The Savannah Republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1858-1865, August 29, 1865, Image 2

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—V- SAVANNAH DAILY REPUBLICAN. TUESDAY MORNING. AUGUST 29, 1865. SVaNFiAH RUPUBLIUAN SAVANNAH: TUESDAY MORNING, AUG’T 29. Tlie WeatDer. Yesterday our city was again blessed with a copious rain storm, which commenced at an early hour in the day and continued without inter ruption until near sundown, when the sky red dened with the splendors of a gorgeous sunset, and the storm clouds vanished from sight. Of late we have had rain in almost every conceiva ble shape,from the young tornado that has robbed our city ot many of its finest shade trees, to the gloomy drizzling storm of twenty-four hours’ duration. We have heard grumblers about this moist weather, forgetting that the divine law of com- pension is baisg executed, and what is our I03S is another’s gain. The country has suffered for rain; the parched earth has cracked for moisture, while Ihe hot and sultry atmosphere has been scattered, and pure, invigorating air wafted in its place by-these refreshing showers, of which bo many foolishly complain. The rivers and creeks are low, and the rain will swell them.— The granaries of our exhausted and war de pleted State will smile with plenty from these generous rain storms, and we are grateful for them. Arbivai, of the Zodiac.—The steamship Zodiac Capt. Buckly, from New York, on Thursday afternoon, consigned to Messrs. Hunter & Gammell, arrived yesterday morning. ‘We are indebted to Mr. H. H. Scranton, the Purser of the ship, for full files of New York papers. Index to New Advertisements. The steamship Idaho sails for New York Aug. 30th. Cotton Gins, SawB, Shovels, Fence Palings, Boats and^^rs, Gunny Cloth, <tc., for sale by Richardson & Barnard. Sight Exohange and Short Sight on New York by Robt. Habersham A Sons. Northern Hay for sale by Brigham, Baldwin A Co. Varnish, Winchester’s Soap and Candles, for sale by Brady, Smith A Co. Removal of Dr. J. B. Read and Dr. R. P. Myers. See cards. Concert 1st African Baptish Church on Friday. Steamer Oak for Doctortown Tuesday. Tickets stolen from Central Railroad Office.— See advertisement. Schooner Witch Queen for Boston by Richard son A Barnard. Bagging, Rope and Whisky by Chas. L .Guil- leaume, Bay street. A Grand Concert will be given for the benefit of the Widows on Wednesday night at Masonic Hall. Be sure to attend,for there is a rich musical least in store for the ticket holders. The schooner Abby B is for sale by W. A- Beard. See card. Captain Calvin H. Pike, Tax Collector, has a notice in another column. Board and Lodging corner of South Broad and Drayton streets. Hilton and Randell are now receiving per Zodiac large additions to their fine stock of Groceries. Robert Habersham & Sons have Rice, Ma nilla Rope and Dundee Bagging for sale cheap. Chas. L. Colby A Co. advertise the line schr- Ruth H. Baker and brig Arthur Eggleso with quick dispatch for New Pork. The General Berry sails for Augusta on Wed' nosday. Hilton A Randell have a superior lot of To bacco and Sigars now opening. Empty barrels, crates, hogsheads and cases are wanted at the Forest City Mills. The Ladies’ Union League give a picnic on Wednesday. Stockholders of steamer Swan will find a no tice in another column. Freight for Macon and Waynesboro’ to-day. Steamer Oak. See notice. Academy of St. Vincent of Paul, Fall term opens on September I5th. GREEN TURTLE SOUP at “Our House” to-day, at 11 o’clock. COURTS. Before Lieut. Col. M. T. Holbrook, Provost Marshal District of Savannah. August 28k ' P. Whelan, trustee, vs. William Frewen. Un lawfully and contrary to orders holding posses sion of premises on Bay street, one door east of Habersham street. It appearing from the re cords of the Provost Marshal's office of the 10th day of August, 1865, that a judgment was ren dered in the above case, viz : “That defendant vacate the premises occupied by him by the 25th of August, and that he pay the costs of suit;” and it further appearing from the petition of Col. A. W. Stone, counsel for plaintiff, that the said Wm. Frewen has failed to comply with the above order, it is now ordered that Capt. S. Cowdrey, Provost Marshal of the Sub-District of Ogeecbee, proceed to dispossess the above named defendant instanter. It appearing from the application of James Watson, that he and others are planting crops on the plantation ot Mrs. John Potter, in Chatham county, on the Augusta road, about eight miles from this city, by permission ol the owners, and that this complainant is being injured by other persons planting on the same plantation, it is hereby ordered that all persons occupying the above described premises, who are interfering with this petitioner in any manner whatsoever, will, upon complaint filed and substantiated at this office, be punished by confinement in jail or otherwise. The United States vs. Mrs. Doyle. Buying and recovering stolen goods, knowing them to have been stolen, on the 18th of August, 1865- Plea, not guilty. The United States having to make out a case, the defendant is discharged from custody. The United States vs. William Glenn, (color ed). .Burglary committed on the night of the 18th August, 1865. Plea, not guilty; verdict, guilty. It appearing from the evidence in the above case that the defendant is guilty of the charges brought against him, it is hereby order ed that he be closely confined in the common jail ot Chatham county for the term ot nine months, and be thereafter discharged. Mary O’Donnell vb. Michael O’Donnell Re covery Jv personal property. By request of plaintiff, it- is ordered that this case be settled upon payment ef costs. Sackett, S?lcber A Co. vs. J. B. Preidee^. An action to recover posaeseien of steamer “dak, 1 claimed as property of plaintiffs, and decision asked as to who is the proper attorney of firm of Sackett, Belcher A Co. M. Benedict, Esq., for plaintiffs; Col. H. Fitch for defendants. In the matter of controversy between the above named parties, upon evidence, submitted and examined, it is ordered— 1. That an order granted on the 25th instant, at the instanoe and in favor of Amos Woodruff, Jr;, attorney ;<>n behalf of plaintiffs, is hereby revoked, and made null and void. 2 That Mr. J. M. Kean, of Savannah, is hereby appointed Receiver, to take in his charge and run the steamer Oak, and to oontract for and receive all freights, and deposit the money accru ing on the same in the Savannah National Rank, until the first meeting of the Superior Court of Chatham County, at which time he will make a true and correct return to the Clerk of said Court, of all monies received and disbursed. 3. That the said J. M. Kean, Receiver, exe cute a bond in the just and fnll sum of $50,000, with approved securities, for the faithful perform ance of his duties as snoh, {and for compensation of which said duties he shall be entitled to receive three per cent, on the amount of all reoeipts, and the like sum of three per cent for the disburse ments of the expenditures only. 4. That the Receiver is hereby authorized and empowered to pay such expenses of the steamer Oak as are necessary to keep her in running order, the bills for which to be first examined and certified to as correct by the captain of said steamer. 5. That the Receiver is further authorized and ordered to pay the wages of hands, sal aries of officers, &c., already due, as well as all bills contracted for running and repairing the said steamer, and all bills for boat stores already received, and certified to by Captain G. W. Marshall, taking duplicate receipts for each payment made, one to be deposited with the funds to aid in the first settlement, and the other to be kept by himself. C. The Receiver is hereby ordered to pay out of the first earnings of the boat all costs of court and attorneys’ fees, taking duplicate receipts for the same. 7. Upon failure to execute the required bond of the Receiver this day, the said steamer Oak will be retained at her wharf, and held subject to the orders of the Provost Marshal of the District of Savannah until the foregoing con ditions are complied with. Before Judge Samuel Cowdrey, Sub-District Provost-Marshal. The United States vs. Frank Nowell.— Drunkenness and rioting. Plea guilty. Sen tenced to pay a fine of $25, or he imprisoned in the county jail for one month. The United States vs. Reuben Morton (col ored.) Firing pistol in streets. Plea, not guilty ; finding, guilty. Sentenced to pay a fine of $50, or be imprisoned for a month. Mrs. Harrison vs. Lucy (colored.) Theft. Sentenced to one month’s imprisonment in the city guard-house. Headq’ks Sub-Dist. of Ogeechee, ) Savannah, Ga., Aug. 28th, 1865. J GENERAL ORDER, ) No. 27. f Hereafter no commissioned officers, en listed men or civilians, will be allowed to drive or ride their horses through the streets of Savannah faster that a trot uir less on official business, and then the en velope will be marked gallop. The Provost Marshal is charged with the execution of this order. By command of Bvt. Brig. Gen. E. P. DAVIS. Wm. H. Folk, A. A. A. G. Hkadquartebs 173d N. Y. Vols., I Savannah, Ga., August 28, 1865. f Genebal Order, No. 3. I. The death of Capt. William Robertson, Co. F., from injuries received by a fail is here by announced to this command. Ilis merits as a soldier have been frequently recognised. He was first Lieutenant of Co. A., from the date of the organization of this regiment, (in fall of 1862), until the surrender of Port Hud son, when he was promoted Captain. He has been in command of his company ever since. Capt. Robertson, originally, wjs Orderly Sergeant in Capt. Sprague’s Company, 13th N. Y. State National Guard, and did duty with it three months in 1861, in Maryland. Since September 11th, 1862, (the date he joined this regiment), he followed the fortunes of the 173d, and participated with it and the army of the Gulf in the battles npon the Teche,—the siege and assault upon Port Hud son—the second Teche campaign—expedition to Sabine Pass (all in 1863)—the Red River campaign, (Spring of 1864) participating in each of the four battles therein, Sabine Cross Roads, Pleasant Hill, Cane River and Mansu- ra; in the expedition to Deep Bottom, (Army of the James), July, 1864, and in the army of the Shenandoah, in Sheridan's brilliant cam paign, in that historical valley, (summer and fall of 1864). Through all these various scenes and cam paigns, in the midst of many perils, he passed with safety, to end his military career near the close of his term of service in the city of Sa vannah (Department' of Georgia), and in a time of profound peace. II. His funeral will take place 29th inst., at 3, p. m., under direction of Col. Conrady, who will command the escort. Full military hon ors will be paid by Co. F. ****** * A copy of this will be forwarded for informa tion of his friends, and for publication in the Brooklyn papers, late the home of the de ceased. By command of Col. LEWIS M. PECK. M. Conway, 1st Lieut, and Acting Adj’t. CARD. Atlantic Coast Mail Steamship “Ariadne,” ) Savannah River. Aug. 27,1865. J The undersigned passengers from New York to Savannah, upon the “Ariadne,” take great please in commending that vessel to the traveling community, the courtesy of Captain Craryacd"' subordinate officers, and his studied care for tbs comfort of his passengers; the ability with which he handles his vessel, the superior arrangements of the ship, combined with her speed, justify us in saying that the “Ariadne” is entitled to the patronage of all who desire a pleasant, safe and speedy voyage. Respectfully, Wm. H. Wrigley, Wm. M. Wallace, Ira W. Baird, E. T. Jones, J.C. Ford, W.F. DeWitt, M.D. J. W. Wolcott, Andrew J. Rodgers, Thomas O’Neil, O. Hutchmon, John Connor, Christopher Gray, John Roller, Henry McDonald, Peter Brenner, J. Mulligan, John D. Stevenson,Brig.R. B. Nay, ' General William Webster. Gob W. D. W. BarawdrA. i. Mffior, CARD. We, the undersigned committee, delegated by the passengers on board the steamer Zodiac, from Nevf York to Savannah, avail ourselves of this opportunity to testify onr appreciation of Captain Buckley and his able officers and crew, during the passage. We cannot leave Captain Buckley without tendering him onr warmest acknowledgments for his uniform kindness and unremitting at tention to every want of the passengers com mitted to his care, and with pleasure we recom mend him to the traveling public as a cour teous gentleman and qualified seaman. In this connection we cannot omit to men tion the efficiency of the Chief Engineer, Mr. Cushing, and the obliging and gentlemanly Purser, Mr. Henry Scranton. Thos Whyte, Sec’y, J W Herty, Chm’n, W H Sherwood, Joseph H Peck, Wm B Sturtevant, Chas Van Horn, Jared Dennis. Fast Driving;. Editor Republican Permit me to encroach on the attention of the readers of your estima ble journal the following brief remarks : It becomes every one having at least the safe ty and decorum of the city to manifest disap proval of whatever occurs interfering with the same. Certainly, the editor and the rmders of the Republican consider the public welfare, and esteem it proper to have said and done all that can be for its promotion. Sometimes tome people are so intent on their own pleasure that they forget the annoyances or actual injuries its acquisition imposes on others; some fail in a proper conception of time and place, and others are so completely wrapped up in self-considera tion, that only their own desires are entertained. A due regard tor the feelings of others is a Christian virtue in general request, these un christian times. Its utter absence with some and the results accruing, invokes this intrusion onjyfur columns. Daily, life is put in jeopardy by rapid ridiDg over street-crossings, thronged Kith. promenaders. Men and boys, with utter disregard for the limbs of pedestrians, “dash madly through the most frequented streets, rushing into the very midst of groups of ladies,” startling them out of their wits, and in some in stances, occasioning serious injuries. Cheap picaoinnies congregate in festive crowds and "go in” for u“horte back butt," or an officious orderly suddenly imagines th^fate of the country de- pends[upon thepromptest possible delivery {of some unimportant message, and believing that every one must feel the same way, he spurs fiercely his half groomed horse, and in loss than half a dozen squares, nearly knocks more than two dozen won dering people over the line of time into that in definite region familiarly called Eternity. The prevalence of this species of nuisance during the evening twilight hours, has rendered it unsafe for ladies to venture out W e are satisfied that the alarm and terror created by careless riding is free from premeditation, and we hope these words will bring many of the thoughtless to their senses. Common deoenoy should dictate mode ration of pace when crossing crowded thorough fares. There are pikes where races can be con ducted without danger to pedestrians. "Order is Heaven’s first law,” and “everything in its time and place,” are adages which we cheerfully com mend to the attention of “careless people.” Mejtor. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. SA VANN AH, A UG UST 28. ARRIVED. Steamship Zodiac, Bnlkiey, New York, Hunter & Gaimfiell, Steamer Wm G Gibbons, Philpot, Darien, Ga, to Erwin & Hardee. Capt Station’s flat from Augusta, with 195 bales up land cotton, to Adams’ Express Co. Tobin Rains’ two flats from 4 ugusta, with SS bales upland cotton and 40 bales domestics, to Brady & Smith and Chas L Colby & Co. CLEARED. Steamship Continental, Lamner, Daflen, Ga. Bark RB Walker, Latham, New York—Charles L Colby & Co. Steamer Emilie, Bender, Hilton Head. Steamer St Helena,, Cercopely, Beaufort, S C. Passengers Per steamship Zodiac, from New York—Mrs Jones, Mrs Leach, Mrs W Smith, A Baum, W II Sherwood, W M Joseph, Mary Kiemian, J Dennis, Jas M Peck, Dr Archer, J N etebbins, Dr Herty, Thos White, W Grif fin, J Angel!, Mrs Sprague and 2 children, George W Lovell, Jno Stone, Jno Irwin, Geo Conn, C Y’an Horn,* and — steerage. Consignees. Per steamer Win G Gibbons, from Darien, Ga, with 411 bales upland cotton, &c., to Erwin & Hardee, Brigham, Baldwin & Co. Per steamship Zodiac, from New York—M Duggan, AdamB’ Express, Gen Stedmafi, 1$ F Einstein. Brigham, Baldwin & Co, Ames & Pea body, Orane, Johnson A Co, W A Beard, Chas L Colby & Co. Erwin A Hardee, Dyalinski A Sla- ger, M Fenn, J F Dufer, S Farreall, Gaden A tinkles, J Gilliland A Co, C L Gilbert, Hilton A Randell, Hess A Gutman, Halsy, W A Co, H Hayne, Hunter A Gammell, C Haas, E E Hertz, Kerlin A Burke, J Lippman, R J Larcombe, H W Pease, Lovell A Lattimore, L M Liderer, John Lough, J McMahon, H Meinhardt A Bro, H L Mehrtens, A Moyers, F Meinkd, O C Meyers, A J Miller, T Nugent, Jr, J M Prentiss, C D Rodgers, Ch Rothschilds, Kein A Co, Itedwin A Cochran, I B Sealey & Co, O Fallon A Co, Rev C H Cooly, Rice Whitney A Co. S W Stern, W H Stark, A A SolomonB A Co, R H Tatum, Weed, Cornwell A Co, W M Walsh, G Keehrs A Bro, a L Smith, White A Feeluer, P Walker, H Worthermer, J H Zellen A Co, Order, Barnet, Carter A Co, W H Wiltberger A Co, F Brown, and others. Memoranda. New York, Aug. 23.—Arrived, steamship America, Savannah; U 8 Hospital steamship G H Barnes, Mor ton, Mobile, via Charleston, Hilton Head, &c. Cleared, ship Aurora, MacoduA, Apalachicola; bark Elba, Drisko, do; brigs Matron, Hillman, Jacksonville; Mary E Rowland, Cline, et Marks, Fla; schr Naiad Queen, Chase, Charleston. The brig Matron, Hillman, for Jacksonville, cleared at New York, August 23. The schr Maine Law, Ameshury, from Charleston, arrived at Boston, August 22. The brig Model, cleared at Bath, Me., August 19, for Port Royal 8 C. The Florence Chipman, Jones, for Charleston, en- tered ont at Liverpool, Ang. 9, Humanity^ Appeal. Help tUe Widow ! The undersigned, a Committee of the Abra ham’s Home lor poor and worthy widows, make this appeal to the benevolence of this community. The Home is a permanent charity of the city, and before the war was self-sustaining. Now it is without any available means of support. It contains thirty widows from 60 to 90 years of age. They have been selected for their good character and entire dependence. They have no relatives to whom they can look for help. For six months they aave been amply supplied by the government through the military com manding at this post. Now this source of sup ply fails. What is to be done ? We cannot—we must not see them starve ! Humanity forbids it. Yet without help they must starve. We appeal to all the people residing in Savan nah, and to the officers and soldiers, to aid us in supporting these aged widows. Some of onr merchants have perishable articles which would be of great use. They might be sent directly to the Home, corner of Broughton and East Broad streets. There are some subscribers who have not paid. Let them remember that this is the hoar of need. We leave this paper at the newspaper offices for subscriptions or jponey or food. Articles of food or money may be sent to any member of the Committee. God has said: “Thou sbalt not harden tby heart or shut thy hand from thy poor brother.” Let not this call be disregarded. committee. Mis. G. L. Cops, Mbs. T.. Mills, 8. Lan&iqKi Mbs. G. W. Wtw*t. rfYEKAL INVITATIONS. The friends and acquaintance of Miss ANN O’REIL LY, Mrs. O’Flynn Preodergaat, and Rev. C. C. Pren- dergast, arc respect fully invited to attend the funeral of the first named, from the residence of the second, on Fahm street, next in southeast corner of Indian and Fahm streets, THIS AFTERNOON, at 3 o’clock. The friends and acqmintance of Mr. and Mrs. Rob ert Balfore, are respect Billy invited to attend the fune- ncral of LENORA SfijjptA, their youngest child, from their residence o» York street, between Barnard and Whitaker, THIS AFTERNOON, at 4 o'clock. New Advertisements. FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE VIMS IF 1 MUMS 11, • ON Wednesday, August 30 A GRAND CONCERT WILL BE GIVEN AT THE MASONIC HALL, BY Professor J. J. Gorres, AND Ladies and Gentlemen Amateurs of Savannah. PART L 1. Chorus from Trovatore Verdi 2. foprano Solo Richards 3. Duett from Maritana Wallace 4. Bass Solo .... Hlmmel 5. Piano and Flute, Adagio and Polonaise Keller 6. Male Quartette .Muller 7. Tenor Solo .Thomas 8. Piano Solo Satter 9. Duett for Soprano and Tenor from Trovatore, Verdi 10. Trio for Soprano, Tenor and Bass Bishop PART n. 1. Chorus from Bohemian Girl Baife 2. Piano and Flute, Grand Dno Brilliant, Osborne and Teflon 3. Soprano Solo from Lombardi Verdi 4. Male Quartette Foster 5. Duett from Norma Bellini 6. Tenor Solo Night 7. Soprano Solo Harvey 8. Comic Song 9. Duett for Tenor and Bass Williams A full Programme will be published On the Concert Night. concert to commence at S o’clock. The Piano on this occasion will he used from the Music Store of J. C. Schreiner & Son. W Ticket* $1; to be sold at the principal stores and at this office. To answer several applications about Musical In structions, Prof. Gorres will say that his headquarters are at the Music Store of John C. Schreiner ft Son. aug29 Notice. Capt. CALVIN H. PIKE, Tax Collec tor, has his office in the Exchange Build ing, foot of Bull street. Honrs, from 9 a. m. till 3 p. m. ang29 W ANTED—Empty barrels, hogsheads, crates, cases, and champagne baskets. D. OLIVER & CO., aug29 2 Forest City Mills, Savannah. N otice to stockholders.-The stockholders of steamer Swan are requested to meet at 12 o’clock m. on Wednesday, 30th inst., at the office of Home Insurance Co. 2 aug29 Freight for Macon or Waynesboro T WO teams will start for the above points This Afternoon. Orders left at Lovell & Lattimore’s, Congress street, will be promptly attended to. aug29 1 STEAMER OAK. THE undersigned having been ap pointed Receiving and Disbursing Agent for the steamer Oak, notifies consignees to call at the office of Kein & Company, and pay freight on the cotton received per last trip from Hawkinsville. Parties having claims against the Oak for repairs or stores will present the same, with proper vouchers, at the said office. JOHN N. KEIN, Agent. ang29—lw Kein & Company, 114 Bay street THE LIGHT DRAFT STEAMER GENERALBERRY WILL START FOR AUGUSTA ON WEDNESDAY, 30tli INST., At 10 O’clock a. m. Apply to ang29 CHAS. L. COLBY & CO, cor. Bay and Abercom streets. JUERCUjtJTTS’ l.l.Yi: SAILING VESSELS The splendid dipper schooner RUTH H. BAKER, Capt. Wm. Smith, Is now loading and will have qniqk dispatch FOR JSTFW YORK For freight or passage, having excellent accommo dations, apply to r CHAS. L. COLBY & CO, ang29 tf cor. Bay and Abercom street*. Jti E It CHJMJYTS* MjIJYE SAILING-VESSELS For New York. The fine clipper brig ARTHUR EGGLESO, Clifford, Master, Is now receiving cargo, and will have quick dispatch for the above port. For freight or passage, having su perior accommodations, aaply to aug29 CILAS. L. COLBY ft CO. For Sale, THE fast sailing copper bottomed schooner ABBY B ., Now lying opposite the foot of Bull street. For par ticulars apply to W. A. BEARD, aog29 tf 154 Congress street. To Rent, L ARGE and comfortable rboms, famished or un furnished, with or without board. Enquire at N. W. comer of South Broad and Drayton streets. ang29 2aw2w Notice. rTyKE Ladies' Union League will give their Grand X Picnic on Wednesday, Angnst 30th, at Mr. Brad ley’s place, instead of Mr. Long's, for the benefit of the Hospital and for the Education of the Colored Race. Tickets can be had at H. Fields & Co’s grocery store, comer of Sonlh Broad and East Boundary streets. ang29 1 NOW LANDING From steamer Zodiac and for sale by HILTON & RANDELL, 193 Bay St.,near Barnard. 20 bbls Crushed Sugar 80 bbls Powdered “ ' 200 caddies fine Sauchona Tea SO mat* superior Java Coffee 75 bags “ R o “ 45 “ “ st Domingo do lOO boxes Cheese SO kit* Nos. 1 and 2 Mackerel {Bay} 50 half bbls “ •• 25 cases Sardines at) cases Olive Oil (pints}.5 aug29 T)OTATOES, Onions and Turnips, landing and jT*“ b * CL*L. GILBERT. ACADEMY Sf\ ; of ST. WM OP PAIL, Savannah, Ga. CONDUCTED BY THE SISTERS OF MERCY. T HE Fall Term of this Institution will ro-open on September 15th, and close on February 15th, 1860. The t-pring Term will commence on February 15th, and close on July 15th. Terms per Session, including Board. Tuition in English, Washing, use of Bed and Bedding $150 00 Tuition in French 20 00 “ Music on Piano 30 00 “ “ Guitar 30 00 “ Crayon Drawing and Painting in Water Colors • 20 00 “ Oriental Painting, per course 15 00 “ Wax Print and Flowers 2o 00 “ Embroidery 10 00 For further particulars, apply to the Superioress at the Institntton.2aw4w ang29 Just Received, 10 BAGS Singapore Pepper “La Moines” Navy 10 cases “La Moines” Navy Tobacco 10 cases “Hale’s" 10s Tobacco 15 baskets Heidsick’s Champagne, qts 15 “ “ “ pts 10 octaves Jtfles Robin ft Co’s Brandy 50 cases Sazerac Brandy. At Wholesale, by HILTON Sc RANDELL, ang29 5 193 Bay st., near Barnard. Rice, ManiUa Rope, Dundee Bagging, For sale by aug29—1 ROBT. HABERSHAM ft SONS. Notice. 'THE firm of M. J. Doyle & Co., Is this day dis- 1 solved by mutual consent—Mr. Jno. Daley with drawing. M. J. Doyle continuing on his own account, will attend to the unfinished business of the concern, he alone being authorized. M. J. DOYLE, JOHN DALY. Savannah, July 27th, 1865. D EBTORS and creditors will take dne notice, present claims, and pay your bills to-day. I can always be found at the old stand. No. 110 Bryan street, and, as usual, will render polite attention and satisfaction to friends and customers. jy27 tf M. J. DOYLE. Insurance Agrency. ATLANTIC, OF BROOKLYN, NEW YORK. Fire Risks taken on Buildings and Property. ROBT. HABERSHAM, Agent, anglo 3awlm Bay street. Large Importation OF HAVANA SEGARS, Leaf and Smoking Tobacco. iok GOO superior A v/V-I gars, “Jenny Lin Havana 8e- Lind" 30 bales Spanish Leaf Tobacco 2000 lbs choice Spanish Smoking Tobacco 3000 packages Spanish Cigarettesl Jnst received direct from Havana. I have also in store a large lot of the best brands Vir ginia Smoking and Chewing Tobacco Anderson’s and Lilienthal’s fine cut Chewing To bacco • Merschaum, Brier Boot and other Pipes All of which I am prepared to sell at Wholesale or Retail. B. MOLIM, Cor. Bull and Congress Streets, aug!6 Under Screven House. WANTED. A GENTS for the sale of the Empire Sew. ing; Machines in the South, to whom very liberal discount will be given. Parties possessing some means and facilities will find this a most advantageous chance to enter npon a safe and lucrative branch of business at a comparatively small investment. Apply for particulars to T. J. McARTHUR & CO., Manufacturers and Proprietors, ’, New York. ang. eodlm 536 Broadway, ROBT. HABERSHAM & SONS, GENERAL Commission Merchants, SA VANN Ail,. GA. • Advances Blade an Produce Shipped to our Friends in New York. jnly!4 3aw3m Horses and Carriages to Let. DAN’L BUTLER’S STABLES, Corner of York and Whitaker Streets. G OOD Horses and first class Carriages furnished at shortest notice and at reasonable rates. Also, stabling horses. None bnt courteous and careful dri- vers are employed.3 aug25 A FACT WORTH KNOWING T HAT by buying shoes with Metallic Tips, two- thirds the usual expense of suppling children with shoes may be saved. No one, for every-day wear, afford to tray any other. Millions of dollars are an nually saved by this useful invention. The toes of metal tipped shoes remain perfect until the rest of the shoe is worn bnt. The feet are kept dry, thus bene- fitting the health and saving money. For sale by all shoe dealers. ' 3m ang!7 Just Received per “Chase.” ion BBLS. Extra Family Round Hoop Flour 200 boxes Adamantine Candles 50 boxes Stewart's assorted Candies 50 bbls assorted Crackers. For sale by HILTON ft RANDELL, ang23 6 198 Bay street FLOUR AND BRAN. 1000 w- 8 FLOUR,{ol the most celebra- Jy« ted brands SOO BAGS BRAN At GUCKENHEIMER * SELIG’S, 163 Congress street, next door to Mr. Lippman's. FAIRBANKS & CO. W LL keep a stock of Platform and Connte Scales of all sizes In Savannah, and will be soli as low as can be ordered of them, by their Agents, BRADY, SMITH A CO., North side Bay street aug7 between Whitaker and Barnard. IMPORTED AKD DOMESTIC . WINES AND LiaUOBS, AT WHOLSALB, AT 207.BAY STREET, mayS3 ISRAEL B. 8EALY * 00. lOO Styles of POCKET BOOKS 1 SATCHELS. E XAMINE SAMPLES. Orders will be re. received for the manufacturers, by BRADY, SMITH A CO., aug7 Bay st — doom from Dell ft Christian. Potatoes. RBLS. Potatoes, landing, from steamship angS America- for sale low from whartby ’ rriqhaM. BALDWIN A CO. OAT& J UST RECEIVED, and for sale at low rates, 1500 bushels prime Oats. v GADEN ft UNCKLES, 1,18 cor. Bay and Barnard streets. lOO ®US TAXOBS 1000 Cabbages 10 bbls Beets 20 bbls Turnips 10 boxes Demons. For sale by MjU C,L GILBERT, SaleofU.S Vessels WILL BE SOLD AT Port Royal, S. O., AT PUBLIC AUCTION, ON Saturday, Sept. 2d, at 10 A. M., The following named U. 8. vessels, viz : Steamers CHATHAM! and 0. M.PETIT, side-wheel, light draught well adapted for shallow rivers. Schooners MAIL and SWIFT. Bark VALPARAISO. Sloop PERCY DRAYTON. Hull of Ferry Boat ELLEN, And three Newport Sail Boats. TERMS—Cash in Government funds; one-sixth of the purchase money on the day of sale; and the re mainder In six days. The vessels to be removed im mediately after the full payment is made. Tugs will be at Hilton Head, at 9 o’clock a. m„ of September 2d, to transport to Bay Point persons who wish to pnrehase these vessels. ang26 SPECIAL NOTICE* Out FOR THE EIBNING STIR TROVPR HTHME! T R n TT D r wtl U IHE TROUPE wffl arrive ini; ianat T WEDNESDAY. Have performed in Charleston TWENTY Ntr- and at Hilton Head for SIX NIGHTS, to CROWDED HOUSEg . A. B. MILLEli,- Manager Evening shir Troop(; aug25 CENTRAL RAILROAD. Superintendent’s Office, > Savannah, Ga , Ang. 24th, 1865. / O N and after Monday, the 28th instant, a daily train (Sundays excepted) will leave for Augusta at 6.30 a. m„ connecting with a line of Hacks running be tween Station 4>4, Central Railroad, and Waynesboro’, on the Angnsta and Savannah Railroad. Passengers by this line will arrive in Augusta the next morning after leaving savannah, in time to get breakfast and connect with the Georgia Railroad train for Atlanta. Freight to go by passenger train rnnst be prepaid and delivered at the Depot before 6 o'clock a. m. By order of GEO. W. * DAMS, General Superintendent. GEO. W. SCaTTERGOOD, ang25 Assistant Superintendent. CENTRAL RAILROAD. Superintendent’s Office, \ Savannah, Angnst 24th, 1S65./ F REIGHT for Angnsta and intermediate sta tions below 4>£, Centra! Railroad, and between Waynesboro and Angnsta, Angnsta and Savannah Railroad, will be received on and after Saturday, the 26th instant. All way freight to be prepaid. By order of GEO. W. ADAMS, General Superintendent. G. W. SCATTERGOOD, ang25 Assistant Superintendent. CAUTION. SUPERINTENDENT’S OFFCE C. R. R„ \ Savannah, August 27, 1SG5. / T HE ticket office of the Central Railroad having been broken open and a nnmber of tickets stolen, all persons are caut.oned against purchasing rickets from any person except the ticket agent at the depot. G. W. SCATTERGOOD, aug28 •Asst Snpt. CilSIUlll 11 HUD, AND ORDERS RECEIVED FOR SAWS. CIRCULAR AND OTHERS, Cast Steel, Wm. Jessop & Sons’ Make. COTTON GINS, from 7 to SO saws, worked by one man, by mules or by steam. FELT DECKING AND ROOFING. GUNNY CLOTH, SHOVELS, SPADES, &C., FLOUR. BOATS AND OARS, HAY, BOSTON CRACKERS, FISH, Wkite Pine, rough and dressed; Spruce Scantling;. Spruce and Cedar Sbiug;les, Cherry, Mahogany, Ash, 4c., &c. RICHARDSON & BARNARD, ang28—tf Bay st., opp. Mariners' Church. The Choir of ihe First African Baptist CHURCH Will give a Concert of Saered Music At then: Church on Franklin Square, FRIDAY EVENING, SEPT, tst, 1SG5, Commencing at 8 o’clock. Tickets may be had at W. W. Lincoln’s drug store, ~. C. Schreiner ft Son. 5 ang2S and of J. N otice.— Office and residence removed to comer of Presi dent and Abercom streets, in rear of Conrt House. aug2S 3t DR. J. B. READ. XTOTICE — J.N office removed to comer of President and Aber com streets, with Dr. J. B. Bead. aug28 3 * DR. R. P. MYERS. Sight Exchange, AND SHORT SIGHT ON NEW YORK, ang2S—2 ROBT. HABERSHAM ft SONS. Treasury DepaTtn,^ ■ Eighth Specui, Charleston, S. C., August lo xjjj Whereas, I have been specially advised by th- H - orable Secretary of the Treasury and authonnT collect and forward to New York all pr 0 p ert , J 10 Ing to the so-called Confederate Government, I b ( enjoin all persons having knowledge of such Pco to communicate the same tome or the nearest aorf' ized Treasury Agent, that measures may be tak *' secure it for the National Treasury. All pri Tate t0 erty will be scrupulously respected, but all U 0 ’" claiming property last in the custody of the ate Govermentmust prefer their claims to the l a . constituted tribunal—the Court of Claims at ton—such property being capfured by the Armi ^ the United States. All persons are warned concealing Confederate Stores, Clothing, and esS? ly Cotton and other products collected as tithes 0 U in kind, or goods, wares or merchandize of wha-U description seized by and last in the custody oi th!'' called Confederate Government. JOHN H. PILSBUHY . aug24 Deputy Supervising Special Acer THE SAVANNAH ~ NATIONAL BANK 18 NOW PREiFARED for business AT THX Banking Hoiise in the Exchange, Deposits and Paper for Collection Received. Bills on Northern Cities Purchased, Checks on New York Furnished. L. C. NORVELL, President, JACOB SPIVEY* Cashier. * DIBZCTOns. L. C. NorveU, | Francis SorrelL Noble A. Hardee, j J. W. Lathrop, Robert Erwin. HENRY S. FITCH, Notary and Solicitor Savannah, June 25,1S65. Northern Hay. rm /'■'V BUNDLES Prime Northern Hay in store; t U for sale by ang2S 3 BRIGHAM, BALDWIN & CO. Fence Puling'*. A FEET and feet Palings. For sale by 4 RICHARD:ON <t BARN* KD, ang28—tf Bayst, opp. Mariner's Church. Bagging 1 and Hope Best Qoods at the Lowest Market Price, By CHAS. L. GUILLE AUME, No. 9 Stoddard’s range, opp. Custom House. Also, a few barrels and cases of Pore Bourbon Whisky. 3 augts Winchester’s Soap and dandles. J UST received on consignment, an assorted lot by the Agents, aug28 BRADY, SMITH & CO. Varnish. . A LOT of first quality Varnish for safe by the Manufacturers’ Agents, aug28 BRADY, SMITH ft CO KEIN & CO., 114 BAY 8TREET$pAVANNAH, GjL, COTTON FACTORS, COMMISSION & F0RWARDIN6 MERCHANTS, IBERAL cash advances made on consij , I meats of Cotton and approved Merchant . made to their friendb in New York, Boston or Liver pool Refer to Messrs. Smith ft Panning, New York; C C. ft H. M. Tabor, New York; Cabot ft Senter, 8t Louis; W. H. Taylor, New Orleans. aug26 ang26 DRIED APPLES, y ° , “ U C B L. GILBERT. E ASTERN HAY, Sprace Boards, B™* “5 just parebasersby HORATIO. . •, y Bardie Wiart iqggQ Under toe Bins, P OOLE & HUNT, „ ■ Baltimore, Maryland If ANVFAOTHBXES Portable and Stationary Steam Engines ana eu Steam Fire Engines, Portable Saw Mills, Gang and Single Saw Mining Machinery, Portable Grist Mills, Flour Mill Machinery. Cotton Screws, Railroad Cars, Car Wheels and Axles. Hydraulic Presses for Oil and Tobacc Tobacco Moulds, Gas Works Apparatus of all kinds. aug3 Safling, Pulleys and Hangers. 6m TREASURY DEPARTMENT, ; Office of Comptroller of the Currency! Washington, June loth, 1666. j Whereas, By satisfactory evidence presented to the undersigned, it has been made to appear that -Te SiVABMAH National Bank," in the City of Savanna-, in the County of Chatham, and State of Georgia, has been duly organized under and according to the re quirements of the Act of Congress entitled’“An Act to provide a National Currency, secured by a pledge of United States Bonds, and to provide for the circulation and redemption thereof," approved June 3, 1664, and has complied with all the provisions of said Act re- quired to be complied with before commencing the business of Banking under said Act: Now, therefore, I, Freeman Clarke, Comptroller ci the Currency, do hereby certify that “The Savansih National Bank," in the City of Savannah, in the County of Chatham, and State of Georgia, is authoriz ed to commence the business of Banking under the Act aforesaid. In testimony whereof, witness my hand and seal of office, this loth day of June, 1865. FREEMAN CLARKE, [No. 1255.] Comptroller of the Currency. jnne26 2m “UBOLPHO WOLFE,’ 22 Beaver Street, New York, Offers for sale of his own importations in bond and duty paid, the largest stock of Wines, Liquors, &c., of any other house in this country, comprising in par. of Otard, Hennessey, Pinct Castillon, Martel, Godard Brandy, Rochelle Brandies in halt quarter and eighth casks; also Otard and Rouyer, Laferriere and Fils Bran dy, in cases of one dozen each. “GIN.” Udolpho Wolfe’s Schiedam in pipes. Schiedam Aro matic Schnapps, in bond and duty paid, in cases of one dozen quarts and two dozen pints. “WHISKY AND RUM,” Scotch and Irish Whiskey in hhds. and cases of one dozen each. Bourbon Whiskey in barrels and case of one dozen each. RUM. “Jamaica" and “St. Croix Rum” in hhds. and cases oi one dozen each. MADEIRA, SHERRY, AND POBT WINES. More than twenty different grades, in halves, (en ters and eighth casks, also in cases of one dozen each “HOCK, CHAMPAGNE, MOSELLE. AND CLARET WINES,” From Peter Arnold Mnmm in Cologne, proprietor of Johannisberg estate; J. H. D. Becker & Fils; Escl®' aner, Benecke & Coi, Bordeaux; Barton & Gnestin Bordeaux, and from other well known houses in Ger many and France. Oils, Cordials, Sardines, Bitters, Mustard, Olives, Brandy, Preserves, &c. Twenty-five years’ business transactions with Southern States, with some of the largest and m* 1 ^ spectable dealers, should be sufficient guarantee tW every article offered by the advertiser for sale if P® and genuine. Samples can be seen, and catalogue of prices obt» ed, by addressing the above. 3m BATCHELOR’S HAIR DIE The Original and Best in the World! The orij '■■■ and perfect Hair Dye. Harmless, Reliable and I®® taneous. Produces immediately a splendid B natural Brown, without injuring the hair or Remedies the ill effects of bad dyes. Sold by w gists. The genuine is marked William A. Bid a * Also, Begenerating Extract of Millefl eUiS > for Restoring and Beautifying the Hair. angis BATCHELOR, Nefflg— D R J. C. LeHARDY, SU* the city, win resume thepractice o b ^ ■ion. Office York street, opporifr> Office hours from 9 to 10 a. m, and 3 to v To Carpenters, MECHANICS CONTRACTORS: P^SxfNtf^WHARF,* 0 **/ M* feet front by 146 fe HaSi!jii jou^eBthqates at once if you wish m B’XSPSS j