The Savannah Republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1858-1865, December 27, 1860, Image 2

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SAVANNAH REPUBLICAN, THURSDAY MORNING, telegbafhig New Advertisements. By F. W. Sims. City an d C « on t y frlBter, JAMES ». SNEED, - . EDITOR 1 SATANUAH- THURSDAY MORNING, DEC. 27. 1800 Oub Raiding Room.—-The reading room con nected with the Republican Office* haring een kept op at an expense to the proprietor ever since its establishment, will be discontlnned after the first of January. Wrsr India Fslit.—Mr. TV. H.' Farrell, corner of Broughton and Whitaker streets, has purchased the cargo of freight per Elite* from Matanzas, which he is offering to the trade and his customers at a low figure. %3T The weather on Christmas day having prevented the balloon ascension, Profl Cevor, it will be seen by his sidvertisement : will “ go np” this afternoon in his large air ship, th e “ Forest City:” Local ascensions will be given to those who have lofty aspirations, during the clay, begining at 10 o’clock a. m. jgff The steamship Augusta, Capt. Lyon, and the steamship R. R. Cuylcr, Capt. Crocker, from New York, arrived at the bar Monday night last. Pursers Hempstead and Pease will accept opr thanks for favors. v The Procession. The torch light procession last night, had in honor of the secession of South Carolina, was the most Imposing spectacle ever witnessed in our city. The numbers who swarmed the streets and gavejvent to their enthusiasm, bears to our sister State cheering intelligence of the sympathy lelt in Savannah for her cause, and the hearty good will she has in the success of a step she has initiated, unaided and alone. There may be some who would have preferred for the gallant Palmetto State to have acted at a later day, to have obtained more simultaneous seces sion, but now that "she has crossed the dreaded Rubicon, and placed herself in . the light of a free and independent State, there are none who will utter or cherish it wish but for her welfare and prosperity. We send her a hearty God speed, and ask her to accept otfr demonstra tion last night as an evidence that our wishes will not be confined to words. Wc would have been pleased to lay the pro gramme before our readers, and there were many ignorant who were anxious to know it, but atc were not informed, and did not know to what source to apply lor the information. Before the appointed hour for the forming of the procession, the crowd began to gather in front of the Exchange, and by the time the pro- cessiou moved, headed by the Savannah Vol unteer Guards, there was a dense seene of heads moving to and fro throngh the streets, displaying torch-lights, banners, and gny trans parencies, with appropriate mottoes. Time aud space do not admit of our giving an account of the various designs and mottoes prominent in the line, which wc should judge was nearly a milelncg. The offect was unique and impos ing. and as they passed in front of our office, we lueathed a wish that the scene might be be held by some of Carolina’s sons, that they might know how true an interest Georgia feels in her destiny. The residences and public places were- nearly all illuminated, on the line of march, many of them with great taste and all with grea^t bril liancy, but were we to attempt a description, the task would hardly have an end, and though it would afford us pleasure to publish the va rious efforts to out do eacli other, which all seemed to make, we must forego it. We beard of nothing to mar the effect of the procession. EveVy thing moved ofT handsomely, and passed off to the -.'i.r.eth.n 9 f thn-e. mteresteil in the jjjjZ Je&tsicn. Every street througnwmcD tlurprcF bost^, cession moved, was also handsomely illumina ted by brilliant, displays of fireworks of all kinds—the “Forert City Flour Millspresent ing a prominent exhibition in the rich transpa rencies and pyrotechnics with which it was lit erally surrounded. The hotels, public buildings and private residences, elegantly lit up, bore more the semblance of a fairy scene, sparalme in brilliant jets. A prominent feature in the lin of procession was a large end beautiful car, drawn by four greys, and decorated as a bower, in which were seated fifteen young ladies, rep resenting the fifteen sisters of the Southern Confederacy. We again express the regret that time and space, and the limited facilities within our reach,preclude the possibility of a more mi nute account of this enthusiastic display. Xhe Reduction of the Senate, As the reduction of the Senater of Georgia has claimed the attention of the entire 9tate f mrd has for years been regarded as of first Im portance, we give below the section of the bill reducing the Senate, reported by the Judiciary Committee of the Senate. This bill, we learn, oolv required six votes to secure a constitu tional majority (two-thirdo) of that body : Sec. 8. The Senate shall consist of cwo members from each of the twenty-two Senator ial Districts, to be elected on the first Monday in October, until some other day shall be pro- vided by law, and the Senators from each Dis trict, -at the first election, shall he divided into two classes by lot, as soon as they shall assem ble at the Capitol; one-half to hold for the term of four years, and the other half for two years. All elections after the first (except to till a vacancy) shall be for the term of four years. The Senatorial District* *l»a.ll be com posed each of six contiguous counties, to be arranged and organized by the General Assem bly so soon as this shall be adopted; and any new countv formed shall be attached to one. of the District*from which it is taken. fCOMMUN iCATKD. ] Mr. Edlior :—Permit a number of the friends of the following gentlemen, through me to suggest their names for Justices of the Inferior Court. Believing as we do, that they will con* lent to serve, it electcd|without opposition: Wm. H. Cutler, Noun B. Knapp, Jobs Screven, John Williamson, Geo. P. Harrison. Very respectful y, Chatham. Further by the Canada. Halitax, Dec. 26th.—Dispatches from St. Peters burg say tbit a peace his been concluded in China, usd been ratified by the Emperor at Pekin. The Tar tar army still keeps tb© field. The ••Africa*’ and “Arabia” are going to Liverpool on the J6th. The Earl of Aberdeen is dead. The bombardment of Gaeta has recommenced. The ship Gonns,na. from New Orleins for Liverpool, was burnt at sea—the crew was saved. COTTON QUOTATIONS. Mid. Fair. Orleans %%d. 7*£d. Mobiles 6’£d. 7*d. Uplands 6*£d. 7>»d- Stock on hand 667.000 bales, of which 444.000 bales are American. Consols 92X • 92Y. Garibaldi is preparing to attack Tenitia in the Spring. Coffee steady. Rice doll and slightly declined. Rosin is heavy, and holders pressing on the market, at 4a 9d Turpentine dull at 32s. 36d. Bullion in the Bank of England has decreased £218,000. The latest advices! via Qaeenstown from Italy state tbst the Pontifical troops are about to inarch against Pontoro to overthrow the Provisional Government. The ratiflcaUon of the treaty between the Chinese and thf Allies, took place on the 5th. From Charleston. Charleston, Dec. 26.—The following resolution was introduced into the Convention to-day: “That the Governor be required to communicate all the informa tion be has in his possession in regard to the condition of the forts, number of guns, soldiers, workmen, Ac., and all matters connected therewith; and also whether the ports have been or expect to be re-inforced, and what means has been reported in reference to their defence.” It was tabled for the second session. A resolution was offered declaring all citizens of the United States, on 20th December, citizens of South Carolina, and entitled to ail the priveleges, aud subject to all the liabilities. It did not contemplate making involuntary citizens of those temporarily in the State on the 20th. The resolution was appropriately re ferred. A resolution to take a recess till 19th January was tabled. Mr. Bhett offered an ordinance providing for a Con vention of the seceding slave States to form a South ern Confederacy, and Montgomery was designated as the place of meeting. Ue reoommended the same numbers of delegates as the present number of Con gressmen from each State, and also that the vote on the Constitution he by States. The Constitution of the United Stales was suggested ao being a suitable basis to form a Southern Confederacy. It suggested that Carolina appoint eight delegates to said Conven tion, and also a Commissioner to each slavehholding or seceding State. It was referred to proper committee, and the Con vention went into seeffet session. ATHEILEEUM. THURSDAT, Dec. 21'- Fiisl Bight of MaMinger’s JGreat Comedy, A NEW WAY TO PAY OLD DEBTS. With Mr. Fleming as Sir Giles Overreach. Also, the very amusing Comedy of the: too idles, With Mr. Fuller as Mr. Toodles. And the Great Southern Bights Picture. IProf. Cevor’s Farther from Charleston. Ciiarlkston, Dec. 26.—Rumors are current that severs^ hundred treops are on the route to the Charleston forts and that Fort Sumter was re-inforced on Sunday last with marines in the disguise of laborers. _ The shins Jshn Patten, from Boston; Middlesex, from London; and bark Linden, from Boston, arrived to-day. Postal matters continue as formerly. Many foreign ships took their clearance before the 20th. are now loading; others will prsbably take their clearance a under protest. Many intelligent Carolinians ear that it is a difficult mat ter to uutie the Gordian Knot of the Union, but as a last resort, they will cut it. From Washington. Wasiiiwoton, Dec. 26th.—Investigations prove that the Secretary gave to Bussell no acceptances, but only a memorandum which he used as collateral to raise money on. The secessionists here are gratified at the reports from Virginia, Maryland and other States. The Commissioners from South Carolina will have a conference with thaPresidens to-morrow in person, or by writing; the subject will then be referred to Con gress, with a special message, when an exciting debate is anticipated. The sentiment in Congress is that Kansas will not be admitted, but supplies will be granted for her relief if she stays out of the Union. Dispatches from Missouri say that the mob is tearing up Hannibal and St. Joseph’s to prevent the extraor dinary influx of Northerners. There are no rumors of the movement of troops, ex- oept the 400 sailors sent from Boston to join the “Mare, donian” at Norfolk. From Alabama. Montgomery, Dec. 26th.—The State Convention gave an immense majority in favor of secession. Movements in the_|Javy. te. 26th.—To-dav QQAmoa left the Yard by a ..special train to join the “Macedonian’ Gosport. GRAND BALLOON ASCENSION Will come off THIS AFTERNOON, (weather permittirg.) Local Ascensions from 10, A. M., to 4, P. M. Entrance to the Academy Yard, on South Broad street. dec 27 SPRINGBRANCR ACADEMY, I Effing iloi County, Ga. J ^ The Exercises of this School will be re iff*- Burned n Tuesday, 1st January, 1860. Young Ladies and Gentlemen will be carefully pre pared for any Class in College. Merchants in. Savannah and elsewhere, wishing their sons to enter the mercantile business will do well to avail themselves of the peculiar advantages offered at this School. Board can be had at the rate of ten dol lars per month. Bates of tuition per session of five months, $S, $12 and $16. L. A. MUBPnY, Principal, EdenP. O. dee «7 3 WANTED, COACHMAN and Hostler, who understands his . business. Apply to dec 27 PADELFOED. FAY A CO. 4 MADEMOISELLE A NGELE db BUaSEROLK. from Paris, will give instruction in the French language, on the Piano, and in Singing, at Mrs. Jacob Miiler’s, No. 10S South Broad street, or at the residence of the ladies who may favor her with their patronage. Reference : Mr. A. A. Smets, who is in possession oj the highest testimonials as regards Mademoiselle de- Busserole’s respectability and qualifications, dec 27 6t FRUIT. 146 DOZ. LARGE PINE APPLES. 50,000 SWEET ORANGES. 100 BUNCHES BANANAS. Having purchased the entire cargo of the schooner Elite, from Mataozas, I am now prepared to supply my customers and the trade, on VERY MODERATE TERMS. Call early at W. H. FARRELL’S Corner Broughton and Whitaker-sts. dec 27 2 FASHIONABLE DANCING. (SECOND SESSION.) MR. NICHOLS, Will commence his SECOND SESSION (Night Class,) ON MONDAY EVENING, Dec. 31st, 1 60, at 7# o’clock. Children’s Class on Wednesday afternoon, January 2nd, 1861, at ST. ANDREW’S HALL, dec 27 6 N OTICE.—Consignees per schr. S. C Evans, from New York, will please attend to the reception of their goods, landing this day, at Jones’ wharf.— AU goods remaining on the wharf, at sun-set, will be stored at the risk and expense of consignees, dec 27 W. STARR. Domestic Markets. New Yoar, Dec. 26.—Cotton firm, sales 2,50J bales ; Middling Uplands 10a lljtfc. Flour firm, sales 11,- 000 bblB.; Wheat firm, sales 67,000 bushels; Corn firm, ■ales 38,003 bushels; Sugar unchanged ; Turpentine dull at 88 a 85c.; Rosin firm; Rice dull and eteady ; Freights drooping ; gtocks dall and lower. Augusta., Dee. 26th.—Sales of cotton for two days 2,700 bales; market steady. CONMIGNEE8. Per Central Railroad— I'taon A Gordon. Evans, Harris A Co. J C Fraser A Co. J Kraft. W R Hodgson. F W Corn- well. H Kuhlman. Prof Lowe. Muller A Michel. Erwin A Hardee. A S Hartridue. J PBrooks. Gant .A Remshart. J 8 Jones, Padelford. Fay A Co. Boston A \ illnlonxa. Rabun t Smith. W Woodbride. Phillips, Giles 4 Co. (ieu Parson* A Co. Wilder A Gallic. I C West A Co. Hunter A GymmelU Weber Bro. E Molyneux. Wm Battersbr A Co. J W Lathrop A Co, B Whitehead A Co. J V Tarver. Bebn A Foster. W H Burs*u*hs A Co. J F Hamilton. Richardson A Martin, N A Hardee A Co. N K Barnum, FG Dana. A Low A Co. T W Neely A Co. W C O'Driscoll. C B Addison. B Whitehead A Co. Franklin A Brantley, and Order. Per Albany A Gulf Railroad—NLyon.^D Parse, N A SOUTHETtN FNlTFftPRTSF Ju JLY JL Ju It JL JLt JL c3 Ju INDUSTRY. ADIE9, YOU SHOULD ALL PATRONIZE THE STORK OF THOMAS 14=4: Broughton Street, For be intends manufacturioz his 'stock here, •tore la the SOUTHKRN BOOT AND SHOE STORE, mv21 144 Broughton Street. ASTHMA. ADVERTISEMENT. For the INSTANT RELIEF and PERMANENT CURE of this distressing complc int use FENDPS BRONCHIAL CIGARETTES, Made by C. B. SEYMOUR A CO., 45S Broadway. N.T Price $1 per box ; sent free by post. FOR BALE AT ALL DRUGGIST oct 24 lydAw FRESH >rdon, _ W 3 Jock mo: ford A Co. ' on. G JFI DR. IttORTIIttORE’S Celebrated BEM ED Y For RHEUMATISM. This remedy is recommended by several persons in thi* city. For sale by JOHN B. HABERSHAM, dec 27 BronrhU*n-*t. opr*. 8t. Andrew’* Hall PERUVIAN SYRUP, CEPHALIC PILLS, SIMEd’ COD LIVER OIL, Ac. For sale by JOHN B. HABERSHAM, dec 27 Brougblon-sL opp. St Andrew’s Hall. dec 27 MACHINERY OIL. For sale by JOHN B. HABERSHAM, Brougb:oa-st. opp. St. Andrew’s Hall. Planting Potatoes. 50 Potatoes, Just received and JOHN D. JESSE. dec 25 gOUTHBtAn for dee » Hoatheru (£££* C <>NFKDKYAC1 .-10 000 by y ofenperior^uaiity ; J AMES tjKrnvp A CO. j^DAHIANTINB CANDLfc] dec 25 TAILS. dec 25 . for tale by doc IE L IME.-loot) bushels elackol Lime, TutUhL . manuring purposes ; for sale by ® Ior d ,-c 19 R. HABERSHAM A Sow R B acon and fork.— H»ms, 8td«,*M^ Pork, Shoulders, Prime Pork and Rump Pork, in store and for **ls by deo 20 JAMES I. SNIPER A CO. bOd boxes superior Tire I LAMA. > Warranted Crop 1860. THIS WILL IHFOEM ALL GARDENERS AND FARMERS, That a hill and extensive suppfy of every leading va riety of fresh GARDEN SEED, warranted erop 1S66 has just been received, and ore offered for sale, either wholesale or retail, by 8. D. BRANTLEY, Druggist, Savannah. Catalogues, with directions for planting, Ac., for dis tribution. dtwAw8mo nov 10 REMOVAL. GEO. N. NICHOLS, Has Removed His JOB PRINTING From the corner of Bay and Drayton-st*. To the Middle of the Block Below, Over the offloe or Oarmanj A Champion- dee 10 A PPLES.—150 bbi*. extra Ba dwinfApplcs, land- J-LOLH. In Hcts soil b»rrrte ; and ov.rjthirtg d< n.„U, loand in . ^^^*00 N mjnVMJ ‘ao tonwcTtaws *SI—Owctdgnees per schooner Red Eeagle, will please attend to the reception of their Goods, landing This Day, ai Stoddard’s wharf. Ail goods remain ngon the wharf after suuset, will be stored at their risk and expense, dec 27 K. H. SCKANTJN. DO YOU WANT ALBUMS. ESFNTATION BOOKS, TOY BOOKS, BOOKS FOR BOYS, BOOKS FOR GIRLS, Books of all Kinds, at a Fair Price« Call at the Book-Store 118 Broughton Street. We are selling Books, Jewelry, and fancy Goods, at prices to meet the times. DODGE A CO. ec 24—i mo tu th mo GIFT BOOKS For tire Holidays, For sale by E. KNAPP4 CO., West side Monument square, tf CHECKS AT SIGHT NEW IOR K. FOE SALE IN SUMS TO SUIT BUYERS, It. HUTCHISON. dec 24 3 FRENCH CORDIALS. PARFA1T AMOUR, CREME deROSE, ANISETTE, Curacao, For sale by NOYAUX, Ac. Also, Maraschino. [dec 24] J. LAMA. Surgical Instruments. Just received, a large and well selected stock of Instruments, At KING & WAKING’S nov'16 Prugjand Chemical Store, Savannah, Ga. SELLING OFF AT A GREAT LOSS: Fancy Zouave Cloaks. Black Cloth do. Rich Velvet do. Fancy Head Dresses. Misses* Muslin DeLain Robes. Chenille Neck Ties^ White Boas. Ladies’ and Misses’ Worsted Hoods. For sale by [dec 27] DxWITT & MORGAN. APPLES. 20 bbls. prime Baltimore A- r U JL s, In store, and for sal by dec 27 Q. K. CARLETGN. A. LATHHOI'L KOliKIIS. B s White, Blue, Pink, Lilac, Buff. . ^jived and for sale by KEVITT. LATHB»>P A ROGERS. T ABLKTONS. . . - . Green. Just received andjfursale by H ARPER’S - 1S61. For sale at the store of MAGAZINE —For January, THE LIFE OF ANDREW JACKSON, BY J AMES PAETON, Author of “Life of Aaron Burr,” etc. Three Volumw, 630 to 734 pages each, with Steel Portraits. Crown- Ootavo Edition.—Cloth Binding, $5 ; Sheep, $6 75; Half Calf, $9; Full Calf, $12. Scbscf-ibees’ Edition, Royal Octavo (sold bv Sub scription only). Cloth, $7 50: Sheep, 9; Half Call $12; Full Calf, $15. Mr. Part on has been several years engaged in tbe preparation or this work, and lias bestowed upon it the most caiel'ul research nod investigation. The first vol ume of the subscribers’ edition was issued a year since; the second was published last spring, and the third and last is now completed. Of the first and second voi, the press have spoken in toe warmest commen dation. “ the life of Andrew Jackson was indeed an event ful one, and the events that were crowded into his ca reer, as a pioneer, a general, and a statesman, are among the most important in ihe history of our coun try.”—Tauntoa Gazette. “Almost all that relates to him is peculiar, extraordinary, and interesting.”—Ame- nia Times. “Those who have been most familiar with the ca reer of Jackson will be surprised at the mass of new matter the author has collected.”—Boston Journal.— ••It exhaunts the subject.”—New York Day Book. “It is an honest book throughout.”—Nashvillo Union. “It is equally free from the spirit of detraction, on the one baud, aud of uumixed glorification, on the other. Failings and virtues are alike faithfully delineated.”— Western Christian Advocate. “One ot me most reliable of books. Every page is alive. 11 is as romantic as a mediaeval romance, and yet has the advantage of being true.’ —Home Journ al. -Possesses a degree of interest which cau scarcely be overstated.”—New York World. “A fresher, live lier account was never writteu of any hero, by any au thor.”— Boston AdvertiRcr. “No work of fiction could be better fitted to hold the attention and bear the mind along wsth a sustained.enUiusiasm, than this account of the real lfe of one of our own countrymen.”—Boston Recorder. “From first to last, the work is intensely in teresting.”—Philadelphia Item. “Perfectly fascina ting.”—New York Day Book. “The narrative is flow ing and charming. W e confess having read the whole f6ne volume) tn two prolonged sittings.”—Harper’s Weekly. “The most difficult task was where and how to part company with it.”—New Y or fc Crayon. “Oi Intense'and permanent interest.”—New York Obser. ‘•The most interesting political aud personal history ever written of any public man in this country.”— Pennsylvanian. “His style is fairly eloquent with viv idness and fluency. His account of the detense of New Orleans from its inception to its climax, interests more deeply than a tale of chivalry, or an oriental romance.” Amenia Times. “One of the most interesting and instructive books wc have ever read.”— Russell's Magazine, (Uharloston, tt. C.) “A Life in deed, and before which the conventional and common place biographies of modern times sluk into stupidity and insignificance.—New York Journal ol Commerce. ALSO JUST PUBLISHED, The Life and Times of Philip Schuyler. By Benson J. Lousing. Vol 1. Crown Svo., 492 pages. With steel Portraits. Cloth, $1 GO. For the first time a genuine biography of Gen. Schuy ler is written. The character and sen ices of this effi cient laborer for our country, as well as the established reputation of Mr. Losaing as a writer on kindred top ic*. give to the book no ordinary interest and value. The work will be complete in two volumes. Italy; From tbe Earliest Period to the Present Day. By John S. C. Abbott Crown 8vo„ fcS7 pages. With Steel Portrait. Cloth, $1 50. 'Diis volume is one ot the seri« s of Mr. Abbott’s Mon- arrhies ol Continental Europe, of which Austria and Russia have previously appeared. The volumes are of uniform style and price, but each distinct in itself! Published by MASON BROTHERS, Nos. 5 and 7 Mercer Mreet, New York. For sale by booksellers generally. * dec 27 ' 3dlw A. M. HODGE. Cor. Bull and Broughton streets, Opposite Masonic Hail. -Assorted sizes, for sale by CHOICE HAHIS.—For Klie bj dec 25 A- MINIS. TNOIDBLE Sale bv STOUT PORTER.—In pint*, for AI MINIS. O, SUGAR AND MOLA8SBS*—For \i&25 U * by A5Mim DeWITT Sc. MORGAN, A RE SELLING Off fell Fancy Dress Goods at a Loss from 88 to 50 p*r cent. Silks at 62, worth $1 and $1 25. -- do at 75 and $1, worth $1 25and $175. Worsted Drees Goods, in same way. Swiss Needle \\ orked Sens. Cambric do do do. Fine Lace. do do., Ac, dee27 PIG IKON. 1 No 1 Glengaruock Pig lion, now land- A«JU[_ mg ex Sprrum, and for sale by deo 25 B. B. SANCBE& ^GEINTCY COLT'S FIRE ARMS. COLT’S RJKVOLYING BUEKCII FIRE ARMS. Pistols, RIFLES. CARBINES, —AND— Shot Gians. POCKET. ARMY, - tt - —AND— NATY PISTOLS, WITH CASES AND BELTS, COMPLETE. For sale by LOVELL &. LATTIMORE. dec 5 155 and 157 Congress- Change of Schedule. SHORTEST AHD MOST COKYEME5T EOtJTE To Thomaeville, <?«., Madison C. IT., Fla.* Talla TaKassec* St. Marks* Lake City* Ska. O N and after Tuesday, the 28d inst, the cars will run daily (8undays excepted) as follows: Leave Savannah at 9.15 A. M. Arrive at Quitman at 6.45 P. M Connecting with alme of first class Coaohes to Madison Fla. LeavingQuilman at 7 OOP M Arriving at Madison at 4.00 A. M. Leaving Madison at 6.00 A. M. Arriving at Tallahassee at 10.00 A. M. Leaving Tallahassee at 10.20 A. M. Arriving at SL Marks at 1L50 A. M. Connecting twice monthly with the U. 9. Mail steam er to New Orleans, Kew West, and other intermediate Florida ports, and with Havana. KET17ENINQ : Leave St Marks at 1.15 P. M Arrive at Tallahassee at 2.40 P. M. Leave Tallahassee at 8.00 P. M. Arrive at Madison at . .7.‘ 0 P. M. Leave Madison at 7.80 P. M| Arrive at Quitman at 8.00 A. M Leave Quitman at 8.80 A. M. Arrive it Savannah at 12.55 P. M. In time to connect with the cars of the Centra) Bail Road. Connecting at McIntosh Station on Tuesdays, Thure‘ days and Saturdays, with a line of Coaches to Darien returning on alternate days. Connecting at Quitman with a daily line of Co ache* to Thomasville, arriving in time to connect with the Coaches to Mocticello ana Albany. Returning on al ternate days, in time to connect 'with the cars ior Sa vannah. N. B.—Freight Train leaves Savannah on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 6 80 A. M.; return on Mon' days, Wednesdays and Fridays at 2.80 a. m. Freight to be forwarded by Freight Train, must be delivered at the Savannah Depot the day previous to ship ment, excepting live stock, which, after hav ing given one day’s notice will be received on the day of departwre, if delivered at the Depot 80 minutes be fore the 'earing time. Freight by Passenger Train should be delivered at the Depot at least SO minutes be fore the regular time ol departure. Double the r« il r rates to be charged on all such freight, excepting Oys ters, Fruit, fresh'Fish, fresh Meat, and other perishabl articles Freight received and forwarded te No. 16 oc28 tl GASPER J. FULTON. Sup’k Persian FEYER CHARM. FEVER AND AGUE EXTERMINATED. Human Constitution Saved from Wreck. PREVENTIVE AND REMEDY Intermittent and Bilious Fevers. CURES INSURED IN A DAY. GRAY & TURLEY Are SELLING OFF The following Goods, at GREATLY REDUCED FRIGES : 10 cent Calicoes for 6&C. 25c. DeLain for 12*^c. 37J^c. DeLain for 25c. 500 dozens Linen Hdkfs at $1 a dozen. 500 do do, very fine, $1.50 Ottoman Velours for 87, worth 75c. Blk Silks for $1, worth $1.25. 500 dozens Hoop Skirts for 75c., worth $1.25. 100 do do do $1 do $1.50. Embroidered Linen Sets for $1, worth $2. Embroidered Linen Sets for$1.75, worth $2.50. Bonnet Ribbons fbr 12]^C and lS^c., worth-double, dec 20 ~ GRATA TURLEY. NATURE’S GRAND RESTORATIVE. 1NPECT1NE. « INPECTINE. INPECTINE. INPECTINE. INPRCTINE. The terrible malady known as the FEVER AND AGUE, has smitten hundreds of thousands of persons throughout the world every year, and has never till now been met by successful medical treatment that has not produced severe MADICAL DISEASES, which affect the lungs, the spleen, the liver, the heart, or ether parts of the human organs. The INPECTINE is the natural antagonist ot all fevers, and when it comes in contact with the skin, is absorbrd by the interior or gana, which resist easily miasma, and all tendencies to ward these maladies which prostrate the mind and body with fever. Fever and ague result from numerous causes. No place is exempt from the causes which promote the existence of the disease. That being on^e seated in the system, induces depression of spirit, lassitude lan guor, pains, chills, fever, and a long train of disagree able sensation, depriving the patient of all energy, and reducing him her to a condition of EXTREME HELPLESSNESS. Why will any one suffer the horrors of a debilitating Intermittent Fever, when, by the use of the INVALUABLE INPECTINE, or PERSIAN FEVER CHARM, the eminent medical and magical quail ties of which arc instantly absorbed. All Traces of Disease may be annihilated in a few hours! PRESENTS h A good opportunity for purchasing FINE JEWELRY AND FANCY ARTICLES at much LESS than COST. I am now selling the entire stock of the late D. B. Nichols, to close the concern. Call and examine, dec 20 WM. E. BOYD, Agent, B LIME. EST quality Rock land Lime, in store and for salt by [dec 2d]G E. CARLETON. SAVANNAH. DEC. 19, 1860. THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF FIREWORKS EVER OFFERED IV THIS CITY, at w mxe^s. BY Joseph. HE. Farrell, MASONIC IIALL, SPANISH SEGARS. pr A AAA Spanish Segnrs, direct from Havana; tJv.vvU various brands, and for sale low -. 7 DAVIDB. DILLON, dec22 150 Bay street. SID CHEATHAM, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT. Dawson, Ga. W ILL give his special attention to the sale of all consignments of Bagging, Hope, Bacon, Lard, Flour, Gram and Merchandise, of all descriptions. [Liquors excepted). Prompt returns after sales. * BEFERS TO Messrs. J. B AW. A. Ross, Macon, Ga. “ Cutts & Johnson, Americus, “ Col.;E. K, Rawson, Atlanta, “ “ Sidney Root, “ “ dec 18 6mo GREENE DEALER IN French, Burr, Esopus A Cologne Mill Stones, f OF ALL SIZES. VERTICAL CORN iTllbLS, of his own Manufacture, warranted to give--satisfaction. SUGAR CANE HILLS, 14in.. 15in., and 1. in Rolls. Also, prepared *o Dress Mill btones, and tl them with all the necessary Irons complete. Conur of St. Julian and Jrffrrsoit. Streets, j« 12-’60 Savannah, Ga. dly CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. A MBROTTPEh OF CELEBRATED Pit'TUBES A large <n.i well selected variety o' Ambrotyper of Pictures, bv the best painters, tor salt by dec 17 JOHN M. COOPER A CO. GROWTH OF 1860. FRESH GARDEN FLOWER SEEDS From J. M. THORBURNE & CO., NEW YORK. At Wholesale and Retail, by JOHN B. mOORE, Dnggist, Gibbons’ Range. SIGHT CHECKS on 3sr e w York, IN SUV8 TO SUIT PURCHASERS. FOR SALE BY ANDREW LOW Sc CO. KID GLOVES. A FULL assortment of French Kid Gloves, just re ceived and for hale by dec 21 NEV1TT, LATHROP 4 ROGERS. DRESS GOODS. S ILKS, Ottomans, Reps, DeLaine*, &c M will be sold at cost of importation. dec 21 NRVITT. r ATHROP A ROGRTS. NEW MOLASSES. Q £ HHDS. new Cuba Mobueea, landing ex Elite and Oi) for Bale by dec 85 10 a s. sanchez. COFFEE. 3 C AA BAGS Coffee, now landing from brig • Spartan from Rio de Janeiro, for sale by dec 20 WEED, COkNWELL A CO. FRENCH GELATINE, Tlie Oiieapest AND BEST ARTICLE For Preparing Jellies, BLANC MANGE, Ac. A ca>k just received, and for sale by A. A. SOLOMONS & Co., dec 20 Druggists, Market-sq. INPECTINE, OR PERSIAN FEVER CHARM. TRY IT—PROVE IT—KNOW" IT. And made known its wonderful powers and valne, that those who suffer, or who are threatened with suffering, i. ay be led to use a simple, innoxious preparation, fur nished by the field of Nature lor MAN’S BLESSING.’ Self-care is better than Physic. Nature is Wiser than Aru* Every Disease has a Divine Remedy. The Wise Apply while the Foolish Dream. Better Prevent thtn Strive to Cure. Delays are Dangerous. Tke Inpectiiie, -OR PERSIAN FEVER CHARM Has cured thousands of both sexes of the most dreadful Fevers. Read and reflect AN UNFAILING CURE FOR Gonorrhoea and all Diseases of the Ur i ary Organ T HIS REMEDY cures when all other nreparations fa 1 It U entirely unlike every other compound y containing to Mineral Poison or Nauseous Drug; as It Is irepared from Roots. Barks and Leaves, and has been janded down from one generation to another, by he Cherokee Indians. It is offered to the public on its own intrinsic merits. It performs its duty quickly and thorough ly. The Unfortunate, of either sex. will be repaid by using this Remedy, instead of placing themselves at the mercy of some Quack or Professor. This Remedy strike* at the very Root of the disease: its tendency is not simply to suspend the poison, but to Remove the Cause on which It depends. Full directions, in pamphlet form, accompany each bottle. The speedy and permanent relief afforded by th(s Remedy, in all cases of Gonorrhika. Gleet, Gravel Stricture. Fluor Albus (Whites in Females), and all diseases of the Urinary Organs, has astonished the most scientific men of the age. This Remedy not only eradicates all Poison from the System but Invigorates the most delicate constitution. pr it does Not Affect the Breath or Interfere with any Class of Business, or require any deviation from the usual diet. It requires no assistance from other medicine. _ And what Enhances its Value, is the Entire Ab sence of all Nauseous Taste, being a Pleasant and De licious Strut PRICE $2 PER BOTTLE. OR THREE BOTTLES FOR $ Potter & Merwin, Sole Proprietors, St. Louis, IVi o. Sold in Savannah by S. D. Brantley. Stewart A Bntler, and by all responsible dealers in medicine in the Southern Suites. John Wright A Co.. New Orleans, and Hariland, Chichester A Co.. Augusta, Wholesale Agents. Van Schaack A Grierson, wholesale AgenJs, Charleston, mar 31 ly d tw A w ’ardly Realized. Hi 'ad ’n ’orrible ’eadacbe this haftemoon, hand I stepped into the hapothecaries band says hi to the m|n, •Can you hease me of an ’eadacbe *•’ _ ‘•’Does it hacmT^- ard,” says ’e. “ Hexceedtngly,” says hi, hand upon that ’e gave me a Cephalic Pill, hand ’pon me ’honor it cured me so quick that I ’ardly realized I ’ad *ad an ’eadache. c cD THIS DELICIOUS TONIC STIMULANT, E SPECIALLY designed for the use of the Medical Profession and the Family, having superseded the so-called “ Gins,” “Aromatic,” “ Cordial,” “Med icated,” Ac., is now endorsed by all of tbe prominent physicians, chemists, and connoisures as posseeslng all of those intrinsic medicinal qualities (tonic and diuretic which belong to an old and pure GIN. Put up in quart bottles and sold by all druggists, erocers, Ac. A. M. BININGEB A CO., (Establishedin 1773.) Sole proprietors, aueii dtwAw-ly 19 Broad-6L Headache is the favorite sign by which nature makes known any deviation whatever from the natural slate ol the brain, and viewed in this light it may be looked on as a safeguard intended to give notice of dis ease which might otherw se escape attention, till too late to be remedied; and its indications should never-* be neglected. Headaches may be classified under two names, viz: Symptomatic and Idiopathic. Sympto- , uiatic Headache is exceedingly common and is the pre- 1 cursor of a great variety of diseases, among which arc Apoplexy, Gout, Rhematism and aH febrile diseaaes.- In its nervous form it is sympathetic of diseases of stomach constituting sick headache* of hepatic disei constituting bilious headache, of worms, conetipati and other disorders of the bowels, as well as renal W uterine affections. Diseases cf the heart are vervi quently attended with Headaches; Ansemia and g thora are also affections which frequently occ headache. Idiopathic Headache is also very com being usually distinguished by the name of n* headache, sometimes coming on suddenly in a s , apparently sound health and prostrating at onej mental and physical energies, and in other ins tad comes on s:owly, heralied by depression of spifl accerbity of temper. In most instance* the pal* the front of the head, over one or both eves, an<i times provoking vomiting; under this class r be nam“d Keuralgia. For the treatment of either class of Headache# phalic Pills have been found a sure and safe : relieving the most acute pains in a few minutes its subtle power eradicating the disease* of whiJ ache is the unerring index. / A W0ED FOR HEALTH. The INPECTINE, or PERSIAN FEVER CHASM, is the only compound that can be said to be natural an tidote to those bilious fevers which, in various forms afflict the human family. The ordinary remedies for intermittent fevers, and pronounced to eradicate the Fever and Ague particularly, only create new diseases in the system, ana thus bring about the most distress ing results. In this great Persian Specie we have a natural remedy -one that pierci-s to the seat of he dis ease, and by giving an immediate tone to the organ/? of the Stomach, recuperates the shattered framcx&nd promotes cheerfulness of spirits. If persons w.brt) suffer from the effects of Fever and Ague, or fromf the medi cines which they have taken in vain tfvqfllevi&te their misery, wilt give the Persian Charm^ff single trial, they will find that their health wijl, Pe restored, and that they may renew those hapwy hours of life which they suppose are gone forever; The numerous cures which have been made by thW remedy are the best evidences of its value. They wh • desire to regain their health will not neglect - - • ? r e ^ . -.ym ' ECONOMY! V\ ' ’A £ Savc the Pieces! As accidents will happen, even in well regnla^d families, it is very desirable to have some ch^tp and convenient way for repairing Furinture,Ts^ft, Crock ery, Ac. / SPALDING’S PREPARED GLUE Meets all such emergencies, an.Jr no household can af ford to be without it. It is always ready and up to the •ticking point. There isnafionger a necessity for limp ing chairs, splintered YMuecrs, headless dolls, and bro ken cradles. It isifust the article for cone, shell, and other emamcnjAifwurk, so popular withladiesol refine ment amltaf^ Thisja^niirabie preparation is used cold, being chem- .c^Jffy held in eolution, and possessing all the valuable “Equalities of the best eaeinet-makrrs’ Glue. It may be V used in the place of ordinary mucilage, being vastly more adhesive. \ “USEFUL IN EVERY nQUBE.” N. B.—A Brush accompanies each Battle Price 4 25 oents V Wholesale Depot, No. 4S Cedar-street, N&jv York. Addsess HENRY C. SPALDING A. C0., Box No. 3660 New »York Bridget —Missus wants you to sendj Cephalic Glue, no, a bottle of. Prepared PI thinking that’s not just it naitker; but pert*-'''^*71^ aflher knowing what it la Ye gone with the Ueadacl that same as relaived her beJT 1 '- a . DruoaisJt-Yeu mn^Wean Spalding a.Cephalic 1 '^Bridaet -oMF- * aTe now and y° u * Te *®d k here’s the ouarther^md glv me the Pill* and don’t be all <-'sy about ita” ue. They wh<» desire to rega 'gleet tafapply this remedy. uJpECTINJ ECTINE Is sold by all drugg : sts and medicine dealers in America] PRICE ONE DOLLAR. Bent by mail to any port of the United States, SALT. 4 1 A A SACKS Liverpool Salt on board ship Trade • 1UU Wind; for sale by dec21—lw W. B. GILES A CO. SIGHT EXCHANGE NEW YORK. FOR 8ALE BY ROBT. HABEKSHAHI Sc SONS, NEW MOWN HAY COLOGNE, LUBIN’S BOQUET SAVANNAH And a choice lot of FRENCH POMADES. Just Received at STEWART’S Apothecaries’ Hall. FRENCH Confectionary. I have just received a fresh lot of CREAM COCOANUT. . CREAM CHOCOLATE. CANDIEC FRUITS, of all kinds. GUM DROPS. MARSHMELLOW DROPS. JUJUBE PASTE, &<r. At W. W. LINCOLN’S. COTTON SEED OIL, NEAT8FOOT OIL, W Hale Oil, MACHINERY OIL, LINSEED OIL, AND BOILED OIL. For sale at JTOHN OLIVER’S, aug 7 No. 10 Whitaker-street. Coal. 300 ^af of Superior English Cannel and Orrel 200 ton* Red Ash Coal, for sale in lota to suit purcha sers, for cash only by nov23 <l.4riH'>RN* CUNNINGHAM. CHUIST.U VS P**ASSENTS. T HE SUB^BIBER Will be glad to see bis old pa trons so as they may judge for themselves as to what he has spread on bis coun ers and arranged in hi-show cases, in the sha-«> of presents for the boli- daj s, including a large variety of illustrated children’s and youths’ Books; English Poets and other B *oks: nicely bound Diaries for 1861, and Pocketbooka ofaU descriptions. Puff Boxes. Ac., Writing Desks and Work fioxesA for sale at the store of A. M. HODGE, Corner Boll and Brouehton. dec 21 opposite <n ^ c Hall. SUNDRIES. BRLS. Apples; 25 boxes Layer Raisins; a tJ Citron, Currants, and Sultana Raisins,' just : ceived and for sale by dec 25 JOHN D. J - S8E. B eef tovgies.- 12 boxe- tun#*, Beet Tongues, lauding per ateam-r, and for «aU- bv dw « tt E, SCEANTCtt Ageitt, INPECTINE, 0R PERSIAN FEVER CHARM ^TiiY IT—PROVE IT—-KNOW IT, And make known its wonderful powers and virtues, that those who suffer, or who are threatened with suf fering, may be led to use a siivple, innoxious-prepara tion, furnished by the field of Nature for MAN’S BLESSING. FEVER AND AGUE NOT SECTIONAL. The causes of Fever and Ague are ever existing in all places. They do not necessarily exist in wet and marshy localities. They assail the home in the moun tain as well as that In the valley. They are active in cities as well as in rural districts, and the human sys tem is always liable to be attacked by the malady. It Is eapy to prevent the approach of the disease bv ap plying the PERSIAN FEVER CHARM, which i* agreeable to the senses, and does not in any way inter fere with the organs of digestion. They who wish to escape any kind of fever, will find it for their advant age to procure this invaluable preventive of such dis eases. When they have procured it, they will retain it as a talisman in the healing art that has no equal. INPECTINE Is sold by all druggists and medicine dealers in America. PRICE ONE DOLLAR. Sent by mail to any part of the United States. INPECTINE, OR Persian Fever Charm. TRY IT—PROVE IT—KNOW IT, And make known its wonderful powers and virtues, that those who suffer, and who are threatened with suf fering. may be led to use a simple, innoxious prepara tion, furnished by the field of Nature for, MAN’S BLESSING. THIS GREAT REMEDY Has been found equally efficacious in all latitudes, and thousands of witnesses to its power are living to com mend its virtue* to those who wish to be secure against ihe insidious advances of those agents of nature which are always ready to act on constitutions open to its eC feets. ORIGIN OF DISEA8E1 The wise physician knows that man mus: seek the remedy of every disease in the agent that is most posi tively antagonistic to the cause. The ingredients of this remedy and preventive of disease aro proc jred at tbe very tountain where the disease originates. Nature has provid-d that plants with healing influences shall grow in tbe narshes and low grounds where most rank ly the causes of in term! < tent fe vei s are generated. Cen turies ago these properties were discovered, and hence it is th.ii ii.e I'ersians are enabled to be Tree ol such dis eases, whether strangers passing through their country are afflicted till they learn of the remedy, now caretUUy prepared for the use of the people ot this country. INPECTINE Is sold by all druggists and medicine dealers in America, WONDERFUL EFFECTS. Lemuel Bonsell, of Pittsburg, for two years useless to himself and society, (a martyr to Chills and Fever,) cured in less than three weeks, and improved in eight hours. Mary.K. Belknap, Sandusky, Ohio, after almost losing her reason as well as strength by Intermitenl Fe: ver, with Chills,.restored to health in twenty boom. J. It. Tilton, of Belgrade, Maine, brought from death’s door, having suffered for four years, made well in five weeks, and improved in two hours. Adolph Monbro, of France, relieved in one hour, while traveling in tbe cars of the Fort Wayne and Chi cago Railroad. He was apparently dying with Chills. Ellen B. Benson, Lockport, New York, rescued after seven years’ suffering. A perfect cure. Thousands ol other cases, prevented and cured every month, and not a single complaint of the inefficacy of INPECTINE, OR PERSIAN FEVER CHARM. TRY IT—PROVE IT—KNOW IT, And make known its wonderful powers and virtues, and those who suffer, or ho are threatened wiih tuf- fering, may be led 10 u^e a simple, innoxious prepara tion, furnished by the Hold of Nature for MAN’S BLESSING. INPECTINE Is sold by all druggists and medicine dealers in America. PRICE ONE DOLLAR. Put up for dealers in cases containing tour eighth ‘ twelve dozen—a beautiful Lithograph Show-CariT* compauying each package. A single bottle of SPALDING’S PREPARED GL1 will save ten times its cost annually to every household Sold by all prominent Stationers, pruggista, Hard ware and Furniture Dealers, Grocers and Fata, HSto Country merchants should make a note of SPALD ING’S PREPARED GLUE, when making ut> their list. It will stand any climate. Jan 27-’60 lvdtwA* Thousands are daily speaking in the praise of Dr. Eaton’s I N FAN TILE CORDIAL, and why? because it never fails to afford instantane ous relief when given in time. It acts as if by magie, and one trial alone will convince you what we say is true. It contains NO PAREGORIC OR iOPIATE of any kind, and Jfceretore relieves by removing the sufferings of your child, instead of by deadening its sensibilities. For this reason, it commends itself as the only reliable preparation now known tor CHILDREN TEETHING, DIAERHCEA, DYSENTERY, GRIP ING IN THE BOWELS, ACIDITY OF THE STOM ACH, WIND, COLD IN THE HEAD, and CROUP, also, for softening the gums* reducing inflamution* regulating the Bowels* and relieving pain* it has no equal—being an anti-spasmodic it is used with un failing success in all cases of CONVULSION OR OTHER FITS. As you value the life and health of your children, and wish to save them from those sad and blighteniny consequences which are certain to result rrom the use of narcotics of which all other remedies for Infantile Complaints are composed, take none but Da. EATON’S INFA-VTILE COR DIAL, this you can rely upon. It is perfectly harm less, and'eannot injure the most delicate infant. Price 25 cents. Full directions accompany each bottle Pre pared only by . CHURCH A DUPONT, No. 409 Broadway, New York. And by all respectable Druggists throughout the coun try JOHN B. MOORE, Agent, mar 10-’60 ly—dtw.tew Savannah. BLOOD FOOD. Healthy human Blood upon being ANALYZED always presents us with the same essential clement*, and gives of course the TRUE STANDARD. Analyze tbe Blood of a per on suffering from Consumption. Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Scrofula, A,-.* and we find in every instance certain deficiencies in the red globules of Blood. Supply the*e deficiencies, and you are made well. The BLOOD FOOD is founded upon this Thee ry—hence its astonishing success. There are Five Preparations adapted to the deficiencies ot the Blood in different dis eases. For COUGHS* COLDS, BRONCHITIS, or any affections whatever of the THROA<t or LUNGS in cluding CONSU.MP ION, u»e No 1, which is also the No. for DEPRESSION OF SPIRITS, LOSS OF AP PETITE, and for all CHRONIC COMPLAINTS aris ing from OVER-USE, GENERAL DEBILITY, and NERVOUS PROSTRATION. No. 2, for LIVER COM PLAINTS. No, 3. for DYSPEPSIA, Being already prepared for absorption it is TAKEN BY DROPS and carried immediately into the circulation, so that what you gain you retain. The No. 4 is for FEMALE IRREGULARITIES, HYSTERIA, WEAKNESSES, Ac. See special directions for this. For 8A.L1 RHEUM, EKUPION3, SCOFULOU8, KIDNEY, and BLADDER COMPLAINTS, take No. 5. In al. cases the directions must be strictly followed. Price of the BLOOD FOOD $1 per bottle. Sold by CHURCH A DUPONT, No. 409 Broadway, New York. And by all respectable Druggists throughout the coun try JOHN B. MOORE, Agent, mar 10 ly—dtwAw Savannah. Constipation or CouClveness, No one of the ki many ills flesh is heir to ” is so prev alent, so little understood, and eo much neglected as Costiveness. Often originating in carelessness, or sed entary habits; it is regarded as a slight disorder of too little consequence to excite anxiety, while in reali'y it is the precursor and companion of many of the most fa tal and dangerous diseases, and unless early eradicated it will bring the sufferer to an untimely grave. Among the lighter evils of which costiveness is the usual attend ant are Headache, Colic, Rheumatism, Foul Breath, Piles and others of like nature, while a long train of frightful diseases Buch as Malignant Fevers, bcesses, D> scntar.{, Diarrhcea, Dyspepsia, Apoplexy, lEpilepsy. Paralysis, Hysteria, Hypochondriasis, Melancholv and Insanity, first indicate their presence in the system by this alarming symptom. Not unfrequently the diseases named originate in Constipation, but take on an inde pendent existence unless the canse is eradicated in an early stage. From all these considerations It follows that the disorder should receive immediate attention whenever it occurs, and no person should negiect to get a box of Cephalic Pills on the first appearance of the complaint, as their timely use will expel the insidu- ous approaches of disease and destroy thc.dangerous foe to human life. ache? Mrs. Jones.—Gone! Doctor.d cured me In just twenty minue* send more so that I can have ' Physician.—You can get Call for Cephalic Pills, 1 find commend them in all cases ot Mrs- Jones.—I shall send shall tell all my suffering fi blessing. Twwrrr Millions of Dollars a_^, ing has sold two millions of bottles 0 Prepared Glue and it is estimated thati at least ten dollars worth of broken tui king an aggregate of twenty millions o ed from total loss by this valuable int made his Glue a household word, be now pnj the world still greater service by curing all heads with his Cephalic Pills, and if they are s_ his Glne, Headaches will soon vanish ’away fl in July. ^ Over excitement, and the mental care and a- iety incident toclose attention to business or study,1 araopg the numerous cause** of Nervous Headache, The disordered state of mind and body incident to ti distressing complaint is a fatal blow to all < ambition. Sufferers by this disorder can speedy reliet from these distressing attacks' by U'ing one of the Cephalic Pills whenever the symptoms appear.— It quiets the ovetasked brain, and soothes ihe strained and jarring nerves, and relaxes the tension oi tbe stom ach, which always accompanies and aggravates the dis ordered condition of the brain. Fact worth xnowijco.— Spalding’s Cephalic Pills are a certain cure for Sick Headache, Bilious Headache, Nervous Headache, Costiveness and General Debility. _ Did you ever have the Sick Headache ? Do remember the throbbing temples, the levered brow, loathing and disgust at the sight of food. How tot, unfit you were for pleasure, conversation or stud One of th* Cephalic Fills would have relieved you It all the suffering which you t en experienced. For and other purposes you should always have a box them on hand to use as occasion requires. Relief in Ten Minutes. The Trade will be snpplied by SOLE AGENTS IN SAVANNAH, A. A. Solomons & Co. SeDt by mail to any part of the United Stales. REMEMBER, It is not taker, inwardly, but Ills applied outwardly, ac cording to direction-, wh e*» ae'*o»n?»n"v •*acb package. Manuf.i->ur by JOHN WILCOX Ac CO., 1&8 Main-street, Richmond. Vo. BR Y AN’S . PULMONIC WAFERS ! Tuk Original Mkdioinb established in 1S37, and first article of the kind ever introduced under the name of “Pulmonic Wafers” in this or any other country; ail other Pulmonic Wafers are coun terfeits. The genuine can be known by the name. | BRYAN, being stamped on each Waver BRTAJP8 PULMONIC WAFERS Relieve Coughs. Colds, Sore Throat, Hoarseness. BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS Relieve Asthma, Bronchitis, Difficult Breathing. BR YAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS Relieve Spitting «*f B ood, Pain» in the Chest. BR YAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS Relieve Incipient Consumption, Lung Diseases BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS Relieve Irritation of the Uvula and Tonsils. BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS Relieve the above complaint* in Ten Minntes BR FAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS Are a Blessing to alt Classes and Constitutions BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS Are adup’ed lor Vocalists and Puolic Speakers. BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS Are in a simple form and pleasant to the taste. BR YAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS Not only relieve, but effect rapid and lasting Cares BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS Are warranted to give satisfaction i*> every one. No Family should oe without a box ol BUYAN’S PCLAONIC WAFERS in th* house. No Traveller should be without a supply of BRYAN’S PULMONIC WAFERS IN UI8 POCKET. No person will ever object to give for BRYAN’S PILMOMC WAFERS TWENTY-PIT* CENTS. JOB MOSES, Sole Proprietor, Rochester, N. Y Hold in Savannah by S. D. BRANTLEY, and all re special*!© dealers iu uie Heine every wher •. Van uehaach A Grierson, * holeenk- Agents. (lh*He*mn «■ » . w-1v - <#cHi NervousHeadache A CURE A Nt lands 0 Headache. By the use of these Pills the periodic stuck *f oub or Sick Headache may be prevents! ; if laken at the commencement of an attack L opiate ••■lie! from pain and sickness will be obtained. They seldom fail in removing the Nansea a | Head- a he to which females are so subject r hey acfc gently upon the bowels—removing ostivc- Branch ew diftters ,nch Office, No. 28 bunk of ( on mem- Iitfiid ng, l COTCH > EE—la pint# (direct mi, orUtioal York City; and by uU Druggists and Medicine O tof sale \ff ^ rs in Ameriow. eodJttvr—ly navl4-’fl0 | dee If »a, t or Literary Men, Students, Delicate Fern**, , ill persona or sedentary habits, they are' valu « a i-axitive, improving the appetite, giving tone a • the digestive organs, and reatoring the 0 licity and strength of tbe whole System. The CEPHALIC PILLS are the result of Ion qyea- u*ration and carefully conducted experiments, whig been in use ma.,v years, durlug which time th ^ Y _ .trovented and relieved a vast amount of pam faring from Headache, whether originating in t •>u* ay sir in or from a deranged slate of the «toni * They are entirely vegetable in their cniuposit] , may be laken at all times with perfect safety making any chauge of diet, and toe absence of 1 ^ igreeabte taste renders it easydu iaummistrr ^ children. BEWARE OF COUNnKFEITS! The eennine has five signatures owHenry C. f on each box. ao. ■ y l»i ageist* and all other •!• a»ers to * A Box will be seotby mail pre-paid ou reedyI PRICE 25 CKS^S A orders should be addressed to HENRY C. SPALDING j IWTilS dtwAw—It ,48 Oedar-tW, New j Great Discovert.-— Among the most important of all th© great medical discoveries of this age may be considered the system of vaccination for protection trom 6 mail Pox, the Cephalic Pill for relief of Headache, and the use of Quiaiae for the prevention oi Fevers, either of which is a sure specific, whose benefits will be expe rienced by suffering humanity long after their discover ers are forgotten. — - -