Newspaper Page Text
Cbcnrag gtsjratcjj.
.'1 O’CLOCK P. M. MAY 31,1858.
Noilcc lo AdvriUscix.
Advertisements for the Evkxivg IhstMTcn ruusl ]
be handed iu by eleven o'clock in the forenoon , in
order to appear the same day.
Or. Hoynton.
This gentlemen gives his popular
scientific entertaiument to-night al
Concert Hall. Everybody ought to be
A lind Memory.
A juvenile crinoline IhaWSe wot of,
went to hear Rev. Mr. H&Ckso.x on yes
terday. “Local,” who was taking a
stroll in the afternoon, met her, w hen
the following colloquy ensued :
t “Well, Fannie, did you go to Church
-, to-day?”
,5 “Oh, yes, sir; I got a uew bonnet
last week, and weut to show Sallie
Smith that other folks can have new
things as well as her.”
fi “Where was the text, Fannie.”
L ’ “Oh ! I was so sleepy that I have for
if “Did you see Mary there?” (Mary is
supposed to be “Local’s” sweetheart—
Fannie's rival.)
1 “Oh, yes, I saw her—and she had on
the meanest old faded seven-pence mus
: lin dress —her last year's bonnet—her
, mother’s old white shawl, dved as red
, as a cherry and some old jewelry giv
en her by Jim Brown. I know 1
wouldn't go to church looking that
, way!”
* “But Fannie, perhaps you were so
sleepy that your eyes deceived you!”
“Ohno- I sat right behind her, and
j I do believe it was the glare of her red
shawl that made me sleepy slie'saper-
Nyfeet fright.”
' “ Local” touched his tile, which had
j been long deprived of its nap, and walk
ed on, wondering how much easier it
is for a woman to remember some
. things than others.
i -•
Serving Machines.
' Wo have recently noticed the grow
ing popularity of the different Machines
, for sewing. The Grover & Baker
machine seems to he quite a favorite ;
and as a kind of endorsement to what
we have said, based on our own experi
ence with one of them, we present the
following communication from a gen
tleman well known in Georgia, who ap
preciates their utility, and desires to
aid iu freeing those “ dearer to us than
ourselves” from the bondage of the nee
dle. Unquestionably, every family
should have a Sewing Machine.
Rome, Ga., May 25, 1858.
Mr. Editor :—I desire to call public at
tention, through your columns, to A labor
saving and economical invention which
has found its way among us, through
the enterprise of one of your citizens.
I allude to Grover & Baker's Sewing
Machine. Without canvassing the
comparative merits of this article, I can
at least say that it has been tried in our
community here, and has given full and
entire satisfaction. And as an article
which has been thus approved and fully
known to us, I have no hesitation in
saying that for economy, dispatch, and
labor-saving, it ranks fully equal with
the steam engine, in its peculiar depart
merit: Perhaps indeed that class ot
confining sedentary labor superseded by
it, was a greater evil than the purely
physical force and effort superseded hv
the Steam Engine. 1 would recommend
this Machine to the men of our State as
the nteans of escaping from tlrat incubus
of coniiniug labor, which has to such a
degree injured the forms and paled the
the roses ot their wives and daughters.
Certainly the ingenuity of man Iras
loug enough been taxed to aid and as
sist masculine labor. And it is now
time for it to come to the relief of those
who are dearer to us than ourselves, the
women of our country. As fully meet
ing this end, at least as far as tire worst
part of their labor is concerned, I would
again recommend the before mentioned
Machine. An Observer.
Kci'okiiiH) Oil.
have received the following com
munication from the manufacturers ot
Kerosene ol,', »l reference to the late
accident at Mr. Monger's, and to tin
non-explosive properties of the oil they
New York, May 25th, 1858.
To the Editor of the Augusta Eve-
OmvKtm-Eear Sir: Our attention
>„ «!I called to an article that ap
j your issue of the 10th inst.,
describing accident that occurred at
theresidence ot Mr- .Hunger, of your
city from the explosion of a t out ltd
barrel, whereby a neg'ro won,an was
killed, and in which you have inadver
tently done an injury t" the Kerosene
Oil Company, of which we are agents,
by stating “ that the barrel contained
Coal Oil , commonly ki.'own us Kerosene
OH* &c - . 1 at 4
Now, it has been ascertained, that
the barrel referred to, never contained
Kerosene Oil, but some preparation pur
chased by Mr. M unger from a party do
ing business in Greenwich street, New
York, and who calls his article “ Carmel
Coal Oil." No accident has over oc
curred from the many thousands of
barrels of Kerucme Oil distributed all
pver the United States.
Unprincipled dealers in this city are;
very {l P* to apply the term “Kerosene" i
to any -compound resembling the pro-J
ducts' froi.D «>»•. and Ule public arc;
thcr-by dcce> e -l. *'>d. very often, en
dangered by tlu" use of explosive mix
tures. . , , ~,
“ Kerosene” is the trade mark of tire
Kerosene Oil Company, pd it* exclusive
property, and all parties making use of
the word to facilitate the sale of explo
sive compounds, or oils, not manufac- ;
turod by the Kerosene Oil Company, i
will be prosecuted for their illegal use '
of the same.
You will please give this letter an
insertion in your journal, so that the
talsc impression, created by your arti
ole, may be counteracted.
AVe assure you, most emphatically,
Unit Kerosene, as manufactured by our ,
Company, is not ex plus ire.
Yours, truly, Austens’,
Agents of KeroseucOil Company.
N. 11.--Mr. E. 10. Scofield, of your city,
is our sole agent for the sale of Kero
sene, and all oils obtained from him
will be found genuine.
Tim Suicide of Herbert—Tlic Lutl} .
The Cincinnati Enquirer has the fol
lowing particulars of the young lady I
whose “ romantic” maniuge with Her
bert, the author, has been remarked
upon in connection with his suicide :
The lady who has figured so largely
iu the late suicide of “ Frank Forres
ter'’ iu New York is not unknown in
the world, though never before so con
spicuously brought to public notice.—
Some five*, years ago, as a young gentle
man, then and now connected with the
theatrical profession, and at the present
time a member of one of our dramatic
companies in this city, met the lady in
Providence, lo r native city. A warm
and romantic attachment grew up be
tween them. He was young, talented
and good looking—she was beautiful,
fascinating and accomplished. Time
passed, and subsequently the pair met
in New Orleans, where the youthful
candidate for Thespian honors had fol
lowed Ids inamorata. The interposition
of friends, under whose charge the lady
had been placed, threatened to cut
short the happiness of the romantic pair;
“ liOv«s laughs at locksmiths.”
The young gentleman scaled the
walls of the Uoly’s castle, where her
cruel friends had confined her, and
bore off his love by stealth to Mobile,
where the twain were made one at the
Battle House in that city, on the 14th
of January, 1854. They lived very
happily together for two yeais. Itela
lives became reconciled—tbe young
gentleman abandoning the state for the
study o! tin* law, at the earnest solici
tation of his wife's friends. All went
oil happily, and they seemed blessed in
each other’s society, until the lady's
friends began to sow the seeds of discord
between tin- pair, and lie, from love of
the profession, again essayed the stage.
The lady’s friends, to accomplish their
designs, falsely accused the husband of :
infidelity, and threatened her with dis-i
inheriance if she did not leave him. !
Finally t hey succeeded, and under the j
pretense of a visit to friends in New
York, she left her husband with a part
ing kiss and smile of fond endearment,
in the same manner that she has her
late husband, declining any further
communication. The youthful hus
band, of course, was frantic, sought for
a reconciliation, and resorted to all
kinds of expedients to bring it about.
At last the lady seemingly relented, and
promised to return to him. provided he
would consent to a divorce as a means i
of pacifying her relatives, at the same!
time pledging her word to marry him
again in secret. • Full of confidence and
trust, he acceded; the divorce was pro
cured by default in the Rhode Island
Courts. The lady never kept her faith,
and the young gentleman lives to con
gratulate him-elf on his escape from a
false-hearted woman.
Sir transit gloria amour is.
The receipts of cotton aUJalveston this ;
season tip to tin- 22d inst, the Civilian !
says, sum up 104.071 hales. The Civil
iau adds that there are I>ooo bales ot
The Civilian notices that the mer
chants and business men of Galveston
are holding prayer meetings daily.
The San Antonio Texan mentions
Indian incursions thirv miles from Fort
Clark, and at (.-amp Hudson. Two men
were shot, one through the arm and the
other through the leg.
The Galveston Civilian, of tfie 20th
inst.. says :
We have been informed by the post
master at Hi Hums creek, that the mail
from Nacogdoches to Woodville was lost
in the Nachcs river three weeks ago last
The Houston Telegraph says the rot
has appeared in the Irish potato crop m
that neighborhood.
The Austin Intelligencer learns that the
four white men, Willis, Morrison, Tip
ton and Jones, of Lampasas county. |
who, in company with several Indians, j
committed the recent murders in Jacks !
county, have, been hung. Seven poi
sons, it is said, were murdered, viz:
James R Cameron, wife and three chil
dren, and Thomas Mason and wife.
The Palestine Advocate, of the 19th
inst., says :
All the accounts from the wheat
growing counties agree in representing
that the present season is the most
promising one that they have had for a
loug while. In some of the counties
they are busily engaged in cutting the
crop, aud the yield is truly gratifying
—. ’•«
In 1850, the population of France was
at a stand still, and there was that year
a preponderance of deaths over births
to the number of 500,000.
It is estimated that the commercial
world has lost by the revulsion of 1857,
five hundred millions of dollars.
It is estimated that, of the 6,000 per
sons tried before the N. Y. Court of
Special Sessions during last year, not i
more than 94 were sober when arrested, i
The Evangelist states that the German
Methodists in the United States number j
Gentlemen asking young ladies to
“share their lot in life,” should be
particular in stating the size of the lot i
and its value per acre.
- »
One of the finest writers says that
“the nightly dews come down upon us I
like blessings.” How very differently j
tbe daily dues come down upon us in
these hard times.
A Minnesota paper speaks of a lady
, in that State who had twenty-one ehil
j dren. This augurs well for the popttla-
I tion of the new State.
J The passenger fare on the East Ten
nessee and Georgia Railroad has again
been put down to four cents a mile.
Officers of two New York regiments
' have tendered then-services to the Presi
; dent in case of war with England. I
Commtrnal intcllknct.
■ u
Cin'si ii:ii.c.s from Liverpool ..May ls»
I.ateKl dates from Havre May f» !
Citesl. dittos Irani Havana April 25 j
Avgusta. Mon lay, May 31, I*. M j 1
Corrox—Tin* sales since Saturday, 2 o’clock, •
amount to L 0 bales : 3at 9L, 7at 10, 84 al 11, I
L> at 12 i onla. Receipts ’.’fil hides. Prices mi- i
changed since, our last report. 1 emend ex- |
Homely limited.
Bacon Our market today is perfectly stag
n.uit. There is no change in quotations : Clear
Sides 10%ffini ; llams ; Shoulders 7'«
fo>S ; Hog Round OfS)!). cent-.
Cokn—Wc bear of n sale of 402 bushels Ten
lies-no, at Depot, at 55 cents, sacks included.
Wheat—There is nothing doing in Wheal,
farmers iu the vicinity are busy harvesting,
and our market will probably open during the
present week.
Augusta I'i oi ision Market.
IC, ported by K. I'HU.POT, Cirri: ,jflhr I UrM. j
Beef, on foot wholesale 0 (us 1
Hogs do do 7>*(2) 8
Beef retail 100 12# (
Mutton « (S) 10 !
fork 10(5) 12J* j
Veal 10 (5) 12 V
Lorn Meal 80(g)ft0
3Weet Potatoes 150(5)200
Chickens 20(2)35
turkeys 100(5)150 1
Ducks 35(5) 40
Corn, by the Load 70(5) 75
fodder, by the Load, 100 90 (2)100
Mew Oats, $ 100 75 (5)luo I
Dry LiootU Trade.
NEW YORK,.May 27.—The trade this month!
on the whole has been satisfactory. A fair de ;
mand still lingers. The supplies of seasonable
and desirable silk goods are limited, and prices
ire consequently very Ur in for these ; but all
d goods an I out-of-date styles, of which there
are not a few, are lo be bought at low tigures.
The jobbers are ■ oiling to their regular custom
ors lor siz mouths notes. In woolens there is
not much doing, excepting in fancy cassimercs.
fancy silk vestings ure also active, Iho retail
trade feels the forced economy of the times on
consumers, yet there is some improvement as
compared with last month Domestic cotton
goods are quiet, without change in prices.
Woolens are in too great overstock to be lirm, i
excepting the fashionable styles of cassimercs
and satinets. Steadiness seems to characterize
the general dry goods market, for the features i
: have not changed since the opening of the sea
son. Preparations arc already making for the
commencement of the Call trade, which it is ho
ped will be au animating one.
§ (lipping Intelligent.
CHARLESTON. May *29.—Arrived, ship Hainp
, den, Cadiz; sclirs .1.1 fir ice, S.l Waring, and
Pocahontas ; ship Camden, New York.
Cleared, stmship Nashville, New York ; sli p
Othello, Havre ; bark Mar.' Sawyer, Ilio de Ja
neiro ; hark Jodo, Boston ; schr Tims Dennison,
New Orleans.
ESii in in 2; Fluid.
MY SALES having very rapidly in
creased, I imw li n l myself entirely out of
I PH) D; and .since 1 have been out I learn that
I the price, (at some other hou.-es,) 111- a '.vaiiet d
from 00 to 8-i cents per gallon
As 1 will soon lx*in receipt of an ample sup
1 ply, I will continue to sell at my old price ot
h .w a-;
by the Ballon, Can. or Barrel, which will be
warranted equal to anv sold in the oily.
my."’.l 8. C. MPSTIV.
I .allies’ Vino
Philadelphia Shoes.
TUST RECEIVED, Ladies’ Fine Kid!
j Ladies’ fine Kid TIES : do. do. BUSKINS ;
do do do BUI’S, With heels ;
1 I do do do BOOTS, do do
‘ do do Silk CONG. GAITERS, with heels ;
[ do uo do do do •without do.
For sale low by BfRCH k ROBERT,
my*2s m At the old stand of J. W. Burch
Codon (Jins.
milE VERY BEST, at tire Mailiinery
I Five Glo.s IV,'-tun & MorrillN YEAST
, jpoWDERS just received at
J > ACON, BAi UN !
I > lu casks .-mall FAMILY HAMS,
fib casks SHOCI.DERS,
A small lot of JOA'LS. Just received by
I iuj-29 moa r. jTovali. a co.
• j 3‘. hlnJs very choice PORTO RICO,
*2O hhds good MUSCOVADO. K>r .-mlc hv
'2O bales 8 oz. OSNABITROB, for sale by
. Ml 1111.1. s CUBA YIOI.A.SSI'3.
I 100 bids choice Porto Rico SYRUP, (cypress
1 barrels.)
j 30 bid Sugar House SYRUP, for sale by
■ : jut ae e«. .b. «. a, a-. at»
Family and PlantalionUse,
FIIIIESE are tin; only Machines which
l will do, ON THE SAME MACHINE, both the
Qne-t and coarsest work
Principal Olhce, 458 Broadway, New York.
C’liarlestou Olllce, 324 King . ireet.
Columbia, S. C , Hop.-mi k Sutphen, Agents.
Augusta Agency at IT. D. NORRELL’S Book
Store, "244 Broad-street.
FLAX THREAD, lor Plantation use; SILK
TWIST; Sewing Machine OIL, NEEDLES, &c\,
, for sale.
Apply for a <-opy of Singer & Co.’s Gazette.
Sent free by mail. my2f»-tf
Fliiladulplita Shoes.
TUST KECEIN Es), hv last Steamer,
0J all kinds of GENTS’ F INE DRESS SHoLS,
I’hiladelplua make. They will b sold low. Call
aud sec them. BURCH k ROBERT,
my "25-in At the old staud of J. W Burcli.
N Clark, J. b, ace,
Murfreesboro ; arietta, Ga.
IV. ('LARK Cw CO.,
Wholesale and Retail
<m KC « * ,
I AjrStrict attention glyen to purchasing Grain
j Bacon, lard, Xc., on all orders enclosing remit
i References —J. R. Wilder, Savannah ; Thos. J*
Stovall, Augusta ; Charles Campbell, Macon
High, Peters \ Co., Atlanta; Col J. 11. (Hover
Marietta; Col. R. L. Molt, Columbus ; Thoma
Joseph, Moni“omery, Ala.; W. Spence, ‘‘Ex
change Bank,” Murfreesboro ; Luner k Philips
Have a large and sblendU?
. stuck, of
Just received bom New York, which
Merchants and Planters are respectfully n
quested to call and examine their goods, ;ls they
will be sold low.
11., W. Ik Co. would respectfully invite the at
tention of Indies to a beautiful assortment of
-m ■« « fi ■ ■
aud a great variety of other articles opened this
I day. ap9
Special 'flofots.
i'T T lie Great I’ rnlileni
l»!Ali.—The. dyspeptic patient, whoso stomach j
lihs lost the power of duly converting Food into a ,
life sustaining element, is relieved hy a single
course of this extraordinary tonic. The gastric,
fluid re acquires its solvent power, and the crude •
nutriment, which was a load and a burthen to 1
the sufferer, while his digestive organization was *
paralyzed and unstrung, becomes, untier the
wholesome revolution created in the system, the
l>asis t*f activity, strength and health.
The nervous sufferer, while tormented by the
acute, physical agony of Neuralgia, Tic doloreux
or ordinary headache, alllicted with vague tej
rors, wakened by periodical tin, threatened with i ‘
paralysis, J borne down and dispirited by that 1
terrible lassitude which proceeds from a lack of
nervous energy, or experiencing any other pain i
or disability arising from the unnatural condition 1
of the wonderful machinery which connects ev- j
ery member with the source of sensation, mo
tion and thought—derives immediate- benefit
i from the use of this Cordial, which atoucecaliu:,
j invigorates and regulates the shattered nervous
I organization.
! Females who have tried it are unanimous in
i declaring the Elixir to be the greatest boon that
; woman has ever received from the hands of
j medical men.
| Morse’s Invigorating Elixir has a direct, im
mediate and astonishing effect upon the appetite. ,
While it renews the strength of the digestive
powers it creates a desire for the solid material
which is to be subjected to their action. As an
appetiser it has no equal in the Pharmacopia.
If long life and the vigor necessary to its en
| joyment are desirable, this medicine is indeed of
precious worth
. Its bomditrial effects are not confined to either
sex or to any age. The feeble girl, the a,ling
wife, the listless, enervated youth, the overworn
man of business, the victim of nervous depres
sion. the individual suffering from general de
bility or from the weakness of a single organ
will all find immediate and permanent relief from
the use 6f this incomparable reimvator. To
those who have a predisposition to paralysis it
will prove a complete ami unfailing safe-guard
j agaiust that terrible malady. There are many
perhaps who have so trifled with their constitu
tion thutthcN think themselves beyond the reach
of medicine. Let not even those despair. The
Elixir deals with disease as it exists, without re
ference to the causes, ami will not only remove
the disorder itself, but rebuild the broken con
LOSS OF MEMORY, confusion, giddiness, rush
of blood to the head, melancholy, mental debil
ity, hysteria, wretchedness, thoughts of self-de
struction, fear of insauily, hypochondriasis, dys
pepsia, general prostration, irritability, nervous
ness, inability to sleep, distaste incident to fe
males*, decay of the propagating functions, hy s
teria, monomania, vague terrors, palpitation of
the heart, impotency, constipation, etc., from
whatever cause arising, it is, if there is any reli
ance to be placed on human testimony, absolute
ly inßilliPio.
CAUTION.--Dr. Morse’s Invigorating Cordial
has been counterfeited by gome unprincipled
persons. In future, all the genuine Cordial will
have the proprietor’s fan simile pasted over the
cork of each bottle, and the following words
blown in glass : Dr. Morse’s Invigorating Cor
dial, C. H. RING, proprietor, N. Y.
This cordial is put up highly concentrated in
pint bottles : $3 per bottle ; two lor $5 ; six for
sl2. C If. RING, proprietor, 192 Broadway, N
York. Sold by Druggists throughout the Cnited
States, Canadas and the West Indies. Also, by
LEITNRR. Augusta. febld-Sm
go The UKar English
Remedy — Sir .Tames Clakkk’s CELEBRATED
FEMALE PILLS. Prepared from a prescription
•>f Sir .1. Clarke, M. D., Physician Extraordinary
lo the Queen.
This invaluable medicine is unfailing in the
cure or all those painful and dangerous diseases
, to which the female constitution is subject. It
moderates all excess and removes all obstruc
tions, and a speedy euro may be relied on.
TO MARRIED LADIES it h peculiarly suited. I
It will, in a short time, bring on the monthly
period with regularity.
Each bottle, price One Dollar, hears the Gov
ernment 4*’tamp of Great Britain, to prevent
These Pills bon Id not be taken by females
during the first three inyiUhs of Pregnancy, as
they are sure to bring on Miscarriage, but at any
other time the\ are safe.
In all cases of Nervous and Spinal Affections,
Pain in the Back and Limbs, Fatigue on slight
exertion, Palpitation of the Heart, Hysterics and
Whites, these Pills will effect a cure when all
other melius have tailed, and although a power
ful remedy. do not contain iron, talomel, anti
mony, or anything hurtful to the Constitution.
Full directions in the pamphlet around each
package, which should he carefully preserved.
.‘-ole Agent for the United States and Canada,
JOB MOSES, (late I.c. e-aldwin &Co.)
Rochester, New York.
N B.—One Dollar and six Postage Stamps on
closed to any authorized Agent, will insure a
bottle containing over fitly pills, by return mail
Wholesale and Retail Agents for the state o
Georgia. ;.-],l -y
$T O\ j geia ute «l Bitter*,
of this remarkable medicine, and it. astonishing
success in obßlinato cases of Dyspepsia, Asthma,
and General Debility of the System, places it
among the most wonderful discoveries in medi- 1
cal science, and has given it a reputation far be
yond any remedy known for these complaints,
in .Hi their various forms.
The Oxygenated Hitters contain nothing which
can intoxicate ; and the medicine has no simi
larity whatever to the various alcoholic mix
tures disguised as ‘‘Bitters,” being purely a
medicinal compound, in which are combined the
most valuable remedial agents, and a peculiar
oxygenated property, hitherto unknown, hut
highly efficacious in all complaints arising from
weakness and derangement, or prostration of
the stomach and system generally. It is a mild
and agreeable tonic, removing all disagreeable
symptoms, and assisting nature in her efforts to
restore the impaired powers of the system.
Skth W. Fowls k Co., i:>B Washington street,
Boston. Proprietors. .Sold by their Agents :
everywhere. my 18
Coloring Fluids for the
Iloli* are l>n»igerous.—Prof. Wood’s Hair
Tonic restores the color, not by the nitrate of
silver process, but by a restoration of the
healthy functions upon which the original and
natural color of the hair and its moisture, its i.
loss, its life, and consequently its original 1 1
beauty depended. Prof. Wood, at the age of
thirty-seven years, was ns grey as a man o
eighty, and his hair was dry, thin and dead
Now he has not a single grey lock upon his
crown, nor is his hair thin or dry, but soft, pli
able and moist as that of a child of five years.
This preparation acts upon the roots, for after
an application that portion of the hair nearest
the scalp is fouud restored to the original color,
whatever it was, while the ends ol the hair are
gray. Try Wood’s If air 7'ieiic, and do not ap
ply any other till after you have this. With
this resolution will never have occasion to use a
hair dye.
Cautio.v.— Beware of worthless imitations as
several ar. already in the market called by. dif
ferent names. Use none unless the words Prof.
Wood’s Hair Restorative, Depot St. Louis, Mo.,
and New York, are blown in the bottle.
Sold here by all Druggists aud Patent Medicine (
Dealers. Also, by all Fancy and Toilet good
dealers in the U .States and Canadas. my Id
Sparta Academy Lottery.
The following :»re the drawn numbers of the
SPARTA AOADEM Y 141TTEKY, C/ass *sll drawn
MAY *29, ISSB :
17, 59, 69, 15. 48, 14, 27, 39, 70. 10,
61, 20, 53.
The following arc the Drawn Numbers of tbe
drawn MAY3I,ISSS :
57, 16, 64, 17, 11, 58, 73, 34. 29. 25,
63, 66. 61.
I i* Jug \s j commissioners.
S. SWAN &00„ Managers.
Have to be Made!;
myself and so nun y of my brother store
keepers in this city, I am bound to look »*nt for
away to support my family ; avid, th reforo, d
i ■ necessary for me to fall h.o k to my well
known trade of
BOOT-M a k 11\,<;,
tu.l 1 Haft.a- myself that many of my old friend:.
both in this city aud Hamburg, will patronize
their old and well known friend, KROIR.H.
PATCHES put (nearly) on in the time ol drink
ing a glass oi
which ho has always on hand and for sale,
wholesale and retail.
riHS. KROI ('ll.
Store on Broad street, oue door above
Chas. Auffermau’s. my2B-3
12, 1 * cent# B per yard.
Also, Isabella, Jnnannuh and Caroline WHITE
FRINGES; I Allies’ Marseilles COLLARS and
SETTS, both white and colored ; Birnvnghain
and Metropolitan EXTENSION HOOP SKIRTS ;
Black Silk » PITS, both long and short, with aud
without fingers ; an entirely new and handsome
lot of RIBBONS, for Ladies’ Bonnets ; 50 pieces
fine IRISH LINEN, to be sold by the piece only,
at extraordinary low prices; DA MASKS, lx»S'
LIES, NAPKINS; TOWELS, crash and linen;
SHEETING, at prices that cannot fail to com
mand a quick sale. Tho.-e in want of such goods
would do well to call soon. my 27
* «» BB «■ €
Manayed, Drawn and J’rLzcs Paid by t/n '
well known and rexwjivsible firm of
(i K K G O It V M A II It V .
SA LES (![/>SE KAtTI 1 >A Y at 2 o’clock.
Will be drawn on WEDNESDAY. June 2d.
$33,000 !
1 Prize of $12,500
1 do 7,500
1 do 5.000
1 do 3,500
I do 3,000
1 do 2,600
1 do 2,0 f 0
l do 1.750
I do 1,312
10 do 1,000
Ac., kr., kr.
Tickets, $lO ; Halves,iss ; Quarters, $2.50.
To be diawti on SATURDAY, June sth, 1858.
S 3 x\i* iLt Solieme t
$37,300 !
1 do 15,000
1 do 7,500
I do .. . 5 .000
1 do 4,500
i I do 3,000
I do 2, 00
50 do 1,000
50 do 600
kc ., kc ., &c.
Tickets $lO ; Halves $5 ; Quarters S2OO.
Wifi be drawn every day in the follow ing order ; !
The Capital Prize will he from $9,000 to $14,000.
Tickets. $2.50; Halves,sl.2s; Quar’s, 02 'i cts.
Capital, $4,000 to SO,OOO. Tickets, $1; Halves.
50 cent; • Quarters, h) the package.
Capital, $l",0(K) to $15,000.
Tickets, $4; Halves, $2; Quarter , sl.
Capital, $7,500 to $9,000. Ticket- $2; Halves
$1; Quarters, 50 cents.
Capital, $9,000 to $14,000. Tickets, $2 50
Halves, $1.25 ; Quarter-. 02*4 cent.--.
Capital, $ 1.000 to Sti.OOO. Ticket-. $1 • Halves,
50 cents. Quarters, by the packages.
Payment of Prize:; in the above Lotteries
is secured by a bond <4 Seventy Thousand Dot
lars, in the hands of the Treasurer ol the Com
missioners, appointed by the State of Georgia.
Notes of all solvent taken in payment
for Tickets.
Orders promptly atteuded to, and Scheme-;
anti Drawings forwarded. Apply i•»
Broad-st., 3 doors below Post t.'iPce iVrue*’
my 22 Vernier *nr Gregory k Maury
VF AUK AGE containing T l-A THOU
. SAND DOLLARS in Rouk Not,. . addressed
to Ham., Musks & C-0., C dumbos, Georgia, was
stolen from the Adams Express Company, on the
25th day of April last, while in transit from At
lanta. Ga , to Montgomery, Ala
Th-‘ notes were all on the Planters’ k Me
chanics’ Bank, of Charleston, principally
ol the denomination of Fives and Tens, and con
siderably worn.
A reward of S2OOO w ill be paid for the recov
ery of the money, or in like proportion for any
part thereof, and SSOO for information convicting
the thief or thieves.
my 14 ts H B. PLANT, Superintendent.
G ene al Advertising
.-m -
\\7 E DEHIRE to act as Agents for all
▼ V the Publishers in the country, to procure
Subscript ms, Advertisements, and attend to
any other business required in Augusta.
Proprietors are invited to correspond w ith
I. 11. M EARNS & CO.
Re erence Win M. Goodrich, 11..1. Osborne,
Plumb k Leituer, Carmichael Bean my 18
Spring and Summer
Op ezoLixisss.
Ivliss 3VI. I*. Matliowe j
. New York, respectfully calls the zA j
utent ion of lur former friend-and pa -
irons, as well as strangers visiting the
•itv, to her stock of
.vliich she will open on Thursday AYuY, April Ist,
at her
formerly occupied by Ward & Bnrchard.
Also, a full assortment of Childrens’ HATS.
Hoi >PS, of every dca Option.
Mies MATIIK V’S returns thank.-' to her numer
ous friends and customers for their past patron
age, a d solicits u continuance of the same.
All orders attended to promptly.
mh29 M. P. MATHEW’S.
1 * T ' <)llh NT A Nit Of' ,/. If HURON,)
Trunks, (VirpH Bags, School Satchels,
<* «--■» *C «•-, «* «-_
Opposite the Adams Express Company, Augusta, Gs
A and ft,-II salei-ted a-.-id lin.-nl or (,'0 I)N in llie u|„ ivi . h, ’
I 1.0. r Sill IKS an- mail* a,pee all, lor the retail trade, and w ,11 )„. ,„j,, m !’ “ioua Ttarma
I. ATE J/A VII.AM), Am AT &,■ CO.,
BK O A l)-ST It E ET, VVGI ST A, GEt r.,
PARIS, Sfc., Sfc., Sfc.
Ij* AYER'S 1
BiS/ Cathartic Pills
ijr *'■ AKI<: MAIMS TO
Invalids, Fathers, Mothers, Physiciaus, Phi
lanihropists, read their effects, and judge ol
their virtues.
For (hr (/an of Headache, Fir/, Headache ,
Foul Stomach.
Pittsburg, Pa., May I, 18. r >r>.
1)k. .1. C. Aykh Sir—l have been rejoatedly
cured of the worst headache any body van have
by a dose or two of your Pills. It seems to
arise from a foul stomach, which they cleanse
at once. If they w ill cure others a- I hey do me,
the fact is worth knowing.
Yours, with great respect,
ED. W. PREBLE, Clerk of steamer Clarion.
Bilious Disorders and hirer Complaints.
Wasuinutox, D.C.. Fell. T, 1860. )
Si ii : 1 have used your Pills in my general and
hospital practice ever since you made them, and
••annul hesitate to say they arc the best eathar
tic we employ. Their regulating action on the
liver is quick and decided, consequently they are
an admirable remedy for d range < outs ol th t
organ. Indeed, I have seldom found a case ot
bilious disease so obstinate that it did not readily
vield to them. Fraternally, yours,
A ON/.<> BALL, M. IV,
Physician of tlio Marine Hospital.
Di/smicrf /, Relax and Worms.
Post uffh r. Hart-laud, I iv. Co., Mich., )
Nov. in, )
Dr. Ayer : Your Pills are the perfection ot
medicine. They have done my wife nmre g aid ,
than I can tell you. She had been sick and pin
ing away for months. Went oil to be doctored
it great expense, but got no better. She then
commenced taking your pills, which soon cured
her. by expelling large quantities of worms
(dead) from her body. They afterwards cured
her and our twoc.hi.drcn of bloody dysenten.
One of our neighbors bad it bad, ami my wife
cured him with two doses of your pills, while
others around n« paid from five to twenty dol
lars doctors' bills, and !w>t much time, without
t eing cured ent rely even then. Such a uiedi
cine as yours, which is actually good and honest,
will be pi ized here.
GKO. .J. GRIFFIN. Postmaster.
hi digestion and Impurity of (he Blood.
From the Rev. .1 V. lIJMKS. Potior of Advent
Church, Boston.
lin Aykh—l have used your pills with extra
ordinary success in my family and among those
lam called to visit in distress. To regulate the
organs of digestion and purity the blond they
are the very best i emedy I have ever known,
: and I can confidently recommend them to my
friends. Yours, J. V. HIMES.
Warsaw, Wyoming Co., N. Y., I
October 24, 1855. )
DkakSik: lam using your Cathartic Pills n
: my pi act ice, and find them an excellent purga
tive to cleanse the system and purify the fmtu
tains of the blood.
Erysipelas, Scrofula , King’s Fril, Tetter .
Tumors, an<l Salt Rheum.
From a Forwarding Merchant of St. Louis,
February 4,185 n.
Dr. aykh -Your pills are the paragon of all
that is great in medicine. They have cured my
little daughter of ulcerous sores upon her hands
and feet that had proved incurable for years.
Her mother has been long grievously utthete>
w iih blotches and pimples on her skin and in her
hair. After our child was cured, she al-o tried
your Pills, and they have cured her.
Rheumatism, Neuralgia and Gout.
From the Rev. I»r. HAWKINS, of the Mellio
, dial Episcopal Church :
Pulaski House, Savannah, Ga.. »
i January 0, 1856. j
• Honored Sir -I should he uugratctul for the
- I relief your -ktil has brought me it I did not re
port ray case to you A cold settled in my
t limbs ami brought on excruciating neuralgic
pains, which .-tided in chronic rheumatism.
Notwithstanding I bad the best of physkiaus
the disease grew worse and worse, until, by the
advice of your excellent agent ui Baltimore, Hr.
Mackenzie, 1 tried your pills. Their effects were
slow, but sure. By persevering in tbe use ol
them I am now entirely well.
Sknati: Chamber. Baton Rouge, La |
December a 1855. \
j I>r. Ayer-—I have been entirely cured by
j your pills of Khe imatic Gout—a painful disease
1 that had afflicted me for years.
For Dropsy, Plethora, or kiudred Complaints,
■ requiring an active purge, they are au excellent
1 remedy.
For Costivene. s or Coustipation, and as a Din
• Her Pill, they are agreeable and effectual.
J its, Suppr ssion, Paralysis. Inflammal on,
and even Deafness, and Partial Blindness, have
neon cured by the alterative action of these
Most of the pills in market contain Mercury,
which, although a valuable remedy in skilful
hands, is dangerous in a public pill, from the
dreadful consequen es that frequently follow its
incautious use. These contain no mercury or
mineral substance whatever.
Ayer’s Cherry Pectoarl.
For the rapid cure of
and for the relief of consumptive patients in ad
vanced stages of the disease.
We need not speak to the public of its virtues.
Throughout every town, am! almost every ham (
let of the American States, its wonderful cures
of pulmonary complaints have made it already
known. Nay, few are the families in any civil
ized country on this continent without some
i personal experience of its effects ; and lower yet .
jibe communities any where which have not
among them some living trophy of its victory
i over the subtle and dangerous diseases of the
throat and lungs. While it is the most power
till antidote yet known to man for the formula- ‘
Me and dangerous diseases of the pulmonary |
organs, it is also the pleasantest and safest rein >
edy that can be employed tor infants and young .
persons. Parents should have it in store against ,
the iusidious < uemy that steals upon them un- J
prepared. We have abundant grounds lo be
lieve the Cherry fedora I saves more lives by |
the* consumptions it prevents than those itcures.
Keep it by you, and cure your colds whi e they ,
»re curable, nor neglect them until no human ,
skill can master the inexorable canker that, fas- |
tem don the vitals, eats your life away. AH |
know the dreadful fatality of luug disorders, •
and as they know too the virtues of this reme
dy, we need not uo more than to assure them it ,
is still made the be>t it can be. We Spareuo
cost, no care, no toil to produce it the most per
fect possible, and thu- afford those who rely on
it the best agent which our skill cau furnish for
their cure.
Prepared by Dr.J. C. AYER, Practical and
Analytical CheinE t, Lowell. Mass., and sold by
Druggistsaud Ageuts overy where. my 6
1 O XT JVI S 3 .
fi and Liver Medicines now before the public
that acts as a CATHARTIC’, easier, milder, and
more effectual than any other medicine known
ii is not only a Cathartic, hut a Liver reme y,
acting first on the Liver to eject its morbid mat*
ter, then on tbe stomach and bowels to carry oil
that matter, thus accomplishing two purposes
effectually, w ithout any of the painful feelings
experienced in the operations of most Cathartics
It strengthens the system at the same time that
it purges it ; and when taken daily in moderate
•loses, will strengthen and build t up with uu
usual rapidity.
I’he Liver is one of
the principal regula
tors of t h e human
body, and when it per
forms its f unctions
well, tile powers of the
system are fully de
veloped. The stomach
is almost entirely de
pendent on the healthy
action of the Liver for
the proper perform-,
alien of its functions ;
when the stomach is 1
at fault, and tho whole
system suffers in con
sequence of organ
—the liver,— Slaving
ceased to do its duty «
For the diseases of that '
organ, one of the pro
prietors has made it
his study, in a prae
lice of more than 2C
years, to find sonic re
medy w herewith to
counteract the many |
derangements towhicii
it is liable
To prove that this
remedy is at last
found, any person
troubled with I.iver
Complaint, in any of its
forms, lias but to
bottle, aud conviction
is certain.
These Gams remove!]
all morbid or had mat-I
ter from tho system,
applying in their
place a healthy flow of!
bile, invigorating th»*|
stomach, causing food)
a ® tk'n » w*«|| m •• ~M T
Ito digest well, purify,
ingjthe blond, giving
lane and health to the
I whole machinery, re
moving the cause ot
the disease, —effecting
a radical euro.
Bilious attacks aro
cured, and. what is
better, prevented by
the occasional use of
the Liver luvigorator.
One dose alter eating
is sulllciout to relieve
the stomach aud pre
|vout the food from ri
singand souring.
Only one dose taken
before retiring, pro
vents Nighlm ire.
Only one dose taken
at night, loosens the
bowels gently, and
cures Costiveness.
One dose taken after
each meal will cure
1 One dose of two tea
spoonfuls will always
jrelieve Sick Headache.
I One bottle taken for
genialo obstructions,
removes the cause of
the disease and makes
a perfect core.
Only one dose imme
diately relieves Cholic,
One dose often re
peated is a sure cure
Iter Cholera Morbus,
and a preventive ol
I Only one. bottle ia
'"S VIII- M' *ll II 13
needed to Ilirow out ot ilie system the etlecU ol
medicine after a lon* sickness.
One bottle taken for Jaundice removes all sal
lowness or unnatural color from the skin.
One dose taken a short time be ore eating
gives vigor to the appetite, and makes food di
gest '.veP.
One dose often repeated cores Chronic Diar
rhoea in its worst forms, while Summer and
Bowel Complaints yield almost to the tirst dose.
One or two doses cures attacks caused by
Worms in children, there is no surer, safer, or
speedier remedy in the world, as it never /ails.
A lew tottles cures Dropsy, by exciting the
We take pleasure in recommending this medi
cine as a preventive for Fever and Ague, Chill
hover. and all Fevers of a Bilious Typo. It ope
rates with certainty, mid thousands are willing
to testiiy to its wonderlul virtues.
All who use n. are giving their unanimous tes
timony mim favor.
Mix Water in the mouth with the lnvigorutor,
and swallow noth together.
The LIVED IXVIGORaTOR is a scientific Medi
cal Discovery, and Is daily working cures, al
most too great to believe It cures as if by ma
gic, even ths/ir. i dose giving bmefit, and seldom
more than one bottle is required to cure any kind
"f l iver complaint, from the worst Jaundice or
.lyspepsia. to a common Headache, alt of which
are the result of a Diseased Liver.
Price, $1 per bottle.
SANFORD k CO., Proprietors,
346 Broadway. New York.
Sold, wholesale and retail, by PLUMB k I.KIT
NEK, W. 11. TLTT, and Druggists everywhere.
mb 10 Jy
jTLugusta, G-eorgla.
BV. PAI.MEII respectfully invites
• attention to a New and Fresh stock of
Also—A choice assortment of PERFUMERY
and FANCY ART CLKS lor the Toilet
Fine Hair and Tooth Brushes, Combs, &c.
j Dental and Surgical Instruments.
Pure Wines and Liquors, for medicinal use.
; And, m addith nto the above. I shall always
keep on hand a full assortment of
which I will warrant pure.
Garden, Grass and Fiold Seeds, &c.
A share of public patronage Is respectfully so
licited. B. F. PALMER, M. D.,
tr.v.q d.icm Under Planters’ Hotel.
1 1 itiis61 tfiSUKIBhIK lias been ami is now
JL ready to furnish ICE to the citizens of Au •
gusta aud vic.iuity for
my 3 m CHAS F.. DODD, Agent.
Tom tension and lAi'v of
condemned to be liung on the 18th day of
June, IBSS, for the murder and high way rob
bery of sSaumel Landrum, near Atlanta, on the
sili day of April. The strange and startling ad
ventures connected with the life of this eccentric
young man, Mill interest aud astonish all classes
of readers.
The book will l>e ready for delivery by the
tirst day of June.
Any number less than four copies, 30 cents
each. When four or more copies are ordered to
one address, 25 cents each. Postage stamps to
pay the postage, when the books are to be sent
by mail, must always accompany the order.
I'iie postage w ill tie three cents on each book.
Orders will be tilled in the order they are re
ceived, tirst come, first served. Address,
WILLIAM KAY, Agent and Publisher,
iuy2sd*c2 Atlanta Georgia.
Just received, a large lot of SARATOGA
j WATER, fresh from the Springs, at
I my 18 Drug Store, under Planter's Hotel.