The Savannah Republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1858-1865, February 18, 1859, Image 2

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BEAUTIFUL NICARAGUA .£* PARADISE OF THE INDIES!! - ■ JtMTrcBLt-.fim>. A WORK OF EX rRAOflDINARY INTEREST, dtjcf-wbicfo HAYWOOD’S BARBER SHOP,- COR. BULL AfllP BRYAM-STRBKTS. NICARAOXJ \: I\u«T. Pinni^Dn) Ftrm; a description of.ltrt- _ ( 'u,tntiM, $Hnos, MitiVral-. Early History. Modern t-'ilbou*t*i ism.l’ropvieed InterOoanic Canal and Manifest Destiny. By "PETttF.Stoct, Esq., S BUILDING, SAVANNAH, GA-, to his large _and well" assorted STOCK OF FRESH and A PRIZE of ft SILVER CUP will’ be Riven to the best amateur shot shootiugat the word, at the spot,. eight consecutive shots, commencing Wednesday, Feb. 16th, and cloning Wednesday, Feb. Z3d. No charge ex cept tbo regular price for shooting. B. H. KELLY, fob 15 F23 Proprietor. 3 • 372 pp, 12ino^ cloih. Price $1 25. For sale by Booksellers and News Age.ts generally, or sent by mail, postage 'paid, on receipt of the price; ■ : .Address, JOHN- K. POTTER .Publisher, .617 JJaaeom street, Philadelphia, Pa. fcb9 * dftw-tf W. S. A C. H. TH0M80H»S EVERYBODY Who likes good Horses, French, English and American Chemicals Until farther notice, mineral Coal will be transported to Macon at $4 per ton of 2JXMI lbsa GEORGE W. ADAM?, feb 14 ‘ . 12. Oonerel Superintendent. ent'in Savannah, (at the office of Lt&ocTieft Bell, who are tbc.ogefits Jpr.tba d«divery. pi:the-wprk) ^bere he will remain for a few dayaibrlhe purpose of procuring orders tor tbe'woek^nnd wetrust that his suacess will be ^ _ Thu HnnMT.IT WORm Wi' »iicuhui*.w iun puulished statement of some of the Companies Yon whom he b Agent, In this day's paper. Believing; them to be soicr.d, advent and respectable, and knowing ■them to be prompt and liberal tn paying all thdr Zones, parties insuring in those Compsnies.may rest assured theywill.-h.e well.abd justly dealt by . - Insurance effected on >11 descriptions of property, at ttmlotooL rates consist* nt toall ; w* I am still n^etit for tbo old; CHARTER OAK UIE INSURANCE COMPANY, than whfeb, tbero is no Utter. Company in the country. Their rate* as too, and privi- leyes-more liberal than almost Any other Comparand the promptnesswith which-they have paid their numer ous losses in Savannah, Is proof-sufficient of the lair dealing of tba Company lu all its transactions with the ftepabttcbenf. CENTRAL R.R. STOCK. THE INUK. JKOCTIBI.E Double Extension Skirt l WITH PATENT EYELET FASTENING, , MlfOE WITHOUT SEWING. Universally pronounced •* the moat perfect Skirt ever made.” Meyer’s Miraculous Yermln Beatroyer,. For (hr Mmcm <•! KitWSfcr, Mol«.>og«, Kmch- n. Fie.*.’ Morqhitors- Xolh., «anjrn Ann, Ac ThB chemical prrpOriiUoh, ho-«" **». •J’®”’ title Toi-Ihe liirt 22 JMor thmichont Europe, -here. Ary h IT, met with »triumph"* l‘«r«oc(ioirrd tor their Inventor nod M.nofocturar m *orM-«rde ce lebrity, .tto.ted hy. jh» Emperor, or Hernia, Fence,.: lUcrtl, the «nyeo of. the-KinR, of Reborn Holland, N«ph*, B»»*rl*. Seaooy. and In America, ibrlcefficacy-lau l«eaendor«d by the Directors or Folt- ilr TorMtution. and the appro'al of nniorroae |.riralc rftizrnjftthat they *»« the only Remedies,in thejvorld, -mYntd- exterminate' *11 kinds or vermin. . daveri* SUracnlons Preparations d.ntror tUe^nnWeT- *t torn* t»« trader* .without mercy, and neverhUL . Of* art r» bronrlit death to. millions of them in the world, and Yom tMe dav the watrhword of aUTiooftekeepers, mer- •_ w-.. v. RD o husbandmen wilt be, “No more Ten Shares for Sale, APPLY AT THIS OFFICE. feb 14 are offered at wholesale «i w n -- m thl. N. R—Physicians’ Prescriptionscarefitlly pj*p*rog—Medicine Cheat*fltied up In the beat manner, ang31 NOTICE T HE Undersigned has taken the'Stock and Store of WM. n. GUION, Agent, and will continue the CARPET BUSINESS at the same place All who have claims agaitist Wni. II. Onion, Agent, are requested to present them, and those indebted will please make payment. D. LATHROP, 140 Congress street. Vanuatu Oc 12th, 18->8 tf oct 15 SPRING STYLE SPRING STYl.K SPRING STYLE SPRING STYLE SPRING STYLE CARPETING! FINE DRF.SS HATS, FINE DRESS HATS, FINK DRESS HATS, FINE DRESS nATS, FINIS Du ESS HATS, For foil information,'oh All matters pertaining to In- Burance in thete Companies, apply to A. WILBUR, Agent, feb 18 ' HI Bay stiver, SnvanmD^ G». NOW RECEIVED NOW RECEIVED NOW RECEIVED NOW R EC’JIVED NOW RECEIVED rens/hs of oor ovre, we conciuded to givo them the pleasure of rejecting oar application. To the ' a^enti gentlemen who favored-' the eleetiim of the Hep*bUcan, bot were voted down in caucus, we - offer dur sinceTe thanks, . - .. j Athon«um—Complimentary Benefit. To-nighJ is eet apart at the'AtiionsMUl 1 fc r the - Compli mentary Benefit tendered ttf-Mra. -Hayne by a number or our first citieenSj Bs a testimonial of their, admimtion for- jjFrr talcnta and regard forher as a lady. -The public will : need no inducement from us to go forward and make tho occasion,In eveiy-reepect, wHat it purports to be. We ex-i pect,to see thelargestand.mort n»p?*table audience that - ins assembled for yeaiw fttHlilc \bo walls-df theAtbc- n mie’play* selected for the evening will be found in the advertisement and in tlie small bills.. Of 'the selections from London Assurance it in' unnecessary for us to speak. Jerry's Birth-Day has never been represented in Savan nah. It. Je from tlio; pen of an American uutiior of much dramatic celebrity and is said to be one of thd most thrilling domestic dramas that have yet been produced. That Mrs. Hayne selected it for her Complimentary Bene fit dispenses with oil necessity for further recommeuda- i tion. • • ■_ r JThb -PAKpBAsiA«*T™Mv, IVtii**®** Biblical Paro- rsma has been on exhibition at the Masonic Hall' fora few nights; anil seeins toyrhw in pubTfc fa- »tor.r ITo be'propcriy apprddafed, it i^ri|urrM’e-re- fol (fbwrvft^oh, and n seoond visit confers more pleasure »$ran the fifst/ as the conception of thw artist is mhre apj arent and rhe beauty anfi bril liancy of fts execution b-tnoi.e folly apprecisred Tbedesigos ore all-taken•from-Bible history,.and served .to illnstr »te the most memorable i ioideni.— In that sacred book... We e m recommend it to our 'AUze** as *n intellectual and moral exhibition most worthy_«2^Jtiei*. . ——^ The M B*«t#v Ki»eEij8~Y«^«»imue _to.'drnw. good bouses by, their excellent nr.d CUriou-pe»f.»riunnces, at St. Andrew’s . lfallr The entertainment they offer nightly is well worthy ihe patronage or all _ who have a taste for good tnuW. They hsvo also a day pcrforiunnoe, at reduced rates for the benefit of childry., . * . ^I^SCRASCC.—We woutJ ,WU attention- to the advem^usiebt of Mri YYilfrar in to-d iy’s paper. ^Thestatements.forthe Coaponiea nre fa1i,c1earaTid expHeit, showing Yu shape their ' . invested and who eMtrul their business, being names well known . *>- m-iny, and having some of the best films In tbi city for.reference, ns to their standing .and responsibility as to Life fnsuratice. •lufirtsv sUfi^oWnera 1 tar Retail package* from 25 cents to 11. - • Sits.—Six mouth*, or five percent off for cash (no "airtnrY. Depot of the Inventor a**d Proprietor, g j jfefRlt, Practical Demist. 612 Rro^way, (cor Honston rtreetO New York. 6*n«nti Arent for-the Itnlt^d/States and • ausdaii, FUFDBRIOK V. RU8HT0N. Druggist. No. 10 A«or H» and 41" BreadN ■ Y. mo <*c3fi» A~LIVER REMEOY We wish to say to every person who read* this that: there is an article known as Dr. WAKWHtOS INV1G0- RATOlL or Jjvsr Remedy, which can be re! iei on as • ■“ li..- ■■ inrT7.vm» - »n/ r Ti- a GARDNER, of cumiu»n capacity, and a laboring ■%. aiau, t« go into the ounatry. - ... 7vi,l* - 8 EuBTTiABKB^HAM Ac SONS. FASniON8 FOR 8 P RTNG, FASHIONS FOR SPRING. FASHIONS FOR Sl’HTNG. rjtoti^rpia Hjr epniTxu, FASHIONS FOR SPRING, eul-rgi-d. - - lIHtiard on Mortgages, Real and Personal—2d ed : tiun, greafy eHlarired- : . Eden on Injunctions, -with Notes and lUfoieuce* by Wnt-rinan—3d editinu. .-lory on Equity Pleading. Story, ou Piymiaaory Notes. Also: The Library of the late Judge Berrien, at dieconnrof 25 p-r cent. feb 18 YTTUL*. T, Acnos Strickland’s Lives of the Qneeus of W ^COtlMnl. • he LiL-lmd Remains of Donglas Jerrold ; by l is soo, .BlnncltKrd Jcrrold. The Old Plantation, and what I gathered there in an aritnmn mouth; by James llungerford, of Marjlaud. Ethel's Iajve Life, a novel i by Margaret J H Sweat. • The Poor Girl and, or elements of Wo man’s ScccesaeB—a book for girls; by V\ m JiTbajor. IfnREOP Tha I and and the Bopk; by W M Thomson. • Arago’s Rwgrnphies of Distinguished Scientific Men— 2d aeries Received by - Teh 18 . JOHN M. Cf tOPER A CO. CRESCENT and Prencli CrnsaOera; »-y •Jl G L Ditson, author of Circaa-ra, of-a four to the 'Caucasus, The Para Papers- oa'France, Egypt and Ethi opia, ebvetc. Pri e $1. Received by feb IS J. G. M. WAUNoOK, 159 0-ogresft at. SELL SUPERIOR P H A LON’S HA}R IN V1GORATOR liii* well known article tor the preservation of the llnir, adll enjoy a ita old reputation, as being excelled uy no othrr preparation—ita delightful perfume rendors ita favorite preparation for the nso of the' fadier. Price 5u cents, and $1 per bottle. Sold at fob 18 STEWART A BUT1>ER’8. i lUBACI O.—60 boxe.t. variuua brands, 6’s, 8’a and landing anti in etore.mid for nnlo by teb 18 ^CKANTUN ft NORRIS. D HAfllPAGNE.—100 baskets Heidsrick’ Je o’s quarts and |-ims ; landing and for salt- by . L-blS • HOI.COMWK & CO. . JVYR.UP.—20 bbls Florida byrup, * very superior ^ at tide, in store and for a*l<* *'3 r _ feb 18 - HOLCOMftK & Ca |WEsS : *rW) PRIME PORK A BEEF— WM. A -r« i y superior lot, just received and for sale by f«o !8 J A *: K8 l 8.MDEK * CO. Ter sloop Carrier Dov«. from Sapello—N A Hardee, Kipy -T ni JO Mllln. I’er ateamer Auyn«ta. from AnettWa- . mter ft Gamine! . Stark. Alexander^ Clark.-VV•'•*.'* **•*” r. Order. * w y ' Brant ] rt Geo W II sti ee. -Brljrham. Daldwin* irrr, urd«r. . w 1 r-¥'S«i»S , <S , ^ , rr«*er > W li Sti u «i»..u <v t*o, J W Gaat ft On, J I Snider ft C% Hunter* G-wnmell. A Low ft C-, \V D Etheridge. O Cohen ft Co. Philtir*. Gi eeft Co. Richardson ft Martin, Cohens ft llcrts. Davaat* Law ton, Brans. Harr s ft Co, Erwin 4 Hardee, Boston ft Vdta- oage. J W L thrnp ft Co. t* A llardee ft Co, Behn-ft Foster. Franklin ft Brantly, A S Hartridre. Hardwick ft Co, Then ft Gordon. Rsban ft Smith. B Whitehead ft Co. biieheift Reed and Feed [LOUR.- M *- . — — “ * .WMi . ...VI wu L 1 brands, tor sale by fob In C*».\SKRAT. WEBSTER ft PALMES. pOTATOEj—lwi f»t-Ia choice P anting Potatoes, RECEIPTS OF COTTON. AC. Per »1 -op Carrier l)ove—75 bales. S I cuttmi. Per steamer Anjttut*—279. balss c -tton, 980 bbls fl -or, -1,- 457 s cks do, 62'emptr hhda, 118 boxes copper ore. 1673 ska brnn.Audo fine feed. 65 bar* ysrh: ’ Per Central Riilrosd. Feb, J7.—1,0^1 bates cotton, 285 bbls Jbtar. ti bole* d-meaties, tfi boxes cooper ore, and mdse. in store nnd fnr solo bv Teb t8 - CQ.VNKITaT.’ WEBRTKR & FALMEA OLLUWAI'S OINTMENT SJK^.—sftj iihus choice Guba Molasses, for CONNERAT, JWEB3TKR. It PALMES.. RSEEDS.—An ansorf ment of Thor- _ _ - -— . Every tatni- ■ JL ly that uses burning fluid as a light, should be pro vide-! with n p<>t of thi* salve. It reiioves In nfow mo ments the most excrutiating ngnnv nrisins from bnrnr and scalds. 8old by STEWART * RIITLPtK, v ’ Apothecaries* Hell, lan T * 3 E comer'Barn-rd nnd Rrcmclitoiu striet. ATHEN/EUM bu n's colebmted Flower Seeds, warranted frrsh genuiua lor P ile 1— b 18 JOHN TIIE ONLY THEATRR IN THIS CITY. -LbMecftiid Manager —............W. M. FLEMING . - CompilmeoUry sod Farewell Benefit to MRS.;JUIMA DEAN RAYKE. MflORE, Gibbons* Hnildings. PIA1VO FORTES, A where and whenever exhibited over all competi tors in the United State*, being Nine First Premium Gold Medals, within tho last two years. 1 tradition to this;STKTN WAY «l SONS havo receBed he liighest and moat fluttering testimonials, pronounc ng th«ir PIANOS, in every respect. TIIR VERY BEST NOW BEING MANUFACTURED, Front the most celebrated artists and b«-s , _niu8ical judges >f this'country, such as S Tuailn-rg, Gottscbulk, Win. •las .n. Gustav Satter, WolleniiHupt, ^c.&c The Grand and Square Pianos are constructed with tit* full iron and wooden frame ci.mbined. and every fnstr?meat folly .warranted for the term of four yeaia or 1 .nger if required. u\ D. Z00 BAUM & CO. • We most respectfully inviteihe attention of onrTriends and the pa?Ii tto o»lI and exumiiie their Stock, em bracing a'i kinds of Musical Instruments and Sheet Maa*c Cal Jaftfi examamine. Sec 11 Af New York A NEW SUPPLY OF, ’HAT Will with »t? received by feb 12 J. G M. WAR NOCK. The ueV.orl^inai Ahierican Play, Mary’s Birthday, • And LQfiLPON ASSURANCE. HCjf- StH* aiuall bills. , .. . - Van Be Veer Colton Seed, IQUAL, In every respect, to the Jethro and other ! tine varieties of Short Staple, for sale by >12 2nu> ERWIN ft HARDEE. JYew Spring- Hoods, *9* Performance enmm»ni-ea nt *\4 o’clock | ANOY Silk*. Pont do Soie un.l Bayadere Chints, Prints. Kngliah Prints Printed Cballys, Ginghams Printed Lawns. Bril ianrs Colored Cambrics. Hareges Piqua Cloths, tec Ac. vie NEVITT. LATHR0P * ROGERS. ARNS, OSNAUDRGS AND STRIPES, Milledgevillo Factory, for salo by t> 12 ,T. NtcMAIION v Terms ca h, or approved paper at 3, 4, 6 and 12mos * with interest. One 7 octavo, J Hansen, Piano Fo: te, price 8375. will Jiessee wlllbosoldf r$3no. ’ ** ^ % ,^ n «J net. Boardui«o k Gra^, Piano Forte, price 1425, will be sold f.r J300. . *•’ OJ - t * 11 Worcester k Rro, Pi»’ o Forte, price $250, will be sold for (200. l? ne l*? rl01. Grand, Chickering k Son, Piano'Forte, price $700, wi I be aold for $**. * Phickerlng A 8oir, Piano Forte, price (350, will be M»Jd for $22 j. ' . . • • f Ghickering &Ron, Piano Fortes, price (100 each, Will be sold for Sod each. • - ’ ' b9 ^ n )| B /^^ Vorc ^e^ ,^no- Foite, price $375, win P ‘' n ° F “ r ‘ ! “' l ' r '“ ]T;«t, Toiibbflor*t ScUmlilt, Ptono Fort., prlco *3( will be sold fjt*320. Price pi * no ^ ^ - febir 3^q l. W. MORRKT.L' t CO. Agents. . Positive!^ for One Week Only. iNE Hundred Tons, to arrive, in lots to suit buyers. ' febl2 6 ROB’T IIABERSnAM ft SONS. -Received This Dify per PRONOUNCED BY EXTRACT of a Letter from a Medical Gentleman, At Madras, To His Brother* at Worcester. Vjr steamer: Fresh Marshmallow Drops, Liquid Gum Drops, Chocolate Cream Drops, Licorice Gam Drops, Pectoral Pasto. Burnt Almond*, Talqeand'Wild Cherry Lozenges, English Coltsfoot Rock; fur sale at -KING k WaRING’st fob 12' Drncr and Chemical >toro, Savannah, Ga. ’rioter borne off witb ihe '■Republican 0! £We oon r Twjpon the Teceipt .of a ever exhibited Jn »his or any other market, com dating in part of FUR, SILK AND WOOL HATSjtegether with CAPS of everv >tjK rnidn and quality. In their STRAW GOODS department, will be found: PANAMA, WM. TELL, PALM LEAF, EVERETT, CANADA. WEBSTER. MARACAI 0, CRITTENDEN, LEGHORN,' ; FATAL, MOUNT VERNON. PEDALS. SW1S8. - SPLIT STRAW, And all the latest and most-desirable styles of Plain and Colored.HATS. h their Children and Fancy Goods department, are all thw different' Fabrics, qualities mod styles manufac tured and imported to thin market. Their assortment of LADIES! GOODS will be found unusually attractive, embracing all the latest a d most desirable styles and pattern*, both' TOXXlOX iBS touroc, Consisting of - SILK, DUNSTABLE, 8PLTP' STRAW* ' LEGHORN, . ,M - v—. . l.rrli*. I —■■ . ... SUGAR.—20 lihds choice New Orleans, 15 dd' Porto Rico, 80 bbls Stuart’s A and B Clarified, 40 do dn Crushed and Powdered, 50 do Baltimore C Clarified, FEE.—150 bags pr me Green Rio, 75 do fair d-» do, 50 matsnld Govt Java, Good Sauce! terrs may,mm. -Tell Lea & Parkins A»d Applicable to | .W~rr : that their 8AU0K IA jLiTVjiMtti highly esteemed in In- Svery Variety mm (Joj*.;. j-.ijTC table as well as thi nr moil most wholesome Saccx Ur UldH. that is made.” EXTENSIVE FRAUDS. The only Medal awarded by the Jury of the New York xliibiton of F reign Saucer, was obtained by LEA ft FWVHK Great wont 'hitherto felt fora SEWING tf A JL -CIIINCexpresaly adapted toall kinds of bonsehold NecBe _Work, is now supplied by Wh*«ier ft Wilson’s Machine. Its ruccess is unprecedented, and established beyond dispute. - The de>ecta footed in nearly all other Msebiues .ore en tirely avoided, and the obioction urged against Machine Sewing, (often with. Tedsjn,) are answered- by these Ma- THE CAMPMAiO€rIA2fS MOLASSES.—20 hbds West India, .75 bbls do do, 60 do Sugar Honeo. 60 do and 80 half do NewOrloani, BACON.—50 hhds prime new Sides, v ■ 20 do - do do Sh 'alders, Jo tierces do do Hams, LARD—40bbl* new Leaf, POTATOES.—200 hbtiraeed, . 50 do Eating. - ■FLQUR^-100 1iMs.nad fit* sacks Family, . /• HO do Superfine, . . For telohy' 7 r ' , ; . J . ; ' t V fob 11 ’ - SCRANTON fc JOHNSTON’: pLAfiTING POTATOES-2.0* PinkT JL-■ Eye Planting Potatoes, landing per brig .Taver nier, and for sale by . .fi-hlO v..,i ; SCRANTON, A.NORRI8.- chines' themseiVcs ' Ufa'manner to cohvinc.* skep.icism itavlf. 'misers This Machine Is capable of doing all work on-tho finest material In Ladies’ use. There iq no rippiug or raveUing Of 'woik, nnd the stitching oil Bilk, 8a r in, Linen, Cotton anl Broad Clolb, fs^porfect and beautifnt. '~ Lichtwo* d »t.......^ ffi 00 * Hfghland’Oakat.™..^..;.....; ;:....:gS M^OOD soldtathe Yard at reduced prices', for Coahl ▼ -Bnkesfor ordere at A A'Solomon- ft Gs^. jlM stopper and Bottle. Lba 4t PrkBixs will proceed against any one infring ing. either t-ymamjfactoring or vending 8pnrinus8auce, and hare instructed their correspondents In various parts of the,wo rid to advise them of any infringements. ' Wl. .1 .1. 4 r.. Tl»lA.A-a..L ' Sole Wholesale A gents for the United States, John Duucan ft Sons, 405 Broadway, N. Y. A Also, orders received for di- \ hlnmenVfroni Kn^rbrmf.- ... ly • analg-’SS- ARSHALL’S Pain Enulicator; Dalby’e Paitt' ., Extractor; McAHater’aAl HIcalf ng Ointment tjio • i n m im'rb's UMBRELLAS. PARASOLS, ftc. Alt ’lie above ore o&red to the hadron the most ap proved term*. D., C. & CO.; «re confident tbat theirresonroee, and their experience .tef over 29 >«ftrs In badnea, enables them to offrrindneements to buyers that cannot be snr- paseed. •. P. 8.—They bavwpaW particular attention In getting, up their goods for the Lxade. ho os to make their Btocm one of tbo most deeimblefor-lhe Southern Market; ^ AMERICAN WATCHES. Appleton, Tracy & Co. WALfHASl, MASS., MANUFACTURERS OF , Patent Lever Watches. TDB BEST .AHD TIIE CHEAPEST Jior rruoii « epu p.n.r* non, achr Lingdon Gilnaore, and for' BRIGHAM, BALPWllffo<XX Acapfod for - the Sj'ixing, to which they iuvitp attention. JAl 7 ' ■ - NKVITT. LATUKuP . ROGERS ^tock in Hay AyjSM^SS = __ -ATOTHE04B1BS' feb 17 8 E corner Broughton and Barnant sts^ ' [HESE Sdperior Watches are made by the aid of . The entrjj Troupe ftpl earing as Vooxlists and Sell Ringers. - . ‘• > _j. '-V-'.*' .V : '-Ty ' cents, . Gatla- ry 25 cents, Ulore.l Gallery 2» c^nts. . ^C|Box Office opentrom lO.toA; anrf.frbm 4-to 5, michday, orrentmgsea’a , : - v - . S' Doors open performance'to Oommenoe , ?».^qnatterbefore.8n>,-J)ck- „ '• ; ?7 . ,:.^feb12 .. q.-Comm>? of^ JL Gulden. 8'txand , Je-vel of Ophlr. Twin, Sisters, Ronah and. Ready, 4c. Stc; 100 package*. 5's, 8’s, 10’a and ponnd lumps. For sale by - fob 8- - J.LAMA.2I0 Bay street. - UKPKp si-mjVKS-^Rihbbu trWfcd, jiist received anil for Role b> . ; .. _|ep4 _ NEVITT LATflROP A ^OGERB. .. i’bl? Apple*.. now J&nding-from JMl schrLangdon Gilmore, anil for sale by. ^ v r ^7; . BRIQCTAM. B.ALD.LWIN ft CO, P OTATOES.—150 bbls PiokEye^PIsnUng Pofa- toe«,JnJ!its order. tainliDg per ship N.BJddte, and gOntSee. apply to A. R ELLIOTT* • “Ihnttiil'Tpwllnr Ager.f. Troy.’NevrYork. ■ TjJJe.muet’HI. e «f iiinrgiu given t> agents. 18 • 3m<>. AUD piiA.ST.Bn.—4uu bbh> Lmi JMutor; tjmillni, n.rwh.< V l’ k'.lJ r .-I- 1 pvrnchr EC Fetter and :for tele' - 'r : :SCBANTON k.JTC RKL1S6 JSp.tELL>^Aew^ m*+ -celet'cated Sparkling Moaeile. and Spark- .Wine ’ The above Wlnewro of theJ»cst vin-. will not tail to giro satisf.ction. In afore and r/ v J. LAMA, 210 Bay-stiroti , . r - 50 bhisX: felter tend I fob17. CllAm.KS PARSONS. OOCOilMK, (nr llr. IMr .Ttdtr’e »t !l»ilr Oil, and many. Hcsjfi do dh ShbnWer*; lfifabl r dd do do? jnst landing, aod" fc >U- j «0NNEBA«sAVR8>TI their custom asanj other. by the trade | v ‘ ^ - ROB •' Jan 4 8s OHARLBS* - . . r \- LONDON CORDIAL GIN- -THE ORIGINAL .'AND ONLY IJJNDON GIN IM PORTED. This Gin, di*tillfd in London, from sound Rarh-v. ntidrr the surreinance of The British Kxcim- tnwa. i*dclirat«*ly flavored with »tincture of the Italia.. Jmiite-r IliT.v. and i«*raeof tlio'most valuable rnstor i five* of the Vegetable Kimrdotn, rendering it, in the oidnlnw «»f the t»Ww« eminent medical men, tho poroet - and ie»fo*t st imnlatrt or diuretic drink tn na«. ti i.. „ iieiicinmi tonic, of k s«»ft and delicate . flavor, differing froni nny other Gin,and dovold of that harnb, acrid taefo. which fenders ihe'article known « UnTlandOln of;S«'hn%t)p» «. olijoctioiiMblo. It i* recomnien''ed l».v l’liyalcians generally in ensos; Dy*|iepCTa'. Gnnt; tlheiiientirtm. Dropsy. Gravel; C»|jr f!h»»l«»ra. Fever- apd Agpe. Ptrirture, I)i*«»•*««* of tin Urinary Organs, th** Kidneys, nn*l the Bowels, Nervoqr DiihHty, ftc.. whilst the weaker-itex will fin'd in itA nseftt certain rtdief fron) Jliosq dtalres-ing nunoynnees which freq no u t ly attend .helfdelicate organ ixa tion. Doctor Valentine Moif, of New York, tho highest 'tedical-antiMWlty.rsays-; -- * * • ; - * * * “Under sbmp circumstances. I n-emn mend pure HolInndGin os_a medicine. Oil ARLES’ Ift)N DON CORDIAL GI-^ contaluing a larger quantity of Juniper. I consider a pefferablo article., and-'tire best h »vo ever s» en. ’ V " It is poo i nrly adapted tn settlers in the Southern and Western S »tea, a* vefl'W tor tVaAdler* exposed clmrices of vmtrr rindalr: For wile n quarts at seventy-five cents, and pint* thirty-eightciMita. by all Druggi-Us,Grocers.frnUenvs, and Country Merctmutn. Beware of imitations. Bay ..lily CHARLES’—NONEPTtlKB H IMPORTED. , w BmiUVD C. CIIA U LKf*.‘Sole Importer. • ' .. ^*li> - IlnnulwHy, New York. May he’had, in S>-vannah. of A. A. Soh mori* ft Co John B. Mo«*ro. King ft AFniGirfi ThosT M; .Turner, S I* p <i. an. 1 tiiy * (**> tv - fell 1 MOLASSES, feb 18 ' A_t 35 Cents. 4*; 1 sj 3 UUoi-'orn; 400 bales Euotern Hay; 800 do North ern do; 1.000sacks Wheat Bran; 5i 0 do Shorts; Eating and Planting Potatoes, Flour. Salt. Buckwheat and hye Flour, Guano. Sides, Han.s, Shou.ders, Sugar, Moiaeees, Bo. Csuitlo*. fcc. Ac. For nale bv • feb 18 - JAMES 1 * v tDFR & CO. New Goods! New Goods!! T HE Subscriber would call attention to a foil assort ment ot the following Goods: tapestryVelvet, TAPESTRY BRUSSELS, v BRUSSELS, THREE PLY, INGRAIN*, and STAIR CARPETING. RUGS, MATS, COCOA MATTING, OIL CLOTHS, Ac _ THE GOSSAMER EXPANSION. The lightest and moct graceful SKIRT ever produced. THE PICCOLOMINT! By means of clasps - this beautiful and economical garment can be taken to pieces, washed, and puttogeth er again at pleasure. All the above have Thomson’s celebrated-patent Watch *3$ Spring Rustle, a ml are stamp-, d with our name and trade mark (the crown). For sale by the principal retailer* everywhere. W. S. Sc C. H. TUOMSON, fet»3 Gw 233 Broadway. New York. Shades, Cornices,and Curtain Materials. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. TO THK HARDWARE TRADE ARCHITECTS, OWNERS, AND BUILDERS. T HE Snbscribeta oCer the largest and Imt aseort- ! ‘ merit of BUILDERS’, LOCKSMITHS’ oua BELL- 11 ANGERS’ FINE SILK HATS, FINK SILK HATj», FINE S'LK HATS, FINE SILK HATS, FINE. SILK HATS, t>. tiATHROP, 140 Congn-wa and 57 St. Jnliau at a. Lace Curtains. It is our object always to keep oar Stock Fresh and Pure, And' wo offer the same to purchaaers on terms reasonable as cat bo had in any reliable drag house in our city or the Southern country. Particular attention will be paid to the preparation ol PHYSICIANS* PRESCRIPTIONS. ALL FAMILY, PLANTATION & PHYSICIANS’ ORDEB.S, Will be executed with neatnius, accuracy and dispatch Our Medicines and Preparations are cither prepared by «>uraelv*Mor j.uported dirtet from the most reliable manufactories; they wi 1, th'^reforr, always ho found 3ENUIMS. Market i’orncr Barn fob 10 Square, rd a till t'ongrese streets. 1Y STEAMER. J UVT RECEIVED 1 j bbl* C«>oi v Eating J cpUa 10 boxes Sicily Lentous 1 case now Figs 3o boxes new Rabin* 3 sacks fresh Feasted 1 hid Garlic 1 cnee Yellow Vernric 1 do No.1 Nntnu-gs 10 firkins choice Gosliei Butter 10 boxes fine English I) ir> Choesa A l-o 5,Ot;o Oranges direct from Havana, and for sate by feb lfi **’“ "■ .io C» ffje hi JNO. D. JESSE. I^OYAL TURK1SH TOWELS —Akupply iuvt received and tor raw t»y lm»I6 S. 1). BRANTLEY. ^JOAPSJ SOAPS! S O A PS X SO A ft's X - Just ircelvVd per steamer, » laige HBiaiilUK-u. of fkiaps, from the l*est iiianutac- * ‘ ’ ' S. D. BRANTLEY. urers. aud for sale by fob 16 WANTED. P LAIN B>1A RD in • wivate. family for a Youth, Kronen preferred.-xifdr ” - ell 15 ‘£res S, Box 614 Po-*t Office. WANTED TO HIKE. WBNTY TO TWENTY-FIVE able-bodied negro T 1 - _ - men, to work on UieT mpa Road, for whom f!6 o 418 per month will bo given. Address, WILLIAM PIULAN fc lob 15 <K)d3 Railroad Contractor. Per andina J innary 6th, 1859. STEINWAY ft. SONS’ GOLD MEDAL GRAND AND SQUARE Ul a m o m HESS Instruments have taken the first Premium Mr. dec. BAaaaxrTria’s. 149 Congress street. , Spring Style! Tip Top Hats AND NO MISTAKE^ T HE Subscriber would invite attention to a new and large assortment of LACE CURTAINS. DRAPERY LACE, MUSLIN CURTAINS.and DRAPERY CURTAINS, also a few NOTTINGHAM CURTAINS, J(. 1.4THK0P, nov4 140 Cong-ras-at .* <5 iH Julian-st. Spring Dry Goods, 1859. W 1 feb 14 WM. O. PRICE’S, Corner of Bull «and Bay-streets. lot of • hitdrcu’a Carriages ever brought to this city, just received at tbo Albany Stovo Agency and House Furnishing Depot. f~b 14 E. C. BEACH. fWIABLE' CUTLERY.-A ebtemlid assortment i <— of Table Cutlery, mauufactered expressly for this •ntnblislimunt, iw also lic-tntifully PJated Forks and Spoons, nil very low, nt the Altany Stove Agency and House Furnishing Depot. feb 14 E. C. BEACH. DeWITT Ac MORGAN f-ILL OPEN THIS !)4Y; New style Spring Silks Ducheno Rohes Bayadere Challies nnd Bareges Argentines nnd black Bareges French striped, plni«1. and tig’d Cambrics English aud Fitnch Prints D>» Mournii g do t*iik and WomI French Cassimere Black and Fancv do French Trimmed Collars Lace, Cambric and -wig* Sets Black Thread Veils Opera Steel Spring Skitls Silk Mantillas No k Ties, Ribbons, Glover, &c. fob 16 HARDWARE, In the United States, consisting in part of Wrought and Cost M >rtiee and Rim Locks, Latches. French Wi and Sliding Door Sets of all qualities, extra Safe I , Bolts, Bars, and Night Latches, secure against burglars: Silver Plated Hinge-, Knobs and other articles suitable for the finish of fl*st class l uildiugs, of warranted qual ity. Being agents for the AMERICAN PORCELAIN COMPANY, They are prepared to supply Plain White and D-cor j ted Porcelain-Door, Shutter and Drawer Knobs. Bell bulla and Levers. Nanu* nnd Kuml»e< Plates. Month Pieces, ftc., in all sizes and patterns, at the lowest MANUFAC TURERS’ PRICES. Cap and Machine Screws, Stubs’ and Sheffield Files, Tools, Saw Blades, ftc?. Steel Wire. Roll Brass, Block Tin. ftc.: Locomotive. Gong, and House Bells and Plx- tmes. Blank aud Cut Keys of every description. Emory Cloth and Papt-r. Gage’s e'and Pajvr, Glue. Cut and Wrought Nails, Brads, Tacks, Finishing Naibi. Clark’s Patent and Wire Jointed Butte, Gimlet Screws; also, an extensive variety of Iron and Brass Shelf Goods for Cabinetmakers, Upholsterers. Carpenters, and general use at gnatly reduced prices. An inspection of our stock and priceala invited to closest buyers. Agent*for GAUTIER’S ceb-br»ted Stove Polish & Black Lead Crucibles, the best in u o. MANY, BALDWIN ft MANY, Feascib Mast. No 49 John st., cor Dutch st, Geo. W. Baldwin. New York. Lewis Manx. 3mo—2p jan 20 I CE PITCHERS —A fine stock of Ice Pitchers, i • *■** *’ • - — • ♦ - among which are some entirely new styles, jnst te- ceived nt the Albany Stovo Agency nnd llouso Furnish- ‘-.C Depot. t feb 14 E. c: BEACn. SPRING_SILRS. HENRY LATllROPftCO., RE Now Opening their Usual large stock of the above A damantine boxes,for • ‘ ' salo by jjriOALOIL.- A. MINI-*. Tbo Empire Company’s Coal Oil; al- en Kt-rusetie Lamps; for rale by fob 12 Jtill.v B. M< ORE. Olbitqns’ Rnildings. C OODINGTON’S LOZENGES—Just ro- reived and tor s-tle by . Goods, in Colored Bayadere Taffetas Plaid Poult do Foies Cheno Bajn^ern Grenndiue d • Colored and blsck-Foulards Black Bayadero .-i ks Plain Black «fo HANSEVN’S PIANOS. ' PIANOS. PIANOS. PIANOS. PIANOS. _ PIANOS. PIANOS. PIANOS. PIANOS. PIANOS. JOHN B. MOORE. SPBDfG GOODS. C OW PEAS AND CORNMEAL-Jnstre- e< ired iu store, aud for s*'< JAMEH T SLIDER fe CO. N orthern and eastarn hay r~ 300 bate* Nnrtiiern Ilay; 4tD do Eastern Hay 1 : io stoiv and for sale by feb 12 JAMES I. SNIDER * CO. HAY f BALES prime Northern nay. for sale by 'L^IFU KOBT. HABERSHAM ft SONS. HENRY LATHROP ft CO., W GUID Invite Ihe urtenti *n'of purchasers to their stock of SPRING AND SUMMER DRESS GOODS, now opening. We have received per strainer of ibis week: Bayadere Challies Printed do do and Bayadere Bareges - ' r Cambrics nnd Bri Ilian to- Fancy Print*, ftc; feb 10 fob 10 »08E’$ MEDICINES.—A full ora rtmen — n< Iffi Also, a fresh .apply of Dr.iMcClintock’s Remedies, ju«t opened st the Apothecaries* Hall, corner Bioughton and Barnard-sts feb 11 STEWART fc BUTLER ' rtBlWra-BI-Htwo tt-PVI.K. An WMortuua Of H American nud English, just received and for sale by NEVITT, LATIIROP- Sc ROGERS. FOR SALE. E ASTERN Half I «»t No: l, and improvements, New Franklin Ward—two story Brick House on high basement. Ground rent.$.9. Term*.—Ouc-balf cash, ami the other at 12 months. Apply to I. BRYAN, feb 8 ' fob 10 CRIMSON MAUICING INK, FOR. MATUCINTGr IiI3YB3Yt9 t gUGARS —3u bbls Crashed and Powdered 5ogar; 5 boxes St u art’s Leaf Sugar; 50 bhla Clarified A. B nd C Sugar; >0 hhds prime N O Sugar; 5 do Muscova do f'o; iu store.and for rale by fob 10 CONNERAT, WEBSTER ft PALMES. E ACH Bottle in a unit case, with Stretch, r and Pen, complete. Made'by Kde ft ”o., London, whose W AND PILASTER—100 bbls Laud Plaster, JLA landing and fur rale by name and triple mark are sufficient to make it a reliable article. Price 62 cents. Fold by STEWART Sc BUTLER. Dispepring Chemists, !» 16 S E corner Broughton and Barnard stS. SCRANTON 4 NORRIS. HAMS. A FEW casks of .extra fine Tennessee Hams; for aaleby J. W. GAUT ft CO., feh 111 05 Bay-st. Fifty More of those Beautiful Assorted BADGES. I. MOLASSES.-30 hluls choice new _ crop MuJhshj-, in fino order, landing per schr Rocket, and for sale by feb « PADEI ^ORD. FAY ft CO. •WAOPeaacrES & aEWEXHT. J UST Received, and for rale low at the ol 1 establish ment, where all kind* of IIAIR BRAID and De vice Worx is done to order, and samples may be Seen. G. WELLINGTON, % . Corner of Whitaker au.1 Bryan streets. . N. B.—Particular attention paid to the Repairing of Watches and Jewelry. Chronometers Rated by Transit. All'work warrant ed. feb 7 AMERICAN GUANO. TO FARMERS ft DEALERS IN GUANO, rjpnis Guano from Jarvis Island, in the Pacific Ocean, PREMIUM AWARD* D. 1866. PREMIUM AWARDED 1857. TTOnPTT f T I1K eahecriber respectfully invites Uie xt'< ntion of the public, and of purchasers particularly, to tho superior PREMIUM PlAfi 08. manufactured by him A splendid ssrortnicnt, constantly on band. Our Piaun* have received a premium two years in succession, 1856 and 1857, st the Fairs rf tlm American Institute. Crystal Palace, in competiriwn with most of tbc leading manufacturers of Ne» York and Boston, and nTe unquestionably of the best quality of tone, full, round, and brilliant, as well as finish Hnd durability, and we flatter ourselves, by the approvalmf .re* owuerl artist*, in venturing to ray that our Pianosrtand superi or to niafiy others, and equal to any Grand Plano in re gard to volume of teneaud elastieity of touch, combined- with the greatest firmness, which is very rarely met with in othvr Pianos. We respectfully solicit no examination from strangers and friend#, to convince themselves of the above before purchasing elsewhere. AH our Pianos are warranted. • II. HANSEN. Manufacturer or riauo.Fortcs. Ware rooms. 100 Centre sL, New York. Vno uov24 The International Hotel, BJB.eAD'WA'S*, CORNER OF FRANKLIN STREET, NEW YORK, O FFERS Inducements to Merchants nod Tourists vis iting New York, nnturpassed by any Hotel in the VtetropliA The following are:among the advantages which >t possess* s, and which appreciated by all traveller*. . 1st A centra! location, convenient to places of busi ness, as well as places of aninsemenl. 2d. Scrupulously clean, well, and well ren tilated sleeping apartment*. 3d. Large and superbly furnished sitting rooms, with a ruagnifu ent Ladies’ Pat for, commanding an extensive view of-Broad war. 4th. Being conducted on the Enropean plan, visiters an lire in the b.-st style, with the greatest economy. ‘ 6til. It is connected with# TAYLOR’S CELEBRATED SALOONS, where visiters can have thoir 'meals, or. If they desire, thay will be furnished in their own rooms. 6th The fare served in the Saloons and Hotel is ac knowledged by epicures, to be vastly superior Ij that ot any other Hotel in the city. With all tlie#v advantages, the coat of living in the In ternational, is much below tbat • f any other first class Hotel. A- FREEMAN, Proprietor, feb St lmo containing 80 per cent, of Phosphates and Sul pha'es of Lime, and the most valuable fertilizer known, is offered for eale iu large or email quaiititiea at about two-thirds the price of .Peruvian. For full information and particular^ udd'ess C. S. MARSHALL, President ol the American Guano Company, feb 14 d6w3 (Its William Street,New Yotk. LEA & PERRINS’ CELEBRATED WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE; Straw Goods, Bonnets, A'c. , -o l&Rj CLARjf c V MANUFACTURERS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, and wholes a i j: dealers, 29 Purls Place, sad 17 Barclay Street, ^Kras-w Tre:a:K, RE Now prepared, to offer to Southern Merchants,