Augusta evening dispatch. (Augusta, Ga.) 1857-1861, March 24, 1858, Image 3
(fuming “Dispatch. .{O’CLOCK P. Bf, MAR. 4L, ISSH. Notice to AdvertUers. Advertisements for the Kvk.mxg Dispatch must be lianded in by eleven o'clock iri the forenoon, in order to appear the same day. The heavy pres sure of advertisements upon the columns of our paper will not admit of their reception after the hour named. V LOCAL MATTERS. Prayer M.ciliige The prayer meetings continue every night, at the St. John’s Methodist and at the Baptist Church, and at the rooms of the Young Men's Christian Association in the evening at 4 o'clock. River News. The Steamer W. H. Stark arrived on Monday evening from Savannah with a fair freight, and left this morning at 10 o'clock loaded with cotton and copper ore. The steamer Augusta is expected to arrive on Friday from Savannah, with goods shipped from New York last Saturday. Stumliug High lit Society. There is nothing among the trifling matters of life that effect one's standing in society more than a good pair of hoots; or, if you think it will add to the ease and comfort of your gait, why, of course, you should buy gaiters.— What boots it, for a man to have a tine coat, and other rigging to match, if lie has not goed boots ? I,i,:iit. Laris will attend to the wants of those who give their feet a fashiona ble appearance, and he warrants such fits as to occasion no use for a “Surgeon Chyropodist” to cure corns. Try him. —— *-♦*•* gfj“ Harper's Magazine, for April, has been laid on our table by Thos. Rich ards & Son. This number is full of il- i lustrations as usual, and this Magazine is the most attractive monthly that comes to our office. —» Southern Cultivator. This valuable agricultural publication is ou our table for April. It contains 28 articles on plantation economy ; 9 editorial and 7 horticultural articles, . besides a variety of interesting para graphs. Every farmer should have it. \Vm. S. Jones, Augusta: D. Lee, and U. Redmond, Editors. Terms $1 a year. *. gsT Hen. Gideon J. Pillow passed through this city this morning on his way to Washington City. — Branches, Continuous Brake. We have been shown by Mr. J. Branch of this city, one of the inventors, the operation-of a car brake, which seems to possess some features that commend it to the attention of railroad men. It is designed to he attached to the engine, and worked by steam. The power is applied at one point, and the break op erate on the wheels of eacli car in the train, at the same time, and by the j same power. The advantages are ap parent if it can be operated by the en gineer, who is usually the first to dis cover danger, and who has the power at hand to “man the brakes " instant ly. By working from the extremes of the train, it is apparent that the velocity of the cars will only give additional power to a break, provided the slack at the coupling’s is regulated ; and Mr. B. seems to have accomplished this by means of india rubber, through which the coupling irons pass, which at thiji same time modify the shock of suikfen change in the speed of the train. J This break evidently possesse&ptility, and we have no doubt that bad it come as the invention of some go:Iy at a distarce, it would have erejnis receiv ed attention from Railroatbfaen ail over the country. Hot their Wu<il Up. An affair of honor-Ja fist fight—a muss—a difficulty—a woieze—a skriin raage —a rumpus—ah, Biat’s the word —a ram-pus, was aboufijto occur on Sun day between two ccdcfed individuals, one at least of which—belonged to one of “ourfirst families.” 3 They had botli been indulging in thosi little indiscre tions from which even loyalty itself is not exempt, and vac moderately drunk. They met at the corneflof Broad and streets, where it apjkars ono in dulged in language not aftpgetber in keeping with that politenesk civility, and courtesy which ought to maracter ize the manner of one gentleman to ward another. The aggrieved parW,in the exercise of a becoming demanded satisfaction ; whereupon the aggressor protested that lie was actua ted by the most friendly feelings, and enforced his observations by several ap plications of the fist to that delicate portion of the frame sometimes denom inated bread-basket. This kind of sa tisfaction did not seem very soothing to the wounded honor of the challenger, who protested that because lie was a rich man’s nigger he had no right to trample on the rights of his fellows, and watching his opportunity he dealt a well-aimed blow at his asailant which “ took him in the eye-ball, bim^’ This put an end to pacific negotia tions, and each commenced prepara tions for a pitched battle. Nigger num ber one laid off his coat, and clinching his fist in a pugilistic attitude called <Jn Nigger number two to “ hold up his guard.” Number two rolled up iiis sleeves, and making some allusions to ' the immediate decent of his antagonist from a female member of the canine !l family, declared that no town nigger !; should run over him, "dat-a-way,” and . squared up in a most ferocious manner. | Here the courage of number one began 1 to ooze out, and lie suggested that they go round the next corner below, where no body would see them. Number one suggested that they go down this cor ner, and commenced hacking down the alley, and was anxious to have it set tled in the shade by the liver bank ; then each accused the other of coward ice, and retreated, daring the other to meet him a!*ne anywhere, and pouring the most ferocious imprecations upon the head of the other. It was ail the work of some fiy-blown locality licenced j to retail spirituous liquors—merely the' work of whiskey, and came very near carrying the war into Africa. It is an easy matter to settle a fight when both j parties are willing. — Serious Epidemic nl (he University! of Virginia. A letter received in this city from the 1 University of Virginia, dated March 18th, states that a very serious and | fatal epidemic, somewhat similar to ty phoid fever, has been prevailing fearful-' iy at that institution for some weeks past. Quite a number of the students I have already died and many are still: sick. Great alarm prevails amongst] those remaining. A special meeting of] the Board of Visitors was called some days ago to consider the subject, and. ifj possible, adopt measures to counteract] 1 the epidemic. It was agreed to vacate;' tiie rooms in which the disease origiua- ] ted, but it soon appeared in other apart- ] meats, there being three new cases;, shortly afterwards. Ihe students be- j corning sti l more excited, presented a I petition to the Board requesting a sus- j pension of the lectures, which was not] complied with. For a week past they have been leav- j j ing rapidly, some for their homes, oth- ] , ers taking up their abodes elsewhere,! and out of 625, who were in the Uni-1 versity at the commencement, there are ] only 300 left. Meetings are held night-1 : ly to consider the matter, and addi-l, tional measures are being taken by re-1 maining students to procure a sip-pen- j sion of lectures, which if not granted j soon, it is believed the institution may ] be finally deserted until healthfulness is again restored. At last accounts the executive eom-j mittee had called another meeting of] the Board, and it was belived some defi nite action would be taken in order to] render satisfaction and safety to those [ in the University. Several students who had contracted j the fever and left for other quarters | died before being able to reach home.— This is a serious matter, and should lie! carefully investigated.— Baltimore Fa■ I triot. Commerce of Havana* In an article in the Diario de la Marina, ! of the 9th instant, it is shown that the customs in 1857 produced 810,376,629 an increase of 8825,198 on 1850, of 81,- 131,713 on 1855, and of $1,822,166 in 1854. The largest increase was during the last four months of the year. In June they were 8943,810, against 81,- 031,385 in the same month in 1856. ! The receipts during the month of Janu iavy were $783,519, an increase of 894,- 556 on those of the corresponding month j in 1856, and $163,283 in 1850. The stock of sugar in the warehouses of Regia and San Jose, at the close of 1857, were 17,614 boxes less than in 1856; and on the 7th inst. there were in them 81,143 boxes, against 103,083 boxes at the same date last year. The produce of the direct taxes (renin" termtrei) in 1857 was $9,802,467, against $5,370,736 in 1850, an increase of 81.431.730, while tlqU of 1860 had ineve.-ispd $1.108,005 on 1805, and this again $290,256 on that -Hi e receipts in January last were $5 Os "A, 449, against $520,661 in January, 1857. Hoc vs. Colt. Richard Hoe and Samuel Colt are no ted and prominent representatives of American invention and enterprise, luit in far different modes. The one has sig nalized his name in indissoluble con 1 uection with the great engine and ma-| chinery of instruction—the other is noj less known by his improvements and achievements with the engines and im plements of destruction. Hoe's presses and Colt's revolvers are the necessary institutions of America —the Good and Bed Genius of American Invention. The former is lolling off its myriad voiced leaves of instruction and knowledge; the latter, while it may occasionally he used in defence of life and honor, has multiplied the resources and encouraged the bad acts-of the murderer, the assas sin and the sons of violence. — Charleston Conner. The Paris correspondent of the New York Times thus alludes to the inventor of the “Lightning Press “Col.Hoeisiu this city, on his re turn fn>m Italy, witli his family. He is putting up two of his monster presses for the London Times, two for Lloyd’s Newspaper, and one eacli for four other English papers. The machines are be ing constructed in Manchester, under the supervision of New York workmen. A company is also going into operation ijn Paris for the construction of these,' and the general introduction theiffs»«ii;ois anticipated. -A Eaton ton. The Southern Recorder contains the following notice of this pleasant town : We were much pleased on a late visit to this town in viewing some handsome , improvements in it. The most striking and commendable is a handsome Meth odist Church, judiciously and tastefully L constructed by Messrs Ilroadfield anil j » Tanison. It is sixty-four by forty-two, I with a pitch of twenty-six feet, with a; basement for a Sabbath School and the j colored people to worship in, each room suitably finished off and will seat about j live hundred persons. Its cost was! about $7,G00. It was dedicated a few; Sabbaths since, and it is said that a : moderate voice can be distinctly heard ywttghout the room. Eatonton is also favored with good { male and female schools, which are al ways the precursors to thrift. Texas. A letter to the Galveston News dated Corsicana, Navarro county, March Bth, says : I find the farmers busy preparing 1 their ground for planting, and in some ! few places they have planted their corn. ! This would have been done not onl? at an earlier day, but more extensively, | but for the scarcity of seed, thereby causing a degree of caution not hereto fore observable in our State. The blighting effect o! the late frosts last year on early planting, is the cause of this, super.added to the want of grain. The wheat in all this section is cer- j tainly very promising, and the prepar- i ations for oats, rye and barley, greater! than at any otuei season ‘ .ul i i coilca t of There will be in Limestom, Free-: stone, Leon and Navarro, fully onc tbird more crops planted than hereto-1 fore. The following frontier news is fur nished l>y the Austin Intelligencer, of the! 10th inst. : A gentleman directly from Captain | I Ford s Ranger camp, above Pecan Bayou, j I informs us that the Hungers are in fine : j health and spirits and “eager for the I j tray.” No Indians had been seen when j the gentlemen left, though the woods : were reported full by the settlers, and i ! several incursions had been made du-1 | ring the two weeks pieceding the uni-! i val of the Rangers. Capt. Conner s; j men had to be mustered out on the Ist; of this month. They have been kept ] ! busy, and their horses are completely i exhausted. The Victoria Advocate says that an J ! agent of a Mexican cotton factory is j I purchasing cotton in that place, to be j i sent to Mexico. He has already shipped | ! one hundred and fifty hales to Corpus ! Christi from Victoria, when it is to be I taken to Monterey. The punishment of paricid*, to I which Orsini, Pierriand Radio are eon deini ed, consists in being I d to the ! scatfold to be guillotined, with a black i veil over the face, a white shirt cover j irig the clothes, and the feet naked. ! being previously exposed on the scaffold to the view of the people while the ol- I ticer reads the sentence of the court. —♦ Illegitimacy in Scotland. The Registrar-General’s Social Statis tics, just published, show the startling fact that while in Edinburg and Glasgow the proportion of illegitimate children born in those cities is 7 per cent, of the total births, it is 13 per cent, in Dundee Perth and Aberdeen. The per coinage is only five in London. The .Scotch fig | ures are perhaps more accurate. Commercial Inklliptte. Lits.-t dales front I iverpool March 6 j latest dates from Havre March 1 j Latest dates from Havana March 12 EVENING DISPATCH OFFICE, > Augusta, Wednesday, March24,l’. M. J j Cotton—Sales yesterday aficrnt on 483ba1c3, 75 at 10%, 116 at 10%, 133 at 10%, 10 at 11, Cl iatll %, 3 ;it 113* 28 at 1’ % cents. ! Sales this morning, 628 bales : 4:t 8. 2at9, ' ! 14 at 19, 7 at 10%, 21 at l'%, 100 at 11, 281 at I 11%, 125 at 11%. 43 atII %, 31 at 13% cents. I After ou.* report on yesterday, a better feeling prevailed, and to day the demand continues good :it very full prices. Midd ing fair U%cts. Bacon—The supply is now very much re J duced, and the demand is good, at 10% to 10%c j round ; Sides, 11 % ; Shouldeir, 8 to 8% Gen Is. Oats—There is very little detnair!, and lots have been sold at 40 cents, s icks returned. Receipts of Cotton, Charleston, March 23 —1935 bales Savannah, March 23 3423 do Columous, March 23 85 do NEW ORLEANS, March 18.—CVd'im—The sales l.ave embraced some 9500 bale.-, at rates with in the range of our last quot iti 'tin • New Orleans Classification : ; Inferior 5 (d)~ I Middling 10%(2>11 Ordinary,... 8 fa* % | Good Mid.. ..1 < %(S>ll % Gooii Ord... 9 '4 to 9},' I Mid. Fair... 12 <©l2% I.ow Mi 1.. .10qffil0}4 I Fair— ®— Sugar —Sale- ombraro about lOOUbhiis. Fair tufullv fair range at s%i'S>6%c IF Molasses.-- Some 18 >o bb!s. have be u sold to day at 25 (at 8c for fermenting lot.hoice, and 450 half bills choice at 33 emits nor g il-on. Coffee —Sales embraced 4200 b g l , of which 4000 (ex bark New Light) at lie, and2ooat 11% (a) 12 cent- $ t*>. Wh she y—We noMce sales of 50 hh’ Rectified at 18%c, and 448 Raw, at the same price. MACON, March 22.— Cotlnn— Lilt in or nothing •Icing to-day. Extremes would be cove red by rSdizethe latter figure to-day. \ COL&MBUS, March 22.—'ootton—Sales of 13S hales inVrior grades at prices ranging from 10 to 11 % c«Ms. •4 •©.« SAVANNAH, March 23 — Colton —The market is more aniomted to day. The stiles f«>ot up 767 bales, at frontSo% to 11% cents. ! MONTGOMERY, March 23.— Cotton— About 200 I bales changed Sends ; principal sales 10 to 11 '•* I cents. —••••• COLUMBUS, March 23. — Cotton —Stiles limited to 43 bales, at pßues ranging from 10 to 11 cts. ffljijijiittg Intelligence. CHARLESTON,Itfarch 22.—Arrived, Bark R G W Dodge, Sag up la Grande; schr Medora. Bos ton ; Br hark Glcßalvon, Liverpool ; brig Emma Edger, pol Mercdjjita, schr Rescue, Cardenas; schr Brutus. Rocfport, Me; schr Emetine Haigt, New Orleans. £ In the Offing, mj-p Mi scongus, Liverpool. Cleared, BarkaDmega, Havre : stmship Nash ville, schr- Y IfSmith and S J Waring, N York; schr G W Gricei-Baltimore. £ CHARLESTGp, Mar :h 23. —Arrived, stmship Key Stone, PLfiadeiphia; ship EBnlklev. Havre; schr S 1) llartf Rock port. Me; schr E C Johnson, Rbila; stmsnp Columbia, X Y ; schr M M Free mat), Haltinjbro. Cleared, Jprig Emily, X York; schr Dew Drop, Ralan Islapra, W I. SAVANNAH, March 23.—Arrived, steamship Augijaia, N Y . Br bark Elgin, Xcwry, Ireland ; tin/ Augusta, Augusta. /cleared, Brig Ellen Hayden, Cardenas. Departed, stmr Talomic •, Augusta. OFFICIAL. DRAWINGS OK TIIK Sparta Academy Lottery. OF GEORGIA. The following are the drawn numbers of the SPARTA ACADEMY LOTTERY, Class 337—drawn MARCH 23, 1858 : 46, 00, 1 67, 32. 55, 41, 49, 77 , 36. 17, 38. Tlie following are the Drawn Numbers of the SPARTA ACADEMY I/ITTKKY, Class m—Extra.. ! ‘irawii MARCH 24.1808 : 21, 72, 20, 65, 17, 29, 19, 7, 32. 53, 0 2. F.C. BARBER, ) L. p. j UGAS. j vonyjussioners. S. SWAN Jk CO., Managers. Notice. ALL PERSONS having i lnimu against the deceased SEBASTIAN lIUDI.ER are re | 'tuested to baud in their arc tints ; and those in ] dchted are also requested to make payment to mh22-d6 \ pir nmif-if SIX FINE SHIRTS FOR NINE UOL-1 jap 18 MERSEY'S WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS. HUH,IM). HIIfIIESTER & (()., LATE IIAVTLAND, It ISLE V CO., BROAD-STREET, AUGUSTA, GEO, TWO DOORS ABOVE THE GLOBE HOTEL. DEALERS IN • DRUGS, MEDIC/AES, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, PATENT MEDICINES GARDEN SEED, ROSENDALE CEMENT, CALCINED PLASTER ' PARIS, See., &f C ., Sfc. AiEi;cn.\STS, rnysiriANs axi> dealers gexfrmiv THEMSELVES OS DEALING IN ‘ ’ ' MEDICINES OF FIRST QUALITY, I teb24-lm MAY RELY UPON BEING SUITED. " Li ht lor tiie Million!!! | ; The Cheapest Illuminating Gas a'er Discovered. ' HAVING purchased the Patent-right), for the State; of Georgia, and Edge fluid Dis ftrict, S. C., for making Illuminating j GAS FROM WOOD AND WATER, by Choate & Tyler’s process, we are prepared to i Dell individual or public rights lor the use of ' 1 - aid Patent. \. I Among the many advantages these works have • lover all others, are the following : I Ist. The abundance and cheapness of the mu- i : | terial from which the Gas is made viz : ( PINE WOOD AND WATER. , j 2<l The durability of the works when com- I - j pared with others. I Ud. Thesimpiicitv . f the apparatus and pro ess! ' Any negro may ho taught to make the Gas ' i perfectly in a very short lime. . j (.as manufactured under this patent has been ' hi uninterrupted use at Kirkpatrick & Leitnei ! s ! bou o. at Kerzeiia. on the Georgia Railroad, since July last, where it may be seen. They have a; very superiors lor one f cutii tig: prick <(t Gas made fro Oil. Any*commniiieutiou.s Addressed to either of the undersigned, at Augusta will meet with prompt attention. PLUMB & LKITNEK, JAMES GARDNER, J. A. ROBERT. W. W. THEM BLEY, HENRY HARDEN. fi-M-tf THE LIVER INYIGORATOR! PREPARED BY DR. SAKFORD’S COJIPOINDKD E\TIRELY FROM C3~ XT iN/t S , IS ONE OF THE BEST PURGATIVE and Liver Medicines now before the public, that acts as a CATHARTIC, easier, milder, and more ilfctual than any other medicine known. ; It is not only a Cathartic, but a Liver reme y. ■ ding first on the Liver to eject its morbid mat ter, thou on the stomach and bowels to carry oIT that matter, thus accomplishing two purposes effectually, without any of the painful feelings experienced in the operations ol most Cathartics. It strengthens the system at the same time that it purges it; ana when t iken daily in moderate doses, will strengthen and build it up with un usual rapidity. *lhe l.iver is one of R to digest well, purify the principal regula- # mgjthe l.loml, giving : tors ol the hurnau a i- ne and health to the body, and wheu it per- a whole machinery, re fo ms its functions V moving the cause oi well the powers of tin m the disease, —etfeeting system are fully de $ a radical cure, veloped. Thcsiomacb »l Bilious attacks are ji- almost entirely de- • cured, and. what is J pendeni on the healthy better, prevented by action of the Liver for J the occasional use of - | tiie proper perform- the Liver Invigorator. L ance • f its functions; One dose after eating | when the stomach i.- •P is sufficient to relieve ,at fault, and tho whole | the stomach and pre ’ system suiters in ton- w jvent the food from ri * sequence of one organ g sing and souring. . —the liver, — having gj Only one dose taken ceased to do its duty before retiring, pre- K*ir the diseases of that ™ (vents Nigbim ire. orgm, one of the pro Only one dose taken 1 • prietors lias made ii L at night. loosens the i his study, in a prac i uowels and tice of more than 2< | V Imres Costiveness, years, to llnd some re • One dose taken after inedy w herewith to r ouch meal will cure counteract the many a Dyspepsia. : d(;rnng- ments towhicli t One dose of two tea il is liable. ,■ spoonfuls will always To prove that this relieve Sick Headache, remedy is at last • One bottle taken for . found, any person ~ female obstructions, troubled with l.iver removes the cause of Complaint, in any of its the disease, and makes forms, has but t > try J • a perfect cure, bottle, and fconviction 8 Only one dose imme . is certain. J iiately relieves Cholic, These Go ms remove • while* j all morbid or bad mat- * One dose often re .Iter from the system, M peated is assure cure upplying in their PI ior Cholera Morbus, place a (heal thy flow of If and a preventive of > bile, invigorating tb W Cholera, stomach, causing food 1$ Only one bottle is needed to throw out oi the system tho effects ol , medicine alter a long sickness. 1 One bottle take.' for Jaundice removes all Sftl , lown or unnatural color from the skin. 4 One dose taken a short time be ore eating gives vigor to the appetite, and makes food di est wolf. r ~ One dose often repeated cures Chronic Diar - rhcca in its worst form:-, while Summer and J Bowel Complaints yield almost to the fn st do-e. One or two doses cures attacks caused by Worms in children, there is no surer, safer, or 3 speedier remedy in the world, as it never fails. ) Aew 1 ottles cures Dropsy, by exciting the absorbents. We tike pleasuro in recommending this medi cine us a preventive for Fever and Ague, Chill . Fever, and all Fevers of a Bilious Type, it opc , rates with certainty, and thousands are willing ' to testi.y to its wonderful virtues. ! All wlio use it are giving their unanimous tes- I timony in its favor. i | Mix Water in the mouth with the Invigorator, ; ! and swallow both together. ; The LIVLR INVIGORATOR is a. scientific Medi -1 cal Discovery, and is daily working cures, al . | most too great to believe It cures as if by ma gic, even the Jirsi d' se giving benefit , and seldom ! more than one bottle is required to cure any kind jof Liver complaint, from the worst Jaundice or Dyspepsia, to a common loadache, all of which are the result of a Diseased Liver. Price, $1 per bottle. { SANFORD & CO., Proprietors, 345 Broadway, New York. t Sold, wholesale an retail, by PLUMB & LFIT . NEK, W. H. TUTT, and Druggists everywhere. mhlO ly j New Confectionery AND FRUIT STORE ! rPHE UNDERSIGNED respectfully an .A nounce to the ladies of Augusta and the 1 ; public generally that they are now prepared to i furnish WEDDINGS, PARTIK , BAlJ&,&c.,at the shortest notice, and at the icwo.-t pr ices. Con lid cut that our Ice Creams, * Jellies, Cliar i lotto Russes, and general assortment of large ami small Cakes, will not be equalled in thi city— that our ornamented BRIDAL CAKK*\ i FANCY PYRAMIDS and FRUIT BASK UPS—will ; not easily be surpassed by anv one in thiscoun try, we believe we are prepared to please the most fastidious. We also oiler a variety ol Domestic and Im ported CANDIES, GUM. CORDIAL, WINK ami * BRANDY DROPS, Preserved, Iced, Chrystalized and IMITATION FRUITS, French CUPIDS, BON BONS, BONBONIEKES ; and for Christmas a general assortment of FANCY GOODS and TOYS, at tho lowest prices. A share of patronage respectfully solicited. FLISH & SUMER.AU, i North Side Broad-street, near the Lower Market Orders from the country respectfully attended to. . deofl-tf S"~ EED OATS. Five Hundre bushels SEED OATS, receive! : from Tennessee, ami for sale by feb'J ' A. STEVENS Cl< )FFfeE AN D SUGAJEL J 400 nags Prime RIO COFFER, 30hhdsgood CUBA SUGARS, now for sale by d 9 WlL< OX HA \D & A\SLEY. Eto wall Flour. , irilWO HUNDRED bbls, Etowah Super JL FLOUR; I One Hundred bbls. Etowah Family FLOUR ; ; Fit ty do do Extra do Now urrivintr and for Hale by I mhl9 THOS. r STOVALI. &CO , Agents. Butter and Cliccse. •.mVVENTY-KJVE boxen choice Cheese ; ’ 1 15 Firkins Goshen BUT 1 KK. Just received by mh2oil6 ESTES at CLARK. SWAN & CO.’S LOTTERIES. Authorized by the State of Georgia. oo- $70,000 !=OO ; FOlt TEN DOLLARS!! IT HK following Scheme will he drawn ' ! 1 by 8. SWANS COiil-V, lianaeors of the I eparta Academy Lottery, in each of Hi, ir Nitric I ’ N r.»,'‘- r Lotteries lor .MARCH, 1«5». at AU- I j(«LSIA, Ga, in public, under the superinten dence ot Commissioners. I CLASS 5. ! r ° be <lrawn City of Augusta, Ga., in public, on 1 SAIURIMY. Much 0, ]«iß. i CLASS 6 r° bl: O-Wbtogjr Os ususla On., in public,on &AILRDAY, March If l«ss. CLASS 7, To be drawni inCityor Augusta, Ga., in public, on SATIRDAY, March2o, 1858. | _ CLASS 8, To be drawn in City of Augusta, Ga., in public, on SATURDAY, March 27, 1858. ON THE PLAN OF SINGLE NUMBERS ! ! ! Five Thousand Four Hundred and Eighty- Five Frizes ! NEARLY ONK PRIZE TO EVERY NINE TICKETS ! MAGNIFICENT SCHEME ! To be Drawn each Saturday in March, 1858. j 1 Prize of 570.000 .' " “ ; . lOiOOO J „ 5.000 J , ~ 4.000 1 .. 1-500 1 ' ‘ ••••> 000 ' \ 800 * „ „ 700 2 „ 5tU r v. S .U’i'ltdxiMATio'y i'RIZBj. 100 4 Prizes of S4OO Ap. to $70,000 Przo arc $1 000 4 •• 300 u 30,000 •' are 1200 1 ;; !! ??? “ “ 10ft0 ° •• are BCO ■J ; U 5000 “ are 500 4 100 '• 4.000 “ are 400 4 •• l * 75 “ “ 3,000 are 300 4 “ ‘ o 0 “ “ 1.500 “ are 200 5,000 * l ‘‘ 20 are 100,000 5,485 Prizes amounting to s3jo 010 Whole Tickets $10; Halves $5; Quarterss2so. PLAN OF THE LOTTERY . Tiie numbers from 1 to 50,000 covrcspon hng with those numbers on the Tickets printed on seperate slips of paper, are encircled with small tin tubes and placed in one Wheel. The first 457 prizes, similarly printed and en circled, are placed In another wheel. The wheels are then revolved, and a number is drawn from the wheel of numbers, and at the same time a prize is drawn from tiie other wheel. The number and prize drawn out are opened and exhibited to the audience, and regis tered by the Commissioners; the prize being placed against the number drawn. This opera tion is repeated until all the prize- are drawn out Approximation Prizes.— The two preceding j and the two succeeding numbers to those draw ( ing the first 7 prizes will be entitled to the 28 Approximation Prizes. For example : if tickef number 11250 draws the $70,000 prize, those tickets numbered 11248. 11249, 11261,11252, wil each be entitled to S4UO. If tick« t number 551 draws the $25,000 prize, those tickets numbered 548, 549, 551, 652 will each be entitled to S3OO, and Sw on according to the above scheme. The 5000 prizes of S2O will be determinated b> the last figure of the number that draw s the $70,000 prize. For example, if the number drawing the s7o,oooprize ends with No 1, then ill the tickets w here the number ends in . will be entitled to S2O. If the number ends w ith No 2, then all the tickets where the No ends in 2 will be entitled to S2O, and so on to 0 ’ Certificates of Packages will be sold at the fol lowing rates, which is the risk : Certificate of Package of 10 Whole-Tick i- SBO do do do 10Half do .... 40 do do uo lOQuar. do 20 do do do 10 Keighth do 10 In ordering Tickets or Certificates , enclose the money to our address for the Tickets ordered, on receipt of which they will be forwarded by first mail. Purchasers can have tickets ending in any figure tfcey may designate. The list of Drawn Numbers and Prizes will l»c sent to purdha3crs immediately after the drawing 4tT* Purchasers will please write their signa tures plain, and give their Post Office, County and State. i>*r Remember that ev ry Prize is drawn and payable in full without deduction. ffjjy* All prizes of SIOOO and under, paid immo diately alter the drawing—other prizes at the usual time ol thirty days. All communications strictly confidential. Address ordfgre for Tickets or Certificates to S. SWAN & C'O., Augusta, Ga. Persons residing near Montgomery, Ala or Atlanta. Ga., can have their orders filled, and save time, by addressing S. Swan & Co. at either of tbnep cities • Tlihl VJI'CiAK. U 40 hhds good to prime N 0 SUGAR, 15 do prime clarified do 150 bbls A, B and 0 do 25 do Crushed do For sale low bv . feb22 ’ WILCOX, HAND & ANSLEY. Molasses, molasses. 60 hhds choice Cuba Molasses, to arrive from Charleston. For sale bv JOSIAH SI BLEY & SONS, mh2 No. 6, Warren Block LEA T H E R MACHINE BELTING AND FACTORY FIND NGS. PATENT Riveted, Stretched and Ce mented Leather BELTING, single and dou- I ble, all widths, 1 to 24 inches, curried and J stretched by ourselves. Quality guarantied. A i large stock always on hand. Also—Rubber Belting and Stoam Packing, ! Copper Rivets and Burrs, &c.; Washers, Rinj; ; Travelers, Roller Brushes, Roller Cloth, Stripper : Cards, Pickers, Lag Screws, I<ng Leather, and a variety of Factory Findings. For sale on accom modating terms by SHERMAN, JESSUP k CO., No. 341, Broad-st, 2d door above Bank of Au gusta. jans-3m I“fiKESH BURNING FUJID. A supply just landed and lor sale low bv feb22 WM. H. TUTT j CLARIFIED SUGARS. ~ Vy 59 bbls C Sugar, 25 do A do ; 10 bbls B Sugar ; 16 do Crushed ; 15 do Powdered do. For .-'ale low by mhll-dm A. D. WILLIAMS. SOAP, STARtTL Aci ONE HUNDRED boxes No. 1 SOAP; 25 boxes TARCH ; 200 boxes CANDY ; 25 half bbls CRACKERS. For sale by tnhU-dra A. D. WILLIAMS. Bacon sides and hams. 5 hhds Prime Bacon SIDES, 2do do do HAM , for sale by JOSIAH SIBLEY & SONS, No. 6 V Warren Block. SAMUEL SWAN & CO., HANKERS and Dealers in Exchange, Uncurrent Money and Specie, in the Au -!iLsta Ilotdl building, Broad-st., Augusta. Ga. office hours from 6AMtoIO P M. Daily pa pers m file from all the principal cities. *:ele raphic reports of latest dates, Reading room free to travellers and tho public Ail are invited to call. rickets in their Georgia Lotterios from $1 to S 2O aug26-tl Guano. 30 tons Peruvian =uano, warranted genu % ine, in store and for sale by BAKER, WRIGHT & CO. ( i KliscrJlantons sirtrrrftsmrn(s. SPRING DRYGOODS GRAY & TURLEY KEG TO ANNOUNCE to their custom era and the public that they now have in j ; (store, and are daily receiving a very extensive ; 1 j and choice selection of ; SPRING AND SUMMER Dry GrOOd.s. , • We wishjt to be remembered that wo -till keep ' ja resident purchaser at the North, from whom - j we receive daily the | 1 IMPORTED FASHIONS! : We solicit Country Merchants, buying for cash. 11 to call and examine our stock, and ASCERTAIN Ol It PRICES, j i To such we are prepared to offer superior in- " ! ducements. ] Below we mention some of the MOST FASHIONABLE. 1 as also some of the leading articles in each de- “ j partment. Dress Goods, 7 1 Rich Chintz Chene BAYAPF.RE SILKS : ' * T do do RAYE D’AQUILLF. do do M<>ire Antique Bl’kaud Col’d do Biscledf 's Celebrated BLACK SILKS, in great i a variety : Marcellaine and Florence SILKS, all. \ colors : GRENA I INK, CUAI'E I (’PARIS and SEW ING SILK lIOI3ES ; (bailie, JJarcge D’Diine and BARER R ROBFS. PRINTED LAWN, PRINTED BRILL ANTE, CHALLIES, BARFGR I FLANK, BAREGES, CRAPE MARFTZ. CRAPE HkI’ARIS, CANTON CI//J 11, BOMBAZINE. ALAI’ACA, &L\, &C , HOSIERY AND t EMBROIDERIES! ‘ Ladies HOSE in COTTON, SILK and I JNT.X. Misses do do do do do* do j Gents Yx do do do do do do : lii.ics GLOVES in KID, SILK, LINEN and SILK MITTS. , ", 5.000 Embd. BANDS. in JACOXETT. SWIS'j and MULL. ! J 5,000 Embd. COLLARS and SKITS, in JACO- I* NET. SWISS and MI LL. EDGINGS and INSERTING., in great variety. “ Embd. LINEN CAMBRIC HANDKERCHIEFS, in great variety. J WHITE GOODS. Embd. MUSLIN and LACE CURTAINS. i do do for Radios DRESSES. J Plain JACONET and SWISS MUSLINS. X-.insook MUlLand Book do Printed BRILLAN4K and Krei ch CAMBRIC, j . MANTILLAS. SHAWLS, SCARFS Ac., in great / variety and very cheap. j \ DOMESTICS. r, cases BROWN SHIRTINGS, 6>.,c. |* 5 lio WHITE do tv. I 11,000 pieces CALICOES, fast color.-, All THE FAVORITE ISH X AOS OF 3 AMERICAN CALICOES AND JSl3.±:irti:ras,’fib _A_T DOW PRICES; 1 A VERY HANDSOME LOT OK GINGHAMS, IN BLACK AND COLORED. j / •2,000 COL'STKRI'AXES*. from SI 25 10 $lO each j * 5 rases 11-4 SHEETING, Dost Tliality. ill > 4 n. fi do BED TICKING, AI’ROX CHECKS. FURNITURE PRINTS. Ac. LIMEN S, • Best Irish I.INEX DAMASK, 50 to :>o. • do do do NAPKINS and DOYLIES. J i 100 to 450. 1 Best Irish LINEN TABLE CLOTHS. :> do do do for SHIRT FRONTS £5 to 150 j a il Plain and Fancy IJNENS for Gentlemen audl , Bov’s wear, from IH? 4 ' to 75c. per yard. \ < ISUND RIEB. 0 RIBBONS—LUTES. SATIN AND VELVET.—FUR-; ' 0 MTU RE AND DRESS FRINGES : PARA 0 SOLS, HOOP BKIRTP, FANS, HAIR e BRUSHES. COMBS, FANCY n SOAPS, &c., kc. mh22 1 7\m THOUSAND bushels WHEAT, iu store am! arriving, on consignment, and 0 fir sale bv mli22 M. W. WOODRUFF, fi : GREENE & PULASKI 2*M «2» n a cb mmm 1‘ raa 0 LOTTERIES ! Managed , Drawn and Prizes Paul by the - well known and responsible Jinn of GREGORY & SI A l R Y . SALES CLOSE EACH DAY at 2 o’clock. EXTRA CLASS K. j To be di awn on Saturday, March 27th, 1858. j GRAND SCHEIE! 65,000 DOLLARS!!: 000, $.>0,000, SIO,OOO, SO,OOO, 1 $7,500, SO,OOO, $5,000. $4,00, $35300, 10 of SI4OOO, 10 of SISOO, 10 of SIOOO, t-SkC. ) Tickets, s*2o ; Halves, $lO ; Quarters, $5. Risk on a package of 26 Eighths, $33.10. _ THE SMALLER CL ASSES?) Will be drawn every day in the foßoying ordtj^r ON MONDAY. - The Capital Prize will he from 39,000 to $14,000 I Tickets, $2.50; Halves, $1.25; Quar’s, 62>£cts. TUESDAY. 1 Capital, $4,000 to SO,OOO. Tickets, $1: Halves, \ 50cents; Quarters, by the package. WEDNESDAY. Capital, SIO,OOO to $15,000. Tickets, $4; Halves, $2; Quarters, sl. THURSDAY. Capital, $7,500 to $9,000. Tickets $2; Halves, I $1; Quarters, 50 cents. FRIDAY. Capital, $9,000 to $14,000. Tickets, $2.50: i Halves, $1.20 ; Quarters, 0241 cents SATURDAY. Capital, $4,000 to $6,000. Tickets. $1; Halves, 50 cents. Quarters, by the packages. ftS* Payment of Prizes in the above Lotteries lia secured by a bond ol Seventy Thousand Dol lara, in the hands of the Treasurer ol the Com missioners, appointed by the State of Georgia. Notes of all solvent Banks taken in payment! ; for Tickets. I Orders promptly attended to. and Schemes j i and Drawings forwarded. Apply to JOHN A. MILLEX, i Broad-st, 3 doors below Post Office Corner, i mU2O Vender for Gregory & Maurv. Bacon and sugar. 10 hhds. choice SHOULDERS, ’ 10 do do SIDES, 3000 lbs. HAMS, y 25 buds. Dry and Bright Orleans SUGARS | ( For sale low by J* ebS-lm A. D. WTIHAMS I 6 1 TIERCES PRIM £ Ricrffin stove, ! consignment, and for sale bv ’ I mh22 M. W.' WOODRUFF. | ; jriIHUEE HUNDRED sacks GEORGIA! : JL FLOUR, in store and $o arrive, ofi consign ! o I ment and for sale by mh22 M. W. WOODRUFF. .rfTWO THOUSAND BUSHELS prime *2 I _L WHITE CORN, in store and daily arriving, ! on consignment and for sale bv } rah 22 M. W. WOODRUFF. pisffll.mcous I NDi:i; .AN'TFTIS* HoOP^ AUGUSTA, CA. Jt. F. PALM EH RESPECTFULLY invites attention a NEW and FRESH stock otTTRKPRI MEDICINES and CHEMICALS. Also—A choice assortment of PERFUMB and FANCY ARTICLES for the Toilet. Fine Hair and Tooth. Brushes, Combs, kc DENTAL and SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS. Pure Wines and Liquors, for medicinal use j And. in addition to the above, I shall aiea, keep on hand a full assortment of BOTANIC ME. JUNES, which 1 w ill warrant pure. Garden, Grass and Field Seeds, kc. A share of public patronage is respectfully so icitad. B. F PALMER, M.D. mhl3-dawlm Under Planters’ Hotel Bacon. 15,000 lbs Tennessee Bacon. For sale low by JOSJAH SIBLEY & SONS, mho No. 6, Warren Block /~IANDY. V, 50 boxes Assorted Candy. For sale low by JOSIAi: SIBLEY & SONS, IBM N AV.-.-r - m B!<m k ( lAMPHINE. fresh Camphine, for sale by nihO S. C. MUSTIN. I" THRESH FLUID. Live bbls lreshFluid, just received and for sale low by nth 6 S. C. MUSTIN. H air dyes. " . Ballard’s, Batchelor’s, Christadoro’s, Cha lons, Jayne’s. Alex ander’s Tricobaphe ; Protl ANood’.s and Mr- Allen’s Hair Restorative Jayne’s Hair Tonic ; Phalon's Invigorator Barry.’s Tricopherous, and Lyon’s Katbairoi For sale by 122-ifcw WM. H.TCTT. * ( \ils. V/ Linseed Oil SCO gallon Sperm do 300 do Lamp do 500 do Tanners do 500 do Castor do 300 do Olive do 25 bask* For sale low l;y feb2 WM. H. TUTT. 13LATE1) SPOONS, FORKS, BUTT! . KNIVES, &c. For sale at fei»2s S. C. MUSTIN. SUNDRIES. O 2«»0 bbls PLANTING POTATOES ; 300 boxes TOBACCO, all grades ; 100 kegs SODA ; 300 boxes Adamantine CANDLES , 500 kegs NAILS ; 15 tierces RICE. For sale low* liv feb22 WILCOX, HAND & ANSIEY. k;kli:d tongues. “ Choice Pickled Tongues, just received and for sale at mhl3 D’ANTIGNAC k HUBBARD’S. Molasses. 20 hhds Molasses, in .-tore ; 30 do do toarrive. For sale low by , mh3-daw ESTES & CLARK. j>( YTATOKS. 200 bbls Pink Kv e PI .ANTI NG POTATOES; 50 do Peach Blow do For sale low by mliP-dAwti ’ k CL.VRK. ‘ 01 LS, ALCOHOL AND BURNING FLUID. 25.) gals. Best Lamp Oil $1 25 per gallon 200 do lard do 1 40 do do 200 do Best Castor do 215 do do 300 do Train do 75 do do 250 do Paiut do 1 00 do do 200 do Tanners do 75 do do f»oo do Fresh Burning L'luid... 80 do do 300 do 95 deg. Alcohol 90 do do —ALSO— -50 boxes French Window' Glass. Just receiv ed by feb2 THOtf. P. FOGARTY. . For Sale. A FIRST-BATE BLACKSMITH. En J\_ quire at this office. febM I AUD. J 5 bid.- choke NEW LARD. For sale by JOBI AH SIBLEY & SONS. fehl9 No. 6 Warren Block. / IHEESE, ( HEESE. V.' 50 boxes English Dairy Cheese, 50 do suite do For sale low by JOSIAII SIBIaEY vt SONS. feb2s No. 6. Warren Block. Cabiiiei Ahußiiis mill He pairing, lie. u r IT. I’KOIJTY & CO. having diu* W • .-nlved, by mutual consent, the under signed may bo found at the same stand, ready tc do all jobs committed to him in the way of CABINET MAKING AND REPAIRING, AND HOUSE CARPENTERING. W. H. PKOITY, j Shop on Washington, between Broad and Re| nokJ'Str« eta. an!9 Liquors andsegabh 150 bbl- Low i rlecil WHISCEV : 100 do from fair to lino ; 50,000 I ow i>riced and Medium SEGALS 40 bbls BRANDY ; 40 bbls GIN , 25 obis RUM. For sale bv mhll in a. T> wn i: \ms "OLOUR. JL. 300 sacks Tenneasee superfine Flour, 100 do do Family do 300 do Denmead’s superfine do In store and for sale by febs BAKER, WRIGHT &CO. Philadelphia lager beer. A lresh supply just received and lor sale by IVOMAS WHYTE, feb2o Agent for the Brewers. Cl HOICK NEW BACON. J 30,000 lbs choice Tennessee Bucon, consist ing ol Hams, Shoulders aud Sides. For sale by JOSIAH Sl' LEY & SONS, feblS No. 6, Warren Block v Lard. Fifty packages new Tennessee LARD, in bbls, half bbls and cans, for sale by tebs BAKER, WRIGHT & CO. R. P. SPELMAN, SR., PAINTER, Greene-street, Augusta, Georgia. f - Potatoes. /TIEN bills. MEKGER POTATOES ; JL 20 do Yellow Pluming do Just received at febl? D’ANIIGNAC it HUBBARD^ ONE THOUSAND bushels OATS, in store and lor sale low by M. W. WOODRUFF, fehs corner Reynold and Mclntosh A W K YV AND V A L. UAU L K C OLI MM limits! ~ n —w ■ CHOICEST VEGETABLE EXTRACTS, AND WARRANTED TO GIVE - GREAT RELIEF IN DYSPJEPSIA, Aud all diseases arising from -1 Disordered State of the Stomach. SUCH AS NAUSEA, CONSTIPATION, FULLNESS OF BLOOD to the Head, Giddi ness of tiie head, depression of spirits, loss of appetite, pain iu the side and back, fever and ague, general debility, and the “ thousund other ! ills ’ arising from indigestion and enfeebled con j dition of the digestive organs. Hubitualcostlvc j ness is found v-ry frequently connected with feeble constitutions, and persons of sedentary i habits, which oftc*n exerts a very unfavorable ; influence upon the general health of the subject, and is particularly manifested by a restless and i desponuing state of mind, irregular, if not a loss | of appetite. For this condition ol’ the system, this article is i confidently recommended with the positive as -1 surancc that, if the dose us pioppNv a» lj us ted, so | as not to move the bowels too It ELI E F > i may be relied on" 'ATHTniTr^rriy, xvnn the *fcast, i of the unpleasant consequences resulting from the use of the common purging medicines usual ! ly resorted to. Persona atflicted with HEMORRHOIDS, can partake of this medicine with safety, as Aloes - forms no part ot its composition. 2 Sold by druggists and merchants generally '» and in Augusta, by Haviland, Chichester It Co. Wm. H. Tutt, and Plumb & Le : trer. feb3-6nj