The Savannah Republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1858-1865, April 07, 1859, Image 2

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i. - I8ni). +x~-rr -rnH'W' «'»* •«»"; —»«KsrSowSiiiii ]r%r n '“- 1 1 elety, but bru th» offarlofi of »lno«rt ffUf at the lt« WWMm W* " ni ®' ,d f " mUy -lUMtaritrifllfctptri'Mal eoMoUhca ef torn# of :,vss» ** -MeTflto dEiaine* whWrluu gt»H* 'VrfJfaSTlVibW Aiiwm. . , . i, *f MMblpplogwtr* dUplajail at bnlf. i jpMiyMiffdojr. U wp«i X* bU memory, $n«l «*•• ChwQ»in«*», «f whtoh bawai a prominent and «f* - HrWS& ■'■$”;r.( u .>v».H»*.'.'mgWuop. .pmprtya»,timt. ,. , : . t ,i , * f JBjLAMiaan.-~J.eaU Coben, charged'with a*»ault Srttb-Mtitiftii hdrdarj w»l mmhied ye*terd*y he. fan luMim &ulajr, fall ua>l Uunnrll. Tbeevl- . deope being *o conflictln* the ca*e waa dWrolned thp>. S t*«.W 7 ».»|ln- •lllated fur the |tQrpd>d df .daielning him from a requisition from tW 'OuMnnr of New York, for obuining foodi ander falie pretence*. He wal committed to'Jarett 1 the requisition. AtbbnJtuM.—Tbf. pejr j tjlejr of “Tbe Beggar aad the ArtUt M »a* pte*eqN4 la»t night—we re gret to aay—to a vary thin houre, earned, in pari,’ by tbere)igiou*ob*«mncJ* of tho semen. though ohija^J^ j^e nepf«er/;;tao«(iug* )h*l woro bold ^‘iwiue'^itrfk aligl^tly ob*cure.. ,U»hv»w* ulcnt/W, at the aeiue time, inexperienco in dramatic wri- TJuit yrhich practice will readily obeiate. - Theae is a reduudanoe of word*,'and an oeoaai'tnai '•.ThyKtrarilifie** of *xpre**ion wbloh the actor must , -aaMeriwitb difficulty, if at ell. lleinhurdt, wo iwjns&Mifw* «• out in thi* objection.— Carefully reviaed, how.rer, end with a good rum, ^tr^jjb if had r.ot I«M night,) Jt t» a ploy that will eat well and gain a very respectable amount of :jmw< The new and, reputed to be, thrilling drama of -.'/The ’ 81#geof Lucknow", will be produced to night, in wbiob the interetting character of Jcetie tBrowinwUI be infrodeped. , It ia duubtle** worthy i<n nigitod 'audience, aud we hopo it will be honor* ♦4»M5f4ln«*y-'..■'£'!imVf'wili. Uuiumea, d II Ww». II W Wkeatar, Aleeae Biota A Wea^ tuan M Urle.e. Hawl Uenai, I. MlwrilW SStiftkCO. ’Ww Dene. W N It llubfesll, J I) JflM.I.o! AS lUU.r.h.m.N A Hardee. Q ItlluMi.ll, J 1)J»m*.|.’ol AS Junes, W Lof.llY i.a«tieure. rwr Uih.u,, a Co ilenry Lathrep* Co, S 61 l.»Oite»u. K Lor.ll, N Lyon, J F - “ \.,>ai):|ofc...Q«oOu t ivUou a Miit«r,; rt_iid.j * M 1> Trsaasr.TDua . lr».C . . .. C F Wood . Co. w It Wttu*ri«r, Willi.iii. C Wlf j anil 11 Woodbrldg*. t’.r,' Uunc ml., 11cm New York— Arpri Centra) Hull Koud, Britilt | 'tu» Baldwin * Co. K O'ltyrue, Audieon, U«tuu a IX lt<et<in '.'Villa on*a, H 0 ll^ncli, M it liarnam. liro i utl«r, M J Buckner, Dutl< r . Frier •oo, d U Brantley, M A Coltcu. 1) t.'Joiinnr, (> M Conn, .1 II i art r. M tf then . lira, 11 A Crane, J M ' wiper A W t] Dick to i 11 D tlai-rii, 4 l» J< •••«, VV M Uitvld- .or, A U jrijs q»t«l'. . fcekman. J N Farm. J U Fra •er. Kinl.jion * .VcRu-, K FlugitnU, 8 UiM>dall, W J tin. du |n. J it a mm, »»’ nule 0 tin. Iiiga.n 0 IIh.mi. A ayeiod ^U-tluti** *» II«r le, Hr* llrjdtat Ulmer, 0 P UntltBlUk Co, U Ji hlK'tn A Cw, miulmnbiim v Son., J iluetir nrk a Co. J-U-.or, It'D llemlnian,N A.IUrdt-e k. rou, Uarndin’a K*i « * J W Kelly, N U Knnpp, Kina Wail..* \ l.f.n. LtRiClik *» Bell. II II I.U.vlf - f tbinjj . nmiire, F >f MjYrH,T McKenna, J McMnlmn. Murk.. Orolty. M Mol'na, I W Morrell • o. .lutm Nlrli Imm, t. I'arioi u.Netitt, Lutlm p a llugerr, PatUn It Miller, W » Puce. Plndi r fc Tetieeu. c U Kogera, J Ityan Jeiepn Urn ken. .1 t o-e itiuu.i. Kid imon m Campi K II linn s “mu A Co, Scranton * NorHa J II Skilton, J Rlurlmk Oo, J o ,J cjTn to. Riuik, Alexanderk Cluik, A A Solonn.iia a to, tlntna*. ttnvtr A lK*u«lime, II PTit- J v \i it Tri-Min r, Williuma, Bro A Co. Welter tiro, if Wi met, Weed, Cornwell tt Co, K C M ado A Co, 1 S Way e • t. t. »t Well*. Freeman v lle-idenum Per Central Railroad—A Herman. K C Wade A Co, A II Clmnt|il<iii, .1 Mt-Mnlmn, King A Son". II A Crone, It Uniter>lmni A Soil, MRoclie fl Roll. F W Sima. B White- bend A Co, B'-lm A Fotter, Culu-nu A llertr, lUclmnl«on A Martin, Phillips, Gilea A C >. .1 II Lnthrop A « o, Hunter AGnninii ll, N A Ilnnlw^K Slnioynenx. It A Allen A Son, Vmnklln A Rrontler, Rnlmn A Smith, Dona A W, A J Hurt ridge, Hardee A Co, Hunter A Gordon. WhiI.i* V l,it n. LaRtchu m Bell, II II Id ?*v)|lkJ if erey, H Lalbrop A i... J Llpnmnn, J latina. J W L»* lin«|» A Co. FJ JaIBtrail. W W Lincoln. Lovell u Lot- i EMPLOYMENT. i t.’O A MONTH aNI) ALL KXPKNSK8 PAID.—An 1 Agent la wunle.t in wiry town amlc ninty inilte Uniud 1 Stun**, to cngu.'o in a re*| ocialtlo ami eauy Ituatnea*. by *e|i t|,e Him o preflU may I e ceruinly itmlmed. For ' rticiil»r«. addritti Ur. J. HKXHV WUJtNKH. •te and Mercer li ala ->>w f 1 * • • . JP* 1 .. lurk City. ■ nitw *.lnv» *l»wfc nSTSTtli., Alum-tw »W| JW* I !;#■ a for tilwcon. t.kfn ,t >t I*, t.* 11 *. *"*' “** NOTpCK. f„, [ . ; , 4 'l.b | . m . |r yuj l', 0*. lw. t Q ,i. BB , op. niitiokT . OotielgnrM per* ^fclHDUNAt will gw* attend «<> the rrnaptHn nf»lu’IrGo da, laiidiitg :r * »• o, *" , "r *""‘r:A . JYOllce. ■ _ th® Ta« I hunt «f Cliatii.m Connty, will be H25t i *clo*e'l on the 2f*li ln*t. UAHNABl) E jiKK,Receiver. Office No. 10S South Broad atrret. Office limit, (rent tt A.M.tngp. M. 1 . 0 ■''SMiltmi* Matual Loan A.toclwtlow. JBOSt Thia KrentUK, a* **»'rt« ~»»»tlihr will be held apt 0 HMBUN1AN society. The metntiera of lit. Hibernian Society are rrepectfuily rrqnratcd in a**tn)t>i. at tboC\t,v Hotel, at "*) »V< °’ c, '« k 71>l* Morning, to unite *» In paying tlm l#*t tribute of le aped In uur lulu luemlwr, JAMES B. FOI.LV. By order of Jail* j. KKLLY, Prs.’t. — JATO-Jrinranrersany.-- -i— apr Wanted to Hire: A fl«*OI> COOK, In aemalf prlvnlofuuilly. Apply at _ihlu office^ __ If apr 0 ’ rr "' ADWlSIISTHATOn’S NOTIC®! S IXTY l)uy* after d.te. apphralliln will b.* made to the lluunrable. the Ordinary of Gnathum l onnty, fir Irate to aell all tlm euiale. real, p raonal, .or < f whalevur kind, of IheiStuteof llenry C. Blind, for tbe . u poee of diviaiou among the Loire am tl I). W. M BIIAn. THE DIELYTRA, A MAGVJFICKNT and appropriate Flower for (lie Cenietrry. Titlebrantinil Pmntii now In Hoorn, amt .an be a**e:i by Hie Udlra every Aftrrmmn, fr« m 3 until Ou’clork.nt my Karlory Hr Farm tirvet, neat i. Uglrlliotpe Mrdlriil College T>> lln-t'e wirhlng tliu Plant, I will fnrniah them (or $t each, nr |B por di kuu, aud auaraniee lli-m In live. apr 6 l* W. HUMPHREY*,OhcnilH. LOTTERIES OP DELAWARE, FOR AFRLXXi,' 1850. FitAXCE, JJHOADIIEMTS.f- CO., Manager,. CHANCE, *• fw -resiK, ... S u-|, i AT SIGHT, . ^ t ,i to suit pitrenasers, ki'r jai.k nr ADEIFORD, FAY & CO. XCIIANGK TST SW T0HK, XCHANGE ON NEW YORK, 1 Oil’s,, I.K BY . £W LOW & CO. MAIUNE AND INLAND INSURANCE! KFFECTEB AT (U TOM ARY IlATg3. reef, N**e. U •eel, for $S,0G7; ra-j-.. . f-er annum, , A len.iynw an lot* 28 nnj 44, Stewart and * Roberts Mreeiv, for $1,000; tuhjcci to $28 per an num ground rent. ’ St 'aKpft* of 8. VV. U. R. itock nt $100 60 and - 10 eh.rM Merchanti’ and Planter*’ Uank Mock •Itioo. _ . Oawae of the Failure to Ratify the (]**•• ■ Yriaanil Trraty. (Special Dlnpatcli to the !f. Y.Tltnra.) , : . ., .W.iu'lNbrua, April 1. ' Oeneral Lamar announce* in bit ilenpntche* the Moequilo Treaty ia under conaideralinn. The ratijAdition of ono of the Onnelev Treniiea. The ,.J8rftirH liegiiloo,! uipleMlatnl, baa diapuichea to . *a* ,Mme.ettect. The oau*o of Ibo rotificaiinn '"i-af the Ouuely and the poaiponement of tbe C.aa- ! * "'TrHHy la of eaay egplunatinn. ‘Tbeyo tfbuiie* Were prec1*ety alike in the ori- gig.) draft*. Onteley bad diroretiunary power, and aecomridated hla treaty l*» Ibo view* of Nicara gua, while Mr. Lumnr bad deflnile initructiunr an3 oould nqt e*>*e*d theip-hence the one failed -tjwfH«jhe'Ath.r auboeeded. A, copy of the treaty, .now'.lA'thl* eUy, and variea but 11'- Yi^Wqyipo aoW»a«punii*hed \tt the. Time*. I have r#X*on to beliov# that flreal Britain deaired a lUlFHlMMVWlid** r«*ifloiailua of our Jraaiy. . giy rt Vn District. A Apply to Pill L1P8 k BRANTLEY. nurtiS Agent* ATTBNTIONltborgIa hi sbars An Klrcliu'i aeJI) be held at your Hi III Rnom, Monday, 11th in»t,nt 8 ••'clock, P M , to (111 tho office of 1st LlenumKit aud any vacancies that may occur, under lhe'au| er- Intendence^'requlrvd by law. By order of JOHN P. W. HKAII. G'apt.G. tl. Feed. A. Hahshbuam. Orderly. td apr 2 ORDER No. 16. HEAD OVAllTUltS, j 1n !rp«nd nt VuluutM>r hoglmentof Sav’b, > March 20, I*>10.) An Election for Captain, to command tho Irish J> aper Gu-qn*, (and to fill all vacancies that may oicur.) vice John McMahon, re-lgnrd, I* hore h/ ordered to lake place on Friday, 8th of April next, at the Oghtherp* Hall, between the houii "f 8 and 10 o'tilocg, P. uuder the mual aujHTintendenco pro* •■crllied by luw. By order, A. R. LAWTON, r«d. Cnui'g J. V. It. of Savannah. Ww B.jAcisna. Ar*J-tvnt. td n>ar28 HEAD 4UAIITEI18, ludopomleut V«l. Regiment of Savannah, March MO, ' ‘ nah, V >. l-'P j ^ An Klrctlon tor Captain, to command the Plmenlx Ritletr.en,»Ice C. C. Wilaon, rceigilcil, •• hev-br ordered to lake place on Monday, Hth April next. l»etween the h*>ura«.f V and 10 o’clock, P. M ,at the l Drill Room of the C«rpa, under the uaual anperintend- i • nee prracrlbod l*y law. By order or A. K. LAWTON, C*>l. 'on .’g I, V. Reg’t of Bavanmili. W. n. Jackson. Adjutant Id mar 31 tu Bout '• »»*» t haraday*—From Liberty atrtel (6 lene* ltre*t. Friday*—From Junea atreet to Owiuuatt atreet. • —a Wp Middle Dl.lrlol. Jqrfi.Wfak'1 will luapect from tbe River — Broagftton to Foeth 'jlftwd »tre-t. Mn B*iuth Drouq id Llbtrty atreeL a/, from liberty loJimraWeel. ■nwg'JwUM f« Owlouell atreet. of each Id'i will pledaodlrict tltolr Mfvante - vutva.e'iloekwl on |li« duvaalxtve epeciUed, NOTICK. j. - ^ The portion of rarcoa'Ved fi'oni achonner THOMAS IIOLL’OMBF, baring been come llmebock teadv f»r drlivery, on aignature of the uverage bond,' notice la hereby given, that all of it that may be rent lining on tb* 15th ln*t., will, on that day, he «o'it by pubbe a i' tion, to pay charge* and aacirtain value; of which allcouce utd are hereby nnl'tlcd, BCIIANTOV A NORRIS, r xat»f» * .Aid . r .AK'iaacbr.THn'a.Ihilrombe. >|^Xt^KnSSSed l *lth Mmetf In I bn*inre. Mr.H »v. GLKASH.V. (he bn*ln*#a will lerealler bo conducted under the Atm of WILBUR k (JLHA-ON. . Mr. Oleawm. will glvehi* undivided attention to the Imalnuaaof tl • office.. A. WILBUR. >'vann»h. Apt 11 *4. Ikltt. 1 -^wsgafigte •VI id iWktdirar or iHtl»a,'0al4%. *.» -n i, baa tl you ever hmr ef |ll»*t’' nlmtnleuree Ooml und Wart, / rmsz . . . »twwra vIlquT. ^qweMloaf Wd y femfif or BARlfKS A PARK, m Proprietor*, M*w York. Alee. LYOB’S CSLBBKATID HfBBOT POWDfB. Aledj •owlffid • ■ MOT1CK. .... T 'lR V faulting City 8 ibecrlhert to the 8tock of the BavantiaK; Alt any A Gull Ball R««d Company, are •oil* will he tomm*n6ed aitulnat them.' ” LAW, BARTOW It LOT ALL, myjt j. M ;7 .Att’yiVav; *lh-*qulfR.K Co. SPARKLING AT STEWART & SUTLER’S ■pr$in*«»d i.-t- 1 •■ i • . P^RE"S(JDXWA . gj>1dl 1 J(WHl j M«* root. Are fo .t'touni, to our frl.ndi And |W l».Wtfc,,19*. pr,p.r,a n lor. Uw.,-llh.,t-.r ,t*4 .porMlnit All drawing* uuder the .turn Intendeuun of tl.e Lottery Commiu-tuncr* PRIZES PAID AM SuON A3 DRAWN. GHAND DRLAWARR*'lOTTBHY| on tiik Havana plan. , Exm CLAmt,!—^-dvt . -fvioo orawn in Whmiugtuu, Del., Saturday, April 30, MIL HIE ONliY'TliaiWIUMN THIS CU V. | , ' 1 ! mikilM ■ ■ ■ i «.*^v,a-.«nmil pn>,noii H Yin -voMUlTJCM, dilMrsUYajidJ Tha *mntoMm'»riii» ,, i.ii"»ii."i™>‘ 'c..|»t«uiyt »» WHU..M l> Iher line,,»» Iwt ,«t H)i>yl«k. Irt.otair iriwwii,,.: ■ v»nwggw*v.- — s * PecreUry and Treaeiirer. apr 4 Bath Paper, Mills. B OOK, New* and Wrapping papero, r.nn»Untly on hand; or promptly ma te in enter, of AjW rtke or wuUiit. Addle-* . ; , • GKO. W-.iW.JMfc.IL . apr 6 Omo ^ AmU>'» t na. ~,s titr^ir. “ Lots ron salb. 11 ’ T IIK gnimerilai will oiler r.»r «ale,at pntillo nlitcry,on ibo prvmlara, aeveral acre L I*. at |h" new village ••I Marlow, on tlm central Rail M«A*J, twentjr-alx mih** frohi - Suvnntah. The'eaM will take pluCe'nn Tuvaday, the tail, day of April, at 12 ©Ylock, In.Uij* day. t Condition* caaliT . K. H. .MJYLKR. mvr.Vl Id ' afcjiiT h»i(G gf^Mmnmal! gnlwolliA edl e*il*if«fiii( «uv«‘\ * * »-,y. i«ier.M udT ,ttu!!urifV)'*«1»M.i'I Uf 11*0 >.ll_l>a«tia i DAGUERREOTYPES, Ci'.BI ,(IC riTtnW .JM'tLtlbliH , ttiuv i.J n ■( .tl l 'aiIdo rr.i T • •«'./, -c-iiX AM-a&OTYTBS, , aiiet/ctHToa .Ta*«v. 'll • I V- Ml t-unlewvri-Tr lb. .11 ’ . '•■i I V - P. U. OAHY Tiki,tiftidi(ittiiar. In.kooiimllii* Uittt, el lAavantiqjii’ihat lie ha* «ttigAgw( ilia f*rvlc«* or one nt the , tq yjt celvbi tied Arll.ti |h Xmer)i a,(fqr a liberal term,) b> color hi* l'hotpgnip\i*, In oil wlnr*. t ' An opn.triniiitr*wl(ii'm mvt with, J* now oflerc4 to all wh t would hate their picture* beaulllully executed. 'f-tvMH' ' 1 ' ' •' For Lease and Sale. The de-liable two story Btlck Dwelling. No. HI), ivlff iflCJH. «ii|«»lt« |W Ahnirf Hall.-Will ba .T’ 1 ". ii* . t’ u .•**—•*;••^ “•ne.endingRUt'V olwr. rontA ned tlM-rein, at moderwte and rto* maoic pfiv-*. App'y on the premlaee, to apr 4 3 K !( MACK FA It. LOST: A PAIR of light Gold-Framed SPKCTACLKS-proh. ubly dr ipped on Congre** atreet, a.micwlieru ba- tween Whitaker and Ww*l Mrond. The lindor will con fer a fav»r, nod be aultunly rewarded by (ravins Hu m at title office. 2* apr 5 DISSOLUTION. T IIK Firm n(GAUT a DAVIS i* TMa.Uuy diaaolved, by mutual roUMint.. All debta du« Gaul & Davit ate to In* paid to V. W. Gaul, who will c iiilinu* Ilia 1* nimla-lnn and Prodnce BuMiiraa atihebl.i *tand, 9.1 Hay atre**t, and pay all dek<* due liy the Wh* dim of tlaut k Davit. 4. W. GAUT, jos. o. Davis. Savaoimb, H*., April l*t, 185B. ' . '* NOTICK. T HU Undt-ralgned, having told hi*.entire iulereat In the Pniduct* am} O.immUeion IhuineHa to J. ". 'I.»UT, who will cohliiiUo Ihn bunltirH., would leapect- fdlly r»quest for him acoullnnatiou of the patronage *o iRteially bellowed upon Hie Rrm. J08. 0. DAVIS. Savaunah, G«., April t<f, 1S59. A CARD. " r flVlK Undesigned, having bought the inlore»t of Jo*. I it l>a« I*, intle At in of Gant A Hivia, iapn-parei o pro eC'ite the Prod me and iktmnii*al»n lliinliii*** with increuMJil energy and facility, and would rc*|o.-tfully t«k a coiitiiiuaiion *.f Ibo pitronagoof the i nbtlc. an l l.i-inilv lifitowi-d upon the late Anne of J. W Gaut k Co., ami Oatit A Davl*. J. W. GAUT, tti Hay air***'. Savannah. 0* , April ltt, 1859. apr 5 Hats Caps ami Straw (iooils, 50,000 A'umberi-85,369 Prlmea. Prize, Payable in Pull, toithuut deduction, lu thesa l.otterie* every l’r X>* le drawn. 1 Pr'xe o'. f50 .OOP 2 PrUesol 14 (MO do of 6.000 do of. 4,000 do of 2 84 l do of. 2 000 And 212 Avproxlniatlou* P>lxe« ranging (rout t.’O up to $50". 25,365 prl*wt. amotintlug to $310,000. Whole Ticket* $10; Halve* $5; Quartvia $2 50. 2 Pr|ie« of. $i, r 00 10 do of. 400 10 du of.... Soil •40 do of 2.0 1(11 do of ion 25,000 do of. 8 M.UINIPIVEST SC UP SI Ei O It A N 1> UADI V A L P M I?Z B $70,000! GRAND CONSOLIDATED LOTTERY OP DDL A )YAHD\ Cla„ 1), To be drawn lu Wilmingtou, I el., Saturday, April 2-'', 1850.— Just Received per steamer: ayunniu kciikuk : J V 20,«.tW 20.009 16,rt i- 16,60(1 1 WI 91) 1)1 HI 4 ln.HH)/ P.OOJ 32,000 li 6,')0 • 30.9HU « 4,»H)»I 24 0 10 4 2.500 10,000 IPi 1.10'- ! 95,00 r-ii 0IM 69109 60 6nn 33.(1 0 132 *4'tO 24.430 132 liMI 13.200 3FOO 40 168,400 2) M-4.MK) 21,740 3".3I6 I'ri/.-a iitifiuniitik.'I" |1 gtiMioi*. Ticket* $20. Halve* $ 0. Quarter* $5. Etgblli* $2 5" A Package"f 20 IVhole Ticket* at $:», c."»ii $120 There are t2iha<vu b*llol*, t*lul each ballot being wort It f.’O. ittakr* $240 15 p* r emit off, bring '. 30 Leave* net. 8201 leaving ri*k to the purcbairr, $310 Person* whodeairenetal only iwnlt Hie rUkon a Pack age, fir which w# will send a UeitiAcate n* follow* : A Certiflcaia at Package of 2') 'VboJca, cuat* -300 00 do d> 2d Halve*. 15° <"> on do xii Quarter* 75 00 do d.) 26 high11.* 37 50 WBr-All orders addre*.eil to FRANCK. BKOAPBKfm A 0 J, Wilmington Dal, will mo*t »Hh prompt atten- ti*n,aiid the print'd I'lArlal .'rawing* *ect as soon a* over FRANCK, UROADRFATS At CO.. aprO Manager*. JUST llECRIVKD" P RANK Leslie'* New Family Magazine, with Gazette • I Fa-hhm, 'or April.^ Yankee Notions, fir May. Old Church Ministers and Families ol VirgluU; by Bishop wend*. A fieri.: (trend upon the Watar*. Alice Loarnio it—new edition; by Miss Mnlooh. My Thirty War* Out of tho Senala; by MaJ. Jsck Downlmr, iliusimlud with 01 engravings. ' Very I.fftfe Tale*. fiir*Very i.liHe Uhlhlrea. Tho Pfurle hir'd; b> lion Clm'iA. Murray. Davenport Dunn. Household Word*, for April. A. 51. UODJK, cor Bull and Braughton •(*., aprB Opposite Slnannlc It II. New. Just received by ROSS & CO. DRY Preserved Nectarines, And a fresh supply of DUTCH CHEESE, Ju-t received by ROSS & CO. apr A _ — matting* W K AYJ liow'ln i ecil((t ; lif nnr nufal supply of White and Checked MATTING, to which wo in- Vito the attention of purcliaaeri. apr 6 TIM'S I'. DVIINS. J UST HBCK i“V BTETTGrut’l Gauze Merino Vesta; Whlio J-au Drawer#; Linen do Hlk and Lisle Gloves d LI'Il Lliien Rusomed Shirts: Shirt Collars Bhlrtilosoms.Linen; dodo, Piqua “ - - J “irlpqd llalf llr- Whitts llrowuand Hnlp TIIO’S It. BURNS. the lurnish •rj»« IK.* Wrtk* ! -wlilrtniit nb*tM«C !» ► s.’ate ufiierfect purity, which lenders It a mist dellclon* iXmdnUidt'tm Indulged |n freely* even by Dm moat delicate, with MbAAlt^.* * • illNO A WARING.Marketeqnare, nonne, loth, »■ —«_ " UtWDA FOUNTAIN, for tha aoewu.. Kept constantly on hand, rwJ^furman. flsh $6 t Corner Wmnghtrtf X 'AiLn — Assoriad nw, tainifei’and finale bv apr* a. 5Dnm tANTLBY, md Bull sir— april W HITE COTTON TIUMMINGB.-An alsortme t of tbaabova goods, fust received, xud for eat • by TIIO’8 II BUKNB. hprO 1 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■■■*■ H A!1?.-lon bslo« Nofih Rlvi-r Hay; landing from -chr Waller Raleigh, an I fir sxlbhy eprfl HUNTER a (lAMMELL P LOWS.—Plowe, IIirrowe,Grain Fnnr,0vru Bbel lent, he. Ac., for sale at F. W, CORN W BLUB, aprd . :■ •m* -i. : , . 102 Bryan street.. . ggjg Commercial Institute, fl W. Comer o/ % Bull and Broughton Sir rtf,. Open for JBvauing Tb«tri16tlofi dfs'ljF. ** | - BOOK-KEKPINO, i 1 MHR*’AHT1LK ARIIKMlinc, PRNMAWIHIP—BVKRY STYCRa'n ’ T oroogh Practical Instruction In Dook-Keephg^- 11pile mu • itar at any lima, a* nn teaching I* done la lk*«e « tap nooke opined and eloaed, and Intricate M'-ounta adjurted. tl F. UOOBB, Principal. W»10 !■•} 1850 1890. tum: STYLES «1F HATS. CAPS. "■ V2»» " GKNTLB**KN’.a FURNISHING GOODS. PLANT iT/ON HA18, Of Wool and Straw. A large assortment of Missus and Chil dren'* PXs ATS, BONNETS, Bonnot Trimmings. A call Is solicited by j ' N. LYON. GIBBONS' RANGE. j • Plehse Cull ami Examine! ta A LOT OF GUNS! Which wo will -ell low i..r cash. rtcpaTiiiii^g, 49-DiiNK AT I HE SIIGltTl.ST NOnCF.-^g *1. J2. EjOFEZA' C0. 9 mar 10 No 17.* 1 on gross tt., M rket sqnnre. Pinder & Tebeau, ARK RECEIVING FHF.SII BUPPLIK-* OF AND SHOES, SUITABLE FOR TIIE SEASON, Which they offer at prices to salt the limes, AT NO. 1»3 CONGRESS STREET, SAVANNAH, GA. mar 11 SAVANNAH WHOLESALE &. RETAIL SADDLERY WAREHOUSE, Young'» Uni tiling*, Sign oj the Golden Saddle, OPPOSITE W. R STK'INS’ Cl ITIII.NO STOSS. W. II. MAY, wvMJr*cTvar.H < r SADDLES, BRIDLES & HARNESS. nas uu nano a „ood assortment of Paddlrs. Its idles, sud Harness, of which tho following comprise a pari : hpanith Quilted, Overlaid and Khafton Mod-Ilea. Plant- •r*' large and extra large Saddl**; Men’s plain Paddles; <(iglish 3n*i‘lles; Itov*'and Race "ad llev; Uilln'Sad He* of a variety of pntt-.-rns; Bridle# at d »larieugn!«a; _ „ ■ , HAllDLKIUP 5IATKMIALS-—Hadtilo Trees, Fklrting tint ling Skins: Pnd do , Straining and Worsted Webb; rim'ad and Tacks, a-aortod *!**• . „ „ IIXRNKS'KA—Coach, llaroucke. Iloggy and Hulky Harnesses, of all kind*, b.v the single set. OAltltlA'iR TtmiMINOS—Barouche Buggy and <uk» Spring* and Axle*; Da«h Fiamee: Hohlia and Bows, by ih -lagle'si-t: ' nliiUlrii*N Plump Joint*; plsiodo; psb'oi Hash L-ailier. Top and Gnitvln do ; hrtMd and narri'W Lacws variety of pattern*; Silk and Worsted Fringes; hjarkand purple Coach Itpene {_ Ilug gy .amp-1 plated and bras* Carriage Bai ds*. bra-s and plated Knob*.Ac. _ , not 11 MAGAZINES, FOR APRIL. T UG Great Kepul.ilc Mpntlily, for April, petersun'a Udles' Mng»zlne, do . Ii-diet' Amaricnn . do, do Gidey’a Lady’s'Book, do A rthur** lleme Magazine, do • • Rallnii'a Dollar Moathly, !»• „» .138 <*QNGKM38 STREET. PATENT SPECTACLES, PORLADIBB v—. dual received, wunelhingentirely new WHITE MATTINGS! HKtJKlVXD—A *nisli lot at vrior m wW^ting. Vi _ ; 5 . 1 While ahdCheeked Melting*, ofdlff-fenr qnalitlee, In all Ifte'wMtfte.i- . f i.«. • c b> LATllftOP,, vnafill e-i,; c ... ., ,>./.- glWVPgTty *»i 1 ^*V%TRECEIVED " | AIIPKR'S New Monthly Slagarinti for April; do * U A „„„ Grest Itepnbllo do Knlck-rhucW-r Eclectic Magazine, do 4. M. IIOut)B, cor Bull and Broughton ete, ■er >1 Opposite Meeonto U.lll T>. B. IsTichoUsij ”• ■ ■ 1 JB AND SILVER WARE! 140 Congrtn, and 05 St, Julian Street, G1URON8* DUlLDINGi I S Now Receiving hi* supply PPlitXv» GOODS, con- *1 ting ufeveiv vsrlet) smiaht f -r In the fsrhlonahle ettrlee, nhlrh, with hi* tank tut Land, iiwnrore*anoe- eortment uiiimrpie rd in llm city. ' , ' . ngK in 'inMr.r-Mi4ei.eehere. M. cur« * to him everv advant- and Imns-iiies the pnhllc ll(4r ViMvy-e j* ere wanted, use.| t-iwaids giving .-nitre sntlsfsrllnti t > hie cumuli nd* ItKPAIHIN of ClockM. "nr In* aud Jewoliy, done ies»'-nnlil>-ten *, and Warn,li'e'. uiar 8 AMERICAN WATCHES V. W. SKIFF H llrt It c ivcd atmther Involve id the justly celebra ted AMERICAN WATCH, which am not excell ed a* time keepers Also, a grovt vailel* of Swiss and h'akIMi tVafchu- f ont tluheu maker*, alwsy*on hand aud telling veiy cheap at SKI FI’', wluro can he tound a good a*«nrtmcni of the Isteet at« |.« ef Jewelry and Yankee Notions, USUALLY KEPT IlY JH>VBLBU8. Everybody know* that SKIFF I* vary reasonable in his price*, am) everything warranto I a* recommended. Wo want your p*ti uunge. K B—Hair Jewelry and Ornament* made to order. . f. li 22 V. W r-KIFF. jnwELitv noons! J U5T . Received, and f r mIh on (he must rea-nnah'o terms, nt the »Jd (••tnbllsbed stand, corner of R.ynn sad Wliitakur atreet*. Ladies Can find a beautiful assort meat HAIR WORK PAT TERNS. llrahl* made, and te I'nirieJ. NOTICE TUMAHINERS. Chronometer* Bated liv Transit. &tr Particnlar at- tun inn paid to r* pairing Wa'cln-* and Jewelry ' ITJtTY"" — ^fUC^TWAiadNGTON.- • ~ GREAT REDUCTION (fWTi IN PRICES. IflPfl! A SOUR Partnerehlp expire* by limitation on the 20th A. of June nexr, we will set- our Hock of PI VNOS, at the to lowing reduced pi I e*. Tlitiv are nio-t y f om t*«« Celebrated F.» lory ot STKINWAY k *'.XS, Now Yoik. These Instillment*, ht-ltig made e»pre**ly for this cli mate, are not exce led. tf e nulled by any other* lu mar* el, who her uf Ann ricau or Knrop an make: One StetnwMv k tuns' R. eewimd t’lano, Lj.^ octave, allied al 8"Oil.'a 111 he *<dd U r $419- Oiio S'elnway a Soi.*' Ro*ewooil Piano, 7 octave, valued nt $376. will lietold lor $370 One biciuwn) * Suns' Ilnsewood Plano, 7% octave, valuedat $l"0,will tie*ulilf r|335. One Meitiway A Sous' Rosewood Piano, 7 octavo, val ued at $350, will l.e soi l Tor fJHO. One fteiuwav. Sons’ Ro.eaood Piano. T octave, val ued nt $.175, uliI l e sold for 1349 One St. Inwav A Suns' tin cwood Plano, 7 octavo, vul • ucd nt «|2 . Will t e a >1.1 f-r $350. One L'nilun A Fritz.'* Itiisewood Plano, 7 octave, vsl m il at $l:b. will lie sold Ur $276. One !*0.-tiheltfr A Schmid 'a i nsewood Piano, 7 net ve, valued at $376. ui I be sold for $3<0. e•-tulai tV Rosewood Piano,7 octave, vnluid nt $360, will Is* sold h r $260. One Dnnlrini* • •«.•« Roiuwood PI ill.,7 octave,nt $350, wlH he*.id lor $ .’5<». psrttct In want of n splendid Piano, would da well to avail iheinsoive* i r rills opportunity toolitaiu ONK AT TUB MANUKA Cl U Rl.R S’ WHOLES a LL fKICK. Every I’.ano warran ed. We sts off. r for •ate a large assanment of Musical Instiniueii * and Muricnl M.rchandlZe, Including tbe neiest Am-ticun and Foreign V-cil »*id Plan • Mmic, Ni I rices far below the ll-lliil retail til ok*, mar IK IV. I» ‘/.G'HiaUM * CO. JhH Hreeirrdi i ,.i*»vR J^w^NPrituaetpf *!**•«» CLOTHS &CASSIMERS, Suitable for I- Spring and Summer Wrar, max* er, to oboes. | . ' ! I 1« tilt^ • - *-. '•• LATEST 8TYI.B. AND FABUION, j By ikiiiijs tent Wdik neii. and r kiw-jL m 'Av* f* From 10 to 15 per Cent ma.jj.vp o r* /..v/.rc; Spring and Summer Millncry, ■ . At 106 Broughton Street. li t 8. PK’tFB Invites tha Htteutfun of tlm Ladies of Savannah to tlm meat au- IsiiBtZP' MOST BBLWrr. and' lieape-t Stuck •cf iM.lLl5it-.ltY ever yet offontd Kngenls Bonnets, and otli-rauf the latest and most rtchtrcM and' u-hlonatd« sty le*.' Bun net iribbonslnnd Trimniing*, or any parllcm jar sha le or pat ti ru. A *plnndld assort- timht of Flowers Ac., and eviry thing per- iun tatnlt-g to a Flrsti-laH „.jS7 MlLINSUV KSTABLIFHMENT. To I allies lu quest efFiiieGiMMl*.Grest Bargain*! and at tha t Iimvi est C*eh Prlo- s. l*» decidmllj tlm ONLY Mil tie > store III till* city, where Mtchjcnn he found. aiJ-lit'r. 106 JWSSJif'S? - mm 26 New Spring ;; NEY1TT, I.ATHlUlP A ROGERS, W ILL Upon. This Dai, an atiructlvo as«urir»ent of Ladies' DRKd< G--ODS, c-mslsllug In part of dsregeari'i •••gandle Itohr*, Ac. nnr 10 Foote & Jaudon, A RB Now Pr pare-i t i • ff-r to th • trn le, tlm largest stork ot Foreign amt Homesti 'Dry Gi ml* fur Ilia *p- mg and Snmim r Trade ever brought to tRI- market, nr which they Invite tlm attention of Slerrhsnt*. nt-l* 21 Ini DHEHH GOODS, PKR bTHAMKRS OF THIS WEEK. P nULLARH rilk Robe. Challio Holies, French Gumbrlc Robe* Gren idliu-s, 1 ncMlsnud Mohnlr French Print d Inrc-mm* and Organdie* r.ncllrii nml Frm ch Barege and Irene* Printoi Rrillimtes ai d t'auil rie* White do and Piqua I loth Black PUkr. in all al-lth*. A l*o, n full Lire of French KwbroJderir*: Collars, Set*. Freiicn Rands Flouncing-.Cap*aud LC llaudkcrchli-f* Real Thread Veils Gaunt lets, Gloves. Umdi-rr. Ac I'crssl* bv roar 4 DiC' IT 1 * k M»'RU AN. Mourning Dress Goods. W K Have on hao<« a largo mi l general n-sorunvnt of .Mourning Good*, arming which ru«y ho found tim fu lowing: Fine black Rotuliszini-s . — - - —^ •lo . Taml-no t Lvtin do T.iioarri s do Graindine do Bareges -ml Mnrelz. Alpacenn al' grades. Vinenud iiie-lmm l lack Muslin DeLnine* 2ll piece* rich black .-hlks 1" do do sii ped de Bayadere Ling and square luaek Thlla-l cliawla 111; ck Grape 'ollai» and lldkfs I lack Kid and >ilk Glove* und Ho.lery Black Lace und Ku R-li('iM|ai Verie All qualities black K' glisll • rapes. With many other ro w and ues rab'eGood*, constantly receiving NKVllT. LA III UUP k RUGKK3. fell '48 Wew Spring Goods. rinilP, 8nb«crlher tins Just r«ce|v«' m a-sortnient of JL Gmuls. n lupt d to Hie present and coming *• a*<>u, consl-tiugif Black and cnlnred Cni.lno r. Cl- >h-, I'inp D’F.te, black und Silk lulxe-t Costiiigi Si ugh' milled black and Fancy French Ua**imer* Finn V uttd while l.iio-r, I uck I rills White mmI fancy wove Mai.eliles Veiling*. The wti'duof which h«i- i rcp% r.-d to make up tu order, In tho most FarliloiiBblu Style, mid m' Heenmiooduiliig terms. W.M It sYMtlNF, nmr 19 l»rnp- r and Tal'nr, !'• 5' lutaki r »t. Gnrpclings. I HAVE a fowplec.ftof Hue Throe ply «nd Twa-pty Cur, ering. which 1 will sell at New York coal, to cio.ooul tlm lot. mar 19 THU’S It. BURNS. 1859. SPUING N0VEI.TIKt.1859. FOR Gentlemen’s Wear. WM; O. PRICK, I S Now Koci Iving wrekly, a.r'plle* of all the New and Fashiniia'ileOn ds. of ’the late-r Importath n*. und «ill I e liappv to rixi |ve any order* fruiii the people. Ready Mad" h'ti.lng, Furi.Uhing Gtaid*, Ilat*, Cap*, Unitin Ua*. xc. Ac Call at the SI’AR CLOTHING EMPORIUM, corner of B all and Hay Streets mar 22 Canton Mattings. 'TV<K Mih-wi Ih. r would ed I "Ho thin ?T7lits »t«ck of J. White nod Clock Mattings, lu nil the varluu* wi .tin, 4-4, 6-4 and 0-4. — A!/0— 'A email lot rllglrily *• t m ir 17 tf D LATHROP. 140 Congtew at. ^ Spring Goods. JUST H.BOEIVHD, AT BELDFN & CO.’S : Finn Fashloiiablo Silk Hat*, do do Black and Pearl Capi. dn BnR French Felt. tlo Cloth lints imw etyle. W« have tlm moat extensive assortiro nt ut LEGHORN AND STRAW IIATS. Ever t ff red fur *h|h in this city. Merrhant*. who wish to purchase, will du wMI to call and examine ourituck. Wo will sell low fur null or approved paper, ui nr 30 Spring and Summer Clothing. UKO. M M- IHtl.S 8 S Now It-ceiviiig n ml supp'y if Spring nml Ann'iinr Cbdliiog, lor non and In.ya. m.d invlies hi-frieu • mul customers to give him a call, at tlm old Maim, No I I'll* and ltd Gibbons’ lliulthlig*. where good mliclesare • tlwavs In be found, inv for cash or good credit, mar .0 i SHIRTS! SHIRTS!! J Der ll-nui.cdHi ibe 'I thiiK-'lo'e.Gl.di .mJoange. D’O ilo/eii ehiriu, * uio very superior, and w .rrsut- !e-ttoflt: f r sale cheap l.v j mar ltt GKO 8 NICHOLS. Dress^ Goods. ne Idrck Pm. P- •- sluror I'aii'altH.n*. Fllk and M».se|ll«-* Vests, for h up nt thul'lothhig Store, GR.bnna’ Range, by mar ltt OKU. 8. NICHOLS. youth's anil Boys’ t'lotliing, O K E-ery Kind, to l a found at tli- • hulling 8 O.h* ‘ “ - j LA >10 K AssnrtMentj’f Gem _ Jdiou-' Raog>, quality. Parent*in w luai 19 i »npiM|"r workmtnship am ■d article, can uer It n OHO. S. \I IIOI.8. 1859. Spring Trade I Heed & Carpenter, 149 Congress st„ W tlULD Invite particular attention to their Inge and attract! estock of NEW SPUING AND SUMMER GOODS, Comprising tlm mostvail«dc<iliecii"n<f the latest sty le* lu market, whiril they will sell at price* to nn ei the reqnliemt" t« • f the c'n-e-r * nyns. mar 7 Something New for Little Buys & Girls. A Ilia KING Homo und i r min c iuiiiui-d, each per- het in Itself, ndaptrd to the P.trlor or Nu eery, at ab *eneon* • f tlm \o.r. Parent* wi t do well to rati mid sue them nt riie Albany Stove A gene v and IL-uie Fur nishing Depot. K. G. REACH, mar 3d llnilgsnii'a Block. MANTILLAS, SHAWLS, Ac. W K Arc now prepaid! to exhibit a very large as sortment nf Lin o Mantle*, Point* and Shawl*, Silk. Silk ami I .nee. nml Lice Manti"ns, Raglan*. Rmquos and Duiti-rs; towelh-r with an c.'oiinut vari ty of Barege, ilk, Grena-'ior aud Zuphyr Shawls. The wlurie t'lrmlng tlm largest and most coutprelmiisive a»- so'tmenlof the*o desirable Gtiod* ever -'tTcre l In ibis tu rhet. RKEl) k • ALPKNTKR. mar 7 14" Congress street. REED & CARPENTER H AVE a few pices or dim Ingrain t ! ar|>*t*. which they-will sell at coet, hei 'gcumpellcd to ctose O at branch nf ili-dr bu-lness f -r want of room. mat 7 For Gentlemen’s Summer Wear. HENRY Is ATI! HOP «k CO. W OULD Invito the aliebtion nfGontlonien to their aiiH.-k ol Spring xml Summer Gouda, In Light Fancy On*s inoi* I lack I'oi-skln dn Black. Mil" and brown Cloth* Plain and pi vid Lin-n Drilling Brown and white Linen Duck Marseilles Vestings Qauz-t Merino Shirt* Liil" Thread and Colton Shirt* fllk and Cotton Halt lluse Linen, Thread and Sl.k Glove* Fanev ttllk Tie* Black Silk Cravats, »_C. L war 30 New Arrival of Fancy llrcss Goods. B Y THE STEAMER ALABASIA. wo arc now receiv ing nn additional supply of tlm following deatrublo Good*, viz: ' Tlm Diamond Hooped Skirt, the lateit style. PIcTolominl Sept in Jaconet and Bxvls* Ribbon trimmed Set* in Jaconet nml Swis*. Jaconet nml 8wl** Collnnt, nuvv designs, lllk Lnce Vella, half cirrlu. Kmbrnlilnred L G lldkfs. J/icn Sets, Ribbon trliumml Jaconet and Orgamllo Rohes. Jaconet tind Orgnndlex, by th* yard orpleco. Col’d French nnibrlc*. latret *tyle*. Wide nik Iince. for Mantillil*. Double-wldlh lllk nud White Barege*, Bonnet Ribbon*, t» pretty nMortmmiL An naaortinont of Blk and Col’d Barege*. Alexandre'* Light Kid Glove*. Llslu Thread xml Silk Gnuntlwt*. Blk Loco Point* and Mantilla*; and other MAtonttMo good* too nnmerou* to mention, to which wn Invite the. attention of the Public generally, parti cularly. (mar a9] TUPS. H. BURNS. IIAUPER* FOR APRIL. “ ’ H ARPKR’H New Monthly Magazine for April, re- «!»• .odr„ri.lo«' ra roNnI|Vgs mKK r. ~ Inw BOOKS or tbe UcK Dragoon*; by Captain Scout,.or th* OuU**’* .Revenge. Price 25c. For eaiaat 188 OOMflKWH* 8TRBEr. : . iUIDHI.., 1. 8TUIIB. rw W Hill'd Bacon M e; 25 do do tihould*r* jflsl 25 libl* Leaf hard 600 bushel* Co* Pea* • MOO do do, ground, the be*) • Milch Oow* , . 600 bushel* Corn -Meal 1000 do Bead and feed Oria $00 box**GlennwglareW.m ! . nr i „i 'o i 60 do Farina. Cvr.ciiUparv p.ttrppaH. t \ 200 du Soap. No. 1,pile aodtamlly 60 do I)«|*>ilva Soap , to cIimU tnd hair chest* Tea. differ** t qua tit lei. All of which w* effsr to the trade, on reaannabie term*, our‘JI WILUAUB, BROTH Bid A 00. RAGLANS I RAGLANS II IUGLANMII C LOTH Raglan#. Linen lUglaus. Mniseil'e.' Pnclans, Del'i re ltagl-u*. Argentine Itaglcn*, and Mis-e* Raglan*, at mar? REID A «.* AFPENTERVL FINE WHITE 1IR1LLIANTsif O NLY 15 cunt*, worth 25. nt mar 7 HERD * CARPENTER’S. ALEXANDRE’S KID GLOVE' 8 llsmri. at B ~ REED * f ARPEN'K't’S. LACK SI k Licet, mini lei* and Mi'l*. at HFkD fc CARPENTER’S. iN Sheeting: goal Sht'lB-g Lleneu fur SI citiL; ilna j I'zm uk Tald^ L nen. fr»m 37j. upward; Toweling, Da- i mask Napkin-, Coy lie*, Ac. *c.. at mm! HEED k OARPENTBR'- 4 . I ’ ABIE* will n very largeHMuiriiueiil of line Ji French Etnbroldeio I Bet*, nt nmr7 RKKI) » CARPKNTF.R’3. G ENTLKMKV will (Tnd a Uenntlful awctmeul "f ttuu Linen Duck* and Drill*, at mar7 RKKI) k tlARPBNTKR'3 VKRYBODY will Ond but one price, and term* RUED A CARE* NTKR’8, ItOG-ingre** at. B y 1 c : S KIRTS, - Dougina* A rrin-rwond'a Fnnn'iis •* kiatl- nee' e-kiri; lavdiu*' and Ml**rs' Ext nrion Skin, of all (iaro, at RHKD A OIKI'ENTBR’"- HAVANA SEGARS. DIRECT IMPORTATMN BY Stearner Isabel. Embracing the foilowlng w6)1 known brand*: OhlnehurreU Londr**, Concha* aud R*|allM IA Retlown, Cillndrador, F.stoy en llegla, Med Regalia, UetculvaCiliudrado* Rio Hondo, and , Lv Montera Londr**. ; Kl Pitjaro del Oceano, Concha*, . Jarkton Panatella*, Ac. Ac. ; TliO, above brand* Ware wlectyd for apr RetMl Trade, and w,* can g*ajrapt*t MlUfactlon a* tn. quality. STEWART & BUTLER, ( . (n a,|L coruei.Bareard and Bnughton otrmita. r 1.111* ; IN STORE AND TO AKRIVSt tecKS ew lryr e pmoe golttg about I'U lending larure t.’or»*. Aba. he take*advan'eg- . f lb. ktralgbt hair, an* p r *. t*t«L toentnrfnitu Eiiglatttl. lie f\sIt*hltnnelf-an6.P., and ray* that belt a hm*t iMtliiiut*- rrlrnrt of Dr Ealn K * a< anil that he'Ci-roos tii'm him. Dr. Kalin* ha* to *ut* that he nqver t»w mch a p*i*tin. lie pMaiidiio. pe. rai*ou tlm feel, and jioaluce* a piece of dead skin of a conical ihspe. and make' th* fmtl«ut Iwllitv* that it |* fit. Com taken out ot IUt foot., ' The following I* a Copy of (•(•* of th# nunteron* Utter* receive-1 l.y Hr. Kailpg: , [Fmiii Jaiue* By mo, B-q. Drnrglst, New • rUao*.] Nkworuam Mar 54. 1858.' Dr. Kivllug 157 Canal elrrel—Dear fir: A man cal-lng hlnieell Dr. —- extiacted ir.-ni me two Chit he. a-d gtit a leritilcata 1r.'Hi me, aim frcni Dr.« artwrlghi, «tc ao. The mM com* returned wltbiti the Aral unuith, and Uiererore I wmtl I ifku Pi call on you. ” VouraywepeeifWIyf JAMF.3 BYME. ooEiisrs/' Bunions, Callosities and all DISEASES OF THE FEET AND HANDS, Jl)»iar>i*neoitriy, palbiewly and I’ermauentlv • ur.d, withm> t cutting nr caaeing the •debt'll pain, by dh; jdaxjxjntg. From among the thoneaiidaof teatiroi’nla 1 * In Dr. Fal- Ing'a piiMewlon. he reipectfully tubmlU the following oro»t |Fmm Dr. McKarlane. Ben.. Iteaid tt' Ph/eldan, N. 0 ] Having wlturo.i-d Dr Eslni*'* operation* Ilutegrmt pleiaure in ei'doralng all the testimonial* he ttoMi-ase*, of Mug an esprit add tleVnou, nnerstor, without cut ting or giving Hm lenet pain, at d with conOdunco te- couiiuend every nue to him. J R McFARLANK, M.D. New Or MU*, Febibary ltt, 1868. I Prom o.iv. Maui'lnr, Clitrleaton. Bonlh Carolln*.^ 1 take plaaaure 1.. etnl'n* that Dr. Kalin* ha* opera ted upon me I ir verv painful corn*, great y Puny anti*, tarti'iii, wlih-iut theallzhteai pnln and to m> li Itnlt* 'ri'fv n ■A\St\o FunisriT xj;n. uj , tt'HOLKSAI.K AND 1IEIAIL 11. P. llEt.KAAF, 87 BOWERY. (Whnleealo Wore IIoum-,) and 462 PEABL 6t..(|l, i"il &'i.fe,)Nuw Ymk. to here uni Lo f HIIHI the Inrgvat nu-t moat extenelve a*, vortmetii In rim ct y JZir-Uill* of $25 Detailed at Whnlcalt Price, at the JJaicer Store. All furniture guaranteed as repti.ei ti d. One him tired and lifty Immls t-nustanily uuployed lu niiinufic- mi InAll rtock laid m'f- r pel cash. It compriit* In part,— RORBWMOD. MAHOGANY AND WALNUP PARLOR FURNITURE, In Itrocnde. Ilrocate'le, In-lfttne, I'lu-li mni llnlr t loth'. RObliWOOl*.MAIIOGA'Y ANDK'A.MKLLLD CIIAMRKR FURNITURE. Id *et», Irom lueuiy In one hnniltedatid flftv dollar*. Also. 0 INK SEAT and COMMON lUKM IUHK, in gn-Ht variety- A large mm- rtmenti f Gilt anil Mahi'gi-nv MIRKORtt. Spring and Curled Hair MATTRESSES, I A- TENT Premium Bi)FA RKDSTBADS, with S. ring and Hair '’I'Mit-'-i* nttnrhi-d, kc. STHA.viRO \TS A* l» II FURNISHED. Dealeie will find R to their Inter*at to give ut a call. lni.1I 3.1.0 HOKKIS & BALDWIN. Com inissionMerchants, HAXTiaxexiE, m».. For the ball- « f Cotton Yam*. I-Mialiiii**, sheeting*, sh rtl g« nml Cotn n. Th ir atienrion ta un-re pmtlcu- Inriy tlevi't- il In lb" viile.i-l .SAa/uLeVr Cotti.n' Ynn.*'— I lie! j ii.ituin In the trade being *uch n» h- tin lit to pledge tu tiinnti HCinnr*. at all timen, the nu.ui v NvRKC? ratcro. and tales. The) will make the a i n cnli-lgiiiuetiie, nr will |.ri-iiq>ri) ca-li anlitu, tin uiav bo nitree.l ui- n by lhein.Hnd the c.u-lgii- or. They will take pU-nnure lu piucl anitigfnr iimi u- laclnretB, Lee nt ci'HimiMi'iii, any Miticle-'t men li n» dlxn in th- llalliiii r. nniket Hey may dmre. nt the loveal pne-il le pric.». The lieigl t* pur aienmera. tnou aviinniih ami < b*.rle»'iin are R.w. ar.d yutah can Lu *eni f.nward promptly, nml w tth Imt littlu exi en-c. Ready rnlu* C.|i b<- Iiia.le of tangled i.niherwiM damaged Yaitiv. • tula uf Warp*. cumii'Oidy caihd Hard orTI.ri-ad Wiv-ln. Rr.rza in - liiitlmin. Rft'dw In A Cn„ Snvnnnul', Gn : L. Guml'iiR. Faq ;t nliiii.bu-. Ju ; |i. fiptiutf.Ca-h er Mer chant*’ Rank. Hall Inn-re; .ln|in Clink, 1’reM.ln.i Citi- tons’ auk. liuitiun-re; IV.Hiitwaid, B.ild* in A Co., hat Im-re. Rind nnv-40 500 io S ACKS Flour, vanuuu t.raiid* 60 Ido KuoxvilUfawiiy FI"tV ; 'I j t!W *&**& ■&; ‘ 109 Mck'C-.rn -.'J* ’ ' 3 i 109 .1 f 100 100 dp do Meal •pt 3. .MM.I 0*0*^^ Straw Goods, Bonnets, A'c. . Vli-YL CLAcv^- r * °n aiAXVFACTUHEllS, H, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND WHOLESALE DEALERS, 22 Park Plant-, and 17 Barclay Mreet, NEtr T0AK, A RB Now prepared to "tier In Sonthetn Merchant*, tlm lari eel ami 1 e*i 8-l.cte.l Stuck, >n ilivirliim, ever exiiil Itnl In tin* <>r any thci market, rnhriu ing t. part'd FUR, SILK AND WOOL HATS,b-kilhtr with C'A('!• ut every »lyie irimle ami qtialitv. lu their STRAW GOODS department, will Uu found: PANAMA, WM. TEI.L, l'\LM LEAF, I.VKIIKIT, CANADA. WHIIST Kit. M Alt At Al O, CRITTKADEN, LEGHORN. FvYAL, MuUNT VKRNON, . PEDALS. SMIeS. BPI IT STRAW, And nil it'elnteeinml nmst driirabU-ttyhe ot P:«ln and Col'.rul HATS li their Children and Fancy* department, are all tin-diRoreut Fabric*, quail'let and ityle* niuuuftc lured nud l" p- i led *«nln* tenrket. Tin Ir n**o-Inn nt ol LADIES' GOODS will lie found lUiiiftUnriy atiracUve, a>i the laleel n d nm*t droll able Miylrouud p'llern-, both h.kuon asd bottZrvic, Cuuuieting of SILK, DIJN-TAHLK, SPLIT STRAW, LI-UIIDHIN. PEDAL lilt AID, DIAMOND STRAW. NKAIDl.lTANi BLONDE LACE.and Hair Bonnets and Bloomers, Hutu P "in and (Moled.of different fabric-. A Do, RUCIIKS. French aid American FLOWERS, UM lilt ELLAS PARASOLS,& c . Ali riie nlievu ate - fl'. red to the trade on (he mott ap prove! term*. D.| C. & CO,, “re ct'lidi nt tl at their tet-cutcei'i and llimn xjieri'-nce nf over S'- year* In I'UvInett. ei.ahle* th m to offer iiiduccmont* to buy er* that caunut be fur- pHflMrd. P. S,—They have jialit particular nticnthm In gelling up tlu-ir gou t* Dm tlm Uadv. #» ns to make their stock om-* f iIm most desirable tor the B..titheau Mark. t. Jai'34 Ml Valuable Lands, &c. TO I.UMHEH ANO TIMBEIt MEN. 2,100 Acre# of Pine Lantl. with S uni SAW MILL FOB SiLE. rill IF. finl.scr.b-r being ei.gagetl In other I U-lne*s, B iifler* f..r **J« beulove propel ty Jl Is slinaied nti llio L'-runswirk A FI- rhla Rail Ito'il, 21 mi en Inm i rnnswick.consistingor2.1Ci)nctes id Pitie'tlmb.-r lAinl, aa good ph any In Ue rgla; also, a Steam Saw Mill, ca pable of cutting from ttvotn ten thousaiiil het per thy, with lluliei, 60 tuche-in dlvnieter. and two fmirieeu Incu fine*. Fintllay’s ntske. >\ ill at tlgvri* Hint will Induce anybody who want* toeugrgeln that busl- tie*' Mules, Wagon*. Carte, and every thing rltached, to curry on tlm botint'**, whi be *uM with the Aim, Terms will te very easy, price $7.0C0— one-half c*fh, the bilanca In *1* muiilli*, u Ith good -eciitlty, A’l letters sent to tlm umlt-r>igucd, al BtU"»wlck, will be promptly al eiroed In. I will state Hi'i there are three Call*, six Mules, two Wagons—a I Included apr*4 12 J IIS McTwlNGUGH. UruniwIck.G*. Notice. A PRIL Is posltlvety the liv-i month that our largs amt varied a»«-irtmeni of HOUSE FURiMSHIXG GOODS! AT .100 BROUGHTON NTItUUT, Will be offered fur saleat 26 p*r c.-ut. less than th* regu lar polling price. FIOivBK Is j AY. apr4 . f jjviN, UalvamX'd Iron hu^'IuiuMuu to ork. pn in, I- rearofet AnJiow’u Hull. ■ apr 4 Mouse k >ay. NOTICK. TO ENflINEEUS Alv’U MAHIINISTS. A I.ARGK Assi rtHittllt ut meant liras* Gnt ds, of all kind*, for tale at uianuleotuie •’ prior*,.at 115 Dr- Ugl.tgn street. MOReE k FAY. _*pM ' 1 '' - ' : " ‘ 1 ' v " ' I AND PLASTMR.-BO bbl* Und Flafter,' 4 landing Irom sclir huotoautrro*. »«c| furxakriaw 1*7 apr 4 G B CARl.KTt)V. Al'.-10 bales EasternHay.lamilug per echdouvr Sarah L Hilli,and for *aR* by ■ • iv/ ■ qpr 4 CHAHLK9 PARB0X8. H AY.-2.MI bale* .North Hlyer Hat, landing |»er sdi r Cordelia, atid for *n!e t*y aur 4 SCRAN TON A NORRIS. S OMETHING NEW —JtiM received,that tle- luluful exlr-vft for the handkvtcbjef. the Pride of Georgia, mtuuiacturcd exprvM y for^Mnd^mbn^r .qpr'J ■ Cnruer.Brutiglit'.in and Rail surets. f|5UOTH BIIU8HE8 —I have rroelved aimther JI. »upply. ol, superior Tooth; also, *u»*il IDvir Itiushef. L'V**- ■ > $. P. HRAXTLKY. jirtOluOGINEB;—A large onooriroeut ol Od.^uro, fruui Ibe iwwt rosnuiaciun-ra: aleis contluue to nianufftcture thataupertorirtd Domlul»n Colngne.' apr 4 -. I». HWANTL8T. . 1 1 AND C^NDLM# AN 1)1 aG -3^i naif boxes AdaoMUlltie candle*, N* Tf Jt MJ TIM UlfraL _ lo ot ■ too boxt.sov* priced Tobaoeo; on c«iuguro*ni, “47f ta '■%'ium WTHrt'Vfe. S ' - UGAK.—6 bbl* Btuert’e Oia»h-deug*r| 26 node Pnlv^ltaddo; Undlugand forealeb^y^ PuD^lzod d. U0L00MBB k CO.