The Savannah Republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1858-1865, April 07, 1859, Image 1

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IF S AVM'STSr AH, <*&. *-*-* * Thirsty tftrnla* t j*rH !,!«• KacAritur '75i"n"K»^r*»o prlsahera—jiy] W. UnrgMs okfffd Wit* wurdar, and Henry BflHfi, jW|*4 wllh tisrektiy-*iad* thair escape frere.UreJsU orOnaibkih bounty, between flunj qlnt o f «|<H* v Tundtj (itaMfrg last. W* l«wn • IktUotWdM prlsoBkhi %■• furnished with * *> kfj, ft H msppnsad,- Wy '(•■Ml** wliu hart bean yiraifil to bWl WBI, that by mean# of It h* u*l->cfcart tho aparthftni In which h* was cobIhI, uort «h«h* if <fi* weans, open- •- *d tho«*f hW companion, They 1 than vrertwd throOfjh tbo building h/ tImply te rn <wmg th* hrifkk **4 made their escape over th* •ouwe wall. tlasMlor, wo loom wo* la thaeoun- •try. »nd th* wntcbaiBn. whu attend* at night, hml not tnsifo Ms t^fwaraflcf. Our information may b« lmp*if*dt,'hM it th* foot* stated b* true, the nutter Ueomriwty worthy of nn investigation, Admittr* ru tuh Bah.—At th* lot* term of the fluplrlttr Court of Effingham eunoly, Mr. Augustus^. Khan, after a highly creditable ex- aralnatltrv.'W i s admitted to all the right* enq |m- mutiHlea of an Attorney and Counsellor at Law, In <h*«coarta of %hi« Si at*. Uo»toh Tit Abu «ith^thk South.-An interest- in* art id* on till* *tity«et t taken from the Horton t'ommsreial llnlletin, will ho found in another co- lumn. Wc ahatl advert to tho matter mor* par ticularly ber*afi«r. .* , 'ULMMCwoon, fur March, har been laid on ourtn- bln by Col, Wllllamr. Among other valuable pa per*, It otinuln* several politloil artlelai that are -of particular intoroit at the pro.ant juncture of Kuropean affair*. Suspected Ve»»l dy hf Mtiubtu of Con ferva*. Thi Wak'hlitglon *orreapundent of a New York paper 1 ''TM fact i* notorious in Warhing-, •tod tWt VHVlbu* member* of both Houses who *•htf here a few year* ego in needy circumstance* have suddenly acquired large fortunes, jurt ns it i* tbo subject of remark not h few maintain extrnvn- ganl establishments during tbo sessions, which uannot be tupporled by any visible meant of tbote owning them. I' it* constantly efcked, where dots tbo uroacy coinn from? ’ Thi* i* a rul Ject well ootlby the etlentinn of tbo eooutry. In the day* ut old Nat. Macon it We* a conceded lad that ho wm the only man who tnmiu money by going to Cungrnas, nnd (but ,wben the compensation bore a much larger proportion »o th* price of living than it does attb* present time. In order to do It, though, it i.« raid that old fash ioned Republican lived in (ho plained style, Hnd never ouce look his congressional suit from Wa-h- Ingion until hi* final retirement frnn ruhlic life. It is » notorious (set that m <st men who have to'Co"l»gry.-^‘f» v ? r ? l ?y , r»r*;'^-r *»iv Uugib <>( lime, have either drawn regularly »m their private income far a support, nr retired from tha rervice utterly bankrupt te fottuwe. Tho Iri’lh it, an hon ed poor man cannot aff.trd to gQ lo Cftngres*. And Jret we *ee many, in nec ly olrcathdance* at home, spend n few versions at Watblngfon, living in the beat or riyN, and finally enmo home with fortune* Iblhelr pockots, There cm bo no e*capo from •kk condition a* to bow (hero result* are brought about. The Vali amount of private claims and specu latioh* thol have to bo parsed upon by Congress with tho Institution of what h known a* tho lobby •yrirrt—that IrpgOnta to a'tsnd at Washington Ovl b/ iilhtrVt g’tbd dlfibor*, intrigue, brihery, or in deed any moan) nocetmy to nccotppH*h 'b9«od la view, operale upon the opinions and void of members—h ive thrown a temptation in tba «vay of our representatives lo Which a man of easy prin ciple* and avaricious nature very readily becuiu < • victim, Tho investigating committ- as of late year* haro cloirly osUblidied thl« fact, Money }i ftpoet by koadredkof thousand*, and the only •diffiealty lies in putting your fi jger upon the guil ty patties Wo think tho man who grow* rich in VVashiWglon should at once bo sot down an um»ng khtm. .Senator Toa nb* declared on the floor of the Senate, a few month* ogrf, that oars was the most corrupt government on tboearth.aod that the unit corrupt portion of it wo* the legislative de partment. He haalang been in Washington, i* * shrewd observer, and doubtless base* his opinion upon fact* that bnvo come to his knowledge. This is a humiliating exhibition of the morality af our country, and the fear is that matters will become worse instead of belter. The remedy ie only in the h»nd* of tho people. Let them send to Washington men of character and long tried in- tegritj, Instead of ambitious political thimhle- wriggers and diaguttlng demagogues, and the work of reform will bnvo commenced. The pro- veriptiva character of party organlxations Jha* done mueh to original* and aggravate tbe evil,nnd It will alwaya exist so long a* fawning syeopbnn ey and partisan servioi are ma le to take tho place of manly independence, exalted talents nnd moral worth, as evidence* of merit. The great danger of the present corrupt system is even more to be dreaded at home, among the people, than for any pernicious offeel* it m«y bnv* upon tbs legis lation of the country. When men find tho office or represent ivo a profitable ono. pouring gold into tbeir pockets and rapidly building up their fortunes, they will not readily abandon the Hold of anch luoratlvo labors. There is no soheme so cor* rupt or detestable that (hoy will not resort to it to ov rrido too free will of tho constituent nnd retain ibulr plaess in the public couooils, The ooosequenoo is, the people themielves are defiled and dubnuched, and our becoming a nation of knaves i* but a question of time. The honest tnen of the country know what we sny to he true. There is not one of them who ha* not soon thi* iniquity going on, while many of thorn hovo thorn salve* been approached with the “thirty pieces of silver" in one form or another. Let, then, the vinu»us and patriotio tnen of tbe couotry go lo work and emdieato thi* curse before It shall n*va plunged tbe nation into a slough of mural putrefaction from which it will bo impossible for anything short of Divine interposition to ex tricat* it. We look forward to the breaking down of old and effeto parlies nnd the construction ol I ew, as tbe first step in the inauguration of this work of rsforim Philllpps on Evidenoo—New Edition. A Thbstis* oj» th* Law or Evior.ncs,Tenth Eng- list) Edition, with con-idersbie alterations and additions by the Hr. lion. 8. March Phillipp', and Thomas J. Arnold, K*q. Fourth Atnerinno Edition, with Cowan A Iltll’a Notes, and with additional notes aiut refer rices to the Englisb- and American cores, to tbe presenr time, in- eluding those added to tho last edition by J. Marsdan Van Celt In Three Volome*. By Isaac EJward*, CouuroUnr at Law. New York; Banks A Brother*; 1839. For sal* in Savuuoah by W. Thorno Williams. We are indebted to tb* publishers for lb* very baudsutna present of / copy of tbis work. Item- braess three large and superbly printed and bound volumes, and though long a standard authority with th* legal profession, it must now become doubly valuable from tb* extensive additions and other improvement*. It is now the most com plete work extant on evidenoo, nnd I* bound to snpplant all other authorities on that •ahjeof. Tb* veil amount of labor required to produo* It is au enduring monument to. tbe ability end per severing industry of tbs compiler*, while tbo me chanical workmanship rsdsets in* highest credit upon tb* skill and good taste of tb* publisher*. Tb* work l* for sal* at lb* book-store of Oof. William*, In this city, who wilt take pto sure in filling tbs orders of gentlemen rtildiog at a dis tance, on tb* terms sat forth In tho advertisement, to which w* refer tbo reader, fur further partiea- Tbs Ink 1 levy lb thu eity ok Baltimore, for the year 1859, Is on* hundred ceny on ovary hundred dollars worth of tsxabf* property; ninety eents for ally purpoies, and (en oentrjor lh* uie of tb* But*. s Is bnv* not **ly n*t despaired of th* mSmsMi, ■ / Umi M.iirjr, lb, «!iU -n.llfnn.j (.IlHMIn UlipjimWM. ,f,r, lb, t),ltni»l.Qbi,n,fil|'ii Hfnjbl»,lon, .ml to «bom Ih. world la iwdlid, vnluablo iO|||toilloni In nalnral ao(!S>', b.a reocntl, .rillana lain, I, John Lock, or -D«blln, In whlob ho oipruata tba. oonojoiloh Ibltja eahla will lio laid acrioailha had 'of |l>a At- S al « avail coal,and evan foa inurh leaa a* alrtad, boon olpondad lu Iho un,oen». arprfaca hlthorlo projeolod. Ilo abowa eon. t'dilTdl, ihbi ih, bntinm olUva^n i, „S*VS, r*|lon of allano. and aUllnaia, unotianiln, lo Tta tenip*ratur^, and Uninhubitedby tbo umnstarr of tb«dwp, and consequently ihatiol.jiotfafiaronof r !»«blng.tho bottom, w unnliooted by tho'so muta tions which produce decay. «. "Lie t. Maary ts of opinion that th* nnly : trmbl# ^ connecting the two conlinfnta by l*i«graph should arise rrom pnmbrlifi lh«:prewar to^o r wire for the purpose. Thu failure of the tins from Trinity to Valeotla Bny> ho attributes t* the cum brous nature of the ntble, *m|.|o'y«d. Costing twice ns much ns was necessary, its great weight caused* strain upon tho vstfsi* which rendered necessary tho Wre of enmplioated machinery fo ktop It from mapping asunder, whila the Mraln wittfhVho'Wire itself did, in all probability, make sundry breaks in it fatal to tho success of the pn- terprlto. 1‘At first,** says Lieut. Maury, “th* fractured surfaces with their crrv*»“«- • - “ were britfta*. —a .«**• gntvnnio current could leap tho linlo chasms with comparative facility; but U«a tnrnirhed them and. tho leaps hecnino tuora and more deficient. Hence, tho pasango of intel ligible messages at first and their gradual cursa- tion, nnd tho subsequent failure uf tho cable to give any signs of life.’’ Lieut, Maury favors tbe adoption of Rogers’ cord as that must iikoly to provo manageable in laying down n second Telcgrnphlo line tn Europe. This ojrd is n sunplo wire insulated with gaits porcini, around which is braided,whiy-eord fashion, bobbin or twine, tho whole protected by n plg- tnent, gum or cemont securing tho insuluting tna. tcriul against chafing, bruires nr moiling. This protection, however, so littlo injures tho pliability of tho cord nnd adds so little to tho difficulty of its management that, in Lieut Maury's opinion* ono ship might carry the wholo of It, nnd “pay and go" with it across tho Atlaotio ns though iho wero linking an ordinary passage. Pf.uex.nial Cotton.—A subscriber residing in Marion county, Flotilla, has sent u* a number of squares, blooms, and young, bulls, taken from a stalk of cotton that has live** nnd flourished in that county throughout t ho winter. They nro iho product of the ptp;-«nt yenr, nnd tho plunt from wnioh they >r C re taken, together with a number of oihsrs no the same Plactation, (Mr. Jas. A. Wig- £*bs’) i* now fix or eight f>rt in height. They nf- ford «i tdenre of the txtrciuo tuildnoss of Iho luto winter in that latitude. The Union i* authorised to nnnnunci that lion Ilowcll Cobb, Secretary of the Treasury, has been directed by Iho President of tho United Slalos to net ns Atiorncy-Oen*Tii during ike temporary ab sence of lion. J. S. Black, tho AHorncy-Qencral, from tho sphere of his duties. Waxtxo Up.—A despatch ft-urn Washington, dated 5th i*t«f., say« : ‘•Ordnr* haro hocn sent to-day to Minister Lamar to piMitivi.-ly insist on nn apology aiirlnirstimtlounndiii- ihmmity fur tho rvcmt acts in Nicar* jna la relation to the istn scisnre anil contifc uionof tho sroperty of Ameri can cltlrcns. In case of tlio rcfnsj,|oti tho part of Nicaragua, our Minister is Instruct- «1 to <l<>muti,l his pisspo.u ami to call the (*ulf nml I'aci Jc squadrons to his Now, this is a move in the rig jit direction, giv ing ui some hopn of “Undo 8a*o," after all. We cannot sny what Gin. Lunar will do with tie squadrons after they shall hnvcicotio tn his aid, ns tho last Drtraoeralia Conere*N coinplotuly tie i up the hand* of the President; but, nt nil events, wc are glad to see a movotnent of somo sort, and hopu it may result, somovnow, inn couipieto reduction i f the Isthmus. Mr. Pioroo bombarded (iroylown without *ho special pcroiission of Congress—why miy not 01,1 Buck give the Nicaraguans u thresh ing a little further up »n shore? Ooy II.nn.1,* B| f „, rrM.. Tku Maetm Stott Pmt publishes th* following S»Y , r^SS3:uoS'S'^ Rxn Ourra, March 19, 1859. ' Door Sir t l sin ubllged lo you for your Invite- r t * l "^Js ,re , c - t absolutely necessary to tbo Inuai^naenhi'.vfdfin 8-)fith|.#hMjgt.ff^fi, t will ?V r i ■ .* P,^f^tr(«W, thuu|h she tUAveotulnu* to ii|rnl*h, ns/h* now does, mure of iliii material of ontoiufrcf, (ban any olher nWpuUtfon ut tho estao numbers aver did; and hmlarlals that Vtmstnufo; Ibu most Vital current, or oututnerslsl elreulatlui*, ««.mto||lng, in fact, almost ibe Wholo. ’ ' Our drawbacks have been, not ili* sdparlcr an- W.** intelloof nf any other people, hut nut ,hal- nw Urs.-yeli.,* fhysr, add wantVf mrrja^ilLrap. Jlnl. Time, I think, }*i|| show that vesMlsofTOOO ton. areas pr^fltable ns ' carry on trade, and'.there fat, sdter our hmt. msf%Huw.fiik*r ♦an be wholly ended bf oUflfcl g our bu-inass *° nlffhi month* of th^ year during which w* qre exempt, The«o eight months, being lho*a In -whioh Wo can, nnd in feet do, Wry near ly all nor produets lo market; they nro naturally jmTbSns? >- It Is'beoause we submit fu^hd oonvenlenco of °!,1 !**■** Wfl "H"* ^ ,n *»® nso*ssary that there ■hould he.ony transaction, frou,, llm .interior, or • ••in abroad, during the four, possible, j,Hcw lever luonih*. The grand difficulty |« as to oapital; our means are, for the most | art, in fact Hlumit entirely, employed In fouling fre*h lands, subduin* the forests, nnd fv.^l^tffere we find full employ- ment f >r nil our menus and nil our. enorgy. But Ibis will r.ut always be so, and if the owners of tho comparatively i Ilo millions, in other parts, do nut soon seek the rich harvest they may reap here, our own surnlus.igo will ennhlo us to occupy that field nine. Nothing, I think, is wanting tJ nur south ern country but time, provided wo havn cnpuol'y to nppreeiate, before it Is loo late, our unparalleled resource*, and tin* enorgy to devobm them. I think wo have. I.havo every eonfi.Unco in our future, let more politic, tnkd what cohrse and pro duce what reMilt. they may. Southern industry, at this moment th* most prosperous of any oh tlte globe, rerls nl.o on tho securest bnsis, and it only requires that it should rise lo n full appreciation anil assertion of Itself, to become free, in a little time, of nll.thnio provincial clog* which now on cumber it, I*confc«s that I hnve been devoted to other mat- lor# ton much to haro learned precisely tho way'In which your Assoclili n propose to cfluct the groat object, Hnd am, therefore, unable to judge as to its probable results; hut that there is u way, and that sucres* is sure, I do not doubt. Very rcspeoifully, your obedient srrvant, * J. 11. Howell Ct»nn, E-q* Terrific Kxploalon of it Locomotive- Two Men Killed. A frightful cxplu-ion occurred i*i I'liihdelphlr, on Wi'dtiesday, about half pu.t four o'clock, A. M. TliO iVetc* »ay* s At the hour nnuu-d iho locomotive IVrktotnen, one ol the largest oil tho Heading Hiilror.J, bad reached tlio t'dl-b *ure on thu west sido of the Schuylkill, at thu Fall’* Bridge. Tho engino Part an iiinneii.u coal train attached, nnd it hud halted opposito.iba Li'.l.aatr. ahmit 20 fret beyond the west end of iho bridge. From amuo o-iusb, which has not yet been ascertained, tho l»>iler -jt the engine explnrted, nnd frightful ronsequo* ces en sued. Tho Incntnutivu wan Uroken awuy from tho rest of lire train by the forco of tho explosion, and it was dnghi-d on lo tho bridge, a distance nf 60 or 70 foot. Toe engine was litcrr.lly blown to piects, the boiler being rhuttured, and even the running guar wrecked. Two men wercinstantl y killed ly tbo nci-ident. The engineer, .To>ia)i .Missiiuer, nn« upon tho engino nt thu tiiuo, and it is supposed dial he was blown into tho river, a* no trace has yet been found of his l oily. John F»lor. the first hrakos- mwn, was idairn « distance of fifty yard- fruit, the spot where tho explosion lu-k place. Ilis boil) was loun<l on the tow-|mth, within four feet of the river, lie had fallon iicud-foreiunst a mo in* soti.o rocks, nnd his brains woro dashed out. Tho toll house at tho nest end of the bridge was shat terud by the explosion, ami iho building was sot on fire. The toll-gatherer and his family wero tisleep in their bed* at Iho time. Tbe toll-gathorcr was thrown from Ms bed hy tho nWk, and dashed against tho wall. A portion of Iho iron work of the boiler wis blown into a window of tho toll- hou-e, and falling upon the foot <•( .i boy lying in hud it burnud him. A d*ughier»f tho toll-gath erer was so batliy stunned that she could not ho aroused f»r some timo. Nona of this fuuiily ro- colved any very icrious injury. ilff lOwanianicatM.j , A/r. EditorIndividuals, like dirties, require to be treated dlffsrantly, aoeordlnf gs they vary tmeammoKt •nily, at dijftiM •ijfkfP. tiin In th* same constitu tion,tod lb* pmralUUim is not fust id this rsipsot 3SSSS£;t; (his artlole—with Iho/bdf* necessary to sustain tn'y positions, ih jho opinions or all such persons as J tart auflh(ag nkoaf— n court*,-u. and gentia- M«»)y torus, hi a prerlou. number of your paper loann.d, therefore, attempt tn enntrovart tbo’ U published ovor bis rlgnature, in your paparpf ysslsrday. I will merely remark that sn ( individual who would go “so f.r blind” as to sign tbs diplomas "of young mao ho.nevkr saw,"could nut tee, or retasm- Iter, tuueb of ibe mean* for illuttr/tflng tho lee- lure*, then or wow, in Oglethorpo Medical College, ir an opportunity should bo afforded him f«T doing so. Thera nro *i*temonfp.e/mtalued In hie artlole, however, that I Intend Judge Fleming, nnd tlio Superior Oouitnf Chatham eounty. shall rteolde- Afler which, I shall adopt such other treatment as may be necessary lo tho premiso*. Ooo word wore, Mr. Editor. Iassert unhesitating, ly.ahd can prove lire same, by tho Minute Book of the Faculty, tbnt t never approbated n single d dlar, to which Dr. Banipn-.w/imnoer nr th# Fn- culfy. Vis t tbe earnings of the College—except, for the benefit of the College, and that all such expenditures were ratified by Dr. Benson, and the rest of tbo Faculty, as I can prove over hit own signature, a. Secretary of tbe Faculty. And I hereby pronounce any assertion, or insinuation, to the onntrnry of this statement utterly and nnqnnli- fiedly false. Having said this tuneb, I conclude nil that I huve to say on this subject. Hy L. Uthd, M. D. Dean of Oqletbiti^ie Medioal Cullegr. Savannah, April fl h, lSSu;' 4 (Communicutoil.) 8AVAXNAn, April 6. -Wr. Cf-fflr—’Sear Sir: In your paper of M on jay, you atAlcd thnt you were loformcilofallquorhlioii being kept open ou SuiuUya on thu corner of Boat Broad and Bryan strocta, hy un-uni of n rear entrance, and that ft was the resort of low, drinking and fighting characters. I shoul 1 not have jiutircd t e statement, only for Mr. Dennii O’Su livan thought fit to any thoWiis bouse waanot<if the kiud spoken oh lie occupies ono corner of the nntned' streeta und I the other; therefore p raons not knowing moor iny place wonldsuppose it wo* tny h uie. 1 aa-* aure you nnd tfie puhljc that I always keep my place of business closed on tho £nhhstb day, and also that I have not n rear entrau c to my houso, iir Imtli iny doors o|wn on tho street, so that yonr Informant Is at fault with re gard to my house. And further, my houso was never,nor ia it unw, the resort of low flghtiug character**. I can prove what I state. In justice to me, I hope you will Insect tny statement in your valuable Journal, by so doing you will much oblige Your obedU-ut servant. Mas. P. Si'luvax. &Somwm ST'!" 0 ^ and aomol fr«r Uks ona after, -.^“^^•eruprafaf.ons'iiwi before dinner, and u tlwdoaart la. I ane.or II Jot) before dinner, and ■"flB otallnr, but[lun,ou not liMtrlnk raor.l)i.u I'.o ranntloiioi), ior raujr l» «• uu, pu. ibo boo roll of moil.i.t|oii” Ijrarmira DnrnoimiD JSm.onu.-It I. raortlrjln, that the propensity ahould ltd an strung among our coun- t ,W ,Pn „ t0 nnd Honied rorrirn |H-raonagwtof distinction that tlmso pereonagea ahould have to cry.fur ineray na aoou oa they approacii our shores, and beg, In phtlnlf re terms, tu bo lot off m lightly as possible, Amer* leans who never gave their friends reason to blush for thslr wisdom In council their courage in battle, or their energy lo precet whore general average of Intrlllgtore Is Jilghcr than thpt of any other poople under beavan; who have every reaaun In their unit, their preaent nnd their future, In their conntrv and in themselvea, for pride and self-respect, are m-vertiielast afflletod with aucli exnher- ant sensibility, are so sxceasively. smUldc, afiectionata and demonstrative. Hint they run after every celebrity like a crowd of village schoql boya afler a atrauge visitor, and to persist la leaning end fondling, and hand shak ing. and rubbing their noses against tha hem or the gat- meat, that they have to be lifted up carefully by th* Ih, rural tll.trlcl. anywhere. Wo feel sum* degree of aatlafnctlon that when the great satirist, Thackeray, was on his travels South,, he found tha race of *nobi growing Small by degree* and heantinilly le*#,'* httd- ohly bdre atid there a donkey who offered himsulf t# bo rode and was proud of the di» tiuctiou.—Hidimoud D ipateh. Fostinasler-GonefiU Holt holds that tbooirtifled balances of oon'reslnrs’nccounls' are assignnbla, and believes that these evidence* nre equally available as proposed acoeptsooer, whioh form he refuses to adopt. Cammrrcfal Kccorti. SAVANNAH HAIIUUT. - • UKPUIII.ICAN OFFICE. Wtdntidsy, April 6.1H5J. COTTON.—Th* msrksl has basn qutst and Arm, with salsa footing 1,004 baits. Pries* srs irregular and quotations ImpoMibls to ba gl*tn; thty hsvs an npwsrd tondsney, and thstalt* eert mads at Us. advanet—say for goud middlings I2*£e. The folloaing art tlio particulars ol tha dty'i is ss: 0« at 10,33 at I0.U 20 *t 10’;, 3U8 at tO^. 4 at 11, 37 at 11>4. Mat at 1114,33 at 12,31st IS. 1 ;, 79 at UJ,' t 133 at. 12)4, and ltd at I2J4 e*nu. srATRMK.HT or COTTOK. Stock cn hand 8*nt. I, ttid. licccivsd tlno* 35 ..J09 Telegraphic. - Tho IlskUs. Oxis, Was in so vox, April A—Tb* Court has, at last, succeed- •0AI0 onipaneHIng a fury totry.Mr.p.B-flkklaa. . DomcsUo Markets. New Toxc, April fl.-Salts of Cotton to-day IfiDQ bales, chiefly In traniltu.. Illddllog Orleans 17c. with 9-164. frslght. Flour declining; sales 9,(100 bblsq SMfl.60 Wheat dull; Western rod $U5; white |l/6. Oorn inn» •ales 26,000 bushels, yellow 80nM. Turpentine dull, Bo- fin firm. Rice firm. Avovsta, April 6.—Salonct Cotloa today 330 hejasat I2al2^c. New Orleans, April A—Sale* of Cotton to-day 10,500 hales. Market stiller. Mobile, April A—Sales of Cotton today iflOO bales. Middling W/i. Improved demand. Mobile, April 6.—Sole* or cotloo;tcHUy SJ500 bales.— Tlie steamer’a -news caused aa advance, and middlings are bow quoted at 12 a 12^0. Sales of three days 4,950.— Hacelpta tor mum time 4,760 boles. NewObleaks, April 5.'—Bales of cotton Unlay 2,400 Ules, and prices bare advanced He, caused by the steam er's news. Middling 12c. Sales of three dsys 82,000 bales; Receipts same time 12,000 balsa against 2*^00 bales lart year. HBCKIPT8 of cotton ac.' April«—Ptt Cemrsl R»)lrv*J—HU kalesS«ttso, 160 seeks flear. III ssekasnrs, 19 bales domsitiei. I ersehr Ssmncl Ed<l»—V4 toss oocl. K«hr I.N Omtfrcy—OUuObss roseh rl>» - PHELAN'S IMPROVED BILLIARD TABLES AXU CVMHIXAT/OX CUSHION!!. / . ... ... ■/. P ltOTKCTKD By l/*tt«rs Iferent, datH-l- Kebrnary IP, l*6U. D cemher A (8 7./ October 28.1336 January 12.18M^ Tlie recent lntprev*-menls made In thf*n Tablk* mak * them uaiuinsAsed in the world They sro now offere d •n the sciriitlrtc Billiard player »s comhlnlnitXiwwd with truth, never Ihi ore obtained In any Blllf*rdT?ofe: Haiesrnniu 7b6 and I 8 * IlniadwHjr, N^Y'. AlntiWfSCtoTy W Ann «ire*-t. OCnNNOU * ('OVMKBlI f * yan 26 3nio ' Me Mmnifartnrs^s To Hoiel Keppera, Restaurants, DBUdGISTC, ORnOKKS* AND TUB PUBLIC. Bitters Espcrtsdslues 6«pt. 1,1838.... •• ’u-Jsjr.... 393.930 ...J4I.A74 .... 1,600-346.174 Stock on hand sad aa (htpbcsrd not elesred 49.776 FRKIQIITR—Jetton to Liverpool I1-32J. for squsro, sud 9-I6J for round. To N«w York );o. The Clam lea “n Market nnd the Augusln Dwyers. It is a source of amueentent (nr many parsons eng'ged in the cotton trade, in this city, to noticci the effect of a decline in the cotton market in Charleston. Somo (iron since,tho market declinod there, and ono of tlte largo Augusta dooluri went down and cwmtnenead buying lar oly, and tlio market very suddenly recovered its quietne.-i*, ami prices rapidly advancud. ThnCharleston cotton market wn« in a very feeble condition on Friday and Saturday last,nnd anoth er Urge Augusta buyer sent orders on Mon day to that tunrket, and, strange to say, about 3, COO hales wero sold, and prices advanced. There iseridont)y milk sometimes in eocoanuls, even though thcro may he persons who are both ered tn know how it gets there. Thu truth i*, there are credit, means, nnd nerve, in tire commercial circle* of Augorta, nnd when they find their A'lantic neighbor in a feeble condi tion, a little back-bane liniament is rent down, or we fhnubler their troubles. It is cortsluly entu- mandstde cleverness to prop a ful'irig Iraure.— Aug, Constitutionalist of Wednesday. Our Charleston friends are happy in having so kind n neighbor, nnd withal ono ro competent to. C.rry a small village like Charlorton in Its breech es pocket. Such oloverneri is anmtucndshlo, nn I wo hopo tho tuerch-ots of Charleston are duly grateful. Georgia Supreme Court. Minute of Points decided at Atlanta, March Term, 1839. Jefferson Johnson and wife, vs. Wright and Walker.—Ejectmen'—from Cass county. 1. Enter of Judgment mute pro tunc,—An or- dor appointing a gu *rdmn ad litem, in 183-1, and nn entry thereof tuado ni tlio time only on tho bench docket and tho record, may bu entered nunc pro time, on tho mi'-utes nt the Court in 1857. 2. Impeachment of Judgment,—A party may show (hit toe return or entry of service by tho Sheriff i-* n forgery ; ami thut a person npp tiotud guntdinn od litem never accepted the trust } and that such per.-on was appointed at the instance nf the informer, and thus show ihnt the Judgment rendffed in tho cause [a proceeding to condemn a return under the Littery Acts, fraudulent] was paid. Judgment renewed. Bogie and Fields, plfs, in error, vs. Jom<v M. Maddox, dft. in error. Proceedings lo ovtablith lost paper*—from Cntnnsa County. 1. Who proper parties — A per-on not n parly to doeds, copies nf which are sought to be estab lished, cannot interval o before petition and motion be murto a party defendant to e ;rocnading In stituted under Ibe acts of 1799 and 1850. t-> estab. lith copies of lost papers. Judgment uffirined. James S. Jobe vs. The State. Indictment for keeping lewd house—from Catoosa county. Judg- meat affirmed. Cherokee In. end Bk,g C«. va. Justice* of the Inferior Court of Whitfield county. Mandamus from Whitfield. There is no law in Georgia authorising tbe In. ferlnr Court of a eoaniy in which » Bank is located to levy • tug on the capital stock of such Bank, for o«unty purposes. Reversed. Joseph K. Duke va. Enoch Nelson.—Complaint fr'-tn Cass. 1. Where vendee sells for a« much ns he gives, although there is umoundness, be is not entitled to damages for breach of wnrranty. Reversed. Atlanta American. Tita Jacksonville Homicide.—Tbe Jackson ville (FIs.) IUpnblienn gives tho following In latiun to tha recant killing affair in that place t As it will bteome time yet before n legal Invds- ligation is bad, we would slut ly state, for the in formation of Mai. Gregg’s friends abroad, that lie wae Instantly killed by a pistol shot In tho bends of Mr. Alfred Sean, while passing from hU room to the Ladles’ parlor In join a party in a game of whist. Maj. Gregg could not have bad the slight est apprehension uf an attack from Mr. Sears, ns no angry words had evsr passed between them.— Far the loit threoyears M'tJ. Gregg hns bsld the position of Chief Engineer of the Florida, Atlan- tio A Gulf Central Railroad. Ho loaves n wife end two children. • Tho brother of the King of Abyssinia haa Just arrived at Paris. Ho is perfectly black, and very handiums. Prof, Niobvl he* written a loiter, deflylnff that Geo. Combe was tbo .author of tbo “Vestiges of 1 Creation.” ■ f »*• Explanation of tub Cub a Expedition Rumor. Tlio New York corruspundent of tho Baltimore American jays ; 'Tho rumors of an repartition being sot on foot hero to lake Cuba are unfounded, The scheme of emigration to Arixonn h**s boon confounded with that of a sanguinary raid on Cuba. There is tin mystery about tho Arisnna movement. At least two companies are nrganiting in this city to pone- trate the Southwestern G-ilcond •; ono t f them i* suirt to ho hared upon n gran: Irnm Cnmmif-rt ol 29.900.900 of ncrei*,nti important stipulation being Ihnt tlio grantees shall repul invasions hy thu C:t mnncho und Apache Indians. For this purpose the comp*ny have purctinsrd two thousand Min nie mut-kotr, one thousand Sharp’s carbine*, nnd a small park of Artillery. Thcro dreadful munition., are actually stored in a houso down town, a d it is not unlikely th«t somebody has seen them through n keyhole, and roid in thoir gli-nming ar ray a horrid portent *.f dofign upon Cuba. Coin I any No. 2 is 0 j »hit stock ouncern, with nn im lucnso number of shares at twenty dollars each. And it* avowed intention is tn explore tho surifor- nu< bowol* of iho a-untry. Several wdl known Demoorn'ia politicians and soma of tho original friends of Gon. Wollior nro nt ihn bottom ol tho concern." Diplomatic Altbiication.-THo Puri* correspon dent of thu National Intelligencer writes on the 17th March t An altercation hns taken pince at Frankfort, ho- tween C»utit Reolihcrg, 1 ho Austrian Mini-tcr who u 1'ioi-idout nf tho Diet, and tho l'ussian Repre sentative, who is tho Vice-President, Mr. Bi*- tuark-SohoiibaureP. which led tuprnccedings which may possibly end in aduol. Tho question of peace or war appear* tn havo constituted the princip *1 causo nf tho di’pu'e. The naount is mysterious, but it would seen that tlio Prus-iaii, while dcclar lag that his Government would never shrink from Ihu obligation uf defending Germany in the hour uf danger, look occasion lo state that tho cabinet of Vienna was unjustifiably endeavoring to pro voke war hy onlHng on Germany to adopt mili tary c-unscli. Germany, lie insisted, cannot he nailed upon to defend the trcnrtve of Austria with Italian princes; nnd Prussia will draw her sword but tn delend interests purely Gorman. Tho Prussian press have Dover corned tu drew this die- tincilOD, Three Cent Pikcbs.—It has been currently stated that bogus throe cent pieces are ns plenty as the geiiuino ones. A Binghnmpton (N. Y.) hanker uddressod n letter to tho Director of tbo Phil idel|-liia Mint, on the subject, and received tbe following answer, which is of general interes': I hnve to acknowledge the receipt of your let ter of the 22d instant, enclosing two threo cent pieces, which are both genuine, but of different is sue*. When the three rent coin was first issued it was required lo he but 759-ih-iusnnd'hs'fino. When the law was ohnnged (March S, 1853.) nod it was required lo he struck in standaid silver, the same as the other silver coins, it became necessary to distinguish the new issue, and for this purpose a double line was engraved on tho die around the ■tnr on the obverse; and within the (otter C, nn the reverse, there was added,ubavo the numerical III., a sprig of olives, and beneath, three arrows. Many persons in noticing the differences botwoen the two issues, suppose one or the other to be spurious, which, of onurse, is s mistake. There nro coun terfeit throe cent pieces in eiroululiun, but they thicker than lbs genuine,” Antidote foe Rattusnae*Poison—The Medical Jour nal says the following is au infiUilhlo cure for tlio polsuu of a rattlesnako bito: Poor grains of the Indate of potash; Two grains of corrosive suhllnut**, Five drachms 'f bromine; Mix together, nnd keep tbe mixture In a glass stopper ed vlul, wall secured. Ten drops of till* mixture, diluted with a table spoonful or brandy, constitute a doso; the quantity to be repeated, If necessary, according to the exigencies of tha case. (From the Boston Com. Bulletin, 2d.J ‘ NnatUersi ttte*m»lilpe. We ttsted in our la*t week's that .active measures were being taken to prosecure this im portant enterprise; that a petition hnd been pyo- -ented re the Legislature for a charter, nnd n coin- mitiee appointed tn take the matter in hand- That committee had n session Tuesday afternoon, at the rooms of the Board of Trade, to discuss tho ques tion ns to which point, Charleston or Snvnnnnh, tho lino should first le e*tahli«hed. • Mr. F-y, formerly of tlie firm of I'adelford A Fay, of S-i». ranniih, nnd now n resident of this cl»y, uddrrssul iho committee nt length upon the advantages if. -the latter port. Ills long reridenco in that city, and his thorough iii'qualntarice with the different avenues lending thence, entitle his viows tn a care ful conjrirteraiion, and we liavo no doubt tho com mittee entertain iho same opinion. There is n do- idl'd perfrrence for Savannah ovor Charleston, both for depth *>f water In tho harbor nnd the fa cilities of inland communication wiih tho several important points where the trndowith Boston is large, *iicha* Memphis, Nashville, Ivooxville, and other places. Those facts nre substantiated by tho freight re- ords both in Boston and New York, which show large preponderance of freight to this port, where such freight can be carried by rati b- th from Charleston and Savnnnah, nnd , where ship per? have the choice of both places, all other thing* being equal, they give a higher rata In Sa vannah. And, we Itink, if both ports cannot he accommodated, the opinions of the Southern chip - pers upon whom will depend, in n lafge tnoarure, the support of tho line, should bo consulted. But wo differ entirely from the riews that have gener ally boon expre-ied as to tho necessity of fixing upon one point. One steamer will not be suffi cient. Allowingthat but one port Is designated, nnd as hns been clearly proved, that n large propor lion of the freight that will go by this lino can bo carried from both ports by tho Georgia Central and South Carolina Railroads, wo would res pectfully suggest that they make alternate trips- -ill tbo prosperity of the line is established, ami u •Inn * ml is oreaturt for r*ur instead of two Hentncrs.' Such a | inn would secure nnd ace-linin'-dn e tho local trade of both cities, whioh is hy no means inconsiderable. As tn tbo proportion of stock which could be obtained, there is no d«uht that nil that would be required outride of Uorton could he. readily obtained either at Charleston or Savannah. In Hot, offers tn that effect have already hoei- made, both hy letter and in person. Tbo coiumilUu: who have this matter in charge is composed cliivfl > of gentleman who nre largely engaged ia this iron > and who have -rad practical experience in thodit , ticuities attending tho delay in the shipment 1 . gnods : — Messrs. J. C. Convene (of tho firm • { Converse, Ilardiug A Ca„) Errn Farnsworth f> tbo firm of Parker, Wilder A Co.,) und J B. Kin ball (of the firm of J. B. Kimball A Co.) Thei can he no niDgivinga* to whether these line* cn be sustained. The problem has already been sol t ed in the case of the Baltimore nnd Pblladeipln steamers, which hnve already been outgrown i the extent of thoir trade. Wo know enough of tl character of the Southern merchants to sny th - they will be willing to pay a liberal rate of frcfgh nnd we trust that Boston merchants will soo th it is for their henefi’ to do tho same; nnd we b Hove that now is tbe time if ever, (when nil ti 1 circumstances are so favorable,) to establish tb line. A Bachelor's Woes.—What a pitiful thing nn u bachelor In, with his cheerless house nnd rueful phiz, • n hitter cold night, when the Here? winds blow, nml tl, earth Is covered with a foot of snow. When the fire out and In shivering dread, he slips ’nSatli the sheets • Ids lonely bed; how no draws up his toes, still encased yarn base, and buries Ills -oso ’neath the chilly b clothes, that Ills noso nud Ills toes, still uncased lu yic , lioso may not bo troze. Then he puffs and blows, at swears that he knows no mortal on cart' 1 ever an ferudnuch woes, and with ah’s Rtid oh’a. and with Hml nearly froze, to his slumber in silence ha goes. In tl morn when the cock crows, a id the sun’s just rose, fro ’liuntli the bud clothes pokes th* bncholor'a nose, and 1 you may suppose he hears the wind blows, ami he secs tl - window all froxe, why back ’neath the clothes pops tl [ loor etluw’s nnse, or if from tho bed be rose, tu put * 1 is clutlws, he’d surely froze. Savannah Exports, April O. NEW YORK—Susmihlp 8inr of the S mth—214 bales tot- ton. 130 ssski ries, 13 baits yarn, 14 d> waito, and sundry pkgs tndst. AUGUSTA, Ayrll A, p. m.—Cottou.—Tlis Enropess »«t- vlrt* broujlu hy the sitsmsr Perth, to hand on tba Jar fol lowing ths data of our last wtskly report esustd a dspreusd • nd declining market, wliieh h«s prerailed without Intor- mlitlon throughout tha remainder nf th* week under renew, th* transection* b«ing tmiied to sb-.nt 2000 bate*, at an tr» regular deeline of *4 to ?;*. The accounts from Europe to w* msy resivnebly •’*!- er.savm«niai. a *"s!£;ui ■ tlrrego nr and unsettled th.t we withheld qaotsiirns fur the preieut. The rse-tpte of th* week are shout S.ihm btlri. li p. in —C»tlon —The market wee oultt tn-d«r, the eel** bein • only 361 bates at tb* foPowing quotation*: II at 10*:. 2 «t iV'i, 39 st II.V.6J sc I l‘i. 198 st 12*4. sad 13 bates at I2!,e. Rreetpt* 4bales. SHIPPING LIST- Port nf Havwnttfth. April 0,1859. AKIUVKD. Brig Bsisn, Draw, Duitou, with ics to Wi dtr Wheaton k iehr Samuel Eddy, Patttn New York, to Orlglum, Bald win E Co. lichr L N Qodfrey, Godfrtd, Ssranhah niter, to R Utkes- •hem E Son. Rrhr J Trent an. Prledem, Dtritn, to R llebinhsm A Ara. Steamer Kterglede, Coaeiler, I'e.etke, Sc, to J C Frerer. Steamer John Q Lawton, KeebKr, Parachuola, to J-W 61c- Atpin. Steamer Swan, Johnton, Augui », to J P uiouks. OLBAIiKU Stiamihip Star of ths South, Lyons, New York—PadeKord, Fay * Co. Stoiiusr Everglade. Cosetter, Charleston—J OFraior. DEPARTED; Steamer Everglade, Coaetter. Palatka- H AVE, front their excellent (ins'liies. t^oa recoin- nu iided hy Ilia M08t KMINKNT PIITMUUKB as a m.ut valuable and nuver-pilHn* rsais lv for Dyspepsia, Dlarolimt, Debility. Hsartharn. llilliousncsv, Jaundice, Liver I’omplslnts, Dlrease*. As. ie Are aims sure and certain prsven’lve nvsinet Fever and Ague, Cholera, Summer Complaints t is. and Is the most v»1iw**’*» and fttitachiita TO'ID AND APFKTfTB-URKATI.M COMPOUND erer offered to h» nuliliAw I-*-*. ..... Hy the uie nf thtotaJI rTKRS ill diseases of ike Wood will lie-Ihormiglily wrsd cW*d. and all lh**so who are •Iifferinc Jwqtt .varly wx'-cesre and Pyiwtraticn of the l*iiv*lheJMljfwrel»akJivill A# rretotsd toa HOItVIdT AND VIO.iKOUlTSTAMMLJlKAl.TlI. . 4 - The UlgrstiVn tirJiffliMJlMiajfQpuUtfd utid, pqrnik- ' nentlv siretigtlicneil. appetite will be cfmted,-aau the Dehilltatsd cuhjeci U etoied to New Life. . M •, ,1 Thi* remedy I nee very Agreeable mete, end will lie' taken readily i.y chi -Ire* n* well si a uti«. AH i^rtooSkuffcrimrfroiti any ir ths eompUinlr -■e InvlledAjHWN ITtTllllUWW'd HIlTKItd. /DtJtS!—vornn adult, a small wlitr-gUseAilttiree.tlme a day: f. r w child, a email 1-a-siW.nfii' t*rW a day. B., . E-.le Ag-l » t •rtiiB Uullru «*. ’ 742 Rf.sdwsv, Ne- ’ rel. a th« low t.rWi 2.'* p»r gallon; flitter*, ft 3*jjdL#»Ihm. - For sa'e lijBli Dfogdati and (In* ere- r,-tail at 742 ItKOAD Jen »-’5'i l» - .0 world Do artlefe°evs* ■*» drd praise 1“'- ■ . Tow***,. TTLWr. • VM.111,1 Huu'l ilVED^ ■> -ms^isistssisssrimfit* ‘ UAiliUilnu.nMh • .-count. lour* truly, '• 1 • / • , .If : 8uehUngnafte as this It bit tha eons • ho whererof iht* arUcUU~—— T *vewvebr im wlmwasn elMMteee by this UulmenL Every family Be very Mrtkuier and enquire for thr 1 - .cnt and take do other. 40M hy *11 daolere thronghont North a*#*A I fVtcs, Furnpe, tod wi i the Islaade of the 0o*l • ate, 59 cenu. and |l par btui le. /( . M ' ■ PARK,MowM; / fsh 26 sowlmi dSw . , s . T|A» S.E.N '8 PI A. XjoT PIANOS. . r: PlANOa, : J*. 1, .; PIANOa. PIANOS. : PIANOS. PIANOS; a PIANOS.-; • bam PIANOS. PIANOS. %r ^^RRMHTir 7 A RDMH oipsap.... _ the public, and oj yerjnr fit BMIVM " _ . iJwbiViZxi: dare. In cempellibm with woet of lUfacturers of New York and Hoetou.apd jiui|«f6stlooably of tbe belt quality 'of lone, full, 1. md, and btllliant. ss well as finish and 'daraMHty, I we flatter oureslvrs, hy tbeepproral nf rei<oeritfd . »t«, in vraiurme tn say that our Piataoeetsud sapen- • - to many o-bor«,aud equal to inf Grand PUuo la re- , rd lo v»lD0ie 0/ tone sud tbullrltyof touch, c • ih the greatest flrmoees, which ie t*-’ v thiuothvr Pianos. We respectfully solicit nn examination front stranger ■ I Mends, t-i convince thfmsslvea or the above bvlko , 1 rchadbg ehwwhcre. All our Pbuiooare krarreateU. . II..IIANSKN, Msoufeciurer of Plane Forteo. . wrerhom*. t'-OCfntre stra New York. d«n6 bovt L)K Cl RIGS WELLS mm 1"S Infiatnilory Diseases Only / / MiamoAXi cuAxj’X’t 1 Far TV IT 1? * '* PERUVIAN Gt’ IOO m»r 17 ^ T**NS »Vo. 1 Peruvian tin Irnm «chr Village G-.m. .IjHa patt; ROYAL iNSlIrtAlCE (1 OAFITALi fiiO.OOO^OOi . utaKs r KRN •fndrew JLmc Jan 2li tt PAS914 NGfC lift A.tlantic Fire Ijjsurance-9 T c* Per itesmvhlp Star uf the South f->r New \ ork— ilr* *v m- dtr. Miss Winder. Mrs Mygett, .Miss Mrg>u. 1, NerUinure, MraUigelow.J Curdes, K Krlai*. II N Mygratt. JesCsruth- trs H W Bowyer, J Cohen, K Wlllmsrth, J N 8wsu, Mr* I. (J llarrer, .Mm Julia Leminet, Alfie M J Leniinei, .Mrs If 1‘leteher, M J kiernii. It Hublninu. Mr* R Cn i-r * 2 Hil’- ijrin, D Culrar, H J Chambirlitn, Mils it J Gr flln.J ROrif- fln, LTuokerman, Mri LTuosirmsn k ehHd. Miu Cunpir, ■Mrs Gonrrarneur. Mr* Archer A chi|d. A Gunrterneur, J C llavenoureyar. I. 8 Stenly. II Coopar, J W sin-rail. A Adnrai D I. Bach. E M DiVieri. N II lluudy. J FreDillu, Lt Devon- l>ori T Cone, II Marcui, and 31 rtcerege. Per iteanier John J Lewl»n. trom Psrtehucls— R T Strnb- har, II Struhhar, H A llatm. Mill J E Riltn, C M Dauion, J O Minglld-irf X lady. J II Wiltnwer Muter Henry Humbert. W Me'zser A m. Mr* Mettger, Min Ralra. .Mu Gusman, Min Ouaaea. Mrs ttaysor 31 Its ft»yi -r . Per sleiaier Swan, trnm Aniu ta— Mri B H Rgitlek, Mr* J II Hobetts. blue 8a rnnuni, F. 8 Huey. J M Walker, X 64 Hsuii'iere, tt C-* • May, B J Ulaok. J J R -yd A lady, Mlia H»mn. W W Graham J S ilean. it II OB isn.J Richard- i»n, TB Butler, It It Turner, Mill Turner, k ivt. W 8lr- Bride, ledy Ant, M-e H Erevoa. I children X lit. J Troutll, Cept S M Erwin. Dr.J Erwin k l deck. Tits Gauss op Dsatil—It Is stated that the young lady who died In Troy last week from the effect of having hue ear* pierced, Instead of placing silk In tho wounds, as Is customary, used colored worsted, which wit probably the cause of hor death.. Judoe Baxter.—Tlio Atlanta National American ing- grata the name or Hon. Hll H. Baxter, or Hancock coun ty, for Governor. A very worthy man, and should tlio OontcrvallVHe deem It proper when in Convention, to nominate him, we would with plsumre run his nauiu up at ou« mast-head. Time enough, however, to talk about whom wo shall ru*. Thera is policy in waiting for .corn- ng orint*.—So, Recorder. CONSIGNERS Fur tire risks in the rftyend *ien. RUB.'HAUKKSU AM ■ may 20 • e**d—If PI RIO INSliltAN SOUTHERN- MUTUAL INSURANCi. i OP ATHENS, GA/ / •- . F..tiUlshsd in 1846—Coni inns • tw TAKE EWLE KlSXtjS Upan asfav.iiitldaterniadVaiiy other Compdoy in •* l-y.and divides out abtiually the, entire net pr> fl e ni.'n* polli-y-ho|il»re. N:h nik.*u 3^0*4,1*4)11 Inteitud in flr>t'class Southern ASBUkV’iIGLL, Pres’t. ALDOfe 0UA9E, Pev’y THE ALA. FIRE AND MARINE INS. GO., • MONTGOMERY. ALA. V. II. Watts, Pies. Albert Wiluams. Bec’y. CHAV. 8. HAKDKK, Agent, «9T Office at Che Couniiog Room of Erwin k lls*dee, ■Bay-itreet; J""* Per eehr Kale Stewart, from N»w York—L tt if A41. t k Filter, Hritham, Baldwin k Co. E k M Krown. A Baker. At A Cohen. P I. Constantin* k Cn. J Carlin k C-*. Cleghorn k Cunlngheai, F W Cornwell k Co. Jes Daylu, M D Ethridge Foote k Jaadan, llolsombe A Co. K Hardee. A IUr»'-oJ. I) l.ethrone. II l.sthron k Co, 8 M Laflltetu, J W Morrell X Co. A J Mil erfc Co, J Me Mahon. CC Milter. W It Mingledoif, J 8 Norrii, Neviit, l.alhrnp A Co. Ueo Parioni k Co, C I) ft— J en. Scranton k Johneon, E 8 So lit. Jos Mch*., J P Scrertu, V Tarver. K C Wad* k Co, Weed, Cornwell k Co. Per Central Rellroad— Rabun k Mdlth, E O Rrrn*. Foide X Jaudi-a. S Norton, Cooper ft O, It C McKee, J I Snider*' Co. J D Charlton, Phllipi, Gilr» ft Co, Jno W Andrrtoii, T J tVeyn* * Son Gant ft Davis, King* Wsrea, IV f; Even*..A Putter. D II Brown. NevlU, Lathorpe ft Rugere. Dr Willi*. I. Milli. W Wnoaberdge. Brigham B ft Co. Hunter ft O, J K ft j O All ler, E C Wed* ft Co. Cohen ft Iterli, Molrmm It A Allen ftSnn, Order, Franklin* U. Hardwick ft Co, Behn ft Fuller, 1* Whitehead ft do. Wen ft Godfrey Piriieamer 8w*n,frum Auguiti—E C Wide ft Co, Rieh- srdtua ft Miriln, Erwin ft Hardee, Behn ft Foiier, J P -- * • ft It. E W Gilford, llol- "Tarrarand ordi Bro-iki, L E By ok’, Neritt, Dethrone* R, E V comb* ft C<>. W II May ft Co. M Cohen. J V Ta Death or Hopkins Holset.—The Hon. II. Holsey, v regret to learn, diud very suddenly at his ru*l*lenco,*i K llutlcr, On, on Thutwlay last. He had been In had IimUI . for some lime—supposed to b« dropsy or disease of tl ; heart. On ThiirwUy night lie eat quit* a hearty suppe and retired to his room, and seated himsulf. as usual, i \ an arm chair, resting his feet In another. »'r». U«U< ■ on entering the* room soon after, addressed an enquiry 1 him. but received no response, liar companion wi _ The name of Co\. Ilolsey U familiar to tlie pnblb In I83>, we believe, he was a Hcprraentatlvo from th > State, under thu general ticket systum, nnd hi J also filled other responsible posts. He was a democrat • *. school. In 1845 he was editor of tl * the Jacksonian school. In 1845 he wus editor Southern Banner, and was an able leader In tho Unit * K . He was n clear and forcibio writer—decided I • -fnlous, but courteous and respectful In their enun i elation. As a politician ho whs too honest to he large;* successful. Ills ago was 01. l'caco to his ashes.—Jfua<- Jour. if if h, Uh inst, United States Circuit Court.—At tlevc t ’clock yesterday morning the Circuit Court of if.} United States, fur tbo southern circuit, conven, in this city, their Honors Judges Wnyno and Mi. grath preriding. Tbe Grand and Petit Jurii * were oalled, but only thirteen of the Grand Jure*«’ answering to their namas, an order wss taken t J Jimea Conner, Eia., District Att rney, tbftt«th*f Grand Jurors should be summoned. It (1 su; ’ posed that the Grand Jury will be organised ti day, when the Court will obarge theta, and spue; 1 ally with reference to tbaaete of Congress for th 1 suppression of tbe slsro trade.—Charleston Mn) airy, 6th lust. y , “Golden" Wedding.—Col. Seaton of Wsslng ton, oelebraled, with a few friends, Thursday sigh \ bis golden wedding,baring been married flityyeai and for about that period oonneoled with the Hi tlonal Intelligencer. A besugful girl—bakutlful In youth and henli' and purity—who wakes from sleep ut touch * * morning light, at tbo flowers do, with a obetrft' face; whoso first tones, like those of tbe birds, nr , tbe most musiosl of tbo day; from whose bro* ovary trace or yesterday's wear end last night fc ear# le swept away, even as the face of nature 11 renewed, .brightened by the summer dew—such f girl Is worth lb# winning. LYON’S Magnetic Powders, wi.l nurooT Garden Insects, Cockroaches, Red-tings, Fleas, Ants, Moths, and all pests of the Vermin kind. FVqilK Importance of a reliable article of this kind Is ■ Ineitiniutilr. In warm wcathei all nature Lem-* ulth these annul ing fora. This P-'WJit Is tlie only arti cle ever discovered wlil--h w|ll extHrmln-il* them. A c- mpany nl botanlMs. from the Horifculiiual Society ol Paris, while amidst the ferns of Asia, ohsvrvi-d that all Insects lighting upon acettelu kind of plaut very soon dropped dead. This fact—was made 11 >0 of to guard their night camps from these Intruders. Quantities ot the plant were brought home by Mr. K Lyon, and lonud a josi'ivo insect dralMyer In every experiment. It I* simply a powdered leaf. chemic>il'y prepared to resist tlie e(T-ct of ago an l climate. Medals and Letters Patent have been ohtalued. from t|ie Government* of ling laud, Franco, Germany, and Hum a, from Ibe World'* Fair, and numerous medical nnd horticultural colleges nod societies. [Latter .from the President of the U. fi.] Rxicutivs Mansion, \ Washington, 81st January, 1858./ “ Mr. KmanuM Lyon Dear 8lr: I have the plo-ieur* lo Inf .nn y*u that tbo Hoyal -'ommlsslon of the World’s Fair at London, hsva awarded yon a Medal end Oertlfi cute for the great value of your Msguetlo Powder, for exterminating Insect*, ftc. ’•MILLARD FILLMOUR.Chairmen.” Tho above was accompanied by a certificate of Prlnoe Albert. IT 19 FREE FROM POlftON. Mw YuEX. Oct 1st, 1858. Mr. E. Lyon—Dear Sir: We bare analysed and testeJ year Magnetic Powder*; and find them p-rfectly harm leu to mankind and-dome-tic animals, but cerUfn death when inhaled hr huge, ants and Insects. JAMK5 H. CHILTON, M. D, Chemist. LAURENCE REID, Prof. Chemistry, N. Y. Hospital. Mr. John L. Rome, Bnpetintendent of the New Yuik Hospital, says: “He has expelled all the bugs, an.s, roaches, moths, »c., with byuu's Powder, and finde It of Immense valor." Rveiy gardner and house- v *ep#r must have * direct Interest In an article of this kind. Reference can be mode to tha Astnr, 8t. Nicholas, and Metropollta • 116 tels; t'i Jadge Molgs, President of tbe American Insti tute: Jamee Gordon Bennett, Osn Winfield Aeott, Cy rus W. Field, L. M. Peae, of the Five Points Mheton, ho. ftc. Judge klelgs says, “This discovery of Prof Lyon a of national Importance. Tha Farmere* Glob nave tested It thoroughly. It will destroy locusts gr*«ho:-- Iters, ants, moths, bugs, and all vermin. Qsrdeu plaut* ean ba preserved, and houses made pure.” Arrangements ere now mode through Me**rs. IIaxnes k Paxx, or New York, to have It aold throughout the world. Many woihlses Imitations are advertised, r cautious. M Nsw Yotx, Norrmber 6th, 1656. “ In retiring from bovine**, I hate so d all tny Insect Powders aad Pills, Le tars Patent, aud tha secret* per- tat Ing thereto, to Messre. 1IAKNK8 * PARK. This Powder U a discovery m-idehy myself, sud Drought from the Interior af Asia, and Is unknown to any other per sons. The genuine and effective artlole Is put up in Ho canisters, and will ooutinue to tekr my batue. ' ' “ E. LYON.” Kata and mlo* cannot be reached by a powder, am are killed by s MAGNETIC PILL Order them through any merrha* t Sample Flatks. 9ft oeuU. r g-iUr slx*^ 51 ceats and $1. Follow dlreotlous. Crofrral^and W.orou<hly. IS kad 16 Path Eew, Haw York, marl i'-<U *’ " culberu iTIulual Life lusurauce to** OF COLUMBIA. S. C.l Hon. W. ¥. Di**AUSfiURtf, Pr*«ident.E| V. W. McllASTER,.Actuary. Dr. JOHN, Treasurer. . w Drs UA8TQX* TALL Jit. Medical lCxftmlners. IV Fv or Conwy ing Actuary. IKRWIff dt- HARDKE, Aganiai' AT favOlmnau. With nn experience ofnineYegia.-and a large and sc- cn uulating fund offitato Bonds’, tjj" Honthern Mutual Life Iitsusance Com'ualiy offers greet Inducements to all whodrairo louso ftnefr cipitaralthout anxiety, or in secure their creditor* agalnetJownr to make protieion for tha.»tippofLMlhefrfuiIHTft* in case <-f death. Thetnesnnof the c>-inpany. are ample. Its payments for lo»sps, prompt. Its rate* l<»w, and Us profits are.a'n- nnally returned to Its stockholders. The amount Insured may he made payable to Ibe wife and children exclusive of claim* pf crnlilors, or to any one f» whom the policy-holder -msy direct. Blivet cm he itisnredln thisconipaniitpon reasonablo terror. . ;i*v .• * *' , Report* may bo had, or SKty Infokmatlon gfrep. by ap plication lo / kuwin k iTardek... In ClogHorn k Cunningham's new builuiugs, Sav'h febB ' '. f ’ a v » pnESK-So,.. 1. new and <Tik. **rr, with n low pritv, - ..»•*. *«• ....utmi,durable and if--rm!y.reliable time-keeper. The movements are v in constracIMn. and are prenounevd Irethe blgbrat horitiaafif ho faalllras lb principle si-d qaelltj, aud I vqffgen proved hj the most i xsctlng teste to ft# Veil- :* anff-On railing |n action. 1h*-sa watches are -manu turvit entire from the ernde materiam In a ■inalaretah* con nrcied and ntiirdrni proorase*—Ih*’arena • ory being organized npou tha samesystfOi that has 0 adoptrd In the production ortho mn-qualled Aoier- n firearms, which enables tie to produce a tuovesisut ce, tor ten ycftre; of every watch' tnaunfaciured by ns. All Foreign Watchi s are wade l*> hood, tha Aiwerlren atchra being the only ones made bv machinery upon tin'(->nn system throughout. Nearly all kana-madr ' itches are defective and are eMUauqUy-fattlog on t order. In mam parts of tbe cotrelry'JkfsJpiMfsibl e find good oretch r*|ta>rers, and watch,repairing I a rays, uncertain and expe »4ve. Th* tfiraaafUftae* ntrie-in Watches disposes of this difficulty,And eoon • 1 merchants, as well as aaleh draleni caw weep Watch as a jiarfti f their ailscellnnums sbwik.aad thus gnppl) •tr cusion.vis with a new staple, which msy bq uis-I any other artltde. wlthpnl mystery or. humbujf- fl#M the trade generally, and by *.i.’ BOBBINS k APPLETON OrgsraJ AgrrtCK Jap 4 y knwidfw 15 Malden-Lmio^ew Ytr #•! ' S ’ INSTJK^^TCE. UNfTY FIRE INSURANCE ASSOCIATION. .OPLONDON; Capital Ten Mfllhm* of Dollars. DCLAWARt MUTUAL INSURANCE COWY. . uF PHILADELPHIA: /. Assett* over Seven Httnfirwl Thousand Dollars. NORTH AMERICAN INSURANCE COffiFANY, nptllK CITY OF nkW-YOKK; ‘-f Capital Two llnndred and Fifty Thousand Dalian; with a large surplus. MASSASOJT INSURANCE COMPANY, OF8PK1NQK1ELD. MAB84 Capital One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars, with a surplus. Fire Risks tektn In behalf of the above named In»ti totlons, by ^ JAS, BgoKBNfXLYf AG-’T* , may 13 -’6b If I It* Bay etraet. Paranttah.Ga,.^. Hue HOUTIIWORTH’S JKW BOVBL, ■ Al)Y OF THE J8LK: a Romance from Real; Lire— H A v<>mpl*te in one volume, 12mo. cloth; or twoyols. P *The American Home Garden; being principle* and rule- for the culture of Vegetable*, Fruits, and Shrubbe ry, to which are added brief notea ou Farm Crops, with a table of their r.verege product* and ehemlca! tonsUtu- en'»; by Alexander Wateoo: lllaitraled with numerous wood rata—to ou# volume, cloth. For eala by 7 rj 1 mar 28 JOHN M. tXXIPKtt j 00. B alm of whitb watbh lily- For the complexion aud toilet use; nrfca 2} cents; also, R.tdwsy’s **osp, Gonrsud’s Itslisn Mrdlcated 8oap, aud a large assortment of Toilet Bospe. at . STEWART k BU FLKR‘8, mer 19 ' ' Ap«Mh*cariee’ I’ell “Valuable Property For&tle. BV B. 'M. BLOUNT, A«,U.a..r. jf\N The first Toeedsy lu April n*X».'W-fll-t»a aeli at the Court House in Darien, Ua . nt 12 oNlock a- m alt that tract of Land treoam as Herd’s Ielsnd. eontslo- ing 930scrMof upland, sad several hundred acre# of _ _ OOsd jun4«d 1BS8'. CtlltmlUl • •RNER or UALTIMOJlEJl.^CIIASLH.ArRRET , IX LiEOKST AND MOST I v .. poLLiax in tin uNirgn ; . tT EVERY YOUNG MANabbwId.wi is of thosa large aud bMittlfhlljr 1 * •presenting the exterior and inf- UALTIMORRL’OJJMKKC si.msntblp, «<?., which wllDba sent 6y MlH ■!2RRdKebS2RiMa^ f Book Kerplug, Ac. I. K,, VrliKl^U, • Accounts, Pnslaoss. J. 61* FllILLlPd^Prnf*«sgr 1 “ "if. H. DAVIES. aTSusSo N.a J0HN80N, Professor ol 8. T. WILLIAMS. K*q~Mi Iter, K.Y.NKE^N^ IIon.TohnP. Kennedy, lion. Thomgs Bwsnn, ^ Trust, Esq, ■' Th# tlmwusually required l from 8 tottwWts. A Diploma Is Swarded to ml] Large rtrcnUra and Catsing _ A N EXPEKIENCED RDmlKrNsitdMlfl *A«t A N ■XPEKIBNOBp.1 A. and a thoroughly edi with twenty-five years of tfi boaorebUwsy. Business: also, sarn out-honsea. - ... On thnc.linwinrd*r. will b#offerel, oath* garaaDsn or OhsVlestoa. Parchuere pwyli ^Xwilmlugtao Journal and Charleston U.reqry wUl copy once a week until day ol cal*.. mart ^od—td n AGON--J0 B3»Siraai D m store and for aria by m«r26 O0TAV08 00)11' OOTATOB1.-250 bblt, fhr sola by I wT» jA. 6WtW.-M 1 • 't v M .flftUStO^SAlElrttSO 'Tin- i'l* 1 , - \ .u-im wsfiEt ai7AJtr-i Jfl? I'toj- .a*.:y ^ 'A