The Savannah Republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1858-1865, October 19, 1865, Image 4

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SAVANNAH DAILY REPUBLICAN. THURSDAY MQftNING. OCTOBER 19. 1«S6. t p 0 E T RY SON6. BT UdLU EDWARDS. Tru in the funny Rhineland, As the golden day was ending, The ripe grapes in the vine-land Were in purple clusters bending ; The ruined tower upon the bight Was glowing in the crimson light The western son was lending. I saw her then—I see her yet— It was the first time that we met In (he sunny Rhineland! I saw her standing all alone, The chapel bells were ringing, And mingled with the organ's tone, I heard her gently singing. * The river ran beside her feet, And oh I her voice so clear and sweet Seemed like the lark’s npspringing! I saw her thus at close of day; I gazed—and gazed my heart away In the sunny Rhineland! Upon her image in the stream, Adi broken midst the rushes, She gazes in a happy dream, And smiles and sighs, and blushes ; She takes the arrow from her hair, And down her shoulders fair The golden shower gushes 1 I watched her as I stood apart— That silver arrow pierced my heart, In the sonny Rhineland’. Not many days past a meeting leldatthe Astor House in New York, was considered would be a great The Head Centre and most of men in the organization were it ■ from all parts, and previous to Meeting, were eagerly watched by the . spies, who, in their turn, were Lpied by members of the brotherhood of for that duty. Nothing had (known of the affair till early on the [morning it was to take place, but it lot long till the news went round | York, and of course found its way to different newspaper offices. The re- Brs were all up and ready, their note and pencils in hand, and even had 3y commenced the usual sensation al such as “Grand Fenian De- [istration at the Astor House,” “Eng- 1 to be dug up,” “Speeches of Col. n O’Mahony and others, &c., &c.” - flf they started for the meeting, but in they arrived, to'their great as ton. bent, they found armed sentries on floors and passages leading to wh ere aeeting was being held, and they ilitaly told they had no business 8nd would not be allowed in ; so lad- to.fcake^tfaeir departure. The 1 l ec la r THE NEW YflitK NEWS. DAILY, SBM-WEEKLY ADD WEEKLY. THE NEW YORK. Weekly and Semi-Weekly News- GREAT FAMILY NEWSPAPERS. BENJAMIN WOOD, Editor and Proprietor Journals of Politic* Literature, Fashions, Market and Financial Reports, Interesting Mis cellany, and News from ALE. PARTS OF THE WORLD ! Improvements Introduced. Immense CircaJaiioss Dtte'minfd On. The Largest, Best and Cheapest Pa pers Published in New York. NEW YORK WEEKLY NEWS I Published Every Wednesday. Single Copies * Five Cento . Ode Copy, one year $2 00 Three Copies, one year 5 op Five Copies, one year 8 7D Ten Copies, one year u 00 And an Extra Copy to any Club of Ten. Twenty Copies, one year 30 00 The Weekly Newe is Sent to Clergy men at tl 00. {SBRd-WEEKLY NEWS I Published Every Tuesday and Friday. Single Copies, one year $4 Op Three Copies, one year 10 00 Five Copie* one year 16 00 Ten Copies, one year ’ Jo qq And an Extra Copy to any Club of Ten. Twenty Copies, one year 55 ^ To Clergymen. 3 ^ NEW YORK DAILY NEWS. To Mail Subscribers $10 Per Annum Six Months Five Dollars FOR SALE BY ALT, NEWSDEALERS Specimen Copies of Daily Week ly News Sent Free.] Address BENJ. WOOD, DAILY NEWS BUILDING, No. 19 City. Hall ISquare, I -** 1 ® NEW YORK CITY. to the mm. PROSPECTUS OF THE nun u nun i daily J0UIIMMWG1, PUBLISHED EVERY MORNING AND EVENING AT KACOll, CtEOBOU, • 1 Corner of Cherry and Third Streets. Largest Circulation in Middle and South- West ern Georgia..* ’ The old “Journal A Messenger," first established in 1809, and regulariy published ever since. the Larg est Circulation of any paper in this section. We are offering liberal terms to advertisers, and ■*'**'' aod'othrra. desirous of hiving their bosi new generally known, will do well to advertise in on columns. Oar Weekly Northern States generally Parties sending their advertisements with the will be Insured satisfaction. themoney 8. ROSE ft CO. Smna B^Boea, ) Proprietors. sepll 0CMI C. ItOHiBERT. Slavery or involuntary servitude is prac tically abolished in Georgia. The Pro clamations of the President of the Uni ted States having given freedom to every slave, and the oath of amnesty and tha conditions of pardon, forbid any attempt at its revival in any form or condition. The great mass of the Agricultural Population of the State has been released from their obligation to cultivate the soil, except by their own volition, and it must be apparent to the judicious observer, however much to be regretted, that the voluntary labor of the newly freed popu- ation will not for the present, at least, upply the deficiency of labor. The withdrawal of nearly three hun dred thousand able-bodied persons to a greater or less extent from their usual vocations has created * void which must be filled or the lands of the State will re mained untilled, her great resources un developed, and her future prosperity sacri ficed: , The remedy, and the only remedy for this condition of affairs • consists in the immigration of a hardy and industrious white population to supply the places of those who oannot be compelled to work, and .whose dispositions do not incline them to greater labor than is actually necessary to support life. To such immigrants, no State offers greater inducements than the State of Georgia. Extending from the Atlantic Ocean to the Blue Ridge, it embraces every variety of soil and climate. The Savannahs of the coast, the rolling coun try of the interior, and the mountains of the northern part of the State afford op portunities for the cultivation of almost every product of tropical or temperate latitudes. The grape is grown with great success in many parts of the State, and its cnltiva- tion has only been limited by the want of persons skilled in the knowledge of the vine and the mode of preparing its yield. The State is also rich in gold and other minerals, and nothing but energy and the application of proper machinery is wanting to the development of these hid den treasures. The raisingjof sheep of the finest breeds has been carried on with success, and the vast ranges of uncultivated land afford excellent pastures for cattle and all kinds of stock—rice, cotton, tobacco, 'corn, wheat, rye, oats, sugar .cane, the grape and all species of fruits find their ap propriate soil and climate within our ex tended limits. , The numerous rivers and smaller streams taking their rise in the moun tains and running through the State, into the Atlantic and the Gulf in their gradual descent, furnish water power unfailing inany season, and capable of putting into operation any kind of ma chinery. - / The area of the State contains upwards of thirty millions of acres, of which not more than one-third has been cultivated, and the virgin forest of the wild lands afford an inexhaustible supply of lumber, which formed a heavy item of the exports of Georgia prior to our late difficulties. These lands, which may be bought at comparatively low rates, will give to the new settler a homestead on which hevnay- erect his roof tree and settle for life an inhabitant and in time a citizen of the republic. In view of the foregoing facts the un dersigned propose to organize a Compay to be called the “Georgia Land and Emi gration Company,” the principle office to be located in Savannah, with the inten tion of applying for a charter at the next session of the Legislature; the capi tal of said Company to be five hundrec. thousand dollars, in twenty thousand shares of twenty-five dollars eachj ’Aaid Company to be organized by the choice of a President and-Directors when all the shares shall have been subscribed. The object of the Company is to induce and afford aid to the immigration into the State of Georgia of honest, sober ant reliable persons with their families, to become purchasers of and settlers on lands not now in use, or be laborers on farms or plantations on which the freed- men refuse to work, or to follow their trades, or become house servants. The advantages to be derived at this present juncture by the influx of such a class of population, are manifest. To the large landholder it offers the prospect of selling his land or farming it out on advantageous terms. To the Planter anc Farmer it will supply that labor, in the absence of which, the ownership of the soil is a burthen, and to all persons in those classes of life whose business re quires or whose position permits the use of the labor of others, it affords the op portunity of obtaining such labor at a reasonable rate, and of a reliable charac ter. So also to the State Will great bene fit accrue; many of the immigrants may bring wealth with them, all will bring skill or industry, which is the source of wealth, and this infusion of new life will, we trust, in progress of time, restore Georgia to her original state of prosperi ty, - - The Company, we believe, will be not only self-sustaining, but a source of profit to the stockholders. The fees paid by those emigrants who can afford it, for directions as to their settlement; the commissions paid by the owners of lands for sale, or leasing of their lands to the immigrants, and by persons to whom WEDDING, VISITING AND BUSINESS CARDS of the latest and most fashionable de signs, printed in the very best style, aD< * elite prices, at the REUBLICaN JOB PRINT- ING OFFICE, Bay street, “ Headquarters Dep’t of Georgia, Office of the Provost Marshal 1 General, > Augusta, Ga., Oct. 1st, 1865.) Pro. Mar. Genl’s i Orders No. 4. ( Information having reached these Headquarters, that private arms have in some instances been seized by the Mili tary authorities in this Department, it is therefore ordered : 1. That private arms, such as sporting gnns, pistols, &c., (other than Colt’s Navy revolvers), will in no cases be taken from peaceable persons making no im proper use thereof. IT. The side-arms of paroled officers o the late so-called Confederate army, will not be taken from their owners so long as their paroles are observed. TIT All other Confederate or United States arms of any description, such as muskets, carbines, swords, Colt’s Navy revolvers, &c., will at once be seized, to gether with the ammunition therefor, and all persons having and concealing the same, upon discovery, will be promptly arrested and summarily punished. IV. Assistant Provost Marshals through out this Department are charged with the execution of this murder. By command of MAJ. GEN. STEEDMAN. H. W. Snow, Lt Col. and Act’g Pro. Mar. Gen., D.G. Official : M. T. HOLBROOK. Lt. Col. and Pro. Mar. Dist. of Sav’nh. Head’qbs. Sub Dist. of Ogeechee, 1 Savannah, Ga., Oct. 7, 1865. J GENERAL ORDER, 1 No. 34. \ All dealers in Gun Powder, Shot, &c., will, before selling the same, be required to procure from these' Headquarters a License. By Command of Bvt. Brig. Gen. E. P. DAVIS. Wai. H. Folk, 1st Lt. and A- A. A. G. HO I ELS. Uiiion Place Hotel. Cor. Broadway acd 14th Sts , Opposite Washington Statue, UKW YOKK CITY. scp27 tf H. C. FLING A CO., Proprietors. The & meric m House, HANOVER STREET, BOSTON, Is the Largest and Best Arranged Hotel in New England. scp2T LEWIS RICK, Proprietor. THOMAS E. LLOYD, J. WALDBURG, *T. GIBSON, JNO. W. MAQTT/r., y street, near npie ted. Wc e are Savannah and Ogeechee Canal, Is comi notrpne pared to saw and fare fab Lumber in luge or small quantities to suit purchasers, and respect folly solicit a share of pabiic patronage. We alii also pa chase Umber as itantree in this market to* ’ DWM ARKWRIGHT. THU SOM HOTiS'i Fourth Street, ST. X-OXJXS, IMIO LAVEILLE, WARNER * CO., Proprietors. A first class family Hotel; unsurpassed for locality, comfort and convenience. tf sepl9 MBTR0P0L1TM HOTEL, Late Brown’k, WASHINGTON, U. C. T HIS leading Hotel, Renovated and Refurnished. is now in perfect order for the reception and accor modution of its old patrons. 3m sepl# GILM0E H00SE illOmiment Square, BALTIMORE, Maryland kSs^. HP THIS first cia“s Hotel has been newly furnished throughout, and is now open for the reception of guests. KIRKLAND A CO. PAPER AND RAG WAREHOUSE. WARREN & PlATNER Wholesale Dealers in All Kinds of Coarse and Fine Papers, Enve> lopes. Twines, and Paper Bags. Sole Agents in this cit Paper Hills. The highest cash prices paid for Rags, Old R ope and Bagging, and Waste Paper, in large or small quantities. octio 210 Bay Street, Savannah. 1 city for the Bath mil BUSINESS CARD8. Wm. M* Davidson wholesale nr Groceries, Wines, Llqnsrs, Teas, 8«fars, AJe art Cider, 180 Bay Street Savannah. sep6 «_ E. F. METCALFE * CO., GENERAL FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Stoddard’s Range, on Bay street, between Lincoln and Abercorn, Savannah, Georgia. References.—Hening, Flint* Pearce, New York; E. M. Brace & Co, Augusta, Ga.: R- O. Robson, Keq.,At- lanta, Ga. ; Knott* Howe* Macon, Ga.; B. M Brace, Morgan*Co., Apalachicola, Fla.; Watts, Crane * Co., Now York; Geo. C. Pearce A Co., 8t Louis, Mo; H. C. Brace A Co., Cincinnati, O.; Mr. H. J. Cook, Albany, Ga.; John W. O’Connor, Macon, Ga. sepal tf EDWIN E. HERTZ, (Successor to Cohen * Hertz,) Commission Merchant, 154 BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. teof Upland 1 in Liverpool and sep23 Liberal advances made on and Sea Island Cottons to my frien New York. lm H GOWDY, Commission Merchant, 196 BA.Y STREET, (Anderson’s Wharf,) SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. octa hn , JNO. L. VILLALONGA, Cotton Factor, NO. 94 BAY STREET,, Georgiar. sepll Om KEIJN & CO., 114 BAY 8TBEET, SAVANNAH, GA, COTTON FACTORS, COMMISSION & FORWARDING merchants. L IBERAL cash advances made on consign- merits of ( otton and approved Merchandize made to their friends in New York, Boston or Liver pool. Refer to Messrs. Smith * Donning, New York; C C. * H. M. Tabor, New York; Cabot * Senter, St Louis; W. H. Taylor, New Orleans. angiS6 M. FER§T * CO., NO. 150 CONGRESS STREET Wholesale Dealers in Wines, Champagne, Liquors art Segars, Would also call the attention of the Trade and pub lic generally, to our large stock of Candles* Sf** up and Pick let*. Dealers willdo well to call and examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. aug29 2a DELVIN & CO Broadway, New York, C L 0 Til I N G AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL We Open the Season with a Large Stock of Elegant Clothiig aod Furnishing Goods READY HADE DEPARTMENT. We have also secured the services of first class artists in oar CUSTOM DEPARTMENT, laborers are famished, the profits to be derived from a Savings Institution to take care of the funds and profits of the emigrants, which it is proposed to con nect with the Company, will, we expect, enable the Company to declare such di vidends os will make it remunerative to _,. those who subscribe simply as an invest- WUch 18 Ukewtae 8 “» lw with the finest and best ment. But independently of pecuniary consideration, as citizens of the State of Georgia who have an interest in its fu ture wlefare, we ask your assistance in tms matter, in our opinion of vital im- w e may not leave 1110 land of our birth, fet us make it once 4aor»« laud of promise.^* > £->, p jt OOMMimre-' Fabrics of the HOME AND FOREIGN MARKETS To those who wish to order by mail, will be sent (on application) SAMPLES OF GOODS, With Directions for Measuring, which, if correctly fol lowed, will secure a fit In all cases. DELVIN & CO. Gandies. *J tbe Agents,™ 1011 *»orted lot by BRADY. SMITH * ro sale by c,i*mu«Kr. ALEXANDER HARDEE bTOKAGE AND GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT COR. BAY AND JEFFERSON STREETS, SAVANNAH, GA. Dealer in Hay, Fodder, Grain, Flour, Wool, HMes, Bran, Bhorts, *c. tf aepM J.O. MATHEWSON ' GENERAL COMMISSION, PRODUCE BROKER AND FORWARDING MERCHANT, No. 285 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga., (At the Old Stand of the late firms of T. P. Stovall * Co., Stovall, McLaughlin * Co., and G. H. McLaughlin * Co..) Will give his prompt and personal attention to the purchase and sale of Cotton, Domestic Goods, Sngar, liacon, Lard, Grain, Floor, Rope, Bagging, and Mer chandize generally. Having the Agency of several first class Cotton Mills, l am prepared at all times to supply orders for Yarns, Sheetings, shirtings, Osnaburgs, Drills, Ker seys, Jeans, Ac., Ac. With extensive fire-proof warehouses, can furnish secure storage, and give prompt attention to merchan dize and produce consigned to me for forwarding in any direction. 6m aug84 J.J.SOBEBTiON&CO. GENERAL Commission Merchents, -A.U&T7STA, GA. Will give strict attention to the purchase and ship ment of Cotton, Domestics and Yarns. Also solicit consignments of Merchandize of 11 kinds, especially Bagging. Rope, Refined Sugars and Coffee; and will remit in every instance as soon as sale is made. » Jill Refer to Wm. K. Kitchen, President National Park Bank, New York; A. Portter, Esq., President Bank State of Georgia, Savannah; Jno. Davison, Esq.,Presi dent Branch Bank State of Georgia, Aagosta. N. B.—We do exclusively a commission business. angS 3m SIN ESS CARDS. ADAIR & PURSE, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. P ARTICULAR ATTENTION paid to the purchase and sale of Cotton, all kfeds of Produce, and General Merchandize Special attention given to the purchase and sale of Real Estate in the city, and of Plantations in any part of Georgia. . -They will bur and sell Foreign and Papistic Ex change, Stocks. Coin, Bank Notes, and collect Notes, Drafts, Ac., with'prompt remittances. Engaged exclusively in a Commission Business, with ample and safe storage rooms, they hope to merit a lib- ervl patronag* Refer to Phinizy A Clayton, R. H. Warren, and W. E. Jackson, Augusta, Ga ; Geo. W. Williams, Charles ton; Samuel Tate, Memphis. Tennessee; G. C. Torbett and V. K. Stevenson, Nashville, Term.; Baldwin,Starr A Co, and Tracy, Irwin A Co., New York. WM. W. CLAYTON, Late Agent Georgia Railroad Bank, Atlanta. GEO. W. ADAIR. Late of Anderson, Adair A Co., Atlanta. ISAIAH PURSE, Late of Ponllain, Jennings A Co n Augusta, Ga. eep25 lm BOBT. P. YORK, u. z. wttiiizt, 1. a. MUmaz. p. a. wash. YiUIliliMS, HIM k a. AUCTION AND COMMISSION MEBCHAHT8, Bay Street, Savannah, Gra. Consignments of Cotton and Lumber solicited. References: Savannah—Brigham, Baldwin A Co., Gaden A Unckles, Erwin A Hardee. Hunter A GommelL Isaac D. La Roche, Hiram Roberts, W. Woodbridge, L. C. Norvell A Co. ' New York—8.T. Knapp ABro., It B. Baldwin A Co. Sale days, Tuesdays and Fridays. sep6 a. t. ocnhinquah, d, s. puaaa. CUNNINGHAM & PURSE, FACTORS, FOKWARDING AND Commission Merchants, Say Street, Savannah, Gra, References—Robt. Habersham A Sons, Hunter A GammelL, OctavosCoben, Brigham, Baldwin A Co, Erwin A Hardee, Clsghorn A Cunningham. eep5-gm CHARLES L. COLBY L CO., SHIPPING, COMMISSION, AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS JONES* BLOCK, CORNER BAY AND ABERCORN ST8., SAVANNAH, GS-A. Liberal cash advances made on consignments to the firm represented in New York by ttmrlee L Colby, Esq„ or to oar friends in Boston. ALEX. H. HOL AY, Resident Partner. RxFEBmicits.— Messrs. Dabney; Morgan A Co., New York; Jarvis Slade, Esq.. New York; Gardner Colby, Esq., Boston; Hon. J. Wiley Edmands, Boston, augic tf HENRY Broker bb4 (’omission Agent, For Sale arid Purchase of Stocks, Back Notes, Produce, &c., and for For warding Cotton, Bryan Street, next to merchants* and Planters* Bank Building. auglfi *m BANKING ^INSURANCE. EINSTEIN7 & Co., E R s • N6. 8 BroaI) Street, New York. We draw » c -light, and at sixty days, on LondoKt; Parts’,' Fraxktort, and al] other principal cities of Europe. Parties opening current accounts, may deposit and draw at their convenience, the same as with the City Banks, and will be allowed^ interest on all balances over One Thousand Dollars, at the rate of four per cent, per annum. Orders for the purchase or sale of various issues of Government and other Stocks, Bonds, and Gold, executed on Commission. MERCHANTS’ INSURANCE COMPANY! HARTFORB, CONN. THE undersigned having been appointed agent for i A the abova well known Company, fa prepared to take risks against fire on the most favorable terms. ' ■ H BRIGHAM, • Oflica 8outhem Insurance and Trust Co. July3 tf losiiratee Agency OCEAN, RIVER, FIRE. THE undersigned hold commissions from the lead- X ing Insurance corporations oi New York, repre senting an aggregate cash capital of Over FIVE MILLIONS OF DOLLARS are prepared to issue policies to cover Fifty Thon- dollare on one application upon N..YPBK | AD« fP jrj r|| woodfoS&ejS AND counsellors at r Hi HO, 111 Ron. 0 A imv a , The undersigned havin', r,1 hw ’ Prepared to take prs «l<*,, several courts in New Yo,t 7° ° f <a ** Ui,' V80RHEES & merchant No. 73 William 8t N - El W Toji’ B^M.bySjN^T^,,, I National Bank, 1 K. A. Wilcox/ W. B. Davidson, E. Remington A Son, Tw t4 ’ . (ieo ' C. L. Robinson, ggynie. <\ C. K. Garrison: Ocean National Bank, New wf* !t s I. bzaoh, soot * 00., Liverpool, England ’ . SALOHOU, ZOOT A 00,, vharle*tor_ I Commercial Building, ftjw NEW Vnn, ^ Poiau , I Our attention will also be devote . , andnfaking collections ior o ar w” 1 1 Advance* made on consignment of pL!?™"' 1 rfirm. Very respectfully/ °r FroduceteajjJ E W M E .RSHA°n Li T 1)001 ' References—Union ? BKnicBibverJ'Tu^' la-jsa-ac.aAijSr'** Fire Risks at Savannah and Inland WI) , I1V „ — Tawna, I HENRY F. KNAPP, COTTON AND MERCHANDIZE IN TRANSIT ON THI1 Broker and Commission * -AUGUSTA ABB MACON IUYEBS, “ • VJ J : J.^j Am, . iJ.. OCEAN RISKS GENERALLY. Prompt Settlement of Losses, And are sand L. C, NORVELL Ac GO*, Bafl street, opposite Post Offlce. NO. 4S BEOAD STKEET, newyo Ks Consignments solicited. i m A. a. soHAzrzz, jai. t.. szowaftoo. a. 0 UK)._T.BAJtK._z. No. 33 S. Front st, cor. Ught^£l Philadelphia. 8 ts, INSURANCE I AUTHORIZED CAPITAL, $10,400,900 New York. I ADOLPHUS C.SSHAlFim 3I m fFOKMBRLY OF BALTIMORB,) I IUE5EEAL 8EEPPIB6 AID OOIDOSSMI MERCHANTS, 1 No. XXI Water Street, New Yotk.1 & CO. s marine Risks to any Port, and Fire Rinks 368’ SAMUEL F. HAMILTON, (Successor to Wilmot & Richmond,} DKALKB IN Watches, Sliver Ware, Jewelry, Canes, Cutlery, Ac. Cor. Whitaker,St. Julien and Congress Sts, SAVANNAH, GA. Watches and Jewelry repaired. Chronometers rated by transit. Cash paid for old Gold and Silver. jy28 tf CHA8. L- COLBY A BE prepared to take! A Domestic or Foreign n th fa city In the following named first class New York Companies, at the lowest rates: COLOMBIAN MARINE INSURANCE CO., Capital, $5,000,000. MORRIS FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, i Capital, $5,000,000. COMMERCE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, j p.STS! Capital, $300,000. 1 J STANDARD FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, Capital, $300,000. Office In Jones’ Black, corner Bay and Abercorn streets. Every facility offered for consignments and on I tion of orders m New York, Philadelphia or Hite, I | by either house. »*■ HARN0TT A SflHLLIM, FIRE-PROOF Itorage WarehouiK,| shington Street, NEW YORE I Consignments of Goods received, and orders fa tt I SCHULTZE & cl> Office, cor. Drayton and Bryan streets. aug!6-tf A. I. BBXDT, KITH, ■. 9, Moexa. BRADY, SMITH & GO. JA8. B. CAHILL, General and Conmiss!oa Merchant, ■A.TJGTT8TA, GrAA. Holders of Merchandize wishing to realize immedi ately, will consult their interests by consigning the same. Strict bnsiness attention will be given all consign ments, and prompt return&made, at the mast yeaaona- ble rates. 1 ’ ' Refer to Messrs. Hunter A GammelL, C. L. Colbv A Co., Hilton A Randell, A. C. Lomelins, Halsey, Wat- non A Co,, and Stnart A Co.augl» V. H. HYRELL, Steamboat Agent, GENERAL Commission and Forwarding Merchant, Bay Street, Saraamh, Ga., Harris' Building, 2d Door West of A. Low A Co.'s. Refe-s to Messrs. Hunter A GammelL Crane, John son A Graybill, BelL Wylly A ChristSam Bothwell A Whitehead, Miller, Thomas A Co, and M. A. Cohen, Esq. tf_ CYBPS P. UZXDKSHALL, (Greensboro’, >. C. AND Forwarding Merchants. AND Manufacturers’ Affenti NORTH SIDE OF BAY STREET, Between Whitaker and Barnard, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA Liberal advances made on consignments of Cotton, Ac* to their friends in New York and Boston. References—Wm. K. Kitchen, Prest National Park ank, N. Y.; H. C. Thacher A Co* Boston; Israel Co- hen, Baltimore; Hall, Moecs A Co.,Colhtnbnz; Wyman, Moses A Cq, Montgomery. angT KIRLIN, BRO< & BURKE, WHOLKSALZ DKALIBS IX ALBS, WINES AND LIQU0KS 0or. Whitaker Street and Bay Lane. juneii ' . N tf FRESH TURNIP SEED. RUTABAGA FLAT BTTC Bed Top Turnip Seeda^ Warranted to be of the GROWTH OB’ 1866. Inst received from D. Landreth, and for sale Ire fCOUf, JylO W. W; LINC car Ball and Coogrem streets. s. COMMISSION • IMPORTERS OP Wines, Brandies,&c| BO. 62 OEDAfi STREET, NEW YORK,I CH’S HGIDSIECfi CHAMPAGNE. | SEEDS. I f IIUOS. BcELBOY will, on and after Is -f I J X tember, receive orders from the trade for Fwa I Agricultural Gardes and Flower Seeds, gmuti'< I | the Fall and Siring Trade. Correspondents will n*l I with attention. Seed Glower and Importer, angU Tl Pine street, New Ton._ AND MEDICINES, AND Forwarding Merchant, 03 BAY STREET, SAVASnsrAH, GEORGIA. | Q H E MI 0 A L S,l Aflci WORTH KNOWING dfrom Sew i<* I 5S *p»a««riwito** shoes may be saved No one, for every-day wear, can I From tbeinterior can be lt ^? es MA.RCY, DAY & CO- 308 BAY S T R K E TL Nsrth Side, Between Barnard and Jefferson Streets, WOOD, COAL AND ORAIN AND y , GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHAHT8 AND afford to noall] metal to ouv Dually saved HAY, COBH, OATS AND At toweat market prices. io one, for every-day w any other. Minions of dollars by this aaeftil invention. The toes of I hoes remain perfect until the rest of the i she* fa ardb oat. Thefoet are kept dry, thus bene fiting the health and saving money. For sale hy all shoe dealers. 8m anglT Drankonness Cured. . fuebriate may now bid defiance to the cap. Sr. Zanefa antidote for strong drink'te a certain care for drankennees. It creates a dislike for strong drink, and can be administered without the knovnedga of the patient Descriptive circulars sent to any nddreea. For sale ■ • In the United States and or packages of six boxes for$5. Benttrrmaflon reoriptoftbemoney, by •1» 1 ’ «$i I can warrant i . A large quantity of 1 fetch adll be sold low for CASH, Wholesale and Retail, Apothecaries' Hall- Comer Broughton and Barnard street* W. H. WALSH, BL »•' Pr * priel *Ji N. B.—Fresh Garden Seeds. ° - RECFIVED DUbLBT NICHOLS, Baltimore. C. P. MEPOENHUt & Gft, Cotton, Tobacco, General Commission Merchants, 156 Pratt Street Wkarf, BALTIMORE. W. A RAMSEY & CO. 6EEBBA1 Commission Merchants AND AUCTIONEERS. 308 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga. Smith A Cur left, XAsirrAcnmzas or ' SOAPS AND TALLOW CANDLES, Comer of Holiday and Pleasant streets, sep*5 Baltimore. lm Robert Habersham A Sons, Savannah. W. H. Stark, da Bones, Brown A Co., Auguste. Ed. Thomas, da W. K. Kitchen, Presiaent National Park Bank, N. Y. $ R. MOLINA, OOE- BULL ABU 00BGBES8 8TBEETS, (Under Screven House.) IXPOBTSR AXD WHOLESALE DZALCB I* and most reliable medkdne Tor the cure ofSpennatorbcea, Seminal Weakness, Loss of Fbw er, Ac. nh medicine has stood the test of over thlr. ty veans and hasalwarscrcved a success. DR. RA1H>6 SPECIFIC ia exhibited in the form at made np entirely of substances that hare a sped- ectnpon the generative organs. Moat associate ue ldea of operatlotia upaa the bow taking anvYrnd of pills. The Srzoino of Dr. Rsnd fa not intended as an xraouaTiwe mbdicimx. Its medici nal virtues are expended entirely upon the impaired regenerative organs. Hie pills are not unpleasant to the taste, and many persons masticate them with im- nonHy before swallowing them; which plan we would ihirare recommend, asa&brding the speediest way to Sold by drag. JUST Per Steamer America, A fine assortment of Rhine WinGS* Wines pLiquorS' Hockbeimer, |St* Crtj* « Nierstlner, Jon, ^Sadirt Liefefraasailk. I Fine Br *“ And a variety of the finest bra**™ ‘rryggEteana A.STA.'S.’*?’ ’« Hair Bye.) 50 CENTS A BOX. Baxes larger than Dyes that sell for $1. Natural, Dujabfo Beautiful. Warrantod to pfeaae. Thfa arti cle S been thoroughly tested by I ft. CHILTON, of Qam*L,of FhiladeL *iite. who pronounce lt bee from all poisonous Ingre- saay«$-ly *» Ofeesnnt st* ~ ~ rw-tf FIOUB AND BBA-1 lOCOSW"’™’"* and FknCy Jyir At i63 ^°&r Wright & Co. COMMISSION MEBGHiNTS, SMOKING Aba all kinds of Virginia Chewing u Tobacco, Meerschaum, ate Hoot, and all Of Fancy Pipes. tft TOBACCO, and other 1 ■ Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Represent! N. A. HAHPBE A CO., Shipping, Commission, 1HE great Chmesegemecyfor secret diseases, put up L in boxes, fat kamger form, fam no bad odor or bad ■te, can be carried in the vest Docket with perfect I will keep in ail rlliaates, aaffa asurc care fori the disreees axatUnned. From one to thru boxes will per box, or three boxes for i St 50. t a cure. Price, ffi per bos, or three boons to NEW GOODS J* udb PIONEER SAW MULL Broadway, cor. Warren Street,/WC if IWIlAs sep28 Hn jone28 6m np HE, BALTIMORE ' 1 WROUGHT IRON FIF* AND TUBS ID. FOBWAHDIBG MERCHANTS, vanusii. 1_ LOT of first quality Varnish for sale by tbs Ail tope warranted. P*<5. Box 1869, Baltimore. Ha. sep9&—Sm Will ante Hbeml cash advsncea their-friesda, Norton, ST street. New York. DAVID H. GALLOWAY, 36 Drayton street, Savannah, Ga. In bamlsof frmaditeMgaHoaa Beeatoi-er ” by retail,»tenti per gallon. la fUi # *SK£W’ tlllul(|t jr - *** rthi Oili. to ®«“!ftBa^. 1 !^’®2F^ 1 gSnBlne,Sand other Paints, Gw. P9-. FANCY GOODS, * selected expreesly for thfa ■d—m rt }