Augusta evening dispatch. (Augusta, Ga.) 1857-1861, May 06, 1858, Image 1
.Jlu gnat a Queuing Jlisptci VOLUME 2. (Staring; Btspaicb. PDHUSBED DAILY AND WEEKLY, BY S. A. ATKINSON. DAILY, per annum $4 OO WEEKLY, * “ |SO Subscriptions will bo received for three moi ths at $1 25. Monthly subscriptions, Fifty cent*. Payment for subscriptions will positively be required in advance. THE OFFICE OF THE DISPATCH is on Broad street, a few doors below Setz’s Corner, (upstrirs.) Entrance next door above A. 1. Bignon & Co.’s Store. RATES OF ADVERTISING: Advertisements will be inserted by the square o(12 lines (100 words.) for 60 cents for the first insertion, and 37cents for each subsequent in sertion under one month, tobeyaid for when the a Ivortisement is handed into the office. Advertisements under five lines will be insert od at 10 cents a line for the first, and 5 cents a lino for each subsequent insertion. Advertisements will be inserted in both the Daily and Weekly Dispatch at 25 per cent above hoao rates. SStI lioilb Jljiltd. GEORGIA RAILROAD. (Fi-om Augusta to Atlanta.) 'Leave Augusta at 2 SO, A M, and 4 PM. Arrive at Atlanta at 11 36 A M and 1 04 P M. Leave Atlanta at 12 A M and 10 A M. Arrive at Augusta at 8 56 A M and 7 P M. through to Memphis.] Fa kb—ss 50. Connect with South Carolina Railroad Trains. ArriveatAugusiaat 1 A M and 2 30 P M. Leave Augusta at 10 A M and 8 06 P M. With Western and Atlantic Railroad Trains , Arrive at Ulanta at 11 22 P M ami 933 A M liOave Atlanta at 1 45 A M and 12 30 P M. With Atlanta and LaGrangt Railroad Trains, Arrive at Atlanta at 10 16 P M and 7 00 A M laave Atlanta at 2 A M and IPM. Connect with Mason dt Wmtmm RaUroad. Arrive at Atlanta, 0 11, A M., and 6 05. P. M Leave Atlanta, 10 30 A. M., aid U Night. Athens Drone k Sum day} Jhtcrptsd. la* Augu at t 80, Night. ffvaare Atlanta I*oo. Night. Leav® Atbenw 11 00, Night. Arrive at Athens 16 30. Day. ■Arrive at August* *O6. Morning. Aartre at Atlunla 11 14, Morning. Washington Brunei —.T—ll^in liOtve Augusta 2 30, Night. flit*▼•Atlanta 1101. Night. Arrive at. WaidiingW* 7 36, Morning 1/eave Washington 8 30. Morning Arrive at Augusta 8 w, Mornirg Arrive at Aiiant* 11 54, Moraing (>m Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays an E.v tra Train leaves Washington at 1.4* evening, and connects with lh« bowa Day Passengi r Train from Atlanta, and returning to Washing Dte at 6.45 ovoni g. War rent/m Branch—Sundays Hmcepted. Augusta 4 (Kj, Evening Leave At a ta 10 00, Morning Arrive at \\ arrenton 8 00, Evening Leave Wn rrenton 8 80, Evening Arrive at Augusta 7 OC, Evening Arrivo at Atlanta 1 14, Night GEO. YONGE, Superinte dent. WESTERN AND ATLANTIC RAILROAD. ( Atlau'a to Chattanooga.) Morning Puss’ger Train leaves Atlanta 2.10 a m and arrives at Chattanooga 10.07 ain Morning Passenger Train leaves Chat. 1.30 a m and arrives at Atlanta 9 33 a m Night Passenger Train leaves Atlanta 12.15 p m and arrives at Chattanooga 8.25 p m Night Passenger Train leaves Chat. 3.10 p m aud arrives at Atlanta 11.22 p m Fake to Chattanooga, $5. MONTGOMERY AND WEST POINT R. R COM?’ V. (trom Columbus to ihmtgomenj ) Day Train leaves C liunbus 10 00, A M do arrive at Mont ornery 4 o’o. P M do leave Montgomery 8 30, A M do arrive at Columbus 250 PM Night Train lea'es Columbus 7 30, PM do arrive at Montgomery.. . 30. AM do leave Montgomery 5 30, P M do arrive at Columbus 1 00, A M Daily connections to Huntsville. Memphis and Knoxville. SAMUEL G JONES. Super’t. MUSCOGEE RAIL ROAD. Day or Express Train loaves Columbus 4 pm do do oo arrives Macon.. 1028 p m do do do leaves Maeon... 1 oam do do do arr. Col mbus.. 852 a m WonPng or Acc. do leaves do .. 155 a m do do do arr. Macon 856 a m do do do leaves Mec< n.. 11 30 a m do do do arr. Columbus.. 63 pm J. L. MUSTIAN, Sup’t. EAST TENNESSEE AND GEORGIA RAILROAD. Augusta 2 30 am do Atlanta 12 15 p m do Dalton 615 p m Arrive at Knovville 12 2unight Persons leaving ugusta on the 4, P. M., train are detained at Dalton. Time from Augusta to Knoxville, 21 hours and 50 minutes—mostly in daylight. R. c JACKSON,‘ 3 uporinton lent, AUGUSTA ANI) SAVANNAH RAILROAD. Leave Augusta, 2.10, A. M. and 4 P. M. Arrive ut Miilen, 4:05 A. M. and 6:35 P. M. I/eave Milieu, 5:40 A. M. aud 3:45 P. M Arrive at Augusta, 9:00 A. M. aud 6:47 P M Connecting with trai s to and from Savannah and Augusta. ATLANTA ANI) LAGRANGE RAILROAD. Morning Passenger Train leaves Atlauta2 (K) a m and arrives at West Point 7.28 a m Evening Passenger Train leaves Atlanta"l.oo p m and arrives at West Point 6.28 p m Morning Pass’gcr Train leave 3 W. Point 4.00 a m and arrives ut Atlanta at 9.27 a in Evening Puss’gr Train leaves W. Point 4.30 pin and arrives at Atlanta 10.15 p in Fake to West Point, $3.50. GEO. G. Hf : LL, superintendent. MACON AND WESTERN RAILROAD. Morning Pass’gr Train leaves Atlanta 10.30 atn and arrives at Macon 4.15 am Evening Pass’gr Train leaves Macon 12.00 p m and arrivosat Atlanta 6.05 p m Fare to Macon, $4. E. FOOTE, Superintendent. CENTRAL RAILROAD. Between Savannah and Macon. Leave Savannah 1 15, am, 2 46, p m Arrive in Macon 10 45, am, 12 30, a in 1 cave Macon 9 45, a tn, 11 30, p rn Arrive in Savanna! 7 20, p m, 8 50, a m Between Savannah and Augusta. Leave Savannah 1 15, am, 11 15, a m Arrive in Augusta 9 am, 7pm Loavo Augusta 2 am, 345 p tn Arrive in Savannah 8 50 a in. 10 55 p m Between Macon and Augusta, I oave Macon 945 am, 11 CO p m Arrive in Augusta 7 p m, 9 a m Leave Augusta 2 a tn, 3 45 p tn Arrive in Macon io 45 am, 12 30 ain EMERSON FOOTE, Oen’l Superintendent. SOUTH CAUOIJNA RAIL ROAI) COMPANY. Day Mai! and Passenger Train leaves Augusta at 10 o’clock, A M. : and arrives in Augusta at 2.30 PM. Night Mail and Passenger Train leaves Augusta at 8.05 P M; arrives in Augusta at 1 P M. H. T. PEAKE, General Superintendent. #3" Day Trains leave Macon for Columbus at 11.30, A. M., and arrive at Columbus 6.33, P. M. Leave Coiumbus at 1 55, A. M., aud arrive at Macon 8 56, A. M. Sir Night Trains leave Macon for Columbus at 1.30. A. M., and arrive at Columbus 8.23, A. M. Leave Columbus 4, P. M., and arrive at Ma con 10.28, P. M. Passengers going North, desiring to connect with either the route by Wilmington or the one by Weldon, can do so by taking the morning trains at Montgomery, Chattanooga, Augusta and Charleston, and the evening trains at At nnta. and connect at Weldon with either the Washington City or Bay Route. AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. MAY 6,1855. I Jr!> §oobs. - ~~I". ~ ttW*. BL?. a. g SPRING DRYGOODS GRAY & TURLEY BEG TO ANNOUNCE to their custom ers and the public that they now have in store, and are daily receiving a very extensive and choice selection of SPRING AND SUMMER Dry Goods. W e wish it to be remembered that we still keep a resident purchaser at the North, from whom we receive daily the LATEST IMPORTED FASHIONS I We solicit Country Merchants, buying for cash, to call and examine our stock, and ASCERTAIN OUR Pit ICES. To suhh we are prepared to offer superior in ducements. Below vfo mention some of the MOST FASHIONABLE, : as also some of the leading articles m each de partment. Dress Goods, Rich Chintz Chene BAYADERE SILKS: do do RAYED’AQUILI.E to do Moire Antique Bi’k and Col’d do Bischoff’s Celebrated BLACK SILKS, in great variety ; Marcellaine and Florence SILKS, all colors ; GRENADINE, CRAPED’PARIS aud SEW ING SILK ROBES ; Challie, Barege D’laine and BAREGE ROBES. PRINTED LAWN, PRINTED BRILLANTE, CHALI IES BAREGE r BLANK, BARIv-’ES, CRAVE MARI-’l7, CRAVE PkVARIS, CANTON CI/VTH, BOMBAZINE, AI.APACA, kC.. AC. X 2 O XUS 3FL TT IX9 EMBROIDERIES! ’ Udiee nO.dE Is COTTON, 81!JC aad J.LYXN *'w do io d M « «io dt d-> *ic» do do elo Ia ine GLOVBH in KID, bli K. LINEN and SILK MITTR. 6,090 tnihd. BANDS, in JAOONBIT, SWB - and MULL. 5,009 Fr-i’ il. CELLARS an«i IETTS, in JACO NET, SW’PeSjkDt*. MUM*. EDGING!*- ana INS'FJlTlA’fcr. in ffr*»t variety. Kmbd. IJNIsN CAMBRIC HANDKERCHIEFS in groat variety. WHITE GOODS. Einbd. MUSLIN an.l LACE CURTAINS, do do for lAdict* Plain JAODNKT and SWI3B M. JiLIVS. N insook MUI Land Book do Printed BRILLANTE and Fro. ch CAMBRIC MANTILLAS, : IIAWDS, SCARFS, Ac., in great v iriety and very cheqtn DOMESTICS. 5 cases BROWN SHIRTINGS, f-Xc. 5 ;o WHITE do 6^c. i 000 pieces CALICOES, fait colors, Gjtfc. \L5i THE FAVORITE URANUS OF AMERICAN CALICOES AND SHlrtmgs, -AJ3? I_iOW Jr'RIGil.S; A VERY HANDSOME LOT OF GINGHAMS, IN BLACK AND COLORED. 2,000 COUNTERPANES, from $1 25 t«> $lO each 5 cases 11-4 SHEETING, beat q a ity, 3’X • 5 do BED TICKING, APR<»N <-HW kr. FURNITURE PRINTS, fcr. Xj I 3NT 33 3NiT JFt , Best Irish LINEN DAMASK. 5J t $> 6-. do do do NAPKINS an DOYLJ&, 100 to 450. Best Irish LINEN TABI.K CI/>THH. do do do for *HIRT FRONTS 26 101 50 Pltin and Fancy IJNKNS. for Gentlemen and Boy’- wear, from \ to "sc. p r ya d. SUNDRIES. 1 RIBBt)VS—LUT) S, SAIIN a •» I> \ KJ.VKT —FOR 1 NITURE AN, DKKS : FR’.N ES ; I’ARa- SOLS. HOOP SKIRT FANS HAIR BRUSHES COMBS, FANCY SOAPS, &c , Ac mh22 JOHN N. GOW, MARBLE-WORKER. MONUMKM'I'S, of all descriptions executed in the beat form, at THE LOWEST PRICES, •nd in thesh rtast time compatible if , i|lH\ with faultless workmanship. Vernons iu want of Marbl '-Work xfw of any kind are invi'ed to call. Shop on Campbell-street. be v.^-—%<> tween Broad and Greene-street. nov23 JOHN N. GOW . A N F. XV AND Y A L U ABLE I! E M E » Y . COLIIBIM BITTERS! OOMPii-KI) STRICTLY OF TIIK CHOICEST VEGETABLE EXTRACTS, AXD WAKHAVTFD TO nrVR GREAT RELIEF liV DYSPEPSIA, And all diseases arising from A Disordered State of the Stomach. SUCH AS NAUSEA, CON ST 11’A LION, FULLNESS OK BLOOD to the Head. Giddi of the head depression of spirits, loss o' appetite, pain iii the side and ' ack, fever and ague, general debility, and the ‘‘thousandother ills ” arising from indigestion aud enfeebled con dition of the digestive organs. Habitual costive ness is found very frequently connected with feu be constitutions, and persons of sedentary , habits, which often exerts a very unfa o-able influence upon the general health of the subject, and is particularly manifested by a re'tlo-<s and despomiing state of mind, irregular, if not a loss of appetite. For this condition of the system, this article is confidently recommended with the positive as- _ surance t-hat. if the dose is properiy adjusted, so as not to move the bowels too actively, RELIEF may be relied on, without any, even the least, of the unpleasant consequences resulting from the use of the common purging medi. iues usual ly rosorted to. Porsons afflicted with • HEMORRHOIDS, can partake of this medicine with safety, as Aloes forms no partot its composition. Sold by drSggigts and merchants generally aud in Augusta, by Haviland, Chichester & Co. Wm H Tutt, and Plumb Sc i.eituor. 1 §n> ©mbs. SPRING AND SUMMER Dry Goods! AND MILLINERY! CHEAP FOR CASHI! JAMES HENEY HAVING just returned from the Nor superior stock of FANCY ' and DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. , comprising some of thelig-EaBMI O>Y , newest styles, as well a- os ]|i| o e finest texture of DRESS £s£f GOODS, to which ito wishes to call the attention of all persons visiting Au i gusta. pie« giug himself that he will permit no one to undersoil him, and is confident that he | can sell at mast from sto 10 p.-r cent, cheaper than any other Casli Store in tile cit . He and those in his employment will feel a pleasure iu waiting on those who . favor lifm with a call ; -nd as they will of ne cessity have to examine the stocks of the city in order to find the best value, he hopes they will hear in mind his siorc, which is one door above tlio Georgia Railroad Bank. CALL AND SEE HIS STOCK. STUDY YOUR INTERESTS. NOBODY COMPELLED TO BUY. EVERYBODY WAITED ON WITH PLEASURE. Dress Silks, ALL STYLUS, VERY LOW. Printed Lawn, Organdie and JACONETS, all styles, very low ; Printed Lawn, Organdie and Jaconet ROBES, different styles; t Printed Lawn BAREGES and GRENADINES. I A large tot of GINGHAMS and CALICOES. Swiss. Jaconet and Mull MUSLINS 1 &Sra ““SgfSSSS 00 "' itiiliturn in to be. found all that is navel, never having been better supplied with all that is durable in JE3 O IST JST ETS ■ I » «xfl *e., At . ite i ' Sheetings, Shirtings and Oar.nbnros: IS-'ISH LINENS ; TARI.E I.INENg sml TOWELINBS • Mueqnlto NETTINIIS , REII SI-KEAnS, PHINRS. > tc. A full suppl.r of HOSIERY. mhSl 1858. 185a SPRING TRADE. CHOICE FAMILY • DRY GOODS. BROOM & N< XRRELL \S r OULD invite attention to their V ? 1 irge and elegant stock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, which they are now displaying at the OMI e X 3 X* ic c S rr O I=L TI3 ; 0 -mprisinit everything of the latest and most elegant - tyle- in LADIES' DRESS GOODS , EK dbb a LACE MANTILLAS, TALMAS, SHAWLS; HOOP SKIRTS, of every kind manufactured ; HOO’S. of every kind ; DUSTERS, a large assortment; IRISH LI \K\S. of our importation. ALSO — All the best ■ akes in the market of 15 o> ixl e sties, Housewife Goods, UENENS, DAMASKS, SHEETINGS, Ac. Making up one of the best stocks of Dry GooUb ever offered in this market, and embracing all of those tyles most highly prizod by good Housekeepers. Aad as we are the only house in the city that invariably adhere to the One TPrio© frystem ! We would call particular attention to this fea ture of our trade, and ask all to consider its ad vantages. It guaranties to the BUYER the Lowest Market Prices! Because it forces the SEIJJER down to the small est sum he can possibly afford to take for bis Goods, and of course BARGAIN'S cannot be ox pected from any other modo as doing business. Please notice that we adhere rigidly to ONE PRICE /Hr That price we guarantee to be as low as the lowest-®# And that we never resortto the trick of BAITING apo Dry Goods! Dry Goods!! MILLER & WARREN are now receiv ing heir stocks of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, which they nrj prepared to offer and sell as low •is any house in the city. The stock ' been selected with groat care, and compristf x great variety of ladies’ Dress Goods, such as Rich and elegant Bilk Robe dcQuille, Bayadere Silks, variety of styles, silk Vh cias. striped aud plaid. Plait- Sine-. all colors, Mourning Bayadere and Chene Silks, Plai. Black, Plaid and Striped do Silk Poplins an-l Victoria Plaids. Ik-la re Robe <l<* Quille, Rich Fig’d Delaines and Ca-hrueres, Emb’d French Merinoes, new styles, Plain French ami English Morlnoee, Mourning Delaines. French and English Prints, American do Mourning do Scotch Gingh >ms, Mourning Ginghams, Chene Ginghams, An extensive variety of Shawls, comprising Silk Thibet Shawls, Broche Shawls, Flush Bordered Stella Shawls, Chenille Shawls and S arfs, ladies’ black and eolored Cloth Cloaks, Rich Velvet Cloaks, every variety, All Wool Lone Shawls, Plain bl’k and Second Mourning Merino Shawls. A lot of beautilul Embtoideries. consisting of Rich Muslin Sleeves and Collars, in setts, Jaoonet and Swiss Sleeves, Linen Collars, Maltose Setts, imitations Lace Collars and Sleeves, Jaconet aud Swiss Bands, Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs, plain aud em broideied, Hemmed anil Mourning Handkerchiefs, Misses’ and Boys’ Wool Hose, Wool Gaiters ; Nett Sacks, Misses’ Merino Vests Ladies Merino Vests, short and long sleeves, For the Gentlemou’s line may be found— ' Black Cloths and Cassimeres, Fancy Case meres, latest styles, Rich Velvet and Cashificre Vestings, North Carolina Cassimeres, snnerior article, ' Cravats and Collars ; Marine Ties. MILLER k WARREN. SStarejioHSf Carbs. JAMES H. DYE A CO., WAREHOOSE AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ' Augusta , Georgia. f illlK UNDERSIGNED have formed a 1 JL copartnership under the name and Tt\ i style of JAMES M. DYE & CO. for transaction of a Warehouse and Cotnmis sion Busiaess, at the Warehouse recently occu pied by I)xa k IjaTastb. They respectfully ten dor their services to their personal friends and I the public, with the assurance that any business | entrusted to them will bo promptly and faith * fully attended to. Particular attention paid personally to the sale -of Cotton and other Pro- uce, and also to the re ceiving and forwarding of Goods, i Liberal Cash Advances made on consignments of Cotton and other Produce JAMES' M. DYE. THUS. RICHARDS, f Augusta, Feb. 5, 1858. f e b24 J. C. HARALSON, , WAREHOUSE AN’ COMMISSION MERCHANT At the old stand of L. Hopkins, . Augusta, Georgia. soptlß ly UNPRECEDENTED • INDUCEMENTS ! I AM KELLINGmy stock of VEHICLES, consisting of Carriages, Rockawavs, BAROUCHES, JERSEY WAGONS BUGGIES, with and without tops, of all the different styles now manufactured ai | prices AS LOW ns can be bought in any Southerr city. Being constantly in the receipt of goods I am enabled to offer to the public something both fresh aud new. In addition to the above, I keep always on hand a number of Vehicles of my own mauufac -1 ure. I also warrant aH work that leaves my store. .. w K. H. MAY, At my old stand, corner Jackson and Ellis-sta. in rearol Globe Hotel d22-l I UTH ER ROLL, AT HIS MW STAND, Corner of Kill. «. <1 Jaeknon-Ntit., 7 Nearly in the Rear of the Globe Uotel, S ON THE CORNER BELOW AROWk'S STABLE?, 1 TTAS ON HAND a full Mftortrnent of II COACHES, ROCXAWAYS, o>, end No Toe > Bl.litllS, Ac ; which will b. e«ld .JUomt ) low and on ao"«mmodating ur»>. ALSO—A full deportment of all kiid« es Mtc . rials wed by Ooueh nad OaraeM Maker*, fcc. IteO* AC 1 axijp. wm«s, nrßs, mj.ows, I, 8POK». SHAFTS. HINGLCTIteKtA. MaNDS, 1 MAIJIABLI CASTING*. ENA MILLED UATHIR nd Cl/)THLATENT DASH ned HARNESS 1 JV’fll ■R. kc., kc. REPAIRING el Harness and tohwlen done promptly and at low prices. Vohi ics man u fact a red to order. The same assertment to be found at the old ktand. corner of Washington and Reynold sts., in rea-of the Augusta Hotel. jan-twly \J Linseed Oil 560 gallons Sperm do 300 do A Lamp do 500 do r Tanners do 500 do Castor do soo d 0 0liv « do 25 boskf For sale low by fob 2 WM. H. TUTT. CIfIEESK, CHEESE. J 50 boxes English Dairy Cheese. 50 do State do For sale low by t JOSIATI SIBLEY ft S' NS. frl>26 No. 6 Warrea Block, f Cabinet Making anti Re- I pnirla*;, ike. \\T H* PItOUTY & CO. having dis ▼ f • solved, by mutual consent, the under I signed may be found at the same stand, ready te j do all jobs committed to him in the way of * , CABINET MAKING AND REPAIRING. AND HOUSE CARPENTERIN'!) W. H. PROCTY, Shop on Washington, between Droad and Lei nold-streets. jarlO Volcanic Pistols and Bitles. ritHESE PISTOIjS carry the Minnie 1 JL balls and shoot six times with one lo .ding, the load aud cap being contained iu the balls. They shoot with great precision and force. The Rifles are a curiosity. With one loading they can be discharged twenty times in one minute. 1 anti are the best guns for squirrel hunting ex I tant. The undersigned is the sole Agent for the com 1 pany in this city. HENRY J.«O£BORNR, 1 Watch. Jewelry and Optical Store, 256 Broad-st, Augusta. Ga. febl2 Liquors and sugars. 150 bbl Ijow riceri WHISKEY ; 100 do from fair to flna : 50,000 ow priced and Medium SUGARS 40 bbls BRANDY ; 40 bbls GIN ; 26 obis RUM. For sale by 1 mhl 1-dm A. D Will JAMS ~ 300 sacks Tenneeseo superfine Flour, 100 do da Family do 300 do Denrnead’s superfine da hi store and for sale by foba BAKER, WRIGHT ft CO. CARPET TtORE, IN CHARLESTON, S. C. CARPET DEPARTMENT. ROYAL VELVET PILE; Tapestry Brussels: English Wire Brussels ; Printed Brussols : Printed Velvet ; 6-4, 12-4 and Druggets ; Felt Druggets ; Crumb Cloths ; Eng lish Venetian for stairs, entries and church aisles; Imperial Three-Plys; American Ingrains; Scotch aud English Ingrains ; Canton and Cocoa Mattings : Mosaic, Axmißster, Brussels, Volvet an I Tufted Rugs; Door Mats; Stair Carpet, Hods, &<:. LINEN DEPARTMENT. 8 4 and 10 •» Table Damask ; 7-4 up to 24 4 Ta ble Cloths; 4 4 Family Linens; 7-8 Shirting linens ; lie Fronting Linens ; Pillow Case Lin ens ; 3 yards wide Sheeting do. ; Birds’ Eye Di aper ; Scotch Diaper ; Brown Table Damask ; Brown Table Cloths ; 3 yards wide Druggets; Nankins, Doilios, Towjls, Tray Cloths, Dowlass, Crash. Huckaback, etc.; 8 4 colored Tabling; Colored Table Covers : Fruit Doilies ; Piano Cov ers; Centre Covers: Window Shades. FLOOR OIL CLOTHS '-nt for Rooms or ’ ntries. JAMES U. BAILIE, mhl7 ly Proprietor. ■ ( A i MICE HAMS. yj One Hundred choice HAMS, from the plan tation of Rev. Juriah Harris, just received aud ( for sale at tnhl3 D’AVTIGNAC V HUmu^TVS. Yeast powdebs. Kivo Ci o-h Preston k Morrill’s YEAST , POvYDERS. just received at mhl3 D’ANTIGNAC A HUBBARD’S. \ PIG HAMSI ~ 1 !i casks choice Smoked Pig Hams, just re cuivcil at > mhl3 D’ANTIGNAC A HUBBARD’S. SMOKED TONGUES. ! fhre Dozen choice Smoked Tongues, just received at [ mhl3 D’ANTIGNAC ft HUBBARD’S. * Sardines ! -sardines !! 1 l ive hundred Half Boxes Sardines • do do Quarter do Just received at mhl3 D’ANTIGNAC ft HUBBARD’S. Mess Mackerel] ~ s TWENTY (jiiarmr hbIs.MESS MACK- - EREL, jost received at teb!7 D’ANTSIGIf AC ft HUBBARD'S. 111 GRSiffiT BMB IN THE NATION. | ONE THOUSAND PAIRS SOLD !1 i NOT ONE PAIR KNOWN TO RIP!! Sewed Through and Through. LADIES' KID WELT BOOTS, sewed through and through. Just received, all ’ sizes, from 1 to 7, beside a full assortment of LADIES, GENTS. MISSES AND CHILDRENS* » *■ JE , -of all kinds. Call an<l see them. jan2s JAS W. BURCH. Broad-street. j BOOTS, HOOTS, BOOTS. IF YOU can get value received for your money wh it more do you want. Yeti have concluded to continue to sell SHOES at the man ufacturers’prices, with a leetle added, to koep things going. My Shoes are all warranted to give satisfaction. Persons in want would do well to give me a call before buving elsewhere. «* 4 JAS. W. BURCH; Broad stre t. ‘ BOOTS & SHOES. LADIES’ FINE MOROCCO BOOTS, Kid “ “ “ BUSKINS, “ “ Morocco “ _ “ “ “ SHANGHAIS. For sale by nov24 J. W. BURCH. BUFF A GOES, BUFFALOES ! I d ENTS’ Splendid BUFFALO OVER- V_N SHOES, just received and for sale low by nor " 4 JAMES W. BURCH. Boots, Shoes, Trunks, S.cT T HAVE THIS DAY received a SHOE A made especially for Oenliomans’ Plantation wear. They arc iust the thing, and no mistake. Also, Mens’ thick Kip, Wat, Buffed, Gilf, light and welt t KOGANS. Biside some Leather BOOTS and BUSKINS, for House Servants’ wear. Call and see them. d 4 JAS. W. BURCH. aborigines, 'ABORIGINES. A FEW MORE pairs LADIES’ FIN BUSKINS, for sale at half price by ’ a nOT24 J. W. BURCH. A FORTUNE OF 0O» $70,000 ! -DO FOR TIN DOLLARS !! SWAN & CO.’S LOTTERIES! I Authorized by the Slate of Georgia. THE following Scheme will be drawn liy S.SWAN & comp'Y, Managers of the Sparta Academy Lottery, in each of Hi, ir Snip. Number Lotteries for MAY, IS6B, at AU GLSIA, Ga , in public, under the superinten dence of Commissioners. CIASS l.t, , To bo drawn in City of Augusta, Ga., in public, on SATURDAY, May Ist, 18 >B. CIAKS 14 - To bo drawn in city of . ugusta, Ga.. in public.on SATURDAY, May Bth, 1858. | CLASS IS, I To be drawn in City of Augusta, Ga.,in public, on I SATURDAY, Slay 16. 185 S. CLASS 16, , Fo bo drawn mCity o’ Aug'ista, Ga., in public, on SATURDAY, Mav 22, 1858. | CI,A a 17, j To bo drawn in tile City o! Augusta, Ga., in pub lie, on SATURDAY, May 29, 1858. | ON THE PLAN OF SINGIJ! NUMBERS !! ! ' Pive Thousand Four Hundred and Eighty- Five Prizes ! KSARIY ORE FRISK TO KVKRY .VI.VR TICKOTS I MAGNIFICENT SCHEME! To be brawn each Saturday in .1(jy; 1868 1 Prize of $70,000 ' J “ “ 30,000 ! , 10,000 , 1 6,000 1 “ “ 4/'OO . 1 “ “ 3,000 1 “ ‘ 1,600 * MOO ( 4 “ “ 80( i 4 “ * 700 i 4 “ “ 600 50 “ 50 50 “ “ 300 100 “ “ ]26 230 ‘ “ iQo APPROXIMATION PRKKS. 4 Prises of S4OO Ap. to $70,000 Przeare $1,600 4 “ 300 “ “ 30,000 “ are 1,20* 4 “ “ 200 “ “ 10,000 “ aro SCO 4 “ “ 126 “ “ 5 000 “ are 500 4 “ “ 100 “ “ 4,000 “ aro 400 i 4 “ “ 75 “ “ 3,000 “ aro :00 4 “ “ 50 “ 1,500 “ are 200 * 5,000 “ “ 20 are. 100.000 t 5.485 Prizes amounting to $320,000 Wholo Tickets $10; Halves $5; Quarterss26o. PLAN OF TOE LOTTER\. The numbers from 1 to 50.000 correspon ling * with thnso numbers on the Tickets printed on seperato slips of paper, are encircled with small . tin tubes and placed in one Wheel. ' The first 457 prizes, similarly printed and on circled , arc placed lu another wheel. 1 The wheels are then revolved, and a number 1 is drawn from the wheel of numbers, and at the 1 same time a prize is drawn from the other 1 wheel. The number and prize drawn out are ( opened and exhibited to the audience, and regis 1 tered by the Commissioners; the prize being 1 placed against the number drawn. This opera tion is repeate i until all the prize- are drawn out a Approximation Prizes.— The two preceding and the two succeeding numbers to those draw ‘ tug the first 7 prizes will be entitled to the 2t- F Approximation Prizes. For example: if ticket 1 number 11250 draws the $70,000 prize, thosi F tickets numbered 11248. 11249, 11251,11252, wil I each be entitled to S4OO. If tickrt number 650 ( draws the $25,000 prize, those tickets numberci ;1 548, 549, 551, 552 will each ho entitled to S3OO, and Sv. on according to the nbove scheme. c The 5000 prizes of S2O will be determined b\ C the last figure of the number that draws the * $70,000 prize. For example, if the number - drawing.the s7o,oooprize ends with No 1, then all the tickets where the number ends in . will bo entitled to S2O. If the number ends witn \< r 2, then all the tickets where th* No ends in 2 wi" F be entitled to S2O, and so on t«* 0 Certificates of Packages will be sold at tho fol- l ' lowing rates, which is the risk ; C Certificate of Package of 10 WholeTickcts ss> r do do do 10 Half do 40 do do do lOQuar. do .... 20 do do do 10 Kighth do 10 In ordering Tickets or Certificates , enclose tin money to our a.idress for tho Tickets ordered, on f receipt of which they will be forwarded by first mail. Purchasers can have tickets ending in any figure they may designate. The lust of Drawn Numbers and Prizes will be sent to purchasers immediately after the drawing Purchasers will pleaso write their signa tures plain, and give their Post Ollice, Countv and State. l Remember that ev ry Prize is drawn am' J payable in full without deduction. .VII prizes of SIOOO aud under, paid imme diately after the drawing—other prizes at the ~ usual time of thirty days. All communications strictly confidential. Address orders for Tickets or Certificates to S. SWAN k CO., Augusta, Ga. Persons residing near Montgomery, Ala r or Atlanta. Ga., can have their ordei s filled, anu J save time, by addressing S. Swan & Co. at either of those cities ap27 / MORSE’S INVIGORATING GORDIAL Ai Fer sale by ap» WM. H. TUIT. at NUMBER 41!. ffieabg-Htafo Clofjmrg. NEW SPRING AND SUMMER ■RKAM'V-JWABa: CLOTHING! RAMSEY & LABAW (Opposite the Union Bank, Augusta, Georgia,) \ RE receiving daily, and are offering ±\. to their friends and customers the arges and best selected stock this season they have over offered, having purchased the entire stock almost exclusively tor Cash , and paid unusual attention to the manufacture of the Clothing. We are prepared to offer them at nricea to defy com petition . We have an elegant line of SCARFS, CRAVATS. STOCKS, UNDERSHIRTS and DRAWERS, every grade ; Linen Bosom SHIRTS, from the well-known i manufactories of Morrison & Co., Golden Hill, 1 John M. David & Co., and Fowler &Co. 1 —ALSO— A complete line of GLOVES, of every kind • HANDKERCHIEFS, SOCKS, kc. We have also a very large stock of SERVANTS CLOTHING, of every kind, which we would call especial attention to. Merchants and others would do well to call be forc purchasing elsewhere. mh3l Sew Spring and Summer CLOTHING! For 1858 \XTK ARE GETTING IN a splendid V v stock of GOODS, and invite all who need any article in our lino to call and examine them, consisting in part of Side Stripe <’AS IMERE COATS ard SACKS, with PANTS and VESTS to match ; Black Cloth and Cash me rot FROCKS and SACKS: Black Cassimere PANTS; Black Barathea and Grenadine SIIJC VESTS, (a light article for spriug) ; Brown, White and Check Side-Stripe Linen and Marseilles. COATS. PANTS and TESTS ; A large lot of FURNISHING GOODS ;* Marseilles White and Colored SHIRTS. DRAW ERS, SOCKS, HANDKERCHIEFS, COL LAR?, GLOVES. TIES and SUSPENDERS. i HOIS’ CLOTHING, ALL SIZES AND PRICES. Tailoring! Our -dock of nice CLOTHS, Black, Blue, Brown mu! Claret. arrived, together with n beau tiful assortment of side .-tripe CASSIMIiKE for n;mts ; Mde-s.ripe LINENS and MARSEILLES for 1 !*ante : Rich SIIJC and MARSEIIJJGS PAITKRNR for vesU. AH of which Mr. JOHN KENNY will j *o pleased to show wau make up Vo erder, war- I rant d io fit aud ii'easc or no sale. JOHN K. 110 It A & CO., Successors Ui J. M. Newby Sf Co., I nahSS Under L S. Hotel. Augusta. Ga. GENEIUL STOC K OF READY MADE CLOTHING, MOW it» the time to buy the following X i articles tor Mena’ an Boys Wear, choap er t, * a » they should he sold in this market : RAGLANS, OVERCOATS, SHAWLS, BLANKETS ROBES, Fine Cloth and Cassimere COATS, Fine VESTS, PANTS. SHIRTS, DRAW ERS, SUSPENDERS, CRAVATS, STOCKS, COLLARS, TRUNKS, V A LICKS, and every article in our line, j nov6 CLAYTON k KENNEDY. ! GENTLEMENS’ j Fall Riid Winter Goods for t 1857. MY stock of goods is now full and comprises ev erytning is fashionable in CLOTHS, CASSIMF.RES and VESTINGS, which will he made to order as good and as fashionable as can bo obtained in any part of the country. ALSO, A fine and select stock of Ready-Made CLOTH ING, which cannot be ex ellcd by any Goods iD the city. ALSO, A large stock of FURNISHING GOODS, embra cing everything that is necoesarv for Gentle men’s wear. All goods sold at this establishment warrant ed as represented. OCt29 J. A. VAN WINKLE Heavy Overcoats for Negroes OWNERS of lioat and Railroad hands and all persons in want or NEGRO OVER COATS, will do will to call and examine our cheap and well made articles of the kind, aov 6 CLAYTON k KENNEDY. ('heap Satinet Jackets. | XKpi HAVE A LOT OE GOOD SAT IT INETJACKETS, for plantation negroer which we will sell for $1 50 to $2. novO CLAYTON & KKNNIDY. Hip Jackets, and Satinet Coats and Pants. OUR STOCK of the abort articles being too large for the hard times, we of for them cheaper than ihe cheapest, to run then down. CLAYTON k KENNEDY. THE APOTHECARIES DILL, AUGUSTA, GA. Proprietor of X the above • stablish- inent respectfully invites the attention of Physicians JS and Families to his stock in of select D UGS. MKDI CINES and CHEMICALS of the purest qualities and at moderate prices. Amongst my assortment are the following articles : ryßylu jgsMy Surgical Instruments of every variety ; French, English and American Per ■ umery, Trusses, Shoulder Braces and Abdominal Sup porters ; < very variety of Combs and Toilet Brushes ; iAinp Oils, Wicks and Lamp Shades ; Paints, Paint Oils, Patent Brushes. Window Glass, Varnishes. &c.; Meui cinal Wines and Brandies ; Burning Fluid and Catnphene ; Spices of all kinds ; Pot and Pearl Sago, P. arl Harley and Arrow-Root. Also, a cons'ant supply bestSweedish Leechos, Quinine, Morphine, Elatoriura, Strychnine, Chlo roforin, kc. kc., from the most responsible La boratories. The preparation of Pharmacopeia! articles is conducted personally by I)r. A. S. RAVEINS CROFT, a gr ideate of the London College of Phar macy. All articles warranted. T. P. FOGARTY, 195 Broad-st., (124 ts Under the Augusta Hotel. Candlles. , ffIHREE HUNDRED boxes Adamantine X CAN- LES, first quality ; i half boxes do do do do or sale by mh24 McCORD, HORTON k WALTON. FAMILY' FLOUR. fMFTY sacks No. 1 Family FLOUR, 25 do Extra do do For sale bv McCORD, HORTON k WALTON. MILL STON'EST . WILLIAM BRENNER, Manufacturer of £rm| §«rr pillstmus, A ND dealer in Esopus and Cologne - “ Stones, Broad-street, above Upper Market, Ugusta, Ga. Orders solicited and punctually ittendodlo. 4 jtutf-ly Blimllamims, Sunaries. ONE THOUSAND kegs * * Readkur 9 and “Old Dominion" Kills, 2000 sacks liverpool NAI T, new, 1000 bushels bulk da 100 sacks Alum do 60 bbis pure CIDER VINEGAR 100 bales heavy GUNNY BAGGING. ) 300 coils Machine ROPE, , 60 boxes Kingland’a Pearl STARCH, 60 do No. 1 and Pale SOAP, „ 60 do Fresh CANDY, ; 200 do TOBACCO, some very cheap, 20 do prime Layer RAISINS, 20 do do Ml! do 20 half boxes do do. he tm For sale low by mh26 __ DANIEL H. WIT COX. Maclierel. ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY pa«fc ages MACKEREL, just received aud fat sale by mh‘24 McCORD, HORTON k WALTON. j Hall. 1 mil Y Lbs - F >n»tSort POTASH, !- 200 gals MACHINE OIL, 300 gals BURNING FLUID, at SOc per ral -200 “ 96 deg. ALOIHOI, at 90c per ™L p Just received and for sale by janl4 THOMAS P. FOGARTY tjacon; - Jj Thirty thousand pounds rholc. new Tea ' nessec BACON, bng round, on hauil ami for sals b F feb2 A. STE.IN*. I TJACON. I JD 30 casks prime Tennessee Shoulders to ■>. , rive wilhin a lew days. leb s BAKFJt, WRIGHT & 00. A MEDICINE More valuable than gold to the planter, or those who have a Urge i uumber «f workmen in their employ mink er are traveling, or live at a distance from a phy#. cian, or have valuable horses or mu!m DENNIS' AKTI-BPABMODIC TIHfCTUHB. POR * GENERAL FAMILY AND PLANTATION USfcJ. It produce* its effects by retiring InA-mat*. tion, quisling nervous attacks, c;-;s Iks t circulation of the blood, .-n-i by causi-g a i/ar* 7 actiOD in tha aystem. its effect in r.'i vtng t»- cammaiiori or sorenees, either inter' «. -r ox -1 ternal. makes it one of the bftit ye- iboh • have svar been offei ed to t- e public, u.i t-«iul i in a groat variety of diseases. It 1a ueefill in Spasmodic Ai> , » nt r ar Osnvalßions, Lock Jaw Spasmodic, <v3|£rT r lYamp Colia. Apoplectic Alfectior.s ; c v ** >jsS ? Colds. Croup, Asthma. .Sore lb cat. Yut.Ci r i*. II Plaurtey, Bite of Snakes, or oilier pouom . ’• ul ® s t ln««ct* or animain ;or any cacc of fier geucy or extreme danger. 1‘ or external une in fresh cuts, wounds hi . . jk burns scalds, chilblains, snako bit.j«, bees, bite of spiders, mosquitos, * - reptile . iusecte or unitnalrf. a betn j cannot be ujert to prevent inflammation. ~VaT# soreness and IWrilitate a cure. Usad as a wiudi for boils at their fl:\-1 aj. .» - or hi eruptive diseases, such a «<kl bead, ringworm, or diseases which enu-e an , itching sensation upon the skin, it produce* a ? bealth> action. For Horsea or Mules it rarely fails to cure even the worst and most dangcrou - c.ves of Colic ko. EVERY FLAN I’EU Fliouhl have on his plantation this remedy '..r use in all auddeu and daligerou attacks of Dis ease. GEORGIA .Sarsaparilla Coin pound. For Liver Complaints, and for Puritying the Blood, or t ad as a pr ventivo of , sickness. I DENNIS’ STIMULATING, OH HOT IIIITEHS, For Dyspepsia, Colds, and Female Complain* arising from cold.:. The above mediciucs are indispensable in ev ery family. For sale by CLARK, WELT£ k SPFYR rar. REIT k CARTER, B. K. CHEW, PI.UMB A , m. Turr and , b I ; A^ I) ’ CHl€,,h> '' r h&co., wm. b. iU I Lj*Qd by druggists gener. l!y. j tt n1» WTNI>OW SHADES-' H A Sy A Y different patterns new style X Window Shades, just received at BENJAMIN A GOODRICH’S __ _ Furuiture Warermima COWETA HOUSE, NEWNAN, GA. mha T Y SANDERS W. IJ!B. GEER’S MACHINE FOR ccrT . , .Sfe.£A»V' l '«° I lilt till L IK FORMS. A N INSIRUMENT capable of XJL formiug marly ail the irregular and < -i V ed work mod m carpentry, such as Arctic, Gothic Sash, Brackets and Bcrolls ; in Uhin.l Work, tarrmge Building, Boat nDd Ship BuU.t* « and -iill Work of all kinds. ® Persons who have work of this kind are in vited to visit the shop of the subscriber « hvs they will fluda machine in operation. Jr? line's on hand lor sale. WM. H. GOODRb d. 00120 Reynold street STONE MOUNTAIN KCUSf, D*KALB COUNTY, GA. * mhß ! T S. F, ALEXANDER. NEW GOODS ARRIVING BY El. mss. SPLENDID WALKING STICKS, Crooks, Gutta Prrrlia, Gold and Silver o.'lra?' 1 ’ of all sizes and kinds i Elegant PUFF BOXES, made of the same material A*o—- Lon* md Short Rl LERS for Book Keeper-, and a n«w issortment of superior GOLD PENS for the same. Several of those superb GOLD WATCH fir fj pecially for Railroad meu, on account of their accurate time, and at prices never before nk£.’ed -o low Being about to go North, now is your tuna to < >buy cheaply the BiSTOFGOOIiS. at the LOWEST PRICE—to make room for an enlargement of tho lf >re mi HENRY J. OSBORNE. New CosHioramic STEEEOSCOPE. AMONG the latest inventions in Op tics, them is nothing more iustruc ivc or imusng than the Stereoscope. The Stereoscope Views are impressions from nature, roprosent ng the finest Sceneries, Cities and Monument* a Europe, which, viewed through the instru ment, show .those objects in bold relief, is they are, and thus are the best model- tor Artists, give the best idea of Foreign Coi«if|fi and Art, and make the finest parlor orn.m-.-nt*. For sale at uovlt. H. J . OSBOKvE’S. TSIVNESS KffiTT RO»UC EI ' THE undersigned is prepared to rs> cute with promptness orders for Bacom, ixird, Vheat, Rye, Oats, Com, Flour, or any ®iher products of Middle Tenne.sM. D. D. DICKEY, No. 6 College, street, Nashville. I son. aug2l j, bTcon7 40 HHDS. BACON, FOB SALK LOW BY « mh2sdlm A. D. WILLIAM S BUri'ER AND CHEESE. A large supply of both, for sale very cho*» »7 420 DAN'M.H.WIIjOOX