Newspaper Page Text
-XI to
<ave de
,ii to the cs
journal t -iteciully
_ . local interests. ;-.**d—as
an evening paper—a great public eon- j
ver.iencc. They seem as nnconsciou? • t
its advantages as an advertising meui *
mn, as they are indifferent to its success.
We have no expectation of receiving
universal favor ; but iro have a confi
dent hope that with our earnest efforts
to establish a cheap mtdßum of popular j
intelligence hero, where no such enter- .
prise was ever before attempted, we may !<
net long long rely for its chief support ,
upon distaut patronage. e adapt our ! (
terms to the means of the humblest cit- [ j
i»n—fending the paper by the month |<
or quarter—and delivenug it anywhere |
within the limits of the city. A four
dollar daily ought to have one thousand ’
subscribers in Augusta. Its columns
are chiefly made up from the morning
nails, and from dispatches received dur- (
iug the day '■ hence its contents are
fresh tv the readers of the morning pa
jh- , and we endeavor to adapt the tone
Os the paper to the evening fireside.
We shall throw the present number
of the paper into most of the stores and j
residences of the city, and in a day or I
two, some one connected with the office j
will call in person to renew expiring ;
subscriptions and to obtain new ones.— j
May we not hope for an increase among ;
our city readers in keeping with that
which the mails are bringing from the
Sio Wtwe.
It is a little annoying that on the j
present occasion, fatten we are anxious i
to present our friends a readable nnm- J
bev, we should be deprived of the usual j
s ources of news, having failed to re- j
ct-ive our latest Washington and »-'cv>
York papers. There is a special barren
ness in the world of news around tty—
the state papers being signally destitute ,
of their usual paragraphs of local
incidents. We shall wait with be- |
coming patience for a moving in th c
stagnated current of events and like j
desperate wreckers, seize the floating
fragments as they present themselves. '
Generals Walk.*'r ami Hennlngsen* j
The Washington correspondentof thc ‘ I
New York Times, says : “In the course
of a conversation with Gen. Hhorsg- |(
n» last evening, he assured me that the j i
supposition is entirely erroneous that P
there is, or has been, the slightest disa- L
greement between him and General jc
Walker in relation to the command e
in Nicaragua, or any other subject. Id
confirmation of this statement he re
fers to the well known fact that when
Gen. Was.kek recently arrived at New ;
York on his parole, he proceeded at (
ence to Bexmnosun’s house. i
|ST During the year 1867, the num- *
her of case 6 brought before the Police '
Court of Boston was nine thousand two (
hundred and si . In 1860 the number t
was eight thousand five hundred and j
three. Increase of cases iu 1857, seven [
hundred and three. The principal j i
offences were drunkenness, assaults, and j<
larcenies. ; 1
Deaf andDuuift A.ylnm.
We notice that the Board of Comm is- ! j
licners of the Deaf and Dumb Asylum I j
have issued their announcement that
the institution is now in readiness for i
pupils They have published the card|
in five of the Democratic journals of the ‘j
State, and no others. We are curious I
to know whether it is because the 4»t
lum is a political concern, or whether
they presume all the deaf and dumb
persons in the State are Democrats.
f|f" When the President'* Message |<
was received by the Free State legisla- i
.. jfltMdhf Kansas, some witty member in 1
tier the following resolution, whkh
wn» pasacc' amid deafeniug cheers . !
/i>folesf, Juices Buchanan, Pres
i'-nt of the Dr ited State*, be entitled
«> the name ot> Muggins,” and that a
*opy os'this rcsc.r.jtinn he sent to him
gtee. ».
12 55
ffher than
.ie before since
>-- v iort of tbe last
the average weight of
Riles. Weight per Rile.
2,803,408 440
2,991,175 450
i-857. 2,205,603 460
These figures 6bow enormous fluetua
-0 tions in the quantity anti value of ex
■ portfed cotton in years closely following
- each other. Tables we havu not space
, to give show this very forcibly. We
take for comparison an exact cycle of j
> ten years, and the result is particularly I
striking. The crop of 1847 was a short!
lone, hut brought an uncommonly good j
price. The export was 527,219,955]
pounds, at 10J5-4cents average price,,
making an aggregate of $53.415.848.
Glancing at the return for 1857, it will
be perceived that the export ,was more
than double- —namely : 1048 mil
lions tor 627 millions, and the total
j value had increased one hundred and
ififty per cent., exceeding those of 1847
Iby the vast sum of more than seventy
(eight millions of dollars.
| This is an instance.. >f extreme changes
J —1846 and 1847 being exceptional years ]
jof a succession of small crops, the ex-1
ports being nearly the same—but the
j average price varying nearly 4 cents a
'pound, with a difference on the value of
] more than $10,000,000.
'Two years after, viz : in 1849, there
'w as the concurrence of a very largo ex
|port, at a very small price. The quan-
I tity was nearly as large as that of 1857.
j being 1,020,602,269 pounds, but the |
average price wasonly 6,04 cents, and
the aggregate value only $63,096,907,
or only about one-half of that of 1857.
The same number of bales in 1857
| brought $05,000 000 more than they
did in 1849.
Moths In Carpeti,—Another Remcitj .
An experienced housekeeper who
i reads the Tribune says:
‘ 1 Camphor will not stop the ravages
!of moths after they have commenced
■eating. Then they pay no regard to
!the presence of camphor, cedar or to
i bacco—in fact. I rather think they en
joy the latter, if anything else than hu
manity can. Nor will the dreaded and
;inconvenient taking up and beating
i always ensure success, for 1 tried it
faithfully, and while nailing it down
■ found several of the worms ‘alive and
] kicking,’ that had remained under the
pile unharmed. 1 conquered them whol-
Jiv in this way . I took a coarse crash
towel and wrung it out of clean water
l and spread it smoothly on the carpet,
(then ironed it dry with a good hot iron,
i repeating the operation on all suspected
places, and those least used. It does not
injure the pile or color of the carpet in
the least, as it is not necessary to press
I hard, heat and steam being the agents ;
and they do the work effectually on
worms and eggs. Then camphor will
doubtless prevent future depredations
of tbe miller.’’
Breach of |Promise.
Bertha Blattmacher has been awarded
$5,000, in Brooklyn, N. Y.. as the
amount of damage done to her heart by
John A. Saal, by a breach cf marriage
promise. Saal isa married man. About
tbe time the marriage was to take place
with Miss 8., Rial’s lawful wife acci-
Ideutly found a marriage agreement be
tween her husband and the young lady
in one of the pockets of his overcoat
This attracted her suspicions, and upon
making inquiries, theascertaincd the resi-:
dence of the young lady and waited up- {
on her; An explanation and exposition '
ensued, which resulted in Miss Blatt
inaeher commencing the action.
Early Marriages Advocated.
Rev. Dr. Bellows, in his last lecture
before the Lowell Institute, strongly i
urged the necessity of early marriages
as the only remedy for that licentious
ness so prevalent among the youth of
our large cities, and soundly berated the
fair sex for tireir extravagant tastes and
expensive habits which, as he alleged,
i deter young men of small means from
'entering the matrimonial state, and
! thus lead to illicit indulgences.
A Kovel Turn-Out.
Among the novelties observed in
I New York on New Year’s Day was a
'carriage propelled by steam, and opera
■ ted bv tv. > fast young men, in their bu
Isiness of making calls. They doubtless
; considered the old fogy turn-out of four
jin-hand as altogether too slow for the
j times, and the accomplishment of the
ifull c implement of live hundred
;calls. "
Professor Agassiz.
We copy the following from the Par
is letter in the Courier des Etats Unis :
' 1 “ The literary world is much occupied
I with the magnificent offers made by the
r| Kmperottoil Agassiz, the celebrated
k .naturalist, who is a naturalized Ameri-
Ican, to induce him to accept the chair
I, L Orbigny, in the museum of the
i - O*J 'tu tuv UIUOOUIU rr ■
Jardin des Plantes. The sum of ahun
thousand francs as tlie salary of
e office and a seat in the Senate it is
i a’ “I* ' )een offered to the illustrious
h> overcome his re
lZLtu.“ciml sage, will the
lines refuse these offer
xertes 1 those of Arta
most honor hi» ’ Ch ,to him the
‘[sal? 1 ’ ’ “oroptance or his refu-
Assailed on a
; .fhinaiiy for the
ecilth of the sevctal.
.Srttmored that Santa Anna
,arsons of the vessels, and that
.e Squadron is bound to ViwaCrUZ.--
- Various surmises are afloat, but nothing
5 reliably known.
Q At Havana business was dull. Ex
e I change on New York, at short time,
I J from 6 to 6 prem.
, The Black Warrior brings SBO,OOO in
• I
j specie.
• j Arrival and Seizure of the Fashion.
> j Mobile, Jan. 19th.-Tbe Steamship
J Fashion has arrived, and was immedi
ately seized by the authorities.
Storm In tile Gulf:
■sew Orleans, .Jan 19. —The late
storm has damaged shipping, at Galves
l ton, and other ports considerably.
CotigtxKilot «1.
Washington, Jan. 19. —Both Ileuses;
!of Congress adjourned to-day out of re-:'
spent to the memory if Senator Rusk.
Santa Anna and Mexican Affairs.
New York, Jan 19.—The steamship!
Philadelphia reports that Santa Anna is
still at Havana/ and that the Cubans,
■ire anxious t» assist him in effecting his
restoration in Mexico.
j Latest ffrvys from the I'tnh Troup*.
1 St Lotus, bin, 19.—The latest advi
ce* from the Utah troops, state that the
Mormons arc not emigrating, hut are
organizing Indian bands, with white
leadeis, to cut off the spring supplies
from the trains.
Governor of Pennsylvania.
Harrisburg, Pa., Jan. 19.—Governor ;
Packer was duly inaugurated to-day, ns|
Governor of the Commouwcalthof Penn- j
sylvania. In his address be gave it as
his opinion that all qualified voters in a j
Territory ought to be allowed to partici
, pato in choosiug delegates to a Convcn- j
tion and vote for a Constitution, but if.
s they refuse to do so, tki y have no right
I to complain.
Market Report*.
N»w York, Jan. 19.~bales of cotton]
| to-day 1,000 bales, at an advance of]
]jl-Bth cent. Flour firm—sales 9,000]
t j barrels. Wheat firm—sales 2,000 bush
]! els, at an advance of two cents per,
, ] bushel on red. Corn quiet—sales 9,000 j
• j bushels. Sugar dull—N. O. quoted j
i | from 5 to 7 cents ; and Louisiana Mo
! lasses heavy at 27 cents Turpentine
, (firm, 39a40. Rosin firm. Rice heavy
1 l at from 2 1-2 to I 1-4 cents.
] | Savannah, Jan. 19.- Sales of cotton
i' 400 bales, at prices ranging from 9 to
’i 10 3-4 cents. Tbe market, is quiet.
[! Good Middling 10 1-2 a 10 5 Bc.
From theßrltUh Went Irtrflci.
i By the schooner C. B. Knudson, Capt.
Squires, from Kingston, Jamaica, the
I 31st ult., wo have thiee weeks later in
’ I telligenee— the very latest possible from
; i that port. We learn from the Colo
.ini il Standard, of that date, that tbe
I proposition for a semi-monthly steam
] oommunicition with the United States
I recently before the Legislature, has fail
ed, through “the influence of the local
. government..”
It is stated that Hon. Edward Everett
! lias delivered his oration upon the char
i acter of Washington sixty-five times, and
! has realized the sum of $36,000 -all of
whiebjis to be devoted to the purchase
of Mouut Vernon. He is to repeat it in
New York city on Thursday next,
According to the correspondence of
i the Courier St Enquirer, the Republican
members of Congress, in caucus, last
week, “resolved, upon the adviceof Gov
' Seward, not to agitate the slavery ques
tion, hut attend to Legislation.” 'This
is a very remarkable resolution, and
seems very inconsistent with the creed
of the party by whom it was made.
Sinfpilur Casualty.
A few day 6 Bince Mr. Q. Beckwith, of
Beckwith Landing, Missouri, accompani
ed by his negro man, started for Hick
] man in a skiff, for the purpose of collec
ting a debt of some fifteen hundred dol
lars , this being accomplished they star
i ted for h me. They had proceeded but
!a short distance, when Mr. B, from some
unaccountable reason, concluded to get
out and walk/the money being in coin,
was left in the boat. Scarce had he
touched the shore when the bank caved
in, erigulfiing negro, money and skiff.—
Mr. B esi aped uninjured. Nothing has
beer, seen or heard of either negro,
money or skiff since.
In one of the courts, lately, there was
a long and learned discussion as to
whether a witness should be allowed to
answer the question, “ What did Mary
say ?" Three judges gave long and elab
orate opinions in the affirmative, and
. tlie question being repeated, the answer
was, “Notaword.”
A windy M. P., in a tedious oration,
, Htopped to imbibe agiass of water. 'I
rise,” said Sheridan, “to a point of or
der.” Everybody started in wonder of
] what the point of order was. “What
is it?” said the speaker. “I think. Bir, ’
Raid Sheridan, “it is out as order for a,
windmill to go by water.” 1
, which
' ippoßition in,
4 Bert t> Brown.
Jefferson Davis. ‘
.o. James L Green. j
Johnson .Trusten Polk
e S Foster John P Bale,
jhron. Daniel Clark.
A'mWGwin. Wm If Sward.
)avul C Broderick. Preston King.
11F.LAWARE. new .iKitssy.
M rtin W Bates . William Wright.
Janes A Bayard. John It Thompson.
Da. (1 L Vulee. David. S Reid.
■ Stephen B Mallory. Asa Biggs. *
Rolw. Toombs. George K Pugh.
Allred Iverson. Benjamin F Wad: !
■ Graham X fitch. William Bigler. ,
Jesse D Bright. Simon Cameron.
Stephen A Douglas. I’hilip Allen.
Lyman Trumbull. Jam: e A Swum.
George W Jones. Josiah J Evans.
James Harlan. 3 11 Hammond.
Jain B Thompson. John Bell.
John J Crittenden. Andrew Johnson.
J P Benjamin. Sam Houston.
John Slidell. Vacancy.
Win Pitt Fessenden. Vermont.
Ham : bal Hamlin. Jtcoh CbUamer.
Henry Wilson.
Charles Sumner. VIRGIN lA,
MARYLAND. 11 M T Hunter.
James A I’earce. Jas M Mason.
Anthony Kennedy.
j Charles E Stuart. Charles Durkee.
Zxehariah Chandler. James R Doolittle. j
Number of members, - - . . 281
1 las A Ftalwarth. 5Wm J’. Moclay
j 2 E S Shorter. 6 John Cochrane I
j 3 Jas F Dowdell. 7 Elijah Ward
j 4 Sydney Moore. 8 Horace F Clark i
If> Goo S Houston. 0 John B HasUin I
0W R W Cobb. 10 A L Murray
7 JLM Curry. 11 Wm F Russell I
Arkansas. 12 John Thompson '
1A B Greenwood. 13 Abram A Olin I
2 Edwr A Warner. 14 Erastus Corning
California. 15 Edward Dodd j
j 1 Charles L Scott. 16 GVo W Palmar
2J C McKibben. 17 fro .ns E Skinner
Connecticut. 18 Clark B Cochrane
1 Ezra Clark, Jr. 19 Oliver .4 Morse
\ 2 Samuel Arnold, 2d20 <1 B lialteson
\ 3 Sidney Dean. 21 Henry Bennett
14 WmD Bishop. 22 Henry 0 Goodwill
Delaware. 23 Charles B Hoard
j 1 Wm GVi hitley. 24 Amos P 0 ranger
Florida. 25 Edunn B Morgan
l il Geo S Hawkins 26 Emory H Pottle
Georgia. 27 John M Parker
\ 1 Jas L Seward. 28 'William Kelsey
12 M J Crawford. 29 Sardl G An,lrens
3 R P Trippe, An. SO J W Sherman
\4 L J Gartreil. 81 S M Burroughs
.\ 5 A R Wright. 32 Israel T Hatch
j 6 Jas Jackson. S 3 Reuben E Fenton
\ 7 Joshua Hid, Am. NORTH CAROLINA.
j 8 A H Stephens. 1 II M Shaw
Illinois. 2 Thomas Ruffin
I EB WaMumc. 3 Warren Wiuslow
i 2 ./ FFarnsworth. 4 J. O B Branch
ii 3 (keen Lovejay. 5 John A Gtimer, Am
1 4 Wm Kellogg. 6 Alfred M Scales
1 5 Isaac N Morris. 7 Burton Craige
" | 6 Thomas I. Harris. STL Clingm&n
) j 7 A Shaw. OHIO.
I 8 Robert Smith. 1 Geo II Pendleton
9 Sain'lA Marshall. 2 W S Grosheck
Indiana. 3 Lewis D Campbell
1 1 W J Niblick. 4 M H Ntrials
,2Wm H English. 6 Richard Matt
3 James Hughes. 6J H Cockerell
4 James B Foley. 7 Aaron Harlan
i 6 David Kilgore. 8 Benjamin Slarro/v
, 6 James M Gregg. 9L W Hall
7 John G Davis. 10 Joseph Miller
5 James Wilson 11 Valentine BMorton
9 Schuyler Colfax 12 S S Cox
10 Charles Case. 13 John Sherman
II JoMi V Petit 14 Philemon Bliss
lowa. 15 Joseph Burns
. 1 Samuel R Curtis 16 C B Tomkins
2 Timothy Davis 17 Wm Lawrence
, Kentucky, 18 Brnj FBetter
. 1 Henry C BurnettlO Edward Wade.
; 2 Samuel OPeyton2o Joshua R Guiding:
, 3 W L Underwood *421 J A Bingham
4 A O Talbott Pennsylvania.
5 Joshua H Jewett 1 Thos 15 Florence
j 6 John M Elliot 2 EJuy Morris, Am
7 11 Marshall, Am 8 J lines 1-anrly
8 James B Clay 4 Henry M Philip;:
9 John C Mason & Owen Jones
10 J W Stevenson 6 John Hickman
. Louisiana. 7 Henry Chapman
, 1 Geo Eushs.Jr, Am 8 J Glancy Jones
’ 2 Miles Taylor 9.4 B Roberts
3T G Davidson 10 John C Kunktl
1 4J M Sandige 11 Wm L Dewart
mains. 11 P Leidy
1 John M Woof 13 Win H Dimmick
f 2 Charks J Gilman 14 G A Grow
1 3 Nehemiah Abbott 16 Allison White
t 4 Freeman U Morse 16 John J Abel
5 I Washbume, Jr 17 Wilson Reilly
- 6 Steph en G Foster 18 John R Edit
3 MARYLAND. 19 John Oowdc
I 1 J A Stewart 20 Wm Montgomery
1 2J B Riarud, Am 21 David Riklae
BJM Harris, Am 22 S A Purvianee
4 11 W Davis, Am 23 Wv: Stewart
5 Jacob M Kunkel24 J L Gillie
f 6 Thos F Bowie 26 John Dick
1 R B DM 1 A’ B Dwfee
2 James Buffinton 2Wm JJ Brayton
3 Wm S Darnell south Carolina.
4 Lirtut B Oomns 1 John McQueen
• Ci Anson Burlingame 2 W Porcher Miles
. 0 Timothy Davis 3 Lawrence M licit
7 D IK Gooch 4 M L Bonham
8 CL Kn/iyp 6 James L Orr
9 Eli Thayer 6 W m W Boyce
10 Calvin C Chaffee. Tennessee.
.11 Henry L Dawes 1A G Watkins
. Missouri. 2 II Maynard, Am
1 F P Blair, Jr 8 Samuel A Smith
2 T L Atulerso/i, Am 4 John H Savage
3 John B Clark 6 Chas Ready, Am
4 J Craig 6 George W Jones
6 S II Woodson, Am 7 John V Wiight
6 John S Phelpß BFK Zollimffer.Am
7 Sam 1 Caruthers 9 J D 0 Atkins
MICHIGAN. 10 Win T Avery
1 Wm A Howard Texas
2 Henry Waldron 1 Guy M Jjryan
3D S Wattrrilge 2J H Reagan
4 DeWitt C Leach Vermont.
Mississippi . 1 E V WaUon
1L Q C Lamar 2 Justin S Morrill |
2 R übin Davis 8 Homer E Boyce
3 Wm Barksdale Virginia.
4 O R Singleton 1 M K H Garnet
5 J A Qi*. man 2 J I Mi Ison
ns' , ham smut 3 John S Cnskie
j 1 Jib- hj 1 ike 4 Win O Goode
| 2 y 11 'lappan 6 Thos S Bocoek
3 Aaron IlCragin -6 Paulus Powell
new jrrsrt. 7 Wm Smith
1 Isaiah D CUactxtn 8 C J Faulkner
1 <1 R Robins 9 John lade her
j 3 Garnet BAdriaulO S Clemens
; 4 John Hnylcr 11 A G Jenkins
; 5 J R Wortendykeld H Edmundson
j new Tor.K 13 G.W Hopkins
i I John A hearing
I 2 George Taylor Wisconsin.
I 3 Dan ! ESickels 1 John F P iter
i o John Kelly 2 <1 C Washburns
3 Chas Billinghunl
Ivmecrsts, r ‘
Opposition,. "IS
Vacancies, 1
Demccratic mafority 10.
Democrats 120
Know Nothings, 15
Bite'-: Republicans, 9y
Democratic majority 24.
On the first of this month, iti Canada,
the method of reckoning currency by
pounds, shillings arid pence, was ibol
j killed, and the decimal system of this
; country supercedes it. Decimal coins
1 will bo" coined to meet the requirem mts
lof the law. They will probably con-cs
; pond in value with our own.
One of the plans for building railroads
in Wisconsin has been to induce the far
mers along the route of n road to be
built to mortgage their farms to the
raliroad company, and then the com
pany sells the mortgages to raise money,
guaranteeing to pay the interest anil
1 lie amount of the mortgage when due
It is said that from 2,000 to 3,000 farms
are mortgaged to railroads in Wisconsin;
that the railroads earmot pay, and to re
lease their farms wiil strip nine-tenths
of them of the hard earnings of many
The Empress Eugenie, of France, rc
i entiy appeared at a bail wearing jew
i Is whose value was estimated at SBOO,-
i 000, and having flounces of lace or her
j robe that cost $120,000.
| Lieutenant. General Van Omphal has
! set out from the Hague for London on a
.' mission, of which the object is to do
imand officially* for the Prince of
Orange, the hand of the Princess .Alice,
I daughter of Queen Victoria.
Special Ilotias.
To County O/ft <•«*»> fJUct,
Clerk’s Offick Inferior Court.
JIT Th t* Ge ut lein ell elected
|on the fourth ot January, instant, to fill the of
j dees of Sheriff, Clerk Superior and Inferior Courts,
3! Coroner, Receiver of Tax Return?, aud County
Surveyor, «<re required to appear M this ofiice
on MONDAY NEXT, the 25th lust., at 12o’clock,
M , with their securities, lobe qualified accord
ing to law.
By order of the Hon. Inferior Court.
janlP tTn BENJ. F. HAIX, Clerk.
Notice. —A Regu
lar Meeting of Augusta Chapter No. 2, will be
j hold THIS (Wednesday) EVENING. 20tb instant,
at 7 <vclock. i y order of the H. P.
jan2o C. DWELLE, Secretary.
gTTo Make lioom for our
Spring aud Summer gitocks, wc will sell the re
mainder of our heavy Winter Clothing at very
reduced prices for CASU. Call soon, before they
' arc all gone. jan33 J. K. fIt)RA k CO.
ff Board. —A pleasant, nicely
j furnished room, with boi»rd for two persons, in
• a New Er.g-ard family, at 11 moderate price ran
jbe engaged. The location u ntiar the South Ca
| rolina Depot. Inquire at this oi)U-.e. janlk
ggT’The Suramm ilh' Aca
iloiuy w il be re- peord for th*
i reception of pupils, ou MONDAY,
[ 25th lastaut. Th« BCholastic >ear^BflsH|3^
• will he divided into four quartern
Icl eleven weeks cv b, with-the fed
| low ing rates of tuition .
j Beginner i in Orthography and P.ead.og,
I Primary Geogr.tpby and Mental Arith
metic. per quarter $lO Qu
J Greek, lAtin, French and Higher English 15 OC*
All intermediate branches 12 50
No pupil received for Jess tbtc one quarter.
janlS 8. W. HATCH, Principal.
Jff Ausuiita MHiiiii'adu
ring Company, A. ousta, Oa., January
, 185 S.—A special meeting of the S’vockholders <*'
the above namef', Coatpttuy is called for W
NESDAY, the 20th iast., at 11 o’clock, A. Y
their Ofiice, on droad-street.
By order of the Board of Director#.
' 1 __ jan!4-td _ JAMES HOPE, Tr
! |*r Clerk es C'ouiie* Of
'] FICE. City Halt., January 2, persoue
| liable lor City Taxes are hereby ied that the
| Digest for JBSS is uowopon at i office.
| Office hours arc Iron 2, A. to I, P M., and
from S to b, P. M.
The Digest will rema’n oj>on until the first day
of February next; after that time uc returns
ti will bo received, and all failing to make
by that time wifi be double taxed.
janJ>-12t Clerk of Council.
(ST SmG for it.—The most su
perbly )llustr«ed Magaziue over published in
America, is tbf’ number of the COS
riaetyxpl&uHd Mngravingt, and giving full par
' ticulara of tbo benefits of the Cosmopolitan Art
Association, Two Dollars a ear; single copies
fifty cenis. Specimen copies v ill be seDt to ail
persons who wish to sutfccr'.be on receipt of five
pottage stamps, (15 cents.!
See adveriiaemont head*! “Brilliant ?ros
pectoE” in this paper. Address,
C. L. DERBY, A t .ary C. A. A.,
548 Broadway, New York.
Or J. W. ADAM, Hod. Bcc'y, Augusta. n2B
;> i». Kobensou respect
i v infarms his iriend? and the public that he
ha- ovod from the store of Mr. C W Hfersey
anil •>, : ovor the enflue bouse No 2, next to
Warren Du ck, on Jaciison street, where he is
prepared to make and trim ciolhing in the best
.'style. He Unitors binsclf that his long experi-
J ence will enable liim to give satisfaction. He
\ invites- especial attestlou to "hfa work on Pants
i and Vjste. Catting done for families or others.
1 Repaid* v 'aithfully attended to. oct2 3m
warehouse ans» commission merchant
Mre.prtnf IVarehousr, Augusta , Georgia.
will be g.ven to storago and sale
.Y iß'f Cotton and os her produce* Orders
t foi luinlty supplies promptly attended to, tjish
J udvttnced ou produce iuston*. Sale Room and
[ office on Reynold et., between Jackson and M -
In tosh ste. 2m sept
For chaps.
and Fwangu'anm Crium, aru dellgh.ful articles
for chapped hands and faces. For sale by
Spdal Halites.
WMMENCING, J. SVaKY !>, 1868.
> nPHiS magnificent fainting commences I
l J.. with (haos and controics down in historical!
- ~rder fke Babylonish Captivity', containing
l more than fifty of the most sublime and interest
ing scenes ia the Bible.
Exhibition every evening. Doors open at 6y a ;
9 to co , inence at 7 >*, precisely.
5 Tickets 50 cents—to be had nt the Hall door.
d Children under ton years, hall price.
Alsu. Exhibition on Wednesday and Thursday
afternoons for Families ami Schools. Doors open
■ at 2 : to commence at 3, precisely,
i Explained \ v prof. Tmnnv, ’ jan4-tf _
'| tir Golden Hill Shirts.— loo i
- dozen C. and 1.. SHIBTS ; 20 coz. T.’hito and Col-1
s ored MARSFJLLIES, a new and beautiful Article, j
5 for sale low by
5 dd *J. 3. hora fc CO. j
Newton House, Athens, (ia.
A Card.—Mr. W. Crm ford, Sir.—
We, the undersigned, tftke great pleasure in re j
8 ; turning you our thanks for the very kind and;
• i agreeable manner in which we have been enter- j
e toiued at your excellent Hotel, by your
" self and lady. Your rooms aro large, airy, and
cleanly, and your table such as cannot fail to
j please the taste of the most fastidious. We take
» great pleasure in recommending your House
2; to our friend? and the public generally :
Dan’l Rkmshkakt, Savannah, j Jons Mcrcbisok,
‘ Say..; Mrs. .Tank Thomas, Sav.Mrs. Ml rchisok, j
■ Sav.; Miss U. C. SapsSY, Sav.: Miss Mcmchison, |
S Sav.;M;ssC. A. Sara??,Sav.; Mkk F. M. Ora ,
wru., W. W. Hkmshkaßt. Sav.; C D. Rogers, j
Mrs. .K . Stewart, S. C.: M. H. Stiwaht, S. C. ; j
Mr A. Stewart, S. C*; Hon. Cdas. McDonald, I
Marietta, Ga., Col. .Tony R. Staxfl' .p, Clarke- j
viile, (ia.; Rev. R. C. KktvuvM, Clark- svilie, (ia., ]
Thos. H. Cone Greensboro’, Ga.; amos Akkr- j
■ man, Elberton, Ga.;K K, Martin, Greensboro’,
■ <ia.; Col. CfiA-. D. Davis Monroe. G.i.. Gkckok;
r Hilltkr, Monroo, Ga.; Thos. W. Thcmam, Klber-i
on. Ga. _ nolO ly _ |
f gs l)r. M. ■), Joni-s liters '
1 professional services to the citizens of Augusta
a !
i and vicinity. Office on Mclntosh street, opposite
' the Constitutionalistßange, where le maybe
f joimd at ai' ' uuj;; day, aid at night
at the residence ” l > sooth side of
Walker-st, opposite Richiuosd Auuic %:■'
■ ■ ■
’ { • Final IS otice.— A.i Un>.*.\
Who are indebted to the old Jinn of J. '. Yuwin :
k Co., either by note or account, t ill please
- make payment to the undersigned, as longer in
dulgence cannot be given.
Ji.K.QOItA&CO., j
d9 Successors to J, M. N»wby K Co.
Opluioill m' tilt- Pfejg.—!
We take pleasure in referring to the virtue of!
■’ Davis Pair. Killer. We have used the article i
V and found it valuable The -ale of t ils article in I
e the United States is beyond all precedent, as the J
c books "f the office will show. —Cincinnati Cm ;
1 ■ Davis’ Vegetable Pain Juliki;.—-We firs! heard
of this medicine curing i vi-it to the New Eng
land States, and being struck with the novelty
of the title, were induced to make .some inquiry j
_ about it; and we were surprised to learn that it t
was kept constantly in the houses of most cf the;
inhabitants of the cities and village* where wc I
,c stopped, to be used in case of sudden attacks of
f pain, burns, scald- , etc., aud we heard it spoken
of in terms of high commendation, both by
druggists ard physician*.— -PhU. Ecyls..
J'tny Davit' Pain Killer.—M h a great plea- j
ir sure to us to sppak favorably of this art lo{
p.. j known almost universally to ho ■» giod ar safe j ■
remedy lor burns and other paia.:. ui the :ody.
y lit i- valuable not only so- colds ~i tie winter, •
) | but for various .-umara complaint*. and should
|bo m every family- The casualty which tie- .
- it umv >vrn* Snawuros.—Oris. Jdt,
| Valuable Medicine. —Tho sale of * .at remark-j
y able and truly vat table preporat ion Parry in. is j
,j Pain Killer, us 01,-tautl y and rapidly increasing, j
iHir.r.g the past year, the demand f>r this great i
n |re:uedy has been altogether uri <recetien m!.
i- Scarcely a week passes by during v :ucb we do !
| rot hear of seme remarkable cur-r having i>. on
_ ! performed, wnhiu the cirtlo of our t. |UA ; .iita>ice *
“ j by the use of • Perry Davis’ Pain KLl**i.’—/‘me.! i
• Gen. Advert
‘ | Sold by hruggiats, Grocers a». J Medicine
Dealers °iverywl ere.
j fir Tlie A Brasbaui!
c I String Band, JOHN A. PDHLUt, Jt. i< r..-, : -
a-' usual, prepa-ed to furn -.h Mu*ic for Frocos- i
Mona, Parties, Serenade--, Arc., on -eaeonatle j
terras. Application to the Leader or CHARLES!
| SPAETH BUI meet with prompt attention,
j Pnvlß ___ Cm j ]
Tucks r Ai I'erkim’ .->upe-|
riorF!)ot)grip .s for ONE DOLLAR. OorPho-'
tographe es'ai.diahment ia the most coaplete, ia j |
all of its ariLLgomenta, of any in tho Southern |
_ country. I I
.! We ,1. ve ftSfociati d with us Mr. T. FOSTER |
|an exnerienctd Portrait Taiuter ar.A Photo- i
v Igrapldc Coloria. from Ivondon,and are prepare-; !
:o ciltr PICTURES, of the above description. |
from medallion \o life size, colored in oih or wa- j
lercoLra. at unprecedented low prices.
KnuU DAGUERHEOTYPES of dcceaaed persons (
.. copied and enlarged to Portrait or CaUmetsize. (
• Every style of colored Photographs will be fur- 1
is nlshed la a most superior manner, and sold at
•3 prices n- uch lower than those chargee at North ,
ern 6 tileries.
d Plain Photographs from this establishment j I
are washed and mounted in a manner that in j *
y sores their pcrmaneecy. .. |
,s Our friends ard the public are respc- tfuJly sn-| ‘
a vltad to call and examine specimens of this beau -
tiful riyle ofpictorc. and our arrangements sot j
making them. J
Ambrnypea token as usual at from Fifty Cent:!
to FU’» ho'iar?. nov2d ]
□ (f Wood’s Hair Kesitora-; ’
tive.— I Thi.i wonderful preparation is having an |
r extensive sale in ail parts of the Union. It is i ■
■ one of the few patent medicines which are new | i
t wW over the country, that are ready what their
s inventors claim for them. Wherever it had t
l a fair trial, the result hits been precisely lh
i j Wood predicts. It ha*' never failed to turn the
white hair back to the natural color, where th( j -
- directions have hoen strictly followed, and in
uun erous cases it has restored the hair upon ! .
heads tha; Lad be?n bald for years. It is not j**
pretooided that it will make th« hair grow in ev-j
ery case ; 1«! whore it fails there is certainly no
; remedy. The restoration of tto hair has been!
effected in so many instances whore thecbse]
: seemed utterly hopeless, that it is certain y:
worth while for all who have lost their hair to | I
i try the experiment of using a bottle or two of!
Wood’t Restorative. —Moline Wori-man.
For *a!e in Georgia by Druggists generally. 1
UL Fnlghu ny a7mah River |
Ry the Iron Steamboat Company Line, will be re- j
ceived .aidforwarded free of Gomnisakm y ad-, tl
dressed to the caro of Agent Iron Steamboat
Company ! u
J B. GUIEU. AgeDt, Augssta \ y
8. U. I-AFHTEAU, Agt. Sarannah * y
Angus to, .roly 1, 2567. Jyl-lJ j £
& Mi*. M.O. Com™ bus ta-i ’■
ken the store opposite the Planters’ Hoael, and :,
has now in store a handsome aasortniett of Vei- j -
vet, Silk. Straw and Mourning BONNETS, DRESS
The above Goods will be sold as reaaonihfcaa! >
can be bought in the city for cajh. . ' o
Mrs. C. will receive through her friend* in New
York, the latest Loudon and Paris au
will make to order at short notice. 0v.125 |
ffiT Tile Jfollowi ns; r-übiicaticcs- |
j may be found at the rooms of the Young Mena*l ft
i Library Association :
! Augusta Chronicle k Sentinel Daily,
j Boston Post, do
! New York Refill], do
j Courier A Inquirer, do
j Jonitoal of Commerce, do !
j Newark Advertiser, do , if,
1, do
Baltimore American, do
j National Intelligciicer, do .
j Washington Union, do
Charleston Mercury, do
Charleston Courier* do
Savanniil. Repub 1 ican, do
1 Savannah Georgian, do
j Augusta Constitutionalist, do
1 Augusta Evening Dispatch. do
Mobile Advertiser, do
N ?w Orleans Picayune, do
Montgomery Advertiser, do
St. l.c uia Democrat. do
Columbus Times & Sentinel, Tri-Wowkiy.
Richmond Enquirer, do i|
Nashviiie Union & American, Weekly,
i Federal Union, do
I Journal k Messenger, do 1
Ballous Pictorial, dj ■
Spirit of the Times, do j
Scientific American, do 1
London Illustrated News, Weekly,
i Londonderry Standard, do
i Liverpool Albion, do
'; Emersons & Putnams Magazine,
, | Blackwoods, do
J. Harpers, do
i Hunts Merchants, do
* j North Am crtc&n Review,
j; Westminister, do
i North British, do
‘ i I.endon Quarterly, do
-| Edinburg, * do
jj Sou: hern Quarterly do
■ l)e Rows, ’do s
Southern Literary Messenger.
e| Littles Living Age.
e! iss* ’ fkiss'll siskDT issF. -
j |*r Our stock of Fresh (iar
. | I'D.N hI'.MIS, ih HO.V oompicu. Dealers
;! w us ° al - <nv plumb k uarsEß.
.j A m brotypes for #he
. Million,—], you wants Grst-rate AMBBOTYPE,
: j beautifully colored and put in a neat ca.T r
i I illy Cent s, go to the original Fifty Cent Gallery t
-1 ~osl ojr - ce nmer, opposite the Georgia Railroad
.: Bank. Entrance to tho Gallery next door to. the
E | Post Office.
'I « WM. H, CHAIMERS, Propri««r,
s to?” Tax Collector’s Notice.
) —1 will be found at the Livery Stable tear, >\
e tho United States Hotel, every morning til! 9
p i o’clock—tho remainder cf the day I shill hn on
I I Broad street. The law requires me to pa •-
fj Insolvent List by the 16th of January. To be
| able to do so. I .-lial! cD•.my book on Monday
| iiwxt. All persons who have not paid their Ta»
j for the ycai» T' 7, must know what to look for. 4'L
| jafi dtd Al.i.Na \ld.D D.-,'.S, T. (. R
?UiD Afcijcrtiscntfnis.
irhka r r e7
i Mr. a f. MARCHANT Sole I.essee,
| Mr. DYOIT Btage Manager.
7 Y will be performed, fir-t time in Augusta,
Tom Taylor's beautiful Comedy, in three acts,
John Mildrnay Mr. Dvorr.
i Mrs. Mildmay M ss R.iymom>.
. . V B Ui
To conclude with the Laughabe Farce of
Prices of Admi>sjon—Dress Circe (up stairs.)
'LS cents: Parquctte, 60 cents; Jhiidren and
i Servnnts half price
Beata can be secured at the Box (Sfflec from 10
j to 3 o’clock.
Doors open at 7 ; pcrfurmancc Wi
at quarter before 8 o’c ock.
Police in attendance to keep strict order. :t2O
j ßetween the 2'rth and 30 ih January.
1 rpHK MANAGER has the honor to air
.L liounce that nil urnngeotent has been es-
I fected with that world-renowned and grea estof
living Yiiilinists, 11F.NR! VILUXTEMFS, who will
I appear m Mr. Thalbrkc a Concert. jan7 id
’siiiirrs i
SlilrtsH fS - la i i-1 is : 1 :
iO largo supply n.-w on hand. Very cheat —
; Sir for Xin e Dollars.
janlß HERhEY’B, oppoait? V. S. Hotel.
FpH IHTY-F f V K hhds choice West India
JL MOLABSEB will be landed from Iron Steam
boat Compan*. to Boat:. On conf.ignmerAandfor
sale. Apply V. JOHN CAS^i.
Geneiul Commission Merchant,
(110 No. 4, Warren Block.
Gfiillcnuii’s Dress fiats,
rit U K uudeiiogned has commenced
Jl opening his
of Gentlemen to HAT?., among which art I'-kkbr &
Coto PATENT VENTILATED, and invites the at
tention of the citizens generally.
JSUr Opposite the ft.ok of Augusta.
(Successo to Wm. N. NihioiaD
«tugß ts
! Next Door to Richards Bc>oh Store , Broad
Street, ;, Ga.
\\TM have now tjii hand, and are daily
YV receiving at our w.f rooms, No. 205,
Broad-sijv .t, u large and cfegant awsortmeut of
! made by the bet i manufactorioe, and the style
l and quality, and assortment cannot bo surras*
! e»l by any other Furniture house* in this city or
1 State. It is useless to enum rate our stock, a-.
I wo shall keep on hand a full assortment of every
' article in our line, and will sell a* low as can be
Bought in the city.
’.Vo invite our friends, and the pnMie general
.to rail and examine our stock ouu judge for
Ail kind* of Furniture manufactured to order.
-VV Ivl- 13 JFAiElNri'Tl' 'FU’S
Mill Stone Mnufaccory,
Auyu ta, Georgia.
signed having re
cent I v added to
to his stock of
superior French
Burr Mill Stone?,
in Blocks, Legs
leave to call your
attention to his
which he has es
tablished in thi*
city, jn Broad-st. j
one square above
the Upper Market, whore he is prepared to fIJ
rdi orders in his line, at tho shortest notice, am?
at as reasonable prices as the same articles sue
be obtained for in auy of the Northern Markets.
Having been engaged in the business for many
years .'ho pledges himself that a!l work turned
out from his hands, shall bo executed in tha
best manner.
A liberal share of your patronage is respect!
fully solicited. WM. i IRLNNER.
A uyusta. Georgia*
services t our friends. Business
** confided to us shall have our person
al attention. The usual cash facilities ext-mied. j
Our Commission for selling Colton on and after 1
the Jir:t of September, will be 60 cents i»cc J
Sept 2 3m JOHN DHVI9ON
/ 1