Augusta evening dispatch. (Augusta, Ga.) 1857-1861, March 18, 1858, Image 1
Augusta Evening Dispatch. VOLUME %. {fcimumj Dispatch I’L'HI li.UI.V AND WEEK?,Y, BY A. ATKINSON. DAILY. ? r annum §-1- OO WEEKLY, ** I 30 Subscriptions will bo received for three tlis at '3l 2-3. .Monthly subscriptions, Fifty couts. Payment for subscriptions will positively be required in advance. &i m TIIE OFFICE OK TIIE DISPATCH is on Broad street, a few doors beiow Setz’s Corner, ■ st’ir.s.) Entrance next door above A. i. Bignon & Co. \s store. HATES OF ADVERTISUiei Advertisements will be inserted by the square ol 12 hues (100 words.) for 50 cents for the first .insertion, and :*7> 2 ' cents for each subsequent in sertion under one month, to be paid lor when the a ivcctisemeut i ■ handed into t ho office. Advertisements under live lines will be insert o ! at 10 cents a line for tho tlrst, and 5 cents a line for each subsequent insertion. Advertisements will bo inserted in both tho r )aily and Weekly Dispatch at 26 per cent above Lose rates. THIWy-Fiffli Congress. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. '.Number of members, - - - - 234 ALABAMA. KKW YORK— Continu'd 1 Jus A Stalwarth. t> Win D lilacltiy 2 E S Shorter. 0 John Cochrane i Jas F Dowdell. 7 Elijah Ward i Sydney Moore. 8 Horace F Clark 5 GeoS Houston. 9 John I! Has!; In 6 W R W Cobb. Hi .1 /, 7 J LM Curry. 11 Win ]•’ Russell Arkansas. 12 John Thompson 1 A B'Greenwood. 13 Abram A Olin 2 Edw A Warner. 14 Erastus Corning California. 15 Edward Dodd 1 Charles L Scott. 10 Geo W Palmer ‘2 JC McKibbcn. 17 Francis ESkinner Connecticut. 18 Clark B Cochrane 1 Ezra Clark, Jr. 19 Oliver A Morse 2 Samuel Arnold, 2d20 0 II Mutteson 3 Sidney Dean. 21 Henry Bennett 4Wm D Bishop. 22 Henry 0 Goodwin _ DELAWARE. 23 Charles I} Hoard 1 Wmtr Whitley. 21 Amos I* Granger FLORIDA. 25 Edwin II Morgan 1 GeoS Hawkins. 20 Emory llßuttle GEORGIA. 27 J,Jw M Darker 1 .Jus I, Sewarrl 28 William Kobe,/ 2M J Crawford. 29 Sam’l G Andrews 3 II I' Trijyte, Am. 30 J W Sherman 44, .1 (iartreil. 31 ,8 M Burroughs r> A R Wright. 22 Israel T Hatch 0 Jus Jackson. 33 Jl.uhcn E Fenton 7 Joshua lint, Am. xoRTn Carolina. 3 A H Stephens. 1 nil Shaw Illinois. 2 Thomas Ruffin 1 EII Waxhburne. 3 Warren Winslow 2./ F Farnsworth. 4 1.0 i! Branch 3 Owen Lovejoy. 5 John A Gilmer, Am 4 Win Killngg. 0 Alfred M Scab s a Isaac N Morris. 7 Burton Craitre j Thomas,l, i iarris. 8T L Clingniau 7 A Shave'. 01110. 3 Robert Smith. 1 Geo H Pendleton 'J SamTA Marshall. 2 W S Grosbeak Indiana. 3 Lewis I) CtnphcU 1 W.J Xiblnck. 4 Mlf Nick 0 2Wm II English. 5 Richard Molt 3 James Hughes. OJH Cockerell 4 James I! Foley. 7 Aaron Harlan 5 David hdgore. 8 Benjamin Svrr r 0 James M Gregg. 91, W Hall I John G Davis. 10 Joseph Miller 3 James Wilson 11 Valentine BM .a 9 Schuyler Vols ax 12 S S lex U) Charles Case 13 John Slernnr, II John U BeSt 14 Philemon Bliss iowa. 15 Joseph Burns 1 Samuel R Carta; 10 C B Tomkins 2 Timothy Davis 17 Wm Lawrence KENTUCKY. 18 Benj F Letter 1 Henry C HumettlO Edward Wade 2 Samuel O Peytoii2o Joshua R Ghidings o It /. /. nderwoud .121 J.l Bingham 4 A G Talbott i*knn3ylvania. 5 Joshua 11 Jewett 1 Tlios B Florence G John M Eljjot 2 F.Joy Morris, Am 7// Marshall. Am 3 James handy 8 James B Clay 4 Henry M Philips 9 John C Mason 5 Owen Jones 10 J W Stevenson 0 John Hickman Louisiana. 7 Henry Chapman 1 Geo Far Hr Jr, Am 8 J Clancy Junes 2 Miles Taylor 9 A E Roberts 3 'l’ll Davidson 10 John 0 Knnkcl 4J M Sandige 11 Wm L Detvart Maine. 11 P Leidy 1 John M Wood 13 Wm II Dimmiek 2 Chad, J Gilman 14 G A Grow Z Behemoth Abbott 15 Allison White 4 Freeman llMorse 16 John J Abel 5 ¥ Washlmme, Ji- 17 Wilson Reilly 8 Siph n G Foster 18 John It Edit MARYLAND. l'.i John Covotle 1 J A Stewart 20 Wm Montgomery 2 JII Riatud, Am 21 David Ritchie 3 J M Harris, Am 22 S A Burviance iII IT Davis, Am 23 117a Stacart 5 Jacob M Kunkel24 J LGillis 8 Thou F Bowie 25 John Dick MASSACHUSETTS. RHODE ISLAND. ARB Hill 1 A B Darfee i Buffinton 2 It 711 D jjrayton 3 Wm S Damn'll south Carolina. 4 Linus B Cumins 1 John McQueen 5 Anson Burlingame 2 W Porcher Miles 6 Timothy Davis 3 LawrenceM Kcit 7 D W Gooch 4 M l, Bonham 8 CL Knapp 5 James L Orr 9 Eli Thayer 6 Wlll W Boyce .0 Calvin CChaffee Tennessee. ; 1 Henry L Dawes lAG Walking* "Missouri. 2 H Maynard, Am 1F P Blair, Jr 3 Samuel A Smith 2 TL Anderson, Am 4 John H Savage 3 John B Clark 5 Chas Ready, Am 4 J Craig 0 George W Jones 5 S II Woodson, Am 7 John V Wright 8 John S Phelps 8 FKZoUicoffer.Am 7 Ham I Caruthers 9 J DC Atkins Michigan*. 10 Wm T Avery 1 Wm A Howard TEXAS. 2 Henry Waldron 1 Guy M Bryan 3 D .S' Walbridge 2J li Reagan 4 DeWitt oLeach Vermont. - Mississippi. 1 EP Walton 1 L Q C Lamar 2 Justin S Morrill 2 Keubin Davis 3 Homer E Boyce 1 Win Barksdale Virginia. 4O K Singleton IMIt H Gurnet 5 J A Quitman 2 J 1 Milson NEW HAMPSHIRE. 3 Jußll S CiUSkie \ Ja™* 4 Wm O Goode 2 M W fappan 5 Thus S Bocock 3 Aaron ll Criu/tn 6 Paulus Powell NEW JERSEY. 7 Win "Smith 1 Isaiah D Chnvson 8 0 J Faulkner ’J-G R Rolrins 9 John Letcher 3 Garnet B AdrianlO S Clemens 4 John Huyler 11 A G Jenkins 5 J R Wortendykel2 H Edmundson new York. 18 G W Hopkins 1 John A Searing j 2 George Taylor Wisconsin. 3 Dan’lESickels 1 John F Potter | 4 John Kelly 2 CC Washburns. 3 Chas BUlinghurst SENATE. ! Number of members, Ci‘2 j Democrats iu Roman, Opposition in! I Italic. A LA HA M A. MISSISSIPPI. Clement Clay, Jr. Albert G Brown. Benj. Fitzpatrick. Jefferson Davis. ARKANSAS. MISSOURI. Win B Sebastian. James L Green. Robert W. Johnson.Trusten Polk. CONNECTICUT. NEW HAMPSHIRE. Lafayette S Foster. John P Hale. Dixon. Daniel Clark. CALIFORNIA. NEW YORK. Will W Gwin. 117,1 ][Seward. David C Broderick. Preston King. DELAWARE. NEW JERSEY. Martin W Bates. William Wright. James A Bayard. John R Thompson. FLORIDA. NORTH CAROLINA. David L Yulee David S Reid. Stephen It Mallory. Asa Biggs. GEORGIA. OHIO. Robert Toombs. George E Pugh. Alfred Iverson. Benjamin F Wade. INDIANA. PENNSYLVANIA. Graham N Fitch. William Bigler. p Jesse D Bright. Simon Cameron. ILLINOIS. RHODE ISLAND. Stephen A Douglas. Philip Allen. Lynum Trumbull. James I Simons. IOWA SOUTH CAROLINA. George W Jones. Josiah J Evans. ■. James Harlan. J ] [ Hammond. KENTUCKY. TENNESSEE. John B Thompson. John Bell. John J Crittenden. Andrew Johnson. LOUISIANA. TKX \S. J P Benjamin. Sam Houston. John Slidell. Vacancy. MAINK. Win J > i/t ibsenden. Vermont. “ Hannibal Hamlin. Jacob CoUctmcr. Massachusetts. Solomon Fool. Henry Wilson. Charles Sumner . Virginia. MARYLAND. B H T Hunter. James A Pearce. Jas M Mason. Anthony Km ;<dy. MICHIGAN. Wi SC( >NBIN. Charles E Stuart. Charles Durkee.. Zadutriiih Chandler. James R DooUttle. Itccapltnlqtlc n. KICNATE. Democrat;--, ",*! -11:0:1 ***'*’!!. *.*!/**•.* '* \ acaucietj, [ r, 62 Dem cratie mufji ity 10. IJol SK i K REPRESENTATIVES. Dcraocrai- -j^o Know Nothings, .!.!!!..!!.*!!.. 15 j Black Republicans, yi. Dciiiu ratio majority 24. Rail Road Register. -r - * -- -■?. • ... c '-..'s?.' rtrnxfcr.s* • aK?y ! WISTFRN A.VD aT'I.AXTU' UAILROAD. (Atlanta to CUattaif/oya.) Morning Pass Train leaves Atlanta 1.45 a m uml arrives at 9.45 a m Morning !V-..*:vr Train leaves Chat, 1.50 a m ami arrives at Atlanta 9.53 a in 1 N'igrlft J sponger Train leaves Atlanta 12.30 pin j anti arrives at Chattanooga S.!B p m N iht Passciiyer Train loaves Chat. 3.10 p :,i 1 atnl arrives hi Atlanta _ 11.22 i« m | FAKK TO CIIATTANODiJA. s;>. ' •JAMBS M. SP’JI.I.OCK. Sup’t. ATI AXTA AND LAGRAXGE KAU.ROAD. i M o-u.iih, Passenger Train leaves At!anta2.oo a ml anti arrives at West Point 7.2 S a m 1 Kveiling Passenger Train leaves Atlanta'l.oO p m fuitl arrives at West I’oiut 6.28 p in' Morning I’ass’ger Train leaves W. Point 4.00 a m I ■tii'l arrives at Atlanta at 9.27 a m I Evening Part.s'gr Train leaves W. Point 4.50 p ni! and arrives at Atlanta 10.15 p m j Fabi: to West Point, $3.50. GKO. 0. IU'LIi, Superintendent. MACON' AXD WKSTKRX P.AIIjROAD. Morning Pass’gr Train leaves Atlanta 10.30 a in! and arrives at .Macon 4.15 a rnj Evening i'a.-s’gr Train leaves Macon 12.00 pm i and arrives at Atlanta 6.05 p m [ Faiuj to Macon, sl. K. FOOTE, .Superintendent. GEORGIA RAILROAD. (From Augusta to Atlanta.) Ecuvo Augusta at 2 30, AM. and 4P M. Arrive at Atlanta at 11 36 A M and 104 PM. t l eave Atlanta at 12 A M and 10 A M. Arrive at Augusta at 8 56 A M and 7 P M. j [The 2.30, A. M., tram from Augusta counocts| through to Memphis.] F.\ k::—*s 50. (pinned u i/h South Carolina Railroad Trains, j Arrive:;t.\ugDsiaat 1 A M and 2 30 PM. l eave Augusta at 10 A M and 8 05 P M. With Western and Atlantic Railroad Trains, i Arrive at \tlanta at 11 22 P M and 933 A .M. i Leave Atlanta at 1 45 A M and li 30 P M. With Atlanta and La Grange Railroad Trains, j Arrive at Atlanta at 10 15 J' M and 7 00 A M. Laave Atlanta at 2 A M and 1 I* M. Connect vith Mao n <C Western Railroad. Arrive at Atlanta, 9 15. A M.. and 6 05, P. M I Leave Atiania, 1080 A. M.. ami 12 Night. Athens li ranch—Sundays Excepted. Leave Augusta at 2 30, Night. ‘ Leave Atlanta 1200. Night. i Leave Athens 12 00, Night. Arrive at Athens 10 30. Day. Arrive at Augusta r. 9 00. Morning.: Arrive at Atiuuta 11 34, Morning, i Washington Branch—Sundays Excepted. Leave Augusta ‘ 2 30, Night. ! Leave Atlanta 12 00, Night. Arrive .-t Washington 7 35, Morning Leave Washington 3 30. Morning Arrive at Augusta 8 5 5, Morning Arrive at Atlanta 11 34, Morning Wcrrcn'.nn Branch—Sundays Excepted. Leave Augusta 4 00, Evening Leave At a~U 1000, Morning Arrive 't Wr.rrcntdn 8 00, Evening Leav'i Wjiu nton 3 30, Evenii.g Arrive at Ad k .» to. 7 00. Evening .4rri\o at Atlanta 1 14. Night GKO. YONGE,Superinto dent. AND SAVANNAH RAILROAD. Ijoave Vue 2.10, A. M. and 4 P. M. Arrive ii Mi’.L.n, 4:05 A. M. and 6:35 P. M. Lev Milieu, 5:40 A. M. ami 8:45 P. M Arrive t Augusta, 9:00 A. M. and 6:47 P M. Connecting With tral s to ami from Savannah and Augusta. C. A. BROWN. Sup’t. south Carolina rail road company. Daj • i 1 n l P:t D<enger Train leaves Augusta at lOoYlock, A M. ; and arrives in Augusta at 2.30 P M. Night Mail and Passenger Train leaves Augusta at 8.05 PM; arrives in Augusta, at 1P M. i 11 T. PEAKE,'General Superintendent. CENTRAL RAILROAD. Between Savannah and Macon. Leave Savannah 1 15, am, 2 46, pm 1 Arrive in Macou 10 45, am, 12 30, ain i cave Macon 9 45, a tn, 11 30, p m Arrive in Savannah 7 20, p tn, 8 50, a m Between Savannah awl Avgusta. Leavo Savannah 115, am, 11 15, ani Arrive in Augusta 9 a ni, 7 pm Leave Augusta 2 a ni, 3 45 p m Arrive >n Savannah 8 50 a m. 10 55 p in Between Macon and Augusta. I cave Macon 9 45 am, 11 30 p m Arrive iu Augusta 7 pm. 9am Leave Augusta 2 am, 3 45 p m Arrive in Macon 10 45 am, 12 30 a m EMERSON FOOTE, Gen’l Superintendent. EAST TENNESSEE AND GEORGIA RAILROAD. Leave Augusta 4 00 p m do Atlanta ! 145 a m do Dalton 7 Mam Arrive at Knovvllle 1 30 p in B. C. JACKSON Superintendent AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. MARCH 18,1858. S&ttllfflUtltl. JEW BIT iilsii REMEDY! •JOY TO TIIK O OMSTJM]?TIVB! K J. DELKER’S Consumption 1. ELIXIR and TONIC PIU S is doing ! ishing wonders to those aftlieted with Cons 1111151- tion. Coughs, Colds, Croup, Bronchitis, Asthma, , and Hectic Fever. Substantial evidences of that fact are acknow- ! lodged by those who have given it a lair trial. \ Why. then, oday so long iu trying the irffcui i cine? N. IV—ls the medicine does not give relief af ter a fair trial has been given it, Mr. I>. w.fl re fund the money. Price of Elixir. $1 a bottle, or 6 bottles for $5- for Pills, 50 cents a box, or 0 boxes for $2.50. For sale at V. LaTASTE’S Wholesale%nd Re tail Drug Store, Augusta, Ga. fe ll Mm IpINK I’L.VI BD TE \ SI 18, cheap, by HENRY J. OSBORNE, j febl2 256 Broad-st, under U.S. Hotel. Volcanic Pistol* anti Rifles. j fIMIESE I'IS'IOLS curry the Minnie X balls and shoot six times with one lo ,dti>g. the load and rap being contained in the balls. They shoot with great precision and force The Kiilcs are a curiosity. With one loading they can be discharged -twenty times in one. minute, and are the best guns for squirrel hunting ex taut. Tho undersigned i.: the sole Agent for the com | pany in this city. HENRY .1. OSBORNE, j Watch, Jewelry and Optical Store, 256 BromMt. Ga f-h 12 4ST RON O.MR ALAND TEURESTIAL j it TELESCOPES. Surveyors’ Ccmp tss> s. and MiUlieniatioal In.-truments constantly on hand I y HENRY J. OSBORNE, bfebl2 250 Broad-st. under F. s H, i d rroFEEE. Y J 200 bags RIG COFFEE, 50 pockets prime Java, 10 bugs Luguy ra. For -ale low by JOSIAH SJHf,KY .v Sii\S j alj 3o No. 6 Warren Block. Molasses find Sji'ini, .!' niWENTY hhds. l’rime Culu MOLAS -si) bb’l«. cbni - ftagar Houxe SYI:T.’ Bur sale al reduce.! price. !,v •fpi* ' lUMi.i. rr,,-. WM- M DUN X, GENERAL COMMISSION Mi lICitANT, TCNNKL HIM., O \ I?OI{ tho purcimse of Wheat, Corn, . Cats, Kye, Hoar, Bacou, lord, rv Holes, “ j A’c , and mr the m' -of <u;;ar. r«i:r. • >'»< ! »-. fobar.-o Iron'. . ...' KudoTT Yarn, i ..motto, and all 1t1r..|4 oT ••. rieiUmra! r ftni'-i.-mtuit J. such as Plow.-, Straw Cotters, Com A ' i,,! ! “ r • Tin- ; . with and with * the horse ’’ power combine I, Reapers. Mowe* etc M ly Mackcvcl. JSO KIUNo.! 11ACKFREL, just ro- JinT '.i'ANTIGNACI RO. O 'po I'HYsiciANs: j X 'V- have eu hand a sp|e:.,;i,i as. unmimt of • I'UYaiUANS' 111 UHY l .IM-:- do .-AIiIU.K .Vi!.-’ * do DOCKKT Vl.auAf.VA | A. a, 1AM11.7 MidilON’K CHI S 1,-, which wc i ■ I oiler at low prices. I d - PI.CMB 4 LEITOER. j Whiskey, rjIWENTY hills. Gilison’s XXX ; 1 Z 0 oo d , XX • -0 do do X. t Just received at i i 10)17 D’AN'TIGN'AC k HUBfiAiUl's. j >: —1 CABINET MAKING. ; <‘t n^~r> 3 THIS UNDER-- .: , ? • IG X ikD lias opt . c J shop, tlrst do-ir ,JL above the I'AL.'vUl--ur • STABLE*, on Ellis : treet, to carry ou tho above i business in all its branches. 1 1 Part’cu! r attention giv mi to tho REPAIRING M OF M RXttL'REaml PACKING, etc, i i I solicit a share of the pu.ilic patronagm »| _ Ei'j-lm _ WM. SINGLETON. li' >RS. A Alar..'* oid woll selv'cted stock of Foreign j ana Domestic Liquors, Wines and Cordials ui ; ways on hand and for salt low b> Ceb2 A. STEVENB. ; rrOBACi.T) ANDSi:GAIIs. j. One Hundred Boxes oi‘ TOBACCO, various i { bra .Vs ; 50.060 Segars, impi rted and domestic, j For sale by febi A. STEVrNS. THE LARGEST A.VD CHEAPEST ! ASSORTMENT OF BEST MANUFACTURED UMBRELLAS, ! PARASOLS, AND WALKING CANES, j Ever offered in this market, wholesale and retail, j B JOHNSON & CO , UM BRE LL A MANUFACTURERS, No* 276, King-street, j charleston, s. c., Near Wentworth. We would most respectfully call the attention of our friends and the public of the city and country, to our stock of SILK and OTHER UM- 1 BREI4.AS. Wo ar« now manufastnring and offer for sale some of the best Umbrellas ever offered in this 1 market. We are in constant receipt of Silks and Ginghams, manafacturqjl in England under our own special direction, by which means we are euablcd to produ ea better a 1 tide than can be found elsewhere, which we are determined to 1 sell t the very lowest prices. Wo have, also, j a large stock of Fine Gingham, Linen and Cotton j Umbrellas, aud £iik Parasols, Folding Umbrellas ( for Travellers, and Buggy Umbrellas, witP and | | without joints. Also, a large assortment of WALKING CANES. P. S.—We have also added to the above es tablish! cent the manufacture of WIRE SAFES, foe keeping provisions, which are warranted su- , perior to any imported, and may be had of any j pattern or size. nov2s . ONE THOUSAND sacks SALT, at the wharf, for sale on .ccom modal lug terms, by I fobs A’UO - RUFF j NOW IS THE TIME j rpo BUY’' SHIKTS! —Six for N : ne Dol- J. lars. at janlS HERS. Y\S. Bagging and hope. 75 bales BAGGING, 800 coils ROPE, for sale low by novlf WILCOX, HAND & ANSI EY. TIIE NEW JEKLSAI.fc.NI, OR. THEOLOGY OF THE NEW CHURCH WORKS of Emanuel Swedenborg can be found deposited at the Young Mens’ Library Association, for the use of the public decl-ly j FARINA, Com Starch, Pearl Sago, - Bermuda Arrow Root, Tapioca and Oatj , Jueal, perfectly fresh. For sale b [ 1 jan6 WM.fl. TUTT. | 1 Joois, .Sjjocs, $% Hun, Him and liny. tJI P. LARI'S lias just received Forty I • cases of Kt-w Goods, coils is ting in part of Womerfs’, Misses’ aud Boys’ SHOES, which will be sold very low for cash. fl 5 THE MiTiT SHOE IN Till: NATION. ONE THOUSAND FAIRS SOLD!? NOT ONE PAIR KNOWN TO RIP* I Sewed Through and Through. I A OIKS’ KH) WELT BOOTS, sewed J through and through. Just received, all .-i/.'is, from 1 to 7, beside a full assortment of LADIES, GENTS. MISSES AKft CHILDRENS’ Si 9H , of a'.l k inda. Cull aud see them. jui2s JAS W. BURCH. Broad-street. ROOTS, BOOTS, BOOTS. IF YOU can get vtilue received for your money wh .t more do you want. Yeti have concluded to continue to soil SHOES at the man ufacturers’prices, with a htefle added, to keep things going. My Shoes are all warranted to give satisfaction. Persons in want would do wo 11 to give me a call before buying elsewhere. d 4 JAS. W. BURCH, Broad street. BOOTS & SHOES. | A DIES’ FINE MOROCCO BOOTS, XT lAdies’ “ Kid “ “ BUSKIN'S. t: “ Morocco “ I “ “ '• SHANGHAIS. For .ale by nov24 J. v,. BURCH. HI F!'AI.Oi-.S,BUFFALOES { FKNTs’ Splendid BUFFALO OVER- V f siluES. ju-t received and for sale low by nov24 _ JAMES W. BURCH. J 8001-. Siiocs, Trunks, Ac." JHAVE this DAY received a SHOE niatii- especially lor Sctillemana 1 Plantation j wivir. Tii■ -y are iurt tho thing, amt no mistake j Also, Moms' thick Kip, Wax, BuDeil, Calf light i ami welt KOGAN’S. j Itfsi lo sonic Leather BOOTS anil BUSKIN'S 1 for House Servants’ wear- Call ami -ce them. I ,l 4 JAS. W. BURCH. BOOTS AND SHOES. THOMAS P. DARI’S, (t'.iir: • : r to E. L. Symmous. ) opposite the Au. tffusla 1 L>tet. L. 1 DIES' 1> KB All I'M ENT. •& r \ ’ - Ladies’ Fino Kid *Mo /V» !'■.»(•(•<» slippers, Ladi-a’ Fine Kid and Morocco Buskins, , La ! <*«' Fine islru-A Gaiters, heeled, do d(> Cnl’r.i do do do do IIU-ik and colored Gaiters’ with out he; : Ludie.-’ fit ■ I ’.ick and Col’rd Creole Gaiters* Vfssi:s i)F.PA lITMEXT. M; > •>:’ tine Kid and Morocco Slippers, do do do do IV; kins,' *«** do Black and colored Dace Gaiters, d«> do do do Congress do, do do .ft, do do Creole do, CHILDRENS* DEPARTMENT. • t.'u.s’ l ;i • k ;u<d Colored Ga:t.*r :<> . ' ! ‘* do Button Gaiters. "• '••!'*, ■ ■-«•- > Pat- Ilf '. .‘: r B >otS .vi !. Morocco and Patent Leather Ankle Ties. A ! *!'*••• ami well selected stock oftientleinons’ ' . strap Sliu« Tie Gaiters, Congress ! Pawp solo B>ot-. Also, Houseser ; slioes. of every description. ■ !, • s '; L-clu-.-; ,md MissrGoiters and Slippers heel d iit the sum test notice. jelO-ly TO T 3 IE PLANTERS. T, P. L AIU 8, | Successor to E. L. Symmons , opposite ths ■gi !! .>, IT AS tins day recoivcti 36 cases Mens’ I X Heavy BROGANS for negro wear, and the | IMautt rs will find it to their advantage to give 1 txm a call before buying elsewhere, as all of the | fi (jo*are nude to my own order to nit the trade..and can be warranted to be what we rep -1 u-.-ent them, and as cheap as any store in the octS ts T. P. L \RI S R AS THIS DAY received a large lot Os Loci s ? DOUBLE-SOLED and Mis GAITERS. gg| La:.i.‘s' Kid and Morocco BOOTS, rll >! ■ very dc-cription ami size. ? pb. A large lot of Gentlemens’ BOOTS and SITOES. <d'tS:.' tinest description has just come to hand. Also Heavy BROGANS, for the Planters. novl7 AIIORIGINKS, i A B 0 R I G 1 NES. VKKW MORK pairs IjADIES' FIN BUSKINS, for sale at half price, bv nov24 J.W. BURCH. Flour s>i2<i Lard. 1 QIX HUNDRED SACKS Teauessee Su- O pertine FLOUR. } 400 sacks Den mead's do. do. 10 halfchoico LEAF LARD. } Just received aud for sale by j:ml6-3 BAKER. WRIGIIT k CO. MILL STONES! william brexner, Manufacturer of Irtitrl |urr pills tones, \ ND dealer in Esopus and Cologne * Stones, Broad-street, above Upper Market, Augusta, Ga. Orders solicited and punctually attended to. jan7-ly Negro Mechanics mwo good BRICKLAYERS and PLAS- Sl TEBbIRS. and one good TANNER and FI n- ISHER OF LEATHER, can be hired by tho year or month, or by tho Job, by applying to dls J. U. BARNETT, Madison, Ga. New Dress Goods. GJJUAY & TURLEY have just received I by Express a beautiful lot of LADIES DRESS GOODS, in Delaine, Cashmere, Valencia Plaids ; Satin Stripe and Plain All Wool DeLaines, Coburgs, poplins, silks, and a great many other handsome styles of Dress Goods, which will be sold during the Christmas very low pr.ces. SERVANTS HK AD KERCH BPS. Persons making presents t > their serv nts at Christm-s. will Und at GRAY & TURL Y’S a large lot of HEAD KERCHIEFS, and other arti cles, which are to be sold very low. d 24 Ai>otUecarics Hall. I P \ Lhs, First Sort POTASH, JL “>( /' / 200 gali MACHINE OIL, 800 gals BURNING FLUID, at 80c per gal, 200 “ 95 deg. ALCOHOI, at 90c per gal. Just received and for sale bv jan',4 THOMAS P. FOGARTY Hides wanted. Cash paid for prime FLINT HIDES. THQS. P.STOVAIJ/&CO., febl2 4 Gen’l Commission Merchant Lobsters. 5 doz. 2 lb. Cans Fresh LOBSTERS, 6 do 1 lb. do do do Just received at _ Jan7 D’ANTIGNAC k HUBBARD. Mercer potatoes. " Just received aud for sale at Depot, 25 bbls of very large pink-eye Potatoes. THQS. P. STOVAIJ, k CO. Pvt 1 . Boxes Adamantine CANDLES, *\J for Hale ver low by M WILCOX, HAND h AN9LHY. 1 SHawloust Curbs. BGAUi <St STOVAI.I,. WARRHOUSE ANT) COMMISSION MKRCHAN'TJ | Reynold, between Jackson and il’lntosk Streets’ ! ACOCSTA, GEORGIA. HAVE removed to Metcalfs’ *. new Fire proof Warehouse on £-:-a- i 2L^R OVUO i l j j between Jackson and Mcln tosh streets, recently occupied by Gilliam ft As kin, in the centre of tho city, in the vicinity of 1 he principal Warehouses, and convenient to the Hotels. . Being amply provided with good and safe storage for Cotton, Grain, Flour. Bacon and Pro duce generally, we respectfully solicit consign ment-. which shall receive our undivided and faithful attention. Family Supplies, anil the usual facilities, will ! be alJorded to customers. Our Commissions for selling Cotton will be Fifty Cents a bale. WM. il. BEAI.L. septlS-Om J. W. I. STOVALL. J. J. Pearcp, WARKHOUSE AND COMMISSION 7 MERCHANT. AUGUSTA GEORGIA. Hl\ PIEBPECRFULLY RENEWS l tllc ,Wsservices in thoSto-age ~atnl .-ale of Cotton, anil other Produce, at his extensive Brick Warehouse, on Campbell Street, n-ur Bones, Brown ft Co’s Hardware Store. Cash Advances, Bagging, Rope and Family Supplies forwarded to Patrons as heretofore " Commissions for Selling Cotton, alter the lir-t of September next, will be Fitly Cents per hale aug'.iß.Bm _ J. J. PEARCE. •T, K. SIMPSON, (St'CCFSHOB TO SIMI-SON i GAKIUNER t Warehouse and commission mkrchan't Comer Hi ym,lds and SPlntmh-sts., Anansia ha CONTINUE THE WABE ; house and Commission Business m a'L KBaft.its branches, at the 01. l stiind of Smt-sox - it Garmxek. and hopes hv strict personal ati u tton to the interests of his friends and Patrons to merit a contuanco of the liberal patronage heretofore bestowed upon the old ilrm. Cash advances made on Produce in store ■. when desired. Bagging, Rope, aud Family suit 1 plies, furnished at the lowest market rates. Commission for selling Cotton, 50 cts per bale, i aug 114 8 m PLANTERS AND ME EC H A N T S A7V iiroliouse. V -jf TIIK undersigned wimlil respectfully announce to tlreir friends, and the ACTawie^pubiie. til tt tliey have associate-! themselves together In tlie l WAltidJOUisU AND COMMISSION BUSINESS Inder the name ami stylo of p. & J. 1.. Flk>i'xg au.l taken tie- large Fire-Proof in” t' ri. Motcalf, sitnaled on Reynold, between Jack '■ soil and Jlcltitosh strecta. Tlieir charges will con.orm to tl-c old cstab " llsl,t ' d f-‘t' to wit: 2.1 cents for storage and cents commission for selling. All orders for Family Supplies promptly exe cuted at the lowest mark , t pj ices. PtWThlt FUMING, . , JOHN 1.. FLEMING. Augusta, October, 1857. oct2 6m. dyk & latastf, warehouse and commission merchants ; m i;espkctk l t ll y announce 1 I l ' t-teir fri lids and Hie the public gee orahy, that they have formed a comic tiou m tno above buciuo-cs, and have leased the I proof Warehouse of Col Clanton, North side Ut Reynolds street, and recently occupied by Mr , 1,1 Anaerion. From their Jong experience • they Hatter themselves that they will be ena bled to give entire sat is faction to those who " may favor them with consignments of Cotton, or ot.ier produce. Their prompt personal iitten nou will bo given to orders for Ragging. Tope, etc., ami purchasing of Family supplies at the lowe-t market rates. Also, to the for ward m- o! Goods consigned to tlieir friends in tuc interior. Liberal cash aovauces made, when uesired oy our customers. Our charges will be the same as those of other houses iii the city, engaged in the same business. , . JAMES M. DYE, au b f I ' m \XDREW G. LA TASTE* R S S & LIKTOSL W ALEHOUSE AN I> COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Street, Augusta , Georgia. SnSjWiUr. CONTINUE THE WARE ■y- —vadt hniHc and <'oiniiu--ioa Business at tire proof Warehouse, nndVill de vote the*w personal attention to the interests of their friends and patrons. Orders for family -supplies, bagging, rope, etc. carefully filled. Liberal cu-dt advances made when required. Commissions for selling Cotton, 50 cts per bale. JOHN C REE. 3, sop 14 8AM J L D. IJXTO.V. ■ ■E5i £ .v. t <\, h ALEHOUSE AND ( '<>MMI.SSJON MERCHANT^, __ August a. Georgia. T HE have formed a copartnership under'the name andKTYTTV “tyic of JAMES M. DYE k CO. for the'W.-Sj transaction of a Warehouse and Commis-JigSl? mom Business at the Warehouse recently occu pied by Dtk & IsaTastk. They respectfully ten uer taeir services to their personal friends ami the public, with the assurance that anv business entrusted to them wifi be promptly and faith- ’ fully attended to. Particular attention paid personally to the sale ot Cotton ami other Pro. itce and also to the re ceiving and forwarding of Goods. Liberal Cush Advances made on consignments of Cotton and ether Produce. JAMES M. DYE. , „ , THUS. RICHARDS. Augusta, Feb. 5, 1858. feb24 M. P. STDVAIJ,, WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION MERCHANT. Augusta, Georgia. M CONTINUES THE BUSINESS in all its branches, in his extensive -e proof Warehouse, on Jackson-st near the Globe Hotel. His strict personal atten tion will as heretofore, be be given to tli? storage < ami sale of Cotton, Grain and produce generally. He will when desired, make liberal cash advances on produce in store. Orders for Family Supplies' Bagging, Rope, etc , will be promptly and care- • fully filled at the lowest market prices. Commis sion for selling Cettou, fifty cents per ba'e. 1 sept 26 6m , ->. C. HARALSON, WAREHOUSE AN COMMISSION MERCHANT | At the old stand of L. Hopkins, Augusta, Georgia. SOptlß Jy * THE ~ t IPO THEORIES HILL.! AUGUSTA, GA. OIHK Proprietor of JL the above establish meat respectfully invites Tejjr , the attention of Physicians |a and Families to his stock Jlv ! 7 of select 1) UKS, MEDI TgW, CINES and Ci 1 K.V.iCA i £ of.- the p. rest qualities and ut &RTTGS I ;! moderate prices. ;.i ( Q_ I Among t my assortment 1 arc the following urticles : t ■ jJflHw J Surgical Instruments of j , every variety ; French, j s English and American Per tumery, Trusses, Shoulder JA, Braces and Abdominal Sup * porters ; * very variety of '' Combs and Toilet Brushes ; Lamp un.- Wicks S and Lamp Shades ; Paints, Paint Oils, Patent c ‘ Brushes, Window Glass, Varnishes, &c. • Meci cinal Wines and Brandies; Burning Fluid and ** Campheue ; Spices of all kinds ; Pot and Pearl Ashes, Indigoos and Dye-Woods: Starch, Tapioca F] Sago. I’. arl barley and Arrow Root. Also, acons-ant supply bestSweedish leeches / Quinine, Morphine, Elaterium, Strychnine, Ohio roform, &o. &c., from the most responsible La boratories. The preparation of Pharmacopeia! articles is conducted personally by Dr. A. S. RAVENS CRQFT, a graduate of the London College of Phar- ~ macy. All articles warranted. T. P. FOGARTY, 195 Broad-st., J d24-if Under the Augusta Hotel. JX FINE BHJKTS FOKNINE DOL tanl8 u HERSIT’S.Ji • ' grn §mk. li,, fi h Nrl est a,ul Cheapest. H-' T-JJ7l7\r Tn AS NOW IN STORE one of tlmbest J and most fashionable stocks of * - C RY GOODS ever brought to Augusta an,! t. sportion or them by his lYion,U 8 , its an in 1 Being satisfied with vm con tide ut that hid stock will J ro l lt? ’ * )0 >s a than that of any other in the Trade * 1 chea P er i The following desirable wytai*’i, be found in bis stock : * 1 Roolls are to i 1 QCnuf 1 *- Dclaine “<> Ctabmcre Robe de ’ ! striped an " j Each Plaid Raw Silks, l’lain Silks of all colors, an ‘* Robes de Quille English “ “ u ’ A large lot of Delaines, from I*> tn *>-/. Mourning “ ’ m to u<c Per yd, ! Black Alpaca, Bombazine and Tarnartmo ed A Ca.£r k Ul ' EUgl ‘ aU Al "“Print. I A large stock of Mourning Calicoes, some as low as 10 “ , ‘‘Jj >encll<i,n ßl>a m s, .ShawLs" 1 "’ Ste “ a ’ ‘' lU£ll “" a Wdoltoß Plaid Chenille, Satin and Cruel Scarfs Hoip V °‘ CU “ fe Malthas, Basque” CIOU,S ’ a coml ortable article for India Twmcd Long Cloths, plain and striped Huckaback’ CrihT™!- ul ' Vi,ri " u i »'akes,’ | k. t rash. Ac., for Towelin - I rSSXSEi?"*** Uais *y Wwlaey and Con^a^"' Cn ‘ ofFrench and Scotch Emb'd toilars and >lee\eg, seperate auu in setts Embroidered Misses and Boys Collars, ’ tt Infant’s Rubes and Waists HamlkerehielbandSkhta; Hosiery, E, ’ gi " gs anJ Cotton, Thread and Crotchet laces u o v » r '«y,'>fl»r«a Trimmings, rho uServlS? ’ nflemen ’ S a “ d Mc i l ßl a d Un & a^fe^ Uttlitl “’ , „ ln or h .k M « llllcry Apartment, Mrs. Hrvry has • te tS^° UoBS - of r!(, ' VN ’ l ' lS ' head ' resmcUhllT a “ waa’ination of which sh 1 gem-r Ulv J her,r,enila audthepubli oct3 GRAY & TULLE V Yr a vixfi thomocghly removed ' „MtY GOODS. fho a!. I ,’ haV,n ? i )ecn Purchased for Cash, under •..P state of the monetary affairs ol r ;; l rlil ' enables them to offer facilities to close lfi‘r;™ rsr f ylu , bc ,Met wilk - Merchants S J, u 1,1 11,0 Duties, particularly, would • mter **J t h y an examination of our fnTb P Vnr.h C6S ' Having a resi, lent purchaser !. »!.» , PIS* w,! iire in Wo continual receipt of low prices/ frOIU aUction » at unprecedented Among our assortment will be found the rich DRESS GOODS of the seasnn .?uth :is Rich and Elegant Gold amt Black SILKS. ■ Clll ' S lo 1 v y ; wJt (oui> ting to specify all the manufactured ••HwSreak- ' mg names used on sucii occasions.) i all ' v ° ol MIWUN I>EI,AI\E, Plain and figured ; Cheap MUSLIN I'EI.Al.Nt.f, m grc:. WUBA&U bC "‘ B!a ° k AI ' AI ' AC ' VS j plantation goods, j The very In-t quality ; 8 dot. OZN'ABI’RGS KFPSEVs ' ' VOOI I,illing Gl - or «i» PLAINS Heavy cheap SATINETTS All Wool Plaid I.INBKYS ; ? Blur. Stripe and Plaid HOMESPUNS ■ Bro. HOMESPUN and JANES • * ► Fine BED BLANKETS, wry cheap . RICH CARPBTINGS.—Chcnp. Fine English Ttipe-try VELVET ; “ “ BRUSSELS ; r ulw Tliree-Ply, line Ingrain and All-Wool , , JHINt.—- (not having room in our new store to keep Carpeting we will sell them at co.-xand charges.) EMBROIDERY. 1,000 Swiss and Jackonct BANDS, from 115 cts. to §l, worth fully double that amount. 5,000 : wiss and Jackonct COLLARS, from 25 to 50 cents, wc rtli SL 100 flue French worked COLLARS, $2.50 to $3.00, worth $5 to S 6. * anh Jackonct EDGIGS and INSERT m great variety. oidore<tau ' l Hemstitched HANDKEIt GlULro, exceeingly cheap. chcap^ Ue ml> tos’>, exceedingly . In tho same department will bo ound» most complete assortment hosiery . ll i aS i Cvor becn in one House In Augusta, trom the lowest price to the tinest qaulity, for a Ttl'f' ( - eutd ’ Hisses aud youths, of every dc DOMIC GOODS J®,? ® as . l : s fl l lc 3 T ard wide SHEETING, at 31c., s*?*“ thc J »bbing Houses in New York from oo to 40 centj*-. Five hales tine Sea Island HOMESPUNS, 6W C . Ten cases flue CALICO, warranted fast colors rn returned, for 6,Q cents, worth iu to 12> 4 cents. LINEN GOODS. The best and cheapest LINENS that has ever been known to sell in Augusta, under any or cuinstances, are now on our shelves, and onlv require an examination to convince the most nfra™™ l ? * rwU *»viDg in purchasing FN’m'r l~° i J I,S r l' or ?f 3 '. Splendid fronting I.LN , . 3 ‘ A ? OD P< , th, “ has “ever been kuiwa to eh in Augusta for less than 62 to 75 cents The mo.-t superb LINEN DAMASK evot brought to this market at vastly reduced rate. Splendid Turkish TOWELS for The bath r „om oul -'; «Wd, worth 37 cents. Russia and Huckaback DIAPERS, in great va nety. exceedingly cheap. ’ 8 Five hundred 12-4 square QUILTS, Mm to 6!!: WOrlh 83 ’ fnle frrtich Marseille o Slo Ke azo - s3 ' 6o 10 «, worth from *8 .' , AL-O— lar^e var ‘ stock of every descrip DRY' GOODS. -elected w ith the utmost care bv decided j alges -1 Goods, at auction and such other places as -argams could be obtained, within the last two reeks, to which we would invite the attention o hose purchasing for cash guaranteeing that we an save them a very large per centage on an summation ol our stock. GRAY ft TURLEY. 1 rr r,, TK ? Vi '■ > ItimitE. HR undersigned is prepared to exe cute with promptness orders for ) lacom, Lard, Vheal, Rye, Oats, Com, Flour, ! or any other products of Middle Tennessee D. B. DICKEY, 1 a«g2l SCo <!g ' “ troet ’ Nashville, Ten*. , PICKLES. ; ' 15 doz. Gallon PKKIES, aasortod 15 4o Half 6alon do da 15 do Quarter do do Jaat rooeirod at J MnT D’ANTIfiNAt Jt HUBBARD. si NUMTIFR .‘!G<» ttoj-Hfcfr Clothing. „ ShSew'" rail and Winter Goods for M W 57» Y stock of goods is now fall an( j mS P riZ r VSS[& lDg that is .U y.OTHS, CASSIMERES ami VESTINGS, wbioh ‘,n C , mad Kt t 0 °S der 83 good and as feshionabli a.-, can be obtained m any part of the country also, at l d SCloot ■; tock °f Ready-Made CLOTft th' ci'y ° h cauuot b 0 ex elled by any Good* m coVir.fJ^- ck GOODS, emb«*. ■Hen’aicar hDg lbtt 18 uece * sar V for Gentle ««*iSSi&fcSs lUIS cstabli.hmeut war«u*. I J.‘ l J - A. VAN WINKIJS. ‘‘NOTHING TO WEAR” need not be the motto NOW ! M.VOB ’ &■ H. Illllil & to., 2 1 _ M. NEWBY & CO., H . j HAVE OPENED THEIR 1 >—< [Large and Elegant 53 STOCK OF CLOTHING, • I to R ' 1 MEN, YOUTHS and BOYS! Ocoiiio Everybody GET A FIT! oc™ DER U - S - IIOTEL ’ —: Antnista, Hf, New Confectionery fruit store » 1 THE U.YCEBSIONED respectful It a„‘ L»M?WK." •'y&rjiT, J-OIT-t t. -t-v an,l luS^jSSStSm- “ “** t«mi,.itnt that our Ico Creams, Jellies Chats C kl ''' " ul »e equalled ia u£ ' °ri,aincnt. .1 IlltllMl, (’AtFA n,‘V N '■ V' A,, "' a “ uU KIa ’ 1T liASKEiy-Jrtjl try r ° Pf " lßroa 10 •' IS&wM ■as* ,iJs ~V \ r: '■ 1 111 1' emus. BOX. , 1 ; and fur Christmas a i s resr Gm,s^ ***. ■ | A -liars of patrnnagrvwwclWiy elicited. I.- „ H.ISH <fc Sl HEiIAU, • • • ’!.' Br “!; 1 street.near Market ntrs rroin t„,j country rospeclfully attended ! ; dee6-tf 5 S *?.T y< for Negro.* rYWXEHS of Boat and Railroad hands , 'V/ »<aP |*.,"i,li want or NEOIIO OVER A v\ 'll do will to call and examine our cheat uni well made articles of tin* kind. aov 0 CLAYTON & KENNEDY. CjJMR Satinet Jackets. -- XX tj ifAV F A LOT OF GOOD Y ? IM-.I JACKETS, for plantation ncgroe*. which we will sell for $1 50 to $2. 9 _ nov 6 CLAYfo.V .v KENNEDY. I Slip Jackets, and Satinet Oi Coats anil Pants. Ml SlO(IK ol the above articles | being too large for the hard times, w e oC | l *‘S m cheaper than the cheapest, to ran thenr down. CLAYTON & KENNEDY. - | JOHN N. GOW, MARBLE-WORKER. Ij|\/J"ONl MEN PS, of all descriptions executed in tbo best form, at *7j»rv THE LOWEST PRICES, JgjJjHW aiid in the shortest time compatible with faultless workmanship. r. flLf'l *’! t I l'ersous in want of Marble-Work lijfey% of any kind are invited to call. : ■ | Shop on Campbcll-street, be i tween Broad and Greene-stre«t tffiL—£a ! nov23 JOHN N. GOW j New Cosmo ramie STEREOSCOPE. , A MONO the latent inventions in Op r tins, there is nothing more instructive or atnusng than the Stereoscope. The Stereoscop® Views are impressions from nature, represeut ng the finest Sceneries, Cities and Monuments n Europe, which, viewed through the instru ment, show those objects iu bold relief, actually as they are, and thus are the beet models for Arti.-ts, give the best idea of Foreign Countries , and Art, and make the finest parlor ornainoatg. 1 For sale at novlfi H. J. OSBORNE’S. l : NP R ECE DENT E D INDUCEMENTS ! I AM SELLING my stock ofVEHICLKS, consisting of Carriages, Rockaways, BAROUCHE!), JERSEY’ WAKHII i BUGGIES, with and without tops, : of all the different styles now manufactured o< prices AS LOW as can be boug tin any Souther* > city. Being constantly in the receipt of g 004% I atn enabled to i ffer to the public soinethiaf both fresh and new. In addition to the above, I keep always o* hand a number of Vehicles of my ow n uanufaft ure. 1 also warrant all work that leaves r\y - *ore. R. 11. Bl.'-.Y, Atlmy old stand, corner Jackson ar : K lii-ste n in rear of Glebe Hotel. UiAM y Leather, Shoe Find England Tanners’ Tools. "VTOW receiving Oak and Hemlock Sole ll LEATHER; Harness. Bridle, Skirting ami Bund; Bicker, Lace and Roller Leather, Patent skirting. Collar, Da.- h anH Enamelled LEATHER; Ku.sseit and Black Upper ..oatber; “ “ “ Kid Skins; French. German and American CalfSklns; French Patent Call, Kid Calf and Opera Skins; Goat and K d Mo occo kins; Lining. Topping autl Rinding Skins; Buck, Chamois and slim p Skins; Also—Shoe l eg- Lasts Sole Cutters, Heel Cutters, Rolling Mills, Peg Jacks, Peg Br aks, Peg Cutters, P m Trees, Crimps. Clamps, Ham mers, Shoe Knives, Splitting Knives, Shaves Rub Stones. Bristles. Awl Blade®, Eyelets and Punches, iron and wood paten» Peg Awl Haft*, Copper Rivets and Burrs. Lace Tacks, Iron, Zino and Copper Sparables, Siz** Sticks, Measuring Tapes. Shoe Thread, Fitting Thread, Silk Twist, Boot Cord, Silk Galoop. Boot Web, &c„ fcc. Also, Currying Knives. Flft-he s, FiugerSteels, Beam Faces’. Slickers. Brushes, Rub Stonee, Clearing Stones, Ac. lor sale low by SHERMAN, JB*SUP & CO., No 341 Broad-stree, second door above Bank of Augusta. jan6-l‘2t PORT WINE AND BRANDT, For Medicinal use, [both very flne.l Foe sale by jan6 WM.U. TUTP.