The Savannah Republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1858-1865, October 25, 1858, Image 3

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23 miv i‘ui'k Mim-tiHKmiitt* A DVKimSlNGA{}MN€V jJck eBCBAJOTWP* & HBHT „ wiik WORLD. a **»!!.! I’lsbra ami Me'nl I\SS l ‘ ,u .In* Extract*. II..I HI..I O.M Water» I 'S i,,,. iWlli.Flb\ lit". Mmr«, ,r .«■««; "'J i" 1W B«ll»»» I" *» .'"I**' M.SXUfit '■"-«» dl.'imtIJIMM- »"•( T«rrl»m«l iWitt t». «l,. Agriii*"* .’ si xhiUIaM.. Id) IVnrl street. S i.»rii«T»»f hui". N»w 7 V.JHI 1 iTs* tCXVTt > ST*. I) it A Oil U It V ’ N, ^ i'JI llroomc Stlmt, Seir I "••A-. _ .viraxCTURF.IISnl •h<‘ !•»*«»»»% Arch fffwl Plan T^g■ |,, lUll celebrated •«*•■ ••••|ill. HillMw/rlrli* • ,,rity. Mild »|»'. nMiir slmil''* •tuslity ofiiH-lr t.n:r, J".'IllfV IlftVO tocolw J flu. I.lgll.'.l olKIMIllUlUa LVi' e tfiv.iio'u musical ivlehrltie* "» the cnurmy 5 and !. rrv I lit . «h.m hrnughl In *’ •*«» Mlilim with ulliar , I I. '• III'"lln Will-1 H-kilim. 111.; C ™.«I.Wr»l PUnA- «kl.» "-■< ,. I" ON 6»»r iiln'i lliolr >.NU li. i! I Whom ,,„ v oi!<■*r ln»tMmient • while their unpri'ed- , ...i, i'in nil l*'ll’ • l iliA'O.'unby i< tmffirlonl or>* I r ,.iHi.r«v'.:.rn« A lilit.rnl.lfc.i-:; i«t% ' In. <-I. • N mlI.V' trad... 8-lv e-lew. 1 FAIUMXKS Sen rtt. FAIUIIAIVKS’ Stales FAIRBANKS’ Stales. i.vuociir. x bell. Agents, fimnunh, On IIBOH V«l'*i' ml now 8 triad n* lli* ST t SUAltD KRKO WEIGHT. and nr i lii iw by nearly every RM • mud Company,-Merchant. nml tn molin'lining establishment ilifoutli-’iilt 11* touuir.v. 1 The rcputittlun which these Scales linn, acquired. has been of steady iirowth from the comniPiiciMiiouJ to (lie present time, Hurt In Imeri n|ton ilie pi-IncliiU adopted by in nml n..vor'ilovlntetl Iphii, of allowing nolle lint pmrKttt rioii I Ml MAUltlKRnto go foi ill fr.iln our O.l II 111 1*1)111-'llt> W. hitvn Mi*ir» limn min hum ilinitreiit niudlllcntinti* ol tliera scales, mlipteil to then note nf every il«|iHitnieiil of hmduosx wlinre h correct nml durable Scale i* required. a.II nml exniiiliin, nreeml fur mi ISliiMtnted cltculnr. FAXItllANICS Ai VO., 1 s*l llromlwny, New Yoik. inllitni- wlnin ■I. tfil RICHARDSON'S iS' DAMASKS, Dl APtRS.SlC. LINE 11V MVHAUUSnW I.ISKXF, ntui il,o«t> -ionroii- t-f nbln i.lnp Ho. (Irnninr i;>ixh, ^ oil,I •«■-(tint the »lt cii'» lln.i puttfiiMenre ilo.l WI.h tor tu i imnie of the ll-m, Hit'll AHDJxON. SON’S .t OWDRST, •t niiU.imitee »-l lit" moiliJiiwn nml iliir,iliilit> of the r.Mi.lrretl »Inrie 1*ii< c-intlon I flOiiillllea ol Inl. rioi i morn me -i. ..'moil nuer ii nml nenteil will. It, ..f llll'Il lUhSlI.S. I.j ) r j.|i IIoiim-s, whu, rettnrillMnof I!-.* l Jm.v iIiiihinflii't,,1 like mi Ihe Annrlnin i'..||liliilrr mol Hie nmn nfict ur.-i f> of llo' U"tiiiltio IIwihIh. will n I renli.., ulimiil.iii n l-ti-f D ,m inntltitile, while |.iir..|iM*ei h call tin inipoHU.I o ■illi*' O'le' f n worllih'fi loir ii'ipp. J Mn.I.O- K*. k -I n. I.MCKW. ,t T-'ffi A j{« lit'. \ Me! H l-u .'Ii »t., New York. PHELAN’S I ' P.iOVtD BILLIARD TABLES .I.Y/> ('OMUiXA nos Cl'Sf/loss. ■>»»ih ritic irt-ttl ujth r iiillum Tii.lo. NY Mmnif.iclory, an.i.nviiKit. HOUSE FURNISHING ©§®ts J* m 1». COI.LINN hM on him,I, nml la opening I'll fill tt.n'k of Cmckery,Chinn.tllHi't.nn ihtono Tnhln "mlery, superior nml eomiumi •, Hllrer IMitto-i Korku, Simqim, |,n leu, Castors, plain Tin " are, •niuily llnplwnr.t. connisllng ol I'o’n. tHeim, Sphlers, Ktv I'mie. Hmi*pans, f*nd Iron*, Shovel nml Ttiti«», Kirn ."tninltt, kniWutithii nml Willow Were, llrn*li«*, Vois, llfllowH,Ten Trnynnml Walters. I. mklnn 0la-sea. letmi e, Unit i ns. v\ lokrt, Ons Hhncl*s an I Smoko llnll-. Ton Hell-, Corn .•'irew«, 8o'ill:<e Oimnors, Keiitlem, A ml I ions. Purl en nml • tilim Vnsos, Motto Cups nml eanews. I'lulo Warmers, o. Xc, oel -* LIVERPOOL SALT. Ileftroen thisnllr nml AnsmtA will l*« tecnlVeil ntnil t|iii»il.fth<lenriifiilly Snllemletl to by the PAKUION LIN K m of IVonts. Thu new Knnsenvi-r Mint tniluhlPfesmer f» progressfriR dimly. Tiio proprlrtoie oxpoct tn have her ready by 'Vtnlier nest. The patronage of ihe public le re pectfiilly snlie|t..d l.y July tO If M^A. OitHKN, OfUoe Chirleston & Snv'hll. R. Cn,,) OIUHI.KHTON, Oct. Inili, 1868. j The Klnetennth Instnlment on tho thtpltnl Monk of this Omnium V. falls duo on the the tin lit (lllsh) day of Novo'iibor, lBaH. Huhscrll-ern will make payment at the OlHee of the ompeny, In Ulinrloiton, or to A Porter, Khj.,at tho llmik t-f tho Mntti of ilctoKln. In t*n van null net Hi etmI-iiI BHW'lt h. KAHKKH.Trens’r. NOTICR. i, — ^ We are readv for Urtober A-sessiti n nl on Cnnlnn Mining i*tock. The Assessmont Is tho ante ns before, nnd must he pshl beforeKOtli Inst, net III 0 WAYATtYLMt ll SACKS', iu pil-uo r *JnHr\y^" "tore nml for -n'o by net VI fi COIIBNS dj 1IKIIIZ. E. C. BEACH, SUSA MOLASSES. 150 Hogsli’ils Cuba Molasses, IN STOKK. AMI KOK SALK IIY COHENS A HERTZ. LIVERPOOL SALT. jj j| ^ 8A K8 11V MIP<HM. SAl.T, ergo of • •cl 20 h CARPETING! New Goods! New Goods!! ■ ,% to it full apsnrt- T'.'X.v'r hltliert i f-.if SK.W1NM MA- -!> n.luolMl mail Lii.-l--.f l-.-i f-li -M k Mlpplied bv Wli-el.r A Wil-niiV is is uuproi'«,lwtiU',|. ami estnhlislual — i’ll nl in nenrlv nil oilier Mu hlnos. nreen- -1 the ol jerlton oru-l nirniuot Mucliim oil.} are «n.«nvml hy Micsn Mu- manlier In c.-nviuca ekup klsm ■Min. is ciiii'ihle o| i! . I . 'i. ii-,-. ii-l ill ■ einctiiiii; on mr Ml • ill on the finest paV'K Subscriber would rill hM fi. merit ol th- f dlowing U TAPKMTHY VELVET, TAIM^IKY mtlI«8F.LV, ItUU^nKLS TIIKKK PLY. 1 NO It A IN. nml 8TAIH CAuPETIN’il. HUGS, MAY?. COCOA MATl'lNO, OIL OLDi’IIS, Ao —ALSO— Shades, Cornices,and Curtain Materials. I). LATHIIOP, *'Ct 15 rf HA flnnyresq mid ft* St. .lulmn -is. W. B. GILES & CO., IMtOPIllKTolt** OK T|IK Vale Hoyal STEAM SAW AND PLANING MILLS, a AVRn'i li'iinl. for Hiln, uS nil fiiuus, u lnrn« umck of 8II1PP1N0 T1MUKK. iiponcd Flouiing, ilresiwil, 1st and *2d i|i>Nlity do. do., rmiKh Istnnd‘d.l do. do. Wmthcr Ilimr.liiijr.ilrepM-d, Isl and 2d do. ,1„. ,|„. do, roil ell, 1st nml '.M do. do. Ceihiig do. dr--B»*d, let nml !!•! do. do. do. do. roiiidi, 1st and -.1 do, Peticinit Hoards nml Post, lliv.-r Hoards, Plank amt ^mulling. Ituoll'ig Honnls, S'liif.'loi) nml Pliislerli'd I-alhs. 8eaniling. of all s and i|imlity. Onb.-ra fur Lon by ri lnil. nr the iiirgo, or f «r Hiljw mb Timber, will be promptly execiitud, at reasonublc Hodgson’* Block, Corner Broughton anil Bnll-Strocts, (Agent for Lewis Knthhoue, Stovu Mnuufacturer,) D KALKII IV STOVRVi WIM'.EAALK AND UKTAtL nt ALHANY PltlOES; TIN I’la ATE, by the llox; 811Kb T UK) - t by the Unmlle; WIRE. Ac. Ao, al«o, ulwnvsi-n hand, ns good h vnri-ly of IHPUsE ICEEPI.VO GOODS, ns cun lie fo found In tho United Stales * Ms>, till ATE*. CR'KI VO HAN'OK.'*. WILl.'i'V W A It 15. Wijnl) WAflK, sc. Ac. I’urcliiiBer* will hear in mind Ih il U"HIH AIU5 UKTAII.KI) nt this K«tiihlNlinieiit, at jsrzayw "5rova?: pmoiijs. 8 iTnnUHh, Ortohur I tth, 1858. -"*o net 10 . Ucittrnl Hull Hnml Ofllce, i -aVannmi Del. V2d. Ifi68. | TRAN8P0UTATI0N OF GUN POWDEB. ^ NoMre Is hereby given, thnt m* greater tjimnlity thnn T'wuiity*Kivr Kegs of • mi Powder will ho trii-ispirt-il by this Compmiy on ny one train. This Company will m l receive, fm inn-pi-rtnil-'i), mum than line II'ii.dred Kegs mi nliy -no day One entire day’s nnilce will bo -efjulreJ lu be Iven l.y ihoHlili per of any l‘smf ‘.'6 kvgs. It Ouii Powder Is cons gmd to the Forwarding Agent, twill lie |i need In the Public Miunyiiiu, to b-» iranr- •iii tod in conformity to the above r guilt Inn. nml the xpensi'N alinmlliiK 'ho ear Hugo of It to nnd fiiim the ■iibllc Mngsr.lne will Is*charged n* the good- Powder will not bo taken lit tho Depot nfur the Imur lock. P. M. H. B. CUYLJ-H. I res d nt. Jfnr pnlu, A llnef^ JHneh Woman, ill y-w nl.I. MOoj ,01,1 I. . -59»;3 7. prime •> n, I,.„s. 'N-g-o *la»i ei.js.ui m«- I"V. fiiim i W> ei«»*iSfi«J i ilrlver .nil m.n.1,1 of l«'SI»; V '"|r» I- ‘ jo >„-mo f. i.i v. , * iirpro M* w •d }mtu) Veil,,,| rurpule. . , ... , hbnre* of |I0 encli. In the Union (Vnio'I'l.'Wn .Wlnin * O-tuptny of 'fepiieisoe, tsldbllslu'd nuder a »pi*cl*l law of rennes*«v, without |'nr*ini*l liability. Tills Coiiipnny owns mi urea nl H.'ilft nerca of Mlhlhtf Land in Duck Town. Tennessee, composed of ihe f,dl»iv* Inn Mines: Is.Mli.TcOiies'ee.CnliKwny. Matin, McCoy, lltieiia Vista, Johnson. Heaver, Knst Tciinnssei*, Chero kee. Mary’s nml Ocoee. Pmnples yf ore, nml full description* of snld Mine*. In pami-hlnt toim, ran be Seen am) nlitnitied nl inv olllce, Hull sue. t .DUN 8. MONTMOLI.IX. For 8nlu. An ejlglble IliiiMIng Lot, In ngletlioips Town, feu simple. 00 l.y Ilia f t et.. Also, l.ol in fee simple, mi Mill Street, 6" fert square, with improvements thmoon. consisting of a uew Dwell- ing House, M by 5M foet Which w in no sold m n grn-jt barumn. June 11 Fur bm Several tracts of Lnnl, i» *bn vicinity uf Ilia Vnin Trnrik llnll Ihjad. luimlO Several Hrlok IMIldl'igs ('nsi-leiicesi hdaiitlfullv -Una. fed; ais-i. imi Huii-lbig bus. within the e>ri«iratwlimits ■f tlilscitv.mauy »f Mieoi in the renin I nart Dine In HI 01 r IP FOR HAliE. 2.3*t •OHB* »»K 8W \MP Wn PINE LAND, •I ffj soiiMn, Cnin.leii eoii -tv end iiImi near ihe|pgo.ii!ll riT'r. in nnd on Hn'l lieu iPwamp, kn.iwii for forty years ns i h -liordon tract. The 8»uni) Land isulmut I.VOO acres, and e"allBbli» is first qmilliv i.-'tt n. corn and ri.-e land*, ll-epino nu t i* -f the host for timber or turp ntlue Teams •••*■ y Apply to TI80N X GOHIlON. |nn 12 % ocl'22 tf J«MSN 15. MOORE, NOTICE Until furl her notice, tho lotus of Irelght by he propeller Line from New York, w II he .dvamanl to regular tmllT mius : 10c. p-r fait for mens ireim lit go its,Sc. {icr foot fur h t« nnd boots nlnl shoes: tiler yeods ns per larilT rules. sr|i> -21 IlbTMHAM, HA LOWIN' A nil. D1IJGGIST h. GIBBONS’S BUILDING, SAVANNAH, GA., Would invito attention to hia largo and well assorted STCHMC OF FIthSlI and ty.ilnrablllty and pn certain- c uinip ■Ii n Seamstress of their own, nt (hi hut will hem. quilt. »i IiMi. nml ol.e iu renli/.e this l.-:,etU in the They are In ipenul-m nnd for sal invited foexamimi them at the stove . WILMn r, Savaiinali, I f-.r tho M u ifnetii' SEV/ING MACHINES, m.lKIIB is Ml l ' renting a p« ll tti the Vl.rllt Of Seu , iilntbi tf of tho Shirt never will ho h-md iu i ii“*hoh1 Into v tib'b OHOVP.:: .V It A K ITU’s* SKWI M A* ’ll IN Ii Ims bifn InlrmliiH'd. No family should In tieuf on«. Il-ns >na why tlii tltoyer A H iker Miiea • is prcfel UJfABTJLTERATKB MEDICINES, French, English and American Chemicals; TltUSSKS, AND MEI-K’IN'K CHESTS. * Vpal Coach, nnd Jnpan RUROICATi INSTRUMENT PAINTERS’ ARTICIiKS.—White lend, Froncli Zinc Pnlut,Uround Colors. Varnisii.'s. putty, Window Ulnis.*. nml I’.int- brushes. OILS, &c.~ Linseed, S|."i in. Mb ale, Kleplmnl, l.anl, Nentsfoot, TJ|jiin«rs. P.ape Seed. Olive, and Kerosene Oils; • aini.tilno and Hurnlng Fluid. GROCERS’ ARTICLES.—Nutmegs, Mac, Pop|ier, Cloves, Allspice. Mn-tard, Matches. Fig Blue. Sweet nil. U’sshli.g Soilil. WruppIllB Pnper. -tr. GARDEN SEEDS.—TboihuiTi's'ib'bnited Garden nnd Flower Seeds, warranted Iroc to name In bulk ttid P"p rn T-'cellier w ith n great variety of Pe fum.-ry Hair Preparations. Toilet S nipe. Hi mb' .re off. icd at wholea ile o relii'l. «t ill. I -w- st posmble p N. tt.-Physician*’ Pre-chdi "i enihilfv i r- in'e.’. •est fn VI ii, Ac., nil of which Plantation and Negroes For . Salo, XViT K WILL 8KLI. I"Ihe lii^hrst hhld r.on Ihe 11 ^ p 'I u-'Mlay hi .Tanuary next.' |.'K. it mi. c.iuiuy, <!'.. fh rt -a. . thei-sini of 'll" lab' William l>. fit of tho credit ■mhaving ll in the City \, gr.irH, .le kin* f»r the hen- liUel e men iitiv iu tlm rtiaie. With i at .'.film gang Is forty e.-vei They v FIRS. R?3ARIME& LIFE INSURANCE. lua tuna English PA BLOK COAL, now on band. niigH at th.* -aitie limeand place. " D iv r Mu nd ..ll TurlI- Nails, &c. i Uni tfl) O) SI) KKO* Out Nalls, superior quality, w y ujf IMO tons llnll Hoad Iron, S4 lbs. to patten.. ulil) tons American Foundry Pig Tron. For min by JACOB BOWK, 8 llromlwny, Nuiv York, nu* 17 .'him RUTA BAG-A SEED. ;:hSll r ■ v. i'mu Units, Flat Dutch, lied Top, UigeOI'diM J nml Noitolk TUltMP - Ehl)', warr.ntu.1 to bo the uorwtli of 1858. ju*t icceiv-il nml for khIh by July 7 iV. W. LINCOLN. M.i.nniieiit sgnnre. FRANK LESLIE’S NEW FAMILY MAGAZINE, nd e •lly ud r i all liability u. hr -lie fihric ii washing. J'* •f W SKIFF. s Jewely Store. CUBS FBXTUSSFsS. let or New ii\S Fix run KB just ved. and can la- - -en nt my rooms, 'it.* the Ua -hill Mouse. They l-.u. «<deeted witi. t iste.andcom- . „ the latest innl-*l*. with tho must 6 (e-"nv»... S patterna, ni.-l « HI lie sold low. .'-J: L*-Xr «••«* Pipe laid, and o'd Fixtures KK- IfiU'aURrt o-iT CHARLES KEHISII. • ,ONTAININM An \J I i'lKlritiioiis; by -•i, and for ealu nt run xovEHUM, Iclo tho Oki fenokee, with ivuiiniun. 'ii-trcciiw PURSE’S, No. 0 Whitaker street. JUST RECEIVED I 8|"irg-u s Sen a, purls 1,2, 3 and i2r uM .1 vol> Spurgeon’s )*nlnt and Savior. I) vols Loll’s Arts uf llonutjr. :• v -i* Hiiw i way to Sra Gv..L Turn to tlm List. A. M. Ill IDG H. Snccosi'i'' to J. It. Culdiedgc, oft 21 Opposite Screven IDm-e and Masonic I (all. ii miles 'iialuoi tlm llrunsAick .v Fl.ui-a liai ■-li, on dav nt sale— pur- ba-cr* pay T. S. !l »PKI'S. lj , J. It. RICH AKIM ny Patriot copy till day of Nile, im-l« .villi*, Oct. 2, 1858. INSURAN CE. UNITY FIRE INSURANCE ASSOCIATION, OK LONDON; Capital Ten Million* of Dollars. DELAWARE MUTUAL INSURANCE COM'Y, Home I nan rn iieu Coiiipuii), nt Nt' York. Cniilini'iitiil do, tio. tin. tin. liiaiii'uiiiM* ('niiipunynf'tho Viillny of Viralnin. Sprlii«l)eld FJi'i.' Alni'lntj lint, Co, of Din an Humboldt Fin* tu a uni nee Cn, nf New York North American Fire Intturnitce Co, of Conn Norwich Flee Iiiuurunee Company, of Conn, Cuiiaolitliileil Fire Inaiirnnee Cn, ofl'hlln, llnxvnrtl Fire As .Murine Iiih. Cn, oflMiiln. U irui'il do do ilu tin do People’ll Fire las. Company, of New York. NOTICE. Itev. ,1. K HiJDFltKV is iiulhor'Z«t to irans net business f.T nml in the naiue of J. W. lAUT x CO., during uiy itb/unco from tlie city, sept Ml It J.'W.OAUT. 'notice, In consequriico of the qunratititi" of nil ves- vOft. win from <dinrle*lon f s. C., tie* stunner Oi HI- M)N will not resume her trips, n* ndvvrti*o.l. Due no lee will bi'idven when she resumes. mi£25_ If J. I>. BROOKS, dg’f. BXVANNAII, July 23d~1858~ - — Th* subscriber Inron-tautl*' purchn Ing N> groes. either singly or in Inmilies Ifownori refer their negroon «o d on roinmiesl.iii, I will take 'hem nnd h-e uno lospouslhtn against th«lr iM"ap«. ns I o'isider my fill and yard itm sufi-st. largest nnd m ist couifortnblolu tho City, If not In the State. I.lhcrnl ndvance* will bo made, if roquirod, on nil Ne gro property plicod In my band* for salo. OPFICT'] mi Bryan street opposite Vhmuni"n’ aquare, first lo«)r east of Merchant*’ A Planters’llauk. Jy24—tf W. 'VRIGHT. "notice. T'i« sp’sndill eto.un *r CITY OK NORFOLK . Cnpt. M. U.flri'on, hax been put in fine order. PRIVATE SALr.. The well Iivi*■ wii Plantatiouend' d Mount Hope, si'.iiileil in Bryan ooiiiiiy. c-.ntniiilrig Hlmiif 4 - 51H) acres, l.uoij aeroB iimlor ciillivnli in Tlm In,Until land very tortile, an » It well calculated ■•r ltie cultivation of cane, cm.'ii nr Corn. Is well »..i- lln.l, luviiitf h tlm* Dw Bing II.oia". Ovuraser’a lb u«e. Htrns, O.llm, *c ,iiinl ni'i , oiiumid»t|..n for mure llieu 2H0 neg-uo,. For terms np|dy to it. J. A it NOLI), llrynn mainly. The VU.'itiv A Gulf Kail II. ml mm. near I ho Imr I mini .. AdiuiiihiWuu’alef*', Will bopold.j)n,lhe first TUteuMY u . y" l ’j !* r, i M'.uae, In llm City I, I'.n legal livUry of aiilo, nn.fei J|»f v inlet° ,,rl ^ i ircf loMlf »ofd*t pifmte No. 1I IInll-n Tjihinp. lWW S'ml. : T,»r« ■r. il.nj. I’n io,",, o, ti... to,, »l,|,v|« «u..M In tl.» ccutr" I.r tan nw o a...,.,.. *ol4 ssn wrimle or iu dire* separate parts. AddIIco may te mule to the nuotiourer, or umhaslinm, * • ).l gl'T/IMfiv .xmKV.Aflm'rli,T. -^-1 " l -'l'" , 0V.X”IKM.A^. r .,.T.4. mmsmiEB. SAVANNAH LOTTERY UN TUR- . HAVANA PLAN., JASPER COUNTY ACADEMY LOTTEItT BY AUTHOBITYOF THE STATEOFOtOBOIA Much admired odd nnd H»i*U N Mtitwr Scheme ,11 ct limn One Prigs taetrry Two Tirkrinf Tld« Littery draw* tht Lt *nd I6ib uf every tnimih Inpiihllcat the Arnfory Hall. Favtiniitb.Oa.'uii'M-rth• siipurintemb'Uce uf Win K-fijlu'iiiA and J M.'Preut it • Krqm. • . It ha*fewer number* than any other fs.ltciy.vnd tbn ebnnees to draw l'tim>* no* better. Some nf out draw h g» bate only lO.t'Ovi iiiaubers. and til tin etc islli.f hO ■ 1*1. 't ickets Iroui H 0 lo 60 Cents. rchemi s, ndilre*s W.*0. IIAWWV k CO , Managrpt,'" Macon, i r Savnniytli, fliA Ufllcn In Savaunnh, at the corner of UnP lame nnd |ty* Mreei. ■ Xtoyal Havana _ L-ttery, tuui’ncted by the Spanish GuvenmitRii, ii.der tlm sn| ervislon of the Captain GeusnjJ of OuM r rill tHke jdnee nl Havana, on SA I UKDAY, NOV. fi. 1858. Plantation for Sale. JUA A Vahish e Plaiitntlun. c.-tilalnlng 3.050 acres of *T^ Land, tweiut-llvemiles from ntvniimih. ii'id with* rniTe mihs i.f the Albany and Uulf Ball K.-id Tlm Isiml Is well ndwniid to the culture of l'ottoll. Corn nml I n land it ire, nml I- one if the be>t rang-n mr Stock In 'leorgit. Hull ilie Lami Is under a good fen*", nnd baa ii-C'itiun idaii'in- f .r overseer nml fifty negroes For full pm ticnlars. apply to T. II. II AxDKN. nu • 27 2mo -avam.iih. 0*. Hantatioii and Wills For Naif. H mil ha My Phtwlaijuf jl t n comity.Him and .M err hunt MJJ), in Wnshing- or* th" Ceu- iniiig, on ti.n Hail Itmiil. ami twemy mile* h lii.rgm bail Bo-il. The Pliitihitiun cmtalii* tweii’y-srven hundred acre*, fonrti'en hundred in the win d- —two-'birds ol the whom, ivor land* lying mi the^ifeerliee. Tlm H'li'iBncs upon tlm id ire are new. and nr« in ex- ♦client cundiil oi; c nsisti'-K of a Pweliin r H«u* *. an lb use Nn.-rn li-msi'K, (In. Ilouso nnd Screw, The M!ll is arg. tonsidi'ii-d •* o ir and M-nl f ii n v it I,* ml \\ a Pi-rsnllS .J.*a|-..( • !•' »•*«•- ""’I F«r further pir i. Stable*. Ac. i, l« w-|i l< entod, and ie Ill-ill 'n X* . tc Ueo'gl icct with a ready salo In 8aii- * ol | u chasing, nr - requ—led i tin- gr -ft iitf ciup, tho mill. ac. nuih: bii .11 Parker, on the plr uni will run regularly from Bnltimore to Savannah, leav- •i« Saviinmth Sa'iirday, 2tHh InsL, and every other J'" ird iy iherenftei . '« H'tTWA't, BALDWIN k CO. •oliimlm frSa."' Life Companios: ‘diiuthorii 51 iitmil Lift* Ims. Co, of S, Cnrollnn. .51 til util lit* ill'll t Llfo I mi. Co, of Now Jo racy. Disks nndcrhiken in the above Companies, by W. KING A SONS, Agents gnvannah. May 1. 1858 may 0 Home Insurance Company, of N. Y. C tin Ik Cnyillitl mid SurpltiH over 8800,QUO! i<F PIIILADKLI'IIIA; or Seven Hundred Thousand Dollars. Assetts o NORTH AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY, OF 17!K CITY UF M'.W-VUltK Cnpltnl Two Hundred and Fifty Tboiisniid DoHars, with MASSASOIT INSURANCE COMPANY, OF SPIUNUKIBLD, .MAftS; Capital Ono Hundred nnd Fifty Thousand Dollars, with a surplus. French. Embroideries. LATIIUOP *. ROGER** II' NKVITT, f AVK Becenlly received— Muslin aud Cambric Set* do do Collars I’iqiia and Linen do .Mis*,**’ mid Children’s do Mourning Sets and do Infuuls’ etubruldort'd Waists Yin Risks lake*)« Doha If of the nbovo iianiuil Instl tutious, by JAS. MoHTHYXlY, AG’T, may 13 —'BH ly IIS Bay street. Savannah,On. • ’HA’S J, MARTIN. A. y. WILLM AKTII. Vico President. J. M. SMITH, .-ucrotnry. W. KINO A SONS, Agents, vtauth, M <v I. 1608. may 0 The Insured Participate in the Profile. Continental Insurance Company, of N.Y Cimli Cupital nnd Surplus over $700,0001 OKOUOK T H0PB. Presldont. H. II. LAMPORT, rtecrotary. Threc-lourths uf tho Profit* of tills Company are divided mi nil’ll y witli tho huhlors nf Policies on first class rl-ks. alfor ling snfaty to the assured by Its large menna. and stviu; hv iis division .if profits. First annual division uf profits lo Pulley lloldors. do- clnrcri (Hit July. 1857, 3!% por cent Tho next regular deriod for dividing to Polb.y-Ilolders, will occur In July, ISBN. W. KING A SON8, Agents. Savannah, May 1,1858. may 6 NOTICE. Iiisuriinco effoctoil at % per cent, premium, i Merchandise and Produce by the New York and avaiiu ih Propeller*, on application tn mar.3 BIIIGIIAM, BALDWIN k CO. NOTICE. .yjsKKB, During my uhsen *e from thoSlnti*. Dr. F. H. OHMBJsiny iiutlioriZ‘-*d agent for the settle- -tuck •lent of the estate of Sheldon '!. Duunrg. June IT tf HKVItY 1> WKI5D, Adm’r DlC* J. L. LARGE', _ Offers Ills Professional Services totlieclli- iOSE^Miisof Sivammh nnd viclnby. Spiflil at— 'onllon given to nil Purgicnl and C’llRONlC Cases. Accomnioilution* uiry nnd convenient for putlents •'rum nhroad. «B* Oil!ce C'irniir South Broad and Abiircorn streets. Jn».v i *± NOTICE. A LL Porsons indiditod to tho estate of J B. Be Ford. deCHsed. will pie -so make iuiinediiito paytiu ill ulf.R billan:nliisl llioe-tnio. will tin: in, properly attested, according to law. lo th- undei •igniil. OSCEOLA 111‘TLB It Adm’nr. WEED, CORNWELL &■ CO., I M POH TBIIS AND DBA I. BUS IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE Iron, Steel, ll"/c nnd Nulls, SAVANNAH, GrlDORGIA, sepl ll tf JOSEPH A.AN8LEY7 ATTORN BY AT LAYV, AM EH ICVS, SUM TEH CO, 0.1 Will practice In the countie* of fbii EIRE INSURANCE. Hubei HUBS® HUB! I lIN'K Bnmn-cns S ? Fine Laineiinted I Twist Il.itihh* di. Diiiiblo a Double nnd Single (inns I single ci.iiiinnii Guns, !ov —— SPORTING ARTICLES, Miltnbb. h I- for liois, prices. ItEPAIUING done with dispatch, In LOVELL &, LATTIHORE, •*ec IB 13 B .riiaiil xirei't ir W. D. ZOO IIAU HI As- Cl) ARK WKBKLY llBi'BlVING HmM THE FACTORY IIIK CKLKUIIATI Ii Stcuilunjj (c Solis’ IJiniion, Pr.-iioiniceil by Artists and Goonuis-rms | j he SlceiiioR T i inv American Plano, and to the Liard or Col* Isrd's. Tint advantages jaws, nsed by these Pianos over nil otb- H*,nru: a jure qualllvof tone, itii even scale, which admit* of in. pi ri epllldo ehange In tween upper nml letter oelnvrs, -o far ns quality of t.iuo is concernud; •landing in nine long, r than other lustrum me*; ability to endure Ihe extreme changes incident to n Southern climate.- Their iiiiiiioi.m. jiower—the eqiiaro Pianos pos- •»*** nil the force and Bireuglli old rand Piunos In-m olh t maker*. Tlm Klein way k Sen*’ Piunos, are fast superriidlng those ot othur manufacturer*, both North nml Bout 11, lor Ike universally expressed centime t ot tho Riudcal •orld is (ti their favor, nnd there I* but ono remark u- •h'uig nil n.uslriil tearh-'is and dileitanti: THEY AUK TIIK VERY REST PIANOS Bow made iu Amurlca. Thu suj.niluriiy of thesu lustra ttentsover any other is mi ajqmrcnt, that wo Invito par •wis about piircha»lng to call nnd examino our stock, when, wo doul.t hot, they will lie perfectly willing to •ccord to the expriMnd sontiniont of tlio«a most iyjiu* I*;taut to judge, Hint Hid HTKINWAY X SONS’ PIANOS SURPASS ALI.OTHKltS In tneessentlnl requlsito that gi* lo limFu a good ii.slru* ment, ' A Inrjjn Bssortnieiit of nil kind* of Muslrnl Instru ment*, and Musical Merchiindi/ai, inrludiug thennwcsl imbliculiout of Music, kent constantly i n |mud. » . W. , o' 1,< »*»0AUM A I’O., Bryan nnd St. Julian struma, near ihe Market. Embroidered Muslin nnd Lace Caps Valenciennes Thread and Lico Edging* Guipure, Brussels find Blondo do Cambric nml Mu-dln Killing* aud Ineortii.g* Binhrobleriil H S llaiidkeirhicf* I.Ilian Cnml'iiu nnd Lawn do Dimity. Cambric nnd Muslin Rands India Tallied and French Dimity. JLifc, jFtrc anti JHatiuc IN-SURAN OB, IX TIIK KoM^.WlKO HAnTFOXID COMX’/VWIIilS CONNECTicTuTTNSURANCE OOMPANY. [CHARTER CAK FIRE AND MARINE INS. CO. i CITY FIRE hSURANCE COMPANY. i MERCHANTS* INSURNC i OMPANY. • „ . , j CHARTEROAK LIFE INSUnAHCE COMPANY,! |i ^JI*”'»H , l™ | ».~ , -l. L....U, pramplly ..JJn.leJ ... I Combined Cash Assets fl CHARTER OAK F. &M. INSURANCE CO., OF HARTFORD, CONN. Cash Capital $-500,000 Cash Capital nml Surplus 8350,00o 750,00). $40,005 Held ox Oxr. Risk. A, 1VILBBK. Agent, III liny street. Savannah. G'l. net 20 ROSS * CO. IIAVK JUST RECEIVED A FRE8II SUPPLY OF Croslien Blitter. THE CONTINENTAL INSURANCE CO'Y OF NEW YORK. Fall Supplies. of lit* usual snjiply of T HE Suh.crll.eriH In recuip ... scftionni |.i 0"l l|5.8. coriaiHtiiitf III part of Negro Cloths, Blankets, M, 7-8 nnd 44 Brown Shirting*, plaid Lindseys, plitn i lid twill-d Red F.annels, Marlboro PlabUand Snipes.Shirting Slrlpe*,blue Douim*.Tweed-, Hatlnels niid'CiisslineroY. In all colors; Hnuton Flannel*, hiertc hud and uuldfiiclicd: which we offer on our usual terms, nt low price*. TIIO’A II. BURNS, net 14 tt II,LI AM II. bTAKK. ■. K. ALKXAMiCn. WILLIAM CLARK Stark, Alexander & Clark, IVII0LK8A1.K GROCERS, ANI. UIPOHTKUH OP » OAK. H-Ia. C3rlU , HARNESS 1 REPOSITORY. COIL WHdT IIIIOAH AND BAY STREETS. SAVnminh, Gn. w M o K E E ft BENNETT INVITE TIio attention uf tho citizen* of tliliand the Jl adjoining States, to theiroxteiiBivo stock, Just receiv- •d. of tho various style*of Vehicles now iu use. Thoy •re constantly receivingaddltlnnafrom thehestand most ’•liable uianufiictnrors In Phtladelphia, New York and •Isewlirre,consisting of tho latest and most (ashlouablo •Wes. coinhlulng ELEGANCE With LIGHTNESS nud STRENGTH. «o fuel confident In statiag tlmt wo have now on "•nd a Stock which for vabiett and ixtcxt, isuusnn pusedby any In tUsHouthorn Country. AH orders shall meet with promptnea and at- ,eD,,on U O.IIcKEE, T .fl.BKNNRTT m ..TS 1 * •°»>V®*»i;dl*livd Hotel.slmaled iMhocentre i,f the Savannah basil id 1 Sfonomy I0WAR: offora npw to IU Permanent aud Trau’ 'islron*,'bettor, ncc-immodstlon* •w.Jy&U *2 ^'mfuS and . ueiure. in ° **r UHsndeiflf' ^” i "-j? ANI" IMPOHTKHH OF TVlncs, Brandies and Liquors, I1AY STREET, SAVANNAH, GEO., H ave in stork and tu arrive; 150 hhds Sugars, Muscovado, Porto Rico and Now Orleans 100 Mil* A, II C Clarified Sugars, various brands B0 do Crashed and Powdered Sugars 25 boxes l.onf Sugar M) hhds Cuba Clayed Molasses 24 do Porto lllco do B0 hhl* N O Sugar Ifousa and lie® Hive Syrups 250 hag* Bio, IsiGuayra and Maracaibo Coffee 'Juo pockets Old Onvernmi'iit Java do 75 boxes Adamantine Candle*, 4'* and O'* 50 do CliHinlcnt Sperm do, 4’sandfi’s 40 do Pure Sperm do, 4's and IPs 100 puck ago* Tobacco, In vnrtou* qualities snd prices, lbs., fi lb*., 6's, 8's and 10's 2 hall chest* PouchongTeix 40 cnities Hyson, Imperial am Gunpowdor Tens 8iK5 ends Hope; 20 bules 'i'wlue. FINE LIQUORS— Brandies—In pipes, half pipes, % and % cask Wines—Madeira, Port, Burgundy Port, Ac. Holland (Jin. old Bourbon Whiskey Nectar Whiskey, London Cordial Gin, AVolfo’sScholdani Schnapps, lie. BKQAR8— , Spanish, German, and Americsn, in all qualities and prices, SUNDRIES— All-pice, Ginger, Popper, Mntlnrd, Assorted Pickles, Lomon Syrup, Sardines, in \y£ snd ■Mend of B0 percent r terminating IstinH ■i.tilled Tld* C.nnpanv has declared a > 'roflts on It* Business for the ye crip f-r Profiis to Policy Hold. para.) will bo ready for delivery at ibis Agam y m Au- 151 Th is com puny is ono nf the strongest of American Hr* Insiiriiiicn Companies, and affords largo beuvff is to parties I'isiii mgln (t. Risk* undaruiken by j u ’v u WM. KJN'O k POVff. Ag-uls._ Merchants’ Insuranco Com’y, OF HARTFORD. CONN. Cash Capital * $-00,(00. ALL SECURELY INVESTED. 'hA E. T. Ismidkll. Secretary. M. Il"\vxitn. President A. WILBUR. Agent. innolft 111 Huy st..nev to Morning New* <>mc» . II SPttAiina Rec’y Ralph Oillett. Pres’L A. WILBUR. Agent. Ill Bay street. June 0 Next to Morning Nows Office. JFicc Kusucautt. City Fire Insurance Company, OF HARTFORD, CONN. Cush CnpItHl S'550,000 Thissmiiid and well iiiaim-jed Company, have recently Increased their i’ASH OAPITAL $100,000, making them now in point of Capital and Ability one of tho best Companies tor Fire Insurance The Cimtom of this Company ha* been, at all litncs, to pay Its lusne* promptly, aud adjust t - em liberally. G. It. BOWERS, President. U. C. Waits, Secretary. A. WILBUR, Agent JulylO Hay-st.. next to Newa Offico, Savannah. THE SOUTHERN MUTUAL INSURANCE CO., JOHN A. BELLINGER, ATTOKNUY A.T LAW, AND SOLICITOR IN CHANCERY, DA UNWELD C. II., SO. CA„ Will attend lo tho collection of claims In Barnwell and the surrounding Districts .. , , References:—!’ Oak man, F.sq , Augusta. On.; Dr. John Bollinger, i bar lest on. So. Cn.; Noitlirop k Alleniong, Charleston, 8. C.; Tho’s J. Gantt. Clerk i f Court of Ap peal*. (Mi iriietun.8.0. 3m o sept 22 COTTON GOODS Manufactured h;/ the Montour Vo., at Sparta, Qa. OSNAIuillON. SHEETINGS, SHIRTINGS, nml YARNS. A good supply of tho nbnvo Goods always on hand, and for sale at facteiy prices, by •tig 13-53 ly L. v\’. WELLS. No. 74 Bay st. Carhart. Henry Williams, Esq, N Y For saloon favorable terms/ 1 llylfi Old Magnolia Whiskey. rjpl| F Und rslgued offer for salo the above standard I, and brand or flno Rye Whi-ksy of their own distilla tion, In bids, and half obU. The quality of this Whiskey, known so favorably In the flonth fur the past eight years, rill always bo kept up to It* .’former Man standard, purchMura and coniumers can -ely upon | ftfCllY pura Ry# Whiskey, distilled trader tnnsl aupurrlslon, and entirely free from si subitancvs which render Hinds up M his! Ilonahlo. , - Al wars bating a largo stock of tho^almva and oilier pure Whiskeys in New York as well nvTblladelphla, we are enabled to shin good* from either city Glrect, . FREEMAN * SIMPSON. Phoenix DUtJIUry. Offices, 109 Hotith Front streot, Phlladelphle, and 90 Wall street, New York. ly ., .oct8-’M : Fifn iiiv noil tub wiiA.ui’ 41dhfTh BALKS prime Northern flay, landing from ship Switzerland. T ..«ort iff . : W. WOpDDRIDGE. Laighton & Underwood. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 1 fil Penrl Street.. HKW-TeEK. TAKM FXXI.XX HISK.8 lu the counties of Hcrlxvn, Kllingliem,« hathnm, Bryan Liberty, McIntosh, nnd Glvnn And. also. INLAND NAVIGATION RINKS. OKA’S 8. HARDEE. Agont JJYE GIN.—30 bids old P U U Rye Gin, Just re- S UGAIl.—Bn obi* yellow •) Sugar; 36 do white A mid lido; 20 do yellow Coffoedo; Just recidved nnd CONNKRAT, WKB8TER k PALMES, B AGGING.—5U pieces medium and heavy Dull- dee Bagging. In store and for sale by CONNKRAT. WEBSTER a. PALMES. B ACON AND PORK.-I6 hhds prime Bacon •Sides; 8 do do bright du Shoulders; 6 tes canvass ed Hams; 12 Mil* Burnt) Poik; Just received and for sals l.y COS N Kit AT. WUUaTUll it VALUES. net 21 T OBACCO.—25 boxes Stillt*’* AA and AAA To Imm); BadoGraut k William*’ do ; 10() do aalo- Bhle brands, pounds. 0’s and 10’s do; 15 half do extra u • , iinoT.w oeii.w ii.xnrnwoiiD. i fine Twist Tobacco, in full .cover; Just received nnd lor References.—Messrs Brigham tc Parsons, N Y; Messrs j B0, “ ■’£ CONNER AT, WEBSTER ft PALMES, larhnrt. Brother fc Co. N Y; G B Carhart, E.q, N \: J nrt - 1 aEo. w tixnrRwonn. I Cum aug 30 CYPRESS LUMBER, ~W anted At the Great Ogeechce Bridge. PIECES 12 by 12 Incite*,35 to 40 frot long, el IV 20 do 12 by 12 do., 25 feet long. 80 do 12 by 12 do., 32 “ •’ —ALSO— 10,000 fpet Pino Plank, 0 to8by 2 Inches, 20 feet long, to he delivered at the UrIJgo before 1st November next. The Log* to be of tho best duality Black Cypres,. AnnllCitlon* ro furnish tho whole, or any part, staling prices, tube made to W. KING U SONS, -apt 2 tf Boots and Shoes. 1 WHOSE In want of BOOTS ANI) SHOES nro Invited to o 11 at the subscriber’s In Gibbons’s Buildings. ON HAND: Seat's fine Boots, (.’alters, aad Phone. Shoos, Prices suitable to tho tlmea- M« J. BUCKNER, •ent 22 '^ KEN A 00. AGOING AND ROPE rAY AND POTATOES.—7UU bales Eastern H .__ Hay; 200 bbls Potatoes, to arrive per bark Globe, trum Richmond, Mo., for asle^bjr , BALDWIN k CO. E astern .HAY.—060 hales prlmo Eastern liny, per ship John Henry, from Bath, lauding at S,'Mi*y. Ma- Terrell. Dougher ty, and ndioiiiing counties — til builnei* will mrolve prompt at ten mm. Rr.fRRS- To tho Hull. Francis II. Cons, of Greensboro, la; Dr. J. W. Rowland, of Aincricus, Gn; Battle * GloV- •r. Americus, Ga. fens net 2(5 VA 1.1'A. .. TRACT Ob’ Im.u) K 8«A 14 NEAR PK.xIHiKPON.—■’’h" Miti- riber Hirer* fir Mile Ids RK^DKNOK ►Innied ii tlra Or* onviPe Hoad, two and a Imlf inil.e lorthrimt r f J'eml et ui, the present torm : nui!* »t t'le .Hue I'.iilgo Kail Bind. B 'Ictigiug to It is it tract efbi"d ■•out lining I.B1B ». res • f such form an I shape a* i«. di- >ide in (qua! quantity end to great advantage for two plautatl ns Tho whole 1* well wii «• »il an : eminent I.r suUe.l for ru hell g ciiod plbportlt'Il of lim-t i l- <nd. a d wlnl is iilghly desirnlh* a < deal of wood hind y ng at most couvoiiieiil | utnt*. A* to tile improveiu •» ■ s (on the rne-halfof ill- plaio lie nt her having non t. u o«i.*ssliitf a must a huiiiil.l-* •ile,) they r® such as ii« ramly offered for sihi.'iiiid uri'-eiit strung induce • eats t* any one frain'in, | .w country desl'lim a ho tie wli ro Hi* best of k«« iety i- • n- toye-l. luge liter with |n ie u.lur and tlm bra. irg a n.os. id'iere of n miiiiutain i• ;lo . The dwelling stuud- u -n an im oaiug ournunce, facing a lawn n ico nu O i for its bu.tutifill sliado trees, and cotnmand* a must n ig uticun’ vi-w of tlm ll-tio nidge. It Iihh bin ii era t • I li) the owner within a lew y.ius, witli n strict r.-. a -t to ioinfurt and couvenieuc*. V Hydraulic Itam Is in Mice o-ti.l opemtiun. tlm wa ter tieinir luoilg it from u spring into Ilu* Imx-e, and il-nciiri bd to vari'iisi a's of Hie premlw!* TM<, uitli i g.v-d |.*m lii.u-n. aff.iidM n, a n .id. nt in (Ms sectbui uf •vinnli.v the Mtii-ndvnnt»Bej ns tlms*. eiij.-yel by the •itiwnm of th« nndiopoil*. ’ll are new, uunierouv and well adapt- >1 to ilu. vnii'iu* pnr| o i«* f.*r which they nr" design'd. lln ll) is a Bn'll, niisnri'NSH-d iu the Stair, c-.r.* .trnided ispecially t« ra rraziug farm. The Orchards urn. xtou-ivo, ein' rindnu every variety d trait. Hi- trees In viug been seli'cted from tin* nursery •f i'r Siinraier, nr PounrU, nnd mo just coming into bovrlng. The House Furniture, which i* now, together with Hm agricultural implements, consisting nf an exlen»:vo va riety, r.H also a lot of choice slock and a number of vain- .tide ui'dious, can bn purchased wRIi the place. For mr- liter inquirl'supply to tho mbscrtheroii the spot, or by loiter nt Pendleton. JAMES T. LATPA. ertll tf SOIITKO KUMKKO fifi? 0HUINAH10. Cn j»t I nl Prize NiUO.OOB. 7 j prlreof.... $l(iu,ii(io I ft .tiritif $3,Off) ” BO.C4HI I 1ft • ; l.oi U ** 3n.uto I r.i •• mio 15,jam I 143 •• 4t:o IO.Ahj | vii a|.proximat(nris. 8,tM ti - $—- • • - 4 approxiniallutis to the fton.PCO of $ftotr each: 4 of M«0 to fWl.ifib; 4 uf *400DifAUNttl; 4of »4n0 tn 116,00'; I of Gill to #10.000. tht~ \\ hole 'Hrki i-#2n, Halve*-$l0,Quarters fA Ctr Prlv. *i:aalitdnr sight nt five per rent dlsonwt. Btlis on nil solvent Ranks taken at par. A draw tug will bn forwarded ns soon a* the result Inv known. 94" Ail order* for Schemes or Tickets to addressed o DON ItODltJGLEZi, (cate u! City Post, Charleston. 8. 2- ' tf—ant 17 For Rent. Tlm STORE lu Waldburg'sbuildings In Jefforson ••2 street. Ua. Also, two STORKS In llrynn and Jcfforsonstrarts norr the muiket. Apply to MINIS te JOHNSTON. July 19 TO RENT The Store on Bnrn ifJ street, corner Congress ffijlj! lane, xt present occupied by W.O Dickson ns • wMlproi ery store—posses-ien | |v«n 1st Noyemltar xxt. Apply to ALKX. A. 8MECU. aug 19 ' tawtf + TO RENT. a 5 lie nm ! • at present .g>:ii|.l".l l.y Irwin * llsrdee . C P.-Hsc—I in given the first of N' vcinber, 18 R. il nm 18 M. I( 'll.i.lAMfi, TO RENT. t O) FH? 4 .—Th) whole ..r a part nt tlm Office ouw ueru* foil by me. Al-o. House nu Gaston street—^ fine location, cut flIBn pernuntim. Al«ii. a large cuinniodtou*Tenamcnl, with a‘l modern iprov in.nt*. in a [ili ii-ii.t h-CHtliiii. Applv *o tniy-.H* A. WILBU t, 111 INyst. TO RENT: The Sti.ra formerly occup! d,bv.T. P Collins, In "Saj I'enfield’.* Ricfe. im ttiyiui rir# t The tenement HaSiiH tin.*.- story high, nnd 9 • fsi-t iiaup. . Tlm *t ac f imeily ucciiplid by <J. M.(Iriffti'i, In uiu( ngH. c riu-rut III van and Wlulaker sir id*. An i-fti.v in icur of sumo range, fronting mi the fane. The lr ii ri.uiiStore.No.]18Brnughtoustruvt—wra iliged f'*ra Dry Goods Store. Apply .o sept 2* if F. II. iHIME. Brmtglitnn street. 1: • !'• ' m u.pi- TO RENT, d four fiffici's, all on mm finer, well ven- »l adapted for Faclursge II • jillt'SS, with . ms. Apply to ANIHIKVV LOW te CO. FOR RENT: Kasl ern Teimiaeiit of a Brick House, situated on one* slrii't. below Alu-rcorn— po session glvsn 1st November. Apply tn pt'ii tf II0J.00MUE te CO. ANDREW J. NtuAl«. ATTORNEY AT LAW, MICANOPY, FLA., Will attend, nrmupfly and initlifuily tn all business rriiMed to Ids earn. Paiilcular ailenllmi given lo tho rilb-cHiig liiiwiiii—s 4ni«* sent 24 Plantation on Long Credit. t l offer tlie place near Aiiierlcu*. fiTimirly owned by T. i.. Hint, f.r -ale, on long credit, and at a fair price. It lies *ix mile* fruit Americu*. on the duckalio t'reek, and contains six hundred and seven icrcs, Iw'i. Iiiiudred and fifty clenrod. Hus all tl.e ncces- nry tmlldlngi—Gin Hniiso, Screw, Ac. For piriicnlnr*, • nply tn T M. I'm loiv, K.-q., Ainurinis. nr tn t e under- • igiied.ul Mucuii. JAMES W GRIFFIN'. .*•1 1 end—tf Dougtierly (dmuy Lands I'or Sale. I will sell abuigaiii ill mv PL ANTATIGN i~,k in said county. It em smts of 2.100 acres, "•■1,100 iicrr* In cullivntimi. Ol the liiilaii.*e,«RJ®» iero are 5-«) acres nf good Dak and Hickory Land, nud llauiiimck, and BOO acres of guild Pine Timber FOR RENT: A 1>f*iniliio C’liuiulng Rooms In Padelfnrd’a Bund ling. Apnlyto i sept 17 PADELFORD. PAY k CO. Plantation for Sale. Tlm Kii'ni'rlbor offers for sale his PLAN- cm. (Lm’Su TAT ION. iu Cunideii (.'minty, Georgia, con* Pvt* “*~^“si»tinB id 2,890 ucras nf La*d. more nr Ifis-.—J**- Ivlngi.n ilie Grant Sitilla nnd Dover Livers, from 12 t*. IB miles fiom St. Andrew’s Sound, and In view o - ' Cum berland lei uni. Being dll nelly mi Uiu Mills, it I* niiMir- p:i**cd for health, aed convenience* for fish and oysters It i* n!«o cmitei ienlly located for manuring, being siirrmiu-ied with lhurii*h, which, for that purpose, is In valuable. There I* open, h-tween 70'*' to 800 acres, beside* about ns inticli iiuto fine Swamp bund unclear ed. What was planted lias been revting Iroui 15 to 2.5 years, nnd nil nf it Dear His* rushes. Tho range f -r stock r-f all koul* is good, t) illi tho place will te sold, If ih'Hiiod. from 18 to 20 Nigram. ra wed mi Mm salt*: the Stuck—with ovory- thingc"'ii|i#tn fir commencing planting. Alto, Plan tation Tools, Plowh, Yt hides, tec. Ac. Apply to ►opt 10 W. WBTMIT. Cottou Lauds, me., iu Florida, FOR SALE. lid. settlement*, with Dwelling House nnd each Tlm tract, therefore, could he There are ti x'. gio fill.ins i ID Ided. Thi* place is in a fine state of cultivation, and ts only lx miles south of Albany, the terminus of tlm Soutli- ■Vewtern Hail Hoad. It is well watered; lying on the JiHilnivahcn creek. 1 will given 1mm cradlt to a purchaser, upon Id* pay- .ng nne jotirth of tho purchase mouoy. Being anxlimw to cnnci'iitratn my pUnting interest in Aiubnuu, 1 will Hve a tiiiruhlu iu this place. For terms apply '<* J. D. BARNAHD. IluntMiille. Ala ju1y26—cUwSm or to D. A. VASON. Albany, (Ja. ISABELLA HOUSE, AXtBAJSrX, GA., LINDSEY H. DURHAM, Proprietor. Tho Stage Office i* kept nt this House. Singe leaves daily for TiiUnliaxsei', both by way of Hainoridgeand Tiioumsvillc, leaving Albany al 7 o’, lock, A. M., and , arrive nt TaUaliassen at 9, A-M„ next day. I^an* T'allahassoa dally, at 8, A. 51, and arrive nt Albany nt 10 o’clock, A Al , next dav. Persons going ou the Stngu will ploaso hand tboir I .'heck 9 to the Porter of the above House, aug 9 tf . le EXCHANGE. Sight Exchange On JYciv York, IN SUMS TO SUIT PURCHASERS, FOR BALE BY BRIGHAM, BALDWIN «fc CO. South-’W estern RAIL ROAD STOCK! IN BUMS TO SUIT PURCHASERS, FOR SALE BY PATTEN A MILLER. \5 uldluirg’s wharf, and for s»1b by rcl2l WILDER, WHEATON te CO. & LOVES, GAUNTLETS, Ac.— Alexander’s Kid Gloyei Buck and Kid Gauutltts Silk and Linen do llticksklu aud Cash mate Gloves Misses’ and Childrens’ do Crown and Skeleton Skirts Thompson's Indestruot.ble Skeleton Skirts do Patent Skirt Supporter Mlsae*’ nnd Children’* Hoop Skirls. Received and lor salo by oct’.U NEVITT. LATHUOP te ROGERS. Also, an excellent PONY, and a good Top BUGGY, octfl tf' INSURANCE, Produce and Merchandise, J^ACON-40 hhds Soles I day frutn steamer State and Shoulders; landing this e of Georgia, and for sals by MINIS «t JOHNSTON. jpRISIB PORK, Family Market Beef, aud Beef oST* UUd,ng ,,Dd f0r mIniI* JOHNSTON. ]Li either kerosttita Oil or Fluid Intmps, Just received, ^ ... - - - — r sale by 100 balsa heavy .Uopofluo landing nnd'for ““*BB A 0). ^411A DIP AGE—26 bask*!* H lid sleek te CoV ^Jchampagne, qts and pts; landlntr and Rifeale'b; ; landing and rur sale by MINIS te JOHNSfON. mmmm. J* IIIPB’ CABOOSES—Au assortment of sixes 9 or Shepard’s Cabooses, on hsqd gpd for tinle low, at ie Albany Stove Agency. M. 0. BEACH. S TEEL PENN,—A new supply received, and for v-f :-^avM^NVAHN^K, 1» ca^rotsfiffis"! T7.1X • e • 169 Cong •essjsfrert. m oq l?,. Per Firit Clait Steamihipt, —AT—' ONE-HALF PER CENT PREDIIUBI. Othe* cargo risks at usual rates. sept 30 PHILLIPS. Agent. Great Ogeechee Bridge. A FERRY Win la) kept at the Bridge, untints re pairs are completed. In future the full legal toll will oe charged—markot carts 02U cent*. J . octl W.KINGA80N8. NOTICE • T HE Undorslgncd has taken tbs Block and Store nf WM. II. GUION, Agent, and will ooutinae tin CARPET BUSIN BH8 at the same place All who have claims against Wni.H. Onion, Agent, are rrqaesled to prvsent them, end those Indebted wUl please make payment. .... D. LATHROP, UO OCngms street. B>nwB>bLPot48th f l$Cl? 1,1 4 net 16 r H7TAI.UARLE COTTON’ PLANTATION' of 4,600 nrres, )> in leff. raon c.unity, FI'.'Mu, togrtlur with 118 LAVES thereon, including Farming Iuiplcnictits,Lrops, tuck, Ai'.. fur sab*. Tlm stilisei ilaoa being ntiximiH to offer! a division of their Joint property, lorn tod ns above, have concluded tu offer the same at priinte salo. I lm iMati'SComalii about 4.5 0 urres which rnn be divided Into two or throe Irnrta of ample si/e, m-runling to the view* of buyers. The IhiiiIm are equal In value to similar lands in that Mato.— lirei/le* Hie Imtrie, there nre 118 SJare*, nnd the uetml quantity of Mules. Horse*, Hogs, Cattle, Corn. Fodder, .vc. We invito propo>ats for the whole piopeity In gross ' it wo will sell the Land" III such parcels ns buyers inay lect after viewing them. The Slave* would lie s.dil will: or wiihiiiit the Land*, ns mi*lit lie agreed on: but •*»lo* cannot ho glvnn tiiitilVbeeed of till* year, a* tho growing cotton croprannot be secured till that time. RIu the absence of the undersigned, E. tJ. Cabell, \vh» II return from Europe i n or la-f.ire tlm Is’ Dm ember xt, and oau then be communicated with at TrIIiiIiii*- iwo, Florida, npplicationa may be made to lna brother. II. C. Cnt'olL. Krq, or Messrs. Hodden te Apporson, of Richmond, Va. Persons disposed topnrehase either the I/indsorSlaves. ,n examine them by calling on Mr. ft F. Morris, tho mmagei of these estates, who will tak" pleasure in show ing them, aud will give auy fitrilier inforni 'tlmi In his power. K I) CABELL, sept 4 mgm If 0. OAHELI, TO RENT; A llt ick lliutie, next door from tlm corner of [flo State and Price streets—p.i«s given ou first of uEteNovember. Apply-to 11. F Willlnk. or sept ft tf H. F. i.'RAFT, Agent. TO RENT; Tlm Tenement in C**iol Bow, oeampled by Jos. j|j ftanalil. Keq.—|iuHje»'|.iii given 1st November Anotner Tenement in the same Row, oc- iplelby tho liov. Wiu. Epplng-possess on gi-en 1m- uhI Htnly. Al*o. Hie eastern Tenement of Hon*<* on Lot N'o. 3H, '.Vimhlng’on Wa d, Broughton stieet,occupied by A R. ita'sion, Eiq. App'y to Henry J Tin m:*ssnn,orto aiiH2ft f-'f ALKX A. BMKT8. Th TO RENT. Offico and Store in Bryan siraet, now occtt* •led by IJurj er U Catigliey* Apply on the pram- W P» 1 1 TO RENT. The Kt'ire*. on Day siroet, now occupied hy Meser*. Hoi combo ft Co.—possession given 1st N tvemiHir. App.ylo 3 tf W. WOODBRinGE. HOUSE TO RENT. M A two story wooden dwelling Hou*«, with savoa bed rooms, pleasantly situated, In Liberty stroet— piKsesklou given iuraiediatelv. Apply lo aug 2.1 tf WM. KINO * 80NP. TO RENT: ARThe Shed, ou I*ot No. 2, Wesley ward—suitable 8 for store liouso or carpenter shop—rent low. Ai)- te|dy to EDWIN RATCLIFF, ng 13 t f WANTED: NEGRO BOY, to drive a single dray. Apply to oct 8 tf 1. VV. WELLS SITUATION WANTED. A YOUNG LADY, n graduate of the Boston Norma' School, desires a situation ns Teimher or Govern, css, Sim is capable of teaching tlm English branches— Any communication, stating terms, will lie recolrad, by addressing Beatrice, llox 988. Pu*t Office, Boston, Mai*, oct 9 tf CYPRESS SHINGLES. sept 9 BEST Quality, for *n!» bv VV. B. GILES te CO. tf NOTICE. T HREE Months after date. Twill apply to the Bank of Uoinniarco, for the payment of a fifty dollar bill, No. 115, letter A. The right hand lmlf of which has I men lost. WILLIAM MANN, sept gfi 3mn BOY’S* CLOTHING. G EO. 8. NICHOLS has oneof tho largest ns«nrtmom* of Uoys' and Children’s Clothing ever offered In tho place—ihey lira good, cheap, and fit well. Gall nnd see. at tlm Clothing Store, ftfhtinti 1 .’ Rnmra, oct 10 SERVANTS’ CLOTHING. T U8T Revolved, a full supply of Servants’ Clothing— Satinett Frock Coats, I’untaloous uid Vests; also, BatloettMulUor'Jackcl^and Pauls, at very low prices — Shirts nnd Under correspond. All lu wan tare invited to call on OKU. 8. NICHOLS, oct 10 Gibbons’ Hangs. A F salo by oct 19, i PPLES - ARLBTON te PARSONS. ^W. THORNE WILLIAMS. HAX JUSt IUUTED t S PURGEON’S Gems, being Brl llant Passages from hln Work*. Works of Edgar Allan Pno, jn 4 vols—now edition. Pnlte’s Homoeop'ithlc Domestic Physician. Life In the Far West, or Adventures of a Hauler. Agnes Lee; bO Charles Dickens. The Mexlcau’s Ofide, or the Ranger’s Revenge. West, on Disease i of Women—part 2. Watson's i’mcilceof.Modlclno—now edition; ly Con* die. OttdJa, on Diseases of Children—new edition. Tanner's Manual of th* Practice of Medlclns. IJfkln a Risen Sffrltmri by R Scandllsh. Araetlcsn Journal of tn* Medical Sclsncws, for Octo ber. ' ’ lix Fire Office tri» lothiicii,. iw .in. ru, ! UABantBAU »tone, Amu. 1 stutb—tf Ml iptli IIIIIHIS ■IIIIIIWHIHf West, on Diseases of, Jpfcpfy and Childhood. Rdectlo MsR*xlno.(er Octobar. I tS Uudey’s Lady’s Bovk. fbr November, Buokuetl te Tnkes on Insanity—naw-rdttion- l J ?. Wharton te BtU'e's Msdlcal Jur|*ptud«noe—new edi Dungllson’s Medical Dictionary—last edition. OClWi x .-•» -.* OWlrv »*uuml».r'l«i b55 TO RENT, Very lew, till 1st November, and can he had 9 longer If deslrel, a six id Brick lluuxr. ptea*ant,nlry land cool. Apply to A. WILBUR, 111 Bsy ft FOR RENT: § T wot mien lu Junes'.* Uttllnhiff. otto occupied, by Franklin A Brantley, tlm other hy Carl Kpplng.— I'nvesJun given 11 rat of September nex’, Applv to "'•tr3 BHIOU4SI. BALlIVyiN ft CO. TO RUNTt The desirable Count In/-Room above our own, fijji] now occupied by Messrs. Harmony te (Jhsuipion, (UiLfrotn 1st November next. Inn" IB If MINIS A JOHNSTON. PATH he Wavrrly Magasltms...... m Scnttisii American ‘to Home J mrnul.. ie New York Clipper... inker Notions, d v-‘i Dollar Newspaper. l , 00 4* fork Sutidxy Tfmee.......... . Do ^n^lIWald '§«0 -illy Hi Weekly do ie Ollvs Branch j is New York Alla*... f m Irish MUcslIany 8 U) * «cthsr with all th» Hamsine* pnb«Uhsd la ths UnllsA ' KnJ^and,»tpublUh»ra , Utnaabn ** *’ a above sold by tbs TO RENT. ~te Tlm (Ifilee and rumple Room, second story ; Ns. (|i|! 05. apply to J. W. GAUT * CO. Bu.ll Street, OPPOSITE FOREVRN HOUSE AND MAS0N1G HALL. |TIE Suhacrlber, navlug purrhased tbe stosk In trndo JL betmigiiig to tlm lute J. R. I'ubbelge, would to- pectfnfiy Intorm hi.* friends nnd tlie cili/eonbf Harsn • ih, that ho will rnntluue the business ns nbhve. 'dnd ... .... . .. ■’ *—'’lafullmwortmcntofBOOr - t'jismwm'' it hand all the American s ill nl nays be supplied with a full swurtmentof B00K8, 1’ATIONKUY, and every article in. tU« IpuWol the cst quality, nud at tlm lowest CASH PRICES LU ill also have constantly on hand all the American and •ngl|»h Periodicals ond Newspapers, t- which liO; ic- ■<ct fully Invites the Kttoiillou of tho public: *' ' v ' N. IL— A ll«t l* now resdy&ttlm store for Subocrlp* uu* to Periodicals and Newspapers, receivsd weekly, as •lows: t ■*■)$ Pertnonm. ’io Lmdon IDuitralsd Nsws $10 >0 ll’s I .Hu In Loudon..... S 0" in Londou Weekly Times * * he Lninlnh lliastrateit Times ew York Weekly Herald rter’a Spirit.if the Times.. 3 00 illmi’s Pictorial 3 00 * ank Leslies lllustratt'd News.. g ou ' ie Irish News g oo ie Boston Pilot S 60 t arpera' Weekly U 60 ! he Waver I v Macnr' ..........< 2 60 mimm.:! € 50 *00 *0«l is New York Lodger ng of t rur Union........ Po le* Gazette 4 00 he Now Yorker- True Flag 4 00 m New York Mercury ‘ 2 00 .a Irish American. ...iBmiMtstivitO is Soiontlfio American 8.00 te Parlor Caeket 3 00 illadelpbin Evening Post- *......1.00 *»kly Novelette 2 00 ■ York Picayune (comic) S 00 «i*iU;; 125 t 86 8 00 U...V.I.U 8 00 easea |N ADVANU„ postage. Papers tn ailed receipt of the publishers