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About Augusta evening dispatch. (Augusta, Ga.) 1857-1861 | View Entire Issue (May 20, 1858)
Juifitsh €b:itiij ffigptc|. V OLUME 2. iNcaing Dispakl). PUBLISHED DAILY AND WEEKLY, SY S. A. ATKIXSON.!' DAILY, per annum $4 00 WEEKLY, “ I 30 Subscriptions will be received for three siouhs at $1 25. Monthly subscriptions, Fifty I scuts. It jr‘ Payment for subscriptions wul positively be required in advance. 49" THE OFFICE OF THE DISPATCH is on • Broad street, a lew doors below Seta’s Corner, , (up stairs.) Entrance next door above A. i. Bignon & Co.’s Store. RATES OP ADVERTISING: Advertisements will be inserted by the square of 12 lines (100 words,) for 50 cents for the first insertion, and r>7 % cents for each subsequent in sertion under one month, to be paid for when the advertisement is handed into the office. Advertisements under five lines will bo Insert oi at 10 cents a hne for the first, and 5 cents a line for each subsequent insertion. Advertisements will bo inserted in both the Daily and Weekly Dispatch at 25 per cent above bese rates. fail iio:ib dltqistcr. GEORGIA RAILROAD. (From Augusta to Atlanta.) Leave Augusta at 2 30, A M, and 4 P M. Arrive at Atlanta at 11 36 Aif and 104 P 31. Leave Atlanta at 12 A M and 10 A M. Arrive at 8 56 A M and 7 I’ M. The 2.30, A. M.. train (rum Augusta connects through to Memphis.] Fare—ss 50. Connect with South Carolina Railroad Trains. ArriveatAugustaat 1 A M and 2 30 I* M. l eave Augusta at In A M and S 05 P M. With Western and Atlantic Railroad 77 ains. Arrive at itlunta at 11 22 P M uni 933A M. Leave Atlanta at 1 45 A M and 12 3o P 31. With Atlanta and La Grange Railroad Trains, Arrive at Atlanta at 10 15 I* M and 7 00 A M. Laavc Atlanta at 2 A M and 1 P M. Connect with Muon <C- Western Railroad. Arrive at Atlanta, 9 15, A 31., and 0 05. 1\ M Leave Atlanta, In 30 A. M., and 12 Night. Athens Branch—Sundays Excepted. Leave Augusta at 2 80, Night. Leave Atlanta.. 1200 V ht Leave Athens 12 00. Night. Arrive at Athens 1030. Day. Arrive at Augusta 9 W>, Miming. j Arrive at Atlanta 11 34. Morning. Washing 1 1 Branch—Sunday F.xcej '■ /. Leave Augusta ! 2 30, Night, i Leave Atlanta 12 00, Night. at Washington 7 35. Morning Leave W&shiogtoi Arrive at Augusta 8 51. Morning Arrive at Atlanta 11 34, Morning On Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays an Ex tra Train leaves Washington at 1.45 evening, at: l connects with the Down Day Passenger Train from Atlanta, and returning*tu Wa.-hiug toa ut 0.45 eveni' g. Warn nton Branch—Sundays Ex eptnl. T.eavo Augusta 4 on. Evening Leave At a ta 10 00, Morning Arrive at Warrenton 3 no. Evening Leave W* rrenton 3 30, Evening Arrive at Augusta 7 00. Evening Arrive at Atlanta I 14. Night GEO. YOXGE, Superiote- dent. WESTERN AND ATLANTIC RAH ROAD. (Atlanta to Chattanooga.) Morning Pass’per Train leaves Atlanta 2.70 a m and arrives at Chattanooga 10.07 a m Morning Passenger Train leaves Chat. 1.30 a m and arrives at Atlanta 9.33 a m Night Passenger Train leaves Atlanta 12.15 pin and arrives at Chattanooga 8.25 p m Night Passenger Train leaves Chat. 3.10 p m and arrives at Atlanta 11.22 p m Fake to Chattanooga, $5. MONTGOMERY AND WEST POINT ft. P.. COMP’Y. j (trom Columbus to Montgomery.) Day Train leaves C lumbiis 10 00. A M | do arrive at Montgomery 4 00. P M do leave. Montgomery- 8 30. A M do arrive at Columbus 2 50, PM Night Train leases Columbus 7 30, P M do arrive at Montgomery... 30. AM do leave Montgomery 5 30, PM do arrive at Columbus 1 00, A M Daily connections to Huntsville. Memphis and Knoxville. SAMUEL G -JUNES. Super t. MUSCOGEE. RAILROAD. Day or Express Train leaves Columbus 4 p m do do do a rives Macon.. 10 2S p m do do do leaves Macon... 1 oam do do do arr. Col-mbits.. 8 52am) Mornmg or Acc. do leaves do .. 155 a m do do do arr. Macon 856a in do do co leaves Macon.. 1130 am do do do arr. Columbus.. 6 3 pm J. L. MUST!AN, Sup’t. FAST TENNESSEE AND GEORGIA RAILROAD. Leave Augusta 2 30 am do Atlanta... 12 15 pm do Dalton 615 pm Arrive at Knovvillo 12 20nght Persons leaving ugust-i on the 4, P. M., train are detained at Dalton. Time from Augusta to Knoxville, 21 hours and 50 minutes—mostly in dayiight. R. ( JACKSON, Superintendent, AUGUSTA ANI) SAVANNAH RAILROAD. Leave Augusta, 2.10, A. M. and 4 P. M. I Arrive at Millen, 4:05 A. M. and 6:35 P. M. Leave Milieu, 5:4u A. M. and 3:45 P. M Arrive at Augusta, A. M. and 6:47 P M Connecting with trai s to aud from Savannah and Augusta. ATLANTA AND LAGRANGE RAILROAD. Morning Passenger Train leaves Atlanta’*!. 00 a m and arrives at West Point 7.28 a in Evening Passenger Train leaves Atlanta'l.oo p m and arrives at West Point 6.28 p m Morning Pass’gcr Train leaves W. Point 4.00 a m and arrives at Atlanta at 9.27 a m Evening I’ass’gr Train loaves W. Point 4.30 prn and arrives at Atlanta 10.15 p m Farkto Wi&t Point, 53.50. GKO. G. IIi'LL, Superintendent. MACON AND WESTERN RAILROAD. Morning Pass’gr Train leaves Atlanta 10.30 ain and arrives at Macon 4.15 a m Evening Pass’gr Train leaves Macon 12.00 p m aud arrives at Atlanta 6.05 p m Farr ro Macon, S 4. E. FOOTE, Superintendent. CENTRAL RAILROAD. Between Savannah and Macon. Leave Savannah 1 15, am, 2 46, p m Arrive in Macon 10 45. am, 12 a m 1 cave Macon 9 45, am, 11 30, p m Arrive in Savannah 7 20, p m, S 50, am Between Savannah and Augusta. Leave Savannah 1 15, am, 11 15, a m Arrive in Augusta 9 am, 7p m Leave Augusta 2 am, 3 45 p in Arrive in Savannah 8 50 a in. 10 55 p w Between Macon and Augusta. I oave Macon 9 45 a in, 11 30 p.m Arrive m Augusta 7 p m, 9 a m LeaVe Augusta 2 am. 3 45 p in Arr, \'r.:?J!", c : , , n . 10 45 am, 12 SO am I'.MLRSON frliOTE, Geti'l Superintendent. SOUTH CAROLINA RATI. ROAD COMPANY. ■Jay Mail anil Passenger Train leaves Augusta at 2°ao P°M k ’ AM - ’ ,nd arrivas in Augusta at might Mail and Passenger Train leaves Augusta at “J Augusta al 1 I'M. H. r. I LAKE, General .Superintendent. ~*£**“ [ >a £ lr:i:,,s ||,: ‘ve Macon fm; Columbus at 11.30, A. M.. and arrive at Columbus 6.33 p M Leave Co'nmbus at I 55, A. M , and arrive at Macon 8 56, A. M Night Trains leave Maeon for Columbus at 1.30. A. M.. and arrive at Columbus 8.23 A M. Leave Columbus 4, P. M., and arrive atMa • son 10.28, P. M. *. Passe gers going North, desiring to connect with either the route by Wilmington or the one Jby Weldon cun do -o bv taking the morning trains at Montgomery, Chattanooga, Augusta and Charleston, and. the evening trains at At flunta, and connect at Weldon with either the : ’-Washington City or Bay Route. Drn (6oobs. SPRING DRYGOODS GRAY & TURLEY BEG TO ANNOUNCE to their custom ers and the public that they now have in store, and are daily receiving a very extensive and choice selection of SPIUNG AND SUMMER Dry G-oods. We wish'd to be remembered that we still keep a resident purchaser at the North, from whom we receive daily the LATEST IMPORTED FASHIONS! We solicit Country Merchants, buying for cash, to call and examine our stock, and ’ ASCERTAIN OCR PRICES. To such we are prepared to offer superior in ducements. Below we mention some of the MOST FASHIONABLE, as also some of the leading articles in each de partment. Dress Goods, Rich Chintz Chene BAYADERE SILKS : do do RAVE D’AQUILI.K do do Moire Antique Bl'kand Coi’d ! , Bischoff’s Celebrated BLACK SILK.-, .. . r-at variety: M trcclluine and Florence HI iv : color- ; GRENADINE. CRAPE D’PAIU.* u.-.r.1. W , IN’g HLK ROBES : Challic. Barege D'liime and BAREGE ROBFS. PRINTED LAWN. PRINTED BRIL (ANTE, i.Ji A LUES, BAREGE t-ELANE, BAREGES. CRAPE MAR! T7 CRAPE DePAKIS, CANTON CLOTH BOMBAZINE. At A I’AC A, A.C., .NC. | SiOSIERIT AND EMBROIDERIES! i Ladies HOSE in COTTON. SILK and I.INF.N Mi-ses do do do do • o do ! G'Oit-. }j do do d. » do do do j I -a i-s GLOVES ia KID, SILK. LINEN asd SILK MITTS. 5.000 Eiubd. BANDS, In JACONETT, SWIS' and MULL. 5,000 Embd. COLLARS and SEITS, ia JACO NEI. SWISS and MI L!.. EDGINGS and INSERTING, in great var.rtv. Fiabd. LINEN CAMBRIC HANDKERCHIEFS, in great variety. WHITE GOODS. Embd. MUSLIN and LACF. CURTAINS do do for Ladies DRESSES. .JACONET and SWISS MUSLINS.- N insook MET Land Book do ITini.-d BRILI.ANTK and Frei cl: CAMBRIC MAN i I LI. AS, SHAWIiS. SCARES, Ac., iu great variety and very cheap. DOMESTICS. 5 cases BROWN SHIRTINGS, 6 Le. 5 do WHITE do D.r, 1,000 pieces CALICOES. fa.,t colors, d'^c. 'LL TUB FAVORITE BRANDS Os! AMERICAN CALICOES AXD Sliirtlngs, -A.T X_iOY/V ± j RXCEJS;: A VERY HANDSOME LOT OP GINGHAMS, IN BLACK AND COLORED. 2,000 COUNTERPANES, from $1 25 to $lO each 5 cases 11-4 SHEETING, best quality. 31 G'o. It do BED TICKING, A IRON CHECKS FURNITURE PRINTS, &?. H. I INT El IV S , Be-t Iri-h LINEN DAMASK. 50 to $1 50. do do do NAPKINS aud DOYLIES, IGO to 450. Be-;t Irish LINEN TABLE CLOTHS, do do do for SHIRT FRONTS 25 to 150 Plain and Fancy LINENS, for Gentlemen and Boy - wear, from 1R; 5 4 ' to 75c. per vard. SUND RIES. RIBBONS—LUTES. SATIN AND VELVET.—FUR NITURE AND DRESS FRINGES: PARA -8015. HOOP SKIRTS. FANS HAIR BRUSHES. COMBS, FANCY SOAPS, 4c. . 4c. mh22 Dry Goods! Dry Goods!! MILLER & WARREN are now receiv ing their stocks o: FALL AND WINTER GOODS , which they are prepared to offer and soil as low as any house in the city. The stock has been selected with great care, aud comprises a great variety of I-idies’ Dress Goods, such as Rich and ••U gant Silk Robe deQuille. Bayadere Silks, variety of styles, Silk Valencias, striped aud plaid. Plain Silks, all colors, Mmirrii g Bay adore anti Chene Silks, Plain Black, Plaid and Striped do Silk Poplins and Victoria Plaids. IVlvrc Rohe do Quilie, Rich Fig’il Delaines and Gishmeres, Kmb’d French Merinoes, new styles, Plain French and English Merinoes, Mourning Delaines. French and English Prints, American do Mourning do Scotch Gingb ims, Mourning Ginghams, Chene Ginghams, An extensive variety of Shawls, comprising Silk Thibet Shawls, Broche Shawls, Flush Bordered Stella Shawls, Chenille Shawls and S arfe. Ladies’ black and,colored Cloth Cloaks, Rich Velvet Cloaks, every variety, All Wool Lone Shawls, Plain bl’k and Second Mourning Merino Shawls. A lot of beautiful Embroideries, consisting of Rich Muslin Sleeves and Collars, in setts, .laootu't and Swiss Sleeves, Linen Collais, Maltese loioe Setts, Imitations Lice Collars and Sleeves, Jaconet and Swiss Bands, Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs, plain and era broideied. Hemmed and Mourning Handkerchiefs, Misses’ and Boys’ Wool Hose, Wool Gaiters ; Ne»i Sacks, Misses’ Merino Vests Lioies Merino Vests, shortand long sleeves, For the Gentlcmon’s line may be found— Black Cloths and Cassimeres, Fancy Ca-s meres, latest styles. Rich Velvet and Cashmere Vestings, North Carolina Cassimeres, superior article, Cravats and Collars ; Merino Ties. sept iq MILLER k WARREN. | Life Insurance. THE AUGUSTA INSURANCE AND BANKING g* »MPAN Y are prewar d to issue at moderate premiums policies of insurance on, - the live> oi skives, either for one, live or ten years, forms of application and tables of rates cun o • procured ut the office of the Company free of charge. _ WM. m. D’ANTIGNAC, President. ; C. F. McCoy, Secretary. febll AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, MAY 20,1858. jjrg §ook SPRING and summer Dry Goods!! MILLINERY! I CHEAP FOR CASH! JAMES I-IENEY HAY ING just relumed from the Nor- ] them markets with a | and DOM ESTkTI I )RY GOODS, j j comprising some of thellipE|||aij DRY |l l y newest styles, as well as if O3 lA fi the finest texture of DRESS W- W i GOODS, to which he wishes - to call the attention of all persons visiting Au- i gusta. plecging himself that be will permit no J one to undersell him, and is confident that he • an sell at least from 5 to 10 per cent, cheaper j than anv other Casli store in the cit.. . He and those in his employment! will feel a pleasure in waiting on those who j favor hfm with a call,; and as they will of nc- 1 cessity have to examine the stocks of the city in J order to find the best value, he hopes they will j bear in mind his store, which is one door above the Georgia Railroad Bank. CALL AND SEE IIIS STOCK STUDY YOUR INTERESTS. NOBODY COMPELLED TO BUY. EVERYBODY WAITED ON WITH PLEASURE. Dress Silks, ALL STYLES, VERY LOW. Printed Lawn, Organdie and JACONETS, ail styles, very low : Printed Lawn, Organdie and Jaconet ROBES, different styles : Printed Lawn BAREGES ar.d GRENADINES. A largo lot of GINGHAMS and « AI.K’OES. | Swis-, Jaconf i and Mali MU-LI Ns. A splendid -took of EMBROIDERED GOODS, j SUMMER SHAWLS and MANTILLAS. . I N THE : illilliiurn department I- to bo found all that is novel, never having I been better supplied with all that is de-irable iu 13 O UNT TsT STS. j B* 4T*- S-* <K F. BJ» &c kc ,k Shillings ami Ooialmrgn; IRISH LINENS . TABLE LINENS and ToWFIJN'I..- y> ■- i'. 1" NETTINGS : BEDSPREADS. FRINGS. k:. A full supply of HOSIERY. mh.'l New and Seasonable STOCK OF CRY 1 HE I P & M GALL AH Eli REtiPECTEELLY solicit thcattcntioi of the ladies ot Augusta, and the public gen.rally, to their NEW AND FASHIONABLE STOCK OF DRY GOODS, Purchased within the past month by one of! tho'r own firm, who spared no pains to obtain , The Most Desirable Styles of SPRING and SUMMER GOODS, suitable for the most fastidious of the ladies of the South. , To their varied and extensive assortment, in' each Department, they call special attention, : and particularly to the comparatively X_»o~w Prices at which they arc solHbk. Ihetr stock cm-1 braces in part t!ie latest Fashions : SI I*ERB SILKS. Rich Chintz Chene Bayadere SILKS. Rich Moire . .ntique Black and Ced'd SILKS, do Marcellame and Florenco do do Black SILKS, in endless variety, GRENADINE, Crape de Paris ROBES, CHALLIE, Barege Delaine do Printed LAWNS. Printed BRILI.IANTES, BAREGES, CRAPE MARET7. C ALLIES. BAREGE DELAINE, CRAPE DePARIS, CANTON * LOTH, BOMBAZINE, ALPACA. EMBROIDERY. Embroidered BA.YDS. bea'itiful patterns, do JACONET. ,-WI-S ami MOLL, do COLLAR.-, ia great variety, do Linen Cambric HANDKERCHIEFS. 1 EDGINGS and INSK TINGS. HOSIERY. Ladies’ SiIkHOSE, best quality, do Cotton do do do ■ Misses’ Silk do do do do Cotton do do do Gents’ Half Cotton HoSE, allsizes and quality, j Ladies' aud Gentlemens' Silk GLOVES, do do do Kid do. various coi. ! MUSLINS- Embroidered MUSLIN, for Ladies’ Dresses, Plain Jaconet and Swiss MUSLINS. Naiusook. Mull and Book do Embroidered Muslin and Lace CURTAINS, Printed BRILLIANTE and French CAMBRIC. American Calicoes, At Unprecedentedly Low Pri rest, j DOMESTIC G-OODS | Brown SHIRTINGS and SHEETINGS. OSNABUROS, STRIPES and DRILLINGS, at Fac ! tory prices. GINGHAMS, In great variety. IRISH LINEN. Finished and Unfinished LINEN, in half and whole pieces, imported direct from Ireland. DAMASK, NAPKINS, DO YUES, TABLE CLOTHS. Miscellaneous. COUNTERPANES : BED TICKING ; Apron CHECKS : Furniture PRINTS ; RIBBONS; LUTES : Satin and Velvet Furniture : and Dree3 FRINGES; PARASOLS, FIOOP SKIRTS, FANS, COMBS : HAIR BRUSHES. SOAPS, PERFUMERY; MANTILLAS, SHAWLS and SCARFS in endless variety. aplo- law3m j . JOHN N. GOW, MARBLE-WORKER. Monuments, of ail descriptions, executed in the bestform, at jz\ THE LOWEST PRICES, feOlnh . and m the shortest time compatible ■ with faultless workmanship. f/M] H ; Persons iu want of Marble-Work ' of any kind are invited to call. j Shop on Cainpbell-street, be Si ! tween Broad and Greene-street. ■■ 1 I nov23 JOHN N. GOW * ( J j ICE CREAM AXD ■ 1 SODA WATER, ' WE shall furnish daily through the i Summer, at our Store just below Briuge Bank Building, the choicest ICE CREAM and 2 SODA WATER, and respectfully invito our - friends and the public to give os a’call. 1 aplO FLISH k SUMEjtAU. 5 ®l;irtjjotist (f arts. JAMBS M. DYE co., WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION .MERCHANTS. Augusta, Georgia HPHE I NDEHSIGNED have formed ill X copartnership under the name and-YTYTA I -tyio of James m. dye a- co. r» r thcj£M> -ju j transaction of a Warehouse aftl ■ sion Business, at the Warehouse recently occu- j j pied by J)ye k LaTaste. Tliey respectfully ten jder their services to their personal friends and 1 the public, with the assurance that any business j entrusted to them will be promptly and faith fully attended to. I Particular attention paid personally to the sale of Cotton and other Pro- uce. and also to the re | ceiving and forwarding of Goods. Liberal Cash Advances made on consignments j of Cotton aud other Produce. JAMES M. DYE, THUS. RICHARDS. Augusta, Feb. 5. 1858. f e b24 J» C. HARALSON, ! w A R KR' J USE ANI C« )M MISSION if ERCHA NT At the oid stand of L. Hopkixs, Augusta, Georgia. ; BCptlß 1y .Cabinet flaking and He pairing, &c. i "WT PKOUTY & CO. having dis T ▼ • solved, by mutual consent, the under | Signed m;*r be found at the same stand, ready tc ! do rtll J obs committed to him in the wav or • CABINET MAKING AND REPAIRING 1 AND HOUSE CARPENTERING. W. 11. PROUTY, Shop on Washington, between Broad aud Re* dd-atreets. jacio ’ •New and Valuable PUBLICATIONS ! TAUdM tliy great Publishing Hr,use of L BLACKIK * SONS, Glasgow, K'linborg and i bhnMW._coii.aUng of the ollowiag tuiidanl ' The Imperial Family Bible : Brown’s Bild.-, Willi Cook s Notes : Dictiouarv • Imperial Gazetteer, highly i!l';*> ■ ttaiy-CUMfhal, Hworic/l a:, J i-i i7rL“. * "orlcs of Robert Bjrn«. compete • .•* j trated; ; Biographical DictkuwvofJVSr.e— 'i. K '"'' - A.'.'.’ j Prof. Andrew’s Cyclopedia cf £► n:e-* V ■ < ir.e and Surgerv ; * I*. w, f EttrickS’lepLr- ' N ipoirr.;,. by M . Bourieim. : Toe above. ,;i:T ma,:y oilier Woris in the Cats : , * DmeD, (“‘( •>? •’V v ■ Dr. Fnivthe, of -lorp-iiter and Joiners As-lstaot, by Fmv i\raM son otne-rs • Ro-ik ofOri ixeutol In u .tb 40 pl.ites ; b ,' v Archite '>: Miclnucry. by H. Ketmear Clark J TITSc Clll!: !ti by j I’racti.'ai Tailor’.-Guide to the Cutting Boom. I s-.iwritmon and order j received fortbeabove i be Agent, at I t. STEARNS it CO.’S office. I , r-t non,'above Aleebanics’ Bank. Broail-stroet. A' -iHta, (..i, J CTMMING. Agent. Xtar- Agent l„r the Scotti-tl American Jonrua' awcekl, nowepapor. njyH IpelNTotice. rjIIIK Al GL.SIA ICE HOUSE, on Rev-1 1. nold .-treet, and Branch on the Coruer'of i i.rcene aud Campbell-streets, will be kept open I ! during the ICE SEASON, IRU.M S O’CLOCK, A. JL, UNTIL 8 o’clock,p’il.l ' On SUNDAY epen at 5 o’clock, and close at 1 • V *» ""vase ojien after tbi.- hour, un- I .'r, H s:, '. k " l ' s -. when an order must Its sent stating this faci. We continue to sell ICE at One Cent, per Pound, "r as cheap as the cheapest. m U 3n > C. EMERY. Agent. Sewing- MachinesT Receiving and opening this Da\, Fifteen handsome SEWING MA i CHINES, of various stylos and finish. For *ale ! 1A THUS. P. STOVALL k CO., General Com. Merchants. REFORM Practice of Medicine. Dll. B. F. PALMER, having perma nentiy located in Augusta. Ga., respectful 1 1\ lenuers his services to the citizens being j prepared to treat, scientifically, the various : bums of disease incident to the climate, both au'.te and chronic, with that success that mat ! confidently expected rrom the use of iuno cent vegt table remedies Calln promptly attended to. Cliarges mode rate. llmay bo found at all times at his stor j un ' l, *r ißanters’ Hotel, unless professionally er. ! my 6 m j CHEAP LIGHT! •THE I NDERSIGNED, Being Agent JL in this city for the Worth American Kerosene Gas Light Company, *OR THE SALE OF A " KEROSINE OIL AND ; Have now on hand and will keep a constant! | supply of Oil; nd I«amps, of different patterns, j j Tlje Oil is not explosive, and having been test- { , ed, proves to be the cheapest, best, aud safest | light now in use, being almost equal to gas light, i The above Company has received Diplomas | md Medals from different State Fairs iu the U. States,—also, a Diploma and Medal from the American Institute—for the best Oil manufac tured. I will be glad to show the Lamps, aud prove I that the Oil is not explosive, by calling at my i Store, opposite the Post Oliice. * my 11 2m J A. ROBERT. Agent, j CLERGYMEN - Os Every D e n o initiation (1 AN now procure one of Singer’s SEW-, J ING MACHINE , for their own use, or for j any charitable object, upon unprecedentedly lavorable terms. For full particulars apply for ! a Circular and Singer-v Co.'s Gazetta, at H. I). NORREI.L S Book Store. 244 Broad st., Augusta, where Singer k Co ’3 Improved Sewing Ma chines, theunly Machines which will do both the Jine.'t and coarsest work . are for sale ai New York prices. my 10 m 11. COHEN, Agent. I IVM. H. TI TT, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Drug gist, OPPOSITE AUGUSTA HOTEL. HAS IN STORE, and now offers at very low rates— Il.uuO lbs WHITF LEAD, equal to best English, i 1 OILS, VARMSIIF-S and COLORS, of all kinds. f r 3UO oz. SULPHATE QUININE 125 “ “ MORPHINE. I 50 lbs CHLOROFORM. I 25 doz TRUSSES, all kinds, 12 “ HAIR DYE, do 1100 gross MATCHES, 1 12 doz Prof. " cod’s HAIR RESTORATIVE, 24 SARSAPARILLA, all kinds. I gross LUBIN’S EXT ACTS, assorted, 20 doz HAIR BRUSHES, do 300 boxes French WINDOW GLASS, all sizes 2,000 lbs No. 1 POTASH, ' | 1,000 lbs. SAL SODA, TAFER BOTTLE CORKS. myS-dicm JUots, Stats, t(’t, BOOTS AND SHOES. /RENT’S CALF CONGRESS GAITERS i VJT Do KID do do Do Calf Skin do do Do P S Strap Shoes Do Calf do do : o do Pump Sole Oxford Ties Just received per last Steamer, and for Sale I by JAMES W. BUNCH, Opposite Express Office, Broad street. My 1 SPRING GOODS.! JL. IL ■ SPRING GOODS! TC ■■ ■*- HAS THIS DAY RECEIVED a large j lot of SPRING GOODS, and will continue t<»! -1 do so through the summer, consisting in part of Ladies’ Silk Fixed CONGRESS GAITERS, ' i do do do do \ do Glove Kid Congress do do Colored TTPT “ do do Black do do do Fine Philadelphia Kid and Morocco SLIP- j - PERS, Misses' Fixed Kid-Top KOSSUTH BOOTS. do Kid and Morocco SUPPERS and TIES, : a Childrens’ SHOES, of every description c Mens' Calf Opera PUMP do Goata HEELED INVINCIBLE*. • ■ Pat-.ut W.PL'll-V - • T£g 1 do Goats B S. do do Cap B. 5. do do K:d Congress GAITERS, do Calf do Boya' do do • do a vu toon .raer--. .= to mention. Call an ! look. v» I have attentive Clerks who will le • .11 ST RECEIVED, V FRESH lot of those justly famous MOROCCO BOOTS, from Philadelphia j ewe t through and through, warrented never : rp. Uli ind -e them. JAMES W. BENCH. the eprif sum; IN THE NATION. ONE THOUSAND PAIRS SOLD ! 5 \OT ONE PAIR KNOW \ TO RIP!: Set red Through and Through. T A DIES' KID WELT BOOTS, sewed j JJ through and through* Just received, attl sizes, from 1 to 7, beside a full a.-.-fortmeut of LADIES, GENTS. MISSES AND CHILDRENS* M ■ ■ <U » B : M , of all kiudfi. C'ail and see them. jau2s JAS. W. BURCH. Broad-street. . ■ teino- 1 G. R. DODGE'S I: DYEING ESTABLISHMENT Greene-st reel, above Kollock-st. ]i DYMSCr of ev j g-' 'Ascription dnr!t ,. J Bleaching and J'resslr <l=3f i° r Bonnetc ; <; e ntl l ,n, ' ,,s ’clolhjiigclcan-- ChSuHi| repaired at she . »»tjce. Established 1 For Sale. ■’ul. Rlack inks— ! 1 /Ur J* j. ‘“r Writing an-l: a l*>'* Hoaac. GrtvneS.I*' 1 *' vB . at the following prices I r w / By the barrel, per gal t V loVllon e ”oc fi ■ 11, .thesingle gal., diet-’’ c / Warranted superior r G R DOr)fiE - Augusta, May 30. my3o ‘ ly \ CLEAN LINEN AND COITON RAGS, (packed in bales,) Cash will be Paid, :at the office of BATrf PAPER MIIAS, on Reynolds I street, betweeu Jackson aud Mclntosh. Augusta. • Georgia. my 3 unprecedented INDUCEMENTS ! I AM SELLING my stock of VEHICLES. consisting of Carriages, Roekawa.ys, BAROUCHES, JERSEY WAGONS RUGGIES, witli aud without tops, of all the different styles now manufactured at prices AS LOW as can be bought in anySoutherr city. Being constantly in the receipt of goods I am enabled to offer to the public something both fresh and new. ! In addition to the above, I keep always on hand a number of Vehicles of my own mauufac ure. ( I also warrant al! work that leaves mv store. K. H. MAY, I At my oid stand, corner Jackson and Ellis-ste. in roar oi Globe Hotel d22-lv LUTHER ROLL, IT IIIS MW STAND, Corner of Ellis aud Jnckgon-Stg., j Nearly in the Rear of the Globe Hotel , | ON THE CORNER BELOW ARCHER’S STABLES, HAS ON HAND At full assortment of COACHES, ROCKAWAYS. lop and NoTop BUGGIES, &c. ; which will be sold extremely I low and on accommodating terms. ALSO—A full assortment of a.’l kinds 6f mate rials used by Coach and Harness Makers, &e.: SUCH AS AXLES, SPRINGS. BOLTS. HUBS. FELLOWS SOKES. SHAFTS, SINGLETREES, BANDS ' MALEABLE CASTINGS. ENAMELLEDiii leather „nd cloth. patext^Hb DASH and HARNESS LEATH- WKT ER, 4c.. 4c. REPAIRING oi Harness aud Vehicle*done promptly and at low prices. V’ehi let* manufactured to order. The same assortment to be found at the old stand, corner of Washington and Reynold-sts.. I in rear of the Augusta Hotel. jan-twly Volcanic Pistols and Rifles. | npHE.SE PISTOLS carry the Minnie! JL bails and shoot six times with one loading, j I the load and cap being contained in the balls. I They shoot with great precision and force. The I Hides are a cariosity. With one loading they | can be discharged twenty times in one minute. ! anil are the best guns for squirrel banting ex tant. The undersigned is the sole Agentfor the com pany in this city. HENRY J . OSBORNF. Watch. Jewelry and Optical Store, 266 Broad-st. Augusta, da. febl2 Candles. mWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY Boxes j|_ ADAMANTINE CANDLES. For sale bv my 12-m A. D. WILLIAMS. jjbafog-lßak Closing. NEW SPRING AND SUMMER ■< »■:■> •mr.-jtm ■> CLOTHING! RAMSEY & E A HAW (Opposite the Union Hank, Augusta, Georgia.) ! VIIE receiving: daily, and are offering to their friends and customers the >arges and best selected stock this season they have : i ever offered, having purchased the entire .-dock | almost exclusively !or Cash , and paid unusual attention to the manufacture of the Clothing. We ! are prepared to offer them at prices to defy com petition . We have an elegant line of SCARFS. CRAVATS, STOCKS, I NDERSHIItTS and DRAWERS, every grade : ! Linen Bosom SHIRTS, from the well-known j manufactories of Morrison 4 Co.. Golden Hill ' John M. Davis & Co., and Fowler & Co. —ALSO— j ( A complete line of GLOVES, of every kind • ' HANDKERCHIEFS, SOCKS, 4c. ’ l i We have also a very large stock of SERVANTS ' j CLOTHING, of every kind, which we would call , especial attention to. I Merchants and others would do well to call be- j fore purchasing elsewhere. mh3l Yew Sprint; anti Summer CLOTHING! For 18SB ARE GETTING IN a splendid ▼ t stock of GOtjDS. and invite all who need any art.cle m our line to cail and examine them, consisting in part of Side Stripe CAS IMERE COATS and SACKS, with PANTS and VESTS to match : Blv.< Cloth and CashmeretFßOCKS and SACKS: Black P.*NTS . Black Barathea and Grenadine SILK VESTS, (a light article for spring) ; Brown. White and Check Si ie-Stripo Linen and Mar---.lie-. CC'ATS PANTS and VESTS A Large lot of FURNISHING GOODS :’ White tut* Uoi.ired DRAW ERS- SOCK J . HAM'KtRCBtEf COL bo iv ii. in mu. ALL SIZES AND PRICES. Tailoring! Cur -u- < «>f nice Cl/JTHS. Black. Blue, Brown i • i Claret, arrived, together n beau • tt:-:l assortment «>i -ide-.*trtpe CAScIMERF. for | i>auts : >ide-s ripe LINENS and MARSEILLES for t pun- : Rich SILK and MARSEILLES PATTERNS S for vest-'. All of which Mr. JOHN KENNY will ! j be pleased t • Bhow and make up to order, war- i i ranted to lit and please or no sale. JOHN K. noil A & CO., Successors to J. M. Newby 8f Co., i rnliSO Under U. S. Hotel. Augusta. Ga. GEVERUt STOCK OF REM MM CLOTIIII, ~YTOW is the time to buy the following -L i articles for Mens’ an& Boys Wear, cheap- ; l er than they should be sold iu this market RAGLANS, OVERCOATS, SHAWLS, 'BLANKETS ROBES. Fine Cloth and Cossimere COATS Fine VESTS. PANTS, SHIRTS. DRAW ERS, SUSPENDERS, CRAVATS. STOCKS, COLLARS, TRUNKS, VALICES, and every article in our line. novO CLAYTON k KENNEDY. GENTLEMENS’ Fall and Winter Goods for 1857. MY stock of goods is now full and comprises everything that is fashionable in CLOTHS, CASSIMERES and VESTINGS, which will be made to order as good and as fashionable as can be obtained in any part of the country. au*o, A fine and select stock of Ready-Made CLOTH ING. which cannot be ex. eiled by any Goods in the city. ■AL.BO. A large stock of FURNISHING GOODS, embra cing everything that is necessary for Gentle men's wear. All goods sold at this establishment warrant ed as represented. J- A. VAN WINKLE THE" APOTHECARIES BILL. AUGUSTA, GA. fjUIE Proprietor of JL the above establish ; meat respectfully invites qc-p the attention of Physicians ft and Families to lii’s stock of select I) UGS, MEM CIXES and CHEMICALS of the purest qualities and at moderate prices. Jg Amongst my assortment arc the following articles : ; Surgical Instruments of ! every variety ; French, English and American Per lumery, Trusses, Shoulder Bracesand Abdominal Sup porters ; every variety ot Combs and Toilet Brushes; lamp Oils, Wicks and Lamp Shades ; Paints, Paint Oils, Patent j Brushes, Window Glass, Varnishes, 4c.: Medi j cinal Wines and Brandies ; Burning Fluid and ! • Cumpheue ; Spices of ail kinds ; Pot and Pearl j 1 Ashes, Indigoes and Dye-Woods: Starch, Tapioca J ] Sago, Pearl Barley and Arrow Root. Also, a constant supply best Sweedish Leeches, ! Quinine. Morphine. Elaterium, Strychnine. Cblo j roform, 4c. 4c., from the most responsible La boratories. The preparation of Pharmacopeial articles Ls i conducted personally by I)r. A. S. RAVENS- I CROFT, a graduate of the Ix>ndon College of Phar- | macy. All articles warranted. T. P. FOGARTY, 195 Broad-si., d24-tf Under the Augusta Hotel. KEROSINE OIL AND Lamps! \ NOTHEiI LOT OF THE ABOVE re reived. LAMPS sold as low as JT, .$} 25 each, will give a light equal to six Candles—warranted not to gum, | explode, smell or congeal ; will give J) '■} * a steady, constant light for TWENTY Nfjm/ HOURS without trimming. Efuj i The public are invited to call and jP, ;l examine them at the w * APOTHECARIES’ HALL, 'S Under the Augusta Hotel. mSXr.x i \ ap26 T OMAS P. FOGARTY. ; f B A e 0 Iff . O l hlids. Prime SHOULDERS, O J 10 do. Ribbed SIDIiJ, without back-bone i 5 do. Clear do 4 do. PLAIN HAMS. < 2 do. SUGAR CURED HAMS. « For sale by . ap2B McCOR!\ HORTON 4 WAI TON. Hath (South Carolina) Paper Mills WILL KKEI> ON HAND in this city. Y V and for sale at lowest cash pi ijes, con- I slant supplies of BOOK, NEWS, and WRAPPING PAPER, of best qualities. Ordors promptly filled. Store Room on Reynold street, immediately j j rear of City Bank. GKO. W. WIN'IKK. > Augusta, April 8, 1858. aptl-tf | NUMBER 423 Bliffdlaiuoiis. Sundries. ONE THOUSAND kegs “Reading'' an 4 “ Old Dominion” NAIL?. •2000 sacks Liverpool SAI T, new. 1000 bushels bulk do 100 sacks Alum do 50 bbls pure ODER VINEGAR, 100 bales heavy GUNNY BAGGING, SOO coils Machine ROI*F, 50 boxes Kingland’s Pearl STARCH, 50 do No. 1 and Pale SOAP. 50 do Fresh CANDY, 200 do TOBACCO, some very cheap, •20 do prime Layer RAISINS, 20 do do MR do •20 half boxes do do, *c.. kc. For sale low by j mh26 ’ DANIEL H. WILCOX. Mackerel. ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY pack ages MACKEREL, just received and for t sale by mh'24 McCORD. HORTON' S WALTON. Bacon. Tl .‘; rt .?, lhr ’ us ' lnJ P°und3 choice Dew Ten ! nessec BACON, hog round, on hand and for side j b F fehd A. STEVENS Bacon. 3« casks prime Tennessee Shoulder? to ar rive within a lew days. j febs ' BAKER. WRrr.HT * CO. WINI)( YW SITaDEST LMh I \ different patterns netv style JL Window Shades, just received at 1 BENJA Ml X * GIXIDRICH’S Furuiture Wareruoma COWETA HOUSE, NEWNAN, GA. mMl >' SANDERS W. I.EE. GEER S MACHINE FOR C l T T I N I> I, \MXG AN!) 'IOn,I)I.VG Hiisei;mu forms. A N IN’.SIRLMKXT capable of j**- jT\. . • r::i;i<_ ii. arly all the irregular and ourv e; worn: u=ed in carpentry, such as Arches, Bracket- and Scrolls ; in Cabinet vv ' :K - Carriage Building, Boat and Ship Builclhi? ind Mill Work of all kind-. 6 i-vr.-oud who have work of this kind are in v'l to visit the shop of the subscriber, whore tney wd! find a machine in operation. '<L*-hine« on hand for sale. WM. H. GOODRlfff 00129 Reynold-street STONE MOUNTAIN HOUSE, DeKALB COUNTY, GA. mM -Iy S. F, ALEXANDER. TENNKSSKk l ItODUC*: THE timlersignetl is prepared to nxe- X cute with promptness orders for Bacorn. Lard, Vhtat, Rye, Oats, Cum, Flour or any Hker products ut Middle Tennessee v D. D PICKET' No. 5 College-street, Nashville. Venn, augtll l y R. P. SPELMAN, fir PAINTER, i Greene-street, Augusta, Gw rgm. EURE K.2L ! rpillS is THE EXCLAMATION of the JL SUFFERING DYSPEPTIC after having tried all the patent nostrums of the day. when resort has once been had to that long popular, tho roughly tested, and never failing Remedy, the Colleton Bitters! Prepared nder the superviM u of Mr? EMU T A JENKINS. The disease is driven from the system like the dew-drop ir<jjn the » ose-bud in the morning sunlight. What greater proot can the commit i r v ( i ire that the article above named is a RELIABLE REMEDY than that it has been sold i in this City lor a series of Tuxnty-Fivt years, and has the unsolicited recommendations oi Physi cians. Clergymen, Ladies and Gent emeu *f 'the first standing. Hundreds of letters have been J received from the most respectable sources, all i speaking iu ui qualified measure of praise of j this truly GREAT MEDICINE. Mrs. E\ A. JENKINS regrets the necessity of informing her friends and the public that since the introduction of the Celebrated COLLE TON BITTERS, i • itati ns have sprung up. made by the inexperienced, end of course possessing 1 but little m rit, they have usually had but an [ ephemeral existence : but th suffering aud poor I Dyspeptic must be on his guard, or worthless imitations will be palmed on him in place of my well known remedy. Buy none, therefore, but 'that with my name on the label, ami a'aoob- I ?orv e Hiat the name ‘ Colleton Diners 'is blown | in the Glass. The Colleton Bitters is for sale bv everv re -pe table Drugget in the City and State ; The Trade will b supplied on Liberal Terms, j Orders should be addressed to JoHN ASHORST, special Ageut, • 29 Hayne-st., Charleston. S. C. fror sale iu Augusta. Ga., by PLU B l.Eif | NER and B. F. PALMER. M. D.; in Hamburg by A. J. PELLESEIR & CO. "m my MACHINE SEWING! A ll descriptions of fine and xJI COARSE SEWING is done with dispatch at the Machine Sewing Rooms l On Broad street, above N K Butler’s. The heads of families wll find it to their inte rest to call ami examine specimens of beautiful work, which is daily executed there AT MODERATE CHARGES. DRESSES for Ladies and' hildren tucked in the handsome-1 style. SHIRTS. PANTS, VE-TS, and every article of Clothing ma e with dispatch much handsomer than by hand. **• Call at the “ MACHINE SEWING ROOM.” ngnst.i April -28. IS5* ,ip2B CA JR PET ISTORE , IN CHARLESTON, S. C. CARPET DEPARTMENT. RO\AL VELVET PILE; Tapestry Brussels ; English Wire Brussels ; Printed Brussels ; Printed Velvet ; 6-4, 12-4 and 16-4 Druggets ; Felt Druggets ; Crumb Cloths ; Eng lish Venetian for stairs, ontrbs 4nd church aisles; Imperial Three-Plys; Americab Ingrains; Sof'tch and English Ingrains ; Canton am! Cocoa Mattings ; Mosaic, Axminster, Brussels, Velvet an ', Tufted Rugs ; Door Mats ; Stair Carpet. Rods, &c. ’ LINEN DEPARTMENT. ! S-4 and 10-4 Table Damask ; 7-4 up to 24 4 Ta ; ble Cloths ; 4-4 Family Linens ; 7 8 Shirting j Linens ; line Fronting Linens ; Pillow Case Lin- I ens ; 3 yards wide Sheetiugdo. ; Birds’ Eye Di , a per ; Scotch Diaper ; Brown Table Damask ; Brown Table Cloths ; 3 yards wide Drngg'ts ; N’apk.ns, Doilies, Tow>ls, Trav Cloths. Dowlass, I Crash,Huckaback, etc.; S 4 co'ored Tabling; i Colored Table Covers ; Fruit Doilies , Piano Cov ers; Centre Covers: Window Shades. FLOOR OIL CLOTHS cut for Rooms or ' ntries. JAMES «. BAILIE, mhlTly Proprietor. FITZGERALD’S FRESH NORFOLK OYSTERS! PUT UP IN TIN CASES, hermetrical iy sealed and pickled—-v [ ;|>«n an improved plan, imparting ( O.J ! t«> the OYSTER the most delicate flavor. A constant supply may be found at the AU GUSTA ICE HOUSE, opposite South Carolina. Railroad Depot. apltt-m