Tri-weekly chronicle & sentinel. (Augusta, Ga.) 1838-1877, September 06, 1845, Image 3

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Prom the New Haven Herald. Splendid Meteor. Yesterday evening, (Monday, 25th inst) about half past 7 o’clock, a meteoric fireball of very uncommon splendor was observed b\ many of our citizens. The sky was still so ligh' that f-w stars were visible, when the meteor ap peared high up in the Southeastern quarter, ii rapidly increased in brilliancy, and as it .ailed slowly down toward the East, threw off a host of sparks and flakes, of various hues, among which the most prominent were steel blue and golden green. It was now apparently many times larger than Venus when brightest, and being enveloped in a blaze of tinted scintillations, it presented a spec tacle of surpassing magnificence and beauty It disappeared in a kind of explosive flash, oi red light, low down toward the Eastern horizon too remote probably to permit us to hear the re port. The following notes relative to the meteoi will be useful when combined with similar ob servations made in other places. 1. Position when first seen. Altitude forty two degrees, bearing Sou'h sixty-two degrees East, by true meridian. This place is uncertain perhap- five degrees in both elements. 2. Position at disappearance. Altitude seven degrees or seven ad a ha'f; hearing North sixty nine degrees East, by true meridian This place is probably exact within half a degree in each element. 3. Time of flight, two and a half to three seconds. The motion seemed deliberate—sail ing rather than darting. 4 Apparent magnitude. The glare of the sparks and the blaze rendered it impossible satis factorily to observe the nucleus. The diameter may safely be taken at two minutes ot a degree, and was probably nearly twice this. 5. No report was heard, and in the circum stances could not have been noticed, unless it had been quite heavy. Persons residing North and East of this (es pecially in Hartford, Cambridge, Providence and Nantucket,) who may have made precise observations on the meteor, are earnestly desired to give them to the public through the newspa pers. Such observations were doubtless secured and if compared they may render it practicable to ascertain the size, velocity and course of this little asteroid, ana possibly to indicate the spot where its fragments found a resting place. j E. C. U. We have corresponding accounts of the same meteor from Providence, Boston and New Bed ford. Friendship. — Do not fa dieve, because a man smiles upon you and seeks your society, that he is your iriend. Smiles and professions, alas! are so abundant as to be of no value. He only is your friend whose heart is in his words, and whose actions illustrate them ; who stands by you through all vicissitudes of fortune, “in sunshine and in shade.” When you find such a being, make him your second self-—cling to him as to your very life—for the jewels ol the earth are scarce, and. therefore, precious; for the sand of life but glitter in the radiance of a high enjoyment, and even the golden bowl is broken at thp fountain, H3 = * THE Rev. J. L. Brooks may be expected to preach in the Baptist Meeting House To-morrow (Sunday,) at 10J o’clock. EAGLE AND PHCENIX HOTEL, AUGUSTA, G\„ &OPENI3D.4I D3’" THE undersigned respectfully announces to his friends, that the above estab lishment is NOW OPEN, AND IN CO »i- PLRTE ORDER. He solicits a call from his old patrons and Wends. WVt. M. FRAZER, Late of the United .Stales Hotel. The STABLE attached has been put it order, and a good Hostler is in attendance. s 6 TO THE VOTERS Ot THE 1()TH REGIMENT, G. M. CClr* WE are auth irized to say that Mnj ir J. J. BYRD has consented to become a candidate for the office of Colonel of the 10th Regiment Georgia Militia, and will be support ed by ss* _ MANY VOTERS. NOTICE.— id 13 The Members TISSuET of the SECOND DIVI• LSION, AUGUSTA IN DEPENDENT FIRE C O.VIPANY, a re hereb \ notified to appear at their Engine House, or SA I’URD \Y the 6th inst., at 5 o’clock, in sub uniform. Punctual attendance is required. Bv order THOS. HOPKINS, Prcs’t. _s 5 2t ATTENTION 1 Oth REGIMENT, G. M. ri3=AN ELECTION will be held on S ATURD AY, the 13th of September next, at the CITY HALL, in this city, for a Colonel to command the 10th Reg’ment, G. M., vice Col. M 4. Stovall resigned. The polls will be opened at 10 o’clock, A.M., and closed at 1 o’clock, P.M. By order of Brigadier General GEO. W. SUMMERS. SAMUEL C. WILSON, Captain Augusta Artillery Guards. M. A. STOVALL, Capt. Clinch Riflemen. _Augusta, Ga., August 18, 1845. AUGUSTA EEM ALU SEMINARY. MRS. JAMES ADAM respect hi'lv informs her friends and the public, that her School for a hmitad number of young ladies will he re-opened on Monday, September Ist. Hours ot tuition from 9 to 12, and from 3 to 5 o’clock. Terms made known on application at the Se minary, No. 300 Broad-street. REFERENCES : Rev. Edward E. Ford, D.D.; L. A Dugas VI.D. ; H. C Eryson, and B. F. Chew, Esq. au!9-trwtf LITERARY DEPOT CHANGED HANDS—The subscriber re spectfully reminds (he public at large and his friends in particular, that he has tranHered his place of business and stock of books, &c. to Mr. HORTON B. ADAM, ol this city, tor whom he solicits a continuance of the public patronage m the book trade and periodical business gene rally so liberally bestowed in my favor for the last four years, S. A. HOLMES. By the above the reader will observe there has been a change in the literary world, with the consequences of which I am made chargeable— and 1 therefore respectfully call upon the former Patrons of the Depot and all book purchasers to aid me in my new enterprize -jept.4 H. B. aIaM, JOB PRINTING. EVERY description, plain and fancy j. Embracing us.ness Cards, Law Blanks,all kinds •siting do. Warehouse do. Bill Heads, Checks, Receipts, in blank. land Bills, large or Pamphlets, any color. Labels, &c. Arc. &c AT rmJ E P , vvmi NEATNESS and despatch esiakr l a style not inferior lo any in the Southern States. kaw Blanks always on hand. • JOSEPH S. WINTER & Co.’s EXCHANGE & COLLECTION OFFICE, mhl3 lyis Montgomery, Ala, irf* THE AME RICA N RE v iE W i Whig Journal of Politics, Literature, Art and Science—a Monthly Journal of one hundred and twelve pages. Subscriptions received at the office. n‘2s Departure of the Atlantic Steamers. From Englana. From America Great Western.... Aug.-3 Sept. 18 Great Bri'ain Sept.2o Oct. 16 Great Western.... Oct 11 Nov. 6 Acadia... Latest Dates. Liverpool August 4 1 Havre August 1 -v j - . wmbiimi ■> CO M 13 CRCI 4 li. New-Youk, September 1 Quite a moderate amount of business was transacted at the Board of Brokers this morning .Southern Exchange was in fair demand at steady rates. Foreign Fxehaage was dull. /Sterling 109 f a 110, and Francs 5 25. Cotton— There has been some 700 or 8 00 bales cotton sold to-day, a portion for shipment to Liverpool and the remainder lo manufacturers. Pricesare rather belter than at the commencement oflast week, notsnflicient ly so lo warrant any alteration in quotations. Freights to Liverpool are fiim at £d for square and 5-16 d for round bales The St. Marks has been taken up lo Liverpool with Flour and Cotton. Upland <s* Florida. Mobile If New Orleans Inferior ....On (a) 5£- 6 (a) UP Ordinary 6J Cd) 6{f 61 (a) 6f Middling 7 ®7£ 7 (n) 71. Middling fair 7| (d) H (a) Fully fair 8$ Id) Cat Si Fine 00 (a) 9 II fS)l2j Flour —The receipts of Flour continue to be quite moderate and price-still rather lend upward. Genesee fresh sells at $1.75, and of new wheal lots bring s4B|t rnd some prime brands $4.87i. Ohio and Michigan $4 60 la) $4.75 Sales are said to have been made on Friday of 5 UM) bbls Gettesee for England, but this report we could not trace with certainty. To-day, however. 2000 bbls have been taken for that destination at $4.75 MART3IE laIST. Charleston, Aug. 5. Arrived. —C, L. barque Edward, Bulkley, New-York; Line barque Convoy, Humphrey, Boston; Schr. Curlew Tikiob, New York. Al Quarantine. —Schr. Andrew Gray, Jurgens, Baracoa. In the offing. —C. L. barque Saranac, from Bos'on, Cleared —Schr. Rochester, Rogers, Philadel phia; Schr. Mary Catherine, Broughton, Balti more. wi un ■ REA! ESTATE. /~\N TUESDAY, the 21st October v J next, at 12 o’clock (noon,) will he sold, in front of th Bank of Brunsicick , the following Real Estate in this city, b longing lo the Georgia Insurance and Trust Company : A lot of LAND GO feet wide r y 180 feet deep, more or less, bounded on the south by Broad street, on the north by Jones street, on the west by McCartm street, and on the east by a lot of Benjamin Pyue Said lot subject to an annual rent of SIOO, payable to the City Council of Au gusta. That lot ofLAND lOfeet wide by 180 feet deep, more or less, bounded on the south by Jones street, on the north bv Reynold street, on the cast by a Lot of Peter D Boutet, and on the west bv a Lot of the Augusta Insurance and Banking Company. That lot of L AND, and improvements thereon, th the north west corner of Marbury and Broad greets, bounded on the *outh by Broad street, on the north by Jones street, on the east by Marbury street, and on the w ‘St by lot now, or formerly, owned bv Wm. Jones. Those three lots of L AND known in Raiford’s olan as N >s 44, 45 and 46, bounded on the north bv Ellis street on the east by lot number 43, on the south by Green street, and on the west by William Ha-per’s lot each lot having a front on Ellis and Green streets, of 60 feet. That lot of LAND on Ellis street, having a front on s-’id street of 40 feet, and running back in parallel lines, half way to Green street, having a blacksmith’s shop thereon. Tint lot of LAND on the corner of Green and Marhurv streets, known in Raiford’s plan as num ber 57, having a front on Green street of 220 feet >nd on Marburv street of 66 feet —being now un ler lease to J. Oliver, for five years, at S2O per year. That lot in the inner part of the city, having a r ront and rear of 30 leet, on Broad and Jones streets, bounded on the east, by lot now or for nerly occupied by Henry B. Holcombe, with a two-storv tenement, and o’her buildings thereon, now oecunied by John .1. Byrd. Tha' lot of LAND in the rear of the preceding, Saving a front each on Jones and Reynold streets, of 30 feet—now occupied by Jno. J. Byrd as a stab'e and garden. Those Iwo lots of L AND known in Raiford’s nlan as nuo hers 59 and 60 situated on Marbury street, on which street each has a front 0f66 fe t— bo'h lying letw°en Green and Telfair streets. Terms at sale. s 6 twts&lwd CITY SHERIFF’S SALE.—WiII be sold, on the first Tuesday in October next, at the. lower Market-house, in the city of Augusta, within the legal hours of sale, a lot of L AND. with the improvements thereon, situate, ’ying and being in the first ward of the citv afore said—bounded on the east by lot belonging to Isaac S. Tntt'e, on the west by lot o vned by Antoine Pieqnet, on the north by lot owned bv Henrv D. Bell, and on the south by Ellis street; levied on as *he property of George Thomas, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from th' Court f Common Pleas, in and for said citv—Beniamin P Chew, vs. George Thomas. Terms cash—purchaser to pay for title. A. C GOT.DWELL, September 6, 1R45. Sh’ff’. City Augusta. GROSS Georgia and Carolina ”'I Almanacs for the vear of our Lord 1846. Just received and for sale, wholesale nr retail, by THOMAS RICHARDS, s 6 Book, Stationary and fancy stove. WM. O. PRICE &CO are now receiving from New York norte,fashionable FALL and WINTER GOOD for Gentlemen’s wear, of the choicest and best stvle of fabric and quality, and variety of patterns and kinds—which our friends and the public are solicited to call and examine, and leave their orders ; assuring them the same will be made to measure, in tbe best and most approved style, and at the lowest prices. As Mr. Price is in New York about half of ‘he year, he is belter ena bled to select, such. Goods as are the best and cheapest A fuß and general assortment of readv made fashionable clothing, shirts. und°r-shirts and drawers, of all kinds, and fanev articles of every desetption to co mlete a Gentleman’s wardrobe, at the old stand, opposite the State Bank. s 6 ADM INISTRX TORS’ Sale!—Wifi Te s Id on Tuesday, the 25th day of No vember next, at the residence of James Ander son, sen , late of Jefferson county deceased, all the perishable propert'- belonging to said estate, consisting of corn, fodder, hogs, houses and cat t'e household and kitchen furniture; and also the negroes hired out until the Ist of March, 1846. Terms on the day. WILT-1 AM ANDERSON, > . . , JAMES ANDERSON,jr. 3 Aam Sente ,v> bpr 6 1p451 p 45 E~~ XECUTORS’ SaltT-Qa Thu^sdLy the 16*h of October next, at the ate resi dence of John Megahee, sen., late of Columbia county deceased, will be sold, all the personal property of said deceased, consisting of horses, hogs, cattle, plantation tools, household and kitchen furniture, and a variety of other articles too te ’ious to mention : sold for (he benefit of the heirs and creditors. Terms at sale. JOHN MFGA'JRE. 5 WILT I iM MEGAHEE, S September 6, 1845. FOUR MONTHS after date apptica tion will be made to the honorable the in ferior court of Jefferson county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the land and negroes belonging to the estate of James Anderson, sen., late of said county, deceased for tile purpose o r a division a nong the heirs of said estate. WILLIAM A.NHERSON, ) JAMES ANDERSON, jr., S Aams ' September 6, 1845. HISTORICAL Mnmoirs of my own Time, by Sir N. W. Wraxall, Bart. Re ceived by [jy4] THOS. RICHARDS. IVTOTICE.—AII persons indebted to —, N the estate of James Anderson, sen., late of Jefferson county, deceased, are requested to make immediate payment, and those having cl urns against said estate, will present them to the undersigned, properly authenticated, within the time prescribed by law. WILLIAM ANDERSON, <. . , JAMES ANDERSON, Jr. \ Adlur s - September 6, 1845. NOTICE. —All persons having de mands against the estate of John Mega hcc, sen., late of Columbia county, deceased, will reader them in. duly attested, and those indebt ed will make immediate payment to JOHN MEG AH RE, > _ , WILLIAM MEGAHEE, \ r3 ‘ September 6, 1845. NEW FALL DR Y GOODS. WM. H. CRANE s now receiving direct from N. York new and fashionable FANCY AND STAPLE DRV GOODS, selected from latest importations, of newest styles and patterns, which will be sold cheap for cash s 5 d<t\v v GENTLEM RN’S HtTS-- FALL STYS E 1845, if JUST RECEIVED at AUTEN & CONKLING’S Wholesale and Retail Fashionable Hat ami t ap Warehouse, one doorbelow the Brunswick Bank, Augusta, Ga. They are also securing their Fall stock of Hats, Caps and Bonnets, of the latest style and pat terns, to which they respectful'y invite the atten tion of country merchants in general, particu larly those visiting Charleston. s5-dtt&trw3r Gunny bagging and ROPth —3B bales heavy Gunny Bagging, 100 coils Rope* For sale by s 5 T. S. METCALF. NEW ARRANGEMENT. Richmond academy, August 23d, 1845. The Board of Trustees have adopted the fol lowing Resolution: Resolved , That the English department be di vided into two schools, to be known as the first and second, and that these schools be distin guished by the use of the Books appropriate to each. The books of the first school, shall be those commonly employed and deemed necessary in the middle and highest branches of a complete English education. Those of the second school., such Elementary Works as are usually placed in the hands of chil dren, from five to ten years of age. The art of Writing t j be taught in both schools. The Rector’s department to remain unchanged. Resolved, That the rate of tuition be ten dol lars per quarter for each student in tire Classical department, seven dollars in the first English school, and five dollars per quarter in the second English school. The pupils will furnish their own stationary, aud pay for wood as heretofore. The Academy will be re-opened on the first of October next, under the superintendence of the following Teachers: Messrs. William Ehnenputsch, Rector and Instiuctor in the Classical department, James P. King, First English Teacher, Jeremiah Note. Second English Teacher. By order of the Board, HENRY ROBERT, Clerk. BRANCHES TAUGHT IN THE CLAS SICAL DEPARTMENT. Latin and Greek Languages, Composition, Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry, Natural Philoso phy, Chemistry, (in the Medical College,) Histo ry and Geography. Books for the Second English School. The following schedule of books have been se lected, to be used in accordance with the above arrangement. United State School Primer, New York edition. National Spelling Book, Boston edition. Webster’s Elementary Dictionary, New York edition. Grigst a nd Elliott’s Common School Reader, Philadelphia, 1844. Davies First Lessons in Arithmetic. Mitchell’s Primary Geography. New Testament. Books for the first English School. Walker’s Dictionary. Day. Class'cal Reader, Boston edition. New Testament. Smith’s Grammar, Philadelphia edition. Alger’s Murray’s Exercises. Davies’ Arithmetic, Philadelphia, 1845. Davies’ Elementary Algebra. Euc'id’s Elements. Willard’s History of the United States. Universal His'ory, Philadelphia, 1845. MUcheh’s School Geography and Atlas. Guv’s Astronomy and Keith on the Globes. Blake’s Natural Philosophy. au 25-law4t Received this day. per rail road- - 25 boxes Cheese; 5 kegs Goshen Butter ; 20 barrels Irish Potatoes; 1000 pounds Cod Fish; 1000 bunches Unions; 25 barrels Canal Flour, (Red Jacket;) 25 barrels Albany Ale ; 10 barrels Vinegar; 50 b xes new Red Herring— Together with a g neral assortment of Groce ries, f>r sale on accommodating terms. au23 tw6t W. & J. NELSON. FINE SALT —A very superior arti cle, in sacks of 4 bushels each, and off red at 25 per cent, below its comparative value in other markets. WM. H. GORDON. au2B twtf ADVANCES will „>e made on Cot ton consigned to our friends in Liverpool, Havre. New York, Charleston and Savannah. 010 Stawtf GARDRLLF. A RHINO. “ pASTILLES DE PARIS,” for 1 the alleviation and cure of Bronchitis a’d other diseases of the Throat. This remedy is said to have been used by numbers of orators, who have found it eminently efficacious. — rjfCrndidates for the October election will do well to notice this! Also—Wistar’s Balsam of Wild Cherry ; Swayno’s syrup of Wild Cherry ; Houseman’s Gorman Couch Drops; New E gland Cough Syrup ; American Couch Drops, Ac. - For sale by HAVILAND, RISLEY & CO., au27 trw2m Druggists. MEDICAL. DR. A. L. HAMMOND offers his proiessional services to the citizens of Au gusta and its vicinity. Dr. H. may be found at • all times, when not professionally engaged, at 1 his office on Center-street, second door north of A. Baudry’s Drue Store. apl4-ly ; PATENT PLAT . JL FORM and COUNTER SCALES, at re duced prices. The manufacturers have brought these valan ces to a very great degree of perfection, and in their various modifications have adapted them ’ to all the purposes for which heavy transactions are required by weight. In the mechanical con struction, care is taken to secure strength, dura 1 bility and accuracy —accuracy, not merely at a I specific point and to a given amount, butitm/orm > accuracy at every angle of the platform, and throughout the entire range, troin the lowest to * the highent capacity of the balance, f These scales keep their adjustment perfectly - arc never liable to derangement, and seldom to any expense for repairs. They arc in use n the most of the railroads of the United States, and in some of them they have been long in use, the operation being perfect. So also in the dor mant and portable scales for weighing merchan \ dize ; merchants and others who have had them j in constant use for a succession of years, testify i to their uniform accuracy, aud to the fact that they appear unaffected by wear. f For sale by W& J NELSON, Agents. _ d7 3awtf _ DR. ANTHON’S new Class Book Latin Versification, in a series of progres l sive exorcises, by Charles Anthon, L.L.D., and No. 51 and 52 Harper’s Illustrated —just received by je9 T. RICHARDS. I\TEW ORLEANS MOLASSES.— -L 26 bbls. just received by 35 T. S. METCALF. OLD BACON.—A few hhds. very cheap. s 5 T. S. METCALF. ALPOLE’S Memoirs of the » y Reign of George 111. in two vols Bvo., received by j e 3 C. E. GRENVILLE. ipLANNELS AND SATINETS— J. P. SETZE, has just opened a lot ot Flannels aud Satinets, laid in during the sum mer mouths (so as to get them low) which he oilers very cheap ALSO —At factory prices— -30 bales Belleville Factory Negro Cloths; do heavy cotton Osnabures. s 3 UAINTS, OILS, WINDOW Glass, J- &c.—H AVI LAND, RISLEY&CO.. Drug gists, have on hand, and are receiving, constant supplies of ‘ pure,’ ‘ extra,’ 1 No. 1’ and ‘ No. 2’ White Lead, in kegs of from 25 to 300 pounds, of warranted quality. Paint oil; tanner’s oil; lamp oil; spirits turpentine; varnishes of all kinds ; chrome yellow; chrome green, dry and in oil; imperial green, in oil; verdigris, dry and in oil; emerald green ; Prussian blue; ultra-ma rine blue ; vermiliion; leaetianred; red lead ; rose pink ; Spanish brown, dry and in oil; yel low' ochre; litharge; ter de-sienna; umber; lampblack; drop black; black lead: ivory black; whiling; chalk; putty; gold leaf; glue; sand paper; pumice stone; rotten-stone; emery; painter’s and tanner’s brushes of all kinds; win dow, coach and picture giass, of all sizes; paint mills and paint stones; together with every arti cle usually found in drug stores, of the best qual ity, and at very low prices at wholesale and re tail. §3* Purchasers will do well to call. Orders promptly attended to. s 4 , B U RS D S RAILROAD COMPANIES, and to all whom it may concern. —The subscriber takes this method of informing his friends and custo mers, and the. public geneiaily, that he has com menced working at very reduced prices. He will work at the following rates: Large Gutters, formerly 3lc.perlt. reduced to 22c. Large Conductor Pipes 25c. “ 18c. Small Gutters, 20c, “ He. Small Conductor Pipes 20c. “ “ He. Gutter Hooks, 16c. " “ lie Off Cans, all sizes, 20c. per gal. “ 13e Bathing Tubs, -143 00 apiece, 11 All kinds of Roofing will be put ou at $L.62| per 100 square feet, where all the materials are found, or in proportion when otherwise. He will go to any part of the country to put up Gut ters and Roofing and no extra charges will be made lor it, if conveyance and board arc furnish ed. Any reference or security will be given for the performance of any work or contracts made by him, and the best materials will bo used that tiro m irKet can afford. Having one of the best of workmen in his em ploy, he batters himself that he wdl! please any who may give him a call both in price and quali ty. The above business is carried on opposite A. Frederick’s Confectionarv, Broad street. R. F. BOUYER. WANTED—Two colored boys, (slaves or free,) between 16 and 1? years of age, as appren tices. He will warrant to learn them the trade n three years. jy7-tf R. P. B. ,'VTEGRO CLOTHS.—The subsen- L v bers have just received a large lot of heavy Washington Plains aud cable cord Kerseys, to which thev invite the attention of planters, as they will be sold cheap. a u 14-t JAMES MILLER & CO. I 9 AGGIiNG.—'I tie subscribers offer, JL_# delivered either in Savannah or Charles ton, 1,000 pieces Dundee Bagging of assorted qualities and weights, at considerably reduced ■prices. Samples may be inspected at D. L. Adam’s’soffice next Clarke & Roberts’s Ware house, and application for purchases may be made to Mr. D. L. Adams, or to ANDREW LOW, & CO. Savannah, Sept. 2. 3w fV, EW GOULid.—Just receiv d, a tine i- v lot of heavy Negro Cloths, bleached and brown domestics, English and American prints, red and white flannels, black and colored ging hams, &c. ; also, a few pieces of printed jaconets and rep cashmere d’ecosse, f>r sale low by aul4-tf L C. WARR EN & CO. LOST on Saturday last, in the city, two Twenty Dollar Bids on the Mechan ics’ Bank, of Augusta. The finder wll be liber ally rewarded by leaving them at this office. sc2-4t* CIRCULAR. r | MIE subscriber having just returned JL from New York with a full and complete supply of French, English and German cloths, cassimeres and vestings, would most respectful ly invite the attention of his former fri aids and patrons, and the trade in general throughout the country, to his stock, consisting in part of i every variety and price of the following articles: French, English aud German cloths; English wool black, invisible green, olive, olive green, and blue cloths; beaver, Saxagotha cloths and fancy Tweeds; French, English and German single and double width cassimeres and Doe skins; French and English woollen, velvet cashmere and valenlia vestings; buff’and white cashmerctts; white and fancy marseilles, a new rrticle; black and fancy silk and satin vestings ; silk, worsted and alpacca serges; wors’ed and woollen fancy linings, &c. ac.; gentlemen’s English, French and German silk, cotton, meri no and lamb’s wool shirts and drawers; English, French and German half hose, gloves and sus penders ; black and fancy silk and satin cravats and scarfs; Spitallicld. pongeand linen cambric handkerchiefs,; all of yvhich he has selected for cash, and feels confident that he is able to offer such inducements to purchasers as cannot fail to make it to their interest to extend to him a share of their patronage. GHAS. LODTMANN. Augusta, Ga., September 2, 1845. Or The subscriber is happy to announce to the public that he has secured the service'-, of Mr. Bradford, who is an excellent cutter, from the city of New York. C. L. H~ AR N ESS, BAN D ~AND SOLE LEATHER—A large lot of the above kinds ot Leather on hand, winch will be sold vc3 ry low. Also, Lasts, Shoe Pegs, and all kinds of materials for slice making |el2 FO ICR, BROTHERS & CO, WATCHES, JEWELRY, &C. RACKETT & CO have received, and arc receiving, a rich assort ment of the above, articles, together with SIF . ER AND PLATED WARE OF ALL KINDS. Rich Bracelets, Pins and Finger Rings ; Gold Spectacles, Thimbles and Pencil Cases; Gold Pens; Fob and Guard Chains; WITH A HUE AT VARIF.TY OP FANCY JiWELRV, and at most every article In the line. Forks anctrSpoons of Standard Silver, always on hand ; Fashionable Jet Work, for sale very low. WATCH MATERIALS, TOOLS, &c., WHOLESALE TO THE TRADE AT FAIR PRICES Augusta, Sept. 25. 1844. dcf*vvtf. NEW GOODS AT THE FASHION ABLE DEPOT. 1 subscriber has received his I_ Spring and Summer Goods, consisting o very fine BROAD CLOTHS, CASSIMERES VESTINGS, &c., which will be made to order n a superior style. Also, Stocks, Scarfs, Cravats, Suspenders and Co |j ars m 24 J. A. VAN WINKLE. FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE. THE PROTECTION INSUR ANCE COMPANY, of Hartford, Conn, have establish id an agency in Augusta, aud pro pose taking fire aud river risks upon property o all descriptions, on as reasonable terms as any other good office. Apply at the store ot Force, Brothers Co. 15 B* CONLEY, Aftctit. MARINE, FIRE AND INLAND NAV IGATION INSURANCE. JOSEPH MILLIGAN, Agent in this city of the PELICAN MUTUAL I%’SUR ANCE €O.. Os the City of New York, Offers to take Marine and River Risks, and to Insure Buildings, Goods, Wares, Merchandize, Household Furniture, &c. &c., against Loss or Damage by FIRE. This company has an ample subscript! >n to insure the payment of its losses; possesses a favorable charter; and wiH conduct its business up on the most fair and liberal principles.— 13= The Profits to he Divided Entirely a= mong the ASSURED. For further information apply to the above named Agent, who is authorized to lake Risks and issue Policies in behalf of the company. TRUSTEES. —Wm W Todd, Anson G Phelps, Russel Mebbins, Charles Kneeland, Lothrop L Sturgess, George F Thomas, Samuel L Mitchill, Robert H McCurdy, Thomas P Stanotn, George Collins, Edward Bement, Silas K Everett, Fran cis B Cutting, Simeon Baldwin, Wm Augustus White, James G Stacey. Dennis Perkins, Thos W Gale, Edmund Lafian, Wm D Thomson, Henry W Hubbell, George Bulkley, Wm Van Arsdalc, Horace Southmayd, O De Forest Grant, Wm B Draper, John Peck, Isaiah C Whitmore, Peter A Hargous, Justus Harrison, James T 'ffiutter, Edward Richaroson, Jacob B Herrick, Philander Hanford, Edward Tompkins, George F Hussey, Edmund Dwight, Thomas Dunham, Henry' Haviland, Theodore Perry, Charles M Connellv. SIMEON B ALDWIN, President. JUSTUS HARRISON, V. Pres’t. William W. Dibbles., Secretary. au27 -33rThc above Agency is kept at the office of the Geo. Ins. and Trust Company, whose poli cies, as they expire, 1 am authorized by the Pelican Mutual Insurance Co., to renew on li beral terms. JOSEPH MILLIGAN, Agent. 'al HE HOWARD INSURANCE COMPANY make insurance against loss and damage by fire and inland navigation, on terms as favorable as any other similar institu tion in the citj'. Capita! $300,000. Office, 51 Wall-street. DIRECTORS. R. Havens, Joseph B. Yarn urn, Najah Taylor, John Rankin, J.P. Phoenix, Guy Richards, Fanning C. Tucker, Meigs D. Benjamin, fohn D. Wolfe, Nathaniel Weed, Caleb C. Halsted, Ferdinand iSuydam, Wm. W. Todd, Henry G. Thompson, Wm. Couch, Peter I. Nevius, B. L. Woolley, Edward Anthony. R. HAVENS, President. Lewis Phillips, Secretary. The subscriber, as Agent for the Howard In surance Company of New York, will insure on buildings, stocks in trade, cotton instore; also against the dangers of river navigation. sl-trw BISHOP, Agent. DUTON T t S~GUN powder— Landing this day from the Steamboat Company’s boats. 300 kegs HF Dupont’s powder, 43 I kegs Rifle do.* do., 10 kegs cannistn do. Also ou hand, 200 kegs Dupont’s Blasting Powder, 150 !S HF Hagley’s mills do. For sale bv (aps-tf) GARDELLE & RHIND. JUST RECEIVED— -25 bbls fresh Lime, 10 boxes Raisins. For sale by jy24 HAND & WILLIAMS. PATENT LARD LAMPS.—Just received a variety of patterns of the impro ved Lard Lamp. Also extra globes, chimneys and wicks for the same. For sale by au!4 J. E. MARSHALL. DYEING AND SCOURING ESTAB LISHMENT. J OHN O’NEILL, FROM NEW YORK, informs the citizens of Augusts, and its vicinity, that he has opened the bu siness on Broad-street, opposite the Eagle and Phosnix Hotel, (he seconddoorabove Mr. Chew’s copper and tin establishment, wher he is pre pared to execute work in his line of business in a style not inferior to any other in the Union He will renovate gentlemen’s clothing of all tex ‘ lutes— coats, vests, pants, &c. He renews the shades of all colors when faded, and finishes with a,steam press, and gives the garment the appearance of entire new cloth. He warrants the garments done by him not to stain or to have anything disagreeable about them, anymore than when new. He is not yet prepared for Ladies’ Fancy Dyeing. When he has his fixtures made, and every thing in due form, he will let it be known by a card in this paper. 13=* All orders received wdl! be promptly at tended to. au 22 H“ARPERS’ PICTORIAL BIBLE —Nos. 33 and 31—received bv an2o T. RICHARDS. FLOUR.—A few barrels of Canal Flour, of an Extra brand, receiv ing this day. aus THOS. S. METCALF. COFFEE, FLOUR. &c. kJ 10 hhds St Croix Sugar; 20 do Porto Rieo do : 25 do Molasses; 300 bags Rio Coffee; 40 bbls Canal Flour ; 20 bales Gunny Bagging ; Crushed and Clarified Sugars, aula For sale by HAND & WILLIAMS. N EW FALL GOODS. kO ed from New York Rich cashmere d’ ecosse for ladies’ dresses, of new and beautiful styles, Rich ottoman reps “ “ •* i: Extra black satin striped silks, Black mouseline de lane and bombazine, Rich fancy prints of new styles, Marlboro’ stripes and mixed Tweeds, Pea 1 buttons for -hirts, and youth’s clothes. The above, with a great variety of other arti cles callable for the Fall season, will be sold at low prices. The public are respectfully request ed to examine the assortment. au3o HOTCHKISS’ VERTICAL PREMIUM WATER WHEEL. THE subscriber would announce to all persons interested in the improvement and erection of mills, that he has sold his entire inte rest in the above Patent Water Wheels, in the State of Georgia, to Thomas Hopkins and Ly man S. Gatlin, of Augusta, and Collins Potter, Mill Wright, and he confidently recommends them as fully competent to apply the improve ment to all kinds of water power. GIDEON HOTCHKISS. Augusta, Ga., May 1, 1945. The undersigned having purchased the Patent of the above celebrated wheels for the State of Georgia, are prepat ed to receive proposals for | the sale of rights for counties or lor single rights. | They ate also prepared to supplv all orders i for wheels at short notice, and to furnish compe j tent workmen to put them in successful operation lin any part of the Slate. The Wheels being of | cast iron, will last an age. They constitute the requisite Fly or Balance Wheel, securing a uni ! form motion in all parts of each revolution. They can be placed on the tdfrft of a common Flutter Wheel Mill, if in good order, and hung upon the same bearings, if sufficiently strong to sustain the power of the Wheels. When used for Saw Mills they require no gearing to produce from 173 to 300 snokea per minute. Backwater is no impediment when there is a head above. All communications upon the subject address ed to Charles Catlin, Augusta, Ga., will receive prompt attention. THOMAS HOPKINS, LYMAN S. CATLIN, COLLINS POTTER. Augusta, June 4. 1845. d&wtf Remove yoor corns.—The American Vegetable Corn Plaster, a new and celebrated article, just received and for sale by jy2B WM. HAINES. A ROMATiC ROSE” t OO T H oTm. PASTE, —For giving a pearly whiteness to the teeth, stopping tho progress of decay, harden ing the gums, and sweetening the breath, it has no superior. So innocent is it that it may be used without tho least caution. For sale by WM. HAINES, Druggist. ■ jStolrs. BY W ‘ E * JACKSON A CO. ’ A DMINISTRATOR’S SALE.—On Monday, Isth .September next, at the late residence of Davis Bottom, deceased, will be 1 sold, the household?and kitchen furniture be r longing to said estate. au6 ’ wtd JEVSSR KENT, Adm’r. j N the first Tuesday in October next, 3 will be sold, at the lower market house in . Augusta,' between the usual hours of sale, ahouse and lot on Reynold-street, late part of the estate of Robert Dillon, deceased, purchased at a form er salo by Thomas Tant, on whose account and risk the same is to be sold, he having failed to 3 pay for the same. ROBERTJ. DILLON, by Sept. 4, 1845. A.J. MILLER. ; A CARD. i UNITED STATES HOTEL. 5 AUGUSTA, GA. ‘ mil IT is with regret that cir- Ba ’ cumstances require the undersigned to notily ms friends and the travelling Public, annually, of J his location. He begs them to excuse him for this last change, as it brings him | BACK HOME AGAIN ’ to that well known stand, the United States Ho , tel. He flatters himself that with the additions ; and improvements made to the Hotel, all will , say, ‘ You have made the right change ;* at the [ same time he pledges himself that it is his last move in Augusta. The undersigned takes pos session on the Ist October next. au6 DANIEL MIXER. f Hfffh TO RENT—One half the new ■ miiil ly repaired wooden building on Broad-st,, 3 opposite the Eagle & Phoenix Hotel, with the -two story brick house in rear. The property is now in good order, that on Broad-st. having re | cently been fitted up for a store and dwelling , For further particulars apply to \ MARTIN FREDERICK jy4-trwtf Executor on estate S. P." Turpin Mm a d iso rIN gs , gaT This fashionable WATERING PLACE will be in readiness for visitors by the Ist of May. As the proprietor has made this his permanent place of residence, in addition to other improve ments, he is now building and will have in readi ness, 2 splendid Ten-Pin Alleys, Bar and Billiard Booms, fine Bathing establishment, and several cottages, with four rooms each, suited for fami lies or parties. Preparations are making for 300 persons. DANIEL MORRISON. mh26 d&wtf 8 TO RENT from the Istdayof Oc tober next, the store at corner Broad and ;r streets, now occupied by Bell & Myer, i The wooden house on Center-street, now oc ) copied by Mrs. Pritchard. jylO-lawtf JOHN PHINIZY. ®TO RENT, from the Ist of Oc tober next, the upper tenement of a two t story dwelling on Broad-street, next door below A. Picquet’s. For terms apply to JESSE KENT, or s 2 law3t JAMES HANKINSON. «TO RENT—The two story brick dwelling house on the south side ofßroad street, next below John T. Greiner’s. Posses sion given immediately it desired. Apply to C Gatlin, two doors below United States Hotel. dim MTO RENT.—The brick dwelling at present occupied by the Rev. Mr. Hard, on broad-st; and the large Dwelling nearly op posite the Methodist church. aus T. S METCALF. MTU RENT, from Ist October . next, the dwelling house on the corner of Ellis and Washington streets, at presentoccupie ■ by Mrs. Carrie as a boarding house The dwel ling next south of the above on Washington-st., - now occupied by MrslfHall. , -Also two small dwellings opposite the City . Hall, on Grocn-ot. J. s. Ot.AllK, i jy23 Executor Henry Mealing, dec’d. * TO RENT from Ist October . JlllL next, two brick dwellings in Pox’s Range, rented at present to Mr. Overton Cosby, and to Mr. John G. Dunlap. | Also, the wooden dwelling situated on the ' corner of Washington and Ellis streets, which is well calculated for a boarding house. ' Apply to the Executors ot John Fox. jyls ; a FOR SALE.—A good FARM 1 -3-f on the Savannah river, six miles below this city, containing 206 acres, and a greater portion ! ot it first rate farming land: nearly all the tract fit for cu'tivation. The improvements tolerable good, and 175 acres now in cultivation. For further particulars apply to the subscriber. * Aug. 12, 1845. DANIEL M. BRUNER, i au!2 c&dlawlm -a* $lO REWARD—Ranaway ■stY on the 21st August, a negro boy named > mtW PETER about 21 years of age, slender made, and inclined to stoop. The a bove reward will be paid to any one lodging him ■ in any safe jail so that I get him. au27 JOSEPH DARLING. Jr. I RANAWAY from the Mont ! ® gomery and West Point Rail Road, five ! negroes, of the following names and de | --"vc, scriptions : ALFRED, yellow, about 5 feet 7 inches in height. DREW, light yellow, about 5 feet 6 inches in height. »SAM, light black, about 5 feet 5 inches in • height. JIMMY, very black, about 5 feet 6 inches in ' f height, and has a split in his nose. ELVIN, very black, about 5 feet 10 inches in height. These negroes were lately purchased in Rich mond, Ya., and will doubtless endeavor to get back to Virginia. A liberal reward will be paid for their appre hension ai.d delivery to Charles Bird, near Che - haw, or their confinement until sent for. I L. P. GRANT, Supt. Mont, and West Point R. R. Montgomery, August 4, 1845. au9 2,500 BOOTS AND SHOES. —The subscriber has now on hand, (received by I recent arrivals,) 2500 packages Boots and Shoes - These goods have been selected 5 By myself, expressly for the Southern Market. i Dealers are invited to call and examine the 3 stock, as they cannot but be pleased with the - goods and prices. D. F. FLEMING, H 5 24 and 25 Haync-st., Charleston, S. C. WATCHES AND JEWELRY. ( GOLD and SILVER WATCH f Mantel Clocks, Gold bndeletSj. r rings, breast-pins, chains, &c., of the latest fashion and finest quality. Fine .as j tors ,md candlesticks; old silver plate rep ire I , and made as new ; silver spoons made to order; , clocks and watches repaired and warranted; jew r dry made and repaired, at 3 G. C. GORDON'S, 11 five doors below U. S. Hotel. , L. A N D R E T IPS | O** e HE* 3 § Justin time for Planting. TURNEP SEED—Another supply of fresh Turnep Seed received this day - direct from Landieth, ot Philadelphia, and war -3 ranted genuine, viz: Purple Top, Ruta Baga, n large White Flat, White Globe, large Norfolk e ana Hanover Turnep. For sale cheap by s5-tf WM. HAINES’. 1 r |MIE NEW REFORMATION.— o £ John Rongc, the Holy'"’oat of Treves, and - the New German Catholic Church, price 25 cts., s an* Barnes’s Notes on the Epistles of Paul to e the Theasulonians, to Timothy, to Titus, and jo Philemon. Just received by jy2l T. RICHARDS.