Augusta evening dispatch. (Augusta, Ga.) 1857-1861, February 16, 1858, Image 3

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dbroittg Jlispatcl). AUGUSTA tA: FOUR O’CLOCK P. M. FEIJ. 16, ISSS Notice to Advertisers. Advertisements for ttie Eykmxg Disrarcn must "be handed in by eleven o’clock in the forenoon, in order to appear the same day. The heavy pres sure of advertisements upon the columns of uur paper wilt not admit of their reception after tile hour named. Theatre. One of the best audiences we have j seen, both in numbers and respectabili- j ty, was attracted last night by the cap- j ital hill offered for the benefit of Mr. j Edwin Booth. It was a merited com pliment to one of the finest actors on the American stage and we were glad to see it. To-night Mr. Maugham takes a Com plimentary Benefit, tendered him by oar citizens —as will be seen from the correspondence in another column. No one betterdeserves an overflowing house. He has made extraordinary efforts for weeks past, to please our people, and most of the time, we fear, at his own expense. Let him have a bumper this evening. Signor Blitz, Tltis world-renowned Magician, who has actually grown gray in the cause, opened his budget of novelties at Ma sonic Hall, last night, to a good audi ence. The Canary Birds were in fine feather and the Signor himself in one of his happiest moods. If you want to laugh—and who doesn’t?—go to Ma sonic Hall. 5 [COMMVNICATKD. j ■' Address of Rev. J. E. Ryerson, ; Mb. Editob :—I had the pleasure, on Sunday night, in the Baptist Church, of listening to the first of a series of lec tures to he delivered by the Pastors of the different Churches in the city, be fore the Young Men’s Christian Associa tion. of Augusta. The liov. Mr. Kyek -1 sos was judiciously selected to com mence the series, and most happily did he acquit himself. His subject was— The claims of the present day upon ' young men.” After ahantisome introdtiction, tvlticb j( was calculiited to impress upon his au- 1 ditors a sense of their pergonal irnput - tance, he launched out into the broad j current of argument and illustration— , in which it is impossible that vv; shouki follow him and do justice to his manner, his language and the impassioned elo quence for which he is celebrated. The capital points of character which 1 he cowtended young men owe to soci ety, no less than to themselves, to cul tivate. were reverence for God, and things sacred, the predonafoence of right principles, the exitibition of disinterest- i educes, and a religious life. Upon each i of these he dwelt at some length, anil! was heard with fixed attention from i first to last. It is much to be regretted that, ow j sag to some cause unknown tothewriter j the worthy Chairman of the Committee ! ot Lectures had faiicd to give due no- j tire of this address. The consequence, j unfortunately, was,'that a large nun?.- 1 her of those for whose benefit it was de- | 1-vered, failed to be present. The other Pastors of the city will cor - j virtue the series in regular succession : and it is hoped that the young men o' Augusta, particularly those of the Association, will let ro opportunity cf ■ hearing them pass unimproved. , PiIILANTUKOPAS. Acclsta, Feb. 11,1858. Dear Sphynx: —The solution of yon • “riddle," I fear, is vtry alarming tool r! easily frightened hathelov friends, who, ! norloubt, would wish the “state” cool.! 1 lie represented ns being exactly the re- ; vv* ■ and not cxi-eef great ease and lit- ” tie crosses before marriage, and little :( case and great cpieetx after it.” But i those little “E.’s” tuny he little “Em- ’ 1 mas’ or “Emily?,” which would be ! more ylcasant to tltink about than discoaforts of •‘littlecos-.." But allow i me, del r SrnYNX, to ‘‘prop:! From five take five, and in its plane put twice five hundred and fifty—and It will give you the name ct a musical instrument. P. S.—-1 neglected to malt this, this morning, and so take the oppc.rtunity of replying to your riddle of this .evening: letter and vowel—E: ‘Persevere ye perfect men, Ever keep these precepts tec.'” p ; — Teehible Tkausuy.—A log house, about a mile frem Genesee, Wisconsin, was burned on the evening of the >oth ult., acd a Germun woman and her two children, named Werner, were consum ed. Mr. We me i, the husband, was ab sent at the time. It is believed, from circumstances, that flic woman and bet children were murdered, and the house . fired. Suspicion rested upon two men, ! who were loitering about in the ’ neighborhood. Money was presumed to have been the motive, as Werner was ( supposed to have considerable on hand at the time. A Contrast.— -The morning papers l contain from six to nine columns all 1 about the marriage of a boy aud girl in England, and devote just four lines to the marriage of the Hon. Millard Ml]- 1 more. ex-President of the United States! i —Day Bock. _ In New York, Thursday morning. i’.ie I, thermometer indicated 16degrecsatiovO,, zero—the coldest weather of the seas on. I A LAWYER (WITH TWO C II A R A C T E R S. j One coM evening of November ten years ago, a man wrapped in a large cloak, knocked at the door of Mons. Unpin, one of the most able advocates of Parts. He entered, and drawing frem under his cloak a large package of docu ments, laid them on the table. “ Monseur,” said be, “I am rich ; but a lawsuit, which is commenced against me, may ruin me utterly. At my age, a lost fortune is not to be re made. The loss of this suit, would con demn me to the most frightful misery. I came to implore your aid. Here are ; the papers which explain my claims.” | The advocate listened attentively, (while his unknown visitor thus briefly ! explained his business. Then, opening | the bundle of documents, he went through them with the searching rapid ity of his professional eye. They were, at last laid upon the ta ble. “ The action which is announced against you for this property,” said he, “ is based upon justice and right—legal and moral. The property belongs to your opponent. But, unfortunately,in spite of the admirable elaboration of our code, law and justice do not always go together; and, here, the law is on your side. If, therefore, you rest your case entirely on the law,and use without reserve all its technicalities and quib bles, and if the legal points in your fa vor are all stated clearly and ably to the court, you will inevitably gain your cause.” “ No man living,” said the stranger “ can do what you thus describe so ably as yourself. Might I venture to hope that you would reduce your opin ion to writing, and thus render mo itri vulnerable ?” The advocate reflected for a minute or two, and then taking up again the documents which at the first word of , the request he had roughly pushed away, he said he would do as the stran ger wished. On the narrow, at the same hour, the legal opinion would he ready. The client was punctual. The paper was presented to him—accompanied! , with a demand, very abruptly made, for r a fee of three thousand francs ! He stood mute with astonish ment. f “ You are at liberty to keep your mon ey,” said the lawyer, ‘ ‘and I am at liber ty to throw my written opinion into the ' lire.” ■ ' Advancing towards the chimney ap- I patently for the purpose, he was stop j ped by the visitor. * j ‘‘l will pay the sum, ”he said, “but ' I must give you my written acceptance , | for it.” j “ The money in gold,” said the ■ advocate, “or you shall nqt have a | line!” ' The client saw that it was inevitable, and, taking his leave for the moment, returned soon with the coin. He paid it—but in revenge, after gaining his cause, he told the story in every corner of Paris. The journals got hold of it. It was soon as universal as the name and fame of tlie great lawyer himself [.aments were made by the editors ■over the grasping advantage thus taken of a client in his extremity, and even friends expressed their regrets to him for his betrayal of avarice. -But he simply shrugged his shoulders .; and as everything is soon forgotten at Paris, it passed out of the public mind. Ten years passed by; and, a few days'Et a celebration of whic h the dig i nitariesof the courts of law formed a j part, the procession was interrupted by ; u woman, who suddenly sprang from ■ the crowd and seized the hands of Moos, lhtpin, the Proctuem-General. ; “It is he! it is lie!” else exclaimed, las she burst into tears and covered his ! hands witli kisses; “ this is my bene ' factor, my friend, the angel by whose timely kindness I was saved from ruin and spared to educate «jy children !” “Poor woman!” said.SL [lupin “she ■ has lost her reason.” t But no! she insisted *on explaining ’to the bystanders that there was reason l in her tears and gratitude. She stated iit brokenly. Ten years ago, after the death of her husband, a claim was put in by a relative for Use property upon which she had relied tos ipport and edu cate her children. Bhe:resolved to de fend her possession of that which she knew to he her own, and had already sold half of her furniture to pay the commencement of the process—when, one day, a stranger .called upon her.— He abruptly announced his business.— j He told her that the suit, for which she j was running already into expense, would ; he a losing one - that the law was against (her. though justice was on her side— that she had better abandon it, and save what she still possessed. He then! added that, from having been emplov ,ed in the case, he had been able to res cue some portion of what was wrongful ly taken from her. ami li at it was con ; t lined in the bag of gold, which lie laid 'on the table —abruptly taking his ■ leave, her astonished senses ! no opportunity for flianke or inquiry.— i The three thousand franos with which she was thus enriched enabled her to re-establish hersehf with her children.! ‘ and .to commence a timely support of! i j their. And, from that day, she had i been trying in vain to discover who was her benefactor. But his features were I engraven on her heart, and,'thank God, i she recslignizcd and could thank him .! now!” j And sc, after ten years <m»apprecia ition Mons, Unpin s “ grasping avarice” • was explained to his legal brethren and .the public, as quite another thing! I Lilwi some other people, he had two! ! characters—one which the newspapers j made him out to be, and anotlie- and a very different one which he wat: llt« the World Hate Pletj .1 In answer te this question, the icele-t bratetl ddneySmith says: _ “ It is not tree that 'tlie world Late? piety. The modest and unobtrusive piety which fills the heart with a!i ku- : ■ man chanties, and makes a man gentle: i lie others and severe to himself, is an. i 'object nf universal love and veneration, j 1 I But mankind hate the lust of power!-.- ■when it is veiled un/lcr the garb.ofi j piety. They hate cant and hypocrisy ;! t they hate advertisers and quacks ini 11 Ipietj hey do not choose so be insult- j I’d ;'l ,y love to tear Ally and impu- ti ! denoe from the place ahich should only' a (he a sanctuary so- -’he righteous and the! s ! ’good.” E S. i The question has teen asked, why it M lis considered impylitp for gentlemen to j go into the presence of ladies in their 5] shirt sleeves, whilst it is considered in! every way correct for ladies themselves! fc , “Nmjpear before gentlemen without any c: sleeVv. -,t nit I' \ J BENEVOLENCE. A benevolent man was Absolom Bess—. At each and every tale of distress lie blazed right up like a rocket; He felt for all buueatb poverty’s smart, Who were fated to bear life’s roughest part— He felt for them in his inmost heart, But he nevor felt in hia pocket! He did’ut know rightly what was meant By the Billie’s promised four hundred per cent, For charity’s each donation ; But he acted as if ho thought railroad stocks And bonds secure beneath earthly locks, Were better, with pockets brim full of pocks, Thau heavenly speculation. Yet all said lie was an excellent man • For the poor he’d preach, for the poor he’d plan, To better them he was willing ; But the oldest man who had heard him pray, An A preach for the poor-in a pitiful way, t| Could hardly remember him rightly to say Mr. Bess had e’er given a shilling. - Jf\ ■ y - **" ; f' f \ Oh, au excellent man was Absolom Bess, And the world threw- op its hands to bless Whenever bis name was mentioned ; But he died one day, he did, and oh ! But be went right down to the shades below, Where all are bound, I’m afraid, to go Who <tre only good intentioned. CONSIGNEES. By Iron Steamboat Company's Line, per Steamer Augusta. Ramey & Story; Poullain, Jennings & Co; Zim merman k Stovall ; W H Stark ; J Nelson &Co ; Kolb k Phinizy; J Sibley & Son ; Baker, Wright kCo ; Bothwell k Smith ; I) H Wilcox ; Bones, Brown k Co ; H J Sibley ; J W Burch ; Barry A: Battey ; Raker k Qaswell ; Wilcox, Hand & An sley; G T J BGuieu; Haminomi k Lark. OFFICIAL DRAWINGS OF THE Sparta Academy Lottery. OF GEORGIA. The following are the drawn numbers of the SPARTA ACADEMY LOTTERY, Class 275—drawn FEBRUARY 15, 1858 : 2, 60, 48, 7, 33, 77, 62, 40, 70. 63, 16, 16, 72, SJ. The "following are the Drawn Numbers of the SPARTA ACADEMY I JITTERY, Class 27 G— Extra, drawn FEBRUARY 16,1858 : 57, 67, 23, 62, 53, 60, 10, 27, 61, 73, 24, 3, 25. F. C. BARBER, 1 „ L. P., UG AS 1 Commissioners. ; S SWAN k CO., Managers. CommmM Intelligence. Latest dates from I iverpool Jau 30 Latest dates from Havre lan 20 latest dates from Havana Fob. 2 EVENING DISPATCH OFFICE, \ • Augusta, Tueaday, Feb. 16, P. M j ' Cotton—Sales Monday afternoon, 1C bales : 3 at 9; 1 at 9,V; 2at 10; lat 11, and 9 bales at 12 cents. Sales fcO'day, 138 bales : 0 at 10>£; 3 at 11; 90 at 12, and 20at lSj^c. j We h '-ard this morning of the sale of 152 bales at ll\c. — v NEW ORLEANS, Feb* 10.— Cotton.— The de »and has been active, with sales of fully hales, taken mostly K*fore the Indian’s advices » w ere generally made known. Some lots were ~ subsequently disposed of, said to bo at nn ad 1| vance of %c, but the market is too unsettled to s a Imlt of quotations. Sugar— Prices have advanced MOtfc, with a r limited supply efferiug, and the sa es reach Han* . lv 1200 hhds, far.r to fully fair ranging at 4 %(a) 0 ,r >*4e *e> lb. Sfolasses. —S-’/mc 1200 to 1500 bbls. hare been sold to-day a * a. range of for ordinary fto good, and 21 fa)22c for prime and cboior . 201 f to 300 half Wbls at 25fg)28c,according te quality n and 100 very choice at 29c $ gaPon. Whiskey —A few lots extra Rectified sold a 11 18Kfo)19c. and 88 bbls law at 20c ’jft gal. e Exchange —The demand is limited at our quo tatkms : \ London (-dear bi 115).... 7fS)S and fry ct pren Paris 5f.22 tfc7gibf.3s <g> do New York 60 days ct dii S New York Sight ct dis (a) pai u MEMPHIS, Feb. 12.— Provirhm* —Stock light y Clear s.des Bacon, little in market. 12c ; Ribbe< do 10(911 >£<:; Bacon Shoulders JG l '2>loUc; bam? “ ft. d Whiskey— Domestic ranges ai from 20 to 27c Old'Bourbon $1 50f5)52 50 ; TJew Bourbon 50 ( t \ | 75.;'01d Rye $1 50fS)2 50. s * COLUMBUS, Feb. 16.— Cv'on —The receipt? Saturday were 594 bales. 300 bales were suit L a - , prices ranging from l(Ko ll y cts, showing r 0 tf.ecllno of >£c on the higher grades. 9 SAVANNAH, Feb. 15 -CitUm—' Tlie sales focT i p 238 bales : 112 at 11 .v ; ;2o at 12, and 1 bad; rr Nankin at 15c. 5 , j i Shipping Intelligence. a! r- "i-.. r.:;~T'~ ~~litj r —■ 1 SAVANNAH, Feb. Tit—Arrived, stmsbip Tia >s _ j Swan, NY; schr C S Peeslee, l’hila ; stmr Tal> j m ; co, Augusta j Cleared, schr Panic- Townsend, Richmond: ) schr Emily, N York. r.*.* THE OCE.VI STEAMERS. i Sailing Days tn amt from the United Stales ' FROM EUROPE. Z j Arago, A . . Soot' annum, Feb. 10, for N Y ■, Anglo-Saxon, Hr, Liverpool, Fel>. 10 Portland \ i Cunavd, Cun, lv vorpocl, Feb. 13 Boat on ■*• I Cunard, Cun, Liverpool, Fob. 20 \* y - Ariel, Am, Soutbamptcn, Feb, 24 | \ y Ji N. rnerica, Br, Ltveßjwol, Feb. 24 .!.. Portland . i Cunard, Cun, Liverp#* 1, Feb. 27 Boston ■; Collins, Coll, Liverpool March 3 y • Cunard, Cun, Liverpool. March 6.\’ y Fulton. Am, South.tuition, March 10 ...N y _ Cunard, Cun.Liverpool, March 13 .. . .Boston Cunard. Cuji, I Jvcrpoo . March 20...... ’ ’.. \ y • Indian, Br/Liverpool March 24... Porthitol i North S;ar, Am. Southampton March 24 \ y s Cunard, Cun, Liverpool, March 27 s Collins, CoH, Liverpool, March 31 v y Cuqardj Cum, Liverpool April 3 S y - Cunard, Oira, LivefpodS. April' 10 Boston 1 FROM THE UNITED STATES. ) America, Br, Boston Jim Liverpool Cuuanl, eatl, New York. Feb s I.iv-oniool f kangaroo. Br. .Now York. Fob 4 Liverpool t Fulion, Am, New York. Feb 6. i lavre 1 Cunard, t on. Boston, Fab 10 .‘. '..ilverpool , Collins, (till. New York, toil 13 . Liverpool , Cunard, Cun, New York, Feb 17 .... Liverpool - North Star, Am, New York, Feb 20 Bremen , Cunard, Cun, Boston, Feb 24 i iverpoel ( Cunard, Cun, New York, Kerch 3. . 'l.iverpoor Arago. Am, New York, March 6 Havre Ctinerd,Cun Boston March 10.... 'Liverpool ’ Colic.e 0)11, New York, March 13 JJverpoo luna-.d. Cun. New York. March t7 I,iverpool Cunard, Cnn, Boston, Ihirek 24.... 1 iverpool Cuuanl, Cun. New York. March :;i. Liverpool i 1-ulton, Am. Slew York, April:l Havre j Cunard, Cun, Boston, April 7 ” ’ j ivermot ! JJXHiw.’CoHi New York, April id...." .'uverpool ; (unard, uu, New York, April 14 Uverpool ! Conor",'°n, Boston. April 21 Liverpool MftTfci IfSfiRS! 1 ipHE DNHKHHIQNEI) havinß com «.. meuced (lit O Y.S PAR BUSINESS —? , in this city, ui C .irsigiilng to vou-E" J ’ flllCt It CXI-",-! V . Jl. | )i, - j-J ”f manner,« t. commend hi.i I purpose to the attention of Ins Iriendv and the I public. t/o will prepare.u>>l keep constantly esi band ' ■ jr lra .2;ST r *‘ ltiQ,J tc ‘ny part of the. cmintw I HE BUST I’BENII OVKTEKS Hcrmctricaily ’’eateil. 4'picod and Fried, j»ht an , in cans, that the -Vorlotimarket can prod uce , spiced upon an improved plan, imparting to Uk t#jste.r the most delicate flavor, and ihsnrim / their preservation In any elimate for a reason \ in their first extejlence in every re- ’ j Having had abundant experience in tho busi f DO-S. and iKTleete t his plan with Hi" utlno-l : succf-.s, he submits hi - enterprise to the public - „ Sstlfltons u-de* m ” 3 tP - uUilf y «•« m-"d v sptoed’lifkre'- ° y iU:r< p * cke< in kee* or tin, j i Orders from all parts of the country respect- b! fully solicited an 1 promptly intended to. Term- I f c cash. .1 :rHL’NItY ITOM-3ULB or!?. J.ltf-se /. c-c-’i fLa ' a - i --■-b 3 - J»nl4 at 3ngnsto sritfs (Current. WHOLESALE PRICES. Bacon.— Bams #ft 11)4© 12 Canvassed Haros.. .# ft 13 (a) 14 Shoulders #ft 9 0 10 Western Sides #ft 10)4 <S 11 Clear Sides, ft 11X19 00 Kibbed Sides #ft 11 © 00 Hog Round new.... ft ft 10)4 © 11 Baling—Gunny...# yard 15 © 16 Butter—Goshen # ft 23 @ 25 Country # ft 20 © 22 Bricks— # 1000 600 ® 800 Pressed #IOOOI2 19 ©l4 00 Candles— Adaman .# ft 22 © 26 Sperm ft do © 50 Patent sperm #ft 55 ® 60 Cheese—Northern..# ft 12 © 13 English Dairy #ft 14 ffi 15 ; Coffee— Rio #ft 11)4© 12)4 ,! Lagulra #ft 13 © 11 Java #ft 10 © 18 Dnmestics—Yarns # ——l 00 X Shirting # yard 4)4 © 6 h Shirting # yard © 7)4 1 Shirting -...# yard © 6). 6-4 Shirting $ yard 10 © 12)4 6-4 Shirting # yard 11 © 12)4 Osnaburgs .... # yard- 10 © 11 liriiis “ 0)4 Feathers— #ft 35 ffl 37 Fruits—-Apples # hbl 300 © 600 , Oranges # bbl 800 Figs, # box 62 © 100 Raisins # box 300 ffl 400 Cranberries # l>bi 860 © 060 Finh.—Hacker el No 1 # bhl 14 00 ©lB 00 No. 2... # bbl 12 00 ©l3 00 No. 3 # bbl 11 00 ffl 12 00 No. 4 # bbl 650 ffl 600 Herrings # box © 600 Flour.—Country .. # bbl 6uo © 600 Tennessee # bbl 475 © 560 City Mills # bbl 550 ffl 750 Etowah # bbl 500 © 750 Denmead's # bbl 500 © 700 Extra # bbl 700 ffl 7 50 Grain.—Cornln sack# busn CO © 65 Wheat, w hite # bush 110 © 120 Roil #ft 100 © 105 Oats. ...#bush 45 © 60 Rye # bush 70 © 75 Peas # hush 75 © 85 Corn Meal # bush 70 © 75 Gunpowder.—Dup.# keg 700 © 750 Hazard # keg 725 © 750 Blasting # keg 476 © 500 ■ Hay. $ hun. 100 ©l2O Iron.—Swedes # ft 5)4 © 5)4 English, Common, # ft 3)4 © “ Refined, #ft 3* © - hard # ft 10 ffl 11 head—Bar #ft 8 © 8)4 hlme.—Country # box 125 ffl 150 Northern # bbi 150 ©175 humber # 1000 12 00 © 14 00 Molasses,—Cuba...,# gal 26 © 28 Stt Croix # gal 40 Sugar Honse Syrup.# gal 42 © 45 Chinese Syrup # gal 40 -ffl 50 Nalls #ft 4 © 4)4 tills.—Sperm,prime.# gal 200 © 225 lamp # gal 100 © 125 0 Train...., # gal 75 ©IOO 0 Liussced # gal 100 © 105 2 Castor # gal 200 © 225 Potatoes—lrish # bbl 3 25 4 60 Sweet # bush 80 ffl 1.00 Klee— .# ft 4 © 5 Hope—Kentucky... #ft II © 12 » Manilla #ft 17 ffl 18 2 Spirits—Gin # gal 45 © 50 Rum # gal 60 © 60 Whtakey. # gal 26 ffl 30 it l’each Brandy # gal 126 © 200 Apple Brandy # gal 90 Holland Gin # gal 150 ©175 s Cognac Brandy ft gal 800 ffl 600 Sugars—N Orleans, #ft 8 © 9 Porto Rico # ft 8)4 © 9 Muscovado #ft 8 © 8)4 ' Refined C #ft 10 © 11 10 Refined B #ft 10)4 © 1! ■s Refined A #ft 11 ffl 11)4 c Powder, d #ft 12 © 13 1- Crushed #ft 12 ffl 13 :o Salt a # sack 100 ©llO jSoap.—Yellow.. ..#ft 5 ffl 9 a ® COURT CALENDAR FOR, 1858. SUPERIOR COURTS. .y January —Chatliarn, Second Monday, jy Felruanj —Clark, Floyd, Lumpk<«, First Mon* v day. Fr ; lav before second Mooday, Wayne, ' ’ Second Monday, Dawson, Ulyn». Third Mon at day, Forsyth, Meriwether, Walton*. Fourth Monda?, Baldwin, Chattahoochee, Glascock, 0 . Heard,-Jackson, Monroe, Paulding, Schley, Talia ferro. m Mo r -A—First Monday, Ailing, Cliattoo. a, 0 I Cherokee, Coweta, Columbia, Crawford, G win G nett, Madison, Marion, Mitc&tf], Morgan. Web ar stor. Second Monday, Butte, Cass, Coffee, El bert, Fayette, Greene, Pickens, Sumter, Wash ington. Fri ay after. Pierce. Thursday after, ,t. Montgomery. Third Monday, Cobb, Hall, Hart, id Macon, Newton, Putnam, Talbot,Tatuall, Terrell, as Ware. Friday after, Bulloch. Fourth Monday. Campbell, Clay, Clinch, Effingham, Emanuel. • ; Ice, Twiggs, White, Wi.kes. ft) April —First Monday, Carrol, Dooly, Early, •Fulton, Gordon, ike, Rabun, Taylor,* Warren, Wilkinson. Second Monday, Charlton, Haber sham, Hancock, Harris, Laurens, Miller, Scriven. t 5? Tuesd iy after, Mclntosh. Third Monday, Burke, Camden, Franklin, Haralson, Henry, Jones, I.ib a erty, Murray, Oglethorpe, Pulaski, Stewart, Worth Thursday -after, Bryan. Friday after, Wilcox. Fourth Monday, Decatur, DcKalb, j Houston, Irwin, .1 -riper, Lincoln, Polk, Whitfield. Thursday after, Telfuir. May— First Monday, Berrien, Gilmer, Ran dolph,' Richmond, Cpson. Second Monday, Ba -5 ker, Bibb, Catoosa, Chatham, Fannin, Muscogee. Third Monday, Spalding, Troup, Union. Fourth Monday, Calhoun. Towns. Walker. Monday af ter, Dougherty. Last Monda>, Colquitt. June—First Mm day, Dude, Jefferson, Milton. Thomas. Iliii d-Uomiay. Lowndes. )S July —Friday before Second Monday, Wayne. j_ Becond Monday,Glynn. August —First Monday, Floyd, Lumpkin. Se . cond Monday, Clark, Dawson. Third Monday. Forsyth, Meriwether, Walton. Fourth Monday, Baldwin, Chattahoochee, Glascock, Heard. Jack son, Monroe, Paulding, Sclilej', Taliaferro. September —First Monday . Appling, Chattooga. Cherokee, Columbia. Coweta, Crawford, Madi son, Marion, Mitchell, Morgan, Webster. 2d y Monday, Busts, Cass, Coffee, Elbert, Fayette. d Greene, Gwinnett Pickens,Sumter, Washington. n Friday alter, Pierce, 3d Monday, Cobb, Hall, y Hart, Macon, Newton, Putnam, Talbot, Terrel, Ware. 4th Monday. Campbell, Clay, Clinch, d Emanuel, Lee, Twiggs, White, Wilkes. „ October— First Monday, Carrol, Dooly, Early, Fulton, Gilmor, Gordon, Taylor, "Warren, Wil y fcinson. Tuesday after, Pike Wednesday as er, y Rabun. 2d Monday, Charlton, Panuiu, Haber n sham,Hancock, Harris, laurens, Miller, Scriven. y 3d Monday, Burke, Camden, Franklin, Haralson, (1 I Henry, Jones. Murray, Ogletherpe, Pulaski, y | Stewart, Union, Worth. Thursday after, Mont n gomery. Friday after, Wilcox. 4th Monday, . Decatur, DoKalb, Houston. Irwin, Jasper, Lin r coin, Polk, Tattual, Towns, Whitfield. Thursday after, Telfair. Friday after, Bulloch. Monday u after, Effingham. , November —First Monday, Berrien, Milton. I Randolph, uichtttond, Upson. 2d Monday, Uu . ker. Bibb, Catoosa. Muscogee. 3d Mom < , Spalding, Troup. 4th Monday, Calhoun, Wa!': ' . , Thursday after. Mclntosh. Monday after. In . J erty. Liberty,Colquitt. Monday after. J.ih. • ! Bryar. j December.— First Monday, Dade Jeffe*. on. I Thomas. 3d Monday, Lowndes. \ *After 1858, f*n 2d ard3d Monda sJn Febru I ary and 3d Monday in ..ugusf. n - DR. BEAMS’ STIMULiII'ING, OR HOT BITTERS, A Compound Preparation of (Georgia sarsaparilla- I PREPARED BY J. DENNIS, M. I)., ACGUS- I TA, GA. Fur Dyspepsia, Colds and Female Complaints | arising from Colds. TTSEFUL IX VARIOUS DISEASES . a-I of the stomach, such as pain or an uneasy sensation in tlte stomacti, caused by cold nr tie indigestion of food, Heartburn, Ftantnlcncy or wind in thostomaoh, various Female Complaints peculiar to the SOI, 4c. They art upon the I,i ver and Secretions generally. Ilioy assist the di gestion of food and .strengthen the stomach • un on®2 lluve laiaUv e tendency. FOR DY.-PEPSIa.—If food causes pain iu the i stomach, a dose taken immediately oiler meals or as soon as the uneasy sons tion is experi “£♦& ''}}} ll “ P" 0 “ llj assist digestion. - FOR COM)b.—faken at the commencing stage t of colds, they will pro re almost an iuful ibie ’ cure in all cases. Ilioy are also uluable for the prevention and cure of chills in their flrst . FKMAI.E COUPLAOTa A'tiSLW OOUH—if these Bdteiv were takiu bi females immediately after having been exposed in cold or rmny weather, to prevent taking cold or were tfcceii for colds at the- commencement «l being iiafvel!, and their use continued through ' that perse,, they would saves great amount ol sUdering, asd often prercut diseases wlm-li Ire J rcS«‘" r, "“ ,< “* U,talty ’ ci, l’« ci » l| y with young Price, $1 per bo,'tie. For sale by the principal Dr iu r gi-its -p th : s ritv i iiuil by Drc i t- :- a erally. ' J ffliscriiitncons J clothing". AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. RAMSEY & LAB AW, | AT their old stand opposite the Union j Bank, are pflcriug to thfeir friends and ens- j tomers the largest and test Stock of FtII and j Winter Clothing ever oflered irr the city, the mest of the goods having been bought and mauu- 11 factured by us at pur manufactory in New York, almost exclusively for cash. Wc feel coninknt : no house North or South, can beat us in style, quality and price. All wo ask is & call to-ex- i amitic the stock. Among the stock- will be found , Superior black, blue and brown Caster Beaver t FROCKS, Snpr do do do Hoth Frocks, do do do do Btm-nra* do, do do do <l6 Raglan Over sacks, ! Snpr do do do Beaver Over i sacks, : Supr Black and Fancy Side-Band Cassimere 1 Pants, of overv style aud grade. 400 Vests, Velvet. Valencia. Black Cloth. Satin, . Plush, Cashmere, kc. from $1 to $3. 600 super Black Satin Frocks and Sacks. Also, FngUsh Tweed Sacks, from 2 75 to $5. 260 pairs English. French amt American Side band Cassimere Pants, some elegant designs. 500 pairs Oxford Grey ami Black Satin, t Pants of splendid weight, from 1 75 to $2 26. 160 pairs extra heavy-ribbed Br aver Pants. 75 suits of splendid Harris' Side band Casei mere Pants. ICO Blue Blanket Overcoats at 4 to $4 50 ner coat. 160 Blue Blanket Sack COATS, at 3 to $3 50 per co& t. jan 4 G. R. DODGE’S DYEING ESTABLISHMENT, Greene-strut, above Kollock-st. lery dencripti in done. Bleaching and Pressing of Bonnets; Gentle mens’clothing cleansed aud repaired at short notice. Established in T3LACK INKS— -1 > for Writing and Marking —at Dodge’s J Warranted superior 10 any * n usc * G R. DODGE, Oysters! Oysters! AI’iUME ARTICLE OF KOF.FOLK OYSTERS, in one gallon and / —\ ouc-hali gallon kegs, received daily (fc (& J and for sale at the AUGUSTA ICE Nkji/; / HOUSE. They n ay also l e found at R. D. MARTIN’S, over Her soy's store, opposite the U, S. Hotel. Orders from the country addressed to C. EMERY / will be promptly atteuded to. uov2‘3m UTTER AND CHEEKE.' ~ A large supply of both, for sale very cheap * by <126 DANIFE If. WIU'OX. L E A T H E R MACHINE BELTING AND FACTORY FIND NGS. PATENT Riveted, Stretched ami Ce mented Leather BELTING, single and dou ble, all widths. I to 24 inches, curried and stretched by ourselves. Quality guarantied. A large stock always on hand. Also—Rubber Belting and St6am Packing, Copper Rivets and Burrs, kc. ; Washers, Ring Travelers, Roller Brushes, Roller Cloth, Stripper Cards, Pickers, Lag Screws, Lag Leather, and a variety of Factory Findings. For sale on accom modating terms by SHERMAN. JESSUP & CO.. No. 341, Broad st, 2d door above Bunk of Au gusta. jans-3m NEW DRUG AX 1) SEKD STORE. TT La TASTE re- /f rr\ V e spectfnliy informs fat his friends that he has opened a new DRUG and l*fT SEED STORE, at the stand recently occupied by Mr. Wst. Haines, on Broad-st., two doors below the Post Dritcs Office. The Drug and > edicine IffiSjßm Department will be under the direction o Mr. F. J. DEIiKER, an experienced Druggist and Chemist, who will give his strict atteu- jglßx tion to the putting up of physicians’ prescriptions. In the Seed Department, Mr. L. hopes that an experience often years will be a sufficient guar antee that his customers will be supplied with none but genuine seed. Information as to plant ing and cultivating will be always freely given, and at tne command of his customers. F'or the' present, Mr. L. will be assisted by his son, E G. LaTASTE. Mr. L. respectfully solic’ts the patronage of j the public, under full confidence of giving gene- , ral satisfaction. Both departments will be well supplied—the i Medical with the host from the North, tine Seed - from the same, with the imported from the cele brated house of Vilmobj.n, of Paris. jania dawtf lutherroi,l7 ATHIS NEW ST A N I), Corner of Ellii and Jackson Sheets. Nearly iu the Rear of the Globe Hotel. ON THE CORNER BELOW ARCHER'S STABLES, \ Has on hand a full assort i of OUCHf*.HOI-KAWAY’S TOP I and No l’op BUGGIES, ike., which will be sold extremely low and on accommodating terms. AI SO, A full assortment <*f all kinds of materials used by Coach and Harness makers. Arc., such as AXLES, SPRINGS. BOLTS, HUPS. FELLOWS SPOKES. SHAFTS, SINGLETREES. j BANDS. M A LEA RLE CASITNGS, f:nn a mf:i.lfd leather AND CLOTH. PATENT DASH AND HARNESS LEATHER. «C.. &C. Repairing of HARNESS and VEHICLES done ptomptly aua at low prices. VEHICLES man- , ■ ufaetutod to or-ler. Tlie same assortment to be j round at the old stand, corner of Washington f and Reynolds streets, iu rear of the Augusta Hotel. jan*27-3eod !, ;, JUST RECEIVED. German Camomile Flowers, j ‘ Castile Soap, Pear) Barley, Tapioca, Pearl Sago, Morphine. Bicarb. Soda. Hops. etc., otc. i For sale low at the Drug and Seed Store of 1 . fob 2 V. LATASTE, Broad-street. pONGRESS WATER. j \J A fresh supply just received bv feb2 WM 11. p'fT. For chaps. Fresh Hose I.ip SAI.YE, POMADE IIVINE < and ißAMucixsi CREm, arc detigh.ful articles (■ lor chapped hands and tacos. For aluhv A <l2 Pl.Ulili SLEUNIuR. ! r\n.s. “ V/ IJnseed Oil f,on gallons. Sperm do 300 do ■ 1 lamp do 500 Co ' , Tanners do 500 do Castor do ;;00 do Clive do 26baskets i , For sale low by. ftbd ',VM. n. TtTT. I lIK'TY kegs. Bi Cart Soda. 25 boxes Iti I’art isoda iii 1 lb“ papers, lor sain low, bv JOSIAM dlLi/.Ey.f S NS. ' ' Xc. (J. Vf&rruu Block. I r " lj3 - . | J HOBIXSOVS J’ATEXT barlet.—b For sale cj ■<’■• « H. TUIT. i„ jflisfrUannms 3bbrrfetmnds. swax tea?" LOTTERIES. Authorised by the State of Georgia. i CG- $701,000 ! FOR TEN DOLLARS ! ! THE following Scheme will be drawn by 8. SWAN & COMP’Y, Managers of the Sparta Academy Lottery, in each ol th« ir Single Number Lotteries for Februa/y, 1858, at AU GUSTA, Ga., in public, uuder the superinten dence of Comm issiopers. CLASS 1, To be drawn in City of Augusta, Ga., in public, on SATURDAY, February 6, IS>B. CLASS 2 To be drawn in city of i ugusta, Ga., in public, on SATURDAY. February 13, 1858. CLASS 3, To be drawn in City ®f Augusta,Ga,, in public, on SATURDAY, February 20, 1858. 9 CLASS 4, To bo drawn in City of Augusta, Ga., in public, on SATURDAY, February 2T, 1858. ON THE PLAN OF SINGLE NUMBERS t 1 ! Five Thousand Four Hundred and Eighty- Five Frizes ! XKARLY OXB PBIZK TO EVKP.Y XIXE TICKBT3 1 MAGNIFICENT SCHEME! Ti> be. Draron each Saturday in fUbruarfc 1858. 1 Prize of $70,000 1 “ u 30,000 1 “ “ 10,000 1 “ “ .... 5.000 1 “ “ 4,000 1 “ “ 3,000 1 “ “ 2.000 1 “ “ 1,500 4 “ “ 1,000 4 “ “ 900 4 “ “ 800 4 “ - 700 4 “ “ 600 50 “ “ 0 50 “ “ 300 100 “ “ , 125 230 “ “ 100 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 4Prizesofs4oo Ap. lo s7o,oooPrzeare $1,600 4 “ ~ 300 “ “ 30,000 “ are 1.200 4 “ “ 200 “ “ 10,000 “ are 800 4 “ “ 126 “ “ 5.000 “ are 500 4 “ 45 100 *» “ 4.000 “ are 400 4 “ “ 75 “ “ 3,000 “ are 300 4 “ “ 50 “ “ 1,500 “ are 200 5,000 “ “ 20 are 100,000 5,485 Prizes amounting to $320,000 Whole Tickets $10; Halves $6; (garters $250. PLAN OF THE LOTTERY. Tlie numbers from 1 to 50,000 corresponding with those numbers on the Tickets printed on slips of paper, are encircled with small tin tubes and placed in obe Wheel. The first 457 prizes, similarly printed and en circled, are placed In another wheel. The wheels are then resolved, and a number is drawn from the wheel of immbers, and at the •iftme time a prize is drawn from the other - wheel. The number and prize drawn out arc opened and exhibited to the audience, and regis )tered by the Commissioners ; the prize being placed against the number drawn. This opera tion is repeated until all the prizes are drawn out Apjtntxitnatuni Prices. —The two preceding '> and the two succeeding munbors to those draw ing the first 7 ppir.oS will bo entitled to the2S Approximation Prizes. For example: if ticket number 11250 draws the $70,000 prize, those tickets numbered 11248. 11249, 11251,11252, w ill each be entitled to S4OO. If tick* t number 55C draws the $25,000 prize, those tickets numbers: P 548. 549 , 551, 552 will .each bo eutilled to S3OO. and Sv. on according to the above scheme, j The 5000 pri» sos S2O will be determinated b> the last figure of the number that draws the $70,000 prize. For example, if the nnrab* r - drawing the $70,000 prize ends with No 1, then i- i ill the tickets where the number ends in . will d bo entitled to s26 r If the number ends with \o A A, then all the ticket* where tie No ciufein 2 will be entitled to S2O. ami so on to 0 r. Certificates of lockages will be sold : at the fol g lowing rates, which is tin? risk : x Certificate of Package of 10 — SBO a do do do 10 llali do .... 40 i- do do do lOQttgr. do .... 20 do do do 10 Eeighth do 10 In ordering Ticl.ets or Certificates, enclose the i- money to our address for the Tiekets ordered, ou receipt of which they Will be forwarded by first mail. Purchasers can have tickets ending ir any figure they may designate. The List of Drawn Numbers and Prizes will bo sent to purdbaser* immediately after the drawing • #*r Purchasers will please write their signa tures plain, and give their Post Office, County and State. Air Remember that cv ry Prize Is drawn and payable in full without deduction. Air All prizes of SIOOO and under, paid imme diately after the drawing—other prizes at the usual time of thirty days. All communications strictly confidential. v Address orders for Tickets or. Certificates to I S. SWAN & CO., Augusta, Ga. I AS* Persons residing near Montgomery, Ala * or Atlanta. Ga., can have their ordei s filled, and Isave time, by addressing S. .Swan & Co. at either of those cities. feb2 .More Prizes than Blanks! ] ; EVERY OTHER TICKET A PRIZE ! ( Rcgliitmd MoneyLctten at our Risk j CAPITAL PRlfcE, $50,000! ANDERSON & SON’S LOTTERf ! ON THE HAVANA PLAN OESINGLE NUMi’.i-.:!-. JASPER COUNTY ACADEMY LOTTERY. llij Authority of the State of Georgia. CI.ASS GG, 1 Draws Jan. loth, 1855, in public, at Maoon, Ga., under the sworn superintendence of E. C. Bnlkley and Jos. Waterman, Esqs. TICKETS—WhoIes SlO, Halves $5, Qaar ters $2.50. | PRIZES PAYABLE WITHOUT DEDUCTION. *30,000 NUMBERS! 15.G00 PRIZES! SCHEME: I 1 Prize of $50,000? I ‘‘ of 5,00i,| i 1 •* Os £,OO I 1 of :.•.•«# RUOoj 1 | 1 'of 1,000! i 2 Prizes of 500 1,00011 2 of 250 500 1 1 ; 10 “ of 200 2,0001 100 of 100 10,000-^ ,3000 il 0f..; 30 90.000 i 480 Approximate; i>.. • ,utitingto 7,880 j i 15000 Prizes of $8.50. 127,500 * j 15CC0 Prizes amounting 1 $ 19,880 i The 15,dl)0 Pfizes of $5:50 lye determined by the last figure of the number that draws the ■ ‘cubital : Intis art odd number, then every odd number ticket will Mp entitled to $8.50 ; if it is | an even number, then every even number Tick ,ct will be entitled ter $8.50. ’hi addition to am , other Prize the Ticket may draw. ! Bank Notes of sound Banks Take- at par. Checks on New York remitted for prizes. i i Drawings ot Inrge (.'lasses will be published in W w "\ork aud New Orleans Sumlav papers, and • Charleston and Savaunah Dailies. * ; Address orders for Tickets ur Certificates ol , : Packages of Tickets to • ANDERSON k SON, Managers, a Macon or Savannah. Ga.. . , Or, C. A. LATHROP. A-rent. janl Augusta Ga Gimleri Seed. ,4 FRESH SUPPLY of Garden Seeds. • jTV from J. M. Thorburn. N. York, just opened j ‘ j uiidTor sale at the Drug and seed Store of j V I.aTABTE, j - janSO Broad-st., Augusta, Ga. j Slairts" ffiLirts::: H QHIRTS MADE TO ORDER. Also, a N O large supply now on hand. Very cheap— J KI Sir for -Vine Dollars. junlS opposite U.-S. Hotel, j " to rent. | A FINE Id ISEWOOV PIANO FORTE. IX DeoryeHewe. of Doston, maker Apple to R. P. ZiMMER-'AN. ' Jan2G 3awG.vd I, ■ Bayard taylor's northern! TPAVEL< ; Summer and Winter i i turo.-l si u Denmark arid! Laptand* For v j i.:n3o THO*. RiqHARfW A SON. * ! - History of the republic-of i THE UNITED STATES of America. a% tra 1 'ed in the writings of Al -vinoer Hamilton atuL-J >t his Cot*?niporaries, by John C. Hamilton. For n< :t\v.3o TPos » p ■« * gfogUammß ffitrtismcsts. JOYFUL NEWS TO Hlieiimatic Sufferers. Oh, the amount of buffering that has beenendur cd, aud the thousands of deaths that have occurred for the want of a proper and timely remedy for this dreadful dis ease which Is invariably found in , LYNCH'S ANTI-RHEUMATIC I*OWDERS. rpIIE only sure ami radical cure yet JL discovered. See circular and the following CKHTinr atkß : I do hereby certify that, after sntTerlng for thirty-three years with the most excruciating pain from Chrouic Rheumatism, and. permanent reliof from any oftbe many preset ip tions given Die by difl. rent I am now entirely well, not only of Rhcuimatism it self, but likewise of its effects. This cufe was effected by a preparation styled Lvnchlft Aflti- Rheumutic I'owders Os these powders I took two dozen, and Lav not had any symptoms of my old pains for thr o « years. Tlie effect upon me was like magic Within three tlavs after r had taken the first powder, tr.y pains di>.Rppc*ar ed, and I have been entirely clear of them up-to the present time. To all suffering from Rheumatism I do hoarti ly recommend these powders, confidently be lieving that you have only to give them a trial to secure a lasting cure. Most respectfully, Jonx LiXch. Eatonton, April 22, 1855. 1 have no hesitation In saying, that *ftcr hav mg suffered' for upwards ofthirtv years vvjtb Rhemimtism in the most dreadful tone— first in niy toes, then my thumbs, wrists and knees, and t lastly, roost excruciatiugly in tny neck, I took I L WO thre ® doz i*D of Lynch’s Anti Rheumatic 1 owders, and notwithstanding I am old and my constitution much shattered, I have received the greatest benefit imaginable: my relief from suffering and pain, I cannot attribute to any thing but the powders, ior I have tried everything in vain, that friends could suggest or physicians prescribe. 1 would, therefore, earnestly ro comracnd them to every sufferer of this dread j ful disease, lot him be old or young. _ Rou’t Mtrick. ?. Eatonton, April 2, 1855. J lam happy to state, lor the benefit of those who arc afilicted with Rheumatism, that a per feet cure has been affected in the person o* a ne > gro man of mine by Lynch’s Anti Rheumatic 1 Eowdera, the said boy having suffered with it incessantly lor twenty years, logt at least uno l third of his time until ho took the above pow ) dors. .Since which time, now nearly two years ) lie has been a valuable and constant ficld’liaml i never having suffered W|th Rheumatism since I to the best of tny knowledge, and I take ploas i tre in recommending them to those thus afflict* i d. MILDKKD L. CO!.I I*f<-‘— rth. April 10. 1855. i 1 can safely testify to the efficacy of Lynch’s Anti Rheumatic Powders, having been entirely cured ol‘ the Rheumatism by one box some three years since, after having been severely afflicted . with it for seven previous years. ! Fob. 5.1857. LiCY Mh.ukons. 1 Sold, wholesale and retail, by the Proprietor. J. G. Gibson. It D.,-New York and Eatonton Ga.. and the respectable Druggists in the eity and country. Fur sale in Augusta by PLUMB* LEWS o’ctl 3m. • A Southern Remedv. ' MAPK HY rmiF. -I. u. wool tin . N,.Ve%- Orleans ; V\ T <)l-OMAN'S CHERRY EXJPECTO- T Y KANT, the medicine that has created ♦ excitement at the Nor til among the Phy r sioiiuis, and ha,s been promiunced by all who ; have used it H- be ing far superior to any Cherry Pectoral. WoodmanClierry Expectorant con ; tains the utnive medical qualities of the pure lb ! ruction of Wild Cherry Bark, and many other , valuable ingredients that render it far better ■ than any other Cough Medicine in this country RECOMMENDATIONS : Nkw Oklkaxs, April 9, 1856. y Dear Sir: The public generally are fully awu re pi ol the thousand# ol remedies for diseased Lungs, r • under the titles of Saraapariilas, Pills, PlasUrs, a j Liniments, kc.. that are daily brought to tlicir i; 1 uotke tlijcougd the newspapers byway of adver u j ti- i'iuents. My object in writing this note for Ij: publication is to induce tho public, or at least 1 those who are afflicted, to use one that contains |. j articles of Heal Use in Pulmonary Diseases. I - am conscious that in so doing, I am acting most 0 j inprofessionally and defOßatorily to the iuter -0 ests of medical science aud the regular practi 0 tinners or medicine. 1 refer to Woodman’s Cher -0 ry Expectorant, which is a scientific remedy ~ that 1 luvc used with moro success than any of M the lieual prescriptions used by Physicians. * t J. M. Majtlanp, M I>. • GAUATfx. Miss., May 1, 1855. O. O. Woodman —l'ear sir : I have givcu your 0 Cherry Expectorant a fair trial, and am we!/ U P l<, ' l?p d With its effects —better than any ether article lever met witn. I would be pleased to . have you send me a dozen bottles by the beurer Respectfully, \V. M. Maso.v, M. D. j this preparation has attained a wide celebrity from tho universal successes which has attended it 3 us' 4 , for coughs, colds,and in factanv pul . monary complaints this medicine, from its'pecu liar properties as a ditsclvent. and its soothing power to all irritations of the throat, will proba hiy be preferred to any other offered to the pub lic. As an appetizer or dyspeptic will also be fband excellent, its natural aud geniaj I warmth keeping the digestive powers in propel r tone. Remember that this is the only cWh Mcdi. - cine that has stood the tegt of the medi«a! stater- J mty. It is sanctioned by approved of, and re cozumended by Iholeading physicians of New f \ ork c ty. Every bottle is warranted to give satisfaction or the money refunded, We guar antee it to be better than any Cherry Pectoaai Cod Liver Oil, or anything else now extant. Price. One Dollar a bottle. *.|.i hy J'I.O.MB ic I.KIT.N’FIi. Au e u.A*,Ga.. aud all ryiiwjubln HLIMiK'IS I SHHI LS. A * TCJE WEATHER HAS CLEARED -ajL GFF COLD, gentlemen can find a large lot oi the above goods at low down prices at janlß JIEIbSEY’S, opjiosite U. S. Hotel. OSNaBURCS and plains. 10 halos Athens Factorv OSNABURC^ 30 do Schley’s * <io * 20 bales do Georgia Plains, for sale low b - v . JOSJAH BTBLEY & SONS, ,an 3_l No. 6, Warren Block Saddliry, Harness, Trunks, t SPIiI.VG TRADE, ISSS.-3H QHF.RMAN. JESSUP & CO.. No. 341 j Kl7 Tffoad-Ktred, two dpors above the Banka; I ,10W on hand their usual lurg .ind well w »*fecteil assortment iff SAltDl ES I Rf WHII-S, TRUNKS, VAI-’ISES “ nil e v er s' tecrlption of Good a. aidod to the approndiLt. Spring tra.lo. malm l.mtured b) themselvc.-. expressly for tliis mar Ket - AISO, u<ifA l,oa . V ' T ?tOCk of Hardware, Coach Matem l -. >pn»gs, Axles. Malleable Ca.- ting,- an A Band . including a very full assortment cf r reda m tin; line, widen are offered to manufacturers and dealers at low prices juuo 3m L I .'GY HOWARD’S JOURNAL, by Mrs. ].. If. Sigourney, and . f'ebit and Credit, trauslntedirom the fimnao, by 1.. C. C„ with a preface by Christian Charles ■losris Bunsen, it D . 1) C. f... ft. I? H For sale by jau2» THOB. RICHARDS A SON. \cw Hooks. THREE DAYS IN ME.YPHIS, OR Sketches of the public and private life of the eld Egyptians, by Jtr. Max Uhlemann. The riant Hunter- or Ad ventures among tho Himalaya Mountains, by Cant. Jtaype-JSeed To l,l K,ISCS - Narrative, fiy AunaCuha Ritchie author id Autobiograjdiy of an Actress, Mimic Stories and legends of Travel and History for Children, by (.race Greenwood. Tho Rifle Rangers, or Adventures in Southern Mexico, by Cupt. Mayne Reed, beautifully illus »rat. -1 us; received and for' sale bv jam* P and Medicines. • LKAse Ca\LL AND SKE a new sup- . niy nf Drugs an t Medicines, just reteivetf i»t t Drug and .Send Sturo of V. RaTASTK, Broad-st., Augusta Cabinet Making ant iU patrtntf, eke. W 11 WIOUTY & CO. liavij... dig. rs . solved, hy matoaf consent, the under ■ itlied may he round at the same stand, ready to 1,1 ali i' lo s committed to him in the wav of ' ,‘AHINF.T MAKING AND-REVAIUIKO. AND IforSECAR! E'frrlrtJJO. w.h/phouty shop on Washington, between 8.-oott and V.ev. nold-atrcH J<ml9 ' BOSOMS 1! BOSGMSTTI r SHIRT BoS€#s my stock is very all W*®. n are ry bcauti' .1 iciv-:t}w. Call tu and t>vke a look at thorn.