Augusta evening dispatch. (Augusta, Ga.) 1857-1861, March 15, 1858, Image 2

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    (lEtauni j@is}tatt|J
>loh.( . ”'i r.-mv. M T' Ii 1.-., IH.-.W,
_ New H«mp»mre Election.
As far as heard from—and that in
cludes the principle part of the State
the Republicans have elected their Gov
ernor by nearly 6,000 majority. Their
majority last year was 2,500. In the
House and Senate they have nearly two
to one. The rout of the Democratic
party is as complete as it was in 45.
when they lost the State, for the. first
time, in reality, for many years.
This year, the Democratic candidate,
A. P. Cate, was acknowledged to he the
strongest man in the State, and up to
the meeting of Congress and delivery
of the President’s message, the party
•would hardly have been thankful for
an insurance of a complete triumph at
the late election.
Some of the prominent leaders re
fused to adopt the recommendation of
the President, and advocate the Lc
compton Constitution; others, who had
never deviated from the platform laid
down by the head of the party, adopt
ed it, and the result shows their success.
All the Democrat papers in the State,
unite in the opinion, that had the Pres
ident adopted the plan of Wise or Doug
las they would have carried the elec
tion with ease. Their defeat is the
more to he lamented, lor it secures the
election of John X*. Hale, or some
equally objectional man to the U. S.
Senate for six years.
g|T “Crisp's Gaieties” have been
closed in New Orleans and Vicksburg,
and it is intimated there will he a gen
eral closing of them. Crisp, himself, is
blind—unable to recognize an acquaint
ance by sight we understand, and his
little son leads him.
(??" A New York merchant, who has!
had occasion this winter to know how
business is done in Chicago, was in th is city
the other day, (says the Rochester Union,)
on his way homeward from that place. ;
He says everything real and personal is|
mortgaged. He asserts that he found j
no less than eight thousand chattle j
mortgages on file in the clerk’s office.
From Texas.
The BastroiMdvertiser informs us that j
the sheriff has resigned his office, to,
secure for the inhabitants of that district ■
a stay upon all debts. This will not
improve the credit abroad of Bastrop.
The Austin Intelligencer is informed
that Mr Tauncy, living on Bear Creek,
about ten miles from that place, had
shot and killed Mr. Edwards, who lived
in the Barne neighborhood. Both par
ties belong to respectable families.
There is some fear expressed for the I
fruit in many parts of the interior of j
Texas, as the frosts have injured the
Cure nor Corns. —In this age of thin I
shoes and tight bools, anything or any
body that cures corns, is worthy of no
tice, and the “Surgeon Cheropodist”
is ranked among the learned profes
Mr. Wakely, of the Royal Free Hos- ]
pital, London, cures these troublesome
exeresences by the application of gly- j
cerine, which has the effect of soften
ing them, when they are easily re j
' moved. ’
Hides null Leather.
Boston papers state that an advance
has been reported on the price of this
article, which they think has been got
up by speculators, for the stock on
hand, and the demand would not war
rant an advance in price, the stock be- j
ing larger than usual, and the demand
r Mr. Bbothertox, of the Union j
Bank of New York city, has become a |
defaulter in $127,000, and has made his
escape. As he did not have the hand-1
ling of any money he must have hadi
the co-operation of some customer or
officer of the bank. Gambling and|
high living exhausted his means and
led to the commission of the fraud.
—• ••• - _
The Cnee of Judge Lnring.
The address for the removal of Judge j
Loring passed the Massachusetts House
on Thursday by 127 yeas to 106 nays.—
Its fate in the Senate is doubtful.
And if it passes the Senate we pre
dict its defeat by the veto of the Gover
nor ; for Banks is too shrewd a politici
an, not to have noticed the great change
in public sentiment on this and kindred
subjects, to risk his chance of future
popularity on so hazardous a die.
The Tampa, Fla., Peninsular says,
ontheezening of the 10th ultimo, a
warrior of Bowlegs’ party and a negro,
approached the station occupied by the
friendly Indians, and were escorted into
camp, and remained several days, and
iben went out toinduceothersof the tribe
to tome 'I On the 27th Bowlegs, and
three oRSW <>f tlie principle Indians
had a talk with Iki.-.j, ttumrc, and he is
confident of being able to induce them
to emigrate.
Under all the circumstances, says the
same paper, we feel the
“Florida war” will soon be terminated
by the peaceful removal of the Semin
al es to the West.
(From the Baltimore Clipper.
Washington, March 11, 1858.
, In the Senate Mr. Cameron presented
he petition of citizens of 1 ennsv 1 v anm.
or the encouragement of a new line of
nail steamers from Philadelphia to
Air. Hunter withdrew his motion for
•veiling sessions. .
The bill for printing the Deficiency
Bill was passed.
Pile Kansas question was discussed,
Mr. Polk speaking against the Lecomp
ton Constitution, and Mr. Benjamin
°The debate continued in the Senate
until the hour of adjournment.
In the House'Mr. Quitman's Volun
teer bill was passed. Mr. Stanton spoke
against it. Mr. Wicker moved that the
minority he allowed to make a report,
which was objected to. The objection,
however, was overruled.
The House postponed the reception
of the Minority Report on the Kansas
Investigation, and resumed the discus
sion on the General Deficiency Bill. No
action was taken.
Washington, March 12.
A bill was reported from the commit
tee on Naval Affairs, relative to an in
ternational code of naval signals.
The consideration of the Kansas bill
was resumed, and Mr. Chandler of
Michigan, made a speech against the
Lccompton constitution.
Mr. Hunter followed in a speech, in
which he disposed of the objections to
the admission of Kansas, and wound up
with a brilliant peroration, in which he
alluded to the condition of affairs in In
dia, and the returning sympathy of Eng
land toward the slave trade.
Mr. Kennedy, of Maryland, made a
strong Know Nothing speech; after
which, the Senate adjourned.
The House passed the bill making ap
propriations for the diplomatic and con
sular expense of the government for the
year ending 30th June, 1859.
I Reports from standing committees
were received.
The Senate joint resolution, authonz
! ing the men who were engaged in the
search for Sir John Franklin, to receive
medals from the British government,
. was taken up and passed.
’ The House then proceeded to the con
sideration of the appeal of Mr. Harris,
of Illinois, from the decision of the
Speaker, made yesterday, that a ques
tion of privilege could not arise on the
fact that the Kansas Investigating Com
-1 mittee had not executed the order of
1 the House for which it was raised, as no
I report had been presented to the House.
A discussion ensued thereon.
Messrs. Harris, Stephens, Grow and
others, took part in the debate.
A motion to lay the appeal on the ta
: hie was lost by two marjority.
j jfr. Harris afterwards withdrew his
I appeal from the Speaker's decision, and
I the House adjourned to Monday.
Later from Buenos Ayres
Philadelphia, March 12. Advices
from Buenos Ayres to January 10th
have been received. The war with
Montevideo continued, but was con
ducted with little vigor. The city of
Montevideo had been besieged.
Advices from Balize (Honduras) to
February 18th state that the. Legisla-
I ture had passed a law authorizing the
i importation into the colony of two
j thousand Coolies or Sepoys. The small
| pox was quite prevalent in the colony.
The Minority Report.
Washington, March 12.—The report
1 which Mr. Harris intended to present
i to-day in the House, on behalf .of the
minority of the Kansas Investigating
Committee, embraces a complete record
of the proceedings, and says it will in
| dulge in no reflections on the majority.
With two exceptions, howevei, it says
■ i the majority successfully resisted every
. i effort at enquiry by the minority, and
| that the committee failed to execute
’ the order of tho House and to accom
■! piish any purpose for which the com
! mittee was raised.
Madame Rumor—she is quite as un
reliable in Washington as elsewhere—
reports the concoction of anew dodge in
' the House, under the thimble-rig man
-5 agement of Mr. Harris, who is to report
l the proceedings of the minority of the
special committee, together with the
1 resolutions which were voted down by
j tlie majority, and will ask the House to
• add two members to the committee, one
American and one Republican, and then,
j hoping that some of the Democrats
will be absent, endeavor to elect them.
! We merely notice this matter, without
| vouching for its accuracy as a settled
| plan, not doubting hut Mr. Harris
| would be very glad to strengthen the
| committee with one or a dozen Repubii
| can additions. — Washington Union.
) Gov. Denver, of Kansas, against Gtn.
Jim Lane.
The Governor, under date of Feb.
26th, fulminates a Proclamation against
Gen. Lane's commissioning the officers
of the militia in that Territory. The
Governor cites the Nebraska Act to
I show the power is in him, and not in
the Legislature.
Piety ami Stock..
This devoted city is rapidly rushing
into a whirl of excitement in stock
■ gambling and religious revivals. Satan
. is busy all the morning in Wall street
' among the brokers, and all the after
noon and evening the churches are crow
i ded with saints who gambled in the
morning. So we go.— N. Y. Herald.
Later from St. Lake.
St. I-on-, March 12.
The Council Bluffs Eagle of the 3d
inst., announces the arrival of Mr.
Wingate from Salt Lake, which place he
, left Jan. 25th. Ha reports snow in
Salt Lake Valley, hutlittle in the moun
tains. He came by a route known only
to the Mormons, by which horsemen,
in single file, can pass by the army un
The Mormons were manufacturing
small cannon with percussion locks and
telescope sights, carrying two pound
balls with as much certainty as cannon
rifles. They were also making five hun
dred revolvers, and weak and coarse
powder for mining purposes.
A skirmish had taken place between
the Mormons and the picket guard of
the army. Two of the former and four
of the latter were reported killed.
Charleston Market.
Charleston, March 15,1 P. M. — Cotton.
Salesj to-day 1200 bales, at 10 tol2l-8
cents. Holders and sellers are at Satur
day’s prices.
Seven Hundred Bales Cotton Burned.
Charleston, March 1-1. —A lire occur
red early this morning, by which seven
• hundred hales of cotton were destroyed.
1 The loss, it is understood, is fully cov
, ered by insurance. About $30,000 is
insured in the office of the Agent of
the Augusta Insurance and Banking
. Company.
.Senators Douglas anil Davis.
Washington, March 14.—Senator
Douglas has been severely sick for se
| veral days, but is now slightly improv
' Senator Davis is no better. It is
feared that be will lose one of his eyes.
Washington, March 13. —The Kansas
. question was discussed in the Senate
to-day, and some personal explanations
[ took place between Messrs. Bigler and
• Broderick.
, Market Reports.
> New York, March 13.—Sales of cot
) ton to-day 6,000 hales, market firm and
' holders offering freely. A large export
- enquiry exists.
Flour firm, sales, 10,000 barrels.
\ Wheat quiet.
Corn firm, with sales of 30,000 bush
els, white 681-2 cents.
Turpentine firm at 51 cents.
, Rosin heavy at 55 cents.
Rice quiet.
’ Freights on Cotton to Liverpool 3-16.,
and 2,300 hales of cotton were shipped
• to Liverpool to-day at this rate.
Methodist Church Case.—The appli
cation of the Methodist E. Church,
South, of this place, to the Supreme
Court to grant an appeal from the de
: cision of Judge Elminston in the church
case, rendered in November last, has
boon denied. Tue property in suit, con
• sisting of the church, parsonage and '
grounds, therefore now reverts to the '
M. E. Church, to whom peaceable pos- 1
session thereof has already been given. j<
This suit was commenced about ten; i
years ago, and was the result of the di i
vision of tlie Methodist Episcopal I,
church on the slavery question— Parkers- <
burg Hews.
Lola Monte/, and Mrs. Cunningham.
ft is said that one day last week Lola 1
Montez paid a visit to Mrs. Cunning
ham at her residence in Twenty-ninth
street, New York, and had a long con
versation with her upon the subject of
the murder of Dr. Burdell. Mrs. C. on
this occasion, renewed her protestations
of innocence, and informed Lola that
if ever the truth came out, it would be
found that the real murderer was a
certain person whose name has been
figuring quite largely of late in the
Ho! for the Mediterranean ! —lt is a
fixed fact, that tlie steamer Ericsson
will leave New York for the Mediterra
nean on the Ist of May. Gibraltar, Malta ’
Alexandria, Jafifar, Constantinople, Atli
j ens, and Naples, are among the places
’ to be visited, and all, with full steamer
[ fare, for 5750 out and home. We can
. hardly imagine a more attractive voy
A Comjmmd Preparation of
For Dyspepsia. Colds and Female Complaints
arising from Colds.
of tho stomach, such as pain or an uneasy
L sensation in the stomach, caused by cold or t .e
. indigestion of food. Heartburn, Flautulency, or
l wind in thesto i acn, various Female Complaints
[ peculiar to the sex, &c. They act upon the Li- j
- ver and Secretions generally. They assist the di
; gestinn of food and trengthon the stomach ; up
. on the bowels they have u laxative tendency.
FOR DYSPEPSIA. —If food causes pain in tlie i
' stomach, a dose taken immediately after meals, |
: or as soon as the uneasy sens lion is expeii
enced, will relieve the pain and assist digestion. ,
. FOR COLDS.—Taken at the commencing btage j 1
of colds, they will pr<>ve almost an iufal ible : I
cure in all ca-es. They ar** also valuable for the I
, prevention and cure of chills in their lirst stages.
! COLLS.—If these Bitter- were taken b> females
‘ immediately after n tving been exposed in cold 1
! or rainy weather, to prevent taking cold, or
w‘*re taken for colds at tho commencement of
being unwell, and their use continued through .
that period, they would save a great amount oi
suffering, and often prevent diseases which fre
quently terminate fatally, especially with young
1 females.
Price, $1 per bottle.
XD ennis T
For Diseases of the Liver and to Purify the Blood.
IT CONTAINS, in addition to Sarsapa
rfila, the Hydro-Alcoholic Extract of Queen’s
Delight, (S'.illingia) ; White Ash. Grey Beard or
Fringe Tree, (Oh onanthus) ; Tincture ol May
Apple or Mandrake, (Podophy llum,) and Blood
Root, (Sanguinaria.)
In small doses it is alterative or laxative ; in
, large doses it acts generally as a mild pu gative.
: In some cases there is no percepti lo action on
the bowels ; yet. in Liver Co plaints, or in dis
eases aris'ng from impurities in the blood, its
continued use produces a marked improvement
in the general health.
Its ingredients are well known to be good. It
formu a has been highly approved of by emi
| uent physicians. It sells readily and give’s geo,
The publication of its compnsitio.i is the best
J certificate or recommendation that can he given.
I It is not offered to the public as a universal Spc
. cific , but as one ol the be3t medicines for dis
eases of the Liver and for purifying tho Bloou,
that can be obtained
For sale by the pnuoipal Druggists in this city.
. and by Druggists generally
References —K. E. Ford, I). P., Augusta ; Hon.
A. H Stephens ; Ex Gov. H. V. Johnson ; Hon.
W. Gilmore Simms, Charleston ; Gen. Jas Jones;
J. Caldwell, Esq., Columbia. S. C. ; Ri-v W. A
McSw in. and Rev. J. A. Porter, rumter, S. C
feb27 d2w
33 O A. IT D I NT G-.
Washing mu llall.
accommodated with BOARD, will i
eh ible and pleasant Rooms. Kjjj
< oruer of Broad and Mclntosh-sts, op : 1
posite the Post Office. mb4-dS | <
I §]mi;U flotites. __
CT For Savannah.—The Iron;
-teamboat Company’sSteamerW. H.STABK ill j
leave as above on TO-MORROW MORNING.
For freight engagements, apply to
nilils J. B. GUIEU, Agent.
(ITProf.O. S. Fowler, of >
York, will deliver a course of Lectures on HU-1
M\N SCIENCE, or LIFE, its laws, organs, func
tions and improvement, as taught by I'hrenolo
sry, and applied to self-improvement, managing
children, marriage, &c.. at Masonic Hall,
about the middle of MARCH, besides telling ap
plicants all about themselves and children. For
particulars, see advertisements and bills of the
t j ay mhll-dAwtf
Special Notice.— l lmve re
ceived and recently opened some of the finest
Goods, at remarkably low prices.
ION SETTS, of eight pieces, all of the latest styles.
A large Etoclc of WATCHES, of best makers, in
eighteen carratcases.
These goods I ofTcr at unprecedently low
prices, and respcctlully solicit a cad from those
who are in need of goods in my line, for I am
determined to sell as low as can be purchased
anywhere. HENRY J. OSHORNE,
mh4 266 Brond-st., under U. S. Hotel.
fir A in li I' O t yP es fol ' tl,e
Million.—ls you want a first-rate AMBROTYPE,
beautifully colored and put in a neat case for
Fifty Cents, go to the original Fifty Cent Gallery.
Post Office corner, opposite the Georgia Railroad
Bank. Entrance to the Gallery next door to the
Post Office.
d 4 WM. H. CHALMERS, Proprietor.
gf° To Make Room for our
Spring and Summer stocks, we will sell the re
mainder of our heavy Winter Clothing at very
reduced prices for CASH. Call soon, before they
are all gone. janl9 J. K. HORA & CO.
gpThe Great P r oblem
is lAL.—The dyspeptic patient, whose stomach
has lost the power of duly converting food into a
life-sustaining clement, is relieved by a single j
course of this extraordinary tonic. The gastric (
fluid re acquires its solvent power, and the crude t
nutriment, which was a load and a burthen to (
the sufferer, while his digestive organization was j
paralyzed and unstrung, becomes, under the j t
wholesome revolution created in the system, the
basis of activity, strength and health. I
The nervous sufferer, while tormented by the t
acute, physical agony of Neuralgia, Tic-doloreux j ‘
or ordinary headache, nfllictcd with vague ter
rors wakened by periodical fits, threatened with
paralysis, borno down and dispirited by that
terrible lassitude which proceeds from a lack of
nervous energy, or experiencing any other pain
| or disability arisingfrom the unnatural condition
| of the wonderful machinery which connects ev-
| ery member with the source of sensation, mo- f
[lion and thought—derive- iinmedi'te benefit ?
j from the use of this Cordial, which aloncc calms,
I invigorates and regulates the shattered nervous {
| Females who have tried it are unanimo sin c
declaring the Elixir lobe the greatest boon that t
woman has ever received from the hards of <
medical men.
Morse’s Invigorating Elixir has a direct, im
mediate and astonishing effect upon the appetite.
While it renews tbo strength of the digestive ,
powers it creates a desire for the solid materia
which is to be subjected to their action. As an (
appetiser it has no equal in the l’harmacopia.
Iflonglile and the vigor necessary to its en
joyment are desirable, this medicine is indeed of i
precious worth
Its beneficial ofTccts are not confined to either
sex or to any age. The feeble girl, the ailing
wife, the listless, enervated youth, the overworn
man of business, the victim of nervous depres
sion, the individual suffering from general dc
bility or from the weakness of a single organ
will all find immediate and permanent rel < f from
the use of this incomparable renovator. To
those who have a predisposition to paralysis it
will prove a complete and unfailing safe-guard
against that terrible m ilady. There are many
perhaps who have so trifled with their constitu
tion that they think themselves beyond the reach
of medicine. Let not even those despair. The
Elixir deals with disease us it exists, without rc
lerence to the causes, and will not only remove
the disorder itself, but rebuild the broken con
LOSS OF MEMORY, confusion, giddiness, rush
of blood to the head, melancholy, mental debil
ity, hysteria, wretchedness, thoughts of self-de
s ruction, fear of insanity, hypochondriasis, dys
pepsia, general prostnuion. irritability, nervous
ness, inability to sleep, distaste incident to fe
males, decay of the propagating functions, hya
teria, monomania, vague terrors, palpitation ol
the heart, irapouncy, constipation, etc., from
whatever c. u e arising, it is, if there is any reli
ance to P' placed on human testimony,absolute
ly infallible.
CAUTION.—Dr. Morse’s Invigorating Cordial
has been counterfeited by some unprincipled
persons. In future, all the g* nuine Cordial will
have the proprietor's sac simile pasted over the
cork of each bottle, and the following words
blown in glass : Dr. Morse's Invigorating Cor
dial, C. 11. RING, proprietor. X. Y.
This cordial is put up highly concentrated in
pint bottles : $8 per bottle ; two lor $5 ; six for
sl2. C 11. KING, proprietor, 192 Broadway, N
York. Sold by Druggists throughout the United
States, Canadas and the West Indies. Also, by
LEITNER, Augusta. febl9-3m
fir Dress 31 ak i ng,—Mrs. E.
BROWN would*respectfully inform the ladies of j
Augusta and vicinity that sh 9 is fully prepared
to execute all orders entrusted to her care with
neatness and dispatch. Rc.-idenco south side of
Green-st.. fourth door below Centre, nearly op
posite St. James M. F. Church. feb26 lm
gSTWe esteem it a pleasure
resting upon our absolute knowledge of its mer
its, to recommend Prof. Wood’s Hair Restorative
as the best article of the kind with which we
are acquainted, and one which has done, under
our ow T n observation, all that it claims, aud it
claims everything implied in its narue.
This article, in short, will restore grey hair to
its original color, and add to its growth aud
beauty wherever any blight or disease has
checked that growth or marred that beauty.
This has been proved in our family within a few
weeks, and in numerous other cases related to
without the knowledge of the proprietor.
We have only to add that this most valuable ar
ticle is for sale by the proprietor, at No. 312
i oadway.
Caijtiox.—Beware of worthless imitations as
evcral ar already in the market called by dif
rerent. names. Use none unless the words Prof.
Wood’s Ilair Restorative, Depot St. Louis, Mo.,
:nd New York, are blown in the bottle.
Sold by ail Druggists and Potent Medicine
Dealers. Also, by all Fancy and Toilet goods
dealere in the U. States and Canadas. mh9
Wanted, for
two cases from r'bia ielphia to Savannah, per
biearner tatc of Georg a, and per Fashion Line
to Augusta—marked, Dr. B. P. Palmkk, Augusta, I
Georgia. mhll JNO. A. MOORE, Agt I
I*3” To Editors and
! lislici-..—Editors of Newspapers abroad wish
j ing to procure a Georgia Correspondent, on rea
sonable terms, can do so by addressing ‘* WAU
COOCHEE,” Dispatch Office, Augusta, Ga.
mh9 -
Ome Hundred Agents
Wanted.—The subscriber wishes to employ
One Hundred young men as canvassers for some
of the most popular books published. Address,
with stamp, I3ENJ. G. UPBON,
mhli-ow Madison, Ga.
(jfPCity Taxes.—Collector and
Treasurer’s Notice. —The citizens of Augusta,
and all others interested, are hereby notified
that the CITY TAX DIGEST for the present year,
in my hands for collection. My office
hours for the next thirty days will be from 9
o’clock. A. M., to 1 )i, P. M.-; and in the after
noon from ‘2>£ to 4L— afterwards, daily, from
9, A. M. to 1, P. M.
The Ordinance requires payment to be made
at the Treasurer’s office, which is on Mclntosh
street, near the corner of Reynold, where it ha?
been for several years.
Taxes will be reduced three per cert* if paid
within tliirtv days from this date. No reduction
afterwards, but interest to be added. Early
payments are respcctlully solicited.
Augusta. March 11, 1858. dim
HP A River Remedy.—We
wish to say to every person who reads this that
there is an article known as Dr. Sanford s In
vigor a tor, er Liver Remedy, which can be relied
on as certain to cure liver complaint in any of
its forms, such as Jaundice, Dyspepsia, and nu
merous other Complaints, described in auother
column, besides which it is one of the greatest
preparations or cures for consumption, taken in
early stages, that is now known.
We take it for granted, as experiment has pro
ven that diseases of the lungs are not generally
the first cause of consumption, but a debilitated
system, caused by the improper action of the
liver, which reduces the power of the lun.s to
resist or throw off diseases caused by cold and
irritation, leaving tbo lungs at the mercy of this
disease, because the liver has incapacitated
them from performing their proper action *f
throwing off diseased matter caused by cold.
Thus to prevent consumption, cure the liver
and keep the system strong enough to throw off
slight diseases of the lungs.
There is not in the world a better liver reme
dy or a euro for debilitated system than Dr.
Sanford’s luvigorator, for it has been fully tried
in a large and extended practice till its results
are fully known, and now it Is offered as a tried
remedy, and one that can be relied on.— Lan
caster Whig.
|gr Portrait Palntiog.—Mr.'
T. FORSTER, thankful to the citizens of Augusta j
for the patronage already bestowed on him, |
begs to state that ho has removed from Messrs. ;
Tucker A Perkins, and has taken rooms at j
Dr. Paterson’s, on Washington street, corner j
of Ellis, where he will l e happy to execute Por
traits in Oil in the highest stylo of the art. and j
on foa. enable terms. Photographs, Ambrotypes j
and Daguerreotypes copied in oil. fol 2-. r Jm j
pTTiie <ll'eat Englislij
Remedy.—Sir James Clarke’s CELEBRATED
FEMALE PILLS. Prepared from a prescription
of Sir J. Clarke, M. D., Physician Extraordinary
to the Queen.
This invaluable medicine is unfailing in the
cure of all those painful and dangerous diseases
ito female constitution is subject, it
' moderates all excess and* removes all obstruc
r tions, and a speedy cure may be relied on.
i TO MARRIED LADIES it is peculiarly suited.
It will, in a short time, : bring on the monthly!
period witli regularity.
Each bottle, price One Dollar, bears the Gov
-1 ornment Stamp of Great Britain, to prevent
These Pills should not be taken by females';
during the firtl three months or Pregnancy, as
they ire sure to briug on Miscarriage, butat au> I
other time the.' are safe.
In all cases of Nervous and Spinal Affections, j
Pain in the Back and Limbs, Fatigue on slight
exertion. Palpitation of the Heart, Hysterics and ;
1 Whites, these Pills will effect a cure when all
other moans have failed, and although a power
ful remedy, do not contain iron, < alomel, anti
mony, or anything hurtful to the constitution.
Full directions in the pamphlet around each
package, which should be carefully preserved.
Sole Agent for the United States and Canada,
JOB MOSES, slate I.C. Baldwin &Co.)
Rochester, New York.
N. B.—One Dollar and six Postage Stamps en
closed to any authorized Agent, will insure a
bottle containing over fifty pills, by return mail
Wholesale aud Retail Agents for the State ot j
Georgia. fcbio v J
Freight*! Dy Uicsavannah River j
By the Iron Steamboat Company Line , will be re- j
eelved and forwarded free of Commission, ad !
dressed to the care of Agent Iron Steamboat;
J. B. GUIEU, Agent. Augusta
S. M. LAFITTF.AU, Agt. Savannah
Augusta, July 1, 2857. jyl-ly
Registry .List Open,--On
and after MONDAY, January 4th, 1858, I will
be at the Collector and Treasurer’s ollice daily
(Sundays excepted,) from 10 o’clock, A. M., to
2 o’clock, P. M., until the FOURTH MONDAY in
March next, for the purpose* ol Registering the
names of, and giving certificates to the Legal Vo
ters of the City of Augusta, in accordance with
| the Act of the Legislature, approved February,
15th, 1856, and the City Ordinance to provide for
carrying said act into effect.
ANTHONY D. HILL, Registry Clerk.
Augusta, January 2,1858. jan4-3m
front of the Pres
byterian Church, a pair of GOLD SPECTACLES,
which the owner can have by calling at
(sf‘ Tl«<> Augusta Brass and
String Band, JOHN A. BOHLER, leader, is,
as usual, prepared to furnish Music for Proces
sion.!, Parties, Serenades, &c., on reasonable
terms. Application to the Leader or CHARLES
SPAETH will meet with prompt attention.
novl2 Cm
6sf”3lrs. E. O. Collins has ta
ken the store opposite the Planters’ Hotel, and
1 has now in store a handsome assortment of Vel
vet, Silk, Straw «nd Mourning BONNETS, DRESS
; The above Goods will be sold as reasonable as
can be bought in the city for cash.
Mrs. C. will receive through her friends in New
York, the latest Ixmdon and Paris fashions, and
will make to order at short notice. oct26
fsT Dr. 31. J. Jones offers his
professional services to the citizens of Augusta
and vicinity. Office on Molntosh-street, oppo.-ite
the Constitutionalist Range, where he may be
found at all times during the day, and at night
1 at the residence of J. C. Snead, south side Os
j Walker->t, opposite Richmond Academy.
I Octl9 6m
Sptkl Holm
j ffj" KlUbl'Oideiy.—M ANNA
j I*. DKMIN’G is prepared to do all kinds of Em
• | broidery, With dispatch. Also, to cut out and
I make any article appertaining to a Ladies or ar
! infants dress.
j ] ong experience justifies her in the belief that
\ I she can give satisfaction to all who may entrust
- ; work to her.
, ! Kllis-street, second door below Kollock. 11
jf Final JNotice.--A.ll those
j Who ave Indebted to the old firm or J. M. Nnn-nv
LfcCo., cither bv note or account, will please
> makepayment to the undersigned, as longer in
. ! dul S e,lcc canuot 1,0 K. HOKA & CO.,
1 d 9 Successors to J. M. Newby > Co.
'flCTFreislit Between Sa
' boat Company's new light draft steamers, AU
' GI’STA and W. H. STARK, carrying the freight
1 on their decks, will leave Savannah and Augnt
ta, alternately every three week days, ea;lißoat
making a trip to and from Savannah every
week. A Boat will leave Savannah clther'tfed
! nosday or Thursday, or so soon as the New
York Steamers shall discharge in Savannah.
This Company Intend to deliver freight in Au
' gusta, in seven days after being shipped on
Steamers in Northern Ports.
All freight consigned to the Iron Steam Boat
Company either in Augusta or Savannah will he
promptly forwarded without commission, and at
; low rates of freight. jan2B-6m
i Commission fflmlrants,
For the purchase and sate of
Tennosseo Produce,
Alahama street, south of M. &W. R. R. Depot,
Atlanta, Georgia.
Good Tennessee Muncy taken at par far
Produce. mhß-6in
Sup’r Black C loth Frocks.
,'Elmve full lined and full trimmed
VV FROCKS, cheaper than ever offered be
fore. mil 4 RAMSKY & LABAW.
Fire anti Life Insurance.
S_ deaths, in all parts of our country *
warn prudent persons to secure them- j&v
I selves against destruction and ruin. JLul
I which can be done with a light annual jjf/f\ jf I
expense. Mfrly A
insurance of lives and property at If;] VUf
most reasonable rates cau lie effected mflLB
at my office in Madison. Ga., in the xtfr
following responsible companies :
S'* 1 ’thorn Mutual Lite Insurance Comp my, Co
j lumbia, S. C.
| now a. <1 Fire and Marine, Philadelphia.
Consolidated Insurance do
j Farmers’and Mechanics’ do
Bridgeport Firo and Marine, Bridgeport, Ct.
mb4 JOHN RO3SON, Agent.
1 X 20 du 51. R. do
‘JO half do do
•20 qu-’r do do
I Just received at i
_rein 7 __ D’ANTIONAC A- HUBITftRD’L
| Watch, Clock null Jewelry
HENRY J. OSBORNE would respect
tully inform his friends and ac-
. I quaintariccs that ho has employed in f
j the work department of bis estab ish
| raeut, Mr. T. S. WOOD and Mr. WM X*£ •tfji
! >. WOODSTOCK, both experienced i;. ffiffiali
•ill departments of tlie trade, each o n^rr^wf
whom will give personal attention t«- |L jH
the interests of this well known estab
ffshment. A liberal share of public patronage i&
most respectfully solicited t
Watch, Jewelry and Optical Store, 266 Broad st,
under the U.S. Hotel, Augusta. febl2
il Drug and Seed Store, a fresh assortment of
i Krugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Putty, Glass, ke.
j Platers and others visiting Augusta will do
j well to examine the stock, if t'uey wish to get!
| cheap bargains.
| Broad-street, two doors below the Post Office, j
mbß Uaw4
C7B«i>€ Ea
ITo tlic Tirues.
rjTUK remaining Winter stock to be
JL sold at reduced prices, to make room for <
I our Spring stock. All of which will be sold at
prices to defy competition, at
rnli4-tf Opposite Union Bank.
Burn ing fluid.
Just received, a fresh supply of BURNING
l'Ll'11). :it 80 cents per gallon, at the Apothe- .
caries’ Hall.
t'ebl 1 THOMAS P. FOGARTY. •
lam at ail times prejiared to till all orders 1
lor “ Best Fluid,” by tlic barrel, cau or gallon,
i at the very lowest price.
fcl>24 S C. Ml STENT.
The largest stock in the city, and greatest
; variety, for sale by the dozen or separate.
! b 24 8. C. Ml • .IN.
Mess i»!aeh*i‘l.
1 rniVENTY Quarter bbls. MESS MACK- ,
1 KKEL, just reeeivod at
L consignment and lor sale on easy terms, b
feb26 M, W. WOODRI FF.
Binning Fluid ! Burning Fluid ! !
Afresh supply j ust uecei vej >. '
For sale, by the Barrel, Can or Gallon, u
SIXTY CENTS, aar ran ted as good as any ii. i!.e
city. mlilS S. U. Ml'-TIN. s
Choice hams.
One Hundred choice HAMS, from the plan -j
taiion of Rev. Juriah Harris, just received and
lor sale at
1 Five Gross Preston k Merrill’s YEAST
POWDERS just received at
5 casks choice Smoked Pig Hams, just re
ceived at
Respectfully invites attention to
a NEW aiul FRESH stock of PURE DRUGS,
Also—A choice assortment of PERFUMERY
and FANCY ARTICLES IV*r the Toilet. ,
Fine Hair and Tooth, Brushes. Combs, kc.
Pure Wines and Liquors for medicinal use.
And, in addition to the above, I shall always I
keep on hand a full assortment of BOTANIC
ME* ICINES, which I will warrant pure.
Garden, Grass and Field Seeds. &c.
A share of public patronage is respectfully so
licitet. B. F PALMER, M.D .
mhl3-d*wlm Under Planters’ Hotel.
O Three Dozen choice Smoked "ongues, just
received at f
lO Five hundred Half Boxes Sardines ;
do do Quarter do
Just received at
Diamonds. f
RINGS and PINS—a fine selection of first
1 water stones—few but line and cheap lor the
quality of the article. At
ARE Now RECEIVING their large
and splendid supply of rich and elegant
at their new stand, under the United States Ho
tel, where bargains unprecedented are now of
fered. We wish it distinctly remembered, that
oura is the only house in this city that keeps an
experienced purchaser, all through the year, in
the Northern markets, the advai tages of which
must he obvious to any one acquainted with the
iiuctuations of the Dry Goods irade. By this
means, wo are enabled to receive the
at the most reasonable prices, and thereby offer
the greatest inducements to our customers.
Among our recent receipt w ill be found the
RICHEST DRESS GOODS ol the sca.--.ou, such as—
Rich Chintz ChcDe, Bayedcre SILKS ;
Rich Cbcno Rnyc de Quille SILKS ;
Rich Rave dc Quille SILK ROBES ;
Rich Chintz Chcrie Bayadere SIDESTRIPFS ;
Rich Sewing Silk ROBES
Rich Crape de Pari ROLES ;
P»ich Darege ROBES;
Rich dully ROBES A’QUILL.
A very large assortment of BAREGES, plain
aud figured;
Barege eIAINS and CHALLYS ;
French, English and American MUsLINS ;
White and Coi’d Stella SHAWLS ;
500 pieces fina MUSLINS for Piets., warrantee
fast colors, or the money returned ;
LOGO pieces fine CALICO, for 6‘ 4 'c., warranted
fast colors, or the money returned. In our
willbe found the largestassortmentof DAMASKS.
undressed LINENS, CRASH, HUCKABACK, -.*o
pieces RIBBON, for 12c., worth 25 to 37cts , just
from auction.
tIYO HVlillioiY.
The richest and cheap sst EMBROIDER Y ever
offered in Augusta. Just call aud examine the
a-sortinent, as description is impossible-
Our domestic stock contnins the best brands
of Wire and Whiter twist LONG CLOTH, BHEF.T
INGrf SHIRTINGS, TICKING, Brown and Striped
TONS. kc., kc. In WHITE MUSLINS, v e have
the choicest line of Mull, Jaconets, Swiss, Plaids
and Stripes, Embroidered and Dotted, with many"
•tlier articles too numerous to mention, to which
wo would respectfully invite attention.
mb’s GRAY & TIItLEY.
\T7E SHALL be cniJiled this season,
YV to supply GRAIN GLOWERS with—
Five Varieties of Horse Powers!
do do Tliresliera !
Seven of Fan Mills!
Ten Dozen Grain Cradles!
The Kentucky Harvester I
Which, on account of it* strength and simplicity
of construction is decidedly the best
ac e-: ./a*. »» »c
For the Southern States
aa<l all necessary articles far getting; grata ready
for market.
mhls AUGUSTA, GEO. w3m
VT TFIK Drug and Seed Store of V.
I.aTaste, a small sum of MONEY', which
thi.i owner ’an have by identifying, ami paying
lor this notice. inhls-3t
nnssiAN -vv-A-if*.,
Being delayed in transit from Baltimore to this
city, v ill not bo ready for exhibition until MON
DAY' EVENING, March 16th.
' CHAS. J. WALTER, Agent.
CB PW ‘•Sf T
Gigantic Jlivstra(ions
PORTRAYING with Life-Like effect
the chief inci' on Is of the lute contest be
SIA, assisted by complicated Mechanical and
ch mi al effects, exhibiting
Batth% Bombardments, Coivilagvu
tions, Snow Storms in the CRIMEA,
Tornadoes, etc., etc'
Coueiuding witff tin Bombardment and De
structiou of
Thu vv'.ii*!*; aceouipanted by a BRASS BAND.
OL Saturday.
/JUT Admission, 50 cents; Cliildren 25 cents,
set vans, 25 cents. Doors open at 7 odeck
perhirnu nee to comnuMice at 8 1 ., o’clock.
4LJ' -' ; ee small bills-«£Sr mhß
Cr . » a*:s Aia £'* V A SJivl.
AMfi® «r* ea aoa nan jon (fi
Managed, Drawn and Frizes Paid by the
well known Jirm of
ii 1117 aoll Y Cw 31 A I II Y .
S ALES CLOSE EACH DAY at 2 o’clock
To be di awn on Saturday, March 20th, 185 S.
jE3 LYilliaiat Scliomo I
37,500 DOLLARS!!
517,Y00, $12,500, $7,500, $5,145,
100 of $750, &t-.
Tickets, $lO ; Halves. $5 ; Quarters, $2.50.
Ri3K on a package of 25 Quarters, $37.
WiU be drawn every day in the following order
The Capita! Prize will be from $9,000 to $14,000.
Tickeis, $2.50; Halves,sl.2s; Quar’s, 62#cts
Capital, $4,000 to $0,01)0. Tickets, $1; Halves
50 cents; Quarters, by the package.
Capital, $1«',000 to $15,000. n
Tickets, $4; Halves, $2 ; Quarters, sl.
Capital, $7,500 to $9,000. Tickets $2; Halve.-
$1; Quarters, 50 cents.
r a i ital, $9,000 to $!4.<)(!0. Tickets, $2.50
Halves, $1.25 ; Quarters. 02 v z cents.
Capital, $4,000 to $6.0.0. Tickets. SI; Halves.
50 cents. Quarters, by the packages.
Sfdff' Payment of Prizes in the above Lotteries
• - dctired by a bond ol Seventy Thousand Dol
ou>\ in the hands of the Treasurer ol the Com
missioners, appointed by the Mate of Georgia.
Nov - o' all solvent Banks taken in payment
for Tick- wj.
Order* promptly attended to, and Schemes
aud * raw mgs forwarded. Appl> to
mh!3 Vender for Gregory & Maury.
Choice Pickled Tongues, just received and
for sale at
| $ ICE. —10 tierces choice Rice, for sale
Lt low by m!2-6 ESTES & CLARK -