The Savannah Republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1858-1865, February 15, 1859, Image 2

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COMPOSITE IRON ItAIUNB! - (»ecurkx> We L'KTTKitsr patent,) ' f S The Strongest IRON FENCEaw* of wrought M. iron. It.« durability It • quCraletit toit* airenjrih - M» U»»lj show* fur itrelf, tod m so pri^4"to CDKAVEU THAN ANY OTHER RAILING RKU W[R^.A.WCA|riR°NJUIL!N- G S, &C VERANDAHS. FARM FENCES. mON IIEDHTEDAS, ' IRON FURA1TVRE. ALABAMA. In the CnWed StatfS. INSTRUMENTS, CHEMICALS, The public It reepvctially informed that w* Ij pe-.tont legallyauthuriredto sell WR-KERSHAMM FOLDING IKON BEDST Catalog.*.iMiHlli,««»! hmndr. 4 dee Work Ini linked no rreaipt of luar lUrr-r tttmpt, and m.iTrrt i„ nay part ot the Unite, uurcMiNSun * wicked l»ov » Sun • t»i Brnadwar. N FANCY ARTICLES, 1 . . , - — ' ‘ yAT A 00. N.B—Shipper* of Oothoo by iheeeflteMMnirtU pleat* ■kepotice, th»H>o CoUon will be received »t the prreaej Intis n-»t distinctly merited on the. edge of like bale, jar Rortb’a aor toenred entil paid for«i' PADELKORP. FAY ft CO., A gen ta. lot to be EKeelled. IWIGORAI'OR .•ora to connect with, the 4a, ea Friday morning to • »o»iB. : • ■■ ■ COMPOUNDED ENTIRELY FROM GUMS 1 *.ONE OF THK REST Purgative* «u l Uvw ai„li b » , ° ,r I b « poWlt. that acts as a Cathartic. enah-r.mlWar, an<1 more iSbetnal thin any othr, kKdieln. known: It Is sot only a OKAor.-fe. hat . Lire remedy, «tn." Oral on the Urrr to eject It* morbid mattrr, then on Ihe stomach and bowel* to carry »0 thatm.ttoMhnanccoinpIl.hingtwopnrpwes eflretu«ll,. without any of the paiefu' feeling, aaperianced in the operation, of moat Catluirtka. It .treogthene tb* tern at thu name thne that It purge* ft ; and wh»n taken dally lu moderate doors, will atreaptkaa and build It ai> with uauMml rapidity . 1 Tha hirer fa one ofKj the principal mmlaio of the bnnian bod;; ntulRT when it perform, it. fane * . ’ll 14 * “** I**"” lh.^w*out.r.fnH, dor.I E on the healthy notion et«J the ZAtr tor the proper'. of It. tone D* llm „. whrll the Moowcl , la at fhnlt, the t»».t*»r.EJ at Unit, aud the whole eystetn enffoi. in conw- h * quern;# of on* nrgrn— the Liver-hat.ngc.aredtoLd do ft* duty. For the dio enera of that organ, ono olp^ tbe pivprit tnrirnn ton.I* y> "l'™»“ c ’ Lj • orethantwent/yeare, tofindaomrrem dy whore iPp {with to conntenrettSiML. aiany drr*ngem,..,t. t. W |which it i. Hnblo. To prove that tbj. rem- jjdr I. at bu, fonnA an, raon troubled with^.Livet- Complaint. cDntWaton I.” m""*’ b *'|W! bu ‘ to tyy a bottle,and These (Joina remove '•■'aVmorbid orbod mattertrom theoy.tMo.aeyplylogh.lW.lheh- pUcea healthy flow of Idle, luvignratn g ihejy .tomacfi, enueina food to toiood, gKlnST.Jf and health to the s>hol. |fS rnnrliiuor», removing tbr cnitee of the rtitaH«*—ef Infecting • radical cure. BlllnnaattaekaireC lomd, and. what to **“” * * ‘ by the occaaiocnl oae ol itor. Mlriunt to relieve the ,u.„ jfrom rMngand aotiting. FOR NEW YORK. To Sait Saturday, FtQraary 19;at — o'clock. WOULD CALL THE ATTENTION 07 ' c -—;— successors to ; REEVES, BUCK «Sc. CO- MANUFACrdREB8 OF Railroad iron, Bat Iron, CAE AXLES, ; Ship aud Bridge Iron,Spiket, Ac. MERCHANTS & PHYSICIANS VISITING THE CITY snmnrag »»» I,to Bj D A. .. UNITED Sf ATES MAIL ! I For iPalaiha, Via ItaricH, flruiyfcick, St. Alary, Jacksonville, ilnytilia and Picijata. • Leave* Kyery Mondjy Morning at half pftl 9 o'clock. -Iv. The now and elegant Iron steamer A 11! aTtK ft- MAKYB, Ca’ .. Jnmea Freeborn. »l V ■'T>-r4lSK»VVkTin« been thoroughly pAhtted and will leave regularly aa * l The'8T. MARYS U -rge. colon,o.U.maand airy atate- rooma ami aaloona/iavlng been built eapreaely for tnle trade, sad ofTeia *.nrp*aaed IkclMtlcj to Intallda and rlSwgiit or Pfage, *PJdj »» board, »t the Florida Bteeta CUNNIKOHAH, Ageliut CAPT. FREDERICK CROCICEU, Will leave Telfaifv Wlxarf on Satordey. February 1*. 43-Oood. Intended - fur. peutla beyond .New York, marked to the ‘ enra of H. If. Cromwell at. Co.,” will bo forwarded free drcomtntoalon. J " Freight fwmrrjtw Yen*, wilt lm'taken at regular For' Freight'and Paaacnghrk,’ having accommodation, equal to, aoy ateaniabij, on rim cua'M, to • . ' ' BKimiAM, BALDWIN ft COi . . - - Trilato'eWImrf. Eaeannah. -1 n.U-q«o«twitu.ft < 0.>gc wejt^sR, KewTork- ■ - Droughtou at.opposite St. Andf«T4's MfliL - ^ SAVANNAH, GA, 4^ JL wL jL ' Jt* WROUGHT'IRON R. R. CHAIRS, y. With CONTINUOUS UPS, and made to At eg felly the fLugea of Kalla, A gml .^ IRON, *o. ^ ‘ ' f —iiao— r ' Wrourht Iron Solid and Compound Olrdara and Beotn.; of any restored ^length, fy* IP. 1 * Prwf CulldlB ** I Brldgae. * SAtirEL J. KEICYIll, V. Prefw •• Ouly out d"-e tnkeu be Wlgntamiare, Only one doe* taken al gvntly, and cure. Coe« HMlttwennes. pe^L’li 1 . 0 * 0 tek< ' U “ mT ln!•**>* “-* 1 wl11 l>F»- On. d.w,of teolKjteeepoonfiill. relieve. Sick Headache. rl One bottle tnkeu toe fa Hj | m »|, olwtmcdoo. rer ovN the venae of ihe dlaeaee.F^end makes a perfret cure .S ''" Jh«e immedl-Ll Mely relieve. CIloilo while one tlnje often re.W.peated is n aura enre rut «rf| 0, * r * Morlma, A jn preveDlaln.of Choi- **- Only oae bottle hW(needed fo throw onvof Ihe (Behotlletaken fot Alltelndice aallowueae or ununtnrnl|mcol»r from Ihe akin. SILVER WARE * JEWELRY A t Pin,into-With Stages for St. A jissses&sraiss and with’ atehnera Darlington and; Fort Dntler. HelotrvIBa Wnd ltnterpi I'oach In Nev Smyrna and IniUltu Hi SAVANNAH AND Fl CORNER. OF CONGRESS, WHITAKER AND ST. JULIBN STREETS,} PRR3 HIS LAROK 8T0CK off! fCH GOODS, at pricea to anil the tinea. On-hand, aad receiving by Cnld and Silver Goods of every desprfption. Ine l>ilTerw_ u e », pjirVera Wailers. Goblete. Cape. Npoona and Fork., of eve-T "tic^^odynrtHf; silver »4 Mngle pRiXaaeSaUy put up la com, l.r wnldiu^ «id pnwna->: an-* »^ r Walche*. and LWELR Y7?n»« die ricl.eet dlamoud to the cheapeet plain ro^-' Including Ovule- Lava add Moaaic, In ’* *"d aluale piece-;IwlU, almoet every deacrlpllon of Ornant^* ,l "’- , _ " DATED GOODS-—Plated Cake Raaketa. Camore, ** «•**, lee Pitcher., and Plated Good, of every P^C-T AODKS-In Gold. Pllv-r and Steel Pram-* I’lbhle and dlh-r Fjjglita. AKCY GOODS.-Rich and bcanUfn'. Pariae :: * l »’ , » n ' 1 bmutetu and Fancy G.. A-, In great variety, vtoiae Shell and other COMR-V .d lataat »>/'«. with a preat vaiiely «f Hand Or.,amenta. K«.n. n rn.- J . • .. ^rnmin, Ih, ,tnrk. wllieh will he Mild a- c* much low tun To Leave on Saturday, Feb. 19. at — o'clock. For Freight or I*aeeng». apply to • _ BKIliHAM. BALDWIN ft CO. FOR HAVANA KST WEST AND CALIFORNIA. UNITED STATE! a wmvumi —— -V MHttoiek, St. Mart >, Femandtna, tie, Nanuolia, and “icplata, day Moritlng, at b. peat 9 o’clock. The new and legant aleantet 8T. JOHNS, Capt* N. JSbig,leave, rrsnlarly aa above. *.• > Having been bn* 1 ekpretaly for -this route, with I#** and nlryen- tesatii; .‘.ur-r. erepecdlrr lj faHt. M l)ropey,by «xc MUoaaj Steamship ISABEL, ssst, - * alL»“•«"'« Mix Water In Ihe mouth ailh the Invigomto end a wallow bt.lli together. THE LIVER INVIGORATOH la a Sclunttflc Medical I'lecovery, and la dally work In. cures, almost too mat to believe. It cu,ee aa If l.y magic, even the hiet-doee giving heaeflt. and Mldom more than otic bottle la required to cure any kind o Liver Complaint, ironi ttewieet 'auodlce. r Dyapopni te aeon,mou Hendnche. all of wfaleb tho reault ot a DIR- KA>ED LIVKK. ^*"/AwSAu.". D a ol J? r P" SANFORD ft Co., i*roprietora,JA4 Broadway, wnomoite AOXHTg: 1 ,?n M > *. rt ; ,i '*a To ! 1,; T W ••J®****®". Phi, •driphla ; M. 8. Durr «V>, Boston : W. II. Hay Ativ, Portland; John I). Park. Cincinnati; Gaylord Ac Han,. Kahn.lock A Davie, Chicago; 0. J Wood ft Co., Ft . Louie; i.ooiye H. Keya*r. I'ltteburw S 8. llaiK*. Baitimere: Aad retAihd b,.H iliuMbSi? Sold, wholesale and retail, by uru M u “- J. If. MOhKK, and X, A. *>I>|M0N8 It IX», l, at the Florida IhAM, Ag*ta. or passage, apply on b . w harf. or to . ■ CL AO HORN ft Ctn»! VVILLfAM ROLLINS, C0M«A Having Just been entirely overhauled am q.lendld order, refilled with frew holler*, and dt tight bulk heada, forward —* -* —— *- the moat desirable T1IOS. S.WATEE A SON. FACTORS AND CommissiotiXer chants. r* ; >«wx>nr«'it..njt — I. eft, making her one of ... _~«re for enlhly, etwed and com- jrt, will leave 8«vannali for Havana via key Weet, on he 1th and 19th, and Irate Havana or Savannah via Ley West, on the loth and 'JHho'each tnonlh." Tho I8AUKL connect*, at Havana, with the U.8. Mail tern-hip Compauy'e.Line ofSteamera, tor New Orleans ml Fan Francisco. For paeengu only, apply to decis comma a hkkte Ajj. FOR LIVkKP«6L,-Th. A I British SBSaahlp ARGONAUT. W hits. maMer, having n nor. ion of her cargo engaged, will have qoick dUpntcb— or freight engagement*, apply to Jan-Jl llRtHIlAV. BALDWIN A OO. Xfi F()R BOA-TON —fhe f*,l miliug A I 'hip yj£JIIN1U8. Captain Rtvklnr. having nearly all her eight engaged, will have di-patch at nl-ovn. For freight, pply to IIR1QIIA.VI, UlLDWJN A LU. Thta Boat connecta: 1 \ ; At Brunawick—W,lh the Brnnewiok ftWlorida Rail /.ad. At St. Varya—With Bteamera hr CenWyriilageand At Fernandina—Wiib Kernandina RaRRp*d to Bald- in and Starke, and Stages toGamwville, Nevnanavllle, lemlugton and Ocala. At Jkck»t>nrllle—With JacVaonvIl«, Allgmtotknd Tal- ihnatee Rail Ron) V At Pkxdnta—with Stage* for St. Augnatlno. At Pwlatltw—Wl t, AtkKKt auge Snrloga.Ocala, dam-vi le. Fleetlngton. fln- k-TlIle ahd'Tkmtk'Bay; o4 with- steamer* D'rlipgtou and Itarnelt, Ip WYtaka, ort llutler, MrionvIUe 4nd Untrrpri-e. and theneohy •welt to New Sn.yrnAnd Ibdiab River. _0«tSO : For Pafatka.' E. Fla.' *~ £-*■• jEO. N. NICHOLS OY'INKR OF Skk BAY AND DRAYTON-STS. .tip Stairs.) SAVANNAH, ^*T GEORGIA. InflS#—ty. • EVANS, H ARRISS& CO., actors and Commission Merchants, BAY' 8TRBET,. w .pATTAarasrajBc,. cfA., john v. vnitm GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, aep28-»f AllBKICyS, GEORGIA. J DIiPKE.Br.CK4 HYLBI,' BANKERS & BROKERS, 3 and 3 Deauehire itrret, Rotlon, Alton. IL, B- ft P. give particular attention to Ihe Mine, of Uk" SnperloT. and are prepared to furnish reliable in forms 19m r—peeling them. A monthly review of the Stock and Money Market, with «f notation* of the Cur rent Recnrlflea. wilt be emit t,, any oddreee deaf red. nan *. oup«*. nau a*ck nrvxr sarua. apr 39 ly Renew the tender -f their eervIcM tnthe Planter* of leorjri* End the ad|ofntn* Slate*, and will comlnnu to *11 C.dton at FIFTY CENTS per bale. • Order* tor ttavglng. Rope, and other supplies, filled rcmptly and at the lowest market vwtealMvd liberal ad- *ne— mede. when .leaireJ, on Cot I on In *tor* WJC K D-AKTIOiUC, V*. g. kvtlta. mm.n Finn, .tJmft. nnamm.- •vannnh, July 20. I8»*. «n»o knglfl re. F„r freight, .DWIN.ft. (X>. GREAT BEAUTlPiER So long unsucce8sfdUy soug^ FOUND AT LAST! a. ®a, menu, Tor freight, apply f* ARSONS. E. C. WADE & CO„ 'aciors and Cojnmission Mer hanl ’ SA VANNAUr GA. dwasd C. Wan*. Savannah. Fw trw» L. W4PF Perl yen uewnty fin. ly mtqVU GICOaGir^BirACK, ATTORNEY Aff LAW. ,ill practiceln «fll«g>»m. Bnlhxh, *fcriven connti Ofllee on Bay itrrot, over Mrinr*. King ft Son. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT. WO. HBAY STREET, SAVANNAH. Xft FOB NEW YORK.-Th» regular JftriT* aEietechr KATM HKIGII AM, Welch, maeter, hav log naif her cargo ot gaged, will have quick dlapetcb a* above, for freight, apply to Jen i7 BIUQilAM, B H.OWIN * CO ' FUR NEW VOKK—UNION LINk.— SMSkTho tegular packet achr LT I.LY, Franei*. maeter. ^having part of cargo engaged, will havo quick dir patch Prodnce, Commission & Forwarding SSERCHA.NT, RAIL ROAD IRON , And dealtrln CORN, W'IKAT, BACON, FLOUR, OATS, HAY, Ac, XIO Buy Street, Savannah, Go. RiFCM TO—Vgj. "ft. J>aeVr, Prrqldent Bank of the State of Georgia; Messrs Cohen, at Hcrtx. .. >* above. For freight, apply to .Was 8TATtR> IIARDKE^ ^STwa. liftUW YORK—UNION LINK.— ^«f,3^ercgulat:packetachk S.J. WAKINO, Smith, 7l , v n« v i’ qbfck dispatch for IV above |*>rt.— n" IrrlrliLt^i, . nionvv tbtHK Underrigned. Sole Agent, to Meear*. fillKST ft A UO.. tha proprietor* of the Dowhtla Iron Work*, ••ear Card Iff, South Wales, are duly eutborixed to con tract for the awl* of their G. L. Uol| l!iv«4,I.cnu, and Com men Bara, >t moat advantnevou* tm ipy -- • K. It J. MABjSfiT* ape 21 ly - ' 70 nri^ed*t.; New York. ATTORNEY AT LAW, ROBERT HARDIB, SHIT OUAtD.tE , SHIP AMO-FAMILY STORES, :* • Jones’ Wharf, iNMV JbltSK foe eboyii port. ^kfi^nlllug achr LA i'll MOj cargo engaged,-will have dl-patcht *PP'y to ■ BUIOUAM, THE RENSSELAER IRON COMFY, TRO Y, ,V. J-., Offer Rail, of their own manufacthre, deliverable aa stay bidesired ty .purchaser.. ‘ OLD TLA 11.S . eoeived la exchange tornew.or fyr re-manufacturieg. . JOHN A. G RISWOLD., Troy, N. Y. • - Tokg aonrt ; . - ,9’'. BUSSWU, CHOCKBR ft CODOB. FORN ASSAU.-Therebr MSwu'kSS ; m« er. will take freight offer??’,? h *s above. For freight a pply to . . 1 BRIGHAM, BALDWIN FOR FHK1GHT OR CRAliTfflh| .The line. fa*lsailing achr FRED DVL... Goto ■ to O, IC. CAKi.KTON .STIC HARDWARE «nglFiriva « t»ii,' *• : : COMMISSION. BERCHANTS. sign Infirmary for the e.ure of Defimea*, Head a <d I.l Complalui*. 8? Spring. .Gardens, Charing ih-a i(Toa."Riigland. I 'onenlting Satgeo*, Charles Hen t-ll Skinner. K*q Registered'PBrau ant to’Act l' UaaaSnt. Secretary, John Powrll, Kvq. A New D| V ery, being c uoeltive method of self cure, aftoidlng lant and man leal roll*/ to anfh-rcr* who may have n dexf tor 40- ot #0 year#, by kneaaa of a compound Heated vapour applied to the external Kar Whan vapour I*, paseiog oat. |t-t* held by the auBerer tor minute to the aavnCrcted.and instantly the Patient, » pietlouAlJ waa deaf, la enabled to hoiar common ed eonveraat-on. 'A tow nlghta u*e fn a ahnllae way I to cure the moat Inveterate case of Deaf- a -or Noire, (a lb* .Head! Itiaa atop to Bmplrldm I exhorbltnnt fees Buff reta extremely deaf, by. tiWaf thi*, Can perinanonily cure themhrivea. Inany 1 •—*•—-* i,f tha world, without pain. Thousand* have ■.Xndinos. AMERICAN AND SC0?CIT PIG IRON, i UPLRIAR wrought IRON RAlfcvixuo CHAIBB, SPIKE, OAR WHEKh«,<to,; k g, - pMc*,’No.8 Broadway, corner BeateratTe^eaKe tba dietant par: uf tha world, without pain. Thousands bars been raalpred tnpsrfoetbaring,and foreverrvrettadfrorr tb* aoeenof Ah* nnmeroua dangeruM aaqnaltfied pt>. etan»*nd Burgeon* la England, far who** rreacne* d..f person* bar* been, cared, and many hnndrvd* ot priv. patientacan be seen or referred to. Any sufferer on • 1 e Continent, or real.’ant In any of ihe Four Quarter* of the Globe, cun now becored. a* thfg d reovery can >w •cut to »#em with,nae**att>jr Preaclptlori*,Preparatl-. », #e.. Ibat wn"! enable them pceltlvely toenre Ihemrel 1 1 •. £i f* I* the coat of the-merits of cuke,-which must ‘.to test to the Secretary John Powell, Ke<i-,8rringn*rd<' a. Cbarlng'Crot*. London, Kn«Und; lt Can be rent rifl r by Boakeri* Draft, payable in KngUfid.'orNoietof iVe, Country. BnlBoient toenre three cares of most lo vet. 1 - TALBOTT ft UKOTHER, ; Skockoe Fooiidry & Machine. Shops, * , Cary Streoi, Richmond, T*., _t. aaarANIIFACTCRKKS of portable gleam Knginea, qf 1TM all, from 4 to 4p. i ora* power, on the moat appravad plana, particularly adapted to Cotton find So- 1 gar Plantati-m*. end F«mefe* '««* generally. Built of th* beat material* H.tdVcikoiAnahtp,«od tor.compacP 'mm aud durability, not turpna*ed by any engines now ”aIw>, Ptallon Engines, of any required power; Ctreft. Hr8*w Mill*, complete, and portableUritt Kill*, of rer*. .superior eonttnieiinn; Chaltiug, Pnlley*,ftc , _ . Tobacco PreeMo and Screw* or every JvpeTtpHoo, Rraa* and Iron Canting*. n6d Wrodght Iron Work generally made to order with dupaich. and on reasonable term* . ’Atrcrru 5 eaatmfBa.feti 1.7 i • •- • 1U SHITH-8 • SAVE YOUR: Warrington*#* \ PATENT Oi&H CORRLGATED WHOUGHT JHON AND WIRE BAILING* . (SKCURKD BY LETTER& PATENT) j A. Cemrireire, IhdSnlre, Cottage*, *c/ Strep aud Ox Hurdle Patent Wire, Backing Bedrtaads, with erary varl-ty of Folding Iron Bodstaad* nod Irtai PtunlUre, CRYSTAL PAl.AC DBTKOYHD BY New You ROBERTM PATRICK. I®» Dear Hlr; Havlhg'Ihe Deflaki vctut * In on* In' our office*, tor ■ s eallrifwtyour work* and exai dVin exhiwthm In theOrvatalFi red l>y fira.«y the 5tfi InaLB*'