The Savannah Republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1858-1865, December 28, 1860, Image 2

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SAVANNAH BBNJBLLCA^, FRIDAY MQRNIN&, ’DECEMBER 38, 1880. FRIDAY MORNING, DECEMBER, fUS, 1800. New York Markets. Hrw Tout, Dec. 37.—Cotton market active, Mira te-ifey 8,800 bales; middling uplands lOall^. Wheat *na, atle* 24,000 bushels at aa advance of lc. Sales 84.000 bushel*: Southern White «Sc. Other article* unchangt >1. HIABBIID, In tUeeitr. Dec. Huh, hr ihe Her. Dr. — •JAMES H. NEWMAN, of Virginia, and Ml** SABAH S. OOPP, daughter of the late D. D. Copp, Esq , of Ovm Kfadino Room.—The reeding room con nected with the Republican Office, haring ecu kept op at an ex pente to the proprietor ever since its establishment, will be discontinued after the first of January. 0r Prof. Nichols' soirees will begin to-night at 8t. Andrew’s Hall, •affording a pleasant re -creation each alternate Friday ercnlng, lor the young ladies and gentlemen of onr city, who delight in "tripping it on the light fantast ic toe." Tax Balloon Ascension.—The ascension of Prof. Cer.«*« magnificent airship, the “Forest Citr,” came off yesterday altern oon, and w s witnessed by a raw crowd of spectators, who were eager to behold a third time, a sight so beautiful. The balloon rose up slowly abore the tops of the surrounding hoc see, and after at taining a considerable height, took a westerly direction. We learn that Prof. Cevor landed safely on the other aide of the canal, and returned to the city In the evening, lgg~ The steamship Locust, Capt. French, from Baltimore, arrived at her wharf at 7 o'clock, A M., yesterday. t on vent J»n r New Advertisements. ATHEMJ1UW. FRIDAY, Dee. 38. FOREVER The Important question of POISON IN HAIR DYES! CRISTADORO’S HAIK I>YJC| ha* been analvzed and DECLARED HABMLES8! Prof. ROBERT CHILTON, of N. ¥., The first analytic in America. 1 ffeet of the Dye aimos ‘.nstantoaeou*. Impart* a Jet black or .any ahade of brown. Color rich, natural and uniform. Mannfac tured So. 6 A»tor Hon»e, New York Sold every where and applied by all Bair Dressers dArwlmo fW"Oaerv.—Have yon seen that Big Indian in an other oolamn, boiling roots, bark*, and leaves for the Cherokee Remedy 7 Sold la Savannah by 8. D. Brantley, Sic war! a But ler and T. A Moore.|d wAw-lv»r gt Sbakspeare’* Great Tragedy, MACBETH, Mr. Fleming s» Macbeth, will be performed This ling. Also the charming Comedy, A BAY AFTER THE WEDDINS. The Great Sou’hem Bight* Picture will also be pre- MASONIC HALL. COMMENCING ON MONDAY EVENING, DEC. 31. TWO NIGHTS ONLY. George Christy’s MINSTRELS. (Nil The Convention ance of adjonrntnenf Chair. The Convention was opened with prayer by ►he Rev. J. H. Honour. * Mr. Spain offered the following resoln- Ranletd, That the Governor be requested to eommanicate to the Coaventlon, In secret session, any information he fcaay possess in ref erence to the condition of Ports Moultrie and Blunter, and Castiie Pinckqey, the number of • jrnDS in each, the number of workmen engaged therein, and npon what kind of labfir they arc engaged, the number of soldiers and marines In each, and what additions, if any, have been made thereto since the 2Gth insl. Also, wheth er he h- .s any assurances that said forts and castle hare not been, or will not be rb-inforccd. Also, tv hat police or other regulations, if any, he ha? made in reference to the protection of 'he harbor of Charleston and the coast of the State. Mr. Iso Lis suggested that the resolution •ns the table until ibe Convention go Into secret session. Agreed to. Mr. H.JBrow.v offered the followinfl resola- tloxi llet /nl, That all citizens of the United States, domiciled within tills Stale at the time of the adoption of the Ordinance of Secession—to wit: on the 20th December, 1860, be, and the same aro hereby declared citizens of South Carolina, entitled to all the privileges and subject to aV liabilities incident thereto. n Mr. Bbowx said there were a number of meri torious Citizens of this State who are citizens by adoption, and a well founded apprehension ex ists tn their minds as to the question of their allegiance, and It grows out of this difficulty In the creation of them There are two methads by which an Individual can become a citizen of this State—one by birth; the other by adoption. The one by birth gives him an unqualified citizenship la the State and a relative In the United States. When we create citizens by naturalization the result it this, they are made citizens of the Uni ted States, and by virtne of being made citizens of the United States they are made citizens of the State, and entitled to all its privileges and advantages. In 1832, the Constitution of this Stato wa* subjected to amendment, which required that any person applying for naturalization through the Conns of the State should not only take the prescribed oath o» allegiance to Ibe Unil - Btatea, bnt an additional oath that “b Which natd- 'T!rtij3TCifir^ to -»Ta» **S-5wiWr ®n«l jurisdiction was contemporaneously exercised by the Federal tribunals of the State. Here when the oath was administered there was no test oath, or immediate oath given of fidelity and al legiance to South Carolina. This dissimilarity in the method of creating naturalized citizens has awakened a just, apprehension 0 among many as to tbo position of some of our adopted citizens, whose fidelity and devotion to the Bute have never been questioned. In another point of view, that rasolntion re commends itself to the consideration of the Convention. There ou, nt to be a period when the citizenship of the St ste, other than by means of tbo Constitution, onybt to be fixed. If there be so such resolntion at that, it may be fairly interpreted the Act of Secession or the State virtually made citizen* of the Stale all who were domiciled in the State, irrespective of the oath of allegiance which may have been taken. It is proper to avoid that difficulty. I do not mean nor contemplate making involuntary citizens of those who were accidentally domi ciled here at tbe time of the adoption of the Ordinance of Secession. It would, perhaps, be a vexed question what position citizens of the United States coming within the limits of Scnth Carolina would occupy after the adoption of the Ordinance of Secession. Some might •'lain Ute protection of the State by virtue of being citizens of the United States. It is with this view that I move the reference of the above resolution to the Committee on the Constitu tion of tbe State. Mr. Rbett read an ordinance recommending and providing for a Convention of the slave- holding States of the United States;'to form the Constitution of a Southern Confederate. A U ordamed, That this Convention 'recom mends to the slavebolaing State* which shall secede from the Union of the United States, and to all other slaveholding States prepared to unite with South Carolina in the formation of a Southern Confederacy, to hold a Convention at Montgomery, in the State of Alabama, on tbe thirteenth day et February .next, to agree on tbo terms of said Confederacy. And be it further ordained. That it be recom mended to tbe said States to appoint, by their respective Conventions or Legislatures, as many Delegates to said Convention, to repre sent them (herein, as they have had, or may lutve, members in the present Congress of the United States; and that, In the said Conven- ifoo, the Mid Delegates in forming the Const; ; is on. shall vote by States. And be it further ordained. That it be recom mended to jthe said States, after tbe terms of •lid Constitution shall be agreed on, in said Coaven.'on, the same shall be submitted, at as carlv .Jay as practicable, to tbe Conventions or uegisLUnres respectively, which have ap. pointed the said delegates, in order that tbs said Constitution may be considered, and be rati fed or rejected by -aid States. And be ic further ordained, That in the opinion of this Convention, the Constitution of the United States should constitute the basis of the Confederation of rnch Scales ns shall withdraw cfceir connection with the Government of the Unfed States. Atid be it further ordained. That lids Convon- Convention proposed, u> .form the Constltu- tlon of the Southern Confederacy, and one Commissioner to each State, which skull call a Convention of her people together, in order that he policy contained in the above Ordinan ces, may be pressed on the consideration of said Conventions. Mj Donkin asked that the Coaventlon go in session with closed doors, (at ten minutes to twelve.) Carried. Sitting in Providence', 46 divorces have been de creed , 40 on the petition of injured wive 6 on tue petition of deceived husbands. It is jocularly said that on the question of re pressing secession, Mr. Buchanan occupies the platform of Ensign Stebbins. who was in favor of Maine law, but opposed to Us execution. and persons! supervision of George Christy, author ol nearly all the Choice Gem* of Ethiopean Minstrelsy, whose performances in the Cnited Slate* and Europe, ter tbe last 1* yean, Is sufficient gusrantee for the ex cellence of the entertainment he offers for put lie ap proval. Engagement* la New Orleans preclude* the possibility of the Company stopping longer than two nights in Savannah. Doors open at 7 o’clock ; performance commence at a quarter to 8 o’clock. , Admission BO cents; Children sad Servants hall price. dec 38 JOHN P. SMITH, Badness Agent. JfJ FOR NEW YORK.—The A No 1 walul sailing schooner PKOWEBS, Thompson, ■easier, having moat of her cargo, engaged, will meet with despatch. For freight, apply to dec 28 U. If. 8CBANTON. $160 REWARD. Banaway, frem the Lanier House, in Macon, in February last, a boy named bcipio, alia* John—complexion, a dark brown; 22 year* old, 6 feet 7 inches high—weighs about 180 lb*. There is no doubt but that he is lurking about Savannah or vicinity, as be is well known there ; was formerly owned by Mr. H. K. Harrison. & dec 48 LOGAN A MEABA. N otice to: consignees.—consignees per scar. Harry Maybee, from N. York, will ph-ss* attend to tbe reception of their goods, landing Tuis Day, at Stoddard's wharf. All goods remaining on the wharf after sunset, will be stored at their risk and expense. HUNTER A GAMMELL. dec 38 ArenU. estate of George Nostrand, late of Chatham enun- r, deceased, will hand them in duly attested, within "-te prescribed by law, and those indebted to said will make immediate payment to 18 E. LOVELL, Qualified Ex’r. r COAL, COAL. A SUPERIOR ARTICLE OF HOUSE COAL. Landing from bark Alberta, at WtUink’s Wharf; and for sate aa follows : "52 t— ' ((■ 10 tons and upwards IBM- Less than 10 tons $6. CASH, BEFORE DELIVERY. G. E. CABLETON. dec *8 lw The Exercises of this School will be re sumed „„ Tuesday, 1st January, I860. Young Ladies and Gentlemen will be rarefully pre- tred for any Class in College. Merchants in Savannah and elsewhere, wishing their as to enter the mercantile business will do well to avail themselves of the peculiar ^vantages offered at this SchooL Board can be had at the rale of ten dol lars per month. Rates of tuition per session of five months, $5, $12 and 816. L. A. MCRPIJT, Principal, Eden P. O. WEST INDIA FRUIT. 145 DO*. LARGE PINK APPLES. 80,000 SWEET ORANGES. 100 BUNCHES BANANAS. ITaving purchased the entire cargo of Uto aelfcontr Elite, from Matsnzss, 1 am now prepared to supply * trade, on ITE TERMS. r H. FARRELL’S and Wbitaker-st*. l business. Apply to dee 27 PADELFORD. FAY A CO. MADEnoiSELLE A KGELE de BUsSEKO LE. from Paris, will give Instruction in tbe French language, on the Piano, and in Singing, at Mr*. Jacob MUler'a, No. 108 South Bros I street, or at the residence of the ladles who may favor her with their patronage. Karxazxcis: Mr. A. A. Smeta, who is in possession oi the highest testimonial* st regards Mademoiselle de- Buaserole’a respectability and qualifications, dec 27 fit CHRISTINAS PRESENTS. A MBROTTPRa OF CELEBRATED PIiZTTJl A large 'nd well selected variety of Amffrotypea of Pictures, by the beet pain tern, for sale by dec IT JOHN M. COOPER A C SIGHT CHECKS 1ST Y o r- k, IN 9UM8TO SUIT PURCHASERS. ANDREW LOW tk CO. WANTED, Hail SOUTH CAROLINA BAhoicn’er^ SOUTHERN ADIES, YOU 8HOULD ALL PATRONIZE TIIE STORE OF THO M A S, 144: Broughton Street, autumn, and winter. Some people like tbe spritur bet aa for tue, give me liberty, or give me dttlL. Fiuis—the end. CRYING RABIES! A PRESENT FOR THE LITTLE ONES, lu consequence o', the superiority o< Dr. Kata?'* In- •snu.e Cordial over every elhev preparation ot the kind, the druggist* of Shir town have almost all ordered and received » supply ofit; *o cheer up, Mothers t No more erylnj babies! Do not be pet off with any other preparation by say druggist who may not have receiv ed Or. Earn Vs Infantile CordtoJ, er who may no ac- eouutof getting >>01* worthies* article at a cheaper take be mere in’misted in soiling It. Get the best: it is for aaiff in town—search till yea find it. Dr. Bronson's Blood Food, for diseases of the organs aod ali pouaoosry oompisints ta also for sale te town ; and if any suffering from the above compktets Deflect thi* prepanfilon, they are gudty of five different Xus. of the Blood Poo4-*a principle, tan graduated A.t a Discount- HOST. HABERSHAM A SONS. SIGHT EXCHANGE ON NEW YORK, FOB SALE BY HOBT. HABERSHAM 6c SONS. APPLES. 20 bbis. prime Baltimore APPLES, In store, and for sale by doe 27 G. E. CaRLETON. CORN. 3 1OO BUSHELS North Carolina Corn, afloat.- *1 Lit For sale by dec 2J ROBERT HABERSHAM A SONS. COW PEAS. CA BUSHELS Cow Peas; for sale b" Of) ROOT. HABERS HAM A SONS. dec 2S 3 BONDS OF THE PENSACOLA AND GEORCIA B. B. COMPART. VroriCE is hereby given to holder* of tbe above IN Bonds, that the coupons due on the 1st January, 1861. oa those payable in Savannah, will be paid at the Ceatral R. R. Bank. Those payable in Charleston, at the 8. »V. K. R. Bank, and those payable in New York, al tbe office of 1L Meigs. Jr.,^A Smith, Bank er* and Broken, New York, No 89 William street F. H. FLAGG, Secretary. JanJ dec 28 JUST RECEIVED. /~VNLY complete Report of the Burch Divorce Case, containing a History of the Case, the Preliminary Movements, tb~ Confession of Mr. Burch, opening and closing Speeches of Counsel, the Deposition of Parties Implicated, and all the Testimony in fall, with the Let ter* offered in evidence, bat ruled out by the Court, specially reported by the Law Reporter of tbe New i or* Dally Times; price 25 cents. Beadle's Dime Biographical Library, No. 1. Garibaldi, the Washington of Italy ; by O. J. Victor. Pr.oe 12 cents. Atlantic Monthly, for January 1861. Nick Nacks for do de. L* Bpn Tom, Dec. '60 and January, 61. Harper’s Magazine, !or January, 61. A. M. HODGE, . „ or. Bull and Broughton, dec 28 opposite Masonic Hs 17AVORITB AUTHORS ; Ji Oompa l* Book of prose and poetry. ^ *. of l ^ e A <U* : * econd •vries. being selections from W llher, Crashaw, Southwell. lUbington * Bonnie Scotland ; Tales of her History, Il« Poet*. By Grace Greenwood—lllus mte^l. The Seven Little Maters, who lire <m the Round Ball that Floats in the Air—Illuslrmled. Poem ,8acre,l aadSecular. By the Rev. Wm. Cros- well, D. D. New edition ofSir Walter Soott’s Ivanhoe—12®, doth, gilt. Received by • dee 28 JOHN M. COOPER A CO. T POTATOES, CODFISH, Ac. HEKE HUNDltED’bbls PotatoraTPeach Blow Western Reds and Jackson. 2.500 lbs Codfish. 50 boxes extra Stale Cbecee, at “ OB JoHN K. DOHERTY *8. dec 29 A Bur’s Composition on tbb 8b*30N3.— rpwo'^usDRED^iT^m^’t in (nr There is four seasons : serin*, summer, 1 s&taKm eople CHOICE FRUIT. CIXTT THOUSAND“rsnge^ tf benches Banana^ nnd n lot of Pine Applet, on board schooner Prowers, and for sals by ” H. SCRANTON. II'Aw raMh> b *i” , ‘ ,tr7 ' e • Norl heni Hay. landingn CHARLES PARSONS. pOTATOlN. L A ing per sc hr Georgia, 1 dec 28 > Jact son Potatoea, la dec2» CHARLES PARSONS. A PPLES.-5 ' Hl schooner Geori . . i» bbls ltaldwin Apples landing pc L schooner Georgia, and for sale by “ CHARLES PAB8QH3. Planter*’ end Merehanu- State Eights Almanac, for 1861. i>-c«ived by dec28 JOHN M COOPERA PGBU€ LAWN OF UlfOMGlA—Pasred A by the General Assembly at .ta Session, hel. ia November and December, 18*0. received by dee 28 JOHN M COOPER A CQ. ’ Ot.'TsiKKN SOUTHERN BOOT AND SH-.-EA I - n fWi., 44 BronghtSfi SirStT FASHIONABLE DANCING. (SECOND SESSION.) MR. NICHOLS, WiU commence his SECOND SESSION (Night Class.) ON MONDAY" EVENING, Dec. 31st, IS60. at 7# o’clock. Children's Glass on Wednesday afternoon, January 2nd, 1861, at ST. ANDREW'S HALL, dec 27 6 Change of Schedule. SHORTEST AND MOST CONVENIENT ROUTE To ThomeumlUe, Oa., htadlvm C. fT., FU., Tatla „ „ JoAoMec, St. Maria, Late City, Ac f\s and after Tuesday, the 28d 111st., the car*will run daily (Sundays excepted) as follows ; a Savannah at. 9.15 A. M. Arrive at Quitman at.„. . 6 4B P. M Connecting with a line of first claai Coaches to Madboa - la. Leaving Qnilm&n at . 7 00 P M Arriving at Madison at 4.0Q A. M. Leaving Madiron at A 00 A. M. Arriving at ’’’t llahassee at ld.00 A. M. Leaving Tallahassee at 30.20 A. M. Airiving at St. Marks st 11.60 A. M. Connecting twice monthly with the U. 8. Mail steam- ™ J Ncw Orleans Kew West, snd other intermediate Florida ports, and with Havana. BZTmulUlO : Leave St. Mai ks at 1.1s P. M Arrive at Tallahassee at 2.40 P. M. Leave Tallahassee at 8 00 P. M. Arrive at Madison at 7.0O P. M. Leave Madison at. 7.80 P. M! Arrive at Quitman at. 8.00 A. M Leave Quitman at 8.80 A. M. Arrive at Savannah at 12.SBP. M. In tune to connect with the cars of the Central Sail Road. Connecting at McIntosh Station on Tuesday*, Thurs' day* and Saturdays, with a line of Coache* to Darien returning on alternate days Connecting at Qnitman with a daily line of Coach**, .1 Tboraaaville, arriving in time to connect with the Coaches to Monticelio ana Albany. Returning on el ite days, in lime to connect ‘with the car* io “ SELLING OPE S- AT A GREAT LOSS: Fancy Zouave Cloaks. Black Cloth do. Rich Velvet do. Fancy Head Dresses. Misses’ Muslin DeLain Robes. Chenille Neck Tien. White Boas. Ladies' and Misses’ Worsted Hoods, sale by [dec 27] DeWITT h. XORGAN. GIFT BOOKS For the Holidays, E. RNAPP& CO., West side Monument sqna X E W YORK, I\ sms TO SI IT BUYERS, . HUTCHISON. PARFA1T AMOUR. CREME ok BOSE, ANISETTE, StfrtWa Marascl — B.—Freig. Train leave* Savannah on Monday*, Wednesday* and Fridays at 6 80 X M.; return on Mon* days, Wednesdays and Fridays at 2.80 a. m. Freight lo ' forwar.icd by Freight Train, must be delivered the Savannah Depot the day previous to thip- mt. excepting Jive stock, which, alter hav ing riven one day’s notice will be received on the day of departure. U delivered at the Depot 80 minutes be fore tbe caving time. Freight by Passenger Train should be delivered at the Depot at least 80 minutes *- fore the regular time of departure. Double the re i. . ratei to be charged on all such freight, excepting Oys ters, Fruit, fresh Fish, fresh Meat, and other perishabl GRAY & TURLEY SEEDING OFF The following Goods, at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES 1 10 cent Calicoes for 6h(c. 26c. DeLain for 12^e. SIJ^c. DeLain for 25c. 500 dozens Linen Hdkfs at II a dozen. 600 do do, very fine, 81.50 Ottoman Velours for 87, wortli 75c. lilk Silks for $1, worth *1.25. 600 dozens Hoop Skirts for 75c., worth $1.25. 100 do do do *1 do *1.80. Embroidered Linen Sets for *1, worth *2. Embroidered Linen Seta for*1.75, worth 92.00. Bonne’. Ribbons for 12% and lSJ£o., worth double. I lecSO GRAY A TURLEY. I SAVANNAH JOCKEY CLUB. #LL T HF Annual Meeting over the Ten Broeck Coarse 1 will commence the second Tuesday in January, ■ 7861, and continue throughout tbe week. PROGRAMME: Foot Dat—Tuesday - <'olt Make, for three year olds, mile beat*—one hundred and fifty (*150) dollars en trance—fifty (880) dollar* forfeit; to which the Clubwill add one hundred (8100), if the race ia run. Close on the 1st May, I860, with the following entries : • 1.—Wul- Bralltfoid enters b. c. Sucker, by imp. Albion, dam by imp. Leviathan. 2.—T. J. Jennings enter* c. t Beccy B. by Highflyer d»m Elizabeth McNary, by imp. Ambassador. A—H. C. Caffey enter* b. c. by imp. Sovereign, dam — Little Mistress, by Shamrock. 1,—Tho’* Young enters a g. The Unknown—pedigree unknown. A—H C. Caffey enter* br. C Emily Blonnt, by Brown Dick, dam by Gero. Sams Dat—Jocky Club Purse (8*00) two hundred dollar*—mile beats. Sxoo'-D Dat—Wednesday.—Colt Stake, for two year old*, mile heat*- -two hundred (3200) dollars entrance— fifty (880) dollars forfeit Closed on the 1st May, with the following entries: .—H. C. Caffey enters gr. £ by Red Eye, dam Arden, by Grey Eagle. .—Mr. Hardy enters e. £ by imp. Glencoe, out of Kate by Count Ssdvadore, dam out of Reality, by Sir BaiB Dat—Jockey Club Purse three hundred (8800) dollar*—two mile heals. Thi an Dat—Thursday.—Jockey Club Purse five hun dred (8500) dollars—three mile heats. Sauk Dat—lockoy Club purse three hundred (*300 dollars—mile heats—three in five. Fouktb Dat—Friday.—Colt Stake, for three year olds, two mile heats—three hundred (8800) dollars en trance—one hundred (*100) dollars forfeit, to which the Club will add three hundred (8800) dollars, if the race is run. Closed on the 1st May, with the following entries: L—Wm. Brallsford enters b. c. Sucker, by imp. Albion, by imp. Leviathan. 2.—T. J. Jenn’ngs enters c. £ Beccy B, by Highflyer, dam Elizabeth McNary, by imp. Ambassador. A—H. C. Caffey enter* b. c., by imp. Sovereign, dam Little Mistress, by shamrock. 4.—Tho's Young enter* a g. The Unknown—pedigree 1 fo. -¥■ DR. SWEET’S. i Infallible Liniment. THE GREAT EXTERNAL REMEDY. for Rheutnntum, Gout, ffeuralgia. Lumbago, StiJ Meet unit Joints. Sprains, Bruises, Cuts Wounds, Piles, Hsent ache, and- ait Rheumatic and Serroue Dis order 1. DR. STEPilEX SWEKT. OF COXXECTICVT, The great nntural Bone Setter. DR. STEPHEN SWEET, OF CONNECTICUT, Is known all over the United States. t ntmmu DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT a a certain remedy for Neuralgia. DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Cares Burns and Scalds Immediately. 2>k SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Is the best known remedy for Sprains snd Bruises DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Cures Headache immediately, and was never known AN UNFA ILL* > Gonorrhma aad all T HIS REMEDY cures* 1 It is entirely nnllVe ev no Mineral Potassu ' 1 prepared from Roots. Bxi < banded down from ODe .-•* Cmk*oxx* Isdixhs. It is '-n intrinsic merits. Itperfoi U The Ca-roarrsara. < . U... s thi* Snon In* - cy of tome Quack or Professot. radidB- at the very Root of the disease -. Its tendeejO » to suspend the poiaon. but to Rcuov* TU* Cil it depend* Full directions. In psmiMX teHju ■; each bottle. The weedy and permanent rell * this Remedy, in all cases of (lor scientific men ali Porno* from uie c A—IL C. Caffey enter* br. £ Emily Blount, ;by Bi Dick, dam by Gero. Samk Dat -Handicap race, three mile heats—purse four hundred (*400) dollars. Second horse lossy* v ’~ en trance. F1PT11 Dat—Saturday.—The requisite number of tries n t having been made lor the Post Stake, t! will be a Jockey Club Purse of one thousand dollars, four mile heats—free for all ages—the second horse to save his entrance. Jv 8 8. YATES LEVY. Sec’v and Tress PRESENTS » p A good opportunity for purchasing FINE JEWELRY AND FANCY ARTICLES at much LhSS than COST. I am now selling iho entire stock of Uie late D. B Nichols, to close the concern. Call and examine, dec 20 WM. It. BOYD, Agent, LIME. SAVANNAH. DEC. 19, I860. Also, ADVERTISEMENT. iflfllniff 1 For the INSTANT RELIEF ilO 1 n ill /B. an d permanent CURE of 1,ul " Jla ' this dlatresring complaint use FENM78 BRONCHIAL CIGARETTES, Made by C. B. SEYMOUR A CO., 458 Broadway, N. Y. Price *1 per box; sent free by post. . „f 0R SALE AT ALL DRUGGIST 00154 lydAw girmF "seeds, Warranted Crop 1860. THIS WILL INFORM ALL GARDENERS AND FARMERS, That a fall a ad extensive supply of every leading va riety of fresh GARDEN SEED, warranted crop 1S66 has Just been received, and are offered for sale, cither wholesale or retail, by 8. D. BRANTLEY, ~ . . Druggist. Savannah. ,ni^!f ,e * ,,e *’ wiUl directions for planting, Ac., for dis tribution. dtw*w8mo nov 10 DRESS GOODS. A large assortment of FIGURED OTTOMANS, HEPS, I*OPI,INKT8, &c. For sale at COST, and UNDER, by dee 14 HENRY UATHROP & CO. CLOAKS. VELVET AND CLOTH CLO A. K S. AT REDUCED PRICES. dee 14 HENRY UATHROP 6c CO. FANCY SILKS. A Large Assortment THIS DAY MARKED DOWN 20 PERCENT BF.LOWCOST. dec 14 HENRY LATHROP A CO. DR. .ffOIITMIORK’S Celebrated R E M ED Y For RHEUMATISM. This remedy is recommended by several persons in this city. For sale by JOHN a HABERSHAM, dec 2. Broughton-sL opp. 81. Amlre-w’s H*n PERUVIAN SYRUP, CEPHALIC PILLS, BIMES’COD LIVER OIL, Ac. For sale by JOHN B. HABERSHAM, dec 27 BrouRhlor -st opp. St. Andrew’s HalL MACHINERY OIL. Ft-r sale by JOHN B. HABERSHAM, dec 27 Broughton-sl. «q>p. Sl Andrew** Hall. Planting Potatoes. r rt BBLS. Western Red Potatoes, just received snd t)U for sale by dee 25 JOHN D. JESSE. A PPURS.—150 bbls. extra Bn dwin|Appica, lund- zY ing per btig Speedaway, and for sale b> _deeIS CHARLES PARSONS. ULOI H.—In sacks and barrels, and everything A usually found In a feed store, to be had at dec20 JAMES I. SNIDER A CO.’S. TIED BLANKETS AND COMFORT*.— U A fall assorment of English Bed Blankets: also wadded Comfort*, all sizes For sale by dec 25 NF.VITT. LATHROP A ROGERS. ’1'ABLKTONS.-While, Blue, Pink, Lilac, Buff. JL Green, J art received and for sale by dec 23 NKVZTT. LATHE- >P A ROGERS. I ttHPKK’s MAGAZINE —For January. Xlffil«61. For sole at the store of ■ AM. HODGE. Vor. Bull and Broogbton streets, dee 25 Opposite Masonic Ha:L JJOUBLE STOUT PORTER.-In ptnti, for dec 28 ’ A. MINIS. DBU IT.—Pecan Nuts, FUberU, Almonds, Citron *- Figs, Brazil Nuts, Walnuts, Raisins, Currants, -tost received end tor sale by d**«6 S. LAMA. A OAMANTINK CANDLES.—100 b..Xer, f V for sale by dvr. 19 ' A. MINI9. 1 ink. —Idl'd bushels stacked Lime, suitable lot h j manuring purpoee*; for sole by de«19 R. H aBKKSIIaM A SONS. I^ACON AND PORK. Hams, Sidra, Mess Ah Pork, Shoulders, Prime Pork and Rump Pork, In Move and for sale by de> 20 JAMES I. SNIDER A CO. JSurgjjgJ^n] (dec 24] strun Just received, a large andVull „ Ins trum^nts. KING AlVARING’S v 16 Drugjand Chemical BtoV Savannah, Oa. SPANISH SEG/V STurihl/r 0111 Havan DAVlDj£piLLO&, SID CHEA' general commission mBchant. Dawson, G-a. W ILL give his special attention U> th\g«i« consignments of Bagging, Rope, BA>n riour, Grain and Merchandise, of all ,?JV in rs excepted). Prompt returns after i.*; t'Hsale of ail Lard, ipliona. ctsn. J. B A W. A. Rom, Macon, Gs. * Cutis A Johnson, Americua, *- ol.JE. E, Rawson, Atlanta, » • Sidney Root, “ .. WM. GREENE DEAI.KE » French, Burr, Esopus A Mill Stones, VERTICAL CORN in ILLS, Manufacture, warranted to give satisfaction. SUGAR CANE MILLS. 14 in., 15 in Rolls. Also, prepared to Orese Mill Stones, them with all the necessary Irons complete. Comer of St. Julian and Jefferson Streets, J« lS-’fiO Savannah, Ga. dly OLD SACHEM BITTERS, AND WIGWAM TONIC. r HESE delicious snd far-famed Bitters, are recom mended by the first Physician* of the country, on account •»! their PURITY and GREAT MEDICINAL VIRTUE. They are pleasant as nectar to the taste, and are pro nounced lac best Tonic and Stimulant ever offered to the public. Their curative powers in cases of GENERAL DE BILITY, LOSS OF APPETITE, CONSTIPATION, etc., are unparalleled, and as * guarantee that *e feel warranted in claiming what wo do, we beg leave to 1 that our assertions are endorsed by Prof. SlLLI'iAN, of Yale College. Prof. HAYES, of Massachusetts. And hundreds of others. For sale by Grocers, Wine Merchants, and Drug gists generally. * Principal Depot, 145 Watcr-sk, New York, dee 4 ly NEGRO AND GENERAL COMMISSION Brokerage Business ia&dlng from brig ,n from Rio de laneiro, for sale by WEED, CORNWELL a CO. FRENCH GELATINE, -QDIvA- HIt AND BEST ARTICLE For Preparing Jellies, BLANC 1HAXGE, Ace. t cask Just received, and for sale by A. A. SOLOMONS & Co., dec 20 Druggists, Market-sq. .......... _ _. «ge this city, viz: the purchase and sale of Negroes, selling the same on Commission; purchase and sale on Com mission of Stocks, Bonds, Real Estate, Ac., and the collecting of rents and hiring ot Negroes. Having tak ing the office aud yard recently finished by Wm. Wright, Esq., we sre able to offer secure and comfortable ac commodation for all Negroes left with us for sale or safekeeping. Office, 72 Bryan-st, two doors eastot 8iate buiinc* F_ Ml BLOUNT. octl5 Wo-diwAw W. C. DAWSON. issr. NEW MOWN HAY COLOGNE, » Jail and office to Messrs. ,—• ,. — ^ respectfully solicit lor them .no business o( my old patron. wi friends. 00118 JM. WRIGHT. Sa. ndfo rd’s LIYKR INYHJOMTim •NEPER DEBII.ITA TES. JT is compounded entirely from Gums, and DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT , Is the best remedy for sores in the known world. R. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Haslieen used by more than a million ot people and all praise it. DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Is truly “ a friend in need,” and every family shoud have it at hand. DR. S WEST’S INFALLIBLE LIEIMENT, Is for sale by all Druggists. Price 25 cents. RiCBAKbBon A Co Solo Proprietors, Norwich, ' For sale by JNO. B. HABERSHAM, 1 ap 9 lyeowdtrwAw Sole Agent for Savannah. PURIFY THE BLOOD Moffat’s [Vegetable Life Pil PHOENIX BITTERS. IE high and envied celebrity which these pre-emi nent Medicines have acquired for their invaluable efficacy in all the diseases which they profess io cure has rendered the usnal practice of puffing not only un necessary, but unworthy of them. IN ALL CASEe Asthma, Acute and Chronic Rheumatism, Affection of the Bladder and Kidne.s. BILIOUS FEVERS AND LIVER COMPLAINTS. In the South and West, where these diseases prevail, they will b« found invaluable. Planters farmers and vrluMonce use these Medicines, will never after- se without them. BILIOUS CHOLIC,SERIOUS LOOSENESS. PILES COSTIVENKBS. COLDS AND COUGHS, CHOLIC, CORRUPT HUMORS, DROPS ES. Dvsi-Krsls-—No person with ibis distressing disease, ion id delay using these Medicines immediately. Eruption of the Skin, Ery-ipelas, Flatulency. Fkver x*.-d Ago*.—For this scourge of the Wester mntry thine Medicines will be found a safe, speed) au certaiilremedy, other medicines leave the system subject io qreturn of ibe disease; a cure by these med icines is pegnanenl. Try lining Be satisfied, and be oured. Foulness <jr Coupuexion— GENERAL DEBILITY, GOUT, GIDDINEL8. Gravel, Hkudachcs of every kind. Inward Fever, in tiamniatort Rheumatism, impure Blood, Jaundice Mrta'sai. DrsKassa.— Never tails to eradica: tirely all tie effects of Mercury, infinitely sooner lean the most powerful preparation of Sarsaparilla. NIGHT BY EATS, NERVOUS DEBILITY, NERV OUS fOMPLAINTS of all kinds, ORGANIC AFFECTIONS. Piles.-Ube original proprietor of these medicines as cured kf Piles, of 86 yean standing, by Uie us • icse LifcMedicinesalone. PAINS In the Head, Side, Baok, Limbs, Joints Organs, j Ruxuni-isu.—Those affected with Uiis terrible dis ease, will je sure of relief by the Life Medicines. Rush of Blood to the Head, Scurvy, Salt Rheum, Swellings.) Scrofula, or King’s Evil in its worst forms. Ulcers of ery deso-ipllon. Worms pi all kinds are effectually expelled by these Medicines.] Parents will do well to administer them whenever Licir existence is suspected. Relief will be certain. The Life Pills & Phoenix Bitters PURIFY THE BLOOD, And thus remove all diseases from the system. • facUlta,. WILLIAM H. ffiM-,.., 85 Broadway, cor. of Anthony si., N V. And what SKBiacici Its Vaunt. of all Nacskous Tasra. being * uciocs Svacp PRICE *2 PER BOTTLE. OR THREE BOTT I F Potter & Mcrwin, Sole Prom etor St. Louis. Mol Sold In Savannah by 8. O. Brantley. 8te*8 1 A Hu and by all respenidble dealers tn medicine in'foepsMI State*. John Wright A Co., New Orleans. MB Hard Chichester A Oo., Augusta, Wholesale Aren* _ Gn Van Schaack A Grierson, wholesale Agcnl.t .Visaitaew- r resorted to with| s for which it ia n It has cured thou&andeju confidence in all the due LUBIN’8 BOQUF.T SAVANNAH And a choice lot of FRENCH POMADES. r US, of his owuL. clio*. ,\ n„ 15in., and 111 j II Stones, and fill Just Received al STEWART’S Apothecaries’ Hal!. THE LIFE OF ANDREW JACKSON, BY JAMES PAIiTONT, Author of “Life of Aaron Burr,” etc. Three Volumes, 636 to 734 pages each, with Steel Portraits. Glows Ooiavo Edition.—Cloth Binding, *5; Sheep, *6 75; Half Cali; *9; Full Calf, *12. -t-BSCEiB*as’ Edition, Royal Octavo (sold by Snb- foriplion only). Cloth, *7 50; Sheep, 9; Half Calf, *12; Full Calf, *15. Mr. Parton has been several year* engaged in the .reparation of lids work, and has bestowed upon it (hr most careful research and investigation. The first vo • ime of ihe subscribers' edition was issued* year since: he second was published last spring. antBybe third ; ast is now completed. Of the Aral an/Tsecond 1 •, the press have spoken tat ion. “ . he life of Andrew Jackson was indeed 1 fnl one, and the events that were crowded into his c •eer, as a pioneer, a general, and a statesman. 1 itnong ibe most important in .be history of our cor ry.”—Taunton Gazette. “Almost all that relates to urn Is p cullar, extraordinary, and interesting.”—Ame nta Times. “ lliiMe who have been most familiar with the ca reer of Jackson will be surprised at the mass of ne* matter the anthor has collected.”—Boston J»umai.~ •It eihausta the subject.”—New York Day Book. “Ills an honest book throughout.”—Nashvillo Union. “Itis equally true from the spirit of detraction, on the one hand, and of unmixed glorification, on the other. Fallings and virtues are alike laiihfally delineated.”— Western Christian Advocate. “One of the most reliable of books. Every page is alive. It is as romantic as a medueval romance, and yet has the advantage of being true.’ — Home Journ al. -Possesses a degree or interest which can scarcely oe overstated.”—New Tork World. ‘-A fresher, live lier account was never written of any hero, by any au thor.”—Boston Advertiser. “No work of fiction could be better fitted to hold the attention and bear the mind along with a sustained-enlhusiasm, than this account of ’ countrymen."—Boston u - work is Intensely In- AGENCY COLT'S FIRE ARMS. COLT’S teVOLVING BREECH FlftK AR1VS. Pistols SAot Guns. POCKET. ARMY, IfyJ commended. it nas cured iuousanas|JSJ |within the Inst two yesrs, who had given up all!® 1 hopes of relief as the numerous unsolicited cer-iCrt tiCcatcs in my possession lose must bo|«21 adapted to the tempera- the individualjPjJ [taking it, and used In such quantities as to act O gently oa the-boweta Let the dictates of your CD Judgment guide you the use of the LIVEB|M (INVIGGRATOR, and it will oure Liver Com-\^\ plainte.BUioue Attacks, Dyspepsia, Chronic Dt-IE^ \arrha— "— plaints. Dysentery,.^ Dnwny.iw.r aunnacu. Habitual Continents*,, j Cholic, Cholera, Cholera Morbus, Cholera In-\ \fantum. Flatulence, Jaundice. Female We<il> re* 1 nesses, and maybe used successfully as sc Ordi-fc, 'nary Family Med\ It wii. euro Sick Head- J*4 actIs, as thousandt n twenty minutesl^ if two or three teaspoon- re taken st the *H commencement of the attack. ' re4 AU teho use it are I giving their testimony In its favor. J {V Mix Water in the mouth with the Invigoratoi and swallow both together. Price One Dollar per S.AJSTMB-’OIRJD’S :■• .V M 11. V CATHARTIC PILLS, OOUPOUKDKD no* Pare Vegetable Extracts, And put up in Glass Cases, air-tight, and will . •- —vy climate. Drnggtata. Oure dAwly Cough, Cold, HoaV-rnee*. InHu- (, any Irritation or Bat -n-— nt the Throat, Relieve the Hacking Cough in Consumption, Bron chitis, Asthma, and Catarrh. Clear and give strength to the voice of PUBLIC SPEAKERS AND SINGERS •are aware of the importance of checking a Cough •mmon Cold" in its first stage; that which in the would yield to a mild remedy, if neglected. Lungs. “Brown's Bronchial Tro- SjUnssssjBfifiiiis - ^ ‘“w i.uI'S’.I.SSJii.S’eSSs.SS CHES Ing made me often a mere whisperer. N. P. WILLIS. I recommend their use to Public REV. E. H. CHAPIN. Orest service in subduing Hoabsi REV. DANIEL WIpE. Almost instant relief in the distress . mg labor of breathing, peculiar to Aslh- 'iOWN’S ima. REV. A. C. EGGLESTON. | “ Contain* no Opinm or anything I ROCHES jurious. ’ DR. A. A. HATES, Chemist, Boston. 1 A simple and pleasant combination for Couchs, Ac. DR. G. F. BIGELOW, Boston. ‘Beneficial In Baocatne." DR. J. F. W. LANE, [ PISTOLS, D BELTS, COMPLETE. the real lie of one of onr Recorder. "From first to last, 1 creating."—Philadelphia Item. “Perfectly fasdna ting.’’—New York Day Book. “The narrative is flow ing and charming. We confess having read the whole (one volume) in two prolonged sitting*.”—Harper's Weekly. “The most difficult task was where and how to part company with it."—New York Crayon. “Oi □tense and permanent interest."—New Tork Obsrr. ‘•The most interesting political and personal history ever written of any public man in this country.’’— Pennsylvanian. "His style is fairly eloquent with viv idness snd fluency. His account of the defense of New Orleans from Its inception to Its climax, interests more deeply than a tale ot chivalry, or an oriental romance.” imeuia Times. “One of the most interesting snd instructive books we have ever read Russell’s Magazine, (i harloston, a. C) ”A Life’ In- leed, and before which the conventional and common- •lace biographies o. modem limes aiuk Into Stupidity and insignidcanoe.—New York .lonrnal ol Commerce. ALSO JUST ruBUBKXD, The Life and 7 Hues ui fuuip ovuu, te . 1. Losslng. Vol 1. Crown Svo., 492 pages.~'wfiii -AND— NAY WITH CASES For sale by LOVEL\ Ac LATTIMORE. 155 and 157 Congress-*'- i-RGEST ASSORTMENT OF FIREWORKS The FAMILY C gentle hut active Cathartic -ied in his practice more The constantly increas- who have used the Pills, all express in regard the anme.-iary canal, ana a Cathartic is needed, the Stomach, Sleepiness Loins, Costirenees, Pain whole Body, from sudden neglected, end in a long Appetite, a Creeping Ule Body, Restlessness, •*s head, all Injlam- _ Children — ri/ler of the ITHARTIO PILL I . which the proprietoi f | than twenty years. / proved them excellent for WnooriJto Cocoh.” REV. H. W. WARREN “Beneficial when compelled to speak, j suffering from Cold.” I REV. a P. ANDERSON, Sk Louis. ! “ Effectual in removing lloarsene and Irritation of the Throat, so cor 'non with Speakers and Singers.” CHES, Prof. M. STACY JOHNSON. La Grange, Ga. Teacher of Music, Southern Female College. TJWCHES; “Great benefit when alien before land after preaching, as they prevent j Hoarseness. From their past effect, I think they will be of permanent ad~ TROCHES! vantage U> me.” I RSV. d. ROWLEV, A. *f. BSO-WN’S President ol Athens College Tenn. l jySold by every Druggist at TWEN- OCHKSi TY FIVE CENTS A BOX. n<>v24—6md IrwAw in all cases of (iosoawiata. Gi^ .cos Aiacs (Wmu 1* r*n*i • e Urinary Organ*, baa astonlst of the age. This Remedy not ow ir require anpdevta 51ITS 1* a Puts St te TON THIS DELICIOUS TONIC 6 tfi F 'SPECIALLY designed for the u r o J PaorxsstoN and the Fauilt. levi- the so-called “Gin*,” “ArOInatlC^ ,, lOerJ icatcd,” Ac., ta now endorsed by at' Ot the physicians, chemists, and connoliiire-s as • of those intrinsic medicinal qualities (toe> • which belong to an old and ptntx GIF. Pvt bottles and sold by ail druggists, gr.*- -rs. •*• A. M. BIN ING HP. A (Established in 1778.) tele y -• 1 > sue 8 d'wAw-ly 19 f ?re m) s will happen, very desirable y for repairing . I RED C SPALDING’S PRE Meets all such emergencies, * ford to be without it. Itlsal sticking point. Tliero is no Ir ci-r A MM ing chairs, splicterod veneer* . .vitas* «o. ken cradles It is Just the ar'. • .'or com . Other oniamental work, so p. . r with 1a ment and taste. This admirable preparation s tiM cold -cally held in solution, and p- s-cising *1: ■ qualities of the bes; caalnet-1 aketaf GlU'-. used in Ihe place ol ordinal mucilage, b more adhesive. “USEFUL IN EV' RY HOtlBF. N. B.—A Brush accompan cs each - . cents Wholesale Depot, No. 48 < uar-etiwt, S HENRY C SPALi'l Ni Bo* No. 8f— Put up for deal-rs in caees contatMtatr ’ twelve dozen—a beautiful LithognipE ; oompanying each package. A tingle bottle of 9PALDI -.'(PS 11 dll save ten limes its coat anewMIrtt ev »r Sold l>y a" prominent S>—'oessw. DrAcc Addsess •Jt* Thousands are dully speaking .. Dr. Eatoijj INFANTILE COD NO PAREGORIC vt Anr kind, and therefore relievJ only reliable i"*" TKETHING, d/atWPto^ 1 ISO IS THE BowStS . ACH. WIND, COLD iSt N TIIS | equal—being an unZt-r _ 'ailing success in all cases of OTHER FITS. As you value U your children, and wish to save ... and blighteniny consequences whi result rrom the use of narcotic/ remedies for Infantile C take none bub I)*. EAT And by ali respectabled 8-*6fi --fi-dtsAv MOOD mi Healthy human Blood upor ANALY2 always present* ns with the same, and gives of course the TRUE 8TA1 the Blood of a per oa suffering f Liver Complaint, Dytfiepaha, tjcreful m every instance certain deficit-ncin of Blood. Supply these defleiencic well. The BLOOD FOOD is founr O- -hence It* astonishing success. ' Five Preparations j adapted » the deficiencies ot the Blood la dlfftrro earn *. For COUGHS, COLDS. BROHCHITL', 4 aifeciinns whatever of the THROAT or L: Nil eluding CONSUMP ION, use No L which is s| 2&/?ii >BP f ES8,OS OF SPIRTS. LOSS -J PETIT*, tad for .11 OHBuNIC COMPLAI.nTJ •ng from OVER-USR, GENERAL DEB1LIT1 NERVOUS PROSTRATION. No.2,fo“ J PLAIOT8. S0.A for DYSPEPSIA. IUKKGoLABlTtES, HYSTERIA, WKaW kc- See special directions for thin, r U • i u S , i i\j£8 nos *' “COFCLOUS. and BLADDER COMPLAINTS take Nil. cases the direclioea n the BLOOD FOOjj^ And by all re •teei Portraits. Cloth, *1 00. F r the first lime a genuine biography of Gen. Sehuy ler is written. The character and service* of this effi- ient laborer for our country, as well as lh« established eputathm of Mr. Losslng a* a writer on kindred t ip is. give to the book r.o ordinary Interest and v.lje. rbe work will be complete In two volumes. Italy; From the Kariiest Period to the Present Dar. 4y John 8. C. Abbott < rown 8vo.. 687 page*. With steel Portrait. Cloth, *160. 7 his volume is on. ol the series of Mr. Abbott’s Mon irrhies of Continental Europe, of which Austria and Russia have previously appeared. The volumes are 1 ‘ i»iform style and price, but each distinct in itself. Published by MASON BROTHERS. Nos. 5 and 7 Mercer street. New York. For sale by Bookseller* .enesw'iv. dec 27 8dlw DeWITf Ac IffOHGA A RE SELLING otl all Fancy Dress b from 88 to 50 per cent. Silks at 62, worth *i and *1 25. do at 75 and 31, worth *1 25ar.d I ITS. Wonted Dress Goods, in same way. Sw m Needle it ..rked Setts. Cambric do do do. Fine Lace, do do., 4c, EVEB OFFERED IN IKS CITY, AT I-'J-OT l>I{.jpE8. BY \ Joseph. H. Darrell, MASONIC HALL, \ dec n GROWTH OF IstiiT GARDEN