Augusta evening dispatch. (Augusta, Ga.) 1857-1861, January 28, 1858, Image 1
JUpsta opening JJisjHitlt VOLUME 2. filming ilispaicli. rUBUSBHi daily A\i> wbvu' i~v r>Y S. A. ATKINSON. !;;// ■■■•“ s4w> rmftL** ’ ,e Rwthrw.' r -<> ' subscriptions. Filly j : ’ i , aeut fWOTtucripikMu wul positively j oi itquirea m advance. * I KATKS of aiu khtisivo. . n(^;r li^ 0 " u wl " 1,6 lasertefl by the square -0 -A n, B (IUB w0r.1...) tor 50 centsV tl.«*m ill? t ' *"•' •'" *» «M!<* for c«ch Mil, 32" '•“'‘•••I- «pe to t«.f»i.| : when the lueitheinentls liarrld into the nit, ■ . , ' fOist’inente under live lines »: i i, v insert r, 'i’T* f ,I1 " ll "' l!l " flr -4. anti 5 cents a 1*,.0 r<>r « u-h subsequent insertion. Dailc'^Tw I *'?!* I! b,! inv,rte d in both Hv ! w< seJcly Dispatch at 25 per cent above J hlrlj-Flfih Coii^r«HH. house of RE(’KE.SF.NTAT[YES. Lumber of members, - - . . 034 ala Hama. nxw nmK—Cbntiwid * A Mtalwartlj. 5Wm 11 Muclav “ V U * • i «b« Cochrane ? •’ l,s , h l -' ,wJel ' 7 Elijah Ward 4 bytlney Moore. 8 Hurtteo F Clark tw L w r, U t ,° Q - 9 J °liu » Haskin ® V‘« '°bh. 10 Al. Mem,,/ 1 h M Curry. 1] Win K Russell Arkansas. 12 John /inouirso/i 1 AjJ( reenwootl. El A'-ra-n .4 or;,. - Erin A Warner. 14 Erastun Corning California. !o Edward Dodd 1 Charles !, Scott. 10 Get, W Palmer bJ C McKibhen. 17 franeit E Skinner CONNBCTI, LT. 18 Clark liCochrane t hmiClurk, Jr. 19 Ob-erA Morse 2 Samuel Arnold, 2d20 0 H Jlalieton 8 Sidw 21 u-nry llemutt •1 Mm I) Bishop. 22 />«•„ (}G.eMuin Delaware. 23 Chit,hr IS Hoard 1 Wm Cr Whitlev. 31 An,* pa 1 am/e, i'WRU'A. 2.5 Hi", II M.,: m 1 Geo S Ilaivkins. 26 Emr,/BJ’otiu Georgia. 27 J,'., .1/ Parker * s ' 11 b©ward US M tVi.tni Kelsey * J J •) Crawford. 29 San'l (} AnJreus 0 h i Tni o Am. :‘0 J ,i Siannnn s h l Ihu lrell. 31 S M llumuyht ■> A K Wnght. 32 Israel I fl.uch ! fi Jas .11 -ksort. 88 Hum E Ponton I Jos-I,' //•,'/. At". NORTH CAROLINA 8 A H Stephens. 1 11 11 Show 1 r . U I ' lNolß ' 2 Thomas Ruffin * ll’ hAJiunu . 3 Waneu Winslow ' 2 J /•' /■; oritur!).. 11t) ;; R mnc |, 3 (hreji )j Jo/nt A Gilmer, Am ' 1 11, : Ktlhujy. 1; Alfred M .Scales I •> Inttac N Moiris. 7 Hurl t ruige j f' Tht mart L Harris. 8 T L (ling-man < A Shaw, onto, s Robert .Smith. 1 || 1',..„R,.( 0n j 9 Sarii'l A .Marshall. 2 VV S Orosheek tNoiANA. 3 Leit’.i I) ('ii npl.,‘l! 1 1 W J Nil-lack. 4 .1/ ll \ n-lwU I 2Wm II lioftlish. 0 11eh,,.. M-j, 3 James Hughes. (j ,) HCo kerell i James !: Foley. 7 Aun.n Ifnrlni, o /In IAS ,1:> ,1 ,S/ 1,, ■ 0 James M Gregg. 9LW II ,11 7 Join, G I kit is. 10 Joseph Miller j 5 111 l I am/. ,i„„ ' 9 Sci.ti/ler Cvtfaz 12 S 10 Charier Cate 13 John Stem,an 11 Jihi, tI ~f 11 Chile,.. , Hint lowa. i ') Joseph Horns 1 S.,mm! It Curl,- 10 VP, TmtUm 2 Jtmuhy I),u,t 1 7 M’ru Ltvreuce Ke.vj, <*ky. 18 Ikiij 1 Uii.r 1 Henry C HurnettlO EJirnrtl \. ,'e 2 San,m l 0 l’eyton2o J,..i,m* ■ 3 if 1,1 ' lerioood A-l J A Bit-jam 1 AG I'.ilbott IT.NNS VI,f..N IA 5 Joshua H Jewett 1 Tims ll Florence I 6 John M Elliot 2 A'./ y M,. it, i , H Marshall, Am 3 .hones handy 8 J .uni sU ( lay 4 Henry M Philips | 0 Joint t Mason 5 t.lwut Joins * JO J W .Stevenson 0 John Hick nan Lot tsrAN'A. 7 Hetty Chapman ! 1 hio i.’t- ~ir. .Am 8 J Glancy Jones | 2 Miles Taylor 9 .1 E Hah,Hi 3 Til Havidson 10 John C Ktmi.el 4 J M Samliire 11 Wm I, Den.ut maink. 11 1’ heiily 1 Jr,,, .11 11 uotl 13 Win I! DimnieU 2dmhr J Gilman 11 (1 .1 Gram 3 Xii- . ah Abbott lo Allison Win .- 4 /•'■' "rail If Mm,- 16 John J Aid j 5 / Wa hhume Jr 17 Wilson Reilly •6 t tpk G foster IS John ll fa, M ,If. LAND. 19 Jo Alt CUWc IJ A Stewart 20 Wm Montgomery h -J li llt'ihiii, Ain 21 lla ml JiUci si 1 J Al Hams, .1. , 22 ,S’ A /‘orriutti •• j 4 If W/laris. An, 23 Wm Slemirl 5 Jacob M KimkoßH J htiillis 6 Thus F Howie 25 John Jiiri ma -,eii, riioce isi.wo t 1 It J! If ill 1 A It I,- , , 2 EvtHnton 2 MV,, 1> i. ■ ; ■ Il ir.rdl sot ro t-. , 4lr xlt Cumins 1 JoJm M, yt, ~ 17 An ■■■ Jlartirnnme 2 W IVtvb.. Miles 0 Till. ’■>, On, 3 Lawn i,<, M •<, j* 1 7 !> V- ' .( Ji p itoiti 8 CL nnarrp i Jam, ■ 1. t,;r 9 sh Tiwyw 6 Wm W Hoyco 10 Cal sin OCh.iffte u.s ,• 11 11, r ~ / ihv 1 AG W t kins Ui-e u at. 2 ft i ■ erf, .In, 1 .. „ t |, . ,1. ■■' : 9.. a 4 • ' " tit • i t, V'.es 5 '■ l{ M <bo 7 ■ w ■ 2 C, 1f,.;.' . X 11 j. L Le* ■ ■ 1 t tt. Latte. 2 it, ahio Davis ll . 4 0.. -tigicton i mi; “5 J A Quit man ' ,t / y, 2lf it Tijijet i 1 1- slt ,it . .!■ . .•« j t ( Yog,< * I‘m). „ j»j .M V <»SKV. 7 V, ■ a,:- s (! I . •; '•"/••••' 9 John t . G-tuet li AdriaoJO ts < i, tj . i s I John Huyler ~ A O Jenkins o a Uortendyk-lJ h hklmn.„is.e, , . fVf I '. G tv 11,,,,kins 1 oon.i A t&eariiin 2 Georg- Taylor wisoonh,v j V '," 1 e 7.' K ' ,|S \ JJI " I'l-'ln 1 John Kelly 2 CC ll'„*, W 3 (Jlus BUlmolin,* . , SENATE. Number of members, qo Democrats in Roman, Opposition in Italic. j ALABAMA. MtRSISSirtU j hdement Clay, Jr. Albert G lirown nenj. Itt spat rick Jefferson Davis. ARKANSAS. MtSSOt RI t\ m B Keliustian. James L Green. : Robert W. Johnson.TrustenPolk. j C'ONNI-CTICIT. NEW HAKMHtRE. j Utfai/ette S Pott y. John P Hal, Bum.,id Clark. I CAUEOHNIA. NEW YORK. WmWGwin. Wm nStwa.J. David 1 1 Broderick. Preston Kiny DELAWARE. NEW JERSEY. Martin W Hat, 0 William Wright James A Bayard. John R Thompson. . FLORIDA. NORTH CAROLINA, David L \ nice David R I;,.id J Stephen R Mallorv. Asa Biggs , heoroia. onto. Robert loombs. George h Rngh A l*'rc,l Iverson. Benjamin F \\ijje. , ™“ I ; V , SA - PENNSYLVANIA. Graham N Fitch. William high-r Jesso D Bright. Simon (hmewn ' . ,'I f lUOL- IIIIODF. ISLAND. Stephen A Douglas. Philip Allen. I.t/mim Tm, l, bull. Janet I Simons. IOWA. SOl-TH CAROLINA. George V\ Jones. .h.siab J Evans Jams Harlan J }[ Hammond ~ ~ ™l T ' TRNNESaRB. Jala, 1. / iunupron. John lldl. John J Crittenden. Andrew Johnson LOUISIANA. TLX- J P Benjamin. San HnuUm. John Slidell. Vacancy. MAINE. II a, fin Fessenden. Vermont. Hr,,n,l„d Hamlin. Jatab CoUanier. MA.ssACHisErrs. Solw.nm jgj Henry II , Charles Sumner. vircvr* MARYLAND. R M T Hunter. James A Pearce. .las M Mason Antlra,,/ Kent,,Ay. MICHIGAN. WISOON3IY t.harles E Stuart. Charles Darker /■: /atra : h Chandler. Jams ll Dn.iJtk KeeApitulnlintt. HRNATE. I I>em<m rat • j o|»pf»Bitiai) 25 i flenv or;:li,-. maion’.v ;o. ! , UOVHtS ON KLl'Ki-SL -l ATI-. K-'. j [vinocrat#..; 2 , 9 i I Know Noibings . ; j Biiiok kepnbiii a•• " ’ ■ <) ‘ J ' jIV md;'vi.tut majority v-i. rtail Road Register. ‘ ■A'AVmyV ■ vt ■ WKmP.X AMI ATIA.NT" IUIUIOAD I {Atlanta Ut Chat tan ) Mru niu? 1t.,. V-, 1,41 bt- a vc.- Atlanta I 45 am ' “Hi arrive, ai Chau , R. 4., „ , , .m.„ I „.Tjgiir 1 tain lea-.. s Chat. ]~O ,„ s„.| imv sat Atlanta O.S3a„i, v>, l.t 1 Asset,(t.,r ..Cam, 1.-, to ~n. | NljAt I BsseUßer Gain leav.-s ,'j.„t. 3.10 pm 1 . 1 s i> at Atlanta Ji 22 p ir; iHr.T9(;n.,TTAH.h A. $5. .MMK2S 11. SI- JIJ.OCK. Sup t. • | ATI .A N’T A AND I,A(JIU.\m; ); ULHOAI' | Mormug Fa.^eu*o> r Tram i<vv,~,- AilantaJ in.r . n '‘frives at W-m r«, m 7.20 .1 m t.- • fink I'. - Atlanta*!. oo j. mi Vs r.. ~r »' nnV '.r ' l «-Bl* Ol j ' r ‘’ l "' -"‘ l 1r ' ' ‘ tv '-' 'V f*' 'Ut 4.00 .a tu ‘ . /li lU , ,UUi,rtH ‘ l a m jKv on.uj. I .'as ut l ram Ivaves MV. Point l.;<0 p n: 1 .id! »u riv.-A |,i VfiacKa 10.15 pin i* Al<K 1 1 *v\ ixr p.»!\T, ?..T 50. HFLL, •>u|ierUit.*nileni. } 1 MAfOX AVO W-S TKKX RAILROAD. 1 .lornmg l k r Tn in li avea Ailania 1u.30 a *n! ! t .. , . ‘‘p I*'’ 1 *'’ a, n V v> ,U M *^ n 4.16 a ;n! . wVi nmg I ass gr lr.nn Idhsv Macon 12.00 j»n»: und arrive ~t Atlanu 0.05 p ~1 It AKB r • MjK’O.V, $4. FOt<TK, Superintendent. GtOROU RAUaio.U). j (From Aiujiuta io AtL+nta.) j I-oav Aug"*;:* at . AM.i d! 4 I* M i i Arrive at Atlanta at ! A Mami 104t* M. 1 '• e ''Vf Albmu at I. V M hud. 10 A .M. j Arnvv a Aua- Ua.>so ASi ami 7l* M J odj’-.-jO, A M . tram !V«»m eonnect turmigb to Mom phis. J Faub—ss 50. I Caltn.rl. letVA S-.'k Carolina Itailnxul Train.,. , Arr; \ • ttAugfH'aat I A M and a :;0 I’M. i t : . A ll/ usta ,a li ,\ M an.i SOSP M. i With Western and Aihmfic road ?• aim i An iv ;nr t! tsiU ut iijjP Mmm y ;;.j A j 1 ” AH'iota .-a 145 a M and 1a 30 J- M s u , ' ;< AL'uubi and La.Gran<it Railroad Trains -i vc* at vtiaiLta at 10 (5 Psl aid 700 AM i l lac; c .Ui.inta ut 2A il and 1r M. O- titrt u i.ilt Mac.a J- Wcstcn Hadrmul I Arriv ■at Atlanta. 115. A >!.. and GOSP M I ! Leave Atlanta. 10 30 A. M., and I*2 Xj K ut.' ' j Aihmt Hranrit -Sundays Excepted.. 1 1 ‘ five Anuu ta at 2 30, Night. ‘ :/ ,vv 1200. Night. j < ;Vl AUd us 12 <O. Ni.'nt ! jAf.. "it 10 30, Day. : ! u, ; v, ‘ at Augusta p MonriDjr. i Arrive at Atlanta ll 34. Morning.; j WashiiiifrM tiranch — Sumiv a,- Excevtvd ‘ ‘ •• ,vu • 12 -1 m ring*. i -l’.» \•* '» .1. liill/ItM! . ' ’’o *! '.ii cnivv at Au/DFln ... V.'.'. ;.';.;; Vo , Mori’iua I Arrive at AMauta.. n Marnim ‘ ■ Wtirrcni'm Ilrcnc/i— --! • ' »•*«<« .4',,'., , .. ‘ 1 11 10 00. Mot nil ! ■Arrive at l\ .rrvid -u . . *.m ! - ■ • .... . ■ Arrive fit An,* i-! i 7 r it , Fv,.nii, J 1 r:vt ' ' ! 14. Nijld ‘ ; O',.- *. ; ( ., 4i , AT '• uAT A AS 15 > AVa NX All HAILROa iV 3 ' Acti.-.- c, 2.10. V. M. .( . A. \l. m-i K;35 j* V, v: : ] '-• v v i! ' ■in I' V: k ( ' ... m . !"1 pr... !> a ‘u 1200 .1 o. j •tX F ill'.. d i Sut>erihton<lt*oi. fT N ' 3 AN > t.KoRGIA RAfLHiJAf* ! j *• ■ " :v 4 IH) p m 1 . . . .130 p in I ‘ 4 lIGAI ' KJ 10 vHM» RJO HONDO < 50.000 various brands, for Rale low by JOSIaH SJHI.KY k SONS, AUGUSTA. GEORGIA. JANUARY 28. 1858. ; llliscfllaiifMiL MILL STONES ! WXLL’AIU BRUNNER, Manufa.'lurer of I rtntb §«rr 'iUtlstoius,' A *!P t - a3er L and Cologne! . SO-a.-, Broa :-street, above Upper M*rlrM ' Augntta, Oa. (Orders solicited and punctually i ijj* ■ mm: NOB FOLK OYSTERS! JplIE J NDERSifiXKD Raving com- j I J*. mauced ■ HI fhiß city, am! designing 1,, con (iTSi (* J | duel is extensive!..-. „ a <i in the he mat iier, dc-ires to commend h-x | purpose to the attcution of his U ietids and thv : public. He w,!l prepare and keep constantly on hand | ! for transport -li'iu 10 any part *if the countrv 1 THE BEST FRESH OYSTKiiS. , Vernietricaily “Ottled, Spiced ami Fiied, put up ! j in cans, that the Norfolk market can produce, 1 spi <-d upon an improved pun, importing t< the : Oyster the most delicate flavor, and insuviny . ; Preservation in any climate lor a reason' : : abie |*er:od in their excellence in every n - i ; spm. Ha\ mg had abundant experience in the bnsi ; na««, «‘«“i perfected his plan with tho mud .st; success, he submits his enterprise to the. public. , " Li coidhtencu in his ability 1.0 satisfy th, most fastidious taste. ; Also, Frcab Oysters packed in ketg or tiu spiced in kegs. | , Orders from all parts of the i. Jilj' eol!cited and promptly attended to. Terms ca :h. Address, HENRY FIT7.(SEKALD. Norfolk. ViL : L* Autrusta, Oa. j R ,iU MiLLWRIGHTIMG, kc, rpiIEUNI KRSIGNF.D t,,kn, tbi« .1 thod of Uilons'ii.i: the « <if (K «*U*M** l *‘. r •-•‘-tv* >’'.u they arc i',s|>ar«V c I ; the ere* t'.t'ii and ;< Mist ruction of SAW AND GRIST MILLS ' | UTHKK STrH.M UR WJTKf! HIWgR. /Grin, v, ■' 1 i,, the lu- tfo ir yearn put up rmr,. nu.vt succ.. s-fs:l wor!. nc CIRCH AH \\\ 1 -ertiiij* their compet -i cy togiv.- wneral ! -.iction. Their personn attfintUm will he - v.-j, I when Milled on to go in t.,0 c .uutrv to repair ! ( machinerv. Also, to PATCHING an.l TrBTI.No ! 1 hfLAM BOILERS. t | Travelling ox, in certain cases, will be i ' j required to b« j.:»i l by the employer j -Vil order-, by letter or otherwise, win m*>< 1 i “ Witli prompt ato-nlion “ j -41/ work xuarro l Address, * . , r ISAAC BRANCH k CO., ,i jmtS-Uivr Auj _ , u , 0a PLANTING "OTATUKS. -JL Ty t, y Barr' Jast rev.. vM Lv JIWIAH KIBIK.V Jc SONS, 1 tr ‘-d No. 6 Warren block, j HARPKRS MAG AZIN K.fur February, ! It imjne.l. ;,y jai'io THDi RICII.VRI34 k SON'. ! II I telle R iid (Imks KEPAIRI'J.i with neatness ami dis > l»toh, an,l v.arra’.itvti u, run r.e'i ami t:e- . i 1 goDd time. 1 ? Jewelry repaired nsatt. ,by E. TWKKIIV k CO. <l4 Ne*r the Lower Market Angiai, J7> NGI.TSH TOOTH BRUSIiKS, j -Vc h trejusi ri.o,nv«'l a s,,|,filj'oi fineKug. ■ I list, Tooth Brushes. -4 our own importsu iu. c I ah I I UMH k LEITNER. Young imrrl'a. tttention! PISTOLS Fo!, ( JIRISTMAS. *v« hoy* i'. i r. r«lv«4 a lot of the coWbra- ; . i«J HRIM-'RaCKKu IISTOLs :io ,ta .a,; i /> 9 PI.CMH'S i.HTNKK. | Yledical Books. II .'EST ON THE DISEAr-FH OF WO - MAN. ' | ; !'•■ cs ey - Hum',;, Milith’s floniestio M"",..,,, >, now (tlition F,r.‘ • '■ TO« RICHARDS A SON Bagging and rope. is halos 11 \|3,INC l’.”0 coils Riipk lor rale lovr by 'VIU ON. IUNP* ANSI IT. ; To Renf. 'ffMIA f :iv ■ ami oontnandious A D VIXI.INi. oa r'..,.l ."root, Into this rij , r... i met, .if Major Ili-.trruon-l. J; 'll ! v ' anu rent, ifUr-fttrcJ ;,.ml il, . rejOur... Aj.piy to .‘•'■la, _ Dr. J. M. Hill.. | Country ilt it liants Tuke r Viticr. T OFFER VOU FOR SALE, at ar..asnn- i .JL tbh pri« <*. Drug.-, CbemicAls, Glassware ' j , ‘ ,n ,s - <>!lr h Window (ilass. Putty, Garden heeds I ; all cheap and valuable Fire Proof Mia- ; / crul Pamt.--, and all articles in my li ' | | ness, at nearly N< vv York prices, allowing v.oia i - *l.-4 o»:r»t h r act cash on a bill exceeding $lO. • Ih-i-e give me air%»!. and -end your orders I j v.itij. -L deiui. be* n-fie $1 sav- d . - $/ made. I MM. Ha INKS, f»r o,o' (i - eel. | ' dlB •} door* below the P<>-t Ofii -e. "liaprovi* your Siglir.” Sjl'KGl'AJ 1.1. S t„ suit ullages. Con • J O uv,! . 1 Nji'. rN, |‘ero.',';oplc cmiv ,ai an.l c.-ii, j < ,-'s, lilted LOfr 'ld aa<l silvor sgret :vi« I ’ »y k.TWKKI, kCO <e| NVar t!,r Lower Murkot, A«f, eta. O nPEUFfNE FLOUR. ■ •’* ‘‘.living, -a per ft lie FLOUR, half’aud j ■* • ir •' '• V ’••'-• . r MIUS. P. STOVALL & CO. - s i Sugar ami Coffee. r P ! :’5 h, M'».< cboitv Port" Rico Sugar, | ' m- r ■ W ■ 11' I - »'-1.. 1.. ■ , I'nwlmrca .Alga:'. !; , Ooitue, y • 5 t priinv -Uhtu. davifl h. v: 'I■ It A.Mc.9 - Li' .'.Ri o if. \y WiMniw ■: pi! IV JirtV, ut rtttrans ncwstyl bknKsiin -Me "l H.- , . 1 " v j l.fiiu insurance Cwmpaiir OF HAU'IFORIi Incorporated in 1819. Charter Perpetual. ] i j«-1i Capital—.sl,ooo,ooo. I NSUIU. against !<*» and dumiYgo bv ' i. Fire on terms adapted >j the lb ... ano ! ] | cotijbirLeut with the laws of compensation J JOHN G -LUKfE, Agent at Augusta, and fori . I ‘* wther uarts of the Slate where an agency does » iuiots, S|cts, ft, BOOTS, HOOTS, HOOTS. IP' YOU can get value received fur your laoncy What more do you want. Vet I have concluded to continue to sell SHOES at the muu j ufacturers’prices, with a Uette aided, to keep ; ( bicg? going My Shoes are all warranted to ‘ give eatMhotioc. Perseus in want would do ; W'.rU to give me 4 cal', before buying eisewbere. i JAS. W BURCH, Broa l .stre et. Boors X SHOES. LADriCS' FINE MOROCCO BOOTS LdJles' «• km *• BISKIN'S. “ Morocco 1 • _ ‘ , “ - SHANGHAIS, • I rorsaleby nov24 J. W. BURCH. BIIF FA 1.0 KS. Ill; FF A 1.0 KS ( .i EM'S’ Splendid BUFFALO OVER VI SHOES, ji St 'feivO'! iui<l for sale low bv Hoots Siioes,^l'unks, &cT I HA', E THIS DA V received a SHOE uuiip cepociaMy for Gentlemans' I‘laout ou ■ wear They fro > M the tiling, mol no mistake. ; Also, Mens’ thic k Kip, "'as, BiilTed, Call, ; .fat , and molt I BOGANS. i Beside some leather BOOTS and BUSKINS I -'or Hone. -rrraof,' wear. Call and see them ’ j « __ JAS. W. BI'KCH. BOOTS AND SHOES THOMAS P. LARI'S, 1 i (Bu?''Wor 1 1 E. L. Ft/mmon*,) opposite the Av. (fpUAta ftnW. LADIEU DEPARTMENT. CfiT 1 Ladies' Fine Kid Mo ■ X. ri.tvo Slippers, : I**' ' Fill.-Kid and Morocco 1 i Ladies’ Fine Black Gaiters, heeled, ’ l do do Col’rd do do I <l ° d - Blnek aad colored with • out bools , * . Ltdit-’ fine Black and CoUrd Creole Gaiters* MISSES DEPARTMENT. ■ Mi-sea' Fine Kid and Morocco Slipper? j do do del d'» 3'iskins, do do Black and colored lace Gaiters, do do do do do Congress do* do do do do do Greoli* do CUli. DM ESS ' DEPART)!EXT. Children v' Black and Colored Gaiter -:, i » do Button Gaiters, i do Kid, Morocco and Patent Leather Boots, j Aiwroceo iir ; l’at-Ft Leather Ankb Ties *)■ tt SE? ,tJI v "' ! .-tock of Gentlemens’ 1 Oxiwd W\ .Strap Sho. s. Tie Gaiters. Congre-s l | Gaiters md Pump-sole B> -ts. AU«. House ser i ; v.ants shoes, of every description. N B. la-lh-.-- .in, Gaiters Uhl Slippers | heeled at tho short.vt n *tice. L j '- ElO-ly TO THE PLANTERS. T. I*. I.ARUB, I Suctaso* to E. /.. Symmons, vypotUt thtj Aiiijh..’.' //'y./, Aiiyattii. Go,, H"AB this (laj re eired 16 cases Mens ' - Heavy HItOGANiS for negro w-ear and the 1 j I'ISBWM will And Itt'.iheir advantage to give ' ln - ;v vi- : before ivy,- _ ,■ -- -.vl<or,j. a:, all of tit--1 (i-»'iia are made t. mv mvn order tu-uittbol i"**. -“’A ' “■ K-warranted to ho what we rep-1 : ro-iont th«n, uad a,-, cheap as any More iu the _oete : T. I*. I.AIU S HAi- I HIS DA V naci veti a laree lot -if la,II s' HOC.TBLE-SOI.ED and S ’ - GAIT! ' ett J • *> Ladle,,' K;.l ~«<» Morocco BOOTS, fßf :o; v. , in—vripK' n iud A large lot Gentium, as’ BOOTS and SfloKS. I oi th*‘ iicTt d; scriptlon, himJu-*t come to hand. A iso, Heavy BROGAN'S, for the Planters. noviT \ BORIGINES, V B 0 R i G I N E S . VFI-AV MORE pairs LADIES' FIX BLSKINb, !'•(• sale at half jjrioo, bv 1 aov - 4 J. W. BI'KCH. J ( Kt)RGIA EROGANS. -Just receivetU j M d cast-s Ui In ;, y BROGAN {>HO£S. W;!l . be sold low to close the consignment. THUS. P. STOVALL & CO., nov!2 Gen. Com. .M -’u -N<‘>io Brogans. HUNDRED FAIRS' NEGRO i Bi' >gu ii Sh< from the manufactory of Col Mover, Marietta, to arrive, will be sold at cu-=- ; tomarr prices. otr-iS THOS P. STOVALL k CO. OYSTERS! CYSTERsi? THRESH NORFOLK. OYSTERS always L on hand at the BRANCH ICE HOUSE, bn i Qiuipbeil -street Order i from .hr. country promptly attended to 1 noH2-1 in CHAS. E. I>GOI). aVV A T CHEST « ' ' <w> AND JEWELRY.; SKAR TUI! LUWKU .'IIUKKT, A l VISTA. I EORGIA. E. TWEEDY &Co.|' \\ r E iiitvo a ;;t}fnl assortment of { ▼ G 1 •. V i, r S;!vi r Hunting and Open-Faced Y v • Beia.died Lever and Culinder n AlUii-.S. whio’i a* warrant to run well and <v‘ v p pood U\i\r.f,/r m. • r.heap. Jewelry, now sty!v- and patterns: t-oral and Gold Sethi of Lir Drops and Breast Puis : Garnet and Gold of Ear Drops end Breast ' Phi' ; Cameo and Gold Sett? of Ear Drops and Breast I Pius ; Li.i - ■ (• t;C Breast Pin.'. Fiucrer U. 3& (.auins, l/ief-'. ladies’' Ear Ring?. Ear Drops, Breast Pins ; Gold and .Silver Thimbles, Brace!. L. Porte Men sales, Card Ca k For sale by E. TWEKitV&CO., !< Near the Lower Market. Aug i-ta rioin aml Kan!. HI \T 'R!.i> SAt Ks Ten lies fc: Sit- * { ' ] - V ' - H-.r ! . a: IHO ■ 1 FEE. Jv - IAH S. 1 J‘,V k fit tV >3 •11 1 TION .i.V O:f lIN kl«\ BTSIMPIgS. I cm l ,l, i hiue this <l»v g • 1 tlie aoove bn-inesis -und-'*r the nam-'o: E>- VV, P. *1:1.1. :.v n • They -• 1 ikon the store i ‘ •,-i *t b\ Mils Glmrdny. WiiUeivCo. for pf publpatconage. ‘ \V. V,. gKIFfVn!” ib H. O'NEILL. ! p •: fa, April ,6, 1%~. apfil-lv 1 Corn fcjtaivl;., Eettrl Nigo, A Grm .n Arrow Root. Ta k d«jow and Oat eu. fierloctly Irtwla For sale-I) j-o)6 WM.H. TUTT. : T>OUT WINE AND BRANDY, ■ " -I. E’ ( )r Medicinal [both very tine.] For ! _ - ■ by jim6 WM ■H. TtTl'. j Bacon hiDEkS aud hams. . 5 bade Prime Bacon SIPES, do do do IIAM-, for sale by j. JOS IAH 81BIJ5Y * SONS .< oMarcljoiist Curbs. BEALL *v STUV ALIa, r WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION MEKCHANTJ, e Reynold, UetwMi Jackson ami N'lniotk Streets, - AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. Ii ,''.’.V\ \V\ HAVE removed -o Metcalfs ' te— i.ew Fire proof Warehouse on Reynold, betweeu Jackson and Mein tosh FtreetH. recently occupied by Gilliam & As kin, in tho centre «»f the city, in the vicinity of the principal Warehouse*, and convenient to the Hotels. Being amply provided with good and safe storage for Cotton, Grain, Hour. Bacon and Pro duce generally, we respectfully solicit consign mint', which shall receive our undivided aud . faithful at tenth hi. Family Supplies, and the usual facilities, will be a lorded to customers. ~ Oar Commi.-hi. us for selling Cotton will he S Fitly Cents a bale. WM. M. BEALL. septlß-6m J. W. I. STOVaLL. J. J. Pearce, - WAREHOUSE AND COM MISS] (>v MERCHANT. n AIIHATA GfiOAGIA. n "aVI-. bespeorfully renews tender of bis services in the Storage (. Sale of Cotton, and other Produce. at bis extensive Brick Warehouse, on Campbell . u ar Bones, Brown & Co's Hardware Cash Advances, Bagging, Rope and Family Supplies forwarded to Patrons as heretofore. Commissions for Selling Cotton, after the first . of September next, will ho Fib. Cents per bale. aug2B.6m j.‘ j. PEARCE. J, R. SIMPMON, (s-rrm«op. to simps. ,v 4 uakmnkk. > warehouse and commission merchant »- Com r Reynold* and M hu M .<••.. a uuusta Ga OONTiNUE THE WARE -0 bouse and Commission Business iu all * ™™*t -its branches, at the old stand of Simpson k Gardiner, and hopes by strict personal atten tton to the interests of his frK ii.i an( | Patrons ' to merit a coutuance of the liberal patronage heretofore bestowed upon the old firm. Cash advances made on Protbico in store, when desired. Bagging, Rope, and Family sup tdies. furnished at the lowest market rates. Commission lor selling Cotton, 60 et.-; per bale, aug 24 6 m ! PLANTERS a X D M K R C It A NTS j Wareliouse. rfWTF undersigned would respectfully ar,nouncc their friends, and the ; public, that they Lave associated ,; t iviU'elv-.r- together in tho | WAREHOUSE AND CU.M MISSION IJUSINK*? 5 1 l rider the nr.nv and style of i*. iv J. L. 1-, ‘j *ud taken the large Fire-Proof Warehouse ot T. i h*. Metcalf, situated on Reyuoid. between Jack ’ j Sot'* and Mclntosh streets. , Hi' charge.- w .!;. omorin t> tie ..Id os tab i;--lied rates, to wit: 25 cents for storage and 261 J cents commi.'sion for selling. 1 j Ail orders for Family Supplies promptly exe*! I cuted at the lowest market prices, i PORTI F. FLEMING, Jv>HX L. FUCMIXG. J Augiusta, October, 1857. oct2 dm. ' DVE ik LAT.IS fE, : WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS ; '\V\ KBSPEuTFULLY ANNOUNCE j > W-4-C to their friend aid the t;»«? public go 1 feraliy, tint they have formed a cooimr . j turn lb the above bUMti. >, a:..i have biased the I ue-proo of Colt li.utou. North side I ol Reynolds street, and recently -ccupied bv Mr' :G. 1.. Ander-on. From tl eir long experience • they flatter themselves that thev will b t - eua bled to give entire sariHfuetioa* to those who may favor them with ccn.-:guinents of Cotton, or ctbor produce. Their prompt personal atten tion will be given to order*; for Bagging, Rope, etc., and purchasing of Family supplies at the lowest market rate- . Also, to the for warding of Goods consigned to their friends in ! the interior. Liberal cash aevanees made, when desired by our customers. Our charges will be the same as those of other house, in the city,! engaged in the same business. JAMES M. DYE, a»£ 1 6in AN’DRFW G. LA TASTE- ! REFS <v; fil.Yi'OA, • WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS,! Juckson Street, -t fo/y.'-'i, Georgia SViV VV ’ ILL CONTINUE THE WARE , houto and tV.mmi,>iou Business at • are prot ~ wBI de vote their personal attention to the interest? of their friends and patrons. Orders for fmnilv , supplies, bagging, rope, etc. carefully filled.' Liberal cash advances: made when" required.! Commissions for selling Cotton, 50 ets per bale ! jqa.v c rek-s. sep 14 ». u.vtox. - M. P. STO\ \U., WAREHOUSE ANi> COMMISSION MERCHANT,! CONTINUES IHE BUSINESS iti all its branches, in h.s J£t '* _ d"e proof War.-Louse, m ..uu-k.-vim-fct 10-ar the Globe Hotel. His strict, personal atten tion will as heretofore, be be given to th? storage : and sale of Cotton, Grain ana pr< dace generally-. | He will when desired, make liberal cash advances! on produce in store. Orders for J maly Supplies, i Baeging, Rope, etc , will be promptly and care luliy tilled at the lowestmarkot prices. Commis sion for selling Cotton, fifty cents per bale, sept 26 *3tn •Jt c. Haralson, : WAREHOUSE AN COMMISSION MERCHANT At the old stauil of L. Hopkins. Augusta, Georgia. septlfi lj «HIJjLI AX T P2IOS PE UTIS J FOURTH year of the Ccsmopolit;m 3Lrt Association:. THK FAMOUS DUSSELDORF GALLERY OF PAINTINGS! Purchase d at a Cost of SIBO,OOO !! !! A PFO WEES' wi)i ld-renownftd statue j a.A- '-‘ 1 lli ‘‘ GREEK SLAVE, re-purchased for. 0y 00, w'th several hundred ntlier works <.i 1 Art. iu Paintings, Sculpture aed bronzes, com-! pi i.-e the premiums to be awarded to the sub- ‘, '' : ■ 'BNP* k the 1 * . •«.: A-.'Ociution. ' •> In, - '..b-cribe before in-- fsth o' January, 1868. ’ , at which time the award' w/i mk.* place. I TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION . Every su : scriber of three dollars is entitled to I, ■I. 1 if I* \hnu rll > , to a copy i’.o 'L'-.m Art Jot :'t. - one year : also. ‘•J ' '*ifi .Go iu the A .vi-; Premiums : .aiso. nto i‘.u 1) . ,urf tu**i Costuo , po' .;iri <wHler'ies. .... ' ■ 1 v u, three i*oj 1 » rhaving «’■ -E, ■ ; • • 'rate i TJVO DOLLAR A n T JO CPXA L, ; : -AIIAC- ' H-( p;-- ", ''vd With tl C*U '■ lh ’‘ ' • -J', by v. bch a ; • • ; n* - * tio.,, t;ms gtvuig to t?v- \ v r -, •; :X'L; iU "- ! - l " r * v vaheoffiv- 1 . j is ‘ ' h, ‘ r-t ‘ 1u? i.apv.osi in fur - ' J -'"ld Ol fc. rriiVil;;.. aud ATI Jdttraft'., . Ugl l.’Artic.ilars of the A-; . .hdl-r archive-; ~ 1 A! t Jouru;'... W -Uyi r-.|- si\j, :u-: u copies will >mt t • ill per- v, I. stamps, (15conts.) Ad*' r<■:-> C. L. DFL.BY, AH.tfiry C.A. A.. .. Broadway, New York. J. A . ADAMS. Hon. A .;_ Candy. ipIFTY BOXES assorted Steam He- j fined Candy, for .-ale bv JUST AH SIBLEY & SONS, j No. 6. Warren Block f i\TEW COUNTRY LAUD. Ax A small lot prime new Country LARD, in I mr« wlii.-li it(.j.. muiAtiii 1 Jltii §oobs. Buv tlifi Best and Cheapest. 1 j James itejuntte-s- XT AH NOW IN STORE one of the best XI and most faßhiouable%tock.* of DRY GOODS ' ever brought to Augusta, and he solicits an ir j speetton >f them by his friends and the public* )f I Being satisfied with very small profits, he us e | confident that his stock will be found cheaper than that of any other in the Trade, fp! five following desirable styles ot good# are tc 5 . be foumi in his stock : i i Rich Silk, Delaine and Cash more ROBB dc j | Qt» 1-1 -L. Rich Silk. Delaine and Cashmere Bayadere jl striped Dresses, Rich Plaid Raw Silks, ie Plain Silks of all colors, Black Silk Robes and Robes de Quille. Rich Figured Delaines, Cashmeres, Merinos, Freud, Merinos, all colors, English ** “ *< A large lot of Delaines, from 12 to 3Tc per yd h Mourning Black Aljtaca, Bombazine and Tamar hue, 8 A stock of English and American Print , e ed Calicoes. A large stock of Mourning Chiu ;oes, U l ' “ Scotch and French Gingham?, •q some ?i3 low as 10 cts per yard. Chenille, Stella, Plush and Woollen Plaid y Shawls. Chenille, Satin and Cruel Scarfs, j Cloth and Velvet Cloaks and Talma.* ■> j Hoop Skirts, " ( Canton Pique Cloths, a comfortable article for _ 1 Basques : India Twilled Long Cloths, plain and striped, ! InsLi Linens and Diapers, of various makes f , J Huckaback, Crash Ac., for Toweling, ■: .SI irtir,?i and Slionltugs, Ilmlsey Woolsev and 1 , j Paoudoon .Hulls, Jl „•* 1,110 iwsnrtmoat of French and Scotch Emb’d " Collars and Sleeves, seperate aim in sett* N ■ Embroidered Misses and Bovs Collar*. ’ Infant’s Robes'and Waists, ’ ; ‘‘ Handkerchiefs! and Skirts. e | “ Silk Hose, ;■ Banda, Edgings and Insertion. 1 ■>! Hosiery, Ac., ’ j Cotton, Tiiroad aud Crotchet Laces, A large variety of Dress Trirnnnugs. LadieD. Misses 1 , Gentlemen’s and Bovs’ Me rino Under vests, j Flannels, ail colors aad qualities. Bed Blankets, Quilts, Ac. In the Millinery Department, Mrs Hejtey has I rnc- of the finest selections of BONN FTPS. i > ; DRESSES. Ac., to an examination of which sb I respectfully invites her friends and the publi ■ djgeneraUy. _ oc*t3 _ j GRAY & TURLE Y, Raving thoroughly removkd to their NEW STOR.'. under the TJ. States j ! Hotel, are i ow receiving a full and complete as-1 sortment of rich and elegant DRY GOODS. • Which, having been purchased for Cash, under! ! l ‘ l ° depressed state of the monetary affairs oi ! the North, enable.* them to offer facilities to dose 1 ; purchaser l ? rarely to bo met with Merchants • . Planters, and the Ladies, particularly, would ! eons ill dmir interest by an examination of our , Duck and prices. Having a resident purchaser j ] ;u the North, we are in the continual receipt of “JOB LOTS** from auction, at unprecedented 1 low prices. f Among our assortment will be found the rich ! *1 and n< v - • DRESS GOODS ol the se ison— ,: su'-ii as Rich and Elegant Cold and Black SILKS, - ranging from 37 y x cents to $5 per vard, (om t Png U) sper:fy all the manufactured ‘‘jaw break- ’ ing'’ names used on such occasions.) ! FUm ol! W«*ol MUSLIN DELAINE, Plain and : 1 b.K::’« cl ; Cheap MUSLIN DELAINES, in grea : L ipin’s beat Black ALnPAt AS ani ■ BOMBAZINES. plantation goods, The very best quality ; 8 <!o OZNABUEOS I'/pst V. all " Fl,ll “* 6eor 8 ;a VL-USiS i Heavy cheap SAmCTTS ■ All W. c! Haul MXSEYS i Blue Stripe ami Haul HOMESPUNS • liro. HOMESI'L V ami JAXKS : , Fine BEI4 BLANKETS, very cheap . i RICH CAKPBTIXUS.—tiuop. )' tie English Tapestry VELVET ; “ BEI’SmS . Superior Three I'iy, On,: Ingram and All Wool 1 1 LAKOTIMG—(net having ronm in our new stern t to keep Carpeting, we will sell them at cu,t and i, 1 charges.) EMBROIDERY. 1.000 Swiss and .lackonet BANDS, from 25 cts j to sl. worth fully double that amount. 5.000 i wiss and Jackehet C(»LI. A US. from 25 to ; v 50 cents, worth sl. 100 tine French worked COLLARS, $2.50 to I $3.50, worth $5 to SO. ■j t ■ wi»s anh Jackonet EDGIG3 aud INSERT- J NGS, in great variety. 11 Embroidered and Hemstitched HANDKER ; CHIEFS, exreeiugly cheap. J 50 fine E tub’d SETTS, $2 toss. exceedingly 1 * cheap. j. In the same department will be ound i j most complete assortment HOSIERY that has ever been in one House in Augusta ' irom the lowest price to the Quest q tulitv. for * i Indies, Gents, Misses and Youths, of every de ’cription. DOMESTIC GOODS Ten case.- line 3 yard wide SHEETING, at 31c., , worth in the Jobbing Houses in New York from ! 35 to 40 cents. Five hales fine Sea Island HOMESPUNS, 6#c ' ! Ten cases line CAI.IGp, warranted fast colors ! !or the money returned, for 6A cents, worth I j 10 to 12 l 4 cents. 1 ( LINEN GOODS.! Tin- best ami cheipcst LINKS’* that, hits ovor I, i been known lit sell in Augusta, under am < v 1 . t .'.ift't.'iocct, are now on our shelves, anti only , i I tut examination To convince the nio-t , ,I > tuliou.o or the great tavlng in pit-clio-in , LtM.N litmus IVom 0-. Sploii.p-l troff t-_ I.iN ’ t'»r 37('flit,-. that Ims never ;■ nc-wti t .l tu Augii-t.t ft.: ie.-a tlllU: vi to 76 ceme Tho mot -t,;.. li. I.INLN liamAkK ev hr.-ttgtu to m.irket at va-tly, .t rat - 1 •l.lmi.lMl'urMsli TOWFXS I. ■<■ tit" tiolh '•4 long, only 12K . nt.-'. wortli«7 com-' «ti-*i« .tita H.tckAbe. k IMAt>KS!S n S | ;at n O r I L TS, ■ —4l - >— DRY GOODS. !; v ' 'V- ■; *' •; ■ ! ■ wjjicii we Mould ;.iv"u iba- ini. h’o I u'i save them a very Sr per cetitiu op •u • <• x.i .. 11 at ion of ou r t t cck. *? VVhite Lead,4tc. j piVi;- HINPiIED jfMloaa LINSEI-lu! W.OM 'Us WHITE LF.Aft, 300 boxes WI NIK *\V GLASS lor sale op usually iow' l*y ' WM. IT. TT.'TT, i n >vo Wholesale aud Retail Druggist. PICKLES. ~ X. 15 do/. Gallon TICKLES, assorted 15 do Half Gallon d.» do 1 15 do Quarter do do t j J - >1- >EWBY & CO., H RAVE OPENED THEIR "Tj -*■ Large and Elegant 33 STOCK OK CLOTHING, FOR VIEX, YOUTHS and BOYS! o<_>iixo Everybody «. AHB GET A FIT! UNDER U. S. HOTEL. j 0 Auguste Ga. ®* *- «» «■ ■- a. ■ •* « m 1)1 Jp CLOTHING, V'OW is the time tolmy the following »rUeles for Men* 1 an tfcy* \v«r rhuap. 1 w h i ll ?vT h '’-y f.l’J 11 ' 1 ,l!> s " 1 ' 1 in «'•'< market: • • , “S 0 * 18 - «*»«• WUMKEW, KOBEn, Fine Cloth and Caosjnturo CoAIS ! tine'll, PANTV. SHIRTS, DRaW- SUSPENDERS, FR WATS * STOCKS. OLLARS, TRUNKS.’ V ALICES. and every article in nur line. CLAY New Confectioner\ r AND FRUIT STORE ! ’■JMIK UNDERSIGNED respectfully an> 1 0 »> H"' GUie- fA.ig.Ht* ami th» !•> ’ gem rail}- that they are now nr. park'd to n n. h WEDDINGS. P ARTIE . BALLS, ; -nonest notice, ami at the lowest prices ; Confident our 1. o Creams Jellies, CUar -1 loti. - R h.'. <. ami general assortment of large atol smiil ' nke.s, will not be equalled ui this ‘■'ty—tli.ll. mir BHI1U! CAKES . JNfV I'YRAMIIH and FKITT 1! V.-dvH m,t easily i,.. surpassed by auv one tn tin- ooaa i:y. wu lii-ueve w<- a-o prepared to plea.-, -lie I fmitidtotm. We a!-*o offer a variety of Ivmmst?.-nno Im port* 1 < INDIES, Cl M. COHDJAJ WINE and BRANDY DROPS. Preserved, Icod. and IMI TAfl'iN l* RUTS, French OU PI I is. BON BONBONIKKES . and for Christmas a general assortment of FANCY GOODS arm TOYS ;at the lowest prices. * A share of patronage resMstfally solicited „ KUSH .VSlliKfUl, .North S- !e Broad-,tree.. nci , r ... Orders from the country raspcctruHy attenda# 10 - IleavyOvercoats for Vctnnn /'VWNI.i; -.,: Boat and Railroad hands "”, ali-l all pel i,-in want of NKi.Ro oVEK ( OATS, will do will in trail and examine our cheap am! well made articles of tl|. kind aov 8 CLANTON A KENNEDY* UIM-op Satinet Jackets. WK IIA V K A LOT OF GOOD SAT ff IN! t JACKETS. for plantation negroes, which we will soli for $1 50 to $2. _ 11 oy6 CLAYTON .v KENNEDY. Hip JfK'Kets, ami Satinet Coats und Pants. O* U STUCK of the above articles being too large for the hor> limes w „ of ,(n- them cheaper than the cheap..--t i«. run then down. CLAYTON k KENNEDY. JOHN N. Go'.t“ IARBLE-WOBKRH. MONI MEN FB, of all descriptions, . executed in the be?t> s 9 THK LOWEST PRICK ‘ jm and in the shortest time comp s . with iault'ess workmanship > I Persons in want «.r Marin u .N&r j of any kind are irivi'ed to c-i! Shop on Carnobd! . tre, i tween Broad and Greene stre. ’—3B nov23 JOt£K N ... _ •'*'" ('»»mornniic S I E REOSCOPE . AMONG the latest imenliiina in Op tics, thee is nothing :non< n-tnio ivc or mm..s ng than tit -Gmco-op, rueM,., wu ope \ ;ew ore imprt"tons iron, t M *t re. reprenert. ug t. e inc: t . v tiths n ; Monuments ' • f ' T ." gl- in U *id tidiet ac-tually \ni ts • ’ v i 11 ’’** ire G"* best modeb' for ;,;V . ; J ' :V ll “ 1 ! ' 11 ,:f Poreituj(’oumriea in - u: ‘ ItU l - f *‘»e tiu- i piu lor ornaments, i :u i... . ji j ntjUOIINE’.S, TOliy IS lilill TH ’ j : 1 • ‘ » A* to call ' a * ,J -'C ,:l l * •'■ rd lime., it is Ku-r to ■> e i'r t . i*ty PoUats fpr 1 ' aUlarnautin, r.vNDI.LS, i VPiSLCKDI'A I'l.a INDTCEM ENTS *4 i T AM su.UNotH.fAt.K'h . i VEHICLES, j Cr-rriages. Rookavays, i BAHOt. I'K'j*?!; EV w ttiOKl i IiLOGII>. with and w(h.»ut tups, | aii the is r ’ntouyh now red at • As !. *'Y ;*!. be i" it” 1 tin any Simtfierr iciy IG •ng C"n» tatitiy in Ut- rw» i;«r of good* j1 am enahied to Uer t* l the |hi!gjc something i both fre-h »•.»,•: uew. i lr. a iditipu u> the anove, ! keep uiwav. on ! baud a noth'' r *if Vehicles o’. own unirmiaa », ure j lalfto warrant all work that h*av<*s my store. R. 11. MAY.