Augusta evening dispatch. (Augusta, Ga.) 1857-1861, March 12, 1858, Image 1
dipsta ir ttt itt g Jptsptcj). VOLUME 2. Anting; sHispaldj.- PUBLISHED DAILY AND WEKKI V BY 8, A. ATKINSON. DAILY, per annum «•! 00 WEEKLY, •• iSO Subscriptions will l>e nce'ivod for three J.’.rtli 3 at si 23. Monthly subscriptions, Fifty ***“ Payment for .subscriptions will positively bo required in advance. THE OFFICE OF THE DISPATCH is on Uroad street, a few doors below Seiz'd Corner, ipst irs) Entrance next door above A. i. Big non & Co.’s Store. KATES OF ADVERTISING: Advertisements will be inserted bvthc square >' 12 lines (100 words,) for f>o cenuffiir the first .nsertion, and 37% cents for each subsequent in nertiou under one month, to he paid for when the a ivcrtiscnient is handed into the office. Advertisements under five lines will be insert j ; :it , 10 a line for the first, and 5 cents a l.r.e for each subsequent insertion. Advertisements will be inserted in both the ..d.iiiy and Weekly Dispatch at 25 per cent above rates. Thirty-Fifth Congress. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Number of members, - - - - 234 ALABAMA. new york —Continu'd I Jas A Stalwarth. 5 Wm J 5 Mnelay 1 E S Shorter. 6 .John Cochrane ‘J Jas F Dowdell.. 7 Elijah Ward 1 Sydney Moore. 8 Horace F Clark • r ) Geo S Houston. 0 John I» Haskin >WIi W Cobb. U) .! L Murray 7JL M Curry. 11 Wm F Russell ARKANSAS. 12 John Thompson 1 A R Greenwood. 13 Abram A Olin 2 Edw A Warner. 14 Erastus Corning California. 15 Edward Dodd 1 Charles L Scott. 16 Deo W Palmer 2J C McKibben. 17 Francis ESkinner Connecticut. 18 Clark B Cochrane 1 Ezra Clark, Jr. 19 Oliver A Morse 2 Samuel Arnold, 2d20 0 B Ma/temi 3 Sidney Dean. 21 Henry Dennett 4Wm !> Bishop. 22 Jlmry 0 Goodwin Delaware. 23 Charles B Hoard 1 WmG Whitley. 24 Amos P Granger FLORIDA. 25 Edwin D Morgan 1 Geo 8 Hawkins. 20 Emory II Dottle geobgiAt 27 John M Darker 1 Jas L Seward 28 William Kelsey 2M J Crawford. 29 Sam'l G Andrews 3 It D Trippe , Am. 50 J W Sherman 4 L J Gartrell. 31 S M />urrougjpt 5 A R Wright. 32 Israel T Hatch 0 Mas Jackson. 33 Reuben E Fenton 7 Joshua Hitt, Am. north Carolina. 3 A II Stephens. IHM Shaw Illinois. 2 Thomas Ruffin 1 ED Washburne. 3 Warren Winslow 2 J F Earn.'worth. 4 LO B Branch 3 Owen hwejoy. 5 John A Gilmer, Am 1 Wm Kellogg. 0 Alfred M Scales 5 Isaac N Morris. 7 Burton Craige 0 Thomas E Harris. 8 T L Clingnian 7 A Shaw. oiiio. 8 Robert Smith. 1 Geo II Pendleton 9 Sain’lA Marshall. 2 W S Grosbeak Indiana. 3 Lewis D Campbell 1 W J Niblack. 4 M HNichols 2Wm H English. 5 Richard Moll 3 J ani es 11 ughes. 0 J H Cockere 11 4 James B Foley. 7 Aaron Harlan 5 David Kilgore. 8 Benjamin Starrow '-6 James M Gregg. 9L W Hall 7 John G Davis. 10 Joseph Miller 3 Janies Wilson 11 Pl dentine-JJMorton 9 Schuyler Colfax 12 S S Cox’ 10 Charles Case 13 John Sherman 11 John V Del 'll 14 Philemon Bliss iowa. 15 Joseph Burns 1 Samuel R Curtis 10 CJJ Tomkins 2 Timothy Davis 17 Wm Lawrence Kentucky. 18 Bcnj F Leiter 1 Henry C BurnettlO Ft ward Wade 2 Samuel 0 Peyton2o Joshua It Gildings 3 W L Underwood A2l J A Bingham 4 A G Talbott Pennsylvania. 5 Joshua H Jewett 1 Thos B Florence 0 John M Elliot 2 E Joy Morris, Am 711 Marshall. Am 3 James Landy 8 James Belay 4 Henry M Philips 9 John C Mason 5 Owen Jones 10 J W Stevenson 0 John Hickman Louisiana. 7 Henry Chapman 1 Geo East is, Jr, Am 8 J Glancy Jones 2 Miles Taylor 9 A E Roberts 3TG Davidson 10 John C Kunkel 4J M Sandige 11 Win L Dewart maine. 11 PLeidy 1 John M Wood 13 Wm H Dimmiek 2 Charles J Gilman 14 G A Grow 3 Nehemiah Abbott 15 Allison White 4 Freeman J I Morse 10 John J Abel 5 I Washburne, Jr 17 Wilson Reilly 6 S iph’ii G Foster 18 John It Edie MARYLAND. 19 John CuVodc 1 J A Stewart 20 Win Montgomery 2 J B Rieaud, Am 21 David Ritchie 3 J M Harris, Am 22 S A Durviance 4 II W Davis, Am 23 Wm S/eieart 5 Jacob M Kunkel24 J L Gillis 0 Thos F Bow ip 25 John Dick MASSACHUSETTS. RHODE ISLAND. I R If Hill 1 A r B Durfee 1 James Baffinton 2Wm J) Bray lon 3 Wm S Dam nil south Carolina. 4 Linus B Comins 1 John McQueen 5 Anson Burlingame 2 W Pore her Miles 0 Timothy Davis 3 LawrenceM Keit 7 D W Gooch 4 M L Bonham 8 CL Knapp 5 James L Orr 9 Eli Thayer G Wm W Boyce ‘lO Calvin CChaffee Tennessee. 1 Henry L Dawes lAG Watkins Missouri. 2 II Maynard, Am 1 F D Blair, Jr 3 Samuel A Smith 2 T L Anderson , Am 4 John II Savage 3 John B Clark 5 Chas Ready, Am 4 J Craig 6 George W Jones 5 S ii Woodson, Am 7 John V Wright 0 John S Phelps 8 F KZollicoffer,Am 7 Sam’l Caruthers 9 J DC Atkins Michigan. 10 Wm T Avery 1 B7n A Howard Texas. 2 Henry Waldron 1 Guy M Bryan 3I) S Walbridge 2J H Reagan 4 De Witt C Leach Vermont. Mississippi. 1 El* Watton 1 Ii Q C Lamar 2 Judin S Monill 2 ltcubin Davis 3 Homer E Boyce •W Wm Barksdale Virginia. 4O Ii Singleton IMIt H Garnet •5 J A Quitman 2 J I Milson new HAMPSHIRE. 3 John S Caskie 1 James Dike 4 Wm 0 Goode •2 M W Tappan 5 Thos S Bocock 3 Aaron Id Cragm 6 Paul us Powell 1 NEW jersey. 7 Wm Smith 1 Isaiah D Clawson 8 C J Faulkner 2 G R Robins 9 John Letcher B AdrianlO S Clemens ] Huyler 11AG Jenkins ] 5 J R Wortendykel2 H Edmundson new york. 13 G W Hopkins 1 John A Searing AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. MARCH 121858. 2 George day]or Wisconsin. I 3 Dan’l ESickels 1 John F Roller 4 John Kelly 2 CC Washburne 3 Chas Billinghund SENATE. Number of members, 62 Democrats in Roman, Opposition in Italic. ALABAMA. MISSISSIPPI. ! Clement Clay, Jr. Albert G Brown. Benj. Fitzpatrick. Jefferson Davis. ARKANSAS. MISSOURI. Win P» Sebastian. James L Green. 1 Robert W. Johnson.Trusten Polk. 1 CONNECTICUT. NEW HAMPSHIRE. Lafayette S Foster. John 1‘ Huh. . James Dixon. Daniel Clark. CALIFORNIA. HEW YORK. 'Vm \V Gwin. Wm HSeward. [ Dadd 0 Broderick. Proton King. DELAWARE. NEW JERSEY. 1 Martin W Bates. William Wright. James A Bayard. John R Thompson. l FLORIDA. NORTH CAROLINA. David L Yulee, David ,S Reid. ’ Stephen K Mallory. Asa Biggs. GEORGIA. OHIO. . Robert Toombs. George E Pugh. Alfred Iverson. Benjamin F Wade. INDIANA. PENNSYLVANIA. Graham N Fitch. Wiliiam Bigler, i Jesse D Bright. Simon Cameron i ILLINOW. RHODE ISLAND. Stephen A Douglas. Philip Allen. Lyman Trumbull. James P Simons. IOWA. SOUTH CAROLINA. George W Jones. Josiah J Evans. James Harlan. J H Hammond. K ENTICE Y. TENNESSEE. John B Thompson. John Bell. John J Crittenden. Andrew Johnson. LOUISIANA. TEXAS. J P Benjamin. Sam Houston. John Slidell. Vacancy. MAINE. ■ Wm Pitt Fessenden. Vermont. e Hannibal Hamlin. Jacob Oollamer. Massachusetts. Salmon Foot. Henry Wilson. Charles Sumner. Virginia. MARYLAND. R M T Hunter. Janies A Pearce. Jas M Mason. Anthony Kennedy. MICHIGAN. WISCONSIN. Charles E Stuart. Charles Durkee. Zaehariah Chandler. James 11 Doolittle. Kcca|)i( ulatioit. NKNATB. Democrats, Opposition Vacancies, * Dcm cratic mafority 10. HOUSK OF REPRKSRXTATIVBS. Democrats, jog Know Nothings, 15 r Black Republicans, 99 Democratic majority 24. Rail Road Register. WESTERN AND ATLANTIC RAILROAD. {Atlanta to Chattanooga.) Morning Passager Train loaves Atlanta 1.45 ain »ii 4 arrives at Chattanooga 9.45 ain Morning Passenger Train leaves Chat. 1 .30 a m and arrives at Atlanta 9.33 a ni Night Passenger Train leaves Atlanta 12.30 p m and arrives at Chattanooga 8.18 pm ■ Night Passenger Train leaves Chat. 3.10 pm j aud arrives at Atlanta 11.22 p m : Park To Chattanooua. $5. JAMES M. SPURLOCK, Sup’t. ATLANTA AND LAGRANGE RAILROAD. Morning Passenger Train leaves Atlanuv2.oo a in j and arrives at West Point 7.2 S a m 1 Evening Passenger Train leaves Atlantal.oo pm! ami arrives at West Point 6.28 p rn j Morning Pass’ger Train leaves W. Point 4.00 a in and arrives at Atlanta at 9.27 a m Evening Pass’gr Train leaves W. Point 4.30 p m ami arrives at Atlanta 10.15 p m Fakkto Wkst Point, 53.50. GEO. G. HULL, Superintendent. MACON AND WESTERN RAILROAD. Morning Pass’gr Train leaves Atlanta 10.30 ain and arrives at Macon 4.15 ain Evening Pass’gr Train leaves Macon 12.00 p m and arrives at Atlanta 6.05 p iu Fauk to Macon, st. E. FOOTE, Superintendent. GEORGIA RAIIJtOAD. (From Augusta to Atlanta.) Leave Augusta at 2 30, A M, and 4 P M. Arrive at Atlanta at 1136 A M and 104 PM. Leave Atlanta at 12 A M and 10 A M. Arrive at Augusta at 8 50 A M and 7 P M. [The 2.30, A. M.. train from Augusta connects through to Memphis.] Fare—ss 50. Conned irith .South Carolina Railroad Trains. Arrive at Augusta at 1 A M and 2 30 P M. Leave Augusta at 10 A M and 8 05 P M. With Western and Atlantic Railroad Trains. > Arrive at Atlanta at 11 22 I* M and 933A M. i Leave Atlanta at 1 45 A M and 12 30 P M. With Atlanta and LaGrangc Railroad Trains. Arrive at Atlanta at 10 15 P M and 7 00 A M Laave Atlanta at 2 A M anil 1 P M. Connect with Macon d: Western Railroad. Arrive at Atlanta, 9 15, A. M., and fi 05. P. M Leave Atlanta, 10 30 A. Ai., and 12 Night. Athens Branch—Sundays Excepted. Leave Augusta at 2 30, Night. Leave Atlanta 1200. Night. Leave Athens 12 00. Night. Arrive at Athens 1030, Day. Arrive ut Augusta 9 00, Morning. Arrive at Atlanta 11 34, Morning. Washington Branch—Sundays Excepted. Leave Augusta 2 30, Night. Leave Atlanta 12 00. Night. Arrive at Washington 7 35, Morning Leavo Washington 3 30. Morning Arrive at Augusta 8 s'. Morning Arrive at Atlanta 11 31, Morning 1 Warrenton Branch—Sundays Excepted. | Leave Augusta 4 00, Evening! Leave Atanta..* 10 00, Morning j Arrive at Warrenton 8 00, Evening | Leave W» rrouton 3 30, Evening j Arrive at Augusta 7 00, Evening Arrive at Atlanta 1 14, Night i G EG. YI )S GE, .Supcrintor dent. ! AUGUSTA AND SAVANNAH RAILROAD. Leave Augusta, 2.10. A. M. and 4 I'. M. Arrive at Mi lien, 4:05 A. M. and 6:35 P. M. i Leave Millen, 5:40 A. M. and 3:45 P. M ; Arrive at Augusta, 9:00 A. M. and 6:47 P. M. Connecting with trains to ami from Savannah and Augusta. C. A. BROWN. Sup’t. SOUTH CAROLINA RAIL ROAD COMPANY. Day Mail amt Passenger Train leaves Augusta at 10 o’clock, A M. ; ami arrives in Augusta ut 2.30 I' M. ! Night Mail and Passenger Train leaves Augusta j 1 at 8.05 PM; arrives in Augusta at Il’ M. j 11. T. PEAKE, General Superintendent. CENTRAL RAILROAD. Between Savannah and Macon. Leave Savannah 1 15, a in, 2 46, p m Arrive in Macon 10 45, am, 12 30, a in i l eave Mawn 9 45, am, 11 30, pni Arrive in Savannah 7 20, p ni, 8 50, a m Between Savannah and Augusta. Leave Savannah 115, a in, 11 16, a m Arrive iu Augusta 9 a in, 7 pm Leave Augusta ..2 am, 345 p in Arrive in Savannah 850 am, 10 55 pin Between Macon and Augusta. Leave Macou 946am,11 30 p m * Arrive in Augusta 7 p m, 9 a in Leave Augusta 2 am, 345 p m , Arrive in Macon 10 45 a in, 12 30 a m | EMERSON FOOTE, Gon’l Superintendent. j EAST TENNESSEE AND GEORGIA RAILROAD. Leave Augusta ~...4 00 pm ; do Atlanta 145 a m do ’Dalton 7 50 am Arrive at KnovvlUe ....130 pm 1 R. C. JACKSON, Super in tonJent Uliseclkmmii. EW LARD. NI cant NEW LARD, just arrived. d7 THOS. r. STOVALL & CO. I I ENGLISH TOOTH BRUSHES. J A’e have just received a supply of fine Eng lish Tooth Brushes, of our own importation. FI.UMB & LETENER. Ittß LARGEST AND CHEAPEST ASSORTMENT OF i BEST MANUFACTUREO UMBRELLAS, PARASOLS, AND I WALKING CANES, j Ever offered in this market, wholesale and retail B JOHNSON & CO , UMBRELLA MANUFACTURERS, No. 147 G, Kiiig-slnrl, I charleston, s. c., Near Wentworth. Wo would roost respectfully call the attention of our friends and the public or the city and country, to our stuck of SILK and OTIIKR I’M BKF.I.LAS. We are now manuUeturing and oiler for sale some of the best Umbrellas ever offered in this market. We are in constant receipt of Silks and Ginghams, manufactured in England under our own special direction, by which means we arc enabled to produ o a better a* tide than can be found elsewhere, which we are determined to sell ;.t the very lowest prices. We have, also, a largo stock of Fine Gingham, Linen ami Cotton ; Umbrellas, and Silk Parasols, Folding Umbrellas 1 for Travellers, and Buggy Umbrellas, v- ito and Without joints. j Also, a large assortment of WALKING CANES. I P. B.—We have also added to the above es j tabli«hn.ent the manufacture of WIRE SAFES, j for keeping provisions, which are warranted su , porior to any imported, and may be had of any ; pattern or size. nov2s Medical Books. | THE DISEASES OF WO- Poae ey’s Human Hhtnlogy. Smith’s Domestic Medicine, new edition. For sole by d2l THOS. RICHARDS k SON. Bagging and iiopk. 75 bales BAGGING, 000 coils ROPE, Tor sale low by imvti WILCOX, HAND * ANSI F.Y. QUPERBTNE FLOOR. O Now arriving, eupertlno FLOUR, half and j quarter sacks, in quantity. I <ls THOS. I>. STOVALL k CO. Sugar and Coffee. . rjIKN HHDS. choice Porto llico Sugar, JL in “ common “ “ JOO Mils yellow Coffee Sugar, 50 bbls Crushed a»d Powdered Sugar, l 250 bags prime Rio Coffee, , bags common 10 bags prime Java, 25 bags prime J/tguira, 25 bags prime Bahia, for sale by uov6 DANIEL 11. WIl COX. /"GOARS. \J 10,000 RIO HONDO, 50.000 various brands, for sale low by JOSIAH SIBLEY k SONS jan!s No. 6. Warrca Bio < /X)LDS AND COUGHS. . vy 6 doz. Wistar’s Balsam Wild Cherry; 10 do Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral; 18 do Syrup of Wild Cherry; 20 do Dr. Jackson’s Syrup Wild Cherry; 12 do Cod Liver Oil; i 5 do Pastilles de Paris. The above execl i lent remedies ior sale low by Icb2 THOS. P. FOGARTY. New Firm. ! rTUIE UNDERSIGNED have this day _L formed a Copartnership under the name : and style of James M. Dyk * Co., for the transac- i tionofaWAßE OUSE AND COMMISSI N BUSI- < NKSS, at the Warehouse recently occupied by , Dye v LaTaste , They will attend to the unfinished business of Dye k laTaste and would be thankful for a con tinuance of tho patronage of that firm, and any ■ other favors their personal friends or the public may be pleased to exteuTl to them. , They will spare no palus to be prompt and at tentive to all business entrusted to them. JAMES M. DYE, THUS. RICHARDS. Augusta, Jan. 29, 1858. feb2*tf rpaa RIDES AND REVERIES of the A, late Mr. .Esop Smith, by Martin F. Tuppcr, I». C. L., author of Proverbial Philosophy, etc. For sale by jaii 20 THOS. RICHARDS &SON. GEER'S MACHINE FOR CUT T I \G. I» \j Ai\l X G ASD MOUI/UXIVG IllEGULilt FORMS. AN INSTRUMENT capablo of per forming nt arly uii tlie Irregular and curv ed work u«ed in carpentry, such as Arches, Gothic Sash, Brackets and Scrolls ; in Cabinet Work, Carriage Building, Boat and Ship Building and S ill Work of all kinds. Persons who have work of this kind are in* vitcd to visit the shop of the subscriber, where they will find a machine in operation. Machines on hand for sale. WM. 11. GOODRICH, oct29 Reyuold-street Mackerel. Wholes, Halves, Quarters and Kits, No.l, j *2 ant 3 Mackerel. ALSO, (to arrive.} i A few packages Mackerel. For sale ,I by JOSIAI f SIBLKY k SONS, _ jan 7-6 No. 6, Warren Block. KICE, —10 tierces prime RICE, for sale low by JQSIAH SIBLEY & SONS, jnudO No. ti Warren Block. VINEGAR. *2O bids. Extra Cider Vinegar, 10 do White Wine do ! For sale by JQSIAH SIBLEY k SONS, janJO No. 6 Warren Block. Planting Potatoes. m\VO HUNDRED bbls. Yellow Plant jiL iu;.; POTATOES : 5 J bbls. Alcreer Potatoeir. for sale br jiUi'Ja-4 POULI.ALV, Jt.N’NTN'GS & CO Negro Mechanics ! mwo good BRICKLAYERS and PLAS i JL TKRERS. and one good TANNER and FI >• I ISHER OF LEATHER, can be hired by the year j or month, or by tho Job, by applying to J. 0. BARKiITT, Madison, Ga. SIX SHIRTS FOR N I N E DOLLARS, AT Shirt Fronts. A LARGE LOT, just received, of all the different styles and prices. Call and see them at janlß IIERSEY’S. I SOAPS. —Just imported and landed bj . Steamer, a large lot of Ixjw’s celcbratei HONEY and OLD BROWN WINDSOR SOAR dl9 PLUMB k LKITNER. HISKEY! WHISKEY*! ! 100 bbls Georgia Planters’ WHISKEY, ' now in Dopot, for d7 'IHOS. T. STOVALL & 00., Agent*. | Aioots, .fljots, Hi 3 Kim and liny. fll P. LARUS has just received Forty i JL • cases of New Goods, consisting in part oi j Mens’, Womens’, Misses’ and Boys’ Jr HOES. | which will be sold very low for cash. fid THE GREATEST SHOE IN THE NATION. OXF THOUSAND FAIHS SOLD! ? I SOT ONE PAIR KNOWS TO RUM! Sewed Through and Through. I' ADIES' KID WELT BOOTS, sewed J through and through. Just received, all j sizes, from 1 to 7, beside a full assortment of LADIES, GENTS. MISSES AND CHILDRENS’ So UB <(» KM , > of all kinds. Call and see them. jan2s JAS W. BURCH. Broad-street. BOOTS, BOOTS, BOOTS. IF YOU can get value received for your money what more do you want. Yetfbave i concluded to continue to sell SHOES at tie; man ufacturers’prices, with a leetle added, to keep , things going. My Shoes are all warranted to j j give satisfaction. Persons in want would do \ well to give me a call before buying elsewhere. : d. 4 .'AS. W. BURCH, Broad stre t. : BOOTS & SHOES. ; T ADIEB’ FINE MOROCCO BOOT’S, liUilira’ “ Kid B “ “ “ BUSKINS. , “ “ Slurocco “ „ “ “ “ SHANGHAIS, j For sale by riov24 J. W. BURCH. buffalols, buffaloes ( 4- K .*^ I ’ s Splendid BUFFALO OVER- V * SHOES, just received and for sale low by mov24 JAMES W. BURCH. Boots, Shoes, Trunks, ; T HAVE THIS DAY received a SHOE - : A. mado especially tvir Gentlemans’ Plantation j wear. They are lust the thing, and no mistake. ! Also,Mens’ thick Kip, Wax, Bulled. Calf, light j and welt I ROOANS. I Beside some Leather BOOTS and BUSKINS, j for HouseServaute’ wear- Call and see them, i 114 JAS. W. BURCH. BOOTS AND SHOES. THOMAS I>. LARUS, (.Successor to E. L. Syminons,) ojtposite the Au. tlgusf.a Uotet. LADIES’ DEV All THE XT. 1 Ladies’ Fine Kid Mo- i N. rocco Slippers, lies’ Fine Kid and Morocco I Uuskius, t Lillies’ Fine Black Gaiters, heeled, do do Ool’rd do do r » ( 1° do Blaek and colored Gaiters’ wit! out heels ; Ladies’ fine Black and Col’rd Creole, Gaiters* MISSES’ DEPARTMENT. Misses’ Fine Kid and Morocco Slippers, do do do do Buskins, do do Black and colored lace Gaiters, d° do do do do Congress do, do do do do do Creole do CHILDRENS' DEPARTMENT ’ Childrens’ Black and Colored Gaiters, do do do Button Gaiters, do Kid, Morocco and Patent Leather Boots, Kid, Morocco and Patent Leather Ankle Ties. ’ A large and well selected stock ofGentlemens Oxford Tins, Strap Shoes. Tie Gaiters, Congres. - Gaiters and Pump sole Boots. Also, House ser rants shoes, of every description. N. B. I-i dies and Misses Gaiters and Slipper heeled at the shortest notice. •itve ns a call. jelO-ly TO THE PLANTERS. T. P. LARUB, Successor to E. L. Summons , opposite ths Augusta Hotel, August it, Ga ., HAS this day received 36 cases Mens’ Heavy BROGANS for negro wear, and the * Planters will find it to their advantage to give B “ c a call before buying elsewhere, as all of the Goods are made to my own order to uit the ‘ trade , and can be warranted to be what wo rep -1 resent them, and as cheap as any store in the ( . Clt y- oct3_ ts T. P. LARUg HAS THIS DA Y received a large lot of Ladi s’ DOUBLE-SOLED and " ... Misses’GAITERS. Also, Ladies’ Kid and Morocco BOOTS. Vl&l of every description and size. * W-Z*- A large lot of Gentlemens’ BOOTS and SHOPS, of the linest description, has just come to hand. Also, Heavy BROGANS, for the Planters. novl7 ABORIGINES, ABORIG 1 N E S . A FEW MOIiE pairs LADIES’ FIN 2 V BUSKINS, for .sale- at half price, Lv ■ nov24 J. W. BUItCH, Flour anti Lard. SIX HUNDRED SACKS Tennessee Su perfine FLOUR. i 400 sacks Denmead’s do. do. 10 half choice LEAF LARD. Just received and for sale bv Janl6 BAKER, WRIGHT (0. Cioffer J 300 bags fair to prime RIO » OFFEE, 50 pockets Java do 50 do do do. very fine, 30 bags prime Laguyra do For sale low by JO3IAH SIBLEY & SONS, AKIN A, Corn Starch, Pearl Sago, X Bermuda Arrow Root, Tapioca and Oat .weal, perfectly fresh. For sale b ja«»6 m WM.H. TDTT. DOST WINE AND BRANDY. _l_ For Medicinal use, [both very line.] For sal-'by jinO WM.’if. TUTT. B~ ACON SIDES and HAMS. 5 hints Prime Bacon SIDES, _do do do HAM , for sale by JOSIAH SIBLEY & SONS, No. t\ Warren Block. THE NE VV JERI SA Lit 31 OR. THEOLOGY OF TIIEXEWCHURCH. \\7 OUKS of Emanuel Swkdf.nbohg etui f f he found deposited at the Young Mens’ Library Association, l'ur the use of the public decl-lv / lALIFORNIA OATS. Ju <t received, a small lot of very supe rior SEED OATS, originally from Californ a. warranted to yield doubb the amount of the conwnon oats, and to weigh from 40 to 50 pounds to the bushel. The history of these Oats, and favorable no tices of the growth and yield by persons in this region, with sample in the sulk, can be seen at our oflice. For sale by THUS. P. STOVALL k CO., d 5 General Commission Merchants. Dissecting instruments.—The attention of Medical Students is solicited t« our complete stock of Surgical Instruments. Ou> assortment of Dissecting Instruments is very large, and we oiler them at prices lower than ever before WM. H. TUTT. DOV IQ Druggist. TENNESSEE PRODUCE. THE undersigned is prepared to exe cute with promptness orders for Bacom, hint, Vheat, Bye, Oats, Corn, Flour, or any other products of Middle Tennessee. D. D. IMCKET, No. 5 College-street, Nashville, Toni. aug2l ly Sags.] A fresh supply received by faW WM. H. TDTT Mardjonse Carts. BEA LZ4 BTOVAUL, WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION MERUITANTJ, I Reynold , between Jackson and M'lntosh Streets, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. HAVE removed to Metcalfs i' new Fire proof Warchomfe on Rt ynold, between Jackson and Mein i i tosh streets, recently occupied by Gilhnm & As-; | kin, in .the centre or the city, in the vicinity of the principal Warehouses, and convenient to the 5 , Hotels. Doing amply provided with good and safe i » storage for Cotton. Grain, Flour. Bacon and Pro duce generally. wo re.-pectfully’ solicit consign j merits, which shall receive our undivided and j faithful attention. t Family Supplies, and the usual facilities, will 1 be afiorded to customers. Our Commissions for selling Cotton will be Fifty Cents a bale. WM. M. BEALL. septlS 6m J. W. I. STOVALT.. J. .1. Pearce, WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION 7 MERCHANT. A UGUSTA GEORGIA. RIvSPECIIFUIjLY RENEWS tender of his services iu the Sto-age I—Wriffwand Sale of Cotton, and other Produce, at his exteusiv Brick Warehouse, on Campbell! Street, n< ar Bones, Brown k Co*s Hardware Store. Cash Advances, Bagging, Rope and Family i Supplies forwarded to Patrons as heretofore. | Commissions for Selling Cotton, after the first of September next, will be Fifty Cents ptr bale, j aug2B-6m J.*J. PEARCE. J, K. SIMPSON, (SCCCESNOR TO SIMPSON * OARDINER.) Warehouse and commission merchant. I Corner Reynolds and M'lntosh-sts.. Augusta Ga ' jWVTT\WtLL CONTINUE THE WAR&| house and Commission Business iu all Wti'lCßrits branches, at the old stand of Simi*son k Gardiner, and hopes by strict personal att»;u-' tton to the interests of his friends and Patrons,! to merit a contuance of the liberal patronage heretofore- bestowed upon the old firm. Cash advances made on Produce irr store,; when desired. Bagging, Rope, and Family sup’ plies, furnished at tho lowest market rates. Commission for selling Cotton, 50 cts per bale, ang 24 6 in PLANTERS AND M E KCHA N TSj "W tti'oliouse. —VTHE uudersignect wouici respectfully l ijli announce to tiieir friends, and the ..-fraKaS*. t!::t>: ic. tit ■ t tiiey have associated tneiuselve- t.-i-v-ther in tho WAR iitllri AND COMMISSION BUSINISB I’udcr tlie nni ,md style ofl>. X .1.1.. Fleming, aud taken tit largo Fire-I*roof Warehouse ut T. S. Metcalf, situated on Reynold, between Jack son and Mclntosh streets. Their charsos will conurni to ti e old estab lished rut- s. to wit; Vi. rents for storage aud 25 cents commission for selling. All orders for Family Supplies promptly exe cuted at tho lowest market pi ices. roUTRR FLEMING, JOHN L. FLEMING. Augusta, October, 1857. oct2 6m. DYE Ok hATASTE, WARFIIOL'.SK AND rOM.MI-i.-loN MERCII \NTS , Sv\ HFSPEUJ’FULLY ANNOUNCE t<» • D ir *ri< nds an ' the the public gi* that th<;y have farmed a counci turn m the above bastes, ami have leased the. fire-proof Warchouso of Col Clanton. North side «>! Reynolds street, and recently occupied by Mr (». L. Anderson. From their long experience they fl, trier themselves i . t they will be oua ble<l to give entire sa : f ’Ction to those who Mi’i> favor them with coe ■ignments of Cotton, or Kt.ier produce. Their i-rompt personal utten- ■ tioii wdl be given t- or.Jers for Rigging J Rope, etc. . and purchasing of Family supplies at the iowc* t market rates. Also, to the for warding of Goods con-,igued to their frier,is in the interior. Literal cash acvances made, when •lesired by our cistoiners. Dur charges will be the same as those of other houses in the city engaged in tho same business. JAMES M. DYE, aug : 6m ANDREW O. LA TASTE* REES A LINTON, WAREII()USE AND COMMISSION MWtCHANT.- 3 j Jackson Street. Augusta, Georgia SaXTV-.WILL CONTINUE THE WARE house and Commission Business at ' tiieir lire iiroof War,-house, and will de vote their personal attention to the interests of their friends and patrons. Orders for family supplies, bagglm:. rope, etc. carefully filled. Liberal cash advances made when required Commissions for scllingCotlon, 50 cts per bale, jqnx c Rkks, sep 14 sam’i. d. ijnton, _ 1 — i JAMBS M. DTE $ CO., WAREHOUSE AND COM .iISSION MERCHANTS, Augusta, Georgia. TfIHE UNDERSIGNED have formed a X copartnership under the name andKCYTT\ style of JAMES M. DYE*CO. lor transaction of a Warehouse and Commis-iT-T*-' .sion Business, at the Warehouse recently occu pied by Dye & LaTastk. They respectfully ten der their services to their personal friends and the public, with the assurance that any business entrusted to them will be promptly and faith fully attended to. Particular attention paid personally to the sale of Cotton and other Pro uce, and also to the re ceiying and forwarding of Goods. Liberal Cadi Advances made on consignments of Cotton and ether Produce JAMES M. DYE. THUS. RICHARDS. Augusta, Feb. 5, 1858. feb24 M. P. S'IOVAU., WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION Augusta, Georgia. CONTINUES THE BUSINESS {Ji ' n branches, in his extensive * ■■ ti-’e proof Warehouse, on Jackson-st near the Globe Hotel, llisstrict personal atten tion wiil as heretofore, be be given to th? storage tnd sale of Cotton, Gram and produce generally, lie will when desired, make liberal cash advances "u produce in store. Orders for Family Supplies. Ragging. Rope, etc , will be promptly and care fully filled at the lowest market prices. Commis sion for s. I'iug Cotton, fifty cents per bale, sept t in C. HARALSOA WAREHOUSE AN COMMISSION MERCHANT At the old stand of L. Hopkins, Augusta. Georgia. -T>tlß 1 y THE IPOTMIM HILL. AUGUSTA, GA. fjp ' ' Proprietor _of ilieV'n-J qualities and at t my assortment, 1 •• *bo -oilowing articles : rgi 1 1 Instruments of .M U and Amerioeu IVr !• ety, Trusses, Shoulder JesBKI ' -cr and Abdominal Sup ' r- ; very variety of '■ nils aftd Toilet Brushes; Lamp Uii.-s, Wi in I . tnp Shades ; Paints, Paint Oils, Patent Broshe*--. Window Glass, Varnishes, kc. ; Meui i inal Wines and Brandies; Burning Fluid am Campheac ; Spices of all kinds ; Pot and Pear A-n », 1-digoes and Dye-Woods Starch. Tapioca Sago, P arl arley and Arrow Root. Also, a cons’ant supply bestSweedish Leeches, Qvintue, Morphine, Elaterium, Sirychnine, Cldo reform, &c. &c M from the most responsible La bor ttorics. Iho preparation of Pharmacopeia! articles is conducted personally by Dr. A. S. RAVENS CROFT, a graduate of the I»ndon College of Phar macy. All articles warranted. T. P. FOGARTY, 195 Broad-st., d'24-tf Under the Augusta Hotel. CIX fr’l.Nh. SJUKItj Ij'OK MiNi!, out,- O i.AIGS, at tau!B HERSEY'S. NUMBER 364 jtj ttooobs. (STORK one of the best ami most fasbicnable stocks of DRY GOODS j ever brought to Augusta, and he solicits an in ' i el them by his friends am, blj “ , Belli.-.’ .-iitislied with very -inultf-oflts* b e ,s conOdent that hU stock will be lound cheaper than that oi any other in tho Trade 1 I The following desirable styles o! 'goods are to ; be lound m Ins stock : j De,aine and Cashmere ROBE de Rich Hilk. Delaine and Cashmere Bayadere striped Dresses, 1 Rich Plaid Raw Silks. Plain Silks of all colors, Rlack Silk Robes and Robes de Quille Rich Figured Delaines. Merintw French Merinos, all colors ' ’ English “ “ 11 ’ A large lot of Delaines, from 12 lo 37c per vd Mourning “ * J - Block Alpaca, Bombazine and Tamartine cdCall?«~ toClt K,l!!l ' sU UIU| American Print- ! A large stock of Mourning Calicoes, j > ■■ Scotch and FrencbGinehams ! some as low as to cts p Pr yard 5 ' I Shawl"!" 0 ’ Stel ' a ’ PlUi ‘ U ' Unii Plaid I I Chenille, Satin and Cruel Scarfe. . ' Cloth and Velvet Cloaks and Taitnas, I lloop Skirts, I Basques' I ’ lq “° Clot, ‘ 5 ’ a com t° rt ahle article for 1 Kite 1 'r* Clntl ”'- Plain and striped, j | Panteku“fe Sl,CeUn8 “’ L ‘“ dSe}r W “°^y“d ■ c A fi "”“f“r , “ ent 04 French and Scotch Emb'd rs a, . l i* 31 ®®' e8 ’ operate atiu in setts, i Embroidered Misses an.l Boys Collars, Infant’s Robes and Waists * Handkerchiefs and Skirts ' Silk Hose, Hosiery. A-c., B “ IKIS ’ Ellgi “ g3andlnse,liu * s . i Cotton, Thread and Crotchet Uces A largo variety of Dress Trimmings. I rhmUmlervSs!'’ CC “ lleraPU ’ 3 ““ Me ’ | Flannels, all colors and qualities >! Bi d Blankets, Quilts, ko. J[" th <! Millim-ry Department, Mrs. has I i i„?Ja finest selections of BONNET?, HEAD j i dm., he, .. to an examination or which sh ! i : 22KS“ r lly ,avites ber Wends and the publi ' GRAY & TURLE Y Hav ing thoroughly removed to their NEW STORk-:, under the U. States iiGtei, are t ow receiving a full and complete as sortment of rich and elegant DRY GOODS. Which, having been purchased for Cash, under the depressed state of the monetary affairs of the North, enables them to offer facilities to close purchasers rarely to be met with. Merchants ~ planters, and the Ladies, particularly, would con--ult their interest by an examination of our ; stock ind prices. Having a resident purchaser 2 !““• are iQ Hie continual receipt of j. J , uiy from auction, at unprecedented low prices. Among our assortment will be found the rich and newest DRESS GOODS of the season i Such . as i( ‘ h and Elegant Cold and Black SILKS. ■ ' ;U, R] u ß from 37% cents- to $5 per yard, (onvt j ting to specify all the manufactured “jaw-break i j In £ Ranies used on such occasions.) ! u rs"?™' . MUSLIN ' BELA INK, Plain and ■ figured; Cheap MCSLIN DELAINE?, in grea 1 BOM^iINEB i “’* beS ‘ BlaUk ALAi ’ AC - is “I PL ANTATION GOODS, The very best quality : 8 doz. OZNABURGS KFPSFYS a l W ° o! Filling Geor g ia PLAINS Heavy cheap SATLNETT? • Ail Wool Plaid I.IXSEYS : ' Blue Stripe and Plaid HOMESPUN? • Bru. HOMESPUN ami JANES - * Fine BEE) BLANKETS, very cheap RICH t'ARPBTIXGS—Cheap. Fine English Tapestry VELVET ■ “ .‘‘ " BRI'SSEI.S ; ofp'S/vi 6 f! y ' flne ingrain and All-Wool „ G ~J noi having room in our now store I charges )“ rP g ’ "' C Will Scll at COit a,,d ‘ embroidery. [ MOO Swiss ana Juckonet BANDS, from 25 cts. I to ? ort f 1 ful| y double that atnount. ! 50 wo r ?i“V, ,ackone,cou - AKS ’ rrom 2510 M worth *sto« W ° rked COLLARS ' ,2 - 50 ‘0 : wise auh Jackonet EDGIGS ami INSERT in great variety. rn E iFrii oi lt reda "? H ™»*U»ehed HAXDKER ( Jiihr?', exceemgly cheap. 01.0®!."“® * iUlb ’‘ l SETIS > * 2 l °*s, exceedingly In iho same dcpaitment will be ouuda most complete assortment hosiery that has ever been in one House in Augusta, trom the lowest price to the finest qaulity, for 1 Julies, Gents, Misses and Youths, of every de soriution. J DOMESTIC GOODS Ten cases fine 3 yard wide SHEETING, at 31c.. Worth in the Jobbing Houses in New York from 35 to 40 cents. Five bales fine Sea Island HOMESPUNS 6 1 /c. Ten cases fine CALICO, warranted fast colors, !) e money returned, for C‘ 4 ' cents, worth 10 to 12> 4 cents. linen goods. The best and cheapest LINENS that hm ever been known to sell in Augusta, under any c'r or,'lances, are now on our shelves, and only reiiuire an examination to convince the most lhe great s “ving in purchasing ,; N1 s GOODS irom us. Splendid fronting LlN tor 37 % cents, that has never been known to ei! in Augusta for less than (12 to 75 cents The moat superb LINEN DAMASK ever "ronght to tins market at vastly reduced rates ■iiilendid Turkish TOWELS for the bath room *’•* 12 % cents, worth 37 cents. and Huckaback DIAPER, iu great va ri< ty, exceedingly cheap. Five hundred 12-4 square QUILTS, i ior $1.50. worth S 3 : fine French Marseille I QLII-/R?, large size, $2.50 to $5, worth from Sf* ' to $lO. AL?O < j A very largo and varied stock of every descrip i tion of i DRY GOODS. -'elected with the utmost care by decided j dges 1 •f Goods, at auction and such other places a? i irgains could be obtained, within the last two weeks, to which we would invite the attention o 1 hose purchasing for cash guaranteeing that we can save them a very large per centuge on an •xamination ol our stock. sept 26 GRAY & TURLEY. Linseed Oil, White Lead, &c. jpn.K HUN DEED gallons LINSEED 10,0U0 lbs WHITE LEAD, 300 boxes WINDOW GLASS, For sale unusually low by « „ rt * WM. H. TUTT, novs Wholesale and Retail Druggist. PICKLES. 15 doz. Gallon PICKLES, assorted 15 do Half 6allon do do 16 do Quarter do do Just received at Jau7 D’ANTIGNAC & HUBBARD •jMfrjpßfo Clotjjing. GENTLEMENS’ Fall and Winter Goods for IHo7. M\ stock of goods is now full and comprises everything that is fash,.»aM* o i U tills. CABSUIERES ami VESTINGS l be made to order ns goo.l and as fashionable i “ CiiU be obtained in any part of tile conutrr a iso, A One and select stock of Ready-Made (XOm theci”“ Canl '“ l be cx ‘ eUell b f “ n 7 * . , ALSO, A stock of FURNISHING GOODS, etnbra. menVwSr™* U nßc<Msa >w for Gentle ed^as represented! tbia^ "«>«*—* —rant oc'ia> J. A. VAN WINKLE. ft NOTHING TO WEAR » NEED NOT BE THE MOTTO NOW, sixes K. HORA & CO., - SUCCESSORS TO J- M. NEWBY &, CO., -i HAVE OPENED THEIR “cj Large and Elegant^ STOCK OF CLOTHING, for] ’ 3IEN, \OUTIIS and BOYS! Coul ° Everybody GET A FIT! IXDER U. S. HOTEL | — __ Augusta, «<*. GEXKHALSTOCK op OF READFJI ABE CLOTHING, V OVV is the time to buy the followi*jr !Xi .articles for Mens’ »nc hL.- w R I lo '* l *** . i Cloth aa >» Cassimere CO AT*®" ImetEsTs. PANTS, SHIRTS DRAW* EUx. SI SPENDERS CKAVATS * STOCKS, COLLARS, TRI-N^’ VAIJCES, ’ and every article in onrline. • CLAYTON & KENNEDX New Confectionery i AND J FRUIT STOKE! T HE * respectfully an. wmTot""St'! “r nou.a,., J. , . - url , : , e„ bv mntfi£m!Z Propared lu Pl«M»«h. ported'C\V VniSS, %?<&£%?%& >- BRANNY props. Preserved W®.sj?gP fuhr!o^r^ ffxvtTGooM “‘ iT<,Ti * Nordi Side Bread street, near the Lower Mark* (o Orders from tbe country respectfully attoidj deo6-tf IleavyOvercoats for Negroe* -/made ° Ur CLAYTON & KENNEDY. • Satinet .Jackets W l\l i\\!'rrT rj/r ° F GOOD SAT- CLAYTON tt KENNEUT. Hip JTaekets, and SatineU 0 ! t-i, v. to »t»audPantg t 1 R STOCK us the übove artitlaa g i t0 ° l * rK ' ! for ,ho harii timas w. of Ihen, vhenpen JOHN N. GOW, ‘ MARBLE-WORKER. M «a mLI heitfofi ’ the lowest erices, JurSWIl wi?hla‘ulO Shor,est tira ° ““’I»UMe fmf 111 with lauiti-ss workmanship. Bj*n "51 ' ofanvi-m ! n want nf Marble-Work i 01 a J‘J t,a(l are invited to call. sllOiro . ‘ hoil _ on Campbell-street, be tw eon Broad and G’reene-street SLJSI , PQv23 JQH.V N. GOW cj ri-, f^sMioramic sIEEEOS C O P E . * MONO the latest inventions in On •■i!n B t’i lhe r? is ., nothin 8 more instructive or iw -fro ‘ e btereo ' c °P e • The Stereoscope nil ft ‘“prcs.sions from nature, represent ng the finest sceneries, Cities and'Monuments “^. roi) , e ’ viewed through the instre oei t, show those objects iu bold relief, actuallr ltti ? y a r e > a , Dli 1,1 us are the best models for fni ft glve j he best idea of Foreign Countries and Art and make the finest parlor ornaments Lor sale at novl6 H. J. OSBORNE'S. UNPRECEDENTED INDUCEMENTS ! T AM SELLING my stock of VEHICLES consisting of t aHoekaways, m!rik\ \? KR ® EY «vago.V«t with and without tops, prici AS B,yl ? S I 10 "' manuf «<--‘ur«l. at .•y “k£?.£ss ;*w Inaddition to the above, I keen always on hand a number of Vehicles of my owntST I also warrant all work that leaves my store. painting; r THE SUBSCRIBER, thankful for the X. liberal patronage of liis fellow citizens, tor ih# last Thiriy-Eight Years, and anxious for a continuation of a share of the same, would re spectfully inform them that he will furnish and put up SIGNS of any size, made of the best iwn ber and workmanship that tbe city affords, and of Gilding and Smaltiug, not to be excelled Narfli or South, for 75 cents per foot, and for I'atotML SIGNB, any color, 35 cents per foot. Patent Japan Tins, with single name, gilt, witfc border, 75 cents each. All varieties of MJXJCD I’AJNTS for sale, and Brushes loanod. R. P. SPELMaN, At bis old stand on Grcene-et, Augusta, n >vJO W *