Augusta evening dispatch. (Augusta, Ga.) 1857-1861, January 22, 1858, Image 3
Stating |isj)atdj. AUGUSTA. GA: *■’«»( « O’CLOCK P-M.JAV. !«, I«S. \oUoe to Advertiser*. Advertisement* for the KvtM.vo iJi-i-.Trn must be handed in by deem r'.tock in the/orencm. in order to appear the ...ante day. The heavy pres sure of advertisements upon the columns of our paper will net admit of their reception after tire hour named. Semi the Cash. Wc are in frequent receipt of letter? from all portions of this tnd the adjoining sautes, coutain- Ing names of persons subscribing to tho IHs vatch. with the promise to send the money “ in thtemrseof the year.” To al! such we would try 111 t names cannot he entered upon our lie 1 books until the subscription is paid. We rue aware that times arc hard, and that is ono rea son why wo cannot deviate from our custom. Nor can tee spare time to answer such requests. Wo thank our friends fur tire interest thus mani fested in the paper, but we must hart the money is advance. Charleston Market. W- ! have made arrangements to furnish our leaders witli the Chariest m cotton market up to i o’clock P. M. cut the. day of publication. We are taking great paius to make our paper useful to the cotton interest, and liopo to receive an increased patronage from that source. .*. ._ _ The Weekly Augusta Dispatch. 'We issue to-morrow a capita! num ber of the Weekly Dispatch. It con tains; the telegraphic news of the week, proceedings of Congress, account of tho I capture of Col. Anderson, letter from! Gov. Brown, several interesting articles' on cotton and financial matters, with a! variety of miscellaneous paragraphs, and poetry, embracing over TWO HUN OKED different articles, piquant, spicy,; instructive nut] valuable. I’rice five! cents a copy, or $1.50 a year. \ —i Theatre. We. take it that the people of Augusta' know their own business, and it is not for us, even i; w chau the disposition, ; to dictate what they should or should! not do. We may be allowed, however to express regret and astonishment that so few of them have as yet shown a disposition toencouvaye Mr. Marchant, j in his effort to furnish theatrical enter tainmentsof a proper character. Thr- . sterling comedies have been presented during the last three evenings, in a man ner creditable to the company,and satis factory to the audiences, and yet we ve-1 ry much doubt whether there was a pay ing house ou either occasion. We have rarely seen a piece more ad-' mirably cast than was the opening piece! last night. Mr. Dtott'c Sir Giles Over-\ noth pleased us particularly—and so did! the Justice Greedy of Mr. Chippendale. ! There is a decided character about these two gentlemen which we have remark ed in everything we have yet seen them 1 in. Mr. Smith's Marrnl! was a capital piece of acting and Sir, Durivaoe's (hoi, was “ done to a turn. ' Neither < Lord ImxM nor WdUm were calculated i to bring cut Messrs. Kai.ton and Aiken. who are both sterling actors. We must i not omit to mention approvingly the ( Lady Ahcarth of Mrs. France, and theji Margaret yi Miss France, nor the very , excellent acting and singing of Miss \ Mary Kiiaw in the Farce. In conclusion, we have just one word to say to our readers. Occasionally Con cert Hall 16 closed, aud our citizens art i deprived of every sort of amusement for ' weeks. At such times we hear many complaints at the dullness of the city < —no Theatre —no Concet ts -no nothing. ' 1 How can they hope for anything better if they refuse their pat ronage and coutr , tenarjee to those who seek to amuse '• them? Someone will probably say that j such representation; as we have had, on j former occasion? t; is winter, at Concert i Hall, were worse than none. Suppose ' ■we admit the IV v—which wodo in part . —itisnonrgv lentil, favor of a neg i lectof evo’..thing which may follow. J Mr. M\r hant’s company come to us [ with the highest mormmendatkms from c Cliarlcstou, one of the most critical 1 cities in the Union ; their performances t are satisfactory to all who attend, and s yet night after night they play to <-iap- ' ty benches. Such a state of things cannot long continue —the manager, however philanthropic, will not for a very great while furnish .amuse merit at his own expense to the tew who seem disposed to patronise him. It is his in tention, if proper encouragement be ex tended, to produce a number of novel- r , tics, but the people of Augunta must de- c termine whether or not this intention r ~. , a he caryied out. Clark. <sk Co. We lake especial pleasure in calling ‘ t the attention of our friends who arc in- t teres ted in the Tennesseeproduct, to the f card of Messrs. Clare & Co,, o: Mnr- " freshorough, in this paper. We have f an intimate personal at qeaitifimce e.tli t Mr.;. and km w him to he a; j q'vitinii d with the l usiocss in wiuta v he i? engaged and a ruin e cuUtic man -. —©~ 5 Memphis piper fa • that the i JJschauge Bank, of Georgia has estah-; -. linlital ~q agency iu that. city. The bills> ' are re iveil at par by the | - - - -r ~j, ' J*/’’ Tho celebrated surge; and J dry dan Doctor Mere White, died at hi? residence iu Cheiry X'allyy, U go 1.V., N Y,., on lire night of the 18th. i |sr The Legi.-iiataiie of Virginia has elected Wa. 1,. Jaceson Uov ! erm-t. TkAlhcrfr’* Concert. I be excitement in regard to this con -1 ert is increasing. Indeed, it seems to i« the only question of moment at pre sent on the tapis. We expect that long ' hrfore the night of the concert, all ft, scats will be sold, and that on Wed nesday evening next will be congrega ted at Masonic Hail all the beauty and fashion of our city. Such a combina tion of Grear Artists has never been of fered to the public. Thalbero himself could fill the hall, but when we have combined. TiiaCbsru, Viki.xtemps. Mad ame Johansen, Miss Anna Kemp, Mad ame Vi ei. xtrnps Sig H assi mk er aud Mr. Lehman, it is no wonder that excite ment is ielt in the affair. We subjoin a snort paragraph from the New Fork llerttld, on the appearance of Vieux- Tk.Mi’s in that city : “ Vieuxtempa is regarded by eminent men in Europe as the first violinist living—wherefore let us almit. at once, that, in everything which a],peals to tlm musician simply, hewas perfect.— We have only to do then with his effect upon the audience. Tbisnppeored to us even more than magnetic. From the first touch he helit them as still—a wonderingly attentive—as if his had been, indeed, toe oid, fabuious magi cian’s wand. He drew his bow in u manner so palpably that of a master, and the tone ttiat he produced was so clear and lull—so fine and finished— ami the power and precision with which he seemed to express an idea so marked j --that the audience went with him at: I once; and oxen the non-musical part I understood him. as if they hail been I electrified by the genius of the muster ’ to something of instinctive knowledge. The applause which followed t lie cessa tion was furicus, and must have alrnnd j antly satisfice, the amour proprr. of the artist—alums! supposing that he had | ever thought iis former reception worth j pique. “Vieuxtemjs is a man of middling j height, and irdinary presence, rather 1 retiring than otherwise, with a striking 1 line head—expressing in its very Out line almost, Goman massiveness and breadth, with the Girlie delicacy and nervousness.” , The sale of leats will commence on i .Saturday morting at the music store of Mr. Cailin. v.icre the plan of the hull i maybe seen. Jfteeu clit'a Court. i Tin: re was a little more activity in the | Recorder's mart to-day, aiul thetransac tions resulted i a very respectable day s business for tb city. One of our knevolent retailers of 11- ! quid refreshments was convicted of fur t nishing his fintls to the colored popula tion, anil failing to make the Ret rder appreciate his interest in Sambo's com -1 f°rt, was requited to invest S2O in city 1 stock. | Two or three rollicking sons of Mo ! mua were up far disturbing the quiet of the city. They had continued the ju i biilation of the holidays too long for the peace and rood order and dignity of the town, and the Recorder was unwil ling to allow such a means of relief! from the monotony of dull times, and • charged them $o apiece. The two paid , up, and departed, evidently determined ! to interfere no more with the peculiar i domain of Haul Times, in keeping. things quiet, at- leave the city to seek relief from tho money pressure i from some othei source. Dvvyrr'* Eiomftoit. Mrs. Dwyer, the widow of perhaps j the most omiuert elocutionist that we i have ever had ii this country, is in this j city, for a short ime, for the purpose of selling copies of . small volume on tdo- ■ oution, published by her husband just | before his death. The work is the sole legacy he was alio to bequeath her, arul | our citirens will be bestowing a deserv- i tribute upon departed worth, as well | as obtaining a rery interesting book, by patronising the lady in her calls.— Several gentlemen in this city were pu pils erf Mr. Dwyer,.*who will ever re- ! member him wit* feeliuts of pleasure i .mil gratitude." Tiie New ' iileans Picayune, some! months ago. used the following lan- i guage, which we willingly copy : ‘‘Mr. i Dwyer was a graduate of Trinity Col- j lege, Dublin. To the taste and man- ! uers of a geutiein m. i.c added great, cultivation and intelligence, and he was the heat reader we ever had. His wi dow, in offering hih works for sale, is pursuing her only means of livelihood, and we sincerely trust she may he as ; successful in our city she has been inf others .-Daily Wisconsin. j 1 Mrs. D. is now in this city, procuring ‘ subscribers for the wo which seems ' to have the patronage o c the most emi- 1 nent men in the nation A D- spcnttc Hvtrglar. East evening, a'-ont n o'clock, a! black fellow wasdi eov dby aGcr.nan ( girl upon the promises-ff Mr. ReaROORR, \< Opposite the Mills Hiirsc, in tlie, art of 1 ’ robtlnga trunk. The girl raised tbcalarm , arid attempted ic-seize tin fellow, wlmji gave her an ugly cut with a knife, ami ': attacked the mother in-ltw of Mr.’ fiflirorie.r. who ran to the Assistance of j< the girl, dealing lira severe stab hi < tho shoulder. The fellow then leaped J from the window; but wa-' pnrsnetl by i Mr. Scbroier junior, who laid hold upon him, hut was obliged to loose him, from the desperate manfcer in which i tii" fellow cut him Junil the face. The ' 1 rased was finally seuavW and lodged in i{ the: ,ard House I_\ offioer IJipKs, ttlip; U with ids usual promptitude, eut*e to I; lie- of action.- ~Charlttslmi Mercury. I( i Mnrd. ! Wife by Atr Haikswl, J Wot. c-iraa, Jan. 18.—i-,dward Boyle j. ■A -.- this Triofr.iriL ■, -light before 1 tie ' ■ (*<, irt of this < itv. ' 1 erged with \ tii if-.ilmte his nife, Isabella^ R. B’ i ia i ric -r, al« d six rni!e»|i from I - i Frida ter She wn? 1 r ! J. ii- "i! dintl utorivi:!'/ her head teinbiy bruisea Itvyi *ede ?f-v d eontrulietory j ■’ d firi’i’.in-'anees are very | sttanga, '<a. ile had not lived, happily wi'e for same time ; pitot. He plea " Sot guilty,” and lii:- ease will go i.- lore the grand jury tills week. ~ r w w Connurna! Jntflfipa. ' Utto«t dattw from J iverpool .Jan. 2 UituFt -dates from Havre n« ■: 0 r Ijite.-t datea from Havana. Jm. 35 Weeltly Revievs. AUGUSTA BVFXLNH DISPATCH, 1 January 21, 185<t. j 1 Corroir—ln oor last r«view we reported 24SS • bales, and tlie market closed at 10 cents for MiU . d ing Fair. r On Friday, the 3 les reached 312 bales, and Middling Fair was quoted at 10><; cents, showing 1 : an udvance of ?ales Saturday. 633 bale.?, chiefly at 10 to 10‘ 4 ! • cents. On Monday, the sale* were 2TB bales, at 10 to 10>£c. Middling Fair was quoted at 10‘j’c. On Tuesday : tho saieF reached 380 bales, and | rates were easier. Ou Wednesdy, £74 bales were sold. The mar-1 ket was quiet and prices declining. On Thursday morning, .-.ales reached 875 bales at9>£ to 10>Jc. The market closes dull, with a decline on good cotton of fully 5* to %c ou the prices of Monday, and on the lower grades it amounts to cent We quote : Middbng to 10 ; Good MiddUng, 10 to 10 -g ; Middling Fair to Fair. lO Vs c. There is an iucreading disposition to sell, and cotton is beginning to arrive more from tlie in terior. Tho steamer’s uueoants now due are looked for with considerable interest. The sales yesterday afternoon were 206 bales batß V 2 Dtt>, 40 at ;83 at 10: 4at 10.1,; 63 •ul ; 4 cents. Sales this morning, 530 bales: 6 at 11 at 6.';; ia at .4 at B> a '; 9et9; 35 at ; 1 ijs9atftHi 23 at 9H ; 28 at 9% ;15 at ■ 101 at ; 0,262 at lo>4 cents. Market umlianged. Rkm-Ajun. —Trade generally, in our n»aket. , . J continues dull. Cotton u dull, aud will continue ; I so till planters sell their cotton. ; Bacom.—-There is now but little old bacon in | . : market. Western riblted «jr!»'s ire quoted at , •jllto 12 cents. New Tcnuessee moat is begin- I l jning to como in, and we hear of small Salon at 1 I‘2>£ round. We caunot give quotations f.»r : i bams and shoulders. -ARD. —There is a fair supply in market at 11 ! :to 1‘- ceut.s, according to quality, ’ | (iK-iiN—lhere is 'o little doing as to render it j i impossible to give quotations. We report wheat [ iand Ci-rn dull, and unchanged. There is a good i j demand for oat.?, for sowing, and very few in i market. i BAdcKxri—The den aud is limited, urn! we quote 141-' 14>* cents for Gunny t j Demit—-The market Is well .supplied with country und Xortlicrn Butter. Country is worth ■ 20 to 22 cents ; Northern £.' to 28—There is an ample supply at 12 to • 13 cents for Northern ; 14 to 15 for English Dairy 1 Coin ce—No change in coffee. Supply ample. ! Feat uhvs, Frcito, and 1 isn unchanged Moiafsks—Prices are nominal, and supply ; equal to demand. Wo quote Ciiba &i. 28 to 31 ’ ! cents. ■ | The dull condition of business renders al! . | quotations quite nominal. Prices are unsettled . i—but Oil inquiry we believe our table represents j the market fairly. j F.xcha.v;s—Yery scarce, and rolls at 3 to 4 ‘ i per cent. j HAMBURG lan. 22.—Owrote—-Our market is ; a little dcpressc-u, but we continue to quote 10# itents for mid ling fair. 4®* By ft private dispatch from Odum bus. . to day, wo learn that Middling cotton was quoted vit 83 j cents. i Augusta Provision Marke t Reported by R. PHILPOT, Clerk of the Market i KKTAIL PRICES. , j Beef, on foot, .... wholesale a so f. w I Mutton s ffl 10 £»* s © is.*,- j Com Veal so® 00 ISs-'el potatoes 80® 100 i Chickens 2bo ‘ Turkeys SO/gIBO ! : Ducks 26 fa) 30 •Corn, U/the Load., . jFodker, by the Load, 100 j Pea H>y, do do do 76^)100 j Grass Hay, do do 76f^ j MOBILE, J,»n. V>,~-Cnttim —Fume 1500 bales j were sold to-day at ft#4®ft&c, being full ; ..,j ad- ' j vance over prices of xturday! - NASHViLI.E, Jan. £«.).— Corn —We heard 60 jeent- offered yesterday for prime white in ship i ping ord. r, seller furnirhing sacks. pipping Jntclligenft. j SAVANNAH. Jan. 22 —Arrived Bark Charles William, hrigSt. Utu Drew, and schr tmoi t Ame iua Bofcton; stmr Augusta, Augusta. ; Cleared, St. ms in p Thos Swann, SY. CtfARIiSSTON, Jan. 21.—Arrived. Schr Black j i ; Fish, Philad Iphia j Cleared, Ship John Raven*}, Liverpool ; hark | ! Harriet Frances, Hu we: bru Fanma Eger, Cuba:; rig Ci B j Franklin La; sohr Col Satterly, N V. THE OCEAN STEAMERS. Sailing Davi to and from, the United States. \ FROM EUROPE. •Kangaroo, Br, Liverpool, Jan. 13. for N Y 1 Pulton, Am. SoutnamptOM. Jan. 18. lor N V | f Ci nard,Cuu, Liverpool, Jan. 10, for Itu.-vm i ICunra-. Cun, I.iverpool. Jan. 23, for N Y j Indian, lfr, Liverpool Jan. 27. tor Portland i ] UunarU, Cun. Liverpool, Jan. 30, for Boston Baltic, Am. Liverpool. Fel». 3, for N Y Canard.. Cun, Livernool, Feb. f>, to NY ; AratiQ, Am, Southumpvou, F*?h 10, for. ...NY Anglo-Saxon, Br, Liverpool, Feb. 10 Portian Cunard, Cun, L verpooi,Feb. J 3 Boston j ■Cur.ard, Cun, Liverpool. Feb. 20 N' V {Ariel, Am. Southampton, Feb. 24 NY |N. uioriu.a, Br, Liverpool, Fel*. 24 ...Portland, Cun, Liverpool, Fob. 27 80-tnri j Cold j.-:, O.JI, Liverpool, M-i-roh 3 N Y jCunard, Cun, Liverp 01, March 6 NY I K-jlfon. Am, Siiuthaiiipton, March 10 ...N '. ;• :t rd, Cue. Liven-rd. 'Lircl. 13 B.*-t - t ( unaid, Can, Liver March 20 N Y j j Indian, J»r, L- wrr-00l Mareii 24 Portland j. j North - ar. Am, mljampton March 24. .♦.. NY ', Cunard, Cufi. ). rerpoot. March *27 Boston g ! n \ .C marU, Cut:, ? i\ or." o!, Aprs! 8 N y J jCunaru, Cun. L>vorjMoi, April 10 Boauin ! FRO ? THE UNITED STATES- j \ | Ariel, Am.-New York, J.-.n 23 Bntnen ] i ■uw * Mr, Boston J.u. _7 .. ..Liverpool. ft i uaar-! Cuu. New York, Feb 3 Liv«rj»uo. , & ■ 00, Br.'New V k t 4 L-v *rpo :! i ’C'i vi-d. Am. :•*'-• v %’oi'u !•> »< 0. lii' vr-- j -, :C- ;..u -Cull. IVM! •!# JO J,v rp.-:. ; ' jCV'i!:.!-. t'-dl. New Vo '• l e.i> 13 LWerpoet j, Cnaard Cvu, New York Feb 17 ixiv^rpom I North St-v. Am, Ni-w Y ; »ri , l‘»b 20 .... !C • tueu ' w ICanard, (-.m, Ho .-ton, Feb ;’4 Livwrpov; iCiKMKrd, Cii'i, Nr.» York, A larch 3 Liv-. poo: [ Arag'.j.,Alii. New York. Marcli 0 Havre Cmuvia, Cun, Boyn.ft. March 10 Liverpool i jC»»..i:i-, C:*M, j\N w N ~ .la' Ji ■-- - CutvtjU, f-V.n, New York, 'lurch A . .Liverp^Hd iCimard. Out. New York,Mitch 81. .Livi r| •.< F’i-li»»n. Am. N a- Yor .. April Ma .«• {,* Urnard, C-m. fi;. .ton. Apr! 7 U\ -p. a i S t >Uiii Coil, w April > Li, CMaKird. tan, New York, Am .* • 11 H.*- thtainv i a v \X T fLL I»>, at tlicM , 7 T m t h«; -tyof Alk i>ta MH • ia ..... ! 'ay ol IF. -KUATvY, -between n»e u —i; i.< ■ < . r aie.'thb Jtoom F-irnitore, G>nv. and m era I • les» Tl|i> property of C.C.l’earmon I dnr - --.1. 1 J. M. HIIX, Te»Oj» "ar> Adyj'r, J .unary. Jd, sngttste friers Carrnrt. WHOtHUtt Pltcfe'.-t. : B<wonv—Harris sft 13 ft 14 Canvassed Ham«.. .fi ft Id ft 17 ’ Shoulders yft (a) Wester:. Skies 9 It, H 0 12H (Sear Sides, Teun... f. ft 00 I® M Ribbed Sides yft 14 ft) 16 Hog Round new yft 14 ft) on B «BK*ng--(innny.. yard 15 ft) Id Hatter.—Uosbeu 7< ft 2d ft) 27 Country $ ft 20 ft; 22 Bricks— y 1000 600 ft) 8(0 "si 100012 (S 014 00 j Cniul.cs—A daman .ji ft 22 ft 24 ! Sperm >! ft 40 ft: 60 r Patent sperm yft 65 ft) 60 : cheese— ft 12 ft IS j Ernrish Dairy *ft 14 ft) 15 I ColTce.—Kio Vft 11« ft 12« I -J ft. i), ft, 11 4«>'« f ft. 11l ft) 18 Domestics.—Yarns yr 1 oo i X Shirting -# yard 4J»- ft) 6 j Skirting. 14 yard ft) S’. i 4 Shirting .>< yard ft! 9>. I 5-4 Shirting. v yard 10 ft) 12,4, 6-4 shirting y yard 11 ft) 12y s os ~ ..burgs y yard ft 12 ! Drills • ys 1 Font hers.— 3ft 40 ft) 4,i Fruit*—Ap[,i *e .. -,i lil 300 ft) 500 oranges -jt bbl 8 oo Rigs V hut 02 ft) 100 Raisins 3 box 300 ft 400 Cranberries . ."s lib I 850 ft) 000 Flail.—MackereiXu. Ift bb! 14 00 fti is oo No. - jl bid 12 00 ft) 13 00 ho. 3 %) bb) 11 OO ft) 12 00 K*> 4 3 bbl 660 ft; 800 Herringi ..'9 box ft) 600 I Flour—Country . .ybhl 625 ft) 600 ... i City Mil!- 9 bbl 675 ft 750 V.towab %j tibl (t 00 i® 750 I Detune*!’* ..y bbl 600 ft) 750 j kltra 9 bb! 7«) ft) 'SO drain.—('main sackfi btiso 55 ft) 60 ! " heat, white it trash 115 ft 1 2u ! Rcl r» 15 95 ftl 05 i ft bush 45 ft 50 ! By» 9 bush 70 ft 15 Pens 9 bush 76 ft 85 . Corn Meal y bush 66 ft) 76 ; dunpowder—.lll.o,9 keg 700 © 760 I Hazard t" * ;T 26 ft 750 . Blasting 9 keg 175 ft 500 lln J' bull. 100 ft 120 jlnm—Swiulw 9 ft 6\ ft »v i Kngiish, Comm,Si, 9ft 3s; ft , , Kutinc" y it, 3.V © - V t». >4 © 12!, . l.ruil.—Bar yft 8 ft Sft Lime—Country y, t1 25 ft 150 N'orttiorn T- bbl 160 ft) J 75 ; I.umber 10-oion.) <■„ 12 00 ’loin****—Cuba... y gal 28 ft :lu ! St.Croli y gal 50 Sugb House Syruji.Y-t re:l 45 ft 50 . Cbiuese Syrup.. 40 ft 50 Hi!, 4 ft, 4), , oils— 'perm, prime.> -r. 200 ft 2 I-amp V gal 100 ft 126 ! ' Trem y gal 76 ft Ino i 1 Urn-seed 3 gal 100 ft 106 1 Castor y gai 200 ft 225 1 Patatoee-lrki ...ybtd 4 26 4 30 : Sweet y bush 60 ft 100 ■ • A 4C' ft 6 ■ Iwupe—Kentucky...y ft II ft 12 c Manilla *ft 17 ft 18 , M'lrll*—leu y gal 46 fti 60 , 9 pul 50 ft (!) Woiskey y gal 30 ft «t ! Ceaeli brandy... . y gal 126 ft 200 Abplu Hratnly y gal 00 Holland tail! y gal 150 ft 176 Cognac 8randy....15 gal 300 ft 000 . S»URnrs,_.\ Orleans. 3 ft .-ft 1' irtoKieo y Ik Bft B>4 Muscovado pft « ft 9)4 Befitted C ft lk 11 ft 1114 Refined 1! yft !! ft 12 Refined A yft 11,14 ft 12)4 Powder-d 9Us 12 ft 13 yft 12 ® 13 saltf alt 9 sack 100 ft 110 Soap—Yellow.. ~y ft 6 ft 9 OFFICIAL MHAWIVSG I I OF THK Sparta Academy Lottery. OF GEORGIA. The following are, the drawn numbers oi the . STARTA ACADhMV UITTKFY. Vta.» 252—drown ’JANUARY 21. ISSB : !4, 51, 41, 62. 24. 0, 34. 13, SO, 08, 2, d. I ! The loliowing are the Brawn Numbers of the 1 SPARTA U AI.EMY LOTTERY. Gan '^4—Extra | urawn J ANUARY 22,186$ : 09, 9, 16. 23, 73, 2, 42, 2 1! 7° 36 .< 84. f. c. barber, i L. P. J ugas / '•omaUEaionere. H. SWAN feCO., Managers. " new drug 4X 1) Sl2 E D STO RE . \7 La TASTE re- ,ysw \ «> sitccliijlly ir;foriu| |JJ Ms fnenus that ho bus opened :i new I>Kt'G atnl tT j SEED.STORE, at tbo stand Mm. ■ rf.mtly ny Mr. I two dOort; below the Post / ‘ Diujus offlce Jm ! Tli l>rukj ami ' oilinne * Ijopurtrjjont be under . ,I'KI.KER, at. o.\| orit-u. l>rutr«istand Chemist, who will Five his strict ntteu- I .on to the putting up <t phjsiciuus pmsci'iptions. >_ In the Soe-t IKpurtmeqt, Mr. 1, h.-p > an exoerienco ol teu j uars will be a sulJi« ant guar ! antee that bis customers will be supplied with | none but genuine seed Jn'ormatiof as to plant : ing and cuJuvating will b** always freelv given, i and at tne command of bis customers ‘ For the ! present. Mr. L. will be assisted by Uis son. K G. ] ! h.vTAi-; J E. i Mr. L. respectfully solic t- the patronage -•» ' the public, under full confidence of giving gone j j ral satisfaction. j Both departments will be well supplied—-the ; Medical with Ihe best from the North, the Seed ! j from the same with the imported from ih? ede j 1 brated house of Viuioki.v, of Paris. [ janlfl dAwtf Oysters! Oysters! i PRIMK AKTiCIA: OF NORFOLK, i!JL OYSTERS, in one gallon and /- v j one-half gallon kegs, received daily (V ‘A (& J ! and !'•).- sale at the APGUSTA ICE X -M / | HOUSE. vS-tW' They . ay also • e found at P.. D MARTIN’S, over Horsey-s .sP>re, opposite the U. S. Hotel. Orders from the country addressed to C. EMERY | will be promptly attended to. u<>v2-3m Butter and cheese. A Urge supply or both, for sale very chea{i f d2'J DANUa. H. WILCOX. !' 1 — | ! ( lANDI.ES. V 200 boxes No. 1 ADAMANTINE CAN PEES, , 50 “ SPERM CANDLER, .or low bv 11 JOSIAII SI I.KY k SONS. ‘ 1 j!tnls No. 0, Warren Block. ; ' MILLWRIGHTING, &c, HUIE UNDERSIGNED takes thi.s inf - - A tliod in' iof'-raiing tbo • itiz.-n- «»f Georgia j c ivi adjoining States that they are prepared t r i thn creation ami eouKtrucliofi o{ f SA U AN D GRIS T MILLS ' r KITHKK S-IRAM f.R WATER pi) • KR. • of ih*» m»»t t rs. ti:! vci rk np ■ TKC l• AR SfiU *> MlUKin Sonth Carolina they are warm t o is. '( ‘•eMhig their voni}*err-nc rto ertve general .-nti- - f fnct o . Their-paraoitA' tutontian will bo u wu-.a ouilhul oi- « » g. intb.- o yto repair; i;v4«n»iv. A Do, i<» PATCHING un t TI-STlNi'i i; ' cm- » > rt- ii: eau ■. will be ’ ‘ lOijunec to be pakf ‘ Jvli*-' vrnployer. dro u*r». by !Ht.\V otlierwise, will ineel L All V’>rU warrant.-!. Address, • r. ISAAC'BKa\( iV CO.. ! t j»'l- *aw ta. t , We-tcott & Co. i k>-. now offering one of t’o.* htr-- 4 ’ il • .--ot “ ' ! MA:l.v A\v- K.W’i y DRY (i’ODS.' u * the tty, .’i tut :viia*!y iotv-pvi' c-t. i' ! t > i -CoiMla in great variety • - if Rni.P ; ■ ; i>! ■ < k, .a • ru; i TLicjir-, >■!>.*■ >hawb-. ijcm j 4' ' 1 t Pw-k oi \\ anket-t and Kt r-['[ I 1, ‘ * n ;•■<! t*iu* ktd, at in rc'r n r ,. ( i-t ovefy The lutui'ti-m <>« P!,,nG-i>i v i uartii i/.uly invn u, ih.-se j „ Biestehci .tad Ih’ovvo st--j.i'S.UsmG. iP #ta. IriattmC. and aii kP d- o; go :>• for fa mi- > lyinse, reryrAeao. ori-lj i * >—- - CLOTHING. AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL? JUAMSEV LAB AW, 4* i’ their old stand opposite tlu Union jfjL Bank, aro olfering ta their friends ao<l cus toners the largest and bout stock of Full and ! Winter Clothing ever offered in the city, the f the goods having been bought and manu factured by uh at our manufactory in New York, almost exclusively for cash. We feel confident no house North or South, can heat m in style, ' quahVv and price. All we ask is a call to ex ; ‘ atnlnc the stock. Arntmg the stock will befbund Superior black, blue and brown Caster Beaver FROCKS, Bnpr do do do Cloth FrofP -, do UO do d<» llu*.iiitfsT, do, do do do do Raglau Over sacks, Supr do do do Bearer Over- j sacks, ‘ >'v:j r Black ami Fancy Side-Band Cassimtre j Pants, of every style and grade. 400 Vests, Velvet, VuleDua, Black Cloth,Satin, ' ; Plush, Cashmere, &<•. from $1 tos:i 600 super Black Satin i’rocks and Sack. 1 . -A! <>, , English Tweed Sacks, from 2 75 toss. 250 pairs English, French and American Side- ,' | hand Cii w.aimer«* Pams pome cb unt de.- i/i ; 600 pairs Oxford Grey and BUici. Satin* t i’anta lo' splendid weight, from 175 to *25. j 150 pairs extra beiivy-ribbe i Beaver Paul*. J 75 suits of splendid Harris’ Side band Gasai- .] mere Pants. i ldO Blue Blanket Overcoats at 4to* 150 ner , ; coat. 160 Blue Blanket Sack at 3 to $? 60 per i ’ coat. ji. 4 4 M I .OUINSOX’S PATENT BARLEY. |> I V For sale by jand W. H.TTTT i ' DTEING- O. R. DODGE S DYEING ESTABLISHMENT, Greenc-strect, ah<a< K olh/ck-st. -It DTEISO of ev-j: | «T descrtptt >n done, s / Bleaching and Pressing (° r Bonnets. Gentle-I i » ra«n»’clothli!gcloi***fi £Sr Z3tSs?&i:. .-J j. an.l repaired at short , i n«-*ttee. Established ;c i *“«*•• I y LACK IKES i ■ I > for wruitw .tul l w->-?Marking— at DmlgeV . ,j y c House, Greene--d . i at the following prh <*«. ! «| ■ By trio barrel, per <al - i lon, 17 cents ; by 0 or j V 10 gallon, -20 cents : hv t j Warranted superior : f iaJ Vj *»y u wv ‘ j BY IHEGEOEGIA KAILROAX) ! MOORE’S DAILY LINE OF I. S. MAIL STAGES,! To Milledgc-ville. ' mHE SHORTEST, QUICKESi' AMD 1 41 I CHFAPEiiT BOCTK —Tiionlwnili.T-.las, 1 rous of accommodating the members of tbeGo.or I gia Ixegtelature, and those visiting the Capital, ; j during the time of the next meeting and frit hug j of the 1 cgi« ature, will run two lines of Stages, , • j with ample accoimnodutious, between Madison and Eaton ton. I weaving Mtdison. on and after October 26th, : after the arrival at Madison ol the night trains ; .! on the Georgia Railroad from Atlanta, Athens , , and intermediate points : arriving in Eaton!on it: ! ! time, to connect with the morning trains for Mil- | I lodge vide. Leave Eatooton after the arrival of the even ing trains, arriving in Madison in tune to connect >, j with the np arm down night tra i.s on >he Geor : gia Railroad. Stage Offices, Campbell’s Hotel. Madison; Ka -0 tonton Hwtei, FaU'iuyn. l ’ ! octl9 J. W. *L. L.MOORF 4 ndrew "jTSaksel, " attorSTey. ! A COUNSELOR and SOLICITOR, Marietta, { i Cobb county, Georgia, pnutic s regularly in the j' j Distr.ot Court of the. United States, at Marietta, j the Supreme Court of Georgia. andth*Qup> ri *i j i 1 Court- ,ii tde following counties :—Cobb, ; ul 1- ; 1 ■ ing. Cherokee, Forsyth, Lumpkin, Gilmer, \\b»t j, 1 field, Waiker. I algo attend promptly to ae I curing and collecting claims ;a any of the ad-’ . t J joining Counties. nol y i ;: Gyitls, Pistolss, tfcc. I HAVE JUST RECEIVED A LARGE 1 addition to my former stock ■» t ;( j Guns. Pistols, and. Gu?:i:ing j > ' parutus, which makes ruy as-: rt j^SjjfjbG* ai> thing :u tins i.iarKet and -7 V pectfutly invite the attention m all who are in ! want of any article in the line. It cuimsts in I; part o<— I RIFLES, of my own manufacture. • Double GI NS, by the best makers', steel barrels . Stub Twist, ait varieties; Deane, Adams A Deane’s Repeating Fin tele a supnrb article; I Colt s Pistols, ail sizes; also Allen's Six Burrell j ed Pistols; j Single BurftJled self-cocking Pistols; Ivory and I Wood Handles; | Single barrelled Riflo Pistols, steel barrels; . Powder Ha»ks. Slot Belts, Game Ikigs, Dog Calls, Percussion Gaps, all varieties, Gun VVads, Drink Flasks and (ups, Ely’s Shot, < artridge*' I Powder ant Shot, Bar I/oad. Also, a good assortment of Pocket and Pen i Knives, Scissors, Razors, Ac. Thankful for past I favors lie solicits a continuance. ty.; Guns ro-atot ked and repaired neatly and promptly, and Rifles made to order and war j ranted. noy W. D. BOWEN. | 1) E N \ IS’ ALTEit ATI VE. )>BH'.HtED BY J. DENNIS, M. D., Avockta. Ga.. . IS i LXT BO TTLES. . fT OONJ'AINS, in addition toSaraiipa -1 -I. r: .'.t, the Hydro Alcoholic Extract of Queue 's j Relight, (Stillingia); White A sh. Grey Beard or I fringe Tree, (Chionanthus) , Tincture of May 1 ' Apple or Mandrake, (Paiopr.yllom). and Blood ! Root (Sangulnaria.) In small noses it is Alterative or J.4iXDt ; ve: in I large doses it acts generally as a mild purgahve , —with some as au active purgative. In some i caßed perceptible action on the bowels is ex [ penanced, yet in Liver Com plaints, or in Did "•»* arsing In in an impure slate or ilie Blood, I slrf continued use causes a marked improvement ! in the general health. As an alterative or laxative, it lias been found use:V. ;Q Const pa non of the Bowels, Jaundice. Bi'tiou, Fever, Fever and Ague, hick Headache, Dizziness, various Female Complaints, Chronic Af!'\ lions of the J.’ver, Secondary Syphilis, and •Syj ii.. -id Isea-os. Serofulons Artie t.ous, Sores. Ulcers, Blotches, Cutanooas Eruptions or uis eu--o! the Skin, and a'l other diseases in which Sarsaparilla or alterative ruodi inca are imii-! cat-Mi. Hint it nets upon the Liver, may be known , from the f*t that;a Jar.nrtjco or cases o* Bi iu nei.s it cause it-: • bit 'us evacuations, readily removes umiabirai; ■ h w tinge about the eyes, and upon the skin, and impro c s the health and | spirit;. ibosc who have tried this Alterative for At- S ivute us of the Liver, hay., found tfiat it effects! >acure naturally, and gradually, by improving the t health, and that but tittle no other rv.ecUdue , is i /.*•• ess ary in tb<»« affections. f - l dt! v action on.ihe ijver and purilylr. ■' ■ct upon the blood, made it a groat p oventive • ‘ ,l " K ' r fbihtr* n, lb«, is gen-rally all 1 purgative that Is uetn-i-ary to bo riven amt ! "Uyn as otherwise, is all tin* medicine thu* i« I [-*! 'Y^y to bc B»ven. especially totloHo tr. ub- I .} > i with worm*. >r arteb ’hated .tato of health. ' A proparatlon of SaraiparilU, k,- wrts 1-. bo r u T, w "V™* nc ’ ;de i; w keep lb.! liver healthy ! 1 • ooo.» pure. V -os» who try t will -Red 1 -L VC «a"‘' h > V l rl l ' l, hy prevtiaing • • cktietisaTnl eavij-sj ftoctio up’* * ; L E X THE R >1 K Hl.vf hWf77hV(; AND FACTORY FlNltNli* OAIL.NI Hi voted. Stretched and Co v ‘*!“nie i Leather HKI ’! INi. slioo.. : ,nd dm. 1 " all vi ihs, Ito 24 inches, curried : tl . i - u '•chi’d by imms :d\r q .aliu . .i \ Ll ' ; t"; k 1v ‘j tm l Alsor-Kubhor Beldng an l Parking | ;Wr Uivots n,v! Burrs. , Vc ; IV. R it . ’ IV. lor- Her HriMltas Boiler '-an. Snipper V rt Vvffir;° r ; ' 1 * 1- Aher, and a j ' Sul a,:lnry Fi au '** Vl,r aero in - f u.otiating terms l* Vft «. hßkrm*\\ jEWPftm.. ■ ! So. S4t Broad -st, 2d iloot above bank of Au- , ® U!flil * juns-3ra j iftisrfimf.OHS Abturfismuuts. ! TliK PAPER FOR THE MILLION!! ONLY FOUR COLLARS PER ANNUM! Unparalleled access! INCREASED ATTRACTION! |, IMMEASE CIRCULATION! EVENiIg DISPATCH , Published in Augusta, Ga.. by S i. ATKINSON. i It is issued in the evening, and goes into the j | interior by the four o'clock (P. M.) trains, con- J ' t ! eequently it meat contain i \ j i THE LATEST NEWS! ‘i It has the rfiLBGRAPIfIC DISpATt HES, , I ’ f jl ’ r i o e ss C vi rrent. t Commercial Reports 11 i from alt the loading markets of THIS COUNTRY , * ! i 'AND EI’RGPK ; gives the ACTUAL SALES in tlie ; 1 Augusta iOOTTON AND PRODUCE MARKETS, ’ j and a careftil summary of It is the organ nf no parte, but is devoted to j■' < | popular intelligence and stirring late news. i It i EDITORIALS embrace the be- 1 articles of a \ ! number of the [BEST WRITERS IX THE SOUTH! s who have been outraged to discuss the I STIRRING TOPICS OK Tlffe TIMES J j through its columns. t 1 Its CORRESPONDENCE s more varied and ex- pensive than that of any paper in the State, ein • bracing prompt and vigorous reporters in all i section? of the country, ami regular correspon ; deuce from metropolitan localities. ' Its IJTERiRV DEPARTIim *:!: embrace 4 variety of choice literary prr ;.r, . original I land selected — vrfc 1.••. t■ GENERAL NEWS will range through tV varied current of inter- i r.stiug events, inch dents, accident.-?. and graphic * narrative*, dished up with industry and care— j condensed—boiled r'o'.vu—winnowed—and pro j rented on a clear. ) g.blo sheet, at the low price j of S 4 DOLLARS A YEAR! p..*e. THE WEEKLY Supsia flisptcij, j similar in general character to the daily, 19 u sued every BAI'CKDAY, at $1.50 A YEAP TO (LI BS $1 £ir ; it contains a brilliant variety of cal' ,e matter, at a price within the roach of all. Attention is earnestly invited to these publica- j tons'. Speetrrm copier sent when dmre/l. S. A. ATKINSON, Proprietor, Magnolia whiskey. 50 bbls Pike s Mag oiia Whiskey, from i ‘■' oirect, juat recurved and for sale bv •1031 AH SIBLEY A SONB, 1 c.n 5 No. t>, Warren Block, Notice. 1 HICKEBY beg leave to inform my 1 ;.l ! \U an.l the pubhe in general that i bavo j *V nolosale tuid Hotatl iJRC<: STORE S | riant opposite my former Stand, into the late! I r vpro.-'i OtiiCft, two door® below tbo Post Other* ’ iril r " 1 wi, l >■» mn-.-h plttuM for to I xutrw -an pjft hoerapy . dlb 'TV. harms j I Shirtßii f-'liirtsiii I MAIM; TO ORDER. Also, ai V ' ; ar »P' - i'l'b 1 " v ‘ 00 baml. Vary : I'tta ts. j JfutlS HKESKV .s, opiwelt* I'. S |.j, I _ , Law Curd. /.|Alir.\Nl) A SNEAD, Attorney at ! idli;« c.> Nenb <?ido of Kills, west of Washing ; fi- iu-b >r •*• *. vs ill give attention to any bua> i-csa |< lurusuM • .hi r ■ ;tr;n'. iau4-ly 1 LTIaTON' HOUSE, Atlanta,, Gwiyia, m ■ >’ > «fc KILBY, PRiPKIKtOBj?. ''y. '' j vi-nors. . ■ .** ', Livery Stables are Convenient to t 1•- I louse, where Hnritee, Carnaae-s ~.,a » lt L *l<* may be had at ail tiroes. * ’ 00.. J-2, w * Simpson. i pUI WJ. KILBY. ' pstfllantros JOYK l NEWnTIi *** ' Rheumatic Sufferer* | Ob, the amount or suffering that t ms beeaj a4w ’ cd, and tho thousands of deaths tbit hav occurred for the want of a proper ami timely remedy for this dreadful dia em-o which Is invariably found in LYNCH f » A N TI-RHKCM ATIC pr, WVOR rjIHK only Bitro and radical cure vet X discovered. S- e circular and thefoliowta. CKKTUUCaTKSi . ; I uo hereby certify that aTer suffering sot ! thirty-three years with tbe most excruciating pamfromjChronlc Rheumatism, and fading co permanent relief from any of the many prescriph j lions given rue by different physicians. I an, , now' entirely well, not onlyof Kbeotm.ti<m my iNeP, but likewise of its effects. This r -e w ß * j effected by a preparation styled Lynch's Anti. Rheumatic Pow ders Os these powders 1 uh>k. two dozen. and hare not had aav symptoms of toy Old pains for tbr • « years. The effect upon !me was like magic Within three days after i had taken the first powder, my pains disapjiear | ed, an«t i hev e been entirely clear of them up to ! tb# present time. j To all suffering from Rheumatism Ido hearth fly recommend these powders, confident iy be Moving that you have only to give to* m a trial ! to secure a lasting cure. Most respectfully. Jonx Lixcji. Eatonton, April 22, 1855. ’ I have no hesitation fn saying, that after \m\ ing suffered for upwards ’of thirty year.- with - ; my toes, then my thumbs, wrists ai< km eand , lastly, most excruciatingly in my uc> i, ! took two or three dozen of Lynch's Anti Rheumatic I Powders, and notwithstanding I am old and my constitution much shattered,! have received tb* greatest benefit imaginable; my relief from suffering and pain, l cannot attribute to anything but the powders', tor I have tried everything in vain, that friends could suggest or physician* prescribe. 1 would, therefore, earnest!? ro commend them to every sufferer of this dread fill disease ; let him be old or young Rou’t My kick Eaton ton, April 2.1855. I am happy to state, lor tlio benefit of tbotu who are afflicted with Rheumatism, that a j«er fact cure has been affected in tbe person of a ne gro man of mine by Lynch’* Anti Khenmati t Powders, the ?ai*i boy hat ing suffered with t incessantly for twenty year.-, lost at least one third of his time until he took, tho above j*>w ders. .Since which time, now nearly two years he has been a valuable and constant Ueld’hand never having suffered with Rheumatism since, to the best of my knowledge, and I tnfce pleas ire in recommending them to thus* thus artiict d. MriDmm L. Colli xuswomn. April 10. 1855. I can safely testify to the efficacy of Lynch's Anti-lUie inatic Powders, having been entirely cured of the Rheumatism by ono box some three year* since, after having been severely afflicted wdli it for seven previous years. K.d>. 5,1857. UCT Miiußoxa Sold, wholesale and retail, by the Proprietor J. (i, Gilson, M P . New York and Eatonton Ga., and the i expectable Druggists in the city and < -tiiiii y. Fur sale in Augusts by li.VMR & Li.ITNKR. octl 3m. A Southern Remedy. MAM IIY l-Rnp. o. u, UOOIIM N \>. .Vw vrrooiiMAN H cokkry kx recto » T Ra.M, Ihe medicine that lias created -urh an excttUTient at the North among the Phy sicians, and has been pronounced by all who hav used it as being far superior to any Cherry Pectoral. Woodman's Chern Expo- to runt con tail- J tho act i’. vno dical qualities of tho pure l* coction of Wild Cherry Bark, aud many otba; valuable ingredients that render it l«r fcettof than auy other Cough Medicine in this country RECOMMENDATIONS : Nkw Oklkash, April 9. 1855. ■ DtarSir ■. The public gener.-dly are fully awar o' the thousands of remedies for Ui.sered Lung& I under the titles of Sarsaparilla*, Pills. P las tern, Lin,menus. 4c., that are daily brought to their notice througd the news pup. r-? byway ofadver tis omenta. My object in writing tins note for publication is to induce the public, or ut ieaat those who arc aftbetod, to use one that contaiaa artides ol Heal Prc in Pulmonary Purates. 1 am conscious that in so doing, 1 am acting moat puprofc sionally and derogatorily to the inter ! ■ AS of litedica setonce and the regular practl ! uoners of medicine 1 refer to Woodman a Cher- | r v Expectorant, \vi ich is a scientific remedy ; that I have used with more success than any of. i the usual prescriptions used by Physicians J. M. Maitland, M P GALUTi-r. Miss., May 1. 1855. 0. 0. if iwxtman—Dear Sir : J have given your Ebert v Expectorant a fair trial and am’well , p!i so-d with its tilebetter than any ether . arti. ‘ l ever met wiln. 1 would ]** pleased to I have you send me a dozen but lies by the bearer Kespet t fully. W. M. Mason, m. P. , Tin- prejwratiou ha- attained a wide celebrity ! from the universal successes which has attended its use. I\>r coughs, colds, and in fturt any pul. j ll,l *»*try complaints this medicine, from its poctK ( iiar properties as a<t insolvent. and its w’ ..,g I po'-'-or to a!! irritations of the throat, wi . p;ubu I bly he preferred to any other offered to the pub As an appetizi'i or dyspeptic rented v. it will I also be foand excellent its natural and geuia* | warQ ’th keeping the digestive powers in propei tone. . Remember that this is the only Cough Modi cine that has stood the test of the medical fritter uity. It . sanctioned by, approve, of, and re commended by the leading physicians ol'New York city. Every bottle is warranted to give ! satisfaction or the money refunded, We guar jan toe it to he bettor than any Cherry Pectoaai. j Liver Oil. rr anything else now extant. Price, One Dollar a bottle. . S 1 ! by 1*1,17M8 & MSITNEB, Augusta, Ga.. and m resjtocftibte Druggists. 6mdaw my 4 J. N ( ui:k, .}. Brack, ’ # Murfreesboro; Marietta, Ga J. \. CI. tltK it CO.» WholtsaU and lidail •* «* c? SD COMM IS SION MERCHANTS, MCRFKKESBOHO, tekn. «-Mr t attention given topurrba-ineCraio S 00 l it{n mc , es ~- r - v - w,, ‘h-r, Savannah ; nice p V. C* ;, - , ' o K'*i l tft ; Charles Campbell Mann High, Peter* A Co., .Atlanta •Co I h ,■ ! ’ J.wepii, Montgomery, ai«. ; w s,, PDCO . Ex Kartell"* 1 ’ M,,rfrce6h » r « i Lanier rtfriiUpL __ jan2o wly fresh a,gSrt%Wsii A JO Ever y ID a, -v r AM PREPARED TO FURNISH to the I- <Xv or Country. t.YKRY VORNIKti J A'iii7! g. T PEAT. Cabinet Making and R«- pairing, die. |W H. PROOTY&OO. bavin- dl ,. A!tl) UOI’BK I'ARITSTT KlSltc ' ’ W. 11, PRnr'Tv BbnP nSw "“f' 120 »n<l'*•*. .A" —______ ac ' 9 BOSOMS BOSOMS!! BOSOMS!!! TN SHIRT iiOSOMS my stock is verv 1. large, ami Rome of them ere verv henti'ii r'ZT — . At HERa®.v ■» lUNKETS g SIIVLSL. A B . •^ r Y KA ™ Eh ham cleared ofm I.;. '’ nK ? *“*“•» “ latpolot nIS *" Vrw **- ;,t - in-liol'-y a. Oppoan. C. S Hotel. ( AND PLAINS. I V JJ; 1, 5n-' i sVhh ,l 'V*' lor - V °' SXABC <®B, So tieorgia Plat., ?' rw B , JOSAH SIBIJSY A e. ,K ? . No, 6. Will ran niooit Ha,n *«N Twiikk 1 IR.ADB, 1*5%. »fca Q 1 !, 1 '- 1 IKSSUPUOO.. No. ::n ,Auvu’V."VJ 1 ,k :' r " atoveHi*.(W A. . i,. : . ! t.vcii.t a • 11 •' !%**» 1 »LEs. 1 1 \}; %j. _ 1' V H BKI ' ' I adapted to;!,, upp, oc-ltiri >,u tr - . * | geturad by thorn-.iv for run, ■. iMatemt'. 5 .,,' ;,V '