Augusta evening dispatch. (Augusta, Ga.) 1857-1861, April 26, 1858, Image 1

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Augusta gisptcjj. V OLUME 2. OEijeitttf Dispatch. PUBLISHED DAILY AND WEEKLY, BY S. A. ATKINSON. DAILY, per annum $-1 CM) WEEKLY, “ 130 Subscriptions will be received for three mo] l ‘is at §1 23. Monthly subscriptions. Fifty cents. * Payment for subscriptions will positively bo required in advance. #ST TIIE OFFICE OF THE DISPATCH is on broad .street, a tew doors below Seta’s Corner, (upstsirs.) Entrance next door above A. i . Btgnon k Co.'s Store. HATES OF ADVERTI«III6i Advertisements will be inserted by the square ot 12 Lues (100 words,) for 50 cents for the first insertion, and 37 )' z cents for each subsequent in sertion under one month, to be -.-aid lor when the advertisement is handed into the office. Advertisements under five lines will be insert «J at 10 cents a line for tho first, and 5 cents a lino for each subsequent insertion. Advertisements will be inserted in both the Daily and Weekly Dispatch at 25 per cent above hone rates. §UH poitit Btgisttr. GEORGIA RAILROAD. (From Augusta to Atlanta.) Leave Augusta at 2 30, A M, and 4 P M. Arrive at Atlauta at 1136 A M and 104 P M Leave Atlanta at 12 A M and lo A M. Arrive at Augusta at 6 56 A M and V P M. ,'The 2.30, A. M.. train from Augusta connects through to Memphis.] Fare—ss 50. Connect with South Carolina Railroad Trains. Arrive at Augusiu at 1 A M and 2 30 P M. I-cave Augusta at 10 A M and 8 05 P M. With Western and Atlantic Railroad Trains. Arrive at Ulanta at 11 22 P M and 0 33 A Mi Leave Atlanta at 1 45 A M and 12 30 P M. With. Atlanta and LaGrange Railroad Trains, Arrive nt Atlanta at 10 15 1’ M and 7 00 A M. Laave Atlanta at 2 A M and 1 P M. Connect with Macon J: Western Railroad. Arrive at Atlanta, 0 15, A. M.. and 6 05, P. M Leave Atlanta, 16 30 A. M., aud 12 Night. Athens Branch—Sundays Excepted.. Leave Augusta at 2 30, Night. Leave Atlanta 1200. Night. Leave Athens 12 00. Night. Arrive at Athens 10 30,' Day. Arrive at Augusta 0 00, Morning. Arrive at Atlanta 11 34, Morning. Washington Branch—Sundays Excepted. Leave Augusta .2 30, Night. iAive Atlanta 12 00, Night. Arrive at Washington 7 35, Morning Leave Washington 3 30. Morning Arrive at Augusta 8 53, Morning Arrive at Atlanta 11 34, Morning On Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays an Ex tra Train leaves Washington at 1.45 evening, and connects with the Down Day Passenger Train from Atlanta, and returning to Washing ton at 5.45 evonii g. WTrenton Branch—Sundays Excepted. I/Oave Augusta 4 00, Evening Leave At 10 00, Morning Arrive at Wnrrenton 8 00, Evening Leave W> rrenton 3 30. Evening Arrive at Augusta 7 00. Evening Arrive at Atlauta 1 14, Night GEO. YONGE, Superinte dent. WESTERN AND ATLANTIC RAILROAD. (Atlanta to Chattanooga.) Morning Pass’ger Train leaves Atlanta 2.10 a m and arrives at Chattanooga 10.07 ain Morning Passenger Train leaves Chat. 1.30 u m ami arrives at Atlanta 0.33 a m Night Passenger Train leaves Atlanta 12.15 p m aud arrives at Chattanooga 8.25 p m Night Passenger Train leaves Chut. 3.10 p m and arrives at Atlanta 11.22 p m FaKK to Chattanooga. $5. JAME.S M. SPULLOCK, Sup’t. MONTGOMERY AND WEST POINTR. R. COMP’Y. (Trom Columbus to Montgomery.) Day Train leaves C him bus io 00, A M do arrive at Moot, ornery.... 4 00, P M do leave Montgomery 8 30, A M do arrive at Columbus 2 50, PM Night Train leav es Columbus 7 30, P M do arrive at Montgomery... 30. AM do leave Montgomery 5 80, PM do arrive at Columbus 1 00, A M Daily connections to Huntsville. Memphis ami Knoxville. SAMUEL G JUNES. Super’!. EAST TENNESSEE AND GEORGIA RAILROAD. Leave Augusta 2 30 a in do Atlanta 12 15 pm do Dalton 6 15pm Arrive at Knovville ... 12 20night Persons having ugusta on the 4, I*. M., train are detained at Dalton, 'lime from Augusta to Knoxville, 21 iiours and 60 minutes—mostly in daylight. R. ( lAfKscN, Superintendent, AUGUSTA AND SAVANNAH RAILROAD. Leave Augusta, 2.10, A. M. and 4 I*. M. Arrive at Miller.,*4:u;> A. M. and 6:"5 P. M. Leave Miilen, 6:40 A. M. and 3:45 !'. M Arrive at Augusta, 9:00 A. M. and 6:47 P. M Connecting with trai»s to and from Savannah and Augusta. C. A. BROWN, Sup’t. ATLANTA AND LAGRANGE RAILROAD. Morning Passenger Train leaves Atlauta’2.oo a m and arrives at West Point 7.28 a m Evening Passenger Train leaves Atlanta"l.oo p in and arrives at West Point 6.28 p m Morning Pass’ger Train leaves W. Point 4.00 a m ami arrives at Atlanta at 9.27 a m Evening Pass’gr Train leaves W. Point 4.30 p m ami arrives at Atlanta 10.15 p ur Fare to West Point, $3.50. GEO. G. HULL, Superintendent. MACON AND WESTERN RAILROAD. Morning Pass’gr Train leaves Atlanta 10.80 a m and arrives at Macon 4.15 a in .Evening Pass'gr Train leaves Macon 12.00 pin and arrives at Atlanta 6.05 p in Fake to Macon, st. E. FOOTE, Superintendent. CENTRAL RAILROAD. Between Savannah and Macon. Leave Savannah 1 15, am, 2 46, p m Arrive in Macon 10 45, am, 12 30, a m I cave Macon 9 45, am. 11 30, p m Arrive in Savannah 7 20, p m, 8 50, a m Between Savannah and Avgusta. Leave Savannah 1 16, am, 11 15, a m Arrive in Augusta 9 a in, 7 p m Leave Augusta 2 am, 345 p tn Arrive in Savannah 8 60 a in. 10 55 p m Between Macon and Augusta. I eave Macon 945 a rn, 11 30 p m 1 Arrive in Augusta 7 p in, 9 a m Leave Augusta 2a m. 345 prn < Arrive in Macon 10 45 am, 12 30 a m EMERSON FOOTE, Gen’l Superintendent. SOUTH CAROLINA RAIL ROAD COMPANY. Day Mail and Passenger Train leaves Augusta at | 10 o’clock. A M. ; and arrives iu Augusta at i 2.30 P M. ' Night Mail and Passenger Train leaves Augusta ; at 8.05 I* M; arrives in Augusta at 1 P M. i H T. PEAKE, General Superintendent, jerg" Day Trains leave Macon for Columbus at ! 11.30, A. M., and arrive at Columbus 6.33. P. M. 1 Leave Columbus at 1 55. A. M , and arrive at Macon 8 50, A. M. 4®* Night Trains lo ive Macon for Columbus at 1.30, A. M., and arrive at Columbus 8.23, A. M. Leave Columbus 4, P. M , and arrive at 11a eon 10.28, P. M »»—l-l ■■ I - | ■III | | | Life Insurance. rpHE AUGUSTA INSURANCE AND JL BANKING COMPANY are prepar dto issue at moderate premiums policies of ii.surance on. ! the lives of Slaves, either for one, fivo or ten < yoars. Forms of applicati n and tables of rates i e«n ne procured at the office of the) Company I free of charge. W.M. M. D’ANTIGNAC, President. I C. F. MoCoy, Secretary. febll I Burning fluid. Just received, a fresh supply of BURNING FLUID, at 80 cents per gallon, at the Apoihe- j wanes’ Hall. febll THOMAS P. FOGARTY. ■ -■ ■■■ ... _ AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. APRIL 26 ; £SB. §nj (Book i SPRING-^ DRYGOODS GRAY & TURLEY BKCI TO ANNOUNCE to their custom ers and the public that they now have in 'icre. and are daily receiving a very extensive and choice selection of SPRING AND SUMMER 231-sr o-oods. We wish ,it to be remembered that we still keep a resident purchaser at the North, from whom we receive daily the X J |^. c I? , E3g3 s l? , IMPORTED FASHIONS I We solicit Country Merchants, buying for cash, to call and examine our stock, and * ASCERTAIN OCR PRICES. To such we are prepared to offer superior in ducements: Below we mention some of the MOST FASHIONABLE. as also some of tho leading articles iu each de partment. Dress Goods, Rich Chintz Chcnc BAYADERE SILKS ; do do RAYE D’AQUILLE tfo do Moire Antique BPk ami Col’d do Bischoff’s Celebrated BLACK SILKS, in great variety ; Murcellaiuc and Florence SILKS, all colors ; GRENADINE. CRAPEDTARISandSEW ING SILK ROBES ; Chaliie. Barege D’lxtine and BAREGE ROBES. PRINTED LAWN. PRINTED BRILLANTE, CHALIJKS, BAREGE l ELANE, BAREGES. CHAPE MARKTZ, CRAPE DePARIS, CANTON CLOTn. BOMBAZINE, ALAPACA, kC.,kC. AND EMBROIDERIES! ladies HOSE in COTTON, SILK a*d I.INEN. Misses do do do do t'o do Gents >£ d» do do do do do ladies GLOVES in KID, SII.K, LINEN and SILK MITTS. 5,000 Embd. BANDS, in JACONETT, SWIS' and MULL. 5.00 ft Embd. COLLARS and B EITS, in JACO NET. SWISS and MULL. EDGINGS and INSERTING, in great variety. Embd. LINEN CAMBRIC HANDKERCHIEFS, in great variety. WHITE GOODS. Embd. MUSLIN and LACE CURTAINS, do do for ladies DRESSES. Plain JACONET and SWISS MUSLINS. Ndnsook MUI Land Book do Printed BRILLANTE and Freich CAMBRIC. MANTILLAS, SHAWLS, SCARFS, Ac., in great variety and very cheap. DOMESTICS. 5 cases BROWN SHIRTINGS, 6 5 do WHITE do 6>4c. 1.000 pieces CALICOES, fast colors, 6> 4 c. AI 4 L THE FAVORITE Hit ANUS OF AMERICAN CALICOES AND gßXxi irt±:n.g;js, LiOW ir J E=CIO£)S; A VERY HANDSOME LOT OF GINGHAMS, IN BLACK AND COLORED. 2,000 COUNTERPANES, from $1 25 to $lO each 5 cases 11-4 SHEETING, best qi a'itv, 31 . 5 do BED TICKING, APRON CHECKS. FURNITURE PRINTS, kc. LINENS, Best Irish LINEN DAMASK. 50 to $1 50. do do do NAPKINS aud DOYLIES, 100 to 450. Best Irish LINEN TABLE CLOTHS, do do do for-HURT FRONTS2S to 150 PI tin and Fancy LINENS, for Gentlemen and Boy’s wear, from IS *4 to 75c. per yard. SUNDRIES. RIBBONS—LUTI S, SATIN AND VELVET —FUR NITURE AN) DRESS FRINGES; PARA SOLS. lIOOP SKIRT?. FANS HAIR BRUSHES.COMBS, FANCY SOAPS, tic , Ac. mh22 JOHN N. GOWT MARBLE-WORKER. VTONUMENTS, of all descriptions. _LvJL executed in the best form, at . vNv THE LOWEST PRICES, md mthesh rtocst time compatible .' \ with laultless workmanship. , ifjl J Persona in want of Marble-Work of any kind are invi’ed to call. Shop on Campbell-street. be tween Broad and tireene .street. nov23 JOHN N. GOW A NEW AND VALUABLE it E M E D Y . tOLIiBIIS HITTERS! OOJIP().‘EH S TRICTLY OK THK CHOICEST VEGETABLE EXTRACT'S, AND WARRANTED TO fiIVE GiREAT KEIiIKF IN DYSPEPSIA, Anil all diseases arising from A Disordered State of the Stomach. BUCII A8 NAUSEA, CONSTIPATION, FULLNESS OF BLOOD to the Head. Giddi ness of the head, depression of spirits, loss o' appetite, pain in the side and ' ack, fever and ague, general debility, and the “thousand other ills ” arising from indigestion and enfeebled con dition of the digestive organs. Habitual oostive ness is found very frequently connected with feeb'e constitutions, and persons of sedentary habits, which often exerts a very unfavorable influence upon the general health of the subject, and is particularly manifested by a restless and despoil ing state of mind, irregular, if not a loss of appetite. F t this condition of the system, this article is confidently recommended with the positive as surance that, if the dose is properly adjusted, so ns not lo move the bowels too actively, It ELIE F may be r di> d on. * itlmut any. even the least, of the unoletsant consequences resulting from the use of the common purging medi-inee usual ly resorted to. Persons afflicted with H E M 0 R R H 0 I DSC cau partake of this medicine with safety, as Aloes forms mo part o( its uomposi ion. Sold by druggist* and merchants generally and in Augusta by Hvviland, Chichester k Co. Wiu 11. Tutt, aud PUanb k eitner. ieb3-oia * Jni fck SPRING AND SUMMER Dry Goods! AND MILLINERY! CHEAP FOR CASH I hi JAMES HENEY HA\ ING just returned from the Nor- ' thorn markets with a I ‘ superior stock of FANCYi 1 and DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. M , comprising some of , new«-a sty les, as well us lL° os ia f finest texture of DRESS GOODS, to which he wishes **" to call the attention of all persons visiting An- •, gusta. plot ging himself that he will permit no one to undersell him ; and is confident that he can sell at least from 5 to 10 per cent, cheaper than any other Casli Store in tho fit. . He and those in his employment will feel a pleasure in waiting on those who favor bt'm with a call; and as they will of ne cessity have to examine the stocks of the city in order to find the best value, be hopes they will bear in mind his store, which is one door above the GeorgiaJtailroail Bank. CALL AND SEE HIS STOCK. STUDY YOUR INTERESTS. NOBODY COMPELLED TO BUY. < EVERYBODY WAITED ON WITH PLEASURE. 1 i Dress Silks, ALL STALES, VERA LOW. Printed Lawn, Organdie and JACONETS, all styles, very low ; Printed Lawn, Organdio and Jaconet ROBES, ditlerent styles ; t Printed lawn BARER ES and GRENADINES. I A large lot ofGINGHAMS and CAIJC'OES. Swiss, Jaconet and Hull MUSLINS, j A splendid stock of EMBROIDERED GOODS. SUMMER SHAWLS uni MANTILLAS. IN TUB Pilliiurn ; is to be found all that i.s novel, never having • been better supplied with all that is desirable in j 33 ONNETS, *> **■ «*. ■ > ir- <s o *4, &c., Ac , kc. I • Sheetings, Shlrliitgi and (Snnbnras; IRISH LINENS; TABLE LINENS and TOIVFLINGS ; Musquitn NETTINGS; LIED SPREADS. FRINGS, i I &c. A full supply of HOSIERY. mtl3l 1858. 1858. SPRING TRADE. CHOICE FAMILY DRY GOODS. BROOM & NORRELL | \Y r OULD invite attention to their I V f large and elegant stock of t SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, J which they are now displaying at the One Price e> T O I-=L IU I Comprising everything of tho latest and most elegant styles in LADIES' DRESS GOODS , M-Z hi a* Is <ib> i m | , LACE MANTILLAS, TALMAS, SHAWLS; HOOP SKIRTS, of every kind manufactured ; HOOT’S, of every kind ; DUSTERS, a large assortment ; IRISH LINENS, of our o,vn importation, j! ALSO — All the best n akes iu tho market of rJomestics, 1 Housewife Goods, IJNENS, DAMASKS, SHEETINGS, &c. Making up one of the best slocks of Dry Goods ; ever offered in this market, and embracing all ' i of those -tylcs most highly prized by good | Housekeepers. And os we are the only house in the city that invariably adhere to the . 1 One Price P~ ystem I We would call particular attention to this fea ture of our trade, and ask all to consider its ad vantages. It guaranties to the BUYER the Lowest Market Prices ! Because it forces the SELLER down to the small est sum he can possibly afford t* take for hie Goods, anu of course BARGAINS cannot be ex peeled from any other mode of doing business. Please notice that we adhere rigidly to ONE PRICE JUST That price we guarantee to be as low as 1 the lowest.-®# And that we never resort to the trick of , BAITING ap9 Dry Goods! Dry Goods!! MILLER & WARREN are now receiv . mg their stocks o FALL AND WINTER GOODS , which they are prepared lo offer and sell as low j as any house in the city. The stock has been selected with great care, and comprises a great 1 variety of ladies’ Dress Goods, such as Rich and elegant Silk Robe deQuille, Bayadere Silks, variety of styles, f Silk Valencias, striped and plaid, Plain Silks, all color?, M uirni g Bayadere and Chene Slks, Plain Black, Plaid and Striped do Silk Poplins and Victoria Plaids. Delairo Robe do Quiile, Rich Fig’d Delaines and Gi'hmores, Emh’d French Merinoos, new styles, Plain French and English Merinoos, V -hi Delaines. French and English Prints, American do Mourning rlo Scotch Ginghams, Mourning Ginghams, | Chene {jing hams. An extensive variety of Shawls, comprising j Silk Thibet Shawls, Broche Shawls, Flush Bordered Stella Shawls, Chenille Shawls and S arfs. Indies’ black and eoiored Clot'i Cloaks, Rich Velvet Cloaks, every variety, All Wool I/One Shawls, Plain bl’k and Second Mourning Merino Shawls; A lot of beau til ul Embioideries. consisting of Rich Muslin Sleeves and Collars, in setts, Jaoonct and Swiss Sleeves, Linen Coilais, Maltose laoe Setts. Imifiitious Lace Collars and Sleeves, Jaconet and i'wiss Bands, 11 Idueu Cambric Handkercbiofs, plain and cm* | broideied. I Hem rued and Mourning Handkerehiefe, M.sses’ and Boys’ Wool Hose, Wool Gaiters , Nett Sacks, Misses’ Marine Vesta ' I Lacies Merino Vests, short and long sleeves, For the Geuttemon’s lino may be found— Black Cloths aud Cassimeres, l aucy Ca-s meres, lutcat styles, Rich Velvet and Cnshtnere Ventings, *<»rth Carolina Coseiitieres, superior article, I Cravats and Collars ; Merino Ties. »ept!9 MILLER 4 WAPJUfN. Carts. JAMES M. DYE & CO., WAREHOUSE AND COHMISSION MERCHANTS. Augusta, Georgia. THE UNDERSIGNED have formed a copartnership under the name amij'CYTTTv style of JAMES M. DYE & CO. for transaction of a Warehouse and(ommis-g^!F: I Business, at the Warehouse recently occu j pied by Dye LaTastk. They respectfully ten ; der their services to their personal friends and j the public, with the assurance that anv business entrusted to them will be promptly and faith fully attended to. Particular attention |iaid personally to the - ale ol Cotton and other Pro nee, ami also to tho re |ceiyingand forwarding of Goods. | Liberal Cash Advancea made on consignments I of Cotton and ether ♦reduce JAMES M. DYE. THOS. RICHARDS. Augusta. Feb. 5. 185 S. f©b24 J. < . HARAtSOffT 1 WAREHOUSE AN COMMISSION MERCHANT At the old staud of L. Hopkins, Augusta , Georgia. septlß iy Ui\ PR EGKDKNTEI) INDUCEMENTS ! I AM SELLING my stock of VEHICLES, consisting of Carriages, Rockaways, BAROUCHES, JERSEY WAGONS BUGGIES, with and without tops, of ail the different styles now manufactured at prices AS LOW as cau he boughtin anySoutberr ci'v. Being constantly in the receipt of goods 1 am enabled to < ffer to tho public something both fresh and now. In addition to the above, I keep always on band a number of Vehicles of my own manufac ure. I also warrant all work that leaves my store. R. If. MAY, At my old stand, corner Jackson and EUis-sts. iu rcaroi Glebe Hotel d22-lv LUTHEK HOLE, AT HIS NEW STAND, ! Corner of Kills a cl Jackson-StH., 7 Nearly in (he Rear of the Globe Hotel, | ON THE CORNER BELOW ARCHER’S STABLES, HAS ON HAND a full assortment of COACHES, ROCKAWAYS, lop and No Top BUGGIES, Ac. ; which will be sold oxtromely low and on accommodating terms. ALSO—A full assortment of all kinds of mate- j rials used by Coach and Harness Makers, Ac.:! SCCII AS | AXLES, SPRINGS, BOLTS, HUBS, FELLOWS, j SPOKES, SHAFTS, SINGLETREES, BANDS, MALE ABLE CASTINGS, ENAMELLED LEATHER CLOTH, PATENT DASH and HARNESS IJIATII ER, Ac., Ac. j REPAIRING ol Harness and Vehicles done promptly aud at low prices. Vebi les manufactured to order. The same assortment to bo found at tho old stand, corner of Washington and Reynold-sts., in rear of the Augusta jan-twly /Viur V_/ Linseed Oil 500 gallon! Sperm do ;joo do I-amp do 500 do Tanners do 500 do Castor do 300 do Olive do 25< For sale low by feb2 WM. H. TUTT, rMIEESE, CHEESE j Yy 50 boxes English Dairy Cheese, 50 do State do For sale low by JOSDWI SIIiLEY&SCNS. fe’t.26 Vo. 6. Warren Block. Cabinft 3lakiii!r and Re pairing, Ac. "YIT IT. PROUTY & CO. having dis- T f • -olved. by mutual consent, the under signed may be found at the same stand, ready tc do all jobs committed to him in the way of CABINET MA KING AND REPAIRING, AND HOUiK ( ARI'E.VTERING. VV. 11. PROUTY, Shop on Washington, between Broad and tie’ u old-streets. j lt pl9 } olcanic S*istols and Rifles. riIHESE PISTOLS carry the Minnie JL balls and shoot six times with one loading, the load and cap being contained in the balls. They shoot with great precision and force. The Bides are a curiosity. With one loading they can be discharged twenty times tn one minute, and are the best guns fur squirrel hunting ex taut. The undersigned is the solo Agent for the com in this city. HENRY J. OSBORNF, Watch, Jewelry and Optical Store, 256 Broad-st, Augusta, Ga. febl2 IQUOKS AND SUGARS. ~ J 150 bbl Low .-iced WHISKEY ; 100 do from fair to fine : 50,000 ow priced and Medium SEGARS 40 bb!s BRANDY ; 40 bbls (SIN : 25 nbls RUM. For sale by mhll-dtn A. D. WH.LIAMS 1&IOUE. _l. 3UO sacks Tennessee superfine Flour, 100 ilo do Family do SOU do Den in cad’s superfine do In store and for sale by iebs BAKER, WRIGHT A 00. carpetTtore, IN CHARLESTON, S. C. CARPBT DEPARTMENT. ROYAL VELVET PILE; Tapestry Brussels ; English Wire Brussels ; Printed Brussels : Printed Velvet ; 6-4, 12-4 and 16-4 Druggets ; Felt Druggets ; Crumb Cloths ; Eng fish V r eneUan for stairs, entries and church aisles; ImperialThree-Plvs; American Ingrains; Scot»:hand English Ingrains ; Canton and Cocoa i Mattings ; Mosaic, Axmiasfr, Brussels, Velvet and Tufted Rugs; Door Mats; Stair Carpet,' Rods, Ac. LINKN DEPARTMENT. 8 4 and 10 f Table Damask ; 7-4 up to 24 4 Ta ble Cloths ; 4 4 Family Linens ; 7-8 Shirting Linen? ; fine Fronting Linens ; Pillow Case Lin ens ; 3 yards wide Sheeting do. : Birds’ Kye Di aper ; Scotch Diaper ; Brown Table Damask ; Brown Table Cloths ; 3 yards wide Drugs'ta ; Napkins, Doilies, Towjls, Tr.y Cloths, Dow lass, Crash, Huckaback, etc.; 8 4 co'ored Tabling ; Colored Table Covers : bruit Doilies ; Piano Cov ers; Centre Covers Window Shades. FLUOR OIL CLOTHS cut for Rooms or ’ ntries. JAMES Ci. HAII/IK, nnhl7 ly Proprietor. | pHOIGE HAMSy I One Hundred choice HAMS, from the plan tation of Rev. Juriah Harris, received and i for sale at tnhl3 D’ANTIGNAC V- HI'BRAND'S. ■ \teastTowdkhs; _I. Five Gross Preston k. Merrill’s YEAST POWDERS, just received at mhl3 D’ANTIGNAC & HUBBARD’S. ; T3IG HAMS. ~ I_L 5 casks choice Smoked Pig Hants, just re j ooived at j mhlS D’ANTTGNAC k HUBBARD’S. SMOKED TONGUES. Three Dozen choice Smoked ongues, just;' received at < mhl3 D’ANTIGNAC k HUBBARD’S, j VJ AIiDINES! -SARDINES!! Five hundred Half Boxes Sardines ; do do Quarter do Just reeeived at wliU IVAVTIONAC & HUBBARD'S. Mess Mackerel. Twenty quarter diilb. mrss mack- ERU., just received at i febll D’ANTIGNAC & HUBBARD’S. soots, Sljots, tfo, THE lilfH SHOE fN THE NATION. 1 ONE THOUSAND FAIRS SOLD /? j NOT ONE PAIR KNOWN TO RIP!! Sewed Through and Through. ' T ADIES’ KID WELT BOOTS, sewed JLj through and through. Just received, all s sizes, from Ito 7, beside u full assortment of LADIES, GENTS, MISSES AND CHILDRENS* e ■■ W , -of all kinds. Call and see them. jan2s JAS W. BURCH. Broad-street. BOOTS, BOOTS, BOOTS. IF YOU can get value received for your money what more do you want. Yeti have concluded to continue to sell SHOES at the man ufacturers’prices, with a leetle agded, to keep things going. My Shoes are alf warranted to give satisfaction. Persons in Want would do i well to give me a call before buying elsewhere, j d 4 JAS. W. BURCH, Broad street. " BOOTS cN SHOES. LADIES’ FINE MOROCCO BOOTS, Ladies’ “ Kid “ “ BUSKINS, > “ “ Morocco “ i “ “ “ SHANGHAIS. 1 For sale by nov24 J. W. BURCH. ' BUFF A LOUS, 11 IFF A LOES 1 1 RENTS' Splendid IIIH’I’ALO OVER r ! YJ SHOPS, just received and for sale low by ( j nov24 JAMF.SW. BI RCH.' ! Boots, Shoes, Trunks,&c. I! T HAVE THLS DAY received a SHOE X made especially for Gentlemans’Plantation wear. They are just the thing, and no mistake. Also. Mens’ thick Kip, Wax-, Buffed, Calf, light and welt I KOGANS. Beside some Leather BOOTS and BUSKINS,! for House Servants’ wear. Call and see them. d 4 JAS. W. BURCH. ABORIGINES, ABO 111 GIN ES . A IEW MORE pairs LADIES' FIN BUSKINS, for sale at half price, bv “O'- 1 * J. W. BURCH. SWAN & ecus LOTTERIES. Authorized by the Slate of Georgia. (Kr $70,000 ! -SO FOK TEN DOLLARS ! ! THE following Scheme will be drawn by 8. SWAN A COMP’Y, Manager* of the Sparta Academy Lottery, in each of the ir Single Number Lotteries lor APRIL, 1858. at AU LUSrA, Ga., in public, uuder tiie superinten dence of Commissioners. CLASS 9, To be drawn in City of Augusta, Ga„ in public, on SATURDAY, April 3d, 18)8. CLASS 10 To be drawn in city or ■ ugusta, (ia.. io public,on SATURDAY. April 10, 1858. CLASS 11, To be drawn in City of Augusta, Ga., in public, on SATURDAY, April IT, 1858. CLASS 12, To bo drawn in City of Augusta, Ga., in public, on SATURDAY, April 24, 1858. ON THE PLAN OF SINGLE NUMBERS r > | Five Thousand Four Hundred and Eighty- j Five Frizes ! nearly one prize to kykry tickets ! MAGNIFICENT SCHEME! I Tb be Drawn each Saturday in ABRIL, ISSB. i | 1 Prize of $70,0001 i 1 “ 41 30.000; J 10,0001 1 4 5,000 1 “ “ 4,000 J *’ ‘‘ 3,000 J “ 1,500 If 4 ’ 1.000 ! 4 " 900 4 “ “ 800 ‘I 4 M “ 700 . 4 “ ‘‘ COO . 50 “ “ 6to 1 50 “ “ 300 I 100 “ “ 125 XQ ‘ ioo APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 4 Prizes of S4OO Ap. to $70,000 Przeare $1,600 I ’ 4 “ “ 300 •• “ 30.000 “ are 1.20 4 “ “ 200 “ “ 10,000 “ are SCO 4 “ “ 1*25 “ “ 5.000 “ are 500 4 “ 100 “ *• 4,000 “ are 400 4 “ “ 75 “ “ 3,000 “ are : (XJ j ’j 4 “ “ 50 “ “ 1.500 “ are 2001 • | 5,000 “ “ 20 are 100,000 5,485 Prizes amounting to $320,000 j Whole Tickets $10; Halves $5: Quarterss2so. PLAN OF THE LOITERA. The numbers from 1 to 50.000 corn spon t:ng with those numbers on the Tickets primed ou seperate slips of paper, are encircled with small , tin tubes and placed in one Wheel, j The first 457 prizes, similarly printed and en circled, are placed In another wheel. The wheels arc then revolved, and a number is drawn from the wheel of numbers, and at the same time a prize is drawn from the other wheel. Tho number and prize drawn out are opened and exhibited to the audience, and regis tered by the Commissioners; the prize being i placed against the number drawn. This opera j tion is repeated until ah the prizes are drawn out Approximation Prizes.— The two preceding and the two succeeding numbers to those draw ing the first 7 prizes will be entitled to the 28 r Approximation Prizes. For example: if ticket I number 11250 draws the $70,006 prize, those 1 tickets numbered 11248. 11249, 11251,11252. will each be entitled to S4OO. If tick, t number 55C i draws the $25,000 prize, those tickets numbered ; 548, 549, 551, 552 will each be entitled to S3OO, . j and s» ou according to tiie above scheme. ! . j The 5000 priz- sos S2O will bo determinated b> , the last figure of the number that draws the * $70,000 prize. For example, If the number 1 drawiug the $70,000 prize ends with No 1, then 1 all the tickets where the number ends in , will ' be entitled to S2O. If the number ends with No l 2, then all the tickets where tin No ends in2wil* ( be entitled to S2O, and so on t» ft Certificates of Packages will bo sold at the fol- ' lowing rates, which is tho risk : ( Certificate of Package of 10 Whole Tickets SBO ( do do do 10 Half do 40 do do do lOQuar. do 20 ! do do do 10 Eighth do .... 10 In ordering Tickets nr Certificates, enclose the 1 money to our address for the Pickets ordered, on ! receipt of which they will be forwarded by first mail. Purchasers can have tickets ending in any figure they may designate. < Ihe list oi Drawn Numbers and Prizes will be 1 sent to purdhasers immediately after the drawiug Purchasers will please write their signa tures plain, and give their Post Office, County and State. £Sr* Remember that ev ry Prize is drawn and payable iu full without deduction. All prizus of SIOOO and under, paid imme diately after tho drawing-—other prizes at the j usual time of thirty days. All communications strictly confidential. Address orders for Tickets or Certificates to S. SWAN & (X)., Augusta, Ga. Persons residing ucar Montgomery, Ala i or Atlanta. Ga., cay have their orders filled, artu . save time, by addressing S. Swan k Co. at either | of those cities apl OBACCO AND SEG AILS. One Hundred Boxes of TOBACCO, various bra.ids; 50,000 Segars. imported and domestic. For sale by feb2 A.STEVKNB. Piegro Mechanics TWO good BRICKLAYERS and PLAS- « TtvRKRS. and one good TANNER aud FI *- LSHF.It Of* LEATHER, can be hired by the year •r menth, or by tho Job, by applying to 2 «!15 J. €. BARNETT, Madison, Ca. a NUMBER 402 Jbbp-Jjllabe Clothing, j NEW SPRING ANI) SUMMER ! CLOTHING! RAMSEY & LAB AW 1 (Opposite the Union Bank, Augusta, Goovgia,) AHE receiving daily, and are offering to their friends and customers the arges I and best selected stock this season they have j ever offered, having purchased the entire stock ; almost exclusively for Cash, aud paid unusual utteniion to the manufacture of the Cl -thing. We are prepared to offer them at nrices to defy com petition . We have an elegant line of r SCARFS, CRAVATS, STOCKS, :• UNDERSHIRTS and DRAWERS, every grade : Linen Bosom SHIRTS, from the well-known i manufactories of Morrison & Co., Golden Hill, i John M. Davis & Co., and Fowler & Co. > —ALSO— A complete line of GLOVFS, of every kind ; ' HA N1 >K ERCHIEFS, S< k:KS. &c . We have also a very large stock ofSERVANTP CI.OTHING, of every kind, which wo would call , especial attention to. Merchants ar d others would do well to call be fore purchasing elsewhere. inli3l New Spring and Summer CLOTHING! JF'oi? 1838 ! YX7E AHE (JETTING IN a splendid ▼ f stock of GOODS, and invite all who need i any article in our line to call and oxtimiue them, i consisting in part ot 4 Side Stripe <AS IMERE COATS and SACKS, ' w Ith PANTS and VESTS to match ; • Black Cloth and Cashrneret FROCKS and SACKS; ! Black Cassimere PANTS; | Black Barathea and Grenadine SIIJv VESTS, (a light article for spring) ; Brown, White and Check Side-Stripe Linen and Marseilles, COATS, PANTS and VESTS ; A large lot of FURNISHING GOODS Marseilles White and Colored SHIRTS, DRAW ERS, SOCKS, HANDKERCHIEFS, COL LAR?. GLOVES. TIES aud ' J SUSPENDERS. BOVS’ CLOTHING, ALL SIZES AND PRICES. Tailoring! Our stock of nice CLOTHS, Black, Blue, Brown aud Claret, have arrived, together with a beau tiful assortment of side-stripe CASSIMERE for pants ; side-s ripe LINENSaud MARSEILLES for pants ; Rich SILK and MARSEILLES PATTERNS lor vests. All of which Mr. JOHN KENNY will be pleased V.< show and make up to order, war ranted to fit ami please or no sale. 0 JOHN K. HORA&CO., Successors lo J. H. Newby &f Co., mh3o Under U. 8. Hotel. Augusta. Ga. 1 GENERAL STOCK OF . READY H IDE CLOTHING, IWrOW is the time to buy the following n -LN articles Tor Mens’ am. Buys Wear, cheap er than they should be sold in this market : RAGLANS, OVERCOATS, SHAWLS, BLANKETS u ROBES, Fine Cloth arid Cassimere COATS, Fine VESTS, PANTS, SHIRTS, DRAW ERS, SUSPENDERS, CRAVATS, STOCKS. COLLARS, TRUNKS, VALICES, and every article in our line. nov6 CLAYTON k KENNEDY. GENTLEMENS’ | Fall and Winter Goods for 1857. MY stock of goods is now full and comprises everything that is fashionable j ’I in CLOTHS. CASSIMEKE3aud VESTIXOS, which ( j "’ill he made to order as good and as fashionable ' ( j as can be obtained in any part of the country, j ALSO. A fine and select stock of Ready-Made CLOTn ING, which cannot be ex elled by any Goods in the city. ALSO. A large stock of FURNISHING GOODS, ombra- j ring everything that is necesearv for Gentle men’s wear. All goods sold at this establishment warrant- [ t‘d as represented. oct29 J. A. VAN WINKLE | Heavy Overcoats for Negroes OWNERS of Boat and Railroad hands and all persons in want of NEGRO OVER COATS, will do will to call and examine our cheap and well made articles of the kind, nor 6 CLAYTON k KENNEDY. Cheap Satinet Jackets, j TTTE HAVE A LOT OK GOOD SAT T ▼ I NET JACKETS, for plantation aegroeg j which we will sell for $1 50 to $2. now 6 CLAYTON k KENNEUY. i Hip Jackets, am! Satinet Coats anti Pants. OUR STOCK of the above articles being too large for the hard times, we of- j for them cheaper thau ihe cheapest, to run ! then down. CLAYTON & KENNEDY. THE APOTHECARIES HILL. AUGUSTA, GA. THE Proprietor of the above establish- ih merit respectfully invites Ylr the attention of Physicians and Families to his stock of select I) UGS, MEDI i Tgb CINESaud CHEMICALS of | the purest qualities and at SkCQS moderate prices. tO__ &c jpwnt Amongst rny assortment 1 are the following articles : "" ‘ Surgical Instruments of | every variety ; French. English and American Per turnery. Trusses, Shoulder Braces and Abdominal Sup- gap i porters ; every variety ot ** Combs and Toilet Brushes ; lamp Oik.. Wicks and Lamp Shades; Paints, Paint Oils, Patent ! Brushes, Window Glass, Varnishes, Ac.; Meui 1 dual Wines and Brandies ; Burning Fluid and ' , Curapheno ; Spices of all kinds ; Pot and Pearl j i A-lvs, Indigoes and Dye-Woods Starch, Tapioca * Sago, P arl Barley and Arrow Root. Also, a constant supply best Sweedish Leeches, ! ’ Quinine, Morphine, Klateriutn, Strychnine, Ohio | \ roform, &c. kc., from the most responsible La- !. boratories. The preparation of Pharraacopeial articles is conducted personally by Dr. A. S. RAVENS CROFT, a graduate of the London College of Phar- , macy. All articles warranted. T. P. FOGARTY, 195 Broad-st., d 24 ts Under tbe August - H tel. CandLles. , fj’IHRKE IIU !t DUED boxes Adamantine JL CAN I.ES, first quality ; j j 200 half b xes do do do do For sale by mb24 McCORD, IIORTON k WALTON, i FAMILY'FLOUR, j sacks No. 1 Family FLOUR, | 25 do Extra do do For sale bv ma 24 McCORD. HORTON & WALTON, j MILL STONES! WILLIAM BREWER, Manufacturer of Jfrtnrfr |urr Piilsttrats, 4ND dealer in Esopus and Cologne ~ Stones, Broad-street, above Upper Market, 1 Augusta, Ga. Orders sekeited and punctually J attea.lcti to. . juuT-ly o ! jjfaedlamffßg, Sundries. ONE THOUSAND kegs “ Re&diag " and “ Old Dominion” NAILS. 2000 sacks Liverpool SAI X, Dew. j 10 '0 bushels bulk do 100 sacks Alum do 50 bbls pure CIDER VINEGAR, | 100 bales heavy GUN NY BAGGING. 300 coils Machine ROPE, 50 boxes Kingland’s Pcnrl STARCH. 50 do No. 1 and Pale {SOAP, 50 dv> Fresh CANDY, 200 do TOBACCO, some very cheap, 20 do prime Left r RAISINS, 20 do do NR do 20 half boxes do do, kr.. &«. For sale low by mb26 DANIEL TL WIT COX. Maolierel. ONK HUNDRED AND FIFTY pack ages MACKEREL, just received aud for I sale by tnli24 MoCORI), HORTON k WALTON Apothecaries Hall. I‘bl( \ l bs First Sort IDTASH, lOUW 300 gals MACHINE OIL 300 gills BURNISH Fl.nil. at 80c per gal, -00 ■ 05 dog. AIXJOHOI. at 90c per gal. , Just received and for sale by j all - 4 TIP WAS r. FOGARTY Bacon. ~ Thirty thousand pounds choice new Ton iic.-ace BAOO.V, hog round, on hand and for salt j b F feh3 A. STEVENS. Bacon. ~ 00 casks prime Tennessee Shoulders, to ag- I rive within a low days. ! fchh _ BAKER, WRIGHT A CO. A MEDICINE MORE VALUABLE THAN GOLD to the planter, nr those who havo a large 'uuuiner of workmen in their employment or ■ire traveling, or live at a distance from a physt i c >an, or have valuable horses or mules * ' DENNIS’ V STI-S PA SM ODIC TINCTLRH. FOR ! GENERAL FAMILY AND PLANTATION USE It produces its effects by relieving inflamma tion. quieting nervous attacks, equalizing the I circulation of the blood, and by causing a warm action in the system. Its effect in relieving in flammation or soreness, either internal or ex ternal, makes it one of the best remedies that | ,iave evcr betsl * offered to t e public, aud U3efal i m a great variety of diseases. It w useful in Spasmodic Affections, as in Fite • or Convulsions. Lock Jaw, Spasmodic Cholera r ri , I ! n UV OIC ’ Apoplectic Affections ;or in sudden ' m • Cro ~ p ’ Aathraa ’ lhroat, Pneumonia 1 I eurisy, Lite of Snakes, or other poisonous rep’ . tiles, insects or animals ; or any case of emer gency or extreme danger. I or external use in fresh cuts, wounds,bruise* burns, scalds, chilblains, snakebites, sting of bees, bite of spiders, mosquitos, other poisonow reptile- insects or auimals. a better remedy cannot be used to prevent inflammation, relieve soreness aud facilitate a cure. Used as a wash for boils at their first appear ance, or m eruptive diseases, such as soald 7 “ e i?> ringworm, or diseases which cause an * heSvSm° DUPOn U ‘ B Ski ”’ U * For Horses or Mules it rarely fills to cure eveu , the worst and most dangerous cases of Colic Ac every planter j Should have on his plantatien this remedy for u.-e in all sudden and dangerous attacks of' His oeorcia sarsaparilla Compound, . For IJver Complaints, and for Purifying th» Blood, or t) act as a preventive of , l sickness. DENNIS’ STI MIX A TliWti, OH HOT HITTEHS, For Dyspepsia, Colds, aud Female Complaints ! arising from colds, oryfamdy" me,licil,ca "* in ev. Forsalo by CT.aRK WFII s * upfar bid IJKTT * CARfEK, a. F. CHEW m UMB fc I £?' TUrr andh^d NI, ’ CI,ICHI ‘ ST “*«>•• "'M. H. LLir, and by druggists genen lly. jaul3 window shades' H 1 } different patterns new style | Window Shades, just received at 1 sen on BENJAMIN & (JOOHRICH’S „ p -_ Furniture Warcrooma COWETA HOUSE, NEWNAN, GA. GEER’S MACHINE FOR ’ IRRBfiCLIR FORMS. | ."d <££ ]UI work used in carpentry, such as Aroh« w'' rt. C r L “ h ' lir^ kl>ts and Scrolls ; in Cah.S in',l JW ? ul , ldin *’ 00:11 a«<l Ship Brn.dmg and -nil Work of all kinds. | Persons who have work of this kind are ki vited tn visit the shop or the subscriber wkue the} will ttud a machine in operation, m—m— ■ on ham! for sale. wji. H. GOODRICH, <>ct * !y Key uold -t tree* STONE MOUNTAIN HOUSE, DkKALB COUN7T, GA. * mhS , F S. F. ALEXANDER. NEW a (KIDS AlituviNt; HI KX -I’HH^. S P ,> E I N DI " W ALK 1 - N 'G STICKS, j < rcoks, Gutta P< rcha, Sold mid siira- I “ w "Kf d . al! »a.I kinds ; Klegajit wiw ! I«>XES, made of the same material Ai and Short RPUIRS tor [Do* Keeper-. and h.\Z£ ; assort meat ut super;, »r G'.’J.f) I'KNS for the same. I "°Y' rai of those superb GOll> WATCHiS 1 peciallv lor Railroad nn»u, on account of liietr tinXi ’ al I ‘' ‘ r,tJVer helbro offered le'tng about to go North, now is your time to ' SS? lhe MSTGFGOGUB, at the LliWia . make room lor an enlargement o r tb« <tore BLN BY J. OSHfiKNE. L _ Cosinorainic iST tiKEOSCOPE. AMONG the latest inventions in Op tics, there is nothing more Im-truc tv. «r amiia ng than the Stereoscope. The Stereoscope \ lews are impressiong from nature. repr*.-*ow ng the finest Sceneries, Cities and Monuments 11 I- 1 ‘rope, which, viewed through .h« irutru inent, eliow those objecLs iu bold relief, kteoaliy a- they are, ami thus are the bo.-t models for ArU.'t<. give the best idea of Foreign ('"entries anil Art, and make the liuest parlor orsatwents. For sale at tiovlt H. J. («BOR.\K*B. tßwnessjek Hom ek. THE undersigned is prepared to exe cute with promptness orders tor Bacom, lard , Vheat, Rye, Oats, Cam, AW, er any other products of Middle leane-see. D. D. DKKkY. No. i College- stroot, Nash' c. lens, ly B A C 0 N. 40 HHDS. BACON, TVli SALU LOW BT mh26<ilm A. D- WILLIAHS. Butter and chewse! A Urge supply et both. t!ur sale very -v- xy “39 HA.'. ,i n wiLoyiv