The Southern literary companion. (Newnan, Ga.) 1860-186?, January 23, 1861, Image 4

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r L aim and nil COanlcn. Siuifilo lk-tiietliv*. Cotton, wet with sweet oil mnl pare- j goric, will ri lievo the ear-ache very *OOll. i* lllack or jrroen ten stccpcJ in boiling milk, ami *wi*etcm*d with loaf slignr, in excellent for lli< •ntetv. A good quantity of old t Weao is lTi 1 boat tiling to wc when dintr<\*od by ent too much fruit, or oppremed by any kind of food. Phywciana have given it in ca.soM of extreme danger. Hlackbcrrios are extremely itxeful in 1 ffaeoa of dysentery ; to eat the berricn is very healthy ; tea made of the roots and leave* is very beneficial, and a.syrup made of llie berries i .still better. Wortloberriei, cotnmonlv*ca]lcd liucklc borrieft, dried, arc: a useful medicine fr children. Made into tea and sweetened, they arc very beneficial when the system is in a restricted state, ami the digestive ; power* out of order. • ♦- Uni kk Mkam iu..—An nil families are not provid ‘d with scales and weights re- i ferine to ingredients in general use by evry housewife, the following may be j found very useful: Wheat flour, one pound is one quart. | Indian meal, one pound two ounces is one qart. It utter, when soft, ouc pound one j ounce is one quart. Loaf sugar, broken, ont) pound is one quart. White sugar, powdered, one pound one ounce is one quart Best brown sugur, one pound two j ounces is one quart. Iv.'tfs, average size, ten aro one pound, j Sixteen large lable-spoonfuls aro half j . u pint, eight are one gill. To CI,KAN WI.MMiW lil Ass Take finely pulverized indigo, dip into it a liu i'ii rag wet with vinegar, wine or water, and apply it briskly to the glass. \\ ipo ■ >fl and polish with a dry cloth. Thiti method of cleansing window glass im parts a brilliant polish, and is far more 1 xpeditionsly aee.umplislir l than cleans ing w ith soap suds or whiting. What iviu. Sm i iikun I.aiuks mi?— The Plate has now seceded and our inde pendence cannot h maintained without Cost. Will Southern ladies do ns their mothers did. economize in every possible way, especially, in their wardrobe, by throw ing off their silk s, satins, and North ern dress goods, and wearing nothing hut goods nf southern nmiiiifarhirc ? It you cannot luiv them, make them as your mother* did, and your father, brothers, nod 1111- will he encouraged in battling tor the preservation of our rights, nnd the safety of our firesides. —Karat (im- U ./or a. ♦ • ■ Which was “ Sold-” — Jones wap rili 1 l: up in NVt Bluster (Younty, N. V . nnd naw a boar*! nail* <1 up on a post in tb<* yur l of a farm Ihuirc, with the sign paintcil on it, “ This farm for sail ” AI ways ready for a little pleasantry, and Hoeing n wmiiuii in chookcil .smi-boiinot pick’.H : up an #prouDil oT chips at thf wood-pile in front of the house, he stop ped. and asked her, very politely, when the farm wn* to rail * She went on with her work, but replied to his ques tion insfnntcr. “Just as soon as the man conics along that can rat x the wtmf. Jones drove on. ♦ •• • * • > - Till. I’.V It M Kll, Til K Thik A lit STO CK.\*I N I*. W illis, of the ll'tine Jour nal. *-;i vs : “The star of the farmer is on the rise. To hc*a distinguished man now a days, there is no Hafi r or more substantial way than to be an ‘eminent agriculturist/ •juice sful hortieulturint/ or the like—-a Lon -j worth, n Wilder, a (rant, a John son. There is noway for a man to be 4 1< ik-d up to/ for the next half century, like being an enterprising and successful firm- 1, inifl there g certainly no way to I ~ life so pleasantly, and no vocation which is so ore to keep him company till he dies. More Good Puddings* !> i n*toi s 1* 1 ruing.—Contributed to tin l inrriran .\-/ri> nfturist, and rightly named ns we have proved. Hake com* linoi sponge <*ake in a flat bottomed pud** din.: dish. (Several may be prepared at one time, as they are quite on ptod when n few day* old, and wry dry.) When d*-sired for use, cut it into sixths or etirhts, split each piece, butter them, and return them to their places in the dish. Make a custard with four cggn to one quart of inilk, season and sweeten tin* ta t<*, and pour it over tlie dike. Hake half an hour. The cake will swell and fill the custard. <VTT vi;k. Pl Contributed to tin* AifrinifturiM by h la*Ty friend —WC Cali endorse it from trial. Stir well together 1 pint of flour, I teaspootiful of hatter, 2 I teaapoonful sda, 2 tonspnonfuls 1 cream tarter, and 1 teacupful of sweet j mPk Tut it in a deep pan, and bake halt an hour. Serve up with sauce made : to the taste. Wiir \T Fi.ugu FT ddinu. A’ery nice I*r buhiwj, use Iqt milk, 0 ojrtpi, I <! LibisjKjonful of flour, and 1 teaspoon-; fill of -alt. For lioiliiu /, Iqt flour, 1 qt. 1 milk, 5 eogx, I teaßpoonfnl of salt. “ Worms in Houses/'—A Torres p*indent ol the Southern (‘te/tiiafur jjives what he cal la an infallible remedy: “ (Jive tho horse fbr six nights in succes sion, in his oats or grits, a large spoonful of ashes from fresh burnt cobs or hickory; at the cud of six nights, give him for ten days or a fortnight, a large spoonful of poplar hark, ( pounded fine) in his food, the bark is from the poplar found in the swamps The bark must be dried before the fire in order to he founded fine.” Ohio Pomoi.ogkwlSociety Meet ing at Cincinnati, Jan. lfVttt and ITtii 1801. —We h •am that specimens! of choice fruit* arc solicited for exhibition at this meeting. Packages of fruit for this purpose may he forwarded by express,; care S \\ Ha *dtinc A* Cos, Walnut street i ('in* in null T 111: SOUTII ER N LlTEit AR Y COMPANION, ttllflLESlLF, IMI 111, Till. BOOKSELLEBS —iXl> ST ATIONEHS . WHITEHALL NT., Atlanta, Georgia (Firmt door North <k Ukacii a Root's.) • 1 >CAI.i:itS IN Kiigravingx, I’apcr llaitsings, Oil and l*a|-r Ciirtainv CancN, Artiwl’M nateriiiN. Uaxonie llooks, and B'aiiey Goods, Genrrally. foreign Books Inportod to Order. Vf vF Vumes ov m u*u), auD j made to \ JAM ES MC PHERSOX X CO,, ; fPTf* Tenrbrrs and Conotry Merehnntft nup ) plied at Clmrleaton prices. All orders are promptly attended to. Sept. 20, — ly. rpx /pv ro*. rp ss e ttr rmv ih a cjomis a KII.IMi A KfiflK-ltlMliMi. ! rpHR Subscriber would respectfully inform I 1 the public that he bus in successful ope ration, in the city of Atlanta, a \ov ISok-ltiii<l<*i'y. (Blank Bookh—Ledger- Journals, Day Book?, Blotters, Hotel and Stable Registers. Dorkets. Hi cord Book*, Ac.- —with or without Printed i lb ading'. and Ruled to any pattern desired, manufactured in the neatest nnd most durable mnyicr without delay. iLgar.incs, Music. Newspapers, Ac., neatly Bound it short notice. J Orders from any part of the State will meet with prompt attention, and Books requir ed to bo sent by mail, band, waggon or rail road, cute fully enveloped so as to avoid the po* ibility of injury by transportation, jan. 25-ly . J. I*. MASON M A. I ’ I l S ’ Ni Irosoiilsed Su per-Pliospliate OF HF>M( >\ A 1.. ~ r PHK undersigned, \o ut for th above lYr | tili-cr, ill couHWiij* eot it’ marked sue • ess tho past season, m l the greatly increased demand arising thi-rob m. has made arrange ments with the niannf • -hirer for a large and full supply . and irquicb* . fn< ilitien f**i storage and other OCTfi’inmo lation, has taken the four story Wardreii'O ns below, where lie 1 will be able to supply any quantity required, i with promptness. He may be allowed to ex pre s his satisfaction f;i view of the tm t that of the numerous purchase * made <J him by plant- ! ers. generally for the purpose of making com parative testa with other fi-i tilio rs. not one I case has come tofhis knowledge where our Fertiliser has not idem n a decided superiority ! Planters who haven-ed M.ip< •’ Plo.-pliate, now | make it their solo relianee, and are ordering (Rome of them) it* much as fifty tons, for iim the next This fact speaks for itself. \Vo have discovif red ti quality, developed in the | drouth, which vas before uuobserved, viz: it ’ liygrometio power, or capacity, to absorb moisture from*the atmosjdiere, which obviated to n large extent the late unparalleled drought where it wn* used, while most other fertilizer’ “ were net Oo’ valueless, but positively injurious the plant The safety and profit .< a uione\ | j iii\ cstmetfT, arising from the use of Miipe ; Phosphufr, re now pla -ed beyond question, and the experience of the past Reason, has ! - st iblfetu-d wlmt w<* have, without Ik sitation. a I asserted fiirit, that is the only fertifi/.er i*-B ibk under nil circumstauei -a of soil, modi of euniv ntion, and of weather. T 1 te undersigned i also prepared to supply ! iny description of Aunt* ri.Tt u.u. Machixfkx inn Imim.kmi nts, of the late t improveil pat terns adapted to Southern cultivation, ai lowest price- . J. A. (y I*l \I 11N'. No 8 Warren Block, Augusta, Ga. |) Oct. 21. 6tn. JT- J- DAVIS, .VTTORNKY AT LAW, NEWNAN, GEORGIA. Strict and prompt attention given to all busi ness entrusted to his care. BOW DON (Collegiate Institution, Eowdon, Carroll co., Ga. ! jFpilE Spring Term of this Institution wil ’ 1 open on the 2nd Wednesday of January, ‘ 1h,;o. . ‘'’l I lie i!i |iartnii'iits of iii.trm tion nre. | Latin, tirrrk, Krciuh, Mathiimitirnl, Survty | ing mill KiigiimerinK, nml Mililurr. Conrae, I J thorough mid extern-ivc. The (Hlendorf System of Instruction, so sue- ! j res>tnl in imparting II knowledge of the Modern j Languages, w ill, lu ticcfoi tli, be adopted in j teai hing Latin and Greek. Tin- Mathematic mI (‘oui ‘C is very thorough students in Surveying and Kugineering will! J h j ve ample opportunities for becoming pructi- • •Hilly as well as theoretically uequaiut*d with j * Do subjects, and will become familiar with the ; j ue of the instrutnents in the field, Ac. Hit’ Military Company is carefulh and thor- ( ‘•uglily drill* and A run iiavc been furnished bv | ■j the State for the use of Students. \mple fut ilities for board; usual rates. $8 j j*° sl6 l”‘ r mouth. Tuition, s4o to >so per | I annum. | Bowdon is uiisiit-pfti ed fbr pure water nnd g*od health. No inducements to extravagance, j For further information, address, c. a McDaniel, a m. Prr* / and /’- • /.anyiou/'t ,yr. Jxo. M UmiAnosox, B. S., Prof, da/hematics and French, and Military ! Instructor. \V. A. Baoß. A M. 4 Prof, of Mil .motif*, F. 11. M. IfsxnkuaoN,) 1 I. B, K. Bkowx, f ’ * I‘Ml.f/ i..- It V U-'’ LO< )K TO L YOUR INTEREST!; AND PURCHASE YOUR % j ’ I l DRYGOODS i WHEN’ YOU VISIT ATLANTA AT TIIE PLANTERS’ & MECHANICS’ DRY-GOODS STORE, \o. IO Wltilehnll Street, (AT HERR ISO'S OLD STAND.) Where you will always find a very extensive stock of DOMK.STIC A FANCY DRY-OOODS, I together with a full assortment of ATI LLINERY AND .STRA W €001)3, ALSO ROOTS AND SHOES, HATS nnd CAPS and a great many other articles which we ran not here enumerate. Suffice it to say that we have every thing appertaining to our line of business, all of which have been bought nnd selected this reason by an experienced buyer, and which we are offering at a small advance on first cost. Our clerks are attentive to our patrons, and always ready to exhibit Goods for the inspec tion of customers. Please remember our stand, nnd call when you visit Atlanta, before purchasing elsewhere Respectfully, 0 J. K. HAGEN & Cos. At HerringY Old .Stand Atlanta , Ga. , May, 18jjib. 16-1 v BLAGII & ROOT, THE GREAT CHEAP CASH DRY-GOOD3 : STORE, VVliiO-li.-tll Mncl, ATLANTA, ~.(lK()R(iIA IC-Iy J. M HOLBROOK, MANUFACTORY c'i'p n ; —, r-q p) n q-rt, ra ca tt a r. a. k.j \i WIIOI.KSAI.K AND KKTAII., WHITEHALL ST., ATLANTA. Georgia Srpt. 2<l. ly. ER LAWSHE, SILVER WAHL I 111 A1 . T< > C< )IX, oil vim i iLATiIiD wARuj, WATCH MATERIALS AND TOOLS, CLOCKS, WATCIILS, AND JKWELRV. Wliitchall St., Atlanta, GA. WATI-llKrt CAUUTLI.y ItKl'AlltßD. 1 -1 y srnjqpn X P.J MUSIC STORE. J. J. RICHARDS & CO.. XVhit t-1 i;ill St rot*t, VS’S.A X’B’ (frgia. (OPPOHITK IIKACH A HOOT'S.) per mail promptly attended t0.,,^8 / iOI’NTUY Merchants and Teachers suppli \ ed at the low. t rati - for evsu. Lstaldished November 1 t, 1855. Sept. 26.—l v. S. SMITH Sc SON, General Insurance Agents,* AT L A A B A , ti A . December 18, lSi;o-|8-tf FAYETTEVILLE SEMINARY. f |'IIK Rxereises of this Institution will be ] resumed on the fn t Monday in Januun : next, under the charge of the subscriber, fo getlier with a com|M*tent corps of Assi.-tanta. The location is healthy, the village moral, and ; boord cheap. SFiO will easily pay nil expen i sea connected with a year’s schooling hen* Bon id, tuition, books, Ve. There are in Fuy | etleville no billiufd tables, or other ineeuti\ c> 1 jto vice and idleness. Spirituous liquors can- | i not Be sold bore in any quantities, under pen- J j ally of SSOO. Thankful for the vo*y liberal patronage bq ■ towed upon u- hitherto, we respectfully soludt j a continuance of the same. Prices of Tuition per year, range from $lB < to $42, if payment is delayed till the cmtpol the term: U) per cent. dedueUal when pas merit i made in advance, that is, at the lino entering. The highest | • v t r I * ird in the VGagc ii : I “ per in.iut! .im ! olin / lodgin. u*< nm md ‘ . fuel. GKO. G. LOONKY. Fayetteville, Ga., Dec. Ith, 1866 17-tfinay. ALL KINDS OF BLANKS at the shortest notice, and in j the neatest style, at this office. Also Job j J Printing of < ‘fry ■! . ription neatly . xecMteu | lit a iLsficti u gu uantedl. O-EIST. ■WALKER NOT KILLED! THE subseriher begs leave to call the atten tion of the Public, to his large and well I selected Stock of -• ’ .. g j . STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, Together with a good Stock, of HOSIERY and GLOVES, j HATS -A.3STID CAPS, BOOTS & SHOES, Ih YRDWAHE & CROCKERY-WARE, CI.OTIIINTS, SAI >1 F,LI{V. kc.. kc., kc, Having visited the BEST markets in tlie United States, he has spared no pains iti the selection of a St ul**d to this part of tlie Country, and feeßp.nlident that in* can offer great CASH BUVEILS. And o those w ho are ia search of find class Goods, he respectfully invites them to an examina tion of his Stock, wtrfrh will be offered LOW 1 upon the usual time of credit. We have also i a splcnded lot of Hoop-Skirts, Blankets, Shawls, Cloaks, Umbrellas, Col'd Sontags, Kersey, Plains, Nubias, all very low, Linseys, <N:c., AFc. A call is solicited when you fir t visit Town, and be assured that every effort will lie used in Irving to please. *. J Respectfully, i\ i„ n.Kiev. Newnan, Oct. 10th, iB6O. (Bm.) j SELLING OLF AT COST. WING to the hard times and scarcity of money, I will sell all my FANCY GOODS, MUSIC, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, 4c , 4c. j lat cost until the first of January. My stock of Fancy Goods consist of iv great variety of Toys, Dolls, China, Vases, and Toilet Bottles, W alking Danes, Hair Grecse and Hair Oils, Perfumeries for the Handkerchief, Shav ing and Toilet Soaps, Pocket Books and Porte Monies, Bankers Gases, Money Belts, Ladies Silk, Satin and Mor occo Bhetieules and Traveling Satchels, Visiting Card Gases, Fancy Porte Mortify, with and without chains for the Ladies. Writing Desks, Work Boxes, Port Folios, Hair Brush es. China Puff Boxes, Toilet Pow ders, Pius, large and small. Bone and Ivory (’he Men, Draft Boards, Wood, Bone and Ivory Draft Men, ft fine lot of Pocket ymlery, and a great many other things too numerous to mention. My Stock of MUSIC AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS consists in a large apply of Sheet Music for the Piano and Violin. Instruction Books for the Piano, Banjo and Violin. I have a very large stock of common and fine Violins and Bows, and everything appertaining to the i Violin. If you want to huv a fine Violin cheap ‘ i now is your time. 1 also have Accordcous, ! Flutinas, Banjos, Tamborines, Jews Harp'- ! mill WliisUc. All of the above and a great variety of other J goods, you can now buy nt cost. So come up ’ and help \oui. elv while you have an oppor i tunitv. I will also sell all the paper covered Novels i that I have at the following greatly reduced | I rates : Fifty cent Novels at thirty-five cent.', j | and twenty-live eeni> Novels at fifteen cents. j ir .y- Tho t- who have not < tiled lor goods i purchased previous to the fr**t of July, (at whih time all my accounts were due,) have no idea what a favor they would confer by j coming up and settling, as 1 need tho money. i Oct. B,—tf. ghaulks Martin. FRANKLIN SEMINARY, npiIUS hi'titution - located at Franklin, Ga. | —-H village peculiarly <rttdo\v i| with those advantages, w hich health, morality and refine ment bestow. It is designed for the instruc tion of both sexes. Believing the development of the mind to be the great end of Kducntion, our course of study will lie such as we think will most elleetuftlly accomplish this end. At the same time, no pains will be spared to store the mind with practical knowledge. French, with the French Fronmicialiun, will be thoroughly tan. lit. Practical lessons will be given in Surveying. A Military Department will be established in connection with the School, in which those who demire it, will k.e thort >4g lily drilled. We i helievr the • ouncil i>l the Father of his Goun -1 try should be observed : Frcpan fur war i n jftmeaf pence.” The company w ill be drilled. only in hours of recreation. I Board among our citizen.’ at very inoderatt prices. Tuition, SI6 to >B6. The Institution will open on the second Wednesday in January, ! oil. G. N. I’KATIHOUSTON. A. Ik, Instructor in Ancient Languages. Ph>Geal Sciences, Belles Letters, Ac. J. 11. K. BROWN, Instructor in Mathematic*., Freui li, Military, Ac. The Trustee* only deem it necessary, to state, in commendation of the scholarship of Messrs. Feather .ton and Brown, that Mr. IV.itlk-r*Von i a graduate of Buioyy College, Oxford. Gi, and that Mr. Brown is agtudcut paid tutor from Bowdon tkdlege, Gft, Tliey j 1 are, also, gentlemen of known moral worth and [ Integrity. Wx * G. W. MABUV, D. G. (HLI/KSPIK, Bonnf W. 11. G. PACK, of mi L. II FLaTUKU.STON. i Trust cot. B. OLIVKR, Franklin, Ga., Nov. i860—45-if J. ’W. POWELL, ATTORNEY AT lA W r m:\w\a.\, ar.oiiGiA. ’ ILL Practice in th>- (hmntics of Merrt f ? I roll, Campbell. Heard, Troup, and al*o in the I'nlted States Distri t G<mrt at Marii-tt *, Ga. | Dec. |r. -If. (REAP STORE ATTENTION y x qTWii r r t ( M; y VLTi wishing to purchese fresh nnd desir able Goods. would do well to call at Brewster, Woodroof vt Cos., 1 where they arc receiving daily addition sup i plies of Sm Y)r Yjt v tyn r.i yynxr X A.’A A jiJjJJ A'kJki A J A Aal U A DITY-G OODS, I bought recently by one of the firm, in the largest Wholesale Markets, with great care to meet the wants and taste of their customers and tho PUBLIC GENERALLY. IN OUR STOCK MAY BE FO UND Prints of all < trades. De Lains. solid and Printed. • French ami English Merino. I Fancy Silks. ! Black do. Scotch Plaids for Misses. Ladies Cloaks, something very nice and stylish. IMX<X&<SL>X*> ti3UCL!XI33't£ t S53* / IX"C., &o. Heavy .Stock of Kersey, 6-4 Virginia Full Cloth, Negro Blankets. Fine Bed do. I veacly-Afade TP /TV c:rj> qj b LB 1 flfl. B ,Uj FOR GENTS & BOVS.’ HATS, CAPS, BOOTS i SHOES. and many otwr articles too tedious to men* | tion, generallmkept in a | BBT-GOOD STORE, Wo have-ft few more of those Cheap on hand. All in need of such would do well to call. Please call and examine our Stock before you purchase elsewhere, and we will guarantee to save you money. ImLW'STKR, WOODHOOF A Go. fob 20—ly. THE SOUTHERN I ARITHMETIC. This is a thorough and comprehensive Trea tise oil Science of numbers, rising reg ilarU from the simplest to the abst.rusest prin -iphs ami processes of uriihtnetienl calculation. Bui it is so nrhuiged, and rises by such easy and rapid advancement. There is no mysticism— no dealing in abstruse and far fetched terms of argumentation. All unneccessary verbiage is carefully excluded ; and simple explanations of principles and processes are left to rise clear in th mind >f the reader. Any one of ordi -1 can make himself a splendid VritliUi tieian with this book in !ibands. ! It was d’- igned for, and is adapted to, Schools; but is no less a vadc mrctim for the counting house. the field, and the fireside. 1 claim that ) it i the mu t thoroughly practical work of the ; kind ever published. Practical examples in Pern nt;. Interest. Mensuration, and (lung ing, Ac.. Ac., lire given, following principles so death developed, that any one may matter j them in an incredibly short time. It is a large work, the pujf-s bring of tlie same dimensions J is (In ■ nlcaf’js National, and there being near j 800 pages. J The book will be -ent postage paid to any uddre.-s on the reception of One Dollar. Athlrsis the Author, IIOiIGAN H. LOONEY. FtiyrttevillCf (Ja. NT 13.—Price by the dozen, 75 cents. nsr e w s-n Oi -r> f> f? /f[-. s-p ---£t> qP 5 Ff, .B tiP Bl PRINTING OFFICE. r | MIL COMPANION OKI* ICL, having been X fitted Up with ifJrut tT’ijpr nnii jfinrljiitrrti, I now in readiness to do all kinds of Printing with punctuality and neatness. Orders for Books, Catalogues, Blanks, Cards, Bill-Heads, Labels, Handbills, Circulars, ami cv. rv variclv nf I.KTTKIM’RKSS I'ItI.NT ING, will be thankfully received and promptly attended to. IMRROTYPE (iILLERV! \LL persons wishing ihe very best style of . Pictures would do well to call on HOLLIS & MITCHELL, |at their new gallery in the Masonic Building, j over J. M. Brown k Bro’s Store, Hast side o! j ! Greenville st , Newnan, where they have fitted iip the best room in the city, with a fine soft 1 j sky-light, which enables them to make the eye j j more perfeet. We are better prepared than I tyer to execute every description of work j j known to the art in an artistic and durable rmanner, and warrant to give satisfaction in! ! every instance or no charge, and all we ask is ■ the favor of a trial to prove our assertion true. Ladies and Gentlemen are respectfully invited to call and examine Picture* nt HOLLIS & MITCHELL'S v * i ’ n v j t > ,m A i'i, ii V A i U A A A XXX We return our thanks for the liberal pat rou ge heretofore extended, and hv giving our. whole attention to our profession, wo hope to | merit a liberal share of patronage for the fu ture. Don't fail in give in n 1)H. J. I. KEESE, NEWNAN. OIEOIiaiA, WHOLESALE A RETAIL DEALER IN Id II LT G S, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, FINE TOILET SOAPS, FINE IIAIR & TOOTH BRUSHES, T> , ? T >'T( ,TT ' Mr V' r )' , ' , ' , A AA AAA U A'A AA AA A , TRI CKS, SITPORTRR*, AND SHOULDER BRACES, ; JABiGT&SOIISSAaSieisfI ! I ! : PUTTY, PAINTS, Oils, Varnishes, Dye-Stuffs, POCKET KNIVES, In groat variety, RASORS & RASOR STRAPS, -*• •**- Bl KM Ml FLUID, KEROSENE OIL, and Lamps for the same, MANUFACTCRED TOBACCO, SNUFF & CIGARS, Books and Stationery, PENS, INK, | LETTER AND CAP PAPER, Envelopes, Visiting Cards, CONFECTIONERIES, &C\, &C. Farmers and Physicians from the country I will find our stock of Medicines complete and I prices to suit. Physicians’Prescriptions care- , : fully compounded, and all Orderaicorrectly an swered. Medicines warranted you nine and of | the best quality. febß-ly j LOOK TO VOIR INTEREST! CALL AT lIIETON & ABK All AVIS,’ At Brick Comer, Bay St., \i:avya\, oa., Where you will find a complete Stock of new FALL AND WINTER BET-GOODS, SUCH ns l-rein W Merinos, Worsted Goods of various patterns ; also, a supurb lot of Print-, warranted to be the Goods represented. We have on hand ftp usual, a tine lot of REIBHIADE CLOTIIIXB, * consisting of Ovcr 4'oal, IliiMiiK'Hs ( oats, I’aiEt-s, Vtsls, Shirts and Collars, 1 and in fact every thing necessary to make the external man comfortablfc A fine lot of I I ATS mi dip APS. mm m-si BOOTS AND SHOES. Ladies and Misses fine Boots AND— heavy bottom, selected expressly /or this changeable climate. DOUBLE-BARREL GUNS at any price. If you want to buy a ©ADDL.E3, be sure and call, sot it will be to your interest. Last but not least, I 1 oop Skipts of the very best quality and styles. jgyjy*’ All wu ask is simply a call, no renson- I able pet -on shall go away dissatisfied ; all our Goods shall prove just as we represent them to be. T. P. HILTON, 11 ly. J. W. ABK ALL-IMS. CHARLES MARTIN, Bookseller and Stationer, ! (East side of the Public Square,) CKA.., ; TT' KEPS on hand, and receiving additions I IV weekly, almost everything that is kept in H the Book line. ek * a> ■. .*• ’ ’ Can be bought at Uis Store as cheap as they are sold in Georgia. Buying large quantities ’ and direct from the Publishers, ho is able to L compote with any body. Call round at his Cheap Hook Store, and ex i j amino fc? yourse If. fcbl-ly G. L. BLAIR, SURGEON DENTIST, Now nan. Georgiu, HAVING permanently located, offers bis Professional services to the citizens of : Newnan and the vicinity. He will perform all operations on the natural Teeth and insert Ar tificial Teeth from one to a full set, in the most perfect manner known to the Profession. (• ,y- Office in tin* room over Pinson A Her ring’s Drv Goo Is Store. • 1 Feb, 2i-!f H or TUB SOUTHERN I'itrrartj €imi])imintt. Thk subscriber proposes to publish a Weekly Paper with the title above given, in the city of Newnan, Coweta county, Georgia. Though, like Milton, he has been himself deprived of all enjoyment of the blessed light, and by reason of his blindness will be in a great degree de pendent upon others, yet he has the prom ise of such aid as he will need. Some of j the t ertj brut irriters in nil thr Snut/i will ; he contributors to this Journal. It is designed to equal in literary merit the best Northern Journals, while by its j adaptation to the South and Southern iii ■ stitutions, it will far surpass them in util ity. Why should the people of our sunny home be longer dependent on Northern men or Northern presses for our News paper literature? Why should Swtheri* men continue to contribute their mean* ’ to build up interests, which if not openly at war with ottr peculiar institutions, aro yet without any sympathy with us or any practical understanding of our condition or necessities ? Let us have a home lit erature. Why an we not ? It there no literary talent in tbs Smith ? literal \ taste ? Is there no cnfHS|MS print am! to pulilhh ; It min. and that tin’ North tool, the enterprises of this kind ; hut is ! good reason why we should never estHH lish any own ? We intend to make our Journal not 1 merely an attractive but a unefat }*aper. lienee we shall give our readers not only some of the choicest Literature of the | age, but the’ best Essays on matters con ! nected with S< Agriculture and Gardening. To these subjects, indeed, we design to give particular attention, so that our weekly visits will meet with an especial welcome from the Planter and his household. We have, while yet quite young, been ■ deprived of our sight, and forced to aban don the profession of, in which we were engaged, and turn our attention to something else in order that we might earn a competency fu) ourself and family and educate our children. After much’ deliberation wo have determined upon this enterprise, believing that with the assistance of our wife and those who have kindly consented to become contributors, we can present the public with a Journal worthy of their patronage. Will not the People and Press of the j South aid us iti this laudable enterprise ? All communications should he address ed to the subscriber at Newnan, Georgia. I. N. DAVIS, Sit. Terms of Subscription. Two doors a year, per single ropy, ineariuftlv in advance. VOOf* Advertisrments inserted at $1 a square of 12 lines, for first insertion, and 50 cents for I each subsequent insertion. . . . •o:■ ■ Hates of Adverti^^jy^J^e no. ok svi'ahks! 8 M>- 6 # 12 Mi * Oiii square, sroo s 00 s|_■ oo Two squares 12 on If*.On! 20.00 Three squares, 18.00. 28.00 28.00 Four squares 24.0n 80.00 86.00 Five squares, 20. 0n, 80. On 18.00 Six squares 84.00 42.00 f.0.00 Seven squares, 89.00 48.00 67.00 Might squares, (.] column ■ 11.00) 64.00 64.00 Nine squares, 48.n0 50-. no Ten squares ! 52.00 Of.On* 70.04 Eleven squatrs, 50.0n 09.0n- 82.0 C Twelve squares 60.0n 7 1.00 88.OC Thirteen squares 68.n0 78.00 98.00 Fourteen squares, 66.00 82.00 98.00 Fifteen squares, 60.00, 80. On 100. 80 Sixteen squares, (1 corn)) 72.00 j 90.00 108.00 AW transier.l - terti-etoents will he inserted until ordere.l out and ehnrflferl sos accordingly AV T C 1 I I E S AND T XAT X f T X> 17° 1 *2 Xi VV XAJUXX I l <T. E. XL RDMAN: t AT HIS OLD STAND, ON THK ySouth-side of Depot Street, has just received a large and well ’ ‘ ‘%£*** selected assortment of CLOCKS, \\ ATCHES ami JEWELRY, among which may be found the celebrated AMEIt I(l \ WITHIES! He has also a fine assortment of J 33 W 33LRY, unsurpassed in the country. A nice stock of ft -la always on hand. Clocks. Watches, aud Jewelry repaired and satisfaction warranted* TERMS—Ca. !. or 1 IC-te DROPSY CURED! b n o o dvr 3 s Aiiti-llydropic Tincture! 7 VLL ..those diseased with ORUFSY vhu flnof relief by calling upon or addressing the* undersigned, at Carrollton, Carroll We will visit patient? if desired, ay,U * oiupen-. sated tbr our trouble. On the receipt of ten dollars, we will send its value of our noMikiinc. to any Railroad Depot. Certificates of cure sent to any one that de-_ sires them. M. A S. 11. 11 ROOM. }\ S.—All communications addressed to the. undersigned, at Carrollton, Ga., will meet with prompt attention. He can also be consulted by calling ttpou him a* Garrison's Store, Car rollton, Oa. 9-ly JOSEPH H. BROOM. I. N. D AVI S, .ATTORNEY AT LAW, BAINBRIDGE, - - - - GEORGIA Aug. 29, 1 Hilo, (ts.) BLANKS i,Vlll Ordinary*, Sheriff*, I’li rks, Juatire of lViiec Attorneys, Ac., for Bale at ot live,