The Macon telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1873-188?, December 31, 1879, Image 1

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m&It BY CLISBY, JOSES & REESE- MACQ3ST, GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY MOKNTETGr DECEMBER 31, 1879.—PKtCE FIVE CENTS. CHBKSH .... 15 RICB 7j»aS ONIONS .... S OOaS 25 4 00 NO. 9,405. BY TELEGRAPH DAY DISPATCHES. The Maine Trouble. Aihsta. Me, December 30.—It is i learned, on good authority, that the Goy- | rraor ha* decMed not to submit to the Su- C eroe Court the questions proposed by r. Morrill. • Hews Items. New Yoke,- December 30.—J. Lloyd Ilait, wire manufacturer, has failed. His lialditics are $500,000 and nominal assets $450,000. The Utes. Denver. Colorado, December 550.— I'p to this time nothing has been heard from the Commission. Communication between Lake City and Irtnos has not yet been broken, but there has been no news, official or unoffi cial. since Friday night. Hatch was to Iiave left Mr. Clines' New York, December 30.—The Su preme Court to-day denied the motion for a new trial in the case of Cliastine Cox, ram h>\ thirty miles from Los I’inos, yes- murderer of Mrs. Hull. It will now ire tenlay morning, but whether he left or carried to the Court of Appeal's. The Boston Eire. Boston, December 30.—It is now esti mated that the loss by the recent fire will not exceed $1,500,000, many of the firms burnt out having sold a large part of thffif stock before Christmas. The loss on the buildings will be about $150,000. The Augusta Trouble—Troops to he Used only in Case of an Outbreak. Augusta, Maine, December 30—The committee of public safety of this city, consist:ng of General Boynton, Hon. Joseph Nyc,cx-Goveror Conner, Joseph A. Homan, Mayor Myrick and Amos Wilder - long interview with Governor day morning, U W, staid is not known. The anxiety is in terne and there are fears of another mass- Indian Execution. Wi.wkpeg, Manitoba, December 30. Tin- Indian cannibal, Swift ltunner, was executed at Fort Saskatchewan on t!«e -tsh last; this being the first legal cxe- eusion in the Northwest territory, ne was convicted on his own confession of laving killed and eaten his mother, wife and seven children during the last winter. Intense Cold. Nirw York, December 30.—A special trrnn Bismarck says Dave Hall, John Gal- '*be$ and a man called Missouri, were g to 'loath - ou the 24tli. They were IWwg in from the bad lands. It is walk--.any others hare met the same feared •sjiernioiiieter has averaged fif- f»**- , 1 “'dielow zero fat two weeks. and all business Trains a. 4 ,rifle is at a stand- ou the ^ v;’... Orleans :iud YS.c Railway. Xew Orleans speci 11 - the Illinois 4 ... jil railroad official-. W been recon- ,i!>ring tin? line of tlie Orleans and fejflr, extending from. W York to ShilvM- It V*"! V'- New Or- |e«mi,Cairo aS St. ‘ “•-..»•! rrflder ilic sane - • ’ Chicago 1'riwn Shreveport Uj",--f . j ;ement. Grant note,^oaru UutDtinrssItlrfiVS Tlei I inber 550. Isanticip i!i«ii of fhnerJ •••rant’s passing iliungh this plac «»> 1>U outOHr* route nl uha, the MaiT ami most of the city AHincil and a OPi number of citizens, enitiraring niar°f air leading |ieopIe, t'K-i-IlH? with tl city band, attended the early train thisioniing to pay their ix r- „,j| n^ix-ets | Has General and to wish iiiiu a safe and/ , ‘^ sa nt journey, and were roiirii di«apiHii‘*>t at his not lieing on tlie Foreign. Ixi.v.mix, leccmlier 30.—Tlie Queen la> lel-grap’d to the Provost of Dundee, tendeiing Vr comloience with llio be- rcav.d. ~oV <»nc hotly has licen recov ers d si, faiand tliat in a badly mutilated rendition Various accounts agree in plwiiig v' total loss of life at ninety. IGHT DISPATCHES. Eire. Xk Ori.eaX', December 30.—A spe cial '-jablierman. Texas, to the Times, r^ohnHkMfnuifiA*' ' opera house and Ai«l~ laAtinw iailut place. Tie h*»» is ntttamRpd •* * 10,000; insurance jj ie jaine Muddle. IIAnoor. December 30.—Adju- tanl General a-avitt,acting under iustruc- tHEts from «>vernor Garcclon, to-dav or- ileiref the rscials here to be opened for •lie aarpowof removing tiio anus. Seve ral wagon oais of arms and ammunition h*vc just pissed through tlie streets un- gianiisl aid without molestation to tlie Maine oncral depot. Crowds of people are* Mailing on tlie sidewalks. The am- muni! in will go to Augusta by express •>n tin-evening train. General Grant’s Movements. KtsaifOTOX, December 30.—General tVwnt and |«rty left for Richmond at half rue this afternoon, in Colonel Tom ■y ti’s pirate car, tfie ••President.” Tlie jwrtv iLsisted of (ieneral and Mrs. • -.mi. ieneral and Mrs. Sheridan, Colo- Miss Kitty Felt, of The Pate of the Utes in the Balance. Los Pinos Aoexct, December 28.— Tlie commission adjourned yesterday to meet on the 20th instant at Cline's ranch, on Cameron river, twenty-five miles southeast of the agency, where they will await the arrival of tlie prisoners. Gen eral Hatch and escort left in a drizzling rain at four o’clock this morning. The extension of five days expires on the 20th instant, and if ail the Indians demanded by the commission are not then surren dered, peace negotiations will end. “All or none,” were General- natch’s parting parting words to Ouray as the latter left the commission’s rooms yesterday for his ranch to hold the final' Indian council, where, ere this, has been decided the fate of the Ute Nation. It is very doubtful whether the guilty Indians will be surren dered, as Chief Guerro, who is second to Ouray in power and has a large follow ing, is bent on war. Chartine Cox’s Tribulations had Garcclon this morning. They informed the Governor that they represented tlie people of the town and would cordially join with Mayor Nash in liis recommenda tions and suggestions. They trusted that no arrangements would lie made to bring tlie military to Augusta, and that an aug mented police force would be amply able to quell any disturbances. Tlie Governor replied that lie liad already given orders to General White, of Bangor and Major Fol som, of Oldtownto take one hundred stand of arms and ammunition from tlie State Arsenal at Bangor and ship them by express to Augusta. He did this to test tlie sincerity of the citizens of Bangor in saying they would obey tlie civil authori ties. He had never ordered any troops to Augusta and would not, unless there should be an outbreak. One of tlie com mittee suggested that a portion of the ex tra police provided by tlie city could be detailed for duty under the direction of the Governor. The Governor replied emphatically, “I have force enough now.” lie also informed tlie committee tliat, as they might be aware, lie had full [lower ta call the Legislature whenever lie pleased, and on the slightest disturbance lie would take tlie Legislature away from Augusta. Tlie conversation then turned on the subject of submitting certain ques tions to the Supreme Court. The Gover nor said ho should goto Portland and ob tain further legal advice licforc deciding whether lie would so submit tlie questions or not. Garcelon and the Arms. Bangor, Maine, December 30.—In an interview with an Associated Press re porter this afternoon, Adjutant-General Leavitt said tliat the anus were removed from the Bangor arsenal to Augusta by order of the Governor, and were sent by express addressed to tlie latter in person. He did not know for vvliatpurposj the Governor designed to use them, hut lid supposed to protect public property and tlie archives of tlie State. The Great Disaster. London, December 30.—After scveijl unsuccessful attempts a diver lias discov ered a first class carriage of the wrecked train in the Frith of Tay, but as there were no first class passengers, no bodies were found in the car. Operations will be resumed to-morrow. A heavy gale ac companied by rain, hail, snow, thunder and lightning burst over London yester day afternoon. Terrific gales are repor ted from all parts of Great Britain and Ireland, causing much damage to proper ty. Explosion. Little Rock, Arkansas, December 30.—Tlie boiler of Benjamin Taylor’s saw mill at Calf creek, Seavy county, exploded on the 23*1 instant, instantly killing four men named Griffin, Burke Woodark, Ken nedy Woodard and Campbell, two of . ui whom were literally tom to pieces. „d iro^.Vndrow^ ilfthe Chi- Attempt to Murder the Spanish King Intrr-Ocmu. They will reach and Queen. 1 ml at eleven o’clock to-night, aud Madrid. December 30.—The Diario t„ be in Charleston New Year's ; Kqxuutl says that two shots were fired at i-. From Charleston they go to 1 tlie royal carriage this morning, the sec- 11.iiua. Fla., by way of Savannah, j ond passing quite close to the queen's 'Vrnandina will embark for Hava- face. The pistol used was a double-bar- ■ steamer Alexandria, of tlie New [ reled one. .,1 11avrftia line, which left New : The diplomatic body have gone to tlie 1 Sat.mlav, and will put in at Fer- ; palace to congratulate their majesties on for tliein. Gen. .sheridau will their escape. Tlie attempt excites general t.v the party as far as Havana,! indignation. It is believed that Gonzales - future movements will be govern- : had accomplices, and tliroe persons have • V* course of events in tlie Indian j been arrested on suspicion. King Alfonso -x. ! attended the opera at night. Foreign.. i -* 7 , 1 ox. December 30.—The German | A Railway Adventure.—A former I ..,i a . tn-fore reported ashore on superintendent of the Frovidcnce and : 1 sands, lias ltcoome a total wreck. Worcester railroad says that one night ‘British steamer Glen Isla, Captain when stationed at Providence in charge ol r , from Savaiwvah. Xovembe 8, via the freight department, a freight tram was , H. for Koval, arrived at Copen* late, ana there remained but twenty-live IV.-ember 20, >aving lost two ; minutes to clear the track fora comingex- - of her propeller. Sb? will have to press train. This wasn't unusual, and as rar cate 01 tne rovai nu»xuii> -., uum - ; ...... — -• . , . .... voung man dressed as a workman fired a these words twice repeated and with im- >li.-t from a revolver at the royal carriage, j pressive distinctness: “Hilton, the light lilt his aim was lad and no one was will go out; Hilton, the light will go out. hurt. The would-be assassin was imme- The sound was so positive and struck mo diai. lv arrested. His name is Gonzales, 1 with strange power,that I instantly looked and his age nineteen vears. He is a wai- ; at my watch, saw that the Shore Line ex- ler by occupation and a nativ* of Galicia, press was due in three minutes.grabbed the T ,. .. . red lantern on the car of the freight tram Indications. au j ran up the track with all the speed of Washington, D. C., Deember ..0.— which 1 W as capable. Along I fairlyflewam- ror tV South Atlantic State, southerly jj e( j b „ some strange intuition tliat winds, stationary barometer and dear danger, and never questioning weather, followed by colder, northeast to f or an instant as I ran, why I was running northwest winds, cloudy weather and oc- or what j was to do. Arrived at tlie first r-asional ndn, with rising barometer. end of the curve near the Corliss engine 1 1 ■ — works I stonoed for an instant, turned MIDNIGHT DISPATCHES. an d looked back at the red light. It was burning, but in a second it fluttered a ht- Foreien. tie aiufsudddenly went out,” and there ,. r, 11, .zmher 30 Tel came the express train. Hilton shouted Constantinople, DivOnbcroO. hi , , i,i 3 lantern, and the engineer, cgraiw from Novi Bazar tnuounro that seoin „ whistled down brakes, and the agitation in Bemht anl Heraqgovlna colUiion . Then they examined •s awumtng renous proporaoM owmn D to the li ht ^ could see no possible rea- 11 ^n^rFortt' thou- ’ son "£y it should have gone out. It was J^iK.;u^frere»d>7o SistX- full of oU with a perfect.wick,and there and Plara to Montene- was no wind blowing, although if there ' w?i,tt»r Paslia^ troons lad been it should have remained buro- gra. Ahmend Mocbktar PMlas tro. s ^ ^ it j iad before been through many are mutinous. They have not bcui pa l • a j tonu . T here were ordinarily but two and are in a rage. There are passenger care on the express, and this a strike in night there were seven, all full. Hilton now ten thousand mineis on a -tr . QrmXj believes the voice wes supernatural 4 Fi t u a **r!c2uis t “Las no equal as 4 j raring vt itk many -wroiHlerfai I «*t!;er remedies had failed, 3 .rr.torv and convinced myself ol r-r. »’. U ;.rojami from barks I vjiit'h is highly effect- hIo! in such ai results. mmm TINE •t!it. ’oi- ?e cl iicr^fula. nMiim : tie 3 U>M ■>’ *1 -O I S fi- A Lady’s Response to the Toast of ‘The Men.” Mrs. Dun way, of the Nieto NortAicesf, at a literary reunion, at Salem, Oregon, “toasted” the gentlemen as follows: _ God bless ’em. They have our joys; they double our sorrows; they treble our expenses, they quadruple our cares ; they ", ‘X. id in su. excite our magnanimity; they increase our j ^.. , ; u .. .’i:. • self-respect; they awake our enthusiasm; ; they arouse our affections; they 1 control our property, and out-maneuver us j in everything. This would be a very | dreary world without ’em. In fact, I may ! say, without prospect of successful contra- : diction, that without ’em it would not be 1 much of a world anyhow. IVe love ’em, [ and the dear beings can’t help it; we con- j trol ’em, and the precious fellows don’t s know it. As husbands, they are always conven ient, though not always on hand; as lieaux, they are by no means “matchless.” They are most agreeable visitors; they arc handy at State fairs, and indispensable at oyster saloons. They are splend escorts for some other fellow’s wife or sis ter, and as friends they are better than women. As fathers, they are inexpressi bly grand. A man may be a failure in business, a wreck in constitution, not enough to boast of as a beauty, nothing to speak of as a wit, less than nothing as a legislator for woman’s rights, and even not very brilliant as a member of the press; but if he is our own father we over look liis shortcomings, and cover liis pec cadilloes with tlie divine mantle of charity. Then, as our husbands, how we love to parade them as paragons! In tlie sublime language of the inspired poet: We’ll lie for them, We’ll cry for them, And if we could we’d fly for them, We’d anything hut die for them. i mmm i J \V LOCKETT. JOSEPH BOND LOCKETT & BOND, GENEB&L BROKERS. Stocks, Bonds, Cotton Fu tures and Papers iJ all kinds ocnibt and sold on coinmisdon. Of- Oca No 87 Civrry alrtet in rear ol Hunt. Rankin Alaunau-’stetail drugstore. FOH SALE. aTATE OP OKOilGIA 6 PER CENT BON Dd SOUTHWHsTkR> RAILRuAl) STOCK. DOTIItl MACON COTTON STATEMENT OPPtOB TELEGRAPH AND taKSSENGBB USCZMBSII SO. 1879,—BVXUJ«. Tho market t)-day unchanged at 11H cents for middling. Recr'.Yed by rail to day.„ — 42 by wacom.— SO— 1*1 Shipped Sold S8 STATEMENT: rttoor on band Soptembor 1,1879 SSO Received, to-day 122 previously 43609-43731 4ss:i Shipped to-day — previously «3618S—56J71 Stock on hand this evening Beceived same day list yoar„™... LATEST TBHMKIPHIC REJ'OHT? Cotton Lrrxapooi.—Noon—cotton easier; middiingup- lands 613-16; middling Orlram 71-16. Sales 8:09 bales, of which 2000 were take n> speculators and tor export; receipts SJfOJ—t45C0 American. Futures opened with sellers at 1»S2 decline: Uplands low middling clause December deliv ery 0%; December and Jsuuary «%■, January and •xl i-7. ’.v«i. uuis andapoffiecarles. il'iSTINE .0 i:-i rv pilous cures an cases of o£ C mksr. mrm x rst U nJerfal success in Mercurial ills- mnmi Kill onul ! -*telt Kheum from tho system. Cures the most invcteniio case3 of Erysipelas. ’ VEG! llcmores Pimples and H ;ho faco. BUSOBSB HOTICBS. SbasiMe Christmas Presents! SILK & LINES HASDKEEOHIEFS. HALF HOSE, FINE NEOKWEAS, GENTS’ JEWELRY, UNDERWEAR, SHIRTS AND COLLARS. HATS, NEW STYLES. NOBBY GOODS, LOW PRICES. J. EL HERTZ, docl9tillJanl 90 Cherry Street. New Tear’s grapes, candies, nuts, apples, or anges. bananas, etc., at ' decS0-2t J. V, CAEVEE’S. Dresied turkeys and chickens this morning at decSllt ■ Q. B. DKTTBE’8. Fresh oysters, celery, grapes, oranges, bana nas and nice applea. at dec31-lt . - G. B. DBTTEE’S. 0— Cakes, candies nuts and Dehesa raisms for ta* hie use at der31-lt O. B. DBTTEE’S. —o— All kinds of ccfteo parched fresh every day at . dec31tt. G.B.DETTEE’S, NEW YEAR'S TURKEYS. Leave your orders at- J. D. Carver’s, and you wlilnot be disappointed. dec30-2t —o— Beautiful ailk finished pink and bluoSclisia. nst received at aocSOtt BANNON’S —o— For tin prettiest and nowost style Euchings PIANOS & OECAflS FROM FACTOBY DirecttoPnrchaser Every Han his own Agent LUDDEN & BATES’ L'nres Constipation and rcsulates the bowols. is a valuable remedy for Headache. GETINE ETINE stem toalicalthyc EGETINE .Vial cure D/Jpapsla. 5 ‘ itcast ores ill e entire system to a healthy condition. Cure; Pains iu the Side. Removes the c Relieve* Faintness al aiach. Cures Pains In the B; U I’Zffectuully cures Kidney Complaint. Is effective in its cure of Female Weakness. * *!»»• ^reat remedy for General Debility. s acknowledged by all classes of ] the best aud mo3t reliable bio the world. 7690 Vegotino is Sold by all Droggiste VEGETIKE H. B. STEVENS, Boston, Blvsa Rl.52aS1.36. Corn lower; ungraded 6!a64.','. Oats active and lather stronger; No 3. £0. Coffee quiet; rio. in cargoes 14'-ial7Jd; do in Job lots 14J£al9J£ Sugar quiot aud firm; fair to good refining quoted at prime 8!<£; refined quiet and steady; Standard A 9J4»9A'; granulated 0%] powder. and kid gloves go to dec30-tf J.C. BANNON AC0. Ftbruary 6%; February aid March 6 15-10; March e d crushed Oj^alO. Molasaes in fair demand anl April7; April and May 71-327; Junenr-d July | 3n( i stoady; New Orleans 36aa7. Eice steady and 7 5-82; July and Auguat 7 7-32. i moderate domand; Carolina 6 Va7V. Rosin firm 1:30 p. Ill.—Mul nna uplands 01S-.6; middling | at S1.57. Turpentine dull at 42,Mn43. Wool quite Orleans 7 1-16, low n.iddlmg uplands 6 18-16; : strong; domestic ficcco 42a58: pulled 3Ca5S; un- «ood ordinary uplands 6%-. ordinary upland, ! washed 18a40: Texas 21s38. Pork lowor but more the Mors district of Belgium. Capetown, December 30. — -v a ■Mctiiw of the Boers held on the 10th iroiact. it was decided to maintain the demand for the independence of Trans- rid, '* ' A Sine of Wealth, There is a mine of wealth for the peo- nle in Warner’s Safa Pills; for health is >:r Garnet olseley,however, has f an j nothing so contributes to the that henceforth Transvaal will j 10alth p f a j ar ge class of people as these be consideredla crown colony- pills. As a laxative and’ regulator of the London. December jd-—-A. dLpaten, bowels an(1 a cnre f or bilious troubles and dated Cabal, December 2,th,says tmu mx i ari;l they Sllr pass all other remedies. Omul Jjaker has gone to Kolnstan w ltn jecoj-ow a j,-., co:i.-ijtingol' 1,100iefantry, a regi- mm of t'lTiliv And four CUDS to punish — - Sim,. --i"the--e The country about For the benefit of the male sex, on and ^iet- after the 16th day of December will be M unumDi ' i-mber ;>j.-Uenor Again, found on band an excellent line of boots . . business, under the supervision of Mr. H. t'.Vano* December 30.—'The Viceroy McKervev, cheaper than Eastern work. r “,' r , that Colonel Nor- We earnestly invite all partis interested V', 1-^’ij attacked at Gandamuk to call and examine this excellent lme of v,i«T-u"ah Klan. with two thousand homemade work. ; ' ^ Ul The emmiy were driven off. Be awakened to your . • v. i . Anc oflicer and one | J* valotuio* uin k lied Colonel XoruiMn will ad- 04 Cherry st., under ifessE^iGEB OffiOQ “am-fatemce^d reoccupy Latalbandi. pecltlm ^ SOp.m.—Tho Mvuchoiter markei is firmer ar.d an advance is demanded, which buyori re fuse. Uplands low middling clause February and March delivery 6 29-52. 4:03 p m —Sales of American 6600. Futures ^NrwVena 1 —-Noon — Cotton steady;sales840; mMdluut oIa*.da 12.h; middling Orleans X25g. Future-* opened ateatiy: December 12.43; Jan uary 12.49 February 12.78; March 13.06; April ^Evening - UJitbn — Net receipts 1148. gross 6i Futures closed stead:; solos 119,000; December delivery 12 51; January 12.51—52. February 12.76; M.rcb 13.0; 03: April 13.12—23; May 1S.<0—41: June 13.E4 -55 July 13.64-66; AugustlS.76—76. Cation closed steady: sales—: middling up- ; Bacon dull: shoulders 0%: clear ribs 7%. Green lands 12tl; middling Orleans meats dull; shoulders 4.25; cle-r sides 6.25. Consolidated net receipts 56913 exports to , whisky him at S1.G6. Great Britain 107*0, France 68; Continent 4040; ;;x. louu- Flour lower: double extra S6.60a channel . .... , | £5.80; treble extra S5:90ac6.00; family £6.10as6.20; GaivBsTos—Cotton quiet; middling 11 % low ! choice S6.25a*6.60 Wheat lower; No. 2 red fall middling lljal good ordinary lijs; net receipts I si.SlJf cash: No.15 do Si 25V- Corn lower at 35% active; prime mess spot quoted at $12.65 cash. Middles dull; long clear?, 1 , short clear7K;long and short clear 1%. Lard lower, closingsteadier; prime steam spot 7 80 cash. Whisky dull at S1.15. Freights dull. louisvins—Flour quiet; extra S4.S0aS4.75:fam ily S5.25@s5.t0. Wheat firm: red and amber Sl.l0a-l.S3 Corn quiet; white 47; mixed 46: Oats quiet white 4!;mixed 41. Pork quiet 13.50$a;l8.75. Lard firm: choice leal m tierces 8!:ayJ: do in kegs 9'i. Bulk meats steady: shoulders clear ribs clear sides 6j£a7. Bacon none here. Spgarcured hams 1014. Whisky firm at $1.06 CnrnimrxTI—Flour firm: family $6.20@?6.S5. Wheat firm at sl.SSsrl 36. Com steady at 40al2. Oats quiet: No 2 mixed S8s39. Fork dull at S'3.25. Lard dull; current mako 7.50. Bulk meats quiet; shoulders 4; j; clear ribs 6%; tides 6% Sr N0^v-c^^:-t t0 -S 11%; net receipts4*71; sales 113; stock 5-776 BiiTINOSii—Cotton quiet: middling 12J-; low m odhng 12%: good ordinary 12; net raeinta 264. gross 765; sales 115: to spinners — ; stoc BosTOX — l otton quiet; middling 12%; low mitnUing 13'*; good ordinary 11%; not receipts Mlfcpusa6184: tales -; stock 3725. WitxiaeroB—Cotton quiet; middling 12; low middling 11%. good ordinary lli*; net receipts 15? cnai —; sales stock 1S770. Piiiladblfhia—Ck)tton quiet; middling 13J&: low middling 12%: good ordinary 12^: net re ceipts 1-7S; gross 1628, sales ; spinners 295; suck 1423S.* ..... , Savamsah—Colton eay; middunsr Wfcltow a middling good ordinary 11V; net receipt choke Louisiana fl^'a7 V. JmT gross salt s 10C0. stock 9j124. Nb\t OBLHAXS—Cotton Quiet; middling 11%; low middling 11% . good emttrary 11%; net receipts 8726: srov* 99tS: sales 7600: stock 805632 Mobile—Cotton quiet; middling 11%; low mid- dling 11%: good ordinary 10%; net receipts 2SiS: . ros , ■ sales 2 vO; stock 71925. MENPins-Cotlon quiet: middhug 11%; re- ceipls 1400: shipments 3114; sales 1000; stock ^Augusta—Cotton quiet, middling 11% low middUns 11%. good ordinary 10%: receipts 2;0; ahipmenta—; sales 625. CHiBLESlox—CoUea steady; middhug 12T low middling 12; good ordinary H% net receipts 1741; gross —: sales 510; stock 69170. &% cash. Oats dull at 37% cash. Whisky quiet $1.07. Fork dull at $13 25 cash. Lard dull at 7.35 Hulk meats dull; loose, shoulders 4.10a4 20: clear ribs 6.50*6.60; clear sides 6.69a6.70. Bacon lower. New OlttBASB—Flour firm: superfine S5.50a $5.75; double extra $6.10; treble extra $8.37)4* $6.65, high grades $6.75a$7.S7)j. Corn active and firm; white Man60. Oats firmer at 54)4. Pork quiet at $13.50. Lard steady; tierce 8%; keg 8%a9. Bulk meats steadv: shoulders, loose 4%; clear ribs t%; clear sides 6%. Bacon quiet; shoulders 6%: clear rib 8; clear sides 8 Y. Whis ky firm at 105»115. Ucilee quiet; Eio in cargoes, ordinary tr prime 13%al7. Sugar active and firm; common to good oommoa 5%a6)2; fair . fully fair 6%a7%: prime to choice 7%a8; yellow l clarified8a8 ; . steady; common25a27; prime to choice SSaSO, Eice quiet; ordinary to SAYAL STOKES Wilwi vstox—apirns nupentin: steady at 42. Sosin strong at $125 for strained. Crude tur. pentine steady; hard $1.60; yellow dip $2.60. Tar steady at $1.10 Macon wnoiesaie Market. -; sales: yXJJAHClAi BACON—Shoulders none Clear rib tides none BULK MEATS—Shoulders 6)4 Clear rib sides 7)4 — — - ll>4 Lownox—Noon—Conso s 97 9-16. Ene 44%. aim,—3 per cent Belli£8 81 francs and -5 ^yfaw^oBj:—Stocks oiieucd stoady; money 8a7; exchange. long. $*.80% short $1.83. State bonds dull; Government tenuities firm. Money 7a5; exchange $4-50';; government se* eoriti*i higher; new 5 per cents 1.631; 4% per 4’ner cents 1.04%. Slate bonds doil. Stocks closed we-k: t«ew ictk Oeucn-l 129%; fine 41% t*ke 99%. llhnoia Central 03'.; Pittaburx 107; ^hicagi sni hcrib* ester: 89%: [ HAM8—Choice sugar-cured 11) BAGGING-Dixie, 1% lb U Globe. 1% lb 10)4 Union Star, 1% lb i 10% LAED—In bbl« 9«a»)4 In tub: 9 In buckets 10al0)4 GEAIN—Cobs, white, by car load... 70 Mixed, by car load none Oats, feed 65 Bust-proof seed 90 SALT—Virginia 1 60 Liverpool 1 20al 25 MBAL 75 Bolted 80 ‘ FLo G uaU^;perW'ei::::.:::::JISas oo V Z:T^-”* F Ur«: Gold 1 -01163.163; cur- , Choice,..,....^ .160 _ .. , c* 5 6 660,274 —D-* • «*. - U v* , axtimou — near quiet; no*axti Street and Western woerfine $A0!>SS5.W: extra $5.75© «a 25 family $7.25@-7 75; City Mills superfine ^A Ouii-S 60. eitra $3,757*56.15 Eio brands '7A0-. Pa-ao*: o family >8.83 Wheat—leathern steady; Western wl eat lower -oulhern «-! S1.40a$lA5; amber $lA0a$lA6 No 1 Maryland $l.5o% No. * Western wir.-rfr red spot and December $IAS; Jannsry $1.54%. Southern corn quiet: Western dull- white <ka<5: yeliow 60 oats—southern 47*43 Western white 47a4S; do mixed 45©4S; Fennsylvacia 46a47. Fay steady and unchanged,. crime to choice Pennsylvania, Maryland 15@18. Provisions dull: Fork $13.75. rulk meats, loose moulders 5; dear rib 7: do packed 6* and Bacon—shouloeis 5%; dear no 8%. Hams _J .1 iSlL Lanl. refined in tierces S’,'. Butter firm; CBACKBK8—Soda 1151 NEW YEAR'S ROODS. J.C.Bannon A Co. have iuit received a beau tiful assortment fancy colored damask table cloths, with doilies to match. Also a large stock ol lace curtains and curtain nets, which will be sold cheap. decSOtf —o— Fine Malaga grapes, on large fine bunches in great profusion, for New Tear’i call, at deoSO 2t I. D. CAEVEE’S, I3R. IX S. WRIGHT. DENTIST. octSwed suntf No 38 Second street, —o— Ask for theMellwood, the purest old Bye Whiskey in tho city. SAM WEICHSKLBAUM, oct26 75 Cherry streot •—0— Have your roof.'psinted with Brewer’s Rubber Roof Paint. lulll 2taw6m peopuTin want of ailno Whisky formedical or social use should only buv 2 W Harper’s Nelson county, Ken tucky Whisky. Not a barrel leaves the distillery until it has attained the ago n( at least five years, and being forwarded direct from where it is mado to me, my patrons can rely on getting it in ils absolute purity and excellence. lvanhucki, nov25 2m Sole Agent for Maocn. —-o— J.C.BANNON & CO. have the prettiest and cheapest assortment ol towels and. fancy table* cloths in tho city. decl4 tf, A CARD, To oil who are suffering from the errors and indiscretions of youth, nervous weakness, early decay, loss of manhood, etc, I will send a recipe that will cure you, FBBB OF CHABGB. The great remedy was discovered by a missionary in South America. Bend a self-addressed snveope to the Ecv Jof<>n*> T Inmtn, 8tation D.New York. osodlde URrt'J r. fc W. B. HOLMES DENTISTS, No St Mulberry Street, Macon, Ga Tjeth extracted without Dain, beautiful sets of Tjeth inserted. Abscessed Teeth and Diseased Gums cured. Dealers in all kinds of Dental Materials *nd lubtruisenla. Constantly &J. hand a large «cd hill assortment of Teeth of at] kinds. Gold of ail kinds. Amalgams ol all kinds, Rubbers of all su. mar. dAw ROCK AND RYE. It cures colds coughs and throat diseases with* out fail and gives certain relief to consumptives. SAM WEIUH8BLBAUM: , oct26 75 Cherry treet. Ohio sweet Catawba, J1JS0 per gallon. North Carolina Scuppernong Wine. $1.50 per gallon. Try them and you will be nleasod. 8AM WEICHSELBAUM, 2aw tf. 750berry Street. Grand INTRODUCTION SALE Uantmueil until Nov. 1, lno! Only sale of the kind ever successfully carried out in Ameri ca. Five Thousand Superb Instruments at Factory rates for introduction and advertise ment Don’t missthiscbancotoiointhisGigan- v “to se ' tic Club of 5.600 purchasers, an strument at wholesale rates - iscuroan in HEf PLAN OF SELLING. JUAKR1EO. WOOD-GRIMES-By Rev. E. W. Warren, D. D., at his residence, on Sunday evening the 28th instant, at 6:30 o’clock, Mr, John W. Wood and HEW ADVERTISEMENTS, Tennessee BncMeat Flow In twenty and twenty-fire ponnd sacks Just received by decSl JONES A COOK. B Y virtue of authority contained in a deed mado by Tfoup Solomon on the 22ddayof May, 1870, to the undersigned, said deed record - ed in Book U, page 16, in the clerk’s office cf the Superior Court of Jones county, Georgia, on the 9th day of June, 1879.1 will put up at .ale, be fore the court nouse door in the town of Clinton, in Jones couuty, in said State, on the first Tues day in February next, and between the usual hours of sale, at public outcry, for rash, the fol lowing property belonging to the said Trobp Sol omon, to-wit : That tractor parcel of land con taining seven a ores, more or Jess, being a portion of lot number eighty, (80). in the seventh dis trict of originally Baldwin, now Jones county, and known 03 the Camp Hope lot, joined on the north by land of Sam Byle. on the east by land of Tom Cobb, on the south hr land of Ada- line Kitchens, on the west by land of Stephens and Jordan Dukes. Said property will be sold to pay a note of ibe Hid Troup 8olomon, dated May 32.1879, and due six months thereafter, lor sixty-four dollars with interest and erpens-rs ol sale. decSl-law4w J.H. HERTZ. M AND MORPHINE AFFLICTED. Dr. W. T. Park, Atlanta, Georgia, is now furnishing his famous and established Paulsss Cuss at greatly reduced rates. Mail to him correal report and all parties- lira. decSldawlt* 0 L 1U M By B. M. WOOLLEY, At- JlanU, Ga. Reliable eTidence MAolT I given, and reference to cured I patients and phynieians. CXJREtl Send for my book on the dec7-dw4swly habit and its cure. 0 Extra family ..7 00a7 25 Family ..6 5CaS 75 Extra' ..6 50 COFFBF—Uommcii .. 14 Fair .. 15%al6 Good .. 17 Prim 8 .. 18%al9 Java. : SOAPS—Per lb MOLASSES—Choice Cuba, hhds.. Choice Cuba, barrels Scgarhousc. hhds .. 2S&S2 .. 4^e3 .. S3 .. S5aS7 .. 2iat4 Sui&rhou&e, barrels SUGAR—Golden C..^............. .. 25 ’’ o Coffee Extra C White .. 8.V&8^ .. 10 NATURES OWN REMEDY 'V VEGETABLE MEDICINE FOR THE BLOOD, LNER&KIDNEYS: Standard A. 10)4 Granulated 1054 Powdered and Crushed..-. 11)4 prime to choice Western packed 1S©16. Coffee quiet: rio in cargoes l*al6 V Whisky 114%. Freight, steady. The following quotation, of the Chicago mer le; for fuiure delivery were furnished us by Mr. L. BrrrsT, Broker; 9 50 a m.—Whqat. February delivery $1X3. Fork. February. $13 45. Lard. Febraagy. 7 ; 6254. Short rib 6.50 bid, 6 70 asked. Corn. May, 4s. 10 £S a. m.—Whest January delivery $1.30%. Pork, February. $13.37 V. Lard, February 7-55. Short ribs. February. 6_60. Dean, May, 46%- UJo.111.—When. Februaryddivery,SIMBfc Pork. February,$13.42'=. Lard, Febru«y,7^% *60. Short ribs. February, 6.60. Com, Hc. M «Jmicjloo—l r iour quiet; superfine 5»r5.w; extras ~5AS*i«-M Wheat fairdemand but lower; No 2 red winter $1.50)4: No. 2 Chicago spring ILS0% cash; No. S do $1.16; rejeclcd Ma$97. Cornoull »cd weak 40cash tmUdull.weak and lower. 55 cash. Pork active hot vuk and Ginger. lOall Strawberry 14 Visa 15 CANDLES—Star 1........ 13il4 MATCHES—B. W.. in paper..80 E. W., in.weod 2 85 NAILS—Basia 19s 4 50 8TABCH 4;,a6)4 BHOT-Drcp 1 *5 Buck 2 10 BALL POTASH — Babbett’s 3 75 Royal ...*S0 Sterling 3 50 PEPPKB 37)4 SPICE 20 GINGER 12)4 NUTKBGS 1 Oual 25 CLOVES 5® CIGARS—Fer 1,»00. Cheroots. GURATINE, For Blood BL3eaae3. CURATINE, For Liver Complaints. CURATINE, For Kidney Diseases. CURATINE, For Bhenraatism. CURATINE, For Scrofula Diseases. CURATINE, Tar £rr*ip«Ui, FisipUi, Slotebei, etc. A medicinal com pound of known value— combinlns: in one prep aration the curative powers for the evils which produce all dis eases of the JUoodt the JXrer, the Jiidney*. Harmless in action and thorough in Its effect. It is unexcelled for the cure of all Stood IHs- easeo such as Scrof ula, Tumoro, Boils, Tetter,Salt Bheuni. MUteumatiotn, Mer curial Poisoning, also Constipation, Dyspepsia, Indi gestion, Sour St opt- aeh, Detention of Urine, etc, ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR IT. THEEEOfNCHEECALCO BALTIMORE. Md. lower; $:3A5 asked cash. Lard active asd weak; gNUFF—LoriUard’g,' ]ar. 1 4D 3»-h. Bulk meats ta-ior: thoulders 4J0: Lorillsrd’s, foil short ribs 6.70 short deai « S3. Whisky steady ''ytoVolX— Southern floor quiet: common to fair *xtre S«JS*S».»5; good to ob«oeS6.90a 32.50. men %cal'.c lowor. ungraded wmtor u Lorillard's. foil.. TOBACCO—Common 40 Medium. 50*60 Luqj Hinton 5S 5SS. 73*1 90 Sty! Ao*d 90 Klrtwnol Hl[ll MODI. 1 A BOARDING SCHOOL FOB BOT3. HHJTABY SYSTEM. S PRING term hegini January 7.1884. and con tinues 22 weeks. The Military Depart ment baa been under the charge ol a United States officer. Beard and tuition $125 in Advance. Apply lor circular* to CHAR. M. NBKL, deeSOdawSw Kirkwood. Gq No Agents! No Commissions! instruments shipped bom Factory direct to purcharers, and all middlo-men’s profits saved. Every man his own agent, and entitled to agrnt’s rates. Tho only houao South selling on this new plan. Buy ing from us is practically buying from the mau- ufacturers. and our nrices are as low as manu facturers ever give. See these special offers PIANOS. v Oot - Kose ‘ vlfiu wood, carved legs Catalogue price $525. 7)4 Oct. Bose- 'Pldd wood, large size . Carved legs. Serpentine si plinth. Cat. price $600. Iff 7)4 Ooc. Square ■ Grand. Extra si larg* size and magnifi cently ornamented case. Catalogue price $1,000 ORGANS 9 Stops.Hand- Ob-T *omo walnut caio, with gold ornsmention. 13 attups.ThrceOvl sots ot reeds, large WI size, extendedtopEtag- ere case of rich design. 13 ■topi.Threo6>01* lets reeds, superb voo Mirror Top French Wal nut. Burl inlaid and gold ornamented cn«e. _ All guaranteed instruments from reliable ma kers. Sold under six years guarantee. Shipped direct from factory, or from pre ferred. For $IS extra on a piano or 854 on an organ, wo assume freight to any railroad dopot or steamer landing South. Sent on 15 days test trial, wepay tho freight both ways if not satis factory. Order and test in your own hemo. Se verest tests of competent musicians invited.Pur- chasers’ choice from Ten Loading Makers and Two hundred different styles. Special rates to teachers, schools, churches and pastors. Send for Introduction Sale Circular giving full infor mation. Address LUDDEN & BATES, SAVANNAH. GA, WHOLESALE ORGAN AND PIANO DEALERS. dec27-dltaw*wly (uticura THE GBEAT SKIN OUitE, Tbemnat Rerilinsr, B»otiiInjr nail Kr- treililog fixttrna) Application in (lie World. It rapidly heals Ulcers. Old Bores and Dis charging WoundSi Itching Files and other Itch ing affections that have been tho torture of a lifetimo. thus affording unspeakable gratifica tion to thousands; Burns. Scalds. Wounds and Festers; all Itching and Scaly Eruptions of tho Skin, and all Affections of tho Scalp, including loss of Hair. Nothing like it has ever been known by the most intellisort physician?. It has swept a host of poisonous remedies out of ex istence. It is revolutionary in its composition and raodo of treatment and succeeds in curing every externsl affection. At every stago it is ably assisted by Cuticura Sgap, which is a part ol itself medicinally and at tho samo time tho most delightfully fragrant and refreshing Toilet, Bath and Nursery Soap in existonco. Cuticura Bciolveut. a powerful purifying agent and liver stimulant, should be tsktn to neutral ize and rosolvo away blood poisons, caused by the virus of scrofula, cancer, canxer, malarial or contazious diseases, which maintain and foster diseases of tho Skin and Scalp. salt”rheum. Life a Buriton from tlie eufftringt Caused by this terrible Disease. Messbs Weses & Potibe—Gentlemen: Please accept my most grateful thanks for the creat.very great, comfort I have received from the use of your Cuticura. For the past eight or nine years I have boon troubled with that dreadlul disease,Salt Hbeum. For months I would be helpless—my very life a burden to mo. I have used everythfeg in tho shape of medi cine, both external and Internal, but with no ef fect. My hands were in a terrible condition, tho backs of them being all raw, ond I tbought I would try Cuticurs I tried it* and lo I it was as it a miracle had been performed, for I will take my oath that in three applications my hsnds were as smooth as a new-born babe’s. * I presume there are hundreds, if not thou sands, who know of my case, among whom there may be some me similarly afflicted, and if so I wouid earnestly advise him to give Cuticura a trial. Tours, very thankfully. A. D. BAKER. Ticket Agent C. S. E. E. Detroit Junction, Detroit, Mich., Jan. 30, ’79. Tetter or Salt Rheum on the band* Cured. A Gratefaioltter.Z Messrs Weses A PorrsB—Gentlemen: Hav ing been troubled for mapv years with the Tet ter or Salt Rheum, and spent many a hard-earn ed dollar. I was given a trial of your Cuticura, and, thank God, my bands are well. I never had anything do me good liko that. You may put this in the paper and welcome, and may it do some other poor sufferer the same good it has done me. I am well known here, having lived here almost fifteen years and kept boarders for a living, and sometimes my heart was sore, thinking I would have to give up alto gether with my sore hands, and having a small family to take ctre of; but oh, thank God, my hands Tie welL so I again return thanks. Tours respectfully, ELIZABETH BUCKLEY. Littleton. N. H., May 33, 1373. Tho Cuticura remedies are prepared by Weeks & Potter, Chemist and Druggists. 360 Washington street. Boston, and are for sale by all druggists. Price of Cnticura small bores 50c; large boxas. esataining two and one-half times the quantity ol small, $1. Resolvent, £1 per bottle. Cuticura Soap 25c per cake; by mail 33c-, three cakes 75c. dtcl81m J. P. STEVENS & OO'S.. ATLANTA. GEORGIA. Price List of Watches, Jewelry and Silver-Ware. Ladies’Solid Gold Key Winding Watches — -17 00. -20.CO. -23.00 up to so I- 1 o " •“ ** StemWindiug - $30.00, $53.00, -45.00, 50.00 to - 75 OOraih Gentlemen’s ’* Key Winding •• $90.00 up to $50.00 --nr:. ■■ - Stem Winding " $35.00. $50.0C. 75 00 unto ~ 150 eorii “ Silver •• •• •• ... „.-9.05. ri.VPO up to -i7- PO r-*cn A great variety of Nickel cased. Black Dial Stem Warning Watches at lrom...J3.CiO up to 89 02 each Ladies’ Solid Gold Opera Chains from....„, „.„227.00 up to - r$- CO etch ” ” *" Guard Chains from.. „™...„....-tt2 00 up to sSS.i 0 each “ ’ ” Necklaces trom 17.00 up to-23.CO each Gontlomen’s Solid Gold Vest Chains from .<10 00 up to - 55fi#eoeh Immense stock of BINGS for Children 75 cents up to 200 each And Cameos, Amethyst, Topaz, Pearls, Onyx. Garnett, Plain Gold, Diamond, etc., etc., at From -430 np to $23.(7* each Solid Gold Sleeve Buttons from ft.W to -12.0* etch Ladies' and Misses’ Gold Ear-Rings from -2 50 to - lAO.i per pair Ladies’ and Gentlemen's Lockett from -3.00 to -35.W each Lace and Shawl Pins, SETS. etc, in largo variety. 1 Day Clocks in Walnut Frames... ■ - £140 to-3X0each •• ... -300 to $8.(0 each 15 " Bronze Clocks. Striking Hours and Halt Hours.- >17.00 to >90.90 each 11 “ Marble •• « -iSPOto-iroOOeach CHI 111 CIIUCB Portemonnaies, Card Case*. Match Boxes. Glove and Burton l astenen^ OULIU OILICIi Thimbles. NapkiaBings. Cups, Fruit Knives, Cases of Spoons. Fork*. L* dies, and everythin* in this Ware that is needed for household and rreseutali: :-. i r.-. o- .. Ist ^«M« 13BVABB ’ wto ™ h91 - w -Aiiii fill lit He mmm Full Tea Seta for Water Sets at from Cups Butter Dishes..,,,,,,,, Card Receivers Pickle Stands Vases, Jewel Cases, Toilet Sets, etc., etc. _1(M* -18.00 to $30 00 per set Si AO to -2 AO etch >2.50 to >600 each „^™$3.00 to $7.00 esch $400 to *MO -3.CO VO -0.00 ANY ARTICLE THAT WE SELL WILL BE HANDSOMELY EXE LAVED EBEE OF CHAKGE. WE SELL NO PLATED JEWELRY. SEND FOB OUB NEW ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. J. P. STEVENS & CO, dec21...dtf Wholesale and Retail Jewelers, 34 Whitehall Streot. Atlanta, Geor.-is. CHRISTMAS IS COMM—GALL SOI J. W. BURKE & CO., Hare tho largest and best selected itock of OIIDAT GOODS ever brought? to this Market. Gift Books, Fancy Goods, Toys, Etc. They were bought fn the summer before goods went up, and will bo sold at FAIR PRICKS. We havo no SHORT CUTS or FANCY PLANS for selling, but wo will guarantee all goods sold, owl prices as low as any House in Macon cr elsewhere. Orders from tho country filled at short notice, dec9ood tillJanl WAXELBAUM & CO.’S CLOTHE MD HAT H0I1, MULBERRY, ST., Will offer great inducements for tlie next thirty days. Grand Closing Out Sale of Retail Department. We will make great sacrifices, as these goods must bo closed out to make room for oifr spring stock. Remember that these goods must be closed in thirty days. We have a nice line of Men’s, Boys’ and Youths’ clothing. Now is the time to secure bargains. dec28-lm WAXELBAUM & OO NOTICE. H AVING this day sold out the stock and trade ot the late Wm Peitzor to Mr. GEO. W. STRATTON. this is to notify all parties having left guns, pis tols or other articlo.i for repair at the said Peit- zsr’s gunshop, will find tho samo at Mr. Strat ton’s gun establishment, No. 48 CIIBREY 8TEEET. Unless called for by tho 29th day of December, 1879, they will bo sold for tbo charges. Mr. Stratton is a practical gunsmith, and keeps a good stock of guns, pistols, fishing tackle and sporting goods, and wo cordially recommend him to tho patronage ot the public. N. M HODGKINS, Agent. Formerly of tho firm of D. O. Hodgkins A Son. Macon. Ga., Deo. 29, 1879...2l-lw A 8PLKM11U OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A FORTUNE. FIRST GEAND DISTRI BUTION, CLASS A, AT NBW ORLEANS, TUESDAY, JAN. 13, 1850—UOtll Mommy umwiiiir. Louisiana State Lottery Company. This Institution was regularly incorporated by the Legislature of tho State for Educational and Charitable purposes, in 1868, for the term of twenty-five years, to which contract the inyiola. bio faith ol tho Stato is pledged,which pledge has been renewed by aa overwhelming popular vote, securing its franchise in the new constitution aaopttd Deccmbor 2. 1879, with a Capital of $1,000,000, to which it has since added a reserve f und of *350,000. ITS GEAND SINGLE NUM- BKRDlBTBliUJTIOFS wiU take place monthly, i the seconclTecsday.- .. never scales orpostponcs. Look at the follow. Distribution: CAPITAL PRIZE *33,000. 100,000 TICKETS AT TWO DOLLARS BACH. HALF-TICKETS, ONE DOLLAR. LIST OF PBIZBB. 1 Capital Prizs $30,000 ing X.OST. LOST, C HRISTMAS evening, on First between Oak and Cherry Btreets.acuff and oull-button, the latter bearing the letter “ C.’’ Tho finder wiU be rewarded by leaving the aam * at decSO-tf. J. W. BURKE A CO.’S. TO BENT. iTtHE store occupied by us as wholesale depart- X ment; best location iu the city. Posscision given immediately. Apply at our office. NUSSBAUM A DANNENBEUQ. Dec. 30„1* Notice to City Tax-Payers. The Oity Assessors having been appointed by the City Counctl. are now ready to proceed with their wsrk. Ail tax-payers and owners of real eitateand personal property within the city limits, are hereby required to make their return under oath by tbo 16th ruy cf January. 1880. at which time tho books will bo closed and turned over to the assessors. Respectfully. A. R. McI.auoillisXJk. Clerk ol Conncil. Macon, Ga.. Dec. SOth. 1379 td 1 Capital Prize 1 Capital Prize 2 Prizes of $2.500 5 Prizes of 1,000 10,000 „ 5,000 .. 5,000' „ 5,000 .. 10.000 .. 10,000 „ 10,000 10,000 ... 10,000 I I flies Placed over the centre gULLIHy of the nervous forces, the WMCstomach,they PjAowffflS with that marvellous vi- ***1916™ • talizing and restorative agency. Electricity, united with tho curative properties of our own fragrant B«lsams and Fine. Fer Weak and Sore Lung*, Palpitation of the Heart. Painful Kidneys. Liver Complaint, Bilious Colic, Weak Stomach and Bowels, Rheu matism. Neuralgia, and Sciatica, they are the beat remedy in the world. dezlS 1m 29 Frizes ol 500... JH 109 Frizes ol 100....„....„ 200 Prizes of 50 ...... 500 Frizes of 29 1000 Prizes of 10....„.„ APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 9 Approximation Prizes of *300.. 2,790 9 Approximation Prises of 200 1.806 9 Approximation Prizes of 190 909 1.857 Frizes, amounting to $119,400 Responsible corresponding agents wanted at all points, to whom liberal compensation will be p&id. Write, clearly stating full address, for further information: er send orders by express or mall addrested only to M. A. DAUPHIN. New Orleans, L*. or same person at No 319 Broadway. New York. *11 our Grand Extraordinary Drawings are under the supervision and management of Gene rals G.T. BBAUREGsRD end JUBAL A. EAR LY- ded® CUTICURA REMEDIES Grand Military Hop! __ Under the auspices -f tho Mitchel Light Guards, on New Years Eve, December 31st, 1879, at Avres’ Hall* Tickets $1, admitting gentleman and ladies. COMMITTEE OF ARRANGEMENTS: J. O, McMfffan, 1st Lieu’t; G. W. Crawford. 2nd Liea’t.; J. P. English, 1st Serg’t.: H. Smith, 2dn berg’t.: James Lynch, 2nd Lieu't.. decl4-2i-2S-30-31. Chairman. SEWING- MACHINES! E. J. ANDERSON & GO., 80 Mulberry Street,—MACOX, GA Dealers in all kinds ot Sewing Machines, Needles, Attach ments, Parts, Oils, etc., Making a speciality of the WHITS. Kelieving it to be the bast and m :st durable mi* chin-5 in the mar set *t runs perfectly light and quiet, and is so si i pie that a child can operate if. Cali sud ate it; ait down anti try it, and be convinced. Price »30 to £G0. dec25-tf R. W. CUBBE2GE. BROEEE —AND— BEAL ESTATE AGEBT. STOCKS AND BONOS B0U8HT AriO SOLD STRIGT1Y ON COMMISSION. Particular attention given to the purchase, ala and renting of Real Estate. opposite Lanier marl ly FIRST NATIONAL SANK. MACON. GA. BANK OF DEPOSIT. DISCOUNT AND EICHANSI N. Y. Exchange at Gurrent rates W W WRIGLBT Cashier l.nll Dd l C.PLANV, Preside I CONSUMPTION CUBED. An old physician, retirol from practice, hav ng had placed in hi3 hands by an East India missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent cure': Consumption, Bronchitas,Catarrh. Asthma, ar all Throat and Lung Affections, alsoapositi aud radical cure for Nervous Ilebilitv anas. Nervous Complaints, after having tested wonderful curatire powers in thousands of case has felt it hi. duty to make it kaown toil-, suffering fellows. Actuated bv this motive an- * desire to relieve human suffering, I will seuo free of charge to all who desire it, this recipe, with full directions for preparing and using, in German, French or English. Sent by mail by addressing with (tamp, naming this paper. W W Skwuj; MB Powers' Block, Rochester, N T WILLOUGHBY HEADE, The Boat Humo>i*t and Reader before the American people, will give two HUMOROUS AND DRAMATIC ENTERTAIN* ‘MENTS At MASONIC HALL. Wedatsiiv, Dec. 31, 1879, ui Thursday; Jatusry 1, 1880, Admission 50 cents. a CHANCE TO MAKB HONEY by our Ol careful plaa of speeuiatime in Wall street, amount from 510 to ISOOeitbor in a put or • wry frequently gires back 5 to 10 timet money in profile. You cannot lose any ethan the amount yon invest. Stocks of all kinds bought and sold through New York stock exchange in any number of shares on 8 per cent margin, fiend lor our dreu • i explaining how to speculate. PaOK A HARRIS. Bankers and Brokers, 19 Brood street. New Turk; septt dtu th sat w3m Xs absolutely odorless, and chemically Pure* It is snowflake white. It is susceptible of tlie highest and moot lasting Polish. It possesses greater strength of body than other trade brands. It Is packed in Pound Parcels. Full Weight guaranteed. It costs less money than any Starch In the World. It is sold universally in America by Grocers and Dealers. Its annual consumption reaches Twenty Million Pounds, * tt Is manufeetured by Andrew Erkenbrechtf. at Cincinnati^ Ohio, in tho heart Cfj. ®cr©al itgiou