Augusta evening dispatch. (Augusta, Ga.) 1857-1861, March 26, 1858, Image 1
li jff tl SI E Jp f H 11| jY I/I|j/|t 1" |v '3p Q 4 VOLUME 2. ©imihtg Jlispattli. I’OHLISHEO DAILY AND WEEKLY. TSY S. A. ATKINSON. ner aunulll $4- 00 WEEKLY, •• I 50 4-3*'Su’i-'criptio;*.'* will be r evived for three ;V> at 25. Monthly subscriptions, Fifty l < a" f’aym '.it for sibseriptions will positively ■ ro«iuir«-u in advance. t&T mfio:'F{.:!; OF THE DISPATCH is on Broad street. «t few door.' below Seiz’d Corner, \up‘t ir-) Entraucc next door above A. i. -signon & Oo.’s Store. Ift IT.E S OF AD V K RTISI IB C 5 : Advertisements' will be inserted by the square >1 C! (10.) words.) for 00 cents for the first .insertion, and ’ 7cents for each subsequent in ertinn under one month, to be paid for when tho a ivei tisement i-= handed into the office. Advertisements under live lines will bo insert •s i at 10 cents a iino for tho first, and 5 cents a for each subsequent insertion. Advertisements will be inserted in both the Daily and Weekly Dispatch at 25 per cent above hose xates. Thlrty-F 1 f< In Cougrtas. house of representatives. Number of members, - - - - 284 ALA BAM A. NBW VOR K —CotltinU d 1 Jas A Stahvarth. 5Wm l» Mad ay - K S Shorter. 6 John Cochrane '• Jas F Dowdell. 7 Elijah Ward ' Svdnev JJotiro. 8 Hu^tc 1 F Clark •-* CcoS Houston. 9 John 15 Ilaskiu '• Wlt W Cobb. 1(1 A L Murray '7 JL M Curry. 11 Wm F Russell Arkansas. 12 John Thompson 1 A B Greenwood. 13 Abram A Olm 2 Edw A Warner. 14 Erastus Corning CALIFORNIA. 15 Edward Dodd 1 Charles L Scott. 16 Geo W Palmer 2J C McKibben. 17 Francis E Skinner Connecticut. 18 Clark B Cochrane 1 Ezra Clark, Jr. 19 Oliver A Morse 2 Samuel Arnold, 2d20 0 B Matteson 3 Sidney Dean. 21 Henry Bennett 4Wm D Bishop. 22 Henry 0 Goodwin Delaware. 23 Charles B Hoard 1 Win G Whitloy. 24 Amos V Granger Florida. 25 Edwin B Morgan 1 Geo S Hawkins. 20 Emory If Pottle GEORGIA. 27 John M Parker 1 Jas L Seward 28 William Kelsey 2M J Crawford. 29 Sam'/ (J Andrews 3 It. P Trippe, Am. 30 J W Sherman 4 L J Gartrell. 31 S M Burroughs 5 A It Wright. 32 Israel T Hatch 6 Jas Jackson. 33 Reuben E Fenton 7 Joshua Hill, Am. north Carolina. * AH Stephens. 1 H M Shaw Illinois. 2 Thomas Ruffin 1 E B Washburn* 3 Warren Winslow 2 J F Farnsworth. 4 L O 15 Branch 3 Owen Lovcjcy. 5 John A Gilmer, Am 4 Wm Kellogg 6 Alfred M Scales 5 Isaac N Morris. 7 Burton Craigc 0 Thomas L Hunis. 8 T L Clingman 7 A Shaw. Ohio. *5 Robert Smith. 1 Geo H Pendleton 9 SamT A Marshall. 2 W S Grosbeck Indiana. 3 Lems D Campbell 1 W J Niblack. 4 M ILNichols 2Wm II English. 5 Richard Molt 3 James Hughes. 6 J II Cockerell \ James 15 Foley. 7 Aaron Harlan 5 David Kilgore. 8 Benjamin Starrow G James M Gregg. 9L W Hall 7 John G Davis. 10 Joseph Miller 3 James Wihon 1 i Valentine BMorton 9 Schuyler Colfax. 12 S S Cox 10 dairies Case 13 John Sherman 11 John UPetit 14 Philemon Bliss iowa. 15 Joseph Burns 1 Samuel R Curtis 10 C B Tomkins 2 Timothy Dans 17 Wm Lawrence KENTUCKY. 18 Bcuj F Letter 1 Henry C Burnett 19 Edward Wade 2 Samuel j 0 Peyton2o Joshua R Giddings 3 WL Underwood AH J A Bingham 4 A Jj Talbott Pennsylvania. 5 Jtoshua H .Jewett 1 Thus B Florence 0 1 M Elliot 2 E Joy Morris, Am 7 iFSLujshall, Am 3 James Dandy B Clay 4 Henry AI Philips Mason 5 Owen Jones W Stevenson 6 John Hickman Louisiana. 7 Henry Chapman 1 Geo Eustis,Jr, Am 8 J Glancy Jones 2 Miles Taylor 9 A E Roberts 3T G Davidson 10 John C Kunkel 4 J M Sanrlige 11 Wm L Dewart maink. 11 P Leidy 1 John M Wood 13 Wm II Dimmick 2 Charles J Gilman 14 G A Grow 3 Nchmiah Abbott 15 Allison White 4 Freeman 11 Morse 16 John J Abel 5 I Washbume, Jr 17 Wilson Reilly 3 SUfh'n G Foster 18 John R Edw MARYLAND. 19 John Cbl'odc 1 J A Stewart 20 Wm Montgomery 2JB Ricaud, Am 21 David Ritchie * J M Harris, Am 22 S A 4 II W Davis, Am 23 Wm Stewart 5 Jacob M Kuukel‘24 J LGillis •5 Tiios F Bowie 25 John Dick MASSACIII SI7ITH. RHODE ISLAND. \ R B Had 1 X B Dur/ee 2 James Bujftnton 2Wm D Drayton » Wm S DamreU south Carolina. 4 I Anns B Cumins 1 John McQueen Arison Burlingame 2 W Porcher Miles 6 Timothy Davis 3 Lawrence M Keit 1 D W Gooch 4 M L Bonham 8 C lj Knapp 5 James L Orr 9 Eli Thayer 6 Wm W Boyce TO Calvin C Chaffee Tennessee. : 1 Henry L Dawes lAG Watkins Missouri. 2 II Maynard, Am 1 FI J Blair , Jr 3 Samuel A Smith 2TL Anderson, .4m 4 John II Savage 3 John 15 Clark 5 Chas Ready , Am 4 J Craig 6 George W Jones 5 jS' 11 Woodson, Am 7 John V Wright John S Phelps 8 FKZoUicoff?r,Am 7 SamT Caruthers 9 J DC Atkins MICHIGAN. 10 Wm T Avery 1 Wm A Howard Texas. - Henry Waldron 1 Guy M Bryan 3D S Walhridgc 2J II Reagan 4 Dt WIU C I sack VERMONT. MISSISSIPPI. 1 EP Wat/on 1 L Q C Lamar 2 Justin S Merrill 2 Roubin Davis 3 Homer E Boyce 3 Wm Barksdale Virginia. 4O R Singleton IMR II Garnet 5 J A Quitman 2 J I Mi Ison new Hampshire. 3 John S Caskie 1 Jama Pike 4 Wrn O Goode 2 M W Tappan 6 Thos S Bocock 3 Aaron It Cragin 6 Paulus Powell new jersby. 7 Win Smith \ Isaiah D Clawson 8 C J Faulkner * G R Rol>ins 9 John Letcher 3 Garnet 15 AdriaulO S Clemens 4 John Huyler 11 A G Jenkins j 5 J R Wovteridykel2 H Edmundson new york. 13 GW Hopkins 1 John A Searing 2 George Taylor Wisconsin. 3 Dan'l ESickels 1 John FPotter ! 4 John Kelly 2 C C Washhurne 3 Chas Billinghunt j SENATE. Number of members, 62 Democrats in Roman, Opposition in Italic. ALABAMA. MISSISSIPPI Clement Clay, Jr. Albert G Brown. j Benj. Fitzpatrick. Jefferson Davis. ARKANSAS. MISSOURI. \\ m B Sebastian. Janies L Green. Boberfc W. Johnson.Tnisten Polk. CONNECTICUT. NEW HAMPSHIRE. Lafayette S Foster. John P Ilalc. James Dixon. Daniel Clark. CALIFORNIA. NEW YORK. Will W Gwi n. If ill ][ Sbeard. David C Broderick. Preston King. DELAWARE. NEW JERSEY. Martin W Bates. William Wright. James A Bayard. John It Thompson. FLORIDA. NORTH CAROLINA. David L Yulee David S Reid. Stephen It Mallory. Asa Biggs. GEORGIA. . OHIO. Rollert Toombs. George E Pugh. Alfred Iverson. Benjamin F Wade. INDIANA. PENNSYLVANIA. Graham N Fitch. William Bigler. Jesse 1) Bright. Simon Cameron ILLINOIS. RHODE ISLAND. Stephen A Douglas. Philip Allen. Lyman Trumbull. James I Simons. TOW A. SOUTH CAROLINA. George W fours. J< ■<!,•> h J Evans. Jan.'s Harlan. J it Hammond. KENTUCKY. TENNESSEE. John B Thompson. John Bell. John J Crittenden. Andrew Johnson. LOUISIANA. TEXAS. J P Benjamin. Sam Houston. John Slidell. Vacancy. MAINE. Wm Fill Fessenden. Vermont. » Hannibal Hamlin. Jacob Cullamcr. MASSACHUSETTS. Solomon Foot. Henry Wilson. Charles Sumner. Virginia*. MARYLAND. R M T Hunter. James A Pearce. Jas M Mason. Anthony Kennedy. MICHIGAN. WISCONSIN. Charles E Stuart. Charles Durkee. Zachariah Chandler. James R DooliUlc. Hem (ill tilntlou. SUN ATE. Democrat*, Opposition Vacancies, Dom erntio maforitv 10. HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES. Democrats, 129 Know Nothings . . . .lb Black Republicans, 99 Democratic majority 2 1. ! Rail Road Register. WESTERN AND ATLANTIC RAILROAD. (Atlanta to Chattanooga.) Morning Pas.vgur Train leaves Atlanta I.4f> a m and arrives at Chattanooga 9.45 ain Morning Passenger Train leaves Chat. 1.30 a m and arrives at Atlanta 9.33 a m Night Passenger Train loaves Atlanta 12.30 p m and arrives at Chattanooga 8.18 p m Night Passenger Train loaves Chat. 3.10 p m and arrives at AtUuta 11.22 p m Fare to Chattanooga, $5. •IA.MIvS M. SPIII.LUCK, Sun’t. ATLANTA AND LAGRANGE RAILROAD. .Morning Passenger Train leaves AtlanU2.oo a m and arrives at West Point 7.28 a rn Evening Passenger Train leaves Atlanta'!.oo p m • and arrives at West Point 6.28 prn Morning Pass’ger Train leaves W. Point 4.00 a in and arrives at Atlanta at 9.27 a nr Evening Pass'grTrain leaves W. Point 4.30 p m and arrives at Atlanta 10.15 p m Fare to West Point, 53.50. G2O. G. HULL, Superintendent. MACON AND WESTERN RAILROAD. Morning Pass’gr Train leaves Atlanta 10.30 a m and arrives at Macon 4.15 a m Evening Pass’gr Train l-aves Macon 12.00 prn and arrives at Atlanta 6.05 p in Fake to Macon. $4. K. FOOTE, Superintendent. GEORGIA RAILROAD. (From Augusta to Atlanta.) Leave Augusta at 2 30, A M, and 4 P M. Arrive at Atlanta at 11 30 A M and 1 04 T M. Leave Atlanta at 12 A M and 10 A M. Arrive at Augusta at b 56 A M and 7 P M. [The 2.30, A. >!.. train from Augusta connects J through to Memphis.] Fake—-$5 50. Connect with booth Carolina Railroad Trains. 1 ArriventAugustaat 1A M and 230 P M. I/eave Augusta at 10 A M ami 8 05 P M. With Western and Atlantic Railroad Trains. Arrive at Ulanta at 11 22 P M and 9 33 AM. Leave Atlanta at 1 45 A M and li 30 P M. With Atlanta and La Grange Railroad Trains. Arrive at Atlanta, at 10 15 J' M and 7 00 A M Laave Atlanta at 2 A M and 1 P M. Connect with Mar n <£• Western Railroad. Arrive at Atlanta, 9 15, A M., and 6 05, P. M l/cuve Atlanta, lb 30 A. M., and 12 Night. Athens Branch—Sundays Ej-ccptrd. Leave Augusta at 2 30, Night. l eave Atlanta 1200, Night. Leave Athens 12 GO, Night. Arrive at Athens 10 30. Day. Arrive at Augusta 9 CM-, M ruing. Arrive at Atlanta 11 14, adorning. Washington Branch—Sundays Excepted. Leave Augusta 2 30, Night. ta.-avo Atlanta 12 00, Night. Arrive it Washington 7 35, Morning Leave N\ ashington 3 30. Morning Arrive at Augusta 8 5::, Morning Arrive at Atlanta 1134, Morning Warrenton Branch—Sundays Excepted. Leave Augusta 4 00, Kveuiug Leave Atauta 10 00, Morning Arrive at Warrenton 8 00, Evening W> rronton 3 30, Evening Arrive at Augusta 7 00, Evening Arrive at Atlanta 1 14, Night GEO. YONGE, Superinte dent. AUGUSTA AND SAVANNAH RAILROAD. Leave Augusta, 2.10, A. M. and 4 P. M. Arrive at Millen, 4:05 A. M. and 6:35 P. M. I/eavo Millen, 6:40 A. M. and 3:46 P. M Arrive at Augusta, 9:00 A. M. and 6:47 P. M. Connecting with trail s to and from Savannah and Augusta. C. A. BROWN, Sup’t. SOUTH CAROLINA RAIL ROAD COMPANY. Day Mail and Passenger Train leaves Augusta at * 10 o’clock, A M. ; and arrives in Augusta at 2.30 P M. ' Night Mail and Passenger Train leaves Augusta at 8.05 I’ M; arrives in Augusta at 1 P M. R T. PEAKE, General Superintendent. CENTRAL RAIIJSOAD. Bdvieen Savannah and Maecm. IxmivcSavannah 1 15, a rn, 2 46, p m Arrive in Macon 10 45, am, 12 30, a m 1 eave Macon 9 45, am, 11 30, p m Arrive in Savannah 7 20, p m, 8 50, a m Between Savannah and A ugusla. Leave Savannah .1 15, am, 11 15, a m Arrive in Augusta 9 am, 7 pm Leave Augusta .2 an., 3 45 p m An ivein Savannah 8 50 a m. 10 55 p m Between » Macon and Augusta. I eere Macon 9 45 am, 11 SO p m I Arrive in Augusta 7 p m, 9 » nr l.oavo Atigu-ita 2 am. 3 40 pm Arrive in Macon 10 45 a EMERSON FOOTE, GenM Superintendent. EAST TENNESSEE AND GEORGIA RAILROAD. ' Leave Augusta 4 00 p m J do Atlanta 1 bam do Diiltou "60a in i Arrive at Knovv'J!;> ... I 30 p m | j 54. L .lACKfiON 2*upeneven lent ( AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, MARCH 261858. Jiliscdlancoiu. Inew bit successful REMEDY! JOY TO THE loom sit jp *~r x viu i J. DELKER’S Consumption . ELIXIR and TONIC PILLS is doing aston ishing wonders to those allln ted with Chnsump tion. Coughs, (’olds, Croup, Brouehitb, Asthma, and Hectic Fever. Substantial evidences of that fict are aoknow b*dgeil by those who have gi\ea it a fair trial. Why. then, r elay so long in Irving the uu-..i cine? N. B.—ls tlie medicine docs not give relief af ter a lair trial has been given it, Mr. D. will re fund the money. Price ol Elixir, $1 a bottle, nr 0 bottles for $5: for Pills, 50 cents a box, or 6 boxes for $2.50. For sale at V. LaTASTE’S Wholesale and P.e tail Drugstore, Augusta, Ga. fob 11 ltn ms APOTHECARIES MlLl AUGUSTA, GA. THE Proprietor of •ho above .. tabiish- %J§ ment respectfully invites the attention of Lhysici <ns T« and Families to in.s stork of select D UGfi, MKDI CINESand CHEMICALS of the purest qualities and at .*£' DAUCIS moderate priee.-. /Q jDr.oPi. * my assortment t-^iVMI.'DTc tN English and Americr-n 7'cr fiimcry, Trusses, Shoulder Bracesand AbdotiiinalSup Combs and Tmlet BnISL; Ump 0.,,, ■ and Lamp Shades; i’aiats, i’aint Oils, Put ■; t Brushes, Window Gl iss, Varnishes &e.; Me. i cinal Wines and Brandies; Burning Fluid and Cam phi tie ; Spices of all kinds ; Pot and Pearl ; A-dn.s, li'digoes and Dye-Woods-Starch, T«|)ioca 1 Sago, P arl Parley and Arrow Root. Also, a constant supply bestSwecdi-.h I.eeelu--, Quinine, Morphine, Elutcrium. Strychnine, Lido : roform, Ac. Ac., from the most responsible I.a- j boritorios. The preparation of Pharmacopeia! articles is 1 conducted personally by Dr. A. S. RAVENS- I CROFT, a graduate of tho London College of Phar- ! macy. All articles warranted. T. P. FOGARTY. 195 Broad-st., «124 tY Under the August ) H tal, \ | PLATED TEA SETS, for gale | A Cheap, by HENRY J. OSBORNE, i ftbl2 256 Broad-st, under U. S. Hotel, i Volcanic and Rifles. 1 , fill I ESP’ PISTOLS carry the Minnie JL balls and shoot six times witli one lo.idiug, the load and cap being contained in the bail.-. ) Thi'y with great precision and force The , Rides are a curiosity. With oue loading they , *tan be discharged twenty times in one and are the be.->t guns for squirrel hunting ex tant. The undersigned is the soli* Agent for tho com pony in this city. HENRY J. OSBORNE. Watch, Jewelry and Optical Store, 256 Broad-st, Augusta, Ga. ft»b]2 ASTIiON’OMILAL AND TEKBESTIAL TELESCOPES, Surveyors’ Cm passes, and Mathematical Inatruments constantly on hand, y HENRY J. OSBORNE, bfobl‘2 256 Broad-st, under U. S. Hotel. rUOFFEE. ioo bags RIO COFFEE. 50 pockets prime Java, 10 bags Laguyra. For sale low hr JOBIAII SIBLEY .V PONS, jan3o No. 6 Warren Block. | Molasses aai«l Syrup. TWENTY iihds. Prime Cuba MOLAS -1 SES : 60 bbla. choice Sugar SYRTP. Bor sale a*, reduced price,-, by geptß DA -.IEL Ti. WII 1 OX. /WM- DUNN, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, TUNNEL HILL, GA. I the purchase of Wheat, Corn, . O.u-, Ilvi*. Flour, Rvcon, Lard, Pry Hides, | iXc., and ior the sale of Sugar. Colfee, Molasses, j Salt, Tobacco, Nails, Iron. Castings. Factory Yarn, 1 omestie, and all kinds of Agricultural [ Implements, such as Plows, Straw Cutters. Corn Shelters. Thrust:*-' -. with and without the horse ! power combined, Eeupcrs, Mowers, etc oct2 ly , i>! at'kcic!. OKiU No. 1 MACKEREL, just re-: ceived at jan7 D’ANTTGNAC & HUBB \RP. j rpo puvisit' lans. " —A- We have on hand a splendid assortment of ] PHYi-TCTANt?’ BUGGY (’ASKS, do SADDLE BAGS. *i*> POCKET VIAL CASES. Also, FAMILY MEDICINE CHESTS, which wo offer at low prices. d 2 PLUMB 5: IJUTNER. t W Saiskey. iqiWENTY l>bl6. Gibson’s XXX; 1 20 do do XX ; 20 do do X. Just received at febl7 I)’ANTICNAC R HUBBARD’S, i Ip A RINA, Corn Starch. Pearl Sap:o, 1 Bermuda Arrow Root, Tapioca and Oat seal, penoctly Iresb. >»r .-*ale b ian6 ’ WM. H. lUIT ONE THOITRAN J> SALT, at the wharf, for sale on uccommodating ternw, bv ftw WOODRUFF. I CABINET MAKING. THE UNDER wSjyHHV?SIGNEI) baa opeued4»@Hf shop, first above the PALACEaSaHHi STABLES, on Ellis street, to carry on the above business in all its branches. Particular attention given to the REPAIRING OF FURNITURE and PACKING, etc. I solicit a share of the pu.ilic patronage. feblT-lm WM. SING I ETON. Liquors. A large and well selected stock of Foreign and Domestic Liquors, Wines and Cordials al ways on baud and for salo low by 1 febS A. SREVENB. 1 riIOP.ACCO AND BEGARS. Ji One Hundred Boxes of TOBACCO, various bra ids; ' 50,000 ScgarH, imported and domestic. For sale by feb2 A.SrEVI*NS. Negro Mechanics TWO good BRICKLAYERS ami PLAS- Ti'.RKRS. and one good TANNER and FI *• IsHER OF LEATHER, can be hired by the year or month, or by ih 5 Job, bv applying to 1 d-15 J. C. BA UN Err. Madtson, Gft. « Neiv Dress Gooils. GUAY & I UKLEY have just received !>>' Express a beautiful lot of LADIES a GOODS, in Delaine, Cashmere, Valencia Plaids ; Siitin Stripeand-Plain All WoolDeLaines, Coburgs, Poplins, .Silks, and u great many other handsome styles of Dress Goods, which will be . sold the Christmas season at vary low r prices. SERVANTS HEAD KERCHIEFS. 1 Persons making presents to their serv nta at Christmas, will find at GRAY & TI'RL Y’S a large lot of HEIAD KERCHIEF', and other ani doe, which are to be sold very low. d 24 Jkabj-Jflafo dHu^inj. CLOTHINGj AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL/ RAMSEY & LAB AW, j : A T their old stand opposite the Union T\. Bank, are offering to their Irion - and cus- ! I jtoraers the largest and best stock of F;«H and | Winter Clothing o\v*r offered in the < ity. thf i iiiost of the goods having boon bought and mauu ;a lured by us at our niunufuct’Tv in .New York 1 almost exclusively lor cadi. AVo fel confideni no house North or South, can beat us in stvle. quality and price. All we a-!-: is a call to’ex amine the stock. Among the stock v. ill be found Superior black, blue and brown Caster Heaver FIR »CKS, Supr do do do Cloth Frocks, do do do do Business do, ' do do do do Raglan (Ivor sacks, Supr do do do Beaver Over sacks, Black and Fancy Sid..-Band Gissimcre Pants, oi ever v stylo and grad.;. I 400 Vests, Velvet. Valencia, Buck Cloth, Satin I I Flush, Cashmere, &c. from SI to $3. 000 super Black Satin Frock.; and Sack? Also I i English Tweed Sacks, front 2 70 t 033. i 200 pairs English, French and American Side • ; band Cassimere Pants, some elegant designs, j 500 pairs Oxford drey and Black Satin-1I’ants i ; ot splendid weight, from 1 73 to $2 25. I l*a' r s extra heavy-ribbed Beaver Pant?, j 75 suits of splendid Harris’ Side baud Cassi-! 1 mere Pants. | 100 Blue Blanket Overcoats at 4tosl 50 nor I coat. i 150 Kiu e Blanket Sack COATS at 3tos3 50 per ; |! rnat - jau4 j GE.VEUH. STOCK OF HEADt MIDiiI'LOTIIIJIi, ! vrowis the time to buy the following 1 ,ai articles for Mens’ an Beys Wear, cheat* I 1 s!a " li ' l 1,0 sold in this market; ! V. VKI VBLAXKKTS ! [ ROBEn, F i :.•«» Cloth and Cassimerc COATS i l Fine VESTS, PANTS, SHIRTS, DRAW ’ i ( ERvS, SLSPKNPEJiS. CRAVATS, Si’OCKS, COLLAR* TRUNKS ’ V A LICKS, and every article in our line, j nov6 CLAYTON KENNEDY. |“NOTHING TO WEAR” NEED NOT BE THE MOTTO NOW, Isixes gJ. K. 111)11:1 & CO., - • f ' arCCRSBORSTO 2, J. M. NEWBY K CO., H have opened THEIR pH Large and Elegant ?z, STOCK OF CLOTHING.i FOR MEN', vor j’lis Ji«,l BOYS’ Como E vorybociy AND GE T A FT T ! UNDER U. S. HO TEL , m. £a. ok eat ukduction IX PRICES OF jCLOTHING, AT 215 BROAD-ST. L P. BI6IIIOT & CO. .nre now off ring tne remainder of their WINTER STOCK at such rates as to induce all to purchase who are in want of «.es»sß Cheap CLOTHING ! ■ OOAO i GENTLEMENS’ ■ Full Riui IVisster Goods for 1857. MY stock of poods is now full and : compri-c i evorylliilig that is fashioifflbi* | |in CLOiUj, CASdMEKHS and VESTINGS, wliioii I will ho made to order ax good and a. faabioaaMa I j 35 C3n be obtained in any part of the country. I AI.SO. ' line ->»d r loot tm kof Ready-Made CI/.-T& i ! VG. which cannot be ex ellcd by nnv Kcods in 1 : the cay. also, J A large stock of FURNISHING GOODS, erobfa- 1 ; cing everything that is necessary for Send*- , I menwear. ; All goods sold at this establishment warrant- ! jed as represented. j ! OCt29 J. A. VAN WINKLH | ! Heavy Overcoats for Negroes OWNERS ot' Boat and Railroad hands | and all persons in want of NEGRO OYBR ; ; COATS, will do will to call and examine our 1 | aud ho!1 made articles of the kind, i nov 6 CLAYTON k KENNEDY, i Clieay Satinet Jackets. \\ r K HAVE A LOT OF GOOD SAT \ j ▼ Y INET JACKETS, for plantation H6groe& , i which we will sell lor $1 50 to $2. f potg CLAYfQN k KENNEDY. ( Hip Jackets, and Satinet Coats aud Pauls. OUR STOCK of the above artielee! being too large for tho hard times, woes- ! for them cheaper than the cheapest, to ru j then down. CLAYTON k KENNEDY, j JOHN N. GOW, ! iMARBLEWOfiKBR. MONUMENTS, of all deecriptiong, executed in the best form, at THE LOWEST PRICES, j and intbesh rtost time compatible j* with faultier* workmanship. fi'lfdl \ *' l- y | Persons in want of Marble-Work ! 1 of any kind are invi’ed to call. aflaUßk Shop on Campbell-Btreet. bo- tween Broad and Greeno-street. ;Bu -igl i' nov23 JOHN N. UOW , New Cosinoramic STEREOSCOPE.! AMONG the latest inventions in Op-! c tics, is nothing more instruct ire ot c am us ng than tho Stereoscope. The Stereoscope J Views are impressions from nature, represent- j ng tho finest Scencricß, Cities and Monuments j s n Europe, which, viewed through ibeinstru- r meut, show those objects in bold relief, a* t unity 1 they are, and thus are the best models for j ( Artists, give the be t idea of Foreign Countries : \ and Art. and make the finest parlor ornaments. ! *' For sale at uovlt 11. J. OSBORNE’S. . 8 JI TF.VSESSUF, PRODUCE. ‘ HPHE undersigned is prepared to exa- j, A cuto with promptness orders for llacom, Tjardy VhetU, Rye, Oats , Com. Flour, : or any other products of Middle Tennessee. ! t D. D. DICKEY, if Nu. 3 College-street. Nashville Ter>je. ♦ 1 mfr. ly j • Soots, jijjots, &c, Kim, Run mid Buy. T P. LARUS has just received Fortyl JI • cat-e. 5 of New Goods, consisting in part of! Meii'’, Women.s’, Mi-so s' cod Boys’ MlOlvs, which will be sold very low for cai ; b*. ITS j THE GREATEST SHOE IN THE NATION. OXE THOUSAND PATHS SOLD!! NOT OXE PAIR KAOWS TO Ri|» •; Seu-cd Through and Through. r ADIKS ' KID WELT BOOTS, sewed! 1 J through ami through. Just receive.', ali, .-sizes, from 1 to 7, beside a full ass irtnmm of LADIES, GENTS, MISSES AND UIffHDRENS’ w «a» H*; « „ of all k inds. Call and see them. JAS W. BCRCH, Broad-street, ! BOOTS, BOOTS, BOOTS. IJ” *OU can get value received for your j money what more do you want. Yeti have ‘ i Ronrluded to continue to sell SHOES at the man- ! ; u!a(*turer.s’ prices, with a 'leetle ntlded. to keep! | things going. My Shoes are all warranted to | give satisfaction. Persons in want would do we.i to givo me a call before buying elsewhere ! ' u JAS. W. BURCII, Broad street. BOOTS & SHOES. j ADIKS' FINE MOROCCO BOOTS, -1- J Indies’ *• Kitt ‘i “ “ BUSKINS. ,l Morocco “ I “ SHANGHAIS, j or sale by nov24 J. \V. BURCH. BIFF A i.OKS, Bi y F ALOES T "1 ENTS’ Splendid BUFFALO OVER ! SIDES, just received and for sale low by ; nov - 4 JAMES W. BI RCH. ( Bools, Slices, Trunks, &c. T HAVE THIS DAY received u SHOE | A made especially for Gentlemans’Plantation wear. They are mst the thing, and no mistake. Also, Mens’ thick Kip, Wax, Buffed, Calf, light and welt 1 BOGANS. ’ * 6 Beside some Leather BOOTS and BUSKINS for House Servants’ wear. Cal! and see them/ ff JAS. W. BI RCII. BOOTS AND SHOES. , THOMAS P. LARUS, (Successor to k. L. Symmons.) opposite the Au. \ f-jju:;ta Hotel. LADIES' DEPARTMENT. rSgp' Ladies’ Fine Kid Mo-; 7 w rocco Slippers, UL|Lulios’ Fine Kid and Morocco Buskins, Ladies’ Fine Black Gaiters, heeled, do do Col’rd do do do do Biaek aud colored Gaiters," with lout heels; Ladles’ fine Black and Col’rd Creole Gaiters* MISSES' DEPARTMENT. J Misses’ Fine Kid and Morocco Slippers, do do do do Buskins,* do do Black and colored I*ce Gaiter*, do do do do do Congress do. . do do do do do Creole do CHILDRENS' DEPARTMENT. ' Childrens’ Black aud Colored Gaiters, •1° do do Button Gaiters, do Kid, Morocco and Patent leather Boots, | I Kid, Morocco and Patent Le..t!jer Ankle Ties. , A htrgo and well selected st.iek ofCeutlemens’ Oxford T‘"s, Strap Shoes, Tie Gaiters, Congress Gaiters and Pump-sole Boots. Also, House ser vants shoes, of every description. ; NB. Ladies and Misses Gaiters and Slippers heeled at the shortest notice. | »*.ve us o call. jelO-ly . TO THE PLANTERS. ’ T. P. LARUS, I Successor to E. Tj. Symmons, opposite tlis Augusta Hotel, Augusta, Ga,, HAS this day received 36 cases Mens’ Heavy BROGANS for negro wear, and the ; I Planters will find it to their advantage to give J me a call before buying elsewhere, as all of tho | , Goods are made to my own order to ,-uit the ’ trade, and can be warranted to be what we rep-! ! resent them, and as cheap as any store in the oct3 ts T. P. LARI S HAS 'Jills DAY received a larpe lot of Isldi s’ DOUBLE-SOLED and ‘ I Misses’ GAITERS. wSg] j Al«;o, Ladies’ Kid and Morocco BOOTS, ; 'if every description and size. * ; A large lot of Gentlemens’ BOOTS an»l SHOES, j °f the finest description, has just come to hand. Also. Heavy BROGANS, for the Planters. novl7 ABORIGINES, AJI 0 R I G I N E S . | A PEW MORE pairs LADIES’ FIN | : TJI BU.SKI.VB, for sulo at-half price, iiv a ov2* j. W. B.URCII. I Flowr mi (I Lard. HUNDRED SACKS Tennessee Su- KJ pertine FLOUR. 400 sacks Den mead’s do. do 10 half choice LEAF LAUD. Just received and for sale by janl.6-3 BAKER, WRIGHT k CO. NOW IS THE TIME |T° SHIRTS!—Six for N : ne Dol- J. tors, at jaulß HERS. Y’S. Bagging and rope. 75 bales BAGGING, i 300 coils ROUE, for sale low by | novll WILCOX, HAND k ANSI KY. THE MEW JKitI'SALKM, OR. j THEOLOGY OF THE NEW CHURCH. I! \\J ORKS of Emanuel Swedenborg can ▼ V be found deposited at the Young Mens’ Library Association, for the use of the public decl-ly t TIIK LARGEST AND CHEAFEST ASSORTMENT OF BEST MANUFACTURED UMBRELLAS, PARASOLS, AND WALKING CANES, j F.ver offered in this market, wholesale and retail B JOHNSON & OOm UM 811 ELL A MANUFACTURERS, No. «70, Ivlng-«trect, j CHARLESTON, s. c., Near WenUccrth. Wc would most respectfully call the attention of our friends and the public of the city and country, to our stock of SILK and OTHER UM BKKLLAS. We are now manu?a:ttiring and ciler for pale some of the best Umbrellas ever offered in this ■ market. We are in constant receipt of Silks and Ginghams, manufactured in England under our j own .special direction, by which means wo are enabled to produ o a better a* tide than can be found elsewhere, which we are determined to ' sell t the very lowest price-:. We have, also. ' a large stuck of Fine Gingham, Linen and Cotton ' Umbrellas, and Silk Parasols, Folding Umbrellas j for Travellers, and Buggy Umbrellas, wito and without joints. Also, a largo assortment of WALKING CANES. P. S.—We have also added to the ahove es tablishment the manufacture of WIRE SAFES, for keeping provisions, which are warranted su perior to any imported. a«d may be had of any pattern or size.*.4& oltitrebnsc Carbs. HE \7iL & STOVALL, I ,; MARLHOL’SK AND (’OMMISSK)N MERCHANT! j Reynold, between Jackson and M'lnto,h Streets'. 1- AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. ’iMoa, HAVE removed to MetcalFs ' ‘ fetßW/M |: ‘ r go new tire proof Warehouse on — T -Reynold, itetween Jackson and Mein ( ! tosh streets, recently occupied hy (iilham k As- ! kin, in the centre of tile city, in the vicinity of : 1 I ihe principal Warehouses, au-i convenient to the 1 , ’ Hotels, I Being amply provided with good and safe -: storage for Cotton, drain, floor. Bacon and Pro- 1 | dnee generally, we respectfully solicit consign , ment-. which shall receive our undivided and ' faithful attention. family Supplies, and tho usual faeililies will 1 i be attorded to customers. Our Commissions for scl!iug Cotton will be fifty Cents a bale. WM. M. BEAU | septlS-6ra J. w. I. STOVALL. J. .1. Pearce, WAREHOUSE AVD COMMISSION” MERCHANT, i ABOOSTA GEORGIA. , MSI kespecrfully renews! . : -£ipsii|thc tender of his services in the Storage I , ’ Ai-az and Sale of Cotton, and other Produce , at his extensive Brick Warehouse, on Campbell , i Street, mnr Bones, Brown 4t Co’s Hardware ! j Store. f i c ' lsll Advances, Bagging, Rope and Family 1 Supplies forwarded to Patrons as heretofore I i Commissions for Selling Cotton, after the lir-t ; I of September next, will bo fifty Cents per bale, i ’ . aug2B.6m j. j. PEARCE. J. It. SIMPSON, (SITOKSSOK TO SIM 1-SO.V AOARDINER.) wjreholse and commission merchant • - Comer Reynolds and M’lntinh-sti., Augusta Ga ! - /■W VILr ’ COXTINUE the” WARE , f house ami Commission Business in all -> -its branches, at the oM stand of Simpson ~ iS; Gardinek, and boiios by strict personal atten-1 1 Hon to the interests of bis friends and Patrons I ; to merit a contuanco of the liberal patronage j - j heretofore bestowed upon the old firm. I Cash advances made oil Produce in store : when desired. Bagging, Rope, and Family sup i .. plies, furnished at the lowest market rates. | Commission for selling Cotton, 50 cts per bale.! ;, aug 24 6 m I ! j PLANTERS AND M Ii R C HA N TS j "W areliouse. ! V: . VTHE undersigned would respectfullv : to their friends and the i - public, that they have associated . i themselves together in the AND COMMISSION BUSINESS i Uuder the nam- and style of P. &J. 1.. Fleming, 1 and taken the large Fire-Proof Warehouse ot l! ts. Metcalf, situated on Reynold, between Jack- i ‘ . | son and Mclntosh streets. | Their charges will eon.orm to tbe old estab- i 1 j rates, to wit: 2-i cents for s.torage and 25 I ] cents commission for selling. All orders for family Supplies promptly exe- : i cuted at the lowest market prices. !, , i PORTER FLEMING, . .... JOHN L - fl-EMINO. ! i Augusta, October, 1857. - oc t2 dm. i Rees r.iivToiv; 1 WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS i 1 Jackson Street, Augusta , Georgia. i£AAX' w ILL CONTINUE THE WARE- j X&mm house and Commission Business at! : their fire proof Warehouse, and will de- : vote their personal attention to the interests of their friends and patrons. Orders for family , supplies, bagging, rope, etc. carefully filled. Liberal cash advances made when required. Commissions for soiling Cotton, 50 ct- per bale. jqhx c. kkks, sep 14 ram'i. d. unto.v. JAMES M. DYE tSh CO*. i WAREHOUSE AND COM -ilStflON MERCHANTS, I Augusta. Georgia | riIHK UNDERSIGNED have formed a! copartnership under the name and|\V\ VT\ I style of JAMES M. DYE k CO. lor the t transaction of a Warehouse and - * sion Business, at the Warehouse recently oocu-! pied by Dyk k I.aTastk. Tliey respectfully ten-! der their services to their personal friends and the public, with the assurance that any business entrusted to them will be promptly and faith-; j fully attended to. ; Particular attention paid personally to the sale of Cotton ami other Pro uce, and also to the re-1 ! ceiving and forwarding of Goods, i Liberal Cash Advances made on consignments ■ ' of Cotton and other Produce JAMES M. DYE. THOS. RICHARDS, j Augusta, Feb. 5, 1858. f e b24 91. P. STOVALL, WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, Augusta, Georgia. M CONTINUES THE BUSINESS in all its branches, in his extensive fi r e proof Warehouse, on Jackson-st. near the Globe Hotel. His strict personal atten tion will as heretofore, be be given to the storage and sale of Cotton, Grain and produce generally. | He will when desired, make liberal cash advances on produce in store. Orders for Family Supplies, Bagging. Rope, etc , will be promptly and care fully tilled at the lowest market prices. Commis sion for selling Cotton, fifty cents per bale, sept 26 6m I j. C. HARALSON, • I warehouse; an commission merchant At the old stand of L. llopkjns, Arujusta, Georqia. ~1 IS ly ! MILL STONES ! WILLIAM BREMER, ! Manufacturer of 1 Irfnrb |lurr Itillstonts, AND dealer in Esopus and Cologne Stones, Broad-.street, above Upper Market, Augusta, <«'a. Orders solicited and punctually attended to. jauT-ly Apothecaries Hall. ! I ‘)n| 1 Ll «- First Sort POTASH, j !’)'/< / 200 gals MACHINE OIL, 300 gals BURNING FLUID, at 80c per gal, 300 •* 05 deg. ALCOHOI, at 00c per gal. Just received and for sale by Hides wanted. Cash paid for prime FLINT HIDTC TIIOS. P. STOVALL A CO., febl2 4 Gen'l Ccmmissiou Merchant Lobsters. 5 doe. 2 lb. Cans Fresh LOBfrrERS, sdo 1 lb. do do do Just received at _.fan7 IFANTHiMAC A HUBBARD. Mercer n ftatoes. Just received aud for sale at Depot, 25 bids of /cry large pink-eye Potatoes. dUD THOS. P. STOVAIX & CO. Xi . n Boxes Adamantine CANDLES, o J\.r for sale ver low bv 10 Will ox HANl'fc ANSI FT. PORT WINK AND BRANDT, ~ ' For Mi ilioiual use, [both very line.] For I sale by _ jand W.M.H.TUTT. UNPRECEDENTED j INDUCEMENTS ! I AM SELLING my stock of VEHICLES consisting of Carriages. Rockawavs, ! BAUOLCIIKS, JERSEY WAGUNS BUGGIES, with and without tops, of all the different styles now manufactured a, prices AS LOW us can be boug! tin any Southerr ci y. Being constantly iu the receipt of goods 1 am enabled to offer to the public something both fresh and new. In addition to the above, I keep always on hand a number of Vehicles of my own inauufuc ure. I also warrant all work that loaves my storo ~ K. H. MAY, At iny old stard. eoruor J-K-traonand EH! -sta., m rowos iiKihe Hovvi O^l-ly NUMBER. 376 j Drii §ooh Buy tlie Best and Cheapest. J AMES XiIL’JXTE'ST HAS NOW JNSTOKE one of tbe best and most fashionable stocks of DRY GOODS evor brought to Augusta, and he solicits an ia spi i tum i»f them by his friends and the publiel sati-fied with very small profits, he m c<uiiii!i*ut that his stock will be tound cheaper than that «»t any other in the Trade. Ihe following desirable styles ol goods are t# be found in his stock : Q UII LF SiIIC ’ Dc,aiUe and ROBE d* Kici Silk, Delaine and Cashmere Bayadere striped Dresses, Rich I'laid Raw Silks, Plain Silks of all colors, Black Silk Robes and Robes de Quille, Rich b igured Delaines, Cashmeres. Merinos French Merinos, all colors, j English “ “ “ A large lot of Delaines, from 12 to 37c per v 4 Mourning “ r ‘ Black Alpaca, Bombazine and Tamartine, A large stock of English and American PrinW’ j ed Calicoes, A largo stock of Mourning Calicoes, Scotch and French Ginph&tr.a. I some as low as 10 cts per yard. j Clioniile, Stella, Plush ami Woollen '’laid j Shawls, I Chenille, Satin and Cruel Scarfs, i Cloth and Velvet Cloaks and Talmas, ] Hoop Skirts, Canton Pique Cloths, a comfortable article for j Basques India 1 willed Long Cloths, plain and striped. Irish Linens and Diapers, of various makes, Huckaback, Crash. &c., for Toweling, Shirtings and Sheetings, Lindsey Woolsey and 1 Pantaloon Stuffs, A fine assortment of French and Scotch Fmb’i { Collars and Sleeves, seperate aim in setts. Embroidered Misses and Boys Collars, Infant’s Robes and Waists, Handkerchiefs and Skirts, Silk Hose, TT “ Bands, Edgings and Inserting®, ! Hosiery, Ac., i Cotton, Thread and Crotchet lares, A large variety of Dress Trimmings, Ladies’, Misses’, Gentlemen’s and Boys’ Me ■ rtno Undervest<, i Flannels, all colors and qualities, Bed Blankets, Quilts, kc. I In the Millinery Department, Mrs. Hunzt has I (, ne oft he finest selections of BONNETS, HEAD DRESSES, &c., to an examination of which sh respectfully invites her lrieuds and the publi generally. octs Cheap Dry Hoods. 1837. FALL TRADE. 1857. AUGUSTA, GKOROIA. BROOM k NORRELL arc now receive ing at their new store, No. 238, Broad aL a large and elegant assortment of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods. Their stoc k is one of tlw largest and most complete m their line in the city, and comprises all of the latest and moot elegant styles of the season. They would r*- i spectfully solicit public patronage, and cordially invite alt .o examine their Goods. LA DIES' DRESS GOODS. Pancy Dress Silks, Plaids and stripes, Rich Silk Robe a’Quille, very heavy. Rich Bayadere Silks, Poplins, Handsome Foulards, ; Black Brocade Silks, stripes, plaids and figure*, ; Mourning and Half Mourning Silks, ! Rich French Printed All-wool Delaines, i Robes a’Quille, Bayadere Stripes, Cashmere d’Ecosse. Valencia Plaids andTarliM** | And a variety of other Goods for children : 2 I Printed Coburgs, Paramattas, English and French Merinoes, Plain and Printed Delaines and Persians, aH oaarf ities, French. English and American Prints, great m ricty, French, Scotch and American Ginghams, graor variety ; Plain Printed and Plaid Opera Flannels. CLOAKS AND MANTILLAS. i Df the latest styles, from low priced to very rmh. in great variety. r CHENILLE SHA WLS AND SCARFS, And almost every description, from low price to i very fine quality. A large assoi tment of Indies’ Cloths, all colors. . ■ for Cloaks and Mantillas. Mourning Goods, of every style, suitable tor the season. Hoop Skirts, every stylo and quality used, Corsets, French and Railroad. EMBROIDERIES. Oi all kinds, and a largo assortment of FYoMh i Worked Collars, Sleeves, Bands, Flouncing^ : Emb’d Skirts, Handkerchiefs, Infant’s Waist*. Worked Edgings and Insertings. Gloves of all kinds, for Indies. Gents and Roy*. Hosiery “ “ ‘ “ ‘t i Flannels, large assortment, all prices aa4 , qualities. Merino Vests, for Indies, Children and Gent* PANTALOON GOODS. All styles Cassimereg, Doeskins, Corduroy^ • j Tweeds. Satinetts. piaiu and plaids ; Kentucky '• j Jeans, Carolina Jeans, Merino Cassimeres, f*r children ; Plaids and Rob-Roys, for Cliildron, k*. ! PLANTATION AND S' VTS GOODS. j Largest assortment and greatest variety in ih» city, comprising the most durable Goods in ih# I market, in the way of Kt rseys. white and brow* Plains, Heav.v Twills, Linseys, O.snaburgß,Strip** Homespuns, Plaids and Flannels. BLANKETS. Nogre Blankets, white and grey, | Saddle “ - j Travelling Blankets, Mackinaw “ Fancy “ of every d.vcriplie*. BED BLANKETS , ! From a smart Crib Blanket to a very lorga *a* ! superior Bed Blanket. j As we have but ONE PRICE, our goods wIH tm offered at the lowest prices, which wc guaremtm to be as low as any in the southern country. Owr system not only compels us to sell aur goods Mfc tbe lowest prices, but it also protects the buy« from paying over market pi ice, as he invariably does, where there is an asking and* Uik-iny prim* All orders will receive our personal u* prompt attention, and our best judgment in aaw cuting them. BROOM & NORRELL. aept26 No 238, Broad- Leatber, Shoe Findings, aaul Tanners’ Tools. XT'receiving Oak and Hemlock Me ±1 LEATHER ; Harness, Bridle, Skirting and Band: Picker, Lace and Roller Leather: Patent Skirting, Collar, Dash and r- liii LEATHER; " Russctt and Black Upper Leather; “ “ “ Kid Skins; French, German and American Calf Sklee French Patent Calf, Kul Cair and Opera Goat and K d Mo occo i-kins; lining, Topping and Binding Skin*: Buck, Chamois and Sheep Skins; Also—Shoe Pegs, Lasts Sole Cutters, Had Cutters, Rolling Mills, Peg Jacks, Peg Br-aftm IVg Cutters, Boot Trees, Crimps, Clamp*, Ham mers. Shoo Knives, Spiitting Knives, Shavoa Rub Stones, Bristles, Awl Blades, Eyelets a3 Punches, iron and woed patent Peg Awl HofhL .Copper Rivets and Burrs. Lace Tacks, Iron, and Copper Sparables, Size Sticks, Measure rapes. Shoe Thread, Fitting Thread, Silk Tw»a Boot Cord, Silk G a Icon, Boot Web, fcc.. fcc. Also, Currying Knives, Fleshe-s, Beam Faces, Slickers, Brushes, Rub StoncZ Clearing Stones, Ac. For sale low by SHERMAN, &CO., No. 341 Broad-etreo, second door above Bank of Augusta. jrtu6-l2i Liverpool com,. ' 100 tons Liverpool Orrol Coal, auituble tax parlor uso, for sale bv fob 4 THOB. P. STOVALL 4 00. mWENTY-FIVE libls. White Wine A Ciiler VINEGAR, fur sale lew by f«b9<llwlw K-TKS A CLARE. Salt. rpiiN THOUSAN L> SACKS IIV KUPOCKr A SAIT, 2Uw bushels Bulk SALT, SOU WL At. Hi. SALT, fur sale low by DANIkLH. WILCOX.