Funding for the digitization of this title was provided by R.J. Taylor, Jr. Foundation.
About Augusta evening dispatch. (Augusta, Ga.) 1857-1861 | View Entire Issue (March 17, 1858)
CarH _ CHAHLES M, WBIBHT, Orndst, OFFICE over Carmichael gggSSSBa & B -an* Hardware Store. Bro»'l-st.. Augusta. Ua. 'yJSXJJJ All operations pertaining to Dentistry laitniul ly and scientifically executed. tlcli Removed. Dk.WM.A.OFFERMAN has removed t<> the room JBE »ver Laßoche’a Store, opposite the Bridge Bank. where he will be happy to perform aU operations in his proles gion ocl - 4 Dentistry. DR. .TAMES T. PATTERSON Dentist, having permanently located n Augusta, will perform all op- AwSHsl eratiur* pertaining to the proses- 1..T I J sion. Would call special attention to his mode o' mounting (partial and whole setts oi Teeth) on the Central Cavity Plate. (Mice and residence on Washington street, a few doors from Broad st. mh2B Partnership Notice. TTTJ2, tho undersigne-1, have this day V\ • ’ ;,..i :: n (VI! ■r.-lii;. I.r tin' Jirarliix of Law. on the criminal side of the Court. Office Masonic Hail. JOHN* D. KKII.LY. JOHN J- R. FLOURNOY J. B. Hay lie, Attorney and counseia/ir at LAW, and Commissioner of Reeds for South Carolina, practices in the Middle District. Special ! lion given to l and Claims and with the Department at Washington. fob2o Law Card. Cl A BLAND A. SNEAD. Attorney at J Law, Augusta, Ga. Office on North side of Ellis. west of Washing ton-streets. Will give attention to any business entrusted to bin charge. ian4-ly BIIERM.O, JESSUP «& CO., Ly jZk MANUFACTURERS, Importers ASHAt and Wholesale Dealers in Saddlery, Harness, Coach Ma terials, Springs, Axles, Shafts, Hubs, Spokes, Felloes, Bands, &fc., B,'c. —ALSO — Machine Bolting, Leather, Calfskins and Shoe Findings, of every description. * No. 231) liroad-street, tun doors above the Bank of Augusta, Augusta, Ga. feb2s-dawly Joseph W. Harrisson, Wif‘letale and Retail Dealer in ARTISTS 5 MATERIALS, PAINT, OIL, WINDOW GLASS, . BLINDS, noons, SHUTTERS and SASHES L glazed and unglazed. BRUSHES of every variety ; LAMI’S, BURN ING FLUID, AIjCOHOL, VARNISHES, etc. etc. No. 73, Meeting-Street, < nov27 Ciiaklkstox, S. C. ly VV. 11. Gordon X, Co., GENERAL COMMISSION AND FOR- r WARDING MERCHANTS, NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE, A GENU'S for the Sale and Deposit of Tennessee Cotton Fabrics, and Cotton Man r ufactnrers’ General Agents. Also, General Agents fur Good let tsville Flour/ “* ing Mills ; Lebanon, Port Royal and Rock Cits 1 Flouring Mills, and Millers generally. Having the largest private Warehouse in llit south and west, they are prepared to receiva end sV re all goods entrusted to their care. ’ Fronting Public Wharf and Market -t. Nashville, Tenn. aug2l-ly CAMPBELL & BRIDGES, (Successors to CamjileV, Gaut & Co A « GENKIi AL P U O D U t the purchase-; -SflCle and shipment A of all kiudrof List Tennessee Produce, sue! as Baron, Lard , Wheat, Flour , Corn , Gats Fruit. &c., Knoxville, Tennessee. Refer to G. L. Anderson. auglS-ly United States Hotel. rpilE UNDERSIGNED takes pleasure JL in informing his friends and the public gen erally, that he has leased the well known U. .S. HOTEL, and is prepared to serve his patron with every attention. L. DWELLE, Proprietor. feb27-ly j. v. CLARK, Superintendent LVOXS & CO„ Importers atul Dyplerg in BA VAN A CIGARS AND TOBACCO , \LL kinds of Foreign Wines, Liquors, &c., No. 19 Cedar-st, Nashville Tenn. ii"l ly gIMMBRMAiy & std v all, Wholesale Grocers, DEALERS in SUGAR, COFFEE, BAG t»TNG. ROPE, LIQUORS, and all other ar tides usually found in the Grocery Business. No. 313 Broad-street, one door above Barrett A: Carter’s, Augusta, Geo. aug2s-ly Iron And Brass Foundry. HIGET& MACMURPHY continue the above business, in all it 3 branches, at the American Foundry, and will be t ankful for or ders for all kind.-; Iron and Brass Castings, for Gold Mines, Mills, Rail Roads, Bridges, and Ma chinery of all descriptions. 0c.28-ly W. L. HIOU, J. E. BUTLER, W. G. PETERS. IHGrI, BUTLER & CO., £smmiision iherrbants, For the purchase ami sale of Tennessee HPi-oclt.t.oo, COTTON, GROCERIES, &e., A-abama-strcet. south of M. & XV. R. 11. Depot, Atlanta, Georgia. Good Tennessee. Money taJcemi par foi Produce. whS-Uiii Sugars. OA HDDS. good and prime SUGARS, fjU 50 bbls C Sugars, 25 do A do 20 do crushed Sugar, for sale low by octd WILCOX, HAND & ANSIJEY J. G., URPBNTER - JOIiVER. Doors, sashes, blinds, mould ings and HOUSE CARPENTRY of every cscripticn, neatly and promptly done. Sliop opposite M > onnell’s Stables. Eilis-st. novft it N ('lark, J. Brack, Murfreesboro ; arietta, Ga. N. CLARK «fc co., Wholesale and Retail €» BC JK ■« , AND COMM J SSI ON MERCHANTS M URFRK ESBOItO r TENN. jSsF*Strict attention given to purchasing Grain Bacon, Lard, kc., on all orders enclosing remit tances. References —J. R. Wilder, Savannah ; Thos. P. Stovall, Augusta ; Charles Campbell, Macon High, Peters k Co., Atlanta ; Col. J. H. Glover Marietta ; Col. R. L. Mott, Columbus ; Thomas Joseph, Montgomery, Ala. ; W. Spence, ‘ Ex change Bank,” Murfreesboro ; Lanier & Philips, Nashville. _ _ _ jan2o wly WHOLfiSALE GBOCERB. TTTE BEG TO CALL THE ATTENTION f I of our friends and of the public, to our large slock of GROCERIES, (Liquors excepted,) m this city and Charleston, which w<- are pre pared to sell for cash, or to prompt paying cus :omers on favorable terms. HAND, WILLIAMS k GRAVES, Augusta, Georgia. Daniel Hand. Geo. W. W luams, Azaklah Graves. GEO. »V. WILLIAMS k CO., • Charleston, S. C Geo. W. Williams, ]»«xm Haxi> uilam aug2s-ly Blankets and Negro Clotlis. It ROOM it SURRBLL HAVE on hand a very large assort ment of NEGRO BLANKETS, KERSEYS, STRIPES, OSNABI’RGS. kc., comprising a great variety of those goods, which they are offering at extremely low prices, and ir accordance with the times, and to which they w ould call attention. novl9 ffikttamis. THE PAPER FOR THE MILLION!! ONLY FOUR DOLLARS PER ANNUS! Unparalleled success ! INCREASED ATTRACTION! i IMMENSE CIRCULATION ' I EVEHING Dis'PATCH' Published in Augusta, Ga., by S. A, ATKINSON. I j It is issued in the evening, and goes into the interior by the four o’clock (P. M.) trains, con- * sequently it must contain i THE LATEST NEWS! i It has tho j' TELEGRAPHIC DISPATCHES,' ‘ IP rio © s Our x- ©xx t. ! Commercial Reports from all the leading markets or THIS COUNTRY AND EUROPE ; gives the ACTUAL SALES in the Augusta COTTON AND PRODUCE MARKETS, and a careful summary of nrewii T Y It is the organ of no party, but i 3 devoted to popular intelligence and stirring late news. Its EDITORIALS embrace the best articles of a number of the BEST WRITERS IN THE SOUTH! who have been engaged to'discus* the i STIRRING TOPICS OF THE TIMES \ through its columns. /V. yitT CORRESPONDENCE is more varied and ex- j pensive that of any paper in the State, cm j bracing prompt and vigorous reporters in all sections of the country, and regular correspon dence from metropolitan localities. Its LITERARY DEPARTMENT will embrace a 1 variety of choice literary productions, original j md selected—while its GENERAL NEWS will range through the varied current of inter esting events, incidents, accidents, and graphic' narratives, dished up with industry and care— j condensed —boiled down—winnowed—and pro- J sonted on a clear, legible sheet, at the low price of $4 DOLLARS A YEAR! THE WEEKLY ' A «(] us ta Uis pat cl), similar in general character to the daily, is is sued every FRIDAY, at $1.50 A YEA R ! It contains a brilliant variety of valuable matter, at a price within the reach of all. Attention is earnestly invited to these publica > tions. Specimen copies sent when desired. S. A. ATKINSON, Proprietor. =3^ Kio Coffee. Q ba S s Prime Green KIO COFFEE, f for sale by HAND, WILLIAMS k GRAVES, No. Warren Block. Wanted. X WISH TO HIKE a Negro Boy from 14 _L to 16 years of age, by the month. Apply to . THOMAS P. FOGARTY, g J an <~* * Apot-ecarie Hall. ZENUM, warranted to remove Grease, Paint, Tar, &c., from Silk. Woollen, Linen - Ac., without the least injury to the fabric. Foi -ale by junti WM. H. TUTT. f pEEAMALE. ' \J Reviving da ly iu prime order and condi tion consignments of Massey, Collies & Goes cele brated CREAM ALE, and for sale by * THOMAS WHYTE, Solo Agent for *ho Brewery. Bosoms for Shirts. IAM NOW OPENING a large lot of *c« »s « * 2WT « „ the latest New York styles : 40 dozen splendid Bosoms, ut 37cents each, warranted to w a longer lean any other kind of Bosoms ever made. Ladies arc particularly invited to call and ex amine the same, at BERSEY’S, . nihil _ Opprsite U. S. HoteL SHIRT’S I SHIRTS!! SHIRTS!!! IHAV E JUST RECEIVED a now lot of . SHIRTS, and will sell them very cheap for cash. rnbll C. W. HERSEY. 11 i Ty UTTER AND CHEESE. V JL> A large supply or both, for sale very cheap by <129 DANGLH. WILOOX. Utkrllannuis. SAVE YOUR TIN ! Burning Fluid AT SIXTY CENTS PER GALLOS ! 1 AM NOW SELLING the very best 1. BURNING FLUID, at 00 cent. jr. per gallon. As my sales are very large, I am enabled to open it fresh every day or j J Cash orders from the city orcoun try wiM be thankfully received. From arrangements now making, T i) j hope soon to reduce the price still ® lower. , mh3 S. C. MUSTIX. m Sugars. ~~ HP WENT Y-FIVE hhds. N. 0. SUGAR ; X 200 bbis A. B and C Refined do 50 do Crushed and Powdered do For sale low by JOSIAH SIBLEY & SONS, tnlill No. 6, Warren Block. ( OLD BAND CHINA. va For sale very low, in complete sett? or •‘i'Lrate, those wai ting to fill up old setts, or •on base new, are nspectfuliy requested to give me a call. Store few doors ab »ve the Augusta mcl. fob2s S. C.MUSTIN. pOTTON YARNS AND OSNABURGS. V_>' 50 bales Cotton Yarns, assorted sizes ; 20 do Osnaburgs, from the Mon tour Manufacturing Company. For ale by leh 23 Ti H)S. I'. STOVA LL k CO. GROVER &. BAKER’S SEWING MACHINES. |> EASONS why the* Grover k Baker j JLV Machine is universally preferred for family sewing: 1. It is more simple and easier kept in order' I than any other Machine. 1 2d. It makes a seam which will not rip or ravel, though every third stitch is cut. •>d. it sews from two ordinary spools,and tints all trouble of winding thread is avoided, white the same machine can be adapted at pleasure, i by a mere change of spool . to all varieties of work 4th. The same machine runs silk, linen thread, and common spool cotton with equal facility. sth. Tho seam is as elastic as the most elastic fabric, so that it is free from all liability to break in washing, ironing, or otherwise. Ctli. The stitch made by this machine is more beautiful than any other made, either by hand or machine For sale by TIIOS. P. STOVALL & CO., mliG Augusta, Georgia. J' UST RECEIVED. A fresh lot of ARTIST? MATERIALS. For sale low by mli6 THUS. P. FOGARTY. Burning fluid and alcohol. 500 gallous Burning Fluid, pure and fresh : yOO do 05 per cent Alcohol. For sale Viry low by mhfi TtfOS. P. FOGARTY. SOUTHERN SEED STORK. I WILL OPEN; ill a few days, a flush supply of G-arclen Seed, from the reputable houses of landrcth nndThor burn. With the patronage of the public, 1 in tend to make this one of the principal Seed Stores of the South, to merit which my seeds are-put up « in good envelope paper, and warranted to give satisfaction, in all respects, i V. LaTASTFI. Broa '-st., two doors below the Post Office. thhß d*ws 1 cSaveta house, NEWNAN, GA. mhS-ly SANDERS W. LEE. ! / ■ Lil> lii^iiattCP. rpilE AUGUSTA INSURANCE AND) ;JL BANKING COMPANY are pn par Uto i I j at moderate premium- policies i f n suranee c.:.! the lives of Slave.-, either for on •. live or tea i years. Forms of applicatem and table? of rates j can bo procutcd at the office of the Company, i free of charge. WM. M. IVAXTIGNAC, President. C. F. MoCot, fiebll Looking glasses. A large stock, well assorted. lor sale cheap, j separate or by the i-ozeh . fel>2s S.C. MUSTIN. TTTTAITERS. V T All kinds, for sale cheap bv S. C. MUSTI? TWWt THOUSAND lbs. BACON Jl round, on consignment and for .-ale lew, for | cash on Iby P 25 M. W. WOODRUFF. j riIEN tierces Prime RlOli', on uonsigt * JL ment and for sale low fur e.i h only. J feb2s . M. W. WOODRUFF. | TKIVE HUNDRED BUSHEIA SEED Jl OATS, on consign i.ent and for sale bv fel>2s M. W. WOODRUFF. ! A FEW hhds. N. O. SUGAR, in store! and for sale, ou accommodating terms, by feb2s '. w. woodruff, j SMALL LOT OF Itl'E s ill in store, for which a buyer is wanted, bv j febß MW. WOODRUFF. DUFFIELD H^MSlj INTe'w- Cx-opi- FOB SALE BY THOMAS P. STOVALL & CO.. Agents. | WIXDOV; sHADES XT'I FT \ different patterns uew style; X. Window Shades, just received at BENJAMIN k GO<lilt 1 011’S sop 20 Furniture Win erooms i IjMIESH liAISINS, in whole, half ami quarter boxes. 25 hhds Cuba MOLASSES, on the wharf, for sale low by HAND, WILLIAMS & GRAVES. I nov2B No. 5 Warren Block, j I Coffee. ' QIX HUNDRED bags Rio Coffee, O iO bags laguyra 25 do Old -Java “ SO do Havana “ , For sale by oct6 HAND. WILCOX & ANSLEY NEW GOODS ARRIVING BY EX PRESS. SPLENDID WALKING STICKS, Crooks, Gutta Prrclia, Gold and Silver Mounted, of all sizes and kinds ; Elegant PUFF BOXES, made of the same material. Also—Long and Short RULERS for Book Keeper-, and a new assortment of superior GOLD PENS for the same. >, Several of those superb GOLD WATCHES, es pecially fur Railroad men. on account of their accurate time, and at prices never beibre offered iZ) low J Being about to go North, now ts your time to ; /uy cheaply the BEST OF GOODS, at the LOWEST i f TRICE—to rxakc room for an enlargement of the i store in r i HENRY J. OSBORNE. I GEER’S MACHINE FOR CUTTING, PLANING AND MOULDING IIIIS mu II FORMS. A N INSTRUMENT capable ot per- A forming marly ail the irregular and curv ed work ined in carpentry, such as Arches, Gothic Sash, Bracket? and s rolls ; in Cabinet Work, CaFriage Building, Boat and Ship Building and ill Work of all kinds. Persons who have work of tins kind arc in vited to visit the shop of the subscriber, where they will find a machine in operation. Machines on hand for sale. WM. H. GOODRICH, oct29 Reynold-stroet STONE MOUNTAIN HOUSE DeKALB COUNTY, GA. ! mUB-ly S. F, ALKXANDER. j Bacon. 20,000 lbs choice HOG ROUNG; 10.0001 b? handsome small SHOULDERS. | 1 For sale low by mhß Uiwfiw' ESTES & CLARK, j Crockery, China and cTiiiss wai e« «}■«• Ba ;uq a xj SUPPLIED <»n better terms than by , )0 auy other concern in this We have the goods, and they must bo sold. Store few \ 1 doors above tlia Augusta 110- 1 M 'hs&zr' < tel. 'U..aP»4asP lcb2s S. C. MUSTIN SjkdbiiM. HERS EY ’ S S H SHIRT R T SHIRT STORE. mhll orposiTE r. s. hotel. Sup’r Blafk Cloth Frocks* VXTEhave full lined ami full trimmed * V FROCKS, cheaper than ever offered be fore. mb4 RAMSEY & LABAW. Fire anti Life Insurance. ; IJPHE CONTINUED FIRES, and daily •*- : deaths, in all juris of our country . warn pru <*nt j*eiM.n* u> .-ccuretliem selves against destruction and ruin vhich cau be done with a light annua: k/'M I in. si rune of lives and proporty at Kvf'Aiy in»>st re • mnahlo rates can be effected ferny it my office in Maw-on. Ga , iu the following responsible companies : South th Mutual Life Insurance Comp my, Co lumbia, S. C. Howard Fire and Marino, Phi’ndolpliia. j Consolidated Insurance do Farmers’and Mechanics’ do j Bridgeport FirjkanU Marine, Bridgeport, Ct. mh4 JOHN' ROBSON, Agent. Raisins. then boxes LAYER RAISINS ; . . B 20 do M. R. do 20 half do do 20 qu’r do do Just received at _ fell 17 D'AX ■ ~,XAC & HURRAED’ L VVatcli, Clock and Jewelry Work. HENRY J. OSBORNE would respect tally inform bis friends and ac .—_ quaintances that he has employed in f d&»>\ \ the work department of his ostab'i*h JjEUM i ment. Mr. T. S. WOOD and Mr. WM i 0. WOODSTOCK, both experienced in £prjggul i all departments of the trade, each o jsfjflg whom will give personal attention t» [I ' jH the interests of this well known estab ti**..-, Si. lishment. A liberal share of public patronage is most respectfully solicit'd t * * HKXRY J. OSBORNE’S Watch, Jewelry and Optical Store, 256 Broad-st, under the IT.l T . S. Hotel, Augusta. >febl2 I Attention! VOW OPENING at V. LaTASTES , J.. l Dmg and Beefi Store, a fresh assortment of , Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Putty, Glass, Ac. Pin tor.s and others visiting Augusta will do j well to examine the stock, if they wish to get - cbe; p bargains. Broad-street, two doors below the Post Office, i mhß d*w4 eb a AT rKICKS iTo Suit tlio Times. > rpHE remaining Winter stock to be , X sold at reduced prices, to make room .lor | our Spring stock. Ail of width will be bold at i pricey to defy competition, at RAMSKY k LABAWS, , mli4-tf ' Opposite Union bank. Burning fluid. Just received, a fresh supply of BURNING j j *• i.k ll*. nt 80 cents per gallon, at the Apoilie- ‘ j caries’ Hall. febil THOMAS P. FOGARTY. ; Best burning fluid. lam at ail times prepared to fill all orders i 1 for “ Best Fluid,’’ by the barrei, can or gallon, i at the v ry lowest price. f< b 24 S C. MIVTIX. j LAMiV X The largest stock ill the city, and greatest I variety, for sale by the dozen or sr;;arite. t. 1.24 S. < MUSI4X. iiinckereL riIWENTY Quarter bin is. MESS MACK- X LREL, just received at I I'd*l7 D’ANi'b SACk HI’BBABU’S. linVO HUNDRED SACKS FLOUR, on . : X_ consignment and for sal * mi ca y tci in ■, by i fcb'2s ' M. W. WOODRUFF. ' Buraiiig Fluid! Burniag Fluid f! A FRESH SUI’PLY JUST RECEIVED. i 1 For sale, by the l.irrw, Can or Gallon, at i SfM'Y IT.XTS, warranted as good as.any in the ! city. mlil3 S. C. MlVilN. / lIIOK E HAMS. - I One Hundred choice HAMS, from the plan- I tuiion of ltev. Juriuh Harris, ju.-.t received and tor sale at mhlS O'ANTI GN AC .v HUBBARD’S. TTEAST fOWDERS. X Five (boss Preston k Merrill's \EA$i i POWDERS, just received at mills D’ANTIGNAC & HUBBARD’S. 13 IG HAMS. 5 casks choice Smoked Pig Ilams, just rc ! ceived at mlilS D'AN TIG X AC & HUBBARD’S. QMOKED TONGUES. 1 1 O Throe Dozen choice Smoked longues, just ' | received at mhiS D’ANTIGNAC k HUBBARD’S. Sardines !—sardines !! l ive hundred llaii Boxes Sardines ; do do Quarter do . i Just received at mlilS D’ANTIGNAC k HUBBARD’S. Diamonds? *’ RINGSaud PlNS—aline selection of first water stones—few but line aud cheap tor the j quality of the article. At febiO HENRY J. OSBORNE’S. ; r iOFFEE. HOO bags common to prime COFFEE. For sale low by JOsIAH BIBLE V & SONS, mhll No. 6. Warren Block. RecelveUthis day - Another lot of superior LARD LAMPS and MACHINERY OH., will be sob! low lorcisli. 1 mh6 THOMAS P. FOGARTY. Kick. Ten Tierces, just received aud for sale low by JOSIAH SIBLEY k SONS, mlill No. 6, Warren Block. JJOTATOKS 50 bbls Yellow Planting Potatoes. For sale low by JOSIAH SIBLEY SONS, 11 mhll No. 6, Warreu Block. Shirt Fronts. ANEW SUPPLY of beautiful Mar seilles and Woven Cambric SHIRT FRONTS. r ! Just received at mhl l HERSF.Y’S. vion Collars. Tj'ORTY FIVE doss. Round-Point Byron X’ COLLARS, at $1.50 per doz.—a first rate .; article. inhll At HKR*E V ’S. GRIS AT STAPLE SHIRTS. ,4 LARGE LOT OF THE ABOVE ! BR ND, at $1 each, at j mhll IIERSE > ’g. Genii’ Furnishing Goods* 4 GOOD ASSORTMENT of Mens’Fur -IJL nishiug Goods always < n hand, at the very 1 lowest rices, at mhll HERSEY’S. Bacon. Ten Thousand lbs. SHOULDERS ; 1 j do do do HOG ROUND. For sale ' low by mhll dm A. o. WILLIAMS. shot: ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY bags SHOT, different sizos. For -ale low by inhll dm A. D. Wild JAMS. STEAM ENGINES. IMTE Proprietors of the AUGUSTA . WORKS, Augusta. Ga. are building STEAM ’ ENGINES of any size required, aud are now about completing several from tyfenty to forty horse power-all of the best quAUTV. Prices as low as uau be laid down in this city, from any part of i the United States, southern enterprise depends upon Southern patronage. Address jy29 6m L. HOPKINS k CO.. Turpentine. Price per gal., by the barrel, 65 cents : re tail 70 ceuts per gallon. fcUii S. C. MCSTIN. Utkdkntons. IMPORTANT NATIONAL WORKS, Sold by Subscription Only. Publisher] by D. Appleton&Co., N. York. ■ r |MIE following Standard Books com- X mence the series. To insure uni orm prices tnd regularity in the delivery of the volumes t" -übscribers in all parts of the country, local ■gents arc or will be appointed in every city ;.nd principal town ; and we shall aim to employ on y such persons as will have the confidence of he people. The books wilTho in every respe t • jual to the sample shown, aud no pains or ex pense will be spared to produce the works begun m a reasonable time, and to the entire approba tion of subscribers. I. The Abridgment of the Debatea of Coil . Tress; or, the Political History ol the United States. From the* original documents. Edited t>y Coli*Thomas H. Benton. In Fifteen largo oc tavo volumes of about 750 two-column pages. J This work has now reached the Filth volume, and is now giving great sati-Taction among all classes. It will contain the wisdom of Congress j for seventy years, and will bean invaluable part of tbe history of the country. It i; of national interest, end one of the most valuable cornpen diums for public and priv to libraries ever is sued. Tbe work realizes a d i tier aluinl o 11 g l'cl t. aud of all others, for the jiolitical history Os the Government, most wanted. Its wide range of characters, each one speak ing for himself, and representing his own pauty, and its far stretch of time, make it of the great est value to flie nation. Ibo Indexing io very complete, so (hat any name or subject desired may be found in either volume at o.i je. 7V ms -The wor ’s publishing exclusively by subscription, and tbe volumes are issued at in tervals ot from 2to 3 months. In cloth binding at $3 ; law sheep $3.50 ; half morocco $1 ; half calf extra $4.50; each volume payable as deliv ered. 11. The Ne o American CydopcrJia, form ing a complete Dictionary of General Knowledge. Edited by Charles A. Dana aud Geohge, aided by t numerous select corps of writers iu all branches of Science, Art and Literature. The object and desire of the publishers and editors is to produce a Cyclopaedia of the liiglies •harm ter. and to meet the wants of tbe Artieri can people. The work i > not founded on any European model, but will, as far as the nature of a Cycle paedia permits, possess a strictly original charac ter. All the information of auy importance con tained in the following works will be comprised in the New American Cyclopaedia, viz; Encyclopaedia Britanun a ; Penuy Cyclopaedia ; Conversations Lexicons ; Encyclopedic Moderne: Dictionnaria dc la Convcrsition ; Km ycl pedie Mctropolilan.i, Encyclopedic des Gens du Monde ; Nouveau Biographic General'* : together with a large number of Dictionaries and Cyclopedias on special subjects. With tliecommand of the most am pie resources by arrangements already made with a largi number of the most distinguished writers iu America and Europe, the publishers do not hesi tate to say, that tin* New American Cyclopaedia will he superior in exten*, variety, and exact ness of information, to any similar publication in the English language. The work will be published exclusively by subscription, in about fifteen large octavo vol umes, each containing 750 two-column page-, aim in exterior ippcarnnce will be at once ele gant and substantial. The volume- will be is sued serially in cloth, at $3 ; Library stylo, Loath' r. $3.50 ; half morocco. $4 ; half Russia , xtra $4.50 : each payable on delivery. The first voluni: is now ready,ami the second will be issued early in'the .Spring, and then con tiuiie the successive volumes every two or three mouths. I HI. Cycfopcedia of American Eloquence. — A c"livvl:<m or Speeches and Address* *, Foron-ic and Parliamentary, by the most eminent Ora tors of America, with biographical sketches aud llltis tiaiiv <• notes. Edited by Fuank Mookk. This work contains mauy\speecbc3 never be fore publishe.L All the speeches of Patrick ilbnry, also speeches and specimens by the fol lowhig, among many others ; •Simuel Adams, Washington, James Otis, Dr. David Ramsay, Alex Hamilton, John Dickinson, Rich rd Henry Lee, Dr. John Witherspoon, Wm Livingston, Dr. Benj. Rush, John Rutledge, Chief e Marshall. The work is coruj leted iu two volumes, con taining about Pith) pages royal o~tavo size, and font teen finely engraved portraits from steel plates. Price for the two volumes in cloth, $5 00 : Li- j brary style, Leather, $0; half morocco, $7; half calf extra. SB. Subscribers will bo supplied ;fast as the bind ng can be executed and a the work will be sold only by subscription, all persons desi rous of obtaining it. and who have not already entered their names, are invited to do so. IV. Cyclopicdki of Wil and Humor , com prising a eolicctio . of complete s rticlcs, and spec.mens of written li MOK and ECCEN iRICI- I'IES, from the most eminent Humorists of Ame rica, Ireland, Scotland and England. Illustrate ! with 600 Engravings, made expressly for the text, from original designs ; also 24 Portraits. Edited bv William E. Burton, th.* celebrated cemedian. Among the authors of the articles which appear in the volumes are the following : Jam -s K. Paulding, Dr. Samuel Peters, Henry Pickering, John Trumbull. Robert C. Sands Dr. Jeremy Belknap, John Bernard, Jos. Rodman Drake, Henry J. Finn, F. G. Halleck, Theodore S Fay, John Howard Payne, Wm. C. Bryant, Dr. S ml. L. Mitchell, Gnlian C. Vi rplank, Joel Barlow, William Dunlap, H. 11. Brackenridge, Washington Allston, David Paul Brown, Dr. Samuel Gilman, Willis Gaylord Clark, Ju go James Hall, Eliza Leslie, Col. Wm. L. Stone, Mr 3. Caroline Gilman, Robert M. Bird, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Grenville Mullen, Washington Irving, M. M. Noah, J. G. C. Brainerd, Richard Penn Smith, Robert S. Collin, the Bys- John Inman, ton Bard. The work will he issued in 24 jiarts, semi monthly , at 25 cents. Forming 2 large volumes at $8 50 each, or four divisions neatly hound in cloth, at $2 each. We beg leave cordially to invite our follow citizens in all parts of tbe country to co-operate with us in bringing out this series of standard and useful works. 35“ Subscribers to “ Benton’s Thirty Years’ View.” of which more than 50,000 have been subscribed for, are informed that the s cond . volume completing the work is now ready, and will be supplied in the various styles to match the first, although considerably larger, at th s same price. Local Agents wanted BENJ. G. LIDLGN. Madison, Geo., febl General Agent for the state A Card. POLLLAIN. JENNINGS & CO.*, . GROCERS AND COTTON FACTORS, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. ANTOINK POULLAIN, THOMAS J . JKNNINO 5. ISAIAH jan7 I’urse. w4m Sugar and Coffee. HHDri. choice Porto Rico Sugar, . 10 “ common “ '• 300 bhis yellow Coffee Sugar. 50 bbls Crashed axd Powdered Sugar, 250 bags prime Rio<3offee, 200 bags common *‘ 10 bags prime Java, 25 bags prime I/iguira, 25 bags prime Bahia, for sale by nov6 DANIEL 11. WIl COX. Look at This. I AM NOW PREPARED TO DO ALL work in the Carmuiter’s line with neatness and dispatch. Job im; attended to. Also, Furniture mafic and repaired. HENRY ROGERS. Shop on Jackson-streei, near the baptist Church. mhs f ts maos. RICHARDS & SON have for B sale, Adventures aud Jiisssionary Labor in several Countries i tbe Interior of Africa from 1849 to 1856, by T. J. Bowen. ‘.fill Gr.u*e Truiu **, or Love and Principle by Mrs. salheßochest .r ord, of lionisville, Ken tucky. d 29 Longwortli’s Native Wines. LONG WORTH'S Sparkling Catawba WINE, Longworth’s Sparkling Isabella Wine, do Dry Cata.cbu do do Ladies’ Sweet do do Catawba Brandy. For sale low to the trade. oct26 THOS. P. STOVALL k CO., Agents. ONE THOUSAND bushels CORN, in store and for sale by fet*<> M. W. WOODRUFF. gfr fe AUGUSTA STOYE DEPOT ( And House Furnishing Emporium. WM. H. GOODRICH, Sole fa y ycnt and Proprietor. ON HAND, a full .assortment of the celebrated VICTOR COOK STOVES, inane • factored in this city from .Southern Iron, beinj. I the best constructed cook stove now in market 1 Having been fully tested, it has proved to be all - bat its name implies, “ The Victor.” 1 Also, n large variety of Parlor, Hall and Box t Stoves, of Southern manufacture, all ol which ire now offered at wholesale and retail prices, i ind warranted to give a ti?faction. CHEAP NORTHERN STOVES, a large variety, which I will svil cheap to make ■ room, among which may be found i The Bight Street Cook Stove,. 1 The Empire State “ The Blue Ridgo “ The Morning Star (double oven) Cook Steve. The Ocean Premium (flush dvou) “ 1 A. J. Gallagher’s Air-Tight Sun Rise Cook i : Stove, with corrugated oven, i A'l sizes of the well known Knickerbocker; 1 RANGE, the best and most durable cook Range; now before the public Parlor and O/lico GRATES, COAL BERNERS. . :c.. a choice variety just received, all of new * designs and late improvements : Coal Hods. Blower Standards and Holders, Pokers, Shovels and Tongs with Standards, Fire Carriers, Coal , Sitters, Ac. ALSO, A full stock,of HOUSE ITRN'S.iING HOOPS, 1 which, for variety, is unsurpassed by any si mi lar establishment in th > South. My i.milities foi Im.-iftess are such that no desirable channel ol trade is inaccessible to me. and my fri'Ud.s and ■. patrons and the public generally, may fully rely upon finding as good u stock of goods, it not. bet icr, from which to make selections, at No. 11 i »«•- : Kalb Range, Brood'-street, as can b ■ found in this I city or State, and at prices which leaves compe tition entirely out of the question, having deter , mined to sell low to suit the time-. Tin Plates, Copper and Sheet Iron, Copper Pits. Pressed Covers. Rivets, Wire, &c., upon themosi | reasonable terms. | All kinds of Copper Work made to order. * W. H. GOODRICH. No. 3, DeKalb Range. Broad-street. oct3l Augusta. Oa. Southern Stoves, ! THE Proprietors of the All aßagj. GUSTA WORKS. Augusta, Ga., are ftflnM- manufacturing SfOVES for the South. I [MMfrTlmv have spared no expense to get up j Jwß6aJ|the very b'*-t class of Stoves now in use, as may be inferrred from the fa vorable notice and honors awarded at the la«t j year’s Shte Fairs of the following States : Geor ; gia. South Carolina and Alabama : also, at the il« • bailies’ Institute ut Cimrl ;u, C. (We diil not exhibit samples at other Fair’sf) The various sizes of our “Victor’’ Cooking .Stoves, ‘Rival’ Box Stoves and ‘Star’ ParloJ Stoves, a.e ad pted to the wants of the public., and we have abundant of a determined purpose on the part of Southern itizens to pa troni/e and sustain Southern enterprise. Wild JAM H. GOODRICH, of this eitv, is sole Agent for the sale of our stoves in the following states—Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Alabama, Tennessee and Florida. Address W.w. H. Goodrich, Augusta, Ga , tor all matters relating to stoves. jv29 6m L HOPKINS k CO. ST RATES, j RANGES, IS &,C., &C.' S. S. JONES & CO. BEG AGAIN to call the attention of their numerous customers and tin* public generally to their extensive assortment of STOVES, GRATES, RANGES, and a complete variety of even tiling pertaining to a First Class Mouse Furnishing Store. w- <s-»«*- Our assortment in this e part men t is a’l that the most fastidious can do*re. Wo have nearly every style of COOK, OFFICE and PAKLOP. STOVES kept by any other house in the city, and many desirable patterns that arc to be found ex dusioly at our establishment. * ** 8 Os these goods we have some thirty different patterns, all bought within the last sixty days and from the 1 Most designs. We think we hazard nothing in saying that we’can oiler a MUCH GREATER VARIETY in this lino than all other dealers iu the city com bined. • Having tested nearly ail the tiiUerc t styles ol I Run;; > extant, we have for two years p.istsold j Motts’ PATENT INVINCIBLE RANGE exclusive ly, believing them to be the very best articb oAcred. We have sold some twenty of these Ranges in Augusta and vicinity, and they have never failed to give perfect satisfm.t.on. We 'rill sell to any customer with a full guarantee that those Ranges arc perfect iu their oper.'tion in every particular. lioiise (ionils. In this departmeut enumeration is out of the question. Our assortment is, as usual, com plete, and no effort will be spared on our part to retain for our house tho position it has occupied for five years past. It is well known that we keep MORE THAN DOUBLE the slock and va ! riety of any house in the city, and ours is, in ;act. • the place to purchase House Furnishing Goods. The increase of our business in this department has entirely exceeded our expectations. Our efforts to establish a First Class II o u sc -F u rnisliiiig Store have been crowned with succes3 by an apprecia ting public, and our motto is •• Upward and On ward. ” r B7B «a 4n«»<9«lk. We have in store an unusually heave stock o Tin Plate, Sheet Iron, Sheet Copper, Iron Wire. Block Tin, Pig and Bar Lead. Also, a large stock of Japanned. Ware, Pressed Covers and Plates of every description, Bucket Ears, Rivets, Tinners’ Tools and Machines, &c., which we offer o the trade on the very best terms. S. S. JONES & CO., °dt2l 210 Broad-street. Tlios. iificliards N Son, v AUGUSTA, GA.. TTAVE JUST RECEIVED their Fall X X stock of Classical. Medical. Law ann Mis cellaneous . 13 OOKS. u Also—ANNuAixs, ana other ciegantly d bound Presfci.iatiou nuuKSaud BLANK BOOK./, o of every vunety Uuo quality : Portable DESKS ; •* RETICULES, auu many other fancy articles, suit -3 able for presents : Musical Instruments, &c., AT WHOLES ALE ONLY. Horn and Shell Tuck, Side, Dressing, l’ocket, Ivory, Fine, and various qualities of all other kinds of Combs ; Coat, Overcoat, Vest, Pant. Strap, and every other kind of Buttons ; Looking Glasses, Spectacles, Beads, Necklaces, Hooks ane Eyes, Pins and Needles. Percussion Caps. Whalebone, Marbles, Hair, Knitting and Netting , Pins ; Vest and Coat Moulds, Suspenders, ladies’ ’» and Hoys’ Bdlts, new style; Hair and Shaving Brushes, Shaving Boxes, Soaps, Bonnet Wire. H Harps, Porte Mutinies, Skirt Hoops, live kinds ; ladies’ Cabas and Sajcbels, Jet Necklaces, Gar - ters, Broaches and Bracelets, Ladies’ Elastic Head Bands, Hair Pins, Spool Cottons, Fiax . Threads. Sewing Silks, Tapes, Bobbins, Cotton ’ Floss, Powder Pulls, and a great variety of other Fancy Articles, too numerous to mention, which usually cost much time and trouble to select, and i to which they are constantly making additions, all of which are offered, wholesale or retail, at a small advance on So>t. i jo®*They invite the* inspection of the public. 1 if BLANK BOOKS manufactured to order. J£<T Job Printing neatly and promptly execu ted. _ pt 3 H. \V. KINSMAN, r | IMPORTER AND DIIALRK IV Z WINDOW SHADES, CURTAIN GOODS, PAPER HANGINGS, XT pliolstery 223 King, 3 doors south of Beaufain-street, “• octlS CHAHLiSTOX, SC. 6mwiii r nagging and Hope. r VINE HUNDRED BALES very heavy jV / Gunny Bagging; 300 bolts patched ; 500 coils and lialf machine and hand made rop.«. for y .sale low by (nov6) DANIEL 11. WILCOX. " | /"TOLDS AND COUGHS. “ Vy 0 doz. Wistar’s Balsam Wild Cherry; 10 do Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral; 18 do Syrup of Wild Cherry: 20 do Dr. Jackson’s Syrup Wild Cherry; 32 do Cod Liver Oil; 6 do Pastilles do Puris. The above excel lent remedies for sale low l»y leb2 THOS. P. FOGARTY. New crop new Orleans sugar AND MOLASSES. D 10 hhds prime'and choice N Orleans SUGAR, 25 bbls prime SYRUP, just received by d 29 DANIEL H. WILCOX. Jr» §wk J3ry Goods! Dry Goods!! MILLER & WARREN are now receir ing their stocks o( FALL AND WINTER GOODS, which they are prepared to offer and sell as low is any house in the city." Tho stock has been selected with great care, and comprise* a great variety of ladies’ Dross Goods, such as • Rich and elegant Silk Robe doQuille, Bayadere Silks, variety of styles, 'ilk Valencias, striped and plaid, Plain Silks, all colors, i Mourning Bayadere and Chene Silks. Plain Black, i’luid and Striped do Silk Poplins and Victoria Plaids, Delaine Robe do Quillc, Rich Fig’d Delaines and Cashmeres, Emb’d French Merinoea, new styles, Plain French and English Merlnoee. Mourning Delaines. —ALSO— French aud English Prints, American do Mourning do Scotch Gingh'ims, Mourning Ginghams, Chano Ginghams, An ext %ive variety of Shawls, comprising I Silk Thibet Shawls, Brocbe Shawls, j Flush Bordered Stella Shawls, ■; Chenille Shawls and S.arfs. ladies’ black and colored Cloth Cloaks, , liicb Velvet Cloaks, every variety, All-Wool Loro Shawls, Plain bl’k and Second Mourning Merino Shawls, A lot of beautitul Embioidcries. consisting of i Rich Muslin Sle.-ves and Collars, in setts, Jaoonct and Swiss Sleeves, Linen CoUats. Maltese Laoe Setts. Imitations Lace Collars and Sleeves. Jaconet and Swiss Bands, Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs, plain and em broidci ed, Hemmed and Mourning Handkerchiefs, Misses’ aud Boys’ Wool Hose, Wool Gaiters ; Nett Sacks, Misses’ Merino Vests Ladies Merino Vests, short and long sleeves, For the OctWHenion’s line may be found— Black Cloths and Cassi meres. Fancy Cass meres, latest styles. Rich Velvet and Cashmere Vestings, North Carolina Cassiineros, superior article, Cravats and Collars ; Merino Ties. septl» MILLER & WARREN. C laea p Dry i» oods. 1857• FALL TRADE. 1857 A U G U S . G KORG lA. BROOM & NOKKELL are now receiv ing at their new store, .Vo. 238, /Jroad-st. a large and elegant assortment of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods. Their stock is one of the largest and most complete in their line in the city, and comprises all of the latest and most elegant styles of the season. They would re spectfully solicit public patronage, and cordially invite all o examine their Goods. /.AIDES' DRESS GOODS. Paucy Dress bilks. Plaids and stripes, Rich Silk Robe a’Quillc, very heavy. Rich Bayadere Siiks, Poplins, Handsome Foulards, Black Brocade Silks, stripes, plaids and figures. Mourning and Half Mourning Silks. Rich French Printed All-wool Delaines, Robes a’Quille, Bayadere Stripes, Cashmere d'Ecosse. Valencia Plaids andTarltang, And a variety of other Goods tor children ; 1 Printed Coburgs, Paramattas, English and French Merinoea, Plain aud Printed Delaines and Persians, aliquot itios, French, English and American Prints, great va riety, French. Scotch and American Ginghams, great variety ; Plain Printed and Plaid Opera Flannels. CLOAKS AND MANTILLAS. Os the latest styles, from low priced to very rich, in great variety. CHENILLE BHA WES AND SCARFS, And almost every description, from low price to very fine quality. A large itssoi tmont of ladies' Cloths, all colors, for Cloaks and Mantillas. Mourning Goods, of every style, suitable for the season. Hoop Skirts, every style and quality used, Corsets, French and Railroad. EMBROIDERIES. Os all kinds, and a large a--I'l tnieiit of French Worked Collars, Sleeve- 5 . Bauds. Flouueiugs, Emb’d Skirts, Handkerchief's, lnfitut’s Waists, Worked Edgings and Inserting*. Gloves of all kinds, for ladies, Gents and Boy?, Hosiery “ “ ‘ “ “ Flannels, largo assortment, all prices and qualities Merino Vests. f«>r ladies. Children and Gents PANTALOON GOODS. All styles Cassiineres. Doeskins, Corduroys. fv.oeds/Sutinetts. plain and p'ai Is ; Kentucky Jeans, Carolina Jeans, Merino t'u- imerc-s, for children ; Plaids and Kob-Kovs, for Children, Arc. PLANTATION AND S'VTS GOODS. largest assortment- and greatest variety in the city, comprising the most durable Goods in tho market in the way of lv rseys, white and brown Plains, Ileavv Twill-’. Linsevs, Osnabu r ;;s.Stripoß BLANKETS. Negro Blankets, white and grey, Saddle “ Travelling Blankets, Mackinaw “ Fancy “ of everv description. BED BLANKETS, From a small Crib Blanket to a very large and superior Bed Blanket. As we have but ONE PRICE, our goods will bo offered at the lowest prices, which we guarantee to be as low us any in the southern country. Our system not only compels us to sell our goods at the lowest prices, but it also protects the buyer from paying over market pi ice, as he invariably does, where there is an asking and a taking pr'esa All orders will receive our personal and prompt attention, and our be.-t judgment in exe cuting them. BROOM k NORRELL, . sept2s No 288, Broad- FALL 1857. ~ ■ CORNER UNDER GLOUE HOTEL. I Augusta, Georgia. LC. DEMING has now in store his « entire stock of FALLand WINTER GOODS, being the most complete ever offered, and at lower prices to cash and prompt paying custom ers. Among which will l>e found SILK DRESS GOODS. The greatest variety that can be found in th® city. Tho Robe a Quiile, Robe a Volantz.Beye dere, (two size stripe,) Velentres, Poplins and 1 Side Stripe—all varying in price, from S2O t» - S6O per Robe. Also—Solid Colored SILKS,in every shade, with RIBBONS aud VELVETS for Side Stripe. All of which are eutirely new and , confined styles. SOLID BLACK SILKS, i Warranted to maintain their color. WOOL DRESS GOODS In every variety, embracing Robe a QuHle. Beyedcre, Voluntze, etc., with the usual sty lee ’ and qualities. [ EMBROIDERIES AND LACE GOODS. Most complete, aud at lower rates than ever be i fore offered. SHAWLS. i Square and long, for Gents, Ladies and Children; Mourning to Full Dress, from 25 cents to $2tT : A large variety of CHENEILE, with Plain and . Figured Centres. ; MANTILLAS AND CLOAKS, ' From $2 Cloth to S6O Velvet. Particular atten- L ' tion lias been paid to them, being made full and s of the best Ve'vet.. Also— Chiluren’s and Misses' 3 CLOAKS, MERINOS, COBEKGS, CASHMERES, r and MOUSLIN DE LA INS of all colors. 1 French, English and American Solid and Fig -1 tired OPERA FLANNELS. • Childrens’ DRESS GOODS, of Wool and Silk h ; materials. New and confined stvles MOURNING GOODS. KERSEYS AND BLANKETS, _' At lower rates than can be purchasedetecwhere. stir My bouse is the only one where Geoko* - j Schley’s— warranted all wool tilling*-WHITE ! GEORGIA PLAINS can be had. They are the most durable aud economical Goods ever offered to the Planters. i LINSEVS. OS N A BURGS. STRIPES. HOME SPUNS, FLANNELS, HOSIERY. TICKINGS, Ac., in full variety. Every ar icle that I have shall be offered at ! the owost rates possible An examination so j licited. Orders punctually and carefully atten ded to. L. C. DEMING, [ septl? Corner undftt Globe TP tY * ! /'IOFFEE AND SUGAR. ' j \_J 400 bags Prime RIO COFFEE, 30 hhds good CUBA SUGARS, now for sale ' by d 9 WILCOX, HAND & ANBLEY LI VKRi UiL COAL; 100 tons Liverpool Orrcl Coal, suituble for parlor use, for sale by feb4 THOS. P. STOVALL <P. Co. jmWENTY-FIVE bbls. White Wina X. and Cider VINEGAR, for sale low by febO-diwlw ESTES & CLARK. Salt. t mEN THOUSAND SACKS LIVERPOOL i SAIT; 2000 bushels Bulk SALT, J 300 sacks Alum SALT, for sale low by w>v6 DANIEL H, WILCOX.