The Savannah Republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1858-1865, February 16, 1859, Image 2

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COMPOSITE -IT' fiAECTJRKTJ ALABAMA Perfumery. Brushes* INSTRUMENTS, CHEMICALS, FANCY ARTICLES, the Superior Court of s*f J Conuty, pi. 1858. in favor of Stebbins * Lyon* tones Guardfsii.iinfrnextTriendor pereon of color. : Property pom**?; tteraey. Shis f7th day orJammry .' The pubuc ia respectlnlly informed, that we are tbeon ly pe-sons legally authorized to sell - i . - ' WlCKERSHAM 5 ^' - • ■* P-OL DI N G lit O N BEDST E AD *.. ' Cntaloan.s con taining several litmdr. d deefgna of Iron Work luriiished o.i receipt of Ion rthree-cent postage stamps, and mailed to any part of the United States. HUTCHINSON- v VVICKEHSMAM. . ‘ novfl* - 3m'o - : 812; Broadway, New York. or repairer c^L-eobtaijed. lkej*>tice, that no Cotton will be received at the presses lit is not distinctly marked on the edgetof the bale. n*5“ Berths sot secured until paid for- . FOR NEW YORK To Sail Saturday, February 19, af — o'clock. PKKPAREU nr 1>K- HANFORD, compounded entirely .From gGms I 8J>NE OP THTC BEST. Purgatives ami Liver sfSdl’ ciOeg now boture the public, that acts* as a Cat Hi r tic. easier, milder, and more effoetna!” tban~ any b*Bej medicine Known. - It la not oply a Cathartic, but a L*t^ remedy, acting first on the Liver to eject its morbid, matter, then oh the stomach and bowels to carry of! that matter, thusaccomplfehing two purposes effectually, > .without any of the pain fir a-wA. ~— • . operations of m»?«t Cathartic tebt at the same,time that it .daily in mtxjwato dost-*,. will -.with unusual rapidity." The Liver hj' due 'oll^ of the human'bOdy ;.aad j •bight first pbjbmium ebi.pAsfp.sjt.yjEB ; ns have been awarded these llanos at. different .-tato Institutes and other Fairs, fXVJSInSl, and for .a longer Period ‘ban tho^ of any ottor deuler r letter, marraly upon M perfect an TnrtruTm-ntsrthou'gh selected ^rJthonisrf Itimuriuni -j - HU8: BOG ARBUS, fttatewtreoteOeurt Horn The new anjt powerful Screw Steamship • .“OsptJkM. Ooketfer.f^ r v; ” . igZBito - find steamer bXS/ thoroughly •.orerlianW^^' E£0>Sc. hoT cmmeti^-f J' r S|L trinsl ' W |U-Y®* V ® &om JfllW» ^TvvOrKs gv<*»r.- itturdii y Afternoon, at.4. jregnlaily with iheRail Roads at Charles^ jeQ©<f to tho-Agent sbipped free of .com; f - --DNO. 0. PHASE*, Agent, , f • ' Bay street. would’oall^thb attention of C A PT, FREDERICK CROCKER. Will lea«e Telfair's Wharf;on Saturday. February 19.- 4HF*Goods intended-for pointh -beyond New York; ‘roarketl to the “oire of II. H^Crouiwell &- Co.,”- will bo forwardedTro© of ronynisaLmT ‘ Freight from New York, will he taken, at regular tariff rates. ■•._.• >*v, j *■>; :>*•*. . For. Freight and Passonger*, haying accommodation, equal to any •steamship oft' the cc*m, apply to ' * B HI GUAM, BALDWIN A GO., Telfair’*Wharf, Sayauunh -■ r n. II. CUOMWILI. te Co.. 86" VVest-rst., NcAvYork. r when it* fouc' [ the'system are fully devel , iatiHt entirely dependent '’ S R I the -Efrer ior dhe proper tiops ; when tho stomach I ah.faulty and the whole -jqnence Uf-one orgrri—the f do its duty._.Fi.r, the dls the proprietors .has~rrntirie~3| . . ore than twenty years. \j ■ with. to counteract the 1 [ which it ia liable.. edy Is at last found, nn, | Liver . Complaint. ' but to try’ a bottle, and L morbid or bad matter front * their place* Jtealthy flow [ stomach, causing food fo thebloofi, giving to»’‘ tioha.*wjBUf..the fXBvora of oped:' The' stomach is ah , . » . fh. I.anlf Jil VISITING THE CITY on the .healthy action of j performance of its fupc . Jd •fifty-culfivilted in cotlou and-corn —. roaof Upfend. alto in caltlrailori. On gr^rDwelHngJloitse,Cotton Iluuse,-Gin with »K>d4irH*k Vej:ro lfohae« " - d at iSafeden’s B1 ufli McIntosh .Cdnhjy, at fiya acres, beiagthe-fornipp-sumpier ffiHthVciiy of Bariin, iiiidttwooden 5 a i-^? u ouPKR-; : ^ - . I>. n. B. TKOUPv v ^*^“ tor ** 'is at fault, the bowels axe j system snffers in Smse^ I Liver—liavmgceased to ( eases ofthat organ .one ol; irliis study, v in A practice tofindsoroeren^dy'There j many 'derangemouts to] To prove that this rem- s 11 ^th| CAE AXLES, BALTIMORE AND SAVANNAH ST E AM SHIP LIN E For Baltimore. || Ship and Bridge Iron,Spikes, &c. 11 - . Also, a’superior,article of JL'wrought Iron r. r. chairs, ex-ctly the flanges of Kails, . J. and L IKON, Ac. ■>/; " : -' -r; . - l Beamv^ of any-' re«ju«red 'length, for Fire Proof Buildings SAMUEL J H.BEVF8, Y.PreVt , . ' 7 Vo. 410 Wnbvit-«rr»or. PhM«d<»*nhl* ' ; rson. -trotUiled , It, any rf irs formj, has conviction is certain. These Gums rcninvg all the system, supplying in of bile,' invigomtiT g-> the digest well, pwrltyinfc and health to llie \vl*oh cause of the disease—&ff- Blllons Attaches are better, prevented, Far rreJiht or passage, .apply onboard, at the Florida Steam PaAi f.wharf, or to - ;; ■ . : , CLAGIIOILN A CUNNJNGIIAM, Agents. theLiverXnvAfgora- Ouo d«*»e aft’* oat'g is juf- uch and prevent the food do.p taken bo- Nightm.are., .. . * imly oiie dose taken at gently, aud. cures Coa- On- di*se . taken -after pepsin. tfo-Ono dose of - two Sick Headache. One bottle taken for fe- the cause' of the disease. '“ one-diise intmedi- whiio one 3.»so often "re Cholera Morbus, A •era... . j &Sr Only one' bottle it- system the effect* of.medi , 4®-Ooe bottle faken for sallownesH of nbimtural ; One dose taken a short ▼ .the appetite, ana One often repeated rlioen in Itsworai forms. Bowel coniphiiritR yield [ flrieut to.rcffave ttiodti.... 1 froin risihg aud souring, tore retiring, prevont night.' toow-hs the how«l, j tl Ye ness, y [ each meal will euro Dye I toaspooufulls relieves I male obstructions rer ov*i J and rdakea a perfect cure Italy.Eellaxas Cholic [ peated I* a'Hiire cure tot a preventattv* of Choi- • uoededto Siro’ Tho Fine Steamer ^iLt8t.4arya—IVitii Steamere for Centeryiliage and Camp Piickoey. — At Fe tisndii.a—With Ferhindina Rail Bred to Bald-v win a»'dStarke,^ugefoj GttinesviUo, Ne^uanaville. Flexuin^on anrtiOialh. .... ' - At Jaiksonyille—With'. Jackitovillo, Alligator and Tallahaisee'ltatl.ltoiid. . .AtPioluta—With Stages tor 8t. Angnstme. - . At Bellitka—With >t*ges for Oreuge Springs, Ocala, Aibiuwille. tfuning40h. ItrudksVJlU- end Tatnpa »«y, and sill »bonier* Darlington aud Barnett to Wetoka, Fort llitler, Melooville' and Knferprise, and thence by Coach to NewfimYina and lndinn Kiv<T 7>ct 30 ' CAPT. GAGER, * To Leave on Saturday? Feb. l’9.-of — o’clock. For Freight or Pas^uge, apply to . • , : BRIGHAM, BALDWIN A CO. FOR HAVANA KEf WEST ANtf ..." cORiTEri' OK COXOSESS^ WHITAKER AKH ST. ■XUI.tEK STREETS,\ iTFKHS «tOOP.®« »tprici-i.u.miltth.-tlmoa., mid rar.Mngb]r r.rery.waW,- ••J'-- _' ; ' S ' Gold and Silver Goods of every description. a M _„_ n,.. ci ta Waiters. Goblet*. Cups, PpoTins and 'Forks, of ©very weighmnd variety J Silver Snd SriSk^2e?^utifS5 p«tt up In owe* far*Mdin?faad other presen tst^Gohl and Silver Watch**, and tl.e richest diamond to tTieclirapevt plain gold?including Cnmo: IjtTa^nf^^Iosaic, in —l.’ -- -v- • - JU ’ ont 01 the cib© after a-firnig aickn©*p j JatMkd.1 ce • f©muvea M P color from the *kin. i time'beto,revealing gives i make*,food -digest well. ' cureS Cbroitlc Dlar . i while S M mm e r and ‘ almost’to tpe fir»f ilose. attack* cause*. i»y VVorni- , surer, or ©iiecdier nsmedv ; fails. T .vr .. i Dropsy,by exciting commending thisniedicin , UNITED STATES V M AIL. ForPalatka,E.F., ; _ Stearngiiqi ISABEL, Via Darien, Brunswick, St. Mary'R, Fcrnandina. s* Jacksonville, Jfagnolia aud Picalata. leaves every yriday Morning, at half-pnat 9 o’clock. ^ ' Tha new and elegant, steamer 8T. JOHNS, Captain N. King, leaves nliviHg been built oxpresaly for ■fc—tb.»a route, with larg- and airy sa loons and state-rooms, she offers unsurpassed facilities to invalids an’d^thers. ,? i - ... For freightor passage, apply ofrpoard, at the Florida Stoam PacketUharf.or'tO‘ _... CLAGHOUN AOUNNINGILAM.Ag’ts. This Boat connects: At Brnnswict—Witti" tho Brunswick A Florida Rail R< At ^St. MaTys—With Steamer* for Centerville go aud Camp Pinckney. ^ ‘ At Fernandina—With Femanrfitia Uail iw.atl to Bald win and Starke, and Stages to Gainesville, New.nansville, Flemiugton and'Ocala—• • At Jacksonville—With'Jaokwmvil e, Aiigator and Tal- laliaspeo Uiul Bond .v~ • At Picohtfa-^yv'Ufo^tASMs*^'^ , At PnlHtka—Wi h Stages for Orange Sj'ring*, Oc*fa, Adam«vi le, Ifeminbon* Bronksville and TanipaBay; and. with . steamers V#rlingtm*-and Rarnett^ lo M^fakaf: K«»rt Butler. StelonVille and -Ki> U-rprI-e. a»a thenceby Coach to N"ew Smvrn© and Indian Rirec., oct 30 W IL LI. A M-.. II0 Lt.L INS, COMMANDER, . Having just been entirely overhauled and put in splendid order, refitted with »vw boilers, and double air tight, bulk heads, forw^rd.ttnil. nft, making her one of the most desirable steamers for safety, sj*eed ‘and com fort, will leave Savannah tor liavnna via Key West, oh the 4th and 19th, and leave Havana or Savannah via Key Wert, ou tlie lt.'th nnd 21tli o r eAcli month. The ISABEL connects, at Havana, with the U.SvMail Steamship Conipany^s Line of Steam era, for New Orleans and San Francisco. For pawjnge only, apply to deel F - T CO URNS fc HERTZ One or' two doses cores in. children-: there is * no in tha world, .a* it never 93?~ A few bottle* cures abeiiriicnts. r.<tr- ‘. ~~ We take,pi©bsure ln:re- bs a preventive tor Feyet all Fever* - of 'a Xiliohs certainly..And thousands . wonderful virtues. All who use it are giving their unanimous testimou* i^ f . - • ' - • . 'J.-- - 1 tV’. P. GIfardwiir, i lpthtFebniar'. W. P. GiRARPKAP, 0 l c. and Agna'Cliitl, Fe vermin d Xypo, i It’Operates will.- are wflliugto testify to it. 1 GEORGIA.! To all whom it maj .TY COUNTY. : {■ , concern- ing Denmark will apply at the Court Litters ot Dismissory bn the Estate etorAvtucite andA^mohish all whom * be iid appi-ar befbre tbo «'ourt of cdVoEfectiob* (If. any fltoy have' dn otljerwii«e said letters will ‘'e granted. GirardeioVTlsn- Ordinary for Liberty in Vui favor.. • Jr : 'T v *9? Mix •Water.'ln the mouth with the.Invigorate -and swallow both together.’ ‘ ’ - - - * THE LIVER IN VIGOR ATOR Is a Scientific Medical Discovery, and. is^ajly working ’cures, almost to»> .great to 'believe'. It ch'res as if by magic, even' ths ftrst dose giviug'lfebefltr-and’seldom more than one bottle is required to cure, any kind o Liver Complaint, from the worst Janudice or Dyspepsi te acomtiion Headache, oil of which-the result of a DI? EASED JLlVKlt. . . - jar Price One Dollar per Bottle.-— HANFORD A CO., Proprietora.aiS Brnadway, NewYor*. -nj*rnes^rwfrk..Xew York; T. W. I»yott &. 8ons Phi* ad«-lphia; M. 8. Burr & l‘o, Bo«ton; I*. U. Hay & t.’c*. Portland; John D. Park, Cincinnati; Gaylord A. Ham- mond, Cleveland: Fabustock A Davis, ‘ Chicago Woo*! A Co^ s*t.Louis; George n. Koyeer. Pittsburg. 8 8. Hauce. Baltimore:' And retailed by all Druggists. Sold, wholesale and retail, by J. U. MOO It K, and A. A. SOLOMONS & CO.. THOS. Si WAYNE * SOM- . ' FACTORS ANT) * 1 v - Co m rafs * i oil ;;M<5reh ants - ■ P avatsWa . ’’ ' FOR LIA r JBIi{ROOL,-Thc A t British B >,,n ARGONAUT. White, m.-tdter. lmviDg-n por tion of hor"eargo eng:i>:«d. will have quick dispatch.— For freight engngementH. apply lo - jan,21 . • . BUIGI1AM. KALDB’TN A CO. '^isEO.jN: NICHOLS 01HNRK OP BAY AN^ DRAYTON-STS. ' ATE op eioai The fan sniling'A J ship K. at J. GACHLI8l». K .- - , V Eiig t neerN and 91 III wrlr TROfr & RRJiSS FOT7J?r>KHS. Csnel-Street—Near the Canal Lock'. R.LArnUISON. .7^, .; J. UACE FOR BOSTON —The ton sniling A Jsliip ^X^.TTTNHTS. Cnntam Krpkiiie.Tiavlrg nearly all her, reignt engaged, will hay© dispatch as above. For freigiit, ppiyto BRIGIIAM, BALDWIN A CO. ca^e-" - : * v. • BRYAM-iCflUltty...'/ :coocim:< ' "Whereas, James Mc|'utli> w'ill apply At the Court ol Ordlijarirof Bryan Coifrity, for Letter* of Administretloif on the Kstato of Uriah Miichell,- btte^jf Rryan Ooun*J^ - TiiesekrA,- theretorC. to cita«nda(dmonfah all wh^^. ;sged, will have dispatch as above. For freight, t<£ RhIGIIAM. BALDWIN & CO. General eBMMissiON merchant, »op2«- |lAMKI1]<;II3, OKOHOIA. “.J OIpke; beck * s, •_ “EVANS,'HAK®tSS & CO^ Factors and Comiliission Mercliants, ■ -v ' .BAY STREET, ■ V‘ , •SA% , a.j3a*KTA«; ' Ttenow the tqnder df fliyir *ervicea tu t»m' Planters of GrtnKia and th*^ adjoining.Plates, inid.Awll eon'inue ;fc4H>.tt0n at FIFTY CEPHTS per Into-. . v-jj-ij - Orders for, Bagging. Rope, and pOiflrfupplirf. nBw . promptly and af the lowest market, rates, aqd .liberal ,ad-- vancWtnadev when JesiroJ, on Colton in »tero. yn^U: xfxsnattM, t • 7; . jl-* ' 0 r 0 W EVANS, . toBITf. HABBlW. JSifi FOR BOSTON.—Tho line clipper schr. YA v KHE BLADE. Cant Baker, having over half of her cargo ei gaged, will meet with qtr'ck dispatch.— For freight, apply lo -j. UIIAHLK* PARSONS. BANKERS & BROKERS, 3 aud 5 Devonshire; street, Boston, Maes. D. t II, .t S. give particular attention te ihe Mincs of f<a|£© Superior.'and are. prepared to' fnmi»h rcli;tbI» i»-' formation respecting them. A' monthly review.of the Stock apd Money Market,’..with quotation© of-the Cnr rent Securities.’ will 1k> sent to any addrVsj.desired. JAMES A. POPE*. JAMES BECK- - ykEtlll SATtkS. apr39 ... ly •». Sf&r tohcerhV’-- Elveen wili, apply aLHje 'of *Dfetni8sion ns Guardian f Moves J-McBlvewr:.' r-Z JK3?I FOR NEW YORK.—»l.e packet echr. , WAL'tKK KALKIGH Gipt. Horton, will have dispatch for the above port. Fur freight, apply to feb 7 7- TinNTEIt A GAM WELL. .J8*ir FORNB1V YORK—GEORGIA. LINE— ^H-Tl.e fact sailing packet schr LOYAL 8- RANTON, Loadcn master, having part of her cargo engaged, will hav * Inimeilia.’.j despatch. For freight or passage, apply to master on board, or to . fabl SOKANTOM & NORRIS, Agents. ~jm> FOR NEW TORK.-=7Tbe regular pack- <3wfeket schr KATE BRIGHAM,Welch, master, hav ing half her cargo engaged, will have qnJck diapetch as above. For freight, apply to jan '.7 BRIGHAM. BALDWIN A CO. FOR NEW"YORK—UNION LINE.— ^tfcM-Thn »rgular packet *chr LI r.LYy Francis, master, having part of cargo engaged, will have quick dispatch as above. For freight, apply to jan 26 STARR A IIARDEK. . FOR NEW YORK-U'ION LINK.— l *^aM- The regular packet schr S. J. WARIEG, Smith, man ter, will hav* quick dispatch for tlm above port.— For freight, apply to STARR A HARDEE. ifo and adi firtt-Ntond".V l U Apt i 1 uaion will lie grantetW Ordinary for Bryan, Njo - ;e. sHtru. q.> c ; Coxettmi Commander, having l»eep thoroughly over hauled and repainted, will resume her regular trips,, leaving as above. . The Evergiado will connect regular.y with the Brunswick and Florida, and Fernandina and Cedar-Key* Railroad*, and all Stage lines for the Interior ofFJidda. ~ - .... - . . Ai Freight cbnsicned to the Agent, will be forwurdec with despatch—free of commission. For freight or pa* saga apply on board or to. Coxetteu Commander, having heen, hsuiol 4MIU' icumuwi, »v—- --o -- ’ leaving as above. . Tlie Evergiado wfll^connoc^x^ular.y with the -— 1 -. ' -W'W n. Jiianoi ... . Savannah. July ‘10. I85K. GENERAL COMMISSION MBRCTIANT, NO. 74 BAY STRBBX. SAVANNAH. E. C. WAOE.& CO., Facters and Loraimssion Mer nants, . ~ SA VAKHA H, H*. IJ5PWABD c7 Want. Savannah, So long unsuccessfully sought, FOUND AT LAST! J*! * , BrNAN OuUNTY- f conwn; Bailey will apply efc the Com.tttf OrMtfhpf.for Letter*‘ Dlsmisaory,aa Adniiolatratrix on of John : Bai!eyt V . ... •> • jiltesnbriS therefore.'to cito and-admonish all whom It <n*y concern, t**T be aiid appear,before sain Court to make /. otyectlou^lfany tjiey have) ab or before the flrstMot- • ’ day In August; next, otherwiro .'raid .letters ..will be. ■/granted, v -• . , ’ .* r.-S: .Witness. naury-E. Smith, Esq,Quinary for Bryai County .ibis 17 th day or January. 18'9- ' .jab 18 HENRY.E SMTTW.o.b nto - V^ROKGIA, - \ Whereas; ic tr. .rones. LIBERTY : WDNTY.J Adniipif ritoron the K.- tate of M. L. Jones, decrasod. vvlll the Court ol - Ordinary of this County for Letter*Dlsmissory.r . These are, therefore. ,»o cite all cbnoernedf-to fllo .theii objections, (If any theyk*TfeJ in term* of tholaw, cither- ' wise said letters will be.granted. ) .. . 1 ... 1 WitneinvWi .F*. Girardeau. Esqf Ordirary Liberty - -County, this 17ih January,'1859 . * - .Jan 20-'.-:- .r W, l», GIRARDRAU. o j. »r Ci TATB OF GEORGIA, / Tbnll who»it may • .-Hrr /JiTRBRTY COUNTY. ( concern:, ~ Whereas* Ecnjamiii B. Lore will apply at the Oonrt •^of OrdiDRry for Lotters of Adminlstratlmpn the Estate, • ' of ; Boh). Lane: - ' • - • are, therefore, to cite and admonish ^11 whom it .Tnay.couoorn, to be aqd.appear beforenid Court to.make Objection.^ (If any they have) on or before fhe first Monday to March next, btlierwise said leUers will be ■ ’.' ^ Witness,Wm. P Sirardeap,Eeq-OrdinarytorLiberty Uonnty, _ihI*17tKday of Jar.uary,1859. ' ^ - lan^O; <Su ... .■ ‘W. P.^QIB\RDBAU,q.t. c. v J -i JOHN lilcDIAHON, Produce, Commission & Forwarding Pettox L.. Wah* S^Jren county Ga. - ly aug 1 RAIL ROAD IRON JOHN C. FRASER, Bay-eL Accommodation Boat. PARACHUCLA EVERY MONDAY AND - THURSDAY. , • * . . new and fast running Passen- — ~K . je and Freight steamer JOHN G. LAWTON will leave for Parachucla —* intermediate Landings, ovory UiiMfoMonday and Thursday, at4 o’clock, —leave foot i*f West Broad street. ■ ATTOItN ET AT IiAW: / Will practice in Kffinghim. Bullech, A Scriven conntica. Oflice.uu'Ha3* street, over Me88rs^ King * Sod. . ; i_ - wSAVANNAH, 0A. 10H 1T~ Restores permanently Grey Hair to its • ‘ .. Xnd^dealer in’' 7 . CORN. WHEAT, BACON, FLOUR, OAq^. IIAY, Ac, ’ 170 jftny Street, Savannali, Ga. Rrrwts to —^ * j.. A P»i te r, President Bunk of the Jr; original color: covers luxuriantly the b^M head ; removes all dandriiff, itching and all scrofula, scald head fend all erapiipiispmakea the-hair soft, bealthy. and glossy, and wiQ preserve ir te any imaginable age, re moves, hp If DV mifgic, all blotches, Ac.’, from the face, end cures all neuralgia and nervona bead ache. See jan-31 T HE Undersigned. Sole Agents to Mews. GUE8T & CO., tho proprietor of the Dowlais , Iron Works, near Cardiff, Sooth Wales, are duly anthorizAl to-con tract for the sale of their G. L. Rail^Roadlron, and Com mon Bars, jr most advantageous tei ms. . . R. Sc i: MAKIN, apr 21 If 70 Broad st.. New York.- * ATTORNEY AT LAW. -The schr FOR PHILADELPHIA. NEW JERSEY, Capt.Vanuanan, will 1mverdls- brabove port For freight engagements, apply Jo G C. A ORKINKR A CO. FOR ff-HIL.ADEl4AHIA.-Th0. fast .aailiug schr LATH RICH, baTiog most of her ling schedule. V. McALPIN, Agent, WilliamsoD’sBuUdings. SHIP 4KD FAM.ICY STOhES, " . JoniV W!.»r!, r ' ’ RAIL ROAD IRON. THE RENSSELAER IRON COMP’L vie 0 \% jy. 1% WARE HOUSE 56'COAPSIQK.MERCHANTS, ALI3AIVY, GrA. __ JOnif.^.FIKS .... TOUIL O. BU*T —, - -- — — .... " «» n , \M1Q .M JUU I’ll - warded all being sold.) while we migh t order a quantity Iraotynti. Every bottle we have sold seems to have pro duced three, or four new customers and the approbation .and patronage It receives from the most substantial and worthy citizens, of our vicinity, fully convinces ns that ■it is A MOST VALUABLE PREPARATION. Pend ns, as ro<>n as-may he, one gross of SI size; and *+ tdozen S? steo; and .believe us yours very respect fully, ' [Signed] ' 1 1ANIEL LATHBOP t CO. Hibkory Ororo SVl Cbarln Co. Mo.Kor 1B.18SS. Paor.O. J: Wooi»^-Dear-8ir: Some time last snmnier we.were induced te use some/if-jour Ilalr Bestorative, >Dd Its effects were so wohdennl; we feat It ohr dory tb you and the afflicted, to report it. ' 0 r or lit fie Ron’s head for.same time had been-perfectly covered with-sores,-ahd scald head. The hair almost entlrely came off in consequence, when a friend, «eri- ghia anfferiug*. g4r*:^djWteJia^yoor Re*-_ tilfjllic.- B'O itlrl fin.. —■ lirijn k.nni. a! aM-MM lint (a , aiihuu muu au.uoiu, * ™^ ' ... ing with tbe-New York, -Philadelphia, and .Baltimore Steamtihips at SaTaO&ah, and with thoGeorgia.RaiI Road • at A-ogusta .• ii . ; -Goodsfor Ausrusta. Hamburg,.*nd tho interior, should ibe marked to thae^re’of ‘JOHN V. TARVER, at Favan- i nah: and produce and merchandise for Savannah ami the ! North erntuarketsyto the care of ILF. RUSSELL, at Au- ^Merchants will'flnd this the cheapest route by which ; they can receive, their goods..' ’ . Freight forwardedk*we of commissions. - r - JOHN. V- TARVEK, Agent at Favannah. FOR NASSAU.—The schr ROVER, Kemp, . IM BARTERS . A N>D DE A LK.RS£TJT FOREIGN AND OOMESTIC HARDWARE Iron, Steel. Hop, nml Nnil’,- : . . IS^EOilGrlA, -THOMAS; MANN, Offer RaiU of their own manufacture, deliverable as may be desired by purchaaers. •.jWA'l N B Jt ID 0*. G EO RGjt A, .1' " « .* - I. . I’Xlln.ff/m rtf C Received in exchange for new or for ro-mariufactnring. JOHN A. GRISW0LD r Agent, Troy,Ti-Y. NEW TOEK AOXXT : •- BUcSrNG. CKOGKER & DODGE. ’ opr 19 ;,| y T^,-. ' . >, ,'~ master. Appjy ,tP. DEAFNESS ASB RINGING NOISES IN THE BRYOCS*U KAD AND MIND COMPLAINTS.—An English ckrtaih AxnrarALUBi.ECirBZ.—British aiid Foreign Infirmary for - tho cure of Deafness, Head.and Mind Complaints, 32 Spring Garmons, Charing Cros^ London, England, t bnanltiug Surgeon, Charles Henry Kilg-il Skinner, Esq Registered Pursuant to Actof Parliament. Secretary, John Powell, »q'. A New Dis covery, being a positive metkb.1 of aelfcnre, a Abiding instant and Tpagirel r-rJiaLJo anffr^ftri .s'l 1 . 1 . ffeSSR’.^eaftor 4(i pr.-fiO years, bv means of a compound medicated vapour applied to Ihn external far. When the.vapour is passing ont-jt is hold by’the sufferer for one minute to the ear affected, and instantly the-Patient, wlio pievionsiy -ras Am 1. f« to lttar common toned convetfiitt on. A fef nighU tuc lo » ctmilar »»y will nnarim.toe lo core tho most io’otentt, coeo oCDeau- non or Noi,os in l ho Head. It I’,^i>[.MpptoChn nod exborctdurot. feett' -SoiT ran cxln-moTy do»f; hy means of thTs,-can perrhafiently curetlromselves, in any distant part of tlnf. world, ■without pain ^.Tlionsand? nave, been restored to perfect bearing, snd forever rescued from, thesnrera of^to^pumr^otis. rlangerhus noqqulifled pre- tenders of the present day Hospitals ana private te^t m’onials aiid. certificates frorivthe moat eminent Physi cians and-Surgeons in England. in who^ftesence deaf persons liave been cured. nntUnany hthtdFedfe.of private patients can, heseen or refarrefl t<». - Any sufferer on the "Continent, or .resi-ent in any of the.Four. Quarters of t_v._ 5,0 cmrit nn this d SCOV(TV-Can be F AOTOE S MMMtSSl mT MERCHANTS V .- BAY-STBEET, , GrTtOR G.IA. JACOB RQWJS, f Administrator on 11:. V ’- .v jon1sh.aU wbonr it mid Court to make GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, 1Vos.. 6 and 8 Broadway, and 8 BeaveFlrtrcet^ ■ JlN2>- all intermedia te landings. " ~ tW light draught iron, steamer - Jjk" SWAN. Captain R,Johnson. having- M been thoroughly oyerbanled. will re-, aumeher trip* ofe -Frl*»v 7tb.*e' '* L -Py^ u -^ j lo'fJnaries- tmv whArf every Friday Afternoon thereafter, at Five o’cldcdc- Torfrelght or passage, apply to *- janff ; J.-P: BROOKS. Ag’t. Charleston whasf.- Ordera received for alljizea. - Will, attend, tout intro'sted to his care. ARDKAl AMERICAN AND. SCO TCH PIG IRON, SUPERIOR WROUGHT IRON RAIL ROAD CHAIRS, A SPlKE» CAR WHEELS, &c. Ac. Office,' No;8 Broadway, corner Beaver st ,• opposite the ■ BowlIngOroen, ----- 3WKW ~g~ OB Ty. - • - Rzfees to—Messrs. Cooper * newetti.John Calhoun . EsqU LAY Ex-Gov. Mor©head r N.-C.; T/oniuef P. Grant' Esq , fia.;iUol. Walter. Gwynn, S. Oj WaUerGoodwiu Esq , Miss. ' - ■ . ly- - ftng^’Jr • TALBOTT .&r BROTHER, Shoekoe Foundry & Machine Shops, /-Cary Street, RicbutoadiFa^. ' - ~ ~ . ' M ANUFACTURERS of portable Steam Engines, of all sizes, from 4 to 40 i orse powef, ofl the most approved pl*us,^artlcularly adapted to.Cotfon and fn- gar.Plautatiopa. and Forn.ots’ usa generally. -Builtol the best' materials and workmanship, and for compact ness imd durability, not surpassed by any enginee now yvannx-r:ga, For-sale : TwelveBno Milch Cow*-* Apply;to -'v ■ *■ . E. JBNOKS, Savannrfi,Oa. mjd aen nov30 -to thisoflicB (Profewor of Ch©niistry PaYh Medical College.) . cal ana CtonsultfiiB . - fg AVrAJgTgYhjgy Offers bis Profewrional < Bervicre P n *}“x ” analysis of ORES. MINERAL WATERS, and COUf .GIAL ARTICLES—Guano, Ac.. *c. *.. - Asristanco will also, be, given Jn. the applicatu 1 Chemistry, to tho AV* s aiid Mantffactnres. ~ v : Fp^cimihs. tor BhaljriA.'Vsy bd^ent by; o'prre^ LABORATORY,*! the Savannah Medical College. 'Farrington’s Celebrate* PATENT CARPET UNW WROUGHT IRON AND WIRE RAILIfiG, - (SKCUKEI) B-Y LKTTKRS YJlTENJ ) . CRYSTAL PALACE great: bargains I /*!:*, ,FK(JM AUCTION ! . iheep and Ox; Pk. Cemeteries, Balconies, Cottages, *c. __. . Hurdle. Fatent Wire, Sacking Bedsteads, with every ■ vari* ty of Folding iron -Bedsteads;and Iron Furniture, patent Wire Coal Scri'qns,Ure.?apdand Gravel Scrven8, Wire Nettine"‘for Mr*jufto, Sheep. PdUltry, and other- pnrpdws. ' WiroBhmmer IIou»e8,-Fancy Wlre Work, in ’ great.variety^forrgardenajfaj.- .i-r - - - * 61h. WALKER & SONS, Manufacturers, . ’ No. 635 Market, N K corner 6th street, imis 9 ' " vr9mo' J ’ - Philadelphia , . / —- ^ . New YoaxiBet-S2d, 1868; ■ UNROBERTM PATRITtK^fO^PfiARI^SSBElnV m/M DE LAINES,at 125^c.. . , _■ JMe One omp traperior Onicos^t 6fcc.-, x ^ iAFaxony Plaids, st 3l^c & - r, : - Bayadere.YMenqfas,31J4c |p Cambric N W.Undei-^ e«vea, at 50c Cau.bric Night Caps.31 Wc. - > . Cambric Roh»«>.^CaHco* . . , f. .fit) doasTljiraaelc NapWus.iaU Linen. at $ ,25 - Draa^rr‘Mn*T»»is and I<ace : - ; Plaid,Wwd FhatvIa. ^- • * - . -, v . ir.Siic Having? -thp- Delia ores Safer ofa your: manufacture-,in use in opr offlce^flor our ?wn .satiffac-, tion we galled at y on rw or re aud exanuneef five whirb you had on exhibition In the Crystal Palace when^it waF destroyed by tfre, on tee _«thjn*t. 8©verartedentAtlone -on the exterior snrfiice.-of Tim Saftev tegetjter Wit^thw brass and other ornauteuts beingpielted <rff, skuvrpUin- ing the eohtafr. ly that tha iron must have been at rior cases (wjth tb© except lon of - drt.Vw»V»t«iTtea off by eteanriiare when II rst placed therein: The > SfdetosFdand Parlor Saf©sar© uni f ~ mp*J• atirl ntrrn I Ti A^TWiTv.ftBht' Ynrd, IT --mn.- w«shr" — " —— m. on mWoB « .Thel»©fct arrnns (M>BMA0i9hfA bern.Cfr %.^wch made for theiafe-keeplng, 03, an rl iny best eyertions * - n * g v jJ'bryan.