The Southern literary companion. (Newnan, Ga.) 1860-186?, June 01, 1864, Image 1

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■K^ N -*o •ri /if /• -, <! ■/ J | r ; S’ . r ‘ -'.■'■■•■. . . ■ iVec’r.l)] Journal to OCitcvatuvc, and JS’tmtcca, Sjritlturf, Sjitigifne.Jt. K #;:. \ . Ht! x,’ H rpavlmcnl Im h*YY “'inr c.,1 l ,;cl \ :: * x ” • K\ 1 • \ \i v j V.*U 1 \ I \\ I *\ ■ The Little Tr.rliag. IS a ■ v B,\ ■ Hi - A ■ m i m ■ ‘! Wm < Mi. v ■ I* ■ T ■ H r In I. \ ‘* i\ •;.) ‘*• •’ ’ i [ha L I run • . \ - : • ! ‘ ll’ M) • ‘l’ ‘ :i ! ‘-i ■ ‘ ■ • l ‘. It r!.‘ ; ‘ 1 ’• , • > >■. ‘*• I‘ i . ! ~, > • !"•• ‘ ■ ‘ 1 ’ : • \.*l; /. ! -i •, : ’ 1 ; : .. ■ * •!■!.•; *’ * ••’ ••-•'*• i 1 >■ i in •. . • o ’ - • 1, . ‘ -l 1 . ii . * * • ill!. •'\ :.i i,i . . | ;!•’,. ■ I . ’ . s ’ • v • i ‘ . % ■*.,!.. 11, i. • i i . , , ~ ii .. >• n .. ■ : ! • i *;*•: i li,. \< I • • •-I I ‘I . . ■:i.. ,Ufi 1.. ; II .1 KJ.ti.i !. !.!. .., i.- i I I v . ‘• *• : 1 1 ■ M ‘*| . -* 11 t! ~, , • it - v\ . I” r lii Wilt ‘.I ’ i : I. . 4- *il X ‘ 1 1 ■- • 1 11 i,. M • • til i. 1. • . : ... j p ,J (1 j. ‘l* ; ■ Mr ii I 1 1*/ .(- ? * * ‘ ’‘ M I .\. II O 1 ’ r I hi’ v. 1, .? !. •’ ■ *l.l |... V,l . II- ‘’ I ‘ • I I l.t.f • •* : *V ‘ * l' : 11 ■i• *. . ‘h i 1 i ijit m in r _ Jt i i .. M. tli i \v:ilr!nu .ii. lt.i!%>t; rvotl 0 :*n*l li ilf-ili iitik in fh* ‘!|V. I. Hi* \V ’.* r nv \nl h all aitns 1• •!>*', atul lii'f- ii* tin* I'xii i.iti'iu nl : work. tiis nuiai:!> were (Ihlmm.l inn ni.l * rnlTui, :iin| 'jit, -I in tin* |>otti*v*> li. hi. \<> • \<* ;ilm>\i’ liini, h i I'rien 1 “"**iii* *• *fhi’il hi’ ‘lvii’.j |*i ! ‘V.-- lis naiiie i v. it. w:; ’ lin.llv kiiM‘.vi t * tin* iurnatas < 1 ! I!i it Vy, tell I j 1.;;v. Tims . mhvl tin* eaVr* f d’ uiio ulnr rn-/f' f hv * hoi*n an iiruaiiion! to ■.-1 !.)••-* *■> hi'’ V*r %t% i'l'.i *.r.:s tw , 1 vi* * . ; .t Ihr t inn* •( hrs lath rt'f t!.;rtli. * W:\i* *fl t ;ii ;• 1V t! i* most hiviistilul rl.'.M I r\' * r - l>t'h.-lii ; ;j* iit!o a ll 1 aft i*fi**n;if•. l*nt i:i .!•’ >'*ri'i:iw i! an tin .'ln.m/4 wliirh .-luinks l'iu:it tin* ■*’ , _ii‘\ v t t hi. h. : n I what ran Mieh a cii a tnu *l* in t :.i’ r ni-h \\ *IJ v [hr j rami ► i’ll I ■! ‘ I*l i llj.'ill II I. Hi* lill,. ft •! If IV : :vl ! |\ J h. Y. : s tj.r 1 in t li: |ir • 4 ’ t ■ lit ’ > 1 \ lli.’ i in..,. tI ‘ • *.\ nl s t y.t, h;s 5.,i,l 11 at n! >!.■ hi.'l. t>u*;u!;•. win ji i.'ia •a . ’ •r \ . n!i*: 11. ’r -I\r l.ry In aft t • ’ * 1 v :', • ‘li’ 1r i > l -ili'v * 11 1 :t i f>r r \\ .*1: •* S s 5;.,. J, . } | .* , !ia f. t .1- • ! h-’ li. th I h.l'.r i; . ; ut ‘! i•• \ i : :i!- th- ,i It!. ■> ~i,.| •) 1i... . .f ; l!.- *. *. vI. \ Imi _• r t'.. * i- ii • .ii i ’ i■ •.. m- n!. i. , |1 , !. s •■i ‘II I •s•, ,I . Ii liVr!'. •U. if ,|, :,, 1 Ij, ;;. 1I \ ’ :i. !. 11 the s, ill,, s; : \ ii i hush m l s :ih:js ; *y*> mai] ■ \'! :• ‘h * i’ —a f\in t ’liauia.i* airl \Y. , ’ il'lj h • nhli’. r | to | lace ht*i ; • in r'liM* i Mllfiin IllrMf h <lM'tor fintslu-ii this |lain liana . im’ larts. J n.jiii.i past .Ill \ eu*s up tu >!.* was ,'t. u t.n'K- a-I).’ r .>tiutll. i liali'ls u, ri* r!as|> .1 uj-Mtl h r frvrr : : 11, a h .lli 1 lu T . Vi m si m .*l ‘tut j •:.! t 1m ir >.!%•fs ’ shr .* a w ihl. \ •!!. a- li ?.* -id .v V- * *:.l'in;-;. I ; •• il| it ..II hi:;.; til .i L ;J.t‘. 5 i • , j ..... • t; \ ;; l ! ii K.i 'i 1 J\l tie Ts ;; it °:.n 1 v a .. ‘■* *’ ■* “■ \ rI I “! 11. .. .1., | ;i!r -- ‘ i VY ■ • !. \ ■ n\* i I \\ |! MI |'s . il. i ait v\ Im. *it h. Tu ll ’ • ii. -y. if.-hnTJ tin —fitu..* \v,.\ I*s i i ■ . . ; . • ’ i !..’ \ < ! I*, im-i . 11l \ .MM. 1 111;:i11. ■si 1 t !•■’ I u!\ 1. •. k Hi..* tij. IV’ •* ii t! ■:.* li r i ! ■-! * V ; , I-:-:.,: V.; !. .. i.-ll - . r/, i— .i. I I V'.n :•. t'l *,: I. y;• - ! : *• nht *.*. t!. 1 I r h !; ‘.ti'h > in i .| ( . ... M..’ ; * . :ii.i •’ s* .... ::. Ji r . 1; i ; v. ‘ 1 . * . • *5 • l I .\ .• mi 1 all’ |i|m •, ” iii' a* ‘i ‘ !. i ! , - :m *a !i ii jn ‘ ■•J \ . “Ill;'*, ‘l. a !■’ i a ’ !h M ■ i a'l] ji Hit 111! i >i In \J \ a i!i.. \.r: . t it. ill I'm >•.-. I.•. f t>. -i mi ; t !.••* i•• i!<! li.i\ r a lM,l:r • <•:; 11. ‘."I. ‘•• :■ \ “lit tM,ll'\ :i*l ** ’ *. ” ‘i !.’ \ v’ < l ! !.* ‘!: li jht!< - .!.■• .; / ; • ‘.. Ila ) -!.|.’ i’ . 1 l"‘\ . ‘.• v,, ■ j . . 1 1, h at tI.M I aly'.s !, 1.t1.• •l h _ |.’ h! !• > il. t l t !•'■ 1 .1, •• 1 *.*. •h*.i;h ii aj. .iri•* im ! li .1 v,. .1 , 1...*1s hun.; ~ ;m 1 \i*u know 1 1.: \\ • ~m -.i i r r - to ha\ <* a iiiro t.i .iuT, ..I, I .'i ! ;f, |.!I'III>.'I l.lh il yh , S*‘ iri ■ u ... ’ll, A.. //o’ ?!.• 1 ,t!y <• n \w*rr 1 ..; , 1 i-h, . i.■ !.lr .Hrd-vr;:!! a hlii li ..I l. . nh. mi lii Im I rlirrk jt ill.* t. rii . • h . .if. \...rils roii\ I*yi I, • li.* .... i).I |< | !,; , |thic <.l I, ,!! .1 I .utt ii in h i in\ h u -i. n1 in aiu'tln r Jm in* u’ l! , h.,, \\ .; s !• Uhiill’ illoHM Mill 1 I'!l hi- 11 ui l. •i M t-K-y: JII .1 f, n 111 ‘liiriits hr I'rt urn h. .■ |.u L mi: wifli !rl i :ht j mul lr> t-a tm s 1.. u .no wiln lirallh aiol 1• -lit*.. • nl, ’ mamma, ll r |"” i wom.m #:. i* • ii, iiiUhl*. 'Up r:ahV-I fotirii Ii -k. imt I >i * I ri.t Id hir; aml/h.- v:i il. ***’ i I=. I* tin luili'lr* hi'ly, eii'l I '*■ ■! iMtt'n will ii'W haYc hli'a-l l" r ‘ ,v ” IVr 1..- i -o nil Mill i* j n ■J hr . \v* ol I hi* Lhly f-l-.'t *1 *1 h- I < .ii■ i l|H n cital “I hrr rhihl, anil 1 i.. A./,/ |hl In r t'lit i's <1* h ln>?M\lil a |.h null*, thr'r* !<i ‘*| Inc A* I's 1 •(i1*1 Hr ym 1* r.v ‘j’u }, |,t. il v I hiun !- Is i ii• \%a . hotli , f.• •• v• • i*7 a ‘jirjii •uu*kr **•. \ • *,, ii * ’ ri r 1 .1 Irl V, wlm {.ii t ! him ‘ • <!;•) vili a j t|*n ill Im* ,’ il i l-.I a *..'il ‘ ‘ N *', li* ‘il -1 it, i . I ‘ • ‘lu i. u*’ it • , * . **••*■•? . ■- a _v • s< “ TRULY THE IS SWEET. VXD A P!.E\S\NT TtHNr, IT IS FOR THE EYES TO BEHOLD THE RUN.” XIOVN AX G KOIiOIA* WIOOXESDAY ifIJNE 1. 18G4. ’ . - . I | r>i: TIIK rOMI'AMHN'. I ‘i'lii- f n.iwiuj; t.m liinir we mv j ii.t... in. .1 l.v jrii sit', , iimv All! *• mat,, fax • riftil*. li'M II 111! b.’ II \ iil iill still. [Hjm'ttKSK. Eljfti F.r.ddifi 1 . 11l ra i ’.lil.Mi.iaii’s lrtir. (’ u'iii -wa rt Kill'll II itlchtjA* to l, ,*s ..f* ;;.l • vr* ami hn*ls liUr tnarMi*. \i.<t Imi'low’ I.'Hc.s* mthiml to woo u* % l*i*.*m fin* h t int JNnrlh rnic . - hike a ‘o\v-ilfo|, |de. 11*.t >lie hloonictl iit liniia’A *• ‘r. Ki"rd I,Y a\n v SSoutliPl a tr. TJ.rrr ranit* with lu*r n l manly Our \\r tliuiiuht jr*.ih:'.j's hrr lo\ • r, t'.ijUi'a I a-” IHword hV'd nu*t-“ with i’.ny othrr. T-a'trr 1 Wain Olid lur Thry w, rr t iiinrA fund nn*l true ; Tina v rill ! linw u prnif of hrnnty, Want!.-Ht. Hralli our ilvir of him* . .’ <>int ‘! •> in amine: thr\ wciltl >n\ ll'iri \ ti n hir'< i*:*f ti-t jstm-np. Till \ til i 1,1 ki t-, for ’tls* Mn\ UrtY, V, llll )i‘i i.'htiittiahi wo nntst run ni. Vli ! ii*t.\ swiftlx flrij'thr ht,ur*. iiill- i.!r with our h|i£flt**r rimk; : ’! \\ n o ko l w-iilt in** *i‘aln ft* nrr*, 1 ‘ 1 it I’n 1 !rlV* -i* si r>iinc. • . s .ii.'. liW• voiiilifu! hrart- * -ft >in? % ‘A l.t ;t tiit ri’ i. iiritlu t ftt'ijlit nor It-ar; ! m \ -it. ■’ !’>'• Itirft.ttf ‘prinv-, W )i*‘n r* - m.iii* i Imv i iriy iu*.tr. . 1 :n> l I’ -wit lli* r,\i iii t!i.’ ‘ i!ijr!it. \\V ut.'hl.r ..\v s” I !.v 7'll - ’I ‘\\ : I ’■ •!’ *lll- ‘•! nii/lit. I .v\ .ill l,v; like ni- ! im - WffP, e > >!i it"il no vt rs hi.* ! :ii\* tin iiitiftl -lit* ‘httj*iY ncitr, Trf.w lory ariiMtl yyil’.i ('npi i * li'iicfs, * Wit h I lit* ? ium n.i clt!i y* u t Hilt*. l *J\ n klill mttre* Smt'i> r • /."Aii r*ttr* n<,i —\ w |‘it*r*l <Pio yyh<>iii Yfiiilt! r. ’kt* kilt fimt. Pr.f f \vt* kilfw t!i H t {httt n t! v i:i<f I'.iltt t fear* ymmiM i*i ollv II *NY : Knt'.u I !>;yt wi** v\t>nl%lf KrfHktiijr, , WfiMi tin* W.W** triT Jy ,t - ’iti.j’.it ki!*• ‘V. li’ 4 v\i-yy r-pl :tn 1 f i*. t*. !.i- ••! I*.• r. Ito-.v Im r -ml !!!!f'! v> :>;> .-.*i*; !I•\ f. • !. ’I : ‘*t*.|tl-li* r Hii <• t! 11*'. It u I. r I • • Ml. i- win- A MS. S’ mm v•! .*!t ! v •<*. !i vt -t hi in \. - * :-. r . ..t .*’ t , *• ‘.--•* ‘, 1 !‘t •- ■ TM 111:.-. r :,,!> ),i’ i• • !.f .[.if ■! ; • i- f.tir !i* - V t •••! . ‘i i lii- Ifit-iitl im- oft’ ;i . tjjr A t . \\ ill -if Ml'. * . in,, \ . r v * I!"!..-.- !• ir.i.*’, r..- ’ - 1. - A v*i i. Au l I’M P,. - *v. oil : ii"',’ • .m‘ ! iv t ;-u , i'*'.>i in v ■••'ill* i . * i : ui.i -v* . . ■ *y ~ .Hi, ‘*# ‘ 11 1, \ N U. 1 :. I. 1.0 ■ .i- j:!i;.*;Itl t ! . 1 . . w s.; .•’ . i :. ■j r ii ■ - ’ ! t’ >• >1 ‘ ;Vi7.ti W •!■■ ! i!,. iiiK'-; t; Hf, TANARUS: .• .'V’ It) Ilf;Vfft alii* ll MM* • ii 1 li, • ‘.,i IV IT ‘ kl.i-J lib V t#;i - ii.t 1 !. ‘'l I t • > *f;'l !•*! I Tiff :. . -, i. i)<: • r; •*!•••. * <” ii:Ji*;nnf*f I's j * tllli . Tl.;t <’ ‘rv("! t!iy pruYf lifif till mu** .•*un. -♦ •- •* ?Tra Gaskill's Life cf Charlotte Bronte. Tlim lilt's .| i vymii.mii *>r wrii- I.■: i l.v iiii *lln T. yy !ii t< iJrtiilT- 1 Ii I Ik* -.t.,ii ilt *-i :ii 11i"it | >r-**:11 -* m t wojol'l cl.iim i *>nv ;th- ii t ion. It li.s, n yVnr srj iiiliiMDfV ii *1 l” 1 f inl(‘t.iki*ii ; it slmiyy** lit il 1,0 \it IhuU il t*n\i,viml*i< tuny t‘* r. ’.,: ilir i l tl. ii yvmlihti miimif K* I 1-t If I .it ll .'(1,1 r till- *ivi *i‘ v\T ii * 1111 i 114 :.t h• * it'; *rv, ;n p*’ ;i'in : c h tS,i v <!’ , \v i!l ‘*n*ir p*'.iii*j >n U ;i.'.m-i !i<*n . ; -!i .util. ‘i Im pi".u r >‘ > *-’! ii; *.i t i** not t**li im •> k• iii ill I , <• l; *. j i ; if llirrmiv Ili of \rotJMH ) ;,11,inv willi i‘ii'Y iiii'i i* .*!*'U>y ihi'l’*.’ :iii ui\ ri..*! * ilm ii w Vim n;4 t | tl*i’ in ‘l iul.lo ’i -ii'< m 1 ai.d imUu'iliiy th • . h!\ moil• •> l r* f.liiiiii- (In'll- l*:i*l iitftihmh'’ 11 ai*r tli*’ * v Hut, 1 1 1 ;iik iml! .( I'4-Ui 1 M*.l I.s l .1’ *-■ l:j. I til.’ Wrflil. .4i**l ; irsi j’ wtnimnli” 1 l* to !\- r. <• ‘Miii/ -1, himl tmi ;ill (!• is ...ii il.i Inl*i* <1 ‘jrnliiu uoin;iit will li* • in* I with tin’ et’litsMHj I til Y:,T I* • YrfU la-tJ- l *-r w+o. S! i‘\ !v. l*’U -Mi t’! ..• \Y .lIK'H :iic i TIM'F -jniM J",*i+i,i ii.o i:i/:Tut wliili las y.nil'll (lo ir feu • wavlllf (*.! (}•• YY*Kol ’I 111 |u|t*i’ YY 1 191 Mil livi'.l ill flu* oi l Tn.ilh YoriliiM I fit **riii|v;t!miMM f*ir vikiup* ami wurriiMi*; (In* T.H.'in*lva!< * I li iVf n? 1 l th'ir uii:i‘*i"’J'U)tl | ru- I .Inf If-s li.m liiii” iiiinif iii***Uil; (Im* inur i■ r luvi* fj’!<'■ i<•.!• I I** (ititjM wiili (In ii 1, nr■ jj4y •ill*]* Hull Jttfrt* ►.ihlyli <*ml JV mii tin* l*'Tir*\ ol (!.* dirk; tiiv .* . J.-Os .'! l!|.’ • K l.:.Yf j’ *k. ii 11. u |-ar. ( ‘•v I’ .fii ’• iiitc lu.;i'N < yAH .Ur. ir ii| tH*) >houM hrtray too much the hurtling I |.f.)tcst wilbiii at tin l fitlatt Htantfanl, tli: ailulation. mi.) tin- tirrujr.ilit naMinip tof a worlt) unable to .road tbo ileli cate, tracitry of tlio I’tvator. fashioned with such exettedinf; trraee, they limy truly be said lobe all of t!oil, so I eAlect is the fineness of intuition, lint, as Moses had to vail his. face bemuse the people could not boltoi 1 it, shitting with the near reflex of tbo .Divine eompauion sbip. so has woman, in her deep soul, vail..l lurtteif f>.m tj brother—pnitly, in her ignorance, partly in her despair ; lint she is beginning now to arise itnd ! sltine. fi.ra new glory has arisen upon , her. She is learning to read the beanti- ! fill hieroglyphic, of an inner type, more potent and more hartnnnimu than she has bitluilo believed. Soon it will not be ..omul Imiisi'l, suffering, disliearlened, and imbecile, wearying Iter brother with l.r follies and discontent; lmt woman crowned with the son, the helper, the comforter, the glorifier, and. then our Il u - inanity shall asc md to new and divine j 1 hjglits. Wo VolioM fimiolhinjj of this in our \vini* n p.K*tM—v*t not much ; thev nrft” ovfiimu'h drs|omlin^ —ovcrnnicli likt* tin inii-ii*’ which lenity \wT hreast uj on a tlmm, mul I’rom (In'* ii ncr :i""nv |ini> out lior MwrcteMt un'ax lies; tluv spt .ik overmuch from a reflex thinking; n t from iimiitton; they nre moony anl p ile, when ih v Nhouhl phtw iu the hriyrhtucsM of the morninj; ; th*v flaunt tho inner Fife when they shmiltl h lil il in (he of own li^lit; they talk of their love*, ntnl are lmt ii ille in their pas*ion* ; they esteem from vanity ntnl jiniw cohl from woun<l<*il > If lovt ; they are not enough in anti tor tlicni^elves—Mlieicfuro ihoy nre little I*v ---('•I, mil lii'ii they ory rnt for ?*vmii;.tliy, ,s ihe vine .ii - f*r .'iipport ; ami thus they waFl their plainly ami dii* and nre fu- V*M ii. And thus tin* other sex believe must lie liti. vvr and tote luN'> ■. • • t. n j ih* \Y.ii| i.s ihe precursor ‘ of * relief i‘ ouiu: wav. The wounded ln*a't * i i\y!’ (ti tli. toiftiin and i> honied —the -t:ivk'n bird . J ei k-* tli** not to heal if.** pain, ami adowii the aire.s, have \vo men -a-r \vu in? o yensw* of ivdempti ni. f'liarl"tte Uruiilt belonged t*j (his now ‘i l; n.i of thinker', but was born to the * !•! fcluol of suf! rer.s Her i less in eve ry v.iy- not so el ar sieinp, um! npt so pioftiimillv emotional ; but Hie j brings t* hei t,i>k a eleur be.ol an I an appr* ci it i\e, !v,n- heart. She could not fathom ib pt'i'” of her friend, but idn* could m'c al! t In* nobleness of dc.-ioN. Sli c mid look on yyHi admiration and a!, what >le e iinpivhooded —but there was a vast field of ob et vaiion. inspiration ‘and pr*>- phccy t'tally ncoiiiprv-hcnible to her mind f mid ben.*e. her e\trlent ties!re to (’liarlottc-llroiittuivitbiii tli • scope of ord:uar\ y is}n, her anxiety to ?f!ow how daint*-uict* wt re her li rbifw, how sinijilo Net earclul her eli dee ul‘ drv>>*, her “ three ‘.ft*! -'of aiarri a ;’e,‘* ami .'ome c\ery day talk nbout potatims.iad cM-kiii/. \!l this i** but natural, and to be expect ed from on wlio walks in the sunshine a* and es M iv. ( iKskill, who eovets its siiiiplieiiy “ami 4 as<*,.. nut iu its slairv hjglits or ** !> a- w * or mleur. For outs I i>. W4* overlook these ordi nary mid to be exported habits; Y\e do m>t rare to !**vrn (he color of Ass asia s i til*,’ vv *•n 1 e von lent t.i know it ! oeaim* Ihe uearet ; wr *l# not care r be fold lliat hueretia was delicately fair, f.r we arc >mt’ that so much cruelly, su per subti e as t was, must Im accompanied by a pliYs’ujuc as finely strung and as es • j'li-itely imdb and as that of the panther ’1 Linus are he inferred, if (he biogra pher w ill l it Via e ns the foul of his sab jetff. At* till’ ll ;! SI I'd list irOU a ve’ebrj eoii'vlu* L the entire oryani/atioii, -o il oil* the ir.iricr n**m tone ijiliiiiati*oi f eliaraetv r c si.struoU the whole inner H.fc. 1 11 tin* utl.'inpt l*i -lioyv that (’hiiilo'K liroiitc was Tnko other |wople in . many mub of Ik r YY* ii 1, wondioii* Utc aiips Iroui the j;rasp of hi r (-'lmHoffo -Sieute had little in common u 11 ! 1 tl*?*c *ut la r. W e M*e. by the iicikMii* iii-June lin wb.eli hc r*'jcts all I luf* rt us lynijiatby and 44.10; amoiiship, fch*’ {. e i bvMer >u*Utm i by lu - I >c!f than tbtoujb |im aid of an/itbcr In lur detpf 4 \pvrt im k, Nallt* 4*., aid be ; iiliHii \\ !• • she Julies dovi'ii >4i4rbef ‘* I ‘ pi.’. . o*. r ili rcl|iail) hoi rUdovod sister, she goes alone; she docs I not tell Iter friends of, this inttmtiou till | it is done. 11nly once gho asks a friend to come and |>ass a week with her—not lieeatto she is weak enough to need it, but because she is strong enough to bear it. M'c see in all this how lunch she dwelt alone in her true self. She was grateful for kindness, lor sympathy ; but she felt deeply its inadequacy It weak ened her—it made her miserable —it kept Iter in the valley when she would arise ,to the hills—it exaggerated rather th in | allayed !..a V'V-ring* —if pressed the bit Iter clialiec twice to'her lips—it kept tin wounds npejfc which the good Father only i might heal. Hy herself, she could euduro-j alone, in Jjer solitajy room, walking back and forth in the dim twilight, she was npothensued; till her tears were assuaged by a divine comforter—all her sighs borne to the ever lasting bill- from whehro help potnetli all her dim, tlieary life hidden with tiod; her lietliacnianes were ministen and ttnlo by angels—b t faint and hungering s ail bad bread the world knew not of; all the black clou 1 in wliielt she was hidden had - its silver lining; ami thus she catm* forth ami st rtlcd us at a vision of some won • Irons type of woman a* yet ttntcvealeH to *h(* world some strange, mystical cron* 1 turn, half anjrtd—a sort of woman- Pro mrUietis, with her penetrating uneaithlv cvc*. W e think of some North rn prophet, who has stolen from the halls .r Valhalla to s o lo\y deftly the I air haired women of these modern ilnys earry themselva s. Sin’ is Irruised all over, it is tnu* ; but she is tnoisliytired by its no .mis till none of tin* O’ynip nis tan e impata* with her in the regd ornce with wbii-li she pialls tlie divineutnbro ia. She s in sto .say, “ ‘lbtis nittcli l puffer but I e .mpier nev* riheh ss j *t4ms mm4i l n4i eati* but 1 am now* the less j >\mii-* . 1 will tint yiidi|~l will not uiad*li*n ; mr pi’ tk and pine, t -r I have a life be yond all this.”* -Sh*; yy tV loy^ttni d.m slroho diet and a atuiusj.liere. ‘Then* was fl.msy, in* sltani around her, from tin* tiiiio p!u* ibevr her breath to tln* chasing sc ue. Never was e’oild o( jjoi,n-* so ’ cradled in jriu* ilrciry Hhnrlotte lb nit* vra> uooidiiiarv prison; all 1 all attempt-* to sh"\v that she at* ;’ drank, -plopt and ilres>i*d like flu* oitlini-. ry Woman arvftri!c, for umh rm ath th se tnaiiMost lion always hnki*! idiiisyncracies ‘■never In'f*n* dcv4*lop*d in any wt'iu.m. She 1 vmi nils us of a drentti which ouee cittie t* a p ujisci'tii*. II 1 thought b. l-i*J died s>s to this world, and was ad*, miited info a tvjjioii m> still ami calm that flic HA'iisj s shmbbred till over at the lack •if puUatiou io tlie cold, •iray api if of ; all Presently, he vaw hn _*<• in is •if peep!..* appioachiuy, chid in i.:ij ..j* des, 1 1 aiiiiMj to tin* ground; none nf th* in spoke—,ili W"ie fix and in tin ii e atii tciuneLS : slow i;i tviop. an 1 so J • It *s, so uu Icu.oiis'r .(i .e, t 1 at tin V ‘.i ldei a ib 4 pci !e it ,’ by b\v j r Tscnee t the -a ;m u 4. pul elcss atm *’bet“. As they in\.i\d the divamcr, e.ieli one, as lu’ v •; f by, opened h.s b'ided arms s| ivad out lilt|, sWeepiiiM oarmciitp tu vxhili it hi’ pcftk’ii, ul win 4 like 11 living ’ a human body en.iipounde lof fiaim*. S* this small, still, shy ('h irlofto ]li**ii m, never warmiuu into outward in hu>’ast.;, hoarded her int ‘ii'ity. lulled i-t within, till 1 xpr ssbm by the pen beeatlie a l* iii- Ido miH'Ksity ; >ljo uml llmlbd nnd* 1 ~lm r li 14 Y.'eaim*, till sl.v ui 111 !y jeab ized beh-re our ey es th laid ■ . I , w cmc!c. 0.10 r women p> mad, turfi. in j rohat.s bte *ui” vixens, or write Irvm \ euv**, , in.di r hair the t. iv**r of st nl whieli eu ried (’hailotie I home np ti.m-feo'ir. <1 I*. - lure u* Let U’ ‘( • w hat \v :'e the f !it I**ll ■* which, ‘level* ♦■ ! tiijs fie.iy nati.r . and \hick-A4i. tlcliiuiiiti s w ; •!* ; all tho tend Tiie-s. **l a friend, but w.tli lunch of the'spirit w.tli whch llic iiiii-/* 1 liln!ia In held tho tr.iiisl.iti. n *1 ‘ho Ih *j Im ! L jdi mi k.-U ry *t. lht p John>••%•, “I .'lnhUetoo I .1 v*ivitv. \v.*¥ miu day bc*'oru the >l'i‘L;Mf’ oil Mlliifai ill ii.’i t C | nIM (pl'lk U liumbir vl ‘ • 1 li * sOil-.. t . il.usirnie she sijbjerf. A t*oy;u >h student f.r sport piipfed a b’ -ek uimo.j the *t ims. ‘flic ih-Mficsor taking 1 up the vtoiMs one after allot he r. and i a nniijJ tin'lll- “ J h*s,'* wild lIC, ** ‘■* a ; l. if ul ”iv ! ilcy til s • a pi* ce -d f l l*p-!, ete. l';c*c?|\ im; to tie. I'liekhat. ;—Without bv*trii\H4i any kind of *or | prim , or ee flic t ile* ol h * Yoit'v, “ I Ir-, ’ Pil and he, at Up, J ‘.Yeo. *-T ilupa i~tiV ]’ The Ditmond Ear-Ringt * j nv ttt.rx AsttTov. “Uli! if I only had a pair of diamond ear-rings, “said .Mary Alliiigluttn, a pretty pill of sixteen, flic daughter of o mail in inoderate circunistanees, ‘ls there (to niueli bappiliess in din motwl ear-ring-, in); deal t” quietly replied her mpilier, the sote-jiiher person in th* ! room with her, “lliippinessf I stinuld bo perfectly happy- You don't know, mamma, what al„ .toilful pnV,f.:fl er Mswtey has. All iln- school-girl* ctr-y her.” •I'm afraid, my chili),” said Mrs, .VI linglmni, ‘-that, if yon had tliu ear-rings, you'd soon be wanting something else, Ibr io u little while you'd get as much used to them ns vmi are to your |>onil mien. Ilesides, 1 don't believe in young jtlrife wearing diamonds. So, even if yonr fh,t tiler was lielier, I should opjmse yonr* getting uhljiiond tar-rings.” , .M ‘ry -iglic 1, No one but lierscll knew w hat as. i ioin disappointment this deci sion was i” lief. The pnfisossioh ol'diit moml ear rimps h?cl loup been secretly lice and iti n, l>nt aware of li r mother’s aversion t * <• sflv je\n Iry br j*irls, uml doubtful of her l'iher*s ivhility to pur chase Hindi ex In vacant s!i • Ind Ic* m'arly a y *ir jim l> *f.r,> s’u* ei ll Is i*n tmui to.ipeak on thesuhj *ct. That wh o Mr. and Mrs. Ab liughnui were alone too'iher, the latter nieiitioned her s wish. ‘•1 saw ti e tiyis een.e int.i ’ Mary’s . ye>,” Hi •'.a *!, ‘‘wh ff denied there • jucst; ami if undo me wish \vy.* cul ’ aft’n:\| t i gratify her. If 1 had uif thnnydit it Would feed the vanity, which is her one preaf oib’c, I should h.r c fpiito wislied ir:** “Mary i’ .i■. rep!: ‘d Mr. Al- Itnub iirt, refh (‘lively, *Mn,vbe, f.o, if \ve *.ri\e her tin’ . v rin-s. if tfmdi ber a l‘->•• a S.he’d *• mo tin I tlf*f hap pirn ss do •> j|.,t con ist in fine j wjrv. 1 1* “ “••'* • 1 *• • 1 -A 1 sheet a:! -p nu j I t ■! I h . “ “Hilt the • ■* no tr.nJiin;4 hki** expevi cnee, my dear. ‘l’ll mjl) the world is tin ny fhous,*in l years old, i,\ch generali* ii n;fiti‘i, a-* t as the. v.ery first di 1.-to arc •[ f ihe InMntis id’ life at seeon 1 band. M e • 1 1 despise the wi-dom of our fille rs and serve*lv when they* monniz n t!iou;;!i, in ruin, yu* aie (oulish • n m .!i t supj o 4* our own chiMivn will •jive hee lt, us. It’s li'.iman nature, and there's :v\ cud < f it.” 1 “Ami you to ok we can :;fh i ! tho eir i! nj - ? ‘ • They may save us iter iva jane ..•(ter awbil *. <Vi c i i't ‘al v.ivs >l ■-•ay ai \ only is sen ;! I<*, an ! v.itllearu. I Imjrt*, the |. s>am wr wish to teach-hv*! - , if wv **T:iti-ly her in tlituV l I*.. It v\ i’l hr :\ iheap wn . i*i ?*.:*• 4’\e:t, to liiahc h"i M'onir.uie.d.” - V ’ -_ : •• r that’ - v.c:i h t!c; t!:.*n e ” m ! m'; iv . •■ : •'* o e jyp*a•-yy.slnm.tjit to th*. \\! I*l •!• ll :’it mJ’ Mary. fr.di : > lui I -iwu 11 ■** ;!l h p* of them, and c-od I hard!', 1 lie;.e b v i\Vs, when “tu’ saw them, t n m M her ill-v's’-n r-taide. Hm.v lly .xhe Wore thf lit to the yi(-.<; I’ami’y d-irier at her l!'iflfej’s tliit •la v ! 11 **w <he J iii:ii ! . ; v-ry b.-d v \v.i-. bi lking •'*f hr at eliUtvL ! j|*i\v c n .-lie th * ‘.f,bt I'sllier 11 iwhy t a riled-wit!) j\il* iy* when tin) YY ii'c t*. >v • 1 f.r ti-.e fii't. t; -i*• ! lint .Maly, i’ lo r lie th* r bad ibi t**!d,. >” hi f i tin* of the ,'h • . . ill 1 ; _*! •!’ ! * ‘ ‘ !. • r - ‘’ . Id xfe.'V’c !• As *!i • “w‘ i blcr’ v. n’ ;•••*• inf** > ■!■•*;.•, sl.c a* 1 :.!•:!* a l , !-• i T.i ->,'?i• I bracelets,, an 1 v. b Wei* j'l-J a* li.Hvo ‘'4 t!'; .l.i.'di ly >1? * •- j jn -- Mi|>a r w u At. fi. ‘t l1.!> U. *■!*• l 4 er I iv’i ‘ ;i’ lieus i.’ r fathn b< 1 -, i. >!.. v W. > boll. .'*>! .oil sel.s Ml', Ml 1 ‘h : • I • ev, f 1..i* f sh •,-j!.; ....oh'* c.- toy tiling th” v*h.*l, jt.'j,. be’ ’ I t” s;i'pi I'll!* |*> 1.-er d'.s|i* j| ’ • h*’ . 1 -el .* dtb it v- n -I her : • ni ioie* ;s YM-re mo*f r>ui*’ t,U *1 .w* aUo tic happiest- Aj* r widow A d.iUjjht-'r, fviv.ii lbuii.i l, wi> tin* nr. a rh. n. and ‘ 1 VI. p M Ilutlili i’ 1 ,;k.she -.lit. h-Ts, ]] t.;> IV H. V~*4t#*4.iilV's U.i hupp; •• (?• ”v ‘i*t mi* 4 tliud wbhm'.’ (Ir. day,-"di<? ‘kteTid i4W* rxui, whi ro ! < her p •'cots VV44S- It yy as a i*>.'d, i biftv.. winU?', xml then Ini bttli in h ‘ I ‘a aa. ;ig tin ) ■ ... . i f TEN IMUJ.AkS v vivAR | InvakMUi.v |v Auvancb. my diamond eaf-riti.s; fnr.ifytm h ive no object ion*, I should- ilLc to have then, sohi, so as to give the money to lie- fxmr .There's old granny Winslow, they t.-U on , : hanllv lias anything ‘o ‘-at. I know you gave w the ear rin,., not because you ih'.iight ibeea -uilaMe l .rim , but became I tiad s-1 my hrart on ilirni. I fintl now*, that 1 was unhappy, u.! be. cause 1 had no diamonds, bur U-eatiso l - wns daily breaking ;ho tenth eomm.iud liteirt and guilty at e .v.-Mo-noss .'l. • bung down her bead with shame, “So, 41 y-.o pfw'.se I n| bout the or.rings, .and be eontent old pail our., ; which arc more appropriate tovoiir me m-.’ dear JM|KI-” I f Tho le;irs tamo into tlic eyga t.f b*:fi Mr. ai.d Mrs Vlliiigb nii as they | r.-- I , their child, by nuns to their heart, M iry lias sitter married a wnatty liter ■v: bur’ on, iy< 1 / yP ■ I h n n “,'!ier, alford ‘•l’ A.; ■at w IS 11. llr\ •lid be B h""’ much our ti ‘jt had eustj 1,1 l thought el the car rings, n'td wasw. , " ll, enled to do without it.” A NrjlOrd Wife. Mario 1 ‘- i-c pVer Invo.l Naj-nViin.- II"\v ,* u 1,, !,) W>liitii ? He ha.) „|,| in r nn| -nl amidst the t ‘ilM'fnlu bit lon. sin* \V< “Illy liineteon Ili-.i ‘• .li. r's! v:M ‘ - "i'l am! iiilloxih!” a- thi s ,'rlt of i .etilal'oni whirl, aerompli.lie.) hi grca* e'• ’i hat ol'lh” fair ( prinep. was goitlhr, tiinhl ami prniivoaa i1,., .joiic (Ire:ms of her unlive laml.—- S’ li (1. fallen from the strp-i fao ni:- tlironr ; !ir l.::.l no mite.l upon hi hv life f-rco of arms rod hy traiojd o lo w lit,in liglds. mi.hi foot. U. r rail,-, j nj n iTei > au'l ... o to ci'Tisidel* Nap I on as the H* “ij* tiod, the Audi 4f incident kin pt .im, fin upjnv.-sor ol tin many, the murderer #!’ princes, flu* tf‘ u.xti ms, the in n 'bary of 4* 1 pil it Is, iu a YYord the en i . . hum‘uM-wlm ty In r | r-rvers bad been ik ; cd t !;ea\eu Tr im her cr;n|b* in tin j -ic.* t f her ttu i >ti.rrue hei H4'.*i’ ,*|s J) Lost; CMfieY'dcd through li. to th” cot, U ro;-, after tin* ) • a* V . t *h*rated ivj udic.tloii *1 a wife yvlm h . been the \> ry itVrusm sit'.of h*. Itim ~ Fli fjt that Mm* lad hi n sold, i t i\. n She !o Te 1 i p f *i h r.-<df as th” , , ‘*m nl her father and In rv mu Iry ’ , ,v ----w icsigned to In r lute-.s an imm*..h**te*,* she splemb*!’ if un impel i;d thr-on- w i to lui as the fi*'.Y• iv *'.M<kiu,’ :i \i, tiii, : . sTrfrftcr.- uvaul a! .. •! I. into a C./uVS si I . f je-n • d*li r i■ • VMul;*) r iy ii t tel VM,. ~ - vVvtmm, y*. 1. • e n ,;.i ••. mm'},: ! eii iyv’ \y\ .* tii.lvii*iv j. !•• L. r. ! v, .rs c *ii in. and ii; silent it •ui; • i!\n t;* In 1 1U ‘ i-.dhs ill sf dll ‘ - . en!e.ii..!i 1:• *1 *.-j - i.r- •. i !,d , * ],, , was - .... li.; 11 y• 1. )*• ; - !*. 1 t- . ! -. , ti , in b; - ill- c’i ui ; !.•• .-. * , u j , (| h • soijpbt l ph <**• lii’ •. . ; . li . Li ‘* ‘ *•'"'• 1 I'"• ‘• ■'*■ : • , bi t *,Vi e;i hii i;ml *h 1 ‘ ... J, ; . ~,, . wile, ;u.d Yen li. • !•• ! . i !( . Jt sire 1 . .• *u! 14 1 -i , . it:A in s. A W.t . Wive, I■’ If ‘ , .1. , VI ’ kn -Y. 11, VY . ‘*• .1 -■ , i', W ... N , I', ■■ letter*, YYbl'di h :i\ ebe It I . f■, j, u b-h.d In *j, ~{ tiny i vh<• .-i k- ’h !"l! e.v . u;. •*’ ~j u )../), :-l I'',, by * 1.i..* • uld d.-.-M f.-r lb -1 •lb ; u’y-j-t p.M •Dp ii.'H). \{ \ • : v . t . ’ J i J•■ • I e*| in | J(,• ~-J j v.A!” .• 0 - • “I „ , M,~ , • • ‘ ‘ : " : ' 1 r A ■” •"* r ’*s : ’'tia! I , •>[ ‘ A "'l‘ should |„. ;,- v ! ‘” ‘ ‘ ,i i ’ ‘ **''■• >'*'g"hlr 1,.-. l 1 V""” n. ” ‘ ‘■ 1 I” ‘* lor till- p ut ‘'w ■>, .t-.r u,ad- *owa„h, L ‘" r 1 ■ who dor, in,, “"• r the end of h<r ,-r, I h .vr fi• -jiu utly Maid , ,ojr I'ri.-i, ~ “" Il !l) P n*'e thought ior ,; Vl , r , ’. ‘ ’ ‘**” *' l * *••■*” , that I w„uM rallu ’ ‘ T,lu to.. . • ich thou t, , lit,|,. j y . with, it act ion I r<)U T; * ftiUMtYw 1 ‘"*iiu never i- Uilti J t LgUatv.” . NO. 2 1