Newspaper Page Text
€tettif fHsjwitd;.
Ft 111 &ICLUCK ftM, JAB. ttO, 1858.
to Advertiser*.
g|. *■ Adwrtfs«ineftus for the KV*m>o Dispatch nv:«t •
|LA: he handed in by efci»-n o'clock in thcforenoon, m
P order to appear the &ame day. The heavy p re3 . i
*•*" hfadvertisomenis upon < f our |
J? r;,i 101I 01 l^. :r ' reception after the j
■ hour oidfip:
Send the Cn»h.
yfk are ia frequent receipt of loiters from all
portions of this uid the adjoiDißfftftttes. oontain
c# names of prisons subscribing to the Dis
paich . with llw promise to se&’ the money *in
Vte rvurse of flu year." To ai* such we would
l Hay th t names cannot be entered upon our mail
B i>ct»k3 until the subscription ia Wo are
u .fare that tiroes are hard, and fis| one rea
-an why we cannot Uc viat« from »/ur fcustoin. I
Nor can wc q-ar: time to answer such request*. |
We ttenk our friejuLs for the interest thus mar
Jested in the but vtv must haw th*. money
in advance.
Charltdr .t Market.
Y7tA&v<* made arrangements to furnish our
readers with the CUarlestou cotton market up to
1 o dock P. M. oil the day of publicati- We j
are taking great pains te make our paper • sefnl 1
t-O the o*rtton interest, and hope to receive a:;,
pa'-i nagefroxu that source/
—<•«*■ <• -
Th trfc .
comedy ts the p wr a-ntbman u
one of the best—if r-*t the > «rv best—in th-*
KngUah language. Wiktwwr of no piece ik\ ? •
cu'c to brio*; oat mo m Ure strength oi a ■
"impany, and the lawyer. >u which it was rcu- j
vwtslhe Mdidiiceand vradil*bU to the company, j (
W •on »;• bett-df “old rnan ' than ,
# , Mr. Jhforr for fsarg, :*nd b;»* Lieutenant
'"■ffezkindfan could l**Sf 1 ; j Letter. Mr. j ;
Csjptnsi»alk’8 Sir fa '■» IfrawHc #g< •<’. .wi 1 :
ibo js.tinc may be ? ~;d of Mr. Th;ur, v ' ,K 5 ( - !,r
.B« Tlie c. Os Mr s»«"', !
<»i?et.ed badly, but tl • . 7ra ,j ml nvu
itest .aaprovcmetit. Jo mow than attooed for |
► orju g. •, We were not bo much pi • ,
' ; k<& of Mr. O. to
vhofigh we take bra 1 1 b be au exceedingly clevev
‘ yc.'tU2 actor. .itA.■ k! J fay, lafiiii.g, t ol-•
>•. ■ .jf<t and animat inn. |
lib e.iu not seem w bn Mr. incs.x's concept icu ’
• of tie character. The veritable ** Mia: Liter .Hi a
slater to Lord i ofty,” could not have t
tK*ei. more like ki etf than wan her j
counterpart in the an 1• < jr s Francs.
% ffce pretty little nr. ’Vat farce of the Lean of\
'< -i'-k Ltver clftwd the ettfni ig s cutertaift®c-ot, <i /
ii■ ■•fscT.t everybody i.pmo at a good humor. Mis
*aiAR-.-BifAW. as G*r'tru<J-. ettabliehed a repuU
too ap a pleash g **.*’. r*»sv. und vocalist, wliich
bide fair to rentier her . favorite She is very
prHty, dres=e j in roej-t taste, and has
the etmninged Wav of saving things imaginable.
Mr. fmt Is «7k!nutty a *i] itat law comedian,
end will be popular ■ %t.en HaarmU'y aud
PKer Sptfkt were a* .b •*. * rule.
We assure qttfir^delv 1 the present tom
puny is worlby «f tj»« fullest encouragement, and .
we Iwpe to s£'., *» better iousa to-night than
greeted tbeing ri their opeuii.g. Tonight, tloj
beaut/ai JSVilt H' -n Hun lKtp wsil ’
be prevented ur the first linw lb iki? city—be- |
mats a fancy tviict; by Mars loattmokh, and the'
glorious farce Pam PelUe'tudjf.
Tli*lbet jg*n Concert,
We vr» <*€ lop tjtte xnofntug by Mr. 11. I* ;
•t of&lr. Tiuiiij.T.Ci, who. vi«>t* ;
’.ingerrehts for one Concert >
vert Hal! engaged to Mr. >
weeks, but we apprehend j
lbero's obtaining ;t for 1
jus to bear Tn.\i.Bßß<i and
. u £<}? any s.aer’-
Jj£’ » ike to gr o.lfy Urn dee re.
V ;rcrrt. i'« Court.
op ji.r/M, at tiiis txibnnxffor th
i,’ isbwii positively diftrci*.
r a»J to tbo local reporter.
<;W'ithißg to trj the juditia
d .-lid rain, and yc.ster
d fc3 oppr^ivc —to se
lf •.*pS?' v <fitet2Mn l ji| p'cen in the net
* * * V ' Sh"' BIU everything wa
JpKvntog No fights, tw
jjk, \\ briber ‘ the regu'.a
to miartiUtionO'rooot t
i, to gvt up befor# Li.»
Hi M& ttnuciously ad .er
tu| 4slKsr til* New Year, we ar.
unablo Wi* very evident tiiat therv
is jufet, sgii p)o;ii to decent .be
tuv i ot , of m« city Bat the race*
are •$* <.'•»» t then tliere will be a field
for J J display of Judicial and rcpor
tonal i '4‘hn.eut '-
Street Oroafiirfc^*
W- iiaoo been i**(jqe tad to ‘' *ak(• down” tin
street? «*9tor ;iUee on «ccv-un* •»?*''« ' , .t»ndltlot
©r tiie crop fcgs during tbe lai ,-rain. Tbe trutd
Ih. our coon c ; lmen never barifainod for suenfc
rain like 1 tat . and ion id n«t be expected to
keep everything dry through such a period *1
unheraa! ; therefore, ire shall not talc,
the ’**"* est down ; but will express the grai:
jiif 1 ■■: to bee that they are begL
a osfc Uk;ra wit bout giving any
b m v. rc; rJiug with th*m. We
v yitloM a .to a 'jOs&h‘ r cf'Veg’-iar pif*
f. *j. iaak eatv. vts—otu where fcettork
c ie girfit, may breali uomebedy -
e xpensa ts the city, and it wificost
•pa r auch damage, tbunto make a
brt ?;fR. Ami. ■ esidee, that is n*t
hir.’iity for a bndgo of sighs. ODi
*d h$ much mor% agreeable to n&c
Ulble Paaoiama,
v j, polar exhibition will take place ag*in
•hi. *1 Masonic iiall. Every family in Au
*** it
&*- ’be farmers ana Mechanics HmV
lit has resumed basin css.
Lowell Mill**
tVa from ft recently published
At y.i .if statistics of manufacturer
-11 Bias.-, that the number ol
v/>weU is fifty-two, the capital
,f which is $13,900,0ft0. Th*
- v ages of females clear of boaui,
k, is ’*2 ;of males per <(*?> ae *'
d ’BO cents. The increase in th*
tton of Inwall for the last ter
iai 12,598.
! o** IJanV^ 1 *
was tiirowjj i'r»yjQ a wafj. r * aru * badly,
! but it is hoped net in J urod
?at Binghamton, NV.v York. a,
V ■
•; l% ‘ Mowez is said to have R’ 1
■ for France vteognUo, by the Pulton on
I her but passage one.
i It' Recording to lists published in
j the New York'"papers, there were huf
j sixty-three pcwcms-ltflled awl one h i 4
dred and ninety-orMnjured by Railroa|
■ inthe United Staves Urn last year;-., f 1
s I :
From Okegon*
the political rjtwrsifom Oregon i.« V
important. A (Ireadffi explosion, wiq
loss of several lives,fbn the E'my,ju<j
Klverla reported, had
not reached San Francisco.
Rostox, .bin. 15. - Tin: acutettce of
; Winslow Eddy, for the wilful mtircr
of his wife, wai commuted to-day ,y '
Gov. Banks to i nprisonment for life. 1
life In Arkunfias.
A correspoafyp/. ts th* i*
Detapuat, writ • i f;c **' *hw .•« h:
portion of th j hUo
. The weather ; s c-i-'Afere ' w. Fork
' has s’’ - " ■ and 4c. Thiro will be
ag-sat deal* bacon made. Aftercrop
atc laid bv, p loJJe have nothing tV'di.
! particularly.. J hey can, therefore, bitch
1 up Buck auif Bright and start oS ami
I keep going till they get ten cents for
» : lie whole load. It is very plea a* f liv
i ingin sumratu' tipis ti> g.> oti a .eoi
- si lling. Burk aad Bright liv on the
rr.oßß. napeon ci:i, tiioy a r v ine-
Tmcs hfird to find in the morn! i? But
then no one ts ever in a lviTry. f ‘ »ie. tie*
lightful part* is saven-up at nig) : and
lrinkinj;rot-gut. Sometimes^>i..ebody
gets a h.tie too drunk, ine ft>bef ones
win smartiy. hi . altogethoi there is
much hVj j itv mj on a *t*.ai;on trip—to
;Vtk kii lri of produce arc /ng*auri
81range, after eueh a crop yehi, tion«c
what scarce. M-
A of the ?>'. ‘xicaii
E-tfracrdinaiy Ear there wer ■ four
slave-hading vessels in the \> i rt of Can -
peach j, Yucatan, hi e Ist tilt., refining
after having successfully- iaixltd cur*
goes o' slaves on tkv Island ofjpuba.
■»>- —*
e laTlolrars ojuiity, Miw., a ibm j
j days igo, <vu wo ais iufoi mod by the
Ltziujtor. /■•ivertisiv, seme 200 a>ifea of
a'.-OTtal land s'fts ‘rente!' at $S
the a re for tlio coning year.
fc'" Gov. Wisa, cf Virginia, it is said
is alout to address * letter to ti e peo -
ple if that State in vindication of liis
poscion on the Kansas question, as de
fine! in ihc col brand letter to tie Tam
rnaiy Hal! fiacherns
ihlntSf MoiuHlj
iw.’ RB Tavlob, vhe, fromh'i gener
'al icquaintance wit! the .:at>oi',Jof the
w-r.d iu:d quick in i'ght into th .racier,
1 may be considered ar intcilijent judge, j
; gives a djeplorahln account of Chinese j
Inuraft. He thinks they . ~;>;y the
i loa-est point in the stule of i ior-Jls:
It Is deliberate opinion -fat thr
; Chinese are Morally he most debased
j people on the faceofthe w ith. Forms
,of vice which in oticr countries are
j barely nametl, are in Chinn .«<» common,
i that they exc'lo no coomlent among
the natives. They catstltnte the sui
i lice lev. ! and below them thtre are
! t.eepe on deep* of dvpnvlty. so slocking
snd iuirriHe that thoi: char.ii tfn'iinnot
jbo hinted. There art some Jars, shad
ows hr human naturephich we uafur-
ally shrink from and I
made no attempt to collect information i
of this kind : but tcure.r.ere enough in [
the things which t could riot avoid see
ing and hearing—which are brought al
most dally to the notice of every for
eign resident—to inspire me with a
powerful aversion to the Chinese race,
their touchiapollution, and harsh as
the opinion may seem, justice to our
own ra-e demands tear they should not
be allowed to settle on our soil. Science
may have hist something mt mankind
has gained by the exclusive policy
which has governed China during the
past centuries
I n AtconrpUshed Ptckpot-lat,
Dr. C. U, Eoberts, of Poughkeepsie,
. visaed New York, a few days ago and
i Spent an evening at the Acadeuy of
Mnrjc. While there, he had his picket
picked of a wallet containing forty or
fifty dollars in Bank bills and somt pa
; pea 1 . After returning home, he reoeiv
ed xom the pickpocket a letter, vhich
hehanded over to the Poughka-psie
Baffle for publication, and from which
we extract the following
Nsw Yokk, Jan. 5, 18-51.
Dr. Charles 11. floberts - Dear Si:
I had tbe pleasure of relieving you of
your pocket bock on tbe evening of the
2<|, in » crowd at the Academy of Music,
f presume you soon became aware of
yorr dispossession, and have, perhtps,
iiaxi some anxiety as to the applicafien
of‘ He funds it contained. Yeu hare
assurance that they have fallen in.o
aptreciative bands, and that every celt
will be applied in gratifying the tat-s
and fancies of a fellow being whose :<r»
tntion sours higlier than his calling. 1
n I-: e you in accordance with the law cl
honor among thieves, and to do you th
iuCioe of returning to you the two en
cp.sud pieces of paper, which are of valor
to you and worthiest to me one heinjr
a note pavable to your order, and th*
other a formula for making teeth,
nether of which can ever be availaoh
to me, at my present employments
prs'iablv pays better. After alluding
to the Doctor having practiced _ dentis-i
try on himself at a previous period, the|
writer adds . —The only reason that. J
I can ascribe for not remembering you is.
that I never saw you hut once before,
aii-11 presume that when you come to 1
t ta- city you dress up in your best, and
1 lo.nk very different than wheu attending
lo your bm-iuias at home The little
terson may re of service to you. and
, .earn you that picket hooks are no.
,i fe in crowds; and if you are .ever
rougl-t in one again, let your vigilance
1‘ ie directed to your purse iu proportion
to its dimensions.
Sours, Iscoq.
liUimt on Bank deposits*
Ah informal meeting/ ha’ak mana
gei et New York, was helg on
day, vod after a fall discussion it was i
voted nnanitnoadr that the payment of
int-y t uooadeo'eo j|.An ittijudicioua
ivrpjsivgereui syitem. All btft three
erMhv of the bank* have rotw itarilv ,
|.■•(■....lotted the system, and a comjmittce j
r»s appointed to confer with thosft banks j
am! Induce ;h. u», if passible, to join the (
movement, hfeire* were prolttcedl
showing an actual ’* *ss to the banks;
fioru t\ ; v .ck: thouglf of com e it'
made an extra show of deposits. | *
Death of V S. Vt lngtleld, Ktrj. j
We art ■ d to hear of tiie death of,
, uroldf Auotjtrix 8. Wotimo,
~r j, of ii-n. He died yerterday
.n that town, aged about 37
mi y
nofcic- eoul never] ceored to ,
ye 1 I
-Avairrer or more generous,
, * Ist ceased to treat. We knew 11
atitnatcly and loved him for his ’
nuoy rrauly * virtues. He was a man c
ofs'ig'.,,l4flJ v eb':et—of ext naive reading
■uU stood h'gh in his profession. No|j
utan ever left behind trim a iargo circle
of friends or k wer enemies.
- : Crwn I>. the turf xbove Aoe, 1
Friend of our better days,
Koue kuev. tiiee but to ion. tliee.
N'oni- named thee bJ‘. to praiee.’
tu Atlanta, Lvthsr J. (h.ass, !
Democrat, has been elected Mayor, over j
his opponent, dossrii Wunmir, Ameri
can, by 107 majority. The entire 1
ocratic ticket was elected.-.
‘.\t tiie present term of the Su
preme Court at Savannah, WuiTSO* G
JbiiNsox, of Augusta, was admitted to
10* Hrskv U. Law, Esq., is to lecture
to-iuorrcw night, in Savannah, on M.
Pm--., if Eloiftimco*- its Dignity und Cm'-.
ftj“ TtiAUirao gives ids first concert
in Charleston on Friday evening. His
first concert in Savannah w ill take piece
on Thursday, the 28th inst.
Cor Sale.
Mr. Wilson, Publisher of th© Wilkes
Jltyubliatn offers that office for sale, lit
•says the officers a paying establishment,
having a good run of job work and ad
An Act ol Country.
It is due to Mr. Wuxi ass to state
that his generous Invitation in the
city papers, to the children of “ the city
Orphan Asylum, ’ to visit the Bible
Panorama, free of charge, was prompt
ly and cheerfully extended U> the in
mates of “the Church Asylum,” upon
his being informed of the existence of
jthe letter institution.
| John Bolivar's Visit to ft Phonolngl
col Museum.
The So! mh>i Eventrg Gazette has a New
YuAcorrespondent who beatsDoestscks
lin humor, iml the knack of playing up
■on words. The following is extracted
; from his las' 1 iter :
j “ It's a free j^atuution—filled with
‘deadheads.’ Professor wished to feel
I I of my head. Told me to uncover.—
' (Told him to feel of it with my hat on.
■- Thu hat -.vas felt I then took it off.—
j1 Jo examined my wig. Said lie knew
; there was tomithmg in ray dead—l Was
full of life Hq dwelt a ong time on a
1 hump caused by the i lewalk falling
1 again*' it while I was tilling my room
' mate home from a primary election.—
■ (Room mate waserrv dunk on that oc
' c-iaion. He thought!»' was taking mt
home. I hail an awful headache next;
morning. I felt dragged out.) Profes
sor feid large bumps denoted great in
quisitiver.ess. bald 1 hail a
mind. Told me to sean h if I hid
quarter in my pocket, failed that
perimental phrenology Professor -
ter 1 had met tiouvii my train
conducted rue around the museu j
Showed me all th- heads. Som, i
plaster casts. Said they cast l■ ...1
him I wa-opposed to gimti' (lie
looked 1 .wildered.) Show ~e the
skull of iilnHtgan. Mill" was an 1
accrobat. Made his last araneo on |
a tight repeat the City i sou for the!
benefit of the public, broke his neck j
in the performance. Next, snowed me i
the skulls of men killed iu wars. Pro-!
fessor observed as a curious fact that I
those slain were generally aged—hav-!
ing balled heads. Iu the next row was !
theskull of a boatman, it was not for
sale; it looked ordinary. Poor fellow 1 i
he has run his race. We next paid our I
attention to the females. They were;
seemingly old maids—being laid on the i
shell iu tires. I couldn't tell them
from the heads of the males. Profess- J
or said they hail a little more jaw: He I
did not speak of their sight. As 1 was:
about departing I n tied a curious!
shaped skull, i took it u exclaiming I
—‘how wonderfully aud fearfully are
we made!’ • Put that down,' said the t
Professor, it belongs to me.’ It was 1
marked ‘Baboon?”
The Memphis Bulletin is eoijgratula- j
> -v on >]-, failure of Brown & Mc
""' silk merchants of Nev York,!
re, ‘"git as the‘‘beginning of the
cud c-xtravagance. and hoping soon
to see caiico round again. We do not!
know how he tun reasonably expect to!
sec it any rounder than it has been for !
a year or so past.
A gentleman was once walking in the j
street, when he met a stone-cutter, i
whom he addressed: “My good fellow,
if the devil was to come now, which one :
of us would he take?” After some lit
tle hesitation, he replied; “Me, sir.' !
Annoyed by -his answer, the querist j
asked him ft r a reason. “ Because. ;
viur honor, he would be glad co ketch ;
meself sure; and he’d have year at aty j
“ What do you ask for this article?’
inquired a suburban youth of a younp
nfesin a thread-store ou Washington
Itreet. “Fifteen and six, sir.’ “’Aiut;
von a little dear?” “Why, yes,” she!
-epl'ed blushing, “ail the young men:
it "10 so.” The youth pursued his
i BT There have been eight sispeu-
Birfhs in the cotton trade in Mobile with-
I in the past few days, and two u New
■m .... . . , -
Conmternal J[nfr%tic{.
r -West dates from Liverpool Jan. 2
Latest lutes from Havre Die f*o
Latest dates from Havana Jan. 15
■AUGPST4, Wednesday, Jan. 0 P. M. /
Cotto.v— ales yesterday afternoon, 60 bales:
: 2 at B.V, 8 at 10, 50 at 10#, 0 atio#c.
fait .i this morning. 260 baler - : 2at T %. 2at R.
, 1 at 9#, 8 at »»*', sat 9J„, 70. U 10, 72 at 10#.
Cl ut 10#, 31 at 10# eta. Tk* m rket is easier
to-day, with a limited demand—Middling Fair,
10# cents.
Augusta Provision Market
BqiorUdbyH. milPOl,Clerk of tic Market.
kktah. pmußs, j
Beer, on foot, wholesale 5 © «wi
j Hogs do do B©i
i 1 • retail 10 ©l2
■ Mutton S © lu |
fork « (S l.i.i
iVe»! 10 fa 12 j
, ( ini 800 00 |
iswent I’otatoes SOfflUX) i
Chicken* 25© I
Turkeye BO©l6o I
lHucks 25© oo 1
Core, hv llic land 65© 00 |
' Didder, bj the Load, y 100 76,©1u0 :
j lVa Hay, do do do 15©10O
; Grass Hay, do do "5© j
: CHARLESTON, Jan. 19,1# P. M—Chtfon—The ;
j sales this morning reached 9o bales, at fi orn 10# \
J to 11 cents.
Havana Sugar Market*
HAVANA, Jan .3.—-The stock of sugar on baud
!is between 40,00?, arid 50.000 boxes. The Board
• or Brokers quote as follows : White, inferior to
! regular, 1Q(£)11 reals ; do., good to superior, 12
‘ • reals; best qualities, I2#j®l3# reals; Nos. 3 to
i 9. 4#fo:s# realj ; 10 to 11. reals . 12 to
! 14, 7f«-7*i real I; 15 to Id, §fas 4 reals ; 17 to
1 18.; 9 real*.
. i in exchange .here Is nothing doing, and qno
•| tatlous are nominal.
. j Freights alsc very dull.
) '
V . NEW ORLEANS, Jan. 14.—CV'on—There was
j some demand yesterday, hut with unfavorable
weather and still high r claims on the | art ol
» asters, the sales were confined to about 86uG
bales. most'f at outside figures :
<■ : X:.’) Orients Classification :
| Inferior 4 I Middling.... 9 fa 8#
Urd.tnry ... C#Ya7 I Gtxi-l Mid.... 9#fa)lo
1 Good Urd... 7Jii'/a'R j Mid. Fair... 9Vo* 9#
I Low Mid.... j Fair 10#/®~
Cugur —About 1: UU hods were sold, at say 4#
1 i for Fair to Fully Fair.
J ini sse* —S.vlea some 1500 bbls at 15 to IS#
' | for Inferior to Good, and 19 to 19#c per gal. for
j Prime and Choice.
j MOBILE, Jail. 13.— CfitUm —The demand wo
! \‘ 'B active to-day, tlie oilering ight, un i market
5 bare of desirable lists. .Sales 18u0 to 2000 ba'es
MEMPHIS, Jan. 17.— Cotton —Sales of small
. : Ifete were made at previous prices. Market
generally uu-hanged.
TFAisA fy—Domestic 22 to 80c.
t Com — SeUing from 40 to 60 ct. Little or none
! in market.
! j NASHVILLE. Jan. 18.-CWIM-Thare ; »ora«
f 1 deni dat7 to B#c ft.
IKA-of—There is a fair demand at Co to 60c >
bushel, but holders are iiuwiiltog to sell at thest
, rates.
SAVANNAH, Jan. 19.—CW^n—Tho sales o
• ! the iay foot up 429 bales: 20 nt 9, 8 Dt 9#, 82 a
y# 42 at 9#, 45 at 10, Bat 10#, €6 at 10#, C 4
1 at 10#, lfi ut 10#, 71 at 10#e.
The Export* of the United States.
1 in 1 bin (fiscal year) the United States sen
j abroad .
‘ Cotton $181,575.86'
Tobacco 20,260,77:
. Rice 2,290,401
I $154,127,03: propoctb.
Flour $25 ‘-82,316
Wheat 22,*j4C,867
Cora 6,184,666
Kvo It Oats «80,108
• Indian Meal 957,791
KyeM.-F 115 A 28
i’f.uitoes 981,210
$66.046, 1M
!provtf.;>,M .. 16,Li6,«8~57?.752,2H
CHARLESTON, Jan. 19.—Arrived, Steamship
' j Ge'.rg" s Crvl:, Baltimore , stmship Memphis
S V ‘J, suns hip Nashville, N York ; Siian bark
Valiant v», Havana; brig Poetuocket St Thomas,
W I : brig J Ford. Rockland, .Me , scfcr Target
| New i uric.
i Cleared, Stra.ship Isabel, and brig Aat la, Ha
v ana ; Briii-rli brig Hyrtn, Jacksonville; schr
Five Boys, Richmond.
SAVANNAH, Jan. 20.—Arriv'd. Steamship
Florida, N Y . ship J M Wood, Liverpool ; sohr
* ram ie Sailorly, N Y.
Cleared. Bark Amelia, Cork; schr Marcia Far
row, Boston.
| Sparta Academy Lottery.
! The following are the drawn numbers of the
: JANUARY 19, 1958 r
(69, -J7, 43, 45, H, 20, 2*2, 27 , 55, 64,
41, 32, 51, 2 <J.
i The following are the Drawn Numbers of the
; JANUARY 20,1858 :
*2l, 51. ?. TO, 02, 31, 16, 74, 10, 73.
32, 36, 89.
Lr. fwlv }
S. SWAN it CO., Managers.
} Sailing Dags to and from, the United States.
1 Kangaroo, Br, Liverpool, Jan. 13, for N Y
j Fulton, Am. Southampton, Jau. 13. for N Y
; Ciimu-d, Cuu, Liverpool, Jan. 16, for Boston
j Cunra ~ Con, Liverpool, Jan. 23, lor N Y
i Indian, Br, Liverpool Jun. 27, tor Ponlanti
j Cunard, Cun, Liverpool. Jun. 30. for. .. .Boston
j Baiti'', Am. Liverpool, Feb. 3, for N Y
; Canard, Cun, Liverpool, Feb. 6, for N Y
| Arago. Aui. Southampton, Fob. 10, for. S Y
Aaglo-Saion, Hr. Liverpool, Feb. 10. .. .Portland
i Canard, Cun, Uverpool. Feb. 13 Boston
Cunard Ouu, Uverpool, Feb. 20 N Y
| Ariel, Am, Southampton, Feb, 24..... ...NY
{N. raerica, Br, Liverpool, Feb. 24 Portland
Cunard, Cun, Liverpool, Feb. 27. Boston
j Collins, Coll, Liverpool, March 3 NY
j Canard, Gum Liverpool, March 6 N Y
j Fulton. Am, Southampton, March 10 N Y
Cuaar i, Cun. Liverpool, March 13 Boston
■Cunard, Cun, Liverpool, March 20 NY
i Indian, Br, Liverpool March 24 * . .Portland
North Siar, Am,Southampton March 24 N Y
j Cunard, Cuo, Liverpool, March 27 . ...Boston
j Collins, Coll, Liverpool, March 31. N Y
I Canard, Cun, Liverpool, April 3 N Y
j Cunard, Cun, Uverpool, April 10 Boston
j Ariel. Am, New York. Jan 23 Bremen
1 America, Br, Boston Jan 27 Uverpool
j Cunard, Cun, Now York, Feb 37 Uverpool
i Kangaroo. Br, Now York, Feb 4 .Liverpool
■ Fdllon, Am. New York. Fob 6 .. Hjatt*
I Cunard, Cun. Boston. Feb 10.. Liverpool
, Collins, Coll, New. York, Fe 13 Uverpool
j Cunard, Cun, New York. Feb 17 Liverpool
; North Star, Am, New York, Feb 20.. . .Bremen,
j Canard. Cun, Boston, Feb 24 Uverpos!
Cunard, Cud. New York. Ma>ch 3 Uverpool j
! Arago, Am, New York. »* Huwrel
Cunard, Cun, Rosto Uverpool j
Collins. Coll, N w -,f . ork. Moron Uverpool (
i Cunard, Cun, Now York. March IT erpooi j
! Cunard, Cun, Boston. March 24.... -pool,
* Cunard, Cun, New York, >larch 31.,.. U. **>l j
1 Fulton Am. New York, April 3 fa- r «|
U-uitard, Can, Boston, April 7 Uven *ofa
Collins. Coll, New York. April 10 Liver ml;
iCunard, Cun, New York, April 14 Uve f pool ]
pmard, Con, Boston, April 21 UverpocD
- . Hfc
|riws Current.
»ac0...-Ham s ft 18 © u
Ctovw«(U»ia....* ft l« ©. ij
. Shouiuers V Jfc 12 ©
Western Sides ait 14 % it**
«'?K r jAß'' , ' lu ' 1,0 © « ■
Hlbbod .lidos 91 It 14 % ,6
Hogßoiwdncir.,. .i it u Z )
Bawint; —liuni,y...?fi , ar d 15 f, w ,
- K niter.—(lo«het> 2B % "
_2™SWT * 1" ao £ 26
Briekx- b 1000 800 © 5 :0 ,
i.niutl,- Adimau .b fb 22 © 26 1
VHi 40 © ;o
Patent sjv*rm it 55 'A A 1
Cl V e«e r -N„ r a | on,..¥i ft 12 © u .
kLfiMh IWrjr Vft 16 © 16 i
■ n ««
Uoinoatir:*.—Vii n» || 15 ® ®, JS I
x SUrUog pi yard
% «l»irUiiK V yard © . v i
1 sturunn ?t yard © # -,J |
6-4shirlir« > yarn 10 © Ja 2 ,
6-4St:irli«g > y»ro 11 © 12? i
Osuuburga ll yard © I
I Brilla |
Pent lie,•«.— j- 11, 40 © 46 * '
Froltir-Appies.... •* i.r>! 300 © 600 j
Oranges, 8 90
: Vi«* 62 ©IOO j
j Raisins plor 300 © 400 i
t.rasbernea %i bin 860 © 000
Flsh. -MiCkerclN'o.lfi bbl 400 ©lB 00
So- - V bil 00 ©l3 00
• v 'i. ■! |i bbl 11 00 ©l2 00
No. I V. ob) t © 0 fin
■ ..Herrings. p. box © 600
i t'laitr.—Cu'intry ..p bli 525 ©6 00
I Tei.i.eaoeo 't! bbl s"j © f, no i
! p'y ii bbl 6 A © 760
I b-towab 1. bbl Ob' © 760
Ikrimoad s |) bbl »oe © 750
„ "(ibbi 7 00',© 760 ,
! WTalii.—Corinn sack‘d busn 65 0 60
i Wheat, white bush 175 1 *2O
’ K<- J »ft M © 106
Oats bli-b 60 !,, 70 !
‘I f-bH*!! n. © 75 1
V Mb* 75 © 65
I tarn Meal ,W..«h 65 © 75
Ciypwwder—Jup.y t g © 790
; 5»“r« H keg 725 © 7fO I
( Blasting T* keg i 75 © 600 I
bun. 100 © 120
-1 HnglniU, ummw, *ft g,
u - r.efl- eti. >ft 3 X ©
u lawn! y-a j- %
Oi Lead—Bar Hit, g © h ,.
Wnte—country $ b<-r i 25 '© , .
Mortnetn %t bid 15y © 1-
I.umber 8 100010 06
Moliuscn. Cola—% gal 61 A ~S6
ri.Crms }(,; 50 ",
I Sugar Knnse Syrup.y sal 45 ft 50
J- Obinu-e Syrup S* :al 40 © 50
.. N«U1» •# h 4 ' © 4«
1 Otis—-Sperm, prime, ji g,| 2 o>i © 225
1 Lamp 9ga 1 K) © J 25
1 Train ? ga. /75 © ... 00
~j Uww! enl-l 00 © 105
Castor v ga’ 2.00 © 225
; Potatoes— Irish e* bl 425 460
-•*: .Sweet b - . it 80 !a) 100
..'Klee.— ft 15 4?, fi»
'j : Hop**.—Kentucky .. }H H 0 12
l Manilla %\ & 17 0 18
N ’ Rplllt*.—uin. fl ga! 45 fi) 50
ur Rum ~f gal 50 (, 5) 60
Whiskey f. gal 30 Q 65
IVu'-h Brandy v- gal 125 fa 200
av Apple Brandy gal 90
Holland (Jin '(* gHI 150 fa 176
eg | Cognac Brandy ft, gal 300 fa 600
Sugar*.—N Orleans, %l ft fa
! Porto Rico t* 8 fa SH
Muscovado 78 fb 9 (3) 9t a
ill Refined C ft ft U fa 11);
oi | Refined B ft 11 fa 12
Refined A >• ft 11* fa 12>;
Powder, d >Vft 12 fa 13
io' Crushed y. ft 12 fa 33
Salt sack 100 fa 110
Soap.—Yellow.. . ft 5 fa 9
Tt* Milletlgrville.
: fITHK saOBTT->T quickest and
L CHEAPEST Ron6,.—The sob ,;nuer>- ilcii
ut i roiis of accommodating the merab-.-rs of the Geor
■ gia legislature, and thebe visiting the Capital,
• during tho time of the r>xt tuceting and sitting
sr,! of the Leg ' atare, wiilrun two lines of Stages,
j.j j with ample acocmmofhu.uns, between Madison
qq j and Eaton toil.
_J- Leaving Mailison, on and after October 25th,
311 after the arrivy.l at Madison oi tho night trains
on tho G‘- rgia Rail toad from Atlanta, Athens
I aniiintcriuediate pointe , umving toEatonfou in
j time to connect with the morning trunk for Afil
j ledgevllle.
i Ijoave Eatonton after tlio arrival ol tie even
j ing trains, arriving In Madison in time w connect
I waii the up aim devn night trains on the Geor-
I gia Railroad.
j Stage Offices, CuinpbJlFsHole?. Madiac:; : Fa
tonton H~tci, Eaton tot,
14 j octlfl J. W. .V lu L. MOORE
I COUKfeRtiOR AisU SF.IJCJTOR. Marietta,
Cobb ■ < unity, Georgia \ radices reguUi.rly in the
! District Court of Uu iftited states, a.: Marietta,
- j the Supi erne Court f Georgia, and lii<- Sup- r> *r
ip j Courtii in the following vouuti \s . —Cobb, I <£
s, ing, Cherokee. Forsyfh. Lumpkin, Gilmer, >Vha
rk field, Walker. I a«o attend promptly to re
curing and roliecdr. claims in any of the ad
t, Joining Conn ties. nol y
a- O-UliiS. cfcO-
X addithm to my fcrmcr stock ol
Guus, PisWla, and Gunning
paratus, whieh makes in j .t
merit complete xu J superior to
r ’ anything in this *r.»r‘<ei, and 8
peetfjlly ...a im .. o ution ol all who are in
I* w;mt ol any article m the line, it consists in
i part of-
RIFLES, of my own manufacture ,
, Double OUNy, by the best makers, barrels ,
■ “ •• Stub Twist, all varieties;
Deane, Adams k Deane's Repeating, a
ie supurb article;
'ii Colt's Pistole all sizes; al ~0, Allen’s Pix Barrell
ed ihstois;
i Singh. 'Aarrelied tCiFeocking Pistols; Ivory and
Wood Handles;
Single barrelled Rifle Pistes, steel barrels;
ie Powder Flaaks, ;sliot Belts, Game Bags. Dog
Xj Calls, Percussion Cap?, all vKiieties, Gun Wads.
Drink Flasks and Gaps, Ely’s Shot, Cartridges,
, Powder and Shot, Bar Javk) .
'* Aiao, a good as.-ortmeut of Pocket and Pen
| Knives. So-ssor:*, Razors, See. Thankful for i»ast
i favors lie solidS a continuance,
j (3uns re-stocked and repaired neatly and
J promptly, and Rides made no order and war
ranted. noy W D. BOWEN. I
sr J. DENNIS, M. D., Augusta, Ga., I
‘ TT OONTAJNS, inad'lition
1 nlla, ttto Hydro Alcoholic Extract oi Queen’s
. eiight, (Ftilbagia); White kali, Or*) Border
fringe Treo, (Ch.ocaintius) ; Tmcture of May !
s jtppie or Mandrake, (Podophyllum), and Blood I
. R -:»t (Sauvulsaria.) ’ i
,j Iu amall due ft-- it L1 Alterative or Laxative ;iu
largo do os i act-* gtm rMly as a mi'.d
, • —with some as an.' active purgative, in some
r ! coses no peaieptible action on the bowels is ex
. ] perieneed, set in Liver Goapiaints, or in Bis
t j eases arisiu.t from an impure state of the Blood,
7 J its continue* use casses a marked improvement ;
, latlie geoem! health.
. j As an alterative or laxative, it has been found }
, | useful in O&at pation of the Bowels, Jaundice, j
» Bilious F■* ?r, Fever and Ague, tick Headache, !
Dizsiaeea, various Female Com plaints, Chronic
! A flections if the Liver, Secf-nfinry Syphilis, and ! ,
1 Syphiloid liseases, Scrofulous AfTeetions, Sores, M
j Ulcers, B’Ucaes, Cutaneous Eruptions or ihs- I
K eases of tlxj Skin, and ail other diseases in which I
' Sarsaparil.a or alterative modi ines are indi
“ cated. (
That it acts upon the Liver, may bo known 1
i from the flxet that in Jaundice or cases of Bilious- ;
4 ness it cutses free bilious evacuations, readily i
J removes innatural yellow tinge about the eyes, f
j and upoathe skin, and improves the health and .
e spirits. (
l Those vho have tried this Alterative for As- 1
1 sections if the Liver, have found that it effects 1
>1 a cure naturally and gradually, by improving the )
nj health, and that but little or no other medicine i
il. is neeesaarjr in these affections,
ill Its healthy action on the Livor attu , 'an ‘
e i effect ajk*n the blood, made it a groat prevent*, s i
>1 of sickness. For children, this generally all i
4 the purgative that is nycegsary to be giveu. and 1
i • as often an otherwise, is ail thmedicine that H S
!. necessary t c be given, especially tovhose trout- g
1 bled with worms, or a debilitated state of health, v
ej A preparation of Sarsaparilla, known to hb t
I i good, is greatly needed, lo keep the brer hoaitbv o
1 j and the blood pure. Those who try it will liuJ jl
1 j them selves richly paid by greasy preventing i
li sickness and saving Doctor's billk
V>: ■ ' -nte. !
FOR TRi »!!|
; Jiity so, - LARS
% f 1
rxr-'KEMEP ATTS; Ari /0 ' ‘ }
—4 ■
Published in Augusta, 6a., -BRINSON. !
II is issued in the ovi-" iß *’ a,ld goes in, ° «>» j ‘
interior by the so- (P. M.; trains, con- i
: 1
frequently it mu 1 con * a ' n
It has the
r jot rt oxx rro ix t. |
Commercial Reports
n ai) the leading markets of Tills COUNTRY j 1
JfD EUROPE; gives tho ACTUAL®AIJ* in the j,
Augusta j
and a careful summary of
»» «ff- ii'sn H »i T "S ■
It lathe organ of no party, but is devotou to ]
popular inwlligf nco and stirring lute news. J
| Its. EDITORIAL# ein brat • ihe best article- of a
* numVof the
who have bp.-ii cng;ito\},to discuss tho
'3 <
. a i through its columns.
: It* COBKESPONDFNOF. is n.• varied and ex
~a :
pensive than that of any paper in a H . g t;t t c em
I bracing prompt and vigorous rej-Ortva ; u all I
| sections of the cc. ntry, and regular .a !
deuce from metropolitan localities.
Its UTFJIARY DEPARTMENT 'a il en.i rece r.
variety of ebetee literary prod uctionß, c.r. cina!
i and selected— while its
f j will ra.:ge Mi rough the varied current of n,U-r
►JD |
! est ng events, incidents; atvidente. and grr.phu
is narratives, f.shed op with industry aol care—
“ ‘ condensed—t- el flown—winnowed—and pro
rented on a clear, leg hie siuov. at the low price
;t I
} of
( A YEAIi!
; Jupsk § isptr j),
«>milar ;ngeneral character ta the dally, iste
a | sued every SATURI.AY, at
‘|sl.6o A YEAR!
TO (LIBS $1 E1C1I!
| It contains a brilliant variety of valuable matter,
f I
at a price within the reach of all.
’ j Attention is earnestly invited te these pnbiica
■ tions. j
Specimen copies sent when desired.
.! „ .
Magnolia whiskey.
60 bbls Pike's Mag olia Whiskey, from
i Cincinnati direct, just received and fo r tale by
j&nld No 6, V.'srrai Block
I' HEREBY besj leave to iuforro my
. f lends anrl the public jo general that I have
| removed my Wholesale aud Retail DRUG &T</KE
| right opposite my former stand, into the late,
j Express Office, two doors below the Po3t Office,
! where 1 will be much pleased for the public to
j patronize me Jjoeraily.
j <llß WM. HAINES
X A Retired Sawbones, g
if 150 YEARS OLD, I
I Whose sands of life have not run out, by a M
!| Jog full, nor likely to far hall' a century J
" to come, discovered iu North Georgia a.
certain preparation for the removal of Grease,
f*aiut, Tar, Turpentine, etc., from every kind
and sort of clothing. It wa- discovered by him
when bis <»nly coal, an oM black, was given up ,
for lost. Ho had heard much of tlie wonderful j
•inahtjoe of certain ingredients, and the thought
occurred to him that bo might make a pre;>ara
t:on*which would save hi-* tout. He studied ,
hard, aud succeeded in realizing hi® wishes.
Hb crat was saved and now looks as well as I
new. Ho has since lUrnisbed the wmiderlt’l .
preparation to thousands, in a ll /. rr J. e |
r;untry, and it lias never failed i° «*£ ’*; \ r
oanu, to wblvh it wits »pi‘lW, •"<>* Jwjj* fff''
h< has made &u arraußfurnish
Ir^fliicted^folio* bedngs as roquest it,
urep» rall ° n ’ aoJ diroc '
dO ■' General Agents, Avgusta.
| jfktllimrotrs JMrrrftsmr
A Southern itrnipf'
TT Hint, the ine'lictno that ha.
, i oeh an excitement at the .North smone
slctan.B, and Lax been prottuuj.ce.l In
.ave use t it u lielntj Tat ulparlor to udv
U mural. Woodman’s Cherry fixpeefer't
talus the aclivti medf.iai qualities of the pur .
ruttum of Wild Cherry Park, and tunny StitM
valuable ingredients that rotulor ;t far V't’et
than any other Oongb Medicine in this count! ,1
r, -• _ OuLaaxs, April 9, 155.-.
rfit.l : n ’ c P'* blic generally areiiiUyawar.
of the thousands of remedies for disraeetl I.onna
under the titles of SarsaparilLxs, fills, f lasters
I, aliment... Ac that are dally brought to thrir
] •“ ro °is d the jn:»-t.papers byway afadter
tbcmaita. My object to writing this note ft*
I pab.icat.on . to induce tho pubiic, or at least
i *'**" “Ptettd, to use one that mm,tins
articles ot H-’il fs, ill Puhhonary Th j
,m oetwoloi’s that :u DU doing, I am acting most
- oiiprofessionally and dercgatmUy to the inter
ests of medical setem-c and the rettniar prcctl
ttoMrs of medicine. I refer to Woodman’.' Cher
ry ltxpectorßht, which is a u‘t:-nifsly
‘ that I have used with more . c--. than aov of
|the usual prescriptions used by inn, ’
.1. M. Mart lam., iit it
haruenv. Mac I 1- i.
! O. 0. FTotxtjutit: —Dear .-':r . t have tcm v„., r
f'borry Expeclorant a lair trial, mm well
pleased with its cmn>-hetter than my sther
I article I ever met with. 1 would ... pleased to
! have you send me a dozen bottles bv tho bettror
■ Respectfu'iy, W M. ll.uto.v. M. It
| Tin- prepare! ; has attained a wide ccVbrity
: from the unlvcr ul soccr-. nee which ha- aMeut.rt
[Mo me. For cm (hs, colds, and in fact anv pul
mnnary compile - tin.,- incdictno. .Vein its tn cu
Mar properties a a ditsulvent. and its soothing
power to all irritations of the throat, will proha.
bl.v bo preferred to any other offered te it p u b-
I As an ajij.otizor or dyrpeptlc rctui ~v, it will
al o he (band excellent, it . natural and E e„js/
V anntli keeping tile digestive powers in
Bomeinber that this Is the onlv Cough HedJ
eine that has stood the test of the medical frater
nity. It is sanetiuiied by. cmi rove i of, :>.;t<’ rc
jcororneudod by the leading physicians of X. w
j York city. Every bottle i- W arranted t<-give
; satisfaction or the money refunded, We Tuar-
I a,, tec* it to bn better than any Cherr> iWoakl.
i ('ort Uver Oil. or anything elsi now extant.
| Price, One liollar a botjlo.
1 Hold by PLUMB A LRITNEK Augusta. L , Mid
| all respectable Druggists. 6md4w my 4
; Rheumatic Siilhrm,
' >b. the amo'.nt of sufl'ni irg that has been eriuiir
j ed, aud the thousands of deatlns that have
occurrcKl for the want of a proper and
timely remedy for this dreadful dis
etui! which is ii.vuriably found in
; rjIHK only sure and radical eute yet
! X discovered. Hi o circular and thefollowiu;
I do hereby certify that, niter suffering for
•hirty-three y< ars with tlio most excruciating
r.ijc from (.'hronic Mlieum.itism, urni finding no
r-rnmnent relief from any of the m:uiy prescrips
v m given me by different physicians. 1 am
now entirely well, not only of Rbewnati-wi my
- ■■■'* but likc wif, ■of its effects. This cu e was
efffcOcd by a preparation nyled Lynch's AnU-
Klienm.itic l*owuers Os these pi'wdc.> l took
i;vo dizen, and bav o not had any frymptoms of
my -Md pains :• r thr * •years. The efibu uix.n
me was .ike magic Within three dats after r
had taken the lir-st powder, ruy pains disappear
ed, and }luv*‘ been entirely clear of them up to
the pre?cut time.
To all suffering from Rheumatism I do hearti*
]y recommend these powders, confidently be
lieving that; on have only to give them a trial
1 1, secure a lastirg cure.
j Most respectfully, John last a.
. j Katonton, April 22, 1855.
i ! ba\ ano hesitatidu in saying, that after liav
!>«*•' •‘••offered for upwards of thirty years with
‘.heumausm in tho uiom lro*dftil form—first in
; my toes, then uiy thumb:, wrists and knees, and
•otlv most, excruciatingly iu my r,cck. I took
: [’-»•• or three dozer, of Lynch's A ill kheuni, tjc
-;1™ •; • ? sod not with AaLv.’ig I cJU ar< p mv
ciTi.-tu,*i ( , Q much shatteritljbave received the
, j greatest benefit imaginable 44 ,y relief f»ri*
- Ik-ring aM pain, I cannot aWibuto to; • ... .ig
i h "t ihe pown. : rs, for 1 have tried everything
; ii vain, that friends could su|tg«*«. or physk-iaoa
prescribe I would, therefore, carnet-tlv re
cun mend tn every sufferer *i tiii« (Dead
ful disease, let lum bo old or young
' , Bob v m VK! k.
Eatonton, April 2, -Sfo.
lam happy ;o state, or the benefr t ,f those l-i with Ithecmatism, tint a
i feet cure bas been afl-D ied in the pcrsoi. *f ane
g'oioan >f mine ! y Lynch’s Anu RL-.-.mati;
J'owwrs. th> c*..d boy having suffered vith t
ine«"-.-ant!y for twenty years, lost at leap one
third of his time until he took the above <>-jw
ders. Hinee which time, now nearly two yuirs
he has been a valuable aud constant field litnil’
f never having swStored with Rbeainatism sdu t ;’
to (he *•<?»:£ of my knowledge, and I Uiio plea;’.
| -re in recommending them to those thus aJflic.-
i d.
j April 10.1855.
* ' 1 can safely testify to the efficacy of Lynch’#
I Ant : -R!jwr.:&i:c Powders, haring been entirely
cure.; ■,•! the Kli- liu.aism by pne box Koine three
years since. Ml r bav'ng been severely afflicted
woh it for seven previous years.
*’«b. 6,1857 Lacy Mii.liro.vij.
Hold, wbol- v and retail, by the Proprietor,
J. G. Gibson, M J).. N'"w York and Eaton ton
Ga., and the r<- pecuble I>ruggists in the city
and country. For sale ia Augusta by PLUMB k
LFTTNKH. octl Bm.
iT7 La TASTE re-
V • epectlhlly informs Bv- r Am
his friends that he has
■ opened a new i(RUG and nT
PLED STORK, at the r taml Jl.
recently occupied by Mr. Jjevk.
Wm. H.unes. on Bread-st.,
■ two doors below the Post bßra» < %
I 0 ®o*’ 0 *’ i£(G k ifjiM
The Drug ord s'odicine
Department will be under \gsag?^ ,
the dir.-tion o Mr. K J. fir
DELKER, an experienced
Druggist and Chemist, who W
will give his strict atteu
tion to the patting up of
physicians’ prescriptions.
In the Seed Department, Mr L. hopes that au
experience ot ten years will be a sufficient guar
antee that ois customers will be supplied with
none but genuine seed. Information as to plant
j mg and cultiv&tii g will be ahvavs freely given,
and at tna command of his customers. For tho
j present. Mr. L. v Ibe assisted by his sou, E G.
Mr. L. respectfuiiy solicita the patronage of
the public, under full confidence of giving genc
j rot satisfaction.
Both departments will bo well supplied—the
Medical with the best, from the North, the Reed
from the same, with the imported from the cele
brated home of Viueobik. of Paris.
janlfl dawtf
j F R A D .
33 v o T -y 'ID £v y.
I A City or Country, EVERY MORNING,
JRT »“ «e *» ■» #$ 1. ar« «a »
i at n.j Stall in the market ; or, any hour during
the daj f at my stole, opposite the market.
__ junlO-S* H. T PRAY.
Cabinet Making and Re
pairing, Ac.
WH. PHOUTY & CO. having dis
• solved, by mutual consent, tho under
signed may be found at the same stand, ready to
do all fobs conunito d to him in the ,vay of
on Washington, between Broad and Rey
nold-streets. jax-Kf
IN SHIRT BOSOMS my *<ock is very
largo, and Bp'iie of tl** " ®ro very beautiful
new stylet'. i.V.I! and take a look at them.
At HI-.K.-SY’H.
iMiinnrs fmm
JTX. OF F COLD, geDlien..;n can find a large lot
ofthe above goods at low down prices, at
janlß HRRSKY'g opposite D. R Hotel
10 bales Athens actor? OSNaBCRGS
10 do SchleyV. d 0
20 bales do Georgia Plain#. for Hafolow
J*-’ 316 No. 6, Warren Block,