The Savannah Republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1858-1865, March 16, 1861, Image 1

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paints, dry demy, dnii letter, nd: Iluur and Hi “ SjBf-i: 5gJ ‘■■ iHHfl^^^^^rabroail in.o the Confederate, a«-followa : On til jtrticletf-emwK rated in Schedule A, un ail vaiffrem duty of twenty-five per centum, on a|l articles enaiaernted Id Schedule B. an ail va lorem duty of twenty per centum. On ail arti cle* enumerated in Schcdofo C, an ad Valorem duty of tilteeu per centum. On all articles enumerated in Scliudule D, an ad volorem duty of tin per centum. On all articles enumerated in Srliedtiie E, an ad valorem duty of tlvo per ci.-ntuu. And tlisl all articles enumerated In Schedule F, a Specific Duty as therein named. And that all articles enumerated in Schedule G, shall be exempt from doty : to wit : Schedule A.* (Taenty-Uve per centum ad valorem.) Alabaster and spar ornaments. Anchovies, sardines, and all other fish preserved in oil. Brandy und other spirts distilled from grain or ot ler materials ; billiard and bagatelle tables, and ail other tables or boards on which games boxes; paper envelopes ; paper liat^U^BVphpc for walls, and paper torscreens or flrc-5SunJfc parchment; parasols and siw-rindfij and til brellas ; . paving and rod's tiles, ami Wricks, and rooting slates-; pehn(fif*. and other works, in eonrac of printing and ft publication in the Coufedcrati- Stwnn; tfitoff plaster of Paris, when' geottud ; pliitriwjD potassium; putty. QnleLsilvcr: .|ulSh. In chalk |>ettcifs; rhnbnrb : Romo c-i fibBBL- I Saddlery of all kinds, not otherwise pitmfic for, saffron and saffron cake; sago; salts ffpsuW jba[-r,j\ neJSts, and oat meal, and living aui- MM%nfil kinds not otherwise provided for; agricultural productions, including y|MB«r tlie orchard and garden, in their nutu- [ rai'f-'te, not otherwise provided for. Gttnpo-.v- UH#WlaU Uie materials of which it is made, rivend. !i» pigs or liars, lu shot or bulls, for can- Fbfc*. arasketi. l ilies, or pistols. Rags, of wbal- cVrr-a.atcrtal composed. Arms, of every dcs- r.crf|Hpn, Kir military purposes, and parts there of. 7 Ktnnltions of wur, military necoutre- I nteno, and percussion caps. Cotton. Ships, I rs, bilges, dredging vessels, machinery, ! sfft-'tl'ile Jetties, and articles to be used in the i consfjucllon of harbor* and tor dredging-and I Improving the sanp*. On oil arlieles^ioi import ed dirfci from Ute countries IVl ere produced, lor frthujthuir colonies, an additional duty of live k>cr cvht. shall be levied. E Scsrifi^, And be it further outdid, That from fan! alt-.t the first day ot May next, there shall We levied, -collected, and paid oil all goods, ftparns XMlwcrchaiidise, impoited from foreign [cfiiinu^s, and not specially provided for by, or rjwuu'.tntrd in any of the schedules ot this act, PMIutvrt tei per centum ml valorem, i .-#• That .lu re shall be levied, collected, *jff on each and every nnii-cmuncrapcd H^BKt-at- lo day. whose airival I havci.ot ^^HPRciilioncd, I noticed the Vice-Frc-U'i ul HReCoirfed'ratc Statw, Boo. A. H Stcph- ■ ‘ Hons. T. R. R. Cobb, B. B. Hill and Judge Kisbet. * During the reading of tlie journal, Mr, 11.11, of Troup, gave notico that tic would move to re-contider all matters In relation to reduction. A message to tbe Convention, Irom His Ex cellency the Governor, was announced and lianded to the President by his Secretary, Mr. Waters. The Pbesioknt stated tlmt tiie permanent ; Constitution would probably be in by noon. Mr. Uial, of Troup, said that he hoped when the Coast i tut ion did come in, that all other matters would be postponed for the' time and that acted oil. and In making the motion to reconsider lie did so with this object in view. Mr. Hill’s reasons for moving tp reconsider was, that the pl.ul proposed In relation to the Senate, porp^yd to ffx the Senatorial distri- ts in the ConstHSiioe. and in a tow years, tht* Iflh# pecuniary Snlje effect upon Tn-lfcv • have nothing special* cannot better inter- transferring to tills Hew York Fm.iwj ora of the North, and meats, or IVnits preserved In sugar, brandy or oilier liquors. Cordials, arrack, curacoa, kirscltenwesaer, Il ia the Coos tic might become .— should settle the ,irinc/Jfi and not th* detail, of Government with our counties as they at. present stood. The House had to represent territory, and the Senafe therefore should bc niade to represent population, whicli could no* be done lu the plan adopted. In short, Mr. Mill wished to change the basis of representa tion. air. Ken* v, rose to a point of order, that (lie Ordinance, us amended, had not been adopted on Wedursday, consequently there wan nothing to rc-consider. The CB*m held that tbe Convention agreed to take up the ordinance, section by settle i, ike., that the section as amended had be 11 adopted, and that therefore the first section in relation VO the Semite, had been .adopted, and the motion to reconsider was In order. Mr. Kenan admitted the adoption of the sectfon, bnc contended that there could be no motion to reconsider until the ordinance, com plete, bad been acted on.' The Caaib held to It* former opinion, but would take the sense of the House on the mat ter. Mr. Chastain agreed with the Chair, and thought that the point made by ME Kenan was notfo order. Mr. Baktow, thought If we bad to meet this question again wc had better go at once to the vote, and settle the matter. Air. Hill agreed with the Chair. Mr. Mahtin, of Lutnpkin, with the consent of his triend from Troup, would move to lay the motion' to reconsider on the table for the present. Mr. 3rn.*«, ifladr Hie point that the motion ^eof^BanuCictOres of, atid all vessels or ware*, ..of. ‘Manufactures ot cedar-wood, gmnadilU, ebony, mahogany, rosewood, nud satin-wood. 3oa{flui» tops for table* or other articles of furniture ; sugars. snuff, paper segars, and ail other manufacture- of tobacco. Wines—Bur gundy, clarets, madeira, port, sherry, and all r. HAB8IS0* <Twentv per cenluui ad valoretii.) A .inoiuts, raisins, currants, dates, figs, nnd all ether dried or preserved fruit* not other wise provided for; argontiue, alal.aU or Gcruinu silver, manufactured or unmanulactured ; arti cle* embroidered with gold, silver, or other mettd. Balsams, cosmetics, essences, extracts, pashw, perfumes and tinctures, used tor the loilet or for'medicinal purposes; bay-rum : boad»of Amber, composition or wax, and all other heads ; bracelets, braids, chains, curls, or ringlets, composed of hair, or ol which hair is a component part. Camphor, refined ; canes and itlieks, for walking, finished, or unfinished; caper -* lut - — proponent partstoay be < liargcnhle. M Ac * /wflkr euaeUd, That nil r*. and merchant! i-«. which tuny be | ic storesdirnnclsioied, or in ware 's war.-l-onsing hpnds, oh the 1st day I t, shall be subject, on entry thereofj wlon, to such duty os H' the same uported, respectively after tlmt day. | nd be il further niacted, That on the : y goods, wares or inen'iiandise, im- I or after tins 1st day of May afore- di-eSsion of tlie collector of the the port ot importation and entry, liability to duly or exemption there- i lie film I mid conclusive against the j purtfiL consignee, or agent of any I , wares and merchandise, unless ilie| iporter, consignee or agent shall,; ration* from f neither if J»w* are sub- fttieh supply goals’ hair, or mohair, unmaimlaetiired, not f otherwise provided tor; annlssecd; aulim >uy, i crude or regulus of Argol, or crude tartar; ar seuie; articles used in dyeing and tunning n< i otherwise provided for; ashes, put, pcail and soda; :isphaltuni; nssafieiida ; liaiiatias, > -. nuts, pine apples, phintalus, oranges and ail Other West India fruits in their naturalist.) ■ Barilla; bark of all kinds, not otherwise vr > vided lor; bark, Peruvian ; hark, guilia ; bis muth.; hitter apples: bleaching powder of chloride of. Mine ; hones, burnt ; boards, planks, staves, shingles, laths, scauiling. and all other sawed lumber, also spar* and hewn timber of all sorts; bone-black, or animal earbon, and bone dustbolting cloths; books, printed, magazines, pamphlets, periodicals, and illustrated news papers, bound or unbound, not otherwise provided for; books blanks, bound or unbound; borate of lime; bo r —- , card cases, pocket- books, shell boxes, souvenirs, and all similar articles, of whatever material composed: com]M»silions of gloss,' set or unset, coral, cut tr manufactured. Feathers add flowers, artificial or ornamental, and part* there- o',’- at whatever material composed.— Grapes, plums, and prunes, and other such fiail, when put up in bottles, cases, or cam. not o:bei-wisc provided for. Hair, human, cleansed or prepared for use Manufactures of gold, platna or silver; manufactures of silk, or ol w iiich silk shall be a component part, not other wise provided for, manufactures of paper ma- cac; molasses. Pepper, peraento. cloves, nut- megii, cinnamon, — 5 ” " f Allow from, si j ownes, I Office r-v'.K'J from tjtc sou liter n ports. Iau cot- .■ods.'TdlT^rooleii faiirics, let the various i-icj(>rc« ot Iron and steel be entered - aC^lififvestoB, at the great port at the i. df the Mississippi, at Motile, at 3afan- ...fiav Charleston, and they would be Im- ueiy sent up the rivers ami carried on tlie »y fo tbe refiloicst parts of tlie V’nlon. iksy would V e f ent directly from these bv sea toi Bu'Utnorc, Pliiladelphia, New and ltoatoa. Hltopkeepurs would be sup- ,yvltki Mtrir silks and laces from tbosnme The shoe -hops would be-turni-bed i eir -orunesi from the F^neU stnils, • ho; -- would be flilt-il with ti e of r rouefc artban* which’have never paid MJGBKTA, U*. W Importsdby btmseir and wanauu-<l Pun, •old o low II h> SB) North- rn Hot** ( Mr. M^wtu.belouudatu,c Harataa lloua* fora , and all other spices: perfumes I K -j, of all sorts; plated and gilt ware, of all kinds; playing cards; prepaied vegetablet, fruits, meals, poultry aud game, scaled or enclosed in cans, or otherwise. 811 ver i lated metals, in sheets, or other form; soap, castlle, perfumed, Windsor, aud other toilet soaps; sugar, at all kinds; syrup of sugar.— Epaulets, galloons, laces, knots, stars, tassels, tresses, ami wings ol gold or silver, «r imtnlto- tion thereof. " • Schedule C. 1 (Fifteen per cent, ad valorem.) Alam; amber, arrow-root; articles of cloth ing or apparel, Including hats, caps, gloves, shoes and boots of all kinds, worn by men, wo men or children, of whatever material com posed. Baize-, blankets, buckings, flannels, "Ind floorcloths, of whatever materia! compos- id, rot otherwise provided for; boskets, and all other articles composed of grass, osier, palm- leaf, straw, whale-bone or willow, not otherwise provided for, beer, ale, and porter, in casks or bottle-; beeswax; benzoates; berries and vegeta bles of all sorts, used for food, not otherwise provided Jr — 1 ■— — '* may have been i«id, or may th- re lid, ou said goods, or within thirty tie duties .-lmli have been paid in jsueh goods shall bn in bond, i it further enarted. That it shall be ■he owner, consignee, or agents of fell have been actually imrchased or Uicrwise than by purchase, on cn- Muc, to make such addition In the ! cost or value given in the Invoice ►pinion, may raise Ui-‘ same to the l Ysluc of such imports la the prin- :is,«f the country whencetho imper il have been made, and to add thcre- •fitid dmrgcs, which, under exist- •j«t<l form [>nrt ol the true value at ipjo »U*«ame may bo entered, upon dufy should be assesoed And it i duty of tiio collector within whose H»ni‘- may lie Imported or entered, HENRY LATHRCP & CO. TOULD Invite attention to Uteli sU r goods, Jn»t received in Pliitd and printed Grensdlnek Fancy end Konllard Aliks. ' English BaregoA vepy rich. Prlntod Organ Jim ami Jr-coaets. Valenciennes and Thread Lace 8c do Ami do Collars; Masllti. Linen and-MOraeillee Seta Blaet LacqAVMs. do Craft* and Love Veil*. C-ofdStlk Patavi’-A n,» *iyiea Black do. iiier kinds of mercb indlsc l onntry there wonld be no ' free circulation and *010 in 'nitcd8tatca. The Mlssis- ibutaries, Uie long railways extremity of the Union to r fleet of merchant vessels tstlng. trade, would rapidly the most merchandi our great domain. -horn-tips, bou’r, boDo-vW and U-eLli, ui*M~awL T i>. ■*.als^ftlhUei t in bottles, sift)-', off- sheets, unmnniifaetiirutl; India rubber, milk of; ivory, unmanufactured ; Ivoay nuts, or vegeta ble Ivory. Junk, old ; jutu, sisal grass, coir and other vegetable sub-lances, unmanufactur ed, not otherwise provided for. ‘Kelp; kermes. Lac s| rits, lac sulphur and lac dye; lemons and lilt es, and lemon and lime juice, nnd juices of all other fruit* without sugar; lime. Madder, ground or prepared ; madder root; marble, in the rough slab or block, unmanufactured , me tals, unmanufactured, not otherwise provided lor; Mineral^kermes ; mineral and bituminous substances lu a crude state, not otherwise pro vided for; music, priutud with line*, bound or unbound. Natrotr„t.ickcl; nutmegs ; nutsj-iot Otherwise provided for; nut galls; dux vomica. Oakum; oranges, lemons and limes ; orpi inert. Falm leaf, unmanufactured; pearl, mother ol; pine apples ; plain tains ; plaster of Paris, or sulphate of lime, unground ; platinu, mi— manufactured; polishing stones, potatoes; Prusseln blue; pumice and pumice stone ; rattans and reeds, uumanufactur id; raw-hides and skins of all kinds, undressed; r.-d chalk; rotten stone; safflower; sal soda, nnd ail carbon ates and sulphates of soda, by whatever names designated, not otherwise provided for; sccdlac; shellac; silk, raw, not more advanced in manu facture than singles, tram and thrown, or or- ■gatlZ'ne; spoeges; steel in b; rs; sumac. Tallt.w, marrow, aud all other grease or soap stocks ami soap stuffs, not otherwise provided for; terne tin, in plates or sheets; terra iaponica, catechu, or ctitcb; tortoise and other shells, unmanufac tured; frees, shrubs, bulbs, plants and roots, not otherwise provided for; turmeric. Watches and parts of watches; weld; woad; woods; viz: cedar, box, ebony, lignuin vitte, gratiadilla, ma hogany, rose-wood, satin wood, and all other copper; Bologna me, there *h*l! be levi- i duty of twenty |>er >uch appraised value : lie assessed upon an voice or entered value, the contrary notwith- and bronze powder; brooms and brushes ol all kinds ; burgunuy pitch ; buttons nnd button- moulds of all kinds. Cables and cordage, tarred or untarred, or of grass ; cadmium; cala mine ; calomel and all other mercurial prepara tions ; castor bean*; castor oil; candles, tapers, spermaceti, stearin**, tallow or wax ; caps, hats, muff: und tippets, and all other manufacturers of fur, or of which fur.aboil be a component part; caps, gloves. leMkt, mils, socks stock ing*,wove shirts aud drawers, and all similar ar ticles worn by men, women and children, and not otherwise provided for; carpets, carpeting, heart] rugs, bedsides, and other portions of carpeting, being either aubnsson, brussels, in grain, saxony, turkey, Venetian, wilton, or any other similar fabric ; carriages and parts of car riage!; ; costocum; chains, of all sorts; eider and other beverages uot containing alcohol, nnd not ead; chromate, bichromate, hydriodate, and prussiate of potash - “ ! *”*• ill kiads ; cobalt; combs of all kinds ; copper bottoms; copper rods, bolts, nails and spikes; copper in sheets or plates, called brazier's cop per, snd oilier sheets of copper not otherwise provided for; copperas, or green vitriol,or sul phate of iron ; cork, cottou c ords, gimps, aud galloons; cotton laces, gotten inserting*, cot- inn trimming laces, cotton luces and braids; court plaster; crayons of all kinds; cu- bebs ; cutlery of all kinds. Delaine*; doll* and toys of all kinds; dried pulp. Earthen, china and stone ware, aud all other wares composed of earth f and mineral substances uototherwise pro vided for. Ether. Fans nnd fire-screens of every description, of whatever material com posed; felspar; tig-bluo; tiro-crackers, sky rockets, Roman caudles, and all similar articles used in pyrotechnics ; fish,whether fresh, smok ed, suited, dried or pickled, not otherwise pro vided. for ; tisli-glue, or isinglass ; fish skins ; flats, braids, plaits, sparterro ami willow squares, used for making bats or bonuets ; floss silks, leather beds, feathers for beds, aud downs of sis kinds; frames and slicks for umbrellas, paratois, and sunshades, finished or unfinished; Frankford black; fulminates, or fulminating powtlers; furniture, cabinet and household ; furs, dressed on the skin. Gafhboge ; gluger, dried, green, ripe,ground, preserved or pickled; glass, colored, stained, or painted; glass crys tals lor watches; glasses or pebble* lor specta cles , glass tumblers, plain, moulded and press ed; bottles, flasks, and all other vessels of glass not cut or punted; glue; grass cloth; green turtl.-; gum benzoin, or benjamin; guns, except , muskets and rifles, Are arms and all parts there- , of not Intended for military purposes; gunny cloth and India baggings and India mattings of i all sorts ; hair, curled, moss, seaweed, and all other vegeLvblo substances, used for beds or mattresses ; hair pencils; hat bodies of cotton I or wool; hats and bonuets, for men, women l and :liildren, composed of straw, satin straw, , chlp.Jgrass, palm-Ieuf,wlllow,or any other vege table substance, or ol hair, whalebone, or other . materials not otherwise provided for ; hatter's plush, of whatever matenaPcoiqpoeed ; honey, hope. Iuk and luk powder; ipecacuanha; , iridium ;iris, or orris-root; Iron castings; iron liquor; ivory black. Jalap; japanned ware of all 'from the Governor he reserved for secret ses sion, which motion was adopted. A letter from Mr. Cobb, President of the* Convention at Montgomery, accompanying the authenticated copy of tbe Constitution, was read. The comninnicatio.. from Mr. Vason, Com missioner to Louisiana, was read. It was ac companied by a number of documents nnd the whole ordered printed in the appendix to the proceedings dl the Convention. Also, the communication from Mr. Samuel Hall, the Commissioner to North Carolina, was Mr. Kenan msved to suspend the regular or der and take up the Constitution. Mr. Hood, hoped that the motion would not be pressed as he wished, and so did others, to BROWN •kin joong *™>d habits. Apply w. BLOUNT A : near two thousand vitii no obstacle, or From the Macon Telegraph. Constitution of the Confederate Mato* W herein It DlH'cra from the Constitu tion of Ike United State*. 1st. Tlie preamble invokes “ the favor and guidance ol Almighty God.” 2nd. Any judicial or other Federal, officer, resident and acting solely within the limits of third* ol both branches of the Legislature of such State. 3. -Congress may, by law. grant to tlie prin ciple officer in each of the Executive Depart ments, a seat upon the fl vor of either* house, i with the privilege of discussing nny measures appertaining to his department. 4. Tlie President may approve any appropri ation and disapprove any oilier appropriation in tlie same bill. " ’ '"ire clause is omitted. u be granted from tlie ies or taxes on tmporta- Ions, shall be laid to pro inch of industry. o power to appro- mi improvement in- )rce, except for the s, beacons, buoys on the coasts, and ', and the removing BOGARDUS, SELLS NUNNS A CLAEKW Grand Actioi OVKBSTKt VO ’ PIANO FORTES, Court Home Square Savannah, Geoiyi PIANO FORTES TUNES AND REPAIRED. thfi<ntcresVt of the federal treas- i* must be done. The general ex- as to he that the dalles will be t» i uni of armed vessels at the ot eu>ry in the seceding States, rs nwqjfo what a fleet this would -re aijnjcvcn collection districts .iti* or Florida alone; there arc o.i. At every port there must be ittx^ls army of appraisers, clerks, uifCQirs, weighers, guagers, mcas ("rth * there must be a Naval ► i< st*ff of entry clerks. The .s«r. Which we have just enacted, rgetauinhur of all these necessa I !. .re been revuired a month ago. r men would have answered the ty will now be needed. If wc lerue In this manner, with a fleet ; aud a corps of custom-house will cost us,a great deal we shill get. he rtvenue be thus collected ? The tvlrjrat the southern harbors will address the Custom-House offi- tave a cargo,” they will naturally cli ne do not care to pay duties it; we muji deposit it in tbe ware- have time to look over It. Mr. Kenan withdrew his motion. Judge Nisbet offered a resolution which was adapted, that the Constitution be made the special order for to-morrow at ten otherwise provided for, chocolate; chromate of ead; chromate, bichromate, hydriodate, and jrussiate of potash ; einuaraoii; clocks and ’•arts of clocks; coach and harness furniture of ill kiads ; cobalt; combs of all kinds; copper STEIN WAY & SONS’! PATENT OVERSTRUN<j Grand and Square ’clock, in missioner to the State of Maryland. Tlie two lost mentioned communications were directed disposed of as was tlie first Mr. Hawkins offered a resolution that a com mittee of sixteen, two from each Congressional District, be appointed to apportion the State ; into ten Congressional Districts, as provided for the new representation under the new Gov ernment. Mr. Logan offered a resolution, authorizing tbe Committee im the Constitntion and Laws to report an Ordinance consenting to tbe loca tion of the Capital of the Confederate States within the limits of Georgia, and granting jur isdiction, &c., within certain limits. On motion, the resolution was taken up and adopted. Mr. Poe, offered the following : Hetohed, That when.nny case shall be called for trial in any of the Courts in this Stalo, if it shall be made to appear tlmt either party is un prepared to proceed to trial by reason of the party orhis counsel being or having been engaged in the military service of this Stale, or of any of the States of this Confederacy, tlieu and in that cam*, it ahnll be the doty of the presiding Judge — -<* generally. resolution re- : Constitution Treasury, and ! 7. Coi i priate ir j tended i j purpose I anc othc t o im; i o facilitate comm of furnishing 'ligli ABB NOW CONSIDI ictions in rivers, and in all 6uoh cases luttes sha'l be laid on tho navigation ited as .nay be necessary to pay the costs :penses thereof. lie expenses of tlie Post Office Depart* after the first of March, 1863, shall be paid ' negroes of the African country, other than the er any warehouses in the seceding port*, id of an nrtied vessel would neither be r«or a sufficiently spacious repository goods. The duties In that case cannot be ■J; and tlie Collector will be puzzled to rhether to lit tlie ship proceed to her ■felain her. happen in'Mow that there arc import- i»jy»t this u-i rnent preparing to take Mof this opening for an unencumbered TBey are getting ready to convey their i to Charleston or Savannah ; the goods landed there, and then brought coast- .Ne-e York, wbeie, being Importations part wUhtirihc Union, they will be sub- no duty. The new tariff, with its strange ‘tie# and ingeniously devised ■ delays, th additional inducement with them to 0. The importation of i race from any foreign c slave holding Stales and ted Sutes, is forbidden. 10. Congress shall have r . r intio.iuqtion of slaves from any State not a member of, or Territory, not bciouglng to the Confederacy. 11. Congress shall appropriate no money, i unless it lie asked and'eslimated for by some or.« uf the heads o departments, and submitted by (he President, unless by a vote of two third* i ol bulb houses, taken by yeas and navs—or to I pay its own expenses, or claims adjudicated j against tlie Confederacy. ] 12. Congress is required to establish a tri- ! bniial to adjudicate claims against the Govcrn- 13. Congress can grant no extra compensa tion to any contractor, officer, agent or servant, alter contract made or service rendered. 14. Every law 6hall relate to but one subject, ami that shall be expressed in the title. 15. When any river divides or flows through two or more States, they may enter into com pacts to improve its navigation. 1C. The President holds his office for six years, .and is not re-eligible. 17, Upon removal of officers in the Execu tive Department, except Cabinet officers and officers connected with the diplomatic service, tlie President shall report the removal to tbe Senate with Ills reasons therefor. 18. Tlie citizens of one State cannot sne the citizens of another State, in the Federal Courts. III. Citizens of each State eball hove the right of transit and sojourn in any State of the Confederacy with their slaves and other proper ty, and the right of property in slave* shall not thereby be impaired. another States shall be admitted by a vote of two-tliirds of tlie whole House of Represen- PERFECT INSTRUMENT A motii ferred to i and laws. Mr. Vi that the receive tl defences i Not bei the proce SPRING TRADE 1861. V “What, then, Is till for our government? r Shall we let the seceding States repeal the re- |! > came laws for the wlude Union in this manner? i (K wUlthe-government chose to consider all t I .reign commerce destined for those ports k vriirte we l«*vc afl_cu»tom-house»' »ud no cot- a 5 * . feet*•!*.*».* contraband; Ami stop it, when offer 'JT' lug to’ Niter the collection districts from which FjLuur au‘ noritfos hare been expelled? Or will : Jlitbi-. Pn sldiint call a special session of Congress participate in <lon, I left. . E, Secretaries of y kindnesses and ) facilities in Very i resolutions, or- Couvcntion, en- dinances, tlrelv bef P.'S.— hat the Blast unwisely foiled to do—to i all ports of entry in tlie seceding States?’ fltl Volunteers, Get Rexi.t —Tlie but Tintet of Thursday, says: “We learn tentlernan direct from Montgomery, that Is a general lm* orarleH of the in. of the last week ’ wheat, and des- ? Americas Gear- prcselon I’residimt Davis will issue an order for iflve diO'jsaufi Volunteers, for Pensacola. Of this i'lnjl/er;* Georgia- will famish, perhaps, two lioSsand. Wc copsider tlie information relin- il<j7»rt<TWlievc-ihat' the c^lcr will bo tscued to :b*0ovarflor# of the Confederate States imtnc- 1 lately. President Davis does net regard the viiBdrawal of the troops from Sumter, (as it is * ease of life and dentil with the Government irfipps. i aa nny Indication of peace. not otherwise provided for; lampblack; last- ingn, cut in strips «r pallerus of the size or shape for shoes, boots, boottees, slippers, gait ers or buttons, of whatever material composed; lead pencils; leaden pipes; leather, tanned, bend or sole; leather, upper, of all kiuds ; leather japanned, leeches ; linens of all kinds; liquorice, paste Juice or root; litharge. Mac- carani, vermicelli, gelatine, jellies, and all other sin,liar preparations ; machinery of every de scription ; inalt; manganese ; manna; manu factures of hark of the cork tree ; manufacture- ol wool of all kinds; manufactures of Ualr of all kinds; manufactures of cotton of all kinds ; msiiufactures of flax of all kinds; manufac tures ol hemp of all kinds, not otherwise pro vided for; manufactures of bone, shell, horn, peirl, ivory, on vegetable Ivory; manufactures, articles, vessels, and wares not otherwise pro vided for, of brass, copper, iron, lead, pewter, tir, or of which eilber of these metals shall be a component part; manufactures, articles, ves sels, and ware* of glass, or of which glass shall be a component mstif'.nl, not otherwise pro- gian, ot The i with oi has played havoc we fear. We have if our peach trees. scarcely any left s are only swelled, of them still liv- dlow-citlzen, Mr. field of wheat cut ? some two feet ! condition most The $15,000,000 LoaW.—‘The People’s Bank of On Seaton las offered for $200,000 of the Oral loan of tbe Lon federate* States, and the bank at Chester for $100,000. Sotru Carolina Coxvrntion.—President Jamison ha* issued his proclamation sammon- Ing the member, of this body to re assemble, -Stth?city Of Charlemon atl2 o’clock, m„ on TndM*£, 36lb day of March, instant. I!qn. John E. Ward,' United States Minister tj ( blade arrived *n Florence, Italy, previous to nnhip II anUvUlr. troia New Thursday inal Liber Cohen * Bro. 1 r I —The Kentucky circular, advising )f measures ill all or the elect b n of > be held at Frank- it month. PttACUV li. Gi dollar# worth ct Rice was \ i one of the bonded ware- | ;, Monday night la*L ruined l —“See' 1 Htraoi* iXEMS, from Hie Charleston r despatches ; ’ jm Corwin few lieelinqd lhe mit-ion to Cassius M. C^ay few acceirtnl the ap ■dent Liuorilu decide* that lie must ■k^toie# of th* speeded 8CUe*. m - ipr- - ' tli 4 Ua< t.imin- tliis city, who has ion « Acting Mld- ■ he '"Onit 1 ! fring ttw bfend *n 1 ir.a*l*l I Sailing if Govtfl ' Nr* r4lx. M«- itv s*Bwt 7“““" 1 i : i ; s 3 8: s 1 i t \ \ ji-i r ilinli L\. li 'I i i ’ ll)t .1 mill. Is 1 |j | 9 _g •:.A r V'