Tri-weekly chronicle & sentinel. (Augusta, Ga.) 1838-1877, September 06, 1845, Image 4

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Chrcmic I r ctsi fi .S r ii l l ■ t .. Correspondence oi the Charleston M'.rqary. Washington Citv, Aug 29, lb-15. I am under obligations to Mr. M< Cliniock Y r oung, the Chiel Clerk o I the Treasury Depart ment, and his gentlemanly and effi ient subor dinates, (or the facilities which they have afford ed to me, in compiling the following statement ot the value of the principal articles of foreign merchandize imported diving the yeat ending 30th June last The official .returns which ai prepared in the office ol the R-gister of the T:-a sury, (Mr. Gillen, to whose kindness E was in debted lor the statement of the official amount of imports and exports, for the nine so: tU/ cod ing 31st March last, which I set i to von a lew days ago) are not yet readv, all the re turns not having been received oom the C !- lectors. Indeed the official retains will not be readv until the second or third month ut the Session of Congress, as she annual rot urn ol commerce and navigation contains such a vast amount of detail, as to keep the Clerks- in the Register’s Office busily employed compiling and arranging it until that time. The following statement I have compiled from month!;,- re turns whifeh are sent to the Secretary of the Treasury by the Collectors for his information, and they are so neariv accurate as n> give a verv good general view of amounts of the prin cipal articles imported. I haw taken consider able pains and bestowed much labor in prepay- ; lag it, so as to be as accurate as the returns will allow it to be, though they-are not the ex act official returns from which the official state ment is made up. I have arranged it so as to show the amounts imported in flic six months from July to December, and from January to June, and I t ave also given a comparison be tween the amounts imported in the vear just i closed and that ending 30th June, 1-11. Statement of he value of Imports of V>e prhici- | pal articles of Foreign merchandize or produce. \ during tlj,k year ending 30 th June. 1345. 6 mes. end- 6-mns. end ing 31 Dec. ing3o June Total tur i Articles Imported. iR44. 1845 the ynr j Coffee 52.401.9P8 $3.490.9.34 $0,901.-3-2; Tea . 1.590..972 3. 99.203 5.093,773 i 5ugar....... 2,273,549 2.176.507 4 455,056 j M01a55e5............. 811.426 2.043,553 2,351.9-9 I Salt 504.253 362.93 1 567. ! 53t Spiros 501.3 ’9 549091 1.043.120 Cotton Manufactures 7.7' 4.374 7.073 55} 14 797.923 Silk do 5.151.6!)! 3.999.143 9.150.744 Woisted do 2.021.885 969 -46 2.991.721 Woollen do 4.668.715 2.844.956 7.513.671 Wool unmanafac’red 653.900 •17,237 1,476,127 Hemp and grasses of all kinds do 297,382 151,723 M 9.105 Hemp manufactured including sail duck 539.3C0 167.665 707.031 Flax manufactures... 2.638,0' 12.003.13 S 5.246.219 Glass 222,780 285.75 ! 5-.W.531 Iron Pig 286,434 202.924 438.40-; Do other, not manu factored 194.317 34.101 2.8 713 Do bar and bolt 1,544.775 859.55! 2,ti11.3 .-6 Do sheet hoop rod <fcc. 378,616 98. 513 477.419 Do spikes and nails., 32,084 23.103 C‘,',187 Do and steel,all other manufactured..... 2,258.601 1,953.639 4.217.240 (Steel unmanu’tured 3»>7,017 539.722 -37.769 $37.011.133 $34,751,274 $71,762.409 Comparative Statement of-the value of die principal articles of foreign mere -ant/iz- or pro duce, imported into t<e Failed - fa'es. during the y ars ending 30 th June, 1844, _.a;u£ 3 Oth June , 1845. Year ending Year ending Increase Articles Imported. June 3 . ’44, June 30. : !5. in 1315, j Coffee ..$9,764 554 $5,901,832 Tea 4,120.785 5,(1*93,775 972.9 0 i Sugar 7.196 091 4 455,056 Mo i ass es 2.8 '-3.753 2.-5 1 .9-9 21,23 i Salt 911,512 887,.183 Spirits 855.675 1. 43.420 187,745 Colton manufactures 13 641 473 14 7-7.918 1,146.4 -.0 Si' k do 9.131.012 9!'-',744 10.732 Worsted do 2 383.859 2.991,721 602,-62 Woolen do 7,086.913 7.513.671 426768 Wool unmanu’tured 551.460 1 476,137 624,677 Hemp and grasses of all kind- do 583,943 449.105 Hemp manufactured includingsail duck 1.001 Bja 7ii?,031 Flax manufaclures.. 4.492,-26 5 246 219 , 753.393 Glass 3)3,078 5'*3,531 19 ,153 IriTTTj l. %siO s , -••• Do other not manu’ed 43,396 229,713 "l-v./v’ l Do bar and boh 1,648.617 g, 401,326 755.670 Do sheet hoop rod &c 1-9,656 477,419 2-7 763 1 DAspikes and nails 4-1’136 6(U87 ' 16j*5l i Do and steel all other manufactuied 3,101,127 4,217.240 1,116, 113 j Steel unmanu’tured 485,462 839,7-9 352.307 i Fro m the tnial inciease during the year as shown above, there is to he deducted a decrease of im portations of several articles, as fol low- : Decrease in Coffee $3,862,722 Sugar .’...".'..'2,741’ C 5 Salt 44,329 Hemp &r nnman’ed 131,838 Do man ufac lured 291.841 .$7,077,765 Nett increase ol importations of the above articles in 1345 _ 855 762 The increase in th'- value of Ihe Cot ton, —ilk, Woolen, Worried and i'.ix. manufactures, impoi>ed m 1845, i. 2, •20 The increase in the value of iron and'Slee! manufactured and nnmanufactuied is . >3,09 ’,l2b. Instructions to Superintendents op th O tober Elections.—The instmetio >.■> v,' ich we publish below (soys the Georgia Journal,) we learn were forwarded in the M.a c of a circu lar to the different counties in the Stum, Ivy b e Governor. We publish them now, that our readers, and the voters at the van u . pre* in may know what the law requires in con fueling the elecfons. The illegal conduct of an elec. • lion, in any county, can be productive of no good to th- honest voters—neither can ilk gal returns. It is important, therefore, to bee 1 the following instructions, as their strict ohs'_ 'vo.uc t will insure equal justice to all interested. The Clerks ol the Superior Courts, it will be seen, are required to aid the superintendents in ma ing out and forwarding the Election Returns to the Execu tive Department. OF THE ELECTIONS AT THE SEVERAL iJI. TUiGi.S Ist. One Justice ol the Inferior Court, or one Justice of the Peace and two Freelm'ders ur two of the aforesaid Justices aud or;;- Freeholds. are to be the Superintendents of the Election held. 2d. If a Freeholderbe a Superinien I. ,i he : s required to take the oath prescribe . by the act of 3d. Whenever the Justice of the Inferior Court, or the Justice of the peace, shall fail to organize ur carry on ihc Eleciion, at any Dis trict by the hour of ten in the morning, then anv two or more Freeholders may hold ih-Eicimn ' and certify and return the result accordingly. ’ j 4fh. Toe Sup^Tjrjiend< j ri s ;u- reouirH io point three Clerks, whose dmy ii shall be to I keep three rolls, on each of which shall be re- ■ gißtered the numlicr and name of each voter.! b r n S , hall Ue k ‘' H thrc,: '“-V sheels, on i wmch shall be emered the Lumbers! votes re- 1 ceived by each candidate stb Alter the volts art’*, ounled out. the ,c --suit.s to be cert,ft dbvtl.eiSupcriiu., denis and sent, sealed up. .th the Hue.. Ii- . oi fi ,e , Ul „. ber and names of voters, and tally sffiscs . Court House, for the purpo-e : ,r i,..;,, , . dated, on the day next after the Ehction W h<m and where at least one of the Superintend, c requiied to attend. OP THE CONSOLIDATED RETURN. ( With the aid ol the Clei'k of the Superior Court, a majority of the Superintendents at the Court House, and, ai least, on.- Superintendent at each District, shall count, compare, and add together the returns produced .bv the Suomi,-i --tendems of the District Election-.-, and certify and return to the Governor the result of such Election, This certificate of ihe Cmsoliilab d Return is required to he sighed by each of the Superin tendents then preset! 1, and accompat ied wi ll a list of the voters and tally sheets of eacli.of the election Districis. OP ELECTION RRTORNS Fan GOVERNOR. The Constitution requires that the Ekv-lioti Returns. for Governor ivili h.-.-.d.-d up rately, addressed ! i the Pit- iden! of the Senate an* Speaker ol i lie llou-e of Re ore enf,Hives, and transmitted to the Governor. * China.—Rev. J. L. Shuck, with a number S o! i.thei' Missionaries, having recently moved from Hongkong io Canton, writes as follows: “ Dr. Devan and rnycclf arc now permanent residents of this mighty ciiy. Canton contains 1,000,000 of im mortal souls, speaking one dia lect, and accessible to missionary effort. With 10 native preachers, \vc arc laying plans for the must vigorous operation: —the people eagerly receive our books,’ recc* ive us politely, crowd oorchapHs, and 1;. *t .with attention to out messenger. It is said that the Emperor has pub licly sanctioned ot Christian ity into the Empire. The present Governor ol I Canton province, who resides in this city, P a | gentleman of uncommon abilities and good feeling He signed ihe treat}«•; made wuh Chi na by Engl ■ I F and the United Slates, i When on a visit of Stale to Hongkong. 1 pre j Rerrtci-1 him with a copy ol lire New festamenl | in Chinese. —ln teceived tl politely, and ai. o a I few tracts in Chinese, on ihe principles ot i Clu isrianity; and on his return to Canton, sent | me a splendid fan with his own autograph up | on it.” At the last ace«*utils-ltoin Si. Louis <i r<*ai- I incut of volunteers, tor the active military | service in the event of hostilities between J Mexico and the United Slates, was being i raised in that city. Several of the regular | organized corps, in that city and the adj *in j ing comities, were moving in the matter, j and notice had Iwen given that volunteers ! could enrol themselves in the n or form new | companies until the regim tl nbraced six or | s c vcn hundred men. Major Gen. Lee, of the ! Second Division of .Missouri Militia, has pub : iished ?m address calling upon the division to hold the selves in readiness for a summons. There is« gentleman in this citv who has ! taken out a parent for petrifying dead bodies, or j aim st any other substance* of a similar nature, j The h.-'-dv. after some prepare, ion, is immersed | in a liquid that in the short space <•( fourteen | days will render d .s >. lid .. a rock of marble. The cost i- bin trifling corn par ;| with the last- : ! ing benefit rendered to those vho may wislt to ! preserve and io*>k upon de*>artfd liiends. He’ I informs us ihat a i oquet of fresh flowers im j niersed in the liquid, will in a fe. " davs, be a*« solid anddurahl ■ thong.- r' e; were’em out of marble.— Troy H-dy t J nil. T’s It was estahlied i v (’apt Fremont in his E> nloring Expe lition that then is no river of any naviga do -u'/v ehi ii lias its outlet di rccllyinlofh Pucifi, t rom-u mu&it-es W.'A fh/> western slop-: of wur am'hie , .crept the Colo mbia, between sDi!egr-ps ol : uiThern latitude and the Gol* of P-.l inr !M 31 H !C6 5 mm -■ C. 3. Generas Agent ami i'.nmmisslou tltrcliaut, HanV-.urg, S. C. * jc!4 A. MACKENZIE, JUN’R., AfcEorsicy at Law, Burlm conn tv—'• Vi 11 p'tcUc.: in thn * knurs of IJurke, -riven, Eman iui, vV -; : ii;; gt<>?», no I Jeflbr son counties. EFERENCE-: Henry Camming. Esq., ) Wm. T. Gould. Km., i . 51,,.,., r ...V . > August,i. Alw-ars lulls A. -tope, I J*>hn P Greiner, Esq., j (J. 12. L miar, Esq , y William : ;an Esq., > Savannah. o2i C. A. Gmiaer, Esq., .5 W.- MILO OLIN, attorney at Range, Au gusta, (ieorgia *n; sin ; ichmond, Burke -ud vV reu counties. d 5 J A VIE • 11 .if JR. Ut rniey at Law, — : diets Law Range, Me In tosh -itrr.g \ i*- i, Ga. Il2* THO.-iAS C NISBEF, Aitoraey at Law, I Savannah Geo., llefchence —Messrs. Stovall & .-immoss, ; 2fil V , A o ista. i * ,L! A ; C. BER r'• HILL 6 • Warerr as, nposite Stovall ffi Sim mbas's Cotton IVa chouse, Broad-steeet, An gusts, Ga i C.i ly HAVH ' D, RISLEY & (JO., i. al ms In choice Drwis, ‘Sledscijies, &c., dfc'-*. — ; ar ino Mansion House, Globe and H. S. * lon Is fa. niyS-ly ffiVEa!) .v vIILLED GE , Dt'-rm ys at 3.' vt in be thankfui for any business eatrnsted to >h( *r care, and will practice in Richmond, Co ambin. Bnrkr a:c tt n conniicii. Office in the Law- Rat ge, ' niy9 A 17& t. w. vilLler, Attorneys at Law, Augusta, On., Practice in Richmond, Columbia and Lincoln coun ties, and n the Circuit Court of the U.States i .. the Dislric. of Georgia. m 31 C. & -. . J. PEEP! .ES, Atfornles at Law, offices in Gainesville ann Alhens, Ga. —Will continue the pr cticeul- Lnw in tim counties of Clark, Walton. Jack son, Gwinnett,'Hall, Habersham and Frai.k im, ol t'u- A ... ,iern Circui' ; • Jherokee, Lump- Mn and Forsyth, of t he (Jherokee Circuit, and Cobb, of the Coweta Circuit C. PEEPLES, Athens, Office over the store of W W E. P. Clayton ■ a23- I'■w 1 y VV j PEEPLES, Gainesville. ;J. ■ . ti AB ißotl AM, Attorney at Law, filberlon, Geij.—Practices in Elbert an 1 tin djacent counties. ap2 if JA VIES M. PEPPER, Attorney at Law, Rom-. . {‘Moyd county, Ga.— Win jj.-acticciii all the counties of the Chero kee Circuit. REFERENCES. J Jenkins, j James L. Pettigru, lb ly' NELSON CARPER Meeting-street, Charleston S.ff. directly opno site the Fharloston Hotel, VV holesafc i}r uggist. Keeps constantly on hand, a la go stock of Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oil, Window Glass, Putiju Dye-Stuff , Surgical Instruments, Vial , .Shop Furniture, Perfume y, &c. Ac., which will be sold on tnc most n ;u ,abh, terms. 014-Jy .... W. !JL <J. MILLS, t* .tcto! - iijitl vJoisiihisslon aierchant, conti tiiies Pnsm ss at his old .stand,lVo. 17(3 Day str. el, iSavannah. Rei'iuicnce.s ; ; •Te.':-rs. D’Vntigna. & Evans. Auvuata. j “ Clvarlcs Day & to.,'Macon.-. : :v K. Padeifo-d ■ ivam h. o!2tf JOiSEPiI >3. .tort Attorney ai Law, I -* apiJtf VVayneaboro, Ga. G. F L l’.x A M, - Attorney at Law, ap 13-ly Wari.niton, Geo. G. WALKER, vVarehoiiHe and (Jotnmissioii bierchanl, Hamburg, S.C. y 22 tl A!)A\,}: A- kit It'Lli\.S, i vVarejwtusc aud Coomsls-don fflerchants, j!l nreit, Augusta, Ga. 13-ts Ui/i RLE I • h V 1,1 ,10.. 1 HeeUseJU-r :i stationer, Broad-si rent, Augnsta. ‘W M M. iMTO.SU, Attorney :G Law, h.ibcrioii, Geo. as! hirst &, dig mata ii I, Altornlcßaf Law. Katont. u. Ga. Will prnc tic#* in 1 e G Giurii a oT Ahiryan, (>icrnc% Put iiciii, wiriy ' i!kii;, J(3n<?» hihl <Jiispor J. M. Ae hurst, | John D. Diomatari' .jyi __ Law AdyeiTlscmnnt. A. D. SII A f fvL.EFOi! I), •V iff [»«-,•{/, tic,- Law ini In sevciaieoiioticKofihf Chemkc Cirodll, and in the federal Courts for the District of Georgia. Office at Cass villc. - uu 3-ly JOHN R. STANFORD, ; Attorney at Law, Clarkesville, Ga. — Win practice in the counties of Clarke, Frank lin, Habersham, Lumpkin, Forsyth, Gilmer Union, Muftay and Gwinnett, and in the Fe deral Circuit Court for Georgia. jy 17 MURRAY & GLENN Attorneys at Law, McDonough, Henry Co., Ga.—Willpunctually attend to any business entrusted ito their care. Office at McDo nough, Henry county, Ga. ap 22-ts A. G. Murray, j L. J. Glenn. W. V/. ANDERSON, Attorney at Law, Mbnticello, Ga, REFERENCES. Col. N. G. Foster, > ~ Or. R. K. Jones, \ Madison, Ga. iy* WILLIAM W. CLARK, Attorney at L< w, Covington, Ga.—Will mac tieein the'counties of Morgan, Jasper-, New ton, Henry, DeKalb and Gwinr- <t. References —A. J. &T. VV. Miller- toy || &, .Am mons,O 11. Lee. W. H. Goodruui, Au usla. f!2 ts EDWARD H. Attorney at Law, Dahlonega, Lumpkin Do.. Ga. — Will practice in all the counties of the Cherokee Circuit. Also. Habersham, Hail and Gwinneti counties of the Western Cir cuit. All business intrusted to his care shal uect with prompt attention. je 17-wtf JOSEPH C. WILKINS Attorney at Law,—Will practice in all the counties of the Eastern Circuit. Office in Riceboro, Liberty county, Gn. si 1 tie ROBERT HESTER, Attorney at Law, Klberton, Geo.—Will prac tice in Lincoln, Wilkes and Franklin coun- tnh27-wly PHILIP CLAYTON, Attorney at Law,Athens, Ga.—Will practice in the counties oi Clarke, Walton, Gwinnett, trail, Jackson, Habersham and Franklin. (a 31 wtf WILLIAM N. BIRCH, -Vo. llkSi Water sired, Set? York, Wholesale Dealer in Leghorn, Florence. Braid and Straw Bonnets Panama, Leg ir on and Palm Leaf Hats. Silk, Lawn, and Willow Brunets, Artificial Flowers, &c.&c a r i 8 LANG & STROTHER, Attorneys at Law. —Will practice in the seve ral counties ot the Northern, and Columbi county of the Middle Circuit. references : AUGUSTA. LINGOLNTON. A J. & T W Miller, Francis B Fleming, Esq. L’harl s.I. Jenkins, Esq .Tames li. Neal. Esq. Henry If Gumming, Esq Cu? 3 t) — Lincolnian, da. SIM A!6 ABKE W, & M cII L\LEY Attorneys at Lav., Will practice in the se veral counties of iho Coweta Circuit. O:- fices at .Sewn an, Coweta county, and Frank lin, Heard county, Geo. Robert \». Simms, j Richard L. Askew, Charles G. McKinley. mv22 lyw S-tMJSt MOJVTHSNO fit is lU'UJUR Months afterdate, application will be made to the h norable the infeiiot Court oi Richmond county, wh n sitting for ordi nary pu puses, for leave to sell th personal estate of Joseph Wimberly, deceased HOMER V. MULKEY, Adm’r. July 22. 18 5. Months after date, applic ition -1- will be made to the honorable the inferior court A Burke county, whan sitting for ordinary purposes, lor 1 ave to sell all the interest of the ■ hildren ul Martha Cross, in a certain tract of pine land in said county. NANCY MONROE, July 19, 1845. Acting Trustee for children. months after date application A- will be made to the honorable the inferior court of Richmond county, when sitting tor or dinary purposes, f r leav< to sell the personal estate ui Davis Bottom, late ot said countv. de ceased. JEsBE KENT, Adm’r. July 19, 1845. Mouths alter date, applic dton will be made to the honorable the inferiot court of Lincoln comity, when siithigfor ordina ry purposes, for leave to sell the real estate, and a negro boy beiongim to s id estate, of Let ward Gaither, !ate o said countv, deceased. July 17. 1845. B. BENTLEV, Adm’r. months after date, application ®- will be made to the honorable the interim courtol Co umbia county, when sittittg for ordi nary purposes, for leave to sell the real estate oi Walter Jones, late of Columbia coun'y dcceas ed IS -AC W JONES, f . July Id. IP 15. WM. S JONES, • Kx :s FOUR months after n ate. application will be made to the honorable the info rior Court of Lincoln county, while fitting .or ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the real es tate ot Jeremiah Blanchard, late of said countv, deceased. GEORGE W. LEWIS, Adm. July 17. 1845. FV )UK Months after date, application wiU be made to the honorable the interior court of Lincoln , county, when sitting fa-. .rdi nary purposes, tor leave to sell the real estate ot William Moncreaf, l ife of said county, deceased ELIZA MONCREAF, Adm'x. Ju'y 17. 18-15 R Months alter d;Ue, application will be made to the honorable the Inferio; court ol Burke county, when silting for ordi nary purp >ses. for leave to seP the real .-state oi I Jas. A. Mobley. STEPHEN GUDBY, : Ju'y 12. 1815.* _ Adm’r. months after date, application ■*- will be made to the inferior court ol Burke county, when sitting for ordinary pin-, lo ses. for leave to sell the real estate of Comfort Merit. RILEY REEVES, / GEO. VV. MERIT, $ Es’rs. July 12, 1845.* Months after date, ap lication -®- wi Ibe made to the honorable the inferior court ol Ta'iaterro coun'y, when sitting as a court of ordinary for leave to sell a part of the real estate ol John P Daniel,late of said county deceased. JOHN B. LEONARD. ExT July 29, 1845. Months after date, application 8 will be made to the honorable the Inferior court of Jefferson county, when sitting for ordi nary purposes, for leave to sell the real estate,of Wiley G. Sammons, late of said county, de ceased. KINCHEN VVOMBLE, Adm’r. July 12. 1845 Mouths after date, application “ will be made to the # Honorable Inferior court ot'Richmond county, who/, sitting for < udi nary purposes, for leave to sell the real and per sonal estate of Eimund H. Borum, dr-ceased. Lily 8,1845. PORTER FU .lING, Adm’r. OUR Months after date, application _ will be made to the honorable tin ■ court ol or dinary of Oglethorpe county, when til'inc for or dinary purp iscs, for leave to sell the real and per • sonal '-state of Boyd Pinson, late of said county, deceased. JANE PlNSOExecutrix. August 2. 1845. Months after J e,application ® will be made to the honorable tiie inferior court ol Richmond county, when sittiim for onii , nary purposes, for leave to sell the r. aland per sonal estate of William .Smith, lateol said coun ty* dece sed. EMMAO. SMITH, Adm’x. June 20 1845. K Months alter cl.rt<, eippitc-ttoTT to the honorable the inferi r court of Jefferson county, when sitting for ordi nary purposes, lor leave to sell the land and m groes belonging to the estate of Hr. Bonnet Har ris, late of stiid county, deecasi d. June 14, IRIS. WM H. R ALDY, Adm’r Months' alter date, application will be made to the honorable infeiDrconn of Warren county, win n siting as n eoTirt o ordinary, for leave tofie’l the real estate ol Uariiiu Baker, late of stiid county, dccea-ed ALFRED BAKEU, A im’i. June?, 1846. 'cit .nM:: , '■ *] 5 > ICHMONI > (lounty, Georgia; JL V- hcrcas Andrew G. Bull,administrator on the estate oi Paul G. Goltle,deceased, antilies to me tor letters of dismi-sTon : , These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors ol said de ceased, to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have; why said letters should not be granted. Ldven under my hand at office in Augusta LEON P. DUGAS, Clerk. Anvil s' 2'-. 1845. Hi Cl IVKLn D County, Georgia ; ' , v y,' ie r eas G. B. Lamar, executor on the es tate oS Basil Lamar, deceased, applies to me for letiers dismu.-cry • ! 'nose arc ihetclure to eiie and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said dc : cease d, to tiie their objections, if any they havt, to t!u gramme ol the administration on the t tate of tin deceased to the. the clerk’s . office. Bfiven rnt] hand a iffice in Augusta. 15. LEON P. DUGAS. Clerk. KiCH M( )N D County, Georgia ; ' 'vaureus, Leon P. Dugtis, administra ! or de bonis n m, on tiie estat<- ofMlichard Bush, de ceased, appli. sf.»r letters dismissory : These are then foie to cite ana admonish, aii | and singular, tiie kindred and creditors of said de ceased, to L.e and appeal at my office, within the | time p r esc 1 ed by law, to show cause, if any th jy have, why said tetters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office in \uuiista. 20 1845. LEO V !'. DUGAS' 5 * ’I rk. ll HMuN I) County, Georgia ; H 4 Whereas John H Ma in, administrator, (with the w il annexed ) on the estate of Ann for, deceased, ppliesto me for letters dismts sory : These are therefore to cit. and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors ol aid de ceased, to be and apnear at my c.ffice, within tire lime prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they hav -, why said letters should not be granted. , Given under my hand at office in Augusta. June 5, 1845 LEOVP DUGA< Clerk. MICH .ViUN i) Coutity, Georgia ; Whereas Elizabeth >kinner, administratrix on tiie estate-of Wi liam Skinner, deceased, o - plies t > me for letters dismissal y : ’T'nes o arc therefore to cite and admonish, all and singular, tee kindred and creditors of said dt - cea ed, to be and appear at my office, within the tin pre 'cnbt-d by iaw, to show cause, if any tliey have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office in Augusta. June 5. 1845. LROV P DUG A | M 1’ HMONL) Couniy, ureoigui. VV he teas Jonn Foster and Jane D. Zinn. admniistr.-itor and administratrix on the estate of Henry Zmn, deceased, appy to me for letters dismissory from the admiuisl.atioa of said es tate : These are therefore to cite and admonish, all tad lar, the kindred n : . ; j < , said de ceased, to be and appear at my office, within tlu time proscribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not bo granted. Given under my hand at office in Augusta. June 3, 1345. LEON P DUGAS, Cierk Q*CRl\ CN ( ohnty, Georgia: k A Vi heieas Fliijah Roberts, administrator on the estate oi Benj imin Fciti!, lat« oi said coun t ; .. d censed, applies to me for letters dismissory ; Th -c are therefore to cite and admonish, all I and singular, the kindred and creditors of sai deceased to b- and appea; at my office, within the ti o p rest-rib dby law, to show cause, if any they iiave, why t-aid letters should not bo granted. Given unds r rny h indat office in Jacks boro. ALEXANDER KEMP, Clerk. Jul v 22. I 815. h £ ICtiAiUTsU • ouuty, Ajeuigia. . Whereas Eldriilge C. VVilliamson, admin isttutor on the esiate of Charles Williamson, de ceasi apj ies to me for letters dismissory : These arc theremro to cite atid admonish, all tnn singular, the kindred and creditors ol said decoascti, to be and p pear at mv office within tlu tint pres, ribefi by i-ivv, to show cause, if any ihey have, why said letters should not be granted. Given inder my hand at >ffice in Ac : «n ta. ■ 20. 1845 LEi >N i*. DUGAS,CIerk. || J* ICHMON J.J ’ounty, Georgia : When as John H. Maun, executor on the slate oi Wi dam 'Butt, deceased, applies to me for letie-s di anissory : Pilose a-c t heri lore to cite and admonish, a 1 ! and singular, the iudrea and creditors of said doceas ed, to be apd appear at my office, within the Unit prescribed by taw, to show cause, if any they have vvhv said letters sliotilu not be granted. Given under my hand at office in Augusta. Juni 5 !9.m. LEON P. ifilG.W, C!ek. ICHMO n D (Jounty, Gt org i H %. Whereas intoine Picijuct, udministratot on tiie esiate oi itenry Naim, deceased, applies to me for letterso'dismission trorn the adminis tration of said estate: These .are therefore to cite and admonish, ail and singular, the kindred and creditors of said d ■ ceased, t . be and ahpear at my office within th time prescribed by law, to sh »w -anse, if any tin y have, why said letters should not he granted. Given underlay hand at office in Augusta. Jun. 20 1 45 ' LEON P. DUG AS. < Jerk. HIOrIMUiNG County, Georgia: Whereas John II Mann and Thomas E Beall, executors of Ann Beall, deceased, apply to me.f r letters ol dismission : These : ; re th-"rafore to cite and admonish, ail and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be ami appear at my office within the. time prcscribi d by law, to show cause if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. G yen under rnv hand at office in Augusta. .iiiii --■ 1815. ' I.KOV P. DUGAS. Clerk. RIG iMI)N I) (/ounty, Georgia ; vVhcrcas John II Maun, executor, on the estate and eifectsnf Elizabeth Riley, (or O’Reil ly,) deceased, applies to me for letters of dismis sion from the administration of said estate: These are therefore to cite and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to he and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by iaw, to show cause, if anv they have, why sai l etiers should not be granted. Given nod r my hand at office m Augusta. Jum 5 i LEI >■■ P. DU A 8 (Tierk : G HIVIUiS D County, Georgia: JaL%. Whereas Widiam Bostwiek, administrator on the estate of Dr. William McCaw, late of S. Carolina, deceased, applies to me for letters dis missory : 'These arc therefore to citeand admonish all and | singular, the kindred and creditors of said de c ased, to be and appear at my office, within the i time prescribe' 1 by law. to Hi >w cause, if any they ! have why said letters should tint be granted. Given under my hand, at office in Atmusta. THi * 1845 ‘ '.RON p DUGAS, qierk. RB tliViUlNlJ t ouuty, Lieorgia ; W In. rear,, Henry Bynl, administrator on tiie estate ol Salomon B. Wall, deceased, applies I io me lor letters of dismission ; These arc l lerciom to cite and admonish, all ami singular, tiio kindred and creditors of said de ceased, to ta.-and appear at my office within the ume prescribed bylaw, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given underlay hand at office in Augusta. LEON P. DUGAS, Clerk M ucli 1, 1845. RICHMOND Co inly, Georgia: Whereas Alexander Does, administrator on the estate of John Culh is, deceased, applies to me for letters disiuisson : Th. •se arc therefore to cite and admonish, all and 'singular the kindred and creditors ot .--aid de ceased, t. be ami appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, ifauy they have, why sa d letters should not he granted. Given taideriiiy hand at office In Augusta. April 1,1-15. LKONl'.niTrts (". A, RICHMOND County, Georgia: • Whereas H. Bliun, executor on the estate o| Mrs. Elizabeth Mo. dy, deceased, applies to ■ me for letters dismissory: These are th relate to cite admonish, al and singular, the kindred and creditors of snlddc* eased, to b: and appear at my office-within the time pr«sc, ibed t»y law, to show c use, if am they have, why: lid leii. rs sm.uld not 1-e granted. Given unde, mv hand nt office in Augusta. i April 2(i, 1845. LEuXN P. DUGAiS, Clerk. Eat Peal Cffii'e otHernia or Rupture, by Dr» Chase’s Improved Surgeons’Trusses. '’■HE undersigntd has disposed oi his JL exclusive right to vend Chase’s Improved Surgeons’ Trusses,” in the city of Augusta, and county of Richmond, to W lliam K. Kitchen, who now has the sole right to dispose of these instruments, in the city and count' aforesaid. January 20, 1645; F. M. ROBERTSON. ' In disposing of rny interest in “Chase’s Im proved Surgeons’ Ti uss,” to Mr. Kitchen, I-can confidently recommend it to those who are suf fering from hernia or rupture, as the most effi cient that 1 have ever used. It notonly secun s the peimancnt retention of the protruding bow el mure effectually, and with less inconvenience and uneasiness, than any other of the kind; but, in my hands, i : has produced a radical cure of this disagreeable and often dangerous affection, in many ca-a s. F. M. ROBERTSON. January 20,1845- The following is the language of the commit tee of the Philadelphia Medical Society on the Radical Cure of Hernia : “ I'hc instruments of Dt. Chase have effected the permanent and accurate retention of the in testim s in every case of Hernia observed by the committee, without material inconvenience to ihe patient, and often under trials more severe than arc usually vent tiled upon by those who wear other trusses; trials that would be imprudent with any othei apparatus known to the commit tee.” “ The committee are induced by the foregoing conclusions to recommend, in strong terms, the instruments of Dr. Chase to the confidence of the profession as the best known means of me chanical retention in hernia, ana as furnishing the highest chances of radical cure.” , The foil wing is from the Southern Medical and Surgical Journal, published in our own city ; ‘•Ail must admit of the radical cure of hernia, and that Dr. Chase’s Tru ses are decidedly the host yet invented to effect the ob;ect.” The instruments are of all sizes, and applicable to every variety of reducible rupture. For sale 'fh mho Iv VVM. K KITCHEN, FORCE, BROTHERS & | ~ fkj. CO., are now receiving their Spring supply of Boots and Shoes, consisting o° 2(j UOO pairs men’s coarse Russet and black Brogans, 0,00!' pairs kip. lined and bound do. 2 000 do. calf, pegged and sewed do. 2.000 do. Boots. 000 do kip Boots. 500 do. course Mining Boots. 2.000 do. boys’ kip and coarse Brogans, 2.000 do. women’s leather, pegged and sewed walking shoes. I,OGO do. Broga IS. 1.000 do. Morocco and kid walking Shoes 2.000 do. calf and seal-skin do. = 2.500 do. Morocco and kid slippers of all qualities. 1.500 do. misses and children’s v alking Shoes and Boots. 1.000 do. boys’and youth’s fine Brogans LEATHER. Also, a large stock of Leather, consisting o 500 sides oak and hemlock Sole Leather.” 500 sides coarse Upper Leather. d 0 doz. calf-skins—French and American, 30 doz lining, kid and Morocco Skins. ISC sides Haruessand Bridle Leather. 100 sides Skirting Leather and Hog-skins for Saddles. 130 sides. Band Leather for Cotton-gins and Factories. An assortment of patent and top-leather, for carriages: tanners’ oil by the barrel: tools of all kinds for cullers’ and shoemakers’use. All of '.hich are offered at New York prices, with the audition of freight to Augusta, at the sign of the Big Boot, No. 276 Broad-street, Augusta, Geo. ja4-t t | IMPORTANT TO PLANTERS.— in NEGRO CLOTHS.—The subscribers have lust received a sample of flic IVoo'cn Negro Ch-hs manufactured at Gollvilie Factory, Richmoi d county, and from the superior quality of the ma terial and manufacture they believe it is only m - cessary for the planter to try it to give it a prefc - ence over any thing of the kind introduced in o fhjs market; they warrant it to be pure w< oi “cling, and can challenge competition with any for warmth, strength, and durability of wear. GEO. W. LAMAR & CO., Agea s of Factory 7 . AIT They have also left samples with the undei named gentlemen, from who:;! the planter can • btatn it on the mast Hheml terms: Messrs Tho nas Dawson iz Son, Bustin & Walker, Dye & Doughty, Clarke & Roberts, Adams & Hop kins. Stovall & Simmons, and Porter Fleming <& D’ InrjfT'i n; Evans an! f. Alexander. je 4/ ES ITGES of the Natural History * ' 'cation, second edition, with anintroduc lion, by Rev George B. Chcever, DD For sale bv_ jy?9 T. RICHARD'i. UNITED STATES DISi^ENSA rOiiv , new edition, for 1345, thoroughly revised and enlarged. For sale by Jv2 T. RICHARDS. AUGUSTA IRON AND BRASS FOUNDERY zjx THE undersigned, having purchased the Foundry, recently owned by P. H Vlantz, are now carrying on its business in all its various branches. Our stock of the raw material is of the best quality ; we are prepared to receive orders for any description of castings, eithei for mills, steam engines, or other purposes. As we have a variety of wheel patterns suitable for mill work, we can furnish mill gearing at the shortest notice, which we will warrant to perform well. We also manufacture Agricultural implements ofaii kinds, and have now on hand a variety of ploughs, straw cutters, and corn shelters. Per sons wanting any thing in the above line will do well to call, as we will sell low for cash or city acceptances. Our establishmentisin the rear of the PresbyteriarrChurch, near the Georgia Rail Road Depot. Having a first rate Pattern Makerin our em ploy, we are prepared to make Patterns of every description. The highest price given for old Iron, Copper and Crass. feb24-ly HOPKINS & HARDMAN mHOMAS RICHARDS, Bookseller and Stationer, has now on hand a large and fresh assortment of SC iI OUL,C LA SSICA L, MEDICAL.LA\V AND MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS. Every variety of BLANK BOOKS; W RITING, PRINTING ANDW RA P P IN GPAF ER ; PAP E R HANGINGS and BORDERING. Ink ofal! kinds, quills, stool pens gold and silver pencil cases, ponablcdesks, pocket books, wallets, purses, chessmen and chess boards, backgam mon boards, playing cards, and numerous other articles of useful arid f?ncv stationary; all of which he will sell at WHOLESALE or RETAIL on ns good terms as in anv Southern * I BURNER SEED—Fresh and gen- JL nine from the nursery of D. Landreth, Philadelphia, have jusi been received by the agents, D’ANTIGNAC & BARRY, jy!9 Druggists, sign of the golden mortar ROAD. ~ The PAS SEN GER TRAIN carryin t L r Southern Mail between New York^nnc l \ :at Orleans, leaves Augusta daily at 7 o’clock p arriving at Covington at 6i o’clock a. m. iD n ,f" jug, leaves Covington at 2 o’clock p. m rives ic Augusta at_2 o’clock a. m. 1 11 ’ ai The cars for Athens? connect with this t ■ a j r -, Union Point daily (Sundrys excepted ) ' * Stages run in connection with the cars follows: 1B > a s Daily.—The Express Mail Line from Pa,.; ton to New Orleans, passing through BarneS* Columbus to Chehaw, thence by Railrn-m . e ’ , Montgomery. Also, the Georgia Rail Road fin ° passing through McDonough, Griffin r lne > ville, Lagrange, West Point to ChS m ""' by Railroad to Montgomery. ' ’ lL,l cc “ Maco “ vi * s Pama„d ’ 'VtchiKsdays anj Ftidaysl (on’thS 1 ca y s ’) Mem Phis, Tenn., passing throuU D° cutur, Marietta, Cassville and Rome Ga w ; renton, Summerville, Decatur and > to Nashvihe, 1 tnn., via Spring Place, Chattanon r Tenn aSpe ‘ ! &C ' A * SO Knoxville > via Athens' ■ K-rii- ; 111 Ma o SOQ ever y Friday, Wednesday -ml b nd ? y, via Eatonton and Clinton to Macon an r via Eatonton to Milledgeville. ’ 1 ■ ro ] a Athens, via Gainesville to Cassvitt f Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays A? ’ f Gainesville to Dahlone*a 7 Alsov 'a Sg f «S."SS 3 Passengers, to connect with the tri-wseklv sta ges, (the In.e from Double Wells excepted,) Si SLayf 8,3 °“ S " lldays ’ T ““W and , Office Geo. R. R. & B’king Co.. ) , January 1,1345. ' <, GEORGIA BAIL ROAD. DURING the Summer the freight trains will leave Augusta and Covin °ori on -Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. & Passenger train by locomotive wi’l leave Union Point and Athens every Tuesday, Thursday anil Saturday, and by horse power, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. ’ ” Freight iiiust be delivered at the Augusta and Covington Depots on Tuesdays, Thursdays and ■Saturdays, and at Athens on Mondays, Wednes days and Fiidays. • my 24 RAIL-ROAD NOTICE. NOTICE.—The Passenger Train on the .S Carolina rail-road will leave as follows: UPWARD. Not to leave Charleston before- • • - 9 00 a, m. “ Summerville, “••••10 20 “ “ Georges’, “ 1130 “ Branchville (! ...-12 30 “ Blackville, “ 2 00 p.y. “ “ Aiken, “ 320 Arrive at Hamburg not before 4 30 DOWNWARD. Not to leave Hamburg before. 6 00 a. m “ “ Aiken, “ 720 !< “ Blackville, “ 850 “ Branchville “•••••10 30 “ “ Georges’, “ 1130 “ Summerville “ 12 45 ?. a. Arrive a I Charleston not before 2 00 FROM BRANCHVILLE TO COLUMBIA. UPWARD. 1 Not to leave Orangeburg before** • 1 SO p. is. “ Lewisville, “ 215 “ “ Gadsden “ 300 Arrive at Columbia not before.••••4ls DOWNWARD. Not to leave Columbia before 6 00 a. hi. 1 “ Gadsden, “ 730 “ Lewisville, “ 830 “ “ Orangeburg, “ 930 “ “ Brancheville, “ 10 30 [je24 Office ss. Carolina Rail Road Co., } Hamburg, Match 26, 1345. $ 1 rtf OTlCE.—Freight on measurement goods on the South Carolina Rail Road is ; reduced to 10cents per foot. mh27 A. B. STURGES, Agent. PHILOTOKEN or Female’s Friend. — Beauty, Comfort and Health secured!— By the use of that invaluable remedv the Philo , token or “ Female’s Friend.” This medicineis repared from Roots that act in unison with na ture, in the prevention, relief and cure of those disoiderspecuuar to the Female system. Painful and disordered menstruation —the cause of premature old age, of barrenness, &c.—is speedib relieved, and the regular healthful action ■ of theorgans secured, by the use of the Phiioto ken, and for all those sympathetic affections at teudantou pregnancy—irritability, nausea, heart burn, &c.; and as a preventive of periodical abortion, this remedv stands not only unrivalled, but is almost infallible. The Philotoken is put up in bottles at SI 50 eai h, with full directions, its use can in no case do harm, and so certain is the proprietor that it will give unqualified sati-faction to all who use it according »o the directions, that he authorize his agents to refund the money in any case where it fails. For sale by the Druggists of Augusta. mhß d To Dyspeptics, the Sedentary and Studious. HP ARRANT’S CORDIAL ELIXIR -i- OF TURKEY RHUBARB —This prepa ration. at onco palatable, safe and ctficaciou.-, re commends itself to the nervous, wt akly «' ind overworked, as a pleasant and certain improver of the digestion—a family medicine of the must valuable description It has made extraordinary progress, is ol unrivalled value for the cure ot indiger: a and the many ills resulting there from. i , large families, especially such as are remote from medical assistance, we deem h i' l >ct indispensable. Those wito experier ce a dif ficulty in conquering the habit of using strong drink, will find a gentle and restorative stimu lant. Thi* utmost”reliance may be placed in L both for its innocent nature and curative quali ties. Being prepared from the best Turkey Rhu barb, it possesses all its valuable propel tic-, am is combined with such aromatics as will prove"! material assistance in its operation. To person-- afflicted with the gout, it offers sterling attrsi timis, giving positive relief Prepared ard sol ■ wholesale and retail, by JAMES TARRJ • Druggist, &c.. No. 268 Gveenwich-st., corfif Warren, New York. For sale by D’ANTIGNAC & BARRA, Dealers in Drugs and Medicines, Augusta, iy2 - Tarrant’s Compound Extract ot Cubch* and Copaiba, STANDS unri val led for its efficacy ; it P er ' forms a cure in a few u • —no confinement or _ \M.strietion in diet, f ndc . I sary. It will be found « l IS valuable, beiug^^^U^^ c:no, upon wt 11 tested P'fo # trifles, founded upon ’/ important lavs, fu- | llshed by 'he Dr. Fobdtce, viz - . a a combination of similar remedies icd V’ aJI more certain, speedy and considerably I)ian y an equivalent dose of any single one. , j ts cases the disease is entirely ' ]p nn il re timclv application. Forsale. vvno ' ‘ tail by JAMES TARRANT, D Grrenwicit-sf., corner W:irtcn, t o iRR| r . For sale by IVANTIGNAC & BARK ! j y 2 DruggtsG, Augusta,