The Savannah Republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1858-1865, September 21, 1865, Image 1

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GEORGIA, THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER *21, 1865, IPRJCE 5 CENTS.] SAVANNAH, the Asia. The commercial news has already been jfhblished. Tije war between Paraguay and the Argen tine republic shows no signs of termination. Rains bad retarded military operations; bat hostilities were about to commence on an im posing scale. Large armies were being raised by volunteers and conscription. le pale. .Tar was quiet and A of 45 bbls it 47 a 9. Pitch » A. HAKSEB * CO. •FORWAllDItffG Two Days Later News by the Asia Will make liberal advance! on all consignments to onr friendg in Near York. oepo P. M. MWHTIN04LKj T» P. HUG El. NIGHTINGALE dc HUGER, Forwarding ,pnd Commission Merchants, ■CP? Darien. Gla. . in LEVI 3f. CHURCHILL, CHURCHILL & JOHNSTON, DRY GOODS GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS AGENTS OP STEAMER UNION, 233 Broad St., opposite masonic Hall AUGUSTA, GA. Will give prompt and personal attention to all coo si^nraente they may be savored with. Consignments References in Savannah. Messrs. DeWitt A Morgan. “ Bell, Wylly & Christian, “ 4. T. Paterson St Co.,’ “ N. T yon. Esq. . Jm aug25 pounds pulh Whisk rr.- again active. ing at 800 bbls. State and Western mostly at $9 97 2 28. :eipts, 50 bbls. The market was » pncea ruled 1 a 2c higher, elos- iteady af the advance. The sales were about Corrox-fiLight offering stock, demand’ not ac tive, at from 23 a 89 per lb, accordingto quality and condition. ^ Factorr Goods—In brisk demand, with but lighlstoekaau'market; tax not paid—will brie *o Be P«d before abipment; 4.4 (heeling 28 a 30c per yardshirting 25e per. yd; % shirting 20c p osnaborgg 90 a 22c; thraad $2 75 a 3 per bnncb. * IIRr Goods-Improved stocks with brisk de- mana. Calicos 33 a 35c per yd; bleached ahirW L D ?? z* a 50c » cotton hose $4 a S per dost gents half hose $4 a 6 per dox. „ Bacon—Bacon has fluctuated ■ considerably nonog tfeanMt week, and prices hare somewhat gaUinad. *We j^uote Hog round 23 a 25c per lb; Shpnlderrg3c per ]b; Country Hams 27 a 30c*; JAS. B. CAHILL, General and Commlss'on Merchant ATJGrXJSXA, G-A.. Holders of Merchandize wishing to ! p Imraedl- gniug the same. . strict business attention will be given all consign ments, and prompt returns made, at the most reasona ble rates." notation was 14-1;^ after tfbi< line to 142j£. The market so! VOL. LXV. [NEW SERIES.') '7j. HAYES,Kditob and Proprietor advertising. „ ennarc of TEN lines Nonpariel type or space oc- ■.pj'^Tby the same number of lines, $2 hrst insertion, insertion; 50 cents for each ' jjalfSjui-- ,, P 1 L”?.' i . l w’“'l«3 8 Mper hnndred; sabscription (by mail •r onnimi nontfl T ^rricrj $5 w , < ii«uvr?i«einente’must’be paid for at the Counting D A i ^ffouTto insertion, and if handed in by 8 p. JSKSP in the morning edition. Toun c. Schreiner & Son, 199 Broad . rppt Augusta. Ga., are our authorized , m Ja and will receive advertisements i 6 J subscriptions for the Repnblican. The of the latest dates can always Republican found for sale at their counters. SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. Till B*DAY MORNING, SEPT. 21. eleaeing matter on every page. OUR NEW YORK LETTER. current that Giovernbfent is likely to bring upon the market a loan of fifty or one hundred millions in six per cent, gold interest bonds, re ceiving payment therefor in compound interest legal tender notes, to be taken with principal and interest accrued to date of payment. How ever, the report is not generally believed. The stock market is dull and closed soft, bat no disposition was evinced on thb. part of hold ers to press sales at present quotations. The gold market was also dull. The price of gold closed at 143 1-8. - Jb . ■ The cotton market continues to be on the improvement. Sales 2,500 bales at 45c a 45^c for middlings. Cotton goods were without quotable decline. [From Oar Special Correspondent.] New York, Sept. 14, 1865. The IaiU Embezzlements. A large crowd of spectators assembled at the Court of General Sessions to-day in conso le 0 f a rumor through town that the em bezzlement cases in which the already far- famed prisoners Ketchum and Jenkins were concerned, would be tried. However, neither c f ,he prisoners was tried, bnt they were .each arraigned, and contrary to all expectations, l, otb pleaded “not guilty.” Beth prisoners exhibited the greatest possible coolness and almost indifference, especially Jenkins, who teemed quite satisfied with the whole affair and smiled at everybody almost as agreeably as though he were speaking to his “pretty waiter girl' Genevieve, who, notwithstanding that Jenkins is a married man of at least 45 years of age, had but little difficulty in exhibiting his r e to the world. The particulars of those cases have been already so fully put before the public, that it is needless to refer to them here. The case of Jenkins was set down for trial on the first Monday of October next, the large number of capital cases to be tried next week being likely to occupy the entire of the present session. The time for Ketchnm’s trial is not* ns yet decided on. The Kern• York Stole Fair. An immense concourse of people assembled together to-day at the exhibition of the State Agricultural Society, Utica. Upwards of thirty-live thousand people are estimated to have been present and the cash receipts amounted to $11,000. The weather was very pleasant up to evening, when a heavy thunder »torm came on. The grounds were visited Iqr Major General Hooker. The competition was very spirited. Several hour* were spent by the committee in the examination of the Sewing Machines, and the best premium was awarded to the Singer Manufacturing Company. The exhibition of horses was very fine. The Fair will close to-morrow. The Ring. The coming elections are beginning to create a perfect “set to” among the champion news papers here; but for how many dollars a side, has not as yet been made public. A mail from Europe arrived here this morning with two days later news than that already re ceived. The Atlantic Cable. So second attempt at the laying of a cable will be made until next summer. A new one is beiDg ttauulactured. . . The Cattle Plague in England., >% •.., Poor Johnny Bull, what will he do for his toast beef y the plague is killing all his cattle in bis own country, and the Fenians say they won’t let him have any more from Ireland in conse- querceof which he has ordered additional regi- oeots to the south of that country, as well as police who have strict orders to do their utmost to ca'eh some of the members of that invisible confraternity. . Franc* A french man-of-war, “Themis,” with 32 guns, ‘s m present lying in the North River, off Castle Garden. It is said she intends remaining here boring the gay and festive season. The officers are all Frenchmen of the purest type. The Themis is one of the largest war ships afloat, and is an exceedingly fine looking vessel. She is, a (on rigged screw steam frigate, being 254 feat Leg and 46 feet in breadth .... fear Admiral Cidelot and bis officers, M. De- Lerneuil and M. Ribourt, • acoompanied by the Ltech Consul, paid a visit to Mayor Gunther Naw York, Sept 15, 1865. Last Dag of the Hoboken Fall Races. This was the last day of the Hudson Coun ty Agricultural Association meeting at the Hoboken Coarse, Secaucus, New Jersey, The attendance on the grounds Was much larger than on the previous day, and the races were highly interesting and exciting. The steeple chase formed the most attractive feature in the whole affair. It was believed to have been the best meeting that has taken place on those grounds for several years. Northern, South ern and Western States were represented.— Colonel David McDaniels, of Virginia, whose admirable stock is so well known in the sport ing world,jgwas peculiarly fortunate at this meeting. *%■ ’ A Caution to Christian 5 oimg Ladies. A rather strange cake is at present going on at the Supreme Court Chambers, before Judge Barnard. A handsome young lady, abont sev enteen, named Lizzie Wolf, charges Joseph Wolf, the father of her yoiSbful Hebrew spouse, Jacob, with having spirited the latter away from her two dpys after they were mar ried. She desires the interposition of the court for, the return, of her young husband, of whose agreeable society she has been deprived. In his return to the writ of habeas corpus, the stern parent replied that be bad* nothing to do with the separation of the youthful cou ple, and that he believed his son left the young lady, Be having regretted marrying her in consequence of her previous doubtful char- acter, aid also because she was a Christian.— He also stated that he did not know where his son waff! The case has not yet concluded. The, Drama. The engagement of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sean at the Broadway theatre will terminate next week. The closing representation of the great drama, “Arrah na Pogne,” will be given to morrow evening at Niblo’s Garden. * v financial and Commercial** The money market still continues without change. Occasional transactions are reported at four and six per cent. Prime business notes continue in demand at six and a half per i cent., with exceptions at sij£ per cent. The foreign exchange market for tffts mail has been more active. The stock market during the entire day re mained d<dl and quiet, without any feature #f marked interest. Gold closed to-day at 142 . CpCERONK. WASHINGTON. the Thirty-third colored troops, had been no tified that his turn would come next. It is al so unofficially reported at Beaufort thafrLieut. Firmer, still another officer of the Thirty- third, had been killed in Augusta since the Heaiy affair. It would seem from the above record* of casualties that the first families of Augusta cherish an antipathy to, the Thirty-third Uni ted States colored troops in particular, if not to colored troops in general. Probably four-fifths of the accounts of this affair which gain cur rency at the North will be colored to give the above impression. Onq of the Augusta news papers, however, accounts for the bloody dis agreements between the citizens and the young officers pf the colored troops upon more rea sonable though lees sensational principles. It states that a favorite and attractive mulatto girl, belonging to one of the families con cerned, had been seduced from the path of rectitude by the captain, and the shooting was the result of a sudden outburst of indignation at the chance discovery of the couple to the amour. There would be less antipathy to col ored troopa and their officers if all the pretty mulatto female bouse servants in Augusta were let alone. The murderers of Captain Heaiy are being tried in open court. No Fears of a Negro Insuirection in Virginias Colonel F. Brown reports that the fears of a negro insurrection in Virginia sometimes ex pressed are perfectly groundless. Genera! Terry, who has investigated closely the reports, is of the same opinion. General Terry’s troops are so disposed that such a movement on the part of the freedmea could be put down at once. The Freedmen’s Bureau is organized and has agents watching the blacks in every county of the State, except some portions of the Shenan doah valley. * Alexander H. Stephens. Herschel V. Johnson, of Georgia, returned to Washington to-day from a visit to Alexander H. Stephens in Fort Warren. He spent last Friday with Mr. Stephens, and reports him in ordinary health and as comfortably situated as any one can be in confinement. He has the freedom of the fort, and is allowed to receive the visits of friends. Quite as many are ad mitted as he desires to receive. His brother, Linton Stephens, who accompanied Mr. John son to Fort Warren, remains there still, and is permitted to sleep in his brother’s apartments and join him in bis walks for exercise. Mr. Stephens will probably not be pardoned until the question of reconstruction is practically settled by the admission of representatives from the Southern States. Pardons. The President to-day granted pardons to the following named parties :—Virginia—John W Warwick, Corbin Warwick, A T Walker, Charles Talbot, James Talbot, John E Tack- itt, James Taylor, W B Steward, George T Bust, W H Fetus, W R Mallory, G J Kelly, E A Lancaster. Samuel G Harrison, Lewis Hyman, W K Howard, Wm T Gray, John M Greaner, P V Daniel, Wm G Cazenova, B A Davis, John Dormin, Eobt G Cabell, George A Barksdale, Wm Brownley, Benjamin Davis, James G Gilchrist, Seleanus Johnson. North Carolina—James Bond, J B Carpenter, Peter R Davis, L S Gush, C W Hallowell, R H Lewis, G W Logan, R M McKacken, Joseph Maultsbr, A W Mebane, John T Mebane, W A Mebane, T W Nicholson, R M Rearson, G D Poole, Wm G Pool?, N M Roan, D L Rus sel, W H Wheeler, John A McDonald. South Carolina—Edward Lafitte. Mississippi—W Wood, 1 A Ragsdale, James S Reid, B L Pritchard, M J McKee, James McKelland, Wm B Lott, James Gordon, A Dinkins, D J Bowers, W P Anderson. Georgia—Jacob (3 Levy. Alabama—James G Gilchrist. A document was exhibited on the street to day purporting to be an unconditional pardon Sor Menjzel Rejd, recently indicted for the murder ,of Jacob Convprse, of Jjedford, Pa., discharged on the indictment fop murder, hut retreated in Pittsburg on an indictment for treason. Internal Revenue Decisions. at Halifax. Precautions Against Fenianism. Strengthening the Garrisons in the South of Irclant. C.ntrac's for Two Atlantic Ca bles Entered Into. The Commissioner of Internal Rerpnua made i. folio Washington, Sept. 12. Pardons. this morning. They were shown mound the L'tv hall, and on their departure the Admiral inTited the Mayor on beard the Themis, which •ovitation was accepted. Amusements.'* 1 L.T ■Thu Olympic Theatre was pi (“S, and notwithstanding the very hot w ■be place was crammed to excess, so that the Lfa and gentlemen had the two-fold advan- of a pleasant evening in the theatre as as a Turkish bath. The third concert of Md’Ile. Parepa took piaceat Irving Hall. It has not yet conclud- fc " bat 1 suppose it may be taken for granted u wa * attended with the same success as the preceding ones. •.iji'i-ijT V'tK , Religious. The Catholic Archbishop of New York ad ministered the Sacrament of Confirmation on ' atur <lay, September ,9th, at Randal’s Island, tg children. * A' 1 ’tithe last trip of the Enropa fr6bn Brest, uhop Verot, of .Savanna^ arrived .in.this [ It . T - B bile here he was the guest of 'the -> ost R ey Archbishop, at his residence, in taiiison Avenue. He left this city for Balti- °' e on Tuesday, the 6th inst (, . meeti ng of the New York Theological cajciety was held aX 11 o’clock to-day, in the e t3^5 IKeat 16th street. Several essays were read. There was ( large attendance’s Two and three hundred applications for par don continue to be received daily at the Attor ney General’s office- Ex-rebel Gen. Stephen D Lee has applied- The following pardons, all of twenty thousand dollar class, were an nounced to- days District of Columbia—W H Sbanos, Maryland—Gharles. Marshall. Vir ginia—Montgomery Slaughter, Wm Slater. Washington—Rev Lewis Marshall, IfW Mar shall, B H Noland. McMillan King. T F Knox, Wellington Godwin, Edward H Fitz- hugb, J-H DeJornett, H C CobbelJ, J S Bar bour, Wm Aljen, Catherine Alsten, R H Du- lany, Matthew Harrison, John G Kurkamp, Abraham Warwick. North Carolina—J W Cunningham, Dr J Ballaney. South Caro lina—Benj Mordecai,J T Wellsman. Georgia— Sidney Root, W King, H R Jackson, Smith Cullom. -Alabama—II A StoUenweck, John Newisett, J B Small, J B McDonald, N B Jones, Madison Jones, S H F Webb, W B Jones, Mrs M K Jones, Glaston Drake, J W Walton, John Cook, J H Weymess, B D More. Mississippi—G B Shields, Catharine Shields, II S McGrow, B H Gloscook, H 8 Sanderson, Annie F Winston, Annie F Elliot, F A Davis, J Hood, Lewis Pipes, D L Rivera, Eliza S Rivers. .. Kxk-b-'i -.- T R Allen, Louisiana; Southerland St. Clair, Baltimore, Md.; William Palmer, Rich mond, Vtf *, John A Winston, J "R Dillard. Thomas Mathews, John S Hunter and C P Sage, Alabama; William H McFarland and Hugh N Staunard,. Virginia. The well known Mayor Slaughter, of Fredericksburg, was amoDg thoae pardoned on Monday. The Subject of Pardons. The reported project at establishing an exeo- utiVe bureau for the speedier transaction of busi ness pertaining to pardons has given rise to considerable discussion concerning that business as at prerent discharged. Bnt tw« f opinions are he4d Tbigriding it. Ohe ctaSS of men feel vin dictive, and believe nppar^jns should be granted until the peopld of the re5etnous States have at h mancinl and Commercial, to« Money market quiet. Call ■up per cent. Businesa notes were m^Wpk*- Mul, and the demand was actiuT A report the following rulings this morning; jlip 4*dn(’tions can be made from successions on —nut ef costs »nd Attorneys’ fees in progeed- aec- ,* — ‘tioa of |'g#l g.stgtg, iDgs for pa, u «««iWS of spiling P»tsnt If a person makes a a - he the patentee, , rights, whether he or some otbei naUUI be is liable to license tax as a dealer in , rights. The sa'e of a single right by either the inventor or some proprietor of a patented-artiele would not, however, make such inventor or pro prietor subject to the tax. If a parson advertise* patent rights for sale, and has at the same time no other visible business, it is lair to consider him a dealer in such rights; bnt there can be no mistaking the liability of a party who travels through a particular State selling town and countv rights, or through the United, States sell ing State rights. Internal Revenue Receipts. The receipts at the Internal Revenue Bureau to-day are given at $1,051,245. Government Vessels to be Sold. The sensation at the Navy Yard to-morrow will be the sale at auction Tor cash of a large amount of surplus navy property. Seventeen vessels of all classes will be sold, the list com prising the side-wheelers Keystone State, Phila delphia and other good bargains. Strategy of Returning Army Officers. Several mustered out officers of the army have purchased horses and ambulances of the government, and are proceeding to their homes independent of the railroads and steamboats. Having, escaped death from the bullet and the prison pen they, perhaps have no desire to be come victims of any of the numerous railway accidents, as some of their brave companions unfortunately have. This method of travel is not irksome either. The Great Eastern and Oapt. Anderson to be Employed Cable Laying for Five Years- Progress of the War . * . America. in South G-reat Military Preparations in Progress. Protests of the French Press Against the Schleswig-Holstein Arrangement. &c. ’ <Sfc. &c. Halifax, Sept 14, 1865. The steamship Asia, Captain Moodie, from Liverpool at four o’clock on the afternoon of the 2d, via QueenstowD on the 3d iDst., ar rived here at two o’clock this morning; Her da es are two days later than those already re ceived- She has fifty-two passengers for this port and ninety-eight for Boston, The Asia sailed at seven o’clock this morning for Bostan, where she will he due to-morrow night. The steamship City of Dnbliifieft Liverpool for New York simultaneously with the Asia. It is stated that in consequence of the spr^td of Fenianism, the number of regiments in the south of Ireland is to be increased. The report that Mr. Bright is to visit America on official invitation is pronounced to be with out foundation The Board of Trade returns for July, show a continued slight falling off in British exports as compared with last year. The court which made official inquiry into the burning of the steamer Qlaagov? rnkje a report toithe Board of Trade that the ship was set on fire by accident, and tbat such accident was rendered possible by the objectionable manner in which the cargo was stowed in the steerage. The Atlantic Cable. - The Directors of the Atlantic Telegraph Company hare unanimously accepted the offer of the Telegraph Construction Company to manufacture and lay down a new cable and Complete the present one, so as to have two perfect cables between Ireland and Newfound land next summer. The manufacture of the new cable has com menced, and the work is being dqne t^ith the ptmost carp. Captain James Anderson received an offer from the Telegraph Construction Company to command the Qreat Eastern for five years in laying cables, and accepted it. jjfr. Cyrus W. Field sajls for New York in da i The Fifty-Sixth New York Regiment. General Van Wyck returns to New York to night. He has been endeavoring to obtain an order mustering out his old regiment, the Fifty-sixth New York Veteran Volunteers.— He regrets the mustering out of so many col ored regiments, because the veteran regiments are required to remain longer and do what could be done by them. He says from his ob servation in South Carolina, Where he is on least passed ' through a-ASevero- probationary j «™e, that the clamor of planters against col- period The others are in favor of pardons, but °red troops is without foundation, and that no believe the present laborious method of eramia- more outrages are committed by black sol ing cases whollv^impracticable,, The President's J diers than by white. He and his regiment liietime would nbtauffice for amoletyoftbe work. 1 have been in service four years, and he thinks Why, then, they ask, does he not submit to the it adjust to them that they should be retained irremediable necessities of tbecaae, designate .by beeanse Southern men have prejudices against for all the others ? To this complexion must it, been <» « uve service on the peninsula and in come at last. i ■ • • 1 the Department of the Sootb. - — .V . WA«HiNGTOH» Bept. 14,1865. The Troubles in Georgia Between the Citizens I and Colored Troops. General Saxton, Commissioner of the Freed- I Bi«t Among the Negroes at Hampton. Virginia—Twenty of ' the Biotera Captnred. Fortress Monhoe, Sept. 14. men ,for South Carolina and Georgia, luw i 5 tottook ^ made a report to the bureau conceruiuff the i among the negroe#, which w»§ quelled by ot *r n „ noto r o "fr , ‘ a detachment of the District of Colombia caral* h, rinrdlr of wLl 1 J i TJ, under-.Liauteuaut W. H. Wooderl, Twenty the murder of Captain Heal/, of Ate Thirty- Q ‘ e ^ npMna , armed with, revol- thud colored regiment by thrre returned rebel T ers, outlasses and cartinss, or shot guns. soldiers. On, the night of the 2d mat Captain ij , Heaiy was set upon by three sons of “first! m „ „ _ _ , . . „ • - * — - I _ [ Th$ Military Trial.—We are informed tbat families,” who, after shooting him three times, ! >. V r* TT. 11 - 11 . , . . - , finished the bloody deed by hacking him to Court, m sacret session, passed yesterday in nieces with'knives.' ~ ^ ' the propriety of admitting, as evi- nble statq aflhiuw |pA^otta|. As attempt who figures prominently in the sad affair. Ad- had been fliade Upon the ufe of Bng. General journed without coming to a decision, till nine Wild, and C*p4wn Bryanf, another officer ef this meqUng.-rAqgwia Transcript, Uth. (> 11 /i. '■' • ■ • vd ' ' php Steamship ^.oqtralaqian on the ^th inst. The French Fleet at Portsmouth The fetes at Portsmouth jn honor of the French fleet progressed in the mgst spjeptjid Simper, amj concluded pft fhe )s( iqst. fhe weather throughout was exceedingly $ne, and everything passed off jn the most happy man ner, Banquets, reviews, balls and lllumina- tfonj Mjqweff pne aftpr thp other, apff *H were alike brilliant and suooessful, The reception accorded to the French officers ovceedinelv warm by the English peopio was and enthusiastic. At a grand banquet given by the Duke of Somerset in behalf of England, and by M. Chassaloup Loubat in behalf of Frappe, ah earnest desire was expressed that the two na tions might ever live in peace and on terms of the most cordial friendship and good will. This exchange of naval hospitality between France and England is pronounced a memora ble episode, not only in the history of these two great Powers, but even of the civilized world, and js hhivprsqljy regarded with great ' Wt Bndu Commercial Intelligence. London Money Market, September ^ There is a decided improvement in the tone of the Stock Exchange. Discount market quiet. Demand at bank light. Rate confutes at founper cent. * » *» Consols closed at 90 for money. The Weekly return of the Bank of England shows an in crease of £268,000. Liverpool Cotton Market—Sept. 2. Sales to-day 15,000 bales, including 5,000 bales to speculators and exporters. The market is firmer, with an upward tendency ; but quo tations remain unchanged. Liverpool Breadstuffs Markets—Sept. 2. Messrs. Richardson, Spence & Co. and Wake field, Nash & Co. report:—Flour heavy and de clined «d. a Is. per bbl. Wheat doll and de clined Id. a 2d. per cental; red Western 9s. a 9s. Od. Corn flat; mixed 80s. Liverpool Produce Market—Sep. 2. Rice firm and active. Rosin quiet and steady. Spirits of Turpentine inactive. London Markets. Messrs. Baring Bros, report:—Breadstuff's are more quiet, owiog to improved weather. Rice firm. Spirits turpentine upward ; quoted at 46s. Od. and $16 a 18 for unchanged, with . was in light demand', and with a low stock prices were very flrjn- '' We note sales of 48 bbls prime city it $7 50 for State brand. Provisions.—Receipts, 688 bbti pork and 25 pkgs load. The porkmarket Was rather irregu lar, but closed (toil and a shade off, new mess closing heavy at $32 871-2 The sales embraced 4,500 bbls, including about 500 bbls for October delivery', buyers’ and sellers’, option, at $32 60; the sales for immediate delivery were, at $32 25 a 32 56 for new mess, $90 5$ a 31 50 for aid do, $24 50 ( 25 for prime and $29 a SB 60 for prime mess. The beef market remajqpd firm, with a steady trade demand;-thpasleo, were 800 bbls at $8 50 a 12' for plain mess and $11 a 14 50 for ex tra mess. Beef bamk were quiet and nominally unchanged* Bacon was quiet. Cot meats were dull and steady. The sales were only 880 pkgs at 15c a 15%c for shoulders, and 19c a 22l-2c lor hams. The lard market was agstn stronger, with a good demand, but the business was only to a moderate extent, and exclusively for imme- d ate use; the sales ware 850 pkgs at 22 l-2c a 27 5-Sc, the latter rate an extreme. Batter was rather firmer St 24c a 83c for Western, and 35c a 48c for Btato. Cheese was quiet and unchanged. Rick was quiet but firm. We notice sale oi 50 ti«rc£s Carolina at 11 l-2c for 12. Sugar was in lass demand, bnt prices remain ed steady. The sales were 426 hbds Cuba mus covado at 12%c a 14c, and 40 bhds Porto Rico at 141-2c;.also 1,500 boxes Havana at 12 8-4ca 17 l-2c. m Wool.—The demuff from the manufacturers continues aetrpe amljBces ere well sustained.— There is no speculatmo-und the sales are to man ufacturers exclusively. Besides the sales before reported, are 250/000 Dounda, domestic fleeces, mostly at from 57erto 70c, 'but including State, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Western at "56c a 76c; 77 l-2cfor Wett Vjrgiffia; <50,000 pounds Cali- forniaon private terms, 5C0 bales Mestizo 17c to 10,000 qpunds Canada wools 761-So. 10,000 _! "n wools on private terms, 10,000 dost roreigi aScaaBe, 200 halesCape at40ca 421-2e, 15,000 the 8th instant contain aoconnts of the wreck of the steamer Shooting Star, on the night of the 6th instant, fifteen miles west of the Timbletar lighthouse, while on her wsy from New Orleans to Galveston. The ship and a greater part of the cargo are a total loss. New Cotton.—Three bales of new cotton were received on Wednesday Irom the plantation of Wm. Hill in Burke county, and sold for 31 cents. This is the first Dew cotton that hre come to this market.—Augusta Constitutionali#, lbtfu. An Advanc*.— 1 i'he Macon and Western Rail road on last Sunday advanced their rates 11-2 cent per mile. The fare now is $6 50 from Ma con to Atlanta. r fc * COMMERCIAL INTELLIGENCE. satisfaction throughout England. Prospects of the Crops in England. Crop estimates claim much attention, and the leading authority in the London Times sums up his estimates throughout the country as follows < Wheat will yield twenty-six bushels per acre, or four below the average. Barley thir ty-two bushels per acre, or eight below the average. Oats thirty-fonr bushels per acre, or fourteen below the average. Peas and beans will yield their average crop. Potatoes will yield unnsnally well. Hay will give an aver age crop. Pasturage is singularly abundant. France. Count Waleski tendered his resignation as a Senator, and it was accepted. The Emperor had received M. Mon, the new Spanish-Ambassador. He said he attach ed great yah*'to seeing France and Spain ad vancing together, and the French government would alvraya be fonod ready to strengthen the bonds that united the two countries. The Empress Eugenie had arrived at Fon- tainhleau, with the ladies who were injured at Nenfchatel. The retnrm of the Bank of Frante show a reduction in cash of abont a million and a half of francs,- sad a great increase in discounts. The Bourse closed firm on the 1st inst. at 69f. 20c. Schleswig-Holstein. The Paris Patrir iiiMrs that the French Im perial government and all the precedents of its policy compel it to refuse its approbation to the Anstro-Prussian compact at Gastein.— What has predominated in the arrangement sanctioned at Salzburg 1 has been interest of the strongest, and the annexation of Lunenburg to Prussia raises another constitutional ques tion. Portugal. The new Ministry is not yet formed. It is officially announced in the Cortoa that Prince Amadeus did not visit Lisbon to repre' sent Victor Emanuel at the baptism of the in font prince. The Cortes granted leave to the King to travel abroad. He and the Queen will visit Italy, Don Fernando acting as Re gent in the interim. Such an event, being un precedented, has excited public surprise. he new Cabinet has formed under the idency of Viscount De Castro. The War in South America, The Bruilian mail* hate been forwarded bj New YWVk Geld Market. •New York, September 15, 1865. Gold underwent a further decline, notwith standing the fact of the supply in ihe street be ing hardly equal to the demand. Thp opening jerewaia'de- uently rallied m* *. /s, “ ij — wuireu a. l. The steamer Europe, for Havre, took out $255,200 in specie. Money continues easy at 5 a ti per cent, but the demand is quicker and the indications favor in creased activity, although not to tbs extent ot stringency The requirements of the BtockEx- ohaoge ale just aoq very limited, but into toe extension of speculation these, will undergo con siderable augmentation. The discount demand is meanwhile rather brisk, owing to the great ac tivity of business in evejy branch of legitimate trade. Commercial paper is still quoted ab6]toa 8 per cent for the first 'grade ana 9 a 10 for the second. Foreign exchange was firm and in bet ter demand. Prime bankers’ sterling at sixty 1 days sold at 1093-8 a 109% and 110 a 1101-6 at short sight. The supply of qp^i w ercikl bills is not larze, and there is S growing disposition to remit a$ present rates. The prices offered for compound interest notes to-day were :— ’ ’ June lf>5J£ October a.....,lCA July..... 103% December .j.'aOT August .......103 j 1 General Markets. New York, Sept. 15. Breadstofts.—Receipts 11,747 bbls flour, 163 do, and 485 bags corn meal, 8,059 bushels wheat, 59,898 do corn, and 18.687 do oats. The demand for State and lY est eru fiour was fair, but prices ruled lower, the market closing at a decline of 10c a 15c per bbl. The sales comprised 9,000 bbls at out revised quotations below. Southern flour was in moderate request, but prices were a shade in buyer’s favor; the sales wsre 500 bbls. Canada flour was dull and 10c a 15o lower on all grades j toe salea were confined toJ275 bbls. Rye Hour was again quiet, without noticeable change. Corn meal was steady with only a moderate in quiry. We quote; w . Superfine State and Western $6 90 a T 80 Extra State T 60 a 7 70 Choice State T 76 a T Sfl Common to medium extra Western It 0 * 8 18 [traroundltqpnQWo....,.,8 00a S 90 estern^ wade brands 9 00 a 10 90 Common eonthem . 9 25 a 10 40 Fancy and extra do 1045al400 Common Canadian ,.*.... 7 66 a 8 00 Good to choice and extra 9 < 5 a 10 90 Beeswax was rather easier for yellow.- We quote Southero and Western at 48c a 49c, easn. Cotton.—The market waa still unsettled, and prices were Dearly nominal. Bpppp holders askea 45Mp q 4ft c for vaidoliug grades, while others Yere appaptipg much lower fates. The sales were ,62p bales, the market closing nominal, af our annexed quotations: Upland, Florida. Ordinary....35 36 Middling. ..,44 44 flood Mio'r.g 4a 46 * Coffee was ip active trade large transactions were made, sales of 470 bags Rio at 16c gold, and' 20 mate Java at 26>$o, gold. The market glased very strong. Gun nr Cloth was steady, with only a light in- Mobile. N.OAT, 3fl W 8 i demand, bat no We only learn of Sub- District os' Ogeechee, ivatmah, Ga., SepL.19th, 186* AL ORDERS, 1 u- No. 31. • f w Hereafter, until further orders, the Cjty Market uftfl be open from 4 o’clock to 11 q’^Qofe, A. M., Sundays excepted, and on Saturdays fro*m 4 o’dlock to T o’clock, P. M. By Command of Bvt: Haj. Qax J. M. BRANNAN. Wm. JJ. EttoK, 1st Lt. and A. A. A. G. ht . • W. HENRY WARREN, Commission Merchants 255 BROAD ST., AUGUSTA, GA., Dealer In Cotton, all kinds of ^Foreign and Domestic Goods, Groceries, Grain, Prodace, etc. Consignments solicited, to which the most vtoatot attention will be given. Its. Sub Dist/of Otp«t>U££, \ vannah, Ga., Sept. 16,'1865. j CULAR.y A,ny uoldier or citizen at this Post found watering any animal Or animals ^‘within thirty feet of any public pump, (except under the bluff,) shall be arrested and fined not less than thirty (30) dol lars,” and on failing to pay the fine im posed, will be imprisoned in the oily jail of Savannah. Bjfyommtpid o{ 'Bvt. Mai. C M4 Cteto J. M. BRANNAN. Eft, A, Parkinson, Captain and Street Commissioner. 6t Headquarters Sub District of Ooescree . Savannah, Ga., Sept. 20, 1865. Circular, ) No. 23. f On and after this dale ertfefee in the Public Mar^ pf this. *ity will be sold at the following prices. Persons violating this order, will be re ported to this Office and summarily dealt Kith. By command of Brv't. Mvj. Qe*. J. M. BRANNAN. Wa. H. FObfo 1st Lieut, and A. A. A. G. qmry. Gunkt Bags remained quiet, with sales in re tail parcels at previous figures. Hat.—The market was rather quiet, and poor quality bad a strong downward tendency, while prime ruled steady. The sales were at 75c a 85c for city sale, and 50o a 55c tor shipping parcels. Stock large. Hipes.—The market was moderately active,and full, prices were realised. Thu sqlps comprise 2,200 dry wet Matamoros, 30 lbeayeragp, at I^o in gold; 5,000 Buenos Ayres solfi in Boston to come here, HU lbs average, «t 31c, currency, sod- 600 Buenos Ayres, on the spot, 24}£ lbs ayaf 1 - sge, at aij^c, in gold. Iron-— Amariqau pig continues scarps and wanted, apd prises were finger. Tfie sales were in most part for delivery as soon as obtained from the foresees, comprising 350 tons No 1 extra, ati $45 a 46, and 200 tons No 2 at $4 >. Scotch pig was firm; the stock is low, and some holders were asking higher prices. The sales were 250 tons from the yarda at $46 a 48. We quote man ufactured iron (store prices), common English, $105 a 110 per ton; refined iroo, $115 a 129; rods,’ •117 50 a 185, according to size; horse shoe, mitre Ac, $145; bend, $145 ;*ovals and firif Turnips, per bunch..... TOmatoea, per quart.... Okra, par, quart. Sit rounds, $185 a 145; Nflrwaj steel, llPj fire fio, like. s,$ir- — ^ spring 11 l-2c; hoops,$150 a 215, and apro: 195 as to size. Molasses waa ih _ F rices were realized. We notpseles pf JO bbls orto Rico at 85o a 90c, and 1$ do Onba musco vado at 53c. Nails.—Cut were in very short supply and in large demand. The market waa very firm at 7c, net cash, some asking higher rates; clinch were almost entirely out of the market, and prioea were nominal'; forged horse remained steady, 8d, selling at 32c; copper were firm at 50c,. tine • - ■ fr' 20c, and yellow metal 35c, cash. Naval Stores.—The demand for Spirits tur- pentine was less active, and prices ward a shade m buyers’ favor. The sales were 240 bbls at $1-10 lor large lota add $1 15 for -retail parcels. Crude do was dull and heavy; the etoek is heavy sod receipts increasing. The sales were 300 hi 280 lbs mostly at $5 50. Rosins were in fair maud and steady, with , sales of $ 500 bbls per ! lbs at $5 63 1-2 a 6 for common, MB 50 a 7 for strained, ffl a IQ for No J, $U a 15 for No ffreah (teefc 1st cut, penlb. Fresh Beef, 2sd cut, per lb.... CountryDried Bee*......... «■. Country Cured Beef. *1 erked Beef. Veal,per lb......... Mutton, per lb;.’ Liver, pec. lb................ Fresh Pork, per lb Baas, par lb Dram, per U>....... Fresh Water Trout Salt “ “ Sheephead Mullet, large Size, per bunch,. Mullet, small size, per bunch. ' Brim, per bunch of five. ,, Fereb, par bunch ot fire,..,; tote, • it; ; • v ’• , , • ting . _ fish,per lb... Shrimp,per quart. Crabs, each Sturgeon, per lb,, Sanaagee, Iresh porfc Bapon, per lb, from..' Butter, per lb Clems, per bushel........ Cabbages, each, from ao 15 15 15 10 to 15 ao 80 15 25 15 IS 15 j' S’f? 4 .?* 1 ** 0 *** P* b,8h,J Imh Potato4s,per bushel Corn, each........ Mffona, frqm ... . 5pbr babel...• ■ ,,,w... caches rar hnsheJ «m^te»< qweaeseeweee.,. », Honey, per Du«ka,per pu»r„,.. wt,... Twkeys,-parpouad...«.... ........ _ .8 *••#•••••••'«**••# "a* tfer IB.... iy* w®?..a. wn Fowls hickena, biokens, dozen. 1 S 1 40 20to25 40 to 50 $2 00 lOto-80 10 20 10 $8 00 $1 50 2 15 to SO $8 00 $3 00 15 $2 00 20 Bprfo SEE fes. Assorted. Jelli septe HILTON Sr RANDBLL, • Ite Bay street. IT of flat lUfscturers’ Varnish. wtito Vaiuibfor sale hythe At *^ItADY, aflTO * CO. W. A KAMSEY & OO., GENGBAL •, '* Commission Herckants AND AUCTIONEERS. 308 Br&ad Street, Augusta, Qa. Robert Habersham & Sons, Savannah. W. H. Stark, da Bones, Brown & Co., Augusta. Ed. Thomas, do. W. K. Kitchen, Presiaent National Park WM. B. JACKSON, and Cotton. TO COTTON SHIPPERS, ALEXANDER HARDEE CettoB Shipper, IS {wefMed to take cotton on storage, at the lowest rates, and has opened on the corner of Jefferson and Bay streets, for toe purpose of w “8£3i. Safi-” for the public, at the LOWEST RATES, fontUUng Ink, <fcc. Wright & Cp. f COMMISSION MERCHMTS, Rio d© Janeiro, BraziL CGBNEH OF Bay and Barnard Streets, JJAVE on band and foraale at toe rfrwen Market Crustmd^GramSTed ‘ and __ rtMar Family Flow. SUGAR: • akre. In Walnuts and ■Crerwre ■ NETS—Brazil, KngUto TEAS—Black and.G%n. Jata. Spices, Soaps; Ofive’t Gunny Rope, all Houseline, rits, Cheese, Brooms, 1 Have also for sale: Kentucky 1 Oakum Sizing Rope, Manilla - am. uau in ciuib* Hardwmi’e, lm clothes Baskets Fair Long a large lot of mm and Fresh Eggs. ' A CO., cor. Bull ahd’Broaghton streets. Commission Merchants, STODDARD’S BUILDING, SAVANNAH, G- a . L. WAWEOOK JACKSON & WARROCK AUCTioisr PSP - Aim . . ^ Geoehl ConioiissloB IMercbuls, JACKSONVptiliE, BXA. CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. Personal attention given to forwarding Merchandize -*— ' lm . . angle Just ST.UARJ, & CO. F EMILY FLOUR, fa fob, half hUa tad 15 lb r’s Soap and H JUST received on . to. Agents. HfS