The Savannah Republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1858-1865, July 07, 1859, Image 2

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> q k yi-m-t AIN, IxlUxtOUAl JUUlvINlIMU-, dVLiX I, lWHV ‘ •K. wIb] iHtmiKMt.'—Wccom* V mend to ttio th« lUtU rjv.r BuperUiteiulcut of tlie fcutrul HtUlnmd. Under the muiral Ow, «• Sw.w« «N» |M«!»« *?r 4o share krjtltua the •wnliorliijr licxito uf nunuiur. - , I, --- - — .. UirKill IS qUWt MM) .HSUiy, . Nawa mowWAMtl’HtfroJr.—NVwhlMton. July Flour verydull, ftruljr ©mrvd, tiutnot preMod. Wbsat 8, ltfUL—An odk-lAl 4lo»|HtUli rh>m Frankfurt . 1rm< com quiet, Bacon dull. Huger buoyant, and soya that the ttoMhirUvo cAti>td|uvnva of the wur ,4, wtci a Od. a la. Mice qoteL Itoala heavy an<l do- to cowmerw, Industry and labor bctotucdnlly . ll|lln(r Tur| * nUlie hnvy at 40a moreapitarent, that aa£i?fiA thilMtu laatdon money market la unchanged. A*» «*<W j or the aatea of cotton tor the weak, wtoutators took ! 1,000 balea^nd axportwra f,QO0 bale* ■ Help# of Friday, f4,000 bote*, the market closing dull at Mte'Mtototof uvoutiuNat . . Fair. Middling*. Orteana...... ...Wd, ’®J*d| Muhllta HWOd. I'ldanda. fXd, O^il Tim stock on tidnd I* 166,000 tales, of which 47U.OOO •ilea a(u American. Tin* advkaw from Manchester are favorabla Tho n irkut la quiet ami steady, and ii war order*. With thv irrtTcM oftv^cU^«fx|irvaa routcwrouia, receiving each >1.000 per annum, on tho Hue between Now York amfCUtrlunnll, the bajoWf* wallet* are to be allowed ten dollars per month each for the delivery and recclt lug of the through The oxpettfttltfed of the United Statca tor the fiscal year ending with June, exclusive oC trust fundannd paymeuta on account of tho public debt, w«v« #00,800,000. a ^ The Flort’itcecorrrfpoudcnl of tho Providence • Journal ray*: : , "The French soldiers hero say that they art nolngto -Vienna before tho wnr la ended, to bring away the ache* of the Duke tto Rolchstndt. tlie eon of Napoleon I. by Marin .Tlioreaa,—the aplendld youth who, at the ago of twenty-one, writ made way with by Aurirla. Fntneu luja several time* naked tor tho remains, but Austria Wreftucd to give them up. Franco has also a claim ngulnat Austria for >40,000,000— for, we forget what—which must bo paid before a ttnaj ecttletuent of nccttotite." ient ha* dispensed wires. 1 Ha vat—Haleaof cotton for the week T,M0 bales; , .losing quiet at 10T for Trca Ordlualre. Tha Parts Hours* closed declining From tha leat of War. The Allies bad occupied Lvouatu. giullglono and Mon- . e Cldara Napoleon had lolned the allied camp. The Austrian Government has formally declared that he cruelties attributed to Urban In Count Cavour's •reclamation are entirely unfounded. A Mtiguluary collUlou had occurred at IVrngla, l>c- ween tluvaoldlor* of tho Pope nud the Inhabitants. Pruols was moving her army upon'the ItIdne. Authentic accounts say' Hint the Austrian force on (be tlincio Is full tw o hundred and eighty ihoutaml men. The entire French force luid paired Mouta ChUtre. ■.'heir reconnoisanco h salil to have been us for is Catco, in Piedmont and advanced toward# Fctclia- a. Na|*obH>n lias demanded pehnlsolou to march thirty fiouuiiii trm>|M threugh Hanover (o tho Khiuu. It Is Mteved that the basis proposed for a mediation f Prussia, will not be acccplahlo to France, In which tiroworks Explosion at Philadelphia, . vent, u u thought Prussia will be Involved in the war. PniL.tDKI.I-111,, July 8.-S«mutl J.l juon ’ I l, »„ moiore,! IU Prunl. luul llm.tciml to u.1.1 ; ;Sl rr “" , ‘ 1 Th.sul».1.0 « pn . «. imm llnra«.o I..up. was bunted to death. Ho wait a young man nml had beta recently married. ' XT PIKE’S CATAWBA BUgNDY Is a Pure Juice Brandy, and any one who wishes to test this question l» , requested to call and try U at K»>o As WabixuIi Drug Store. This Brandy has been manufactured for, acecral years, ftrotn the pure Juice of the Catawba Grape, grew* 1 . In Ohio, thus affording additional evidence of the pro gress of American Kntcrpris* and Industry, amt of our ability |o produceyirtlcWt at home equal toUiosemadr , by any other iaiUoa. ThW BRANDT ha# obtained a rare popularity through out the Fast mad West, where large quantltlrsot Ud« su|>erb article are sold for MKDIClNAh AND MEDI CAL PURPOSES. Ask for g. N. PIKE ft CO.'S CATAWnA BRANDY. Retail price, at $1 SO a bottle. Order# almuld tw addrease*! to the wholesale and re- , tall Agent^ .3 VAN BCI1AACK A GRIERSON, ' Chemists and Druggists, ‘•'ill King street, Clisrh-s-on, At tins Sign of the Negro and Oohlen Mortar. N. R.—Druggists, Grocers, and Dealers supplied at manufacturer*’ prices. tf Je *4 nARAVILLA “WABAVILLA . RIABAVILLA ! 1! The most wonderful preparation known FOR DESTROYING DANDRUFF; CURING BALDNE^H: RELIEVING HICK HEADACHE: PREVENTING THE HAIR FROM FALLING OUT. AND PRODUCING GI.OHSY CURIA Sold by alt respectable Drugglut* and Fancy Good* Dealers, and by the proprietors. Price :<0 rent k CHARLES ERNEST ft CO.. 96 Malden Lane, N. V. “It will accomplish all that la claimed fur It, and no •ne neod fear or mourn llie loam of hair If they will use four Alarm rIJJ*." J. M. HRADSTRUF.T, gH Brtuidwa), N. Y eT dmo Hf" Bee advertisement of Dr. Hanford's LIVER IN- V JF<)ft A TOR n anothne ^4omr. 4r in- *-*fA» Vegetable Substitute for Cilomel and Blue-Pill* BaiKpitmi'a VanrrAtas Ukivkksai. Pttw, by re- ntoring the bowel» to their originnl ditf/y and mitutvl action, give strength to the stomach, purify tin- blood, rtM-staldldi the healthy eondithm of tho digestive or- gmiN and llins cure dy«pei>*ln, colds, coughs rheuma tisms, dropsies nml sickness generally, whether chronic or rcccwl. The celebrated Abcrnethy mays; “After having cured the derangement of .the lx>weK debility and all disease* generally disappear of thtlr torn ac cord, even in n short time.** llu- experience of a cen tury has established the worth of these pills beyond dis pute, as a purgative and antl-hUIous medicine; and their use by upwards of 4.90ft conscientious pliysUdniiN und by over a million of fonillles, show| that they are supplying one or the wants of humanity, and are In ad vance of medical science. The aboyg pills, although purely vegetable, are now known and used as n substi tute for Calomel (//gdrnegt/f Cholartthim M!tr\ pro- during alt Its alterative ami other Indications, with nom of ll* disorganizing elh'ds u|>on the solids—often crip re** the rising at Punchia, had n desperate encounter »ilb the jwople, shooting lliein down In discrijuinately, Latest from the Pacific. Sr. Lncia, July 6— 1 Tho overland mall has arrived, Ith date* from San Francisco to the Itttli June. There was great |»oUUcal excitement In California, rowing out of the gubernatorial nominations—’Weller Lreompmn) and Curry (Antl-I.ce»iuptou) being tho umUdules. Rusinosi had declined. Money Wits scarce but the icxt diipinent East would be very large. Accounts Ibun the mines are very favorable. % Tin- Oreg«)i» L*'gUlnture had amounted without elect- tg u U. S. Senator. Accounts ftvtn tlie Fraser River mines are exceeding- unfovora’de. ■* New York Market Nrw York, July A—Sales of Cotton 1,000 bales; jarket clewing heavy. Flour advancol Je.; sales 14," jtfl bids. Wheat quiet nml steedy, with salcsnf 4,oo<) •uslu; White llOO&tlfe'O. Com Grin; sales 4<l,00ft itisli.; Yellow M (If 9ft; Mixed S4 0 s7e. Turpentine detuly at UH 4J#u Rosin heavy, |1 IT.V- Rice tcady. • Lyon’s Powder and his PUL All the insect tribe will kill. Judge .Meigs, President of the American Institute, ays,—“The discovery of this powder, by Prot Lvov, is ■f imttomd importance. The Farmers’ Club have test 'd It thorougldy. foicusts, graMliop|M-ra, ants, bugs ami II vermin can be destroyed, gardens preserved nml ioti«>i made pure. It itfrrrfrom jmiton to mankind, n irs ante Mr. Lyon eat it," There is no question as to he great elllraey of this article. A few application* Vstray* everything like garden worm*, hed-buga, flees ieki*, roaclo'S Ac. It is nil Asiatic plant discovered by •ir. K. Lyon. Muny imitation* will ho oflcreil Re •tin* it bears hi* add rev. Remember— ’Tin Lyon’s Powder kills all insect* in a trice. While Lyon’s Pill* are mixed for rat* amt mice. Sample Flu*ka, 25 cents, regular sizes, 50 cts, and #1. BARNES A PARK, New York. AI*othe MEXICAN MUSTANG LINIMENT. je.'W eow—1 mod Aw nVIDliND NO. 8. MECUANICH’SAVINGS’ BANK, [ Savannah, July ln.Vj. j _ The Hoard of Directors have this day de- - elnrcd a seml-auminl dividend of three und half per cent, pay aide on demand. Jy C~2t d. li. GAL*DRY, ( ashler. 4 D.tlINISTIlATOIl’S NOTICK.-lu pur- sitance of an order | awed by tho< ourt of Ordinary •f Cli'ithntn County, will he sold before the i ourt House, i raid county, on the llr*tTiies«lay In Si pteniU-r, dur- ig the legal hours of sale, live negroi**, belonging to i estate of Henry C. Hand, deceased. July 6 D. W. M. Hit M). Adm’or. i D.flINISTKATOIl’S NtlTIl'K.-lu pur- V s lance of an order passed by the Court of dnllimry ,-„ w - . f (ImlliBti county, will l»e *old before the Court House pllngfor life—or iu dislrewiog action u|>on tlie teeth i •old county, during the legal hours of sale, un the Aral * ms»tay in beptemtiernext, nil the undividedslxtlipart and gUint. The prepsn H concentration fram the same , ^ r ,j p (; roVt . J'la/iiatlon. and nil the negraes, tuenlv- pr'.nclples— the Life Addltlnu nils—Is a sulajjltute for J a <• in numher, and other |H.-rs<iiial properly of the estate blue-pill tl'iluL* ITytIraraU 1 )' posscudug the lu-eulinr ffnruUiw 8. Cuyler. WM. II. CCYI.ER, Jy 9 Administrator. M1TCHEL, PE,UII! ft C O., t ©xxEe^x ^r«- ‘x»8, DARIEN, GA. ly 4 4w action on the secreting organs; of that preparation from mercury, hut none oflu salivating or other Injurious effects. Those who have uvd them, ssn Ibu-pill au>>- atttule qr otlierwlsc, award lo them the highest praise. They eome nearer to a enneentrated Essence of Life than Anything yet made, in the vfny of medicine, by j man. A single pill given dally, whin all Iioj-c la* fled, has oflcn restored braltli. In fact, they supply an or ganic principle to the blood, always wanting In extremt • eases of sickness. t . OhJ people have the secretions of •arly youth restored by those Life Addition PHI*. Thtlr ▼slue as U Jo-preservers Is beyond estimate. Bratjdrslh’sVegeUblo Universal Pills remove from lb* bowsh and blood of a sick person tbe cause cf death. Tax Lira Apmtioh Putt scpplt m organic I Nxctssrrr or tos Biood’s vrrsttTV—the minute glob- j ales of ragetablo cssenoce, of which they are but (he ■ concretion, have tlieir ttroci c*unferjxtrt In tlie viui j globtdea of the blood. And from whenoe does tlie blood HARTWELL’S PATENT MOSQUITO Bars, Manufactured and fold by j RUTGERS CLARKSON, I 61 Warren street, New York. ; These Canopies hsve msny advantages over any oth- •T'-y ers In use. They are more graceful In apix-araner, and from -bene. Dr. Brtn«r«lr JerWM rh, lift> pHndpto m0[c , pi( . lou , „ nd , |ly _ Tllc ,, r0 n . Uu et,.l n. nf th, Llfa Addltk-n n.l^-fTirln Uie • «,vtable Kin,* anv Ifed.tuail. «nj very «Itti|iIo In coiulruotliin; urn TbU pllh. u alM IU. rnlremU .re nrr.nte.1 jault. .'..lift . n .U"rr.-fnre, en."y«,l.,.led '..MM. purely regel,Ule. MUM**#* IS.’S.^SLlS'r S!" t centa. Physleisusand the public supplied by tbe gra**, or single box, at Dr. Bnmdreth's Prinri|>al Ofllcr. No. 291 Canal-st., Bramlreth’s Building. N. Y., and by Wm. Thorqe WilliaM, Bay street, Havaiutah, ami by all res pectable dealers in medicine. jy*. PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL. The agents for that wonderful toilet article, known throughout Amvriea aa CHltf«T«0O*>O'S CXCELfflOo HAfg OY c . • Are Instructed never to reveal to any third party the name of any person purchasing It No susptclou there fore can alight on those who use It; for the dsrk and the bed; do not mur imr Inltire (lit* Rnlstend In the least; In short, they combine tin- greatest elegance with durability and simplicity, lnm—I* |y 6 W EBSTEIl’M i:NAHRID«I{R l)|( > TlONARY—hKONii Eniion — Containing i 1,50ft I’lelorlats Illustration*. Table of Synonyms » to 1 lft.yoti New Word*, peculiar use of words nml terms in > the Bible. I Table giving the pronunciation of the names of $,0tM) | Distinguished .Men of modern limes, Abrevintloii*. Latin, French. Italian, ami Spanish Phrases, Idiom*, J Proverbs, Ac., Ac., Ac. In one volume of 1,70ft page* i Grown Quarto; Revised by Professor Goodrich. For sale ; by JNO. M. COOPER A CO. I July I p ATUCHISIH —<^f United Hlnies History. Jly II. R. Carroll, Revised ami improved. glossy abado—or ratbvf varieties of shades—which It Is j \L, ----- ....... ••mKi. ,w I w «nt., Kvh,.to. I>Jwnla Hprings, and Sjrli.jMof the South on.j capable of Imparting, cannot, by any possibility, be sic- JJ® (acted a* artificial. Free from Caustic, It may heap- •— ’ pUad without foar, to tbe weakest* hair, nor will It Irri tate or blemish foe most sensitive scalp. Sold everywhere, and applied by alt Hair Dressers. CnnrroDOio, No. 6 Aster Uouw, New York. Jail dAw—imo , . Ity J. J. Moorman. M. 1>., with .Map* and I Plates oml Routes nml Distances to the various ! Hprings. Received by July I JNO. M.-COOPRE A CO. 0T Coramoo Sense rules foe mass of the jcoplc woatever UM misoimed and misanthrope philosophers may say to foa contrary, fbow them a good thing lot Ha merits be jdearly demoostraied, rod llicy will not hesitate to gira U tlielr roost cordial jwtninage. Thu miSSSihSTS rtna-ly ratified the Judgment of a pliyslcinn •oocerulng the virtues orllOSTETTKK’f* BITTER'', m may be sera (a tho Immense qnantities of this inedl- cine thsisra annually sold tn every section of the land. It k mnr recognised as greatly superior to all other fnosdiesyet derived Yor diseases of tbe digestive organs, Nib as diarrkras, dysenlry, dyspepsia, and for the va- ribas fcv«s that aria* from derangemenU of those por- tiooaof Um system. Hosteiter*# name Is rapidly be coming » household word, from Maine to thn •horasofthi AUantie to foe Pacific. Try the article and hi satisfied. told by all druggists In tlie world. Jy2—4 JfcTIte fins JSSSaBm NtTH cTATK, Horton, tar, will havo quick dls|*lch as abova. For fritaltt, aijd^te BTAJIR ft HARDEE. ^ NOFIUIL-Cottslauses per schr. NORTH lcar*HTATK, from New,York, vrlll ploaw attend tulho reoeptloii of tlielr Q.mhIs, landing YlilsDay, at Jones’ wharC All gtK>da remaining on iho wharf at' tun-sot will be stored at foe risk aud oximiiso of con signee*. STARR ft HARDEE, Jyt _ ^ NOTICJfO TO COMIONIIM,- Consignees per brig W1IITAKKJL from Bos ton, will attend to the reception »'f their Goods, landing This Day, at Claghorn A I’liimlnghant’s wharf. All gmids remaining on the wharf at sttn-ael will bo stored at their risk and ex;>ciise. Jy T 1 HUNTER ft QAMMKLL; . FEMALE COLLEGE LOTTERY >wf dfi tfOHnjln «.!«». Central Railroad Office. I SAVANNAH. Ua., July 6,1859. f WALTON Chartered ty ihtSkf <fO»&hgiu .. H AVINO Been himotnted by tha President end Di rectors of the Aralton Female College, Managers , or I hair Lottery Charter, we Intend conducting the eame on the favorite Havana Plan of Mingle Numbers, and have looatfd our office In the City of Havettnab, Go,. 1 H a now ofibr the following Grand delicate, FOR JULY 16, fW • when Pftscsam'Ung to >813,0001 will be distributed. W, c. bAhion ft CO., nanacarM. CLABL 7, Draws on the Havana plan at Havannah, under tha sworn su|N.'rinlcndence of J. hi. Prentiss and Wm. 1L Bynums, July 16, 1869J _ ! CAPITAL.PRIZE $00,000. 80,000 Tickets........'. .....818,000 Prizes. i'riaet IhiyabU Without Deduction / mV: 10 Prizes of 600..$6,000 10 •• of 200.. 2.000 100 •» fit 100.. 10,000 100 • of 60.. 6,(K)0 8000 * of 80. .90,000 OiARD SCtlKMN; 1 Prixeof $60,000 1 ** of..< 16,000 1 “ of 6,000 1 ” of........ 4,000 8 ” of 2000 6,000 10 “ of 1000 10,000 Apiilclon’s Railroad Guide for July. Iv 1 W. THORNE WILLIAMS. How ArctngomoQt for tha Sammar—amt in duction In tha Zara. Persons desirous of spending tho summer In the up- country enu procure tickets from Bavnnnuh and Bullions on this Road, aud famuMIllcdgevlUe and Eatonton to Atlanta, at greatly rAuced rates to go and return, until October 15 llu Fare from Havannah lo Atlanta and return $18 00. OROUGE W. ADAMB, Jy 7—2w __ Gen. BupL _ ■\I7ANTKD—AN AMERICAN HELP, To go Into ?l the country, to take charge of an lulbnt and act generally In house-keeping when required. For u suit able person (Ulr wages will be given. Apply at this office. 1 w Jy 7_ A DKIININTRATOR’S SALK.-Will be sold at Hie store on Broughton street, ahove Bull, Tills Morning, commencing at ten o’clock, Iho entire stock of Gas Fixtures, Tools, Ac., belonging to the Estate of A. Mayer. _ It July 7 rpmS ROSETTA STONE—The Rosetta Stone JL Explained; by llab, Jones, and Morton, u commit tee of the University of Pennsylvania; second edffiion. * — ALSO— Map of the Seat of War, Its remote and recent caus es; with tho Vienna Treaties of 1814 and ’15 in foil with , engravings of the principal places tn Italy, and |H>r- trait* of the leading men now engugvd in the present struggle; by A. J. H. JMigauiie; price 80c. The French Revolution of 1,69, at viewed in the light of u Republican Institution; by Jnu. S. C. Abbott, with loo engravings. Waller Thornley; a Peep nl the 1’usL Appleton’s Huilroad Guide f ' *"*■' ly __ N EW BOOKS*—Received bv John M. Cuok* a Co.: The French Revolution of 1789, ns viewed in tlie light of Republican lustliutions by John H. C. Abbott, with one hundred engravings. Walter Thornley; or a Peep at the Past; by the uuthor of Allcu Prescott and Alidu. Vol. VIII., Lives of the Queens of Scotland; by Ag nes Strickland. Tin* New nud the Old; or California and InJla iu ro mantic iuqivct*; by J. W. Palmer, M. D. The VagulHiud; by Adam Ilnbenu. —more or— 1-t*ve me Utile; Clin*, ltcade. The llertr.uns n Novel; by Trollope. “L’Ainours;” bv M. J. Michelet. Memoir* of the Empress Catherine II. , WJD3EaD»anE»ATffiiVT SEWING MACHINES H AN K Gained the confidence of all who u*e them, and have proved one of the mo»t valuable Inven tions of the uge. They use a shuttle, making the Lock Stitch on IhiIIi sides of the cloth alike, which cannot be unravelled or pulled out. They are nil tnude with the highest mcchnuicn! skill, nnd all warranted to work well on nil kinds of goods, from tin* Lightest Fabric to Heavy Leather. In ;•ar ticular. we would eall tlie attention of all to orr new Family Hewing Machine. It has been manufactured expressly for Family Use, and lias met w ith favor from all. It Is so simplified as to render It almost ini|Mi*sil)lu to get out of order, or derange it* operath*)*; indeed It U so shnplv an to astonish one, that so small a piece of uu'elintdsm will sew. Below, we give u iteseripllon of the different styles of file Weed Patent. No. I. Is a very convenient style,which can be worked by hand or foot, on or oil its ow n table. For conveni ence of shipping, und also for largo ninnnfnctnric*, whore it is necessary to place a number of Machines into a long bench, making one table unswer for them all.— Price, 4‘j0. No. With Walnut or Mahogany Table, either with or without Ilox Top, which loeks down. Prlcu$!00, and |llu. SJNo-tl, Hume size ap No. 2. but run* with a belt, nnd at a much higher rate of speed. This kind Is well adapt ed to manufacturing Clothing or Leather Work. JTiis Is really the eliea|M'8t Machine iu the market, as there Is no work dune on a Hewing Mueldne Unit it will not do. It is routldcutly asserted Hint this Machine runs easier than nay machine now In lire. Price, $100. No. 4. Tills Machine has a long arm, to accommodate large work. It run* at a high rate of«i»eed, runs easily, nud I-, w ithout n doubt, the best Mueldne for Tailor's’ II*)', ever offered to the public. It Is also peculiarly lilted for plantation work, ns It is very simple yet sub stantial nud durable, with but little liuhility to get out of order. Price, $120. N'o. 5. This is a new nml cheaper style, nml a general favorite for Family, Light Leather, oml a greater vnrio- l.v of work. 11 lain been gotten up with reference to furnishing a strong nml durable, yet light und tasty Ma chine, at a less price than either ••film ahove. It runs very easy, rapidly, nml Is pronounced the best machine now in market, for $so. No. 'L Till* I* n Machine got up on an entirely new principle, different from onytl lug ever iK'fnrc offered to the puolle.uml we eonlldentlv assert that, for family use, it liasmd an equal. It is verv light and tasty, runs very rapidly, I* almost noiseless In its operation,'and uses* straight needle. It Is *o nrrnn^ed as to he utterly tin- |k»'mMc for it to miss stitches. It has n tension on hotli sides, ami carries ii (urge supply of thread on the'under sjmhJ. The motions are gained by two small cranks that run without iM-reeptihle n Ire. The two threads are worked In such a muuucrii*never to hotli pull at tho same time, mid consequently, little liable to break. The ream Is very elastic, nml the th: cad does not break iu washing. 11 w ill do.coarse work heller Ilian any cheap machine now In market, us it mes silk, cotton, or linen with equal facility. Price, $50. Descriptive Circulars furmchcd gratis. Office 477 JlrtHaliiy.y, Sew York. WHITNEY ft LYON, Proprietor*. Agents wanted. July 7-ginos dftw. "w:elA.t? r Durby’M Prophylactic Fluid. ■f XT HAT will purlfV dwrPIn s? >> DARBY’S PROPHYLACTKt FLUID. Wlint will remove nil bad ot ore 1—(Recommended to s«uue iNditiciatl*.) DARBY’S PROPHYLACTIC FLUID. What hnscured yellow feverV—(Refer lo Dr. I^bby of Churk'ilon.) DARBY’S P! OPnYL.UTIC FLUID. What has prevented the spiead of typhoid fever7— (Refer to Dr. Austin, Fort Valley, Georgia; Amos Jones, Titskegee, Ala.: et a'.) DARBY’S PROPHYLACTIC FLUID. What w ill destroy conthgioe ? DARBY’S PROPHYLACTIC FLUID, What will destroy any putrid animal or vegetable mutter? DARBY’S PROPHYLACTIC FLUID. Wlint, then, will. If nn.Mhing will, prevent tho spread at contagious dlrenres? DARBY’S PROPHYLACTIC FLUID. What destroys foqld breath? •JARRY’S PROPHYLACTIC FLUID. Wlint can you get in any quantity by writing to DARBY ft PRltil. Auburn. Ala. V DARBY’S PROPHYLACTIC FLUID. 1L D PHILLIPS, General agent for SO'ltli Eastern Ga. For sale by all the Druggists in Savannah. July f. tf 8287 prizes, 'amounting to., $212,000 j Whole Ticket# ilft^lltlve* $5-lQuartcrs $2 60. ! SPEC! AL NOTICE.—AVe ask particular attention to our Schemes drawn on the Havana Plan only, on the 1st , and 16th of every month, and ask a comparison with any other Lottery In existence. The plan I* so simple ' that every one can understand II, nnd ft has fewer num bers than any other Lottery, and, therefore, the chances to draw Prizes nre belter. For Instance—there Is In our Lottery only HO,000 Number*, nnd all others on the same plan range from 40,000 to 60,000 Number*. Those Lot teries on the combination plan never have less than 76,000 Numbers, and Prizes nre subject tea deduction j of 15 |>er cent., whllo In our Lottery there Is no dedue- , Ron on Prizes. 1 RKrKIIKN)!Rs: Hon. Ovid O. Sparks, Mayor of Macon. T. R. Bloom, Cotton Factor, Macon, Ga. i . LnRoclie ft Bell, Savatmnli, Ga. I » Farley, Jury ft Co.. New Orleans, Iju i All Prizes of $1,000 ami under, |mid Immediately af ter the ilrawlng; others at the usual time of 80 days. On , the 1st of each month, a $10 scheme, with Capitals of $00,000 will bo drawn! and on the 15th of each month a , $5 scheme with n Capital of $80,000 will l»e drawn. Per- ; sons rending money by mall need not fear Its Icing lost. ! Orders punctually attended to. Cnmmuulrations strict ly confidential. Notes of sound banks taken at par.— : Those wishing particular numbers should order linme* : dintcly. For tickets address ! W. C. DAWSON ft Co., Managers, Havnnnahor Macon, Ga., or Boxl), No. II, New Or- , leans, Lotdslnna. Office In Savannah, Bay Lane,Year Custom House. I t3T Prizes cashed either In Macon or Savannali, Ga 1 FOR RENT* £££v STORES Non. 205 and 207 Bar street,now oocu- nlS! I’h'd by Mr. James Doyle. Rent commencing uUL 1st October next. Also— The House with spacious grounds comer of Ilnrrls nnd Tatnall streets, now occupied by Mr. G. J. Fulton.— Rent to commence 1st of November next. Apply to Jc28—dAugl A. CHAMPION. FOR RENT,—Store comer of Jefferson ills street nnd Congress street lane. Apply to Kifi- Jc 22 A. MINIS. Trfff POR RENT.—Store in St. Julian and Bry- ;!!f an itreeta, west of Jefferson slrceL Apply to *!& j,'.-2 A. MINIS. 7-<| TO RENT.—A few flue Rooms, for tlie sum- mer, in the house corner Unmnr.l nnd Broughton ImL streets. Location central, nnd verv omveulcnt Je S STEWART ft BUTLER 1 FOR RENT.—A tvo story Dwelling, with : ah|l a Store nttnclieil to It, on the comer of York nnd Reynolds street—possession given on the 1st of July, I860. Apply to H. F. WILLINK, Br. ; Jo 6 f POR RENT,—A residence on South Point of WhUcinnrsii Island. Apply to J. H. TURNER, on the Island, or DAVID BELL, Savannah. Jy 1 C VERNON BERG IIOFNE. ojM The above nlenMint resort is now open for the re- ccption of visiters. It Is Blunted at Vernouburg, (White Bluff,) eight mile* from the City of Savannah. Apply to P. L. CONSTANTINE, Je 13 Imo Bay street. M for sale. The residence of the subscriber, comer of Gas- ton and Whitaker streets. Also— Eastern tenement (brick) on Jones street, near Aber- corn. Possession given 1st November. Temis easy. Je29—2aw4w T. HOLCOMBE. A GOOD NORTHERN HORSE. For sale by A. MINIS. Je 29 FOR SALE.—A FIRST RATE Bad- , die I’ony, 0 years old, perfectly gcntlo anil t sound, npplv at this office. June 29 "second hand safe wanted." 4 NY’ One having a large size, second band, Iron Safe i i\ to sell at a low low price can bear of a purchaser by applying at this office. jcid—3 4 SERVANTS WANTED. .‘V GOOD Cnuk for a small private fainily, nn)l n Nnree. Apply north side Uberty street, one door east ol Barnard, June 23 4 WANTED. i\ GOOD Tin nnd Sheet Iron Worker, can flml steady employment with II. MORSE, Je 10 SI. Andrew's Hull, Jefferson street. 4 WANTED, i V GOOD Cook, Washer nnJ Irouer, fiir a small family. Apply to H. MORSE, Je irt 6t. Andrea’s Ilnll, Jefferson street. NOTICE. 1 HE Undersigned have This Day formed n co-part nership, under the Arm of (’BANK ft GRAYIHLU for the purpose of transacting nOenend Commission Busi ness, and solicit tlie imtruunKu of their friends. r<tir»..,l l IL A. CRANE. [Hignol.J j u U |; A yhh.L. June 18, 1659. $2,000 PER YEAH. ONORARLE BUSINESS.—Agents wanted, local II, or travelling, In every Town nml County in the Union, to engage In the tulle of New Articles (patent,) of utility, beauty ami novelty, detnundrd In every family, offiee, store and manufactory, affording large protits and quick sale. No humbug, or medicine, and no bonus for pa tent right. Hooks of description, terms, references nml notices mulled on application, w ith three,cent stamp, to WILBUR, SMITH ft CO., may 11 2tno 8G South M., Philadelphia, Pa. N OTICE—Having disposed of my Interest In the Dry Goods business to Messrs. F. B. BAKER ft Co.. I take pleasure in recommending them to the pn- trouuge nml confidence of my former customer*. Je 11 TUGS. K. BUltNB. LONDON noilDlAL GIN. TUX ORIOINAL AND ONLY LONDON GIN IMPORTED. This Gin, dfeCiM to London from sound Bsrtey, nn- dwtltaiWTtUUaoooffoo British Excise Laws, I* delU eately Dvored with a Uneture of tho Italian Juniper .Bony. ht tho moat valuaWo restoratives of the Vo|oV^Wkfi« 0 * rt,Ml#rl,1 »< ,l » lnU ** °P taton 01 moot oalnont modiral own, tho purest and rarest stimu lant or dUrotta drink louse.- It la recommended by Dr. Mott; of Now York, and orally, to cases of Dyspepsia, Gout, lilted rKkuoya,iu>dtho BotreU, Ntfrous Ite* THE JPEMALW 8JIX , only a pkarant Conllnl, but a jertalq re- R*«raf$«2ran?iVo9f"thooril •foupro' lmtMono water or the southern amlw#»tv Imltted to have no equal. Planters and X, YJANTKHN H.IV.-4W bales of prime Eastern 1 i Hay, landing nn I tor sate by Jyt G K CARLETO.V. T ‘ HE WAR IN IT A LY—A nother supply .,f the Map of tho Beat «if War In Italy. Itereivt**! by July 6 JOHN M. COOPER ft CO. CERC’IAL WINE—Few dozen lino obi Herclal; ki for sale by Jy 6 A. MINIS. ( UTAWBA WINE-Dr. o". A. Ulrich’s" pure j fiparkllng and 81111 Catawba Wine, from Jilt Ul rica Vineyard, lit Tallapoosa county, Alabama. There wines are pronounced Ire eonnol*s«ura of Hie heat quali ty. A small lott Just received, and for rale hv , J. LAMA, Jy 6 - Agenf for Ulrica Vineyard. C ATAWBA BITTERS—Of superior quality, made out of puro Catawhajulcc; for aale by Jy6 J. LAMA. TTAIBBRU9HE9.-A select assortment of Hair 11 Brushes; In quality nml styles will comimre with any stock In thu Bouthern country. A call is respect fully solicited. KING ft WARING, (Wholesale and Rotall Druggists, Savannali, Ga. Jf« DOWDIiii TOW' BOXIiS, or -II .iVln, for 1 sale at very low prices, nt KINO ft WAKING’S Drug and Chemical Establishment, Market square. at __ * T t’BIN’S OKMINIt ISXYIt\CTH—Vor Ll ul. -I KINO . WAltlNO’H Drag and Chemical 31 ore, Market square. Jy 0 Savannah, Ga. r'OJIB8.-W* have Just opened a choice assortment \J of Dressing Combs, In Tortoise fibril and Buffalo Horn, to which wt Invito the attention of the ladles. 8TKWAKT ft BUTLER, Jy 6 R. Kroner Broughton aitd Barnard its. PERUVIAN GUANO—Of best quality, Instore J? and for sal# by A. MINIS. pBANDIBX. IN BOND.*—Plnet, Castlllou ft Outom'i^soRteresJ'bju * ” Tow mad*. For salt In J*]? J- LAMA. J A CHAAIPAGh/lL 4UBARKETR (PjljerJ llrldslNk) jjjttto 26 do, Glpsler*s Vcrunay, quarts atnl pints— rp CO-PAItTN ERMHIP NOTICE. I IIF. UNDERSIGNED have formed a Co-partner ship for the transaction of a general Dry Goods Busi ness In the city of Savnnnah, under the style or F. B. Ba ker ft Co., and will occupy the old stand of Alkin ft Burns, Congress street. Mr. White will remain lit New York ami take charge of the purchase*, so as to be able to take ndvuntngc of the market, nnd by this means afford facilities to buyers, which have hitherto been unequalled. Being desirous of reducing the present stock In order to make Improvements In their Store nnd pre pare for the Fall Trade, they will offer goods at great ly reduced prices. Cash and Short-time Buyers will flml ll decidedly to their advantage to call aud examine before purchasing elsewhere. F. B. BAKER. GEO. T. G. WHITE. Savannah, June 10th, 1659. Juno 11 fll ROOTS AND SHOES. RECEIVED THIS DAt BY STEAMER, ’P NOTICE. I HE CO-PARTNEItSlIIP heretofore existing under the Arm of J. Ilnshreuck ft Co., was dissolved on tho Aral day of June, 1859, by mutual consent. N. It. WEED, by II. D. Weed, I. YV. MORRELL, H. D. WEED, J. IIASBROUCK. ^ Tho Subscriber will continue the business. J. IIASBROUCK. Savannah, June 17th, 1659 Imo Je 17 F ROM Philadelphia, a full supply of Ladles’, Misses’, Chidren’s ami Gent’s Shoes. Lartyirs Gaiters with and without heels, Misses’Slip- per*, with and without liecla. • Child’s Welt and It. K. Mor. Boots. Child’s black and brown Mor. A. Tic*. do. Patent Leather A. Ties. Gent’s Low Quur’d, Calf Shoes. M. J. BUCKNER, July • 71 ft 152 Gibbons’ Range. COillETIIING NEW.—Lubln’s perfumes "just O opened, new: Tlie Original Perfomu of that name, also thirty . other different perfumes from tho *nmo manufactory, olsoiUellucsNcw Mown Hay and Vert>ena Colognes. STEWART ft ByTLER. F OR SALE.—Lot and improvements No. 19 Mar garet slreet V0 feet deep by 100 feet front, for terms apply at thin office. July 7 B lue coating, sacks and pants A supply of thu above Just recolvcd, for sale by YV. It. SYMONS. July 7 Draper nnd Tailor, 17 Whltakcr-at. F ANCY nnANDIES.-niackberry, Raspberry and Cherry Brandy, for sale by :' ... Jo 29 If.LAMA. pENTBAL R. R. STOCK.—10 shares for \J sale. Apply to Je29—8 J. C. FERRILL. VI ADHIH A AND SHERRY WINES Of i.vl tine quality, some quite old. Ill cases. Also a few quarter casks of very sii|H-rlor Sherry, direct importn- tlon. J-*ursale by |Jc20] A. MINIS. D issolution of co-partner ship.—'The co-partnership heretofore existing un der the Arm of Bl ItANTON ft NORRIS, Is This Day dissolved, bv mutual consent. Kllber i*nrly Is nuthor- szed to use the tiuine of the Ann in liquidation. HENRY 11. SCRANTON. JA9. A. NORRIS, bavannnb, July 1, 1880. ’CfOTICE.—The undersigned wDl continue the Gen- i v ernl Commission and Shipping Business on bis own account, and respectfully solicits a continuation of the patronage heretofore shown tn the old Arm. HENRY II. SCRANTON, Agent Scranton ATnllmnn’s Line N. Y. Puckcts. Savannah, July 1,-1869. _ Jy 1 HENRY H. SCRANTON, Shipping aud General Commission Merchant, BO. 164 BAT STREET, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, pf Agent for Scranton ft Tollman's Line New York Packets. Jy 1 /CHAMPAGNE—100 baskets quarts ant \J Hcldselck. Lauding ami for said by June 28 HOLCOMBE <1 •yy HEAT SACKH—6,000 Wheat Sacks; for sale JuiollS -JAMBS 1.8SIDKB h CO. and pints ft CO. T.TARPKRffl fflAGAZINJE—J’uVt received, ±1 Hariri Now Family Magazine for July. Brother .1 mini Han’s largo Pictorial for 4th J uly. Our Musical Friend, .Nos. 29 and 80. „ „ . . • A. M. HODGE, Cor. Bull ft Broughton-sta, opp. Masonic Hall Juno 28. uv> uirnii-r •'vereciwiy, quarts twikli« > lteus\-! t !piarts. For sale 6y others »UJ find It invaluable. ^ CONJIEltAT, YVKBttTKJt ft 1% 20 <•» PALMES. Ja«y a, . jj AiiPERvH Magazine for july- June28 JOHN M. COOPER ft CO. GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES OF j SUMMER GOODS. . I O ILK ami Lacoand Lace Mantillas. O Ijicc Points, Ac. Barege and Muslin Kobe*. Hillt and Grenaffine Robes. SSfttesw . Flinch Cambrics, ft A, fte, The above Go«nIs will l>e sold at greatly reduced prices, to make room lb? Fall Hlock. Now Is the time to get great bargains at • b£eD ft CARPENTER’S,' June29 • . 149 Congrcto-ll pOOKlNG iTtiVEN.—If any ona wsiii#"a \J looking stuvf, ef eonrec they sliould call at „ ' y. , T -V"BEAUI’fV. -i Ihe Alslmny ktova Agency-and nous* Fumlshlsh.- log Depot, Hodgson's Block, cornor Bro'ton ft Boll-eta. C O-PARTNERSHIP NOTICE.-I have This Day associated with me. In tho Agency Busi- new, Mr. JOHN L. ROUMILLAT. The business will hereafter be conducted under the name and style of J. P. BROOKS ft CO. J. P. BROOKS. Savannah, July 1st, 136$. Jy 1 ctOPABTNER8HIP NOTICE.—I bave this KJ day taken Into co-partncrahln my son, Geo, T. Nichols, and will continue the Clothing business under the name of GEO.- S. NICHOLS ft SON. July 1 GEO. H. NICHOLS. ■YTOTICE.—At the expiration of thirty days appll- lx cation will be made to thn Marino Bank of Georgia, for the payment of two $100 Bills—viz: A. No. J648, ami A. No. 867—the right hand halves of which Lave been lost. Je 8 lnw4w N. A. HARDEE ft CO. IITEINWAY 4c tONI, OljLDfEpALOUAND AND 0QUAW8 Piano Fortes. r THESE Instruraonls have takeu the . first Premium whore and whenever ox* . . I hlblted over all competitors In Iho Lnil* ... _.,jles, being Nine Jflrel Premium Gold Medals, w jn addUioata Ut£lTiltVWAJ ft »ON8 bava re ceived tho highest and most flattering testimonials, pro nouncing their PIANOS, In ever/ relpocl. ’ * THE VERY BEST NOW BEING MANUFACTUR ED. From thu most celebrated artiste and lies! nmslcal Judges of tho country such as H. Tlmlbcrg, Gottschalk, Wm. Mason, Gustav Batter, Wollenhaupl, fte. Ac. Tho Grand nml Square Pianos are constructed with the full Iren mul wooden frame combined, and every Instrument frilly warranted for tho term of four years or longer Ifrequlred. YV. D. ZO0BAUM ft CO. HV most reqiect/ully Invite the attention of our friend* and Iho public to call and examine our Block, embrac ing all kinds of Musical Inslrumenla and Sheet Muslel Call-ami < d examine. Juki GROVER 4c BAKER’S %TX7 m TIi Y OSZiSlBTATSD TO SEA I9LAND COTTON FACTORS. cpiIK Umlerslgned, Agent* of the Dolpliln Manufhc- x luring Company, are prejuired to contract for pres ent or future delivery of the Sea Island Cotton Bagging, manufactured Jjr this Company. Orders will bo taken at once, fo> the delivery of this Bagging during tho sum mer and tell months. All w|io used tills Bogging tbe pnst season, pronounco It itupcrior to any ever brought south, for thojmcklng of Bra Island Cotton. Bamo of the largest Ben Island Cot ton Planters glvMt thu preference over any other. Samples can be seen at our office. JeW HUNTER ft OAMMELL. f, PRICE;—FROM $66 TO $180. W E Beg to call Iho attention of our friends and the public, to these Machines, which we are offering on exhibition at our PIANO Wareroom. Tho unparal leled success In selling them in Georgia, has established their great superiority over any other Patent HEWING MACH1NEH, for family and plantation sewing. (copy.) Certificate of Senator Hammond, of South Carolina: YVxsiiixotox, I). C., Dec. 11th, 1668. Dear Sirs—In reply to your letter, asking my opinion of Grover ft Baker’s Sewing Machine, I take pleasure In sayjug tliat they have more than sustained my expec tation, afror trying and returning others. I liavo three of them ill uiterullon on my different places, aud aner ‘ trial, ’ . five year's tr (Signed) For tho huvo no fault to llmL Yours, resjH'ctfully, For the purj>o*e of giving the or seeing them in practical oiiei thv services of n young ljidy, J. II. HAMMOND, of giving thu public un op|H>rtunlty . .. ^ration, we Have secured .... 'esorn young Unly, who will execute any kind of Belling, at reasonable charges, and take pleas ure Iu waiting on visiters who inuy call on us. Machines packed,, ready for sewing, wills directions h»w to use them, sent to any part of thu country. Person* In the city, purchasing Machines, can have tlie young lady call at their dwellings, to Instruct in tho use of them. Circulars can Ik* lind nt the sales room. dec 15 tf I. W. MORRELL ft CO., Agonts. XPK.tV3K.rjJU tib IiYON't* SEWING MACHINES, For family Use, Tailoring purposes, B* ddlery, fte. H’arrnnted to give heller satfstiiclfoil than any other machine* In market, or money refunded. YVantcd, nn Agent in this city Address, FINKLE ft LYON, Jo 20 dlf 608 Broadway, New York. ■ Hk WATCHES, J5|| J.twclry and Silver Ware ! . AT THE OLD STAND. CORNER WHITAKER AND BRYAN STS. NOTICE TO MARINERS! Chronometers Hated b\ Transit!! Particular attention paid to K.EiFJLiK'iisra- Ha/cAfi and Jewelry, by Etjicrienccd Workmen. GEO. WTLLINGTON. FIFTY DOLLARS! bloat's kuptic lock stitch SEWING MA HINES, The best ever offsred for sale, can be found at this estab lishment. Call nud examine them, ut the above stand, may 28 GEO.JWI ISLINGTON, Agent. _ T ink. IIADDKUB, DAVIDS ft Co’*.Best Black Ink; In Jugs of a gallon and hull gallon, nud bottle*, quarts, pints und smaller size*. —also ;— Tlie YViiverl) Novels, cheap edition, at 26c. each. Y'ol. XXI Howard's U. B. Bupremu Court Reports. .*Vol. IV. Smith’s New York Court of Apfo-als. Common Beneli Ile|Mirt*; by Scull, 8 vol*. Smith'* Chancery Praetlee. Smith on Real and Personal Preiierly. Bell’s Treatise on Baths, including cold, sen, warm, hot, gasand mini iiaths; ulso on hyilropathy und pulmu- uar} inhalation; sccoud edition, Anna Clayton, or the Inquirer after Truth. I*drasil,or the Tree of Existence; by Jas. Cliullrn. Comfort'* Praetlee of .MedU'Iuu oiiTliotiisoniati princi ple*; fob edition. Hamilton'* American Republic, 8 vol*. Memoirs ol Culhcrinc 11. of RuhbIu; by liersell. Morse's General Alla*. Lowry's Universal Alins. —Also:— Map of the Beat of War; 8Se. JuiicSA YV. THORNE YV’LLIAMS. "CLOTHING AT LENS THAN COST, FOR CASH! FOR SALR. the Depot of the Bavatuiab, Albany ft Gulf Railroad, ap ply. to GKO. W. ANDERSON. Jelfi • , inux! . - lehions, Granges, fte., QA BOKKBLemonaamt Oranges. OU 6 half bbls Pig Pork. •. 6 bid*, nr Hants, Bacon and fihouiciers. , . 1 bbl. Brooked Tongues. 10 bbls Leaf Lard. Also a fow choice Tennessee Hama. Just received 'and for sale by June 80 ,»":■> JNO. D. JEBSE. S>^ ,,, C^KE b W,™HMTkE r k’ , pmU?B. Ooshen Butter HliL'KIVIID WEliKLV * v. n. a. boh. t Aired crK RiwrawriKaspjuis com, tobacco, sugar enne, and all the other pro. sually planted In tills lalltuile. Aliout oifl -thlrj of the tract b well Umbered Pine 1-and, worth compar- atlvely little for actual planting slroble to furnish the real of thelraot with a healthy sit- tuition for aolthunvnta, ami plenty ot the finest kind of (I nt er, The other iwiMbfrda of Uie tract is prairie, S hout ten acres of which U, however, sulyuct to water uring very wet aeflwma. This tract or !<and Is altnatiHl In Alschua county alNuit eight miles B, YV. from Oaliieavinr. ami about reven miles west of Mlcanopy—being only four milts om the Florida Railroad. ft 1 ' I hr nrw England bgcikty for thk pro motion OF M A N U FACT U It KB AND THE MR- CIIANIO ARTB, nnnouiioe to the Manufacturers throughout the United males that they will hold a pub- llu sale of AMERICAN GOODS la Boston during tbe second week of July. They have appointed tho follow ing Auctioneers: Messrs. TOWNSEND, MALLARD ft COW!NO NE WELL A. THOMPSON ft CO.-BAMURL HATCH ami JOHN II. OSGOOD. The charges will lie tiiddn as small as possible, ami lirobnbly will not exceed one |>er cent. Large Invoice* ofSIuple Ooral* have already been offer ed and accepted, and It la lin|Kirtaiit that all consign ments sliould Ik? noil fled without delay. For Particulars apply to Ai'uiwm Lowell, Beero- Ury, to whom all coiiiinuulentian* may he addre*H-d. Committee. DRMINO JARVIS, PATRICK T. JACKSON, DAVID BEAKS, AUGUSTUS LOWELL, HENRY’ A. WHITNEY. O. C. RICAARDSON, J. YVILKY KDMANDS, II. M. MASON, JAMES M. BEEBE, HENItV A. RlCi; AMOS A. LAWRENCE, ALEXANDER H. RICE, BENJAMIN E. BATES, THOMAS P. RICH, TYLER UATCHELLER, BENJAMIN D. GODFREY Je 14 codlOt $10,000 WORTH OF REAE>Y-MADE CLOTHING, O F THE BEST Matennl end YVorkinnnshi|s will now lie sold at Great Sacrijtce ! SUITS, From Font Dollar* upward. /y2 Npw In tho Clinucc? For Great Barculim, And No Mistake! * T T HE STAR CLOTHING EMPORIUM, Corner of Bull nnd Bay streets. June-24 WM. O. PRICE. S TEEL PUNS.—A groat variety of Steel Pen, made lo order in England, and sold at the lowest prices— ALSO The Greek Testnmcnt, with n critically revised Tex. a dijest of various rcudlmr*. fte.,for the use of Stutleiits nml Ministers; by Henry Alford, in 4 large vol*. The Romance of a I’oor Young Man, translated from the French of Octave Fettillct. The Empire of Austrin; its rise und present power; by J. S. ('. Abbott. Sight nml Henring, bow preserved nnd bow lost; by Dr. J. II. Clark. Secret History of the French Court, under Richelieu anil Maxnrin, or Life nml Time, of the Dutchess of Cliev- reuse, from the French of Victor CobMn. The Wars of the Rose, or Stories of the Struggle of York ft Lancaster, by J. G. Edger. John Halifax, with iiluMrnlioti*; hv H»ppin. Lady Blanche, or the Castle and the Cottage; by Pierce Egniu Little Constancy* Birth-day; by Dickens. The Value of Gold, or its probable full; by M. Cheva Her, translated by Richard Cobden, Kmi. Je 16 VV. THORNE WILLIAMS. JULY 29th. S OUTHERN Field nnd Fireside. Received by Je 25 JOHN M. COOPER ft CO. LY “ 'MAGAZINES. r RANK LESLIE’S Magazine for July. Peterson** do. do. Ballou's Dollar do. do. Received by JOHN M. COOPF.RftCO. June 23 MAGAZINES. G ODEY’S Magazine for July. Knickerbocker do do Household YY’onls do do Blackwood’s Magazine for June. The YY’ar In Europe; its remote and recent causes;w ith the Y’ienna Treaties of 1814 ami 15, in full; by A. J. 11. Dugnnnc. Received by June 80 JOHN M. COOPF.P. ft CO L _ M ORE OF The Map of the Seat of War In Italy. Tbe Bertrams by Trollope. Rec’d by- June 20 JOHN M. COOI’fcR ft CO. • JUST RECEIVED. /'XODEY’S LADY’S Book for July* V.T Atlantic Monthly do do Tlie Monthly Novelette, containing the complete story of the Y'enetian Buccaneer, or The Prophet of the Boh- mer YVald. A Tale of the Time of Joseph 2nd of Ger many, by SylrnnnsCobb, Jr. More of Adam Bede; by Geo. Eliot, author of Scene* of Clerical JJfe. A. M. HODGE, Comer Bull and Broughton sL, opp. Masonic HalL JuneOO Burning Fluid Q8 OI3NTTS PER GALLON, AC ROSS’S. C HAMPAGNE.—Bouclio, Fills and DroueL Im perial, ltouzy nnd Cabinet, In half pints, pint*, quart*, ami mnguums, constantly on hand, and special orders for same received by Jan 2.V.VJ ly » A, MINIS. J ULY 2d«—Southern Field and Fireside. Becclv- ed by Jy 4 9 _ JOHN. M. COOPER ft CO. H EMSTRIET’S INIMITABLE HAIR ^COLORING. t;IRR CRACKERS FOB THE BOYS— A 1 20 boxes Fire Poptwrs. For sale by Jy 4 • CONNEKAT, WEBSTER ft PALMES. bTEWART ft BUTLER ’are Agents for O West’s Hlieumatie Remedy, the Ik?sI medicine sold. YVe can refer to some of our most respectable citizen* as to Its efficacy. July 8- TTAY, CORN,OATS, PICAS AND BRAD Al 450 bales priincNorthern Hay. 60 bale* prime Eastern Hay. 20)1 sacks Com. 60 racks Cow Peas. 100 sacks Fresh YV heat Bran. For sale by M. Y. HENDERSON, July 2 • Market quare. NRW DBNIKRAD FLOUR. 150 w • r *Wib*BUTIOW, T. T. LONG, Keroandlna, Fla. cod—«tuo MAYOR’S OFFICE, l ft, iflfif, f a,?,? 1 JAIL—$260 reward will bo paid tnwtnrr' • JuT •PPfulienslon and delivery of tlie rut. SSMST”’ '" io bm £11 notice to CONTRACTOR*. toe Atlantic - » OFFICE, ) TJL flOffroad,! EA * ” saraaoao’, WarrCodktv. f W. B. GILES & CO.. ntortinoasortmi VAIzIfl ROTAIi Steam Saw and Planing Bills, H AVE )>n Imml. for snle, al all times, n large stock ol SHIPPING TIMBER. Seasoned Flooring, dressed 1st nnd 2d quality 'do. do. rough, 1st ami 2d do do. YVealher Boarding, dressed, Islam! 2d do do. do. do. rough,.. 1st nnd2il do do. Celling do. dress'd, 1st and2d do do. do. do. rough, 1st and 2d do Fencing Boards and Post. Rivcr^fonrd*. Plunk nnd Scantling. Hooting Board*. Shingle* uml Plastering Lath*. Senntllng, of ail nl/es nnd •|iinllty. Orders tor Jauntier by retnli, or the cargo, or for Ship ping Timber, will be promptly executed, at reasonable rule*. || -. feb 24 CHEAP CLOTHING. A HE Subscriber lias un bund a lot of Clothing, a little below the age, which tie will sell nt half price. Men’s Black Merino Cunts, worth $4, will sell nt $2 00 do. do. Alpaca Coals, worth$4, will seil ut $2 00 do. col’d Al|tacn Costs, worth $4, w ill sell at $2 00 tin. Brow ii uml Cheek Linen Coat*, worth $8, will sell nl $1 50. A small lot of Mar-cilcs Vests,w 111 sell from 76c. to $1. Now is the time for bargain* nt Gibbons’ Range, by GEO. 8. NICHOLS. Je21 FANCY DRY GOODS AT N. Y. PIKK'ES. "I * 11E Subscriber* will offer from till* date, the follow- 1 log Seasonable Dress Goods (to which the attention of the Ladles’ i* particularly invited) nt cost, viz; Embroldored Swiss Muslins In a great variety of put- terns. Figured Bareges and Double Skirt Hnrege Robes, of this season's importation; nlso Pine Apple Cloth*, a new nrtlele. YVe will nlso nfTer.onr assortment of Jaconet and Swiss Sets, Mantilla*, bl'k Lace Points, together with many •»ther desirable Goods, at much lower prices than have heretofore characterised our sale*. _Je 21 F. B, BAKER ft CO. MEDICINES AT NIGHT. F ORThelietternirommodation ofthepuhtie, in pro curing medicine* after hours, we would respect fully state that we have placed n Night Bell nl our tlrst window on Barnard street, which will be nnnwered at all hours by one of the Arm. 8TEHMKT ft BUTLER. Apothecaries Hall, S. E. cor. Broughton ft Unrnnrd-st. June24 I? TRAVELLERS’ TRUNKS. - " - ' r OUR REASON'S why w» many Trunk*, Valises and ling* nre sold al the Trunk Depot, Gibbons' Range: There I* a large n**nr!im'iit on Imml. They nre bought very low for cash. They are made by llie bust maker*. They nre sold at "a small profit. All in want are invited to eall and nee for themselves. I GEO. rt. NICHOLS’Clothing Store. Je 24 _• w FINE STEEL PENS. vv E HAVE Just received, direct from England, a large stock nnd groat variety of fine Steel Pen*, us fol low*, viz: John M. C'oo|M*r ft Co's Excelsior Pens. John M. Coo|mt ft ('?•’* r.luntie No. 27 Pens. John M. Cooper ft (Vs Extra Fine No. 808 Pens. John M. Cooper ft Co'* Amalgam Pen*. John M. Cooper ,v Co’s Swan Pens. John M. Cooper ft Co’s Bronze Commercial Pens. John M. Cooper ft Co's While Commercial Pen*. John M. Cooper ,V Co’s Giitta l'ereliu Pens. John M. Cooper A Co's Magnum ltotmiu Pens, John M. Cooper ft Co's White Engle Pen*. John M. Cooper ft Co’s Broo/e Eagle Pen*. John M. Cooper ft Co’s Metallic lVn*. These Pen* were made e*|M*olnlly for u% hy om? of the liest Pen-makers in England, and of the Ik-1 of malarial, ami are well miulo ami finished. We lake pleasure iu recommending them lo the public, eonudeiit that they w ill give general satisfaction. June 11 .mil v Lsr 5 rrliu 1 So '— “P-HnitiMO*, arc now ^«kl, Jin™ .' “''r"™ “ Ul1 ' m wi,l. .2™ “ "I'"""' *'»' -UonJIn. to ltoln. ■JUm 'J=£ ‘‘"'l- 4 '* 1 " "tol»lairmllM. Pro. " r O'tobr, fo, Tljunm.vllk.. IluTnlftao torln-kc, to thu onllro work! 1 « "lore Ktllonr, or •ssKiriftr- to.ur.ctom.iJ.op.r^hcL-nr",^^ 1 " " " HlliAM IlllUKUTJ, Vico PmlJrn,. -2‘.r:.* |,,, 5 0,,,,,f * thief Enginttr. j etv , r Saturday, June 4th, ami until furtlier mTir 0, V 6n Ihfteuwlll |>e rorVjno r,ro'°' lUn “'- 1 f? Macon & Western Railroad. 0 .. , . MACON, Julr 12th KW iN nnd after Thnn-lay, tin; i&u, | t ,, t jj,,. |i* lH ' ' Trains of this Road wbl run us follows- ffer IVM \l IllUtl. "" lA*ave Macon Arrive at A llama .’.7.7.' Leave Macon ' Arrive at Atlanta Ix'.ive Atlanta Arrive nt Macon . Leave Atlanta Arrive at Macon The Night Trains w ill not he run . -12 night. 7.15 A. M. l)> A. M. 4 P. M. 12 night 7.16 A. M. 11 A. M. •*> P. M. Sundays. JOHN M. COOPER ft CO. WT JUST OPEN ED. >V HITE Gauge. French Silk Mills, (very low.) Furniture Chintz, new styles 12/i*. Mcrlintte and oilier Prints. Flax (tznnhiirg. Mariners Strlj»c*. Carolina Plaid*. Cedar Grove Bleached Shirting C\o. Black Imlinn Crape. Black I'affcta Ribbons assorted width*. A few Organdie and Muslin Rol.cs sllll on hand, whicli we nre offering at very low price*. Also organ- .lies ami Jaekoiiets by the yard at reduced prices. June21 F. B. BAKER ft CO. V E1V"A R HI VA L8.—By lhc"hteamer Alabama, a* we have Just received a supply ol the following article*, which we w III offer nt very low prices, viz: Gents L C. Handkerchiefs. Patent Jouniour Corsets with ndjustalde BuMIcn a dew article, and very desirable. Muttinec IIiK.ped Skirts, cilh be taken to pieces, nnd adjusted with ease. An nssordmiit of French Corsets, of the most approv 'd styles. Marhoro Plaid* nnd fMrtoes American nnd English Prints '• Ladies’ nml Misses’ Parasols Linen Sheetings; bl’k Silks Bleached Jeans. F. B. BAKER ft CO. J«JH AT BEACH’S. RASS HAMMOCKS—,lust the tiling for hot wcuth- FANCY TOILET SETTS—A fine assortment. BATH TUBS—-Of all kinds, mid every family should have one. ICE PITCHERS—The handsomest In the city. WATER COOLERS—A general assortment. REFRIGERATOR:?—Thu best and handsomest In the city. KEDZIElt'S WATER FILTERS-All aizes-noono else keep* them. Ul! AT ES—No one else in this city keeps Jackson's Grate*. COtIKING STOVES—Every variety, nud at inanu- fnctnrers’ prices. Recollect the place, for everything Is at the Albany Stove Agency and House Furnishing Depot, Hodgson's Block. • E. C. BEACH, join G jhiiii. '...I .n- ri. ii on stimiav*. The Night train from Macon connects with iiio West, em ft Athmih? Railroad for Chnttam.oga, Men pl. L Nadivilh? nnd Km.xvllle, nt 12.15 P. M., with tS Tonil'nl liUb^yT' A,tol “* i Coin. l!S|. The 10 A. M. Train from Macon, connect* with YVeiU em A Atlantic Railroad ut 8.4<» P. M.—Geor-ln Rail. PM5 A , j[| n,g,,, ’ nn ' 1 AUnu,n A w «»* Point Rafirand nt Passengers for Western and Atlantic Railroad nnd point* Imyoud, should lake Ho- train haWwg Macon at W,D|Fh*. ALFRED L TYLER, feup’l. If July 12 W LIBERTY SHERIFF’S SALE. ILL HI. SOLD, on llie first Tucvlav in August next, In-fore the Court House door In Hinmllir. In said County, l>etwccn the legal houra of side, the fob lowing property, to wit: —Two tract* of Pine Land, one tract containin'- 870 acres, more or less, in Liberty county, nil. District, and granted to A. M. Dukes, and hounded In land* of F. rerre 11 ' J. YY heeler nml J, G, Martin; another trai l of 4*>n acres, and granted to A. M. Dukes, known' a* the Pond tract, bounded by land* of Duke* A. Marlin, nnd John A. Martin, ,»f said county. Levied on a* the prop- erly «.f A. M. Duke*, to »ntlsl> a fl. fn. issued from the mipcrior < purl of said county, Decemlwr term, ISM', in fin or of YYillinm It. Dar.-e* vs. A. M. Duke*. Proper ty pointed out by plaintiff, lid* 29th day of June. lV-p. J)' ♦ JACOB Till ESS, Dep’y bh’ffu c „ DB. a. FEELER, Dentist.— Office 11)1 Brouglifoii street, between Bull nml Whitaker. oct36- f 68 ly var DR. J. lTXaRGK, offers hitTro- 1 , fesslonnl Sen ices to tlie ellizens of Savannah and vicinity. Special attention given to all Surgical nnd Chronic Case*. £?/" Office comer Liberty nnd Tattnall street*. THOMAS FORSTEIl, PORTRAIT PAINTER. Room* over the store of S. D. Brantley ft Co., corner o Bull nud Broughton streets. tV Life size Portrait* Painted Iroin small Daguer- reply I h‘* nnd Ainbrolvpes. tf Jan 11 JO H N OLIVER," W'llOLKAAl.R AM. ItRTAIL I'KALCE IN PAINTS, OILS, G1.J6S, . 3?A1>EB nAT(«,TGS, SiihUcn, Blludff. nml Doorn. house ^suiNi’-mrixiSiT glazing. NO. 10 WHITAKER-STREET, COR. B Y XiANB. may 21, ’59 1y GRINDSTONES! JOY'A SCOTIA. BLUE GR1T.-A largo assortment, * small nnd large size*,—rough, turned and finished. Order* solicited, und promptlv attended to. For sale ■ .. in# « list a. co LOilllAIIDdilO. 13 ft 14 Lewi*’ Wharf, Boston, Mas*. Jure 18 Sind UAlMEUzTsrUMBiELLAs U CAUTION ! THE UNDERSIGNED RKSPIICTTTH.Y CAM. of*, St«.rc-kee| ers, nud the Public, lo tlie fact that there fit an article represented and sold for YVallosin Umbrellas. Thu Public nre hereby informed Hint the orlgiunl W A L LO SIN is stamped conspicuously on every rib or stick, a* follow*: ^“YVallosin, Paicntcil Nov. 27, ’59”. NONE OTHERS ARE GENUINE. YELLEMAN, SALOMON A CO., NEW YORK. Jc 15 2incod2p_ B SUNDRIES. A CON—10 lilids choice clear Sides 20 tierce* DuffichP* Ham*. COFFEE—100 bags fair lo prime Rio 100 pocket* old Gov’t Java 50 bags Lnguyra 60 do Mocha SUGAR— 25 hhds choice New Orleans 10 do do Porto Rico 25 bid* Baltimore B Clarified 50 do Stuart's A ft C do , 50 do do Crushed and Powdered 25 iff. Coffee. MOLASSES—10 bbl* nml 20 hhds Cardenas 200 do New Orleans Syrup 50 do Florida do 25 do New York do FLOUR—50 l.bls Knoxville City Mills Family 150 sacks and linlf sacks do 75 bbl* Extra 50 do Superfine. LIQUOR—10)i bids Nectar Whiskey 10 do Mlllor's extra fir ■ Bourbon Whiskey 25 bbls fine old Mou mgaheta YY'hitkey 25 do Domestic Brandy 25 do New England Bum. Landing and for sale by Jell HOLCOMBE ft CO. P 'JUST YBCBIVED ER RAIL ROAD AND STEAMERS— 75 bbls. Louisville Extra Family Flour 75 do. Mldillo Brook, Extra Family Flour * 60 do. do. do. S. F. da 60 satks da da Extra Family do. 100 da do. da H. F. do. 170 da Buffalo Mills 8. F. da 60 (la Holston, fine da - 70 do. prime Oats, 821b to the bushel 800 da da Com. 50 th to the bushel 60 bale*, da Northern Hay 25 do. da Eastern Hay 50 sacks YYlieat Bran 60 sacks Com Meal, Bacon, Lard, Hams fte., fte., constantly on hand. Consignments Flour will la? sold low to close. - J. YY'. GAUT, Je 21 95 Bay ■treeh_ ■TYOR DALIS.-—South-Western Railroad BONDS. r >20.000 South-YVcstem Railroad STOCK. Ap ply to J. BRYAN, July 1 Johnson square. TjYOn SA LB.—A Na l Store House Porter. Apply J? to J. BRYAN. July 1 ‘ T?OR SALE,—A Ladles* Maid—ngood servant.— Jf A|»ply to J. BRYAN. 110U f? E110 L ll_h 111R A H V. rEIISSER & PROCTOR, (Successors lo Staxtord ft Swords) 50S BROADWAY, NEW YORK. Have recently nublisltcd the following t , LKXi>in and r'l.r.nast BloiiHAlMltrj): 60 Cent* each Volume. Prepaid lor Mall. Vou I. I.IFEOK JOAN GF ARC. It* Miciikwt. V..u II. LIKE OF III’If NS Hr I’asivm. Vol. III. LIKKOKHM R.Y JKS. JItGbvtc. You IV. LIFE OF COLl'Min'e. RvLAWAMisr. ,Vuu V. I.lH;nK KIlEll’K T1IK OKU'T, IU MaCAI' I.AT. . , Y'oi. VI. LIFE OF WILLIAM PITT. Hr Lord Vou*VVlI**LlFE OF MAHOMET, BvGianos. Will; Iho Note* of Dr.AsMii.W AN aud Dn. YY'ji. Synti. Vou VIII. LIFE OF LUTHER. Bv Cns.v. Bis***. With a Spiritual Portrait of Luther by arlvlc, and Appendix by Sir Wm. Hawiltos. Vou IX. LIFE OF OLIVER CROMWELL. U* Lamartine. Jwiy i TT’OR SALE.—A lot of Bora and Qlris, of various X 1 ages—field hands, fte. Apply to July 1 _ J. BRYAN. TT’OR SALE.—88 Blinrca of Atfainllo ft ‘Gulf Rail*. J’ road Stock. Apply to J, BUY’AN. July i a AY.—Eastern Hay, tending tier bark Indiana and for sate by Cli AS. PARSONS. July 1 teL 1%. sale by . QUNNY OLOTH. iT 88 bales lnuAiiti UT sal e by JML ing, and MINIS. N j HUB new wiheat In bids., halves nnd"qu$rturs, just re- “ lr jjl' n<1 ,W “w'ltuAMS;BROTHER * CO. _ You X Tike of torquato tasso. utG. vJt’xE™, LIFE OF PETEK THE OKEAT. In Vou XII. t two vol*. Comiillol by the Editor. Vou XIII. LIFE OF MILTON. By PnoitssoRMas son; slid nn Estimate «f Milton’* Gc .Iu* »•»'* • Character by Lord M AC.u t.AV. It Is In llcved that these precious volumes will be » •- coined In all American homes where a taste exLl. '*r something belter than fictitious Imsli. These blogra UM are the best and eunamT to bo found on tho subject* of which they treat. ditawftwtf Je * B acon siiouLDERs.-« ca'tei ern Shoulders; S.000II*. fresh Smoked Tcnurwee do; Just landing and for sale by jt-22 CONNKRAT, wEBDTEK ft PALM hi*. T.I AMS.-1,iWO lb*, choice Sugar Cured Hams; for Jc 22* ,C '’CONNERAT. WEBSTER ft PAI.ME8 R 4f» a..—tov.. ■ nml for wile by Je 23 >600 colls Richardson’s Bale Rope; In »> nrc SWIFT ft PETERSON- JM hiids. prime Baeon Side*; 25do. do. B ACON.-5)1 Mill* prime do. Shoulder*; for rale by Jc 28 S UGAII.- lor sale by fo 2S Svtlirr ft PETERSON. 25 KBIA Enrfi x’XX. and XXX, UMionf-htlL FOR SALE. 100 SHAKES In All lu bnuiK , |Jompllr««»nJ<* 1 “ij^ h '“ b ’ * c ffT«' SI. Andww'iH.lj. Je 18 St. Anarcw.ii.-a — — ilEV. plT^PBE8TO*’»»«g”Sto w!rroMwlLuAsis. Jc 18 Uses lidm.trwi'i''^“^VaiIt flfly cents. ——— . — A ACTSOPoSunq 1 *! 185S-0. •A few ct.pii 1 . c#ii to-.^Vcoorr.i; app pOBN 1TIKAI. 1 L 1 of fresh Coro MesUurt ft CO. Vy -— ■ ' .Run 5Vv1i7nBiAB».-«0.«». mm .M«h ll tre Un follow to. l 1 re Uie following: . Upmsn Brevs*. Mmmla fomilrc*. Oomcrclal da j. e k*oi AmuC°Favorite Brands, for ate by JeW Noriegas Londrei. Oolondrina da Florencls da Jack ion du- J. I.AMA^ Ud 101 MttTC fottoloby. nimTUEK k CO