holds meetings daily and is linn and determined. They claim to have received $7,000 from other unions. Tlie receipts of hogs were much laiger to-day and the appearance of matters at the stockyards is livlierthis morning than for two weeks past. Judge Tiley, In the Circuit Court to day, decided to appoint a receiver for Stettauer Bro.supon the petition of H. B. Claflin & Co., New York, but requir ing that, before his appointment, the le gality oftlie firm’s assignment to Roson- leldt be'tested. A Mine or Wenltli. There is a mine of wealth for the peo ple in Warner's Safe Pills; for health is wealth, and nothing so contributes to the health of a large class of people as these pills. As a laxative and regulator of the bowels and a cure for bilious troubles and malaria they surpass all other remedies. dec23-2w JW LOCKETT, JOSEPH BOND LOCKETT & BOND, GENERAL brokers. Stocks, Bonds, Cotton Fu tures and Papers of all kinds Donjiht aud sold on coimnis iun. Of fice No 87 Cherry street in rear of Hunt- A Lamar’s retail drug store. Fort SALE. STATE OF GEORGIA 6 PER CENT BONDS SOUrHWESTERN BAILRmAD STOCK. nov'.Stf RMWIAL AMD COWMER^l. MACON COTTON STATEMENT OmCH THL8GRAPH AND WKSSKNGBlt Dscbmber 29.1S7?,—Brum, The market t>day was quiet nnd weak; nucta tioas nominally unchanged at ll.V cents for middling. Received by rail to day. 97 by wagon...™. 40— 157 Shinped .. — —....................«... SO Sold ..».——... mi... wi-H......... -9 STATEMENT: Stock on band September 1,1S79 250 Bead red today. previously The Boston Blaze—One Million in Ashes. Boston, December 27.—The total loss by last night fire is now figured at about one million dollars. The principal losses are Price, Keimell & Co., one hundred and fifty thousand dollars, on which there | is an insurance of one hundred and eighty j gbipped to-day...™.... thousand dollars. On the Cathedral previously. building, occupied by them, the loss , ^ on eMd Btenin(c 7fi71 from one hundred to one liun- i itgo jve.T rvjui day last year 61 dred aud twenty-five thousand dol- | —— — lars—insurance two hundred aud fifty ; L«tK*>i VKi.L'rtstAftti*' ttk.PORTS thousand dollars. Houghton, Osgood j & Co., one hundred thousand dollars; and , . fifty thousand dollars on heleotypes-in- surance seventy-tee. thousand dolljss. j 4 T r-m ; h.iidMrg tin*/*.. 71. is. Hand, Avery tb Co., printers, about seven- j gales Id on bales, of which looo w/.r- ink . «. ty-five thousand dollars, and are ap— ui-iur- »:ic y rjpor ; *«•-'(.- 6995.1- Stone * , • American. suretl. : /unit— - pan*J cheaper but he a'crlia* iiH* Messrs. Scribner, G. P. Putnam & Sous, f m ,. n bee. p rtiuiy r* co e ed: and other New York publishers lose con- : Uplands low mist clause UnmW di>hv sidcrable amount on sheets printed bythis «» «ud JHiiuarv SJgaC *7 3i. Jan concern; 8. D. Warren & Co., paper deal- jj'arch «i9 S: c 15 16. kiurcb ani Aprii7l 3t-7u ers, in the Cathedral building, lose fifty ! e.n* ss-7 April eml May 7 3-3«; June am July thousand dollars instock, insured; Chap-i 73 H. , , , ... tin Alim mm, mvpntv.flrn thnneaiul 1:50 p. m.-Uplands low Iciduhllg ol.U e J/ll- iSl .°*> P a P e '\. seventj-me thousand ua8 ^ d ?e ,j lUr , ,i 8 ivery 6 49 si. dollars, insured; Bigelaw <k Tate, seven- : 3 w p. m - Uplands low midcllirg ala :so March ty-iivo thousand dollars. The vaults of anc April delivery 7 13. tto North Bank were openedtliis morning 100 p u* -ralta of ar,er:csm 8w. Us land- and the contents found uninjured. b * ’ ' * 7 H. H. Hunnewell, tlie owner of the . m . Fui*ii<»rh«*ii dull but steady, building occupied by Pierce & Hardy and j NswYona - NVou —vuu«.n quiet; «t: : es«o;, has an insurance of about seventy ;,:a u ,b - thousand, which covers his loss. T. G. Water Sets at from .OmEwshim miner Dishes .tOXo^HotACh 50io >6CO cmrh C&ko Havkets to >7.14 etch Card Receivers..™ .... .14.00 ta so Oo A ILUQ OlBUUI mini • »«>»y«nnnnM»M»««w«wnww»««s-»MM«mMn»-»iMi w ” Ml ll IU Tates, Jewel Cases, t oilet Sets. etc., etc. ANY ARTICLE THAT WE SELL WiLL BE HANDSOMELY ENGRWEt- FREE OF CHARGE. WE SELL NO PLATED JEWELRY. SEND FOR OUR NEW ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. J. P. STEVENS & CU„ doc21...dtf Wholesale and Retail Jewelers, 54 Whitehall Stray, Atlanta, Georgia. uticura THE GREAT SKIN OGRE, Tksasst dealing. Soothing and Be- frestiinft External Appllca'ion in ilia World. It rapidly heals Ulcers. Old bores and Dis charging Wounds: Itching Pilos and other Itch ing affections that have been the torturo of a lifetime, thus affording unspeakable gratifica tion to thousands; Burns. Scalds. Wounds and Festers; all Itching and Scaly Eruptions of the Skin, and all Affections ol tho Scalp, including less of Hair. Nothing like it has over been known by tho most intelluoLt physicians. It has swept a host of poisonous remedial oat of ex- isttnco. It is revolutionary in its composition and mode of treatment and succeeds in curing every external nfia. tlon. At ovor.v itago it is ably assisted by Uuticura Sgap, which is a part ol itself medicinally and at the same time tho most delightfully fragrant and refreshing Toilet, bath and Nursery fconp in exiitenos. Cutirura Resolvent, a p .werful purifying agent and liver stimulant, should be taken to neutral ize and resolve away blood poisons, caused by tho virus of scrofula, cancer, canker, malarial or contagious diseases, which maintain nml foster diseases of tho Skin and Scalp. - ALT EHEIJM. Life n Burden from tbe sufftrlnis Caused by this terrible Disease. Mbssus Weses & Potthe—Gentlemen: Pleuo accept my most grateful thanks lor tho creat.very great, comfoit I hare received from tho use of ycur Cuticura. For tho pest oight or nine yean I havo bean troubled with that dreadful disease Salt Kheum. For months I would bo helplcst—my very life a burden to mo. I have used everythirg in tlio shape of medi cine. both external and int wnal. but with no ef fect. tty hands were in a terrible coadit’on, tho backs cf them being all raw, aud I thought 1 wo«;<l try Cuticuii I tried i£ and !o! it was as fi a miracle had boon prrlorme.1 ( r I will sake my o-th that in three appliratio- g my hands were as smooth as a new born b-beV I rresnrae thir*> are hundreds, it -not lliou- MUida. who knew nf ray eaio. among whom there may ho some • lie simiaily afflicted. a*ld if 10 I wouid earnestly advise him to give Cuticura a tr al. Ycure. very tluiAfutlj. A. D. BA K R11 lif lct Agent C. 8. R. R. Dct-oit Junction. Detroit, M>ch., Jen. SO,’79. 14 9 16; .a dU;tug Orleans 14 1116 y*iti:rv* opened *■;«>• ilera-ralie *4.53. Jail- nary 14 57; February Slarcli iSIS Apiil i3.»»; Mav 13.61 Oetton closed quiet and mimiui-l sale.. 164 mid dling uplands i:9 1i; middling Orleans 14 il lO, Consolidated not rero.pta 4C9 3 exports te Great Britain 4U.8 5 ranee 8135; Uontiaeut &63; chaim.:l ’Hovzsiiiff H.lidu’. NocVOLK—t,.K*vl. quirt, n lilftlifi. !t is 16, *>»-t re eiDis 8441; 454; stock • 7.’:8 BitTlllOES —U—tlOtl Urui: lolauiitn: l % io . m‘-a*W l*>4: ***** ••rwlsiavy •*; net re,-Mints 4-7 grins 19C4 sale** 860. Io spinners 440; ttoe 2 4 0. Bostojc — Cotton quiet; middling 12%; sow mirlaiing I4 i*. good ordinary *1J4; tn-; r.reipts ie90. gma- 8657; >*>' —; -took 5745 tvinsiHGTOi*—BottoD firm: middling l£s !o» m ddliug 1 % good ordinary 11*: n,.l receipts 84 arose ; oales —: -trek 13612 PhilaObiphis—Cotton quiet; middling 1 low middling iiif: goto ordinary 141,'; net re 0 l|,U 3 6, gross 554; -sles iSiO, spinners 1 £5-4; sleek 14996. , . pavaxxah-Cotton oai.>; mid hug lsj^; low middling li4£; good ordinary ll 'i: net ret-i ipl* 5524. gross 63T0. sales rSto stock 10 4 ‘4 New OnnaAKS—Cotton -teen,: middling UJS: meetina was held in Rockland this evei^ low middling u>5; good ordinary lUi: net recupts 6643; gross 7541; sales tooo: stock 4s 644. MOBins—Coltonquiet; middling llji; low aod Crowell, book-binder, forty thousand; insured for thirty thousand; S. K. Abbott, binder, twenty thousand; insured for eight thousand. MAINE’S EXPECTED TROUBLE. Trouble Looked for on the Assem bling of the Legislature—Mayor Nash’s Open Letter. Portland, December 29. — Captain Lynch, of the Montgomery Guards, has notified his men to be ready to inarch at an instant’s notice, from which it is in ferred that tlie company, with light infan try, will ho called to Augusta, if the exi gencies of the case require it. Augusta, December 29. — Governor Garcelon went to Belfast to-day to attend a meeting called to sustain tlie course of the Governor and Council. A similar ing* The Governor sent for the Mayor this afternoon to consult with him in regard to the proper police force for preserving order on the re-assembling of the Legisla ture. The Mayor had just finished writ- .. .. inga communication to his Excellency on. middling 1151; good oruiuarj leieip. this subject, and conveyed it in person. shipmen n —; sales 037. filing 11%, good unluiary 19%; no; rexw.pta 433;: <ros» 4456. salt*- W* 0; -took 69854 Uxxpais—Ikirton firm; minding 11%; s.-- c „ip.« stsi; shipments 6S84, »«le» 4 0, stock ^acoosxa—l otion firm, middling 11% low - * — ------- *.; u , Mayor Nash was courteously "rec*ived, ‘ertin ”v and assured the Governor that all needed preparations liad heenjmade for keeping the peace. Two hundred extra police men had been already appointed, and this number would he increased. He said we were able to keep order, and be; • M de Frevctee I central spans ofthe bridge are gone. T follows. M. do Fre>cmet, j £ bright moonlight, but the wi ; wfus blowing a hurricane. _ eicn affairs: M. Lepere, Minister of Inte-. "f*""^—The weather wnose ncxeis were not tasen up. xi tins riband of Worship; M. Casot, Keeper of ! Lo^ox, Deremtor^-The wemuer statement u correct it is evkIent that tI , c tlie Seals; M. Maguin, Minister of Fi 1 after thirteen days of frost, during which loss of life has been greatly overestimated. Instruction; M. Varroy, Minister of Works; M. Tirard. Minister of Commerce; M. Cocherv, Minister of Posts and Telegraphs. Tbe Socialists. Pittsbubgh, Pa., December 28.—Yes terday moming^"and afternoon were taken ir .., nrr| up by the Socialistic Convention Com- carreu t fo Bristol yesterday that the mittce meetings, from which members of ; steamer Arragon from New York, Noven - the press were excluded. In the evening : ber ootli for Bristol, had foundered at sea the public were admitted, and reports of and a u on board lost. The owners at tlie committees heard. 1 presen t know nothing of any disaster. The Committee to which was referred r - * * * * ' **'— *=*— 3 Indications. Washington, December 29.—For the , r , South Atlantic and Gulf States, south- , on me. o*aa< The owners of the Arragon, for whose west winds, stationary temperature, sta- i y constituted authorities of tlie State in the Provisions firtl safety some fear is entertained in conse- tionary or higher pressure, partly cloudy e J xerc ise of every lawful act and duty and saooUers 5; ci quence of a rumor, have heard nothing weather, occasional light rain possibly fol- - H * w * 1 ~* 1 from that steamer since she sailed from lowed in the interior by colder northwest Bristol on the 19th for New York. winds, and in the West Gulf a light London, December 29.—Rumors were norther MIDNIGHT DISPATCHES. IS74; gross --; soles 10 stock 67.99 nHABCi* > ,x>i»iK.v—Neon—Consos 97 9-10. Brie 43%. ?ab s—J per ccni tter.urc? fcl Inuics oud 40 centime*- _ Naif YOSK—Stock!opoued stronj? rnomy C&6; _jed the Governor not to bring St “'° troops to the capitol, or make preparations Honej 7a5; exchange S4.8054; gcrarum.*ui n©. for arming them. He thought the citizens contie* higher; new 5 per cents i.03V£: W tw of Augusta would bear him out in thess V 0 *^. A?-'fti "t TnT’ftx. assurances. The Governor talked quite ^ wSSFwSb freely, and informed the Mayor that he pittsburx UWV4; had great dislike of the idea of bringing do preferred ust Bicck Ui»i- 149^; w«»t©rn troops tore, and should not doit ifpeac* gJ® ^oaoajsj cur- could be mamtamed in any other way. <6943 6*4 It would to his duty to preserve order " —o— and prevent interference with the mem- -• hereof tto Legislature. Tto intorview Bi^xobb - Fioar^firm; ^iwsrxra Street closed here, and tlie Mayor passed tto r.’miiy j7A*.©-7.73; Citj Uni* superdoe Governor tto following communication: 5s.<jo^.-s.6u. cxu*^..7S»>«-s5 'to tn-nais >7.50 To His Excellency Alonzo Garcelon n»t»ps«> family., ss_ 45 wh>at—Sauthorn nm; Governor o/ Maine-Sir.* The excited TmSi condition of the public mind concerning % weatoru winter red spot and December sub; the Legislature that is soon to assembly, January -1141%. AouwnoiU corn quiet: Western induces me to address your excellency ; daU^ upon a matter of grave public moment. p enns ji yo ma out. Fay steady »:id unchaawefi, Tto people of Augusta are loyal to legal- i n nme to aboico Fenoayivauia. H»>iaa..> we* * -•* ~* *— ' * * U Fork *sW.75 . uia msatx. ;ooe clear ria 7 d.) pseke > 5 U *vU ... , - . , t y.. Bacon-sbculoentjx*. cietr rrb8%. Hauls would feel great pam and mortification at Jolil. L»ra. in tierces SH Bu*ter urm ; any lawless act or lack of decorum on the prime t» chore Western packed 13@16.. uoilee part of an excited populace in connection quiet; rio in ..argues l*a-6f» Wbt**.» 1 UK with the organization of tto Legislature, yioar quiet; *apexficc 4,45a.5.09; and I am warranted In hereby tendering extras Wheat«... ad j and foirfienand to tto State tto service of hundreds of No. 4 n*d *.inter f l«; 5al Uhirsw. sprim; iwom policemen should a . forca &re qffiSJfJKk «%'^• C * ”emWy unhappily be needed for the keeping of n, m . MuHttU: «•- " "* city of Augusta active and firm; 36 cash. Park sns:tt:«d; ipner- ally hizlier; *51555 eaxh. I*M quiet nail weak; Foreign. ... nmittee to whidi was referred ^^ennanship Led^ from New York for ] , Loxpox,December29.-A dispatch to tbe or" ehewhereTnlto ' SST'igher"hoaid^ -ssss 8sa ^sssJSusjsssI a?a«S5=SS5S awaa “ rr a* utt. — -V- resolution to that SaT t^“ a ;' fh?hi n w Post says lie is authorized to contradict 1 out any request which the State authorities : Pr J Pctr h ary , itsw,. Lara. Veoraary, 7.n. urged the passage of a resolution to tnat near Malnr o. She is still water-tight, but ■ £ tbat a reviTal of thc alliance ’ will communicate to me touching tto corn. May. 46%. . , 1B jonm; heavily. between the three Emperors is contempla- maintenance of order and tto complete p^VeC^ ^is ss '^. F^b^yl:;^: ted. The correspondent also denies that . preservation of the public peace. I cannot. st]ort r j SSi rebroarj. 6 so. u* “ The report of the Committee dwelt at some length with the question of military organizations, which were thought to be a violation ofthe Constitution, and should not be tolerated. The report was accep ted and, upon motion, was taken up in sections. The balance of tto evening was con sumed in hearing reports of other com- NIGHT DISPATCHES. : anv alterations are at present intended in refrain from expressing hope that your ; n : ^ o. in.—Who>t. Fcbniu-j oalircry, si.Ji%. i the protective tariff. He says it is under- Excellency will feel justified in relying ***”“£■.**?* ^ ,7 *: Maritime Motes. 1 stood that the Imperial Government in- upon the serricee our citizens, thus freelj’ 1.55». m.—wnea;,* February delivery Wit mtnu ton N C December 29.— tend bringing in a hill restricting the right tendered and by so doing will see no ue- Porki rebraar y s.-i so. Lard. F«bru»rT.7 «,',a Ttoi^nwCT^bto, SteM-E. .-of free setttonent, with a view to check- ccssity for calling out troops to 7.75 Bhort nbs. February. 6.77. = . Corn. Hay. Lang from Misicoma, Havti, for New ing the spread of Socialism. perform the same duty. - mzwToxx— Soatccrn flour quiet, common sumed in Hearing renorts ol ouier com- DU t in at^Smitliville' vesterday in London, December 29.—The St. Fe- will i«rdon me for su^sting that the_w:- . to ^ enn guitnuu: mot to sesoa SSSXX&TTL^uninteresting ' S^Captafn Lang and'mate, Lem Mum ‘ nature. An effort was made to reconsider Lank, both died of yellow fever on the say he believes that the first step towards ... «n?fiStnrh the Dnbhc mind The ; acUvoandia’.hHritroD/teriSoS.rt. Ucflee quut. tire motion exnellinc Mr. Light, hut it and were bnried at sea. The a rupproclament between England and will tend to disturb tlie public mma. ine riatanvMU * < ^oB iob lotol«%»i«kl tMBOUOD expelling ju*. riigtu, out P^ffp 0 _. vr ® re the onaraffiine stotion Russia has been taken in an unusual and approaching Legislature is ttofiftieth Bugmr q Ui et* ndnra , ; u;rtc ! zo 0 draiinmzauotrd Sd^teefin^’ no^ k rentori^Tt i Ttolaptate l^iled 7 tom“Sortof Deh q-neS if the arrangement 0 can he ef- thousands.of troops_encamped ; near by, impossible to give the quotations. Sales aware. , 9Jl; granulated 9%; powder- ed 9%; cruibad 9%al0. ilolaoao, in fair demand and Heady; New Orleans S8a*7. Rice steady and ^ moderate demand: Carolina 6 Va7... Basin firm lias it required the services of a single po- otsL57. Turpentine firm at 4Sate wool quite Tetter or Salt Rheum !*:» the hnnd.i <-i rrd. A Grntefu^kler.I V casus Whses & PoxTEtt—Gentlemen: Hav- i'tjrbeen troub!e<l f jr many year! with the Tet* teror Salfc Rlieuto. awl spent many a hard-earn ed dollar. I wan jrivi n a trial of jour Caticun, and, thank God, my hands nro well. I never bad any thine do tr.* »;oo I like that. You may pat this in tho piper ani wo-oomo, and may it do some othi r poor sufferor tho i-ame d it done me. I atr well known h-jro, hktinstlirnlhti'e (itto'n y>art and kept * onrdetft for a livi .u*, at d rometime* my heart .hi nor©, tbitikn ic I wuuld have to give up also* etidr with ray vo'o hands and having a small family 11 tako «? r» of; hut oh, thank God, my h»» rre well no 1 afain return thanks. Yoora respectfully. ^LIZiBKTH BUCKLEY, l iltleto.i. N.H., \lay3-). U78. Tho Cuticura rcn.edio i are prepared by Weeka &P.P*»r,<:henmfcan«i !)ruvgi»ta. 3:0 Washington stro ’t Kniton. and are for sain by all drugirists. Pr c > of Cutirnr* email boien 50r; large Vv)x©«. costai in< fw> and ono half timea the Quantity o’ small, $u Resolvent. Si per bottle. Outimra Soap 2V: i>**r rake; by mail S’k;. thro© c&kea 75**. d» cli lm 2 I Ain. diced over the centre of th© nerrouaforces, the VOLTAIC % ci rc-mui Pit of f he etomnch, they JwWWfurniih the absorbent- 1 actCRS with that marvellous vi- * tulizimc »*nd rRslorative agency. Klactncity, united with the curative proierrie* cf our uwti fn*rrant BkIsmus and Pius. K**r W-.ak and Sort* Lames Palpitation of the ll*art. P*«nful Kiutmyj. Livir Complaint. Bi i'*n . Coli *. Wenk SrooiAch and Bowels, Rhtu- mutia N uralffia. and -'ciatica, they nr© the best remedy iu fie world. de:lS lm OUilOUitA HEIHEDIES canba bad itt ELLli* DRUG STORE, Trianxc lar hick. novSi Extra OOFFEB—Uoamon Fur Good Prims Java SOAPS—For lb MOI.188ES—Chcioj Cuba. hhds... Choire Cuba, barrels Rugorhousa. hhda. Suxarhoute, barrels SUGAR—Golden O Brown u Cofleo. Bxtra O White Standard A Granulated Powdered aid Crushed CRACKERS—Soda Cream • Sinew. Strawberry Fancy CANDLES—Star HATCHES—R. W.. in paper. „ R. W.. in wood.... „ ;TT NAILS— Hasis 10s STARCH BUOT-Drop Bock BALL POTASH — Bahbclt’a Royal Sterling PEPPER 8P10B GINGER 6 50 . 14 15%al6 tr lS%e» £Satt S3 8 .aS 15 mi4 s so 4 St 4 CM 4’.»*’. toe • X5 3 75 3 U» .310 17.. 40 14 V O LOVE S 80 CIGARS—For 1.000 >40a-60 Cheroot* >11 8NUPK—Lorillard'rt, jtr.... Lorillard’a. foil 70 TOBACCO—Common to Medium 5 &60 Lucy Hinton 52 Vino 7 tat 20 Rfcoll Hoad ....J?. 51 CHEESE 15 RICE 7VoS POTATOES 3 00*3 45 ONIOMi Direct to Mchaser! Every Man hi3 own Agent. LUDOEN & BITES’ Grand INTRODUCTION SALE ■III — II m I .-rs.-roaum tlontn.* a until .\uv. t. iswi. Onlyn*e<>i the kind ever sucressfully carried oat in Ameri ca. Fi»«* Thunxand Sue its ImCromnus at Factory sates far introduction aid adrertiao- me-i Don’t miss this ebane' to J An thr» Gigan tic Club of 5 MX) parc.baseri. and a cure an m- ’.trurernt st wnnlp.nle rales' KW PLAN OF SI str-snj; <!• ra lie fleca. 4ts’8; pulled Si*53; ur- » a.hcd l Cato. Texas 41a58 Fork weak but fairly active; |iriu*o iieas spot quoted at <14.75 rash. Middliflft-ni ioii«e|e*r7% ahort eiear7%:long and short ci.-ar 7 ',*. fjnrtl fairly active; prime •team spot 7.£0 ca.b. W* uky nominal at .f 1.19. Freights dull. XiODrsVlLijr—*Floor qui* t extraSt.59aJ4.75: fsm- *v ■c6.457i.f6 £0. Wn.a trorg red and amber nl.Wagl.S3 O’* fiimar: whip 47; ra'i-1 46. Oats quiet white! ;mi..*t 41 ’ ori qoiet 13 50-a;14.0c. .-.,* firm* choice leaf in tierces 8V'a%: dura kegs 9[. i;u'.k m-.i- .lnjlders 4%; rl^ir ribs 0. c<a- s*drs 7. Bscoi* none here. So* gnrcurpd ** ;■ 10%. A M-tt Grin at SI.C6 OISOIBSvt r.'-u: firm family S6.40ft96.S5. Wnea; firm *:t .‘3a‘l» Cori fnirdemand at 41 Oats quiet; No 3 mixed 38:39. Fork firm at 313.59. 1 -r * ermur; current make 7.50. Hulk meat- fir* < ehoaldtrs 4%: clear ribs 6%; sides 6% Bacon quiet..bvuiderv 5*;clear ribs 7J». Green meat* dull shoulders 4.45; cle r side* 0.37 V. \tbiskv nrm ;t »* 05 ST. f.t.Q *» Flour steauy: double extra SS.fO* <*5.8*1: tteuie extra f 5:90af6.00, family f6 ICarO.tO; ch.ic • -615 .-e i.‘ Wheat dull; Na 1 red fall fl.S6%ca.o:N j d j f:6% Corn dull tt 35% b% *■ n 0*1. dull vtSS%.a.h Whisky quiet 311*7 Fork firm at slSSO cash Lard firm at 7 5) F*i * u..:n v nrm: loose, shoulders 4 45: clear riba6 55 «.6i:.cie*r tidcat 79t« 81. Bacon steady: sii d* r,5 r h*.7;, -’lie 7 NbW OaLZ.zs— Flour firm: superfine -5.*fa f5 75. double extra fJ.lO; treble extra -*8.37 ,a 31 5 I ijb r.jil-v « 75a 7.3T’.. iloru activeand Uroi: S9oi6il U*t« firmer at 64 V Fork qi'rt at -IS 59. Lard a tern* j; tierce 8%: ker StJ-S B'llk eiiars t eudf ebuulerra, Ioom 4%: dear ribs t%; < lea- si-lea .0% Bacon quiet: eUuu * *»f%. near nb 5 ole >: si.ire 8 ;. Whia- - y firm at '.Mils. * • tleeaui-t Sio in caryoee, ordinary t. prime 13%*J7. Suyar active and firm- common tu g*a»-i co-nmoK 5%»6 \: fair i-iIU fair 0%a7% lira v. choice 7iAaS; yellow eiarifi-.J Sag;{. .W*Ja Ml steely; common 4iat7; orrai" io t hoi-a Vtst*. dice quiet; ordinary to etc • Louisiana 61ia7k'. —o— _ 2T0BX* * .*:e»s.*!* mr.'d-r iurr«;tlne firm at 41 u. Rovin strauK at >1.10 fer t.rained. Crude tus. pent*?:- steady: Card >1.60; yellow dip .<*2.60. 1 or atrady at -1.10 k AUfHl K2WB Nmv Tots—Arrived—State of PennsylvanU, Bermuda, John 1,. Woods. Arrived out-rteif, Charles Longho't, E. S. Powell. No Averts! No Commis>ion«! n.lrukaer.ta shipped f.-tm Faetory direct to inrebvers.and n:l middle man*. pr»*Us s-.-d Kerry man hi, own a.out. an l enti'b-il to » mliabi. The only li luiorcu b aeinmr on t»* a n.w n **n. Buy- it k frun us i*= nr •« tmi v hm me ft m I ho man- ofacinrer . an<*. our pn<M as low u% tc»nu- facturcrt t*.v r H* e Un'se PIANOS. 123 vrcod.carvrd'.isa CataWne price ‘■St*. 15» <*«•.. Rose viod wood. Dries "lie Carved lev*. Berrsmt i:« pli th. Ca*. pric- 60** » 1* OR . hq a-. « (»ran»!. Klfil l»rg «z©und renil v onwiWUM Ctta'off'i** p'irft -11-00 ORGANS D Su ps. Hand- C-“7 dime w :nat cate. with Hold urn rceutiem. 13 4^, of red*, laze* vl 1 .iie, ett-nd-d to** ktlk* weratoof lichdraini. 13 H*< p«.TfcreeC:*C 1-1*. pewl*. saiuerbVJO dirror Top French Wal nut. Burl in’aid and Rold namente l raw*. from e*s. S>ld under six years znanutas. Shi pro 1 dirct from factory, or froai ffevosinals.if pre ferred. For gill extra on » piano or 8-S ooan rrvan. we ataamo 're'ifbt to any rai’road depot orsteamerlandincSooth. Benton IS day,teat trial, wo p.j tho Ire ght both way. it not .atis- factory. Order anl t»*ttn »oar own.1 *me. 8*- vercat testa of competent ro "Sioan* invited.Pur- cbttera’ clioico Iron: Ten UnJuiv Makers and Two hundred difle.-eut styles. Special ralaa to teachers, schools. I hurrhe. and pallors. Bend for Introduction Bale Circular ginn? full infor mation. Addrets LUDDEN & BATES, SAVANNAH UA, WHOLESALE OSaW AN3 ?!AX0 OEALERS. dec47-ditawiwly R. W. CUBBEDSE. BEGHB E BEAL ESTATE A&EHT. STOCKS AND BONDS BO’uOKT f.<2 SOLD STRICTIT ON COHMISSiOR. Fan louiar attention qiven to the purtk&ae. aIn and rcutlsz of Real Estate. EULBZRR7 Hcnoe r.REET Lanic mortly i^aco i wholesale Market. BACON— Shoulders Clear rib .idea BULK M KATB - »ho*i dera.... Clear ria n4**s H A H.u Uboiee surer cured.... BAGGING - Dixie. 1% lb G!o *0.134 lb Union Star, 1% lb LARD—la ub!< In ’ubs * In buckets GRAIN— Cxfcx, white, by carl Mised. by car load Oats, foed Hurt-proof seed. SALT—Virrinia Liverpool HEAL Bolted Grits FLOUR—Fancy, per barrel.... fltsnlnn Extra family. Family none none 5J4 7N 11% 11 ION 10% OXalX 8 lOalO.'i 4 59 7 50*8 00 7 50 7 09a7 45 S 10*6 75 FIRST NATIONAL RANK. MACON, Ci.< RANK OF DEPOSIT. QlSOCOtfi »D CIlRAi^t N. Y. Exchange at Currant ratOB W W WRIOLET Coihier. ♦©oil x*6 I.OIPLAKit Prfw4c©Cl FIVE CENTS. Smoke the or inal Doctor’s Prc,. r,j.ti-.n ( ran, the beat (0 thepnccin 8AM WEICHSELBAUM octS 75 Cherry .rrott